Ενημέρωση Νο “4”.
*** ΓΙΑ ΣΕΝΑ … ***
*** Η ΚΑΤΑΚΤΗΣΗ ενός τίτλου πρωταθλητή από τον Ολυμπιακό, δεν είναι ακριβώς είδηση * ΘΥΜΙΖΕΙ εκείνο το αξίωμα της δημοσιογραφίας πού λέει πως είδηση δεν είναι όταν ένας σκύλος δαγκώσει άνθρωπο, αλλά όταν ένας άνθρωπος δαγκώσει σκύλο ! * ΕΙΔΗΣΗ λοιπόν θα ήταν αν ο Ολυμπιακός ΔΕΝ ΚΕΡΔΙΖΕ τον τίτλο του ΠΡΩΤΑΘΛΗΤΗ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ * ΕΝΑΝ ακόμη τίτλο, τον 46ο στην ιστορία του ελληνικού ποδοσφαίρου
*** ΕΓΩ λοιπόν, από αυτήν εδώ την ιστορική στήλη, την ΜΑΚΡΟΒΙΟΤΕΡΗ καθημερινή, ΕΝΥΠΟΓΡΑΦΗ στήλη σε αθλητικό ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΟ Τύπο, έχω εδώ και ΔΕΚΑΕΤΙΕΣ καθιερώσει τέτοια εποχή να προβάλλω ως είδηση την κατάκτηση ΤΟΥ ΕΠΟΜΕΝΟΥ τίτλου από τον Ολυμπιακό ! * ΤΟ ίδιο θα κάνω και τώρα * Ο ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΣ λοιπόν είναι έτοιμος να πανηγυρίσει την κατάκτηση του 47ου πρωταθλήματος * ΤΟ 46ο, τελείωσε * ΣΕΙΡΑ έχει το 47ο, πού είναι … σαν να το πήρε ήδη !
*** ΑΠΟ το 2010 πού ανέλαβε τον Ολυμπιακό ο Βαγγέλης Μαρινάκης, το γράφω αυτό κάθε χρόνο * ΣΕ ένδεκα χρόνια, είχα εννέα επιτυχείς προβλέψεις και δύο αστοχίες * ΚΑΙ ξέρετε γιατί ; * ΔΙΟΤΙ οι προβλέψεις μου στηρίζονται στα δεδομένα της στιγμής, της εποχής πού γράφονται * ΕΙΝΑΙ αδύνατον να προβλέψει κανείς τα … ΑΠΡΟΒΛΕΠΤΑ, τους λεγόμενους «αστάθμητους παράγοντες»
*** ΗΤΑΝ αδύνατον δηλαδή και ομολογώ την αδυναμία μου, να προβλέψω τον ΧΑΡΤΙΝΟ τίτλο πού «πήρε» η Κούλα το 2018, ή το «πρωτάθλημα των Πρεσπών» του Μπάοκ το 2019 * ΟΠΩΣ βεβαίως ήταν αδύνατον, σε μένα ή και σε οποιονδήποτε, να μαντέψει έστω το ΑΠΙΣΤΕΥΤΟ ΜΙΣΟΣ, το ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΟ ΜΕΝΟΣ των κυβερνήσεων συριζανέλ εναντίον του Βαγγέλη Μαρινάκη και το ΟΠΑΔΙΚΟ εναντίον του Ολυμπιακού
*** ΔΕΝ πρόκειται λοιπόν για υπέρβαση, ούτε για δημοσιογραφική υπερβολή * ΓΡΑΦΩ σήμερα, βάση των σημερινών δεδομένων * Η ΚΑΤΑΚΤΗΣΗ του 47ου πρωταθλήματος από τον ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟ είναι ΣΙΓΟΥΡΗ σε ποσοστό ΕΝΑ ΕΚΑΤΟΜΜΥΡΙΟ τοις εκατό * ΜΟΝΟ κάτι ΦΟΒΕΡΟ, κάτι εντελώς απρόβλεπτο, ένα … εξώκοσμο συμβάν όπως π.χ. ένας … ισοπεδωτικός σεισμός, ή ένας βιβλικός κατακλυσμός θα μπορούσε να στερήσει τον τίτλο από τον ΔΙΚΑΙΑ μόνιμο πρωταθλητή
*** ΛΟΙΠΟΝ, για να σοβαρευτούμε * ΔΕΝ κάνω τον προφήτη, ούτε ζω στα σύννεφα τρεφόμενος με χίμαιρες * ΣΤΑΘΜΙΖΩ και κρίνω τα γεγονότα με ορθολογικό τρόπο * ΚΑΙ επιμένω * Ο ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΣ έχει στο τσεπάκι του ΚΑΙ ΤΟ 47ο * ΚΑΙ ξέρετε γιατί; * ΔΙΟΤΙ οι ανταγωνιστές του, ΑΔΥΝΑΤΟΥΝ να τον συναγωνιστούν * ΕΠΟΜΕΝΩΣ και να τον φτάσουν * ΟΥΤΕ ο Αλαφούζος του Παναθηναϊκού, ούτε ο Μελισσανίδης της Αεκούλας, ούτε καν ο Ιβάν Ιγκνιατίεβιτς Σαμπίντι, του Μπάοκ
*** ΚΑΙ οι τρείς αυτές ομάδες, δεν έχουν τις δυνατότητες, ούτε τις αγωνιστικές, ούτε τις οργανωτικές, ούτε τις διοικητικές να φτάσουν και να συναγωνισθούν ΕΠΙ ΙΣΟΙΣ ΟΡΟΙΣ τον Ολυμπιακό * ΟΥΤΕ βεβαίως οι τρείς ιδιοκτήτες τους, τον Βαγγέλη Μαρινάκη * ΚΑΙ ειδικά για τον τελευταίο, τον Ιβάν, πρέπει να τονίσω ότι ΑΥΤΟΣ ειδικά είναι πού ΥΣΤΕΡΕΙ έναντι των άλλων δύο * ΚΑΙ θα σας εξηγήσω τι εννοώ
*** Ο ΙΒΑΝ Σαμπίντι ΕΧΕΙ λεφτά * ΙΣΩΣ περισσότερα από τους άλλους δύο * ΤΟ όνομά του μάλιστα συμπεριλαμβάνεται στη λίστα forbes, με τους πλουσιότερους ανθρώπους στον κόσμο * ΑΥΤΑ είναι πού φαίνονται και δημοσιοποιούνται * ΤΩΡΑ, αν υπάρχουν κι’ άλλα πού δεν φαίνονται, κάποιες ιδιαιτερότητες πού δεν δημοσιοποιούνται, είναι κάτι πού τουλάχιστον εμείς οι … κοινοί θνητοί δεν είμαστε σε θέση να γνωρίζουμε και να αξιολογήσουμε * TO τι λεφτά είναι και από πού προέρχονται, δεν ξέρω, ούτε και με ενδιαφέρει ιδιαίτερα * ΞΕΡΩ μόνο ότι οι μεγάλες περιουσίες δεν γίνονται με την … αποταμίευση
*** ΜΕΝΟΥΜΕ λοιπόν στο ότι έχουμε στο ποδόσφαιρό μας έναν ιδιοκτήτη πάμπλουτο, της λίστας forbes * ΤΟ θέμα όμως δεν είναι το πόσα λεφτά έχει κανείς και πόσο μεγάλη είναι η περιουσία του * ΕΙΝΑΙ το ΤΙ ΒΑΖΕΙ στην ομάδα του * ΤΟ τι εισφέρει, προκειμένου να την διατηρεί και να την ενισχύει, το τι είναι διατεθειμένος να ΔΙΑΘΕΤΕΙ γι’ αυτήν * ΚΑΙ όσον αφορά τον Ιβάν Σαμπίντι, δεν βλέπω διάθεση
*** ΒΛΕΠΩ, ακούω και διαβάζω ΛΟΓΙΑ, πολλά λόγια και φρου φρού κι’ αρώματα * ΟΥΣΙΑ όμως δεν βλέπω * ΑΜΕΣΗ προτεραιότητά του, είναι οι ΔΟΥΛΕΙΕΣ και οι δουλίτσες * ΜΕ το κράτος, κατά προτίμηση * ΧΤΥΠΑΕΙ λιμάνια, χτυπάει τουριστικές εγκαταστάσεις, χτυπάει γη, χτυπάει ξενοδοχεία, χτυπάει ακίνητα, χτυπάει τα πάντα * ΚΑΙ πάντα, μέσα σε κωδονοκρουσίες, θαυμαστικά εγκώμια και δοξολογίες των δημοσιογραφικών του υπαλλήλων
*** ΓΙΑ την ομάδα του, όμως, τον Μπάοκ, ΔΕΝ ΒΛΕΠΩ και πολλά πράγματα * ΔΕΝ βλέπω όρεξη, δεν βλέπω πάθος, δεν βλέπω «αλκολίκι» * ΔΕΝ βλέπω ΕΠΕΝΔΥΣΗ, αλλά αντίθετα, βλέπω ΑΠΙΣΧΝΑΣΗ * ΒΛΕΠΩ απογύμνωση του έμψυχου υλικού, βλέπω πρόθεση ΜΟΝΟ ΠΩΛΗΣΗΣ ποδοσφαιριστών χωρίς πρόθεση αντικατάστασής τους από ισάξιους, τουλάχιστον * ΜΕ λίγα λόγια, δεν βλέπω ΜΕΡΑΚΙ * ΤΟ μόνο πού μπορώ να δω μετά βεβαιότητος, είναι η ΠΡΟΣΚΟΛΛΗΣΗ σε τακτικές ΠΑΡΑΣΚΗΝΙΟΥ με μία αέναη προσπάθεια ΜΙΜΗΣΗΣ των πιο άσχημων μεθόδων πού έχει βιώσει το ελληνικό ποδόσφαιρο
*** Ο ΙΒΑΝ Ιγκνιατίεβιτς Σαμπίντι είναι ο μόνος εκ των τριών συμμάχων πού ίσως να μπορούσε, αν πράγματι το ήθελε, να συντροφέψει τον Βαγγέλη Μαρινάκη στην απόλυτα ΠΑΡΑΓΩΓΙΚΗ του πορεία στο ελληνικό ποδόσφαιρο * ΔΕΝ πρόκειται όμως να το κάνει ΠΟΤΕ αυτό, για έναν απλούστατο λόγο * ΔΙΟΤΙ οι σχέσεις του με το ποδόσφαιρο γενικά και με την ομάδα του ειδικότερα, δεν έχουν καμία σχέση με τις ανάλογες του ηγέτη του Ολυμπιακού * ΑΠΕΧΟΥΝ μεταξύ τους, όσο η γη από τον ήλιο
*** Ο ΜΑΡΙΝΑΚΗΣ δεν σταματάει να ΕΠΕΝΔΥΕΙ στην ομάδα του * ΕΠΕΝΔΥΕΙ συνεχώς και φροντίσει για το καλύτερο, για τη βελτίωση, για την ενίσχυσή της * ΔΙΟΤΙ το ΟΡΑΜΑ ΤΟΥ σχετικά με την ομάδα του, δεν έχει τελειώσει, δεν έχει ολοκληρωθεί * ΚΑΝΕΙΣ δεν ξέρει μέχρι πού φτάνει το όραμα του Βαγγέλη Μαρινάκη για την ομάδα του * ΕΙΝΑΙ τόσο μακριά, είναι τόσο ψηλά, πού ίσως να μην το έχει καν αγγίξει ακόμα !
*** ΕΤΣΙ είναι * ΤΑ όνειρα δεν έχουν όρια * ΤΑ όνειρα, τα οράματα, οι σκοποί ζωής, θέλουν ΜΕΡΑΚΙ πάνω απ’ όλα * ΘΕΛΟΥΝ συνεχή προσπάθεια * ΚΑΙ είναι ανεκτίμητα * Ο ΜΑΡΙΝΑΚΗΣ θα μπορούσε να είναι ΟΠΟΥ ΘΑ ΗΘΕΛΕ * ΟΠΟΙΑ στιγμή, όποια εποχή και αν ήθελε * ΘΑ μπορούσε να περνάει ζωή ονειρεμένη με την οικογένειά του, σε οποιοδήποτε μέρος του κόσμου * ΝΑ ζεί σε ονειρεμένες συνθήκες μέσα σε χλιδή, με μύριες όσες ανέσεις, όσο καιρό θέλει
*** ΟΜΩΣ, ο αυτό πού ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΑ ΘΕΛΕΙ, αυτό πού ΟΝΕΙΡΕΥΕΤΑΙ, αυτό πού έχει βάλει ΣΚΟΠΟ της ΖΩΗΣ του, αυτό πού επιδιώκει με υπομονή και επιμονή, είναι μόνον ένα * ΤΟ ΜΕΓΑΛΕΙΟ του ΘΡΥΛΟΥ * ΚΑΙ εδώ έγκειται η κεφαλαιώδης διαφορά του από τους άλλους * Ο ΜΑΡΙΝΑΚΗΣ δεν κοιτάει πώς να κονομήσει * ΔΕΝ κοιτάει πως θα κλείσει δουλειές με το δημόσιο * ΔΕΝ κοιτάει πως θα εξαπατήσει, πως θα πουλήσει προστασία, πως θα εξαγοράσει συνειδήσεις, πως θα σουφρώσει ΓΗ, ΓΗΠΕΔΑ, ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑ ΠΕΡΙΟΥΣΙΑ
*** ΑΠΛΑ πράγματα, όσο το ένα κι’ ένα κάνουν δύο * ΚΑΙ αυτός είναι ένας από τους λόγους, ο βασικός, πού ο Ολυμπιακός, η ομάδα του Βαγγέλη Μαρινάκη, ΔΕΝ XANEI τίτλους και πρωταθλήματα από ΑΥΤΟΥΣ τους ΣΥΓΚΕΚΡΙΜΕΝΟΥΣ ανταγωνιστές του * ΚΑΙ αυτός ΘΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ο λόγος πού ο Ολυμπιακός ΘΑ ΠΑΡΕΙ και το 47ο * ΤΟ οποίο … είναι σαν να έχει ήδη πάρει
«Και στο επόμενο Πεντούδης ή Εξούδης»
*** «ΚΑΛΗΜΕΡΑ Μανώλη, Περιμένω να ακούσω το δελτίο καιρού για να μάθω την ένταση που είχε το Τσουνάμι από την Αίγυπτο που έπνιξε τον ΠΟΑ * ΦΑΙΝΕΤΑΙ ότι η ταχύτητα των ανέμων ήταν στα 27 μποφόρ, που κατά σύμπτωση είναι και η διαφορά της βαθμολογίας των δυο ομάδων όπως το σημείωσε ο μετεωρολόγος Μπρούμα δείχνοντας την φανέλα του μετά το κέρασμα με μαύρο σοκολατάκι στον Διούδη που από χθες θα τον λένε Τριούδη * ΜΕΧΡΙ όμως το επόμενο ματσάκι, που μπορεί να αλλάξει πάλι όνομα σε Πεντούδη η Εξούδη, αν βέβαια δεν ακυρώσουν πάλι δυό – τρία γκολ στον Ελ Αραμπι * ΓΙΑ να μην ξεχνάνε οι σύμμαχοι ότι εδώ είναι Πειραιάς και … έπεται συνέχεια» Κώστας ( costas.zar@icloud.com )
«Να ράψει το πέμπτο αστέρι»
*** «ΠΟΙΟΣ συζητάει πλέον για το 46ο ; * ΤΟ 46ο είχε τελειώσει απ’ τον περασμένο Αύγουστο, μαζί με το κύπελλο * ΓΙΑ το 47ο επικεντρωνόμαστε πλέον * ΚΑΙ κάτι άλλο : * Ο ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΣ πρέπει να ράψει το 5ο αστέρι * ΟΤΑΝ ξεπερνάμε το μισό, δεν το στρογγυλοποιούμε προς τα πάνω, στον επόμενη ακέραια μονάδα ; * ΘΑ έπρεπε βέβαια να το είχε ράψει από το 45ο αλλά είπαμε να μην είμαστε και αλαζονικοί * ΤΩΡΑ όμως με το 46ο, τι να πουν ; * ΣΑΜΠΩΣ και χρειάζεται και άδεια από τους εξιπεντεδωδέκατους ; * ΟΠΩΣ λέμε για παράδειγμα … “πεντακόσιες εκατόν τριάντα πέντε χιλιάδες” !» ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ ΒΑΓΓΗΣ ( pvaggis@gmail.com ) ***
Και πολλά … κοκορίκο εν ολίγοις
*** ΔΕΝ ξέρω ποιο το … μεγαλύτερο μέγεθος * Η ΝΙΚΗ της Αεκούλας στο Χαριλάου ; * Η η ήττα του Αρη στο Χαριλάου ; * Η ΜΗΠΩΣ η … ΤΡΟΥΠΑ στα μετόπισθεν του Αρη ;
*** ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΟ το θέμα, ΑΝ βεβαίως υπάρχει κάποιο θέμα και δεν ανακατεύομαι * ΘΑ τα βρεί ( ; ) το … «τμήμα εσωτερικών υποθέσεων» ( αν βεβαίως υπάρχει )
*** ΑΝΑΡΩΤΙΕΜΑΙ πάντως, τι τους είπε ο κόουτς Μάντζιος πριν βγούνε στον αγωνιστικό χώρο; * ΟΤΙ παίζουνε με τη Μπαρτσελώνα, ή με την Κωλοπετινίτσα; * «ΜΕ το Αεκ», πάντως, σίγουρα δεν τους είπε
*** ΑΠΙΣΤΕΥΤΟΣ ο Ρόουζ ! * ΚΙ’ όσο θυμάμαι, τον είχαν κάποια στιγμή και υποψήφιο για τον … Ολυμπιακό !
*** ΩΡΑΙΑ … τον έπαιξε ο Σούντγκρεν τον συμπατριώτη του τον Τάνκοβιτς * ΤΟΝ έπαιξε, λέω … αποτελεσματικά
*** ΤΕΛΟΣ πάντων, αυτό ήταν και το ΤΕΛΟΣ του όμορφου αρειανού ονείρου ; * ΔΕΝ μπορώ και δεν θέλω να το πιστέψω * ΥΠΑΡΧΟΥΝ δύο δεδομένα αυτή τη στιγμή * ΤΟ ένα, η διαφορά ΤΡΙΩΝ ΒΑΘΜΩΝ από τους παρακάτω
*** ΤΟ δεύτερο, ότι απομένουν ΕΠΤΑ ΑΓΩΝΕΣ ως το τέλος * ΟΠΟΥ ΟΛΟΙ θα κριθούν και ΟΧΙ βεβαίως με … «κατανόηση» * ΑΥΤΗ είναι για τον Αρη η τελευταία ευκαιρία στο «τελευταίο λεπτό του αγώνα» * ΑΝ τη χάσει, δεν έχει άλλη
*** ΓΙΑ το ΟΡΓΙΟ διαιτησίας ΥΠΕΡ ΤΟΥ ΜΠΑΟΚ πού είχαμε στην Τρίπολη, θα μιλήσουμε αύριο στο γενικότερο πλαίσιο με το οποίο θα ασχοληθούμε * ΠΡΟΣ το παρόν, ένα μόνο πράγμα πού μου έκανε εντύπωση
*** ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ, γιατί δεν υπήρξαν διαμαρτυρίες από τους γηπεδούχους ΣΕ ΚΑΝΕΝΑ από τα ΔΥΟ ΠΕΝΑΛΤΙ πού τους ΣΤΕΡΗΣΑΝ ο Καραντώνης με τον Μανούχο ;
*** ( ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ και γι’ αυτό το … Αργείτικο ταλέντο της διαιτησίας αύριο, με το καλό )
*** ΕΙΧΑΜΕ και … γεννητούρια το περασμένο Σάββατο * ΚΥΚΛΟΦΟΡΗΣΕ η νέα εφημερίδα του Μελισσανίδη για τους οπαδούς της Αεκ «Δικέφαλος» * ΜΕ προσφορά το Καταστατικό της ΑΕΚ ( της παλιάς ) * ΙΣΩΣ να ήταν πιο χρήσιμη προσφορά τα … δύο ΑΦΜ των … δύο «ΑΕΚ ΠΑΕ»
*** ΣΧΟΛΙΟ : Φαρμάκι έχω στην Ψυχή Φέρνει μαυρίλα θολερή Στα στήθια μου * Νύχτα αξημέρωτη ξανά, Με το πιοτό της με κερνά, Εβίβα μου, * Σκοτάδι πίνω για πιοτό, Πω πω πω πω πω πω πω πω * Ντέφι της λύσσας μου κρατώ, πωπωπωπω, πωπωπωπω * Και το μυαλό μου είναι θολό, πωπωπωπω, πωπωπωπω
*** ΚΑΙ το μυαλό σου είναι θολό και το δικό της πιο λειψό * ΣΑΣ εθολώσαν τα λεφτά, γεια σου Φανφάρα φαφλατά ! . ΚΟΚΟΡΙΚΟΟΟ !… ΚΟΚΟΡΙΚΟΟΟΟ ! ***
** Η στήλη Πολλά Εν Ολίγοις δημοσιεύθηκε στον Κόκκινο Πρωταθλητή, στις 13/4/2021. ***
İngiltere’nin eski bakanından ‘İsrail’ itirafı: Dışpolitikamıza onlar yön veriyor!
İngiltere’nin eski bakanlarından Sir Alan Duncan ülkesinin Ortadoğu politikasına, İsrail’in Muhafazakâr Kardeşleri (CFI) adlı lobinin yön verdiğini iddia etti.
İngiltere’de iktidardaki Muhafazakar Parti’nin etkili isimlerinden Sir Alan Duncan, yeni çıkan “Tam ortasında: Bir bakanın özel günlükleri” adlı kitabına ilişkin İngiliz MailPlus internet sitesinden Michale Crick’e verdiği röportajda, 1974’te İngiliz Parlamentosu’nda kurulan İsrail’in Muhafazakar Kardeşleri (CFI) adlı lobi grubunun, “İngiltere’ye Netanyahuvari İsrail politikasını” zerk ettiği itirafında bulundu.
The New Arab internet sitesinin aktardığına göre, bir dönem İngiltere Dışişleri Bakanlığı Avrupa ve ABD’den Sorumlu Devlet Bakanı görevinde bulunan Alan Duncan, İsrail taraftarı lobi gruplarına, İngiliz politikasına “En iğrenç müdahalelerde” bulunduğu suçlamasını yöneltti. Grup 2014 yılında, parlamentoda görev yapan muhafazakar milletvekillerinden yüzde 80’inin kendisine üye olduğunu iddia etmişti.
İsrail taraftarı lobilerin ülkesinin Ortadoğu politikasına “olumsuz etkide” bulunduğunu belirten Duncan, İngiliz parlamentosu çatısı altında faaliyet gösteren CFI’nın İngiltere’yi İsrail’i kollayan politikalar izlemeye yönlendirdiğini savundu.
Duncan, röportajda, CFI’ın etkisini, “Dış polikamızda ya da hükümette pekçok şey onları gücendirmemek adına hayata geçmiyor çünkü CFI tarafından onlara böyle ifade ediliyor.” sözleriyle dile getirdi.
Dış politikada İsrail taraftarı lobi grupların etkisinden gerçek zarar görenin Filistinliler olduğunu kaydeden eski İngiliz bakan, “Bu durdurulması gereken saklı bir skandal. İngiltere’de bağış gücünün arkasından İsrail çıkarlarını koruma adına en üst düzeyde İngiliz politikasına müdahale edecekler.” değerlendirmesini de sözlerine ekledi.
Katar merkezli Al Jazeera kanalının Ocak 2017’de yayınladığı “The Lobby “ adlı haber dizisinde, İsrailli üst düzey bir siyasi yetkili olan Shai Masot’un, o dönem bakanlık görevinde bulunan Alan Duncan olmak üzere, İngiltere’nin üst düzey yetkililerini “görevden indirmek”ten bahsettiği sözleri gündeme düşmüştü. Duncan, özellikle 2014 yılında İsrail’e karşı sert bir duruş sergileyerek İsrail’in davranışlarını “hırsızlık” olarak nitelemiş, “İşgal, ele geçirme, yasadışılık, ihmal, suç ortaklığı – İsrail’e utancı getiren şeytani karışım” ifadesini kullanmıştı.
Bilderberg’in çocukları ve Türkiye operasyonu
Esaretten kurtulan yeni Türkiye’nin gündemi yine çok bilinen laiklik, irtica gibi konularla değiştirilmeye çalışılıyor. Günlerdir 104 emekli Amiral’in yayınladığı gece yarısı bildirisini konuşuyor, tartışıyoruz. Yayınlanan bu bildiriyle birden fazla milli projenin hedef alındığı görülmektedir.
Mesela, bildiride atıfta bulunulan Montrö Boğazlar Sözleşmesi ile Kanal İstanbul’u ilişkilendirerek stratejik öneme sahip bu proje hedef alınmaktadır. Yine; Harp Akademilerine yani Milli Savunma Üniversitesi’ne giriş yönetmeliği değişikliği ve arkadaşının evinde takke cübbe giyerek ibadet yaparken gizlice fotoğrafı çekilip basına yansıtılan Deniz İkmal Komutanı Tuğamiral Mehmet Sarı’nın hedef gösterilerek laiklik ve irtica üzerinden başka bir oyun kurgulandığı açıkça anlaşılmaktadır.
Oysa bu tarz kirli planlar; milli projelerde görev alan kıymetli vatan evlatlarının özel hayatlarını, inançlarını laiklik karşıtı çalışmalarmış gibi kamuoyuna yansıtarak hedef saptırıp, yaftalayıp oyun dışına itme hamlesidir. Uyanık olmalıyız, Deniz İkmal Komutanı Tuğamiral Mehmet Sarı gibi değerlerimize sahip çıkmalıyız!..
Bunun münferit bir hadise olduğunu söyleyen Sn. Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, sarıklı fotoğrafı basına yansıyan Deniz İkmal Komutanı Tuğamiral Mehmet Sarı hakkında şu ifadeleri kullandı;
“Bunun münferit bir hadise olduğu açıktır. Söz konusu fotoğrafı yayınlandığında TSK idari bir soruşturmayı başlatmıştır. Milli Savunma Bakanlığımız kendi üzerine düşeni mutlaka yapacaktır. Bunu bir bildirinin bahanesi olarak kullanılmasını kesinlikle art niyetli görüyoruz. Milli Savunma Üniversitemizi laiklik ve Atatürkçülük tartışmaları içine çekmeyi taşıyanlar da sinsi gayeler taşımaktadır.”
Bu ülkede yıllarca Masonik yapılanmaları hep birlikte gördük. Kimi Rotary, kimi Lions, kimi Soros’çu, ocu, bucu… Siz Cumhuriyet’i, Sözcü’yü veya bizdeki beyaz yakalı diye tabir edilen sözde aydınların, bu Mason görüntülerini bir yerlere servis ettiğine şahit oldunuz mu? Gördünüz mü? Hayır, çünkü küfrün tarafı iyi çalışmaktadır ve hatta Sn. Cumhuru Reis’e bile algı çekmekte sıkıntı görmemektedir.
Son zamanlarda Bilderberg biraderlerin Türkiye’deki uzantılarının ödevlerini iyi çalıştıklarını görmekteyiz. Bu yeni oynanan oyunda Türkiye’nin mahrem projelerinde bulunan amiralimiz, acaba kimlerin ayağına bastı ve yüzdelik komisyonlarına engel oldu?
İki yıl öncesine dayanan bir görüntüyü Yunan basınına sızdıran TSK’daki zat-ı muhterem sözde vatanseverlik adı altında bir asker arkadaşının görüntüsünü alarak Yunanistan birimlerine servis ediyor. Yunan basını Mehmet Sarı Amiral ile ilgili medya üzerinden FETÖ eliyle ortak operasyona tabi tutuluyor… Ne hikmetse FETÖ referanslarını kaynak alarak Sözcü ve yazarları sözüm ona bir fedai edasıyla Mehmet Sarı Paşaya operasyon çekebiliyor.
Genelkurmay Personel Dairesi’ndeki isimlerin, Mehmet Sarı’ya ait gizli özlük bilgilerini Genelkurmay kayıtlarından ekran görüntüsü alabilecek kadar cesaretli olduğunu görüyoruz. Bu görüntülerin servis edilmesinin ardından önce Yunan basını, arkasından da sosyal medyada yayın yapan VERYANSIN TV’ye talimat verildiğini açıkça görmekteyiz. Yunan sosyal medya hesaplarından yüzü tanınır şekilde fotoğraflarının yayınlanmasından sonra Sözcü ve Cumhuriyet gazeteleri servis etmişlerdir… Ne ilginç tesadüf?
Oysa her kamu görevlisi için geçerli olduğu gibi, gizlilik bilgilerini ifşa veya art niyetli durumu söz konusu olduğunda, askerler için de disiplin kurallarına tabi tutulması gerekmez mi?
Yargıtay Birinci Başkanlık Kurulu 17.02.2011 tarihli ve 34 sayılı kararında, Anayasanın 38/6 maddesi uyarınca, hukuka aykırı elde edilen delillerin soruşturmasında kullanılamayacağını belirttiği gibi, özel hayatın gizliliğinin de ihlali saymıştır. Askeri Yüksek İdari Mahkemesi hukuka aykırı delillerin disiplin hukukunda kullanılmasını kabul etmemektedir. Oysa bu saydığım iki önemli madde de TSK içerisinde oyunun ne denli büyük olduğunu gözler önüne sermektedir.
Sonuç; TSK Disiplin Kurulu Maddelerine göre hizmete engel davranışlarda bulunan kişinin özel hayatını servis edenlerle ilgi acaba bir işlem yapılacak mıdır? Bunun devamında otuz yıldır görev yapan ve inancı gereği bir Paşanın namaz kılması ne zamandan beri suç olmuştur? Nihayetinde özel mülkte İslam’ın bir sıfatını taşıyan kıyafet kimleri rahatsız etmektedir? Görev ve sorumluluğu bünyesinde bulunan mescitlerin bakım ve onarımlarından dolayı soruşturmaya tabi tutulması sizce ne kadar ahlakidir?
Peygamber ocağı makamı gözü ile baktığımız TSK’nın başta Sayın Cumhurbaşkanı olmak üzeri Milli Savunma Bakanı Sayın Hulusi Akar ve Genelkurmay Başkanı Yaşar Güler Paşanın defalarca Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin peygamber ocağı olduğunu ifade etmelerine rağmen, din ve vicdan hürriyetine savaş mı açılmaktadır? Birilerinin uyuyan hücre lobilerini devreye aldığını görmezden gelmeyelim. Sn. Kılıçdaroğlu’nun “128 milyar dolar nerede?” naraları da bu oyunun bir parçası olarak her geçen gün dozajını artırmaktadır. Yeni bir takım senaryoların kokusu geliyor.
Laiklik dogma’sı ve “sopa”sı…
Bu toplumun tuhaf bir sorunu var: Laiklik.
Hiçbir şekilde tartışılamayan, kritik zamanlarda, sopa olarak kullanılan bir pranga bu. Toplumu germek ve tehdit etmek için kullanılan bir “maşa”!
Amiraller yani deniz paşalardan sonra bir kez daha hortlatıldı laiklik ve “laiklik elden gidiyor!” sloganları her yanı kaplamaya başladı!
“Vurun abalıya!” ilkelliği tek geçer akçe hâlâ!
“Yeter!” diyorum. Daha önceki bir yazımı tozunu alarak paylaşıyorum sizlerle. Yarınki yazıya giriş olsun diye.
Çağımızın en parlak düşünürü Heidegger, “Tarih, olmuş bitmiş bir hâdiseler yığını değildir. Bitmez” der.
Tarih bitmiştir, diyenler, aslında farkında olmadan, kendilerinin bittiğini itiraf ederler. Tarih dinamiktir, statik değildir; durmaz, durmadan akar…
İnsan da irade sahibi bir varlıktır; hem tarihi yapar hem tarihe bakar hem de tarihle akar… Tarih, insanlığın canlı hafızasıdır. Hafızasını yitiren insan, nasıl eşyayı, insanları ve dünyayı tanımakta ve tanımlamakta zorlanırsa, tarih bilincini yitiren toplumlar da, yaşadıkları sorunları anlamakta, anlamlandırmakta ve aşmakta zorlanırlar. Sürgit yalpalarlar… Ve sürgit dünyaya bir çocuk gibi bakarlar, her şeye sıfırdan başlamak zorunda kalırlar. Türkiye, böyle bir ülke.
Tarih bilinci linç edildiği için, en temel varoluşsal sorunlarını bile anlamakta ve anlamlandırmakta çok zorlanıyor. O yüzden önce yapay olarak icat edilen, sonra çeşitli şekillerde dayatılan, sonra da zamanla kaçınılmaz olarak gerçeğe dönüştürülen sahte sorunlarla boğuşup duruyor yüzyıldır…
O yüzden yerinde sayıyor: Yüzyıl önceki sorunları tekrar tekrar yaşayıp duruyor. Bunun en son ama traji-komik örneği müftülere nikâh kıyma yetkisi verilmesi sorunu etrafında yaşanan tuhaf tartışmalar. Tartışmaların odak noktası, tam yüzyıl önce başladığımız yer: Laikliğin altı oyuluyor, diye feryat-figan ediliyor…
Sekülerlik ve laiklik kavramları, elbette ki, farklılıkları olan kavramlar. Dağıtmamak için, konuyu, laiklik kavramı üzerinden sürdürmek istiyorum.
Batı’da laikliğin uzun, uzun olduğu kadar da kanlı bir tarihi var. Batı toplumlarının, modernliğe geçiş sürecinde sekülerleşmeye / laikliğe ihtiyaçları vardı. Kilise Hıristiyanlığı, insan iradesini yok sayıyor, insanın özgürlüğünü ipotek altına alıyordu.
İslâm medeniyetinin, dört bir taraftan Avrupa’nın içlerine kadar yayılan meydan okumasına, Kilise Hıristiyanlığı’nın, insanı, aklını, özgürlüğünü hiçe sayan donmuş dünyasından yola çıkarak hem ayakta durması hem de bu meydan okumaya cevap üretmesi mümkün değildi. O yüzden insan aklını, özgür iradesini keşfedebilmesi, Batılıların, İslâm medeniyetiyle girdikleri temas neticesinde mümkün olabilmişti: İslâm medeniyeti, modernleri doğurmuş, Batı’yı tarihe kışkırtmıştı.
Modernler, ancak Kilise’den kurtuldukları zaman, İslâm’ın geliştirdiği meydan okuma karşısında yok olmaktan kurtulabileceklerini farketmişlerdi.
O yüzden Batılılar, modernliğe geçiş sürecinde, Grek düşüncesini, Müslümanlardan öğrendiler -Arapça eserlerden. Batılılar, Grek düşüncesiyle daha önce de ilişkiye geçmişlerdi İskenderiye’de. Sonuç, tam anlamıyla fiyasko oldu: Grek düşüncesi, Hıristiyanlığı yuttu. Paganlaştırdı. Ama Müslümanlar, Grek düşüncesiyle, Batılılardan / Hıristiyanlardan altı asır sonra irtibata geçtiler ama Hıristiyanlık gibi Grek düşüncesi tarafından yutulmadılar! Grek düşüncesiyle, yani kendi felsefî kökleriyle, ancak Müslümanların yardımıyla irtibata geçebildi Batılılar!
Altını çizerek söylüyorum: Türkiye’de laikliğin tabiî bir tarihi olmadı, olamazdı: Laikliği zorunlu kılacak Kilise çağlarında yaşanan sorunlar yaşanmadı bu toplumda. Özgür irade sorunu, insanın aklını kullanamaması, bir yerlere ipotek etmesi sorunu yaşanmadı hiç bir zaman. Dahası, en uç akımlar bile İslâm düşüncesi içinde yer aldı tarih boyunca…
Laiklik, dışardan ve tepeden dayatıldı bu topluma. Laiklik, zihnimize giydirilmiş bir deli gömleğiydi. Hayatımıza vurulmuş bir pranga. Bu topraklarda, laik bir toplum icat etmek ve İslâm, toplumun hayatından uzaklaştırılmak istendi. Laikliğin gerekçesi, şuydu: “Bu toplum geri kaldı. İslâm, bizi geri bıraktırdı. Dolayısıyla Türkiye çağdaşlaşmalıydı. Çağdaşlaşmanın tek yolu, laikleşmekti.” (!) Bu gerekçe, bizim zihnimizle de, tarihî gerçeklerle de alay eden sığ ve ürpertici bir gerekçeydi. Oysa bir toplum, kendini inkâr ederek yeni bir atılım gerçekleştiremezdi. Kendini inkârın kaçınılmaz neticesi, intihar olabilirdi ancak. Nitekim öyle de oldu, ne yazık ki.
Kimsenin laikliği tartışmaya ne mecali ne de entelektüel birikimi var. Sığlık diz boyu hem laik kesimlerde hem de İslâmî kesimlerde. Temel sorunumuz sığlık bu ülkede.
Laiklik tartışılamaz bir dogma. Oysa bu, tastamam zihnin donması.
Laikliğin dogma hâline getirilmesi, zekâmızla alay edilmesi anlamına geliyor. Düşünsenize, laiklik, “değiştirilmesi bile teklif edilemez” bir madde olarak yer alıyor bu ülkenin anayasasında. Sadece bu ülkenin anayasasında şu koskoca dünyada! İyi de, neden peki? Laikliğin anavatanı, dünyanın en laik ülkelerinde bile laikliğin tartışılmaz olması, dogma katına yükseltilmesi, laikliği tartışanların aforoz edilmesi gibi absürdlükler düşünülemez bile.
Ama burası Türkiye! Celladına âşık tasmalı çekirgeler, gulyabanîler ülkesi! Birileri laiklik üzerinden topluma sopa sallamaktan geri durmuyor…
Yeter ama!
Şunu aslâ unutmayacaksınız: Bu toplum, tam altı asır, 72 millete, dine, ırka mensup insanı bir arada yaşama tecrübesi üretebilmiş tek toplumdur. Bunu da laiklik üzerinden değil, İslâm üzerinden başarabilmiştir.
Laiklik bizi bozar! Bozuyor da nitekim…
Gerilim daha da artacak! İran devreye soktu!
İran Cumhurbaşkanı Ruhani, 10 kat daha fazla uranyum üretebilen 146 adet IR6 santrifüjlerinin nükleer tesislerinde üretimine başlanması için talimat verdi.
Ruhani, diğer santrifüjlere göre 10 kat daha fazla uranyum zenginleştirebilen 146 adet IR6 santrifüjlerinin Natanz nükleer tesislerinde üretimine başlanacağını söyledi.
Ruhani konuşmasında, “Yeni nesil santrifüjler öncekilere göre 10 kat daha fazla uranyum zenginleştirebiliyor. IR9 santrifüjlerini üretebilecek kapasiteye de sahibiz” dedi.
Nükleer faaliyetlerinin barışçıl olduğunu vurgulayan Ruhani, Nükleer Silahların Yayılmasının Önlenmesi Anlaşması’na (NPT) bağlı oldukları belirterek, “Biz nükleer enerjiyi tıptan tarıma birçok alanda kullanmak istiyoruz. Nükleer faaliyetlerimiz askeri değil, barışçıldır” ifadesini kullandı.
Türkiye’den çok konuşulacak yeni İHA tasarımı! ASELSAN patentini aldı, dikkat çeken detay
ASELSAN; dikey, kısa ve konvansiyonel iniş / kalkış metotlarını tek bir platform üzerinde birleştirdiği “Çok Fonksiyonlu İHA” tasarımının patentini aldı.
ASELSAN tarafından tasarlanan “Çok Fonksiyonlu İnsansız Hava Aracı”, hem döner kanatlı hava araçları gibi rotorlara hem de Türkiye’de de kullanılan bazı sabit kanatlı insansız hava araçları gibi kıç tarafta bir motora sahip. Edinilen bilgiye göre; İHA’nın kanatlarının altında bulunan 4×2 ‘coaxial counter rotating’ mimarisindeki rotor podları, araca dikey iniş ve kalkış yeteneği kazandırıyor. İHA’nın kalkış yaptıktan sonra ihtiyaç duyduğu güç ise kıç tarafındaki motordan sağlanıyor. Kanat altındaki söz konusu podlar, istenildiği taktirde çıkartılabiliyor.
ASELSAN tarafından tasarlanan insansız hava aracı; dikey veya kısa pistlerden iniş / kalkış (VSTOL), konvansiyonel iniş / kalkış (CTOL) ve dikey iniş / kalkış (VTOL) yeteneklerine sahip. İHA hem geleneksel içten yanmalı tahrik sistemi hem de elektrik tahrik sistemi ile teçhiz edilebiliyor. Kanat altındaki rotorlar ise istenildiği taktirde katlanabiliyor. Sistemin bataryalı konfigürasyonunun, sessiz uçuş avantajı bulunmakta.
ASELSAN tarafından tasarlanan bu sistemin, özellikle deniz platformları için geliştirildiği tahmin edilmekte. Türkiye’de Baykar Savunma, halihazırda TCG ANADOLU Amfibi Hücum Gemisi için kısa pistlerden kalkış / iniş yeteneğine sahip Bayraktar TB3 İHA’nın geliştirme çalışmalarına devam ediyor. Ayrıca Baykar Savunma’nın, Dikey İniş Kalkışlı İnsansız Hava Aracı (DİHA) adında da bir projesi mevcut.
Bakan Varank açıkladı: Hibrit roket motoru tarihi testi geçti!
Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanı Mustafa Varank, Milli Uzay Programı kapsamında 2023 yılında Ay’a gönderilmesi hedeflenen insansız uzay aracında kullanılabilecek milli ve özgün hibrit roket motorunun ateşleme testini başarıyla geçtiğini açıkladı.
Bakan Varank, Cumhurbaşkanlığı Savunma Sanayi Başkanlığının iştiraki olan Delta V Uzay Teknolojileri AŞ’nin Şile’deki Roket Motor Ateşleme Tesisi’nde incelemede bulundu.
Varank, Delta V tarafından milli imkanlarla geliştirilen, Türkiye’nin Ay Misyonu’nda kullanılması öngörülen hibrit roket motorlarının ateşleme tesisleri, yüksek basınçlı kompozit tankları, vana ve regülatör sistemleri hakkında bilgi aldı.
ABD Ordusu, koronavirüs vücuda girdiği an uyarı veren çip yaptı
ABD Ordusu, deri altına yerleştirilen, vücuda koronavirüs girdiği zaman hızlıca virüsü saptayan ve semptomlar ortaya çıkmadan uyarı veren bir çip geliştirdi.
ABD Ordusu’nun araştırma geliştirme merkezi olarak kabul edilen DARPA (Savunma Ar-ge Projeleri Dairesi) koronavirüs salgınıyla mücadelede önemli bir cihaz geliştirdi.
Amerikan CBS kanalında yayınlanan “60 Minutes” programı, DARPA’nın geliştirdiği “Kovid-19 çipini” görüntüledi.
Derinin altına yerleştirilen çip, vücuda koronavirüs girdiği zaman hızlıca virüsü saptıyor ve semptomlar ortaya çıkmadan uyarı veriyor.
Bilindiği üzere, ABD’ye ait USS Theodore Roosevelt uçak gemisinin tüm personeli Kovid-19’a yakalanmıştı. DARPA’nın projeye, bu vakalardan sonra başladığı kaydedildi.
Koronavirüs pandemisi başladığı ilk günlerde, aşı üzerinden başlayan ve üzerine komplolar üretilen “bu salgınla herkese çip takacaklar” teorisi, CBS’in haberinin ardından tekrar gündeme geldi.
Jihad Murderer Barghouti is Running for Palestinian Authority President
Welcome to Israel’s ‘Partner for Peace’.
Mahmoud Abbas must be kicking himself. Why did he ever think it would be a good idea to call for parliamentary and presidential elections? He had, after all, gotten along quite well without them. The Palestinian President-for-Life is now entering the 16th year of his four-year term. But he wanted to show the Biden people that he was, in truth, deeply democratic, and what better way – indeed, the only way – to show that was to insist upon elections. Besides, he figured everything would go according to plan. His handpicked list of Fatah candidates would win a majority in the Parliament. And he would not face any serious opposition in the Presidential race. Abbas would make sure, with carrots and sticks, that Hamas would not field a presidential candidate. The carrots were “jobs for the boys” – Hamas leaders’ relatives suddenly offered employment with the PA, or other financial inducements (including bribes); the sticks would be visits by Fatah enforcers to Hamas leaders, telling them not even to think of running; both worked, and Hamas announced it would not put up a candidate for the presidency. And Mahmoud Abbas figured that both of his most dangerous, because much more popular, rivals — Mohammed Dahlan and Marwan Barghouti — would for different reasons not be able to run.
Mohammed Dahlan, who for the past decade has lived in the United Arab Emirates, where he became a counsellor to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, and is now known as “the Emirates’ favorite Palestinian.” Dahlan once headed a small army of Fatah members in Gaza; at the time some called Gaza Dahlanistan, until Hamas came to power in 2007 and drove the Fatah men out. In the West Bank, Dahlan soon became a rival of Mahmoud Abbas who, to get rid of him arranged to. have him arrested, put on trial, and convicted of “embezzlement” – a charge that took a good deal of chutzpah for Abbas to make, given that he has himself acquired a fortune of $400 million, largely by helping himself to aid meant for ordinary Palestinians. The conviction was important for Abbas, because it made Dahlan ineligible to ever run for office. And now that’s particularly important, given that in opinion polls, Dahlan consistently wins 60% of the vote against Abbas.
The second possible candidate for PA president is Marwan Barghouti. Like Dahlan, in a face-off with Abbas he would win 60% of the vote. He’s a member of one of the largest and most powerful clans in the West Bank; there are Barghoutis everywhere. Marwan Barghouti has only one handicap – it’s the very thing that makes him so popular. He’s currently serving five life sentences (plus 40 years) for being involved in murdering five Israelis. Abbas may try to disqualify him, insisting that if Barghouti won, he could not govern from an Israeli prison. But that’s not necessarily the case. Politicians have been known to govern from jail. Americans may remember James Michael Curley, who served as Mayor of Boston for two years from his prison cell. Barghouti has made sure that his wife is running for the Palestinian Legislative Council. He could govern by employing her, and a group of male Barghoutis, along with Nasser al-Kidwa, as his proxies. They could be sent directives from his prison cell. He could even use the Internet to broadcast his messages to his people. It’s not crazy — Marwan Barghouti would be “working from home.” Barghouti, it turns out, much to the chagrin of Mahmoud Abbas, has decided to run.
There is another possible way for Abbas to remain as president, aside from cancelling the elections. That is to declare that “because of his genuine remorse for his long-past defalcation, and because he has earned gratitude for persuading the UAE to deliver 50,000 dose of coronavirus vaccine to the Palestinian people, Mohammad Dahlan is hereby declared eligible to run for president of the Palestinian Authority.” Then Abbas can hope that his two rivals will split almost evenly the 60% of the electorate that is against him, while he wins with a plurality of 40%. It’s not impossible, when you’re dealing with Mahmoud Abbas, President-For-Life.
A report on this new challenge to Mahmoud Abbas is here: “Marwan Barghouti to run in PA presidential election,” by Khaled Abu Toameh, Jerusalem Post, April 15, 2021:
Jailed Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti will run in the Palestinian Authority presidential election slated for July 31, Nasser al-Kidwa, a former PA foreign minister, declared on Wednesday {April 14].
Kidwa made the announcement shortly after arriving in the Gaza Strip through the Rafah border crossing with Egypt.
A nephew of former PLO leader Yasser Arafat, Kidwa has joined forces with Barghouti to support a list of candidates for the May 22 Palestinian parliamentary election as well.
When Nasser al-Kidwa informed Mahmoud Abbas that he would not be running on Abbas’ Fatah list, as expected, but had chosen a list of candidates he would instead by supporting for seats in the parliament, an enraged Abbas promptly fired him from his sinecure as the head of the Yasser Arafat Foundation. Kidwa then got in touch with Barghouti, and they have now presented a joint list of their chosen candidates for parliament. And what’s more, they’ve announced their candidate for president:
“Our candidate for the presidential election is Marwan Barghouti,” al-Kidwa told Palestinian reporters. “On the 20th anniversary [sic] of his incarceration, we send Barghouti a message of solidarity and wish him success.”
Barghouti was arrested by the IDF in Ramallah on April 15, 2002. Two years later, he was convicted on five counts of murder and one count of attempted murder, as well as membership in a terrorist organization. He was sentenced to five cumulative life sentences and an additional 40 years….
Public opinion polls have shown that Barghouti is expected to defeat PA President Mahmoud Abbas and other candidates in a presidential election.
It is not clear at this stage whether Abbas, 85, will run again for office. Abbas was elected as PA president in 2005 for a four-year term.
Kidwa was recently expelled from Fatah after he formed his own party, National Democratic Forum, to run in the parliamentary election.
He later announced that he and Barghouti have agreed to form an electoral list called Al-Hurriya (Freedom).
Barghouti himself is not part of the Al-Hurriya list. Instead, his wife, Fadwa, is running together with Kidwa in the election for the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC)….
All the opinion polls show Barghouti as soundly defeating Abbas, with 60% of the vote. What a victory for his party in parliament could do is drive his percentage of that vote still higher, and convince the electorate that, one way or another, a President Barghouti will be able to rule, even from an Israeli prison.
In his statements in Gaza, Kidwa said that his list has been facing “harassment and pressure” since its formation. He did not provide further details.
Abbas not only removed Kidwa from his sinecure, a very well-paid low-show job that will be hard for Kidwa to replace, but likely sent his enforcers to warn other Fatah members not to join Kidwa’s party, lest they find themselves or their relatives also losing their own jobs, or worse.
“The elections reflect the desire of the Palestinian people to bring about a radical change in the Palestinian political system,” he added.
During his visit to Gaza, Kidwa is expected to meet with representatives of several Palestinian factions, including Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Abbas, meanwhile, urged Germany and other countries to exert pressure on Israel to agree to holding the Palestinian elections in Jerusalem.
His appeal came during a phone call with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday night.
“President Abbas briefed Merkel on the Palestinian elections, stressing that they are going to be held in all the Palestinian territories, including east Jerusalem,” the PA’s official news agency Wafa reported….
That phone call to Merkel asking her to “pressure Israel” is pure theatre of the absurd. Abbas clearly wants Israel to turn down the request to let Palestinians in east Jerusalem take part in the elections. If Israel refuses, this hands Abbas the excuse he needs to cancel the elections – while still pretending he wanted so much to hold those elections. But, alas, the Israelis left him no choice but to cancel. Don’t blame Abbas. Blame – as always, and for everything – Israel.
CAIR and US Islamists Have a #MeToo Problem
Rape, sexual harassment, and child abuse in the Sharia states-within-a-state.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
First, Ahmad Saleem, a community organizer for CAIR in Florida, was busted after showing up to molest what he thought was a 12-year-old girl he had met over the internet. When Ahmad showed up in a car with a plate, “Invest in Children”, the cops were waiting for him instead.
The son of Pakistani immigrants had headed up the local Muslim Students Association at the University of Central Florida before moving up the ranks at CAIR. Then it was off to prison.
Now it’s Hassan Shibly’s turn. The Syrian immigrant who headed up CAIR Florida was accused of assaulting his wife, threatening to kill her, and sexually harassing CAIR employees. Shibly was also accused of threatening some of his accusers, and trying to pay them off.
An NPR article noted that CAIR leaders had been aware of the accusations as far back as 2016 and that no action was taken. “CAIR National has a history of turning a blind eye to many incidents over the years, and the information is coming out. No NDA will save them from what’s to come,” a former CAIR employee tweeted.
A forum for CAIR victims on Instagram quickly filled up with stories of a CAIR chapter head who “was found to be sexually harassing a member of staff and other women also complained about his behavior” only to be protected by the local CAIR governing board, a CAIR leader grooming an employee into a sexual relationship, a CAIR leader using “his religious belief that men can have 4 wives to manipulate women into having affairs with him behind his legal wife’s back”, and a “lawsuit with an imam and a little girl.”
This kind of thing happens a lot.
When the various Islamist groups set up by the Muslim Brotherhood and similar networks operate in this country, they use the laws of Sharia that they intend to impose on Americans.
Two years ago, Zia ul-Haque Sheikh, a former ISNA board member, and the Imam at the Islamic Center of Irving, was accused of sexually exploiting a 13-year-old girl. He allegedly tried to marry the girl, when she came of age, even though he already had two wives at the time.
Also at the Islamic Center of Irving, a security guard was accused of molesting a third-grader, and there was an incident of a foreign man kissing minors at the mosque.
Sheikh’s accuser claimed that she had reported this to the president of the Islamic Center of Irving board, Nouman Ali Khan, who “discouraged her from sharing what she experienced because it would harm Sheikh’s reputation.”
Khan, an Islamic preacher and a Pakistani immigrant, had headed up the Bayyinah Academy before being accused of latching on to troubled women at Islamic events and then exploiting them. The Islamist cleric had frequently appeared at ISNA and other Islamist events, and had previously defended the Sharia practice of lashing those accused of immoral behavior.
Sheikh Usama Canon, the Islamic cleric who founded the Ta’leef Collective, had been a frequent speaker at CAIR and ISNA events, an instructor at the Islamist Zaytuna Institute, and an advisor to the Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN).
Canon, a black convert to Islam turned preacher, was ousted after allegations of sexually inappropriate behavior that included grooming women. He still remains involved in various Islamic institutions and organizations including the Downtown Islamic Center of Chicago.
Muslim feminist activists insist that the answer is more female leadership, but Linda Sarsour, probably the most prominent female Muslim activist in America, was herself accused of enabling sexual harassment back when she was working at the Arab American Association.
“She oversaw an environment unsafe and abusive to women,” a former employee, who claimed to have been repeatedly groped, alleged.
The Islamist apples rarely fall far from the tree.
Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, and probably the leading Islamist figure in the West, has been accused of raping a series of women.
Ramadan’s alleged assaults took place in Washington D.C., in Paris, London, and major cities around the world. The victims who have come forward included a disabled convert to Islam and former teenage students: including one as young as 14 years old.
The disabled woman described meeting Ramadan after a conference on Islamophobia and Palestine before he beat her, raped her, and then urinated on her.
Abuses happen in all religions and among secular intellectuals, but Islam is unique in that its theology provides a license for sexual abuse. A number of the Muslim leaders caught in the #MeToo moment employed the toolbox of Sharia law to perpetrate their abuses. They used the legal fiction of “temporary marriages” to force women into illicit affairs and the codes of a religion whose founder married a 7-year-old girl and where children are married off well before they hit puberty to justify abusing underage girls. And the Islamist infrastructure around them, tapping into the Sharia demand for multiple witnesses to a rape charge, ignored their accusers.
Rape and sexual abuses can happen in a variety of settings, but Islam is uniquely built to justify and protect behaviors that are crimes in the United States, but normative in the Muslim world.
The #MeToo scandals of Islamism are just symptoms of the fundamental divide between two civilizations and their accompanying value systems. The Islamists had always intended to build a state within a state. And within their organizations and communities, the state within a state operates under Sharia law, with legal, but no moral accountability, to the United States.
After 9/11, America’s Islamists increasingly came to align with the Left. The unspoken conflict between Sharia and feminism has yet to explode out into the open because there is too much at stake for both sides. But the #MeToo scandals at CAIR and other Islamist groups are a fracture point between two ideologies that are hostile to America, but also to each other’s values.
The miniature clash of civilizations within the political infrastructure of multiculturalism is coming.
Islamists have injected their policy priorities, support for the Muslim Brotherhood, hostility to Israel, hijabization, and opposition to fighting terrorism, into the Left. But the Left has also injected its own values, including feminism, into the Islamist political infrastructure.
Leftists and Islamists allied in Egypt, Algeria and Iran, among many other places, to overthrow establishment governments, only to have those alliances come apart in blood and tyranny.
The American alliance between Islam and the Left may meet the same end.
Israel Has Made it, Now it Needs to Grow Up
Israel’s undeniable position at the center of the Jewish world has gone largely unnoticed.
At independence, Israel was little more than a spark of light — a tiny spark — in the Jewish world.
Out of 11.5 million Jews alive on the 5th of the month of Iyyar in the Jewish year 5708, (May 14, 1948), only 650,000, or 6 percent lived in Israel. In contrast, the day Israel was founded, some five million, or 43 percent of world Jewry, were living in the United States.
Fast forward 73 years and that little spark of light is now the sun in the Jewish solar system. With 6.9 million Jews out of a total of 14.9 million, not only is Israel the largest Jewish community in the world by far, with 47 percent of world Jewry living within its boundaries, by 2030, the majority of world Jewry will be living in the Jewish state.
As for America, although half a million Jews immigrated to the United States since Israel was founded, the total number of Jews in America stands today at a mere 5.7 million. American Jewry has been reduced to just 38 percent of the world Jewish population. The implications are straightforward. Since 1948, virtually all of the growth in the Jewish world population has happened and is continuing to happen in Israel.
Aside from everything else, this state of affairs exposes the manifest stupidity of the claim that anti-Zionism is anything other than anti-Semitism.
Although Israel’s position at the center of the Jewish world is undeniable, it has gone largely unnoticed by most Israelis. Most of the Israelis who are engaged with Diaspora Jewry continue to act as though Israel — with a per capita GDP higher than Japan’s — is an underpopulated, impoverished backwater that cannot survive without the support of our wealthy and more secure brethren in America, Australia or France.
So too, most Israelis are unaware of the revolution the country has brought to Judaism itself. In the space of three generations, Israelis have taken their grandparents’ practices from the ghettos of Europe and the melachs of North Africa and Arabia and turned them into a dynamic, living, breathing creed. Judaism is the rhythm of life in Israel.
Unimagined spiritual renewal
In every neighborhood, village and town, the Judaism that is lived in Israel has an electric vibrance. Israeli music, fashion, customs, prayer, settlement, religious studies, agriculture and cooking are separately and together expressions of a spiritual renewal the likes of which no one imagined, or planned.
It is the organic outgrowth of the reunification of the people of Israel and their faith in their land. Few have noticed any of this or considered its spiritual and cultural significance, let alone recognized its potential.
The reformation of Jewish life is not Israel’s only huge achievement that has been largely overlooked and underappreciated by the people of Israel. They have also largely missed the transformation of Israel’s global position. The ongoing domestic debate regarding the goal of Israel’s policies in relation to Iran’s nuclear program is a testament to this lack of national self-awareness.
True, they acknowledged, Israel is the first on Iran’s target list. And true, Iran’s leaders have all committed to annihilating Israel. But since Iran’s nuclear program threatens the region — and indeed the world as a whole, responsibility for dealing with this existential threat belongs to superpower America, not to tiny Israel.
This view became the near-consensus over the years in the IDF General Staff. Israeli generals’ counterparts in the Pentagon promised them that Israel could count on the United States. Today this view is promoted most powerfully by former IDF chief of general staff and current Defense Minister Benny Gantz. Gantz summed up this position succinctly last Monday in remarks he made at a joint press appearance with visiting U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.
In Gantz’s words, “The Tehran of today poses a strategic threat to international security, to the entire Middle East and to the State of Israel, and we will work closely with our American allies to ensure that any new agreement with Iran will secure the vital interests of the world, of the U.S., prevent a dangerous arms race in our region and protect the State of Israel.”
Notably, like Olmert and Sharon before him, Gantz put Israel last on his list of concerns despite the fact that Iran’s ayatollahs have made it abundantly clear that Israel is their primary target. Moreover, Gantz’s statement made clear that he rules out the option of Israel acting independently as a regional power to secure its very existence.
Both philosophically and practically, Gantz’s approach disavows strategic independence, and through it, actual independence for Israel. In other words, his approach is a pure distillation of anti-Zionism.
Netanyahu’s approach
Since 2002, the most prominent and powerful advocate for a different approach to Iran’s nuclear program has been Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu’s view is that Israel is solely responsible for its security. Consequently, Israel is responsible for ensuring that the genocidally anti-Semitic Iranian regime never acquires military nuclear capability.
This view has been subjected to brutal and continuous assault by the other side, which has castigated Netanyahu’s approach as incendiary and warmongering.
Netanyahu repeated his position in his press appearance with Austin last Monday. “My policy as prime minister of Israel is clear — I will never allow Iran to obtain the nuclear capability to carry out its genocidal goal of eliminating Israel.”
Those wishing to pass the Iran buck to America often claim that Israel has no strategy for dealing with Iran. But the operation at the Natanz nuclear installation on April 11, and others which have occurred over the past several years and have been attributed to the Mossad by foreign sources, all make clear that Israel has a very clear strategy for preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power.
Facing Iran’s nuclear advances, Israel is implementing a strategy of undermining Iran’s progress. To carry it out successfully, Israel has developed impressive independent strategic capabilities. These have allowed Israel to carry out creative and daring discrete attacks on carefully chosen targets that have cumulatively blocked Iran’s nuclear advances.
Israel’s strategy of delaying and subverting Iran’s nuclear advances is geared towards achieving the goal that like the Obama administration before it, the Biden administration claims to aspire to achieve. Both leaders’ nuclear diplomacy has been represented as a means to delay Iran’s nuclear progress as well.
The difference is that the Obama-Biden approach to Iran is based on appeasement and trust. The Obama-Biden team are willing to take the ayatollahs at their word when they say they will scale back their nuclear activities. In exchange for Iran’s “word of honor” they are happy to legitimize Iran’s nuclear program, regional aggression, ballistic missile program and terror sponsorship worldwide. Moreover, they are willing to pay Iran billions of dollars in the form of sanctions relief and permit Iran to reenter the global economy in exchange for that “word of honor.”
Israel’s strategy, in contrast, delegitimizes Iran’s nuclear program, its regional aggression, sponsorship of terror and ballistic missile program while actually blocking Iran’s path to the nuclear finish line. Israel also trusts the Iranian “word of honor.” Israel believes that the likes of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his underlings are serious when they commit to destroying the Jewish state.
It’s possible that there is a better strategic approach to Iran’s nuclear program than the one that Israel has adopted. But so long as the powerful clique of security brass and leftist politicians continues to reject the Zionist approach of developing strategic independence that Netanyahu advocates, the “delay and block” strategy now being advanced is the best that Israel can do.
Amazingly, even this modest strategy has reaped massive payoffs which in turn have increased Israel’s strategic independence. Israel’s willingness to operate independently, even to a limited degree, has sufficed to convince its neighbors, including Saudi Arabia, that they can trust Israel more than they can trust the United States to protect the region from a hegemonic, nuclear-armed Iran.
The Abraham Accords that were signed last year are an expression of the faith that Israel’s neighbors have in the Jewish state. In other words, the operations attributed to Israel in Iran — like the one at Natanz last weekend — have sufficed to transform Israel into a regional power and foster peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors to the east.
Yet in the face of this massive achievement, Gantz and his fellow former generals and leftist politicians continue to say that what has already happened before our eyes will never and can never happen.
As Israel turns 73, the time has come for the people of Israel to realize that Theodor Herzl was right. We willed it. Our freedom and independence in our reconstituted homeland isn’t a dream.
The challenge Israel faces today is for us to recognize our accomplishments and dare to take our place as the center of the Jewish world on the one hand, and as an independent, sovereign state in the full sense of the word on the other. The sooner we do both, the faster and more effectively we will ensure our future in our land for generations to come.
Democrats Comply with the ChiComintern
While Romania rejects entanglements with China’s Communist regime.
Back in February, the government of Romania adopted a memorandum that would exclude Chinese firms from public contracts for highway or rail projects. This comes at a time when Romania “desperately needs to start infrastructure works,” according to deputy prime minister Dan Barna, concerned about companies that “do not live up to European standards.”
As Barna and leaders around the world should know, Chinese infrastructure also falls short of American standards. Should that be doubted, consider the new span of the Bay Bridge from San Francisco to Oakland, California.
California Democrats could have tapped federal money for the infrastructure project, but that would have required the use of American steel. California Democrats preferred Chinese steel and Chinese labor, and both fell short of American standards.
California selected the state-owned Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Company, which at the time had no experience building bridges. Zhenhua’s 3,000 employees on the project included steel-cutters, welders, polishers and engineers. The bridge decks and materials were to be constructed in China, which left American workers with only assembly, concrete pouring and such.
In 2007, fissures began appearing in bars of Chinese steel. In 2009, the company shipped from China the main bridge tower and 28 bridge decks. Engineers found hundreds of cracks in the welds, and every one of the 750 panels had to be repaired. In 2013, dozens of the long metal rods on the project snapped, and during storms critical parts of the bridge filled with water.
The bridge came in ten years late, $5 billion over budget, and riddled with safety issues. Then-governor Jerry Brown, a three-time Democrat presidential contender, shrugged it off with “shit happens,” and when whistleblowers called for a criminal investigation, attorney general Kamala Harris ignored them. UC Berkeley engineering professor Abolhasaan Astaneh-Asi, a critic of the design, declines to use the bridge, warning that, “If a single component fails, the whole thing comes down.”
Romanian leaders were doubtless aware of the project, but they had other reasons to be wary of China. Like millions of other Europeans, the Romanians lived under the yoke of Communism from 1947 to 1989. By then it was time for a change and the Romanians knew what to do. The tyrant Nikolae Ceaucescu and his loathsome wife Elena attempted to flee, but the army, now on the people’s side, captured the pair and charged them with crimes against humanity.
On December 25, 1989, a Romanian firing squad executed Ceaucescu and Elena. Five years later, Romanians believed the summary execution was fully justified. More than 30 years later, Romanians seem aware that China’s “belt and road” initiative leads to substandard infrastructure and dangerous entanglements with a totalitarian regime.
China now functions as the Communist International (Comintern), which the Soviets set up to control the national Communist parties. With the ChiComintern, Democrats are particularly compliant.
For 20 years, California Democrat Diane Feinstein employed a Chinese spy who functioned as her office manager. When Missouri takes China to court over the pandemic, Feinstein takes China’s side, and like other Democrats she parrots Chinese propaganda.
California Democrat Eric Swalwell fell for Chinese spy Fang Fang, also known as PoonFang. She helped Swalwell with his campaign and placed an intern in his office. The FBI announced no investigation and House Democrats keep Swalwell on the intelligence committee.
For Joe Biden, the Chinese Communists are “not bad folks,” and not competition for us. “Big Guy” Joe is on China’s gravy train through son Hunter, but for the U.S. intelligence community and compliant media, that is Russian disinformation.
During the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden told reporters he would bar Chinese companies from building critical infrastructure in the United States. The Delaware Democrat seemed unaware that Chinese companies were already doing just that.
Joe Biden is now touting California as an example for the nation. As Californians already know, compliance with the ChiComintern has consequences.
Why Are Biden and Democrats Annihilating the Middle Class?
A twisted game of Russian Roulette with American lives.
Back in 2014, I wrote a book titled “The Murder of the Middle Class.” Don’t look now, but it’s happening.
Back then, I was referring only to the murder of middle-class jobs and the American Dream. Today, Democrats appear to want the middle class eliminated altogether. They’re not just after our jobs; they’re playing Russian roulette with our lives.
I’m dead serious (excuse the pun). Biden — or, more likely, the real decision-makers behind the man who resembles a braindead puppet — really does appear to be carrying out the murder of the middle class.
Let’s start with COVID-19. If COVID is as bad as Democrats make it out to be; if we’re all at risk of death; if the entire country needs to be shut down, locked down, masked, distanced and vaccinated forevermore, then why are Democrats letting countless strangers a day into our country? We know nothing about them, or their health. If they’re sick with COVID or other Third World diseases, why aren’t they sending them back? Just like we did for decades at Ellis Island. Why would anyone want to risk allowing sick or diseased people into the USA?
Based on the numbers at the border so far this year, we can expect between 1 million and 2 million immigrants entering our country in just the next year, who could spread infection and death and, quite possibly, reignite a pandemic that has almost taken down our entire economy. Who would allow this? Who would encourage it?
Wait, it gets much worse. There are reports of immigrants, many of them diseased or sick with COVID, being put on airplanes — without any ID. We don’t know who they are, where they’re from or why they’re here. What if they’re sitting next to you and your children on a flight? They could make you sick; they could kill your spouse or your children with COVID, or one of the new variant strains, or any other Third World disease.
Or they could kill you, your family and everyone else on that plane in a terrorist attack. How does the Biden administration know who is a terrorist? It doesn’t. And obviously, it doesn’t care.
But wait, it gets worse. A fan of mine is headed to Texas for business. She can’t find a hotel room at any moderately priced hotel in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area. Hotels around Dallas (and the rest of Texas) are clearly booked by the government. Why? They’re apparently housing illegal aliens — with our tax dollars.
The hotels in Texas are all booked up. Check for yourself. It’s guaranteed money for these hotel chains. Good luck finding a hotel room in Texas if you’re an American citizen.
But of course, that’s not the big problem. How many of these illegal alien hotel guests could have COVID? How many have actually been tested? Biden & Co. could be sending diseased foreigners into U.S. hotels. Those people could sicken or kill the other guests. They could certainly sicken or kill the hotel staff. And all those sick American citizens could take COVID back home to their families, workplaces and classrooms.
Folks, this is insanity. This is reckless manslaughter. Biden and his America-hating, socialist cabal are playing Russian roulette with our lives. They obviously couldn’t care less if American citizens die, as long as the ends justify the means (as Marxist author Saul Alinsky taught them).
What is that end goal? Democrats want to flood America, particularly Texas, with illegal aliens, otherwise known in Democratic circles as future Democratic voters. They want to change the electorate. They want to replace American voters with foreign voters who are dependent on welfare from cradle to grave.
They want to “fundamentally change America” with one-party rule. They want to make America foreign to Americans.
And to make this goal a reality, it sure looks like they’re willing to carry out the murder of the middle class.
Rusya’nın sır gibi sakladığı ‘uzay topu’ ilk kez görüntülendi!
Rusya’nın yıllardır sır gibi sakladığı ‘uzay topu’ ilk defa göründü. Soğuk Savaş yıllarında geliştirilen silaha ait ilk görüntüler Rus devlet televizyonunda yayınlandı.
Soğuk Savaş yıllarında adeta bir cepheye dönen uzay yarışı SSCB ve ABD’nin kıyasıya rekabetine sahne olmuştu. Bu mücadele genel olarak ilklere imza atmak odaklı olsa da Sovyetler uzaya silah göndermeyi de planlamış.
İlk olarak Rusya’nın askeri uzay istasyonlarını korumak için tasarlanan ‘uzay topu’ bugüne kadar gizli tutulmuştu. Yıllarca görüntüleri gizlenen silah ilk defa göründü. Silaha ait ilk görüntüler Rus devlet televizyonu Zvezda’da yayınlandı.