Μια Βοήθεια Για Εσάς, Ακόμα!.. Απ’ Τις Τελευταίες!..
Φίλοι μου!
– Θα διαβάσετε παρακάτω ένα άρθρo, (το 1ο σημερινό που αναδημοσιεύουμε), στο οποίο ο συντάκτης αναφέρει 12 λόγους για τους οποίους θα πρέπει η Τουρκία να αποβληθεί από το ΝΑΤΟ!
– Αφού το διαβάσετε, θα ήθελα να πάτε στο “σάϊτ” μας και να διαβάσετε (και πάλι ή για 1η φορά) το άρθρο μας με τίτλο, “Πώς Μπορεί Τώρα(!) Να Πιεστεί η Τουρκία, Από Τις Η.Π.Α.“; (25-07-2016)
– Στο δικό μας άρθρο θα διαπιστώσετε πως γράφουμε και εξηγούμαι ότι κάτι σαν αυτό, (που εισηγείται ουσιαστικά στο άρθρο του ο Κος Ari Lieberman), δεν πρόκειται να γίνει ποτέ!..
– Σε κάθε περίπτωση, διαβάστε, προβληματιστείτε και πιθανώς… τοποθετηθείτε!..
- Στη συνέχεια!
– Θα διαβάσετε ένα άρθρο, στο οποίο περιγράφεται από τον Ι/Π-Θ Β. Νετανιάχου, όλη η ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ(!) σχετικά με το πυρηνικό Ιράν, γεγονός που δικαιολογεί ΑΠΟΛΥΤΑ(!) τις ισραηλινές θέσεις για το θέμα, αλλά επίσης και την πρόσφατη απόφαση του Προέδρου ΤΡΑΜΠ, για απόσυρση των Η.Π.Α. από την γνωστή πυρηνική συμφωνία με το Ιράν, (αυτή του 2015, επί Χ. Μ. Ομπάμα, των 5+1 χωρών, ήτοι των 5 του “Συμβουλίου Ασφαλείας” + της Γερμανίας, με το Ιράν) ένας ΤΡΑΜΠ, ο οποίος μίλησε “ανοικτά” και για το μη αποδεκτό από την Αμερική να δέχεται… πυρηνικές απειλές, για το σύνολο του εδάφους των Η.Π.Α., από τους Μουλάδες, του Ιράν, κλπ!..
– Μην ξεχάσετε, αλλ’ αντιθέτως να θυμάστε ΠΑΝΤΑ(!) πως ο ΑΝΣΚ όλων των περί το Ισραήλ, αραβικών και μη, Ισλαμικών (Σούνι + Σίϊ) λαών είναι η καταστροφή του Ι/Κράτους, και μάλιστα “εκ θεμελίων” και τίποτα άλλο! Αυτό αποδείχθηκε στην πορεία όλων των τελευταίων -τουλάχιστον τριών- 10 ετιών και σε όσα πολιτικο-οικονομικο-στρατιωτικά γεγονότα διαδραματίστηκαν κατ’ αυτές, στην Μ. Ανατολή!..
[Θα ήθελα να σκεφτείτε το ότι ο πράγματι πολιτικά “λίγος” Παλαιστινίος Κος Αμπάς έφτασε στο έσχατο σημείο ντροπής (το γράφω όσο πιο “λάϊτ” μπορώ), να αρνηθεί μέχρι και το “ΟΛΟΚΑΥΤΩΜΑ“, ασχέτως αν μετά, προφανώς από προτροπή – συμβουλή κάποιου ή κάποιων, ανασκεύασε]!
– Το γεγονός πως σήμερα μοιάζει, κάποιες απ’ τις ηγεσίες των λαών αυτών να “βλέπουν” ίσως(!) με διαφορετικό μάτι το Ισραήλ (στο Ισλάμ όπως έχουμε πει και εξηγήσει οι ηγεσίες “μιλάνε” και η “βάση” ακολουθεί πιστά), όπως πχ η Σ. Αραβία, η Αίγυπτος, το Μπαχρέϊν, Ιορδανία, κλπ, αποτελεί σίγουρα ένα θετικό βήμα για την ομαλοποίηση στην “περιοχή ενδιαφέροντος”, αλλά δεν σημαίνει βεβαίως και πως λύθηκε το πρόβλημα!
[Έχουμε “απ’ εδώ” παρουσιάσει (πάτε “πίσω” ψάξτε, βρείτε και διαβάστε μας και πάλι) το τί γίνεται σήμερα στο… “εσωτερικό” του Αραβικού Κόσμου, έχοντας αναφερθεί αρκούντως αναλυτικά στις Συμμαχίες που έχουν δημιουργηθεί σ’ αυτόν και ουσιαστικά στα 2 “στρ-δα“, τα οποία έχουν σχηματιστεί και στα οποία προϊστανται, στο μεν ένα (το αντι-Ισραηλινό) το Κατάρ και η… Τουρκία, και στο άλλο (ας το πούμε, φιλο-Ισραηλινό) η Σ. Αραβία και η Αίγυπτος]!..
– Και πάλι όμως, μελετείστε, μπείτε στη βάσανο του προβληματισμού και πιθανώς μετά… καταλήξτε στο ή στα συμπεράσματά σας!..
[Όσοι είστε ακόμα “αιχμάλωτοι” κάποιων, εδώ και πάρα πολλές 10ετίες, εντέχνως “φυτεμένων” στην ελληνική κοινωνία “κλισέ”, -γράφω παρακάτω 2,3 τέτοια “κλισέ” ή “μότο”- προσπαθείστε, όσο δύσκολο πράγματι και να είναι αυτό, μετά τα τόσα χρόνια στην χώρα μας σκληρής και ανηλεούς “πλύσης προπαγάνδας“, αρχικά απ’ τους “Κόκκινους Διεθνιστές” / Κομμουνιστές, της ΕΣΣΔ και των “ανά τον κόσμο” πρακτόρων της, και σήμερα απ’ τους “Νεο-Ταξίτες Διεθνιστές”, κυρίως των “Διεθνών Εβραίων”, τύπου SOROS, κλπ, να… αποδεσμευτείτε, να… “ελευθερωθείτε” πνευματικά, ώστε να δείτε τα πράγματα στην πραγματική τους αντικειμενική διάσταση και όχι μέσα από… συνθήματα, “φωνές”, δήθεν ανθρώπινες ευαισθησίες, κλπ!
– Φτάσαμε στο σημείο αγαπητοί, άτομα, προφανώς προβληματικά, να υμνούν έμμεσα ή και άμεσα το Ισλάμ και να το παρουσιάζουν αθώο του… αίματος και ιστορικά… παρθένο και την ίδια στιγμή, αν είναι δυνατόν, να καταφέρονται κατά του “Δυτικού Πολιτισμού”! (Όπως πρόσφατα έπραξε ο βουλευτής ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, Κυρίτσης, ίσως γιατί η Ελλάδα γίνεται απ’ την Κ-Β του, αυτή των “ΣΑΝΕΛ“, “σιγά – σιγά” Μουσουλμανική και τους γλείφει, διότι -μάλλον- φοβάται ο Κος τα… οπίσθιά του, βγάζοντας παράλληλα και το μίσος του για την Ελλάδα και ό,τι Δυτικό, αφού από παιδί στα “Κομμουνιστικά… Σχολειά”, αυτά του… δημοκρατικού(sic)K.K.E., αυτό έμαθε, μ’ αυτό γαλουχήθηκε, ήτοι με… πλέριο μίσος, για κάθε τι μη κομμουνιστικό)!..
2,3 “Κλισέ” παρακάτω, παραδοσιακά και μη, για Ελλάδα, που όμως διδάσκονταν και διδάσκονται 10ετίες τώρα στις δυτικές κοινωνίες, ανάλογα με την χώρα και τα ιστορικο-πολιτικο-οικονομικο-θρησκευτικο- πολιτιστικά δεδομένα κάθε μιας: (Αρχικά απ’ τα χρυσο-πληρωμένα φερέφωνα της ΕΣΣΔ και σήμερα απ’ τα ακριβώς αντίστοιχα των -κάθε είδους- SOROS, είτε απ’ ευθείας, είτε μέσω… ΜΚΟ, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ)!.. / Αποτελούσε πάντα και στον μαύρο και στον κόκκινο Φασισμό ιδιαίτερο μάθημα και απ’ τα πλέον σημαντικά η ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΗ της ΠΡΟΠΑΓΑΝΔΑΣ, η οποία εξελίχθηκε, μέχρι και… ηλεκτρικά, ηλεκτρονικά, κλπ, εξελίχθηκε, με τα χρόνια και την… επιστημονική πρόοδο, μέχρι και σε… ιατρική επέμβαση στον ανθρώπινο εγκέφαλο!.. Διαβάστε λοιπόν τώρα, κάποιες απολύτως γενικευμένες, από απολυταρχικούς βεβαίως, (κύριο χαρ-κό τους “η γενίκευση και η απολυτότητα”) απόψεις – θέσεις!
– “Αμερικανοί = κακοί, Ρώσοι = καλοί”!
– “Παλαιστίνιοι = καλοί, Ισραηλινοί = κακοί”!
– “Πλούσιοι = Κακοί, Φτωχοί = Καλοί”!
– “Ένθεοι ή και Χριστιανοί (παραλλαγή, ανάλογα με το αν θέλουμε να κάνουμε την στόχευση πιο… σκληρή και κατά συγκεριμένης, πχ, τάξης, κλπ) = Σκοταδιστές και Συντηρητικοί, Άθεοι = Προοδευτικοί”!
– “Δεν υπάρχει Θεός”!
– “Η Θρησκεία είναι το Όπιο των Λαών”!
– “Πατριώτες = Χ. Αυγίτες, Τομάρια, Εθνικιστές, Ακροδεξιοί, κλπ, Διεθνιστές – Απάτρηδες, κλπ = Ανθρωπιστές, Προοδευτικοί”, κλπ.
– “Ο Λαός δεν φταίει ποτέ, πάντα οι ηγεσίες και κυρίως πάντα οι κακοί ξένοι”!
– “Αριστεροί = καλοί και κυνηγημένοι, Δεξιοί = κακοί και καταπιεστές”!
– “Κακιά Δύση, Καλό ΙΣΛΑΜ“! Κλπ. κλπ. κλπ]!..
- Και τέλος!..
– Τέλος φίλοι μου, θα ήθελα, επειδή τελευταίως ακούσαμε ότι κάποιοι εξυφαίνουν… συνωμοσία ή συνωμοσίες, κατά του Α/ΕΥΠ, δημ/φου Κου Ρουμπάτη, κλπ, να πάτε και να διαβάσετε το άρθρο μας, “ΕΥΠ: Τί γίνεται ρεεεεεεεεεεεε; Μας… Πιάσανε“!.. , με ημερομηνία 18-04-2016!..
(Γενικώς, αν μας… “ψάξετε”, θα διαπιστώσετε το πόσο εντυπωσιακά πριν, χρονικά, έχουμε αναφέρει… “πράγματα”, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ! Αυτό σας το γράφω και πάλι, επειδή πλησιάζει η 15η Ιουνίου και το ηλεκτρονικό μας… τέλος)!
Α. Κε Χίε!
– Θέλω να πιστεύω ότι κάνεις λάθος(!) για τον νεαρό Κ. Μπακογιάννη, αφού, αν έστω και ψήγματα των όσων αναφέρεις είναι αλήθεια, τότε πραγματικά είναι να λυπάται(!) κανείς και να συγχωρά μόνον την ψυχή του μεγάλου Έλληνα Πατριώτη Παύλου ΜΠΑΚΟΓΙΑΝΝΗ, ο οποίος δολοφονήθηκε, επειδή ήθελε ΕΝΩΜΕΝΟΥΣ τους Έλληνες!
– Αν ισχύουν τα όσα γράφεις, έστω και κάτι απ’ αυτά, έστω και ένα, τότε σίγουρα η ευθύνη της πολιτικού Κας Ν. Μπακογιάννη (δεν γράφω… της μάνας, αφού πιστεύω πως δεν είμαι σε θέση να κρίνω καμμιά μάνα), είναι πράγματι πολύ μεγάλη! (ε/φ “ΜΑΚΕΛΕΙΟ”, 14-05-2018)
Β. Υποβάλλω τα ειλικρινή [όλων(!) εδώ στο “σάϊτ” μας], συλλυπητήρια, στις οικογένειες των Αλβανών θυμάτων, του Έλληνα “Οδηγού – Φονιά” της… ασφάλτου, που με μια νταλίκα, σκόρπισε προ ημερών το θάνατο στον Κηφισό π.!
– Ο μεγάλος ΘΕΟΣ να αναπαύσει τις ψυχές τους, να δίνει ΔΥΝΑΜΗ στους δικούς τους ανθρώπους και μακάρι η 34χρονη να ζήσει και να ζήσει “γερή και δυνατή“!
The time has come to part ways with the unhinged Erdoğan.
– Turkey’s acceptance to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in October 1951 was a boon for the organization. Though its human rights record was far from stellar, it was staunchly anti-Communist, maintained a formidable army, was amenable to the placement of NATO assets in the country, including nuclear-tipped Jupiter ballistic missiles and was strategically located, flanking the Soviet Union on the south and acting as a bridge between Europe and Asia.
– Though Turkey was technically a Muslim country, it leaders, following the doctrines espoused by Kemal Ataturk, zealously guarded the secular nature of the state. Religious influence was kept to a minimum and this was especially true for government officials and parliamentarians. Indeed, there was a significant Jewish population in Turkey and Turkey was the first Muslim majority nation to recognize Israel, extending recognition in March 1949.
– During the Korean War, Turkey sent a sizable contingent to fight alongside the United States-led United Nations coalition, and its troops acquitted themselves well in combat. Turkey’s strained relations with its neighbor Greece and its human rights record proved to be problematic issues for NATO but were overlooked in light of the benefits conveyed to NATO by Turkish membership.
– With the ascension of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as prime minister in 2003, the equation began to change. Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP), a Muslim Brotherhood offshoot, began systematically changing the character of secular Turkey, incrementally at first so as not to upset the Turkish Army, but at an accelerated pace in recent years. Now president, Erdoğan has consolidated his power and has neutered his foes in the press, the judiciary, the political opposition, and the army.
- Human rights abuses: On April 20, the U.S. State Department released a report detailing significant human right abuses in Turkey. These included arbitrary detentions and mass arrests, torture, press censorship, curtailment of free speech and forced disappearances of political opponents. Authoritarian Erdoğan has transformed Turkey into a near-dictatorship (από πότε εμείς τον λέμε Δικτάτορα;) where one can be arrested for dubious crimes like “insulting the president.” Political opponents and members of the press are routinely arrested on contrived “terrorism” charges based on the flimsiest evidence. The once independent judiciary has been thoroughly corrupted and is now staffed by Erdoğan cronies and party hacks.
- Use of foreign nationals as bargaining chips: In October 2016 Turkish authorities arrested and detained an American pastor named Andrew Brunson on contrived terrorism charges. The identities of the witnesses who testified against Brunson were obscured. In February 2017, Turkish police arrested German-Turkish journalist Deniz Yucel, accusing him of engaging in terrorist propaganda. Turkish police also detained two Czech nationals it accused of aiding Kurdish guerillas, and in March 2018 the Turks seized two Greek soldiers, who due to inclement weather, mistakenly strayed across the border at Evros River. In the former case, the Turks are demanding that the Czechs extradite a Kurdish leader currently in Prague in exchange for the two Czech nationals and in the latter case, the Turks are demanding that Greek authorities hand over Turkish soldiers who fled Turkey following the failed 2016 coup attempt. In this regard, Turkish behavior is no different than the behavior of Iran and North Korea both of which routinely snatch foreigners for potential use as bargaining chips. The only difference is that Turkey is a member of NATO and is seizing the nationals of allied partners.
- Support for ISIS: It seems absurd to suggest that Turkey supported ISIS in light of the terror attacks perpetrated by ISIS on Turkish soil but this was in fact the case. The Erdogan government initially believed that it shared common interests with the terrorist group. Both were Sunni, and shared hatred for the Kurds, the Shia and Assad. As such, Erdogan was instrumental in propping up ISIS during its formative years. Turkish intelligence officials assisted ISIS terrorists with arms and logistics and the Turkish government purchased ISIS oil thus providing the terror group with a steady stream of funding to support its activities. The Turks also permitted known ISIS operatives to freely cross their borders and hindered U.S. efforts to support the Kurds against ISIS during the battle of Kobani. Of course, the Turks soon bitterly learned that they could not control the beast they helped create. Nevertheless, Erdogan and his henchmen were partly responsible for the group’s ascendancy.
- Support for Hamas: Hamas is a terrorist organization fully recognized as such by the U.S., Israel the European Union, Canada, Japan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia without the fraudulent distinction between its military and “political” wings. Yet Turkey has fostered excellent relations with the blood-thirsty group. This is due to the fact that both the AKP and Hamas are closely affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and profess similar ideologies. Turkey has permitted Hamas terrorists to freely operate, recruit and fundraise within its borders. The murder-kidnapping of three Jewish youths from the Gush Etzion junction in the summer of 2014 was the product of a plan hatched and funded by Hamas operatives in Turkey. Hamas continues funnel money to its operatives in the West bank and Gaza via its offices in Turkey as evidenced by the recent arrest by Israeli undercover commandos of Omar al-Kiswani, a Hamas terrorist who received €150,000 from his Hamas handlers in Turkey.
- Deceptive and untrustworthy: Turkish-Israeli ties, never good under Erdogan, experienced a marked decline following the 2010 seizure of the blockade-running Mavi Marmara vessel and the killing of 10 Turkish IHH terrorists who attempted to attack Israeli naval commandos during the operation. Political ties were all but severed. Nevertheless, there was limited cooperation between Israeli and Turkish intelligence services. But in what can only be described as an act of egregious perfidy, Turkey’s intelligence chief Hakan Fidan, betrayed the names of 10 Israeli agents, all Iranian nationals, who were working undercover in Iran, condemning them all to death and wrecking the secret spy ring. Fidan obtained Erdogan’s approval before committing this monstrous act. It was an unprecedented act considering that Israeli and Turkish intelligence had previously enjoyed a mutually beneficial, 50-year relationship. If Turkish intelligence is capable of engaging in such treachery, it’s a sure bet that Turkey is handing over closely-guarded NATO secrets to its close allies, Russia and Iran.
- Incompatible weapons procurement: In times of war, NATO members are expected to act in a cohesive, unified manner to meet common challenges. To that end, alliance members are expected to procure weapon systems and sub-systems that are compatible. In layman’s terms, these platforms need to recognize and communicate with each other for things to run smoothly. Until recently, this was the case until Turkey decided to unilaterally purchase Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missiles in a deal worth $2.5 billion. The platform is not compatible with alliance platforms. Protests by the U.S. and other NATO members have been largely ignored. In addition, Russia is still viewed as the greatest conventional threat to peace on the European continent but Turkey’s S-400 procurement gave the Russian defense industry a significant boost, which of course, is not good for NATO.
- Migrant extortion: On multiple occasions, Erdogan has threatened to flood Europe with Syrian and Iraqi migrants camped in Turkey if his extortionist demands were not met. He has demanded visa-free access for Turkish nationals to EU nations, demanded Turkish admittance to the EU, and demanded billions of euros in extortion money from EU nations. Considering Turkey’s abysmal human rights record, Islamist bent and close affiliation with Islamist terrorist groups, these demands are beyond absurd.
- Divergence on Syria: As noted, Turkey has assisted ISIS militarily, logistically and economically and in 2014, frustrated U.S. efforts to help Kurdish forces fend off ISIS attacks on the Kurdish city of Kobani. In January 2018, Turkish forces invaded Syria’s northwest region of Afrin to do battle with the Syrian Democratic Forces, a group closely allied with the U.S. and largely responsible for defeating ISIS in Syria. Turkish aggression was motivated by imperialistic and irredentist ambitions. Before invading, the Turks consulted with the Russians but paid scant attention to American and German protests. Turkey’s invasion, obscenely called “Operation Olive Branch,” was a violation of international law and nearly caused direct confrontation with U.S. forces stationed in nearby Manbij. By its words and actions, Turkey has made clear that its geo-political interests lie with Russia and Iran, not with NATO.
- Sanctions busting: On Erdogan’s orders Turkey helped Iran circumvent internationally imposed sanctions aimed at forcing the rogue regime to quit its nuclear proliferation activities. In a plan hatched by Erdogan, Turkish state banks were employed in a complicated scheme involving gold for Iranian oil to the tune of billions of dollars. Erdogan’s cronies were paid hefty bribes along the way. An attempt by Turkish police to expose the illegalities was quashed by Erdogan.
- Anti-Semitic and anti-Western rhetoric: Erdogan frequently lashes out at Israel and alliance members. His fiery speeches are often laced with anti-Semitic overtones, wild conspiracy theories and bellicosity. Erdogan has compared Israel to Nazi Germany, claimed that Israel has committed genocide against the Palestinians, alleged that Israel engineered the coup that saw the overthrow of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader, Mohammed Morsi and accused the international “interest rate lobby,” a euphemism for rich Jews, of fomenting the 2013 Gezi Park riots. Alliance members have not been spared his conspiracy-laden wrath either. Germany, France, the Netherlands, Greece and the United States have all been subjected to his unhinged vitriol. Following a spate of racist attacks by Muslims directed against French Christians and Jews, an effort was made by the by prominent French officials to remove Quranic verses that made reference to violence against non-Muslims. Rather than acknowledging the problem and seeking a solution, Erdogan responded by referring to the West as “vile” and lashed out against Judeo-Christian writings. His utter disdain for the West was clearly demonstrated last year when he made the following statement; “Our concern is not what George or Hans or Helga says. Our concern is what Hatice, Ayse, Fatma, Ahmet, Mehmet, Hasan, Huseyin says, what Allah says…”
- Aggression towards Greece: Turkey continues to initiate aggression against fellow alliance member, Greece. In March, it seized two Greek soldiers who mistakenly crossed the border due to inclement weather. Turkish aircraft routinely violate Greek airspace and its ships have rammed Greek vessels near disputed areas of the Aegean. There were at least two such hostile ramming incidents this year. Add to this Erdogan’s express coveting of Greek territory, expansionist agenda and unhinged temperament and we have a recipe for an all-out war between Greece and Turkey, which ultimately harms the cohesiveness of the NATO alliance.
- Occupation of Northern Cyprus: In 1974, Turkish forces invaded Cyprus and occupied the northern part of the Mediterranean island nation. The Turks dubbed their belligerent military invasion the “Peace Operation,” a misnomer if ever there was one. During the course of its aggression, Turkey displaced some 200,000 Greek Cypriots from their homes. In addition, the Turks implanted Turkish colonists from mainland Turkey in an effort to create a further ethnic imbalance. Turkey’s actions in Cyprus are no different than those of the Iranians in Syria, who are ethnically cleansing large swaths of Syria and replacing vacated Sunni areas with Shia. Turkey was found to be in violation of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which addresses displacement of populations. Turkey may also be in violation of Article 49, Clause 6 of the Fourth Geneva Convention which states that, “the Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” After 44 years, Turkey still continues to flagrantly violate international law through its illegal occupation of one-third of an EU member state.
Each of these transgressions, standing alone, is cause for concern. Collectively however, they are damning. Sovereign nations of course, are free to pursue their own national interests. Erdogan has chosen a virulently anti-Western path that veers sharply from NATO’s. He has demonstrated that he is nothing but an unhinged, conspiracy-prone and deeply anti-Semitic thug. It’s time now for NATO to politely show Erdogan the door and expel Turkey from the alliance.
Huge intelligence find proves Trump’s suspicions correct.
Israel now has proof of what many suspected all along about the disastrous nuclear deal that former President Barack Obama reached with the Iranian regime. “Iran did not come clean on its nuclear program,” Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu charged, claiming that more than 100,000 Iranian documents Israel’s intelligence agents obtained from a secret “atomic archive” in Tehran prove the nuclear deal is “based on lies.” This latest development should make President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal a no-brainer.
Prime Minister Netanyahu announced in a press conference that the trove of secret nuclear weapons files came from a hidden Iranian site where they were moved in 2017. He said the files contain materials, which Israel has shared with the United States, that include “incriminating documents, incriminating charts, incriminating presentations, incriminating blueprints, incriminating photos, incriminating videos and more.” The prime minister added that the United States has confirmed its authenticity, a claim supported by Trump administration officials who have reviewed the secret documents.
“Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a powerful presentation today of compelling new evidence documenting Iran’s determined pursuit of a nuclear weapon,” a senior Trump administration official said, as quoted by the Free Beacon. “It certainly would have been helpful to have this information when the JCPOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action] was negotiated but the Iranians decided to lock it away in a secret vault for future reference. Only the regime knows what else they’re hiding, but the revelations today don’t give us much confidence in their protestations that they have never had interest in militarizing their nuclear program.”
The “atomic archive” documents reportedly reveal details about a hush-hush nuclear weapons plan known as Project Amad that began back in the early 1990’s. It was supposedly shut down in 2003, but, in actuality, the project work was carried on under different guises with the same Iranian scientists involved. The work has focused on what the prime minister said were five elements. As described by the Times of Israel, these elements consisted of “designing nuclear weapons, developing nuclear cores, building nuclear implosion systems, preparing nuclear tests and integrating nuclear warheads on missiles.” Since the flawed nuclear deal itself did not directly address Iran’s ballistic missile research and development program as it should have, Iran has felt free to work on perfecting the technology for nuclear warhead missile integration.
“Even after the deal, Iran continued to preserve and expand its nuclear know how for future use,” Prime Minister Netanyahu pointed out, no doubt having the deal’s sunset clauses in mind. As Debkafile commented, “The material presented by the prime minister demonstrated that Iran’s nuclear program had been secretly stored intact for use at a time of its choice and posed an ever-present peril.”
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif mocked Prime Minister Netanyahu, tweeting, “The boy who can’t stop crying wolf is at it again… You can only fool some of the people so many times.” Zarif is right about only being able to fool some of the people so many times, but his comment applies to the Iranian regime itself. The regime fooled Obama and Kerry, who in turn sold a bill of goods to Congress and the American people. President Trump is not so easily fooled.
Indeed, President Trump now has the proof he needs to announce withdrawal from the JCPOA on May 12th, reimpose harsh sanctions for Iran’s lies to the IAEA and other deceptions, and at the same time send a message to the North Korean regime that he will not tolerate a meaningless paper agreement in his negotiations with Kim Jong-un. As the president noted in response to the evidence of Iran’s lies, it “really showed that I’ve been 100 per cent right. That is just not an acceptable situation.”
Meanwhile, missile attacks in Syria Sunday evening struck two pro-Iranian Shiite command centers, including a depot with 200 Iranian missiles said to have been slated for transport to Hezbollah. Reportedly, eighteen Iranians were killed, including a senior officer. Israel has not claimed responsibility. However, Israel may be girding for a Hezbollah attack from the north, or possibly for a direct attack by Iran itself. According to Debkafile, there has been unusually heavy Israeli military traffic spotted going north. Israel has also announced that its northern airspace will be closed to civilian flights until the end of May.
As reported by the Washington Times, “Israeli defense officials have told their American and Russian counterparts that if Iranian-backed forces attack Israel from inside Syria, Jerusalem will not hold back from retaliating with direct strikes against Tehran or other targets in Iran.” Iran’s nuclear facilities may well top the target list.