Μια Ματιά Και… Εδώ!..
1. To ακόλουθο, από συζήτηση που είχαν οι Ακάρ και Φατίχ Τσεκίργκε (αρθρογράφος της “Χουριέτ”), κατά την άσκηση “Θαλασσόλυκος” ’21!
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nin Atatürkçü düşünce sistemi çerçevesinde kurulduğunu, şekillendiğini ve ona göre hareket ettiğini görmemek körlüktür. Bunun sorgulanması abestir. Bakanından komutanlarına, tüm personelinin Atatürkçülüğünü sorgulamak da kimsenin haddi değildir. Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri, binlerce yıllık şanlı tarihimizden süzülüp gelen milli, manevi ve mesleki değerleriyle, aklın ve bilimin ışığında, anayasa çerçevesinde, yasalar ve Sayın Cumhurbaşkanımızın direktifleri doğrultusunda, sıralı amir ve komutanların emir ve komutasında, milletinin emrinde, görevinin başındadır. Bundan kimsenin şüphesi olmasın. Atatürkçülük kimsenin tekelinde, kimsenin zimmetinde değildir.”
Εμείς, οι “ΑΓΓΕΛΟΙ”, ρωτάμε τον Κο Ακάρ!
Είστε απολύτως σίγουρος Στρατηγέ, ότι:
α. Οι ΤΕΔ δραστηριοποιούνται σήμερα με βάση τον Ατατουρκισμό; Μήπως (τους / σας) λείπει η έλλογη μετριοπάθεια και η νουνέχεια, που διέκρινε στην συνολική του στάση, κυρίως ως Αρχηγού των ΤΕΔ, αλλά και ευρύτερα, του Μ. Κ. “ΑΤΑΤΟΥΡΚ”;
β. Μήπως κατευθύνονται από τους ακραίους “Ευρασιανιστές” του Προέδρου του “Vatan Partisi” και των στρατιωτικών (ε.α.) συντρόφων του, oι οποίοι εκφράζουν έναν στο μυαλό τους ευρισκόμενο άρρωστο Κεμαλισμό;
γ. Μήπως εσείς ως Τ/ΥΠΑΜ και ευρύτερα ως ΤΕΔ, στην προσπάθειά σας να διατηρήσετε την… παράδοση στις ΤΕΔ, ικανοποιείστε με το γεγονός ότι “φέρατε τούμπα” τον ΡΤΕ, τον οποίον σήμερα, κατ’ ουσίαν, ελέγχετε ή στην χειρότερη των περιπτώσεων έχετε ισορροπήσει μαζί του, από πλευράς ισχύος, (αυτό που εμείς λέμε “φοβάται ο Γιάννης το θεριό και το θεριό τον Γιάννη”), βιώνοντας ουσιαστικά μια επίπλαστη… ειρήνη, μια “ισορροπία τρόμου”, με πεπερασμένη χρονική διάρκεια;
δ. Είστε σύμφωνοι, ως ΤΕΔ, με τα όσα βιώνει σήμερα η κεντρική τ/πολιτική σκηνή; (Παρακαλώ, μην μας πείτε πως οι ΤΕΔ είναι “απολίτικες” και ασχολούνται μόνον με την αποστολή τους)!.. Και
ε. Γιατί αφήνετε να υβρίζεται ο πράγματι Σωτήρας της χώρας σας Κεμάλ και δεν αντιδράτε, όπως κάνατε παλαιά, έστω με μια πχ μήνυση, (όσο δηλαδή σας “παίρνει” πιθανώς σήμερα), με μια ανακοίνωση έστω, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ;
“Πού ήσασταν” αλήθεια, όταν “βγήκε” ο Ιμάμης και μέσα από την Αγία του Θεού Σοφία, την ΜΕΚΚΑ της Χριστιανικής Ορθοδοξίας, ύβρισε “στα ίσα” τον Κεμάλ, επειδή έκανε Μουσείο τον Παγκόσμιο αυτό Ναό του Χριστιανισμού και κυρίως των Ελλήνων, έναν Ναό που έκτισε ο μέγας Αυτοκράτοράς μας Ιουστινιανός στην πρωτεύουσά μας, που όπως είπε ο Πρόεδρός σας και αυτή, όπως και τα λοιπά εδάφη της λεγόμενης σήμερα Ανατολίας, λέγε με Τουρκίας, κατακτήσατε “εν όπλοις” και κάνατε γη σας, ερχόμενοι άραγε από πού, μη… κατακτητές και μη… επεκτατιστές, Χουλουσί;
Γιατί δεν έβγαλες / – τε λοιπόν “κιχ” λαλίστατοι άνδρες των ΤΕΔ και κυρίως εσύ πολυ-λαλίστατε Στρατηγέ; Μήπως λοιπόν, εκεί στις ΤΕΔ, κάπου έχει… νοθευτεί ο δήθεν ακραιφνής Κεμαλισμός σας;
2. Το ακόλουθο, μέρος των όσων δήλωσε ο Τ/ΥΠΑΜ Κος Ακάρ, στον “ΘΑΛΑΣΣΟΛΥΚΟ”-‘ 21, κατά την ημέρα των εκλεκτών (επιλεγέντων) και τελικώς κληθέντων ξένων παρατηρητών!
Milli Savunma Bakanı Hulusi Akar, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’ne (TSK) yönelik bazı söylemlere tepki göstererek “Yalanla dolanla ordumuza ve o,nun, komuta heyetine dil uzatmayı adet haline getiren ordu bozanlar var” dedi.
Milli Savunma Bakanı Hulusi Akar, beraberinde Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Yaşar Güler, Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı Orgeneral Ümit Dündar, Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanı Oramiral Adnan Özbal ve Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanı Orgeneral Hasan Küçükakyüz ile dün Denizkurdu 2021 Tatbikatı’nın Doğu Akdeniz’deki ‘seçkin gözlemci günü’ faaliyetlerini takip etti.
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerine ait 133 suüstü gemisi, 10 denizaltı, 43 uçak, 28 helikopter ve 14 insansız hava aracının katıldığı tatbikatta, personele ve katılımcılara hitap eden Akar, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin ülkesinin, asil milletinin, bölgesinin güvenliği ve barışı için yurt içinde ve sınır ötesinde başta FETÖ, PKK/YPG ve DEAŞ olmak üzere her türlü tehdit ve tehlikeye karşı azim ve kararlılıkla mücadelesini sürdürdüğünü belirtti.
Ρωτάμε και πάλι τον Κο Ακάρ!
Ποιοί είναι αυτοί ακριβώς Στρατηγέ, οι οποίοι με ψέματα, απάτες, κλπ, εντός των ΤΕΔ, “βγάζουν γλώσσα” στην ηγεσία, ήτοι σε εσάς και στους σεβαστούς Αρχηγούς των 4 Γενικών Επιτελείων σας, και αν θέλετε, πείτε μας συγκεκριμένα, με ποιόν ακριβώς τρόπο δυσχεραίνουν το έργο σας και προσπαθούν γενικώς να βλάψουν τον Στρατό σας;
Και επειδή Στρατηγέ μίλησες για… γλώσσα, είμαστε απολύτως βέβαιοι πως, αν ζούσε σήμερα ο Κεμάλ, θα στην είχε κόψει από την ρίζα την δικιά σου, διότι, για την θέση που κατέχεις, μιλάς υπερβολικά πολύ και τις περισσότερες φορές άκριτα, Κε… Υπουργέ!.. Αυτό ισχυριζόμαστε εμείς, που έχουμε μελετήσει πολύ και σε βάθος τον πράγματι ικανότατο και με λίαν γυμνασμένες ραβδώσεις του εγκεφάλου του Μ. Κ. Ατατούρκ, όχι βεβαίως όσο ίσως… εσύ!..
/ 08-06-2021.
Tanklara giydirilen bir çelik yelek olarak tanımlanabilen Pulat sisteminin üretimi ve ve Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı’na teslimatları başladı. Bu koruma ile birlikte tanklara yönelik roket ve tanksavar silahlarına karşı önleme yapmak mümkün oluyor.
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri bünyesindeki tanklara yerli üretim ‘Pulat’ koruması geliyor. Savunma Sanayi Başkanlığı, tankları roket ve tanksavar saldırılarına karşı koruyacak sistemin seri üretiminin başladığını ve Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı’na teslimatların devam ettiğini açıkladı.
Özellikle Suriye’de ve Irak’ın kuzeyinde terör örgütü PKK/YPG mensunu teröristlerin ellerinde çok sayıda tanksavar ve roket olduğu ortaya çıktı.
Bu yeni tehdidin ortaya çıkması ile birlikte Savunma Sanayi Başkanlığı da tedbir çalışmalarına hız verdi ve ‘Pulat Elektronik Harp Aktif Koruma Sistemi’ ortaya çıktı.
(Θυμίζουμε, μιας και διαβάζουμε για “ατσάλινο γιλέκο”, των αρμάτων φυσικά, πως και στον Έβρο, και στα νησιά και στην Κύπρο, οι Τούρκοι θα φέρουν όλοι ΑΛΕΞΙΣΦΑΙΡΑ ΓΙΛΕΚΑ)!..
Pulat sistemi tanklara giydirilen bir çelik kalkan, çelik yelek olarak düşünülebilir. TSK’nın elindeki M60 tankalarına takılan bu sistem 360 derecelik bir koruma sağlıyor. Bu koruma ile birlikte tanklara yönelik roket ve tanksavar silahlarına karşı önleme yapmak mümkün oluyor.
Sistem, üzerinde bulunan radarlar ile atılan roketi tanka ulaşmadan önce patlatarak hem tankı, hem de tankın içerisinde bulunan askeri personeli korumuş oluyor.
ASELSAN ve TÜBÜTAK-SAGE ortaklığında Savunma Sanayi Başkanlığı’nda geliştirilen bu sistemin seri üretmine başlandı. Bunun yanında sistem, modernizasyon projesi kapsamında Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı’nın elindeki tanklara entegre ediliyor.
Bu sistem ile birlikte Türk tanklarının Suriye’de Irak’ın kuzeyinde harekat alanlarında daha korunaklı olması planlanıyor. Pulat sisteminin güncellenmesine ve geliştirilmesine de devam edileceği belirtiliyor.
5. Πώς κάνετε έτσι, ρε Τούρκοι;
Yunanistan’dan Türkiye sınırında tepki çeken uygulama! AB savunma istedi
Yunanistan’ın, mültecilere yönelik insanlık dışı muamelelerine AB’den de tepki geldi. Avrupa Birliği, Türkiye sınırına ses topu yerleştiren Atina yönetiminden savunma istedi.
6. Ασχολίαστο!
NATO zirvesi ve yeni dönem
Zirve birçok açıdan tarihi nitelik taşıyor.
Üye ülkelerin devlet ve hükümet başkanlarını bir araya getiren NATO Zirve toplantılarının 29’uncusu 14 Haziran’da Brüksel’de gerçekleştirilecek.
Zirve birçok açıdan tarihi nitelik taşıyor.
Zira Aralık 2019’da NATO’nun kuruluşunun 70. yılı kapsamında Londra’da düzenlenen zirvede dönemin ABD Başkanı Donald Trump’ın açıklamaları sonrasında yaşanan gerilimler ittifakın dağılma sürecine girdiği değerlendirmelerine yol açmış hatta Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı Emmanuel Macron, “NATO’nun beyin ölümü gerçekleşti” ifadesini kullanmıştı.
Yeni Başkan Joe Biden ise ilk günden bu yana, selefi Trump’ın aksine Transat lantik İttifakı güçlendirmeyi en önemli hedeflerinden biri olarak dillendiriyor.
Bu anlamda zirveden çıkacak kararlar ittifakın geleceği açısından dönüm noktası niteliği taşıyor.
Dolayısıyla ABD’nin bu ittifaktaki liderlik rolü ve Biden’ın siyasi geleceği açısından da öyle.
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, geçtiğimiz hafta ABD merkezli şirketlerin üst düzey yöneticileri ile çevrim içi toplantıda, zirve kapsamında Biden ile yapacakları ikili görüşmeye dikkat çekerek, “Başkan Biden’ın 1915 olayları hakkında yaptığı açıklama ilişkilerimize ilave yük getirse de Sayın Biden ile NATO zirvesinde gerçekleştireceğimiz görüşmenin yeni dönemin habercisi olacağına inanıyorum” ifadesini kullandı.
Yani gerek NATO Zirvesi’nin kendisi gerekse de Erdoğan ile Biden görüşmesi Türkiye açısından da kritik önemde.
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Biden’ın yeni ABD başkanı olarak seçilmesinin ardından yaptığı birçok açıklamada, Türkiye’nin “batı bloku” içinde yer almaktaki kararlılığını ve de ABD ile ilişkileri düzeltme konusundaki arzusunu dile getirdi.
Ancak ABD tarafından, Türkiye’nin bu yaklaşımına karşı şu ana kadar atılmış olumlu bir adım olduğunu söylemek mümkün değil.
Aksine Türkiye açısından kırmızı çizgi niteliğindeki, terör örgütleri PKK/PYD ve FETÖ’ye verilen desteğin devam etmesi bir yana Erdoğan’ın dile getirdiği gibi Biden’ın“soykırım” açıkla ması ile ilişkiler daha kırılgan hale geldi.
Yukarıda belirttiğimiz gibi bu zirve ABD’nin ve Biden’ın gücü ve liderliğinin sınanması açısından bir turnusol kâğıdı işlevini görecek.
ABD ve Biden’ın bu zirveden umduğunu bulması ise en fazla Türkiye’nin takınacağı tutuma bağlı.
Yani NATO’nun etkili ve önemli bir müttefiki olarak Türkiye’nin yapıcı bir yaklaşım sergilememesi halinde bu zirve fiyaskoyla sonuçlanabilir.
O nedenle Türkiye’nin bu zirvede elindeki tüm kartları en güçlü şekliyle masaya sürmesini beklemek gerek.
Öncelikle başta ABD ve Fransa olmak üzere birçok ittifak üyesinin aleni bir şekilde desteklediği PYD’nin, yine söz konusu ülkeler dâhil dünyadaki birçok ülke tarafından terör örgütü olarak kabul edilmiş olan PKK’nın uzantısı ve kolu olduğuna dair güçlü bir dosyanın masaya konularak, “Biz bugüne kadar sayısız kez ittifakın ve üye ülkelerin yanında olmamıza karşın, ülkemizi doğrudan tehdit eden, binlerce vatandaşımızın katledilmesinden sorumlu bir terör örgütüne açıktan veya gizli verdiğiniz bu destekler ittifak ruhuyla bağdaşmadığı gibi tarafımızdan kabul edilemez, edilmeyecektir. O nedenle NATO Zirvesi’nde alınacak kararların tarafımızdan desteklenmesi ancak üye ülkelerin terör örgütüne verdikleri destekleri kesmelerine ve ittifakın bu yönde caydırıcı nitelikte kararlar almasıyla mümkün olacaktır” denilecektir diye düşünüyorum.
Aynı şekilde FETÖ’nün terör örgütleri listesine alınıp, bu terör örgütüne verilen desteğin de kesilmesinin ön şartlardan biri olarak gündeme getirilmesi beklenebilir.
Aynı konuların aynı şekilde Erdoğan-Biden görüşmesinde de gündeme geleceğini öngörebiliriz.
ABD’nin bu konularda adım atması halinde diğer ülkelerden de söz konusu terör örgütlerine verdikleri desteği kesmeleri söz konusu olabilir.
Ancak Biden yönetiminin bu konuda adım atıp atmayacağı kuşkuludur.
Kişisel kanaatim, görünen durumda ABD’nin söz konusu terör örgütlerine verdiği desteği kesmeyeceği yönündedir.
Zira derin ABD yönetimi açısından bu terör örgütlerine verilen destek Türkiye’nin yeniden kendilerine bağlı ve bağımlı hale getirilmesi hesaplarının bir unsuru niteliğindedir.
Ancak çözülmeye başlayan Transatlantik İttifakı yeniden güçlendirmeyi öncelikli küresel siyasi hedeflerinden biri olarak ortaya koyan Biden yönetiminin, Türkiye’nin taş koyması halinde bu amaçlarına ulaşamayacaklarını görmeleri halinde tamamen değilse bile söz konusu terör örgütlerine verdikleri desteği dondurma, kısma veya kesme yoluna gitmeleri ihtimal dahilindedir.
O nedenle Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın dediği gibi hem NATO Zirvesi hem de Biden ile yapılacak görüşme birçok açıdan yeni bir dönemin habercisi olabilir.
7. Ασχολίαστο, επίσης!
Gladyo’nun derin matruşkaları
Sedat Bin Zayed’in Paralel Film’deki aktörlüğüne zum yapmadan önce dokuz yıl öncesine gidelim.
28 Şubat Soruşturmasının patladığı günlerdi.
Çevik Bir de gözaltına alınanlar arasındaydı.
20 Nisan 2012 tarihli Star gazetesinde “Çevik Bir Emniyet’te seccade istedi: Beş vakit namaz kıldı” başlıklı bir haber dikkat çekiyordu.
Emniyette üç gün gözaltında kaldıktan sonra tutuklanan 28 Şubat darbesinin önde gelen ismi Çevik Bir’in “Polislerden seccade istediği ve ilk gün Yatsı Namazı ile başladığı” iddia ediliyordu!
28 Şubat döneminde dindarlara, namaz kılanlara “kan kusturan” Orgeneral Çevik Bir’i yıllar sonra sempatik gösterme gayretindeki bu üfürük haberde kimin imzası vardı?
El Cevap: O dönemde Star’ın “Ankara Haber Müdürü” sıfatını taşıyan Paralel Cevheri Güven!
Medyamızda bir dönem “Reklamları Dağıtan Madam” olarak bilinen janjanlı şahıs; o günlerde kamuoyuna bir anlamda Çevik Bir Narkozu veren asparagasın üretimi için devreye girmişti!
Madam’ın Eniştesi, NATO’nun merkezi olan Brüksel’de görev yapmıştı. Kendisi de Komprador Burjuvazinin kanatları altındaydı.
Cevheri’nin Locaefendisi Fetullah’ın 28 Şubat sürecinde; Washington’ın ve Tel Aviv’in gözdesi Çevik Bir’e övgüler sıralayan bir mektup yazdığını bu vesileyle bir daha hatırlıyoruz.
Devam edelim…
JINSA, 1999 yılında Çevik Bir’e “özel bir ödül” vermişti.
JINSA, yani Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs; ABD’deki en etkili üç Yahudi örgütünden birisidir.
Ödül töreni esnasında JINSA’nın Danışma Kurulu Başkanı, aynen şöyle demişti:
“Bugün Türkiye eğer laik ve istikrarlı bir ülke ise bu durumu Çevik Bir ile birkaç kişinin vizyonuna borçludur…”
Ayrıca, Çevik Bir’e “Siz gerçek bir kahraman ve dünya çapında bir lidersiniz” diye hitap etmişti!
1990’lı senelerde Locaefendi Fetullah’ı Yahudi lobisiyle buluşturan Türkiye’deki Gladyo’nun (Üst Yapı) Baronu İzhak Alaton’dur.
Mister Alaton, 28 Şubat MGK’sından yirmi dört gün önce Sincan’daki tankları yürüttürmüş ve bunun için Cunta üyelerine “dört ev” hediye etmişti!
FETÖ’nün finanse ettiği “Nokta” dergisinde (Eylül 2015); fotomontaj tekniğiyle “Erdoğan’ın arkada şehit cenazesi geçerken selfie yaptığı bir kolaja” yer verildi.
Paralel Nokta’nın Yayın Yönetmeni Cevheri Güven idi!
Güven, 2004 yılının başında FETÖ’nün kara propaganda sitelerinden biri aktifhaber.com’u kurdu.
Bu sitede, Paralel Eleman Rauf Atilla Polat’ın ismini “müstear” olarak kullanan FETÖ Emniyet İmamı Osman Hilmi Özdil’in yazılarını yayınladı.
Haziran 2009’da ise Star gazetesinin Ankara Haber Müdürlüğüne getirilmişti.
Yani, Baykal’a kaset operasyonundan on bir ay öncesinde!
Yaptığı fabrikasyon haberler ve yazdığı “Bal Tuzağı” adlı kitapla FETÖ’nün “Psikolojik Harp” elemanlarından biri olarak istihdam edildi.
Kaçak Güven, Paralel Yapıdaki özel görevine şimdilerde Youtube’taki kanalı üzerinden devam ediyor.
Cevheri Güven; bir dönem “Fuat Avni” adıyla Twitter’da kirli bilgi fışkırtan odağın tandemi Said Sefa ve Emre Uslanmaz ile birlikte…
Sedat Peker’in başrolünde oynadığı malum film için “senaryo hazırlığı” yaptı!
İşbu Paralel Yapı üçlüsünün 2020’de yaydığı muhtelif kirli bilgileri; Sedat Bin Zayed, şimdilerde videolarında kullanıyor.
Mesela, Sedat Bin Zayed’in “Kolombiya’dan Türkiye’ye Kokain Ağı kuruldu” iddiasını ilk defa FETÖ’cü Cevheri dillendirmişti.
Bu arada…
Mister Peker’in MOSSAD ve CIA bağlantıları, her geçen gün biraz daha netleşiyor!
Locaefendi’sinin Cevheri’si, 2010’da Baykal’a yönelik kasetin sahne almasında da görevliydi.
ABD’deki bir internet sitesi üzerinden ilk kez gösterime giren o kasetin “ikinci sürümünü” kendi internet sitesinde yayınlayan Yener Dönmez adlı Kullanışlı Eleman, bu hadisede Cevheri Güven ile bağlantısını itiraf etmişti.
Boğma Rakıcı Kılıçdaroğlu’nun CHP Genel Başkanı seçilmesinden sadece birkaç gün sonra (27 Mayıs 2010’da) “CHP’ye en büyük kötülüğü Deniz Baykal yaptı” diye beyanat veren kimdi?
Türkiye’deki Gladyo’nun baronlarından İshak Alaton! (1927- 2016)
Deniz Baykal’a kaset operasyonu, bir başka deyişle “CHP’nin Yeniden Tasarımı” Baronsal Gladyo’nun lokomotifliğinde FETÖ’ye yaptırtıldı.
Şimdilerde FETÖ’den tutuklu İlhan İşbilen, kaset yayınlandıktan sonra Baykal’ı arayıp “Biz yapmadık” demişti!
Bu replik, “Cinayet mahalline ilk katil gelir” yazılı olmayan kuralı kapsamında bir kuyruklu yalandı!
Mister İşbilen, vaktiyle FETÖ’yü İlluminati’nin yıllık toplantılarında temsil etmiş olan şahıstır.
Bu çarpıcı bilgiye Kozmik Oda belgelerinde rastlanmıştır!
ABD’nin hoşuna gitmeyecek gelişme! Putin: İlki tamamlandı
Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin, Kuzey Akım 2 projesinin ilk hattının tamamlandığını bildirdi. Projeye ABD’nin şiddetle karşı çıktığı biliniyor.
Erdoğan’dan ‘Denizkurdu’nda’ dünyaya net mesaj
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Denizkurdu 2021 Tatbikatı’na canlı bağlantı ile bağlanarak açıklamalarda bulundu.
Erdoğan, “TSK, disiplini, yetenekleri caydırıcılığı ve kararlılığıyla harbe hazırlık bakımından dünyanın en donanımlı ordularından biridir” dedi. Erdoğan, “Ölürsem şehit, kalırsam gazi şuuruyla hareket eden Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri, içindeki hainlerden temizlendikçe sorumluluk üstlendiği her yerde başarıdan başarıya koşuyor“ ifadelerini kullandı.
(Kendinize çok mu çok güveniyorsunuz, Sayın Başkan, sanıyorum)!..
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın açıklamlarından öne çıkanlar şöyle:
TSK 2200 yılı aşan kurumsal kültürü ve sayısız zaferleriyle milletimizin iftihar kaynağıdır. 84 milyonun güvenliğini temin için yüksek görev bilinciyle bugün de her türlü fedakarlığı gösteriyor. TSK içindeki hainlerinden temizlendikçe başarıdan başarıya koşuyor.
Bu sene gerçekleştirdiğimiz tüm tatbikatlarda dosta güven hasımlara korku verdi. Bu başarı grafiğini bir üst aşamaya taşıyoruz. Silah sistemlerimizin etkinliğini bu tatbikatta test ediyoruz. Böylece milletimizin gözbebeği olan kahraman ordumuzun kabiliyetlerini görme fırsatını buluyoruz.
Tatbikatın başarıyla yürütüldüğünü görmekten büyük bir memnuniyet gördüm. TSK’yı desteklemeye, gücüne güç katmaya devam edeceğiz. Deniz Kurdu 2021 Tatbikatı bu irademizin en önemli işaretidir. Tatbikatta görev alan tüm askerlimizi tebrik ediyorum.
Aziz şehitlerimizi rahmetle yad ediyorum. Denizde ve havada, destanlar yazan kahramanlarımızı bir kez daha selamlıyoruz.
10. Για “Ξελαμπικάζ“!..
«Θυσία, αγάπη, αυτοπεποίθηση»! (photo)
Τότε, ο Νικήτας Γαβαλάς του είχε ζητήσει να τον μεταφέρει στη«Βηθλεέμ» του Ολυμπιακού, στο ποδηλατοδρόμιο με την καρβουνόσκονη: «Μια εβδομάδα χρειαζόταν να βγει η σκόνη από τα πουκάμισά μας και τα σεντόνια μας. Βλέπετε υπήρχε πολύ καρβουνόχωμα στο γήπεδο και αλλάζανε όλοι… χρώμα. Το πλύσιμο έδινε και έπαιρνε. Δηλαδή, πλέναμε μόνοι μας τα ρούχα μας, την αθλητική μας ενδυμασία. Όλα χρειαζόντουσαν. Θυσία, αγάπη και αυτοπεποίθηση».
Και κάπως έτσι ξεκίνησε η ιστορία το 1925. «Οι αλλεπάλληλες νίκες μας τράβηξαν τον κόσμο. Και όταν αποχώρησα το 1931, ο Ολυμπιακός ήταν πια η δημοφιλέστερη ομάδα».
Δέσμευσή μας, η αξιοποίηση των θησαυρών».
Google Refuses to Fire Anti-Semitic ‘Diversity’ Chief
By JNS and United with Israel Staff
Google’s Global Lead for Diversity, Strategy and Research, Kamau Bobb, was exposed this week for spouting virulently anti-Semitic opinions in a 2007 blog post.
“If I were a Jew I would be concerned about my insatiable appetite for war and killing in defense of myself,” he wrote.
Bobb reportedly released an internal apology at Google. Anti-Semitism watchdogs demanded his immediate termination.
In a statement obtained by the Jewish Journal, Google said: “We unequivocally condemn the past writings by a member of our diversity team that are causing deep offense and pain to members of our Jewish community … . These writings are unquestionably hurtful. The author acknowledges this and has apologized. He will no longer be part of our diversity team going forward and will focus on his STEM [Science Technology Engineering Math] work.”
In the 2007 post, first reported on by the Washington Free Beacon, Bobb, then a research associate at Georgia Tech, shared his views on how Jews people should view the conflict in the Middle East.
With regard to Israel’s operations in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip as well as in the Second Lebanon War, Bobb wrote that Jews have an “insatiable appetite for war” and an “insensitivity to the suffering [of] others.”
He slammed the Israeli government, then led by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and said that Jews should be “tormented” by Israel’s actions.
“If I were a Jew I would be concerned about my insatiable appetite for war and killing in defense of myself,” he wrote. “Self-defense is undoubtedly an instinct, but I would be afraid of my increasing insensitivity to the suffering [of] others.”
Bobb said that as a Jew, his reflections on Kristallnacht, or the “Night of Broken Glass” in Germany, which heralded the Holocaust, “would lead me to feel that these are precisely the human sentiments that I as Jew would understand; that I ought to understand and feel compelled to help alleviate.”
“It cannot be that the sum total of a history of suffering and slaughter places such a premium on my identity that I would be willing to damn others in defense of it,” Bobb wrote.
As a Jew, he said, “I wouldn’t understand the notion of collective punishment, cutting off gas, electricity, and water from residents in Gaza because they are attacking Israel who is fighting against them. It would be unconscionable to me to watch Israeli tanks donning the Star of David rumbling through Ramallah, destroying buildings and breaking the glass.”
Last month, a group of 250 Jewish Google employees demanded that the company express solidarity with the Palestinians and sever all contracts with businesses or organizations that “support Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights,” including the Israel Defense Forces.
Also in May, the Israeli government announced it had signed a $1 billion deal with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google to provide cloud services for the country’s public sector and military.
Απερρίφθησαν οι ενστάσεις Μλάντιτς, παραμένουν τα ισόβια
Οι δικαστές έκριναν ότι ο Μλάντιτς θα παραμείνει κρατούμενος στη Χάγη ενώ ήδη διεξάγονται συζητήσεις για τη χώρα όπου θα εκτίσει την ποινή του.
Μέχρι στιγμής κατάδικοι του διεθνούς αυτού δικαστηρίου κρατούνται σε συνολικά 14 ευρωπαϊκές χώρες.
Ο πρώην ηγέτης των Σερβοβόσνιων Ράντοβαν Κάρατζιτζ έχει μεταφερθεί από τον περασμένο Μάιο σε βρετανικές φυλακές.
Ο «Χασάπης των Βαλκανίων» είχε υποβάλει ένσταση τόσο κατά της ετυμηγορίας όσο και κατά της απόφασης.
Με την απόφαση αυτή ολοκληρώνεται η τελευταία μεγάλη δίκη και η τελευταία διεθνής ακροαματική διαδικασία με αντικείμενο ιδιαίτερα τη γενοκτονία στη Σρεμπρένιστα, την πρώτη στη Ευρώπη μετά το 1945.
Υπό τις διαταγές του Μλάντιτς, σερβικές στρατιωτικές μονάδες επιτέθηκαν τον Ιούλιο του 1995 στην Σρεμπρένιτσα, πόλη που αποτελούσε «ζώνη ασφαλείας» του ΟΗΕ.
Σέρβοι στρατιώτες σφαγίασαν 8.000 μουσουλμάνους της Βοσνίας, άνδρες και παιδιά. Τον Μάιο του 2016 ο «συνοδοιπόρος» του Μλάντιτς, Ράντοβαν Κάρατζιτς, είχε ήδη καταδικαστεί σε ισόβια κάθειρξη σε πρώτο βαθμό. Η υπόθεσή του τελεσιδίκησε το 2019.
Ο Μλάνιτς συνελήφθη μόλις το 2011, 16 χρόνια μετά το τέλος του πολέμου στην πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβία και εκδόθηκε στο δικαστήριο της Χάγης. Εκτός από την κατηγορία της γενοκτονίας στη Σρεμπρένιτσα ήταν αντιμέτωπος και με άλλε ςκατηγορίες, όπως την πολιορκία του Σεράγεβου με πάνω από 10.000 νεκρούς και τη λεγόμενη εθνοκάθαρση σε άλλες περιοχές με θανατώσεις και εκτοπίσεις.
Δίκη – μαμούθ
Το Διεθνές Ποινικό Δικαστήριο του ΟΗΕ για εγκλήματα κατά της πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβίας στη Χάγη, ήταν το πρώτο διεθνές για εγκλήματα πολέμου στην Ευρώπη μετά τη Δίκη της Νυρεμβέργης για τα εγκλήματα της ναζιστικής Γερμανίας στον Β΄ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο.
Το Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας του ΟΗΕ αποφάσισε ήδη από το 1993 τη σύστασή του.
Η νομική διαδικασία δημιούργησε το εξής «δεδικασμένο»: Για μία γενοκτονία υπόλογοι ενώπιον της δικαιοσύνης δεν είναι μόνο οι στρατιωτικοί αλλά και οι πολιτικοί υπεύθυνοι.
Σε ό,τι αφορά τη δίωξη Μλάντιτς επρόκειτο για μια δίκη-μαμούθ με σχεδόν 10.000 έγγραφα και 377 μάρτυρες.
The Hagia Sophia: A True ‘Center of Knowledge about Islam’
A look at how delusional Turkish leadership has become.
Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Last summer, Turkish authorities transformed Hagia Sophia (“Holy Wisdom”)—which was originally built, and for a millennium functioned, as one of Christendom’s greatest cathedrals—into a mosque. On that Friday, July 24, 2020 (which for millions of Eastern Christians is now deemed a “day of mourning”), Muslims met inside the desecrated church, where they were led in prayer by a sword-waving imam, to spasmodic cries of “Allahu Akbar.”
The Turks, beginning with their president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, have been presenting this bit of cultural appropriation as their “right.” Imam Ali Erbas, Turkey’s president of Religious Affairs, has gone one further, claiming that “The goal is for all our mosques and especially Hagia Sophia to become centers of knowledge about Islam.”
So be it. As the anniversary of the Turkish conquest of Constantinople and its Hagia Sophia recently passed (May 29, 1453), let us revisit what happened on that day—a day that truly does impart much “knowledge about Islam,” not least because we have primary source documents describing exactly what the Turks did, particularly in and around Hagia Sophia. (All quoted text in the following narrative was derived from contemporary sources, mostly eyewitnesses; exact references can be found in chapter 7 of Sword and Scimitar.)
Once they had penetrated inside Constantinople, the “enraged Turkish soldiers . . . gave no quarter”:
When they had massacred and there was no longer any resistance, they were intent on pillage and roamed through the town stealing, disrobing, pillaging, killing, raping, taking captive men, women, children, old men, young men, monks, priests, people of all sorts and conditions… There were virgins who awoke from troubled sleep to find those brigands standing over them with bloody hands and faces full of abject fury… [The Turks] dragged them, tore them, forced them, dishonored them, raped them at the cross-roads and made them submit to the most terrible outrages… Tender children were brutally snatched from their mothers’ breasts and girls were pitilessly given up to strange and horrible unions, and a thousand other terrible things happened. . .
Because thousands of citizens had fled to and were holed up in Hagia Sophia, the ancient basilica offered an excellent harvest of slaves, once its doors were axed down:
One Turk would look for the captive who seemed the wealthiest, a second would prefer a pretty face among the nuns. . . . Each rapacious Turk was eager to lead his captive to a safe place, and then return to secure a second and a third prize. . . . Then long chains of captives could be seen leaving the church and its shrines, being herded along like cattle or flocks of sheep.
The slavers sometimes fought each other to the death over “any well-formed girl,” even as many of the latter “preferred to cast themselves into the wells and drown rather than fall into the hands of the Turks.”
Having taken possession of the Hagia Sophia—which at the time of its capture had served as a cathedral for a thousand years—the invaders “engaged in every kind of vileness within it, making of it a public brothel.” On “its holy altars” they enacted “perversions with our women, virgins, and children,” including “the Grand Duke’s daughter who was quite beautiful.” She was forced to “lie on the great altar of Hagia Sophia with a crucifix under her head and then raped.”
Next “they paraded the [Hagia Sophia’s main] Crucifix in mocking procession through their camp, beating drums before it, crucifying the Christ again with spitting and blasphemies and curses. They placed a Turkish cap . . . upon His head, and jeeringly cried, ‘Behold the god of the Christians!’”
Practically all other churches in the ancient city suffered the same fate. “The crosses which had been placed on the roofs or the walls of churches were torn down and trampled.” The Eucharist was “thrown to the ground and kicked.” Bibles were stripped of their gold or silver illuminations before being burned. “Icons were without exception given to the flames.” Patriarchal vestments were placed on the haunches of dogs; priestly garments were placed on horses.
“Everywhere there was misfortune, everyone was touched by pain” when Sultan Muhammad finally made his grand entry into the city. “There were lamentations and weeping in every house, screaming in the crossroads, and sorrow in all churches; the groaning of grown men and the shrieking of women accompanied looting, enslavement, separation, and rape.”
The sultan rode to Hagia Sophia, dismounted, and went in, “marveling at the sight” of the grand basilica. After having it cleansed of its crosses, statues, and icons—Muhammad himself knocked over and trampled on its main altar—he ordered a muezzin to ascend the pulpit and sound “their detestable prayers,” wrote a disgruntled Christian. “Then this son of iniquity, this forerunner of Antichrist, mounted upon the Holy Table to utter forth his own prayers,” thereby “turning the Great Church into a heathen shrine for his god and his Mahomet.”
To cap off his triumph, Muhammad had the “wretched citizens of Constantinople” dragged before his men during evening festivities and “ordered many of them to be hacked to pieces, for the sake of entertainment.” The rest of the city’s population—as many as forty-five thousand—were hauled off in chains to be sold into Easter captivity.
Such is the “knowledge about Islam” that the Hagia Sophia’s experiences truly impart.
Setting the record straight concerning the conquest of Constantinople, as this article has done, is doubly important now that Google and “big tech” are, like the Turks, devoted to hiding the truth of this day: before Turkey violently transformed the Hagia Sophia into a mosque, googling the date “May 29”—a day that for centuries before Pearl Harbor “lived in infamy”—produced numerous search results on the Muslim conquest of Constantinople; today very few do.
Note: Quoted excerpts in the above narrative were taken from and are sourced in the author’s Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West.
Biden’s War on Jerusalem
Violating Israeli sovereignty and US law to support Islamic terrorists.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
A decade ago, Vice President Biden paid a visit to Jerusalem.
Like any trip by an emissary of the Obama administration, it wasn’t a goodwill tour, but a combination of a provocation and a shakedown. While Biden was in Israel, two construction projects received partial approval in a multi-stage process from the City of Jerusalem.
Biden responded by staying up in his hotel room and refusing to come down for an hour.
When he did come down, he hugged Netanyahu and assured him, “Just remember that I am your best f____ friend here.”
Biden’s definition of friendship is the backstabbing kind because after that he and the entire Obama administration began attacking Israel over a decision made by a local urban agency.
“It was not only an insult to Biden, but an insult to the United States,” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ranted. Then she spent two hours yelling at Netanyahu over the phone.
“I was often the ‘designated yeller,’” Hillary would later brag about her relationship with Israel.
“There was an affront, it was an insult,” David Axelrod, Obama’s senior adviser falsely claimed.
The media launched a disinformation campaign falsely claiming that Prime Minister Netanyahu had deliberately caused a Jerusalem urban planning committee to reach a decision on housing in two areas that until then no one had even been paying much attention to.
One of those housing projects was going up in the Shimon HaTzadik (Simon the Righteous) neighborhood named after the last true high priest who had dissuaded Alexander the Great from putting up an idol in the Temple.
The Jewish neighborhood had been built in the 19th century. In 1936, Muslim rioters drove out the community while shouting, “Allahu Akbar” and “Ibtach Al Yahood” or “Kill the Jews”.
This was the first modern Muslim attempted genocide of the indigenous Jewish population of Israel. A British truck driver recollected a massacre in Tiberias in which “the bodies of children, apparently set alight with gasoline in a nursery, were still smoldering” and “the naked bodies of the women exposed the evidence that the knives had been used in the most ghastly fashion.”
In 1947, the Muslims came for the Jews of the neighborhood again and they fought back with the few weapons they had. Then British forces came along and disarmed the Jews to “keep the peace”. The Jewish population fled again. Jordan’s Arab Legion, under British officers, seized half of Jerusalem, and ethnically cleansed its Jewish population Some of the homes in Shimon HaTzadik (referred to by Muslims as Sheikh Jarrah after one of Saladin’s colonizing invaders) were used by the UNRWA to settle Muslims in violation of international law.
The other housing project in Jerusalem in Ramat Shlomo was set to be built on uninhabited land that not even the PLO was claiming as its own.
This was what Biden, Hillary, the Obama administration and the media were howling about.
Obama used fake outrage over Jews living in Jerusalem to engineer the beginning of the Democrat Party’s break with Israel. Biden played a key role in staging an international incident to manufacture a narrative in which Israel was somehow provoking a conflict with Obama.
11 years later, Biden is so short of ideas that he went right back to the same neighborhood.
The Muslim squatters planted by UNRWA in Jewish homes have refused to pay rent to their owners or leave. After two generations of court cases, Israel’s Supreme Court was moving to issue a final decision. The Islamic terrorists of the PLO and Hamas used this as a pretext for a murderous campaign against Israel. And everyone from Biden on down has warned Israel against actually following the law and allowing the Jewish owners to reclaim the property.
Biden funded Iran, backed the terrorists inside Israel, and then warned the Jewish State against “provoking” them by allowing Jews to take part in a parade or allowing courts to follow the law.
On May 10th, well before the fighting began, Biden’s people ordered Israel not to evict any of the Muslim squatters and to cancel the annual Jerusalem Day celebrations. Netanyahu tried to appease Biden by rerouting the parade and asked the Supreme Court to postpone a decision.
Despite these efforts at appeasement, the Islamic violence escalated anyway. But that hasn’t stopped the Biden administration and its media allies from blaming Israel anyway.
That’s how this game of diplomatic Catch 22 with Israel always works.
The Supreme Court, which is independent and doesn’t answer to either Biden or Netanyahu, refused to halt the eviction case. That hasn’t stopped the Biden administration from continuing to make illegal demands that another nation’s supreme court should refuse to follow the law.
But Biden is also moving to open a consulate for the ‘Palestinians’ in Jerusalem to counteract the embassy that President Trump moved to Jerusalem. The consulate would violate Israeli sovereignty and would be illegal under United States law. Neither bothers Biden.
There’s also no reason to set up a consulate to the terrorists in Jerusalem except to violate Israeli sovereignty over the city and stake a claim to the Jewish city for Hamas and the PLO.
The Palestinian Authority operates out of Ramallah. The Russians and Chinese have their diplomatic missions in Ramallah. That’s not out of sensitivity to Israel, just common sense.
Biden wants to set up a consulate to the PA miles away from the terror state regime that he wants to have close diplomatic relations with. State Department personnel told the media that during the war they thought they were “flying blind” without a consulate. But a consulate in Jerusalem puts them no closer to Abbas and the Palestinian Authority’s government than the embassy they already have in Jerusalem does. If Biden wants a consulate close to Abbas, he could erect one in Ramallah. Otherwise the consulate could operate out of the embassy.
Secretary of State Blinken claims that Biden wants a consulate in Jerusalem “to be able to more effectively engage not just the Palestinian Authority, but Palestinians from different walks of life, the NGO community, the business community, and others.”
Countries don’t have diplomatic relations with NGOs and businesses, but with countries. France doesn’t operate a consulate to Coca Cola or the Sierra Club.
But if Biden and Blinken want to “engage” the non-profit NGOs that are funded by the State Department, the European Union, George Soros, and other anti-Israel billionaires to wage a campaign against Israel, they can just open a consulate in D.C., Brussels, or the Open Society Foundations in Berlin. And the Muslim “business community” of the 600 Hamas millionaires in Gaza, (falsely depicted as an “open air prison” in the media’s disinformation campaign) would be best engaged by opening a consulate in Gaza City right next to the AP’s offices.
There’s no legal or rational reason for Biden to open a “Palestinian” consulate in Jerusalem.
Biden wants a terrorist consulate in Jerusalem for the same reason that every Democrat White House insisted on keeping the US embassy in Tel Aviv 40 miles from the actual location of the Israeli government in Jerusalem. The State Department didn’t complain it was “flying blind” through multiple wars by refusing to have close access to the Israeli government.
It was more important to make a point by refusing to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
The Soviet Union and European media made a point of referring to Tel Aviv as shorthand for Israel’s government the way that we would refer to London as shorthand for the British government which was like insisting that the White House is really in Boston.
Deutsche Welle, Germany’s state-owned broadcaster, falsely captioned a recent photo of Blinken and Netanyahu meeting in Jerusalem as “Blinken met with Netanyahu in Tel-Aviv”.
It’s not just Iran that refers to Israel as “the regime in Tel Aviv”.
That’s the denialist mindset behind Biden’s push to open a terror consulate in Jerusalem. Biden’s people, especially his pro-terrorist point man Hady Amr are, as the State Department often accused Israel of doing, “creating facts on the ground” for the PLO and Hamas.
And no politician has been more hypocritical and dishonest about Jerusalem than Biden.
In 1990, Biden co-sponsored Senate Concurrent Resolution 106 which condemned “ambiguous statements by the Government of the United States concerning the right of Jews to live in all parts of Jerusalem”.
Two decades later, Biden became a key figure in attacking the right of Jews to “live in all parts of Jerusalem”.
In 1992, Biden co-sponsored Senate Consecutive Resolution 113 stating that “Jerusalem must remain an undivided city” and in 1995 co-sponsored the Jerusalem Embassy Act declaring that “Jerusalem should remain an undivided city” and “be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel”. All the way back in 1984, Biden was saying, “I happen to support this move”, but “I think it is the wrong fight to make it this time.” And it always went on being the wrong time.
When President Trump called Biden’s bluff by moving the embassy to Jerusalem, Biden conceded that “I wouldn’t reverse it. I wouldn’t have done it in the first place.”
Biden promised to open a consulate to the “Palestinians” in Jerusalem and he’s on it. The proposed consulate has no legitimate government function because it’s not in Ramallah.
The only purpose of the consulate is to undermine President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem.
After years of enthusiastic speeches at AIPAC, Biden offered a sonorous video in 2020 warning of a “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza and telling Israel that it needed to stop Jewish “settlements”.
Biden threatened Israel that if it didn’t keep Jews from living on land claimed by the terrorists, it would “choke off any hope for peace” and undermine support from Democrats.
During his campaign, Biden promised, “I will reopen the U.S. consulate in East Jerusalem”.
He’s not reopening it to “engage Palestinians”, but to counter Israel’s claim to Jerusalem. After decades of pretending that he supported recognizing a united Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel, Biden is doing everything he can to undermine Israel’s presence in Jerusalem.
In 2013, Biden told AIPAC that he was jealous because Obama “gets to be the one to say ‘This year in Jerusalem'”. In 2021, he’s promising, “This year in Jerusalem” to the terrorists.
Glazov Gang: Joe Biden is Sick
Putting a nation in dire jeopardy.
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This new Glazov Gang episode features Jeff Crouere, author of America’s Last Chance.
Jeff discusses Joe Biden is Sick, unveiling an administration putting a nation in dire jeopardy.
Don’t miss it!