Ζητούνται… Πλαστήρες, Γενικώς!.. Και Κάποια ΥΓ!..
Φίλοι μου!
Τον ΦΛΟΓΕΡΟ ΠΑΤΡΙΩΤΗ Νικόλαο ΠΛΑΣΤΗΡΑ, ως κορυφαίο στρατιωτικό, τον ξέρουν όλοι οι γνήσιοι Έλληνες, όπως και -κυρίως- οι… Τούρκοι!
Είναι ο γνωστότατος “Μαύρος Καβαλάρης” της Μ. Ασίας, εκείνος που διέσωσε ένα ολόκληρο Σύνταγμα, το Σύνταγμά του, κατά την αποχώρηση των ΕΕΔ, περί τα τέλη του 1922, από την Μ. Ασία, διαπεραιώνοντάς το με απόλυτο ασφάλεια στην Χίο, εκτελώντας τακτική επιχείρηση και συγκεκριμένα απαγκίστρωση “με και χωρίς την εχθρική πίεση”!.. (Η φάση του αγώνος ασφαλώς ήταν “Σύμπτυξη”).
Είναι εκείνος που ως μέλος της μετέπειτα (νέας) “Τριανδρίας” (Κίνημα 1922)
κράτησε όρθια την Ελλάδα, στήριξε απόλυτα την 1η “Ελληνική Δημοκρατία” και τον εκ Λεβιδίου Αρκαδίας, 1ο Πρόεδρό της Αλέξανδρο ΠΑΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΟΥ, είναι εκείνος που βοήθησε τα μέγιστα στην διατήρηση της ομαλότητος τότε στο Κράτος μας, όπως και στην σταδιακή του ανόρθωση, μετά από την Μ. Ασιατική Κ/Φ, μια Κ/Φ που σήμαινε 1,5 εκ-ριο Ελλήνων νεκρούς, 1,5 εκ-ριο Ελλήνων πρόσφυγες να έρχονται στην καθημαγμένη οικονομικά και τότε μητροπολιτική Ελλάδα, καθημαγμένη αφού η χώρα μας και ο ΛΑΤΡΗΣ της, εκείνα τα χρόνια, λαός μας, πολεμούσε για την ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ των ΣΚΛΑΒΩΝ ΣΤΑ ΕΔΑΦΗ ΤΟΥΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ, όπως και στον “Μεγάλο Πόλεμο”, από το 1912, έως και το 1922, ενώ και πριν από το 1912, η Πατρίδα… ομφαλοσκοπούσε αιμάσσουσα, μετά από την μεγάλη (“στημένη” και τότε) χρεοκοπία, της 10ετίας του 1890, που παρ’ ολίγον να οδηγούσε και σε νέα Οθωμανική σκλαβιά του τότε… πυρηνικού ακόμα Ε/Κράτους, αλλά και μετά από την Μακεδονική… περιπέτεια, της 1ης 10ετίας του 1900, που ευτυχώς στο τέλος της είχε τον δαφνοστεφανωμένο επικό μας “Μακεδονικό Αγώνα”, αυτόν που επί του οποίου, όπως και πάνω στο ιερό αίμα εκείνων των προφανώς… ηλιθίων Ελλήνων, που πολέμησαν για την ελευθερία της και την επανελλήνησή της, αφόδευσαν, σχεδόν πρόσφατα, σύγχρονα πολιτικά καθίκια, ελληνόφωνα ή ελληνικής απλώς καταγωγής, τσιράκια των ξένων και με διάφορα… “καπέλα”, “πινακίδες”, κλπ, κιοτήδες, δήθεν διεθνιστές και φιλελεύθεροι χέστηδες, εραστές και λάτρεις των δολαρίων και των Ευρώ, λακέδες, με ωραίες λιβρέες, που κυβέρνησαν και κυβερνούν αυτήν την ΤΕΡΑΣΤΙΑ ΧΩΡΑ(!), που λέγεται ΕΛΛΑΣ!..
Όμως!.. Όμως η Μ. Ασιατική Κ/Φ σήμαινε κυρίως την απώλεια γνησίων ελληνικών εδαφών, στα οποία δεν έμεινε Έλληνας, κάτι που αποτέλεσε και αποτελεί την μεγαλύτερη τότε για την Ελλάδα ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΖΗΜΙΑ! Αλώθηκε το 1453 η Πόλη, αλλά έμειναν Έλληνες στην σκλάβα από τότε Πρωτεύουσά μας, έμειναν στα χώματά τους και μάλιστα κυριάρχησαν στην Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία, ενώ αντιθέτως η Μ. Ασία, το 1922 – 1923, άδειασε από Έλληνες, όπως πιο πριν ο Πόντος μας, όπως λίγο μετά και η λεγόμενη σήμερα Ανατολική, Α. Θράκη μας!..
Ακολούθως, και μέσα σε λίγο λιγότερο από 18 χρόνια, η Ελλάδα όλων εκείνων των πολυβασανισμένων Ελλήνων (παρεμβαλλομένου μάλιστα και ενός “Παγκοσμίου Οικονομικού Κραχ” ), δημιούργησε το ΕΠΟΣ του 1940, που ήταν εκείνο που ΟΥΣΙΑΣΤΙΚΑ ΕΣΩΣΕ ΤΟΝ ΚΟΣΜΟ ΑΠΟ ΤΟΝ ΝΑΖΙΣΜΟ ΚΑΙ ΤΟΝ ΜΑΥΡΟ ΦΑΣΙΣΜΟ, ενώ λίγο μετά και μέσα από αδελφικό και άλλο αίμα, βροντοφώναξε ένα τεράστιο “ΟΧΙ” και στον ΚΟΚΚΙΝΟ ΦΑΣΙΣΜΟ!..
Έγινε μεγάλη λοιπόν δουλειά (και) μέσα σε εκείνα τα 18 χρόνια, για την δημιουργία μιας και πάλι συμπαγούς και ισχυράς Ελλάδος και ο Νικόλαος Πλαστήρας έβαλε και αυτός το δικό του μεγάλο… λιθαράκι!
Ήταν τότε που ακόμα οι Έλληνες, είτε με τον Βασιλιά, είτε με τον Βενιζέλο, νοιάζονταν, και μόνον(!), για την ΔΟΞΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ, και αυτός ήταν ο μόνος λόγος που “πλακώνονταν” στα Καφενεία της χώρας και σκοτώνονταν στις Πλατείες της, στις οδούς και στις ρύμες της, πριν φτάσουμε στα νεότερα μεταχουντικά χρόνια, γνωστότερα ως “Μεταπολίτευση” (και κυρίως μετά το 1980, όταν και ο Καπιταλισμός άρχισε να έρχεται σιγά – σιγά στην περιοχή μας), τότε που πλέον οι Έλληνες “σκοτώνονταν” για το ποιό Κόμμα θα βγει “επάνω”, (ΠΑΣΟΚ – ΝΔ), προκειμένου και μόνον να διορίσουν τα παιδιά τους στο Δημόσιο και τελικά στο “σήμερα”, κατά το οποίο οι Ε/Κ-Β σεις αποτελούμενες από “λίγους”, έως “ελάχιστους” πολιτικούς, “διεθνιστές”, “πουλημένους” στο Παγκόσμιο, δήθεν αριστερό, κυβερνών την σημερινή Ευρώπη “Κεφάλαιο”, επέτρεψαν (κατ’ ελάχιστον) την εκ νέου χρεοκοπία της χώρας και την σχεδόν άλωσή της από αλλογενείς, μισέλληνες στην πλειοψηφία τους, τους οποίους πληρώνει ο υποθηκευμένος πια για 100 χρόνια (γειά σου “Σορο-Τσίπρα” “Χουντοριζο-παιχταρά” ) ελληνικός λαός με ένα 70% του δικού του προσωπικού πλούτου, ένας λαός που τα γνήσια τελευταία παιδιά του τα έστειλε στην αλλοδαπή, ένας λαός που τον ευνούχισαν και μετά θα τον θανατώσουν, στο πλαίσιο ενός πράγματι σατανικού(!) σχεδίου ΤΕΛΟΥΣ, της μίας και μόνης “παγκόσμιας χώρας”, που λέγεται ή λεγόταν ΕΛΛΑΔΑ!.. (Αυτός είναι ο διεθνής σχεδιασμός και υλοποιείται ήδη)!..
Ας διαβάσει όμως και ο πραγματικός Κυβερνήτης της Ελλάδος, η “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ” απόψεων και θέσεων Εβραϊκή “GOLDMAN SACHS”, η οποία έχει και διαχειρίζεται σήμερα όλο το ελληνικό -“στημένο”- ΧΡΕΟΣ, ώστε να αντιληφθεί το γιατί ΤΕΛΙΚΑ οι Έλληνες ΘΑ ΝΙΚΗΣΟΥΝ, σε πείσμα τους, όπως και σε πείσμα κάθε ΙΣΧΥΡΟΥ και ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΟΥ ΜΙΣΕΛΛΗΝΑ, σαν τον Παγκόσμιο Αρχι-Τοκογλύφο Γ. Σόρος, ο οποίος μισεί την ίδια του την Φυλή, τους Ρότσιλντ, των Τραπεζών και του Χρυσού, των διαμαντιών και των ζαφειριών, τους Ροκφέλλερς των πετρελαίων, των φυσικών αερίων και της… “Πράσινης Ανάπτυξης” και λοιπούς -στην πραγματικότητα- δίχως ΘΕΟ, παγκόσμιους… αριστερούς Μονάρχες!.. (Την νίκη των Ελλήνων, όσοι μας μελετούν, έχουν καταλάβει το πώς θα έλθει, καθώς και το ποιά θα είναι)!..
“Πάμε” δυνατά!
α. Ο γνωστός εκδότης και δημοσιογράφος Δ. ΛΑΜΠΡΑΚΗΣ του χάρισε κάποτε ένα πανέμορφο χρυσό “στυλό”.
Ο Π. είπε! “Δεν βάζω χρυσές υπογραφές! Μου φτάνει το στυλουδάκι μου”! Ζήτησε να σταλεί πίσω το “στυλό” και όταν οι Επιτελείς του, του τόνισαν πως ο ΛΑΜΠΡΑΚΗΣ θα προσβληθεί, τους φώναξε: “Δεν πειράζει. Δεν θέλω δώρα, διότι τα δώρα φέρνουν και αντίδωρα”!..
β. Το 1952, όταν ήταν Π-Θ, αρρώστησε κάποια στιγμή και τον επισκέφθηκε στο διαμέρισμά του η Βασίλισσα Φρειδερίκη, η οποία είδε, με μεγάλη της έκπληξη, τον τότε Ε/Π-Θ να ξαπλώνει πάνω σε ένα ράντζο, αντί για ένα αναπαυτικό κρεββάτι!.. Τον ρώτησε λοιπόν η Βασίλισσα: “Νίκο, γιατί το κάνεις αυτό”; Και ο Π. απήντησε: “Το συνήθισα από τον Στρατό Μεγαλειοτάτη και δεν μπορώ να το αποχωριστώ”!
γ. Κάποτε ο στενός του φίλος Γιάννης ΜΟΑΤΣΟΣ πήρε την πρωτοβουλία να του εξασφαλίσει ένα άνετο ιδιόκτητο σπίτι, με την λήψη δανείου. Πήγε έτσι σε μια Τράπεζα, μίλησε με τον Διοικητή της, ο οποίος μάλιστα απόρησε, πώς ο Π-Θ δεν έχει δικό του σπίτι, κλπ, και είπε στον Μοάτσο πως “ασφαλώς και θα του δώσουμε δάνειο του Π-Θ και μάλιστα με ευνοϊκότατους όρους”. Ακολούθως ο Μοάτσος πήρε το σχετικό έντυπο, προκειμένου να το συμπληρώσει και υπογράψει ο Πλαστήρας και μετέβη στον Π-Θ, τον οποίον ενημέρωσε σχετικά, κλπ. Ο Π. του είπε: “Άντε ρε Γιάννη!.. Με τί μούτρα θα βγω στον δρόμο, αν μαθευτεί πως εγώ ο συνταξιούχος πήρα δάνειο για σπίτι”; Μετά ο Π. έσκισε στα τέσσερα το έντυπο και το πέταξε!..
δ. Όταν ήταν άρρωστος από φυματίωση, ζώντας σε ένα σπιτάκι κοντά στο “Παναθηναϊκό Στάδιο” (“Μετς” / “Νυφοπάζαρο”), του πρότειναν να του βάλλουν τηλέφωνο. Αυτός αρνήθηκε, λέγοντας: “Η Ελλάδα πένεται και εμένα θα μου βάλετε τηλέφωνο”;
ε. Είχε απαγορεύσει στους συγγενείς του να χρησιμοποιούν το όνομα “ΠΛΑΣΤΗΡΑΣ”, για υποθέσεις τους, όπου και αν μετέβαιναν. Κάποια στιγμή, ο αδελφός του, ο οποίος ήταν άνεργος, έκανε αίτηση στο εργοστάσιο ζυθοποιϊας “ΦΙΞ”, ώστε να προσληφθεί ως οδηγός. Ο αρμόδιος υπάλληλος τον ρώτησε πώς λεγόταν και εκείνος ενθυμούμενος το τί τους είχε πει ο αδελφός τους και Π-Θ δίσταζε να πει το όνομά του! Τελικά, το είπε βεβαίως υποχρεωτικά, και αμέσως μετά, όταν ρωτήθηκε αν είχε σχέση με τον Π-Θ, απάντησε καταφατικά. Η αίτηση έγινε αποδεκτή και τότε ο αδελφός του Π-Θ παρακάλεσε την εταιρεία να μην μαθευτεί τίποτα σχετικά! Όμως ο Ν. Πλαστήρας έμαθε τα πάντα! Κάλεσε τον αδελφό του, τον επέπληξε βαρύτατα και του είπε: “Δεν θα αποδεχθείς την εργασία και αν έχεις ανάγκη, κάτσε εδώ να μοιραζόμαστε το φαγητό μου”! Ο αδελφός του υπάκουσε.
στ. Ζούσε λιτά και δίχως να γίνεται αντιληπτός! Πολλές φορές έστελνε και του αγόραζαν… με τρόπο, ψωμί, ελιές και τυρί φέτα. Όταν οι άνθρωποί του, του έλεγαν πως έχει ανάγκη καλύτερου φαγητού, λόγω της αρρώστιας του, εκείνος απαντούσε: “Τί κάνω; Σκάβω, ώστε να καλοτρώγω”;
ζ. Όταν πέθανε, δεν άφησε σπίτια, καταθέσεις ή ακίνητα. Η κληρονομιά που άφησε στην ορφανή προσφυγοπούλα ψυχοκόρη του ήταν 216 δρχ., ένα δεκαδόλαρο και μια προφορική λακωνική διαθήκη:
Στα ατομικά του είδη βρέθηκαν ένα χρεωστικό του Στρατού (Υπ. 108), για ένα κρεββάτι που είχε χάσει στην Μ. Ασία και 8 δρχ., με την σημείωση να δοθούν στο Δημόσιο, για την αξία του κρεββατιού, για να μην χρωστά στην Πατρίδα!..
Το νεκρικό του κοστούμι ήταν δώρο του φίλου του Διονυσίου ΚΑΡΡΕΡ.
Αυτά φίλοι μου και όσοι νουνεχείς, σώφρονες και συνειδητοί, προβληματιστείτε βαθιά, για το ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΧΘΕΣ, το ΣΗΜΕΡΑ, το ΑΥΡΙΟ!..
Marking the 70th anniversary of UK–Israeli diplomatic relations
The UK is Israel’s biggest trading partner in Europe: our trade has been growing steadily over the years, and in recent years we have seen annual trade exceed £8 billion.
İngiltere-Türkiye arasında krize neden olan uyanıklık!
İngiltere’nin koronavirüs ile mücadelede Türkiye‘ye bel bağladığı bugünlerde yaşanan gelişmelerle ilgili gerçekler de ortaya çıkıyor. Koronavirüse müdahalede yetersiz kalan İngiliz hükümetinin panik halinde olduğu herkes tarafından gözlemleniyor. İngiltere’ye 84 tonluk tıbbi teçhizat sevkiyatı ile ilgili İngiliz basınında çıkan ‘daha önce gönderilmesi’ gerektiği iddiaları ufak çapta da olsa krize neden oldu…
United with Israel
The Global Movement for Israel
Israel Thwarts Cyber Attack on Water Supplies
The suspected cyber attack attempted to interfere with Israel’s water supply and sewage system, but authorities stopped it before any damage was done.
By Yakir Benzion
Unknown hackers staged a cyber attack on water facilities in Israel with the aim of taking over operating systems and disrupting pump operations, Ynet reported Sunday.
The attack on several water pumping stations and sewage plants around the country apparently took place over the weekend, however it is unclear whether any operating systems were taken over or pump operations disrupted.
Water and sewage operators were instructed to act immediately to change passwords for the operation of the facilities, “with emphasis on operational systems and in particular on chlorine adding systems,” the report said.
No operational damage was reported and the national water authority issued a short statement saying “the issue was addressed.”
According to information received by Ynet, the attacks occurred on Friday and Saturday and were identified by cyber defense protocols.
Initially, the Israel Water Authority stated that “the subject of attempted cyber-attack is not new and is constantly being addressed by the appropriate professionals.”
A few hours after the news was leaked, the Israel Water Authority released an official statement saying “The Water Authority and the National Cyber Array are updating that an attempt has recently been made on the command and control systems of the water sector. The attempted attack was handled by the Water Authority and the National Cyber Array.”
Zionist History: 100 Years Later, San Remo Matters
In short, San Remo affirmed Jewish rights to the Land of Israel, and established the legal foundation and borders of Israel under international law.
In the wake of World War I and the defeat of the Ottoman and German forces, leaders of the Allied Powers set out to reorganize Europe, and particularly the wide reach of the defeated Ottoman Empire. As part of the effort to do so, a conference took place in London in the winter of 1920, followed by the San Remo Conference, which convened 100 years ago this week.
San Remo was significant in many ways, but it’s perhaps best well known for the partitioning of the Ottoman controlled Middle East. It established an irreversible precedent and support for the establishment of a Jewish state in Israel. Given how dramatic the outcome of San Remo was, it’s surprising that this is among the least known, recognized and celebrated milestones as a cornerstone of Israel’s establishment.
The participating leaders represented Britain, France, Italy and Japan, and they convened and concluded the San Remo Resolution, which established “mandates” for three former Ottoman territories and was ratified by the League of Nations. These included “Palestine,” “Syria,” and “Mesopotamia.”
This followed the 1915-1916 McMahon–Hussein correspondence and the secret 1916 Sykes–Picot Agreement, which, albeit contradictory, established precedent for independent Arab states under leadership that the French and British essentially handpicked based on alliances and commitments they had made, and their respective interests. McMahon-Hussein committed to Arab independence in exchange for support against the Ottomans, and Sykes-Picot divided up the Ottoman Empire even before the end of, and Ottoman loss in, WWI.
Essentially, San Remo divided up the remnants of the defeated Ottoman Empire, which controlled much of the Middle East for some 400 years. San Remo provided exclusive legal and political rights in “Palestine” to the Jews and set aside similar rights for Arabs in the rest of the Arab world. The “mandates” for Syria, Mesopotamia, and Palestine were established under French and British control. They were empowered to carry out the mandates until the respective territories could “stand alone.”
Mandate Included All of Israel and Modern Jordan
The British mandate for Palestine included all of Israel and modern Jordan, and Mesopotamia, today’s Iraq. France gained control of Syria, including modern Lebanon.
The San Remo Resolution was adopted on April 25, 1920 and incorporated the historic 1917 Balfour Declaration. Through the Balfour Declaration, the British government committed to “the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine.” This became a central foundation upon which the British Mandate for Palestine was established.
Under Balfour, a world power went on record as prioritizing the establishment of a Jewish state. By incorporating Balfour into San Remo, which was adopted by the League of Nations and signed by 51 countries, there was now world recognition, affirmation, and commitment to that.
While many interpreted that the commitment under Balfour to establish a Jewish state in Palestine did not include eastern Palestine, today’s Jordan, if did affirm that Britain would be “responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on the 8th November, 1917, by the British Government, and adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
In short, San Remo affirmed Jewish rights to the Land of Israel, and established the legal foundation and borders of Israel under international law. It was so significant that British Lord Curzon is said to have called it Israel’s Magna Carta.
Because of the significance of San Remo, outside observers included the United States and representatives of the Jewish leadership of Israel at the time, including Chaim Weizmann, who would become Israel’s first president nearly two decades later. That the Conference took place immediately following Passover, when the Jewish people celebrate their liberation and exodus from slavery in Egypt, was especially significant. So much so that Weizmann declared that the Jewish state was born on April 25, 1920 in San Remo.
Not since the Balfour Declaration was there such a significant milestone toward reestablishing Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. San Remo was celebrated widely by Jewish communities across the world. This would not happen again until the 1947 UN partition vote and Israel’s May 1948 declaration of independence.
The division of the former Ottoman Empire under San Remo established many precedents toward the establishment of a Jewish State. Lord Balfour, author of the Balfour Declaration on behalf of the British government, explained that it provided a niche for the Jewish people within the predominantly Arab controlled Middle East.
San Remo Supersedes Later UN Resolutions
Howard Grief, author of The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel Under International Law, explains that the San Remo resolution supersedes even later UN resolutions according to a precedent in international law that once you recognize a certain situation and execute it, you cannot reverse or change it.
It’s understandable why Balfour and the 1947 UN partition plan are celebrated as significant milestones.They are. But San Remo was an inextricable link between the two. The resolution adopted represented the first time in 2000 years, since the Roman conquering of Israel, the destruction of the Second Temple, and the ensuing exile, that the international community called for the establishment and restoration of a Jewish homeland in the historic Land of Israel.
With 51 world powers and the UN’s predecessor, the League of Nations adopting San Remo’s resolution, it not only established the legal right for Jews to settle Israel, but mandated the world’s obligation to help do so.
While San Remo and all the other events leading up to the restoration of Jewish sovereignty to the Land of Israel are significant, whether or not the players in this process were cognizant of it or motivated by it, ultimately these all simply affirmed the biblical authority and promise by God to do so.
Lessons Unlearned That Have Come Back to Haunt Us
A pandemic reveals the collectivist enemy.
As I write this, there are over a quarter of a million recorded deaths from the corona virus and many many more to come. We know now that the virus originated in Wuhan China, probably in its virology lab, and that the Chinese concealed the fact that it was contagious between humans and deadly for weeks. They allowed a Lunar New Year celebration in Wuhan that involved tens of thousands of people, and also permitted 5 million inhabitants of Wuhan to leave the city and spread the virus. Moreover, they permitted hundreds of thousands of Chinese to travel abroad to celebrate the Lunar New Year and infect people in more than 200 countries across the globe.
Whatever one may say about the origin of the virus – it could have been the result of an accident – what cannot be denied is that the cover-up by the Chinese Communist dictatorship was deliberate and calculated, as most likely was its failure to close its borders until the virus was contained. In other words, this was a hostile attack on an innocent world, justified most probably as an effort to protect the Chinese Communist regime. So ferocious is this self-preservation imperative that the regime has launched a global campaign accusing the United States military of creating the virus, a lie so monstrous it is reminiscent of the lies promulgated by the totalitarian regimes of Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia.
For almost twenty years since China was admitted to the World Trade Organization in 2001, the Chinese regime has been mistakenly regarded by western leaders as a worthy member of the international community of nations. American leaders have regarded it as worthy of being entrusted with the supply lines of medicines and other health supports vital for survival during a pandemic like this one. Prior to 2001, China was treated as a pariah state, a policy that took root when the Communist Party seized power in Beijing in 1949, and proceeded to murder more than 100 million Chinese in the process of transforming China into a socialist state. China’s 1950 decision to go to war with the United States and prop up another totalitarian regime in North Korea was also a warning to the West to treat China as the hostile power it most self-evidently still is.
Over the next fifty years, however, despite the monstrous casualties of China’s socialist transformation, attitudes in the West began to change. This was encouraged by the passing of the dictator MaoZedong and his successor’s introduction of market features into the Chinese economy. Responding to these developments, Western leaders adopted a kind of inverted Marxist view of the power of economics to shape society. Eventually, they came to believe that if the Chinese Communists adopted the economic reforms the World Trade Organization demanded as the price of admission, economic forces would transform the Communist system and make China a worthy partner in the community of nations. A quarter of a million unnecessary deaths and counting should be sufficient to put that illusion to rest.
China is still a Communist society and that means it is governed by a collectivist ideology in which individuals – like the Wuhan doctors who tried to warn the world of the danger and were “disappeared” for their efforts – count for nothing. Collectivist societies like Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, China, North Korea, and the late Islamic State embody social attitudes that share common features with sociopathic personalities, beginning with the absence of a conscience when it comes to eliminating individuals for the sake of the collective. This lack of conscience is manifest in the failure to share information that could save millions of lives because it might embarrass or threaten the collective. Pathological lying and a “grandiose sense of self” that justifies their lies is also a characteristic of sociopathic behavior. It is second nature to self-righteous ideologues who think they are saving the world. The lack of remorse stems (to quote a technical text) from “a deep seated rage … at their core.” They “[do] not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.”
A limited but ominous instance of this pathology in which an ally winds up as a victim is the censure of Karen Whitsett, an African American Democrat legislator in Michigan. Whitsett is a former Covid19 sufferer who felt her life was saved when she learned from a presidential press conference of the possible beneficial effects of a hydrochloroquine-zythromax cocktail, and took the remedy and was cured. For the sin of saying this publicly and expressing gratitude to the president she was unanimously censured by her Democrat colleagues. She said, “I did not know that saying thank you had a political line…I thought just saying thank you meant ‘thank you.’”
When the collective feels threatened, the individual means nothing. And of course behind this sense of threat felt by the Michigan Democrats is their deranged rage against President Trump, a hatred that began with the 2016 election, and has exploded during the coronavirus crisis.
Collectivism – under the banner of Identity Politics – is now the dominant ideology of the Democrat Party. That’s why we are told in advance that if a white male is the presidential candidate of the Party, the Vice President must be a woman “of color” – regardless of merit. The collectivity is what counts, not the individual.
This is the antithesis of the individualism that is at the core of the constitutional framework America’s founders created. This is the death of Martin Luther King’s American vision that individuals should be judged on their character and not their membership in a collectivity based on race, class or gender. This is why the Left instinctively identifies and sympathizes with America’s collectivist enemies whether they are Iranian mullahs, Cuban Communists, or Palestinian terrorists.
Trump Responds to Coronavirus Pandemic Ahead of the Curve
How the Left’s government-run health care model fails by comparison.
Democrats and their friends in the media have falsely accused President Trump of grossly mishandling the coronavirus epidemic. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, for example, has regularly pummeled the president. “As the president fiddles, people are dying,” she declared in perhaps her most outrageous comment. The Trump-hating media has given Pelosi a pass as she gorged on her fancy ice cream and delayed critical legislation to save peoples’ livelihoods. Meanwhile, the left continues to exploit the pandemic crisis to push for its socialist Medicare-for-All solution.
How conveniently Trump’s critics distort history and forget their own cavalier attitude towards the coronavirus as it began to take hold in the United States. On February 24th, Pelosi was still encouraging people to visit San Francisco’s Chinatown despite fears of the coronavirus. Unlike Pelosi, President Trump was not advising Americans to go out of their way to risk becoming infected. More than three weeks earlier, he had made the bold, forward-looking decision to impose entry restrictions on travelers from China into the U.S., which likely saved thousands of American lives. The carpers variously condemned the decision as racist, xenophobic, unjust and ineffective.
Some of the same critics who have accused President Trump of downplaying the coronavirus did precisely the same thing themselves. As late as March 4th, for example, CNN’s Anderson Cooper said that “the flu is far deadlier” than the coronavirus. He recommended that “if you’re freaked out at all about coronavirus, you should be more concerned about the flu and actually do something about it, which is get a flu shot.” CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta agreed. Neither said anything about social distancing, let alone testing, at the time. Whatever President Trump himself may have initially thought about the dangers of the flu versus the coronavirus, he didn’t rely on Cooper or Dr. Gupta for medical advice. He listened instead to his own medical advisers. They had concluded by March that the coronavirus was too dangerous for business as usual and were beginning to consider social distancing measures. On March 8th, Dr. Fauci raised some alarm bells when he broached the subject of social distancing and said, “We’re getting a better sense as the days go by. Unfortunately, that better sense is not encouraging, because we’re seeing community spread.” On March 13th, President Trump declared the coronavirus pandemic to be a national emergency. Three days later the president issued the strict social distancing guidelines recommended by his medical advisers, including Dr. Fauci. President Trump said at a news conference on March 16th, “We’d much rather be ahead of the curve than behind it.” Immediately thereafter, the president invoked the Defense Production Act. He used the federal government’s emergency powers to mobilize public and private industry resources to produce and distribute enormous volumes of personal protective equipment, ventilators and tests for the virus.
Leftists blame not only President Trump personally for the deadly spread of the coronavirus in the United States. They blame America’s decentralized, mostly private healthcare system itself, and are using the crisis to push their radical agenda. Writing for the socialist magazine Jacobin, for example, Luke Savage claimed that “the coronavirus is making the case for Medicare for All better than any policy paper ever could.” He added, “Only a universal system, free at point of use and extricated once and for all from the Wild West of employer-based insurance can ever provide the certainty and security people need, inside or outside the ongoing pandemic.”
On December 3, 2019, Democrat-Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) tweeted: “To our friends in the UK: please cherish, protect, & continue investing in your healthcare system!” She added, “Millions of people in the US are fighting to have a system half as good as the NHS.” In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic crisis, AOC said that “Our public health system should be free at the point of service for every single person in this country.” If AOC had her way, “it shouldn’t just be for COVID-19 cases.” It should become the new normal.
The facts, however, demonstrate how well the United States has handled the coronavirus pandemic under President Trump’s leadership versus the United Kingdom, which has embraced universal, government-paid health care.
A key study was issued on March 16, 2020, recommending strict social distancing while noting “the enormous social and economic costs” it would entail. “We show that in the UK and US context, suppression will minimally require a combination of social distancing of the entire population, home isolation of cases and household quarantine of their family members. This may need to be supplemented by school and university closures,” the study said. President Trump announced his administration’s strict social distancing guidelines on the same day as this study was issued. By comparison, the United Kingdom waited until March 23rd to introduce its own strict social distancing policies.
The White House has made available its medical experts and scientists to the press for questioning on a regular basis. By contrast, the UK government has been very secretive regarding its advisory body, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies. “Its list of members is secret, its meetings are closed, its recommendations are private and the minutes of its deliberations are published much later, if at all,” the New York Times reported on April 24th. “That lack of transparency has become a point of contention, as officials struggle to explain why they waited until late March to shift from a laissez-faire approach to the virus to the stricter measures adopted by other European countries.”
As of April 26th, the United Kingdom had 305.6 deaths per million people attributed to the coronavirus. The United States had 164.58 deaths per million people attributed to the coronavirus. The number of tests in the United Kingdom as of the same date was 9,016 tests /1 million people. The number of tests in the United States was 15,219 tests /1 million people.
No government in the world was ready to address the most serious pandemic in many generations. Instead of sounding an early warning when the disease could have been effectively contained, the World Health Organization parroted Chinese government propaganda that covered up early evidence of human-to-human transmission. As the pandemic spread in the United Kingdom, its government-run health care system failed its citizens. It was stymied by bureaucratic sluggishness and secrecy, hallmarks of centralized, top down government control. By comparison, the dynamic U.S. healthcare system is rising to the occasion, with President Trump and his administration mobilizing the vast resources of government and industry in support of our heroic health workers on the front line.
Is CNN Spreading Coronavirus?
The Coronavirus News Network.
Richard Quest, CNN’s Business Editor at Large, recently announced on the show that he had tested positive for the coronavirus. “I just have a nasty cough, which, thankfully tonight because of our excellent technical staff, you haven’t heard me too much spluttering away,” he announced.
Whom exactly is that intended to reassure?
Quest is the third CNN anchor with the virus after Chris Cuomo and Brooke Baldwin. It’s unlikely that three anchors, the highest profile figures in a news network, would have contracted the virus without having received it from or passed it on to other CNN employees. In any other profession, there would be an investigation of a cluster of cases around one single company. But the media won’t self-investigate.
How many coronavirus cases does CNN have? Good question.
While the anchors, most notably Chris Cuomo, have received the most attention for their viral stunts, CNN has been much more tight-lipped about the infection rate among its staff. Last month, there was a report that a senior CNN staffer had tested positive. And that’s about all we know.
It’s highly improbable that three anchors and only one staffer at CNN have the virus.
CNN has 4,000 employees. It would be quite a feat of epidemiology if out of the four known CNN coronavirus cases, 75% were anchors. Or that out of 4,000 CNN employees, only anchors seem to get it.
Are CNN anchors somehow magnets for the virus?
Or do they have better access to testing than the genuinely vulnerable seniors who need the test do?
While seniors dying in New York nursing homes were unable to be tested in a timely manner, Governor Cuomo’s brother had no trouble getting tested. Neither did any of his fellow CNN anchors.
Meanwhile CNN has failed the basic metrics of transparency that it demands from those it investigates.
A recent email by CNN boss Jeff Zucker failed to address any of the staff or anchors who had tested positive, but did mention that 10 percent of staffers were working at the news network’s offices.
How is that possible when so many small businesses have shut down and so many are out of work?
Governor Cuomo exempted the news media from shutdowns as an essential organization. What’s essential about the media that allows CNN to keep putting people at risk in its offices? Cuomo’s brother does work for CNN. And he’s a case study when it comes to demonstrating why CNN can’t be trusted.
CNN falsely claimed that Chris Cuomo was emerging for the first time from quarantine in a completely fake segment after he had already been documented breaking quarantine and travel restrictions. Instead of acknowledging his misconduct, the news network chose to double down on the lies.
How many New Yorkers have CNN personnel irresponsibly infected with the virus?
The same media that constantly serves up matchstick videos and graphs showing how many people can be infected by one ‘spreader’ while urging everyone to stay home, won’t address the subject.
And CNN isn’t alone.
The one subject that the media loves and hates to talk about is itself. Even while CNN promoted Cuomo’s coronavirus antics, it has failed to be transparent about its staff infection rate. Other media outlets have also widely promoted stories about infections among its top personnel, but not staffers.
ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos has tested positive for coronavirus. Tony Greer, a cameraman, also passed away from the virus. Stephanopoulos described Greer as a “total pro” and “a consummate gentleman”. How many other ABC News staffers have tested positive?
Like CNN, ABC News only disclosed one staffer.
CBS News however disclosed six staffers having tested positive. It cleaned its studios and then reopened them. Countless small businesses where no one has tested positive haven’t received that privilege.
Maria Mercader, a CBS journalist, later passed away.
At NBC News, an equipment room employee passed away and someone working on the Today show had tested positive. Despite that, the show went on with a little social distancing after the diagnosis.
Try doing that in any small business.
How serious of a role is the media playing in the spread of the coronavirus? Because the only sources for documenting the spread come from the media, it’s hard to know just how bad it really is.
An unknown White House correspondent tested positive for the virus. An infected attendee at a journalism conference led to an infection watch for over 1,000 journalists. A radio reporter who had been covering a hot zone brought it back to a party resulting in two deaths and countless infections.
But the media has been reluctant to document the spread of infections in a profession whose job it has been to go to hot zones, to interview people in close quarters, and travel around the world.
There are good public relations reasons why the media wouldn’t want to cover its own risk factors.
While prominent anchors may be working from home, the façade that the media is staying home is just that. The anchors may no longer be willing to risk their lives in studios, let alone reporting from the field, but there are still plenty of media personnel working in offices and the field.
You can’t keep a news network, newspaper, or major media outlet running by working from home.
The media was misclassified as essential, not because it actually is, but because local governments have deep conflicts of interest when it comes to the media. Much of what the media does is cover politicians. And most politicians want the coverage. This conflict of interest may be killing people.
At a time when ordinary folks are being arrested for going to the park and politicians solicit tips on barbershops that are staying open, the media is making its rounds, attending press conferences, and evading the social distancing that it demands for a whole range of other people and professions.
Bystander videos of anything from press conferences to protests show camera crews and reporters clumping together in violation of social distancing policies while covering these events. Revealing footage like this doesn’t appear on the evening news for the same reason that the media has failed to disclose the full scope of the coronavirus outbreak in its ranks. The media can’t be trusted to cover itself.
A complete picture of the media’s role in spreading the virus would increase pressure on the entire profession, not just a few talking heads, to stay home the way so many others are forced to do.
And that’s why the media is determined not to provide one so that it can continue running its own outbreak. It’s highly improbable that the outbreak at CNN was limited to three anchors, at ABC News to its chief anchor, or at NBC to NBCUniversal’s CEO. Those are the people at the top of the food chain.
While the media treats us to their stories, it has failed to fully disclose how many of the rank and file have been infected, and how many ordinary people its personnel have infected. And it never will.
The media can’t be trusted. That’s the one thing most Americans agree on in countless polls.
That’s why the media ought to, as it tells us so often, #StayAtHome. We’ll all be safer if it does.
United with Israel
The Global Movement for Israel
Palestinians to Pay $142 Million to Israeli Terror Victims’ Families
The Jerusalem District Court ruled on Friday that the Palestinian Authority must pay NIS 500 million ($142 million) to the families of those killed in Palestinian terrorist attacks, mostly during the the Second Intifada (2000-2005).
Judge Moshe Drori ruled last July that the P.A. was liable for damages of up to NIS 1 billion ($284 million). Since that time, the Israeli organization Shurat HaDin worked to prove damages on behalf of eight families representing 17 complaints in which 34 Israelis were murdered and seven wounded, mostly between the years 2000 and 2002.
While some of the attacks also involved Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the court is holding the P.A. liable based on its statements taking credit for all Second Intifada terrorist attacks and its support for the groups carrying out the attacks, The Jerusalem Post reported.
The money, will come out of the P.A.’s ‘Pay to Slay’ funds, as well as the customs tax that the P.A. pays Israel each month. “Pay to Slay” refers to a P.A. fund from which monthly cash stipends are disbursed to the families of Palestinians killed, injured or imprisoned for involvement in terror attacks or other types of politically-motivated violence against Israelis.
Following the ruling, Shurat HaDin president Nitsana Darshan-Leitner said that the organization will not end the fight until there is justice for all victims of terror.
“Convicting the terrorists does not end with their imprisonment, as long as the Palestinian Authority [continues to fund them] and encourages acts of terrorism. The Palestinian Authority will know that there is a price for the blood on its hands, a very expensive price, and now it will need to pay,” she said, according to Ynet.
The decision comes just ahead of Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s memorial day for fallen soldiers and victims of terror attacks, which begins on Monday evening.
Latest VT4 battle tanks delivered to foreign buyer: report
Global Times
China is delivering two customized VT4 main battle tanks to an undisclosed foreign buyer.
Transported by trucks, two VT4 tanks left for their destination following a launch ceremony, Weihutang, military affairs column affiliated with China Central Television, reported on Friday, citing a video released by the Inner Mongolia First Machinery Group under the state-owned China North Industries Group (NORINCO).
The tanks are not the standard VT4 version and instead are equipped with a different turret boost design. The front design features a new explosive reactive armor, Weihutang said.
This upgraded VT4 offers enhancements with extra protection capabilities, the report said, citing military experts.
Further details on the deal have not been released, such as the purchase amount, overall value, and client name.
Also known as the MBT3000, the VT4 is a new generation of made-for-export combat tank designed for the international market, Weihutang said, noting that it is one of the most popular Chinese weapons available and has been sold to Thailand and Nigeria.
The VT4 is equipped with a 125-millimeter smoothbore gun, can fire armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sabot (APFSDS), high explosive anti-tank cartridges, and missiles with a 5-kilometer range.
Equipped with a China-made 1,200-horsepower diesel-fueled engine and a hydromechanical drive system, the VT4 can travel at a maximum speed of 70 kph and a maximum cross-country speed of 50 kph.
Arab League calls urgent meeting to torpedo Israel’s annexation plans
The Arab League will hold a virtual meeting to discuss how to organize opposition to Israel’s plan to annex large swathes of Judea and Samaria, it announced on Monday.
The meeting, which is scheduled for Thursday, will be carried out by video conference and include the participation of Arab foreign ministers from across the Middle East.
The ministers will “discuss in their virtual meeting providing political, legal and financial support to the Palestinian leadership to confront the Israeli plans,” the Arab League’s deputy secretary Hossam Zaki said.
The meeting was called at the request of the Palestinian Authority.
Last week, the Arab League’s Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit warned UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres that Israel’s plans risked “igniting tension in the region.”
He accused Israel of “exploiting the world’s preoccupation with the novel coronavirus to impose a new reality on the ground.”
The Arab League’s announcement comes on the heels of the formation of a unity government in Israel between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz.
The deal opens the way for Israel to bring forward annexation plans in the Knesset as early as June 1. Israel’s opportunity for annexation comes in the context of Trump’s Mideast peace plan.
On Wednesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the annexation of Judea and Samaria was up to Israel. “Israelis will ultimately make those decisions,” he said.
Netanyahu said in a special broadcast on Sunday that in “a couple of months,” Israel will establish sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.
“Three months ago, the Trump peace plan recognized Israel’s rights in all Judea and Samaria and President Trump pledged to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Jewish communities there and in the Jordan Valley,” Netanyahu said.
“A couple of months from now, I’m confident that that pledge will be honored, that we will be able to celebrate another historic moment in the history of Zionism,” he said.
Israel gained control of Judea and Samaria in the 1967 Six-Day War, a conflict in which the Jewish State carried out a preemptive strike on four Arab nations posed to invade.
Currently, hundreds of thousands of Israeli Jews live in Judea and Samaria, in addition to another 200,000 Israelis who live in eastern portions of Jerusalem.