
İşgalci İsrail’den demir kubbe hamlesi: ABD’den yardım talep ettiler!

ABD’nin Güney Carolina Senatörü Cumhuriyetçi Lindsey Graham, İsrail’in, Gazze Şeridi’ndeki saldırılardan sonra Demir Kubbe hava savunma sistemlerini güçlendirmek için Pentagon’dan 1 milyar dolarlık acil askeri yardım isteyeceğini açıkladı.

İşgalci İsrail'den demir kubbe hamlesi: ABD'den yardım talep ettiler!


ABD‘nin Güney Carolina Senatörü Cumhuriyetçi Lindsey Graham, İsrail‘in, Gazze Şeridi’ndeki saldırılardan sonra Demir Kubbe hava savunma sistemlerini güçlendirmek için ABD Savunma Bakanlığından (Pentagon) 1 milyar dolarlık acil askeri yardım isteyeceğini açıkladı.

İsrail ziyareti sırasında, Amerikan Fox New televizyonuna mülakat veren Graham, “Sanırım yarın ya da perşembe, İsrailliler Pentagon’dan İsrail’i savunmak için kullanılan Demir Kubbe bataryalarını güçlendirmek için 1 milyar dolarlık yardım talebinde bulunacaklar.” ifadesini kullandı.

ABD’li senatör, bu fonun onaylanmasını sağlamak üzere Senato’da üzerine düşeni yapacağını söyledi.


Graham, “İran, Yahudi devletinin varlığını tehdit ettiği gibi Hamas da İsrail’i yok etmeye çalışırsa, buraya geri gelmeye devam edeceğim ve İsrail için hep daha fazlasını isteyeceğim. Ne zaman birileri İsrail’i yok etmeye kalkışsa, cevabımız daha fazla yardım olacak. Bu, Demir Kubbe’yi yenilemekle başlar. Bir milyar dolarlık yatırım Amerikan halkı için iyi bir yatırım olacaktır.” yorumunda bulundu.

Biden yönetiminin, son İsrail-Hamas çatışması sırasında İsrail’e “yardımcı” olduğunu belirten Graham, İsrail Başbakanı Binyamin Netanyahu’nun içinden geçtiği siyasi sorunlara rağmen ABD ile İsrail arasındaki ilişkinin değişeceğini düşünmediğini söyledi.

Graham, Netanyahu’yu, “son 15 yıldır dünyanın en güçlü liderlerinden biri” olarak niteledi.


İsrail’in, İran nükleer anlaşması ve ABD Başkanı Joe Biden’ın buna yeniden katılma hamleleri konusunda “oldukça endişeli” olduğunu kaydeden Graham, “İsrail’de sahadaki farklılıklar ne olursa olsun, iki mesaj var. ‘Teşekkürler Amerika, desteğinize ihtiyacımız var’ ve ‘lütfen İranlıların nükleer silah elde etmesine izin vermeyin çünkü bu, dünyadaki istikrarı yok edebilir’. Yani İsrail’deki herkes, İran nükleer anlaşmasının kötü bir fikir olduğu fikrinin arkasında birleşmiş durumda.” değerlendirmesinde bulundu.

7 Mayıs’ta, İsrail’in Mescidi Aksa saldırılarından sonra Hamas’ın İsrail’e fırlattığı 3 bin 400 roketten sadece 1600’ü, İsrail Demir Kubbe sistemleri ile havada imha edilebilmişti.


İsrail’den ABD’ye 1 milyar dolarlık yardım talebi

Lindsey Graham, İsrail’in, Gazze Şeridi’ndeki saldırılardan sonra Demir Kubbe hava savunma sistemlerini güçlendirmek için ABD Savunma Bakanlığından 1 milyar dolarlık acil askeri yardım isteyeceğini açıkladı.

İsrail'den ABD'ye 1 milyar dolarlık yardım talebi


İsrail ziyareti sırasında, Amerikan Fox New televizyonuna mülakat veren Graham, “Sanırım yarın ya da perşembe, İsrailliler Pentagon’dan İsrail’i savunmak için kullanılan Demir Kubbe bataryalarını güçlendirmek için 1 milyar dolarlık yardım talebinde bulunacaklar.” ifadesini kullandı.

ABD‘li senatör, bu fonun onaylanmasını sağlamak üzere Senato’da üzerine düşeni yapacağını söyledi.


Graham, “İran, Yahudi devletinin varlığını tehdit ettiği gibi Hamas da İsrail’i yok etmeye çalışırsa, buraya geri gelmeye devam edeceğim ve İsrail için hep daha fazlasını isteyeceğim. Ne zaman birileri İsrail’i yok etmeye kalkışsa, cevabımız daha fazla yardım olacak. Bu, Demir Kubbe’yi yenilemekle başlar. Bir milyar dolarlık yatırım Amerikan halkı için iyi bir yatırım olacaktır.” yorumunda bulundu.

Biden yönetiminin, son İsrail-Hamas çatışması sırasında İsrail’e “yardımcı” olduğunu belirten Graham, İsrail Başbakanı Binyamin Netanyahu’nun içinden geçtiği siyasi sorunlara rağmen ABD ile İsrail arasındaki ilişkinin değişeceğini düşünmediğini söyledi.


Graham, Netanyahu’yu, “son 15 yıldır dünyanın en güçlü liderlerinden biri” olarak niteledi.

İsrail’in, İran nükleer anlaşması ve ABD Başkanı Joe Biden’ın buna yeniden katılma hamleleri konusunda “oldukça endişeli” olduğunu kaydeden Graham, “İsrail’de sahadaki farklılıklar ne olursa olsun, iki mesaj var. ‘Teşekkürler Amerika, desteğinize ihtiyacımız var’ ve ‘lütfen İranlıların nükleer silah elde etmesine izin vermeyin çünkü bu, dünyadaki istikrarı yok edebilir’. Yani İsrail’deki herkes, İran nükleer anlaşmasının kötü bir fikir olduğu fikrinin arkasında birleşmiş durumda.” değerlendirmesinde bulundu.

7 Mayıs’ta, İsrail’in Mescidi Aksa saldırılarından sonra Hamas’ın İsrail’e fırlattığı 3 bin 400 roketten sadece 1600’ü, İsrail Demir Kubbe sistemleri ile havada imha edilebilmişti.



Kirli kumpas: FETÖ yazıyor Peker oynuyor

Hakkındaki soruşturmalardan kaçarak Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’ne sığınan Sedat Peker’in Youtube’da, daha önce FETÖ’cülerin dillendirdiği iftiraları, tanık olduğu “gerçeklermiş” gibi anlatması dikkat çekiyor.

Kirli kumpas: FETÖ yazıyor Peker oynuyor
Suç örgütü lideri Sedat Peker, 15 Temmuz’un finansörü olan Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’nden provokasyona devam ediyor. Muhalefet ve uzantısı basın, 48 suç dosyasında adı geçen Peker’in yalanlarını yeni bilgilermiş gibi servis etse de, bu iddiaların tamamının ardında FETÖ var. İçişleri Bakanı Süleyman Soylu ve eski Başbakan Binali Yıldırım’ın oğlu Erkan Yıldırım hakkındaki iddialar da, Türkiye’nin Suriye’de cihatçı örgütleri silah gönderdiği yalanları da firari FETÖ’cüler tarafından Peker’e sufle olarak dillendirildi.


“Kolombiya’dan Türkiye’ye kokain ağı kurulduğu” iddiası son süreçte FETÖ’cüler tarafından Peker’e verilen ilk sufle oldu. Firari FETÖ’cü Cevheri Güven oldu. 23 Haziran’da 2020’de kendi sosyal medyası üzerinden Kolombiya’da yakalanan uyuşturucuyu gündeme getirerek, Türkiye’de ‘Susurlukçu’ diye adlandırdığı aralarında Mehmet Ağar’ın da olduğu isimlerin yeni bir uyuşturucu hattı kurduğunu iddia etti. Güven, İçişleri Bakanı Soylu’nun da bu uyuşturucu kaçakçılığını göz yumduğu yalanını ortaya attı. Bu yalan FETÖ’nün diğer yayın organlarında da bir süre dolaştı ancak fazla ilgi görmedi.


Aynı iddiayı bu kez FETÖ’cü Said Sefa daha da büyüterek piyasaya sürdü. 4 Ocak 2021’de kendi sosyal medya kanalından video yayınlayan FETÖ’cü Sefa, Binali Yıldırım’ın oğlunun uyuşturucu baronu Nejat Daş ile ortak 5 gemi aldığını ve bu gemilerle uyuşturucu kaçırmaya başladığını öne sürdü. Ancak Sefa da başarısız olunca, yalanın bayraktarlığı organize suç örgütü lideri Sedat Peker’e kaldı. Peker, sosyal medya üzerinden 2 Mayıs’tan itibaren yayınladığı videolarında FETÖ’cülerin iddialarını ülkü gündemine soktu.


Peker’in ortaya attığı bir diğer iddia Yeldena Kaharman’ın intiharına ilişkin oldu. Peker Kaharman’ın intihar etmediğini öldürüldüğünü, dosyanın da güvenlik güçleri tarafından kapatıldığını iddia etti. Peker suçlamalarının hedefine ise Mehmet Ağar’ın oğlu AK Parti Milletvekili Tolga Ağar’ı koydu. Bu iddialar ilk önce FETÖ’ye müzahir internet sitelerinde 2 Şubat 2020’da gündeme getirildi. Ancak alıcısı olmayınca Nisan 2020 yılında PKK’ya müzahir gazeteciler tarafından biraz daha da ileriye taşınarak “Ağar oğlunu helikopterle aldırdı…” gibi iddialar eklendi. Bu ocak ayında da aynı iddialar FETÖ’nün internet sitelerinde kendine yer buldu. Yalanın son durağı yine Sedat Peker oldu. Peker 6 Mayıs’ta aynı iddiaları yeniymiş ve bilgi almış gibi pazarladı.

Peker, koruma kararı bulunurken 5 Haziran 2019’da DHKP-C’li teröristlerin mezarlarını ziyaret etmişti.Peker, koruma kararı bulunurken 5 Haziran 2019’da DHKP-C’li teröristlerin mezarlarını ziyaret etmişti.


Peker’in DHKP-C’li teröristlerin mezarlarını ziyaret ettiği ortaya çıktı. DHKP-C terör örgütünden tehditler aldığı gerekçesiyle polis koruması verilen fakat koruma kararı alınmasında FETÖ iddiasıyla meslekten ihraç edilen polis müdürlerinin rol aldığı belirlenmişti. Sedat Peker’in 2019 yılında koruma kararı bulunurken 5 Haziran 2019’da Ramazan Bayramı’nda DHKP-C’li teröristlerin mezarlarını ziyaret etmesi dikkat çekti.


Teröristlerin mezarını ziyaret ettiği anların fotoğraflarını kişisel hesabında paylaşan Peker, “Tam mezarlıktan çıkacakken farklı görüşleri savunduğumuz hatta düşman dahi olsak ‘öldüler ama yenilmediler’ sözünü mezar taşlarına yazdıran, gerçek anlamda bir duruşları olan 30 sene önceki DHKP-C’lilerin de mezarını ziyaret edip dua ettim. Bugün kendini onların devamı olduğunu söyleyen sözde DHKP-C’li, özde ise para için cinayet işleyen kiralık katilleri düşünüp, kendi kendime tebessüm ettim” ifadelerini kullanmıştı.


Peker’in DHKP-C’den tehditler aldığı bahanesiyle polis koruması kararının sürdüğü dönemde DHKP-C’li teröristlerin mezarını ziyaret etmesi koruma kararındaki FETÖ izini doğrular nitelikte olarak yorumlandı. Peker’in DEV-SOL üyesi olan ve 1991 yılında polisle girdiği silahlı çatışmada öldürülen Cavit Özkaya’nın mezarını ziyaret etmiş ve mezar başında dua okumuştu.



Sedat Peker’e bir şok daha! Uyuşturucu baronu arkadaşına gözaltı

Suç örgütü lideri olduğu gerekçesi ile yakalama kararı bulunan ve Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’ne firar eden Sedat Peker’e yönelik operasyonlar sürüyor.

Sedat Peker'e bir şok daha! Uyuşturucu baronu arkadaşına gözaltı
Son olarak, Peker’e yakınlığıyla bilinen Boban Tomovski isimli suç örgütü lideri Sabiha Gökçen Havalimanı’nda yakalandı. Uyuşturucu kaçakçılığı yaptığı iddia edilen Tomovski, Mısır‘a gitmek isterken gözaltına alındı.

Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’nde firari olarak yaşayan Sedat Peker‘in önceki durağı Makedonya’da birlikte hareket ettiği Boban Tomovski, Sabiha Gökçen Havalimanı’nda gözaltına alındı.

Makedonya, Üsküp’te Peker ile sık sık toplantılar düzenleyen uyuşturucu kaçakçısı Tomovski’nin, Türkiye üzerinden Mısır’a gitmek üzere olduğu belirlendi.


Sosyal medya hesaplarında Peker ile birlikte birçok paylaşımı bulunan Tomovski’nin, Türkiye’ye çok sayıda giriş ve çıkış kaydı bulunduğu öğrenildi.

Peker hakkında başlatılan soruşturma kapsamında şüpheli olabileceği değerlendirilen Tomovski’nin adli işlemlerinin tamamlanmasının ardından deport işlemleri uygulanması amacıyla Göçmen Kaçakçılığıyla Mücadele ve Hudut Kapılar Şube Müdürlüğü’ne teslim edildiği ifade edildi.


Nedim Şener: Herkes dikkatli olmalı, kaos planı devrede

Hürriyet gazetesi yazarı Nedim Şener, “Kaos planı devrede” adlı köşe yazısında, Sedat Peker’in iftiralarını ve geçmişte ve bugün FETÖ’nün tuttuğu benzer taktikleri kaleme aldı. Şener, 2018’de ortaya çıkan haritayı da tekrar gündeme getirdi.

Nedim Şener: Herkes dikkatli olmalı, kaos planı devrede
İşte Şener’in yazısının tamamı:

“Şeytanın en büyük hilesi tüm dünyayı aslında var olmadığına inandırmakmış…” 1995 yılı yapımı “Olağan Şüpheliler” filminde geçen bir replik, başrol oyuncusu Kevin Spacey’nin canlandırdığı kılıktan kılığa giren “Keyser Söze” isimli karaktere ait.

Bu cümle en iyi Fetullahçı Terör Örgütü’nün elemanlarını tarif ediyor.

FETÖ elebaşı yıllar önce örgüt elemanlarına şu direktifi vermişti:

“Devletin kılcal damarlarına kadar sızacaksınız, farkına vardıklarında yapacak şeyleri olmayacak ve çok geç olacak. Her yerde olacaksınız çünkü her yerde değilseniz hiçbir yerde değilsinizdir. Hava gibi olacaksınız, sizin varlığınızı bilecekler ama elleriyle yakalayamayacaklar.”


FETÖ üyeleri her suçun içindedirler ama suçüstü ele geçseler bile inkâr ederler. Her yalanı söyler, her iftirayı atar, her kumpası kurar, her türlü cinayeti işler, üzerini örterler ama en “dürüst” onlardır.

Sedat Peker‘in videolarıyla yeniden piyasaya çıktılar. Aylar öncesinden kendilerinin yaydıkları uyuşturucu iddialarının Peker tarafından tekrarlanması, Suriye‘ye gönderdiği yardımların arasına SADAT tarafından silah sokulması gibi iddiaları ortaya atması ile yeni bir algı operasyonuna başladılar.

Örgütün en önemli isimleri, 2014’te MİT tırlarının durdurulması olayını gündeme getirerek, iddia ettikleri gibi Türkiye‘nin Suriye’de teröristlere silah gönderen bir ülke olduğunu, kendilerinin haklı çıktığını dolayısıyla operasyonu yapan FETÖ’cü polis ve savcılara sahip çıkılması hatta toplumun özür dilemesi gerektiğini içeren mesajlar paylaştılar. FETÖ elebaşının “Cennetlik” dediği, örgütün finans yapılanmasının başında olan FETÖ mensubu Akın İpek, “Artık biliyorsunuz hakikati gençler” diyerek örgütü aklamaya çalışan paylaşımlarda bulundu. Firari Akın İpek’ten Emrullah Uslu’ya, Adem Yavuz Arslan’dan Tuncay Opçin’e, hepsi birden örgütü işlediği suçlardan temize çıkarmaya çalışıyor, hatta FETÖ isimli bir örgüt olmadığına yönelik kampanyalarda başı çekiyorlar.

FETÖ’nün farklı kimliğe bürünmüş sosyal medya yapılanması, örgütün adı geçen her olayda “Artık bırakın her şeye FETÖ demeyi” şeklinde mesajlar atarak, kendilerini gizlemeye hatta suçlarından aklamaya çalışıyor. Anlaşılması için Zaman isimli FETÖ paçavrasını yöneten Ekrem Dumanlı‘nın, 15 Temmuz darbe girişimi hakkında “Bu darbe değil kendi kendine darbe, self coup” demesi gibi. Ya da FETÖ elebaşının, “tiyatro” ifadesi gibi.


İkiyüzlülükleri, şeytani zekâya sahip film karakteri Keyser Söze’nin “Şeytanın en büyük hilesi tüm dünyayı aslında var olmadığına inandırmakmış” sözüne taş çıkartacak cinsten.

Dün bunun bir örneğini daha gördük. Tarihi camilerden çaldığı eski hat eserlerini satmasıyla tanınan ve örgütte “Zeyd” kod adıyla bilinen FETÖ’cü Tuncay Opçin, 2009’da intihar eden Yarbay Ali Tatar ile ilgili bir tweet attı.

Öylesine provokatif ve operasyonel ki; Ali Tatar’a sahip çıkılmasını “Alevi” olmasına şöyle bağladı:

“Ali Tatar alevi olmasaydı, intiharı bu kadar gündemde kalır mıydı? Tatar’dan iki ay sonra YAŞ’ta amirallik sırasındaki Kurmay Albay Berk Erden intihar etti. Peki, Erden niye gündeme getirilmiyor? Çünkü istismar edebilecekleri bir kimliği, kışkırtılacak bir kitlesi yok.”

Her ikisi de üyesi olduğu ve bizzat rol oynadığı kumpas davaları ile intihar etmiş iki insan üzerinden yaptığı bu kışkırtıcı tweeti, mafya elebaşı Peker’in, “Devamlı Alevilik konusuna değinmemin sebebi derin Mehmet’in adamlarının, geçmişte Gaziosmanpaşa’da kahve saldırısından çok daha büyük eylem yapıp, ülkede kaos çıkarma planlarını boşa çıkarabilmek içindir. Planları cemevine saldırıdır” şeklindeki mesajıyla birleşince aklıma 2018’de darbeci eski Tuğamiral Sinan Sürer’in çekmecesinde bulunan kaos planı geldi.


Sürer’in çekmecesinde bulunduktan sonra 22 Aralık 2018’de 17. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi’ne gönderilen plan, yabancılar tarafından hazırlandığı anlaşılan belgeler ile Türkiye’ye yönelik kaos çıkarma planlarını içeriyor.

Özellikle, Alevileri kışkırtacak provokatif eylemlerden bahsedilirken, belgede, Alevilerin yaşadığı semtler numaralandırılmış hatta gittikleri kahvehaneler isim isim belirtilmiş.

Belgeyi hazırlayanlar şunları yazmış:

“Alevileri destekleme konusunun üzerine çok çalışılmalı ve imkânların yüksek olması gerekmektedir. Aleviler, içlerinde bir ya da iki grup hariç olmak üzere silahlı mücadeleye yöneltilmemelidir. Aleviler, vandalizm şeklindeki eylemler ve uzun süreli eylemlerde çok faydalıdırlar.”

Bir adım daha ileri giderek, İstanbul‘da kaos çıkarmak için numaralandırılmış ilçeler, Okmeydanı, Küçük Armutlu, Maltepe, Yenibosna, Demirkapı, Küçükçekmece, Pendik, Gebze, Gazi Mahallesi, Esenler, Sultanbeyli, Fikirtepe, Tuzla gibi yerleşim yerlerinde kaos ve çatışma çıkartılacak noktalar bile tespit edilmiş.

Bu planın Türkiye’deki işbirlikçileriyle 2015 seçim sürecinde hazırlandığı açık. Alevileri hedef göstermeye ve evlerini işaretlemeye varan kışkırtmaya yönelik bazı eylemler olmadı değil. O günlerde bu plan tam olarak uygulanmadı ama hazırlayanların amacından vazgeçmediği açık.

FETÖ’cülerle konuşmalarında ve paylaşımlarında Alevilere yönelik kışkırtma peşinde olan Sedat Peker de bu kaos planını hazırlayanların piyonu olmuş durumda. Herkesin dikkatli olması gerekli.”



Türk silahı savaşlarda yeni bir çağ başlattı: Kargu-2 otonom saldırı ile tarihe geçti

Türk yapımı ‘drone’ların geleceği şekillendireceği uzun zamandır konuşuluyordu. Ancak İngiliz basınında çıkan haberler, Türk ‘drone’larının tarihte görülmemiş bir yeteneğe sahip olduğunu ortaya koydu.

Uzmanlar bu teknolojik gelişme karşısında şok olmuşlardı. Deyim yerindeyse karşılarındaki gerçeğe inanmakta güçlük çekiyorlardı. Bu kadarını da beklemiyorlardı. Zira dünya tarihinde ‘yapay zekalı Türk yapımı ‘drone’ın Libya’da Hafter güçlerine kendi inisiyatifi ile saldırdığı ilk tarihi saldırı ile karşı karşıyaydılar.

BM Güvenlik Konseyi’nin Libya Uzmanlar Paneli’nin Mart 2021’de yayınlanan raporu New Scientist dergisi tarafından ele geçirilmişti. Raporda “Türk askeri teknoloji şirketi STM tarafından üretilen bir Kargu-2 quadcopter olan ‘drone’un, Mart 2020’de Libya hükümet güçleri ile Libya Ulusal Ordusu Komutanı Halife Hafter liderliğindeki ayrılıkçı bir askeri fraksiyon arasındaki bir çatışma sırasında konuşlandırıldığı belirtiliyordu. Rapor Hafter güçlerinin geri çekilirken, hiçbir insan kontrolör gerektirmeyen ve otonom modda çalışan “son derece etkili” Kargu-2 insansız hava araçları tarafından nasıl “avlandığı” ayrıntılarıyla anlatılıyor.

“Ölümcül otonom silah sistemleri, operatör ve mühimmat arasında veri bağlantısına ihtiyaç duymadan hedeflere saldırmak üzere programlandı: gerçek bir ‘ateş et, unut ve bul’ yeteneği” ifadeleri yer aldı. Maryland’deki Ulusal Terörizm Çalışmaları ve Terörizmle Mücadele Konsorsiyumu’ndaki Zak Kallenborn’a göre, bu saldırı insansız hava araçlarının karşı hedeflere kendi inisiyatifiyle gerçekleştirdiği ilk saldırı olabilirdi. Gerçek tüm çıplaklığıyla ortadaydı. Libya iç savaşında rakip gruplar arasındaki bir çatışmada konuşlandırılan patlayıcı taşıyan ‘quadcopter’lerin, insan emri olmadan kendi insiyatifleriyle düşman hedefleri yok ettiği düşünülüyordu.


İngiliz savunma düşünce kuruluşu Royal United Services Enstitüsü’nden Jack Watling, New Scientist’e, yapay zeka silahlarının düzenlenmesi söz konusu olduğunda insansız hava araçlarının gri bir alanda olduğunu söyledi. Watling, “Bu, otonom silahların düzenlenmesinin imkansız olduğu anlamına gelmiyor. Ancak bu, tartışmanın acil ve önemli olmaya devam ettiğini gösteriyor. Teknoloji bizi beklemeyecek” diye konuştu.


Baykar Teknik Müdürü ve T3 Vakfı Mütevelli Heyeti Başkanı Selçuk Bayraktar’ın, Türk ‘drone’larıyla ilgili kritik ve yanlış anlaşıldığını düşündüğü bir mevzuya da dikkat çekmek istediğini belirterek yaptığı çok önemli olarak gördüğüm açıklamalarında “Türkiye bu teknolojiyi çok hassas bir şekilde kullanıyor. Zeytin Dalı Harekatı’ndan bir örnek vereceğim. Sosyal medyada, basında her şeyi görebilirsiniz. Türkiye’nin (‘drone’larla) sivilleri belirlediğine dair tek bir kanıt yok, göremezsiniz. Türk ‘drone’ları size terörist ile sivili çok net bir şekilde ayırt etme potansiyeli veriyor. Bu teknolojiye sahip değilseniz, kör bir şekilde ateş edebilirsiniz. Bu teknolojiyle, insansız hava araçlarıyla santimetre hassasiyetinde çalışabilirsiniz. Bu bize sivil zayiatı tamamen ortadan kaldırma avantajı sağlıyor ve Türkiye ile ilgili benim bildiğim tek bir olay bile yok. Türkiye bu konuda o kadar hassas ki toplam sivil zayiatı tamamen ortadan kaldırıyor.” diyor.

Acaba hangi ülkelerin ‘drone’larında bu teknoloji var. Sivilleri özellikle de çocukları öldürmeye odaklı İsrail’de mi? Amerika’da mı? Rusya’da mı? Avrupa’da mı, geçiniz!!! Bu nedenle İnsanı yaşatmaya odaklı bir strateji izleyen Başkan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ı ne seçimlerde ne de savaşlarda mağlup edemezsiniz.

Hele hegemonik güçlerin katil başkanlarına bel bağlayarak Türkiye’de iktidar olmayı düşünen Millet İttifakı’nın sayın liderleri sizin ne bu dünyada ne de ahirette kazanma şansınız hiç ama hiç yok!!! İsrail’in çocuk katili Netanyahu ve kendisine bu yönde destek veren ABD Başkanı Biden da aynı zor pozisyonda. Zira çocukları özellikle hedef alan Netanyahu’ya verdiği aşırı destek nedeni ile on binlerce Amerikalı, Biden yönetimine öfkelerini belirtmek üzere sokaklara döküldü. Başta başkent Washington ile New York olmak üzere Şikago, Miami, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Boston gibi büyük kentlerde Biden iktidarını protesto eden gruplara Ortodoks Yahudilerin, Siyah Amerikalı grupların, Beyaz Amerikalı gençlerin ve diğer etnik ve dini kökene mensup toplumsal kesimlerin görünür şekilde katılmaları ve destekleri bu katillerin Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi’nde “soykırım” suçlanmalarıyla yargılanmalarının önünü açacak nitelikte görünüyor. Bu tabloya kadın çoluk çocuk demeden konvansiyonel ve kimyasal silahlarla binlerce insanı katleden Suriye kasabı Esad’ı ve Putin’i de eklememiz elzem görünüyor.

Iron Dome
Jun 2, 2021

Democratic and Republican members of Congress say they support aid to maintain Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile defense system.

By Yakir Benzion, United With Israel

A bipartisan group in Congress backed an emergency $1 billion supplement to military aid for Israel, Jewish Insider reported Wednesday.

Israel’s supply of interceptor rockets for the Iron Dome defense system was seriously depleted last month shooting down most of the 4,000 rockets fired at Israeli towns and cities by terrorists in Gaza.

Developed jointly with the United States, the Iron Dome system proved itself defending Israeli civilians by knocking down more than 90% of the rockets targeting populated areas.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz is making a surprise visit to Washington where he is expected to meet later this week with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

While Gantz will be discussing the Iran nuclear threat, he is also expected to seek the $1 billion in supplemental military aid to restock the batteries for the Iron Dome system. The U.S. recently completed the purchase of two Iron Dome systems for its own use and evaluation.

During a trip to Jerusalem this week for talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Senator Lindsey Graham told Fox News Tuesday that Washington should expect the Israeli request, calling it “a good investment for the American people.”

“As Hamas tries to destroy Israel, as Iran threatens the existence of the Jewish state, I’m going to keep coming back here and saying more for Israel,” Graham said. “Every time somebody tries to destroy Israel, our response is going to be more aid and it starts with replenishing the Iron Dome.”

Democratic Congressman Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey is heading the bipartisan group that so far has the signatures of 46 members of the House. They will be sending a recommendation to Austin ahead of his meeting with Gantz to “express our strong support for the Biden Administration’s ironclad commitment to Israel’s safety and security, including replenishing Israel’s stock of interceptors for the Iron Dome missile defense system and other important matters.”

It is estimated that over the years the Iron Dome system has saved hundreds of lives and prevented hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage.

The representatives further say that America must “remain clear eyed” about the terrorist threats facing Israel and make sure the Jewish state does not run out of the critical interceptor rockets if and when another attack comes.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad still have large supplies of rockets, and it is estimated that the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon has over 150,000 rockets aimed at Israel.

“Please know that Congress stands with the administration in its commitment to ensuring Israel’s security and capability to defend itself from any attack,” the bipartisan letter read.


Ο Δρ. Bridle, αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής Ιικής Ανοσολογίας στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Guelph, έχει λάβει χρηματοδότηση για την ανάπτυξη μια νέας σειράς  εμβολίων και κάθε άλλο παρά αρνητής των εμβολίων θα μπορούσε να χαρακτηριστεί.
Φαίνεται πλέον ότι το ζήτημα των εμβολίων αλλά και το γιατί επιπτώσεις μπορεί να επιφέρουν έχει λάβει μεγάλες διαστάσεις στην επιστημονική κοινότητα στο εξωτερικό αν δούμε ότι μόλις πριν λίγες ημέρες ανάλογες θέσεις είχε λάβει και ο Γερμανός ιολόγος Α.Κεκουλέ: «Ο εμβολιασμός δεν τέλειωσε ποτέ μία πανδημία και ότι πρόκειται για ένα παγκόσμιο πείραμα η εκστρατεία εμβολιασμού».

Έτσι ο Καναδός επιστήμονας επιμένει ότι η επιστημονική έρευνα πρέπει  να εκτελείται σωστά και στο να ακολουθείται το ίδιο προσεκτικά η δοκιμή των εμβολίων προτού αυτά γίνουν  διαθέσιμα για τις μάζες.
Κάτι, που στην συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση, των εμβολίων για τον COVID-19 δεν έγινε καθώς υπήρχε μεγάλη πίεση για να αναπτυχθούν νέα εμβόλια.
Ο Brindle, έκανε όμως και μια αποκάλυψη λέγοντας πως ίσως έχουμε κάνει ένα μεγάλο τρομακτικό λάθος, σε ότι αφορά τα εμβόλια τεχνολογίας mRNA που εισάγουν αντίγραφα πρωτεινών ακίδων του κορωνοϊού στο σώμα.

«Το SARS-CoV-2 έχει μια ακίδα πρωτεΐνη στην επιφάνειά του. Γνωρίζουμε τώρα ότι η πρωτεΐνη αυτή  κυκλοφορεί στο αίμα. Μέχρι τώρα νομίζαμε ότι η πρωτεΐνη-ακίδα ήταν ο στόχος για την παραγωγή  αντιγόνων από τον οργανισμό. Δεν  ξέραμε όμως ποτέ ότι η πρωτεΐνη αυτή είναι ουσιαστικά μια τοξίνη. Έτσι, εμβολιάζοντας ανθρώπους, τους εμβολιάζουμε ακούσια με μια τοξίνη», δήλωσε ο Καναδός ιολόγος για να συμπληρώσει:

«Το SARS-CoV-2 – έχει αποδειχθεί ότι μπαίνει στην κυκλοφορία του  αίματος, από πειράματα  σε ποντίκια και προκαλεί πολλά είδη καρδιακών  και αγγειακών παθήσεων και εγκεφαλικής βλάβης.  Το COVID-19 έχει  μια πρωτεΐνη-ακίδα  στην επιφάνειά του, επιτρέποντας στον ιό να μολύνει το σώμα μας. Ομοίως, η έρευνα της επιστημονικής κοινότητας έχει αποκαλύψει επίσης διάφορα καρδιαγγειακά και καρδιακά προβλήματα, σε ανθρώπους.

Η ίδια έρευνα αποδεικνύει επίσης ότι η πρωτεΐνη ακίδων μόνη της είναι σχεδόν εξ ολοκλήρου υπεύθυνη για βλάβη στο καρδιαγγειακό σύστημα εάν κυκλοφορήσει ελεύθερα  στο σώμα».


Fauci’s Emails and the Covid Cover-Up

If you like your pandemic, you can keep your pandemic.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Last May, Dr. Fauci offered National Geographic magazine an “exclusive” interview. It was one of the millions of exclusive interviews that he seemed to be doing for every media outlet in the country and on the planet. But there was a special twist to this particular exclusive interview.

President Trump revealed a week earlier that he had seen evidence that the coronavirus pandemic had come out of a Chinese lab. The media and its pet experts rushed to shut down what they called a “conspiracy theory” even though it was backed by secret intelligence.

And the media’s biggest pet expert was Fauci who was more than happy to oblige.

Fauci told the magazine owned by Disney, China’s big corporate partner, the evidence is “very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated” but he turned curiously evasive when asked if it could have leaked from Wuhan’s Level 4 lab and dismissed the relevance of the question since the virus “was in the wild to begin with”.

While Fauci pretended to be disinterested in the question of the pandemic’s origins, emails released through Freedom of Information Act requests showed he knew what was at stake.

In April, before Fauci’s interview or President Trump’s comments, Peter Daszak, whose EcoHealth Alliance had moved millions in grants from the National Institutes of Health to study bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, thanked Fauci for protecting the lab.

Daszak offered Fauci a “personal thank you on behalf of our staff and collaborators” for backing “a natural origin for COVID-19 from a bat-to-human spillover, not a lab release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” The entire middle part of the email was curiously redacted. It’s unclear if the collaborators would have included the Chinese scientists laboring away in Wuhan.

The EcoHealth Alliance had been working with Wuhan’s top man, Shi Zhengli, and Fauci wasn’t a disinterested party. The Wuhan grant had come through NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases which Fauci has headed since 1984. The lab release theory wasn’t just bad news for the EcoHealth Alliance, whose grant would be suspended by the Trump administration, but for Fauci, who wasn’t just helping the media slam Trump, but was also helping himself.

“We’ll all know the shoddy truth of how a conspiracy theory pushed by this administration led @NIHDirector to block the only US research group still working in China to analyze COVID origins,” Daszak later angrily tweeted.

“Why was it canceled? It was canceled because the NIH was told to cancel it,” Fauci glibly told Congress that summer. “I don’t know the reason, but we were told to cancel it.”

Not even Fauci’s biggest media fans could pretend that he didn’t know why it was cancelled.

But even while Fauci was pretending that he didn’t understand why the issue kept coming up when he was in front of the cameras, his emails show that he was well aware of the issue.

Emails show that Fauci was urgently conferring with NIAID’s Principal Deputy Director Hugh Auchincloss over gain of function experiments. “She will try to determine if we have any distant ties to this work abroad,” Auchincloss wrote in one email. Fauci likely already knew the answer.

Fauci closed another email to Auchincloss with a curt, “You will have tasks today that must be done.” It was a curious response to the sort of thing that he would breezily dismiss as an irrelevant distraction that he was baffled to be even asked about while in public forums.

But Fauci was actually a longstanding fan of gain-of-function research despite its deadly risks.

In 2012, he pondered the possibility that, “an important gain-of-function experiment involving a virus with serious pandemic potential is performed” and then badly replicated so that a “scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic?”

What was Fauci’s response to a pandemic caused by dangerous gain-of-function research?

“Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks.”

It’s entirely possible that we might all be living in that no longer hypothetical world right now.

A year later, Fauci lifted a gain-of-function moratorium on influenza viruses. In 2017, NIH lifted a pause on gain-of- function research on influenza, SARS, and MERS. The pause had been implemented by the Obama administration which offered guidance for lifting it in its final days.

Nature Magazine succinctly described the move in a headline, “The National Institutes of Health will again fund research that makes viruses more dangerous.”

This year, Fauci dismissed the funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology as a “a modest collaboration with very respectable Chinese scientists who were world experts on coronavirus.”

But the very respectable lab and its scientists were, as former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said, “engaged in efforts connected to the People’s Liberation Army” with “military activity being performed alongside what they claimed was just good old civilian research.”

Fauci insisted that the NIH was not directly backing gain-of-function research that could have produced a pandemic, but the NIH could not deny that the Chinese Military could have done so.

He admitted in a Senate hearing, “You never know” when asked about possible gain of function research being carried out anyway, but kept insisting that he trusted Chinese researchers.

Some of the researchers had to be hospitalized with an unusual illness before the pandemic. The revelation of that and other research has helped demolish Fauci’s attempt to stonewall the theory that the pandemic had come out of the very same lab funded by his National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Fauci has signaled a greater openness to the theory he once fought, but it’s much too late to salvage his reputation. The latest release of Fauci emails, heavily censored in places, once again shows that he was the man who knew too much.

As the National Geographic interview went live, a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases employee gushingly emailed him, “I am grateful to say my Director is Dr. Anthony Fauci and share with my family, friends, and church that if you said it, it’s gospel.”

But the faith in Fauci is falling into expert heresy as new revelations arrive every day. The prayer candles and t-shirts, the tide of Fauci fantasies and fan mail, is beginning to recede. Even his biggest fans are turning from the gospel of Fauci to ask some very hard questions.

The experts and the media made it a priority to suppress the China lab leak theory under President Trump. Without Trump, the media no longer has any real need to cover for Fauci and China. What was once falsely described by the media as a “conspiracy theory” is now science.

And if those Fauci emails set off alarm bells, the ones he’s sending now must be deafening.


ADL’s ‘Brief History on Anti-Semitism’

A shameful cover-up.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) first published its “Brief History on Antisemitism” in 2013, but it is newly relevant amid the dramatic recent upswing in antisemitic attacks all over Europe and North America. The ongoing united efforts to delegitimize the Jewish state and support a Palestinian “resistance” that has sought to annihilate Israel from the day of its founding have been relentless, and have gained new impetus in recent weeks. Unfortunately, the ADL plays it safe in its history, ignoring Iran’s hatred of Jews, Arab nationalism and the alliance of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem with Hitler during the Holocaust.

This is unfortunate on many levels. The ADL has been foundational in advocating for American Jewry, and its influence extends beyond American borders. According to its website, “the ADL was born at a time when American Jews—both new immigrants and generations-long members of our society—were experiencing deep-seated bigotry.”

Founded in 1913 by the Independent Order of B’nai Brith, the ADL split from B’nai Brith to become an independent organization committed to combating antisemitism. In 2018, it rebranded itself more broadly as an “anti-hate” organization, often taking up the cause of controversial groups and entering into what has become known as the culture war, eliciting criticism in the war of ideas, often from both sides of the right-left divide and anything in between.

Robert Spencer recently noted that ADL called accurate reporting of Muslim responses to coronavirus “anti-Muslim bigotry.” “Anti-hate” today is synonymous with opposition to racism. Opposition to “hate” is based on a notion of whites oppressing non-whites. Those who subscribe to this way of thinking also classify Islam as a “race,” so that when Islamic doctrines and practices are scrutinized and criticized, the offender is deemed to be “Islamophobic.” Similar brandings include “racist,” “white supremacist,” “xenophobic,” “bigoted,” “intolerant,” and the like. The two “safe” groups to criticize are Christians and Jews, who are both largely viewed by Westerners as “white.” Jews are now facing global abuse at levels reminiscent of the Nazi era, but it’s not generated by Christians; rather, it emanates from the Palestinian jihad against the Jewish state of Israel, backed by powerful Islamic powerbrokers — an “unsafe” longstanding issue that the ADL avoids –  failure of nerve that many share.

The predominantly “unsafe” groups to criticize are black and Islamic. Certainly not all Muslims are antisemitic, but Islamic antisemitism is a powerful, united global influencer leading to an increasingly violent new outbreak of antisemitism, as the Palestinian “resistance” is used and recycled as a social justice cause embraced by the anti-racism industry.

The Palestinians are backed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the mainstream media, and even “progressive” Christian and Jewish organizations. A frenzy of anti-Jewish antagonism recently exploded along with the barrage of rocket attacks, launched by Hamas against civilians in Israel. Yet Israel emerged in the international media after implementing Operation Guardian of the Walls as the aggressor for defending itself. The ADL would do itself and its followers a valuable service by amending its omission of the jihad against Israel from its history of antisemitism, and educating without bias.

Right from the start, the ADF document devotes less than three lines to the time before the Common Era (BCE). The Pentateuch or Five Books of Moses record that Jews suffered the affliction of slavery for 450 years (Genesis 12:40) in Egypt. Then came the destruction of the First Temple by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar around 586 BC, when he conquered Jerusalem. The Roman period in 70 CE marks the beginning of the commonly referenced 2000-year history of antisemitism, with the destruction of the Second Temple along with the Holy City of Jerusalem by the Roman emperor Titus. That Temple was on the site on which was centuries later built the Dome of the Rock.

Ignoring the Palestinian jihad factor

The ADL’s history of antisemitism document accurately describes “anti-Judaism after the advent of Christianity,” which after the conversion of the Roman emperors to Christianity became the established religion of the Roman Empire. During this period, the early Church fathers “sought to establish Christianity as the successor to Judaism,” thus planting the seeds of Replacement Theology. This flawed dogma is a complete repudiation of the New Testament, but nonetheless mutated into the delegimization of Jews, resulting in support among some Christians today for stripping Jews of rights to their historic homeland, and branding the Jewish state, a “racist,” “apartheid” entity.

Prominent Christian propagandists are plentiful today, and they have managed to rebrand Liberation Theology, which started out as a noble endeavor in South America in defense of the poor, then spread to South Africa to stand up in righteousness for blacks under white apartheid. The model of Liberation Theology became twisted into a damaging message that Israel is the image of the white South African oppressor, while the Palestinians are the new “blacks” suffering under an “apartheid” regime.

This idea culminated in an influential document in 2009 called Kairos Palestine, which was intended as a call to the world to recognize “Palestinian suffering” and “help fight Israeli occupation.”

Bethlehem Anglican Canon Rev. Naim Ateek , president of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, based in Jerusalem, was one of the first Church leaders to connect Liberation Theology with the Palestinian cause. As an aggressive anti-Israel campaigner, Ateek once stated in an Easter message: “In this season of Lent, it seems to many of us that Jesus is on the cross again with thousands of crucified Palestinians around him. It only takes people of insight to see the hundreds of thousands of crosses throughout the land, Palestinian men, women, and children being crucified. Palestine has become one huge Golgotha. The Israeli government crucifixion system is operating daily. Palestine has become the place of the skull.”

The Palestinian outreach to Christians has been calculated; Jesus is claimed by Palestinians as a Palestinian. The Israeli monitoring agency Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) exposed a Palestinian Authority TV interview in which author Samih Ghanadreh from Nazareth was asked about his new book Christianity and its Connection to Islam. Ghanadeh states that he personally heard Yasser Arafat several times affirm that Jesus was the first Palestinian martyr, to which the TV host replies: “Jesus was a Palestinian, no one denies that.” PMW cited the frequency of this declaration by prominent Palestinians, including the Governor of Ramallah Leila Ghannam (“We all have the right to be proud that Jesus is a Palestinian”), Senior PA leader Jibril Rajoub (“The greatest Palestinian in history since Jesus is Yasser Arafat“), and an editorial in the PA official daily — Al-Hayat Al-Jadida — referred to the “holy Trinity” as being Arafat, Abbas and Jesus.

Thus the Palestinian “Holy Trinity” consists of a man who did his Ph.D. in Holocaust denial (Abbas), along with Rahman Abdul Rauf al-Qudwa al-Husseini (a.k.a. Yasser Arafat), who learned under the tutelage of his revered uncle, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini, who worked with Hitler and Adolf Eichmann to slaughter six million Jews.

This sacrilegious message has been tailored for evangelicals, who are sometimes divided. Most are unwaveringly committed to loving Israel and the Jewish people. Many maintain this friendship because the Bible instructs it, and because Jesus is Jewish — from the House of David. Many evangelicals are limited in their understanding of the history of Palestinian antagonism against the Jewish state, making some prone to the circulating Palestinian victimhood propaganda, which for some drowns out the religious call to “bless” Israel.

Political correctness perpetuates the gang-up against Israel and Jews

The ADL report does a thorough job in surveying the Christian roots of antisemitism, but it avoids discussion of the roots of Palestinian hatred, the biggest issue driving antisemitism globally in our time. The West’s cultural tunnel vision is behind such avoidance. The anti-racism (aka “anti-hate”) industry’s us-versus-them victimhood narrative (i.e., whites versus non-whites) is rife with politically correct lines that one must not cross. It is a marketing scheme that fools people into thinking they are on the side of social justice. People can then feel good about themselves, having advocated for those who are deemed to be oppressed, notwithstanding the pervasive propaganda and revisionist history. Such propaganda creates a fertile ground for supporting revolutionaries such as those who are engaged in the Palestinian “resistance” and Black Lives Matter, which pledged unwavering support for the Palestinians during the latest conflict that was provoked by Hamas and resulting in Operation Guardian of the Walls. Reports are endless about the Palestinian suffering that is caused by Hamas and yet successfully blamed on Israel.

This is not to deny that sincere anti-racism advocates work within the anti-racism industry. The pervasive tolerance of violence and incitement, however, that has sprung from the revolutionary quarters of the Palestinian and Black Lives Matter groups, which have escaped adequate scrutiny, has led to a heightening of antisemitism, anti-white sentiment and violation of the rule of law. All this is due to the weaponization of the anti-racism industry.

Few question the reality of Western tolerance of violent Islamic antisemitism, black-on-black crime, intra-minority group racism, global Islamic supremacism, the lack of religious freedom in Muslim countries, Christian persecution by jihadists, and the influx of illegal immigrants. Inherent in the white-versus-non-white model is a soft bigotry of low expectations which conveys the message that anything a “non-white” does can be excused because he or she is a victim of white colonialism, white “occupation,” white racism, white Jewish “occupation,” and the like. The “non-white” person is never expected to move beyond victimhood. In this view, whites are indebted to non-whites, and since oppression provokes rage and retaliation, revolutionary Palestinian and Black Lives Matter groups are broadly deemed to be justified in their incitement to violence and actual violence. Disciples of these revolutionaries have been indoctrinated to believe that “apartheid Israel” is murdering and displacing innocent Palestinians, while Hamas is quietly justified as a defender of the oppressed, even among some who have a basic knowledge of what Hamas actually represents.

The past sins of non-whites, in contrast, are quickly dismissed, including 1400 years of Islamic jihad — long before the dawning of European colonialism; the Japanese oppression of the Chinese at the end of the Qing Dynasty; Iranian systemic racism against Afghans;  the persistence of colorism in India, the Caribbean and elsewhere; black-on-black crime, and the recent surge of blacks attacking Asian people in America. In fact, an article in The Conversation claimed that “white supremacy is the root of all race-related violence in the U.S.” Cases that contradict this claim are swept under the carpet, even as a genocide is today being waged against Christians in Africa by mainly black jihadist groups that are seeking to expand an Islamic caliphate.

Does anyone wonder why the abuse of Uighurs in China is tolerated while the world is obsessed about “Islamophobia” in Western countries, and about Israel being an “apartheid” state?

Obsessions with white people oppressing non-whites have become commonplace in the West as it is manipulated by revolutionary groups, while no one cares what non-white groups do to each other or to white people. Feeding this soft bigotry of low expectations is the idea that no one outside of the “white race” can be expected to overcome the discrimination and disadvantage inflicted by whites. The historic damage inflicted by whites is judged to be eternal and fixed. This results in a catastrophic reordering of societies: anything done to whites in supposed retaliation to white oppression is pre-determined and understandable, even acceptable. Although Jews have suffered antisemitism for over 3,000 years, and survived a Holocaust in the memory of many who are still alive, they are unjustly blamed and labelled “occupiers” and “racists.” The problem is that Israel is pervasively viewed as a country of white Jews oppressing brown Palestinians.

Christianity in today’s climate is also deemed to be a white religion, despite its establishment in the Middle East. So is Judaism, even though there are black African, Chinese and Indian Jews. Because they’re perceived as white, Christians and Jews are scapegoated, and cannot escape the label of “oppressor,” even in the face of Christian persecution and jihadist endeavors against the Jewish state of Israel. Within these groups, blame is also levied among one another and at each other for oppressing non-whites. All of the world’s woes are the fault of the white Jew or the white Christian. This is the new woke ethic, easily manipulated by special interest groups, and central to escalating antisemitism.

Yes, it does have to do with religion

This brings us back to the ADL, which limits its history of antisemitism to mainly white Christians, the “safe” group, while letting the worst enemies of Israel off the hook: largely non-white Islamic supremacists.

Whenever the Palestinian culture of jihad and/or the role of the Islamic religion is pointed out, many argue that the conflict is a land issue, and that the latest round of violence was perpetrated by the “extremist” Muslim Brotherhood offshoot group Hamas. But the problem isn’t only Hamas, which is funded by Iran, and whose latest actions were supported and rewarded by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which influences the UN.

As noted by the Jewish Center for Public Affairs:

If we turn to the writings of key Islamists of the 20th century, we find repeated over and over again the claim that there is a global Jewish conspiracy to destroy Muslims, the Islamic faith, and Islamic culture. We also find a clear link between this belief and calls for genocide against Jews and Israelis.

In my book, The Challenge of Modernizing Islam”, Muslim reformist Dr. Tawfik Hamid blames a Muslim “impulse to violence” on the “mainstream sources of Islamic law.” He goes on:

“I am a typical Arab Egyptian with a Muslim background. As any Arab, I was brought up on hating Israel and the Jews. When I was four years old, the de-humanization of the Jews everywhere around me led me to imagine them as green ugly people, full of evil.”

“Throughout history, the religion was based on supremacy. In the case of Israel, it hits Islamists at the core when a small country like Israel defeats them. Even with all the money they have, with all the oil they have and with some 200 million Muslims, they still can’t get rid of Israel. For them, it’s an issue of challenging their supremacy, and their feeling of supremacy is vital to their religion.”

“If I go to Israel and say I am from Egypt, I am still welcomed, but try going to a Muslim country and saying that you are from Israel, and see how they will treat you. This can tell you that the real problem is in the Arab world.”

Israeli historian Ephraim Karsh notes:

“if anything, it is the region’s tortuous relationship with modernity, most notably the stubborn adherence to its millenarian religiously based imperialist legacy, which has left physical force as the main instrument of political discourse to date. But to acknowledge this would mean abandoning the self-righteous victimization paradigm that has informed Western scholarship for so long, and treating Middle Easterners as equal free agents accountable for their actions, rather than giving them a condescending free pass for political and moral modes of behavior that are not remotely acceptable in Western societies.”

Religion is the cloak around the Middle East; religious wars have led to lands changing hands and experiencing occupation. But the Jews have an ancient historic claim to the land which includes Judea and Samaria (now known as the “West Bank”) and East Jerusalem. There is no occupation. Islamic conquests established the vastness of the Middle East as Islamic lands as Muslims occupied Middle Eastern countries, including the land of Israel after the Arab conquest. Global Islamic leaders still view Judea, Samaria and Gaza as land rightly belonging to Palestinians, who historically are really Ottoman South Syrians. Israel was attacked by the neighboring Muslim countries from the day of its birth; in the recent battle which was stirred by Hamas, the OIC and Islamic scholars of the upper ranks worldwide stood in unity with their Palestinian brothers.

Historically, Jerusalem was never holy to Muslims. It is not mentioned in the Qur’an; Muslims turn to Mecca to pray. As Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America, indicates:

In the seventh century, the Damascus-based Umayyad rulers built up Jerusalem as a counter-weight and hajj pilgrimage alternative to Mecca, where their political rivals were. This is when the important Muslim shrines, the Dome of the Rock (691 CE) and, later, the Al-Aqsa Mosque (705 CE), were intentionally built on the site of the destroyed biblical Jewish temples –– a time-honored practice to physically signal the predominance of Islam.

To this day, the Palestinian claim to Jerusalem remains, along with Hamas’ commitment to defend al-Quds for the Ummah, and the Palestinian National Charter to obliterate Israel “from the River to the Sea.”

The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, states:

‘Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.’ Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood which carries the mandate: “- “Allah is our goal, the Prophet is our leader, the Quran is our constitution, Jihad is our way, and death for Allah is our most exalted wish.”

The Muslim Brotherhood regards armed jihad as the mandatory religious duty of all Muslims. Many would argue that Muslims do not adhere to this; however, a disturbing number of Muslims and Islamic leaders subtly support it in defense of the Ummah, the global Islamic community. Despite the Muslim Brotherhood being outlawed in many Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt, Bahrain, Syria, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), nevertheless, the leaders of the OIC again demonstrated their allegiance to their Palestinian brothers when Operation Guardian of the Walls was engaged in defense of Israel’s citizens against the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot, Hamas, which rules Gaza.

In the face of Hamas’ bombardment of Israeli civilians, Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry called his Saudi counterpart, Prince Faisal bin Farhan. The two condemned actions “undermining legitimate Palestinian rights,” and emphasized Israel’s responsibility to protect those rights. Only it wasn’t Israel that began this battle.

Jordan and Saudi Arabia then called for international efforts to protect Palestinians against Israeli attacks and violations, thus perpetrating the lie that Israel was the aggressor. The OIC went so far as to call for an immediate halt to Israel’s “barbaric attacks” on Gaza, and blamed “systematic crimes” against the Palestinians for the hostilities. The OIC emergency meeting at the high level of the foreign ministers was convened at the request of Saudi Arabia.

There has been no end to the Islamic antisemitism which led to the war against Israel upon its establishment and persists to this day, amid incessant declarations of Israel’s “apartheid occupation.” Meanwhile, exonerations of the role of normative Islam, the Hadiths and Quranic texts persist, despite the fact that all these fuel the Palestinian culture of martyrdom.

Dennis Prager writes:

The Middle East dispute has never been about land. Israel is the size of New Jersey. It is slightly larger than El Salvador. If it were the size of Manhattan, the Palestinians and many Muslim states would still seek its destruction. There are 22 Arab states in the Middle East, but there is no room for one Jewish state. There is even a state with a Palestinian majority: Jordan. The issue is not land. The issue is religion.

Al-Azhar in Cairo is the most prestigious institution of Islamic learning in the world; its Grand Sheikh, Ahmad Al-Tayeb, has justified antisemitism on Quranic grounds. He stated in an interview:

“This is an historical perspective, which has not changed to this day. See how we suffer today from global Zionism and Judaism, whereas our peaceful coexistence with the Christians has withstood the test of history. Since the inception of Islam 1,400 years ago, we have been suffering from Jewish and Zionist interference in Muslim affairs. This is a cause of great distress for the Muslims.

The Koran said it and history has proven it: ‘You shall find the strongest among men in enmity to the believers to be the Jews and the polytheists.’”

The ADL’s Brief History on Antisemitism is partly right: Christians certainly bear plenty of guilt historically for antisemitism, as any reasonable person would agree. But why downplay the history of the jihad against Jews and Israel? Regrettably, given the unceasing Palestinian propaganda of victimhood (supported by the OIC), many Christian organizations have today bought into this idea. Now the ADL has essentially joined them by steering clear of the “unsafe” Islamic supremacist influence, despite its tangible presence.

Leaving out the Christian role in Jewish Statehood

It is unfortunate that the paramount role played by Christian Zionists in their support of Jews and in the founding of the Jewish state of Israel is often overlooked. The Israeli government, however, does not forget. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated:

 “And you, the supporters of Israel, the many thousands who are in that hall, and the millions, the many millions in the United States and elsewhere, Christian friends of Israel, you are always there for us…..We have no better friends on earth than you.”

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin noted:

“These are difficult and painful times for Christians in the Middle East…I am proud that Israel is the only country in our region where the Christian community is not shrinking, but in fact is growing.”

The Jabotinsky Centennial Medal for friendship to Israel, was presented to Christian preacher Jerry Falwell by Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in 1980; and the Friends of Zion Museum, founded by Mike Evans, an American Christian evangelist, is visited by dignitaries around the world.

This friendship is nothing recent. It is instructed in the Jewish and Chrisrtian scriptures (Numbers 24:9, Genesis 12:3) and taken seriously by Christian Zionists. Reverend William Hechler was a friend and associate to the pioneering Zionist Theodor Herzl, and other Christian figures were central the story of Israel’s founding. Ten Christians were among Herzl’s Christian guests at the First Zionist Congress. It was at this Basel Congress that the Basel Program was established, which advanced the goals of the Zionist movement and adopted the “Hatikva” as its anthem. To this day, multitudes of Christian tourists travel to the Holy Land and support Israel internationally. Israel honors this timeless loyalty by holding a Christian Media Summit in recognition of the enduring friendship.

Jews have Muslim partnerships, as well, as seen in the Abraham Accords, but that is tangential to the issue of the increasing support for the Palestinian jihad globally, as it is backed by powerful Islamic influencers and justified by the UN and the mainstream media. Palestinian propaganda is winning; Jewish demonization flourishes. The ADL is not alone in singling out historic Christian antisemitism, while avoiding the growing Islamic jihad against Jews globally and Israel. But this avoidance does nothing to aid in the advance of truth, justice and sound policy in combating antisemitism. Instead, it fails to identify the most dangerous enemies of the Jewish people and Israel, leaving the threat invisible and poorly understood. In so doing, the ADL unwittingly ameliorates the virulent surge of antisemitism globally, by covering up the roots of the demonization of Israel that continues in the name of “helping” the Palestinians.


Biden’s Deceptive Acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide

Why his vow “never again” rings hollow.

Joe Biden’s April 24 statement acknowledging the Armenian Genocide (1915–1923+) carried out by Turkey was welcome, but flawed. Indeed, “Turkey” appears nowhere in the document. Moreover, the State Department swiftly undermined Biden’s virtuous-sounding words.

American acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide isn’t even new. The U.S. House has passed several resolutions on the Genocide. And a nearly unanimous Congress did so in 2019.

Presidents going back to Woodrow Wilson have described the Armenian ordeals with language such as: an effort to exterminate all Armenians; terrible massacres; mass killings; death marches; and an ancient [Armenian] homeland was erased. If these don’t describe genocide, the word is meaningless.

In 1951, the State Department cited the Armenian “massacres [as a] crime of genocide” in a filing at the International Court of Justice. In 1981, President Reagan included “the genocide of Armenians” in a Holocaust proclamation.

Genocide acknowledgments should not — like car insurance — lapse if not renewed annually. Will the Holocaust become a non-genocide next year if the White House happens to overlook it?

Still, the president’s statement is noteworthy. It could even reinvigorate several Armenian American lawsuits against Turkey. But the statement has problems.

It tries to take the heat off today’s Republic of Turkey by blaming only “Ottoman-era … authorities” for the Genocide.

After the Allies defeated Ottoman Turkey in WWI (1918), Ottoman General Mustafa Kemal’s (Ataturk) forces continued to massacre Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks. Kemal also ordered that Armenia be “politically and physically eliminated.” When he established the Turkish Republic in 1923, Kemal appointed Ottoman genocidists and continued to persecute Christians.

Thus, as President Erdogan himself has confirmed, his country is a “continuation” of Ottoman Turkey. Knowing this, the Turkish Republic has always tried to evade accountability for the Genocide.

Disgracefully, though, Biden tries to assist Turkey in that regard by writing, “We do this not to cast blame” [on Turkey].” The president has no right to hand Turkey a “Get Out of Jail Free card.

Just two days later, American Ambassador to Armenia Lynne Tracy tried to help Turkey duck accountability. “The Armenian Genocide took place in 1915, the [UN] Genocide Convention did not come into force until 1951 … from the legal perspective the Convention is not being applied retroactively.”

Tracy’s reasoning — disputed by experts — suggests that Jews should have received no restitution or reparations because the Holocaust (1933–1945) also occurred before 1951.

Turkey’s genocidal threats against Armenians continue to this day, something the president’s declaration ignores.

In 1993, Turkey was going to invade Armenia were the coup against Russian President Boris Yeltsin to succeed.

President Erdogan has branded Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks “Leftovers of the Sword.” It’s an obvious, existential threat against Christian populations who survived Turkey’s 20th century genocides.

In 2020, Turkey, its Turkic ally Azerbaijan, and jihadist mercenaries successfully attacked Armenian-populated Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabagh and Armenia.

Erdogan gleefully likened these attacks to Ottoman Turkey’s genocidal invasion (1918) of Armenia. “Today, may the souls of [General] Nuri Pasha, [Minister of War] Enver Pasha, and the brave soldiers of the Caucasus Islam Army, be happy.”

An analogy would be Germany’s denying the Holocaust, threatening Israel, arming its foes, calling Jews “leftovers of the concentration camps,” and glorifying Nazi Germany.

Azerbaijani President Aliyev simultaneously claimed huge chunks of Armenia, including its capital Yerevan.

Turkey and Azerbaijan’s military assaults and threats are all reminiscent of the Genocide.

Biden’s vow that America must “ensure that what happened [the Armenian Genocide] is never repeated,” therefore, rings hollow.

Moreover, Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act conditionally prohibits U.S. aid to Azerbaijan if the latter supports terrorism or engages in aggression against Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabagh/Armenia.

However, the White House just waived Section 907 despite Azerbaijan’s flagrant use of ISIS and other terrorists against Armenians.

Let’s not be deceived by the president’s April 24 statement and the State Department’s unprincipled actions.


Stop Calling Them Progressives!

Leftists are totally something else.



When I hear prominent conservative media commentators and brainy columnists call America-haters bent on destroying our noble Constitutional Republic “progressives” I feel the top of my head may fly up and stick on the ceiling. They should know better. The sickening behavior of these tyrannical anarchists are the very opposite of progressive which Webster defines as “continuous improvement; the development of an individual or group in a direction considered more beneficial than and superior to the previous level.” There’s nothing beneficial for us as citizens or our nation about lawlessness, destruction of private property by black-masked Antifa terrorists, attacks on the First and Second Amendments, cancelling the voices of those who disagree with WOKE dogma, and shrill Maxine Waters-esque calls for personal attacks. Yet as long as we let them get away with calling themselves progressives, they can claim moral and intellectual superiority over the rest of us.

Call them radical leftists, fascists, socialists, Marxists…or Democrats. But anointing them progressives automatically makes those of us on the flip side “regressives” – backward-thinking, slack-jawed, snaggle-toothed, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals. Which gives know-nothings like Joe Biden carte blanche to label the governors of Texas and Mississippi lifting Covid mask mandates “Neanderthal thinking…”  Of course, the governors were vindicated when disease cases and deaths in both states dropped dramatically after masks were gone.

For the radical left, deceptive language is a kind of performance art. They cynically use shiny, promising words to convince the uniformed to line up behind their latest fraud. For example, Obama’s “Affordable Care Act” was a lie from the jump, leading as it did to higher premiums and astronomical deductibles that left millions of suffering Americans paying more but ending up literally without any healthcare insurance at all. Similarly, the “For the People Act” (HB1) in reality allows the gorilla of the federal government to crush the peoples’ voice that the Constitution gives to individual state legislatures in creating election law.

Rather than advancing progress, the “progressive” credo hearkens back to the bad old days of dictators Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot and the moldy stink of their failed ideas: oppressive government control and stealing from productive citizens under the guise of “leveling the playing field” and “equality.” How curious that the innocents on the receiving end of these marvelous systems, variously known as socialism, Communism, or Marxism, have died in the millions at the hands of their governments rather than enter the earthly utopia they were promised. According to historians, those gullible believers in progressivism amount to between 100 and 120 million lost souls.

And yet here it comes again, bolting upright from its pool of blood with new life like a horror film villain we thought was slain. This new form of class struggle isn’t the proletariat versus the bourgeoisie of traditional Marxist cant; now all white people are the oppressors and black and brown minorities are cast as the victims. Mix into this ugly lie the social stresses of the China virus which has allowed clueless bureaucrats to paralyze the producers of the richest economy in the world for over a year, plus anarchy and violence in our cities increasing as police presence fades, and we have an unsettled and bewildered people the like of which we have never seen in America.

What to do? First, fight back against the “progressive” racism that demonizes people for the color of their skin. Organize with other parents and citizens to forbid your local school board to impose “critical race theory” and “gender fluidity,” including the promotion of transgenderism, on children’s education curricula. Help Trump’s prosperous economy return by pressuring politicians to stop sending fat government checks that amount to more than a paycheck for many Americans.

Economists say people earning less than $32,000 can potentially make more from unemployment aid than from their previous jobs, and that stark fact is delaying the return of a normal healthy economy. Under Biden’s recently enacted $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, workers who lost their jobs to the pandemic shutdowns are now making more in unemployment benefits than they did in wages. And that is stopping people from returning to work — just when employers are trying to reopen across the nation. Combined federal and state unemployment benefits add up to an average of $638 per week, encouraging people accustomed to staying home for the last year to keep staying home. That’s why, with 7.4 million jobs available nationwide, the anemic 266,000 jobs added in April were a dismaying indicator of a real problem with the government’s misplaced generosity.

The year-plus of no work has robbed Americans of their sense of purpose and added to the malaise depressing so many of us. The satisfaction of work, almost any kind of work, is essential for a healthy sense of self-worth in humans. Even FDR, the Democrat president who created the New Deal to aid the jobless in the Great Depression, warned against the habit of welfare; “relief” as it was called then. “The lessons of history show that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber,” he said in 1935. “To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. The federal government must and shall quit this business of relief.”

Yes it must – and it must now for us to reclaim our national character: industriousness, personal responsibility, and eagerness for future achievement that have made us the most dynamic and successful nation on earth.

Photo: Associated Press


Churches in Egypt: Harassed Islands in a Sea of Mosques

Thousands of mosques go up, but woe to the Christian who dares open a church.



Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.  This article originally appeared on Coptic Solidarity.

According to a May 19, 2021 Arabic-language report, Egypt’s Ministry of Endowments just announced that, since September 2020, 1,413 mosques—1,315 of which are brand new—were opened in the North Africa nation.

This announcement underscores the double standards that Christians and Muslims can expect in Egypt.  For inasmuch as mosques proliferate all throughout the nation, building new or even renovating old churches is like pulling teeth for Copts.

According to one detailed study by author Adel Guindy, “there is one church per 5,800 Orthodox Copts”;  this forces many Christians “to travel far distances outside of their towns for religious services (baptism, marriage, funerals, and regular mass).” On the other hand, based on the number of mosques in Egypt (114,000 in 2016, more now) and Egypt’s estimated Muslim population, there is about one mosque for every 700 Muslims. In other words, even after balancing out the ratio between Muslims to Christians, there are still about eight mosques for every one church. The discrepancy could not be clearer.

As Coptic Solidarity observed in a 2019 report, “The Egyptian government does not apply a single law equally for the building and repair of mosques, churches, and synagogues.”  Indeed, in late 2016—around the time that St. Peter’s Cathedral in Cairo was bombed, killing 25 Coptic worshippers, and as several other churches were being closed by authorities—the Egyptian government again boasted about opening 10 new mosques every week and allotting several billion Egyptian pounds to opening thousands more.  Similarly, Al Azhar “the main authority in theology and Islamic affairs,” is entirely subsidized by the government (13 billion Egyptian pounds, USD $726 million, in 2018).

On the other hand, every Christian place of worship in Egypt is supported by its (often impoverished) congregation, with no governmental aid; moreover, “the Egyptian government,” continues the CS report, “has ordered the shuttering of multiple churches in direct contravention of law”; and whereas “the Egyptian government appoints Imams and pays their salaries, Christian and other minority faith leaders receive no government compensation.”

Why such a double standard exists can be traced back to Article 2 of Egypt’s Constitution: “Islam is the religion of the State … The principles of Islamic Sharia are the main source of legislation.” As it happens, Islamic Sharia is decidedly hostile to non-Muslim places of worship; strictly interpreted, Sharia forbids the building or renovating of churches in Egypt.  Although that law is not strictly enforced, its “spirit”—which breeds hostility for churches amongst Egypt’s rank and file—lives on.

Thus, on those occasions where Christian tenacity overcomes the red tape “jihad,” and a church permit is secured, there’s the Muslim mob to contend with. Once local Muslims get wind that a church might be recognized in their neighborhood, they form in large mobs — typically after Friday prayers, when the imam riles them — riot, attack, and sometimes kill Christians, and torch their homes and/or church in question. Then to diffuse the situation, local authorities, some of whom aid or cover for the mob, promptly revoke the church’s pending permit on the claim that it poses a “security concern” for the village.

“A great deal of Muslim young men, aged 16-26, from our village and nearby gathered in front of our church building, shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and chanting hostile slogans against Copts and the Church, such as ‘We don’t want a church in our Islamic village,’” recalled Moheb, a member of one of the Luxor churches closed. “They tried to break the front door … but we locked [it] from the inside. We immediately called the police who arrived and dispersed the demonstrators but they didn’t arrest anyone. They then closed the church building, sealed it and placed security guards with it.”

Responding to that closure, Gamil Ayed, a local Coptic lawyer, voiced typical Christian sentiment: “We haven’t heard that a mosque was closed down, or that prayer was stopped in it because it was unlicensed. Is that justice? Where is the equality? Where is the religious freedom? Where is the law? Where are the state institutions?”

Two months before those eight churches were closed, another nearby church was shut down under identical circumstances. “There are about 4,000 Christians in our village and we have no place to worship now,” responded a local resident, Rafaat Fawzy. “The nearest church is … 15km [or nine miles] away. It is difficult to go and pray in that church, especially for the old, the sick people and kids.”

He too continued by asking the same questions on the minds of millions of Christians in Egypt: “Where are our rights? There are seven mosques in our village and Muslims can pray in any place freely, but we are prevented from practicing our religious rites in a simple place that we have been dreaming of. Is that justice? We are oppressed in our country and there are no rights for us.”

A few days after the Luxor church closings, Muslims assaulted Christians in al-Minya because they “objected to the presence of a church in the area”; three Christians were hospitalized.

All of these attacks took place, it bears mentioning, two years after Egypt’s much touted “church law,” which passed in 2016 and was meant to ease restrictions on churches, but which, in fact, “discriminates against the Christian minority in Egypt,” to quote Human Rights Watch.

The many difficulties Egypt’s Christians encounter in the context of church worship is just one of several violations against their human rights. Whether their daughters are targeted for abduction and forced conversion and marriage, or whether they are arrested and imprisoned on the accusation that they mocked Islam, or whether they must be demonized and hated thanks to the teachings of often government-connected mosques and universities, Christians simply do not share in the same human rights that Muslims do in Egypt.

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Photo credit: Marriott Traveler

