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Use existing criminal and civil laws to shut down his anti-American juggernaut.
March 31, 2016
It is time to hold radical ringleader George Soros to account for the growing civil unrest that he has helped to foment in this presidential election cycle and his efforts to shut down Donald Trump rallies using physical force and intimidation.
Soros, the billionaire speculator, is the preeminent funder of the activist Left in America, which means he is the Number One funder of the domestic terrorism that is part and parcel of the Left.
Soros makes no secret of his contempt for leading GOP candidate Trump. In January he said “Donald Trump is doing the work of ISIS.” Ideas like banning entry to the U.S. by Muslims might “convince the Muslim community that there is no alternative but terrorism.”
Soros favors the decline of the U.S. and spends lavishly on activism to bring that collapse about. He has spent an estimated $7 billion or more on giving left-wing groups the resources to screw up the country.
He has used his vast fortune to topple governments in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan. He “broke” the British pound, was accused of wreaking havoc on the Malaysian ringgit, and was called an “economic war criminal” in Thailand. A French court convicted him of insider trading.
America is his current target.
Soros calls America “the main obstacle to a stable and just world order” and hails Communist China for having “a better-functioning government than the United States.” He says European-style socialism “is exactly what we need” and funds open-borders groups in order to corrode the nation’s culture and change its electorate.
And he’s at the forefront of the Left’s push to defeat Trump by any means possible — lawful or otherwise.
What do the violent mobs assaulting Donald Trump fans and supporting the Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street movements have in common? Money from Soros and the huge philanthropies he has endowed to turn America into a socialist country. Black Lives Matter and Soros-funded MoveOn have been heavily involved in hardball tactical strikes against Trump and his supporters.
The morally flexible Soros works the American system from the inside and the outside, using both lawful and unlawful, illegitimate tactics.
Some of the anti-Trump activism he funds consists of conventional political activities.
Soros recently contributed $5 million to a new super PAC called Immigrant Voters Win. The PAC’s FEC filings indicate it is run out of the Washington, D.C. office of a Soros-funded 501(c)(4) nonprofit called Center for Community Change Action (formerly called Campaign for Community Action). ACORN alumnus Deepak Bhargava is the nonprofit’s executive director and Sixties radical Heather Booth is a member of its board. It is expected to conduct a $15 million voter-mobilization effort against Trump in Colorado, Florida, and Nevada.
But when Soros funds activist groups involved in illegitimate efforts to deny Americans their right to participate in the political process he crosses a line.
There is no right to riot or to silence one’s political adversaries.
“Although the right to peacefully protest is enshrined in the Construction,” law professor John F. Banzhaf III writes, “there is no constitutional or other legal right to commit criminal acts to make a point.”
And as legal analyst Andrew Napolitano wrote after unruly Bernie Sanders supporters and other left-wing activists forced the cancelation of the Trump rally March 11 at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the law imposes on police “an affirmative obligation to take all reasonable steps to protect the speaker’s right to speak, the audience’s right to hear and the protesters’ right to protest.” Put another way, “protest of political speech is itself protected speech, but protest cannot be so forceful or dominant that it vetoes the speaker.”
Fox News legal analyst Peter Johnson Jr. added that “The First Amendment does not confer upon you or me or [Fox host] Steve Doocy the right to go to someone’s rally and try to disrupt it, or destroy it, or to pull apart posters, or to start fights, or to attempt to commit an assault on a presidential candidate.”
Johnson’s comments came after admitted Bernie Sanders and Black Lives Matter supporter Tommy DiMassimo dramatically rushed the stage March 12 in Ohio when Trump was speaking. The college student, who was grabbed by security before he got to Trump, said he intended to silence the Republican candidate he accuses of having what he called “violent white supremacist ideas.” He had previously bragged on Twitter that he planned to “spit on their false king [i.e. Trump.]”
What these so-called protesters do when they try to bring about a desired political result by frightening people amounts to terrorism. Terrorism isn’t always about blowing up buildings or killing people. It can also consist of activity intended to frighten, demoralize, or neutralize an enemy—in other words, a variety of psychological warfare.
“Terror means make it impossible to go to the public square. Make people afraid to go to Times Square. Make them afraid to go to train stations. Make them afraid to travel. Make them afraid to go to a Donald Trump rally. Make them afraid to go to any political rally. Make them afraid they might be hurt, they might be arrested, they might be intimidated, they might get sued … “
The outrageous behavior by left-wing activists that is now routinely tolerated by police today would have quite properly landed a person in jail earlier in America’s history.
But the social justice warriors of the Left, who perversely fetishize political protest as if it were the highest expression of civic responsibility, have defined deviancy down.
Whatever left-wingers do for their cause cannot be bad. And if it’s violent, they find a way to excuse it and the media cheers them on, hailing them as heroic visionaries, early adopters, and trailblazing influencers.
Left-wingers believe that using physical force and intimidation for the right reasons is legitimate political protest protected by the First Amendment. In the leftist worldview, which holds that the U.S. Constitution protects everything they consider to be good whether or not it’s mentioned in the actual text, this right to agitate on behalf of their twisted ideology supersedes all other rights.
The right to protest is exalted above property rights, according to Baltimore’s joke of a mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D). While her city burned last year after black career criminal Freddie Gray died in police custody, the street gang-loving mayor consoled the rabble, implying their violent activities constituted legitimate contributions to public discourse.
“I made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech,” she said. “We also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well.”
Black Lives Matter organizer DeRay Mckesson describes rioting as “a cry for justice.” He told Yale students that “looting for me isn’t violent, it’s an expression of anger,” and that “The act of looting is political. Another way to dissolve consent. Pressing you to no longer keep me out of this space, by destroying it.”
Prosecutors and law enforcement need to start thinking outside the proverbial box and begin using the ample tools the law provides to deal with Soros, the most dangerous man in America, because he leads a massive, well-funded effort to deny the American people their right to participate in free and fair elections. The protesters whose groups Soros pays to break up political rallies are criminal thugs little different than the brown-shirtedSturmabteiling (S.A.) of the Third Reich.
If the tables were turned and a conservative billionaire were to lead and finance a violent organized insurgency against his political adversaries how long would it take before the authorities took action against him?
The criminal and civil provisions of the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), state racketeering statutes, and class-action lawsuits could be used to end Soros’s long-running scheme to interfere with the civil rights of Americans and fundamentally transform the country.
American law protects free speech, the right of peaceable assembly, and the right to protest, but it does not protect efforts aimed at silencing people or preventing them from getting involved in the democratic process.
David French argues at NRO that leftist activities like blocking roads and “every other protest tactic that violates the rights of innocents” need to be punished. He writes:
“The leftist media loves to love this lawlessness, and public officials are relentlessly pressured into administering the most meaningless slaps on the wrist — sometimes even letting protesters walk without charges. The Left demands most-favored-criminal status for its social-justice warriors, and it typically gets exactly what it demands. Criminality largely goes unpunished, so-called direct action is rewarded with fawning accolades from the media and celebrities, and the rule of law is diminished.”
When police refuse to combat unlawful, disruptive protest, they fail in their “basic duty to protect the law-abiding public,” while creating “waves of bitterness and resentment.”
French says unspecified parties should work around “spineless local prosecutors” and sue the protesters into penury.
“Answer each lawless act with a civil complaint, seek injunctions, take discovery to reveal the full extent of leftist astroturfing — do you really think these protests represent spontaneous, uncoordinated events? — and collect money damages. Protesters aren’t deterred by small fines and short detentions, but financially ruinous damage awards raise the stakes.”
Professor Banzhaf explains how to do it.
Protesters, he notes, broke the law in Arizona when they recently blocked a major highway leading to a Trump event and created a 10-mile backup. “The threat of arrests — only three reportedly occurred — and fines weren’t much of a deterrent.”
“Effectively trapping people in cars by blocking traffic satisfies the elements of false imprisonment,” which clears the way for civil litigation, according to Banzhaf.
The recent actions against Trump are just the beginning. Activists are going to become more aggressive in disrupting Republican events as the campaign heats up. He writes:
“Now spreading to political campaigns is what we have unfortunately all too often tolerated on college campuses — protestors who interrupt speakers to prevent others from hearing them, who physically block attendees’ access, and who threaten violence to squelch speech. Unless we do something about it, the problem will persist — and could get worse.”
Using civil legal action has been “so effective in fighting for civil rights, women’s rights, smokers rights (to obtain damages), nonsmokers’ rights (to clean air), gay rights, gun rights, and in many other areas,” that it is time to consider using lawsuits to shut down criminal disrupters.
“Victims of disrupters can also sue for civil conspiracy even if their individual actions, such as yelling out at a rally, aren’t themselves criminal, but become so when done as part of a conspiracy to unlawfully cause harm.”
An added benefit of civil proceedings is that they would “open the door to discovery, including those aimed at verifying concerns expressed in various media that those with even deeper pockets are involved in the planning, funding, and/or execution of these criminal disruptions.”
In other words, George Soros.
More trouble is on the horizon.
Soros-funded groups, including MoveOn, Institute for Policy Studies, Demos, People for the American Way, and National People’s Action, have endorsed Democracy Spring, a leftist project that among other things aims to overturn the Citizens United ruling and thereby gut the free speech protections of the First Amendment.
Demonstrations are scheduled to begin April 2 in Philadelphia after which participants will spend 10 days walking 140 miles to the U.S. Capitol for what is being billed as “the largest civil disobedience action of the century.”
According to lead organizer Kai Newkirk, Democracy Spring is not — wink, wink — an explicitly anti-Trump event. But it is certain to become one as Newkirk more or less admits in a lie-filled screed posted online. “Trump’s statements, proposed policies, and threats of violence concerning undocumented immigrants, Muslims, the KKK, protesters exercising their First Amendment rights, and others have crossed a very serious line into the territory of fascism and hate speech.”
And anyone who remembers the Arab Spring of 2011 knows that an event named after it isn’t likely to be peaceful.
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2. Mar 30, 2016
British Labour activist Bob Campbell is not the first in the party to be suspended for posting vile anti-Israel comments and graphics on social media.
A British Labour Party activist who claimed that the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization is controlled by Israel says he was not suspended from the party, although earlier reports indicated that his membership had been revoked, the UK-based Independent reported.
Bob Campbell’s hostile allegations paralleled those made by a senior Palestinian Authority (PA) official. Following the announcement that the Islamic State terror organization (ISIS) had orchestrated the terror attacks in Brussels last week, in which at least 31 people were murdered and hundreds injured, PA Security Forces Spokesman Adnan Al-Damiri suggested, in a Facebook post, that Israel was behind the attacks, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).
Also using the Facebook platform, Campbell posted just a day after the Brussels terror attacks that “ISIS is run by Israel.” The next day, he said that ISIS did not attack Israel “because the dog doesn’t bite its own tail.”
His earlier Facebook posts included pictures indicating that Israel was committing a Holocaust in Gaza and depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu being hung from a tree alongside an Israeli flag adapted with an image of a rat, featuring the words: “The real plague.”
Campbell denied posting that image.
Εδώ ο Κάμπελ γράφει:(Από τη σελίδα του στο FACEBOOK / 23-03-2016 19:25)
– Η Γαλλία αναγνώρισε την Παλαιστίνη και δέχθηκε 2 φορές κτυπήματα από τον ISIS στο Παρίσι.
– Η Ιαπωνία αναγνώρισε την Παλαιστίνη και 2 Ιάπωνες απήχθησαν και αποκεφαλίστηκαν από τον ISIS.
– H Ινδονησία χρηματοδότησε ένα νοσοκομείο στη Γάζα και λίγο μετά δέχθηκε επίθεση από τον ISIS.
– To Βέλγιο οργάνωσε μια συνάντηση – συζήτηση για τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα των Παλαιστινίων και λίγο μετά είχαμε την επίθεση στο α/δ και στο ΜΕΤΡΟ στις Βρυξέλλες.
Πόσες ακόμα επιθέσεις πρέπει να γίνουν από τον ISIS, για να καταλάβει ο κόσμος ότι τις έχει οργανώσει το Ισραήλ;
A Facebook post by British Labour activist Bob Campbell claiming Israel runs ISIS. (The Independent/Facebook)
According to the Sunday Times, Campbell was suspended after his most recent posts were seen by Member of Parliament Tom Blenkinsop, who demanded an investigation.
Despite Campbell’s obscene comments aimed at the Jewish state, he denies being an anti-Semite.
Earlier this month, Labour Party member Vicki Kirby was also suspended pending investigation for allegedly posting anti-Semitic comments on Facebook, and in 2014 she was suspended for posts attacking Israel on the social media platform.
Mayor of Bradford Khadim Hussain is another Labour Party member who was suspended for similar reasons.
British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn (Wikipedia/Garry Knight)
Party members harboring anti-Semitism should be banned for life, Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell told The Independent. “I’m not having it. People might say ‘I’ve changed my views’ – well, do something in another organisation,” he said. “Anti-Semitism is in our society, it will rear its head as a result of that in any part of society and we’ve got to be eternally vigilant.”
Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, in fact, has a history of anti-Israel rhetoric and a controversial association with a group run by a Holocaust denier. In an interview with the anti-Israel website Electronic Intifada in August, a month prior to being elected by an overwhelming majority as party leader, Corbyn expressed support for imposing an arms embargo on Israel and boycotting Israeli universities involved in arms research.
By: United with Israel Staff
(With files from The Independent)
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3. March 28, 2016
Admiral Michael Rogers’ visit touched on deepening cooperation between Israeli and American intelligence units, especially against cyber attacks by Iran and Hezbollah.
By: World Israel News Staff
National Security Agency (NSA) director Admiral Michael Rogers reportedly made a secret trip to Israel last week for a working visit that dealt with forging closer ties and cooperation in the cyber security field with the IDF’s elite 8200 Intelligence Unit, especially in relation to warding off cyber attacks by Iran and Hezbollah.
According to Israel’s Haaretz, which quoted an unnamed “senior Israeli official,” Rogers came to Israel as a guest of the commander of Unit 8200, Israel’s electronic espionage unit, and also met with senior officials from other Israeli intelligence agencies. Rogers did not meet with IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot or the director of Military Intelligence Maj. Gen. Herzl Halevi in the course of his stay, a possible testament to the secrecy of the visit.
Just a few days before Rogers’ arrival in Israel, the US indicted seven Iranian hackers with ties to the Iranian military for cyber attacks on US banks and a dam in New York State, attacks carried out at the behest of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).
Israel has attained global stature in cybersecurity and electronic warfare, as it faces thousands of attacks from multiple sources on its systems annually.
The NSA and Unit 8200 have reportedly cooperated in the past, and specifically in attacks on Iran’s nuclear production systems.
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The legislation that must be passed immediately.
March 29, 2016
Israeli democracy is in critical condition.
Sunday, the High Court of Justice ruled that the government’s natural gas policy is unlawful. The policy, which was negotiated with foreign energy companies, was to be the basis for developing the massive offshore Leviathan gas field. It was supposed to anchor future gas prices, ensure gas revenues for the government and energy security for the country in the coming decades. On the basis of this policy outline, the government negotiated deals to supply natural gas to Egypt, Turkey and Jordan.
Given the enormous cost of developing offshore gas fields, the policy, which was determined in close consultations with legal experts and regulators, determined a base price for natural gas that would be frozen for 10 years. The point of the price freeze was to encourage investors to take the financial risk of exploring and developing Israeli fields. The price freeze guaranteed them a minimal profit on their investment.
In a healthy democracy, the court would never have agreed to adjudicate the populist petition against the government’s gas policy submitted by a consortium of radical NGOs.
Under normal rules of standing that apply in every other mature democracy in the world, the petitioners would have had no right to submit their petition.
In states not controlled by a legal junta, as the people’s elected representative it is the government’s sole prerogative to determine the state’s energy policy and to sign deals with foreign governments and investors.
But in Israel, the court gives standing to whoever it wants. Given the radical pedigree of our justices – who have engineered a process where they appoint themselves – it was not surprising that the court permitted a group of unelected radicals to petition to destroy Israel’s energy sector, and to cause the loss of hundreds of billions of shekels in future revenue to Israeli society.
Recognizing what was at stake, last month Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took the unprecedented step of testifying before the High Court of Justice in defense of his government’s gas policy.
Rather than rise to the occasion, led by Justice Elyakim Rubinstein the justices acted like spoiled teenagers.
After Netanyahu finished speaking, Rubinstein whined that the justices already knew Netanyahu’s arguments by heart. Netanyahu, he clearly implied, was wasting their time defending a policy it had taken him months to negotiate and to which Israel’s economic future is tied.
Although the justices intimated a month ago that they would reject the price freeze clause and so scupper the entire policy outline, many refused to take their threat seriously. The notion that the court would reject the government’s right to determine Israel’s energy policy and rule in a manner that endangered energy supply agreements the government negotiated with three foreign governments was so mindboggling that commentators assumed that the justices were bluffing.
But they weren’t. In response to Sunday’s ruling, Netanyahu said, “The Supreme Court’s decision is a grave threat to the development of Israel’s gas reserves.” Netanyahu noted, “Israel is seen as a country with exaggerated judicial involvement in which it is difficult to do business. Certainly, no one should celebrate that the gas may remain deep under the sea and that hundreds of billions of dollars will not reach Israel’s citizens.”
The immediate result of the ruling is that Israeli consumers will be forced to pay higher prices for energy. The only investors who will likely be willing to operate under conditions where the government is unable to negotiate binding international agreements are the ones who are already stuck here.
Noble Energy and its Israeli partner Delek Energy, which are currently operating the Tamar offshore gas field, which they developed at great cost, will maintain an effective MONOPOLY over gas production in the coming years.
Due to the court’s ruling, the mammoth Leviathan gas field will probably not be developed at all.
Who in their right mind would take the risk now? Consequently, Israel will be completely dependent on the Tamar field to the detriment of consumers and its energy security. It will be unable to export gas to its neighbors who negotiated deals in good faith.
The wider implication of the court’s ruling is that foreign investors in every economic sphere will steer clear of Israel altogether. After all, no responsible investor will invest in a country where at any given moment, in contravention of basic democratic norms and practices, unelected judges can be expected to change the rules of the game.
And they aren’t the only legal dictators disenfranchising the public.
The day before the court took control of Israel’s economy and foreign relations, Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit decided that ministers do not have the right to decide how to spend their budgets.
Last year Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev moved to freeze government funding of the Almidan theater in Haifa. Regev acted after Almidan decided to stage The parallel time, a play based on the writings of a terrorist serving a life sentence for kidnapping and murdering IDF soldier Moshe Tamam in 1984.
The play, which portrays the life of the terrorist in Israeli prison, glorifies terrorists and terrorism.
Almidan petitioned the court to force Regev to reinstate its public funding. Mandelblit decided that her action would not be upheld in court and forced her to reach a deal with the theater to reinstate its public funding. In other words, Mandelblit decided – as a surrogate for the court – that ministers do not have the authority to run their ministries.
For the past 25 years, supported by the radically biased media and the multi-million dollar industry of foreign-funded NGOs, the court has seized more and more governing powers and prerogatives from Israel’s elected leaders.
It has seized the IDF’s power to make operational decisions. It has seized the Israel Lands Authority’s power to determine its policies for allotting state lands. It has seized the government’s power to enforce border controls, determine education, health, consumer protection, incarceration and commercial policies.
In other words, over the past 25 years since then Supreme Court president seized dictatorial powers from Israel’s weak and unsuspecting lawmakers, the court it has taken over every aspect of Israeli governance. And as Mandelblit’s refusal to defend Regev’s funding decision before the court illustrates, most issues don’t even need to be adjudicated by the court for the court’s radical positions to dictate government policies.
Through the attorney general and his army of legal advisers in every government ministry, national authority and the military, the court’s uniformly radical, socialist and post-Zionist positions reign supreme in all aspects of governance and legislation.
If anything good is to come of this week’s scandalous events, Netanyahu must stand up to the legal fraternity now. He must act immediately to pass legislation to curb the court’s authority and restore the powers of the public’s elected representatives.
If Netanyahu acts, he can restore Israeli democracy.
If he fails to act, he will go down in history as a full accomplice in the legal fraternity’s destruction of freedom in the Jewish state.
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5. Intelligence ‘Undeniably’ Links Turkey to ISIS
Turkey, as has been previously reported, is playing a dangerous and duplicitous game with the West. As «Clarion Project» has written, Turkey’s arms transfers to al-Qaeda-linked Islamist jihadis in Syria have been long-documented, yet largely ignored by the Western media. A major raid by the U.S. on an Islamic State safe house in Syria in the summer of 2015 gleaned large amounts of intelligence undeniably linking Turkey to the Islamic State.
“The fact that Turkey has been the top financial sponsor of Hamas since 2012, with [President] Erdogan arranging for the transfer of $250-300 million to ISIS annually, is another oft-ignored inconvenience.” (Burhan Ozbilici/AP/File)
Similarly, the fact the Turkey has been the top financial sponsor of Hamas since 2012, with Erdogan arranging for the transfer of $250-300 million to this U.S.-designated terrorist group annually, is another oft-ignored inconvenience. Similarly, the West has brilliantly avoided confronting Turkey on its abysmal human rights record.
Using air-tight documentation, Nafeez Ahmed, editor of InsurgeIntelligence, writes about the many reasons the West has chosen to look the other way while Turkey facilitates oil sales for the Islamic State, which guarantees its strength and viability.
“There are many explanations,” writes Ahmed, “but one perhaps stands out: the West’s abject dependence on terror-toting Muslim regimes, largely to maintain access to Middle East, Mediterranean and Central Asian oil and gas resources.”
Since 2013, the Turkish government has been building a $100 million mega-mosque in Lanham, Maryland, taking Turkey’s”outreach” in America out of the realm of the subtle. This week in America, U.S. President Barack Obama will join Erdogan at the opening of the mosque, the largest in the U.S.
Meira Svirsky is editor of “The Clarion Project“, where this article was first published.
The documents seized from Islamic State headquarters in seven locations, including Kobane, show that ISIS fighters from all over the world – and particularly from Kazakhstan, Indonesia, and Tajikistan — were given passage through Turkey to Syria.
The Firat News Agency (ANF), a Kurdish outlet whose websites have been repeatedly blocked in Turkey by Turkish courts, reports that the hundreds of documents show that since 2013, ISIS fighters have used the Istanbul and Adana airports and have received permits from the Turkish government to reside in Turkey until they cross over to Syria.
The documents also include bus tickets, electronic Turkish visas, residency permits, and documents with stamps from Turkish immigration officials.
Chillingly, the documents show that chemical and explosive materials was transferred from Turkey to Syria. One such document was signed by the manager of Istanbul’s Police Foreigners’ Department Erkan Aydoga. Manuals in Turkish as to how to use these materials were also given to the jihadis.
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6. Mar 29, 2016
While Turkey has arrested ISIS fighters planning an attack on Jewish children, new documents reveal the extensive collaboration between the Islamist terror group and Turkey.
By Meira Svirsky
A hot warning received by intelligence officials revealed that the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) is planning an “imminent attack” on Jewish children in Turkey. Officials believe the most likely target is in the Beyoglu district of Istanbul, where a Jewish school is attached to a synagogue and community center.
The information was obtained after Turkey arrested six ISIS operatives in the southern city of Gaziantep last week.
“This is a more than credible threat. This is an active plot,” a Turkey source said.
Less than 10 days ago, a suicide bomber stalked Israeli tourists in Istanbul before blowing himself up near them, killing five people (four of them Israelis) and wounding many more.
“The so-called Islamic State is believed to be behind both sets of attacks and the organization continues in determined efforts to perpetrate further attacks in Turkey and elsewhere,” reported Sky News, quoting from an intelligence report seen by the news outlet.
In addition to the six arrested, another three ISIS operatives were arrested last week. Turkey, it seems is scrambling to protect itself from attacks the terror group has threatened to execute all across Europe.
After the Brussels attacks, Turkish President RecepTayyip Erdogan shocked the world by saying that Turkey had captured one of the perpetrators of the massacre last June and send him back to his country. Erdogan specifically said that Ibrahim El Bakraoui, one of the suicide bombers in the Brussels airport, was detained in Turkey and sent back to Belgium with a warning (that was ignored) that he was a terrorist.
Yet, new documents obtained by Kurdish YPG fighters (People’s Protection Units) and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) who are fighting together, refute the claim made by Erdogan that Turkey is preventing ISIS and Al-Nusra (Al Qaeda’s official affiliate in Syria) from travelling through Turkey to reach Syria.
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7. Mar 30, 2016
Friendly talks between the Greek and Israeli heads of state in Jerusalem highlighted a call for unity among Western nations against Islamic terror.
On a three-day state visit to Israel, Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos, at an official welcome ceremony in Jerusalem, stated:
“ISIS’s terror is aimed at all of humanity. We must make clear to Europe that we stand against terror together and that when it comes to the issues of refugees, we will not allow expressions of hatred between people, which is the source of racism and anti-Semitism.”
The red-carpet ceremony was held at the residence of Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, who supported his Greek counterpart’s call for a united front against Islamic terror.
“Countries in this region must recognize the common danger posed by Militant Islam and ISIS, unite against this enemy and form one alliance – a regional security and economic alliance to bring an end to global terror,” Rivlin said.
The two heads of state held a working meeting, where they discussed the strengthening of bilateral ties between Greece and Israel.
Describing Povlopoulos as “a true friend of Israel,” Rivlin stressed the historic connection between their two peoples, saying, “Throughout history there has been close and fruitful contact between the people of Greece and the people of Israel, in both the world of ideas, and in the world of deeds. Today we are two Western democracies seeking peace, stability and security, and who share the same space here in the eastern Mediterranean, which we have in recent years discovered is quite a small space indeed.”
PM Netanyahu (L) with President of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades (C) and Greek Prime minister Alexis Tsipras. (Haim Zach/GPO)
The Greek president also remarked on the Greek-Israeli relationship, saying that the “shared position of our two peoples in this region and our abilities enable us, through cooperation, to overcome the challenges we face….
“The roots of the relationship between our two peoples stretch further back than our diplomatic relations,” he added. “We must understand our tasks. We can cooperate on a range of issues, yet the most important issue is that of regional peace, protecting democracy, human life, and mutual assistance.”
Pavlopoulos also discussed the issues surrounding the refugees escaping countries run by Islamic terrorists, asserting, “Now is the time to act according to our shared values. You have experienced what it means to be refugees. In Greece we are receiving refugees just as our ancestors did, as human beings who deserve rights. Yet when it comes to terrorism, the example of the jihadists and ISIS, we cannot accept this, and we must be absolute in the face of this. Their terror is aimed at all humanity. We must make clear to Europe that we stand against terror together, and that when it comes to the issue of the refugees, we will not allow expressions of hatred between people, which is source of racism and anti-Semitism….
“I view with great concern the rise in the wave of hatred. We must eliminate it, with the memory of the Holocaust; we must fight against terrorism, but for human life. We must not allow the European continent to return to darkness, Europe must continue to be a continent of enlightenment and humanity.” Ο… ΓΝΩΣΤΟΣ ΚΟΣ ΠΑΥΛΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ!!!
Pavlapoulos concluded by saying that he sees Israel as a “great and dear friend of my country.”
By: United with Israel Staff
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Why a terror-supporting country with an atrocious human rights record is not the best host.
March 30, 2016
The first-ever United Nations-sponsored World Humanitarian Summit is scheduled to take place May 23-24, 2016in Istanbul, Turkey. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon praised Turkey’s “compassionate leadership” in hosting the summit and its “admirable commitment to humanitarian action.”
Turkey’s hosting of the UN humanitarian summit is a travesty. Ban Ki-moon’s praise of Turkey’s “compassionate leadership” and “admirable commitment to humanitarian action” is a disgrace. Did perhaps the Secretary General have in mind the so-called Turkish “charity” known as the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (IHH)? Despite its name and some programs that have delivered aid to areas in genuine need, IHH has an overtly political Islamist agenda. It has had a particular interest in directing assistance to terrorist organizations such as Hamas, and has had ties with al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. It is looking forward, in its words, to when “Muslims may show up in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem one day unannounced and we will erect the flag of Islam everywhere.”
The IHH is best known for sponsoring the 2010 Gaza flotilla, which had been sent to break Israel’s legal naval blockade of Gaza against the shipment of weaponry to Hamas. Nine armed Turkish Hamas supporters on one of the ships were killed by Israel Defense Force personnel, whom had acted in self-defense after they had boarded the ship to prevent it from reaching Gaza. Never mind that a UN investigatory committee subsequently concluded that Israel had legally boarded the IHH ship in the first place. Turkey’s leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan sided with the IHH and Hamas, and accused Israel of engaging in “state terrorism.” Erdogan’s government has coordinated with the IHH and has given it cover as a so-called “humanitarian” charity so that it could carry on its support of Hamas against Israel. Erdogan’s loyalists even went so far as to fire a senior police official who thought he was simply doing his job by conducting a police raid of IHH offices. The raid which so displeased Erdogan had led to the detention of at least 23 people with alleged ties to Al Qaeda.
Apart from its ties to the misnamed Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief, Erdogan’s government has made a mockery of the “core responsibilities” outlined in the Agenda for Humanity, which will be the focus of discussion at the Istanbul UN World Humanitarian Summit in May.
For example, one of these core responsibilities is “a commitment to address forced displacement.” Turkey has a huge internal displacement problem, primarily involving the forced displacement of members of its minority Kurdish population. Between 954,000 and 1.2 million people were forced to flee their homes between 1986 and 2005. Turkey’s attempts to address this situation, with such measures as compensation for the victims, have been fitful at best. Most internally displaced persons (IDPs) have been left to fend for themselves, living in poverty. According to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, “Poverty has forced IDPs’ children to work rather than going to school, and some women have resorted to negative coping mechanisms including prostitution to get by.”
In Cyprus, Greek Cypriots were forcibly expelled from their homes after Turkey invaded the northern area of the Republic of Cyprus and placed it under military occupation in 1974. Turkey’s illegal occupation of the northern third of the island continues to this day. The European Court of Human Rights concluded in a judgment against Turkey for damages that “Greek-Cypriot owners of property in northern Cyprus are being denied access to and control, use and enjoyment of their property as well as any compensation for the interference with their property rights.” The Court noted “the protracted feelings of helplessness, distress and anxiety” suffered by the victims of Turkey’s actions. Turkey’s Foreign Minister angrily rejected the Court’s verdict.
Another “core responsibility” outlined in the Humanitarian Summit’s Agenda for Humanity is “catalyzing action to achieve gender equality.” Turkey’s President Erdogan declared in November 2014 that “men and women are not equal; it is against nature.” In the 2015 Global Gender Gap country rankings, Turkey is near the bottom of the list – 130th out of 145 countries surveyed. It placed only four countries above Saudi Arabia.
According to an article written in 2015 by Meltem Müftüler-Baç, a Professor of International Relations and Jean Monnet chair at Sabanci University, Istanbul, “when it comes to protecting Turkish women against violence, ensuring their rights of education and employment, and even their right to choose their own spouse, women face layers of discrimination. Child marriages and domestic violence are the most visible forms, with around 30-35% of all marriages in Turkey involving under-age girls, rising in rural southeastern Turkey to up to 75%.”
Two other “core responsibilities” outlined in the Humanitarian Summit’s Agenda for Humanity are “leadership to prevent and end conflicts” and “upholding the norms that safeguard humanity.” Turkey has engaged in policies that have heightened conflicts and caused human suffering.
In September 2015, for example, the Turkish Armed Forces besieged the Kurdish town of Cizre in southeastern Turkey. Civilian residents have been cut off from receiving food, medical supplies, water and electricity for days on end. In one incident, people were trapped inside a burning, multi-story building, surrounded by Turkish troops who reportedly would not let them out. Unconfirmed reports have estimated the number of people killed in the fire as at least 150, and perhaps several hundred more.
“This was a residential building where women and children lived. Erdogan killed them all with heavy artillery. He destroyed this building. They say they’re fighting terrorists. But where are the terrorists? All victims were local civilians,” a local resident told journalists. “They were old men, women, and children. They even killed pregnant women.”
Turkey’s claim to humanitarian action is its hosting of 2.5 million refugees from Syria, more than any other country worldwide. However, while Turkey can spin the sheer number of refugees it has admitted and the billions of dollars it has spent to host them on its soil, Turkey has also contributed to creating the problem in the first place. It has served for years as a passage way for foreign jihadists to reach Syria and exacerbate the conflict. Moreover, many of the refugees living in Turkey are treated poorly. They “still live in terrible conditions, some have been deported back to Syria and security forces have even shot at Syrians trying to cross the border,” said Gauri van Gulik, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Europe and Central Asia.
Until very recently, Turkish authorities have looked the other way as smugglers transported self-proclaimed “asylum-seekers” and economic migrants – mostly young adult males – from Turkey’s shores to Greece. From Greece, they began their trek through European Union member states to reach Germany or other desirable destinations. These include ISIS fighters embedded in the masses of refugees reaching Europe from Turkey, as well as garden variety criminals whom have responded to the welcome they received in Germany, Sweden and other EU member states with gang rapes, armed robberies and murder.
Erdogan used the prospect of a continued flow of refugees from Turkey to Europe as a bargaining chip to win key concessions from his European counterparts. Most importantly, he extracted a pledge of €6 billion from Europe(approximately US$6.7 billion based on the current currency conversion rate) to be paid by 2018. For its part, Turkey agreed to take back new refugees seeking to enter Europe and to implement other measures to stem any future refugee flow. The amount Europe will be paying Erdogan’s regime is the equivalent of over 3 years of Turkey’s expenditures on Syrian refugees, based on its own report of US$1.8 billion for all of its humanitarian related expenditures in 2014. No doubt, Turkey will have its hand out for more money from the European Union well before the end of 2018.
Erdogan is an autocrat. His government tramples on basic human rights such as freedom of expression. It has committed what could be considered crimes against humanity in its treatment of its Kurdish population. It scoffed at a judgment by the European Court of Human Rights, which sought to hold Turkey accountable for its illegal occupation in Cyprus and the human suffering it caused. Erdogan’s government has an abysmal record on women’s rights. It is extracting a large sum of money and other concessions from the European Union in order to stem the flow of Syrian refugees from Turkey to Europe that it helped to worsen in the first place. And it supports terrorist organizations such as Hamas.
In short, Turkey is one of the last places on earth that should be hosting a global summit devoted to addressing genuine humanitarian concerns.
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Με αφορμή τα… “παλόμενα… πέη” των χορευτών, αλλά και τα… κορδώνια που έβγαζαν από τα… αιδοία τους, οι χορεύτριες ή όπως αλλιώς θα μπορούσε να τις χαρακτηρίσει – ονομάσει κανείς, κλπ, (και ασφαλώς με… κυριότερη αφορμή την ξετσιπωσιά της Κ-Β των ΣΑΝΕΛ), σας προτρέπω να δείτε ξανά, στην ιστοσελίδα μας εδώ, το VIDEO με τις “Ψυχολογικές Επιχειρήσεις”!!!