Φίλοι μου!
- Ναι! Το 82% των διασωληνωμένων για “COVID-19”, έχουν υποκείμενο νόσημα, όπως μας είπαν οι ίδιοι οι “ειδικοί”!..
- Αν, όπως λες, γινόντουσαν 10 εκ-ρια “τεστ” στην χώρα μας, τότε τα κρούσματα θα ήταν αναλογικά συντριπτικά περισσότερα και το “Λ. Ν.” δεν θα έληγε… ποτέ!.. Το ίδιο θα συνέβαινε και στις χώρες της ΕΕ, στην περίπτωση που η κάθε χώρα απ’ αυτές έκανε “τεστ” ίσα με το πληθυσμό της!..
- Αλήθεια! Στην Σουηδία, που δεν ακολούθησε την ευρωπαϊκή “πεπατημένη”, τί γίνεται σήμερα; Έχουν πεθάνει όλοι;
- Ασφαλώς και έχουν βρει την ευκαιρία, με την πανδημία, οι υγειονομικοί στην Ελλάδα και στην Ευρώπη, ειδικά στην χώρα μας, να προβάλλουν συνεχώς τα αιτήματά τους! Μονίμως ζητούν προσλήψεις και λεφτά, και μέχρι του τέλους της πανδημίας δεν θα παύουν να ζητούν! Έγιναν… ήρωες, οπότε… νομιμοποιούνται!..
- Απαντώ: Η ε/Κ-Β, ό,τι και να λέει ο καθένας, επίσημος και μη, “τα πήγε” και “τα πάει” πάρα πολύ καλά, με την αντιμετώπιση της Πανδημίας!.. Σε σχέση δε με τις λοιπές ευρωπαϊκές χώρες είμαστε μακράν καλύτεροι, τουλάχιστον με βάση τα νούμερα!.. Και ο Κικίλιας, που τον βρίζουν άδικα και εσκεμμένα, αποδείχτηκε αρκούντως σοβαρός, όπως και ο Χαρδαλιάς μακράν “έξπερτ” στα καθήκοντά του, αλλά και ο Τσιόδρας “μετρ” χειρισμών, σε ένα τόσο δύσκολο και πρωτόφαντο θέμα-“φωτιά”!..
- Η Αντιπολίτευση, αν δεν κάνει τώρα… αντιπολίτευση με τον Κορωνοϊό, πότε θα κάνει και σε τί; Μόνον το “ΚΙΝΑΛ” πάντως παρουσιάζει σοβαρότητα στον λόγο του! Οι λοιποί είναι για τα… “πάταχτα”!..
- Για τον Τράγκα που ρωτάς, αυτός αφ’ ενός είναι λεφτάς, ένας σύγχρονος Έλληνας Ντόναλντ ΝΤΑΚ και αφ’ ετέρου έχει “προσωπικά” με τη ΝΔ και ειδικά με την Οικογένεια Μητσοτάκη, οπότε είναι λογικό να μιλάει έτσι ή ορθότερα να… βρίζει τον Π-Θ και την Κ-Β!.. Δεν μας λέει όμως την εναλλακτική, αν φύγει ο Μητσοτάκης! Ο “ΣΟΡΟΣ-ΤΣΙΠΡΑΣ” είναι μήπως;
- Επίσης, ας μας πει ο Κος Τράγκας, με το παρωνύμιο “Φράγκας”, αν γίνεται κάτι διαφορετικό απ’ ό,τι εδώ στην Πατρίδα μας, στο θέμα της Πανδημίας, στην υπόλοιπη Ευρώπη! Ο Τράγκας, φίλε, θα έχει πρόβλημα μεγαλύτερο με τον συγκεκριμένο Π-Θ, όταν θα πάψει να έχει… στύση!..
- Προς το παρόν, τα “πιάνει” από την εγκληματική Οργάνωση του “Τίγρη”, αφού αυτός πληρώνει (και) τον Ρ/Σ “ΕΛΛΑΔΑ FM”, που δουλεύει στην παρούσα περίοδο ο Τράγκας! (Μαζί με την ε/φ “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ”, κλπ, που εδώ και χρόνια τώρα αντιπολιτεύεται την ΝΔ, ούσα “Χουντο-ΣΥΡΙΖΑ”, ήτοι μια “μιξ” ανωμαλία!
2. Ναι, μίλησε στην Νιαμέϊ πρόσφατα ο Τ/ΥΠΕΞ, στη Σύνοδο των Ισλαμικών χωρών, αλλά και πάλι την… “ΤΔΒΚ”(sic) λένε ότι θα την αναγνωρίσει από την Αφρική η μισή Λιβύη και η… Γκαμπόν, ενώ από την Ασία “σταθερά” οι Πακιστανοί και οι Αζέροι!..
Για τους Καταριανούς δεν “άκουσα” τίποτα, αλλά αυτοί πλέον λογίζονται ως… Τούρκοι, αφού έχουν πια “αγοράσει” οικονομικά σχεδόν όλη την Τουρκία, στην οποία πια οι μεγάλες μάζες ζουν… “με την ψυχή στο στόμα” / “karnında sırtında”!.. Πριν από λίγο καιρό μόλις, το 1 $ Η.Π.Α. ισούτο με 10,5 Τ.Λ. ! “Yuh olsun” sana, Sayın T/Cumhurbaşkanı RTE!.. İnandığımız gibi, çok yakında hesap vereceksin, Tayıp Bey!.. Saygılarımızla!
3. Θα ήθελα να ήξερα με τί ασχολείσαι! Ναι! Το πρόσεξα και εγώ! Η φωνή του “Λοιμωξιολόγου” Θεόδωρου Βασιλακόπουλου, είναι ίδια με αυτήν του ΥΦΑΜ Κου ΣΤΕΦΑΝΗ!.. Είδες λοιπόν πώς τα “φτιάχνει” ο Θεός;
4. Παρακαλούμε πολύ τον Κο Α/ΓΕΣ να μεσολαβήσει, ώστε όταν πεθαίνει κάποιος στο 401 ΓΣΝ (και γενικώς στα στρατιωτικά Νοσοκομεία), οι Δντες Κλινικών να λένε, έστω “τύποις φυσικά”, [αφού είναι… επαγγελματίες(!)…], “συλλυπητήρια” στους συγγενείς του εκλιπόντος ή της εκλιπούσης!..
Εμείς, απ’ εδώ, προτείνουμε σε όλους τους Γιατρούς, (και βεβαίως και σ’ αυτούς του 401 ΓΣΝ), που εσχάτως όλοι τους λείχουν, κλπ, για τους γνωστούς… πανδημικούς λόγους, με πρώτη ευκαιρία, να δουν την ταινία: “ΠΑΤΣ ΑΝΤΑΜΣ, Γιατρός Μάλαμα”!
Αλήθεια! Ο όρκος του Ιπποκράτη, τί λέει;
5. Θα την “δούμε” φίλε την φερόμενη ως νέα επικεφαλής των Α/ΜΥ, Κα Άβρι ΧΕΪΝΣ, (αντρο-γύναικο μοιάζει), μόλις αναλάβει τα ηνία των Η.Π.Α. (λέμε τώρα), ο “τρομερός” αυτός πολιτικός Μπάϊντεν, αχαχαχαχαχα, και μετά θα την… σχολιάσουμε!..
Για την “CIA”, ποιός φέρεται να την αναλάβει, διαβάστε την 1η παράγραφο του παρακάτω:
6. Κε Σταϊκούρα!
α. Τους Κινέζους και τα καταστήματά τους δεν τα “αγγίζετε” και εσείς, όπως και πριν από εσάς ο “ΣΟΡΟΣ-ΣΥΡΙΖΑ”, (οικονομικούς ελέγχους, κλπ), λόγω του ότι οι Κινέζοι είναι συνεταίροι των “Παγκοσμιοποιητών”; Οι εφοριακοί μας, για παράδειγμα, θέλω να σε ρωτήσω, την ξέρουν πχ την οδό “ΑΧΑΡΝΩΝ”;
β. Τί θα γίνει με το 30% της Οικονομίας μας, που είναι… “Μαύρη Οικονομία”; Θες να μας πεις κάτι;
7. Ο Ρουμπάτης, πρώην δημ/φος και τέως Α/ΕΥΠ, όπως εμείς εκτιμούμε, μετέβη στα Η.Α.Ε. μαζί με τον Ε/Π-Θ, διότι ο Κος αυτός ήταν και είναι “άνθρωπος” των Αμερικανών “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ” στην χώρα μας, των οποίων επικεφαλής στην χώρα μας ήταν και θα είναι, για λίγο ακόμα, ο Α/Πρέσβης Κος Τζέφρεϋ ΠΑΪΑΤ!..
8. Ισχύει!
Ο Κος ΤΣΟΥΚΑΛΗΣ του “ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ” είναι και(!) άνθρωπος των Γερμανών! Συγγνώμη, αλλά αυτήν την στιγμή, δεν θυμάμαι ποιάς γερμανικής εταιρείας αντιπρόσωπος είναι στην Ελλάδα!
Ο Κος ΠΑΓΟΥΛΑΤΟΣ του “ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ” είναι σύμβουλος της Κας ΠτΔ μας!.. (Προηγουμένως ήταν και του Κου Παπαδήμου, που πλέον μας “χαιρετά” με την Ολλανδέζα σύζυγό του, από την Ολλανδία, όπου ζουν)!..
Η Κα Άννα ΔΙΑΜΑΝΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, που τοποθετήθηκε από τον Ε/Π-Θ στον “ΟΟΣΑ” (προφανώς δεν θα υπήρχε άλλο πρόσωπο ικανό), διετέλεσε Δντρια στο “ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ”!..
Δεν νομίζω ότι η Κα αυτή έχει πια οικονομικά προβλήματα, αντιθέτως πιστεύω ότι μπορεί να αγοράσει όλον τον Ν. Κοζάνης!.. Αχαχαχαχαχαχα!.. (Δεν συμφωνώ με την σχετική περί πενίας της, … ειρωνεία σου)!..
Ο Πτέραρχος Κος ΒΑΪΤΣΗΣ, Α/ΓΕΑ, κλπ, διετέλεσε σύμβουλος στο “ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ” και άτυπος “Σύμβουλος Εθνικής Ασφαλείας” στην ΝΔ! Στην Ελλάδα δεν ανεβαίνεις ποτέ τυχαία!.. Αχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα!..
Ο Κος ΒΕΡΕΜΗΣ είναι γνωστός “παράγων” (sic) του “ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ” και όχι μόνον!
Τώρα, το τί σημαίνει το επώνυμό του, βρες το εσύ, εγώ δεν θέλω να το γράψω!.. Γράφω μόνον πως η… μετάφρασή του, ήτοι η ερμηνεία του επωνύμου του, είναι ταυτόσημη με αυτό απ’ το οποίο πάσχει σήμερα η… Πατρίδα μας!..
Τέλος, ο Κος ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΙΔΗΣ, ο ορισθείς από εποχής Σημίτη, ως ο επικεφαλής της Ελλάδος στις “Διερευνητικές Συνομιλίες” με τους Τούρκους (το 2010) και φερόμενος ως Όργανο των Άγγλων, (ο σύγχρονος Στεργιάδης, όπως έχουμε γράψει ξανά), είχε διατελέσει “Ειδικός Σύμβουλος” στο “ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ”, αλλά και μέλος του ΔΣ, της “ΑΛΦΑ ΜΠΑΝΚ” !.. Την ιδιότητά του ως τέως Α/ΕΥΠ δεν την… αναφέρω, προβάλλω όμως την υπουργική του ιδιότητα, (Υπουργός Ηλεκτρονικής Διακυβέρνησης), επί Κου ΠΙΚΡΑΜΕΝΟΥ!..
Και στην “Κρυφο-ΣΟΡΟΣ-ΝΔ” και στον “ΣΟΡΟΣ-ΣΥΡΙΖΑ”, όσοι είναι διεισδύσαντες από το ΠΑΣΟΚ, είναι ΑΠΑΝΤΕΣ Σημιτικοί και σχεδόν ΟΥΔΕΙΣ ΠΑΠΑΝΔΡΕΪΚΟΣ, ο δε ρόλος τους απαιτεί σίγουρα… ερεύνης!.. Μη γελιέστε!..
9. Συγχαρητήρια, έστω και αργοπορημένα, στον ΠτΒ, για ό,τι είδαμε στην πρόσοψη της Βουλής, την ημέρα των ΕΕΔ!..
Τώρα τί να πω, πχ για τον Φίλη, που με ρωτάς!.. Σου απαντώ όμως!
Ο Φίλης παρουσιάζεται ως Ψάλτης, για να “τραβάει” το Κόμμα του (“ΣΟΡΟΣ-ΣΥΡΙΖΑ”) και ανοήτους ενθέους! Πρόκειται για παλαιά Κομμουνιστική τακτική! Επί “Εμφυλίου” οι Κ/Σ είχαν μέχρι και Δεσπότη “μαζί” τους, γνωστού όντος ότι οι “Κόκκινοι Φασίστες” είναι ΑΘΕΟΙ και ΑΝΤΙ-ΧΡΙΣΤΟΙ! ΣΥΝΘΗΜΑ ΤΟΥΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΙΣΤΕΥΩ ΤΟΥΣ, ΤΟ: “Η ΘΡΗΣΚΕΙΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΤΟ ΟΠΟΙΟ ΤΩΝ ΛΑΩΝ”!.. Σήμερα, στο ΚΚΕ, για παράδειγμα, έχουν ως Χριστιανή, στο Κόμμα τους, την Κα ΚΑΝΕΛΛΗ!..
Η τακτική των Κομμουνιστών είναι ότι, κάποια στιγμή, αν χρειαστούν τον λαό, να “πουλάνε” ακόμα και Χριστιανισμό!..
Έτσι ακριβώς έγινε, για παράδειγμα, όταν ο Στάλιν τα “έσπασε” με τον Χίτλερ (μετά το γνωστό σύμφωνο “Ρίμπεντρομπ – Μολότωφ”), και ξεκίνησε η γερμανική επίθεση στην ΕΣΣΔ! Ο Στάλιν που ήθελε πλέον το λαό να πολεμήσει, “άνοιξε” τις εκκλησίες, επέτρεψε τις λειτουργίες και γενικώς την θρησκευτική λατρεία στον λαό, για προφανείς λόγους!..
10. Το έχουμε γράψει πάλι! Δεν μας παρακολουθείς; Κατά τους Αλβανούς (ΥΠΑΜ Κα Elona GJEBRA), τα 2,3 εκ-ρια $ Η.Π.Α., από την τελευταία Τ-Α συμφωνία, “θα πάνε” για στρατιωτικούς σκοπούς!
Έχουμε 26 Τ-Α στρατιωτικές συμφωνίες, από το 1988.
Ναι! Η Βάση Υ/Β στο Δυρράχιο (“Νέα Επίδαμνος” για εμάς και “Ντούρσι” για τους Αλβανούς), πληρώθηκε από την Τουρκία!
11. Εμάς, δεν μας εντυπωσιάζει η υπόθεση ή το γεγονός να είναι ο Κος ΚΙΚΙΛΙΑΣ Μασώνος, με βάση την φωτογραφία του, με το Νο “1” σήμερα της ΜΑΣΩΝΙΑΣ στην Ελλάδα! Πώς αλλιώς θα γινόταν Βουλευτής και Υπουργός; (Ίσως οι… σχέσεις του με την Οικογένεια “ΒΑΡΔΙΝΟΓΙΑΝΝΗ”, να μην “έφταναν”)!..
Εμάς μας λυπεί το γεγονός ότι η Μασωνία σήμερα στην χώρα, δεν(!) είναι ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ, αλλά γνήσιο υποσύνολο της όμοιας στην Αγγλία και συνεπώς ΕΞΑΡΤΗΜΕΝΗ και ΕΛΕΓΧΟΜΕΝΗ!..
Η διάσπαση των Μασώνων στην χώρα μας είχε ξεκινήσει από το 1973* και σήμερα πλέον οι ελληνικής απλώς καταγωγής “Διεθνείς Μασώνοι” μας, κατόρθωσαν (και με την “απλόχερη” απ’ έξω βοήθεια που έλαβαν από ομόφρονές τους) να είναι ΚΥΡΙΑΡΧΟΙ στην Πατρίδα μας, έχοντας εκμηδενίσει και ουσιαστικά εξαφανίσει τους παλαιούς “Αδελφούς” τους, οι οποίοι, “σε πείσμα των -κάθε- καιρών”, από τότε και μέχρι σήμερα, παρέμειναν και παραμένουν (όσοι ολίγοι ζώντες πια) ΕΛΛΗΝΟΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΟΙ και ΕΛΛΗΝΟΦΡΟΝΕΣ!..
Θα ήταν φρόνιμο, κατ’ εμάς, οι Κοι αυτοί να έκαναν, κάποια στιγμή, την αυτοκριτική τους, πριν τους δικάσει η αμείλικτη στην κρίση της “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ”, αφού έχουν διαλέξει να πάνε με την πλευρά των τελικώς χαμένων, στο μέλλον φυσικά, χαμένων κατ’ εμάς 100%!.. Τα έχουμε πει και γράψει!..
* Πολλοί εξ αυτών των “Επαναστατών”(sic) Μασώνων του 1973, είχαν και βρώμικο ρόλο στον ερχομό “στα ελληνικά πράγματα” του “ΑΟΡΑΤΟΥ” Ταξίαρχου Δ. ΙΩΑΝΝΙΔΗ, στις 25-11-1973, καθώς και στην “Διεθνή Συνωμοσία” κατά του ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ, τον Ιούλιο του 1974, στην Κύπρο!..
12. Ρε Τούρκοι! Πώς πάει με την “YILDIRIM-15” Mutni – Sarp Kaya, στο Μπιτλίς; Θα μας πείτε; 48 επχκες Ομάδες / 816 άτομα μας είπατε! Τόσο μεγάλο πρόβλημα έχετε εκεί και εσείς ασχολείστε με το… Σιντζάρ; Τελικά ρε Τούρκοι, οι Κούρδοι είναι “κακό σπυρί” στο σώμα σας, καταλαβαίνω! Σωστά;
Τούρκοι! Ο Αχμέτ Βαρ ή “Νταβά Καρό”, όπως διάβασα να τον γράφετε, τον οποίον “καθαρίσατε”, όχι μόνον δεν ήταν “Υπεύθυνος Πληροφοριών” του “ΡΚΚ”, της “Α. ΜΕΣΟΓΕΙΟΥ”, αλλά ούτε καν 2ος ή 3ος στην σχετική εκεί Ιεραρχία! Ανήκε πάντως, όντως, στον τομέα “Πληροφορίες”!
Πρόταση: Για δείτε λοιπόν λίγο καλύτερα τους πληροφοριοδότες σας στην υπόψη ευρυτάτη αυτήν περιοχή, όπου… διαβιοί και αριθμός δικών μας “ΑΓΓΕΛΩΝ”!..
13. Ε! Εκεί στο ε/ΓΕΑ! Πότε θα ολοκληρωθεί η δοκιμή από τις ΕΕΔ, των αντι-“drones” Ι/συστημάτων, που παρέλαβαν; Ορθή η Οργάνωσή τους, άριστη η επιλογή των χειριστών τους, των Μηχανικών, κλπ, αλλά πότε θα ξέρουμε και για την συνολική αποτελεσματικότητά τους;
14. Πού να ξέρουμε εμείς για την υγεία του γαμπρού του ΡΤΕ, του Αλ ΜΠΑΪΡΑΚ, που με ρωτάς; Μπορεί όμως να τον γιάνει γρήγορα η “φίλη” του Οζγκέ ΟΥΛΟΥΣΟΪ!..
Η υγεία της Μέρκελ φαίνεται ότι πάει καλά, αφού την βλέπουμε να εργάζεται ακόμα και δεν είχε ξανά συμπτώματα “πάρκινσον”, τουλάχιστον δημοσίως!
Για την υγεία “σήμερα” του ΡΤΕ γράψαμε!..
Για τον Μπάϊντεν, για πες μου εσύ, πώς τραυματίστηκε με το σκυλί του; Οι Αμερικανοί δεν μας είπαν! Εγώ δεν το καταλαβαίνω! Μάλλον μοιάζει περισσότερο να… παραπάτησε!.. Αλλά γιατί παραπάτησε; Πιθανώς τυχαίως, αλλά και πιθανώς από εκδήλωση κάποιου… νευρολογικού προβλήματος!.. Εσύ τί λες;
15. Ναι! Θεωρούμε δεδομένο πως, με τον Μπάϊντεν, οι Ε-Τ σχέσεις θα οξυνθούν στο έπακρον και πως ένας Ε-Τ πόλεμος θα είναι πιο κοντά!..
Διαβάστε και αυτό παρακάτω!
The Foreign Policy Empire Gets Ready to Strike Back
The world is about to become a riskier and more dangerous place.
Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
The alleged President-elect (for now) Joe Biden has started assembling his cabinet, and in foreign policy it looks like a return to the failed policies of the Obama years with picks like long-time establishment insiders Anthony Blinken (State, pictured above with Biden) and Jake Sullivan (national security advisor). If, as promised, Biden restores the stale nostrums of the transnational globalist received wisdom embodied in the foreign policy establishment, the advances of the Trump administration will be reversed, putting our security and interests at greater risk.
The most important tool of the “rules-based international order” is “diplomatic engagement” involving multinational institutions staffed by global foreign policy technocrats who presumably can transcend the parochial, zero-sum national interests that foment conflict and war. This bipartisan consensus was defined in 2005 by Oxford professor Kalypso Nicolaidis. It comprises “supranational constraints on unilateral policies and the progressive development of community norms,” and the creation of a “security community” that favors “civilian forms of influence and action” over the use of force, and the guiding principles of which will be “integration, prevention, mediation, and persuasion.”
These questionable assumptions––there’s no such thing as a global “community”–– have long defined the Democrat Party’s foreign policy philosophy, with its pacifist inclinations and distrust of the military. We saw it in the attacks on George W. Bush in the run-up to the second Gulf War in 2002, even though prominent Democrat senators like Hillary Clinton and John Kerry voted to approve the authorization for military force. Later, dissenting senators like Barack Obama became the voice of the new consensus, which was obvious when Clinton and Kerry disavowed their votes during the Democrat presidential primaries. Opposition now focused on Bush’s alleged “failure of diplomacy” even though he had spent months at the UN seeking in vain its approval for putting teeth into the 17 Security Council resolutions it passed against Saddam Hussein, all of which he violated.
This myth of the Republicans’ itchy trigger-finger and disdain for diplomacy has become one of the Dems’ most important political weapons. A corollary to this attack on Bush’s diplomatic failures was his alleged mistreatment of our allies. In 2009, a Los Angeles Times editorial summarized this critique while celebrating Obama’s election as president: “The Bush administration’s hubris and relentless disregard for our allies abroad shredded the fabric of multilateralism . . . The Bush years . . . must be brought to a swift close with a renewed emphasis on diplomacy, consultation and the forging of broad international coalitions.” Sound familiar to the same stale charges against Donald Trump?
Earlier Barack Obama had made that shibboleth one of his campaign staples, asserting in Foreign Affairs that “we must launch a comprehensive regional and international diplomatic initiative to help broker an end to the civil war in Iraq.” He voiced the need “to reinvigorate American diplomacy” as a vital tool to “bring success even when dealing with long-standing adversaries such as Iran and Syria.” Obama continued, “To renew American leadership in the world, I intend to rebuild the alliances, partnerships, and institutions necessary to confront common threats and enhance common security” in order “to build a better, freer world.”
The international elite, who despised George Bush (as they did Ronald Reagan) as an unsophisticated, bungling cowboy, were so delighted with the new president––who promised to subordinate U.S. sovereignty and interests to the Davoisie––that they awarded him a Nobel Peace Prize on spec.
As president, however, Obama’s faith in the “rules-based international order” led to failure after failure. The Hill’s Fred Gedrich highlights the low-lights:
The Obama/Biden reset policy with Russia (2009-2013) backfired as Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and entered the Syria civil war in 2015, which eventually allowed the Kremlin to establish long-term agreements for a Russian airbase and seaport in that country.
The administration’s Libyan misadventure turned into a disaster, with four American diplomats murdered in Benghazi and Libya becoming a failed state. Their premature withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq created a security vacuum that allowed the Islamic State terrorist group to grow, seize and terrorize large portions of land and people in Iraq and Syria beginning 2011.
And don’t forget China, which was enabled by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush when they engineered its acceptance into the World Trade Organization:
The [Obama] administration’s unwillingness to take a strong stance against China allowed that communist government to continue stealing U.S. aerospace, energy, satellites and telecommunications information and use it to wage economic, military and political sabotage and warfare, according to a 2013 Mandiant report. Their failure to install adequate security preventive-measures allowed Chinese hackers to breach the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s computer system in 2015, accessing the personnel and security records of some 22 million Americans.
Donald Trump, Gedrich points out, by challenging the fossilized paradigms of the foreign policy establishment with his common-sense, realist America First policies, corrected the failures of his predecessor:
During his nearly four years in office, President Trump has pursued an “America First” foreign policy. His administration has confronted China over its cyber-thievery and illicit trade practices; buttressed East European allies to protect against Russia aggression and suspended participation in the INF Treaty due to Russia noncompliance; terminated the Iran nuclear deal and killed Iran’s Revolutionary Guard terrorist leader; destroyed the Islamic State’s caliphate and killed its terrorist leader; consummated a historic Middle East peace deal between two Arab States and Israel; and is in the process of removing almost all U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.
Biden has campaigned on, and no doubt will try to enact, policies that will reverse all these gains by returning to the same globalist foreign policy that generated Obama’s disastrous policies.
The worst of Obama’s mistakes was bringing the U.S. into the multinational Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the Iran nuclear deal that transferred directly and indirectly billions of dollars to the regime, reinvigorated its failing economy by removing sanctions, and brought the mullahs closer to nuclear capability––perhaps the most egregious failure of multilateral diplomacy since the 1938 Munich conference.
Indeed, Iran for forty years has been an emblem of such failure. In 1979, the foreign policy establishment misread the brewing revolt against the Shah as an anticolonial movement to wrest democracy and human rights from a brutal autocrat, when in fact it was a religious revolution to create a theocracy with jihadist ambitions threatened by a modernizer similar to Turkey’s Kemal Ataturk. The mullahs kidnapped our embassy staff and held them for 444 days, and were rewarded with funds that the U.S. impounded during the revolution. When Iranian jihadist shock-troops blew up first the American embassy in Lebanon, killing 17, and then five months later the barracks housing U.S. military personnel, killing 241, we did nothing to punish the murders of our citizens and the state sponsor that trained and financed them.
Since that time Iran has helped jihadists to kill thousands of Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan, murdered Jews, projected its forces into the Syrian maelstrom, attempted to establish outposts on Israel’s borders, and has been a force for disorder and destruction, earning itself the title of number one state-sponsor of terrorism. This is the bad actor that Barack Obama and his foreign policy team, addled by toxic notions of “civilian forms of influence and action,” as Nicolaidis put it, empowered.
That grotesque mistake was corrected by Donald Trump, who withdrew from the nuclear deal, slapped punitive sanctions on the mullahs, and killed its most effective expeditionary force commander. The result was the weakening of Iran’s regime to the point where its end was in sight. All it needed, like the moribund Soviet Union in 1988, was a few more kicks to its rotting foundations––which Trump provided by leaving the nuclear deal.
If he becomes president, Joe Biden will restart the resuscitation of this failed regime whose hands are covered with American blood. The Europeans, those allies Trump has been accused of disrespecting and neglecting, will be delighted to have an American president who’s content to continue an alliance that benefits their national interests at the expense of our own. Meanwhile our other allies like Israel and the Middle East Sunni states will be put at risk as a reinvigorated Iran waxes more powerful and continues its genocidal aims.
As the history of the last four decades shows, the “rules-based international order” Trump challenged and Biden will restore has been a failure, a catalogue of “parchment barriers” that have not created peace––that has been the achievement of American military and economic power––but enabled aggressors for whom diplomacy and participation in multinational institutions and agreements are means for serving their own national interests and aggressive ambitions.
Under Biden, the foreign policy establishment, that congeries of federal employees, think-tankers, academics, and NGO busybodies, will flourish. But for the rest of us, the world will become a riskier and more dangerous place.
16. Δεν είναι ο τίτλος μόνον Υπουργός Οικονομικών, αλλά “Οικονομικών και Θησαυροφυλακίων”!.. Δεν τον ξέρουμε τον Λουτφί ΕΛΒΑΝ, κάτι που σημαίνει πως είτε… “κρυβόταν”, είτε πως ήταν και είναι “χαμηλών τόνων” και μη εμπεπλεγμένος σε βρώμικα κόλπα!.. Ευχόμαστε πάντως να αποδειχθεί… “Λουτφί” και για την χώρα του!..
17. Ο Μπουλέντ ΑΡΙΝΤΣ φίλη μου, μίλησε υπέρ του ΚΑΒΑΛΑ, διότι και αυτός είναι ΣΟΡΙΤΗΣ! Ο θρησκευτικός του Αρχηγός ΓΚΙΟΥΛΕΝ, ο Παγκόσμιος αυτός Ισλαμιστής, ήταν και παραμένει συνεργάτης των “Διεθνών Εβραίων”, άρα συνεργάτης και στο Πεδίο του Σόρος, ενταγμένος, ως βασικός μάλιστα παίκτης, στο αποτυχημένο τελικά σχέδιο που συνετάγη επί “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ” στην “CIA” και έφερε τον βαρύγδουπο τίτλο, “Μεγάλη Μέση Ανατολή”!
Ο ΡΤΕ, αρχικά ήταν και αυτός μέρος του σχεδίου, μέχρι και του “Κινήματος” του 2016! Κατάλαβες! Άρα ο ΡΤΕ ήταν συνεργάτης στο Πεδίο με τον Αρίντς και τα “έσπασε” ολκληρωτικά μαζί του, όταν προ περίπου 2 ετών αποκαλύφθηκε πως ο Αρίντς είναι Γκιουλενιστής! Δεν τον… μπουντρούμιασε όμως ο ΡΤΕ τον Μ. Αρίντς, διότι ήσαν πολύ στενοί φίλοι, σε σημείο τέτοιο που ο Αρίντς να γνωρίζει “πράγματα και… θαύματα” του ΡΤΕ!..
Θυμίζω πως οι Γκιουλενιστές Εισαγγελείς, κλπ, εισήλθαν στην “Δνση Κινητοποίησης – ΕΠΣ” στην Άγκυρα, στο Νο “1” ίσως φυλασσόμενο στόχο των ΤΕΔ – Κράτους, επί Α/ΓΕΕΔ Μπασμπούγ και Α/ΓΕΣ Κοσανέρ, μετά από την αναφερθείσα απόπειρα δολοφονίας του Αρίντς από 2 στρατιωτικούς στην Άγκυρα, την στιγμή όμως που ο Αρίντς είχε πάει στην Προύσσα, για ομιλία!.. Βρισκόταν στην… Προύσσα! Για σκεφτείτε!.. Και ακολούθως το “΄παιξε” όμορφα!..
Ο Καβαλά ορθώς κατηγορήθηκε για στρατιωτική κατασκοπεία*, αφού λίαν προφανώς και(!) αυτό επεδίωξαν οι Γκιουλενιστές (εννοώ ότι ήθελαν να αποσπάσουν κρίσιμα και μη στρατιωτικά μυστικά οι Γκιουλενιστές, κάτι που έπρεπε οπωσδήποτε να κάνουν, αν θα ήθελαν να “ρίξουν” τον ΡΤΕ), οι οποίοι, για παράδειγμα, προσπάθησαν να “δουν” και “πάρουν” τα Αρχεία της “Δνσης Κινητοποίησης-ΕΠΣ”, κλπ!..
Και άλλα πολλά επεχείρησαν οι Γκιουλενιστές, όπως πχ να “βγάλλουν” πληροφορίες μέσα από τα ίδια Τ/Γενικά Επιτελεία, αφού έφθασαν να μαγνητοφωνούν τότε μέχρι και τους Α/ΓΕΕΔ, όπως πχ τον Α/ΓΕΕΔ Στρατηγό Κο Σ. Ι. ΚΟΣΑΝΕΡ!..
Συνεπώς και ο Αρίντς έπρεπε σήμερα να ήταν Φυλακή (και ως Γκιουλενιστής, αλλά και ως υπόλογος για αποδέκτης -τουλάχιστον- στρατιωτικών μυστικών, αν αυτός δεν ήταν ο εντολέας), όπως και ο επίσης ενταγμένος στον πιο πάνω αναφερθέντα αμερικανικό σχεδιασμό Αχμέτ Νταβούτογλου (Α/Σχέδιο – Κεφάλαιο: Τουρκία), και όχι να είναι έξω και να αντιπολιτεύονται τον ΡΤΕ!
* Μέχρι και σήμερα υφίστανται Τούρκοι, οι οποίοι πωλούν στρατιωτικά μυστικά των ΤΕΔ στο εξωτερικό βεβαίως και όχι στην Τουρκία, μέσω κυρίως διαδικτυακών “ραντεβού”, με συνθηματική ορολογία!.. (Υπάρχουν και ορισμένοι Τούρκοι, οι οποίοι μέσω “τρίτων” έχουν επιδιώξει απ’ ευθείας επαφή με τις ε/ΜΥ ή με συνεργαζόμενες με αυτήν)!..
Ο Αρίντς την “γλύτωσε”, λόγω της φιλίας που είχε αναπτύξει με τον ΡΤΕ, μια φιλία που ο νυν Τ/ΠτΔ την τίμησε, την ίδια στιγμή όμως που ο Αρίντς δήλωσε ότι θα σιωπήσει γενικώς, όντας παλαιότερα ο εξ απορρήτων του ΡΤΕ, λόγω της απειλής του Τ/Προέδρου να μπει Φυλακή ο γαμπρός του Αρίντς, ο οποίος ομοίως κατηγορήθηκε ως Γκιουλενιστής!..
Ο “Κονιάρος” (Νταβούτογλου) την “σκαπούλαρε”, διότι διετέλεσε Π-Θ της χώρας, αλλά και διότι δήλωσε πως “εγώ ποτέ δεν θα καταφερθώ κατά του ΡΤΕ”!.. “Τρίχες”!..
Σε κάθε περίπτωση, το “πρεστίζ” του ΡΤΕ θα εθίγετο βαθύτατα, αν πρώην συνεργάτες του και μάλιστα τόσο υψηλά ιστάμενοι “έμπαιναν” Φυλακή, ενώ βεβαίως τώρα οι παραπάνω Κοι “έσκασαν μύτη”, (όπως και άλλοι, φτιάχνοντας Κόμματα, κλπ), λόγω εντολής που έλαβαν από Η.Π.Α., ποντάροντας οι Υπερ-Ατλαντικοί εντολείς τους, [λέγε με Γκιουλέν, αλλά και “CIA”, που ελέγχουν οι “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟΙ” (ο Τραμπ δεν μπόρεσε να την ελέγξει ποτέ αυτήν την Υπηρεσία στα 4 χρόνια της εξουσίας του)], στην εκλογή Μπάϊντεν, η οποία τελικά, έστω και νόθα, ήλθε!
Ο Μπάϊντεν καταφέρθηκε κατά του ΡΤΕ τόσο σκληρά, όχι λόγω Φιλελληνισμού του και παπαριές που γράφουν κάποιοι, τουλάχιστον ανόητοι, αλλά διότι ο Ομπάμα θέλει να εκδικηθεί τον ΡΤΕ, με το να τον “ρίξει” από την εξουσία, λόγω του ότι “έφαγε την πατσαβούρα” το 2016, όταν ο “Γάτος” Χ. ΦΙΝΤΑΝ “τσίμπησε” έγκαιρα το τί ετοίμαζαν οι Αμερικανοί των ΟΜΠΑΜΑ – ΜΠΑΪΝΤΕΝ (με πολύ ερασιτεχνισμό είναι αλήθεια, γεγονός που σημαίνει πως υποτίμησαν, όσο “δεν πήγαινε”, τις ικανότητες και τον Πατριωτισμό των Τούρκων), με αποτέλεσμα το “Κίνημα” όχι μόνον να αποτύχει, αλλά και να χειραγωγηθεί από την τ/Κ-Β και τον ΡΤΕ, ο οποίος βρήκε μετά την χρυσή ευκαιρία να παρουσιασθεί ως “ΑΜΥΝΤΟΡΑΣ ΤΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ” στην χώρα, ενώ παράλληλα και οι ΤΕΔ μπόρεσαν σε πολύ μεγάλο βαθμό να αποκαθαρθούν και να κατορθώσουν να ξαναπάρουν τα ηνία της χώρας και μάλιστα με έναν τόσο βαθύ Ισλαμιστή στην εξουσία, όπως είναι ο ΡΤΕ!..
Γι’ αυτό και οι Η.Π.Α. δεν εξέδωσαν, ούτε και θα εκδώσουν βεβαίως ποτέ στην Τουρκία, τον Αρχι-Χότζα, όπως είναι ο ακριβής τίτλος του, και Όργανο της “CIA”, Φ. ΓΚΙΟΥΛΕΝ, στο υπόλοιπο και λιγοστό πια περιθώριο ζωής που φαίνεται να έχει, μιας και φέρεται και αυτός να πάσχει από καρκίνο!
Στην Τουρκία σήμερα, υπάρχουν ακόμα στις κρατικές και άλλες Υπηρεσίες πολλοί Γκιουλενιστές! Θυμίζω ότι μόλις “χθες”, συνελήφθησαν* 30 νομίζω στελέχη των ΤΕΔ, εε, ενώ χρονικά λίγο πιο πριν, το… “By Lock” των Γκιουλενιστών “ξαναμίλησε” και… απεκάλυψε πως 3,7 εκ-ρια ΤΛ μπήκαν στην Τράπεζα “ΑΣΙΑ”, με εντολή της “FETÖ”, όπως την αποκαλεί την Οργάνωση αυτήν το νυν τ/Κράτος! (Η έννοια της “Παράλληλης Δομής” ή του “Παράλληλου Κράτους” είναι πιο δόκιμη και πιο αντιληπτή για εμάς, σε σχέση με τον ειδικό, στο μυαλό των Τούρκων, “τρομοκρατικό” χαρακτηρισμό της)!..
* Οι τουρκικές αρχές έδωσαν εντολή για την σύλληψη 82 μελών των τουρκικών ενόπλων δυνάμεων σε επιχείρηση που εξαπέλυσαν και έχει στόχο υποστηρικτές του Γκιουλέν, τον οποίο η Άγκυρα κατηγορεί ότι ενορχήστρωσε το αποτυχημένο πραξικόπημα του 2016. Οι επιχειρήσεις που έχουν στόχο το δίκτυο του Γκιουλέν, ο οποίος βρίσκεται στις ΗΠΑ, συνεχίζονται στο πλαίσιο εκστρατείας καταστολής που έχουν εξαπολύσει οι τουρκικές αρχές εδώ και τέσσερα χρόνια μετά το αποτυχημένο πραξικόπημα του Ιουλίου του 2016. [https://www.defence-point.gr/]
18. Χίε! Καμμία ε/ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΗ δεν βοήθησε ο Αλή Πασάς, όπως ηλιθίως ανέφερες! Αντιθέτως!.. Μην ασχολείσαι με θέματα που αγνοείς!..
19. Τί έγινε ρε σεις, εκεί στην ΤΠΑ, με εκείνη την “μίνι” βόμβα, που μας είχατε δείξει και προβάλλει στα “σάϊτς” σας; Θέλουμε πληροφόρηση!..
20. Ναι! Εμπάργκο, γενικώς, στην Τουρκία επέβαλε η Σ. Αραβία, ισχυριζόμενη ότι με εντολή της Άγκυρας (ΜΙΤ) Τζιχαντιστές (Κα Μέρκελ και Κε Μακρόν και λοιποί… Κοι της ΕΕ) κτυπούν “Πετρελαϊκές Εγκαταστάσεις” της!..
Ο Κ. Κ. ΜΗΤΣΟΤΑΚΗΣ πήγε στο Ριάντ και έπραξε άριστα! “Να μην τον ματιάσουμε”, αλλά θα το γράψουμε! Ακολουθεί σε… μικρογραφία την συλλογιστική (!) της εξωτερικής πολιτικής του Ελ. ΒΕΝΙΖΕΛΟΥ, φυσικά “UPDATED”!.. Καταλαβαίνετε!..
“Πρώτα ο ΘΕΟΣ”, θα γράψουμε κάποια πράγματα στον Ε/Π-Θ, για την εξωτερική μας πολιτική, αν τελικά “καθήσει” στις 20-01-2021 ο αγαπημένος της “Παγκοσμιοποίησης” Μπάϊντεν στην προεδρική καρέκλα στον “Λ. ΟΙΚΟ”!.. (“Τρίχες” αγαπημένος, αφού δεν είχαν και άλλον ή άλλη να βάλλουν για υποψήφιο Πρόεδρο των Η.Π.Α. οι Α/”ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟΙ”, προτιμώντας τελικά τον άρρωστο, από τους γελοίους)!..
21. Ασφαλώς και η “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ” πλέον και (!) στις Η.Π.Α. πάσχει σοβαρά!
Πότε άλλοτε θα δεχόταν Α/Πρόεδρος να “καθήσει” στην προεδρική καρέκλα, όταν ο αντίπαλός του θα τον κατηγορούσε αυτόν και ένα ολόκληρο εκλογικό σύστημα, για νοθεία; Ποτέ!
Πότε άλλοτε Κυβερνήτες Πολιτειών, που εμπλέκονται σε όσα ένας εκ των δύο υποψηφίων Προέδρων θα κατήγγειλε, δεν θα δέχονταν ευρεία και βαθεία (δικαστική και όποια τυχόν άλλη) διερεύνηση του θέματος; Ποτέ!..
Πότε άλλοτε η Α/Δικαιοσύνη* δεν θα επενέβαινε και μάλιστα αυτόκλητη, ώστε να εξετάσει μια τόσο σοβαρή καταγγελία, όπως είναι μια τυχούσα νοθεία στις εκλογές, προσβάλλοντας έτσι “ανοικτά” την ισχυρότατη “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ” στον Κόσμο και συνακολούθως το “Πρεστίζ” της Πλανηταρχούσας Δυνάμεως; (Έστω και θεωρητικά)! Ποτέ!
* “Βγήκε” ο ίδιος, ο νυν -εισέτι- Α/Πρόεδρος Τραμπ και δήλωσε πως η /Δικαιοσύνη αρνείται να εξετάσει αίτημα του Προέδρου των Η.Π.Α. και μάλιστα ένα τόσο σημαντικό αίτημα, για το ίδιο το Κράτος!.. Φανταστείτε!..
Πώς θα κυβερνήσει λοιπόν έτσι ο Μπάϊντεν, αλλά και πώς θα κυβερνούσε, με ένα τόσο μεγάλο πολιτικό στίγμα, που δεν προσβάλλει μόνον το Κόμμα του κάθε Προέδρου, αλλά τις ίδιες τις Η.Π.Α., ο οποιοσδήποτε Μπάϊντεν;
Τί σημαίνει για τις Η.Π.Α. αυτό που “τρέχει” σήμερα στις Η.Π.Α.;
Σημαίνει πολλά και θα ήθελα χρόνο να τα αναπτύξω όλα, ώστε να μην αδικήσω την απάντησή μου! Να γράψω μόνον για τώρα, πως είναι “ΗΛΙΟΥ ΦΑΕΙΝΟΤΕΡΟΝ” ότι το μεν “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟ ΚΟΜΜΑ” που διοίκησε 10ετίες και 10ετίες τις Η.Π.Α. έχει “βγάλλει ρίζες” στο υπάρχον στις Η.Π.Α. πολιτικό σύστημα, ενώ και η “Παγκοσμιοποίηση” περίπου το ίδιο, ελέγχουσα τα ΠΑΝΤΑ(!) και στις Η.Π.Α., αναδεικνυόμενη ως μια “ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΑΦΙΑ”, με δημοκρατικό μανδύα!..
Στο μέλλον περισσότερα!..
22. Προσοχή! Ο Δημήτριος ΛΟΡΔΟΣ, ο οποίος εμφανίστηκε να αναφέρει ότι θα κάνει επενδύσεις στα κατεχόμενα “ΒΑΡΩΣΙΑ”, υπό την Τ/Διοίκηση, έχει μάνα Τ/Κ!..
23. Οι Τούρκοι έχουν Βάσεις στα ακόλουθα Κράτη ή “Κράτη”!
Αφγανιστάν, Β-Ε, Κόσοβο, Αλβανία, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία (“Κατεχόμενα”), Κατάρ, Ιράκ, Συρία, Λίβανος, Σομαλία (στη νήσο Σεβακίν), Μάλι, Σουδάν, Κεντρο-Αφρικανική Δημοκρατία και Λιβύη! ΟΚ;
24. Έχουν πει οι Τούρκοι πως το εξοπλισμένο “Μη Επανδρωμένο Πλοίο”, λέγε με “Επιθετικό”, το κατασκευάζουν στα Ναυπηγεία του Αρές! (Η Αμυντική Βιομηχανία “METEKSAN”).
Έχουν δηλώσει πως θα είναι έτοιμο, για τις… θάλασσες δηλαδή, το 2021! / Έχουμε ξαναγράψει για το θέμα “Φιλήδονε”! Να μας παρακολουθείς!..
25. Ναι! Ο “Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Υγείας” (“ΠΟΥ”) ελέγχεται απολύτως από τον “Παγκοσμιοποιητή” Μπιλ ΓΚΕΪΤΣ!..
26. Οι Τ/Ταξιαρχίες Κομάντος που ρωτάς, θα πρέπει να της υπολογίζεις αριθμητικά / σε δύναμη, το ελάχιστον με 3000 άνδρες και το μέγιστον με 5000!.. (Μ.Ο.: 4.000)
ΟΚ! Λάθος! Ουδείς… “άσφαλτος”! “Ένα μυαλό Χειμώνα – Καλοκαίρι” ρε φιλαράκο! Ο Δκτης της 66 Μ/Κ ΤΑΞ, Ταξχος Χαντζερί ΧΑΓΙΑΤ ήταν Επχης της 2ας Στρατιάς και όχι Β. Επχη στο Τ/ΓΕΣ! Ακόμα λοιπόν μεγαλύτερη η σημασία της εκεί σήμερα τοποθετήσεώς του! Τί λες και εσύ, συμφωνείς;
Επίσης και τέλος! Οι ΤΕΔ θα επιχειρήσουν εναντίον μας, όπως το έχουμε γράψει πολλές φορές, με επιθετικά και μη “ΜΕΑ”, με Τζιχαντιστές (συνασκούνται σήμερα με τους Τ/Κομάντος στην Δ. Θράκη / “Α1” και στο Ντενιζλί “Β2”), με αγχέμαχα όπλα, με αλεξίσφαιρα και με πολυάριθμες δυνάμεις, σε τόπο και χρόνο, σε σχέση με εμάς!.. ΟΚ;
27. Ναι είχε δίκιο ο Δήμαρχος Αθηναίων Κος Κ. Π. ΜΠΑΚΟΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ, που “έδιωξε” την Κα Αλεξία ΕΒΕΡΤ, διότι αυτή απεκάλεσε τους σημερινούς Κομμουνιστές “Τρωκτικά” και “Κατσαρίδες”! Έπρεπε να τους αποκαλούσε ό,τι ακριβώς είναι γνωστό ότι είναι, ήτοι “απόγονοι ειδεχθών και κατά συρροήν Φονιάδων”!.. Όμως και το “Κόκκινοι Φασίστες” θα αρκούσε!..
Είναι ντροπή για τον Τσίπρα ή τον νυν “Τουρκο-λάγνο” ΓΓ του “ΣΟΡΟΣ – ΣΥΡΙΖΑ” Τζανακόπουλο, να στέλνουν τον “ΡΟΥΒΙΚΩΝΑ” στο σπίτι της Κας αυτής, (επειδή δήθεν εθίγησαν που τους απεκάλεσε, όπως τους απεκάλεσε συλλήβδην τους Κομμουνιστές… ), μια Κα που τυγχάνει κόρη του Μ. ΕΒΕΡΤ, του οποίου ο πατέρας ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ ΕΒΕΡΤ, ως Αστυνομικός Δντης Αθηνών, επί “Κατοχής”, διέσωσε χιλιάδες Ελλήνων, και μη, Εβραίων της εποχής εκείνης!..
Θα μπορούσαν να την… τιμωρήσουν αλλιώς, πχ μηνύοντάς την και όχι να γράψουν ότι -ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ- “Τρωκτικά και Κατσαρίδες είστε εσείς”!.. (Πληθ.). Λέμε εμείς τουλάχιστον!.. Εσύ Κε Τσίπρα τί λες; Ήταν έξυπνο εκ μέρους σας; Μήπως πιστεύεις πως στο “Κεντρικό Ισραηλιτικό Συμβούλιο” των Αθηνών, δεν γνωρίζουν ποιός ακριβώς είναι ο “ΡΟΥΒΙΚΩΝΑΣ”, κλπ;
29. Το βαθύτερο νόημα, φίλε μου, της δηλώσεως του εκ Μερσίνης Βουλευτού του “ΡΛΚ” για “ΠΟΥΛΗΜΕΝΟ Τ/ΣΤΡΑΤΟ”, δεν αλλάζει, επειδή οι Τούρκοι μας λένε έμμεσα και δια τρίτων, πως αφορούσε την πώληση εξαρτημάτων και ανταλλακτικών εργοστασίου αρμάτων σε τρίτη χώρα, αυτή η αναφορά!..
Η ακριβής αναφορά του ήταν: ““Cumhuriyet tarihinde ilk kez devletin ordusu Katar’a satılmış” “, δηλαδή “Στην ιστορία της Δημοκρατίας, 1η φορά ο κρατικός στρατός πουλήθηκε στο Κατάρ”!..
“Κράτα” λοιπόν ό,τι διάβασες εδώ “προχθές”, διότι περί αυτού πρόκειται, και θα είσαι “μέσα” και μάλιστα και στα πιο… βαθιά!..
Αφορμή βρήκε ο υπόψη Βουλευτής και ανέφερε ό,τι ανέφερε!
Ποτέ και κανείς στην Τουρκία δεν θα μπορούσε να αναφερθεί στον ΤΣ και να τον αποκαλέσει “πουλημένο”, ειδικά μέλος ή βουλευτής του “ΡΛΚ”, του κατ’ εξοχήν Κεμαλικού Κόμματος, αφού το ίδρυσε ο ίδιος ο Κεμάλ!.. Αφορμή βρήκε ο Κος αυτός και έβγαλε τα εσώψυχά του!.. Σε άλλες εποχές ίσως σήμερα να μη ζούσε!.. Καταλαβαίνεις!..
Διάβασε τώρα και παρακάτω, τί δήλωσε ο… φίλος μας Α/ΓΕΕΔ, ο Αρχι-Τσάτσος Στρατηγός των (ΔΒ) Γιασάρ ΓΚΙΟΥΛΕΡ, σχετικά! (Προφανώς “βγήκε” με εντολή Ακάρ, διότι το επίθετο “ΠΟΥΛΗΜΕΝΟΣ” είναι “ασήκωτο” για κάθε Στρατό, πόσο μάλλον για τον τουρκικό, που είναι ο ίδιος Κράτος στην χώρα του! Όπως έχουμε πει και γράψει η Τουρκία ήταν και είναι Στρατός με Κράτος, ήτοι “Στρατοκράτος”, ακόμα και τώρα με τον ΡΤΕ, όπως και αυτό έχουμε αναλύσει! Απλώς, από καιρού εις καιρόν, ο ΤΣ παρουσιάζει αυξομειώσεις… ισχύος, όπως λέμε, πχ αυξομειώσεις τάσεως “ένα πράγμα”, αχαχαχαχαχα, και τίποτα περισσότερο ή λιγότερο απ’ αυτό)!..
Genelkurmay Başkanı Güler‘den CHP’li vekilin ordu sözleri için ilk tepki
Genelkurmay Başkanı Güler: “Silahlı Kuvvetler için ‘satılmıştır’ ifadesi hiç hoş olmadı, çok yanlış. İnanıyorum ki hukuk gereğini yerine getirecek.“
Milli Savunma Bakanlığı’ndaki görüşmeye Bakan Akar’ın yanı sıra Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Yaşar Güler, Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı Orgeneral Ümit Dündar, Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanı Oramiral Adnan Özbal, Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanı Orgeneral Hasan Küçükakyüz ile Bakan Yardımcıları Yunus Emre Karaosmanoğlu, Alpaslan Kavaklıoğlu, Şuay Alpay ve Muhsin Dere de katıldı.
Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Yaşar Güler Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri aleyhindeki sözlere ilişkin şu açıklamayı yaptı:
“Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri, karada, denizde ve havada kendisine verilen her görevi bugüne kadar başarıyla yerine getirmiştir. Bundan sonra da aynı şekilde canı pahasına başarıyla yerine getirmeye devam edecektir. Bir milletvekilinin Silahlı Kuvvetlerimiz için ‘satılmıştır’ gibi bir ifadeyi kullanması hiç hoş olmamıştır, çok yanlıştır. İnanıyorum ki hukuk da bunun gereğini yerine getirecektir. Hiçbir şekilde moralimiz bozulmamıştır, tam tersine daha azimli olarak görevlerimizi yapmaya devam edeceğiz.“
Και παρακάτω ένα σχετικό και αρκετά ενδιαφέρον άρθρο!
CHP’nin hayalinde nasıl bir TSK var?
Bu köşeler babamızın malı olmadığı için, farklı dünyaların insanlarıyla ilgili yazıp çizerken de ‘adaleti’ gözetmemiz gerekiyor.
Haklarında hükümler verdiğimiz insanların ‘meramını’ düzgün aktarmamız gerekiyor.
Önyargılı olmamak ve çarpıtma güdüsüyle hareket etmemek gerekiyor.
Bu yazıya niyetlenirken, bu hassasiyetler nedeniyle kendimi birkaç kere, ‘önyargılı davranma’ diye telkinde bulunurken yakaladım.
Bu telkini kendi kendime defalarca yapmama rağmen, ulaştığım bütün veriler, aklıma ilk gelen fikrin doğruluğunu teyit etmekten başka bir işe yaramadı.
CHP Mersin milletvekilinin TSK’yı hedef alan hakaretinden söz ediyorum.
CHP’nin Ali Mahir Başarır diye bir milletvekili olduğunu “Cumhuriyet tarihinde ilk kez devletin ordusu Katar’a satılmış” sözleri gündem olunca öğrendim.
Ağzından ‘boş bulunduğu’ için çıkmış bir laf olsa yaptığı düzeltme biçiminden anlaşılırdı.
Sözleri, mensubu olduğu parti içinde şaşkınlık ya da öfke ile karşılanmış olsa, gösterilecek tepki ya da atılacak adımlardan bu türden bir ‘ruh ikliminin’ sadece bu vekilde olduğunu düşünebilirdik.
Bunların hepsinden daha kötüsü, ‘en tepeden’ serdedilmiş bundan daha beter beyanatların zihnimize üşüşmüş olmasından dolayı, mesele gündemde kalmayı ve dikkat istemeyi gerekli kılıyor.
CHP milletvekili Başarır, katıldığı televizyon programında “Devletin ordusu Katar’a satılmış” cümlesini kurdu mu? Kurdu.
Ertesi gün yani bu hakaretin muhatabı olan Milli Savunma Bakanlığı bile yazılı açıklama yaptıktan sonra, ‘gerçek meramını’ test edebileceğimiz bir ortam oluştu mu? Oluştu.
Peki, bu vekil ne yaptı?
Sözlerinin ne anlama geldiği gayet açık bir şekilde ortada iken, şöyle bir savunma yaptı:
“Tank Palet Fabrikası’nın satılmasını kastettiğim bölümden olamayacak anlam çıkartmak tamamen algı operasyonudur. Ordumuzun bir parçası Tank Palet Fabrikası Katar’a satılırken üç maymunu oynayanlar bugün bize milliyetçilik dersi vermeye kalkmasın.”
Bu cümleden önüne arkasına bakıldığında da ‘meram bütünlüğü’ anlamında açıklayıcı bir hikâye çıkmıyor karşımıza.
“Devletin ordusu Katar’a satılmış” cümlesini düzeltirken “Devletin Tank Palet Fabrikası Katar’a satılmış” demek istedim demek, bundan 20 yıl kadar önce bir gazetenin rahmetli İlhan Cavcav için İlhan Havhav manşeti attıktan sonra ertesi gün “Baskı hatasıydı” diye durumu ‘usulen’ düzeltmesine benziyor.
Bu ‘aldatmacalı’ mazeret beyanının CHP’nin Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu tarafından bile yeterli bulunmadığı, dünkü Meclis grup konuşmasında sarf ettiği sözlerinden anlaşılabiliyor.
Mersin Milletvekili Başarır’ın sözlerini doğru bulmadığını, mazeretinin de inandırıcı olmadığını ihsas ederek şöyle dedi Kılıçdaroğlu:
“Size her hafta gelen raporlar var. O raporların kapağında Silahlı Kuvvetler’in, Genelkurmay’ın ve Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı’nın siyaset konusu yapılmaması yazar. Bu bize geçmişimizden gelen bir mirastır. Biz bu geleneği çok iyi biliyoruz.”
Bunlar güzel cümleler tabii ama aynı Kılıçdaroğlu’nun çok uzak olmayan bir zaman diliminde söyledikleri akla gelince, yukarıdaki ifadelerinin ne kadar ‘içten’ söylendiği de kuşkulu hale geliyor.
CHP liderinin şubat ayında yine bir Meclis grup konuşmasında dediklerini hatırlayalım mı?
Haydi hatırlayalım:
“Orduda bir hiyerarşi vardır arkadaşlar; en üst komutandan en alttaki er’e kadar ve orduda asla ve asla emir tartışılmaz. Ast tarafından emir tartışılmaz, yerine getirilir. Mete Han’dan bu yana, Türk ordusunun emir ve komuta zinciri bozulmamıştır. İlk kez 20 Temmuz sivil darbesinden sonra ordunun emir ve komuta zinciri yoktur arkadaşlar. Genelkurmay Başkanı’nın hiçbir yetkisi yoktur. Hiçbir kuvvet komutanı Genelkurmay Başkanı’na bağlı değildir. Yaşanan perişanlık, devlet aklının kaybolma perişanlığıdır.”
Öyle bir şeyin olmadığı ortada iken, üstelik ordunun son 5 yılda büyük kahramanlık hikâyeleri yazdığı bilindiği halde, “20 Temmuz sivil darbesinden sonra ordunun emir ve komuta zinciri yoktur” demek, ‘itaatsizlik’ çağrısı değilse nedir?
Biliyoruz ki, 27 Mayıs aynı zamanda bir ‘itaatsizlik’ darbesidir ve o darbede CHP’nin ciddi anlamda ‘tahrik edici’ bir rolü olmuştu.
Değişik zamanlarda sarf edilen sözlerden aynı ‘habis hastalığın’ parti içinde canlılığını koruduğu anlaşılıyor.
Bir örnek daha vereyim:
Kılıçdaroğlu, Gezi olayları sırasında aynı ‘itaatsizlik’ çağrısını bu kez polise dönük yapmıştı.
Vandalizmin zirve yaptığı ve polisin Taksim’e müdahale ettiği bir günde Kılıçdaroğlu aynen şöyle demişti:
“Başbakan’ın verdiği kanunsuz emri uygulamak suçtur. Bu kanunsuzluğa ortak olanlar mutlaka hesap verir.”
Kanunsuz emir, askere 15 Temmuz darbe girişimi öncesinde verilmişti ve 3 yıl önce Taksim’deki müdahale nedeniyle polisi tehdit eden Kılıçdaroğlu, darbeye karışanlar için ‘kendilerine verilen emri uyguladılar’ demekten geri durmadı.
Nasıl ama?
Silahlı Kuvvetler’in siyaset konusu yapılması mı demiştiniz?
Merak ettim şimdi.
Ali Mahir Başarır, Kılıçdaroğlu’na bugün böyle diyorsunuz ama siz de dün bunları söylemiştiniz dese Kemal Bey nasıl bir cevap verir acaba?
30. Ο κακός, δήθεν, σε… αισθήματα για τους Τούρκους, Μπάϊντεν, ο οποίος σχεδιάζει να ξαναμπεί στη συμφωνία για τα πυρηνικά με το Ιράν, απ’ την οποία “βγήκε” (για εμάς ορθότατα) ο Τραμπ, φέρεται ότι θα ρωτήσει και την γνώμη των Τούρκων γι’ αυτό, όταν θα αναλάβει, μετά από τις 20-01-2021, την εξουσία στις Η.Π.Α.!..
İran‘ın ‘nükleer babası’ olarak anılan Muhsin Fahrizade’nin öldürülmesinin ardından ülkede nükleer faaliyetlerin hızlandırılmasına karar verildi. Bu gelişmelerin gölgesinde 20 Ocak’ta Beyaz Saray’a çıkacak olan Joe Biden, konuya ilişkin Türkiye’nin de adını geçirdiği bir değerlendirmede bulundu.
NATO toplantısında Türkiye‘yi suçlayan Pompeo‘yu Çavuşoğlu susturdu
Katıldığı NATO toplantısında Türkiye‘yi hedef alan ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Mike Pompeo‘ya, Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu sert karşılık verdi. NATO toplantısında konuşulması gereken konuyu bir kenara bırakan ve direkt Türkiye‘yi hedef alan Pompeo, Türkiye‘yi “NATO prensiplerine karşı” olmakla suçladı. Çavuşoğlu ise, Ankara‘ya asılsız iftiralar atan Pompeo‘nun ağzını payını verdi.
Ευθείες βολές από Πομπέο προς
Άγκυρα https://t.co/rtBIMHT7Uj #kathimerini #καθημερινή
— Η ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ (@Kathimerini_gr) December 2, 2020
Gündem dışı şekilde Türkiye’yi hedef alan Pompeo’ya Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu’nun cevabı sert oldu. Çavuşoğlu Pompeo’ya, “Avrupalı müttefiklere telefon açıp Türkiye karşıtı bir cephede toplamak, bölgesel çatışmalarda körü körüne Yunanistan’dan yana taraf tutmak ve Türkiye’ye Patriot hava savunma sistemi satmayı reddetmekle” cevap verdi. Çavuşoğlu ayrıca, Türkiye’nin DEAŞ’la savaştığı bir ortamda ABD’nin Suriye’deki teröristleri desteklediğini, yine ABD ile Fransa’nın Dağlık Karabağ’da Ermenistan’a destek vererek çatışmayı daha da kötüleştirdiğini dile getirdi.
Adının açıklanmasını istemeyen bazı üst düzey diplomatlar, Trump hükümeti adına son NATO toplantısına katılan Pompeo’nun, ocak ayında göreve gelecek Joe Biden yönetimi için ittifak içerisinde hayatı daha zor hale getirmek için tansiyonu yükselttiğini öne sürdü.
Yunanistan ve Rum Kesimi’nin Türkiye‘ye karşı kulis hazırlığı
Oruç Reis’in Demre sahasındaki faaliyetlerini tamamlayıp Antalya Limanı’na dönmesiyle birlikte Doğu Akdeniz üzerinden yapılan gergin açıklamalar, yerini olumlu mesajlara bıraktı. En güçlü bahanesi ortadan kalkan Yunanistan ve Rum Kesimi ise, AB Liderler Zirvesi öncesinde gerilimi Maraş üzerinden tırmandırmaya çalışmak için harekete geçti.
Türkiye silah satışında rekor kırdı! ABD ısrarla bu silahı sipariş etti! Onlarca ülke sırada bekliyor
Türk silahlarına ilgi her geçen gün artıyor. Askeri alanda önemli projelere imza atan Türkiye, silah üretme işinde de çok önemli bir konumda bulunuyor. Av tüfeği üretimi ve ihracatında dünyanın lider ülkeleri arasında olan Türkiye, ABD’ye rekor sayıda silah sattı. Türkiye’nin silahı için onlarca ülke sipariş için bekliyor.
Where We Are
And what we are facing.
My first political demonstration was a May Day parade in 1948. I was nine years old. We chanted in support of President Truman’s “Fair Employment Practices Commission” and his successful effort to integrate the civil service. The May Day parade was organized by the Communist Party USA, a conspiratorial organization working in league with Communist Russia to overthrow the United States government and create a “Soviet America.” Both my parents were members of the Party.
These two causes in a way defined the next seventy-odd years of my life: on the one hand, the fight for individual rights and equality; on the other a lifelong struggle for – and then against – a treasonous movement that set out to change the world for the better but ended up making it worse – much worse.
As a young man, I was present at the creation of the New Left, editing its largest magazine, Ramparts. The New Left was a socialist movement that began as an attempt to rescue the “Old” Communist Left from the “mistakes” it had made in serving masters who murdered more than 100 million people. In peace time. “Mistakes” was our weasel term for the epic crimes our fellow Marxists committed against ordinary human beings who refused to go along with their utopian schemes. Our goal was to revive the quest they had begun and finally create a world of “social justice.”
I soon discovered that there was no new Left fundamentally different from its predecessor. The evil the left did flowed directly from the noble ideal itself. You cannot create a world of perfect equality because people are not equal, and the attempt to make them so requires taking away the freedom of most for the benefit of what turns out to be a few. You cannot create a government that is socially “just” because the people who will run it are the same people whose lies, bigotries, selfishness and greed created the unjust world you are attempting to leave behind. The new rulers, corrupt as ever, will have more power than ever. You can only make things worse. Much worse.
I learned these truths first in my work with the Black Panther Party, a murderous street gang whom we regarded as “the vanguard of the revolution.” We did so because the Panthers were the only leftists with guns who were willing to use them. The Panthers preyed mainly on vulnerable blacks but also murdered a friend of mine who was white.
My second awakening came with the success of the New Left’s “antiwar movement,” which forced America out of Vietnam. The New Left’s claims to be “anti-war” in behalf of the Vietnamese were actually two dangerous lies. When the movement succeeded in forcing America’s withdrawal from Indo-China, the Communists proceeded to slaughter two and a half million peasants in Cambodia and Vietnam. There wasn’t a single demonstration against the slaughter. Not one. I realized then that it was never an “anti-war” movement. It was an anti-American movement. The Left wanted the Communists to win and didn’t care how many innocent Asians were murdered in the process. I realized I was involved in a movement whose rhetoric was seductive and noble but whose deeds were evil. And I left.
The “social justice” radicals still have the best slogans. They call themselves progressives but are actually reactionaries. They call themselves liberals but are actually bigots. They say they’re for peace when they are organized for war. It is always the same war: to bring down the United States of America.
Thanks mainly to their growing influence, we live in extreme times, where things are not what they are made to seem, and monstrous accusations are leveled at individuals without restraint. As a result, we live in an atmosphere of intimidation, where people can lose their livelihoods, their careers and even their lives if they get on the wrong side of leftist crusaders. That is a terrible thing to have to say in this once free country, but it is something that has become too obvious to deny.
For 30 years before he descended the famous escalator in Trump Tower to declare his candidacy for the White House, Donald Trump was a well-known public figure. Everybody in America knew who he was. In all those 30 years, no one ever referred to him as “Donald Trump, host of ‘The Apprentice’ and white supremacist.” Nobody ever said “This is Donald Trump, New York builder and white nationalist.” That only happened when he ran against the Democrats.
In fact, all three of Trump’s predecessors as presidential candidates – Bush, McCain and even Romney were denounced as racists by the Democrats. Vice President Joe Biden told an audience that included many black Americans that if elected, Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan, “are gonna put y’all back in chains.”
Why do Democrats take such a low road as a matter of course? They do it because it is effective, and because the Democrat Party has a dirty secret to hide. Democrats control 100% of every major inner-city in America, and have for 50 to 100 years. Every killing field — Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis – is 100% in the hands of the Democrats. Every injustice in these inner cities – real or imagined – that policy can affect, Democrats are 100% responsible for. Every rotten school system, which year in and year out fails to provide mainly black and Hispanic kids with the basic tools they need to succeed is 100% controlled by the Democrat Party and its teacher unions who without exception put the interests of the adults in the system in front of the kids. Including keeping schools closed during the Covid-19 pandemic while demanding more money for themselves.
Trump represented a major threat to the Democrats’ corrupt inner-city empires and – worse – to their electoral power base. Consequently, when Trump asked inner city blacks “What do you have to lose by voting for me?” the Democrats lost no time in demonizing him. They did so in the most dehumanizing terms possible – launching an all-out war to destroy him as a white nationalist, white supremacist, Hitler. In this lethal atmosphere, which has lasted for four years, the first black President of the United States this week again called Trump – and by implication his seventy-three million supporters – racist.
Race is the Democrats’ nuclear weapon, deployed to destroy their critics and protect every corrupt urban Tammany Hall they have built and profited from over the last 100 years. This weapon was a gift from the radicals who successfully infiltrated the Democrat Party following their riot at the Convention in 1968. It is where the deep divisions that afflict us now began.
The absurd, racially poisonous term, “white skin privilege,” for example, was an invention of the hate America terrorists who called themselves, “Weathermen,” and whose leaders, Bill Ayers and Eric Mann, advised Barack Obama (Ayers actually ghosted his autobiography) and mentored the insurrectionary founders of Black Lives Matter. The stated goal of the Weathermen terrorists was to join what they saw as a global race war against “white supremacy,” and to join it as a fifth column against white America.
Democrats embraced racial politics opportunistically at first, because it was an effective political weapon. As a result of the radical ascendancy within the Democrat party and in the nation’s schools, the race card now features the ludicrous charge that white America is a white supremacist nation, and “racism is in its DNA.” This is a charge that is deadly because it will justify the most radical anti-American measures. As a result of the Democrats’ blitzkrieg against this imaginary scourge, large sections of the American public are now in the grips of a hysteria that has detached them from any semblance of reality. In this atmosphere, a lifelong liberal like Trump can be miraculously transformed into a raving Nazi. On the other end of the equation, black America is cast as a race of noble savages who can do no wrongs that are not attributable to “systemic racism” and white oppression.
In this fantasy world, black Americans are routinely portrayed as though they are a “marginal” and “under-represented” people in our society. This has become a required perspective for racially sensitive Americans eager to position themselves “on the right side of history.” And it is forced on millions of whites who are demonized by a multi-million-dollar industry of racist diversity trainers who lecture captive audiences in our universities, corporations, and even military academies, in the anti-white racism of “critical race theory,” a creed concocted by the hate America left.
The notion that black Americans are marginal, and under-represented, and therefore oppressed is transparently ridiculous. On the contrary, to anyone with eyes to see, Black America and its wounds are closer to being the center of the nation’s attention, and also the focus of its charitable largesse. Otherwise, how explain the complacency of the nation and its civic authorities towards the epic lawlessness and destruction inspired by Black Lives Matter vigilantes in 600 American cities last summer without a single instigator being held accountable, and even the arrested perpetrators being immediately released from jail? How explain how such criminal violence could be justified as opposing “police brutality” in advance of a single trial or even investigation of an allegedly brutal police officer?
Far from being marginal, under-represented, and oppressed, Black America is a community continually front and center in the nation’s consciousness. They are a powerful and often dominant force in American culture. Black athletes are the heroes of America’s youth. Black comedians, entertainers, musicians and actors fill America’s TV, theater and Internet screens, bringing their stories – their lives, emotions, victories, losses – into America’s hearts . Far from being denied access to the American dream, most black Americans are now comfortably in the middle class and part of it.
Oprah Winfrey is a self-made billionaire, the richest woman in America, and she is joined by increasing numbers of other blacks who are also self-made, having amassed multi-million-dollar fortunes in a single lifetime. The reality is that far from oppressing black America. Americans have made blacks the recipients of a cornucopia of special privileges – of lavishly funded programs and benefits based on their skin color that are designed to give them a leg up in the world. And these privileges come at the expense of opportunities for white and Asian Americans who are denied places they have earned at elite universities, and in all walks of professional life, also because of their skin color. This is a systemic racism that Americans support because it benefits black Americans, and that self-anointed “anti-racists” will defend at all costs.
If the majority of black Americans are comfortably in the middle class, what accounts for the failure of other members of the black community to lift themselves out of poverty? This is a question that is now politically incorrect to ask. It is “blaming the victim.” It is an affront to the skin privilege of an oppressed people. It is racist. In fact, it is an obvious sham, but the vast majority of Americans go along with it. The rest of America doesn’t ask blacks who have fallen behind why that is so. For example, absent fathers, rampant drug use and off the charts crime rates – to mention three obvious factors. Instead of holding these individuals in any way accountable for their plight, their failure is blamed on invisible white people, who are allegedly responsible for an always un-evidenced “systemic racism” against blacks.
Systemic racism is illegal under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. If it were actually a problem in police departments and corporate institutions, as organizations like Black Lives Matter claim, there would be massive lawsuits by legions of black (and white) attorneys, prosecutors and attorneys general. There aren’t such lawsuits because the problem is invented. Aside from affirmative action programs, the only systemic racism is to be found in the disgraceful inner-city public schools, whose oppression of black youngsters is protected by the Democrat Party and its teacher unions. They will fight to the death to prevent poor minority kids from having the same choices in education as the children of Democrat teacher union members.
Taken together, the anti-white hysteria and the hysteria of black victimhood have had terrible consequences for Americans both black and white. In the summer of 2020, Black Lives Matter set in motion the largest, most violent, most destructive lynch mob in American history. Arsonists, looters and street criminals laid siege to 633 cities, caused billions of dollars in damage, and killed scores of people, as it happens mainly black. According to studies, ninety-five percent of the violent demonstrations were led by Black Lives Matter, and their fascist Antifa allies.
Like classic lynch mobs, the Black Lives Matter attacks were inspired by demands for verdicts in advance of trials or even investigations. “No Justice, No Peace!” Thus, George Floyd’s death was called a racial murder in advance of the autopsy report, which showed there was no strangulation and that he died of a self-inflicted Fentanyl overdose. One of the four officers indicted for Floyd’s “murder,” under pressure from the lynch mob, was an African American who had joined the police force to help institute reforms. How was this even a racial incident?
The same lies endlessly repeated describe the vast majority of Black Lives Matters’ claims about racial injustices committed by police. These lies obscure the fact that these incidents routinely involved black criminals resisting arrest by law enforcement officials whose chiefs – as in the Floyd case – were more often than not black themselves – and Democrats. “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” an infamous Black Lives Matter lie that led to arson, destruction and general mayhem in Ferguson Missouri was the invention of a black criminal accomplice of Michael Brown. It was refuted before a grand jury by six black eyewitnesses who testified that Brown was actually charging the officer with his head down when he was shot.
Yet this lie is now part of the deadly folklore of the Black Lives Matter lynch mob and is featured in a new Netflix film based on the writings of the racist black author Ta-Nehisi Coates. Small wonder that the icon of the Black Lives Matter movement, Assata Shakur, is a cold-blooded cop killer. Shakur is also a fugitive taken in by the sadistic dictator Fidel Castro, a figure adored by Black Lives Matters’ Marxist founders.
Black Lives Matter leads a coalition of roughly fifty vigilante organizations claiming to be pursuing “social justice.” Vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris who has raised bail funds for Black Lives Matter arsonists and street criminals calls them, “A Coalition of Conscience.” Hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested in its efforts by George Soros, the Ford Foundation and major U.S. corporations, helping to make it the most powerful political movement in America today.
The coalition has already presented its first legislative proposal, maliciously called “The Breathe Act” after two notorious Black Lives Matter lies claiming that Eric Garner and George Floyd were strangled by police. (The autopsy reports in both cases showed that neither man was strangled. Both were resisting arrest.) “The Breathe Act” is not about “choke holds” or other possible causes of strangulation. Its goals are to defund the police, abolish prisons, and eliminate border enforcement. In other words, to make America as vulnerable to domestic criminals and international enemies as possible.
Forty years ago, I left the left when I saw that it was a destructive force that would never change. Leftists do not tolerate dissenters in their ranks. They suppress politically incorrect ideas and cast out their perpetrators, demonizing them in the process. As a result, leftists never learn from their “mistakes” or take responsibility for their crimes. Thus, in every generation a new destructive crusade for “social justice” is launched, oblivious of the disasters previous radical campaigns left in their wakes.
The leaders of Black Lives Matter proclaim “We are trained Marxists,” as though that were a badge of honor rather than a confession of dangerous ignorance and a kiss of death. Every successful Marxist revolution without exception has established a ruthless police state, which more often than not conducts genocidal persecutions of ethnic minorities. In other words, social injustice on an epic scale. Yet that is the prospect we face in a reactionary left that has learned nothing from the past and is intent on destroying the most tolerant, inclusive, egalitarian society ever created. The good news is that a patriotic movement has risen, rededicated to the propositions that all men are created equal and endowed with God-given rights to life and liberty, and is prepared to defend them.
Mahmoud Abbas Cheers Biden’s Election
The consequences for Israel — and for the Palestinians themselves.
For Mahmoud Abbas, the apparent election of Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States is sheer relief. As a result of his disagreement with President Donald Trump’s “Peace of the Century,” he severed his ties with the Trump administration, and in May, he suspended the security coordination with Israel. Abbas also, among other things, refused to accept tax money Israel collected from Palestinians working in Israel that is transferred to the Palestinian Authority (PA). This has just about emptied the PA’s coffers, and brought about the near collapse of the Palestinian economy.
In the Sunni-Muslim Arab world, Abbas’ PA became more isolated as a number of Arab states normalized relations with Israel, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, and Sudan (Khartoum and Jerusalem have not yet formalized an agreement). Actually, a second term would more than likely have cemented Trump’s Middle East peace plan. While the U.S. elections seem to be tilting toward a Biden presidency, albeit, charges of serious irregularities have been leveled by the Trump campaign. Trump’s appeal of the results may end up in the Supreme Court, and it is the court that will ultimately determine the final result of the 2020 elections.
During his election campaign, Joe Biden vowed to revive the Two-State solution. He also promised to restore Washington’s relations with the Palestinians. It is quite apparent that Biden intends to reverse President Trump’s Middle East policies, including promises during the campaign to reopen the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) offices in Washington DC, and resume U.S. financial aid to the bankrupt PA. He has also promised to open the U.S. Consulate in East Jerusalem (serving Palestinians only), that Trump closed. In addition, it is expected that the Biden administration would once again fund the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which Trump defunded. The corruption within UNRWA, which enjoys significant western aid, while it is serving as an incubator for Palestinian terrorists, is unwarranted.
Salem Barahmeh, Executive Director of the Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy, writing for Foreign Policy magazine (November 20, 2020), observed that, “While President-elect Joe Biden’s win – or, rather Trump’s impending exit – offers Palestinians a brief reprieve, it also presents them with sobering reality which they must now contend. The Biden administration may prove less threatening to the Palestinians than its predecessor, but it is not likely to facilitate a path toward Palestinian freedom.”
Abbas will do well to remember that things have changed in the last four years, and that there is no going back to the previous status quo. Biden won’t be able to change the existing geopolitical situation. Perhaps in realization of reality, last week Abbas decided to resume the security coordination with Israel and accept the taxes collected by Israel.
For Israel, a Biden presidency will not have the intimacy and the coordinated moves it had with the Trump administration. At the same time, Biden’s presidency will not have the hostility the Obama administration displayed toward Israel. Biden’s designated Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, 58, when addressing the subject of the U.S. – Israeli relationship said that, “Biden has an ironclad commitment to Israel’s security.” Blinken, who reiterated Biden’s commitment of resuming aid to the Palestinians, added that Biden “would abide by congressional restrictions conditioning much of the aid to the PA ending payments to Palestinians who have killed or wounded Americans and Israelis,” also known as “pay to slay.” Blinken also pointed out that Biden will not condition aid to Israel.
Biden is not going to aggressively pursue additional normalization deals between Arab states and Israel. He will focus more on a deal between the Ramallah based PA, and Israel. Biden’s declared intention to resume U.S. participation in the Iran nuclear deal, will serve to stimulate and strengthen the Arab-Israeli alliance against Iran, and it would probably bring additional Arab states to normalize relations with Israel. The likelihood that Biden will ease or end the sanctions on Iran worries Israel, and the moderate Sunni Arab world.
The New York Times reported (November 17, 2020) that, “President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. has promised to move quickly to rejoin the nuclear deal with Iran so long as Iran also comes back into compliance. But that vow is easier said than done. Iran declared that it will demand compensation from the U.S. for the sanctions imposed by Washington. Tehran also wants the revocation of all sanctions, as a condition to engage with the U.S. Iran’s support of terror against its neighbors and beyond, its development of long-range missiles with nuclear payloads that might reach the U.S., poses a threat to International peace and stability.
According to Fox News, Tony Blinken opposed designating the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization. At the same time though, Blinken is said to have pointed out that, “In the category of ‘never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity,’ I think a reminder to Palestinians that they can and should do better to deserve better, and that requires leadership: leadership to make clear the reality of the Jewish state; leadership to make clear the need to end incitement and violence; leadership to bring people along for the prospect of negotiating.”
Palestinian Arab-American, and Michigan Congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib, a vocal advocate of the Palestinian cause, reacted to Blinken being Biden’s choice for Secretary of State by saying that, “Just make sure he doesn’t try to silence me and suppress my first amendment right to speak out against Netanyahu’s racist and inhumane policies.” Tlaib’s insulting and crude reference to Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu is not only inherently false and vicious, it is unbecoming of a U.S. Member of Congress toward a friendly ally, who treats Arab-Israelis far better than the PA or Hamas treat their own people. The Democrat party should rightfully denounce her statement, and take disciplinary measures against her hateful speech.
In September, Joe Biden condemned the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel in a platform he released, and aimed at Arab-Americans. At the same time, Biden said that he backed the free speech rights of the BDS movement. Except that the BDS “free speech” is actually unadulterated hate speech.
Biden opposes Israel’s annexation or more accurately, the extension of Israeli sovereignty to the Jewish communities in the Jordan Valley. In his platform, he said that, “He will work to ensure that Palestinians and Israelis enjoy equal measures of freedom, security, prosperity, and democracy.” Biden’s policy is grounded in his commitment to a two-state solution, where Israel and the future viable state of Palestine, will live together in peace, security, and mutual recognition.
The verbiage used by Biden is commonly used by Democrats regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, if the Palestinians cannot make peace among themselves, how will they reconcile themselves to making peace with the Jewish state? For a century-long, they have poisoned the minds of generations of young people in mosques, media, and schools, with hatred toward Jews and the Jewish state. Biden is naïve to believe that Abbas and company will accept a peace deal now, when Abbas rejected one in 2008, a deal that had far reaching Israeli concessions which made it possible for a solid opportunity to establish a sovereign Palestinian state.
Conditions that Mahmoud Abbas demands, specifically the “Right of Return” of millions of Palestinian refugees to Israel, or more specifically their descendants, cannot be acceptable to Israel. Nor for that matter, is a militarized Palestinian state. Biden, with all his goodwill, won’t be able to break the impasse.
Unmasking Antifa
A new book exposes the origins, nature, tactics, and aims of this dangerous “idea.”
Mark Tapson is the Shillman Fellow on Popular Culture for the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
The other day on Facebook a friend posted something critical of the domestic terror group known as Antifa, and someone came to its defense by echoing Clueless Joe Biden’s recent, bizarre declaration that Antifa is not an organization but “an idea.”
It is true that Antifa is not an organization in the strict sense, but Biden’s vague description is either stunningly uninformed or a weak attempt to deflect criticism from its masked militant members. I’m betting on the latter, because Democrat leaders have been curiously reluctant to condemn Antifa’s strategy of violence and intimidation toward the purportedly “fascist” supporters of President Trump.
To educate the Facebook commenter and Biden supporter who believes Antifa actually opposes fascism, I recommended the new book Unmasking Antifa: Five Perspectives on a Growing Threat, edited by the Center for Security Policy and featuring FrontPage Mag contributor Matthew Vadum, because there is no better dissection of the origins, nature, tactics, and aims of this anarchic “idea” and its dangerous adherents than this compact exposé.
As the subtitle suggests, Unmasking Antifa consists of five essays from a variety of experts about the movement that the book’s editor Kyle Shideler calls “a growing threat to the fabric of the American way of life and the inalienable rights of all citizens enshrined in our Constitution.”
First up is Shideler himself, whose testimony before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on the Constitution lays out Antifa’s history and ideology, organization and structure, and network of material support before answering the question, is Antifa a terrorist organization? Shideler concludes that it most certainly is, that “Antifa’s violent attacks against demonstrators, political rally participants, and journalists with the explicit purpose of intimidating and coercing them are clearly terrorism.” He states that the movement’s single-minded purpose is to use violence to “terrorize the general public into silence and inaction” politically. As former professor Mark Bray writes approvingly in Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, “We may not always be able to change someone’s beliefs, but we sure as hell can make it politically, socially, economically, and sometimes physically costly to articulate them.”
Antifa is not a new movement, Shideler explains, but a reincarnation of the Anti-Fascist Action organization established by the Soviet-controlled German Communist Party in 1932, and rekindled among Europe’s communist urban guerrillas of the 1960s and ‘70s. “The young followers of radicals from [that era] are now among the organizers, funders, leaders of young radicals in 2020,” he writes. “They have worked their entire lives for this moment.”
The next contributor is Gabriel Nadales, a former Antifa-member-turned-conservative-activist who offers a riveting insider perspective in his essay, “Not an Organization, But a Movement.” Antifa is more easily understood, he explains, “not as a noun but as an adjective and a verb.” The adjective applies to a leftist group when it embraces “anti-fascism”; the verb refers to its willingness to promote its ideas with violence – and “you are not truly a part of the Antifa movement unless you take that violent step toward ‘fighting fascism.’”
“Antifa does not stand for anything,” Nadales continues. It “is instead defined by what it stands against,” which is whatever its adherents choose to define as “fascist.” But it “was never about fighting an oppressive ideology. Antifa has always been about fighting to destroy capitalism and establish communism.”
As for the organization’s diffuse leadership structure, Nadales identifies three different fronts: the national thought leaders like Mark Bray or former Rep. Keith Ellison who help legitimize Antifa’s ideology; the regional leaders like unhinged Bay Area activist Yvette Felarca who organize large protests; and locally-organized independent leaders. Nadales’ insights into the workings of these different levels, and into Antifa’s funding and methods of recruitment, are very enlightening.
“The Tactics of Antifa” follows, by Northern California GOP activist Erin Smith. Smith echoes many of Shideler’s and Nadales’ points, and adds that “Antifa seeks to directly engage with its political opponents… to make their continued presence impossible. They are not interested in winning a political debate or achieving a legislative objective.” (Conservatives, take heed; we are engaged in a war, not a debate, and Antifa is out to win by any means necessary.) “Their secondary objective,” Smith continues, “is to provoke disproportionate, high-intensity violence from their opponents, which can then be exploited for propaganda purposes.” Thanks to the assistance of the leftist news media, Antifa has “an almost uncontested ability to cast any right-leaning opposition as literal Nazis.”
Smith goes on to describe in fascinating detail Antifa’s organizing units – “affinity groups” and “black blocs” – and their street warfare tactics and training, including with firearms. Not that they have any special reverence for the Second Amendment; as Smith points out, “In their world… you only accrue a right to bear arms if you agree to use them to advance collective class interests and the revolution.”
Investigative reporter Matthew Vadum, a frequent FrontPage Mag contributor, explores “The Murky Money Trail” of Antifa, pointing out that “we know surprisingly little about who fills Antifa’s coffers.” While Antifa’s activities are individually low-budget, “the sheer number and scale of the riots and violent protest actions Antifa was involved in throughout 2020 across the United States makes it difficult for many to believe Antifa militants act without significant financial backing.”
Vadum notes that the movement receives direct funding through sources such as crowdfunding, and indirect funding through support organizations such as the Democratic Socialists of America and especially the National Lawyers Guild, which has been called Antifa’s “unofficial legal arm.” Predictably, the name of billionaire plutocrat activist George Soros comes up, as his Open Society Foundations funds Antifa indirectly.
Finally, J. Michael Waller looks at the international nature of Antifa and its place in the history of violent leftist groups in “Antifa: An International Insurgent Network.” “Antifa has borrowed tactics from Cuban-backed armed clandestine organizations, radical Palestinian groups that waged the Intifada, and Islamist movements ranging from the Muslim Brotherhood to Turkish-backed jihadis,” Waller concludes. Ideologically a hybrid of anarchism and Marxism, it is “of foreign origin, is networked internationally, and is targeted at representative democratic governments and their constitutional foundations.” That sounds like more than just an “idea,” as Biden would put it.
Antifa is not merely an idea any more than it is anti-fascist. It is, as the book’s editor Shideler warns, a subversive and violent extremist international movement… fundamentally committed to the abolition of the U.S. government and the violent overthrow of the United States Constitution.” All patriots need to arm themselves with the clear-eyed truths about the movement that are compiled in Unmasking Antifa. We misunderstand Antifa, or underestimate it, at our nation’s peril.
Video: Communist Lockdowns & Election Thefts
The Deep State makes its malicious – and morbid – moves.
[To get the whole story on the roots of the Left’s malice and what lies behind its war of destruction on free societies, read Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror: CLICK HERE.]
Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Instagram: @JamieGlazov, Parler: @JamieGlazov and Twitter: @JamieGlazov.
This new Glazov Gang episode features Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow with the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He researches Islamic terrorism, left-wing radicalism, and the decline of the free world.
Daniel discusses Communist Lockdowns & Election Thefts, unveiling The Deep State’s malicious – and morbid – moves.
And make sure to watch Will Johnson, the Founder of UniteAmericaFirst.com, focus on The Coming Bolshevik Reign of Terror, USA, where he reveals how The lockdowns – and the “list” of Trump supporters – are only the beginning.
Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Instagram: @JamieGlazov, Parler: @JamieGlazov and Twitter: @JamieGlazov.
PKK Sincar‘dan çekildi açıklamasına Ankara‘dan ilk tepki!
Diplomatik kaynaklar devamında şu ifadeleri kullandı:
Sincar’dan PKK’nın çıkartılmasından kasıt şayet sadece ilçe merkezinden çıkartılıp, Sincar Dağı’na çekilmekse bu Türkiye için yeterli değil. Sadece ilçe merkezinden çekilip dağa çekiliyorsa bu açıklama bizim için yeterli değil. Bu şekilde PKK, Sincar’dan ayrıldı demek de mümkün değildir. Bu orada oldukları anlamına geliyor. PKK, orayı kendi isteğiyle terk edecek bir yapı değil. İkna ile de terk edebilecek bir yapı değil. Anlaşmayı gerçek manada uygulamak istiyorlarsa atmaları gereken başka adımlar da var.