1. Analysis There’s a New Alliance in the Middle East

Russia, the United States and Israel are uniting against Iran, making it clear to Bashar Assad who will determine the future of the region.

The world is watching this butchery. What is the purpose, what will it get you? STOP! tweeted President Trump, as though he were a human rights activist or a frustrated neutral observer, rather than the… HAARETZ“!..
2. Τώρα “ξύπνησε” και η γερμανική ε/φBildκαι έγραψε (“ειδήσεις, 07-06-2019”), για τις σχέσεις του Ράμα με την Μαφία και τον υπόκοσμο! Εδώ και 3 χρόνια τα γράφαμε και αυτά εδώ, όπως και δεκάδες άλλα θέματα, που “έπαιξαν” ή “παίζουν” σήμερα “δυνατά”!.. 
Σαν αρκετούς άλλους, έτσι και η “ψιλο-κρυφο-αριστερή” “Bild”, … άλλους που κατάλαβαν πως πρέπει να μας μελετούν και έτσι σήμερα κάνουν τους “μάγκες”, παρουσιαζόμενοι να ξέρουν “πράγματα“!.. 
3. Ο Τσίπρας πήγε να ακολουθήσει την λαϊκή πολιτική του ΡΤΕ και την “πάτησε”, διότι και οι Έλληνες δεν είναι Τούρκοι, αλλά και διότι δεν είχε και δεν έχει κάποιον δίπλα του που να ξέρει πραγματικά την Τουρκία και να του λέει ακριβώς το “τί” και το “πώς”, στο Πεδίο!.. 
“Κτυπείστε” το “Başkan Erdoğan΄dan anlamlı ziyaret” / Akşam TV και ίσως να καταλάβετε γιατί είναι Π-Θ και ΠτΔ, γιατί είναι το πολιτικό Νο “1” στην Τουρκία ο ΡΤΕ, εδώ και 16 σχεδόν χρόνια, όταν εδώ έχουμε Βουτσηδοταβερνιάρηδες, Βιτσηδοπακιστανούς, Σταφιδο-Τασίες, Οπουρτουνιστο-Σταθάκηδες, Βατικανο-Σκουρλέτηδες και λοιπούς / λοιπές λεμέδες, οι οποίοι / -ες κυττάνε να φτιάξουν τα σόγια τους, τις γκόμενες και γκόμενούς τους, τους “κολλητούς”, τους φίλους και τους γνωστούς τους, αυτούς της διπλανής… πόρτας τους, ξεδιάντροπα και μάλιστα “ανοικτά” και στα “ίσα”, πριν φύγουν από την Κ-Β! 
– Κάνανε λένε και οι άλλοι τα ίδια, αυτοί οι… κακοί των 40 χρόνων, ναι, τότε που λίγδωσε το εντεράκι όλων αυτών των αισχρών, αριστερών δήθεν, παλιανθρώπων, κάτι που… ξεχνάνε να το λένε, τότε που σπούδασαν στα εξωτερικά, τότε που έκαναν 2 σπίτια τουλάχιστον και εξοχικά, τότε που φόρεσαν κοστούμια και γραββάτες, που  αγόρασαν 2 και 3 αυτοκίνητα, τότε που δημιούργησαν καταθέσεις σε Ελλάδα και εξωτερικά, τότε που έκαναν για 1η φορά μπάνιο και με σαπούνι “Καμάϋ”, τότε, τότε, τότε!..
– Ναι, αλλά αυτοί, οι “Κοι” των 40 ετών, τα έκαναν κρυφά τα χοντρορουσφέτια, σαν τις πουτάνες, όπως τους κατηγορούσατε ρε παλιο-SOROS-κομμούνια, και όχι μέσα στα μούτρα μας, τομάρια και στις καθυστερήσεις του… ματς!.. (Μια εβδομάδα πριν κλείσει η Βουλή)!..
– Βγες και πες πάλι, αν έχεις γεννητικούς αδένες ρε Τσίπρα, μετά από τα παραπάνω, μετά και από τα ρεζίλια της γυναίκας σου στο ΕΜΠ, (η Νατάσα σας έφταιγε ρε ξεφτίλες), μετά από τους συγγενείς και κολλητούς σου που βόλεψες και δίπλα σου ακόμα, στο Μαξίμου, βγες και πες πάλι για την οικογενειοκρατία πχ του Μητσοτάκη, που είναι τώρα ο αντίπαλός σου, ξαναπαίξτο… Ν. Ξανθόπουλος και… λαός, ξαναβγές και πες μας, έστω και έμμεσα πως, ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης έγινε ό,τι έγινε χάρη στον μπαμπά του!.. Πες το να γελάσουμε ρε!.. Μπορείς λοιπόν να το κάνεις ρε συ, που όπου σας πιάσει κανείς λερώνεται, που σε θίξανε τάχα που σου είπαν ότι είσαι γιος Χουντικού εργολάβου, που κονόμαγε επί Παπαδόπουλου και, και, και, … ; Ο Μητσοτάκης έχει και 2,3 πτυχία γνήσια, ξέρει και κανα 2 γλώσσες, τον έβαλε ο… μπαμπάς του να δουλέψει και 10 χρόνια σε Τράπεζα, εσύ τί έχεις από προσόντα ρε… νεο-ποτιστή (πολύ καλό), πού έχεις και πόσο δουλέψει ρε μισέλληνα; 
– Και καλά η πουτάνα η δεξιά, όπως την λέτε, είναι η “μπείξα και η δείξα”! Εσείς ρε νεο-ΣΟΡΟΣ-κομμούνι, οι αγνοί τάχα μου αριστεροί, πώς βρεθήκατε όλοι σας ζάμπλουτοι; Πώς έκανε 28 σπίτια ρε πχ ο Παπαδημούλης; Καλά ο Σκουρλέτης είναι γαμπρός ζάμπλουτου δεξιού “κεφαλαιοκράτη”, ένας 2ος Βαρουφάκης ένα “πράγμα”, καλά ο Σταθάκης, φτιάχτηκε από τις μαούνες του πατέρα του και από τον Κων-νο ΜΗΤΣΟΤΑΚΗ, αλλά δεν σου λέει να βγάλλεις τον σκασμό και να σέβεσαι έστω τους νεκρούς, καλά και τόσοι άλλοι, γιατί δεν έχω άλλες δυνάμεις να γράψω, αλλά εκείνη την ακροδεξιονεοκομμουνιστομαυραγορίτισσα από το Βόλο, την Χρυσοβελώνη με τα 30 σπίτια, πώς και την βάζεις στο ψηφοδέλτιό σου για βουλευτίνα; Φτωχόπαιδα δεν έχεις να βάλλεις και δημοκρατικούς πολίτες, έστω ακόμα και ανθελληνικά πρακτοράκια, σαν αυτά που με εντολή του ΣΟΡΟΣ σε πλεύρισαν και πάνε μέσω της προοδευτικής συμμαχίας ή προοδευτικής σαπίλας, να σε εκπολιτίσουν, να σε κάνουν από μουζίκο,… Ευρωπαίο; 
– Τί γίνεται ρε τώρα στο ΛΣ, τί στην ΕΛΑΣ, τί στο ΥΠΕΞ, τί παντού ρε, παντού, αφού το έχετε ξεσκίσει ρε… παρθένες, κάνεις πώς δεν ξέρεις; Τί έκανες με τον ΠΚ ρε; Πας να βγάλεις και άλλους ποινικούς, φονιάδες και καταχραστές έξω, μην χάσουμε τις σπουδαίες αλλαγές που τάχα τις έκαναν άλλοι, παλιο-γλίτσηδες, ενώ δεν ξέχασες / – τε ως άθεος / – οι να αφήσετε… ελεύθερο στους λέχρες να βρίζουν τα ΘΕΙΑ, τα ΙΕΡΑ και ΟΣΙΑ δηλαδή της Φυλής μας!.. 
– Διάβασε τώρα Κε Τσίπρα, Αρχιψευταρά ενός ολόκληρου λαού, τον οποίον τον χώρισες σε κατηγορίες ρε Μπρεζνιεφάκο,  στοχοποιώντας την μεσαία τάξη, οι παππούδες της οποίας δεν σας άφησαν να μας κάνετε ΕΣΣΔ, από το 1940-1950, εσύ που ενώ μας έλεγες πως βγήκαμε από τα μνημόνια, τώρα μας λες πως, αν έλθει η Δεξιά θα ξαναμπούμε (γιατί οι τάχα μου Δεξιοί της ΝΔ, δεν είναι τόσο μάγκες σαν εσάς, ώστε να θέλουν την εξουσία ή είναι δήμιοι του λαού, οι κάτοχοι των μαστιγίων με τις 7 ουρές και μόλις έλθουν θα μας πιούν το αίμα, μαζί με τους Διαχειριστές Κεφαλαιοκράτες που χαϊδεύουν τα μάγουλα της γυναίκας σου σε βραδυνά σουαρέ και γκαλά), εσύ που ούτε για Περιπτεράς δεν έκανες, όχι για Π-Θ! Διάβασε λοιπόν παρακάτω Κε Π-Θγέ!
– Βάλλε να σου βρουν, το τί έγραψε για τα κρατικά ρουσφέτια στο Ε/ΥΠΕΞ, με ονόματα και διευθύνσεις, στην ε/φ “ΑΚΡΟΠΟΛΙΣ”, (το 1976, αν δεν σφάλλω), αυτός ο ΜΕΓΑΛΟΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ που “έφαγε” ο Κουφοντίνας σας, που τον έβγαλες, ώστε να κάνει καμαρωτός βόλτα εκεί που τα θύματά του έπεφταν πισώπλατα χτυπημένα νεκρά, ρε ξεφτιλισμένοι! Ναι, ο ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΜΠΑΚΟΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ, που μακάρι κάποια από τα οράματά του να κάνει πράξη ο γυναικάδελφός του, αν τον αφήσετε / – σουν! (Ακολουθεί παρένθεση)!
(Με την ευκαιρία)
– Εσύ που, ή είσαι της νέας ΕΥΠ, ή τσογλανάκι της νεο-τρομοκρατίας του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, του “2015”, ή τσάτσος – οργανάκι, εκτελεστής ή μη, των τροφίμων της “ΣΥΡΙΖΑ-ΝΤΑΤΣΑ” του 2019, ή ό,τι άλλο και μας απειλείς με μηνύματα, βρίζοντας και κάνοντάς μας μαθήματα, επειδή γράφουμε για τον ΠΑΥΛΟ ΜΠΑΚΟΓΙΑΝΝΗ, επειδή είσαι αμόρφωτος, διάβασε παρακάτω και πιο πολύ οι εντολείς σου! 
– Η Μπακογιάννενα μέσα στο Δικαστήριο, στην δίκη της 17Ν, που οι “Άγγελοι” παρακολούθησαν “δια ζώσης” τα κομμάτια της, αυτά που τους ενδιέφεραν βεβαίως, ρώτησε τον Γιωτόπουλο (αν θυμάμαι καλά) λέγοντάς του: “Γιατί σκοτώσατε τον Μπακογιάννη, που ούτε περιουσία είχε, ούτε καταθέσεις, που με ενοίκιο είχε το γραφείο του στο Καρπενήσι, στην Αθήνα, τον Μπακογιάννη που ήθελε την ΕΝΟΤΗΤΑ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ, και, και, και… “;
– Και η απάντηση τσογλανάκι, του άλλου μεγάλου Αλέκου (μετά τον… χρυσορήμονα Αλέκο Φλαμπουράρη), ήταν: “Γι’ αυτό ακριβώς δολοφονήθηκε, (δεν είπε “γι’ αυτό τον σκοτώσαμε”), επειδή ήθελε την ενότητα του ελληνικού λαού”!.. Σου απάντησα στο ένα, οχιά! Πάμε παρακάτω, στο άλλο! Διάβαζε!
– Ο γράφων είναι περίεργη μίξη ΕΛΑΣίτη + Ριμινίτη + Βενιζελικών της εποχής του 1909 – 1935! Βάλε στο… “μπλέντερ” σου, αν βεβαίως έχεις βρωμίλε και δες τί βγάζει αυτό το άθροισμα “DNA”! Όταν ο μπαμπάς του Αρχηγού σου, αυτού του 2015, κονόμαγε επί Χούντας, ο δικός μου ΕΛΑΣίτης μπαμπάς έφτιαχνε σχολεία για τα φτωχά ελληνόπουλα στην εξορία των χωριών των Αγράφων, δίδασκε την ενότητα των Ελλήνων και την ΘΕΙΑ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛΙΑ και έθαβε και τον 1ο του γιο, ζώντας 400 χλμ μακρυά από το διαλυμένο σπίτι του! Ο δικός σου ρε Μουζίκε πού ήταν, που μόνον μέσα από την βία και την αναρχία, ελλείψει μορφώσεως και πτυχώσεων του εγκεφάλου σου, μπορείς και ζεις;  
– Άρα οι απειλές σου / σας φαντάζουν και ακούγονται αστείες! Είναι εύκολο να φας κάποιον σήμερα, είτε δολοφονώντας τον “επί χρήμασι”, είτε στέλνοντάς του καμιά 50αριά στρατολογημένους του… ΟΗΕ, που ζουν εδώ, μαζί και με Έλληνες… Οδηγούς-Μπροστάρηδες… Έτσι νοιώθετε ότι είστε, εκτός από πρεζόνια, και άντρες!.. Δεν είδα ποτέ όμως κανέναν σας να πηγαίνει 1 προς 1, να κάνει πχ… ακτιβισμό με τέτοια αναλογία! Τόσο μάγκες είστε; Των αναλογιών 1:50 ή 1:100 ρε πληρωμένοι συμμορίτες; (Τα 30.000 Ευρώ πού τα βρήκατε ρε… αγνές ανάγγιχτες θείες μήτρες); 
– Και νεκρό όμως να με δείτε μπροστά σας, να ξέρετε ότι την ίδια στιγμή θα έχετε υπογράψει το τέλος σας και εσείς και οι εντολείς σας! Κράτα το αυτό, εσύ ο απειλών! Και εμείς δεν λέμε λόγια! Ο χρόνος εκτελέσεως της τιμωρίας σας “ανοικτός”!.. (Κάποιοι άλλοι επίσης, άλλης κατηγορίας και άλλων… κιλών, θα το νοιώσουνεν καιρώ τω δέοντι, για να θυμηθούμε τσόλι και τον Ελευθέριο Βενιζέλο, που μνημόνευσα, πιο πάνω)!.. 
– Ο γράφων είναι γνωστός στο Κράτος, το οποίο, ηλιθίως, τον “ψάχνει” ακόμα, (εμψύχως και αψύχως), γιατί άραγε; Δεν θα βρει όμως ποτέ κάποιον άλλον, διότι απλούστατα οι “ΑΓΓΕΛΟΙ”… πετούν στα Ουράνια!.. Εδώ ολόκληρη ΜΙΤ και δεν βρήκε τίποτα, πλην ημών και αυτό επειδή εμείς το θέλαμε, και μάλιστα όντας μέσα στην Τουρκία, από το 2008 συνεχώς!.. Κοινοτυπίες… κοινοποιήσαμε Μουζίκε και μόνον και μάλιστα μιλώντας… πολύ, σαν τους χαζούς!..
– Εμείς όμως ΕΣΑΣ σας ξέρουμε ΟΛΟΥΣ, μουζίκε, λούστρο του Μπρεζνιεφάκου και της παρέας του!.. 
– Πρόσεξε καλά τώρα! Ο Μπακογιάννης είχε διώξει την ημέρα της δολοφονίας του μέχρι και την Γραμματέα του την Ευρυτάνισσα Παπαδοκωστοπούλου και ήταν ΟΛΟΜΟΝΑΧΟΣ, τσογλανάκι! Οι άντρες δεν φοβούνται ρε Μουζίκε, ακόμα και τον θάνατο, αλλά ποιοί να στο μάθουν; Τώρα, όλοι υμνούν τον ΕΛΛΗΝΑ νεκρό αυτόν, ενώ ο φονιάς του θα έχει μαύρο τέλος και θα πρέπει γι’ αυτό ΝΑ ΜΗΝ ΠΕΘΑΝΕΙ, αλλά ΝΑ ΖΗΣΕΙ μέχρι τα… 103 χρόνια του!!! Γιατί δεν τον ρωτάτε να σας πει πώς ήδη ζει, πχ πόσες φορές την μέρα ακούει την φωνή της πωρωμένης συνείδησής του να τον ρωτά “γιατί” και τί θέλει εκείνη την στιγμή να του είχε συμβεί; ΝΑ ΣΑΣ ΠΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ ΟΜΩΣ!..
– Αν εμείς έχουμε τα… κόλυβα πίσω μας ή πάνω μας, εσείς ρε πουλημένα κοκκινοφασιστάκια είστε ήδη στους τάφους σας, αλλά δεν το ξέρετε ή κάνετε πως δεν το ξέρετε!.. Βγείτε ρε κολλήγοι από τα νοικιασμένα χωράφια σας και αν μπορείτε πάτε στις ντάτσες των αφεντικών σας, να δείτε την χλίδα της ζωής τους, μπας και τους σιχαθείτε και τους φτύσετε!.. 
– Λες “γίνε Άρης να γουστάρεις”, αλλά ξεχνάς πως ακούγατε το “Ο Άρης θα πάρει του ΘΡΥΛΟΥ το παπάρι” ή το άλλο που έλεγε “ΠΑΟΚ, ΑΡΗΣ ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ… φιλημένοι και οι 3”!.. Βρε ουστ!  
– Κε Τσίπρα! 
– Αν προσθέσεις στο “Βίντεο” για τον ΡΤΕ, που σου είπαμε (και εσένα φυσικά) να δεις και που η συμπεριφορά του Ταγίπ δεν είναι “μούφα”, αν προσθέσεις λοιπόν και τον ΑΛΗΘΙΝΟ ΚΑΙ ΑΓΝΟ ΠΑΤΡΙΩΤΙΣΜΟ του ανδρός, την αγάπη του για το “ΘΕΙΟΝ”, αλλά και το ικανοποιητικό “ΙQ” του, τότε θα καταλάβεις γιατί αυτός ο Άνδρας είναι στο ΠΡΟΣΚΗΝΙΟ 16 χρόνια τώρα, αλλά θα καταλάβεις και το γιατί ο ΤΟΥΡΚΟ-ΙΣΛΑΜΙΣΜΟΣ κυβερνά τόσα χρόνια τώρα την Τουρκία, προσπαθώντας να την μετατρέψει από λαϊκό – άθεο ΣΤΡΑΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΣ σε ένθεο ΣΤΡΑΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΣ!.. 
– Πάψτε τέλος, και εσύ και οι δικοί σου, (μίλα τους), να “βγάζετε” μίσος, για τους μη δικούς σας και αντιπάλους σας ή εχθρούς σας, όπως στην πραγματικότητα τους βλέπετε, στα διάφορα κανάλια και από την άλλη να πουλάτε εσείς τα κομμούνια, εσείς οι σκληροί δικτατορικοί “κόκκινοι φασίστες” ή έστω τα αποσπόρια τους, πρόοδο και… ροζ άλογα!.. Ζήτα να σου δώσουν καμιά βασική λίστα ενεργειών απο-μουζικισμού και εκπολιτισμού, αφού θες να εκφράσεις τάχα μου την Κεντρο-Αριστερά! (“Τί ώρα είναι”);  
– Αν θες να μας ακούσεις, κάντηνα για την Αντιπολίτευση, ώστε ΝΑ ΣΕ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΟΥΝ και βλέπεις για αργότερα!.. Και μάθε να λες ΤΗΝ ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ, όσο ΡΙΖΟΣΠΑΣΤΗΣ και ΜΙΣ(ΑΝΘ)ΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ και να είσαι, ΣΟΡΑΚΙ!.. 
– Αν μας διαβάσεις εδώ, θα δεις ότι με εντιμότητα και πολύ σοβαρότητα σε είχαμε ξεσκεπάσει από το 2015! Το ποιός είσαι, ποιοί είναι οι εντολείς σου και τί θες να κάνεις!.. “Δεν πέσαμε, “ούτε κατά κεραία”, έξω”!..  Άλλωστε όλα τα φασισταριά, μαύρα ή κόκκινα, μια φτιάξη είστε!.. (Αλήθεια γιατί δεν δίκασες την τάχα καταραμένη “Χ. Αυγή”, ενώ τους κώδικες τους πέρασες αέρα, μπας και σώσεις το τομάρι σου και αυτά των δικών σου; Σε ενημερώνω, αφού δεν έχω απαίτηση να το ξέρεις πως, κάποτε, ο… κακός και… Θεοκράτης Αυτοκράτοράς μας, ο Ιουστινιανός συζήταγε με τους Νομικούς και άλλους Κρατικούς της Κ-Β του, επί 1 έτος+, τον ήδη πανέτοιμο Ιουστινιάνειο Κώδικα, πάνω στον οποίον πάτησαν και έφτιαξαν, απομιμήσεις βεβαίως, … ρώτα τον ποινικολόγο υπουργό σου δικαιοσύνης να σου πει τί έκαναν και ποιοί μετά, πιθανώς να ξέρει το πρώην “πουλέν” του υφιστάμενου του Π. Καμμένου, Φ. Κουβέλη!.. 
Εδώ, σήμερα, το 2019, 1000 άρθρα υποτίθεται ότι τα συζήτησαν οι δικοί σου στην Βουλή ρε σούργελα και τα “πέρασαν” σε 1 εβδομάδα, για τους κομματικούς σας και ιδεολογικούς (της διαλύσεως) λόγους!.. 

4. Son dakika! Erdoğan’dan Doğu Akdeniz çıkışı!

Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’dan Doğu Akdeniz çıkışı: Soydaşlarımızın hakkını koruyacağız

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan cuma namazı sonrası gazetecilerin gündemle ilgili sorularını yanıtladı:


Kuzey Kıbrıs’taki Türk soydaşlarımızın da hakları var. Bu hakları, hiç ilgisi alakası olmayanlara yedirtmeyiz! Θέλετε να επιβεβαιώσετε τον Στρατηγό… Μανωλάκο! Παρακολουθείτε τα πάντα έτσι Ταγίπ; Ισχυροί, ισχυροί, γαβγίζετε και ξαναγαβγίζετε, αλλά παρακολουθείτε στο στόμα, σαν τα τσαμπιά τα κρεμμασμένα, τους Έλληνες, Μογγολάκο, έτσι; 

– Με την ευκαιρία! Ο Χουντικός Μανωλάκος έφτασε να γίνει ΑΣΔΕΝ άρχης, επί ΣΥΡΙΖΑΝΕΛ, διότι ήταν στην… “διοικούσα” τις ΕΕΔ κλίκα των Κ/Δ και κυρίως, διότι ήταν / είναι κουμπάρος του Π. Καμμένου!.. Είναι στην κατηγορία των στελεχών… “ΥΠΟΣΤΟΛΑΚΗ”, (πώς έγινε αυτός Α/ΓΕΕΘΑ και μετά και ΥΠΑΜ ρε αξιοκράτη Τσίπρα;), που ενώ ξέρουν πως θα έπρεπε να είχαν φύγει από τον ΣΞ, ως Σχες στην καλύτερη γι’ αυτούς, πάτησαν και “επί πτωμάτων”, ανήλθαν με τα μέσα τους και τώρα που “πέρασαν στην ιστορία”, δεν μπορούν να το αντέξουν και βάζουν μέσα να βγαίνουν στα κανάλια και να κάνουν τους Τουρκολόγους, όταν κάποιοι απ’ αυτούς δεν ξέρουν ακόμα και πόσες Στρατιές έχει ο ΤΣ, πάνε και γλείφουν στα κομματικά γραφεία, και, και, και… !.. Ρεζίλια κρυφτείτε!

– Τώρα θα έπρεπε να έχει ήδη σημάνει η ώρα, Τσίπρα και Μητσοτάκη, της ΑΠΟΛΥΤΗΣ ΣΙΩΠΗΣ απέναντι στην Τουρκία, ειδικά από πλευράς των ΕΕΔ! Όπως ακριβώς ήταν η περίοδος που ακολούθησε του τορπιλισμού της Έλλης (15-08-1940 έως και 28-10-1940)!.. Τί δεν καταλαβαίνετε λοιπόν; Ας βγαίνει ο… Βερύκιος και όποιοι άλλοι της κατηγορίας αυτής και να μας κάνουν αναλύσεις για την Τουρκία! Οι στρατιωτικοί τώρα πρέπει να “κρυφτούν”!..


İnanıyorum ki özellikle İstanbul dışına çıkmış vatandaşlarımızın, İstanbullu hemşehrilerimizin bu seçim için geri dönüşleri çok ama çok önemli, zira bu demokratik görevlerini tüm İstanbullu hemşehrilerimizin hakkıyla yerine getirmeleri büyük önem arz ediyor.


(Αυτό έκανες έμμεσα και… ουσιαστικά ρε Τσίπρα και εσύ, πρώτα με τον Ν. Παρασκευόπουλου και τώρα με τον ΠΚ σου, που εσύ… “για τον φόνδεν ξέρεις τίποτα, αφού “αυτοί των 40 ετών τον φτιάξανε”, αχαχαχαχαχαχαχα!.. Ρε ουστ)!.. 

Adalet Bakanlığımız bu çalışmaları yürütüyor, netleştiği zaman kamuoyuyla paylaşacağız.

5. S-400 teslimatı 2 ay içinde başlıyor…

Rus şirketi Rostec’in başkanı S-400 sisteminin türkiye’ye teslimine iki ay içerisinde başlanacağını duyurdu.

Rusya, S-400’lerin teslim tarihini açıkladı. Rusya devlet savunma sanayi şirketi “Rostec”, S-400’lerin Türkiye’ye teslimine 2 ay içinde başlayacaklarını duyurdu.Türkiye ve Rusya arasında S-400’lerin satışına yönelik anlaşma geçen yıl eylül ayında imzalanmış, daha önce teslimata Mart 2020‘de başlanacağı açıklanmıştı.NATO Avrupa Müttefik Kuvvetler Hava Komutanı Tod Wolters de daha önce yaptığı açıklamada, Türkiye’nin S-400’lere sahip olmasının, ittifakın “bilindik düşmanlarının”, radardan kaçabilen beşinci nesil F-35 jetlerinin nasıl çalıştığını anlamasına neden olabileceğini söylemişti.


ABD’den küstah Türkiye açıklaması: 2 ay içinde…

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Türkiye’yi S-400 anlaşması konusunda küstah şekilde tehdit etmeyi sürdürüyor. ABD basınında yer alan bir habere göre, ABD’nin Türkiye’ye anlaşmanın iptali için 2 ay süre verdiği öğrenildi.

07 Haziran 2019 

ABD’nin Türkiye’ye ‘S-400 anlaşmasını iptal etmesi için’ 2 ay süre tanıdığı bildirildi.

ABD basınında yer alan ve Pentagon kaynaklarına dayandırılan haberlere göre, Washington yönetimi Türkiye’ye Rusya ile imzaladığı S-400 anlaşmasını iptal etmesi için 31 Temmuz’a dek süre tanıdı.

Washington’ın Ankara’ya iki seçenek sunduğu, bu seçenelerin S-400 anlaşmasını Haziran’ın ilk haftasının sonuna dek Rusya ile S-400 anlaşmasını iptal etmesi ya da yaptırımların ve F-35 programının iptal edilmesinin de dahil olduğu uygulamalarla karşı karşıya kalması olduğu belirtildi.


Hulusi Akar’a özel F-35 mektubu: Haberiniz olsun, ülkeden göndereceğiz

ABD, Türkiye’den gelen ve F-35 eğitimi alan Türk pilotlara ek olarak daha fazla personel kabul etmeme kararı aldı. S-400 sebebiyle Türkiye’yi sürekli tehdit eden ABD’nin bu adımı, F-35’lerde alınan ilk somut yasak oldu. Foreign Policy ise, bu kararın eğitim gören pilotları da kapsadığını, tüm eğitim programlarının 31 Temmuz itibarıyla durdurulacağını ve eğitim gören Türk pilotların ülke dışına çıkarılacağını yazdı.

İngiliz haber ajansı Reuters‘tan Phil Stewart’a konuşan ABD‘li iki kaynak, Amerika’ya giderek F-35 savaş uçaklarını kullanmak için eğitim alması planlanan Türk personeline eğitim verilmeyeceğini açıkladı. Kaynaklar, şu an Arizona‘daki Luke Hava Üssü‘nde bulunan Türk personelin F-35 eğitiminden faydalanmaya devam edeceğini, bu kararın gelecek “ek personel” için geçerli olduğunu belirtti.

Bu gelişmenin henüz resmi olarak duyurulmadığını ama kararın alındığını aktaran ABD’li iki kaynak, Türkiye planlarını değiştirirse, alınan kararı biz de değiştirebiliriz” ifadelerini kullandı.


Foreign Policy dergisi ise, Pentagon‘dan iki kaynağa dayandırdığı haberinde, ABD Savunma Bakanı Vekili Patrick Shanahan‘ın, S-400‘lerin satışından vazgeçmeyen Türkiye’ye karşı ciddi adımlar atmayı düşündüğünü, bunları da Türk mevkidaşı Hulusi Akar‘la paylaştığını yazdı.

Habere göre Shanahan, 6 Haziran tarihinde Milli Savuma Bakanı Hulusi Akar’a gönderdiği mektubunda 31 Temmuz’da Türkiye’nin F-35 programındaki yerinin tamamen askıya alınacağını, ABD’nin Arizona eyaletindeki Luke Hava Kuvvetleri Üssü ve Florida eyaletindeki Eglin Hava Kuvvetleri Üssü’nde eğitime katılan 42 Türk pilotun, S-400’lerden vazgeçilmediği takdirde 31 Temmuz’da ülkeyi terk etmek zorunda kalacağını, bir daha hiçbir Türk Hava Kuvvetleri personelinin bu üslere girmesine izin verilmeyeceğini bildirdi.

Arizona’da TSK’ya bağlı dört pilot, iki eğitmen pilot ve 20 yer hizmet ekibi F-35 eğitimi alıyor.


ABD ile Türkiye arasında gerilime sebep olan S-400 krizinde Washingtonyönetimi sürekli olarak Türkiye’yi tehdit ediyor. ABD Başkanı Donald Trump ile Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, G-20 Zirvesi kapsamında Japonya‘nın Osaka şehrinde 28-29 Haziran’da bir araya gelecek. Bu görüşme öncesi alınan bu karar, ABD’nin el yükselttiği yorumlarına sebep oldu.

– Κάποιοι 24 καρατίων μαλάκες μας λένε ακόμα πως μπορεί να πάνε οι S-400 στο Αζερμπαϊτζάν, χωρίς ποτέ να μας έχουν πει, από πού έχει προέλθει αυτή τους η αναφορά!.. “Κρατηθείτε” λίγο… φίλοι!.. 
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Προ Ρέκο - Ολυμπιακός 11-12: Στον τελικό ο Θρύλος!





The Democrats’ plan to blow up the country.

[Order David Horowitz’s new book, Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America.]

Reprinted from American Thinker.

While you were sleeping, the Democrats (abetted by some deviant Republicans) have been working on a plan that would destroy the diversity of the American political system and bring the nation to the brink of civil war. The plan is called The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, and tens of millions of dollars have already been spent over several decades trying to implement it. Fourteen blue states and the District of Columbia have already joined the Compact, which means they are 70% on the way to making their proposal the law of the land.

The Democrats’ plan is designed to eliminate the influence of the Electoral College in choosing the nation’s president no doubt because while Hillary won the popular vote she failed win necessary votes in the Electoral College. Eliminating the influence of the Electoral College would end the diversity now embodied in the federal system with its division of powers, between Washington and the fifty states. The fact that a party which presents itself as a defender of diversity should be leading the charge to eliminate the nation’s most powerful source of diversity should be all that is required to understand the threat their agenda poses to what has been the nation’s constitutional way of life for 232 years.

The Electoral College and the division of powers are features of the Constitution. But the National Popular Vote movement does not propose to amend the Constitution because ot doesn’t have the votes to do that. Instead, in the name of “democracy” it proposes to circumvent the Constitution and its requirement of large national majorities for amending what has been the fundamental law of the land. Thank how Orwellian that is, and how concerning it should be for anyone believing the Founders created the most practical, realistic, democratic, diverse and successful polity the world has ever seen.

This is how the Democrats’ circumvention of the Constitution and its provision for an Electoral College would work. Instead of abolishing the College, which would require the support of two-thirds of the states, they are hoping to put together a coalition of states representing 270 electoral votes who would agree to award all their votes to whomever wins the national vote. In other words if the popular vote is won by 10 votes, every state in the Compact would award 100% of their votes to that party, even if a majority of the voters in their state voted against them.

The bottom line (and goal) of this devious plan is to eliminate the influence of rural voters or “Middle America” and create an electoral lock for the large urban population centers, e.g., California and New York, who would then decide the direction of the country.

Currently the Electoral College forces candidates to campaign in states they might otherwise ignore, and thus forces them to compete for diverse constituencies, and therefore to compromise and moderate their positions. It was designed by the Founders to move the country to the center and to prevent an over-zealous majority from tyrannizing the minority.

Consider the practical implications of this radical plan to remove an institution that has stabilized our political life for more than 200 years. The urban centers of America, which would become dominant under the plan, are also the centers of America’s crime problems and gun homicides, its intractable poverty, its failed public schools and political corruption. Do we really want to replicate for all America the failed welfare policies that have created a permanent underclass in cities like Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis and Baltimore?

Or consider California, a one-party state whose government has defied federal law and proclaimed itself a sanctuary for illegal migrants. What will be the consequences for an already deeply divided nation of having an open borders policy imposed by leftist states led by California and New York on Middle American states who are already fiercely opposed to flooding the country with millions of illegal aliens whom no government agency has vetted?  lf New York has legalized the killing of babies already born, how will that go down in states already banning abortions of babies with fetal heart beats? All the blue states pushing this agenda are fans of the Green New Deal which focuses on a problem – global warming – that most of the country doesn’t consider urgent, calls for crushing new taxes to finance new social giveaways while programs like Medicare and Social Security are already on the brink of bankruptcy. Or consider the Green plan to remove 250 million gasoline driven automobiles within ten years and replace them with electric cars. If an incredibly costly and unsettling confiscation scheme like this is imposed on the rest of the country, what can we reasonably expect as a reaction?

The Founders scheme to produce compromise between competing factions and to put checks and balances on radical adventures was never more needed than now when the country is divided in a way that it has not been seen since the Civil War. But apparently this is the perfect time for an out-of-touch and increasingly out-of-control Democratic Party to undermine the constitutional foundations of the nation, push a divisive agenda and move the nation towards a one-party state.




You don’t have to be Ghandi or a celebrity to make an impact.

It was September, 1998, in Bloomington, Indiana. As part of the conference on “Spirituality & Ecology: No Separation,” a group of concerned citizens was gathered in the basement of St. Paul Catholic Center. They were thinking and talking about living their ideals. Some had planted trees in Africa. Some described ways that they honor the indigenous spirit of a place, and their own ancestors. Elderly nuns and young feminists recounted their part in women’s struggle. One frustrated woman voiced the nagging worry of many. “I want to do something, but what can I do? I’m just one person, an average person. I can’t have an impact. I live with the despair of my own powerlessness. I can’t bring myself to do anything. The world is so screwed up, and I have so little power. I feel so paralyzed.”

I practically exploded.

Years before I had been stricken by a debilitating illness. Perilymph fistula’s symptoms are like those of multiple sclerosis. On some days I was functional. On others, and I could never predict when these days would strike, I was literally, not metaphorically, paralyzed. I couldn’t leave the house; I could barely stand up. I had moved to Bloomington for grad school. I knew no one in town. Inner ear disorders are little understood. I’d received one experimental pro-bono surgery, and it hadn’t worked. The Social Security administration, against the advice of its own physician and vocational advisors, denied my claim.

That’s why I imitated Mount Vesuvius when the conference participant claimed that just one person, one average person, can’t do anything significant to make the world a better place; that the only logical option was passivity, surrender, and despair.

I raised my hand and spoke. “I have an illness that causes intermittent bouts of paralysis,” I explained. “And that paralysis has taught me something. It has taught me that my protestations of my own powerlessness are bogus. Yes, some days I can’t move or see. But you know what? Some days I can move. Some days I can see. And the difference between being able to walk across the room and not being able to walk across the room is epic.

“I commute to campus by foot along a railroad track. In spring, I come across turtles who have gotten stuck. The track is littered with the hollowing shells of turtles that couldn’t escape the rails. So, I bend over, and I pick up the still living trapped turtles that I do find. I carry them to a wooded area and let them go. For those turtles, that much power that I have is enough.

“I’m just like those turtles. When I have been sick and housebound for days, I wish someone—anyone—would talk to me. To hear a human voice say my name; to be touched: that would mean the world to me.

“One day an attack hit me while I was walking home from campus. It was a snowy day. There was snow on the ground, and more snow was falling from the sky. I struggled with each step; wobbled and wove across the road. I must have looked like a drunk. One of my neighbors, whom I had never met, stopped and asked if I were okay. He drove me home.

“He didn’t hand me the thousands of dollars I needed for surgery. He didn’t take me in and empty my puke bucket. He just gave me one ride, one day. I am still grateful to him and touched by his gesture.

“I’d lived in the neighborhood for years, and so far he has been the only one to stop. The problem is not that we have so little power. The problem is that we don’t use the power that we have.”

Why do we deny that power? Why do we not honor what we can do?

Part of the reason is that “virtue” is often defined as the ultimate commodity, something exclusive, like a Porsche or a perfect figure, that only the rich and famous have access to. “Virtue” is defined as so outside of normal human experience or ability that you’d think, if you were doing it right, you’d know, because camera crews and an awards committee would appear on your lawn.

Thus the defining of virtue is surrendered to a Madison Avenue mentality. I remember when the Dalai Lama came to Bloomington in 1999. The words “virtue” and “celebrity” were confused until they became synonymous. The Dalai Lama’s visit was the most glamorous event Bloomington had seen in years. Suddenly even our barbershop scuttlebutt featured more movie stars than an article from People magazine. “Did you see Steven Segal on Kirkwood Avenue? Richard Gere gets in tomorrow.” Virtue becomes something farther and farther out of the reach of the common person.

I was once a Peace Corps Volunteer. I also volunteered for the Sisters of Charity, the order begun by Mother Teresa. When people learn of these things, they sometimes act impressed. I am understood to be a virtuous person.

I did go far away, and I did wear a foreign costume. But I don’t know that I was virtuous. I tried to be, but I was an immature, inadequately trained girl in foreign countries with obscenely unjust regimes and little to no avenues for progress. My impact was limited.

To put myself through college, I worked as a nurse’s aid. I earned minimum wage. I wore a pink polyester uniform and I dealt with the elderly and the dying, ignored people who went years without seeing a loved one, who died alone. When I speak of this job, I never impress anyone. I am not understood to be a virtuous person. Rather, I am understood to be working class.

I loved this difficult, low-paid work not out of any masochistic sense of personal elevation through suffering. I loved it because I physically and emotionally touched people everyday, all day long; I made them comfortable; I made them laugh; I challenged them; they rose to meet the challenges. In return, patients shared with me the most precious commodity in the universe: their humanity.

This essay is not a protest against selfishness, which, well done, can be a beautiful thing. There is nothing I envy, and appreciate, so much as a life led with genuinely unconscious, uncomplicated self-absorption. It’s a sort of karmic performance art. Isn’t that quality why some people so love observing cats? And I do not begrudge my fellow travelers’ enthusiasm for glamour; there’s nothing I like more. The right dress worn by the right starlet on Oscar night probably does as much to feed the soul as a perfect haiku.

Rather, I’m protesting the fallacy that to be virtuous, one must be on TV, one must be off to a meeting on how to be a better person or one must have just come from a meeting on how to be a better person, but one can pass up every opportunity to actually be a better person.

It’s sad how sometimes “virtue celebrities” intimidate us with their virtue résumés. We think, “Gee, I’ll never travel to Malaysia and close a sweatshop; I’m not brave enough (or organized or articulate enough) to champion a cause. I have to go to work every day, and I just don’t have the time or the gifts to be a virtuous person.”

I go to a food bank every two weeks to get my food. I have no car. I can’t carry two weeks worth of food the three miles back to my house. Every week, I get a ride home from other food bank patrons. These folks don’t pause for a second to sigh, “Oh, problems are so big, I’m so powerless; will it really help anything if I give you this ride?” They don’t look around to make sure someone is watching. They just, invisibly, do the right thing. I get rides in old, old cars. In one car I could see the road beneath whiz past under broken-down flooring; in another, I shared space with a large, lapping dog. I once got a ride from a man who told me he’d just gotten out of jail. Another time, my chauffeur’s tattoos ran up and down his naked chest and back. When I was sick, I went from agency to agency, begging people with glamorous titles and impressive virtue résumés for help. Most did nothing.

The Lamed Vov Tzaddikim are the thirty-six hidden saints of Jewish folklore. Unlettered and insignificant, they work at humble trades and pass unnoticed. Because of these anonymous saints, the world continues to exist. Without their insignificant, unnoticed virtue – Poof! – God loses divine patience, and the world goes up in smoke.

Sometimes we convince ourselves that the “unnoticed” gestures of “insignificant” people mean nothing. It’s not enough to recycle our soda cans; we must Stop Global Warming Now. Since we can’t Stop Global Warming Now, we may as well not recycle our soda cans. It’s not enough to be our best selves; we have to be Gandhi. And yet when we study the biographies of our heroes, we learn that they spent years in preparation doing tiny, decent things before one historical moment propelled them to center stage.

Moments, as if animate, use the prepared to tilt empires. Ironically, saints we worship today, heroes we admire, were often ridiculed, tortured, or, most punishingly, ignored in their own lifetimes. St. John of the Cross gave the world the spiritual classic, The Dark Night of the Soul. It was inspired by his own experience of being imprisoned by the members of his own religious order. Before Solidarity, Lech Walesa, the Nobel Peace Prize winner who helped bring down Communism, was a nonentity; a blue-collar worker in an oft-ridiculed Eastern European backwater. He was always active; one moment changed this small man’s otherwise small-time, invisible activism into the kind of wedge that can topple a giant. Now, that moment past, Walesa has returned to relative obscurity.

Besides the pressure of virtue as an unattainable status reserved for the elect, there may be another reason why people don’t live their own ideals. It may be that many who do not live what they believe have been stunted. They’ve been told many times: “What you feel does not matter; what you believe is ridiculous; what you envision is worthless; just sit back and obey the priest, the preacher, the teacher, the cop, the mob, the man in charge, or your own fear.” When the still, small voice whispers to them that they ought to visit an elderly neighbor, or write a letter to the editor, or pull a few strings and let the indigent patient in to see the doctor, even though the red tape says they cannot, they tell the still, small voice “Stifle yourself!”

Such self-numbed people may see themselves as perpetual victims. “I have nothing!” they insist. “I have no power! I can’t do anything! I have nothing to give! Everybody picks on me!” These are the folks who begrudge so much as a smile to their neighbors. Even as they live in houses, drive cars, enjoy health, they see themselves as naked, starving, homeless, penniless wretches waiting to be rescued by whomever is in charge. Their sense of victimization does not allow them to see that they are in charge – of their own choices.

While working or traveling in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe, I occasionally met people who really did have next to nothing, but who stunned me with their insistence on the abundance of their own humanity. One afternoon, as I trekked to my teaching post in the Himalayas, a monsoon storm turned day into night and a landslide wiped out my trail. I got terribly lost; coming to a strange village, exhausted, I sat on the porch of a peasant home. Inside, the family was eating roasted cow-corn kernels for dinner. Roasted cow-corn kernels were to be their entire dinner; there was nothing else on their menu.

A man inside saw that a human form was sitting on his porch. He couldn’t have seen that I was American, or anything else, for that matter. It was dark night by then, in a village without electricity. In any case, I was wearing a sari. He whispered to his wife, “Someone is sitting on our porch. We have to cook rice.” Rice is the highest status food in that economy. And, by “rice,” they meant, for them, an elaborate meal consisting of rice, lentils, and vegetables.

This feeling of being seen, this conviction that every act one performs matters to a supremely consequential audience, can come from a belief in God. Psalm 139 articulates how thoroughly and consequentially witnessed the theist feels.

“O Lord, You have searched me
and You know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
You perceive my thoughts from afar.
…Before a word is on my tongue
You know it completely, O Lord.
Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Where can I flee from Your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, You are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, You are there.”

The very marrow of the believer’s bones is impregnated with the conviction that everything he does is avidly witnessed by God, and that everything he does matters to God. Whether or not one’s fellow incarnate beings see is secondary.

Non-theists, including atheists, can also have this feeling that one is witnessed, that everything one does matters. Not just a personalized God sees and tallies human action. Disembodied forces that can never be tampered with also weigh our deeds. For some, karma plays witness. You may be able to fool your fellow humans, but, ultimately, you can’t cheat karma.

In many cultures, there is a disembodied force that demands that every action be ethical: honor. “Bog, Honor, Ojczyzna,” or “God, Honor, Country,” is the Polish national motto. My stays in Poland introduced me to otherwise empty-handed activists who faced off against Nazis, Communists, and now, capitalism, with relentless personal power. “Burnout” and “apathy” were not in their vocabulary. Even when serving time in prisons that appeared on no map, they felt visible. Honor recorded their every deed, and ensured that it mattered.

I suspect that we all have our three-in-the-morning moments, when all of life seems one no-exit film noir, where any effort is pointless, where any hope seems to be born only to be dashed, like a fallen nestling on a summer sidewalk. When I have those moments, if I do nothing else, I remind myself: the ride in the snow; the volunteers at the food bank; the Nepali peasants who fed me. Activists like the Pole Wladyslaw Bartoszewski who, decades before he would earn any fame, got out of Auschwitz only to go on to even more resistance against the Nazis, and then the Soviets. Invisible, silent people who, day by day, choice by choice, unseen by me, unknown to me, force me to witness myself, invite me to keep making my own best choices, and keep me living my ideals.


In 2000, Dr. Richard Miyamoto of Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, performed a pro bono surgery that ended Danusha’s vestibular symptoms.

This essay first appeared in the 2004 book, The Impossible Will Take a Little While.













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