Δύο (2) Απαντήσεις Και Μία Προσευχή!
1. Για τους φίλους που μου έγραψαν και ερωτούν, απαντώ! Πάτε βρείτε στο “σάϊτ” μας και διαβάστε τα εξής παρακάτω άρθρα μας και ο καθένας θα πάρει την απάντησή του! Δυστυχώς ή ευτυχώς, τα έχουμε γράψει, εξηγήσει, κλπ, προ πολλού χρόνου!
α. «Τουρκία… “Τώρα“»! / 20-09-2018 (Προς το τέλος θα διαβάσεις και για την Ε-Τ πολεμική εμπλοκή, κλπ).
β. «Φίλε ΡΤΕ»! / 31-05-2019
γ. «Πέντε Απαντήσεις Στον Υπογράφοντα Ως… “Ο Ηλίθιος“». / 30-12-2019
Θα έπρεπε να μην σας γράψω τα άρθρα, ώστε να πάτε και να “ψάξετε” το “σάϊτ”, αλλά… “ας είναι”, αφού είστε ειλικρινείς και δηλώνετε, σχεδόν περίπου και οι 3, πως είστε… “τουρίστες” του!..
Φυσικά μπορείτε να βρείτε και μόνοι σας και άλλα άρθρα στο “σάϊτ”, που να ικανοποιούν, ως απαντήσεις, τις ερωτήσεις σας.
2. Είπαμε για τις Η.Π.Α.! Ό,τι γίνεται τώρα εκεί, είναι σχεδιασμός των Παγκοσμιοποιητών “Διεθνών Εβραίων”, για να “ρίξουν” τον Τραμπ!
Ο Σόρος και οι… “Επιτελείς” του είναι ήδη “επί το έργον” στις Η.Π.Α. για τον σκοπό αυτόν, με όλο το “Παρακράτος” των “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ” στο Πεδίο να καίει και να καταστρέφει την μεγάλη αυτήν χώρα (“Παρακράτος”, το οποίο είναι δημιούργημα της “CIA” των Κλίντον και Ομπάμα, όπως έχουμε πει, κλπ) και όσο επίκεινται οι εκλογές, τόσο θα εντείνεται, παγκοσμίως και όχι μόνον στην Αμερική, ο πόλεμος των “Παγκσομιοποιητών” “Διεθνών Εβραίων”, κατά του νυν Α/Προέδρου!..
Αυτό το γερο-χούφταλο, που θέλει να γίνει, “τρομάρα του”, και Πρόεδρος των Η.Π.Α. και λέγεται Τζο Μπάϊντεν, αυτός ο υποκριτής, που πήγαινε, ως Αντι-Πρόεδρος των Η.Π.Α. στην Κύπρο και υμνούσε τους Έλληνες, κατηγορώντας τους Τούρκους και μετά στην Τουρκία, όπου έκανε ακριβώς το αντίθετο, αυτή η βρωμιάρα αρσενική πόρνη… Πελόζι, ειλικρινά δεν ντρέπεται, σας ρωτάω, όχι διότι δεν μπορεί να μιλήσει και να σταθεί μπροστά στο κοινό του, έχοντας άμεση ανάγκη για κάποιο από τα αμερικανικά… “ΚΑΠΗ”, αλλά για τον λόγο ότι με την νέα βρωμιά της νέας “Νέας Τάξεως”, με τον τίτλο “Τζορτζ Φλόϊντ”, 2η και “καπακωτή” μετά τον Κορωνοϊό*, κατά τον οποίον οι “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟΙ”, [που είχαν πρόστυχα κατηγορήσει τον Τραμπ για περίπου συνεργασία του με την Ρωσία, για να κερδίσει τις προηγούμενες εκλογές, τις οποίες και κέρδισε τελικά (κάτι που ποτέ δεν αποδείχτηκε, παρ’ ότι το Α/Κράτος – Διοίκηση ελέγχεται ακόμα από τους “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟΥΣ”, οι οποίοι έκαναν τα πάντα για να αποδείξουν ρ/εμπλοκή σ’ αυτές], συνεργάστηκαν με τους Κινέζους και γέμισαν “χτικιό” τον Πλανήτη, απλώς και μόνον για να πλήξουν καίρια τον Τραμπ και την Α/Οικονομία, την οποία αυτός είχε “απογειώσει”, αυτός ο Μπάϊντεν λοιπόν, το Κόμμα του και οι Παγκοσμιοποιημένοι χρηματοδότες των “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ”, Εβραιο-Αμερικανοί κυρίως, δεν αντιλαμβάνονται, έστω “τινές αυτών”… σοφοί, ότι με τις πολιτικές τους αυτές προστυχιές ΔΙΑΛΥΟΥΝ ΤΗΝ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΣΤΙΣ Η.Π.Α., αφού προσβάλλουν βρώμικα τους θεσμούς του Α/Κράτους, δεν αντιλαμβάνονται ότι γενόμενοι δουλάκια των ΣΟΡΟΣ, κλπ, χάριν της εξουσίας τους, όπως και αυτής των “Παγκοσμιοποιητών” Αφεντικών τους, δυσφημούν την ιστορικότητα του κάποτε πραγματικά δημοκρατικού “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟΥ” Κόμματος, μετατρέποντάς το σε ένα κακέκτυπο παλαιού σκληρού, μέχρι και απάνθρωπου Σοβιετικού Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος, προσβάλλοντας έτσι το ίδιο το “ΕΙΝΑΙ” των Η.Π.Α., Η.Π.Α. που ήταν η χώρα “Σημαιοφόρος της ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΣ και της ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ”, στον Πλανήτη μας, από του Β’ Π.Π. έως και σήμερα;
Ποιός νουνεχής άνθρωπος στην Γη θα πιστέψει ότι, σήμερα στις Η.Π.Α., διώκονται οι μαύροι, όταν οι συνάνθρωποί μας αυτοί “έχουν μπει παντού” εκεί, όπως στην Κ-Β και στο Α/Κράτος – “Διοίκηση”, στις τέχνες, στα γράμματα, στον Πολιτισμό, στον Στρατό, στην Αστυνομία, στον Αθλητισμό, αλλά και στην Μαφία, με τις δικές της συνιστώσες, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ, εδώ και 10ετίες, ενώ μάλιστα τις Η.Π.Α. τις κυβέρνησε πρόσφατα, για 8 χρόνια ο Αφρο-Αμερικανός και Μουσουλμάνος Χουσεϊν Μπαράκ ΟΜΠΑΜΑ, ο οποίος δεν νομίζω να έβλεπε κάτι τέτοιο (ρατσισμό κατά των μαύρων, κλπ) και να μην επενέβαινε…
Τώρα λοιπόν θυμήθηκαν στις Η.Π.Α. οι “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟΙ” ότι… “black lives matter”, κλπ, κάτι που από μόνο του εκπέμπει έναν απίθανα μεγάλο και σίγουρα ανεπίτρεπτο “ΚΟΜΠΛΕΞΙΣΜΟ” των μαύρων, απέναντι στους λευκούς, γεγονός που αδυνατούσαν και αδυνατούν να αντιληφθούν οι προπαγανδιστές του υπόψη συνθήματος, όπως και η “Αφρο” – Δήμαρχος της… Ουάσιγκτον, η οποία, στο κυνήγι των εκ-ρίων ψήφων των Μαύρων ομοφύλων της, έβαψε την λεωφόρο που οδηγεί στον Λευκό Οίκο με το υπόψη σύνθημα;
Υπάρχει τόσος ρατσισμός στις Η.Π.Α. και τόσος φόβος των Μαύρων προς τους Λευκούς, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ, ώστε αυτοί να λεηλατούν μαγαζιά, να πλιατσικολογούν τους πάντες και τα πάντα, να καίνε, να σπάνε, να βανδαλίζουν, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ, όλες σχεδόν τις Η.Π.Α.; Είναι για γέλια κάτι τέτοιοι ισχυρισμοί!..
Ποιός νουνεχής άνθρωπος στην Γη, που γνωρίζει “5 – 10 πραγματάκια”, θα πιστέψει ότι έγινε ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΣ, και μάλιστα ΦΙΛΕΥΣΠΛΑΧΝΟΣ, ο ΣΟΡΟΣ, που διευθύνει όλα αυτά και του οποίου όλη η οικογένεια “κάρφωνε” στους ΝΑΖΙ, ομοφύλους της Εβραίους, κατά τον Β’ Π.Π., ο ΣΟΡΟΣ και οι όμοιοί του, οι οποίοι ΔΙΕΛΥΣΑΝ και ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ ΜΑΣ; Είναι “απορίας άξιον” γιατί τον άφησαν ζωντανό μεταπολεμικά και μέχρι σήμερα οι Ισραηλινοί!..
Εξηγήσαμε λοιπόν το “γιατί” γίνεται τώρα στις Η.Π.Α. ό,τι γίνεται, απλώς σήμερα κάνουμε μια ακόμα… υπενθύμιση, τονίζοντας και πάλι πως και ο υπαρκτός “COVID – 19” και η δολοφονία του ληστή, εμπόρου ναρκωτικών και ηθοποιού πορνό ταινιών, δυστυχούς Τ. ΦΛΟΪΝΤ ήταν ΣΧΕ-ΔΙ-Ο, με στόχο την τελική πτώση ΤΡΑΜΠ! Δεν υπήρξε ποτέ στην α/πολιτική ιστορία Α/Πρόεδρος που να έχει συκοφαντηθεί τόσο πολύ και συνεχώς από της εκλογής του και μάλιστα σε παγκόσμια βάση από τα ΜΜΕ της νέας “Νέας Τάξεως”, που ελέγχουν οι Μέρντοχ, οι Μπλούμπεργκ, οι Γκέϊτς, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ, όλοι αυτοί οι… Κοι και φίλοι – χρηματοδότες (για τα δικά τους συμφέροντα ασφαλώς) των “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ” των Η.Π.Α.!
Τον Τραμπ βρίζει ακόμα, έναντι οικονομικών κυρίως ανταλλαγμάτων, μέχρι και το τελευταίο “τσόλι” ακόμα και των υποβαθμισμένων ελληνικών καναλιών, και για παράδειγμα, μέχρι και η δημοσιογραφική… φλωρόπουστα, ο Στραβελάκης, από το κανάλι των “Διεθνών Εβραίων” στην χώρα μας, του Αλ Αφούζου, τον “ΣΚΑΪ”!.. Ναι, αυτός ο… σαλιάρης, με τα παπούτσια με τα εσωτερικά ελατήρια, για να… ψηλώνει!.. Τον βρίζει μέχρι και η δύσμορφη “γουρουνίτσα” Δις Β. Κουτρουλού, η αρχικομπλέξα κρυφο-ΣΥΡΙΖΟΥΛΑ Αναστασοπούλου, ο Παπαχελάς, η Κοσσιώνη του Κώστα μας… , αλλά και ο Οικονόμου ο οποίος μάλλον “κόλλησε”… εξ ανάγκης την ασθένεια, με τίτλο “ΒΡΙΖΟΥΜΕ ΤΡΑΜΠ ΚΑΙ ΠΑΙΡΝΟΥΜΕ ΕΜΕΙΣ… ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ ΚΑΙ ΤΟ ΚΑΝΑΛΙ… ΛΕΦΤΑ”!.. (Δεν πας ρε Δημητράκη να κάνεις κανένα μπάνιο στη… βίλα με την ιδιωτική ακτή, στο Αίγιο, του… Χ. Γώγου, να χαλαρώσεις λίγο);
Άραγε ο ΜΕΓΑΣ ΧΕΝΡΥ ΚΙΣΙΝΤΖΕΡ (“Ρεπουμπλικανός”) θέλει αυτήν την ΑΘΛΙΑ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ ΚΑΤΑΠΤΩΣΗ ΤΩΝ “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ” ΚΑΙ ΣΥΝΕΠΩΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ ΔΙΑΛΥΣΗ ΤΟΥ Α/ΚΡΑΤΟΥΣ, ΓΕΓΟΝΟΣ ΠΟΥ ΔΥΣΦΗΜΕΙ ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΩΣ ΤΙΣ Η.Π.Α., (δημιουργώντας και παράλληλους σοβαρούς προβληματισμούς και σκέψεις στους νουνεχείς πολίτες του Πλανήτη, για την μελλοντική “παγκόσμιο ισορροπία και κυριαρχία δυνάμεων” σ’ αυτόν), και γι’ αυτό δεν επεμβαίνει ή “τελείωσαν πια τα πολιτικά ψωμιά του”;
Το ίδιο ερώτημα ισχύει και για τον… Κίσιντζερ των “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ” ΖΜΠΙΚΓΝΙΟΥ ΜΠΡΕΝΖΙΣΚΙ, ο οποίος λογικά θα έπρεπε περισσότερο να ενδιαφερόταν για το “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟ ΚΟΜΜΑ”, το οποίο είναι πια ΟΛΟΦΑΝΕΡΟ πως “έλκεται” από ζάμπλουτους Συμμορίτες, σαν τον Σόρος και άλλους, και οπισθοδρομεί πολιτικά επικίνδυνα, σχεδόν α-πο-πο-λι-τι-κο-ποι-ού-με-νο;
Αυτή είναι η απάντησή μου φίλε!..
(Εγράφη προ του 1684)
Φθάνει, Κριτά δικαιότατε, φθάνει. Έως πότε οι δυστυχείς Έλληνες θα ευρίσκονται εις τα δεσμά της δουλείας και με υπερήφανον πόδα θα πατεί τον λαιμόν των ο βάρβαρος κατακτητής; Έως πότε Γένος τόσον ένδοξον και ευγενές θα προσκυνεί τον θρόνον ενός αθέου τυράννου; Έως πότε αι χώραι εκείναι, εις τας οποίας ανατέλλει ο ορατός Ήλιος, θα κυβερνώνται από την ημισέληνον;
Σε ικετεύω να ενθυμηθείς, ότι είσαι όχι μόνον Κριτής, αλλά και πατήρ, και ότι παιδεύεις , αλλά δεν θανατώνεις τα τέκνα σου.
Αν αι αμαρτίαι των Ελλήνων έγιναν αφορμή της δικαίας οργής Σου, Συ, όστις είσαι πολυεύσπλαγχνος, συγχώρησον αυτούς και μη τους αφανίσεις από το πρόσωπον της οικουμένης.
Ενθυμήσου, Θεάνθρωπε Ιησού, ότι το Ελληνικόν Γένος ήνοιξε πρώτον τας αγκάλας του, δια να δεχθεί το θείον Σου Ευαγγέλιον. Κατέρριψε πρώτον αυτό τα είδωλα και Σε προσεκύνησεν ως Θεόν, κρεμάμενον επί του τιμίου ξύλου του Σταυρού.
Πρώτον πάλιν το Γένος τούτο ανέστη κατά των τυράννων, οι οποίοι με φοβερούς διωγμούς και μαρτύρια εζήτουν να εκριζώσουν από τον κόσμον την Πίστιν και από τας καρδίας των Χριστιανών το Θείον Σου όνομα. Δια του αίματος των Ελλήνων ηύξανε, Χριστέ μου, εις όλην την οικουμένην η Εκκλησία Σου.
Οι Έλληνες επλούτισαν αυτήν με τους θησαυρούς της σοφίας και την επροστάτευσαν δια της ελληνικής γλώσσης, δια των συγγραμμάτων των και δια της ιδίας ζωής των. Ωδηγούντο με άπειρον μεγαλοψυχίαν και εις τας φυλακάς και εις τα βασανιστήρια και εις τας εξορίας. Ηγωνίσθησαν δια να σβήσουν τας πλάνας, δια να εξαπλώσουν την πίστιν, δια να Σε κηρύξουν Θεάνθρωπον και δια να λάμψει η δόξα του Σταυρού.
Ως εύσπλαγχνος λοιπόν και παντοδύναμος, σώσον αυτούς από τον ζυγόν της βαρβαρικής αιχμαλωσίας. Ως φιλόδωρος δε και πλουσιοπάροχος ανταποδότης, άνοιξε τους θησαυρούς των θείων Σου χαρίτων και ύψωσε πάλιν εις την προτέραν δόξαν το Γένος και δώρησε εις αυτό το σκήπτρον και το βασίλειον.
Ναι, Σε παρακαλώ, εις το όνομα του Χαίρε εκείνου, που έφερε την χαράν εις τον κόσμον. Εις το όνομα της θείας ενσαρκώσεώς Σου, εις την οποίαν, ενώ ήσο Θεός, έγινες άνθρωπος, δια να φανείς εις τους ανθρώπους φιλάνθρωπος. Εις το όνομα του Βαπτίσματος, με το οποίον μας έπλυνες από την αμαρτίαν. Εις το όνομα του Σταυρού σου, με το οποίον μας έδωσες την ζωήν. Εις το όνομα της ενδόξου Αναστάσεώς σου, η οποία μας ανεβίβασεν εις τα ουράνια.
Εάν όμως αι φωναί μου αύται δεν Σε παρακινούν εις ευσπλαγχνίαν, ας Σε παρακινήσουν τα δάκρυα, τα οποία τρέχουν από τους οφθαλμούς μου. Και αν δεν φθάνουν και ταύτα, ας Σε παρακινήσουν αι παρακλήσεις των Αγίων Σου, οι οποίοι φωνάζουν από όλα τα μέρη της υποδούλου Ελλάδος.
Φωνάζει από την Κρήτην ο Άγιος Ανδρέας, ο αρχιεπίσκοπος αυτής, και σε παρακαλεί να εξολοθρεύσεις τους Αγαρηνούς λύκους. Φωνάζει από την Πόλιν ο Άγιος Χρυσόστομος και Σε παρακαλεί να εκδιώξεις τους εχθρούς εξ εκείνης της χώρας, η οποία έχει υπέρμαχον στρατηγόν την Μητέρα Σου Θεοτόκον. Φωνάζει η Αγία Αικατερίνη και δεικνύουσα τον τροχόν, εις τον οποίον εμαρτύρησε, Σε παρακαλεί δια την τύχην της Αλεξανδρείας. Φωνάζουν ο Ιγνάτιος από την Αντιόχειαν, ο Πολύκαρπος από την Σμύρνην, ο Διονύσιος από τας Αθήνας, ο Σπυρίδων από την Κύπρον. Και, δεικνύοντες τους λέοντας, οι οποίοι τους εξέσχισαν, τας φλόγας, αι οποίαι τους έκαυσαν, τα σίδηρα, τα οποία τους εθέρισαν, ελπίζουν από την Ευσπλαγχνίαν Σου την απελευθέρωσιν των ελληνικών τούτων πόλεων και όλης της Ελλάδος.
“Τέχνη της Ρητορικής” / Φραγκίσκος ΣΚΟΥΦΟΣ (Διασκευή).
New York and California Freed Thousands of Criminals and the Riots Began
Free the criminals. Organize riots. Watch cities burn. Repeat.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
New York City released over 2,650 criminals from prison to protect them from the pandemic.But they didn’t stay home or wash their hands. They went back to their old jobs and 100 of them accounted for 190 arrests for crimes like burglary and robbery. A rapist was released and he went back to raping.
One of the freed criminals was responsible for 18 burglaries at closed eateries. And when he was arrested, the end of bail meant that he was set loose. This looting was going on long before the riots.
Now as the rioters and looters rule the streets of Manhattan, when the police manage to arrest them, they have to quickly let them go.
“When it comes to a burglary, a commercial store, which is looting, they’re back out,” Chief Terrence Monahan said. “Because of bail reform, you’re back out on the street the next day. You cannot be held on any sort of bail.”
Of the 650 thugs arrested, almost all will be released back on the street to riot and loot again.
Los Angeles County released about 5,000 criminals accounting for around a third of imprisoned criminals. And with no bail, arrested criminals were set loose and then arrested again. In the first 30 days of the experiment, 213 criminals were rearrested again after being put back on the street.
Sacramento County’s jail population fell 30%, Orange County’s prison numbers dropped by 45%, Detroit’s jail population dropped by 40%, Philadelphia’s by 17%, and Denver’s by 41%. Massachusetts freed 1,000 criminals while Illinois freed around 4,000. Dallas released 1,000 criminals and Hennepin County, the home of the riots that went on to sweep major cities, reduced its prison population by 44%.
What impact did the hundreds of released criminals have on kickstarting the riots?
It’s no coincidence that some of the areas hardest hit by the rioting and the looting had also opened up their prisons to protect inmates from contracting the coronavirus. Despite apocalyptic predictions from policymakers and the media, there were no mass deaths in prisons or ICE detention facilities. But the critical mass of criminals out on the street left police in major cities hopelessly outnumbered.
That was all part of the plan.
While not all the criminals returned to their trade, even those who wanted to go straight had few jobs waiting for them in locked down cities and states that were already suffering from massive unemployment and where the businesses that might have employed them had been shut down.
Not all of the released criminals returned to crime, but the riots provided the perfect opportunity.
Even before the pandemic, state and federal pro-crime legislation pushed by lefties and libertarians had dramatically cut the numbers of criminals being safely held behind bars. New York City’s prison population had dropped from over 25,000 in 2016 to just under 20,000 in 2019. The end of bail meant that criminals never even bothering showing up for trial. And Mayor Bill de Blasio tried to bribe them to come to court with free movie tickets and gift cards. Even before the riots, there had been violent mob attacks on NYPD officers. The attacks have just reached a critical mass in the Black Lives Matter riots.
Anyone who was closely reading the crime numbers could have predicted the mass looting outbreak.
With massive numbers of criminals on the loose, major crimes rose 12%. Car thefts shot up 65%, robberies went up by 25%, and burglaries rose by 22%.
Burglaries of businesses in New York City had shot up 75% by April.
This was slow-motion looting. If you understand that then what happened in Manhattan with organized gangs targeting stores, smashing and grabbing their way through countless businesses, falls into place. The mass looting was not a shocking new development, it was just the existing criminals going public.
The Black Lives Matter riots provided cover for Antifa violence and for organized criminal gangs and individual opportunistic looters, many of whom had been released because of leftist activism.
Free the criminals. Organize riots. Watch cities burn.
In 2006, California had over 165,000 criminals safely locked away. By 2017, the state was down to 115,000 criminals, in part due to an unconstitutional Supreme Court decision ordering the state to release tens of thousands of criminals into the street. Statewide crime rates slowly began ticking up.
Crime rates jumped in 2012, after the Supreme Court’s unconstitutional ruling, and in 2015, after George Soros’ Proposition 47: Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act. The name meant the exact opposite of what it actually did, effectively legalizing retail theft. The more discreet version of looting.
After each mass jailbreak, crime went up.
Violent crimes shot up from 151,425 before Proposition 47, to 178,553 in 2017. Property crime rates were where the real action was, not only rising, but defying nationwide downward trends.
While the rioters cry for more pro-crime measures, demanding the defunding of the police, less prosecution, and more criminals freed from prison, that’s exactly what caused the riots.
New York and California aren’t being devastated because of mass public outrage, but because they freed the criminals who are tearing New York City and Los Angeles apart. And they want the rest of the country to follow them down the same rabbit hole until there isn’t a single safe place left in America.
The mass riots and looting are the direct result of freeing thousands of criminals while crippling law enforcement and the justice system. Past upticks in crime rates had been hidden with statistical games and by tainting the system from the bottom up, by defining crime reporting down at the precinct level, to the top, refusing to bring charges against criminals or pleading them down to next to nothing.
Even as people felt less safe, the media and the authorities kept telling them that crime was falling.
The riots tore apart that lie. No one feels safe after watching mobs ransack neighborhoods and assault police. But the media and the authorities have replaced that lie with another lie, falsely portraying the riots as a mass uprising against racism, when they’re really a plot by a small group of radicals and racists, while freed career criminals are doing much of the work of actually wrecking the cities.
Black Lives Matter and Antifa have touched off the riots and looting to overwhelm police forces. And it’s working. Demoralized cops are given a bad choice between arresting motivated rioters or chasing down looters, while knowing that everyone they arrest will out by the next day so that it really doesn’t matter.
The riot endgame will move the war to the next stage with more mass releases of criminals, more crippled police forces, and even less prosecutions. And the next wave of riots will be even worse. There will be another viral video, more manufactured outrage, and even more devastating riots. Each set of riots will include demands that if met will lead to worse riots in the next stage of the conflict.
This is the same old playbook that the Left has used effectively for well over a century.
The myth of law enforcement racism is being used to dismantle police forces and open up the prisons. The released criminals become witting or unwitting shock troops for violent confrontations that tear apart society and build up the political power of the radicals who can turn the violence on or off.
There is only one way forward. Conservatives must work to reverse the pro-crime policies of leftists and libertarians. As the nation experiences curfews and people huddle in their homes, there is no way to escape the truth that if we don’t lock up the criminals rampaging in the street, we will be the ones in jail.
Right now, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and more importantly their backers from the Democrat Party to the media to academia, are holding a gun to the head of the United States of America. But the worst part of it is that we gave them the gun and put the bullets in it when we began freeing criminals.
Law and order is the only way to take the gun away. Locking up the criminals disarms the Left.
The Left’s Defense of Arson and Looting as Weapons Against ‘Institutionalized Racism’
Once again, progressives maliciously elevate nationwide violence and anarchy.
Massachusetts Democratic Attorney General Maura Healey hailed the acts of arson occurring across the country as some sort of symbol of regeneration. In a speech she delivered to the Boston Chamber of Commerce on June 2nd, Healy said, “Yes, America is burning, but that’s how forests grow.” She later tweeted that “we must seize the opportunity we have right now to build anew in ways that rid us of the institutionalized racism that’s led to America burning today.”
Healey’s first duty as attorney general is to uphold the laws of her state and prosecute criminal violations. Arson is a serious crime. Arsonists must be arrested and prosecuted, whether they are agitators of the left or right. There is no legal defense that excuses arson because the arsonists believe they are fighting “institutionalized racism.” What’s next – that looting is a legitimate form of wealth redistribution to combat what some social justice advocates have called “racial capitalism”? It’s time to send Healey packing for inciting violence and dereliction of duty.
Massachusetts Republican Party Chairman Jim Lyons struck the right chord with his response to Healey’s outrageous forest fire analogy:
“By choosing to highlight this insane analogy, it should be clear to Massachusetts residents that no matter what else Democrats like Attorney General Healey say, they will always condone mob tactics. The Radical Democrats, led by the likes of Attorney General Healey, sat back and watched as cities went up in flames over the weekend, and are now openly admitting that this is all part of their plan to fundamentally change America by any means possible. This is no way to honor the memory of George Floyd, or correct the problems that led to his unjustified killing.”
Some in the media also make excuses for the rioting. CNN’s Chris Cuomo, for example, questioned the notion that the protests need to be peaceful. He should read the text of the First Amendment, which protects “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” (Emphasis added)
New York Times writer Nikole Hannah-Jones, who undeservedly won a Pulitzer Prize for her contribution to the historically inaccurate New York Times ‘1619 Project,’ went further. She said not to worry about the destruction of property by rioters. “Destroying property which can be replaced is not violence,” Hannah-Jones told CBS News Tuesday. “I think any reasonable person would say we shouldn’t be destroying other people’s property. But these are not reasonable times.” In an interview with CNN, Hannah-Jones referred to looting as justifiable “symbolic taking” because black communities “have been looted for decades.” She said, “I think I would not describe looting as violence.”
Apparently, it never occurred to Hannah-Jones that both black and white looters have been exploiting the George Floyd tragedy and peaceful protests to enrich themselves with stolen property. There is nothing “symbolic” about such selfish criminal acts.
What does Hannah-Jones say to the black business owners who have seen their shops go up in flames or looted? For example, Kris Shelby, who is black, owned a store in Atlanta. “A lot of people don’t know the blood, sweat and tears that go into being a business owner and the type of sacrifices we had to go through to be where we’re at right now,” he said. Shelby sympathizes with the peaceful protesters demonstrating over George Floyd’s horrendous death at the hands of a rogue policeman. “But as a black man, and this is a black-owned business, it’s just sad,” he said about the looting. “It really leaves a bad taste in our mouths, to be honest.”
Derrick Hayes put up signs in the windows of his restaurant in downtown Atlanta that identified it as a black-owned business. That made no difference to the looters who smashed his windows. “Honestly, I was in disbelief,” Hayes said. “If we’re all in this together, let’s show that we’re all in this together.”
The dreams and livelihoods of individual black and other minority small business owners have been destroyed all over the country. But Hannah-Jones is indifferent to their plight. For her, there are no black individuals with their own individual aspirations. She believes that “black people are a collective.” Following this absurd premise to its “logical” conclusion, an individual black who may have lost his or her life savings from wanton looting and arson should be willing to take one for the team.
Hannah-Jones said that “collective grieving for the desecration of black life is a regular, daily experience for black people in this country,” Does her “collective grieving” extend to the black retired St. Louis police captain, David Dorn, who was shot and killed while attempting to protect a neighborhood store from looters? All that Hannah-Jones did in noting Dorn’s murder was to retweet, without comment, a CNN report. She would have shown more respect for Dorn if she at least had retweeted this statement by the Ethical Society of Police, a black police union in St. Louis, which it wrote on Facebook: “Looters murdered him at a pawnshop last night. He was the type of brother that would’ve given his life to save them if he had to. Violence like this is not the answer, whether it’s a citizen or officer.”
Hannah-Jones is provided a regular platform at the New York Times for her viewpoint, most notably the 1619 Project, which posits that American history and exceptionalism can only be understood through the lens of slavery. Yet she and other New York Times writers were aghast at the newspaper’s publication of an op-ed column by Republican Senator Tom Cotton that excoriated the criminals “simply out for loot and the thrill of destruction.” Senator Cotton suggested that if necessary federal troops should be used to stop them. Hannah-Jones tweeted, ”As a black woman, as a journalist, as an American, I am deeply ashamed that we ran this.”
After first defending its decision to publish the op-ed article in order to provide its readers with a different point of view, the New York Times surrendered to the leftwing mob mentality within its own staff. It apologized for its “rushed editorial process” and running the op-ed article that “did not meet our standards.” Those standards are now dictated by the “woke” ideology under which whites must atone for the sins of past generations going back to the first white slaveholder. They must purge their white privilege by submitting to the dismantling of a society built completely on institutionalized racism, according to this ideology. Progressive Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey has chosen to embrace this ideology in lieu of her fealty to the rule of law. She has plenty of company in academia, the media, and Hollywood.
Blacks who don’t bow down to the “woke” rulers are pilloried. Republican Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina has spoken out strongly against racial profiling from his own personal experience. But he chooses to be an individual with his own opinions rather than a cog in the black “collective.” As a result, he has been called Uncle Tom and far worse by the “woke” left.
On June 3rd, Senator Scott tweeted, “My heart is broken over the events of the last week, from the needless murder of #GeorgeFloyd, to the tragic death of retired St. Louis police captain #DavidDorn. When it comes to race and justice in this nation, solutions are needed now.” The senator tweeted on May 31st, “For those who believe that violence is a way to react, this is selfishness, and we do not tolerate this. Protest, be heard, be seen, and be peaceful. Stand for justice for #GeorgeFloyd, but please do it in order. How we conduct ourselves creates a path for the future.”
Senator Scott stands with the large mainstream of Americans of all races who are capable of distinguishing between peaceful protests decrying the brutal murder of George Floyd and acts of looting and destruction that serve no purpose but self-gratification. The “woke” progressives live in their own perpetual nightmare of an inherently evil, racist United States that is leading them to inflict destruction on our nation’s ordered liberty and the institutions that preserve it.
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Photo credit: Mstyslav Chernov/Unframe
‘God is Dead’: Leftist Rioters Vandalize Churches and Synagogues
“Clearly, he didn’t see the ‘Black Lives Matter’ banner in our window.”
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
The assault on St. John’s Episcopal Church by radicals and racists was the ugliest moment of the D.C. riots. Not only was the famous 204-year-old church, which every president since Madison has attended, sprayed with graffiti, but some of the thugs even tried to burn it down by starting a fire in its basement.
The attack and President Trump’s subsequent visit to the ‘Church of Presidents’ captured the attention of a nation. But what happened to St. John’s was not an aberration. The Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots have been associated with attacks on churches and synagogues across the United States.
The victims of New York City’s leftist riots included St. Patrick’s Cathedral as the venerable 142-year-old building was defaced with obscenities and the three letters BLM for Black Lives Matter, along with “George Floyd” and “No Justice, No Peace”.
In Richmond, Virginia, Beth Ahabah, a 225-year-old Reform Jewish congregation, had the windows in its grand 116-year-old building smashed by rioters. The building is now covered over with plywood. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, a 175-year-old building, also in Richmond, was defaced with graffiti. Finally, rioters in Richmond broke the windows of the West Broad Church of Christ, an African-American congregation. They left intact the one pane of glass reading, “Welcome”.
Some of the nationwide vandalism of churches and synagogues featured generic Black Lives Matter slogans, but some had hateful messages that were specifically targeted to the houses of worship.
The Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Denver, a 108-year-old building, was at the center of some of the local riots, including the hit-and-run of three Denver police officers, and suffered permanent damage. The walls were also vandalized with graffiti reading, “Pedofiles” and “God is dead”.
Some of the windows of the facility were broken and the gates were badly damaged.
In Los Angeles, Congregation Beth Israel’s walls were defaced with graffiti reading, “F___ Israel” and “Free Palestine”.
Elan Carr, the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, visited the synagogue, and stated, “This graffiti is yet more evidence that anti-Zionism is Antisemitism.”
The hateful messages that defaced the Denver cathedral and the Los Angeles synagogue were leftist in ideology. They also had nothing to do with racism or any of the imaginary causes of the riots. Instead they are evidence that the radicals are settling their pre-existing grudges with churches and synagogues.
The largest sustained burst of synagogue vandalism took place in Los Angeles. The Fairfax area, home to both leftist hipsters and traditionalist Orthodox Jews, was heavily targeted by the rioters who, in addition to looting stores, defaced multiple synagogues, including the aforementioned Congregation Beth Israel, Beit Medrash Kehilat Yaakov (Congregation of Jacob), the synagogue of Rabbi Gershon Bess, the most important Jewish religious leader in the city, as well as Congregation Tiferes Tzvi and the Young Israel of Hancock Park. Three religious schools, Bais Yaakov School for Girls, Bnos Devorah High School, and Ohr Eliyahu Academy, were also vandalized.
Rioters tried to deface the Shaarei Tefila (Gates of Prayer) synagogue in the area, but members of Magen Am, a security organization protecting houses of worship, whose instructors include former IDF and Navy SEAL members, protected the synagogue from being vandalized by the leftist rioters.
Some of the ugliest graffiti was reserved for the Baba Sale synagogue of Moroccan Jewish refugees named after the Rabbi who had helped lead Moroccan Jews out of the Muslim country and to Israel.
Not only did the racist thugs spray paint “BLM” on it, but also added, “f___ pigs” and “help minorities”.
The congregation, which had reopened, is now closed.
Some of the looting and violence came as Jews were celebrating the holiday of Shavuot, which commemorates the Ten Commandments being given by God to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai. Many Jewish store owners were unaware of the pogrom being carried out against their houses of worship and businesses. And there is at least some evidence that the pogromists were deliberately targeting Jews.
A local milliner reported cars driving down the street and screaming, “F___ Jews”.
Rioters also targeted Our Lady of Mt. Lebanon-St. Peter Cathedral, a Maronite Catholic church in Los Angeles. The 83-year-old cathedral is also home to a middle eastern refugee congregation. And the Black Lives Matter bigots reminded them of the persecution that they had fled by scrawling, “Kill All Cops” and “Make America Pay for its Crimes Against Black Lives” on its iconic exterior.
In Dallas, the Saint Jude Chapel in Downtown Dallas had its windows smashed in with rocks.
“They probably didn’t even know this was a church. And that’s just some glass. Who cares,” Father Jonathan Austin insisted. “I’m with them 100 percent.”
While the Saint Jude doesn’t quite look like a traditional church, the words, “Saint Jude Catholic Chapel” above its entrance are very clear and impossible to miss.
The Cathedral of the Assumption, the fourth oldest building in Louisville, and the third oldest Catholic Cathedral in regular use in this country, suffered damage when rioters shattered the windows of its rectory. The historic building’s facade is now covered with plywood boards.
In Santa Rosa, a window in the Unitarian Universalist Congregation was smashed in.
“Clearly, he didn’t see the ‘Black Lives Matter’ banner in our window,” Rev. Chris Bell complained.
One of the more serious radical attacks on houses of worship took place in Little Rock, Arkansas when a fire at the Lewis Street Church of Christ burned through the roof.
In Minneapolis, where all the hate and rage began, the 106-year-old Basilica of Saint Mary, the first basilica in the country, suffered fire damage when a fire was started under a pew.
And in St. Paul, the Church of St. Mark was tagged with graffiti.
There are also reports that numerous other churches and synagogues have been defaced.
While the media has tried to pretend that the assault on St. John’s Episcopal Church was an accident or an aberration, the sheer number of incidents from New York City to Los Angeles make it clear that the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots displayed a nationwide pattern of targeting houses of worship.
These attacks tried to destroy the physical symbols of faith and to demoralize people of faith.
That is what the Left has always done.
The Left infiltrates churches and synagogues, but it is its own religion. Its faith is not directed toward any power higher than government, its prayers are uttered in regulations and academic papers, its theology is practiced by smashing glass and shattering doors, and churches and synagogues have always been its targets. When its stormtroopers are loosed in the streets, they go to war against those who believe.
What happened in Washington D.C., in Los Angeles, in New York City, in Minneapolis, and in cities across America, was the latest expression of the hatred of the radicals and racists for any other belief system.
There is an inquisition in America today. And it punishes heresies, such as proclaiming that all lives matter, or believing in anything other than social justice, with social pressure, loss of work, and force.
What the theorists who would be gods hate above all else is those who reject them and believe in God.
The Left Owns The Riots
Starting fires for decades — now the country is burning.
It’s fitting that so many Democratic governors and other swamp creatures (the Pelosi from the Leftist Lagoon) are bashing Trump and rationalizing the coast-to-coast violence that seems almost demonic.
For the Democratic Party, these riots have been a project long in the works.
The rioting has two components – the rage-filled savages who are burning and looting for the insane joy of destruction, and the left’s brownshirts, who are taking advantage of the chaos to bring down what they call the system. The fingerprints of the Party of Plunder/Party of Treason are all over both.
Starting in the 1960s with the Great Society, the Democrats destroyed the black family. Instead of welfare going to families, it went to single mothers. You get more of what you subsidize. Back then, the out-of-wedlock birth rate was 3% for whites and 23% among blacks. Today, it’s 28% and 73% respectively. In some inner cities, it’s as high as 90%.
Boys raised without fathers, especially in decaying neighborhoods, often grow up to be angry, bitter young men – the type who beat helpless strangers, watch stores and homes burn, and dance around the flames.
The Democrats have nurtured this for decades. They can see no connection between single-parent families and all of the pathologies (crime, drug abuse, joblessness, early sexual activity) that afflict inner cities.
Almost as bad is the sense of entitlement Democrats have cultivated among those they consider their core constituency.
Whatever your problems, you’re not to blame, they tell impressionable young men. You have no responsibility for your condition (substance abuse, failure to find meaningful work, poverty). It’s all due to institutional racism, the “legacy or slavery and segregation,” police brutality, and the “white man’s culture.” As the presumptive Democratic nominee said on Tuesday, upon finally emerging from the Biden Bunker, “The black community has had a knee on its neck for too long.”
Now, rioters are taking the opportunity to strike back against their oppressors (like Korean grocery store owners and ATMs) by stealing, burning, looting, and stomping.
Still, Democrats tell them, it’s not your fault. It’s those damned, racist Republicans, white supremacists, Confederate war memorials, and FOX News. That this only increases the sense of alienation that’s endemic to the black community is irrelevant to those who claim to be its champions.
Antifa and other radical groups hellbent on tearing down civilization are products of the anti-Americanism, and an ethic that condones violence, that pervade what used to be the party of FDR and JFK.
From public school indoctrination to college groupthink, Democrats and their academic cadre have taught millennials that America was founded on genocide, nurtured on slavery, and grew to greatness through exploitation and subjugation — that we’re responsible for most of the wars of the past hundred years and generally are a blight on humanity.
The man who mentored our last Democrat President is a case in point. The Rev. Jeremiah Wright – 9/11 was “the chickens coming home to roost” and “God damn America” – has enough hatred in his carcass to fuel an Antifa convention.
Democrats have also taught the nihilists surging in our streets that it’s perfectly acceptable — in fact, preferable — to shout down, harass and assault reactionaries. The skills Antifa thugs learned at colleges and universities they’ve applied to the current insurrection.
Viktor Frankenstein tried to kill his creature. The Democrats adore theirs. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said he was proud of his daughter, Chiara, for joining a Midtown mob throwing projectiles at the police. His response to the mayhem rocking Gotham was so bizarre that Governor Cuomo, a fellow Democrat, threatened to have him replaced.
When asked for her thoughts on the violence which just destroyed Newberry Street (Boston’s upscale shopping district), Massachusetts Attorney General Mura Healey said burning is “how forests grow.” I’m sure those who spent years collecting the kindling appreciate those sentiments.
New York State’s Attorney General Letitia James says she’ll investigate the police. First, she’ll have to keep her knee from jerking.
At the 2020 Democrat Nominating Convention, the looters, wrecking crew and goon squad that have spent several days making a hell of the lives of ordinary Americans, should be brought to the stage so Biden can embrace them – like a proud father showing off his sons.
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Photo credit: Cantfightthetendies on Flickr
5. Ό,τι ακριβώς σας γράφαμε για τις σχέσεις ΜΕΡΚΕΛ ΚΑΙ ΑΦΕΝΤΙΚΩΝ ΤΗΣ “ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΕΒΡΑΙΩΝ”, με τους Ισραηλινούς και την Κ-Β Β. ΝΕΤΑΝΙΑΧΟΥ.
Israel – And The Sordid Side of Germany’s Moral Responsibility
It’s transparently clear whose side Germany is on.
The Israeli daily Ha’aretz reported on May 19, 2020 that “Germany and the Palestinian Authority (PA) released a joint statement expressing ‘grave concern’ over Israel’s declared intention to begin annexing parts of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. The same German government has ignored Israel’s legal rights in Judea and Samaria and imposed Nazi-like sanctions on Israeli products from these Jewish communities.
Germany has been on the side of Israel’s enemies time and again. Germany was a partner in the 2015 flawed Iran nuclear deal, which Israel vehemently opposed, charging that it gave the radical Islamic Republic a clear path to a nuclear bomb. Germany has also been Iran’s major trading partner, and a leader in thwarting the U.S. imposed sanctions on the ayatollah’s dictatorship. The Iranian regime has repeatedly threatened to “wipe the Jewish state off the map.”
Germany is also opposed to the Trump administrations “deal of the century” Middle East peace plan, which Israel overwhelmingly supports. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, complained that the Trump plan required a “balanced approach.” He stated that, “Only a negotiated two-state solution acceptable to both sides can lead to a lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.” In his apparent pro-Palestinian bias, Maas clearly ignored Mahmoud Abbas’ (Palestinian Authority President) repeated rejections of Israel’s peace proposals, including the 2008 generous peace offer by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s repeated invitations to Abbas to come to the negotiating table. Abbas also rejected the Trump peace plan even before it was presented.
Germans are guilty of perpetrating the greatest crime in history, the industrial liquidation of European Jewry, known as the Holocaust. Germany’s history, moreover, is replete with antisemitic violence against Jews. Whether during the crusades, or the ‘hep hep’ pogroms against the Jews throughout Germany in 1819, ostensibly aimed against Jewish emancipation. Germany has been, throughout history, a leading source of antisemitism and anti-Jewish racism. Today, with the memory of the Holocaust still fresh, German hostility to the Jewish state, although hidden from view, is alive and well in Germany’s Foreign Ministry, and it is reflected in its major policies.
The German Foreign Ministry is working behind the scenes to delegitimize Israel by funding Non-Governmental Agencies (NGO’s) that work openly do that job. At the same time, the German Foreign Ministry unknowingly or intentionally is damaging the relationship between Germany and Israel. All this is done while official Berlin is releasing declarations about Germany’s moral obligations to the Jewish state.
This dichotomy is perhaps a symptom of Germany’s latent antisemitism on one hand, and its efforts to re-brand itself as a new Germany, to redeem itself from its sordid past. German society has never truly confronted its antisemitism in the post war era. Contemporary Germans have a ready excuse that they have atoned for the Holocaust by restoring synagogues, (which they burned and destroyed in 1938 during the Kristallnacht pogroms) and built memorials for the dead Jews (that they are responsible for killing). Antisemitism is, however, pervasive throughout German society. For more than 20 years after WWII, about 100 former members of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party held high ranking positions in the West German Justice Ministry.
A recent study which reviewed former Justice Ministry personnel files, showed that the prevalence of former Nazi officials in the Justice Ministry allowed them to shield one another from post-war justice. Some of these former Nazi officials took part in the murderous violence known as Kristallnacht. The presence of many Nazis in the post-war German administration created a sense of denial about Nazi crimes. For many Germans, the Nuremberg Trials were merely a kind of “victors justice,” and not Nazi Germany barbarism and genocide. Germans today, to repress their guilt for the Holocaust, are practicing what amounts to a “secondary antisemitism.” They resent living Jews for reminding them of their guilt. They have assumed the role of victim, with the Jews being their victimizer. Hilda Walter, a German Jewish journalist quipped that “It seems the Germans will never forgive us for Auschwitz.”
These days, while the German government expresses concern over growing antisemitism in Germany, it is funding antisemitic NGO’s. According to NGO-Monitor, “Officially, German funding is aimed at combatting poverty, securing food, establishing peace, democracy and human rights…However, German federal funding is allocated to, among others, organizations that promote anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions), lawfare campaigns, anti-Zionism, a one-state vision, antisemitism, and violence.”
The vehicle to disburse funding to Israel’s enemies is the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The BMZ is the primary federal authority managing German development policy. With a budget of 10.2 billion euros (2019), the BMZ provided the Palestinian territories with 85.7 million Euros in 2016. German government generosity includes the Applied Research Institute Jerusalem (ARIJ), a leading group engaged in political warfare against Israel. It is promoting BDS, and regularly levels false accusations of Israeli apartheid and racism, and support for a Palestinian “right of return,” which is inimical to a two-state solution. Miftah is another Palestinian organization funded by German government largesse. This group promotes resistance against Israel, which means terror attacks. It regularly accuses Israel of perpetrating “massacres,” cultural genocide, war crimes, and apartheid.
The German Foreign Ministry’s particularly harmful action has been the subversion of the Germany-Israel Friendship Association, which was formed in 1966 (a year after diplomatic relations were established between the two countries). The Association has 50 branches across Germany and between 5,000-6,000 members. The Association was, from the start, an a-political body supported by all German political parties, aimed to express their commitment to Israel. To expand its activities, the Association sought and received funding from the German government, and it has received 500,000 Euros annually, which is disbursed by the German Foreign Ministry.
The German government financial aid to the Association is not without a price. The Foreign Ministry used the aid to subjugate the Association to its policies, which often times contradicts Germany’s alleged commitment to Israel’s security. The same Foreign Ministry regularly votes against Israel in international bodies, including the UN.
The Association Board of Directors was ordered by the Foreign Ministry to immediately cease dealing with issues pertaining to UNWRA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency). Germany is the top donor to this agency specifically devoted to the Palestinians, and to no other refugees. UNRWA, as an organization, is committed to the destruction of the Jewish state by serving as an incubator for Palestinian terrorists. The Association was instructed to focus only on cultural activities affiliated with a particular political camp – the Israeli left.
In what amounts to a sharp blow to pro-Israel activities in Germany, the German Foreign Ministry announced that it is curtailing its financial support from a project used by the Association in conjunction with pro-Israel groups called “Days of Israel,” which are held around Israel’s Independence Day. “Days of Israel” activities take place in major German cities and towns. It includes speeches, performances, movies, and information booths that promote Israel. It is apparent that the biased German Foreign Ministry resents the pro-Israel message that the “Days of Israel” represents. They would rather have the Association present more “balanced” programs.
Young members of the Association on Study Tours to Israel were instructed by the German Foreign Ministry to avoid civic organizations associated with the political Right. They were especially warned not to meet with Jewish “settlers.” They were however, encouraged to meet with radical Leftist organizations.
It is becoming increasingly clear whose side Germany is on.
Democrats at War
A major party joins the enemy.
[David Horowitz is the author of Blitz: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win, which was released yesterday, June 2, by Humanix Books: Order Here.]
The Democrat Party is at war with America. That is the clear message of the Democrats’ responses to the crises that have engulfed our nation over the last six months, made our streets war zones, and destroyed the small business communities that are the life blood of our system. When the country was attacked by a deadly virus from China in January, the Democrats’ attacked the president’s efforts to stop it at the border, then blamed him for the 100,000 deaths that followed. Yet Democrat governors controlled the health systems of every major center of the covid19 devastation and were 100% responsible for any policies that failed.
When the president attempted to re-open the economy in May, Democrat governors and mayors issued draconian orders to arrest individuals violating their “social distancing” injunctions by strolling in parks, lounging on beaches and – worst of all – attempting to revive their barbershops and salons. As a direct consequence of these imposed shutdowns forty million Americans lost their jobs. To many of us, the Democrats’ purpose was clear: to depress the economy and blame the consequences on the president. This became the incessant theme of their political utterances and ads.
Yet these seditious Democrat attacks on the commander-in-chief in the midst of the war against an invisible enemy maintained a cover of plausibility because of the uncertainties surrounding the virus and how it was spread. This mask was dropped when a civil insurrection erupted in the wake of the horrific police murder of George Floyd. In its wake America’s streets were filled with massive crowds of protesters and as it turned out domestic terrorists. These terrorists, led by the communist organization Antifa used the protests as a cover for violent and hate-filled attacks on ordinary citizens and their businesses. As these attacks escalated into the torching of city centers and the devastation of poor communities, the hypocrisies of Democrats and their true agendas became inescapably clear.
Virtually all the mayhem was centered in Democrat-controlled states and cities. The same mayors who had jailed local business people and ordinary citizens for congregating in groups of more than ten were utterly silent as crowds of thousands formed to tear their cities apart. Meanwhile not a single word was uttered, not a single arrest made, by these same Democrat governors and mayors to prevent the protesters and rioters from violating the social distancing ordinances they had used to close churches and houses of worship the week before. While stores, apartment buildings and even police stations were torched by violent radicals, while ordinary citizens were being terrorized, Democrat governors were reluctant to call out their national guards and nip the riots in the bud.
This reluctance became active resistance when they defied the president’s appeals to them to take every measure necessary to stop the the terrorists in their tracks and restore law and order to our cities. One of the most frightening sights amidst all the mayhem was the direct threat the street terrorists posed to the White House. Thousands of rioters and protesters gathered in front of the White House.
What were the protesters doing at the White House in the first place? The president had condemned the murder of George Floyd and called his family immediately after the event. There wasn’t a politician or public figure in the entire nation who was defending the killer cop. Why were these crowds menacing the White House and attacking the secret service – fifty of whose members had already been injured by their violent assaults? Every night for the preceding week, the “peaceful protest” had turned into violent attacks on law enforcement and the surrounding area. And night after night the Democrat mayor of Washington failed to provide the security necessary to make the street in front of the White House a safe place for the members of our government, including the president.
On Sunday May 31, the mob in front of the White House set fire to the 200-year-old St. John’s church. Fed up with the support that Democrat governors and mayors were giving to the insurrection and the violence, the president decided on a bold step. On Monday June 1, he massed overwhelming numbers of the national guard, and demanded an early curfew planning to clear the streets and demonstrate to the seditious governors and mayors what they needed to do. The national guard drove the angry mob – protesters and terrorists – away from the White House and then the president and key members of his cabinet walked over to the church.
Every American who cares for their country and its president, who was watching this walk, held their breath, uncertain as to whether the president and his cabinet would be attacked and possibly assassinated, as so many public figures on the left had already advocated. Yet no sooner had the walk been completed than CNN and the Democrat media were mocking the president and creating the Democrats’ new talking point: Trump had ordered the national guard to use tear gas to attack a group of peaceful protesters in order to feed his narcissism for a photo-op. As if Donald Trump needed a photo op, and as if the peaceful protesters across the country had not systematically provided cover for the black clad Antifa terrorists wreaking havoc on the country. As if the need to use tear gas did not expose the menace posed by a crowd that was ready to violate a curfew in front of the White House and resist the representatives of law enforcement who had asked them three times to leave.
Along with Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the Democrat mayor of Washington DC, Senator Elizabeth Warren condemned the president’s action, summing up the party line: “The President of the United States tear-gassed peaceful protestors in order to clear the way for a useless photo-op outside the White House—just after vowing to activate the military against our own people. Lives and our democracy are in danger.” Lives and our democracy are definitely in danger. But the danger comes from a Democrat Party that is at war with their country and willing to aid and abet a terrorist force, Antifa, whose clearly stated purpose is the destruction of the country.
Trump Says Antifa Is a Terror Organization
And he’s right.
President Trump tweeted Sunday that the United States will designate Antifa, which has been active in organizing the horrific riots that have mushroomed in the wake of George Floyd’s recent death in Minneapolis, as a terrorist organization. But in reporting this story, most media outlets have taken very obvious pains to suggest that the president is unjustified in doing this. CNN’s assessment is representative of the tenor of most media accounts:
Current and former government officials say it would be unconstitutional for the US government to proscribe First Amendment-protected activity inside the US based on simple ideology…. [The name] Antifa … describes a broad group of people whose political beliefs lean toward the left — often the far left — but do not conform with the Democratic Party platform. Antifa positions can be hard to define, but many members support oppressed populations and protest the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites. Some employ radical or militant tactics to get out their messages.
In a similar vein, The New York Times describes Antifa as “a diffuse movement of left-wing protesters who engage in more aggressive techniques like vandalism.”
Now that you’ve tasted these two doses of useless pablum, here’s what you actually need to know about Antifa:
Antifa is a revolutionary Marxist/anarchist militia movement that has gained prominence in recent years as a decentralized army seeking to bring down the United States by means of violence, intimidation, and terror. A September 2017 report in The Atlantic noted that Antifa had already fomented “a level of sustained political street warfare not seen in the U.S. since the 1960s.”
The name “Antifa” is a shortened form of the term “antifacist,” and the movement’s adherents are sometimes seen waving the red-and-black flag of anarcho-communism. The website ItsGoingDown.org, which serves as a newsblog for Antifa, says that “in the U.S., most [anti-fascist] activists are anarchist, although a few are Maoist or anti-state Marxists” ― while “in other countries, the movement is predominately Marxist.” The U.S.-based anarchists of Antifa typically denounce not only the capitalist economic system, but the institution of government itself. And they explicitly advocate and encourage the use of violence to undermine and destroy both.
It is vital to understand that in Antifa’s calculus, the term “fascist” does not describe solely Klansmen and neo-Nazis, who constitute nothing more than a small, impotent, universally despised contingent of fringe lunatics. Instead, Antifa attaches the term to anyone who holds conservative values. This means people who believe in: (a) the notion that American traditions are worthy of respect and protection; (b) tolerance of opposing viewpoints in the marketplace of ideas; (c) individual rights and responsibilities (as opposed to group rights and identity politics); (d) limited government; and (e) free enterprise and private property rights. Antifa rhetoric routinely conflates actual fascists on the one hand, with thoughtful, respectable conservatives on the other.
The organizer of ItsGoingDown.org notes that leftists in “the anarchist movement” are “excited” about “looking for alternatives outside of party structures.” In other words, traditional political processes are too mild to accomplish anything of consequence; violence is the only real answer.
At a rally in Berkeley, California, a large group of Antifa Marxists and anarchists candidly gave voice to their desire to permanently wipe the United States off the face of the earth. Conveying their rejection of President Donald Trump’s proposed construction of a border wall, the protesters repeatedly chanted the war cry: “No Trump, No Wall, No USA at All!”
Because Antifa rejects the legitimacy of America’s very existence, the movement likewise contends, by logical extension, that the people who are entrusted with protecting and preserving the nation’s civil society are illegitimate as well. Thus, it firmly instructs activists to “build a culture of non-cooperation with law enforcement.”
Antifa and its allies exhort their followers to make the United States “ungovernable” by engaging in “mass insurrection,” “mass resistance,” and “all manner of physical violence” against supporters of President Trump, capitalists, and so-called “conservative fascists.”
A Philadelphia-based Antifa cell cell known as the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) openly advocates armed violence against “fascists” and police officers. Toward that end, RAM trains its members and allies by means of workshops bearing titles like “Introduction to Anarchism” and “Our Enemies in Blue.”
Central to RAM’s long-term objective is the forcible theft and redistribution of property. “To begin the revolutionary process,” RAM explains, “goods, land, and tools must be expropriated, or taken away from those who withhold them,” and then must be “shared with those who lack them.”
Andy Ngo — an openly gay, conservative journalist of Vietnamese heritage who is well acquainted with Antifa’s agendas and tactics — said the following in a July 2019 interview:
Their [Antifa’s] stated goal, they’re quite open about it…. [It] is revolution and it’s, in particular, their political ideology is anarcho-communism. So some are more anarchist than others. Some are more communists than others. They believe that the United States is an irredeemable country, literally irredeemable. And the targeting of police as well as border enforcement as well as even the concept of sovereignty is all strategic toward their goal.
So you see, contrary to the mealy-mouthed “analyses” by CNN and The New York Times, Antifa’s positions are not at all “hard to define.” Antifa very openly and very proudly advocates Marxism, anarchism, violent revolution, and the permanent destruction of America. What’s so “hard to define” about that?
The Truth About Police Violence and Race
Debunking the lies that justify rage and riots.
America is always just one George Floyd away from erupting into chaos. That’s what has been made clear by the violent riots that turned Minneapolis and a number of other cities into war zones following Floyd’s death last Monday. The video footage of white police officer Derek Chauvin pressing his knee against the neck of a prostrate, handcuffed Mr. Floyd, is disturbing in the extreme. And indeed, it has been universally condemned by people along every point of the political spectrum. Chauvin has since been arrested and charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. Meanwhile, the three fellow officers who were with him at the scene have been fired from their jobs, and Floyd’s death is now being investigated by the FBI and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. In short, the justice system is dealing with the matter in exactly the way that it should.
But the vital question we must address is this: Why is America always just one George Floyd away from anarchy? After all, outside of Paradise there will never exist a place where there won’t occasionally be George Floyds – white, black, and every other color – who lose their lives needlessly and unjustifiably. It’s called the human condition, and it’s been around for a very long time.
Surely we can rage against that, as we may rage against any moral wrong. But what we have witnessed in the wake of Mr. Floyd’s death is a rage directed not against a particular bad actor, but against what is perceived as an intransigent, generalized, all-pervasive evil. The angry mobs ravaging Minneapolis and other cities would have us believe that they are merely effecting a last-resort response to the fact that police abuse of blacks is an ongoing, all-too-common phenomenon throughout the United States. Desperate people must resort to desperate measures, they claim, when trying to shine the light of truth onto a dark reality. As one black protester told a reporter: “Nobody gives a f–k about us. OK? Unless we get violent. Y’all care about the s–t getting burned down, but what about when the KKK burning our s–t down?”
The American left, by and large, dutifully embraces this perspective, as evidenced by the many high-profile figures – white and black alike – who have written and spoken passionately about the George Floyd incident in social-media posts and elsewhere. Some examples:
- Minnesota Democratic senator Amy Klobuchar decried Floyd’s death as “yet another horrifying and gutwrenching instance of an African American man dying.”
- Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said that the incident had “ripped open anew this ugly underbelly of our society.”
- Basketball star Lebron James posted side-by-side photographs of Officer Chavin with his knee on George Floyd’s neck, and former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick kneeling during a pre-game national anthem as a gesture of protest against police brutality and racial injustice. James added the caption: “This … … Is Why. Do you understand NOW!!??!!?? Or is it still blurred to you?? #StayWoke.”
- Basketball Hall-of-Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote in an op-ed: “Just as the slimy underbelly of institutional racism is being exposed, it feels like hunting season is open on blacks…. Racism in America is … everywhere.”
- Filmmaker Ava DuVernay, who produced the 2019 Netflix series When They See Us, which whitewashed the 1989 atrocities of the so-called “Central Park Five,” tweeted: “You [George Floyd] deserved your breath, your dignity, your life. Not to die in the street, murdered by a white cop’s knee on your neck. You deserve our tears, our prayers, our rage, our action.”
- Actress and producer Viola Davis lamented: “This is what it means to be Black in America. Tried. Convicted. Killed for being Black. We are dictated by hundreds of years of policies that have restricted our very existence and still have to continue to face modern day lynchings.”
- Actor/producer John Boyega tweeted: “This just burns. Seems to be a never ending cycle.”
- Model and actress Naomi Campbell wrote: “I don’t have the words. I’m sick and tired of this, tired of being sad about our people dying needlessly. Harassed and humiliated in these challenging times, I thought we could come to together, but it seems like this Coronavirus has bought out more racism in a major way.”
- Singer Demi Lovato tweeted: “This is not okay. And it will not stop until everyone does their part. Especially white people…. [U]ntil this STOPS COMPLETELY – THE BLACK COMMUNITY WILL CONTINUE TO LIVE IN DANGER.”
- A Washington Post opinion piece framed Mr. Floyd’s death as “yet another reminder of how black people are killed by law enforcement in disproportionately high numbers.”
The singular theme that runs through every one of the statements cited above – and serves as the subtext of the riots and street protests – is the perception that what happened to George Floyd is emblematic of the type of brutality that police in America routinely, selectively, and disproportionately inflict upon black people. Thus, the vital question we must answer is whether or not that perception is founded in truth, or in fiction.
Over the course of many years, mountains of empirical evidence regarding this subject have been accumulated.
Some of the most comprehensive information we have comes from a 2001 Bureau of Justice Statistics report examining incidents where police in the United States used deadly force to kill criminal suspects between 1976 and 1998. During that 23-year span, 42% of all suspects killed by police were black – a figure that comported precisely with the percentage of violent crimes committed by African Americans during that same period. This is enormously significant because we would expect that in police forces not plagued by systemic racism, officers would shoot suspects of various racial or ethnic backgrounds at rates closely resembling their respective involvement in the types of serious crimes most likely to elicit the use of force by police. And indeed, that is exactly what the evidence shows.
Moreover, in nearly two-thirds of all justifiable homicides by police during 1976-98, the officer’s race and the suspect’s race were the same. When a white or Hispanic officer killed a suspect, that suspect was usually (63% of the time) white or Hispanic as well. And when a black officer killed a suspect, that suspect was usually black (81% of the time).
How about the rate at which officers killed suspects of other racial or ethnic backgrounds? In 1998, the “black-officer-kills-black-felon” rate was 32 per 100,000 black officers, more than double the rate at which white and Hispanic officers killed black felons (14 per 100,000). That same year, the rate at which white and Hispanic officers killed white or Hispanic felons (28 per 100,000) was much higher than the “black-officer-kills-white-or-Hispanic-felon” rate of 11 per 100,000.
In 1999, criminologists Geoffrey Alpert and Roger Dunham confirmed once again that police officers were more likely to use force against suspects of their own racial group, than against suspects from another racial group.
A 2011 Bureau of Justice Statistics study which covered the period from 2003 to 2009 sheds further light on the issue of police use of force against people of various racial and ethnic backgrounds. Of all suspects who are known to have been killed by police during that 7-year time frame, 41.7% were white, 31.7% were black, and 20.3% were Hispanic. It is also worth noting that during the 2003-2009 period—when blacks were 31.7% of all suspects killed by an officer—blacks accounted for about 38.5% of all arrests for violent crimes, which are the types of crimes most likely to trigger potentially deadly confrontations with police. These numbers do not in any way suggest a lack of restraint by police in their dealings with black suspects. On the contrary, they strongly suggest exactly the opposite.[1]
In 2015, a Justice Department study of the Philadelphia Police Department found that black officers were 67 percent more likely than their white colleagues to mistakenly shoot an unarmed black suspect, and Hispanic officers were 145 percent more likely to do the same. That same year, a study of the New York Police Department by criminology professor Greg Ridgeway found that black officers were 3.3 times more likely than their white peers to discharge their guns in the course of their work. So much for the notion of trigger-happy white cops.
In any given year, a mere 0.6 percent of black men report that physical force of any kind – including mild actions like pushing and grabbing – is used against them by the police. The corresponding figure for white men is approximately 0.2 percent. Though both figures are infinitesimally small, critics of the police are quick to complain that the figure for blacks is three times higher than the figure for whites. But as National Review points out, that disparity is fully accounted for by the fact that “black men commit violent crimes at much higher rates than white men,” as evidenced by data from the annual National Crime Victimization Survey.
Moreover, the available data indicate that a mere 0.08 percent of black men and white men alike are injured by police in any given year. This figure includes injuries sustained as a result of police actions that are legally justified, and often necessary, in order to thwart criminal behavior.
In a 2018 working paper titled “An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force,” Harvard economist Roland Fryer, who is African American, reported that police officers in Houston were nearly 24 percent less likely to shoot black suspects than white suspects. In a separate analysis of officer shootings in three Texas cities, six Florida counties, and the city of Los Angeles, Fryer found that: (a) officers were 47 percent less likely to discharge their weapon without first being attacked if the suspect was black, than if the suspect was white; (b) black and white individuals shot by police were equally likely to have been armed at the time of the shootings; (c) white officers were no more likely to shoot unarmed blacks than unarmed whites; (d) black officers were more likely to shoot unarmed whites than unarmed blacks; and (e) black officers were more likely than white officers to shoot unarmed whites. There is no evidence of anti-black racism in any of these findings, though some of them do seem to suggest an anti-white bias.
A 2019 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that white officers are no more likely than black or Hispanic officers to shoot black civilians. “In fact,” writes Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald, the study found that “if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians.” Specifically, Mac Donald adds, the authors of the study compiled a database of 917 officer-involved fatal shootings in 2015 and found that 55 percent of the victims were white, 27 percent were black, and 19 percent were Hispanic.
Each and every year, without exception, whites who are shot and killed by police officers in the U.S. far outnumber blacks and Hispanics who meet that same fate. In 2017, for instance, 457 whites, 223 blacks, and 179 Hispanics were killed by police officers in the line of duty. In 2018, the corresponding figures were 399 whites, 209 blacks, and 148 Hispanics. And in 2019, the totals were 370 whites, 235 blacks, and 158 Hispanics. There is not a hint of racism anywhere in these figures.
When we compare black rates of violent crime, with the rate at which blacks are shot and killed by police officers, we find that blacks are represented among those shooting victims at rates significantly lower than we would normally expect. For example, in 2017, blacks were just 23.6% of all people shot dead by police, even though they were arrested for 37.5% of all violent crimes. The following year, blacks were 26.3% of those fatally shot by police, even as they were arrested for fully 37.4% of violent crimes.
According to Heather Mac Donald: “The per capita rate of officers being feloniously killed is 45 times higher than the rate at which unarmed black males are killed by cops. And an officer’s chance of getting killed by a black assailant is 18.5 times higher than the chance of an unarmed black getting killed by a cop.”
In sum, there is a veritable Everest of evidence demolishing the fake, phony, fraudulent narrative of systemic police abuse aimed at African Americans. But the one trait that the raging rioters, the fervid protesters, the sanctimonious civil-rights leaders, and the preening celebrity tweeters all have in common, is their deep and abiding commitment to their own righteous rage. They very much want – and very much need – to believe that police brutality against black Americans is widespread and systemic. And they reflexively, indignantly rebel against any suggestion to the contrary, as though the foundational dogma of their holy faith were being called into question by blasphemous heretics.
But in the final analysis, they are all quite full of it. No matter how deeply their hearts may be seared by grief in response to the latest unnecessary loss of an innocent life, and no matter how organic may be the wellspring of the tears that now moisten their eyes, the pained and pious countenances that they dutifully bear cannot transform their lies into truth.
It is possible, you know, to do two reasonable things at once. That is, one can be outraged by the injustice that was done to George Floyd, without falsely portraying it as a microcosm of systemic racism by police officers across America. It is nothing of the kind.
[1] The annual violent-crime arrest statistics for 2003-2009, broken down by race, can be found here: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009.
(Εξελληνισμένο Ονοματεπώνυμο του Εβραϊκής καταγωγής Ελιά ΜΟΣΙΑΛ)
Erdoğan’dan Babacan ve Davutoğlu’nun partileriyle ilgili ilk değerlendirme
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Ali Babacan ve Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun yeni kurulan partileriyle ilgili ilk kez değerlendirme yaptı. Hürriyet gazetesi yazarı Selvi, Erdoğan’ın, “Ölü doğdular. Onlarla meşgul olmayın. Onları Ademe (yokluğa) mahkûm edin. Zaten CHP’ye yakın olmak onlar açısından en büyük ayıptır” dediğini yazdı.
Koronavirüs nedeniyle Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın videokonferans yöntemiyle katıldığı AK Parti MYK toplantısı uzun bir aradan sonra dün ilk kez Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın başkanlığında yapıldı. MYK üyelerine bir gün önce Covid-19 testi yapılırken, toplantı sırasında maske ve sosyal mesafeye dikkat edildi. Toplantıda Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın önemli mesajlar verdiği öğrenildi.
Erdoğan’ın AK Parti’den ayrılan Ali Babacan ve Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun kurduğu partiler hakkında ilk kez değerlendirme yaptığı öğrenildi. Erdoğan’ın, DEVA ve Gelecek Partileri’nin ismini vermeden, “Ölü doğdular. Onlarla meşgul olmayın. Onları Ademe (yokluğa) mahkûm edin. Zaten CHP’ye yakın olmak onlar açısından en büyük ayıptır” dediği ifade edildi.
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın milletvekili transferini önlemeye dönük yasa değişikliğine de değindiği öğrenildi. Erdoğan’ın “Asla bu transferlerle ilgili değil, siyasi ahlakla ilgiliyiz. Siyasi Partiler Yasası ve Seçim Yasası üzerinde bir çalışma yapalım. Sonra bu çalışmayı değerlendiririz” dediği kaydedildi. Milletvekili transferi tartışmaları, CHP Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’nun yeni kurulan DEVA ve Gelecek partileri seçime sokulmadıkları takdirde İYİ Parti’ye yaptıkları gibi milletvekili desteği verebilecekleri yönündeki açıklamaları üzerine başlamıştı. MHP Genel Başkanı Devlet Bahçeli ise milletvekili transferinin engellenmesi ve seçim barajını da içine alan yasa değişikliklerinin yapılması yönünde önerilerde bulunmuştu.
1453 İstanbul Ruhu ve Bizansoğulları
Batının ülkemizdeki uzantıları yerli münafıklarda Don Kişot’un aklı ve onun saftrik Sancho Panza’sunun basireti kadar basiret yok. ‘’Zulüm, 1453’ te başlamıştır’’ diyen Bizans soyluların İstanbul her zaman bir Fatih ruhu ve bilinciyle batı emperyalistlerine ve işgalcilerine karşı direndiğini ve tarih boyu olduğu gibi şimdi de dimdik ayakta hep direneceğini bilmiyor gibiler.
İstanbul’un ruhu Kazan’dan Yemen’e, Çin Seddi’nden Atlas Okyanusuna kadar tüm Asyayı, Avrupayı ve Afrikayı kuşattığını Türkiye’nin ve coğrafyamızın bütün kimliğini temsil ettiğini iyi biliyorlar. İstanbul kalesi düşünce Türkiye düşer, Orta Asya, Balkanlar, Kafkaslar, Ortadoğu ve Afrika kaleleri düşer. Şam’ın, Bağdat’ın, Kahiren’in, İslamabat’ın, Daruselam’ın, Tarblus’un, Hartum’un, Dakkan’ın, Tunus’un, Cezayir’in, Rabat’ın boynu bükülür.
Aşkabad, Bişkek, Almaata, Kazan, Kırım, Mohaçkale, Duşembe, Bakü, Tebriz başlar yeniden ’’ Çırpınırdın Karadeniz bakıp Türkün bayrağına, Ah ölmeden bir görseydim düşebilsem ayağına’’ diye ağlamaya, gözyaşı dökmeye başlar. İstanbul bunun için hep kem gözlerin hedefidir.
İstanbul bizim için canımız içinde candır, gönül köşkümüzde canandır, kalbimizdeki yardır yarendir, dağ gibi sırtımızı yasladığımız anamız ve babamızdır. Ona saldıran diller ve uzanan eller tüm mahremimize ve İslam alemine saldırır. İstanbul bizim imanımızın, İslamımızın, Kur-an’ımın, rüyalarımızın, hayallerimizin, aşklarımızın, sevdalarımızın ve davamızın Başkentidir.Onun için bizim gözümüzde şehirlerin anası, şehirlerin şehri, Başkentler başkentidir .
Bizans kaybetmeye 1071 de Malazgirt’te, 1453 de İstanbul’u kaybedince de yok olmaya başladı. İstanbul’u kaybeden bir millet namusunu, şerefini, ahlakını, kültürünü, dinini medeniyetini yani, tüm kimlik ve kişiliğini kaybetmiş demektir. Bizans’ın kaybedince tarih sahnesinden silinip gittiği gibi.
‘’Zulüm, 1453’te başlamıştır’’ diyen Bizans’ın çocukları ‘’Nasreddin Hoca’nın bodrumda kaybettiğin iğnesini sokakta aradığı’’ gibi yitik ülkelerini kin ve öfkelerinin, nefret ve düşmanlıklarının kadavralarında aramaya devam etsinler. Bu ülkenin her karış toprağında, bu milletin yüreğinde hala Kılıçaslan, Nureddin Zengi, Selahaddin Eyyubi ruhunun yaşadığını ne zaman isterlerse görebilirler. Anadolu’nun aslanları ve isimsiz mezarlar Haçlı domuzlarını ve onların ülkemiz ve coğrafyamızdaki temsilcilerini bekliyor.
İstanbul’a hakim olan kendisine sahip, coğrafyasına hakim olur. O bir şehirden öte; bir duruşun ve kimliğin sembolüdür. Onda yaşayan ruh Türk milletinin, kültürü ve medeniyetinin ruhudur.
Dünyanın değişik coğrafyalarında İstanbul kadar, hatta; ondan daha kalabalık ve görkemli şehirler olabilir.Ama; hiçbirinin İstanbul gibi yüce bir ruhu yoktur. İstanbul’u İstanbul yapan işte o ruhtur. İstanbul Feth edilince Kostantinepolis’in adı, bunun için İSLAMBOL olmuştur. (ΕΙΣΑΙ ΛΙΓΟ ΦΕΡΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΥ ΤΑΓΙΠ ΡΕ ΑΡΙΦ ή ΜΟΥ ΦΑΙΝΕΤΑΙ; ΔΕΝ “ΚΟΛΛΑΕΙ” ΤΟ ΙΣΤΑΝΜΠΟΥΛ, ΑΦΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΥΤΟ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΚΑΙ ΕΤΣΙ ΒΡΗΚΑΤΕ ΤΗΝ ΝΕΑ ΟΝΟΜΑΣΙΑ, ΤΟ… ΙΣΛΑΜΠΟΛ, ΟΠΩΣ ΛΕΜΕ ΜΠΑΣΚΕΤ-ΜΠΟΛ, ΒΟΛΛΕΫ- ΜΠΟΛ, ΚΛΠ)!..
İstanbul İstanbul olunca;29 Mayıs 1453 de Konstantinepolis ruhu sessizce İstanbul’un semalarından kara bulutlar gibi haçlı başkentlerine çekilmiştir. Şimdi Atina, Paris, Berlin, Viyana, Londra ve Moskova’dan Türkiye ve Coğrafyamıza odaklanan Baykuş gözlü Haçlılar, İstanbul ruhunun aydınlattığı İslam coğrafyasının üzerine karabasan gibi çökmüşler ve onu işgal ederek teslim almaya ve sömürmeye çalışıyorlar. Her türlü düşmanlık, kin, öfke ve nefretleriyle Afganistan’da, Irakta, Suriye’de, Yemen’de, Somali’de, Libya’da leş kargaları ve Akbabalar bunun için kol geziyor..
Emperyalizmin ülkemizdeki yerli ve yabancı uzantıları, İslam ülkelerinin ikiyüzlü münafıkları tüm coğrafyamızda İstanbul ruhuna karşı Antik Yunan, Roma ve Bizans ruhunu yeniden diriltmeye çalışıyorlar. İstanbul’un savaşı 1453’te Fetih ile bitmedi, daha yeni başlamıştı ve halen de devam ediyor.
İstanbul bizim için bir esenlik ve barış yurdudur. İstanbul’u ve Türkiyeyi hedefinde görenler ve gösterenlerle her çağda ve zamanda, her platformda ve mekanda görülecek ve sorulacak hesaplarımız var.
Malazgirt’te attığımız temelin, İstanbul’da inşa ettiğimiz tüm Anadoluyu, Kafkasyayı, Balkanları, Kuzey Afrikayı kucaklayan ve kuşatan medeniyetimizin başkentini hedef alan sünepe Haçlı çakalları sizinle 1453’ten kalan kapanmamış bir defterimiz ve daha görülmemiş nice hasaplarımız var.
Bizim yüreğimizin büyüklüğü ve yüceliği yanında sizin kin, öfke, nefret ve düşmanlıklarınız fena bir yele benzer. Anladınız mı Bizansoğulları, onların ülkemizdeki dönmeler, yerli münafıklar ve barsak gurultuları…
Arif Altunbaş, Haber 7