
İtirafçı FETÖ’nün TSK içinde nasıl yapılaştığını anlattı

Yıllarca FETÖ’nün mahrem birimlerinde görev alan itirafçı, örgütün karanlık yüzüne ilişkin önemli bilgiler verdi. Örgütün istihbarat birimi gibi bilgi topladığını belirten itirafçı, 1980’lerden itibaren TSK içine nasıl yerleştiklerini anlattı.

İtirafçı FETÖ'nün TSK içinde nasıl yapılaştığını anlattı 
Fetullahçı Terör Örgütü’nün (FETÖ) karanlık yüzünü, senelerce örgütün mahrem birimlerinde görev alan itirafçılar anlattı.
Darbe girişiminden, devletin kritik birimlerine sızma stratejisine kadar örgüte dair bilinmeyenleri deşifre eden itirafçılar, FETÖ’nün çözülmesine önemli katkı sunuyor.

Uzun yıllar örgütün birçok kademesinde görev alan ve en son mahrem yapılanma içerisinde 2. Ordu Komutanlığı imamı olan N.O, FETÖ’nün 1980’lerden itibaren TSK içerisinde nasıl yapılandığını detaylarıyla aktardı.

İtirafçı mahrem imam N.O, 1983’te lisede öğrenim gördüğü sırada örgütle tanıştığını, o dönem okulda yöneticilik yapan Mustafa Çay ve Ahmet Kara isimli kişilerle diğer öğrencilerden oluşan üç kişilik gruplar halinde “dini dersler” adı altında faaliyetler yaptıklarını ifade etti.

O dönem okul tarafından İzmir’deki örgüte ait Yamanlar Kolejine gezi düzenlendiğini belirten N.O, “Burada Ahmet Kara dayısı olduğunu söylediği Fetullah Gülen ile tanıştırdı. Bu tanıştırma Yamanlar Kolejinde en üst katında oldu. Sonunda Ahmet Kara, Gülen’e ‘İsim olarak ne dersiniz’ diye sorduğunda, Gülen bana ‘Usame’ kod ismini verdi.” ifadesini kullandı.

N.O, 1986’da İstanbul’da hukuk fakültesini kazandığını, üniversite hayatı boyunca Fikirtepe’de bulunan örgüt evinde kaldığını, ilk mahrem hizmet görevine de 1990’da Kuleli Askeri Lisesinde okuyan öğrencilerden sorumlu olarak başladığını belirtti.

Askeri lise öğrencilerinin 2-3 haftada bir örgüt evine geldiklerini anlatan N.O, “Bu evde görüşmelerimiz yaklaşık bir yıl kadar sürdü. 1991 yılından sonra öğrencilerle görüşmeler ‘esnaf evi’ diye tabir edilen hizmet hareketi içinde bulunan evlerde gerçekleşirdi. Mecidiyeköy tarafında bulunan esnaf evinde buluşurduk. Murat ve Selim isimli askeri lise öğrencileri Ankara’da bulanan Kara Harp okuluna geçince, ben de onlarla görüşmek için Ankara’ya gidip geliyordum.” ifadelerine yer verdi.

Evlerde faaliyetlerin gizlilik içerisinde yapıldığını vurgulayan N.O, öğrencilere okulda kendilerini belli etmemelerini, ima yolu ile namaz kılmalarını, diğer sınıf arkadaşlarına yapıyla alakalı bir şey söylememeleri gibi konularda uyarılarda bulunduğunu kaydetti.

Mahrem imam N.O, 1996’ya kadar İstanbul’da askeri öğrencilerine yönelik faaliyetlerine devam ettiğine değinerek, şunları anlattı:

“Fetullah Gülen, Altunizade de bulunan FEM Dershanesinde kalırken, Kuleli Askeri Lisesi öğrencisi 2 kişiyi FEM Dershanesine getirdim. Burada 5’inci kata çıktık. Cevdet Türkyolu bizi karşılayıp, Gülen’in kaldığı kata çıkardı. Burada Gülen öğrenciler ‘Nasılsınız, dersleriniz nasıl. Namaz kılıyor musunuz? sıkıntınız var mı?’ gibi onlarla kısa bir konuşma yaptı. Bu görüşmedeki odadaki duvarlarda haritalar vardı. Bu görüşmeler farklı zamanlarda iki üç defa daha farklı askeri öğrenciler ile de oldu. 1996’ya kadar burada göreve devam ettim.”


Hukuk fakültesinden mezun olduktan sonra örgüt faaliyetlerine devam ettiğini aktaran N.O, “mahrem hizmetler” sınıfında yer aldığı sırada, FETÖ’nün firari yöneticilerinden İsmail Büyükçelebi’nin, “Usame”nin dikkati çekeceği gerekçesiyle “Metin” kod ismini kullanmasını istediğini belirtti.

Hakimlik sınavını kazandığını ve staj için İzmir’e gittiğini orada mahrem yapı içerisindeki öğretmenlere Maltepe Askeri lisesindeki askerle görüşmelerin yapılacağı evleri temin eden “Ömer” kod adlı Osman Hilmi Özdil, birlikte çalıştığını dile getiren N.O, o dönem örgütün İzmir İl imamının da FETÖ’nün firari yöneticilerinden Mustafa Yeşil olduğuna değindi.

Eşiyle örgüt tarafından tanıştırılıp evlendiğini itiraf eden N.O, şunları aktardı:

“Bu yapıda evliliklerin ön aşamasında taraflardan birisi diğerini beğenmediği takdirde hayır deme şansı vardır. Bu yapının işaret etmediği bir başkasıyla evlenmeden önce icazet almaya çalışılır. Bu yapıdan biri başka biriyle evlenirse doğal olarak yapı içerisindeki yeri, konumu olumsuz etkilenir. Kozmik işlerle ilgilenen birisi bu yapının istemediği biriyle evlenirse artık kozmik işlerle uğraşamaz.” 


Eşinin 2010’da Gaziantep’e tayini çıktığını, o dönem Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı imamlığı yapan “Hacı Murat” kod adlı Ali Semerci’nin talimatıyla örgütsel faaliyetlerine burada da devam ettiğini vurgulayan N.O, daha sonra nasıl 2. Ordu Komutanlığı imamı olduğunu ve bu süreçte neler yaptığını şöyle anlattı:

“Hacı Murat bana ‘Madem eşinden dolayı Antep’e gittin, orada sana vazife verelim. Antep temsilciliği görevini yap’ dedi. Ben de bu teklifi kabul edip görevi ‘Celil’ kod isimli şahıstan aldım. Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde 2. Ordu Komutanlığı İmamı oldum. Görev aldığım dönemde Hacı Murat’ın hazırlayıp vermiş olduğu flash belleği müdürler ile paylaşırdım. Onlar gerekli bölümleri doldurup son halini bana verirlerdi. Ben de Hacı Murat’a verirdim. Bu program otomatik olarak çalışır, dış müdahalelere kapalı idi. Altımda yapı içerisinde görev yapan müdür, müdür yardımcısı ve öğretmen kendilerinin ilgilendiği askeri personellerden altındaki veya üstünde görev yapan askerler hakkında bilgi toplarlardı.

Mesela ‘menfi mi müspet mi yapıya karşı tutumları, kişileri tanıma, analiz etme, zaafları nelerdir’ gibi bilgiler toparlanıp flash bellek içerisinde Bülent kod isimli şahsa verilirdi. Bu bilgiler de Hacı Murat tarafından düzenletilen toplantıya götürülüp teslim edilirdi. Bu toplantılar aylık olarak yapılır, bilgiler sürekli güncel tutulurdu. Bu toplantılar 3 yıl boyunca devam etti. Toplantılarda istatistik veriler konuşulurdu. Bunlar evlilikler, maddi durum, ümitçilerin yapıya kaç kişi kazandırdığı, askerlerin tayin durumları, operasyonel hatların sıklıkla değiştirilmesi tedbirleri gibi konular konuşulurdu.”


Mahrem imamlar ve onların ilgilendiği örgüt mensubu askerlerin nasıl iletişim kurduklarına ilişkin de bilgi veren N.O, “Örgüt içerisinde görüşmeler kesinlikle kendi adına kayıtlı hatlardan yapılmaz. ‘Operasyonel’ tabir edilen hatlar üzerinden irtibat sağlanırdı. Bu operasyonel hatlar genelde altımda görev yapan müdürler tarafından temin edilirdi. Yapı içerisindeki öğretmenler genelde ilgilendiği askeri personel ile randevulaştığı yerde bir sonraki toplantı yapılacağı yeri ve zamanı kararlaştırır. Eğer ki olağanüstü bir durum varsa bunu ankesörlü veya sabit hattan arayarak tebliğ ederlerdi.” ifadelerini kullandı.

Örgütün sözde yöneticisi “Ömer” kod adlı Özdil’in ABD’ye girişi sırasında FBI tarafından yapılan üst aramasında, kendisine ait kartvizitin bulunduğunu ve kolluk kuvvetlerinin bu konuda ABD ile yazışmalar yaptığını aktaran N.O, örgütün talimatıyla sözde “Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi temsilciliği” ve “2. Ordu Komutanlığı imamlığı” görevlerini “Arif” kod adlı örgüt yöneticisine devrettiğini ve Ankara’da avukatlık yapmaya başladığını kaydetti.

Terör örgütü elebaşı Gülen ile görüşmek için 2005, 2009 ve 2011’de ABD’ye gittiğini, gidiş-geliş ücretinin ve diğer masraflarının örgüt tarafından karşılandığına dikkati çeken N.O, “Herhangi bir dijital malzeme yanımızda olmuyordu. Cep telefonlarımız Türkiye’de kalırdı. Benim gittiğimde 25-30 kişi Gülen’in çevresinde oturup onun vaazını dinliyordu. Orada İsmail Büyükçelebi, Sait Aksoy, Cevdet Türkyolu ve doktor Kudret de bulunuyordu.” ifadesine yer verdi.

Kendi hür iradesiyle ve hiçbir baskı altında kalmadan ifade verdiğine dikkati çeken N.O, “Bu örgütü, devletime çok daha anlaşılabilir bir hale getirip mücadeleyi kolaylaştırdığıma inanıyorum.” beyanında bulundu.



Turkey Confronts Greece with More Hordes of Syrian Refugees and Migrants

Erdogan breaks deal with European Union to extort new concessions.



Turkey’s Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is trying to engineer a mass invasion from Turkey into Greece of thousands of Syrian refugees and migrants. He has broken a deal reached with the European Union in 2016 to close its border with Europe to stem the flood of immigrants from the Middle East. He took Europe’s money that was part of the deal but is now reopening his country’s border with Greece to extort more concessions. “We will continue the current measure on our frontiers until all of our expectations are concretely met,” Erdogan said recently.

When Greece pushed back to protect its border from the invasion, Erdogan lashed out. “There is no difference with what the Nazis did and the images from the border,” he declared as he made unproven claims of “barbaric” tactics supposedly used by Greek border guards.

As Breitbart pointed out, “The slur against Greece is notable, as some 300,000 people were killed during the 1941 Nazi occupation of the country, which near-wiped out Greece’s Jewish population.” Then again, we should not be surprised. Erdogan is an avowed anti-Semite who has indulged in conspiracy theories blaming Jews for the world’s problems.

“Greece does not accept lessons in human rights and the respect of international law from the Turkish president,” said a spokesman for the Greek government. He claimed that Ankara’s actions were aimed at destabilizing Greece.

There are now an estimated 35,000 immigrants who are congregated along Turkey’s border with Greece. Erdogan deployed at least 1,000 heavily armed special police to the border area last week to counter Greece’s resistance to the immigrants’ entry across the border into Greece. Turkish fighter jets have been recently sighted in the region, fueling tensions between the two NATO members who have had a long history of hostilities that Erdogan appears intent on escalating. Erdogan has vowed that “Turkish naval patrols would go on harassing Greek patrol vessels at sea,” according to The Guardian, following an incident in the Aegean Sea last week. Another Turkish-instigated flare-up at sea occurred on Wednesday.

Greece’s Prime Minister, Kyriákos Mitsotákis, accused Turkey of becoming “the official trafficker of migrants to the European Union.” He said that Turkey is using “desperate people” to promote its “geopolitical agenda.”

The current EU Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, praised Greece’s defensive actions at its border. “This border is not only a Greek border, it is also a European border,” she said. “I thank Greece for being our European aspida [shield] in these times.”

Prime Minister Mitsotákis has charged that the thousands of Syrian refugees trying recently to enter Greece have not come from the current Syrian hotspot of Idlib in northwest Syria, where Turkey has contributed to the violence. Instead, they had been “living safely in Turkey for a long period of time.”

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, has acknowledged that few, if any, of those recently arriving at Greece’s doorstep are in fact from northwest Syria. His observation would appear to back up Prime Minister Mitsotákis’s charge. Yet, Mr. Grandi’s refugee agency is leaning on Greece to allow self-declared “refugees” originally from Syria who have entered Greece’s territory “irregularly” to present themselves without delay to the authorities to seek asylum.

“Continued European resources, capacity and solidarity are needed to boost Greece’s response,”

the agency suggests. At the same time, “international support to Turkey,” the UN agency declares, “must be sustained and stepped up.” But does that mean that Turkey should be able to renege on its deal and export thousands of its current Syrian residents to Europe? Apparently, so.

The truth is that there will never enough to satisfy Erdogan, the deal breaker. And it is highly doubtful that he would use the bulk of increased financial support to help with the housing and education of Syrian refugees already living in Turkey. He has his military interventions in Syria and Libya to finance.

Although there are some indications that the EU may bow to Erdogan’s pressure campaign by offering him more money, Erdogan is upping the ante. He is insisting on a resumption of talks about Turkey joining the EU. That’s a hard sell given Turkey’s dramatic move towards authoritarianism under Erdogan’s rule. Expect Erdogan to continue his confrontation with Greece and the EU until they bend to accommodate his wishes one way or the other.

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Photo from Pixabay


Clinton Capers

What “deplorables” need to recall as Hillary Clinton contemplates a comeback.


“All the party has to do is call. Her bag is packed,” writes Michael Goodwin in “Democrats’ hunt for Trump slayer may lead to Hillary Clinton comeback,” and her platform writes itself. “She didn’t really lose the 2016 election. Trump colluded with the Russians to deprive her of her civil right to be president. Anything else is just a Republican talking point and part of the vast right-wing conspiracy.”

The Democrats are down to increasingly addled Joe Biden and Rip Van Winkle communist Bernie Sanders. In these conditions, “Clinton would have to be dead not to dream of a miracle, one that would give her the victory fate has twice denied her.” As this unfolds, Hulu comes out with the documentary series “Hillary,” prompting husband Bill to speak out.

His sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton explains, was a way to “manage my anxieties.” That plays into the “Me Too” narrative and the notion that Hillary is a victim of sexism. Fox News revisited the Lewinsky liaison in a “Scandalous” documentary and so did Kenneth Starr’s 2018 Contempt: A Memoir of the Clinton Investigation. In reality, there were  two Clinton investigations, and they break down like the movies in Pauline Kael’s  Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

The Lewinsky affair is like the “kiss kiss” story, but Ken Starr also investigated the death of Clinton’s deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster. This “bang bang” tale is the one to recall with Hillary still a possibility in November.

On July 20, 1993, as Starr explained in Contempt, “Vince Foster had taken his own life in Fort Marcy park while seated on the Civil War berm where his body was found.” Starr notes that his investigators never found the bullet, and that the Clinton White House prevented the police from searching Foster’s office. On the other hand, Starr ignores varying accounts of where the body was found, conflicting reports on the wounds, and many other irregularities noted by Starr’s own investigator Miguel Rodriguez, a U.S. Attorney with the forensic experience Starr lacked.

“Conspiracy theories began to spread,” Starr wrote, “alleging that Foster had been murdered by the Clintons’ operatives, to protect them from his testimony or prevent him from producing records damning for the Clintons.” As the time line shows, the theory that Foster committed suicide emerged before the Park Police, FBI, and the special prosecutors had completed their investigations.

Ken Starr basically echoed the conclusions of special prosecutor Robert Fiske, who proclaimed that Foster was depressed and found “no evidence” that any issues relating to the Whitewater scandal and such “played any part in his suicide.” In Contempt, Starr deploys “conspiracy theory” like a CNN anchor and trashes Rodriguez as a “rogue prosecutor” without dealing with what he uncovered and why he resigned from Starr’s investigation.

All that, and more, emerged in The Strange Death of Vincent Foster, by Christopher Ruddy. As he showed, most facts in the case stand in serious dispute, much evidence mysteriously lost or altered, and testimony was frequently contradictory and “occasionally blatantly false.”

Ruddy’s 1997 book escapes notice in Contempt, despite the approval of William Sessions, former head of the FBI. He resisted White House attempts to wrest political control over the FBI and President Clinton duly fired him on July 19, 1993. That dismissal, the first ever of an FBI director, compromised the role of the FBI in the Foster investigation.

According to Sessions, Ruddy “detailed a significant array of facts and issues involving the death of Mr. Foster. His work is serious and compelling.”  Ruddy “tenaciously argued a persuasive case that the American public has not been told the complete facts of this case,” but the author “carefully avoided drawing undue inferences about the death.”

Launched under the Clintons, political deployment of the FBI surged under POTUS 44, who deployed the bureau to clear his designated successor Hillary Clinton and attack candidate and President Trump. While avoiding undue inferences about Foster, Ruddy also revealed another dynamic lingering into 2020

“Part of the problem,” he wrote, “has been the absolute refusal of the establishment media to report on this case.” In similar style, the establishment media echoed the Russia hoax while backing off on the Clinton emails. True to form, Trump’s concerns about the emails were branded a “conspiracy theory,” now a standard feature of leftist boilerplate.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is beating Sanders in the primaries but losing his grip on reality. Hillary’s bag is fully packed and as she waits for the call, those deplorables would do well to focus on her “bang bang” back story, well worthy of a “Forensic Files” episode.

In January 1996, PBS’ “Frontline” noted, Hillary’s Rose Law Firm billing records, the target of investigative subpoenas for two years, miraculously appeared in the White House, and they did show work on Whitewater and such. The last person to possess the records was Vince Foster, and the FBI found fingerprints of Foster and Hillary Clinton, who said she had “no idea” how the billing records came to be in her book room.

Also under subpoena were the 30,000 emails Clinton deleted in 2016. Trump thinks they could be in Ukraine, so as the president says, we’ll have to see what happens.

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Photo by Donkey Hotey


EU to Pay Muslim Migrants $2,225 to Go Home


1. Come to Greece

2. Hang around wailing at any available camera

3. Get paid $2,225 to go home

4. Have 100,000 more show up to collect their $2,225 EU checks

But the Europeans have forgotten that when you pay danegeld, you never get rid of the Dane. And the Danes have forgotten it too. So the only solution to the mass invasion of Syrians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, etc, orchestrated by Turkey’s Islamist regime, is to bribe them.

That means writing some big checks to Erdogan in his palace in Turkey and smaller checks to any of the migrants.

The EU says it will pay €2,000 (£1,770; $2,225) each to migrants in overcrowded camps on the Greek islands willing to go back to their home countries.

EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson announced the scheme in Athens on Thursday. It was agreed with the Greek government.

She said it was temporary – open for one month only – and only for migrants who arrived before 1 January.

Until it’s not.

And, in any case, such fine details will be lost back home where instead photos of checks will circulate on social media and a new swarm of migrants will head to Europe.


Migrants Are A Coronavirus Weapon


While the news was filled with stories about Costco lines, Europe and Turkey edged to the brink of war with the Islamist dictatorship sending armored vehicles and heavily armed police forces to attack the Greek border and aid Muslim migrants in their invasion.

Meanwhile, Greece is already full of migrants and they’re a huge coronavirus risk.

Medical charity Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) has urged Greece to immediately evacuate migrants from overcrowded camps on its islands due to a high risk of the coronavirus spreading swiftly among people living in squalid conditions.

Greece reported its first fatality from the virus on Thursday, in the town of Patra on the mainland. It has confirmed 117 cases of coronavirus so far, including one on the island of Lesbos, where the notorious Moria camp is located.

This adds another blackmail card to the stacked deck. If the camps remain in place, they become a breeding ground for a massive outbreak. If they’re broken up, not only do they risk carrying the disease deep into Europe, but the usual sexual assaults, gang violence, and acts of terrorism will follow in their wake.

America has the same problem.

Detained populations, whether criminals or migrants, are potential breeding zones for outbreaks. Lefties are already demanding a massive jailbreak for the prison population to head off a coronavirus outbreak. And the same obviously goes for migrants.

Either you free them and they kill you. Or you keep them locked up and they become the epicenter of an epidemic.

This is why the middle ground doesn’t work.

Either you maintain border security or you lose everything.


Academia: An Organ of the Democratic Party

What political donations reveal.


That academics constitute a herd, a thought-bubble, is a proposition that is readily established by way of various kinds of evidence.

If academia wasn’t a bastion of mental conformity, then one wouldn’t expect to see faculty contributions to Democratic politicians overwhelmingly outnumbering those to Republican candidates.

But this is exactly what we do, in fact, encounter.

For example, The College Fix informs us that at Harvard University, one of the most premiere institutions of higher learning in the world, less than one percent of faculty donations are given to Republicans.
“Since 2017, 0.1 percent of all funds contributed to 2020 presidential candidates by Harvard University faculty have gone to incumbent President Donald Trump…According to Federal Elections Committee data, Trump has raised only $538 from Harvard employees, while his longshot Republican primary challenger, former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld, has raised $3000.”

In stark contrast,

“Since the beginning of 2017, Harvard employees have contributed over $220,000 to the presidential campaign of former Harvard professor and current U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the most any candidate has raised from the school’s faculty.”

Pete Buttigieg elicited from Harvard employees $111,000, and Bernie Sanders received $99,000.

Between the contributions to Democratic candidates and those to Republicans there is a difference of night and day. Republican Bill Weld, for example, who is also a Massachusetts governor, received but $3,000.

And Donald Trump? The current President of the United States garnered but $538 from Harvard employees.

It would be a gross mistake, however, to think that Harvard is unique with respect to its political uniformity. What’s true of Harvard is true of the academic world generally, and Ivy League institutions specifically.

Elizabeth Warren, tellingly, hasn’t been the favorite pick of the faculty of Harvard alone. Ivy League universities across the board have contributed more to Warren than they have to any and all other presidential candidates. The College Fix informs us:

“Former Harvard and Penn professor Elizabeth Warren has dominated her Democratic presidential primary rivals in fundraising from employees of Ivy League universities…Warren, a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, collected 36 percent of all contributions made to major presidential candidates between 2017 and 2020, according to data collected from the Federal Elections Committee.”

Think about this: over one-third of all the political contributions to presidential candidates made by the country’s most prestigious faculties went to Elizabeth Warren.

Of course, and unsurprisingly, Bernie Sanders fares relatively well among Ivy Leaguers himself. Sanders received 26.6 percent of all of the contributions to presidential candidates.

What this in turn means is that, combined, these two Democratic presidential candidates, Warren and Sanders, received approximately two-thirds of all of the donations from Ivy League employees.

Since 2016,

“Ivy League employees have donated just over $1.7 million to presidential candidates, with Harvard University contributing the most at $521,000. During that time, President Donald Trump, a Republican, collected only $11,748, or 0.7 percent of all Ivy League contributions.”

The breakdown is as follows:

Warren received $27,213 from Brown, $105,234 from Columbia, $48,333 from Cornell, $12,879 from Dartmouth, $220,096 from Harvard, $31,583 from Princeton, $83,008 from University of Pennsylvania, and $81,147 from Yale.

Bernie Sanders collected $32,217 from Brown, $85,187 from Columbia, $55,104 from Cornell, $20,742 from Dartmouth, $99,120 from Harvard, $52,145 from Princeton, $59,468 from Penn, and $51,100 from Yale.

Pete Buttigieg received $11,175 from Brown, $60,971 from Columbia, $27,365 from Cornell, $9,349 from Dartmouth, $111,878 from Harvard, $12,307 from Princeton, $32,227 Penn, and $31,418 from Yale.

Joe Biden collected $11,068 from Brown, $39,986 from Columbia, $10,539 from Cornell, $6,167 from Dartmouth, $43,846 from Harvard, $3,169 from Princeton, $52,838 from Penn, and, from Yale, $29,813.

As for Donald Trump? The President received from the entire Ivy League $11,748. This amounts to less than one percent of all Ivy League political donations.

Trump collected from the whole of the Ivy League less than what Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders received from any single Ivy League institution.

However, it isn’t only the Ivy League that is a political monolith. The whole academic world is as well.

A recent study by the National Association of Scholars shows that college faculty donate to Democratic over Republican candidates by a ratio of 95:1. The contributions were “almost exclusively to Democratic candidates and committees.”

The study focuses on 12,372 professors from around the country. It finds that among professors of sociology, English, and anthropology, the Democrat-to-Republican ratio sharpens that much more. Moreover, Assistant Professors are registered Democrats by a ratio of 10.5:1, while Associate Professors and Full Professors are so by ratios of 8.7:1 and 8.2:1, respectively.

The Washington Examiner makes the connection between these numbers and other disconcerting facts concerning the contemporary state of Higher Ed:

“The numbers are unsurprising to those following recent developments in higher education. A recent Harvard study found that only 35% of young Republicans feel comfortable sharing their political views on American campuses. In recent years, faculty at American colleges have also faced backlash and discipline for acting on their right-leaning beliefs.”


Academia is most decidedly not the free marketplace of ideas that it proclaims to be. Anyone who any longer denies this is either self-delusional or deceptive.