Θέματα, Απόψεις, Θέσεις Και Άλλα!.. (Νο “2”).
1. Τώρα που ο Α/ΥΠΕΞ Κος Μ. Πομπέο (αν χάσει… κιλά, θα ήταν – και εμφανισιακά – ένα πολύ δυνατό “χαρτί” για επόμενος Πρόεδρος των Ρεπουμπλικανών και ακολούθως των Η.Π.Α., αφού αποδεικνύεται πολύ “δυνατός” πολιτικά και διεθνώς), ήλθε στην Ελλάδα και υπογράψαμε , συμφωνήσαμε, κλπ, ό,τι υπογράψαμε και συμφωνήσαμε, κυρίως στον στρατιωτικό τομέα, δεν μπορώ να μην γράψω το πόσο δίκιο είχαμε που γράφαμε σε κάποιους κυρίως διπλωμάτες (ε.ε.) και… (ε.α.), βουλευτές και πολιτικούς της ΝΔ (“Φιλελέ” κατά βάσιν), αλλά και λοιπούς, όπως πχ “ελεγχόμενους” Καθηγητές Παν-μίων, Αναλυτές, κλπ, να μην βρίζουν τον Α/Πρόεδρο, στην προσπάθειά τους να… “κτυπήσουν προσόντα” στους “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟΥΣ” των Η.Π.Α., οι οποίοι είναι το σπουδαιότερο παγκοσμίως εξαρτημένο Κόμμα, των δήθεν Αριστερών “Παγκοσμιοποιητών” “Διεθνών Εβραίων”, λόγω του ότι οι Η.Π.Α. είναι “Πλανητική Δύναμη” και ο βασικός εκτελεστής των εντολών της “Παγκοσμίου Εξουσίας”, τουλάχιστον μέχρι της ανόδου Τραμπ στην Α/Προεδρία!
Ο Ε/Π-Θ Κ. Κ. Μητσοτάκης, που και αυτός μας διαβάζει, το “τσίμπησε” και όντας πολιτικά σοβαρός στα εθνικά θέματα, όπως “σιγά – σιγά” με τις κινήσεις του αποδεικνύει, έδωσε προφανώς εντολή σε όλους τους παραπάνω, να είναι πολύ προσεκτικοί και έτσι άλλοι σιώπησαν και άλλοι εξ αυτών το… χαλάρωσαν, όπως πχ οι Φίλης, Καιρίδης, και λοιποί!..
Οι Ε-Α σχέσεις είναι σήμερα, όσο ποτέ ίσως άλλοτε, στο θετικότερο “πικ” τους, και αυτό, επίσης, αποδεικνύει ότι ουδεμία σχέση με την αλήθεια, δεν είχε και δεν έχει η… προπαγάνδα (πώς αλλιώς άλλωστε, αφού “μιλάμε” για προπαγάνδα), που συνεχώς τα τελευταία χρόνια ακούμε από τα ε/ΜΜΕ, που ελέγχονται από τους “Παγκοσμιοποιητές”, σχεδόν στο σύνολό τους, ότι δηλαδή οι Αμερικανοί και ο Πρόεδρος Τραμπ είναι τάχα Τουρκόφιλοι! Μιλάμε, φίλοι μου, για τόσο χαμηλή νοημοσύνη και σε πολλές περιπτώσεις για ανεγκεφαλιά όλων αυτών των Κυρίων και ορισμένων Κυριών, αν τα άτομα αυτά ή έστω κάποια αυτά δεν εργάζονται πρακτόρικα (!) και συνεπώς εσκεμμένως, κατά των ε/συμφερόντων!..
Αξίζουν πράγματι συγχαρητήρια στον Ε/Π-Θ και θα του τα δώσουμε, μη όντας ολιγόψυχοι, διότι η Ελλάδα μας, αυτή η υποθηκευμένη χώρα μέχρι το 2115, τολμά, ούσα βαριά “ασθενής”, να ακολουθεί, μετά από πάρα πολλά χρόνια (πριν ακόμα από το 1996), μια “καθαρά” “ΕΝΕΡΓΗΤΙΚΗ ΕΞΩΤΕΡΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ ΣΕ ΟΛΑ ΤΑ ΕΘΝΙΚΑ ΤΗΣ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ”, μην ξεχνώντας την… “Προκρούστειο Κλίνη”, κάτι που σημαίνει απόλυτη σοβαρότητα ελληνικών λόγων και έργων στο υπόψη Πεδίο, κάτι που έλλειπε τα αμέσως προηγούμενα χρόνια!..
Πολλοί στην ημεδαπή,… “υπερ-πατριώτες” κυρίως (άτομα “στενού” “ΙQ”, με μερική και συγκεχυμένη γνώση και μάλιστα μέρους των εθνικών θεμάτων, που πρόκειται για άτομα που στοχεύουν κυρίως στο κέρδος), έσπευσαν να υποτιμήσουν στα εθνικά, και δη στα Ε-Τ, τον Ε/Π-Θ, είτε λόγω ειλικρινούς τους θέσεως στην κριτική τους, είτε επίτηδες, λόγω πχ διαφορετικής τους πολιτικής τοποθετήσεως, λόγω ελέγχου τους από ξένα Κέντρα, διαφόρου “καταγωγής”, όπως εταιρείες όπλων, ΜΥ ξένων χωρών, κλπ!..
Ο Κ. Κ. Μητσοτάκης εξελίσσεται σε έναν πολύ δυνατό διεθνή πολιτικό “παίκτη”! “Κολλάει” και προσωπικά στον Ε/Π-Θ η φράση του Κου Α/ΥΠΕΞ για τις Ε-Α σχέσεις, “The Sky Is The Limit”! Θα τον παρακολουθήσουμε όμως και όπως έχουμε πει θα γράφουμε πάντα την αλήθεια!
Το αν τελικά η Τουρκία φτάσει ακόμα και σε πόλεμο, η ε/Κ-Β και ο… Μαέστρος της δείχνουν ότι θα έχουν λειτουργήσει όπως θα έπρεπε και όπως θα άρμοζε και αρμόζει σε ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ, οι οποίοι γνωρίζουν την παγκόσμιο και ζηλευτή μέχρι… μίσους Ιστορία τους!..
Οψόμεθα, ευχόμενοι και μόνον ΕΙΡΗΝΗ!..
2. Για την Αλεξανδρούπολη και για τoν εκεί κόμβο μεταφοράς φυσικού αερίου, που πλέον είναι γεγονός, γράφαμε και λέγαμε από το 2010, ονομάζοντάς τον “Βόρειο διάδρομο” μεταφοράς αερίου στην Β και ΒΑ Ευρώπη, μετά τον “Νότιο”, τον “EAST-MED”, που μέλλει, υπό “Κ.Σ.”, να μεταφέρει ενέργεια στην Κ., Δ. και ΒΔ Ευρώπη, “διάδρομοι” που αποτελούν -όπως γράφαμε και λέγαμε- τα 2 σκέλη του Ισραηλινού προς Ευρώπη τεράστιου ενεργειακού σχεδίου! (Το 1 μείζον σκέλος! Το άλλο είναι προς Ασία).
Σημειώναμε βεβαίως από τότε, σε ό,τι αφορά τον “Βόρειο Διάδρομο”, το επικίνδυνο και ύποπτο, “εν πολλοίς”, των πτήσεων των Ι/πολεμικών α/φ ακριβώς επί του 25ου Μεσημβρινού!
Επίσης, είχαμε τολμήσει να “υποψιαστούμε” Ι/”δάκτυλο” στο γεγονός του δυστυχήματος στην Βουλγαρία, με τα πολλά θύματα Ισραηλινούς εκείνα τα χρόνια (παρά την Βάρνα), ώστε τελικά να “ανοίξουν” και τα Βουλγαρικά σύνορα στους Ισραηλινούς, όπως και “άνοιξαν”, αφού ήδη έχουμε στην Κομοτηνή το εργοτάξιο “IGB”, που “προχθές” επισκέφτηκαν ο Α/ΥΦΕΞ (συνόδευε τον Κο Πομπέο) και ο “δικός μας” ομόλογός του, αν δεν σφάλλω!
Όταν εμείς, εδώ και 10 χρόνια, γράφαμε και λέγαμε ΜΕ ΕΜΦΑΣΗ και… ΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΛΟΓΟ, για το υπόψη Ισραηλινό σχέδιο, που “κτυπά” στην καρδιά και (!) το ρωσικό ενεργειακό μονοπώλιο στην Ευρώπη, των εισέτι ανοήτων “Παγκοσμιοποιητών” Κυβερνητών της, “γνωστοί” της ελληνικής… ενημέρωσης έγραφαν και τόνιζαν ότι οι αγωγοί, κλπ, θα πέρναγαν από την Τουρκία!..
Ήταν ένας ακόμα λόγος, ντόπιοι τσάτσοι των… “εξουσιαστών” της χώρας μας, να “τα βάλλουν” με τους “ΑΓΓΕΛΟΥΣ” και τον “ΑΡΧΑΓΓΕΛΟ”!..
Για όλα όσα λέμε υπάρχουν μάρτυρες και κυρίως γραπτά κείμενα!..
3. Από το 1ο αμερικανικό Προεδρικό “DEBATE”, για τις εκλογές της 3ης Νοε 2020, “κρατάμε” την πιο μεγάλη αλήθεια που ακούστηκε ποτέ και την είπε ένας ΜΗ ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΑΣ πολιτικός, ο νυν Πρόεδρος Τραμπ! Τί είπε στον “Κοιμισμένο Τζο”; Διαβάστε:
“Κάνατε τον Κόσμο να μισεί την Αμερική”!..
Δεν θα γράψω τίποτα άλλο για το 1ο “debate”, αν και το είδαμε, παρά το… “άγριο” της ώρας μεταδόσεώς του στην χώρα μας, λόγω της διαφοράς ώρας!.. Για να δούμε, θα το δείξουν “κονσέρβα” οι ντόπιοι έμμισθοι τσάτσοι των “Δημοκρατικών” στα ε/Κανάλια; Όπως βεβαίως και τα επόμενα!..
4. Ο Χίος έχει γίνει “υπέρ το δέον” εμμετικός και υβριστικός στο έντυπό του, λόγω του παλαιού του μίσους για την ΝΔ και την οικογένεια Μητσοτάκη, μίσος που πολλαπλασίασε η πίστη του ότι πίσω από την απόπειρα δολοφονίας του ήταν ο νυν Π-Θ Κ. Κ. Μητσοτάκης! Δεν αντέχουν σε κριτική τα γραφόμενά του!
Όμως, λόγω των σχέσεών του με την ΕΥΠ (σύζυγός του, κλπ), γράφει στην ε/φ του κάποιες πληροφορίες, άγνωστες στο ευρύ κοινό, πληροφορίες “μη αμέσου χρήσεως” βεβαίως, πληροφορίες που ο καθένας μπορεί να εκτιμήσει την ακρίβεια και την αλήθεια τους (ήτοι να τις “βαθμολογήσει”), ανάλογα ασφαλώς και με τις γνώσεις του!.. Γι’ αυτό και μόνον θα πρέπει να διαβάζεται (με “-αι”) το έντυπό του, κατά περίπτωση, από συγκεκριμένα άτομα συγκεκριμένων υπηρεσιών και από όποιους πολίτες… νομίζουν, αναλόγως ενδιαφερόντων!..
5. Θα ανοίξει, όπως εκτιμούμε, ο αγωγός 213 χλμ Θεσσαλονίκης – Σκοπίων, και ίσως έτσι να ελαττωθούν και οι δραστηριότητες της Σκοπιανής ΜΑΦΙΑ, που ασχολείται με το ενεργειακό λαθρεμπόριο στην… περιοχή!
6. ΡΤΕ! Δεν θα γίνεις ποτέ Μουσταφά Κεμάλ και συγκεκριμένα ο Ισλαμιστής “ΑΤΑ-TÜRK” (Φυσικά θα πρέπει να αλλάξεις και τον Νόμο, αφού ΑΤΑ-TÜRK μόνον ο Μ. ΚΕΜΑΛ μπορεί να λέγεται)! Ρώτα Ταγίπ να σου πουν, τί έκανε ο υπόψη συμπατριώτης σου το 1922, όταν στην Σμύρνη του έβαλαν στα πόδια την ε/σημαία για να την πατήσει, κλπ!..
Τί νομίζατε ότι κάνατε στο Καστελόριζο με το “drone” και το χρώμα που ρίξατε στην ε/Σημαία; Καμιά μεγάλη μαγκιά;
Για παράδειγμα, με τον πιτσιρικά στην Κύπρο που προ 2 περίπου χρόνια κατέβασε την σημαία σας, κλπ, κινήσατε “γη και ουρανό”, να συλληφθεί, να σας παραδοθεί, κλπ, όπως πάντα κάνετε με ανάλογες ενέργειες Κούρδων, Αρμενίων, κλπ, όταν σας καίνε την σημαία σας, κλπ, ή σκοτώνετε όσους επιχειρούν να την αγγίξουν, κλπ, όπως κάνατε το 1996 με τον Σ. Σολωμού, κλπ.
Τώρα, θα μας πείτε τουλάχιστον, εσείς οι δήθεν σπαθάτοι και μεγάλοι Τ/Πατριώτες, και μπράβο σας, ποιοί “δικοί σας” ήσαν πίσω από την ενέργειά σας αυτή, αν δεν ήσασταν εσείς οι ίδιοι, ώστε να αποδείξετε το ήθος σας, σχετικά με το θέμα της προσβολής των εθνικών συμβόλων, των λαών γενικώς;
7. Ο Κος Πελαγίδης ήταν αρίστη επιλογή για την “Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος”.
8. Ο Β/ΥΠΑΜ Καρακατσάνωφ κατηγόρησε τους Σκοπιανούς ότι θέλουν να γράψουν νέα Ιστορία, κλέβοντας αυτήν της Βουλγαρίας!..
9. Ομέρ Τσελίκ (Εκπρόσωπος Τύπου “ΑΚΡ”): “Αν δεν τα βρούμε στις διαπραγματεύσεις, θα τα βρούμε στο Μέτωπο”!..
Άλλος ένας Τ/επίσημος, που λέγει ό,τι ακριβώς σας γράψαμε πρόσφατα σε ειδικό μας άρθρο – παρέμβαση, για την περίοδο 15-30 / 10 / 2020!.. Καταλάβατε!..
10. Ο Στρατηγός ΦΡΑΓΚΟΣ ΦΡΑΓΚΟΥΛΗΣ δήλωσε το αυτονόητο, σχετικά με τις 2 Μ/Κ ΤΑΞ μας, την 7η (Προβατώνας) και την 34η (Άσσηρος)!..
Τί διαβάσατε πρόσφατα, σχετικά με τα της αναδιοργανώσεως των ΕΕΔ, εδώ σε εμάς, θέμα το οποίο κάποιοι αντιπολιτευόμενοι “δημ/φοι”, δημ/φοι και κάποιοι πολιτικοί, κλπ, το παρουσιάζουν ως αφοπλισμό των νήσων του Α. Αιγαίου, παρά τα Μ. Ασιατικά παράλια; Πάτε και ξαναδιαβάστε μας!..
11. Δεν θυμάσαι που γράφαμε εδώ, ότι ο Τζανακόπουλος χαιρέκακα και από του βήματος της Βουλής είχε πει, μετά την “Συμφωνία των Πρεσπών”, απευθυνόμενος στους ΝΔ-τες βουλευτές, “πάτε τώρα να την αλλάξετε”, ξέροντας πως η συμφωνία είναι διεθνής και πως δεν αλλάζει με τίποτα;
Ο Τσίπρας κάνει εκ του ασφαλούς πολιτική πάνω στο θέμα αυτό, (σας θυμίζω πως είναι “Σοφιστής” και παίζει πάντα στα σίγουρα απέναντι στους εσωτερικούς αντιπάλους του / ενν. στην Ελλάδα), ξέροντας το παραπάνω, και παρουσιάζοντας την ΝΔ και τον Π-Θ ως έχοντες αλλάξει πολιτική θέση και άποψη, για το Σκοπιανό!..
12. Η “ΑΑΔΕ” ανέφερε ότι ο ΡΙΧΑΡΔΟΣ και άλλοι 60+ μαζί του… “υποστηριχτές των δεινοπαθούντων οικονομικά Ελλήνων” (sic), δεν διεξήγαγαν λαθρεμπόριο χρυσού (παράνομη εξαγωγή χρυσού προς Τουρκία, κλπ)!..
Ρωτάμε: Η “Εβραϊκή Κοινότητα Ελλάδος” το ξέρει; Αν “ναι”, συμφωνεί;
13. Συγχαρητήρια στον Έλληνα Α/ΕΥΠ Κο Κοντολέοντα, ο οποίος δέχεται επιθέσεις από το καθεστώς “βούρκο” της Υπηρεσίας του και συγκεκριμένα από κάποιους “πιασμένους” συνδικαλιστές (και οικονομικά και πολιτικά), επειδή επέτρεψε την μεταφορά της “Δνσεως Ηλεκτρονικών Πληροφοριών”, ως ανεξάρτητη Δνση, στο ΓΕΕΘΑ!.. Με την ενέργειά του αυτή ο Α/ΕΥΠ “κτύπησε” καίρια μια εστία σαπίλας, μέσα στην Υπηρεσία!
Είχαμε γράψει πως ένας μη σχετικός με την Υπηρεσία, κάνει “πράγματα” που άλλοι Αρχηγοί δεν τόλμησαν ή δεν θα τολμούσαν / τολμήσουν, κλπ!..
Μακάρι να συνεχίσει σε θετική κατεύθυνση ο υπόψη Αρχηγός, ώστε -ΕΠΙΤΕΛΟΥΣ- να ανανεωθεί και εκσυγχρονισθεί πλήρως η υπόψη κρίσιμη, για την Πατρίδα μας, Υπηρεσία!..
* Όλοι εσείς οι… Σπατιώτες, δεν “χορτάσατε” τόσα χρόνια βρε;
14. Πόσο… “μη μπάλα” μπορεί να ξέρουν ή πόσο πουλημένοι πρέπει να είναι εκεί στον ποδοσφαιρικό Βάζελο, ώστε να έχουν εκτός Ομάδος, αλλά και… “Αιχμάλωτός” τους, τον Καμπετσή;
Δεν στα “ακούμπησε” η οικογένειά του ρε Αλαφούζε και γι΄αυτό το “θάβεις” αυτό το παικτρόνι, για να παίζει ο… Καρλίτος και ο κάθε… Παπαρίτος;
Ο μόνος επιθετικός που είχε μπει αλλαγή στο Φάληρο και είχε αναστατώσει την άμυνα του ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΥ μας, σε ματς με τον Βάζελο, ήταν ο Καμπετσής! Και τον είχαν βάλλει για λίγα μόνον λεπτά!
Εκείνοι οι… βετεράνοι του ΠΑΟ υφίστανται; Αν “ναι”, δεν “βλέπουν”; Αν “ναι”, δεν “έχουν λόγο” στα της Ομάδος;
15. Δεν υπάρχει “Μουσουλμανικός Λουθηρανισμός” (sic)!.. Το ΙΣΛΑΜ είναι “ΕΝΑ και ΕΝΙΑΙΟ” και δεν υπάρχει ήπιο και… άγριο, καλό και κακό!..
16. Η Γερμανία συνεχίζει απρόσκοπτα να ενισχύει στρατιωτικά την Τουρκία / ΤΕΔ!..
17. Τώρα ο Μακρόν “χαιρετίζει” έναν επικείμενο Ε-Τ διάλογο! Θυμάστε που μιλάγαμε για την γαλλική “κολομπαρίστικη” εξωτερική πολιτική;
Δυστυχώς ο Μακρόν, ο τέως “Ταμίας” των Ρότσιλντ, δεν είναι ούτε τρίχα, από τους γεννητικούς αδένες του Σαρλ Ντε ΓΚΩΛ, ο μόνος που τόλμησε “να τα βάλλει” με την τότε “Διεθνή Εξουσία”, προβάλλοντας μια Γαλλία ανεξάρτητη, δυναμική και πρωτοπόρο υπόδειγμα στην Ευρώπη!..
Netanyahu on the lessons of the Yom Kippur War and what it means for Iran
September 29, 2020
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Flash90/Yonatan Sindel)
“We will do everything we can to protect the State of Israel – we do not rule out a pre-emptive strike,” he said.
By David Isaac, World Israel News
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in an address for a memorial ceremony honoring Israel’s fallen in the Yom Kippur War, said: “If Iran wants to establish itself in the north, we are ready to fight them. This is a direct lesson from the Yom Kippur War.”
Netanyahu first spoke of the difficult start of the war, which took place in Oct. 1973. Israel found itself caught off-guard by a surprise attack from the Egyptians in the south and the Syrians in the north.
He credited Israel’s soldiers with stopping the onslaught and turning the tide. “Within three weeks of a surprise attack, one of the most difficult in the history of the armies, our fighters stood at the gates of Cairo and Damascus. We will always thank them – for their dedication, for their sacrifice and their achievements,” he said.
Netanyahu then addressed what is considered the main reason Israel was caught by surprise – the failure of the IDF’s intelligence branch to correctly read the security situation. “The decision-makers saw the danger and yet they were caught in the ‘low probability’ trap. Moreover, even when it was clear that war was imminent, even then they did not take the initiative,” Netanyahu said.
Netanyahu noted, “If we had carried out a preemptive strike, the face of the battle would have been completely different. A preemptive strike is a very difficult thing to do.”
Just prior to the outbreak of the war, Israel’s Chief of Staff David Elazar asked Prime Minister Golda Meir if he could launch a preemptive strike. She refused his request on political grounds, fearing it would make it appear that Israel had started the war.
Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies recently argued that the general assumption that intelligence bears all the blame for the early failure in the war overlooks the failure of the IDF senior echelon to read the political changes that made a preemptive strike, on which it was counting as part of its strategy, more and more difficult.
It appears from Netanyahu’s remarks that he learned this lesson, as he then reaffirmed Israel’s right to carry out preemptive strikes.
“If Iran wants to establish itself on our northern border and has not yet attacked us, we must not allow it to be established there. Prevent the concentration of forces, fight them — a direct lesson of the Yom Kippur War,” he said.
“We will do everything we can to protect the State of Israel – we do not rule out a pre-emptive strike,” he said.
Trump-Biden Showdown in Cleveland
Candidates exchange insults as Biden tries to distance himself from leftist agenda.
Wed Sep 30, 2020
President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, faced off head to head in the first of three presidential debates Tuesday night, which was held in Cleveland, Ohio. The 90-minute debate was moderated by Fox News anchor Chris Wallace. The two candidates often spoke over each other, with Chris Wallace at times acting like a school disciplinarian trying to break up a street brawl.
President Trump displayed strength and energy in going after Biden on a host of issues. “I’ve done more in 47 months than you’ve done in 47 years,” Trump declared. “47 years, you have done nothing,” Trump added.
The good news for Biden is that he held his own and survived to fight another day. Biden showed exasperation at being frequently interrupted. “You shut up, man,” Biden told Trump after one such interruption. On other occasions, Biden lobbed insults at Trump, calling him a clown, “Putin’s puppy,” a liar, a racist and the “worst president” in American history. “Under this president, we’ve become weaker, sicker, far more divided and more violent,” Biden said. At times, Biden simply ignored Trump’s jabs and looked directly into the camera to address the millions of people watching from home.
Biden came close to losing his cool when Trump hectored Biden repeatedly over his son Hunter’s shady business dealings in China, Russia and Ukraine while his father was serving in the Obama administration as vice president. The establishment media — which is clearly in the tank for Joe Biden’s candidacy — has done its level best to bury the facts about Hunter Biden’s alleged corruption, but Trump was not about to let the issue go unmentioned.
Biden denied that Hunter had done anything wrong, claiming that the allegations were untrue and had been “totally discredited.” Biden tried at one point to pivot away from his troubled son Hunter to invoke the memory of his late son Beau Biden, who had served in the military. He used Beau as a segue way to criticizing Trump for reportedly calling members of the American military who lost their lives “losers” and “suckers” – a charge that Trump denied. Biden then tried to change the subject by declaring that the campaign is not about either candidate’s family. “It’s about your family,” Biden said, addressing the television audience. “The American people. He doesn’t want to talk about what you need.”
Perhaps the most significant challenge for Joe Biden coming out of the debate is whether he will be able to hold on to major support from the progressive left base of his party — after his attempt to distance himself from key planks of the progressive agenda. Biden said that he did not support the Green New Deal. Biden’s running mate Senator Kamala Harris, who referred to a “Harris administration” during a virtual roundtable, is an unequivocal supporter of the Green New Deal. At one point, Biden said that he favored “law and order” and praised most police as good people. He refused to say whether he supported progressive initiatives to eliminate the Senate filibuster and to pack the Supreme Court when asked by Chris Wallace. “I’m not going to answer the question,” Biden said.
When Trump suggested that the Democratic Party base would press Biden to abolish private health insurance and adopt socialized medicine, Biden denied the charge and retorted that “My party is me. Right now, I’m the Democratic Party.” It did not sound very convincing, but Biden’s puppet masters will not be happy. “Your party wants to go socialist,” Trump said. “They’re going to dominate you, Joe, you know that.”
Biden straddled the issue of quelling violent protests. He would not answer Chris Wallace’s question as to whether he had ever called the Democratic governor of Oregon or the mayor of Portland to suggest they bring in the National Guard or otherwise do whatever was necessary to stop the street violence. “I don’t hold public office,” Biden replied. “I am a former vice president.” But he expressed his opposition to violence in general terms.
Chris Wallace tried to operate largely within the framework of themes that he had announced prior to the debate – the Trump and Biden records, the Supreme Court, Covid-19, the economy, race and violence in our cities, and the integrity of the election. However, as happens with new developments right before a debate, Wallace veered off script. Wallace asked Trump about a lengthy New York Times report, published online two days before the debate, that the president had allegedly paid little or no federal income taxes for years due to huge business loss tax write-offs. The article highlighted its claim that Trump paid only $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidential election in 2016 and $750 again during his first year in the White House. Trump said the report was false and that he had paid millions of dollars in income taxes.
Trump said that he had taken advantage of provisions in the tax code, some of which were written while Biden was a senator and vice president. All business leaders do the same “unless they are stupid,” he said. Ironically, it was the Obama-Biden administration that changed the tax rules to allow businesses to claim losses from two years to four years into the future.
Joe Biden tried to land some punches on this tax issue, using it to draw an unfavorable comparison between the $750 figure Trump allegedly paid in 2016 and 2017 to the far higher amounts in federal income taxes that everyday working Americans such as teachers pay. “Show us your tax returns,” Biden demanded.
Earlier in the day, Biden released his 2019 tax returns showing that he and his wife paid $299,346 in taxes and challenged Trump to do the same. But Biden did not pursue the point, missing an opportunity to define Trump as out of touch with ordinary Americans. In any case, the fact is that, since Trump became president, he has taken only $1 each year from his $400,000 annual salary and contributed the rest to various government agencies. According to Politifact, “Trump donated the last two quarters of his 2019 salary and his first quarter of his 2020 salary to the Department of Health and Human Services. The department is working on two issues that Trump designated for the funds: the opioid crisis and COVID-19.”
President Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic was a prominent topic of the debate. Democrats are trying to make health care a top issue in the campaign, as they had successfully done in 2018 to capture the House of Representatives.
Joe Biden accused President Trump of mismanaging the pandemic and raising doubts about the advice of his own scientists, costing more than 200,000 American lives. Biden said that Trump “has no plan” in how to deal with the pandemic – a demonstrable falsehood.
Trump recited the steps his administration has taken to combat the coronavirus, starting with the restrictions he imposed on January 31st on travel from China where the virus originated. Biden initially opposed those restrictions, Trump said. If Biden had been president, Trump claimed, the country would have suffered at least two million deaths from the coronavirus.
“We got the gowns. We got the masks. We made the ventilators – you wouldn’t have made the ventilators – and now we’re weeks away from a vaccine,” Trump said. “You could have never done that job,” Trump added. Trump also said that Biden now wanted to shut down the entire country again, which would wreck the economy that was rebounding after businesses had reopened and Americans were returning to work.
Another flashpoint in the presidential debate was the impending Senate confirmation hearings and vote on President Trump’s nominee to fill the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court – federal Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Amy Coney Barrett. President Trump praised Judge Barrett’s record and defended his right to select her before the end of his term. “We won the election. Elections have consequences. We have the Senate, we have the White House, and we have a phenomenal nominee,” Trump said. “I’m not elected for three years, I’m elected for four years,” Trump added.
Joe Biden objected to moving forward so quickly on the eve of the election rather than giving the election winner the opportunity to select Justice Ginsburg’s replacement. Biden said he was especially concerned that, with Barrett sitting on the Supreme Court as another conservative justice before a constitutional challenge to the Affordable Care Act is heard on November 10th, the law known more popularly as Obamacare will be doomed. Biden predicted that Judge Barrett would vote to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, including its protections for women’s health and people with pre-existing condition, if confirmed to the Supreme Court.
Biden and his fellow Democrats are trying to scare voters into believing that Judge Barrett will help kill Obamacare and thereby take away Americans’ protections for pre-existing conditions. However, just because Barrett criticized in a law review article the reasoning of the Supreme Court opinion upholding the constitutionality of Obamacare eight years ago does not mean that she would take a sledgehammer to the law today. The Obamacare case now before the Supreme Court deals with whether the removal of the individual mandate and associated penalty clauses should invalidate the entire law. A conservative jurist could well decide that severing that one portion of the law should not affect the validity of the balance of the law.
Moreover, many individuals who did not receive subsidies under Obamacare were priced out of the market by high Obamacare exchange premiums and thus were not able to afford the Obamacare protections for pre-existing conditions. Trump said that he has a much better health care plan that would protect individuals with pre-existing conditions – a protection that the president has already incorporated into an executive order.
About race relations, Joe Biden portrayed himself as the good guy and President Trump as the villain. Trump retorted that Biden was responsible for the 1994 crime law that resulted in the mass incarceration of African-Americans, which Trump managed to remedy with criminal reform legislation. When asked by Chris Wallace whether he was willing to condemn white nationalists, Trump replied that “I’m willing to do that” while noting that “almost everything I see is from the left wing. Not from the right.” Biden refused to condemn Antifa, claiming falsely that the radical left violent group was just an idea.
Finally, regarding the outcome of the election, President Trump raised his usual objections to the prospect of millions of unsolicited mail-in ballots floating around and indicated that the Supreme Court might ultimately have to get involved. Joe Biden defended mass mail-in voting and said that he was willing to abide by the results. That’s not a surprising answer when you know that the system may be rigged in your favor.
The first presidential debate was entertaining but probably did not change many voters’ minds. Two more presidential and one vice presidential debate to go.
Why There’s No Peace With the Palestinians
A sobering look at the Palestinians’ ultimatum on the “Right of Return.”
Tue Sep 29, 2020
In the recent historic Abrahamic Peace Accords (August 13, 2020), which established full peace and diplomatic relations between Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Bahrain, signed at the White House by U.S. President Donald Trump, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani, and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the United Arab Emirates, Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyani, the issue of “Right of Return” was not brought up.
One of the principle issues that prevents peace between Israel and the Palestinian-Arabs is the “Right of Return to Israel” of Palestinian refugees. The visionless Mahmoud Abbas, and his cohorts in the Palestinian Authority (PA), lack the vision and humanity to end the plight of the descendants of Palestinian refugees, by ending the illusion of the “Right of Return.” Now more than 72 years following the 1948 War of Independence for Israel, and “Nakba” for the Palestinians, most all of the original refugees have died. Still, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is demanding the return of their third or even fourth generation descendants to Israel. However, the refugees were not only on the Arab side. More Jews became refugees than Arab-Palestinians as a result of being kicked out of the Arab states, where they resided long before the Islamic invasion. Conversely, many of the Palestinian refugees were relative newcomers to Mandatory Palestine. They migrated to Palestine for jobs Palestinian-Jews created during the Mandatory period. While the Jewish refugees from the Arab countries were fully assimilated into Israeli life, Arab refugees were deliberately relegated to refugee camps and left in miserable conditions. If Israel would agree to the “Right of Return,” Israeli Jews would become a minority in the Jewish state, defeating the very purpose of Israel, namely, a home for the Jewish people in their historic homeland. It would simply be a suicide pact for the Jewish state.
The “Right of Return” has been, and continues to be, a formula for the destruction of the Jewish state through demographic means. In 1959, the Arab League passed resolution 1547, purportedly in order to preserve the Palestinian unity and Palestinian identity. The resolution stated that Palestinians would be denied citizenship in the Arab countries in which they resided. It was a purely political ploy, and heartless in human terms. It was meant to prevent Palestinians and their descendants from assimilating into the Arab societies they lived in. Despite the fact that they spoke the same language and professed the same religion (mostly Sunni-Islam), they were kept apart in refugee camps. It was a deliberate way to keep the Palestinians in perpetual misery. Lest we forget, it was the very same Arab countries that waged a war of annihilation against the nascent Jewish state that created the refugee problem in the first place. Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria invaded the State of Israel with the aim of destroying it and killing its Jews. Yet, these same countries, with the exception of Jordan, have refused to confer citizenship rights to the same Palestinians they, in many cases, ordered to evacuate their homes. That of course does not absolve the Palestinian leadership of their culpability. They rejected the opportunity to accept the UN partition plan and form their own state. No refugee problem would have existed had they said yes to partition.
In 2002, during the bloody Second intifada, the Arab League summit in Beirut produced a peace plan which was presented by Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Abdullah. The Saudi peace plan conditioned normalization of relations with Israel based on Israeli forces full withdrawal from the West Bank (Judea and Samaria), East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. It also called for the recognition by Israel of an independent Palestinian state. Most of these demands were agreed upon by Israeli Prime Ministers Ehud Barak (July 2000), and Ehud Olmert (2008). The Saudi peace proposal was then altered by the Palestinian delegation who threatened to walk out unless the peace plan included the UN resolution 194, which specifies that Palestinians and descendants of refugees must maintain the “Right of Return” to their “ancestral homes, i.e. Israel. The Palestinian delegation, under the tutelage of Yasser Arafat, also demanded the enforcement of the law barring Palestinians from obtaining citizenship in Arab countries. The Palestinian delegation was backed by Lebanese President, Emile Lahoud.
My Lebanese native friend suggested that given the fact that the Palestinian leadership refused to allow their fellow Palestinian “refugees” in Lebanon (approximately 475,000 strong) to become Lebanese citizens, the Lebanese government should facilitate the transfer of the Palestinians to Libya, a country that is territorially huge, with a very sparse population.
The late Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon could not accept the Saudi peace plan. The addition of the “Right of Return” made it especially unacceptable for Israel. Arafat’s refusal to “end the conflict,” in spite of the generous concessions offered by PM Barak earlier at the Camp David II summit (July 2000), showed that the Palestinian leadership was unwilling to compromise. President Bill Clinton, who hosted the summit, applauded the Israeli concessions. He lamented Arafat’s unwillingness to ‘end the conflict,’ bringing peace and prosperity to his Palestinian people.
During last week’s Arab League summit in Cairo, the Palestinians once again demanded that the League condemn UAE as it successfully implemented its demand against Egypt in 1979, following Egypt’s President Anwar Sadat’s peacemaking with Israel’s Prime Minister Menahem Begin at Camp David. Back then, it worked well for the Palestinians. The Arab League complied with their demand, suspending diplomatic relations with Egypt and moved the offices of the League out of Cairo. This time, however, the Arab League rejected the Palestinian’s demand. Moreover, Egypt and some other Arab states welcomed the Bahrain and UAE decision to make peace with the Jewish state.
As the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah and Gaza move evermore closer to the radical camp of Iran and Turkey (Erdogan’s Turkey is the champion of Muslim Brotherhood), the moderate Sunni-Arab states, especially in the Gulf, are diminishing their support for the Palestinian cause. Along with diplomatic support, the Gulf states hitherto generous support to the Palestinians is likewise declining. It has left the Palestinians with Qatar (part of the radical group and a Muslim Brotherhood bloc supporter) as their sole and reliable financial source (other than the Europeans).
This situation reinforces the strategic imperatives for the moderate Arab Gulf states to bring Israel into their defensive front against the aggressive and hegemonic moves by the mullahs of Iran and the megalomaniacal ambitions of Turkey’s President Erdogan, the self-assuming Sultan of the neo-Ottoman Empire. At the same time, moderate Sunni-Arab leaders increasingly view the Palestinian leadership as unreasonable and irresponsible. For the Palestinians, it means that they no longer have a veto power over Arab states relations with Israel. This month’s White House Abrahamic Peace between Israel, Bahrain and the UAE proves it.
Palestinian persistence on maintaining the “Right of Return” as a condition to ‘end the conflict’ with Israel, can only mean one thing. They seek to replace Israel, not make peace with it.