Μια… “Συγγνώμη” Και Άλλα!
1. Συγγνώμη, ρε… βλάκα (κατ’ ελάχιστον βλάκας), που είχαμε γράψει για φωτιές και σαμποτάζ σε ελληνικά πολεμικά α/δ, στα τέλη Αυγ., και αυτές “βγήκαν” πλησίον συναφών χώρων, στις αρχές Σεπ.!
Αν είχαμε τις δυνατότητες που έχεις εσύ, ρε ξεφτίλα(!), θα “βγάζαμε… παπάδες”! Επειδή όμως μας διαβάζεις, όπως έγραψες, για πες μας ρε, πόσους… Ιερείς, … Αρχιμανδρίτες και… Μητροπολίτες – Δεσποτάδες έχει “βγάλει” αυτό το “σάϊτ”; Έχεις τέτοια από κάτω σου, ώστε να το παραδεχτείς;
2. Σε ό,τι αφορά την διόρθωσή σου περί των Τουρκμένων της Συρίας, κλπ, αυτοί… βλάκα (κατ’ ελάχιστον), δεν ξεπερνούν τις 40.000 και είναι πολυδιηρημένοι! Έχουν περισσότερα των 8 Κομμάτων, βαθιά τ/συνείδηση, που της την ενίσχυσε πολλαπλασιαστικά, κυρίως τα τελευταία 5 χρόνια, η άφθονη παροχή… “άσπρων” από την Τουρκία, αλλά και ο φόβος δολοφονίας των κεφαλών τους (με άγνωστο δήθεν δράστη), από την τ/ΜΙΤ.
Οι Τούρκοι τους χρησιμοποίησαν πολιτικά και στην Β. Συρία, αλλά και στην χερσόνησο της Κριμαίας και στην παρούσα φάση υπνώττουν!..
Επίτρεψέ μου λοιπόν να επιμείνω! Ο “Ελεύθερος Συριακός Στρατός”, όπως έξυπνα ονομάστηκε, και κάποιος επικεφαλής* τους ήταν αυτός που ανέφερε / δήλωσε ότι σε Ε-Τ πόλεμο θα συνδράμουν τις ΤΕΔ, ως ανταπόδοση τάχα προς αυτές, για την στήριξη που τους παρείχαν στην Συρία, την στιγμή μάλιστα που έχουν εκπαιδευτεί επί 3 σχεδόν έτη από τις ΤΕΔ σε τ/έδαφος και μισθοδοτούνται επισήμως απ’ την Τουρκία, πολεμώντας γι’ αυτήν (τουλάχιστον μέχρι πρότινος), στην Β. Συρία, κατά των δυνάμεων του Άσαντ!
Εσύ διατήρησε την άποψή σου, κάτι που σέβομαι απολύτως! (Ότι ήσαν δηλαδή οι Τουρκμένοι)!
Α! Και οι πρώτοι… βλάκα, που δήλωσαν ότι σε Ε-Τ πόλεμο θα είναι στο πλευρό των Τούρκων, δεν ήσαν οι Σύροι αντικαθεστωτικοί, όπως εγώ ισχυρίζομαι ότι ήσαν αυτοί που μίλησαν τελευταίως, ούτε οι Τουρκμένοι, όπως εσύ διατείνεσαι ότι ήσαν αυτοί που δήλωσαν ότι σε Ε-Τ σύγκρουση θα υποστηρίξουν τις ΤΕΔ!
Ποιοί ήσαν;
Ήσαν οι Πακιστανοί φιλαράκο και με τον πιο επίσημο μάλιστα τρόπο, ήτοι δια του Π-Θ τους, που παραμένει ακόμα λαοφιλής στην χώρα του, στον βαθμό που ήταν τέτοιος και ως αθλητής του χόκεϋ επί χόρτου, με άλογα! Όλως τυχαίως ελέγχεται και αυτός από τις Βρετανικές ΜΥ (ΜΙ6), ενώ είναι χωρισμένος και η πρώην σύζυγός του ήταν / είναι Αγγλίδα, αν δεν σφάλλω!.. Συμπέρασμα; (Προς “τρίτους”)!
* Το μόνο λάθος που κάναμε ήταν στο όνομα που γράψαμε! Δεν λεγόταν ο δηλώσας Μαχμούντ, αλλά Χαμούντ! ΟΚ!..
3. Το τί γράφουμε και λέμε είναι πάντα αυστηρά ελεγμένο… βλάκα, ασχέτως του τρόπου που παρουσιάζαμε και παρουσιάζουμε τα θέματα!
Όταν, για παράδειγμα, ψάχναμε σ’ αυτόν τον “ανοιχτό” Η/Υ, τις μη ελληνικές τσόντες στο Διαδίκτυο, κλπ, για συγκεκριμένους λόγους, κάποιοι… αμύντορες της ηθικής και άσχετοι του αντικειμένου ή άντε ερασιτέχνες στον “Κόσμο των Πληροφοριών”, μας “πέρασαν γενεές 14”, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ!
Τώρα, που αποκαλύφθηκε από την εξέταση – μελέτη, στην “CIA”, βιντεοκασετών και γενικώς κασετών πορνό του “συγχωρεμένου” Αρχιτρομοκράτη Οσάμα Μπιν ΛΑΝΤΕΝ, πως περνούσε μέσα απ’ αυτές μηνύματα στα μέλη της Οργανώσεώς του, τί έχουν να πουν; Και εσύ… βλάκα!..
4. Ευχαριστούμε και τους Ιταλούς φίλους, οι οποίοι, από σήμερα, παρουσιάζονται να μας διαβάζουν και “ανοικτά”!.. Ελπίζουμε να αφήσουν στην άκρη τη συνήθη ιστορικά πονηρία τους και να δουν -επιτέλους- την ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ, τουλάχιστον σε ό,τι αφορά το… αντικείμενο “ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ” και ειδικότερα το θέμα “Σημερινή Τουρκία και Παγκόσμιος Απειλή”!
5. Χαιρετίζουμε την εκτελεσθείσα κοινή Ε-Βουλγαρική αεροπορική άσκηση, η οποία έλαβε χώρα μετά από πολλά χρόνια!..
Οι Έλληνες να μην ξεχνάμε, παρ’ όλα αυτά, πως προ ετών και σε μια των τελευταίων κοινών παρομοίων ασκήσεων, Β/Σμήναρχος, στην ενημέρωση ασκήσεως, ανέφερε πως οι ΒΕΔ διεκδικούν ακόμα την Α. Μακεδονία!..
Τέλος, να μην μας διαφεύγει επίσης πως, μόλις πρόσφατα, έλαβαν χώρα ογκώδεις διαδηλώσεις στην Σόφια κατά του Π-Θ Μπόϊκο ΜΠΟΡΙΣΩΦ!..
6. Εκλογές τον Απρίλιο του 2021 στην Αλβανία, οριστικά πια, εφ’ όσον φυσικά φτάσουμε με ειρήνη μέχρι εκεί!..
Στην Αλβανία, που είναι έμπλεη ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ, ακόμα το επίσημο Κράτος ΔΕΝ(!) έχει βγάλει το πόρισμα για την δολοφονία του ΗΡΩΑ Κων-νου ΚΑΤΣΙΦΑ, τον οποίον παρουσιάζουν να αυτοκτόνησε με 2 σφαίρες στην καρδιά!.. Τον Κατσίφα, που τον ξεκοίλιασαν κυριολεκτικά, μετά θάνατον, στα νεκροτομεία Κορυτσάς και Τιράνων!
Φτου σου ρε φονιά Ράμα, φτου σου ρε αρχιπρεζόνη, Γενίτσαρε! Φτου σου ρε Τουρκο-λακέ!..
7. Η άσκηση “Şehit Yüzbaşı Cengiz TOPEL”, γίνεται κάθε χρόνο στα “Κατεχόμενα” (ΤΕΔ + τ/Δυνάμεις Ασφαλείας) και όχι μόνον φέτος, που κάποιοι… ανησύχησαν, ακούγοντας τους Τούρκους να μιλάνε για μεγάλη άσκηση με την ονομασία “Καταιγίδα Της Α. Μεσογείου” / “Dev Fırtınası Tatbıkatı”!.. (06-10 / 09 / 2020).
8. Στην Ισπάρτα (Σπάρτη), πόλη που γεννήθηκε ο Σ. ΝΤΕΜΙΡΕΛ, μεταξύ των άλλων, ευρίσκεται, θυμίζουμε, και το “Κέντρο Εκπαίδευσης Αντι-Τρομοκρατίας”, γεγονός που σημαίνει ότι υφίσταται και συνεκπαίδευση των μελών της Αντι-τρομοκρατικής, με τους Κομάντος, των ΤΕΔ!..
9. Ο Δκτης της 3ης τ/Στρατιάς Αντγος (3 αστέρων) Σερέφ ΟΝΓΚΑΫ παρέστη στην πρόσφατη άσκηση των ΤΕΔ, με τους Αζέρους, στο Ναχτσεβάν!
10. Η απάντηση του τ/ΓΕΕΔ, σχετικά με σχεδόν πρόσφατη “πληροφορία” για μεταφορά τ/αρμάτων στην Α. Θράκη, (της 2ης Στρατιάς), ήταν μπλεγμένη(!!!) και μη σαφής(!!!), αλλά δεν μας απασχολεί, αφού οι ΤΕΔ δεν χρειάζεται ούτε “τυπική” ΕΠΣ να κάνει, για να αντιμετωπίσει (αριθμητικά) τις ΕΕΔ, στο “Θέατρο Επιχειρήσεων” της Θράκης! Παρ’ όλα αυτά, η… “μετάφραση” της τ/ανακοινώσεως μας (… “επρόκειτο για προγραμματισμένη ενέργεια της 2ας Στρατιάς”), λέγει ότι επρόκειτο για επαναφορά στην Α. Θράκη αρμάτων που είχαν σταλεί απ’ εκεί στα Τ-Συριακά σύνορα!
11. Γιατί ρε ΚΑΘΙΚΙΑ δεν αναφέρατε και κυρίως δεν προβάλατε, όσο και όπως θα έπρεπε, τις δηλώσεις του ιστορικά Αρχηγού του Γένους μας Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου Κου Κου ΒΑΡΘΟΛΟΜΑΙΟΥ, σχετικά με την τζαμι(ο)ποίηση της ΑΓΙΑΣ ΤΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ ΣΟΦΙΑΣ και της Μονής της Χώρας;
Να σας πω εγώ! Δεν προβλήθηκαν όπως θα έπρεπε, επειδή ήσαν στην βάση τους ΕΘΝΙΚΕΣ, ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΕΣ, ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΕΣ και κυρίως… ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΕΣ ή καλύτερα ΠΑΝΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΕΣ και δηλώσεις ΑΓΑΠΗΣ, (τί άλλο μπορεί πχ να σήμαινε η με πόνο αποστροφή του Ο.Π. μας, πως αυτό που έγινε με την ΑΓΙΑ ΣΟΦΙΑ, θα οδηγήσει σε ρήξη Χριστιανών και Μουσουλμάνων), με περιτύλιγμα… βαθιάς οδύνης!..
The Democrat Election Plan: Chaos
The threat is real, and it’s coming. Big time.
Options traders who specialize in hedging against risk get it. According to a recent report from FoxBusiness, “the options markets are signaling the very real possibility that neither President Trump nor Joe Biden will be the clear-cut winner on Election Day, Nov. 3.”
Instead of a clear-cut victor there will be chaos. So-called “peaceful” protests. Media outrage. Riots.
And the chaos will all be aimed at one goal: changing the outcome of the election, which otherwise the Democrats are sure to lose.
How can I say this?
Because I’ve been studying the Democrats’ game plan for the past eight years, since I was a Republican nominee for Congress in Maryland in 2012.
I saw first-hand many of the tactics that a former Democrat Party election operative recently revealed in a stunning insider’s account published by the New York Post.
The operative, a self-styled Bernie Sanders supporter, accomplished his dirty work for years in New Jersey, and “led teams of fraudsters and mentored at least 20 operatives in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania,” the Post reported on August 29.
He said he was coming forward “in the hope that states would act now to fix the glaring security problems present in mail-in ballots.”
Don’t hold your breath.
One of the tricks this operative and his cohorts used was to go door-to-door to collect completed absentee (now called “mail-in”) ballots as a public service. They would steam them open and replace Republican ballots with Democrat ballots, then reseal them and drop them in the mail. Once they reached the elections office and officials matched the signature on the outer envelope with the voter rolls, they simply dropped the fake ballots into ballot boxes with real ballots to be counted. And voilà.
Another technique was to employ partisan mail carriers to harvest absentee ballots in Republican areas and simply dump them in the garbage.
Another was to “harvest” absentee ballots in nursing homes, being careful to help invalids fill them out the “correct” way.
Yet another was to pay the homeless to vote.
And in states with no voter ID – such as Maryland, where I ran for office – this operative would send paid volunteers from polling place to place with index cards bearing the names of real voters and their addresses. At each polling place, the fake voter would sign in as the real voter and vote.
I personally witnessed a BMW with Washington, DC, license plates carry five young men from polling place to polling place in my suburban Maryland district in 2012. But because there was no voter ID, we could do nothing to stop them.
I also watched as Democrat party operatives escorted bus-loads of mentally-incompetent people to the polls. Just try challenging their right to vote with Democrat activists serving as election judges!
These are very real threats this November.
The Democrats plan to flood polling places in half a dozen swing states with millions of questionable ballots, then have armies of lawyers battle it out for weeks until voters have had enough and demand that states “call” the election.
I look at these tactics and much more in my new book, The Election Heist, which I wrote to prepare you for what could happen this November.
The book went off to the publisher in early February. And yet, many of the scenes I wrote then are already starting to happen.
I predicted Antifa riots along New York’s Fifth Avenue outside Trump Tower, and in other cities across the country.
I predicted that Democrat operatives would swamp the polls at closing time in key swing states with thousands of voters demanding to register and vote. This is a tactic now being championed by the George Soros-funded Brennan Center for Justice in New York City, which is spending millions to lobby states to allow voters to register and vote on election day, before their eligibility can be verified.
This same Soros-funded public policy group is also spending heavily to promote universal vote-by mail, while sister organizations have sent more than two million absentee ballot applications to “irregular voters” in Georgia who haven’t voted in recent elections. Many of them would otherwise be scrubbed from the rolls because they are deceased or have moved. But thanks to Soros money, they will vote.
And these are just the threats we know of, that have already been used by Democrat operatives, sometimes leading to federal prosecutions and convictions.
In The Election Heist, I also look at more exotic means of tipping the election, by means of sophisticated electronic hacking that actually changes the results of votes cast.
For those who think this is not possible, think again. At DEFCON 2018, a well-known hackers’ forum, it took two 11-year olds less than thirty minutes to break into a replica of Florida’s voter registration data base. In real life, they could have altered voter records, deleting hundreds of thousands of registered Republicans.
The vulnerabilities of direct-recording electronic (DRE) voting machines have been known for years, and I witnessed them first-hand during the 2012 election in Maryland.
Most people believe these machines, which led to accusations of “black box voting,” have been retired. But think again. Even in Florida, which uses paper ballots and electronic tabulators, DRE machines are still used for voters with disabilities or who can’t read English.
As The Election Heist shows, Democrat operatives such as the one who recently “confessed” his crimes to the New York Post face a smorgasbord of choices. And they will use them all.
This is not a time for our election officials or for ordinary citizens to sit back and believe the comforting fairy tales the Democrat media has long repeated, that no such thing as voter fraud exists.
It exists. It is real. And it is coming, big time.
Be prepared.
NY Times best-selling author Kenneth R. Timmerman is the author of Deception: The Making of the YouTube Video Hillary and Obama blamed for Benghazi, and 10 other works of non-fiction. The Election Heist, a fictional account of the 2020 election, is his fourth published novel.
Ernst Röhm, Maximilian Robespierre, and Democrat Party Stormtroopers
The Brownshirts are coming under Dem rule.
In 1933, Hermann Goering was appointed Minister of the Interior (i.e., Police Commissioner) of Prussia. One of Goering’s first innovations was a radical change in the priorities of police, including specific restrictions of police activities. The novelty of Goering’s approach was that he departed from the socialist tradition of demanding the abolition of the police, which was first proposed by Vladimir Lenin a quarter of a century before the described events in his article “April Theses” of 1917.
Another radical proposal of Russian socialists – the closure of prisons and the release of all prisoners – has been partially implemented by some American Democrat Governors a hundred years later. In the spring of 2020, a massive number of criminals were released from local (non-Federal) prisons – allegedly due to the coronavirus – who then went on to make a significant contribution to pogroms, looting, and riots.
Minister Goering’s first step was staging a grand purge of the police and hiring National Socialist Party activists with no police experience to replace the thousands of dismissed policemen. How could the head of police practically leave citizens to their fate without police protection? This seems more than strange, but Goering had a different task.
The fact is that by that time, the Nazis had already created alternative police, which was subordinate only to the party – the so-called SA (Sturmabteilung). The SA stormtroopers wore light brown uniforms. This uniform was bought by the party of German National Socialists – the NSDAP – at a bargain price from the German army, which kept in its warehouses millions of units of these clothes, prepared for Germany’s invasion of Africa during the First World War. The invasion never took place, and the army was glad to get rid of unnecessary uniforms.
The stormtroopers of the National Socialist Party, the SA, went down in history as the Brownshirts.
As Minister of the Interior, Hermann Goering ordered the Prussian State police to work in parallel with the police of the National Socialist Party.
Soon this approach was extended to the entire Third Reich. The task of the Brownshirts was not to protect law and order but to organize riots, pogroms, arson, and intimidation of opponents of the National Socialist ideology to strengthen their political power.
In parallel with the radical reform of the police, a process of radical control over firearms began in Germany – at first, in 1933, it was only about the registration of military-grade weapons, and then it was time to register any gun. In 1935 and 1938, Germany adopted laws on the total confiscation of firearms from all “unreliable elements” (Jews, for example). At the same time, all restrictions were lifted on weapons for members of the NSDAP and related organizations (such as the Hitler Youth).
As a result, the main task of the German state police was not to protect citizens but to protect the rioters.
Democrat mobsters imitate the Nazi Brownshirts in many ways, although in some ways they differ. Today’s leftists decided to emulate the Blackshirts of the Italian socialist Mussolini (in clothing choice), the Brownshirts of the German National Socialists (in their methods of terror), and the Maoist Hongweibing (in ideological stubbornness). Blackshirts, Brownshirts, and Hongweibing are ancient practices of global leftist movements. In other words, in 2020, neither leftist philosophy nor the current generation of leftists in America could come up with anything new.
Calls for the dissolution of the police or defunding of police are attempts by Democrats to transform the police from a law enforcement agency into a rioters’ protection agency.
The irony of history is that a year later, in 1934, the leadership of the Brownshirts led by Ernst Röhm was eradicated (the official code name for this operation was “Operation Hummingbird,” but it went down in history as the “Night of the Long Knives”). Who eliminated the SA leaders, all of whom were loyal supporters of National Socialism? This was done by their party comrades, SS Stormtroopers, and the word “comrades” is the most acceptable here. The fact is that, according to the tradition established among all socialists, members of the SS called themselves that way (for example, “Comrade Sturmbannfuehrer,” not “Herr Sturmbannfuehrer”).
The same fate awaits the American democrat goons, although, at present, no one can predict precisely how the reprisals against these leftist militants will take place. Only one thing is known – the reprisals against these Democrats will be carried out by the Democrats themselves as part of an internal power struggle. In the same way, Maximilian Robespierre, one of the founders of the leftist ideological terror, fell under the guillotine at the hands of his fellow revolutionaries.
If the SA militants in Germany were replaced by the SS militants in 1934, then someone else will replace the white Antifa stormtroopers, and black BLM stormtroopers for there are enough left-wing terrorist organizations in America. Perhaps the go-ahead for the internal crackdown against Antifa and BLM will be given immediately after Biden’s loss on November 3 this year.
From a Machiavellian standpoint, the Democrat Party thugs – Antifa and BLM – are simply an extraordinary political gift. Who needs agent-provocateurs if your political opponent has such renegades? Do not forget that the primary damage from democratic pogroms falls solely on the democratic states and democratic enclaves. For months now, the “peaceful democratic rioters” have been dragging the model of the “peaceful guillotine” around the democratic enclaves.
As a result, the new symbol of the Democrat Party of America has become not just a donkey, but a donkey carrying a guillotine.
It is unlikely that any vacillating Republicans or other indecisive voters would dare to associate themselves with such a party.
It took Biden three months to formulate and present his opinion on the subject. Portland has been burning for three months, and finally, Joe Biden made a statement in which he did not condemn – no – he just chided his supporters for “unnecessary violence.” Biden basically said that you guys are doing noble work, but still, the destruction of capitalism should not take such overt forms. Biden believes that burning entire city blocks to the ground is overkill. It took a person who positions himself as the future leader of the free world three whole months to come to this conclusion. Anyone, even a person who is very far from politics, understands that this is just a mockery of common sense.
It is an admission that Biden did not, does not, and will never have leadership skills.
Only a complete political dilettante does not understand that by the end of summer 2020, the political train to Washington has already left the station. To jump on the last wagon, Biden had three months to harshly condemn the rioters, as Donald Trump did. Biden missed this opportunity, and now the Democrats will be inevitably defeated in two months.
After the defeat, an intraspecific massacre among Democrats will begin, which the history of America has not yet seen.
Gary Gindler, Ph.D., is a conservative columnist at Gary Gindler Chronicles and the founder of a new science: Politiphysics. Follow him on Twitter and Quodverum.
How Democrats Recreated the Middle Ages in America’s Cities
And they want you to pay for it.
[Make sure to order John Perazzo’s book: Betrayal: The Democratic Party’s Destruction of America’s Cities.]
When it comes to federal aid, all Democratic mayors (backed by Democrat governors) are saying is: Don’t ask questions. Don’t expect accountability, or concern for public safety or the national interest. Just keep the money flowing.
The happy combination of ideology and gross incompetence which characterizes the administrations of most Blue cities has led to the current crisis.
The president has asked Attorney General William Barr to see if some federal funding can be withheld from cities that have allowed Antifa and Black Lives Matter to run rampant while crime rates soar.
The howls of outrage were deafening. Sounding like a mafia don (his alter ego), New York Gov. Dumbo said Trump would need an army to walk the streets of his hometown. He later walked that back, realizing that it sounded like he was channeling his inner Lee Harvey Oswald.
Having just emerged from the lab where his bolts were tightened, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said reducing federal funding for his city is “racist” (now that’s novel) — unlike removing police protection from high-crime neighborhoods, which is a boon to minorities.
Mayors who’ve run their cities into the ground demand that the hard-working taxpayers of Indiana, Alabama and South Dakota bail them out.
According to the municipal watchdog Truth in Accounting, in 2019 (well before COVID-19), the unfunded debt of America’s 75 largest cities was $330 billion. Of these cities, 63 were insolvent.
The municipal response to the urban insurrection that threatens to destroy America is beyond disgraceful. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (who agrees with the mob on almost every point and fought to keep federal agents from his fair city) was forced to flee his $840,000 condo when peaceful protestors tried to burn it to the ground.
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser is a social justice warrior nonpareil. Her Facilities and Commemorative Expressions Committee is working on recommendations to remove statues and rename public buildings to stop honoring those who participated in “slavery, systematic racism, mistreatment of, or actions that suppressed equality for, persons of color, women and LGBTQ communities” – in other words, those like Christopher Columbus, Andy Jackson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and Francis Scott Key who offended the gods of political correctness.
Bowser has her priorities straight. Forget the violence of anarchist mobs and everyday crime that plagues our nation’s capital, including the cowardly assault on Senator Rand Paul and his wife leaving the White House. Bowser thinks the average DC resident doesn’t care if his kid is shot dead on the playground, as long as all “public assets” reflect her ideology.
They may be losing businesses at record rates, but crime is booming. Even before the George Floyd riots, mayors like de Blasio and Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot decided that police budgets should be sacrificed to social spending. The latest madness is defunding the police.
The results have been painfully predictable. According to the Wall Street Journal, in the first half of this year, America’s 50 largest cities saw a 24% increase in homicides over the same period in 2019. Robberies, rapes and other violent crimes are also surging.
Homelessness is another municipal growth industry. No matter how much money cities throw at it, things keep getting worse.
San Francisco is the public poop capital of the U.S. Due to the rise of homelessness and the city allowing vagrants to treat public places like toilets, reported cases of human feces on the streets almost tripled between 2011 ad 2017. Public safety and sanitation, two of the pillars of civilization, have fallen together.
As the middle class flees California, illegal aliens and the homeless have made it their domain. Almost half of the nation’s unsheltered homeless call California home.
Los Angeles is becoming notorious for its homeless encampments — distinguished by discarded needles, crime and disease. For some strange reason, crazies and addicts don’t make model citizens.
Statewide, reported cases of Typhus increased from 13 to 167 between 2008 and 2018. Tuberculous, Hepatitis A and Staph infections are, according to one account, “spreading aggressively in San Francisco and other California cities.”
Exotic diseases bred in Third World conditions are making a comeback. Public health experts warn of a resurgence of bubonic plague. Leave it to Democrats to recreate the Middle Ages in America’s cities.
The Medieval Party has finally taken notice of growing public disgust which will impact on the election.
A Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll shows 77% of Americans are extremely or very concerned about the crime wave engulfing our cities, while a majority lay the blame on local officials (who belong to the party of catch and release) for not arresting and vigorously prosecuting the perps.
It doesn’t matter how much money Washington shovels at Democratic cities, nothing will change – except the taxpayers will be poorer and middle-class flight will accelerate.
Once again, the president considers a common-sense approach, and Democrats meet it with cries of “racism,” “political pandering” and illegality.
Cuomo says Trump has it in for Gotham, because “New York City rejected him always.” But not the New York City Police Benevolent Association, which just endorsed the president’s bid for re-election.
Fancy that.
Israel’s New Foreign Minister Confronts Germany’s Past
“We will never again stand defenseless, left at the mercy of others.”
Israel’s recently installed Foreign Minister, Gabi Ashkenazi (pictured above), of the Blue and White Party, and Benny Gantz’s deputy party leader, flew to Berlin on his first diplomatic mission abroad. He was invited by Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas to join him in Berlin, and he used the opportunity to meet with his European counterparts. Maas was hosting the European Union’s (EU) Foreign Ministers conference, and Germany is currently holding the rotating presidency of the EU. The two-day conference held on August 27-28 dealt with the situations in Belarus and the Eastern Mediterranean. The unilateral aggressive action by Turkey’s Erdogan garnered solidarity with Greece and Cyprus, both members of the EU now being intimidated by Turkey. Relief for Lebanon, especially in view of the August 4, 2020, devastating explosion that destroyed parts of Beirut, was another conference agenda item. For Ashkenazi, however, the ostensible reason for the trip was to press Germany, and the EU foreign ministers, to maintain the United Nations (UN) established arms embargo against Iran due to expire on October 18, 2020.
Ashkenazi’s first meeting was on Wednesday (August 26, 2020) with Germany’s President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. He thanked the German president for Germany’s branding Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Ashkenazi updated Steinmeier on Israel’s normalization pact with the United Arab Emirates (UAE). He then proceeded to address a crowd of distinguished guests and local Jewish community members at Platform 17, in Berlin’s Grunewald station, a memorial site marking the place where Nazi Germany deported 55,000 Jews to their death in concentration camps, labor camps and Polish ghettos. Ashkenazi, a former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff declared, “Jews will never again be sent to their death because they are Jewish. Never Again.” He added, “We will never again stand defenseless, left at the mercy of others, we will defend our sons and daughters while holding a sword in one hand and an olive branch in the other.”
On Thursday, August 27, 2020, Ashkenazi and Maas visited the infamous Wannsee Villa, where in January 1942, the Nazis led by SS Chief Reinhard Heydrich, and Adolf Eichmann, planned the “final solution.” It was where the green light was given to the extermination of European Jewry, known as the Holocaust. For Ashkenazi, as a son of a Holocaust survivor, this visit to Wannsee was particularly emotional. It was where unprecedented evil and cruelty was unleashed, and ended in the genocide of Six Million Jews.
It is hard to escape the symbolism of visiting Wannsee Villa prior to attending the meeting with the EU foreign ministers. While Germany’s Foreign Minister agreed with Ashkenazi on extending the UN arms embargo on Iran, the leaders of Britain, France and Germany are eager to reinforce the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), better known as the Iran nuclear deal. U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from the deal in 2018, while his predecessor Barack Hussein Obama heartily embraced it in 2015, and to ensure its survival, bribed the radical Ayatollahs regime with a bonus of $150 billion in cash. The cash the mullahs of Iran received was used to fund the Iranian sponsored militias operating in Iraq, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Syria, and Yemen. Israel is determined to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear bomb. Iranian leaders have loudly and repeatedly proclaimed their intention of “wiping Israel off the map.” As recently as September 30, 2019, Fox News reported that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander, Gen. Hossein Salami declared that wiping Israel off the map is now an “achievable goal” thanks to Iran’s technological advances. Iran’s apocalyptic leaders are ready to perpetrate a Nazi-like genocide on Israel’s Jews if not stopped.
Germany still sees the JCPOA or the nuclear deal with Iran, as the best way to prevent Tehran from developing a nuclear weapon. That is a naïve, if not an irresponsible outlook, given that Iran has repeatedly cheated on the development of a nuclear weapon. They had done it long before the signing of the JCPOA and even at this writing. If not for Iranian informers and defectors, the West would never have known about Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program, especially following the 2003 U.S. war against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. At this very time, Iran is defying the JCPOA by producing unlawful higher-grade centrifuges and increasing the quantities of allowed uranium. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has found uranium particles at a site in Iran that had not been declared by the Iranian authorities. It was discovered thanks to Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who revealed that Iran had a secret atomic warehouse at the Tehran Turquzabad district.
Maas expressed concern about issues outside the JCPOA deal, including Iran’s ballistic missiles program, and its aggressive meddling in Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria. He stated that “Iran must change its approach in the region, we are not naïve about Iran, we know Iran plays a dangerous role.” And, yet, Germany is still either deluding itself or its simply cynical and hypocritical about Iran, because German business interests are invested in Iran.
It is not only with a nuclear bomb that Iran seeks to destroy Israel. Tehran has employed its IRGC commanders and its loyal Shiite militias from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen, as well as Hezbollah in Syria, close to Israel’s Golan Heights. Iran is hoping to have its missiles close enough to hit Israel’s population centers. It is seeking to provide Hezbollah with advanced GPS systems to make its missiles in Hezbollah’s hands accurate enough to kill thousands of Israelis.
Ashkenazi told reporters in Berlin that the extension of the arms embargo was essential to prevent Iran from getting advanced weapon systems and spreading them throughout the Middle East. Clearly, Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite terrorist organization that controls Lebanon, would be the first beneficiary of Iran’s advanced weapons acquisition. This will directly threaten the lives of millions of Israelis. At the very least, it seems that Heiko Maas understands that Germany must not be sparty once again to a genocide against Jews, i.e. Israeli Jews. The Trump administration wants a full extension of the embargo on Iran, but China and Russia are more than likely to veto it in the UN Security Council. Heiko Maas, for his part, said, “We are trying to reach a diplomatic solution so that there will be an arms embargo on Iran in the future.” Gabi Ashkenazi, referring to the arms embargo on Iran concluded by saying “We would like to see the European countries, not just Germany preventing it, it’s not helpful for the stability of the region.”
If Germany and its partners in the JCPOA are to assume moral responsibility regarding Iran’s nuclear threat, they would follow the Trump administrations insistence that the current deal paves the way for Iran to legally acquire a nuclear bomb within less than a decade or much earlier. The deal must be renegotiated and ensure that Iran will be permanently prevented from obtaining a nuclear bomb. Its missile development program aiming to carry nuclear payloads, has to be included in a renegotiated deal.
Visiting the Wannsee Villa should serve as a reminder to the free world that Iran’s messianic and apocalyptic[j1] [j2] regime, much like Hitler’s, might act on its threat to destroy Israel and its Jews.
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16. Αφού λοιπόν έκαναν έρευνες οι Τούρκοι, επειδή το είπε ο άσχετος Διακόπουλος και το επανέλαβε ο… βιαστικός και λάλος Ζιαζιάς, ας βγουν οι Τούρκοι με στοιχεία να το αποδείξουν και να μάθουμε και τί βρήκαν!..
Έτσι γίνονται οι υπόψη έρευνες ρε φιλαράκο, με την απειλή “από λεπτό, σε λεπτό” να ξεσπάσει… ναυμαχία και την ίδια στιγμή που, όπως πληροφορούμαστε, κάποιοι που… θίγονται, ψάχνουν για τις οικογένειες των… ερευνητών και κυρίως των μη Τούρκων;