Μια Υπενθύμηση Και Κάποια Άρθρα (Αναδημοσιεύσεις)!..

Φίλοι μου!

– Αρχικώς η υπενθύμιση! Προσοχή:


– Ακολούθως:

– Σας παραθέτω, αμέσως παρακάτω, κάποια -εκτιμώ- χρήσιμα άρθρα, για όσους φυσικά είναι μελετητές μας! Κάποια εξ αυτών δικαιώνουν και αρκετές κεπεφρασμένες θέσεις μας, για όσους μας μελετούν -επαναλαμβάνω- και έτσι είναι σε θέση να ξεχωρίσουν τις… ομοιότητες ή ταυτίσεις, αντιλαμβανόμενοι πρωτίστως το τί γράφουμε εδώ!..

– Αρκούντως πολλά ήταν τα θέματα που “τσιμπήσαμε” και ακολούθως συνέβησαν στην διεθνή, όπως και στην… τοπική μας σκακιέρα, τιμώντας εσάς, τους αναγνώστες μας! (Φίλους και Εχθρούς)!.. Ενδεικτικώς σας υπενθυμίζω ότι σας είχαμε γράψει, μήνες πριν από τη νίκη του, για νίκη του ΤΡΑΜΠ στις αμερικανικές εκλογές, επίσης απ’ τον Φεβ. του 2017, για το στρ-κό τ/Κίνημα, του Ιουλίου, του 2016, και άλλα πολλά!.. (Και πάντα με επιχειρήματα, κυρίως από αναλύσεις πληροφοριών και όχι κάνοντας την… Πυθία, που θα έλεγε πχ και ο Κος Πάϊατ)!.. 


– “Πάμε” λοιπόν, για σήμερα, που και πάλι θα βρουν κάτι και οι όποιοι Τουρκομαθείς, οι Τουρκόγλωσσοι, κλπ! (Διαβάζετε ό,τι σας βάζουμε κάθε φορά και μαζί -κυρίως- με τις αναλύσεις μας, θα δυναμώνετε πνευματικά, όπως και πληροφοριακά, όλο και περισσότερο, καθημερινά! Όμως, απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση γι’ αυτό είναι η παρακολούθηση -θυμίζω- της τοπικής μας και παγκοσμίου πολιτικο-στρατιωτικο- οικονομικής καθημερινότητος)!..


Don’t let the Democrats off the hook.

April 23, 2018

Daniel Greenfield


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.

Michael Cohen, President Trump’s lawyer, was forced to drop his lawsuit against Fusion GPS over the smears peddled in its Clinton-Steele dossier because of the recent raids by the FBI.

Aside from Trump, Cohen was one of the few people with the standing to sue Fusion GPS and discovery might have pulled back even more of the curtain on the process by which Clinton opposition research was used to justify eavesdropping on Trump officials while manufacturing the Russia conspiracy theory.

Going after Cohen not only seizes control of materials normally protected by attorney-client confidentiality (at least until Hillary Clinton’s disgraced pick for Attorney General decided they shouldn’t be), but also protects Fusion GPS and suppresses a further line of inquiry into FBI misconduct.

The government investigations of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have also doubled as cover-ups.

Taking down Flynn protected a vital weak point at the National Security Council. McMaster sabotaged any investigation of unmasking abuses by Susan Rice, Samantha Power and other Obama associates. Those NSC figures who insisted on looking into them were summarily forced out.

The real climax of the Hillary investigation came when immunity agreements were handed out to her associates like candy in exchange for their “cooperation”. When Hillary and her people lied to the FBI, it wasn’t a crime. Not only wasn’t it a crime, but the whole point of the exercise was immunizing her people from prosecution so that a Trump administration would have little leverage against them.

The investigations are also crimes. And they not only abuse government power to suppress political opponents, but also work to suppress any counter-investigation of the crime being committing.

While Trump and Cohen had their attorney-client privilege shattered, Cheryl Mills inappropriately claimed attorney-client privilege in her relationship with Hillary Clinton, even though she had been a government employee, and not only did the FBI respect the claim, but she got an immunity agreement.

What do these three cover-ups have in common?

All three abused law enforcement resources to protect Democrat political assets. The Cohen raid, Flynn’s prosecution and the Clinton immunity agreements protected, respectively, Fusion GPS, Susan Rice and Huma Abedin, as well as other related figures. But protecting them was also a matter of self-protection for the key FBI and DOJ people who had been doing their bidding. Clintonworld and Fusion GPS had injected the materials into the government on which the illegal investigation of Trump was based. And Rice, Power and others had then abused the materials that came out the other end.

The cover-ups protected the political links to the investigations so that they would appear to be impartial criminal and national security affairs. Every exposure of the political links to these investigations has undermined confidence in their integrity and respect for their outcome.

The two most explosive secrets of this game were the Steele dossier that was the basis fconspiracy theory of the investigation, and the eavesdropping and unmasking of Trump officials.

After all the obstruction, the Steele dossier was exposed as Clinton campaign opposition research. Part of its pathway into the bowels of the system was charted. But much of the map is still missing. And shutting down further examination of Fusion GPS helps protect its accomplices in the government.

But Cohen’s lawsuit also threatened to discredit the founding document of the investigation. Going after him forcefully changes the subject. It allows Mueller and his media allies to spin more defenses of the dossier’s credibility. Its origins have been exposed, but Cohen’s court case would have revealed the laughable nonsense the conspiracy theory was based on. And the incompetence and corruption of everyone in the FBI who had treated it as a serious document would have made them look like clowns.

Comey, McCabe and the gang are the type who begin writing their autobiographies in elementary school.  They’re eager to be interviewed about their martyrdom, but they hate being laughed at.

And an extensive dissection of the errors in the Clinton-Steele dossier would have been hilarious.

The revelation that the Trump investigation was based on the work of political operatives was damaging, but it’s just dynamite. The nuclear bomb is that political operatives made extensive use of the resulting eavesdropping. The Clinton-Steele dossier can be written off as a dirty trick. But the unmasking climax is Watergate a thousand times over. It’s the worst scandal in political history.

A Democrat work product going into the justice system is bad, but not fatal. The system uses whatever information it can get. But a national security work product going to Democrats is absolutely lethal.

It’s one thing when you call the cops on a Republican. It’s another thing when the cops call you.

Flynn was an early target because he was positioned at the vulnerable point of the interface between the investigation and the Democrats that would have exposed the criminal behavior of both sides.

And that’s still the secret that will be protected at any cost.

The Trump investigation was generated by the Democrats, its existence serves Democrat political purposes and its output has been consistently exploited by Democrats in both legal and illegal ways.

Is this really a Deep State or a Democrat State?

The investigations haven’t just eroded the line between the justice system and partisan interests, they’ve eradicated them. When it’s impossible to distinguish between opposition research and prosecution evidence, then political opposition becomes criminalized.

Elements in the justice system had been radicalized in the same way as the media. Bias starts out with a thumb on the scale and then escalates to extensive coordination with political interests. A little crookedness in an existing case shifts over to setting the entire agenda while ignoring the facts.

Radicalization in the media is bad. But radicalization in the government is the end of freedom.

Those same abuses in the media have destroyed it as a trusted institution, but haven’t violated any laws. But when elements in the justice system coordinate with partisan interests and allow them to generate cases, set the agenda, spy on their opponents, raid them and imprison them: it’s tyranny.

Since President Trump took office, influential Federal judges began treating legal cases the way that the media treats stories. Instead of leaning one way or another within the confines of the facts and the law, they disregarded both and did everything possible to undermine an elected official whom they hated.

When Federal judges did that with the travel ban, illegal alien amnesty or sanctuary cities, it was bad enough. But then they began doing it with criminal cases aimed at the President of the United States.

That’s no longer a power struggle between the branches of government. It’s a police state.

Before and after the last election, the Democrats conspired to rig their primaries, plotted to tamper with the general election, and then sought to reverse its outcome and tamper with the next election.

In the typical manner of the left, they justified their crimes by attributing them to their victims.

Extensive coordination between political operatives, elements in the justice system, law enforcement, the State Department and the media manufactured crimes and built investigations around them.

Some call this network, a “Deep State”. But that shifts responsibility from the Democrats to an amorphous conspiracy that encompasses everything. And that lets the Democrats off the hook.

The investigations of Trump aren’t tainted because everyone in the FBI is bad. They’re tainted because Democrats tried to use them to rig one election and are trying to use them to rig another one.

2. Το παρακάτω άρθρο θα μπορούσε να έχει τον τίτλο:

Οι Βρωμεροί Τούρκοι“!.. 

Suikast ve sabotajlar dönemi resmen başladı

Mike Pompeo’nun ABD Senatosundan onay alarak Dışişleri Bakanlığı görevine resmen başlaması üzerine ayrıldığı Merkezi Haberalma Teşkilatı (CIA) Direktörlüğüne vekaleten Gina Haspel getirildi.

GİRİŞ 27.04.2018 06:39GÜNCELLEME 27.04.2018 07:48

ABD Başkanı Donald Trump tarafından CIA Direktörlüğüne aday gösterilen Haspel, yaptığı yazılı açıklamada, bir önceki CIA Direktörü Pompeo’yu  bakanlık görevine başlamasından dolayı tebrik etti. Haspel, Trump’ın kabinesiyle çalışmayı dört gözle beklediğini belirtti.

Kritik bir dönemde CIA’in başına geldiğini vurgulayan Haspel,  açıklamasında şu ifadelere yer verdi:  “Bir geçiş sürecinden geçerken CIA çalışanlarına hayati görevimize  odaklanmalarını ve her zaman yaptığımız gibi Amerikan halkını, dünyadaki  müttefiklerimizi güvenli ve güçlü kılmak üzere politika yapıcılarının ihtiyacı  olan istihbaratı sağlamak için var güçleriyle çalışmalarını söyledim. Amerikan  halkı ve müttefiklerimiz ancak CIA’in uyanıklığına, mükemmelliğine ve  kararlılığına güvenebilirler.”


CIA’de 33 senelik deneyimine rağmen 2001 yılındaki 11 Eylül  saldırılarından sonra teşkilatın yurt dışı hapishanelerinde yapılan işkencelere  adı karışan Haspel’in, senatodan onaylanma sürecinin oldukça zor geçeceği  belirtiliyor. Haspel’in Trump tarafından CIA Direktörlüğüne aday gösterilmesi,  teşkilatın ilk yurt dışı hapishanesini kurduğu Tayland’da birçok şüpheliye  işkence edilmesinde rol oynadığı gerekçesiyle Washington’da tartışma konusu  olmuştu. Kaliforniya eyaleti Senatörü Demokrat Dianne Feinstein, Oregon eyaleti  Senatörleri Demokrat Ron Wyden ve Martin Heinrich, CIA’in Haspel konusunda daha  fazla bilgiyi kamu ile paylaşmasını talep etmişti.

Amerikan medyasında yer alan haberlerde, teşkilatın dün adaylık  sürecinde incelemesi için Gina Haspel ile ilgili bazı gizli bilgileri  senatörlerle paylaşmayı kabul ettiği ileri sürüldü. Donald Trump, eski Dışişleri Bakanı Rex Tillerson’ı görevden aldığını  ve yerine Mike Pompeo’yu atadığını Twitter hesabı üzerinden duyurmuştu. Aynı  paylaşımında Trump, Pompeo’dan boşalacak CIA Direktörlüğü görevine Haspel’i aday  gösterdiğini ifade etmişti.


Trump’ın son değişiklikleriyle ABD’de kim ne derse desin, sonunda Pentagon ve CIA’nın dediği olur gerçekliği ete kemiğe büründü.

Yani, devletin tepesindeki tüm koltuklar generaller ve CIA elemanlarına teslim. Hem de en şahinlerine. Dolayısıyla da bu tablodan çıkarılan ilk sonuç, bundan sonra dünyanın işinin çok daha zor olacağı yönünde. Türkiye-ABD ilişkileri açısından bakıldığında ise daha kötüsü olmaz ama daha iyiye de gider mi gibi soru işaretleriyle dolu flu bir görüntü var. Dahası, bugün Ortadoğu’da dün de dünyanın dört bir köşesindeki tüm karışıklıklarda, kirli tezgâhlarda doğrudan parmağı olan CIA’nın başına getirilen Gina Haspel’in bu işlerin erbabı olması da endişeleri hepten artıran bir durum.

Çünkü yeni manipülasyonlar, tetiklemeler söz konusu olabilir. Haspel’in bı görev için adı ilk geçtiği günlerde Genelkurmay İstihbarat Dairesi eski başkanı emekli Korg. İsmail Hakkı Pekin’in Milliyet’ten Tunca Bengi’ye şu yorumu yapmıştı.

“CIA Başkanlığı’na getirilen Gina Haspel örtülü harekât dairesinin başkan yardımcısıydı. Bunun anlamı şu biz dahil bir çok ülkede ABD’nin örtülü faaliyetleri olacaktır, oluyordu ama çok daha fazla olacaktır…”


Devlet adamlarına suikastlar olabilir. Bazı yerlerde başkaldırmalar, karışıklıklar çıkartabilir. Hem IŞİD’i hem PYD’yi yeni baştan dizayn edip bunları farklı kullanabilir. Sadece bize karşı değil, diğer ülkelere de. Darbeler olabilir, mesela Körfez ülkelerinde, Ürdün’de, Pakistan’da. Yani belli gruplar kullanılmak suretiyle o bölgelerde kargaşa çıkarılması, merkezi hükümetlerin zayıflatılması, siber saldırılar gibi her türlü örtülü operasyon yapılabilir.


“Belli terör örgütlerini çıkartırlar, Türkiye’nin başına musallat ederler. Ekonomik kaynaklı operasyon yaparlar. Ya da sosyal düzeni bozucu provokasyonlar, sabotajlar yapabilirler. Onun için içeride bu adamları temizleyecek istihbarata ihtiyacımız var. Bu konuda kimlerle istihbarat iş birliği yapabiliriz, onlara da bakmamız lazım. Türkiye’nin hata yapma şansı yok…”


The terrorist group has been methodically outmaneuvered and outsmarted by Israel.

April 27, 2018

Ari Lieberman


Hamas has lost. The Islamist terrorist entity that governs the impoverished Gaza Strip has run out of military and political options. Following Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, Hamas began a systematic campaign to harry and harass Israeli border communities by showering them with thousands of rockets. Soon, Hamas managed to increase the range, accuracy and payload of its rockets placing Ashqelon, Ashdod and even Tel Aviv in peril. But Israel answered the challenge by introducing its Iron Dome wonder weapon which effectively neutralized the rocket threat.

So Hamas turned to its Plan B – terror tunnels. Hamas began digging tunnels into Israel with the aim of carrying out mega attacks. In 2014, a plan was in the works to launch a massive attack on the Jewish new year of Rosh Hashanah in which Hamas would deploy hundreds of fighters who would emerge from tunnels and engage in a kidnapping-murder spree. As it would turn out, the plan never materialized. A series of Hamas provocations prior to Rosh Hashanah triggered a massive Israeli counter-insurgency operation against Hamas in the summer of 2014.

During the course of the 50-day campaign, the Israel Defense Forces uncovered some three-dozen tunnels, many of which penetrated into Israel. They were destroyed but the revelation prompted Israel’s military planners to invest in technologies capable of detecting terror tunnels. The investment bore fruit. Israel is in the midst of constructing a massive underground barrier aimed at thwarting infiltrations. In addition, the IDF has devised methods and technologies specifically geared to detecting underground anomalies.

In the past few months, the IDF has destroyed or caused the collapse of no less than five tunnels. Just days ago, a tunnel collapsed near the border in Deir al-Balah, in central Gaza killing a member of the so-called Al-Qassam Brigades. On April 15, the IDF destroyed a tunnel that it described as the “longest and deepest” yet uncovered. And in October 2017, the IDF destroyed a tunnel killing 14 terrorists – 12 belonging to Islamic Jihad and two from Hamas. Israel has transformed terror tunnels into giant burial chambers for terrorists.

Its rocket and tunnel threats neutralized, Hamas turned to a new tactic, one aimed at cynically employing civilians and garnering world sympathy. Three weeks ago, it began to stage mass protests along the border. These protests were anything but peaceful but the IDF was ready for all contingencies. In the first week of protests, 30,000 demonstrators, some of whom were armed, took part. That number whittled down to 20,000 in the second week and to about 5,000 in the third week.

The downward trend is expected to continue as Gazans recognize the futility of their actions and exploitation by their government. Noteworthy is the fact that 80% of “peaceful demonstrators” killed thus far along the border actually belonged to one of three terrorist groups, the Al Qassam Brigades, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade and Islamic Jihad. Photos of some of them can be viewed here.

Armchair elitists who sit within confines of the Hollywood bubble have the luxury of second-guessing Israeli military decisions but those living in the Israeli community of Nir Oz, just a few hundred meters from the border, have no such luxury. For them it is a matter of life and death and they are under no illusions about what would happen to them if their genocidal neighbors just across the border breached the border, from above or below.

Having failed with rockets, terror tunnels and mass demonstrations, Hamas’s options have been severely curtailed. Hamas has invested heavily in Unmanned Aerial Drone technology but here too, Israel has stymied their efforts.

Last Saturday, 35-year-old Fadi Muhammad al-Batsh, was liquidated as he was walking from his house to a nearby mosque in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur. The assassins pumped 10 to 14 bullets into his body to ensure death. Al-Batsh, an electrical engineer, was a lecturer at the British Malaysian Institute at the University of Kuala Lumpur. But al-Batsh had a more sinister side. He was a high ranking member of Hamas and was responsible for advancing the group’s militarized UAV program. Hamas described him as its “engineer commander.” According to a New York Times report, Batsh may have also been secretly negotiating with North Korean agents, on Malaysian soil, for arms transfers to Hamas.  He thus became a legitimate target for liquidation.

In December 2016, Mohammad Zawari, another Hamas operative and an engineer who was also central to Hamas’s UAV program met a similar fate in Tunisia. In both cases, Israel remained tight-lipped but there is little doubt that Israel’s long arm of justice reached out and touched both of these menaces.

In the air and subterranean theaters, Israel has outmaneuvered Hamas and its affiliates. The Islamist group has plainly run out of options and is under extreme distress. Its negotiations to forge unity with Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority (the other corrupt Palestinian entity that governs 40% of Judea and Samaria) have run into a brick wall. Graft and mismanagement are rampant in the Strip and unemployment for those between the ages of 15 to 29 hovers at an astonishing 60%. Drug addiction is prevalent as many have resorted to opioids to escape their abysmal, Hamas-created reality. Electricity and water shortages are commonplace and raw sewage remains untreated.

Left with no viable military options to deflect Gazans’ attentions away from their hellish predicament, we can expect Hamas to resort to yet greater internal repression to maintain its vice-like hold on power.

4. Σας έγραψα για την επέτειο των 70 χρόνων ύπαρξης του Ισραηλινού Κράτους και ευχηθήκαμε κιόλας, θα το θυμάστε, αλλά ξέχασα -μάλλον από κούραση- να σας γράψω σε ποιά Ισραηλινή Οικογένεια και την τραγική ιστορία της ήταν η ημέρα αυτή αφιερωμένη, απ’ το Ισραηλινό Κράτος!

Ζητώ ειλικρινά συγγνώμη και σας καλώ να διαβάσετε παρακάτω:


Honoring the Fogel Family

This week, the State of Israel miraculously celebrates its 70th birthday. But before Independence Day festivities begin, Israel mourns its fallen — the soldiers, the secret agents and the policemen killed in defence of our country, as well as the victims of terror: men, women, and children slaughtered by premeditated evil. Today, on Memorial Day, Israel mourns the Fogel Family.

Udi and Ruth Fogel lived in Itamar. They had six young children. On the night of March 11, 2011, two Palestinian terrorists from a nearby village infiltrated Itamar on a mission of indiscriminate slaughter. The two terrorists started by breaking into eleven-year-old Yoav’s room, viciously slitting his throat. They then turned their attention to four-year-old Elad, brutally stabbing the young child in the chest as he slept. The terrorists then entered the master bedroom where Udi and Ruth slept. The couple resisted, fighting for their lives and the lives of their children. Udi was fatally stabbed; Ruth was stabbed and shot with a stolen weapon. When three-month old Hadas began to cry, one of the terrorists stabbed the infant repeatedly and decapitated the baby girl. The bodies were discovered by Tamar, the eldest child, who returned home following a youth outing. When authorities arrived, they found the Fogel’s two year old son shaking his mother and father in a desperate attempt to wake his parents up.

Upon capture, the terrorists showed no remorse for their cold-blooded rampage. In fact, they regretted not knowing there were more children; otherwise, they told investigators, they would have murdered them as well. Both Palestinians received five life sentences for their inhumane crime. Not only were the two lauded by the Palestinian Authority as heroes, but they continue to receive hefty salaries while in prison.

Shurat HaDin is fighting on behalf of the Fogel family, and all the victims of terror, to stop the flow of terror money, to end a system where the murderers of babies are rewarded, to never forget.

Now more than ever, we need your help to fight terrorism and protect innocent lives around the world.


Some fight terror on the battlefield. Others engage the forces of terror deep behind enemy lines. Shurat HaDin fights terror in the courtroom. Our mission is to bankrupt any person, organization or body that supports or facilitates extremist activity, and to provide some measure of compensation — and justice — to the terror victims and their families. Whether it be the Fogel family, or any of the countless other families whose lives were torn apart by the horrors of a terrorist attack, we represent victims worldwide. Your generous support gives these tragic families a voice and allows them to fight back.


