Συνεχίζουμε, απ’ εκεί που είχαμε μείνει, ενώ ο “Οικογενειακός… Συναγερμός” είναι ακόμα ενεργός, είναι ακόμα σε ισχύ!..
6. Ο Τραμπ, ο οποίος όπως ελέχθη, δεν έκανε, ως Η.Π.Α., κανέναν πόλεμο στον Πλανήτη, αλλά κυρίως ούτε υποδαύλισε ή υποκίνησε και κανέναν, (κάτι που, στην “γραμμή” αυτή, τόνισε και ο νέος Α/ΥΠΑΜ Κος Μίλερ, με την αναφορά του στο προσωπικό του “Πενταγώνου”, με την ανάληψη των καθηκόντων του, λέγοντας πως “οι πόλεμοι πρέπει να τελειώσουν”), προσπάθησε έξυπνα να “έλθει” στα νώτα της Ρωσίας και στα ίδια της Κίνας, κάνοντας “δις” σπουδαίο “άνοιγμα” στην πιο σκληρή Κομμουνιστική, υφιστάμενη ακόμα, Δικτατορία, που γνώρισε ο Πλανήτης, μετά απ’ εκείνη του Ι. Στάλιν, ήτοι στην Β. Κορέα, του γνωστού παράφρονος, σχέδιο που αν πετύχαινε, θα “άνοιγε τον δρόμο” και για μια πιθανή σταδιακή εκδημοκρατικοποίησή της!
Το θέμα “Β. Κορέα” δεν “έκλεισε” και είναι “στο χέρι” πια του επόμενου Α/Προέδρου, (είτε του ιδίου, είτε του “Κοιμήση Τζο”, ανάλογα με την απόφαση των εκλεκτόρων, που θα την μάθουμε στις 14-12-2020), να “δει” το “πώς” μπορεί, και αν μπορεί φυσικά, να το συνεχίσει και να το εξελίξει θετικά για την Δύση!
Παράλληλα, και παρά την “ΑΡΧΗ” της εξωτερικής του πολιτικής, που συνοψίζεται στην φράση “γυρίζουμε τα στρατεύματά μας σπίτι*, δεν απεμπολούμε τα συμφέροντά μας στο εξωτερικό, πρώτα οι Η.Π.Α.”, προσπάθησε να “πείσει” την Κίνα, (εκτός από οικονομικά, όπου την κατετρόπωσε** υπέρ πάντα του α/Λαού, και γεωπολιτικά), ότι οι Η.Π.Α. έχουν τον “πρώτο λόγο” και στην περιοχή τους και εφ’ όσον το θελήσουν ξέρουν τον τρόπο να το… δείξουν!.. Καταλάβατε!..
* Τα “γύρισε” τα στρατεύματα των Η.Π.Α. σπίτι ο Τραμπ, αλλά η αλήθεια είναι (και απευθύνομαι στους “ανά τω κόσμω”, κυρίως αριστερούς – πρώην Κομμουνιστές και νυν “demek” δυτικόστροφους, κατηγόρους του, που φωνάζουν και τάχα… ανησυχούν για την α/απουσία, αυτήν που κάποτε με ύβρεις, δολοφονίες, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ, ζητούσαν να υλοποιήσει / να πράξει η κάθε α/ηγεσία), κανείς ποτέ δεν έμαθε πόση ακριβώς(!) στρατιωτική δύναμη άφησε πχ στο Αφγανιστάν, στην Συρία, κλπ! (Εννοώ τον ακριβή αριθμό των α/στρατευμάτων που παρέμειναν σε περιοχές αμερικανικού ενδιαφέροντος)!
** Κυρίως την διεθνή εμπορική Κινεζική πειρατεία, με τις πλάτες πρωτίστως της ΕΕ και ακολούθως των Η.Π.Α. των “Δημοκρατικών”!
Έτσι, σας θυμίζω, τί έγινε επί μακρύ χρονικό διάστημα στο Χονγκ Χονγκ και τον εκεί πάνδημο λαϊκό ξεσηκωμό, που αντιμετωπίστηκε απ’ το καθεστώς τελείως… φονικά!
Επίσης, ενίσχυσε τις Βάσεις των Η.Π.Α. στην Ν. Κινεζική Θάλασσα, αύξησε την εκεί αμερικανική αερο-ναυτική παρουσία, ενώ:
- Δημιούργησε έναν ισχυρότατο πλέον στόλο Β. Ατλαντικού.
- Επέβαλε -ουσιαστικά- στους Ιάπωνες την επαναδημιουργία ΕΔ και την δραστηριοποίησή τους μέχρι και την… “let’s say” όμορή τους περιοχή με την Ρωσία. (Υφίσταται ακόμα η Ρ-Ι διαφορά για τα γνωστά εκεί διαφιλονικούμενα 3 νησιά).
- Με την στάση του και την “ΑΡΧΗ” της πολιτικής του “ζόρισε” και τους Αυστραλούς, οι οποίοι υποχρεώθηκαν, εκ των πραγμάτων, να ενεργοποιηθούν έτι περαιτέρω στρατιωτικά (αμυντικά, αν θέλετε), Αυστραλοί που “έδωσαν την άδεια” στις Η.Π.Α. για δημιουργία α/Βάσεων στο έδαφός τους!..
Ο Τραμπ θα είχε κάνει “πράγματα” και στο ΝΑΤΟ, (εννοώ στο Πεδίο και συγκεκριμένα στον στρατιωτικό τομέα, κυρίως δε στο μέτωπο προς την Ρωσία), αν(!) αυτό δεν ελεγχόταν στελεχιακά, σχεδόν σε ποσοστό 100%, από την ΕΕ των “Διεθνών Εβραίων”, τις θελήσεις των οποίων τις “ακούμε” συνήθως, και “επί παντός επιστητού”, από την δοτή, άτυπη Π-Θ της Ένωσης, Κα Μέρκελ!..
Ό,τι έκανε –ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ(!), διότι έχουν μεγίστη σημασία τα 2 ακολουθούντα επίθετα- με την χρεοκοπημένη και υποθηκευμένη Ελλάδα ήσαν πρωτόγνωρα “προχωρημένα” και τα ξέρετε, έχοντα τεράστια σημασία και για την εθνική μας άμυνα!
[Και αυτά τα λίγα, τα οποία έγιναν με τον πρώην Π-Θ μας, Διεθνιστή Σορίτη Τσίπρα, αλλά κυρίως, αυτά τα πολλά, με τον κρυφο-Σορίτη (;) νυν Π-Θ Μητσοτάκη]!
Στήριξε “ανοικτά” και “δυνατά” την εισέτι απειλούμενη ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑ του Ισραήλ(!) , μια ασφάλεια που τέθηκε σοβαρά… “υπό αίρεση”, επί του “Δημοκρατικού” – “Παγκοσμιοποιητή” Χ. Μ. Ομπάμα!
Το “κόλπο γκρόσο” ήταν η τεράστια επιτυχία του, να φέρει ουσιαστικά σε συμμαχία το Ισραήλ, με Αραβικά κράτη (και όχι μόνον)***, κράτη τα οποία ήσαν, για 10ετίες, εχθρικά προς αυτό ή έστω -για τους πιο… δυσκοίλιους- κατόρθωσε να ουδετεροποιήσει Αραβικά κράτη, τα οποία για 10ετίες εμάχοντο την δικαιωματική, και μετά από ΟΛΟΚΑΥΤΩΜΑΤΑ, όπως και ποταμούς αίματος στην περιοχή της Μ. Ανατολής, ύπαρξη εκεί του Ισραήλ, στην ιστορική του δηλαδή κοιτίδα, κράτη όπως η Σ. Αραβία, τα Η.Α.Ε. χώρες του Κόλπου, όπως το Ομάν, το Κουβέϊτ, κλπ, εξελίσσοντας παράλληλα με την πολιτική του προς το Ισραήλ και ένα ίσως ΟΝΕΙΡΟ του ΝΑΤΟ στην περιοχή, όπως πιθανώς να ήταν ή να είναι η δημιουργία ενός Αραβικού ΝΑΤΟ, με “καθαρά” νέους προσανατολισμούς και ρόλους των μελών του!
*** Το Σουδάν πλέον υπέγραψε κοινή συμφωνία, εγώ θα την πω “συμφωνία ειρήνης” με το Ισραήλ και τις Η.Π.Α., παίρνοντας, ως αντάλλαγμα, ένα τεράστιο σβήσιμο των οφειλών του στο “ΔΝΤ“!..
Το αρτηριοσκληρωτικό όμως ΝΑΤΟ, παραμένει ακόμα στο… έλεος των θελήσεων των… Αφεντικών του “Διεθνών Εβραίων”, όντας αυστηρά προσηλωμένο στην προστασία των οικονομικών συμφερόντων τους, και στο “μη μου άπτου” χωρών που αυτοί έχουν εκτιμήσει ότι εξυπηρετούν αυτά τα συμφέροντα, όπως πχ είναι η Τουρκία, το Αζερμπαϊτζάν, κλπ, μην έχοντας όραμα για το μέλλον, ενώ στερούνται και στελεχών (αναλυτών, κλπ), που θα μπορούσαν να τους… διανοίξουν πνευματικά τους συγκεκριμένους αυτούς… ορίζοντες, ώστε η υπόψη Συμμαχία να ξεφύγει από το τέναγος στο οποίο ευρίσκεται, εδώ και καιρό, “γερνώντας”, μέρα με την μέρα, όλο και περισσότερο!
Όμως ο Τραμπ έδωσε και στους Παλαιστινίους το καλύτερο “Σχέδιο Λύσεως” του προβλήματός τους, ένα σχέδιο που στο μέλλον είναι ΑΔΥΝΑΤΟΝ(!) να υπάρξει καλύτερό του!
Δυστυχώς η ΑΠΟΛΥΤΟΤΗΤΑ, αυτό το “όλα ή τίποτα” των Παλαιστινίων (και των 2 “μερίδων”, ήτοι της -ουσιαστικά- … μουμιοποιημένης “Αλ Φατάχ” της Δ. Όχθης, και της τρομοκρατικής “Χαμάς” της Λωρίδας της Γάζας) και κατ’ εμέ το μίσος για τους Εβραίους του Ισραήλ, ένα μίσος που τους έχει εδώ και χρόνια νεκρώσει την ικανότητα “καθαρής” σκέψεως και κυρίως η ΑΝΟΗΣΙΑ, η ΜΙΚΡΟΜΥΑΛΙΑ και η ΣΤΕΝΟΚΕΦΑΛΙΑ τους, ήσαν οι βασικοί λόγοι που τους έκανε να αρνηθούν την αμερικανική πρόταση, χάνοντας μια τεράστια ευκαιρία!
[Σημειώνω πως μόνον τα χρήματα που τους εδίδοντο έφθαναν και περίσσευαν να ανοικοδομήσουν και την Δ. Όχθη (Ραμάλα κλπ), όπως επίσης όχι μία, αλλά 2 Γάζες, ενώ “έμπαιναν” και στα Ιεροσόλυμα]!..
Με την επιτυχία του Τραμπ να φέρει “κοντά και πλάϊ-πλάϊ” την πλειοψηφία των Αραβικών χωρών με το Ισραήλ, ίσως τελικά / στο τέλος της ημέρας, να υποχρεωθούν και οι Παλαιστίνιοι “να τα βρουν” με το Ισραήλ, αλλά και ο Παλαιστινιακός λαός, στο σύνολό του, να… γλυτώσει έτσι από τους εδώ και 10ετίες ψεύτες, κλέφτες και μαφιοζο-τρομοκράτες ηγέτες του, που τον έχουν κυριολεκτικά ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΕΨΕΙ(!), βυθίζοντάς τον στο αίμα, στην φτώχεια, στην ανέχεια, στην μιζέρια, στην πείνα και γενικώς τον έχουν να ζει σε συνθήκες σκλάβων του 18ου και 19ου αι., και πνευματικά σε συνθήκες τουλάχιστον 15ου αι., σίγουρα πάντως όχι στον 21ο αι.!
Το Ισραήλ, στο πρόσωπο του Τραμπ, βρήκε έναν πραγματικό φίλο και υποστηρικτή, που τόσο τον είχε ανάγκη, καθ’ όσον οι “Παγκοσμιοποιητές – Διεθνείς Εβραίοι” (μπορούμε να τους λέμε και “Παγκόσμιους Εβραίους”), “πολέμαγαν” το κράτος του Ισραήλ, με μανία θα έλεγε κανείς, και όχι μόνον διότι αυτό το κυβερνούσε ένας -υποτιθέμενος- Δεξιός πολιτικός, ο Νετανιάχου, αυτός ο βαθειά “Εθνο-Πατριώτης” Ι/Πολιτικός και Στρατιωτικός και άρα… εξ ορισμού αντίπαλός τους! (Εννοούμε την γνωστή ιστορική κόντρα των “Παγκόσμιων Εβραίων”, με τους Σιωνιστές που αγωνίσθηκαν για την δημιουργία του Ισραήλ! Κάποια άλλη στιγμή ίσως να πούμε… περισσότερα από “2 λόγια” για το θέμα αυτό)!..
Και μιας και “πιάσαμε” τους Άραβες, να πούμε ότι ο Τραμπ “έβαλε χέρι” και στον “ΟΠΕΚ”, ο οποίος είχε “ξεφύγει” σε πολύ μεγάλο βαθμό, σχεδόν… Κινεζικό (καταλάβατε) και κατόρθωσε “εν πολλοίς” να τον ελέγξει, με αποτέλεσμα να μην έχουμε, στην θητεία του, ενεργειακές εξαλλοσύνες στις τιμές, αλλ’ αντιθέτως… “ήρεμα νερά”!..
Σε ό,τι αφορά τον πολύ σοβαρό παράγοντα στην ευρύτερη “Μεγάλη Μ. Ανατολή” που λέγεται Αίγυπτος, στήριξε τον δυτικόστροφο Σίσι και περιθωριοποίησε περαιτέρω τους “Αδελφούς Μουσουλμάνους” του… ΡΤΕ, του Ομπάμα και τώρα της Καμάλα Χάρις!..
Στην γειτονική Λιβύη, ουσιαστικά δεν υποστήριξε, όπως θα περίμενε κανείς, το βαθιά μουσουλμανικό καθεστώς Σάρατς, συγγενές αυτού των “Αδελφών Μουσουλμάνων”, που “αγκάλιασαν” οι Ευρωπαίοι και κυρίως οι Ιταλο-Γάλλοι, και μάλιστα δεν το στήριξε, παρά την προπαγανδιστικά… συρόμενη πολύ καιρό τώρα, δήθεν φιλία του με τον ΡΤΕ, ο οποίος χειραγώγησε τον Σάρατς απολύτως, με αποτέλεσμα να υπάρχουν ακόμα βάσιμες ελπίδες εκεί να επικρατήσει, ίσως, ο δυτικός… Κοσμοπολίτης Χαφτάρ, που όμως υποστηρίζουν οι… Ρώσοι ή έστω να έχουμε 2 κράτη, κλπ!..
Στην Τυνησία, επί Τραμπ, μάλλον σταθεροποιήθηκε ένα δυτικής… αύρας καθεστώς!
Σε Αλγερία και Μαρόκο δεν είχαμε απολύτως τίποτε σπουδαίο, παρά… ησυχία και ηρεμία, μια ηρεμία που οι Γάλλοι απεφάσισαν, ως φαίνεται, να της “βάλλουν τέλος” εσχάτως, μετά από τις συνεχείς φονικές επιθέσεις στο έδαφός τους της διεθνούς “Τζιχάντ”, της νέας αυτής μορφής που λαμβάνει ο “ISIS”, μετά την ήττα του στη Συρία και στο Β. Ιράκ, έναν “ISIS” που σε ένα πολύ μεγάλο βαθμό ελέγχει πλέον ο ΡΤΕ και η “σημερινή” “Νεο-Ισλαμική”**** Τουρκία!
Οι Γάλλοι απεφάσισαν να μεταφέρουν τον… πόλεμο στο έδαφος των 2 αυτών χωρών, με την επανεμφάνιση του Κινήματος “ΠΟΛΙΣΑΡΙΟ”, που είχε… “εξαφανιστεί”, εδώ και 10ετίες! Αυτό, όπως εκτιμούμε ότι… εκτίμησαν(!) οι Γάλλοι, θα έχει ως αποτέλεσμα εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες Αλγερινοί και Μαροκινοί (νεαρών ηλικιών οι περισσότεροι) που έχουν πλημμυρίσει την Γαλλία, κυρίως μετά το 1990 και μέχρι σήμερα, να επιστρέψουν στις χώρες τους, για προφανείς λόγους!..
**** Αυτό το επίθετο, θα το αναλύσουμε κάποια στιγμή και κυρίως θα δικαιολογήσουμε το πρόθεμα “Νέο”!..
Στη Συρία και στο Ιράκ ο Τραμπ τελείωσε με τον “ISIS”, με μηδενικές σχεδόν απώλειες των α/δυνάμεων!
Παράλληλα, έβαλε έξυπνα στην ΒΔ Συρία την Τουρκία και στην πραγματικότητα τον “ÖSO”, (οι Τούρκοι, ό,τι και να λένε, θα υποχρεωθούν να αποχωρήσουν απ’ εκεί κάποια στιγμή), ώστε και τον Άσαντ να “κρατήσει” και τους Τούρκους να έχει ως… ρουφιάνους του, των Ρώσων!
Φίλοι μου!
Ο Τραμπ απεδείχθη μεγάλος μάγκας για τον λαό του, διότι έβαλε τέλος(!) στο να πολεμούν οι Αμερικανοί για τους άλλους λαούς, όποιοι και να είναι αυτοί και “από πάνω” να υβρίζονται ακολούθως και μάλιστα σκαιότατα, απ’ εκείνους που έσωσαν!..
O Τραμπ γύρισε σπίτι τα α/στρατεύματα, αλλά συνέχισε να πολεμά για τα α/συμφέροντα με τους λαούς των περιοχών α/ενδιαφέροντος, μαζί με τις -κατ’ εκτίμησιν- κάθε φορά αμερικανικές δυνάμεις, όπου αυτό εκρίνετο επιβεβλημένο, όπου απαιτείτο! Τέρμα πια στο να γυρίζουν στις Η.Π.Α. τα πολεμικά αμερικανικά α/φ με Α/στρατιώτες, κλπ, μέσα σε κάσες!.. Καταλάβατε!.. (Αυτό κάνει και ο ΡΤΕ τώρα, όπως σας έχουμε εδώ αναφέρει, περιγράψει και εξηγήσει)!..
Επίσης, δεν επέτρεψε την συντριβή των Κούρδων (Συρίας και ΝΑ Τουρκίας – Β. Ιράκ και κυρίως αυτών Ακως του Ευφράτη), Κούρδοι, πολλές κεφαλές των οποίων, μην αντέχοντας πια τον πόλεμο 10ετιών χωρίς αντίκρισμα, αλλά και ψυχολογικά “πεσμένοι” και σωματικά κουρασμένοι, “έπεσαν” στην τ/παγίδα και “τα ‘πιασαν” από την ΜΙΤ, γενόμενοι Όργανα της Τουρκίας και διαχέοντας έναν μικρό εμφύλιο στις Κουρδικές δυνάμεις, όπως στο “ΡΚΚ” και στο “ΥΡG”, Οργανώσεις οι οποίες πλέον θα πρέπει να αναδιοργανωθούν γενικώς!..
Ο Τραμπ συνήψε ακόμα και στρατιωτικο-πολιτικο-οικονομικές συμφωνίες με τους Κούρδους της Συρίας (ΒΑ Συρία), με αποτέλεσμα οι Κούρδοι να εκπαιδεύονται στρατιωτικά από τις Η.Π.Α., να εξοπλιστούν ή ορθότερα να επανεξοπλιστούν με βαριά αμερικανικά όπλα και να μην διαλυθούν, αλλά και να υπογράψουν πετρελαϊκές συμφωνίες με τις Η.Π.Α., παρέχοντάς τους έτσι ο Τραμπ εμμέσως, αν όχι κρατική υπόσταση, σίγουρα υπόσταση αυτόνομης Δκσεως, στο έδαφος της ΒΑ Συρίας (Κυρίως Ακως Ευφράτη).
Για εκείνους τώρα τους ανόητους και κυρίους τους… γνώστες(!) της αλήθειας, προπαγανδιστές εχθρούς του, στην Ελλάδα, που ακόμα τον παρουσιάζουν ως δήθεν Τουρκόφιλο, λόγω τάχα της φιλίας του με τον ΡΤΕ και λόγω της όμοιας σχέσεως των γαμπρών Τραμπ και ΡΤΕ, σημειώνουμε τα παρακάτω:
– Ποτέ ένας σωστός Πατέρας δεν “πουλάει” κανένα από τα παιδιά του, αλλά ψάχνει να βρει τρόπους να τα επαναφέρει, όταν κάποιο απ’ αυτά “ξεφεύγει” ή “ξεφύγει”! Καταλαβαίνετε!
Οι S-400 δεν ήταν τ/αγορά επί Τραμπ, ούτε θέμα που γεννήθηκε επί της εποχής του! Οι Τούρκοι, παρ’ όλα αυτά ΔΕΝ έχουν ακόμα εγκαταστήσει τα συστήματα στην χώρα τους, παρ’ ότι έλεγαν πως αυτό θα συνέβαινε τον Μάϊο και τον Ιούνιο τρέχοντος έτους!..
Επί Τραμπ, ο Πάστορας Μπράνσον επέστρεψε στις Η.Π.Α., παρά τις Ερντογανικές μαγκιές, ενώ η Οικονομία της Τουρκίας, που σχεδόν όλοι ανοήτως, αν όχι σκοπίμως, ασχολούνται, περιμένοντας να καταρρεύσει τάχα η Τουρκία, δηλαδή ο τελευταίος παγκοσμίως διαμετακομιστικός Σταθμός μεταφοράς του παγκόσμιου χρυσού, πριν αυτός καταλήξει στις Τράπεζες των Εβραίων, “πήγε στον βούθουλα”, με τον Τραμπ, όταν το Δολάριο έφτασε κάποια στιγμή να ισοδυναμεί με 10+ τ/Λίρες, σε μια τ/Οικονομία που στηρίζεται στους ντόπιους Τ/”Διεθνείς Εβραίους” που την στηρίζουν, από το 1923, έως και σήμερα, παρά τις εμφανισθείσες, επί ΡΤΕ (αναμενόμενο), τουρκικές μουσουλμανικές οικονομικές “Τίγρεις της Ανατολίας”!..
Ο Τραμπ “δεν πούλησε”, παρ’ ότι ίσως να έπρεπε, τον προηγούμενο ΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΟ Πρόεδρο Χ. Μ. Ομπάμα, όπως και κανέναν Αμερικανό, σε κανέναν ξένο, ακόμα και αν οι Αμερικανοί ευρίσκοντο “εν αδίκω”, όπως ο Ομπάμα με τους Τούρκους και τελικά -ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ(!)- ΔΕΝ “ΠΟΥΛΗΣΕ” ΤΙΣ Η.Π.Α.! Ο Τραμπ, ακόμα και με τους Αμερικανούς πολιτικούς αντιπάλους του, ήταν και παραμένει πρώτα ΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΟΣ! Είναι, αν θέλετε, αυτό που λέμε στην χώρα μας, “αν βρίζεις το σπίτι σου, θα πέσει να σε πλακώσει”!..
Ποιά είναι η αλήθεια! Διαβάστε παρακάτω!
Ο ΡΤΕ συναντήθηκε στο Τόκυο, στη συνεδρίαση των G-20, το 2018 ήταν νομίζω, με τον Τραμπ και του εξήγησε την βρώμικη πράγματι πολιτική του “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟΥ” Ομπάμα προς την χώρα του, αφού ήταν αυτός που οργάνωσε το εναντίον του Κίνημα του Ιουλίου του 2016, προκειμένου να τον ανατρέψει, κάτι που ουσιαστικά οι Η.Π.Α. και ο Ομπάμα, (λέγε με “Παγκοσμιοποίηση”), προσπαθούσε με ιδιαίτερο δυναμισμό στο Πεδίο, να πετύχει, από το 2012 ακόμα! Πώς; Διαβάστε:
Ο Σόρος (χρηματοδότης των Α/”ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ”) είχε στείλει τον Οσμάν ΚΑΒΑΛΑ (Τουρκο-Γάλλο πράκτορα της “CIA” των “Δημοκρατικών”, … μελετημένο και στα θέματα των Γκιουλενιστών, οι οποίοι θα δρούσαν, όπως και έδρασαν, μέσα στο τ/Κράτος, παράλληλα, και με πολύ σοβαρό σχεδιασμό), να οργανώσει και να πρωτοστατήσει στα όσα στη συνέχεια έλαβαν χώρα στην Τουρκία (πχ Γκεζί, υπόθεση Εισαγγελέων, κλπ), με στόχο την πτώση του ΡΤΕ, αλλά και την απόσπαση στρατιωτικών μυστικών, από τις “τρύπιες” πληροφοριακά ακόμα τότε ΤΕΔ, κάτι που απεφεύχθη χάρη στην ικανότητα της ΜΙΤ και του Αρχηγού της Χ. ΦΙΝΤΑΝ, ο οποίος όχι μόνον “τσίμπησε” τον αμερικανικό σε βάρος της χώρας του σχεδιασμό και τον νίκησε, αλλά πέτυχε ταυτόχρονα να τον “οδηγήσει” και εκεί που ήθελε η τ/πολιτική ηγεσία, ώστε απ’ εκεί που θα… “έπεφτε”, ο ΡΤΕ να ενισχύσει, έτι περαιτέρω, την εξουσία του!..
(Ο Καβαλά σήμερα, δικαίως κρατείται, στις Φυλακές της Σηλυβρίας, κατηγορούμενος για απόπειρα ανατροπής του τ/καθεστώτος, αλλά και για στρατιωτική, σε βάρος της Τουρκίας, κατασκοπεία!
Με την ευκαιρία, έχουμε πει ότι στην Ελλάδα ο αντίστοιχος Σορίτης και πράκτορας της “CIA” των “Δημοκρατικών” είναι ο Βαρουφάκης, ο οποίος εκρίθη ότι έπρεπε να μεταφερθεί στο πολιτικό Πεδίο και ακολούθως ο Κωνσταντίνου του “ΑΝΤΑΡ-CIA”, ένας Κωνσταντίνου, ο οποίος ουσιαστικά ηγείται και του ελληνικού… Παραρτήματος (sic) του διεθνούς “ΑΝΤΙ-FA”, όπως και όλων των συναφών παρουσιασθεισών στην χώρα μας Οργανώσεων, περίπου… Σφραγίδα, που απλώς αλλάζουν όνομα, αλλά όχι μέλη, και η “γέννησή” τους έγινε στις Η.Π.Α., στο… Μαιευτήριο της “CIA” επί “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ”, όντας στελεχωμένες και (!) από δήθεν αναρχικούς της Ευρώπης, οι περισσότεροι των οποίων ήσαν και είναι πράκτορες, είτε των χωρών τους, είτε της “CIA”, είτε και “διπλοί”)!..
Ο Τραμπ, χωρίς να θίξει λοιπόν τον συμπατριώτη του πρώην Πρόεδρο, έδειξε, και ορθώς, κατανόηση προς τον παραπονούμενο στον Αμερικανό… “Πατέρα”, που λέγαμε παραπάνω, ΡΤΕ, δήλωσε πράγματι πως ο ΡΤΕ έχει δίκιο και διότι το πίστευε, αλλά και διότι το έδαφος της Τουρκίας είναι ακόμα πολύ σημαντικό για τα α/συμφέροντα!
Σημειώστε ότι στο σχέδιο της “Μεγάλης Μέσης Ανατολής” και ειδικά σ’ αυτό της “Αραβικής Ανοίξεως”, που ήταν ένα από τα πιο σημαντικά Κεφάλαιά του, ο ΡΤΕ και η χώρα του θα έπαιζαν σημαίνοντα ρόλο! Ο ΡΤΕ ήταν μέσα “στο δυτικό κόλπο”, άλλωστε η Δύση τον προώθησε στην Πρωθυπουργία, και γι΄αυτό και μόλις εξελέγη τότε ο Ομπάμα, η πρώτη χώρα που επεσκέφθη ήταν η Τουρκία!
Ο Ομπάμα (και βεβαίως, προηγουμένως, ο επίσης “Δημοκρατικός” Κλίντον) ήταν εκείνος που ΑΙΜΑΤΟΚΥΛΙΣΕ ΤΗΝ Μ. ΑΝΑΤΟΛΗ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ Β. ΑΦΡΙΚΗ, στο δήθεν όραμα της… εκδημοκρατικοποίησης των Ισλαμικών αυτών περιοχών, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ, παράγοντας / δημιουργώντας παράλληλα και μια σειρά από συνημμένα τεράστια προβλήματα για τις χώρες αυτές, αλλά και για τις λοιπές μη Μουσουλμανικές, ευρωπαϊκές και μη, χώρες!..
Σήμερα όμως ο Κος αυτός παρουσιάζεται, από τους τσάτσους της “Παγκοσμιοποίησης”, σχεδόν ως… ήρωας, ενώ θα έπρεπε, αν υπήρχε πραγματικώς ανεξάρτητη ΔΙΕΘΝΗΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ, να δικαστεί ως “Εγκληματίας Πολέμου”!..
“Και η… πλάκα” είναι ότι, ο Ομπάμα στο προσφάτως εκδοθέν βιβλίο του, “Στη Γη Της Επαγγελίας” (πάντα έτσι κάνουν, βγάζουν δηλαδή οι ίδιοι βιβλία… ηρωϊκά και… επικά για τους… ίδιους, όλοι οι “ελίτες” – “πιόνια” εκτελεστές ηγέτες των θελήσεων της ιστορικά κάθε φορά “Παγκοσμίου Εξουσίας” και για την υστεροφημία τους, αλλά και για την περαιτέρω… “μεγαλο-κονόμα”), χωρίς καμία ντροπή και υποτιμώντας την νοημοσύνη μας, ως Έλληνες, έγραψε πως μας έσωσε (sic) από την οικονομική ολοκληρωτική Κ/Φ, στις αρχές της 10ετίας του 2010!
Και ρωτάμε! Αν δηλαδή δεν μας… έσωνε (sic) ο Ομπάμα, πόσες, εκτός από μία, την γνωστή, χρεοκοπίες θα… παθαίναμε ως χώρα και για πόσα περισσότερα των 99 ετών θα υποθηκευόταν το σύνολον της χώρας μας στους “Διεθνείς Εβραίους – Παγκοσμιοποιητές”; Ντροπή σου ρε Χουσεϊν, ντροπή σου!..
Σταματώ εδώ όμως, διότι οι περίοδοι Κλίντον και Ομπάμα (τα 2 πιο αγαπημένα παιδιά της “Παγκοσμιοποίησης”) απαιτούν / χρήζουν διατριβών αποτελουμένων από τόμους και τόμους και ειδικά το αυτό απαιτεί και η πολιτική των 2 αυτών Α/Προέδρων, προς την Ελλάδα!..
Από το σημείο αυτό και πέρα, ο Τραμπ χειριζόταν τον ΡΤΕ, “μια στο καρφί και μια στο πέταλο” και ορθώς, αφού και η Τουρκία είναι από τα πιο κρίσιμα… παιδιά των… α/ενδιαφερόντων! Εμείς οι Έλληνες, έχουμε μάθει να βλέπουμε, όπως το αυτό και οι Τούρκοι, μόνον την δική μας πλευρά του… Φεγγαριού, ενώ ο… “γονιός” μας Αμερικανός είναι υποχρεωμένος να “βλέπει” προς όλα τα παιδιά του!..
Ο Τραμπ ήξερε και ξέρει ότι ο ΡΤΕ είναι μιά σύγχρονη μορφή Δικτάτορα, άλλωστε έμμεσα το δήλωσε, λέγοντας κάποια στιγμή πως είναι ιδιαιτέρως ικανός στο να ομιλεί, να αναπτύσσει σχέσεις μαζί τους, και τελικά να συγκρατεί αυταρχικούς ηγέτες, όπως πχ ο ΡΤΕ, ο Κιμ, και άλλοι, θεωρώντας το αυτό, και ορθώς, θετικό για την παγκόσμιο ειρήνη και τις διεθνείς ισορροπίες!
Οι προπαγανδιστές εχθροί του Τραμπ όμως, … ανέπτυξαν Ερντογανο-Τραμπική φιλία και την… επικοινώνησαν προπαγανδιστικά στο ελληνικό και παγκόσμιο κοινό, ενώ πάντα έλεγαν και συνεχίζουν να λένε, είτε ψέματα στο κοινό, είτε την μισή αλήθεια!
Για παράδειγμα, ρωτάνε, γιατί δεν επέβαλε ο Τραμπ κυρώσεις στην Τουρκία για τους S-400 ή γιατί δεν εφαρμόζει την “ΚΑΑΤΣΑ”, που λέει και το… “νούμερο” που λέγεται Μ. ΙΓΝΑΤΙΟΥ, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ, ξεχνώντας να πουν ασφαλώς ότι η Τουρκία χρήζει ειδικού χειρισμού και πως η Δύση την θέλει δίπλα της, αλλά και κυρίως πως, αν οι Η.Π.Α. εφαρμόσουν πχ κυρώσεις με… βαρύ λογαριασμό για την Τουρκία, θα πρέπει παράλληλα και να την… πληρώσουν, όπως πχ για τα F-35, που ο Τραμπ ο δήθεν… φίλος του ΡΤΕ, τους “πέταξε” έξω, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ!..
Ο Τραμπ αποδείχτηκε ιδιαιτέρως ικανός ως πολιτικός ΙΣΟΡΡΟΠΙΣΤΗΣ, χωρίς να προκαλέσει ΟΥΔΕΜΙΑ ΖΗΜΙΑ στην α/εξωτερική πολιτική!..
Σε ό,τι αφορά την φερόμενη σχέση των 2 γαμπρών, Τραμπ και ΡΤΕ, η οποία από τους εχθρούς του εστιάζεται κυρίως στο σκάνδαλο της “HALK BANK”, και στην λαθραία διακίνηση και πώληση πετρελαίου, κλπ, θα συνεχίσουμε με την πρώτη ευκαιρία, διότι μόλις τώρα… ΔΙΕΤΑΧΘΗ ΣΟΒΑΡΟΤΑΤΟ ΜΕΤΡΟ, ΤΟΥ… ΟΙΚΟΓΕΝΕΙΑΚΟΥ ΣΥΝΑΓΕΡΜΟΥ, ΠΟΥ ΣΑΣ ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΑ ΟΤΙ ΕΙΜΑΣΤΕ ΕΔΩ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΠΟΙΕΣ ΗΜΕΡΕΣ!..
İşte Pompeo’nun görüşeceği Fener Patrikhanesi’nin sicili
16 Kasım
ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Mike Pompeo, Fener Rum Patrikhanesi Patriği Bartholomeos ile görüşmek üzere Türkiye’ye gayri resmi bir ziyaret yapacak. ABD Dışişleri Bakanlığı, bu ziyaretle “Türkiye ve bölgedeki dini meselelerin ele alınarak, ABD’nin tüm dünya genelinde dini özgürlükler konusundaki güçlü duruşunun vurgulanacağı” açıkladı. (1)
10 günlük Avrupa ve Batı Asya turuna çıkan Pompeo’nun devlet yetkilisiyle buluşmayacağı tek ülke Türkiye. Bloomberg’e ismini açıklamadan konuşan bir Türk yetkili, Pompeo’nun Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu’nun davetini reddettiğini söyledi. İsmini açıklamayan yetkili, “Pompeo, Çavuşoğlu’nun görüşme için İstanbul’a gelmesini istedi. Çavuşoğlu, Pompeo’nun bu tavrından rahatsız oldu” ifadesini kullandı.
Fener Patrikhanesi ve ABD arasında sıkı ilişkiler bulunuyor ve bu ilişkiler oldukça eskiye dayanıyor. Patrikhanenin Türkiye topraklarında bulunmasına ve Fatih kaymakamlığına bağlı olmasına, ayrıca başındaki patriğin Türkiye vatandaşı olması zorunluluğuna rağmen Fener, Türkiye’den çok ABD’nin yanında konumlanıyor.
1948 yılından, yani CIA’nın öncülü OSS (Office of Strategic Services)’nin SSCB’yle ilişkileri güçlendirme taraftarı olan Patrik V. Maksimos’u tasfiye ettiğinden beri, Amerikan gizli servisi, Fener Patrikhanesi’yle sıkı işbirliği içinde. (2)
ABD, o zaman fiilen I. Athenagoras’ı patrik olarak Türkiye’ye dayatmıştı. Athenagoras, ondan önce ABD’de Rum Ortodoks Başpiskoposu idi. Athenagoras, patrikliği döneminde ve öncesinde faal olarak Amerikan gizli servisleriyle ilişkiliydi. (3) Öte yandan Rum din adamı, patrik seçildiği zaman Türk vatandaşlığı bile yoktu. Yani bu, Türk kanunlarına aykırıydı. Onu Türkiye’ye, ABD Başkanının uçağıyla getirdiler ve havaalanında Türk pasaportunu verdiler!
V. Maksimos’un kanundışı devrilmesinden sonra Fener Patrikhanesi’nin yönelimi köklü bir şekilde değişti. Bir Türk din kurumu olmaktan çıktı ve Türk topraklarında ABD’nin patrikhanesine dönüştü.
Fener Patrikhanesi, artık ABD’nin ve Amerika’daki Yunan diasporasının etki ajanı konumunda. Fener Patrikhanesi cemaatinin büyük çoğunluğu, ABD’de yaşıyor ve Patrikhane’ye para akışı da esas olarak buradan sağlanıyor. Fener’in Amerikan Başpiskoposluğu da ABD gizli servisiyle iç içe ve Fener’in bütün işlerinde belirleyici rolü oynuyor.
Aydınlık, birçok kez Fener Rum Patrikhanesi’nin yıkıcı faaliyetlerini ifşa etmişti. 17 Ağustos 2020’de Fener Rum Patrikhanesi’nin Amerikan Başpiskoposu Elpidophoros ile ABD Başkanı Donald Trump arasındaki görüşmelerin ayrıntılarını gündeme getirdik. (4) Elpidophoros, o zaman Türk iktidarının Ayasofya konusundaki tutumundan memnuniyetsizliğini dile getirmiş ve bunun Patrik Bartholomeos’un Ortodoks dünyasındaki otoritesinin zayıflamasına yol açtığına işaret etmişti. Bu da Fener Patrikhanesi’ni Ukrayna Kilisesi konusunda Rus Ortodoks Kilisesi’yle yaşadığı çatışmada zor durumda bırakıyordu. Washington ise Ukraynalıların Moskova’yla yaşadığı dini kırılmayı kendi jeopolitik çıkarları adına destekliyor.
Bunun haricinde, kaynaklardan edindiğimiz bilgilere göre, görüşmede Türkiye karşıtı önlemler de konuşulmuştu. Trump, Elpidophoros’la görüşmesinde Ayasofya’yla ilgili gelişmeler çerçevesinde acilen müdahaleye ihtiyaç duyulduğunu ifade etmişti. Hatta Türkiye’ye yönelik yaptırımlardan da söz edildi.
Belirtelim ki, Rum din adamı, Doğu Akdeniz meseleleri çerçevesinde Yunanistan ve Güney Kıbrıs adına lobi faaliyeti de yürütüyor. Yunan basını, Fener Patrikhanesi’nin “Helenizm” fikrini ABD’de propaganda ettiğini gizlemiyor.
Yayınlarımızda Bartholomeos’un Fethullah Gülen’le ilişkileri de ortaya konmuştu. Fener’in Amerikan Başpsikoposluğunun etkili isimlerinden ve Patrik Bartholomeos’un en güvenilir temsilcilerinden Alex Karloutsos, CIA elemanları Graham Fuller ve George Fidas ve Amerikalı diplomat Morton Abramowitz’le birlikte Gülen’e, ABD’de oturma izni verilmesini sağlamışlardı.
Bartholomeos’un bizzat kendisi, 2012 yılında dahi Gülen’i dostu olarak tanımlamış ve “Dinlerarası Diyalog” çerçevesinde onunla işbirliği içinde bulunmuştu. (5)
Aslında Patrik Bartholomeos, fiili olarak Gülen’in yaptığı işle meşgul: Din kurumu maskesi altında Türkiye’de Amerikan etki ağını yönetmek.
Aydınlık, aynı şekilde Patrik Bartholomeos’un 15 Temmuz Amerikancı darbe girişiminden önce uyarıldığını ve tam zamanında İstanbul’u terk ettiğini de okuyucularına duyurmuştu.
29 Ekim 2020 tarihli sayımızda ise Başpiskopos Elpidophoros ile ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Mike Pompeo arasındaki görüşmeyi aydınlığa çıkarmıştık. (6) Bu görüşmede Elpidophoros, dini konuların yanında doğrudan jeopolitik meseleler (Doğu Akdeniz) üzerine de konuştuklarını gizlememişti. Hatta Rum din adamı, Türkiye’de Hıristiyanların baskı gördüğünü tekrardan gündeme getirmişti. Aydınlık da o sayısında Elpidophoros’un hem CIA hem de Türkiye düşmanı milliyetçi Yunan örgütleriyle olan ilişkilerini gözler önüne sermişti.
Aydınlık, bu görüşmede Bartholomeos’un ABD’ye taşınmasının da görüşüleceği bilgisini edindi.
Türk Dışişleri Bakanlığı, Mike Pompeo’nun ziyaretinin duyurusunu “son derece yersiz” bulduğunu belirtti ve “ABD’nin önce aynaya bakmasını ve kendi ülkesindeki ırkçılık, İslam düşmanlığı ve nefret suçları gibi insan hakları ihlallerine gereken hassasiyeti göstermesinin daha doğru olacağını” tavsiye etti. (7)
Fener Patrikhanesi, Türkiye’nin karalanması ve dini azınlıkların haklarının ihlal edilmesiyle suçlanmasında ABD’yle yakın çalışıyor. Bu temelde özellikle önceki sayılarımızda da belirttiğimiz gibi Bartholomeos’un sağ kolu ve olası halefi Amerikan Başpsikoposu Elpidophoros başrolde. Bu isim, sık sık ABD Başkanı dâhil, Amerikalı resmi yetkililerle buluşuyor, Türkiye’yi dini azınlıkların haklarını ihlal etmekle suçluyor. (8) Bu kişinin ağzından Türkiye’nin Doğu Akdeniz’de barışı bozduğunu ve Türk iktidarının Ayasofya’yı işgal ettiğini de duymak mümkün.
Türkiye’ye karşı Fener Patrikhanesi’nin bir kurumu olan “Order of St. Andrew the Apostle”da yoğun bir faaliyet yürütüyor. (9) Burada Amerika’daki Yunan diasporasının etkili isimleri bulunuyor. Örneğin CIA’in eski direktörü George J. Tenet ve ünlü lobici ve ABD Ticaret Bakanlığı’nın eski üst düzey bürokratlarından Andrew “Andy” Manatos ya da Alex Karloutsos’un oğlu Amerikan devletinin protokol dairesinin eski başı Archon Michael Karloutsos. Archonlar, ABD’nin Uluslararası Dini Özgürlükler Komisyonu’yla da yakın çalışma içinde ve devamlı Türkiye’yi azınlıkların dini özgürlüklerini kısıtlamakla suçluyorlar.
“Order of St. Andrew the Apostle”, bir internet sayfası projesini de yürütüyor: https://christianpersecution.com/ Bu sayfada tüm dünyada Hristiyanlara yönelik baskılarla ilgili yayın yapılıyor. (https://christianpersecution.com/about-us/) Ancak esas dikkatler Türkiye’ye çevrilmiş durumda. (https://christianpersecution.com/category/turkey/)
Sayfa üzerinden tam anlamıyla Türkiye karşıtı bir propaganda yürütülüyor.
Amerikalı archonlarla Patrik Bartholomeos’un arasındaki ilişkiyi yürütenler ise Alex Karloutsos, Türkiye vatandaşı girişimci Laki Vingas ve Piskopos Elpidophoros.
1990’ların başında Amerikalı siyaset bilimci Samuel Huntington, “medeniyetler çatışması” tezini ileri sürmüştü. Tezine göre İslam dünyası, Hıristiyanlarla güya çatışmaya mahkûmdu. Gerçekte ABD, bu tezi Ortadoğu’ya yönelik saldırılarının bahanesini yaratmak ve emperyalist yayılmacılığını aklamak için kullandı.
İşte Türkiye’nin dini azınlıklara baskı uyguladığı suçlaması bu paradigmadan hareketle yapılıyor. Böylece Amerikalılar, Türkiye’nin içişlerine karışmanın zeminini yaratmış oluyor. Türkiye, sıradan Amerikalıların ve Avrupalıların gözünde düşmana dönüşüyor. Donald Trup döneminde Birleşik Devletler, kendini dini azınlıkların koruyucusu ilan etti. Ancak Joe Biden’ın zaferi, bu politikayı değiştirmeyecek, hatta daha da körükleyecek. Biden, önceden “insan haklarının korunması” programının genişletilmesini savunmuş ve günümüz Türkiye’sini de dâhil ettiği “otoriter rejimleri” eleştirmişti. Hatta açık bir şekilde Türkiye’de iktidarın değiştirilmesi gerektiğini vurgulamıştı.
İşte Fener Patrikhanesi, bu amaca hizmet edecek bir rol oynayacak. Türkiye karşıtı yeni yaptırımlardan “İslam’la mücadeleye” kadar Türkiye karşıtı adımların atılmasını destekleyecek, sözde bahanelerini yaratacak.
Ancak Patrikhane’nin bu tavrından sadece Türkiye rahatsız olmamalı. Bizzat Donald Trump yönetimi, Fener Patrikhanesi üzerine oynadı ve Trump’a ihanet eden bir güçle anlaşma yaptı.
2020 yazında Başpiskopos Elpidophoros, Cumhuriyetçilerin seçim kampanyasında yer almayı bırakmıştı. Buna mukabil Elpidophoros, Joe Biden’ı desteklemeye başlamıştı. (10) ABD’deki Yunan diasporasının ve archonların Demokrat Parti’yle faal işbirliği yapması ve Başpiskopos Elpidophoros’un Trump karşıtı protestolara katılması da dikkat çekici. (11) Patrik Bartholomeos ise Joe Biden’a yazdığı tebrik mektubunda, Trump’a karşı kazandığı zaferin kendisine “neşe ve coşku” verdiğini söyleyerek övgüler düzdü ve yeniden dini özgürlüklerin savunulması gerekliliğini anımsattı. (12)
Açıkçası Fener, hem Demokratları hem de Cumhuriyetçileri övmeye, Pompeo ile görüşmeye ve ondan yardım ve Türk karşıtı politika için öncelik istemeye ve aynı zamanda Biden’ın desteğini almaya hazır.
Böylelikle Fener, sadece ilkesizliğini değil, aynı zamanda herhangi bir Amerikan yönetimine sadakatle hizmet etmeye hazır olduğunu da gösteriyor. Bartholomeos, şu veya bu yönetimin politikaları Ortodoksluk değerleriyle örtüştüğü için ABD’yi desteklememektedir. İster muhafazakâr Trump ister ultra-liberal Joe Biden iktidarda olsun, her zaman ABD’nin yanında konumlanmaktadır. Bu faaliyetlerin hiçbirinin dini inançla bir ilgisi bulunmamaktadır.
1) https://www.state.gov/secretary-pompeos-travel-to-france-turkey-georgia-israel-the-united-arab-emirates-qatar-and-saudi-arabia/
2) https://orthodoxhistory.org/2019/12/11/ousting-the-ecumenical-patriarch/
3) https://orthodoxhistory.org/2019/12/02/greek-archbishop-to-proto-cia/
4) https://aydinlik.com.tr/trump-fener-patrikhanesi-gorusmesinin-gizli-ayrintilari-216023
5) https://hizmetnews.com/518/freedom-award-recipient-bartholomew-praises-gulens-peace-efforts/
6) https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/yasadisi-piskoposun-pompeo-ile-turkiye-karsiti-gorusmesi-222018
7) http://www.mfa.gov.tr/sc_-108_-abd-disisleri-bakani-mike-pompeo-nun-ulkemizi-ziyareti-hk-sc.tr.mfa
8) https://usa.greekreporter.com/2020/07/23/archbishop-elpidophoros-meets-with-president-trump-on-hagia-sophia/
9) https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/yasadisi-piskoposun-pompeo-ile-turkiye-karsiti-gorusmesi-222018
10) https://orthodoxtimes.com/who-does-the-archdiocese-of-america-want-to-be-president-of-the-united-states/
11) https://usa.greekreporter.com/2020/06/03/archbishop-elpidophoros-attends-black-lives-matter-protest-in-nyc/
12) https://www.pappaspost.com/patriarch-bartholomew-to-biden-you-offer-hope-conviction-for-a-better-future/
Biden ile Türkiye
ABD’deki seçimlerin neticeleri henüz kesin olarak açıklanmış değil. Olağanüstü haberler geliyor. ABD’deki demokratik teamüller gereği seçimlerde kaybeden taraf susar, yeni Başkanın Beyaz Saray’da vazifesine başlayacağı târihe kadar ortalıkta görünmez, devir teslimden sonra da köşesine çekilirdi. Trump bu şekilde davranmıyor. Seçim neticelerini tanımadığını ,yargıya gideceğini beyân ediyor; bununla da kalmayıp, daha somut olarak peş peşe kritik atamalar yapıyor. Bu atamalar lâlettayin değil. Ultra şahinleri, sokak işlerini iyi bile kontrgerilla uzmanlarını vazifeye getiriyor. Bu sûretle de “sanki” seçim neticeleri resmen açıklansa bile Beyaz Saray’dan ayrılmayacağını îma ediyor. Taraftarları da yavaş yavaş sokaklarda boy göstermeye başladı.
Bu gelişmeler yaşanırken muhtelif dünyâ devletleri Biden devrine hazırlanıyor. En ayak sürüyen devletler bile Biden’ı tebrik ettiler. Türkiye Cumhûriyeti de, hafif bir gecikmeyle de olsa bu kervâna iştirak etti. İlk beyânatlar Türkiye’nin bir NATO devleti olarak Biden ile çalışmaya hazır olduğu istikametinde. Bu temas süreci tuhaf bir şekilde Türkiye’deki bâzı kritik istifâlar ve yeni isimlerin işbaşına gelmesiyle de örtüştü. Türkiye’de çeşitli mecrâlarda yapılan değerlendirmeleri tâkip ettiğimde çok şaşırdığımı îtiraf etmeliyim. Türkiye’nin Trump devirlerinde hayli uzağına düştüğü NATO çizgisine doğru hareket etmeye başladığını ; bunun da son derecede akılcı bir dönüşüm olduğunu vurgulayan değerlendirmeler bunlar. Tuhaf olan, düne kadar bu uzaklaşmanın Türkiye’nin bağımsız bir dış siyâset tâkip etmesine fırsat tanıyan târihsel değerde bir gelişme olduğunu yazıp çizenler şimdi çark etmiş, Türkiye’nin de çark etmesini, reelpolitik bir gereklilik olarak olağanlaştırmaya çalışıyorlar. Cumhurbaşkanı Sayın Erdoğan’ın , Adâlet Bakanının veyâ Millî Savunma Bakanının yaptığı konuşmalardan tuhaf çıkarsamalarda bulunuyorlar. Anlaşılır gibi değil.
Biden’ın çizgisinin derin bir Türkiye karşıtlığı içerdiğini herkes biliyor. Hatırı sayılır bir Yunan nüfûsunun ve lobisinin bulunduğu Deleware’dan seçilen ve bunlarla çok içli dışlı olan Biden’ın Kıbrıs, Ege , Doğu Akdeniz meselelerinde Türkiye’nin karşısında olacağı âşikâr. Biden ve Kamala Harris’in , ABD tarafından himâye gören muhtemel bir PKK devleti hususunda geri adım atmayacağı, süreçleri tırmandırarak yöneteceği çok açık . Hepsinden de daha mühim olarak Biden’ın 15 Temmuz meselesindeki şâibeli durumu zihinlerde tutulması gereken bir diğer husus.
Hâl böyleyken Türkiye’nin NATO ayarlarına döneceğine hükmetmek ve AB adayı olarak ev ödevlerine sarılacağını değerlendirmek hayli tuhaf kaçıyor. Biden’ın siyâsetlerinde ağırlığı NATO’ya vereceği, NATO-AB münâsebetlerini kuvvetlendireceği muhakkak. Daha evvel yazmış olduğum üzere burada Rusya odağa giriyor. Trump devrinde keskinleşen Çin-ABD geriliminin yerini muhtemel Biden devrinde Çin-Rusya geriliminin alacağını düşünüyorum. Biden’ın Pasifik siyâsetlerinin bâzı çevrelerin beklediği kadar sert olmayacağını değerlendiriyorum. Biden muhtemelen Çin’e karşı bir taraftan bâzı uluslararası kuruluşları kullanarak bir sıkıştırma yapsa da, ekonomik olarak Trump gibi bunu bir savaşa dönüştürmeyecektir.
NATO’nun yeniden canlanacağı bu yeni evrede Türkiye’nin de Biden tarafından kritik olacağını düşünebiliriz. Ama bunun Türkiye’nin NATO mensubu olmaklığını kullanarak pazarlık şansını arttıracağını ummanın boş bir hayâl olduğunu da bu değerlendirmeme katmalıyım. Önem kazanmakla değer kazanmanın her zaman aynı şeyler olmadığını merhûm Çetin Altan kıvrak zekâsıyla ortaya koymuştu. NATO standartlarında , meselâ Almanya için bu ikisi örtüşebilir; ama Türkiye için ters orantılıdır. Türkiye’nin NATO içinde önem kazanması, değersizleştirilmesi ile eş adımlı yürür. Târihsel tecrübelerden bunu biliyoruz. Kazan-kazan mantığının NATO-Türkiye münasebetlerinde geçerli olduğunu düşünmüyorum. Kestirmeden ifâde etmem gerekirse, muhtemel Biden devrinde Türkiye’nin, tıpkı Rusya gibi , AB ve NATO tarafından yürütülecek negatif siyâsetlerle ağır bir baskıya mâruz kalacağını düşünüyorum. Buna karşı Türkiye’nin direncinin ne olacağını zaman gösterecek, şartlar belirleyecek. Türkiye’yi bu açıdan hayli zor günler bekliyor.
Biden siyâsetlerinin Rusya-Türkiye-İran, arasında “şu ve ya bu derecede” işleyen işbirliği pratiklerini dağıtmaya mâtuf olduğunu öngörebiliriz. Buna Türkiye-Katar bağını da dâhil edebiliriz. Kritik olan Türkiye-Rusya münâsebetlerinin nasıl işleyeceğidir. Hâl-i hazırı dikkâte alındığında dalgalı Türkiye-Rusya münâsebetleri, sorunlu alanlarda, meselâ Sûriye’de veyâ Libya’da yavaş yavaş şekillenen Atlantik baskısını bertaraf edecek nitelikte değil. İzlemeye değer bir tabloyla yüz yüzeyiz…
Süleyman Seyfi Öğün / Yeni Şafak Gazetesi
ΕΛΛΗΝΟΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΟΣ ΨΗΦΟΦΟΡΟΣ ΞΕΒΡ@ΚΩΝΕΙ ΤΗ ΝΟΘΕΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΑΙΩΝΑ ΜΕ ΑΠΟΔΕΙΞΕΙΣ – “Όνειρο θερινής νυκτός η νίκη Μπάιντεν – Έτοιμοι να κελαηδήσουν για να μην πάνε φυλακή”.
Άκρως ενδιαφέρον το άρθρο Έλληνα της Βοστώνης που έχει δικαίωμα ψήφου στις αμερικανικές εκλογές. Με επιχειρήματα και αποδείξεις, αποδεικνύει ότι κάθε άλλο παρά σίγουρη είναι η νίκη Μπάιντεν. Θα πάει μακριά η βαλίτσα εκτός κι αν αναγκάσουν τον Τραμπ να παραδεχτεί την… ήττα του ώστε να επισημοποιηθεί η νίκη του υποψηφίου των δημοκρατικών. Διαβάστε:
Τη στιγμή εκείνη ο Τραμπ είχε προβάδισμα στην πολιτεία της Πενσυλβάνιας σχεδόν 500.000 ψήφων η 14 ποσοστιαίων μονάδων και στην πολιτεία του Μίσιγκαν προβάδισμα σχεδόν 300.000 ψήφων η 11 ποσοστιαίων μονάδων.
Όμως κάποιοι από τους γνώστες εδώ στην Αμερική είχαμε ενημερωθεί από το επιτελείο του προεδρου Τραμπ και γνωρίζαμε εκ των προτέρων τα βρώμικα σχέδια νοθείας και απάτης
ορισμένων διεφθαρμένων δημοκρατικών στελεχών σε διαφορες πολιτείες όπως η Πενσυλβάνια και Μίσιγκαν για τις αμέσως επόμενες ημερες.
Επίσης βλέπετε εντολή του ανωτατου αμερικανικου δικατηρίου (United States Supreme Court) την Παρασκευή 6 Νοεμβρίου προς την γραμματέα της πολιτείας της Πενσυλβανίας
να ξεχωρίσει τα ψηφοδέλτια που έχουν λάβει μετά τις 8 μ.μ. την ημερα των εκλογών από τα υπόλοιπα ψηφοδέλτια (τρίτη εικόνα παρακάτω). Το αμερικανικο ανώτατο δικαστήριο θα αποφασίσει εάν θα καταμετρηθούν αυτά τα “καθυστερημένα” ψηφοδέλτια τα οποια κατά ποσοστό 70 τις εκατό ήταν υπέρ του Μπάιντεν και σε κάποιες πόλεις όπως η Φιλαδέλφεια τα “καθυστερημένα” ψηφοδέλτια κατά ποσοστό 99 τις εκατό ήταν υπέρ του Μπάιντεν.
Το αμερικανικο ανώτατο δικαστήριο επίσης θα αποφασίσει στις ενστάσεις που θα υποβάλει τις επόμενες μέρες η δικηγορική ομάδα του προεδρου Τραμπ στα αποτελέσματα σε ορισμένες κομητείες των πολιτειών Μίσιγκαν, Ουισκόνσιν, Τζώρτζια, Νεβάδα και Αριζόνα όπως και σε ορισμένες κομητείες της Πενσυλβανίας όπου να είστε σίγουροι διεφθαρμένοι δημοκρατικοί
διέπραξαν μεγάλη νοθεία.
Τι περιμένουμε; Το αμερικανικο ανώτατο δικαστήριο θα διατάξει επαναμέτρηση των ψηφοδελτίων στις κομητείες πολιτειών όπου ο Τραμπ θα υποβάλει ενστάσεις στα αποτελέσματα. Η επαναμέτρηση ψήφων θα γίνει με πλήρη διαφάνεια ενώπιον παρατηρητών και των δυο μεγάλων κομματων. Εάν κάποιοι ηλίθιοι υπεύθυνοι καταμέτρησης ψηφοδελτίων όπως αυτοί της Φιλαδέλφειας ( Πενσυλβανία) και του Ντιτρόιτ (Μίσιγκαν) δηλώσουν ότι έχουν πετάξει πολλά ψηφοδέλτια τότε το αμερικανικο ανώτατο δικαστήριο θα διατάξει επανάληψη εκλογών στις κομητείες όπου λείπουν ψηφοδέλτια και η καταμέτρηση και αυτών των ψηφοδελτίων θα γίνει με πλήρη διαφάνεια ενώπιον παρατηρητών και των δυο μεγάλων κομματων. Υπολογίζω στο τέλος ο Τραμπ θα λάβει πάνω από 300 εκλέκτορες και θα συνεχίσει ως πρόεδρος για τα τέσσερα επόμενα χρονια.
Προσέξτε και την τελευταία φωτογραφία παρακάτω. Είναι από το ψηφοδέλτιο μου. Βάσει του αμερικανικου συντάγματος εδώ ψηφίζουμε εκλέκτορες των υποψηφιων των κομματων. Ο υποψήφιος του κόμματος που έχει τους περισσοτερους ψήφους στην πολιτεία κερδίζει όλους τους εκλέκτορες της πολιτείας αυτής. Έστω και με ένα ψήφο διαφορά. Εξαίρεση αποτελούν δυο πολιτείες με χαμηλό αριθμό εκλεκτόρων, Νεμπράσκα και Μέιν. Οι εκλέκτορες αριθμούν 538 συνολικά και οποιος πάρει 270 (50% + 1) κερδίζει τις εκλογές. Οι εκλέκτορες θα συνεδριάσουν στις 6 Ιανουαρίου 2021 ώστε να εκλέξουν τον πρόεδρο. Ο πρόεδρος ορκίζεται στις 20 Ιανουαρίου στις 12 το μεσημέρι. Όσο καιρό τα αποτελέσματα των έξι προαναφερομενων πολιτειών (Μίσιγκαν, Ουισκόνσιν, Τζώρτζια, Νεβάδα, Αριζόνα και Πενσυλβανία) εκκρεμούν στο αμερικανικο ανώτατο δικαστήριο δεν υπάρχει εντολή ψηφίσματος στους εκλέκτορες αυτών των πολιτειών και ως αποτέλεσμα κανένας υποψήφιος πρόεδρος δεν έχει συγκεντρώσει τους απαραίτητους εκλέκτορες μέχρι στιγμής. Έτσι ότι βλέπετε στις οθόνες σας περί νίκης Μπάιντεν αποτελούν όνειρα θερινής νυκτός. Ήδη κάποια στελέχη σε κομητείες όπου διεπράχθη νοθεία είναι έτοιμοι να κελαηδήσουν ώστε να αποφύγουν την φυλακή.
Και έχω ένα μήνυμα στους οπαδούς του τουρκόφιλου Μπάιντεν που πανηγυρίζουν. Μου θυμίζετε τον πρεζάκια που έχει πάρει την δόση του και ξαπλωμένος στο πάτωμα ονειρεύεται να πετάει σαν την πεταλούδα. Όμως κάποια στιγμή η πρέζα τελειώνει και δεν έχει άλλη βελόνα με κρακ και ηρωίνη που βράζει στο κουταλάκι με το τσακμάκι. Τότε αρχίζει να τρέμει, να ιδρώνει, να έχει παραισθήσεις και το κρας του είναι κτηνώδης, δηλ. your crash is going to be brutal.
Βέβαια ακόμα και σε αυτήν την κατάσταση, μία χούφτα αντιφάδες έχουν συγκεντρωθεί έξω από το Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο και προκαλούν την άλλη πλευρά. Για την ώρα επικρατεί ηρεμία αφού η αστυνομική παρουσία είναι έντονη ανάμεσα στις δύο πλευρές. Ωστόσο, όπως θα δείτε στα παρακάτω βίντεο, δεν έχουν λείψει τα μικροεπεισόδια.
Δείτε τα σχετικά βίντεο:
Durante la marcia pro #Trump a #Washington, un patriota nera insegna l’educazione ad un #antifa bianco. pic.twitter.com/m7IKuW4qgq
— Francesca Totolo (@francescatotolo) November 14, 2020
#Rightnow #BLM #antifa protesters face to face with pro #trump supporters participating at the #MillionMAGAMarch, separated by riot police in front of the Supreme Court. #Washingtondc pic.twitter.com/U2q6Tx1VYH
— Raul Gallego Abellan (@raulgaab) November 14, 2020
Going out thoughtful thinking about #StopTheSteaI entering the freeway and seeing this is magical, not only in #washingtongDC but also in #California Thank you #Trump #ElectionResults #elections #Patriots #Republican @GOP @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @GOPLeader @JudiciaryGOP pic.twitter.com/yw0kSxfBkU
— Hunter1930 (@Hunter19302) November 14, 2020
Die extrem rechten #ProudBoys stehen aktuell in Washington D.C. bereit, um Donald #Trump zu unterstützen. Der hatte sie vor der Wahl aufgefordert, sich erst einmal zurückzuhalten. Kleine Erinnerung, wer die „Proud Boys“ eigentlich sind: https://t.co/270ozk8f8t#MAGAMillionMarch https://t.co/KXKXsuJ7Lo
— Robert Wagner (@robertwagner198) November 14, 2020
#ترامپ #Trump #4MoreYears https://t.co/0I50PgeeJU
— لیپ همپیمان( #پیمان_نوین ) (@ate_lip) November 14, 2020
Here’s to our real leader. Huntington Beach goes Trump! God bless America #Trump pic.twitter.com/LbKAB9vnWo
— MarkO (@sunsetbeac) November 14, 2020
SOSTENITORI DI #TRUMP, che meraviglia!! pic.twitter.com/cG9wZFp7po
— alessandro (@alessandro7177) November 14, 2020
#Trump #Trump2020 #DonaldTrump #TrumpPence2020 #MAGAMarchDC #TrumpMarch #WashingtonDC #MAGA https://t.co/bqwjP1jHEg
— Nat Baker ❤ (@CaledoniaBreeze) November 14, 2020
Love for #Trump going nowwhere … and fast. #MAGAMillionMarch #MarchForTrump #Trump # https://t.co/c6I8rzxZMk
— Kathy Gyngell (@KathyConWom) November 14, 2020
Μετά τους σέρβερς που κατασχέθηκαν στη Γερμανία, έρχεται μία ακόμα μεγάλη αποκάλυψη που αναμένεται να δημιουργήσει τεράστιο θέμα για αρκετό καιρό.
Τι πραγματικά συνέβη τότε;
Σύμφωνα με ρεπορτάζ του ερευνητή – δημοσιογράφου Ιωάννη Κουντούρη από το Λος Άντζελες που μεταδίδει η ιστοσελίδα greeknewsondemand.com, η παραγωγή ψεύτικων, πλαστών επιστολικών ψήφων είναι η πραγματική αιτία που έκλεισε τότε το κινεζικό προξενείο της συγκεκριμένης περιοχής των ΗΠΑ και οι πληροφορίες αυτές αναφέρθηκαν από τοπικές αρχές και πολίτες.
Εν ολίγοις, αυτά που καιγόντουσαν τότε στο κινεζικό προξενείο ήταν επιστολικές ψήφοι!!! Οι Κινέζοι ήταν στη διαδικασία παραγωγής μερικών από αυτές αφού έλαβαν ένα αντίγραφο μιας πραγματικής επιστολικής ψήφου που χρησιμοποιούσαν ως πρότυπο. Ετοιμάζονταν, δηλαδή, να ωθήσουν τον Τζο Μπάιντεν στην Προεδρία!
Όταν οι αρχές του Χιούστον θορυβήθηκαν για κάτι που…ΕΚΑΙΓΕΤΟ ή μάλλον….”ΕΜΑΓΕΙΡΕΥΕΤΟ” εκεί στο Προξενείο της Κίνας, έσπευσαν αμέσως στη σκηνή της φωτιάς χωρίς να καταλαβαίνουν πως, αυτό που ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΑ καιγόταν μόνο υλικό του κτιρίου του προξενείου ΔΕΝ ΗΤΑΝ, αλλά…«ΨΗΦΟΔΕΛΤΙΑ»…ΨΕΥΤΙΚΑ, ΠΛΑΣΤΑ ΓΙΑ ΝΑ ΘΑΨΟΥΝ ΤΑ ΟΠΟΙΑ ΣΤΟΧΕΙΑ ΕΙΧΑΝ ΜΕΙΝΕΙ ΑΠΟ ΤΙΣ ΑΡΧΕΣ.
Οι Κινέζοι, αφού ενημερώθηκαν ότι οι αρχές μετέβαιναν στο προξενείο τους για να τους κάνουν ΕΛΕΓΧΟ, και αφού χ@στηκαν πάνω τους, πήγαν αμέσως να ΚΑΨΟΥΝ ΤΑ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ! Αλλά οι αρχές που κατέληξαν τελικά εκεί, ήταν οι…ΠΥΡΟΣΒΕΣΤΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΕΥΝΟΗΤΟΥΣ ΛΟΓΟΥΣ.
Κινέζοι πράκτορες που εμπλέκονταν τότε στο ύπουλο σχέδιο παραγωγής πλαστών ψήφων, είχαν προφυλακιστεί.
Αυτές οι πλαστογραφημένες ψήφοι θα μπορούσαν να είχαν εξαπλωθεί σε όλες τις ΗΠΑ -αν δεν τους είχαμε σταματήσει τότε τους Βρωμο-Κινέζους– σε πολιτείες-κλειδιά και αυτό θα μπορούσε να είχε ως αποτέλεσμα τις εκλογές να τις «κερδίσει» ο Μπάιντεν.
Τα ΜΜΕ μάς είπαν τότε ότι αυτό είχε να κάνει με την κατασκοπεία, αλλά αυτό ήταν ένα μεγάλο ψέμα. Οι Κινέζοι δεν θέλουν ο Τραμπ να είναι πρόεδρος για δεύτερη θητεία, λόγω της σκληρής στάσης του σχετικά με την εμπορική ανισορροπία μεταξύ των δύο χωρών και τον ρόλο των Κινέζων στον κορωνοϊό.
Δείτε τώρα το σχετικό βίντεο που είχε φτιάξει ένας πολίτης των ΗΠΑ την επομένη της φωτιάς στις 24 Ιουλίου 2020, με τίτλο “Production Of Fake Mail In Ballots Is The Real Reason Chinese Consulate Closed”, όπου μας είχε ενημερώσει για όλα αυτά προειδοποιώντας τότε όλη την Αμερική για τον ύπουλο ρόλο δολιοφθοράς των Κινέζων στις εκλογές υπέρ του ΤΖΟ ΜΠΑΪΝΤΕΝ!
Και το μήνυμά του τότε; «Μην επιτρέπετε την επεξεργασία των επιστολικών ψήφων! Ανοίγει την πόρτα για εξαπάτηση και ΝΟΘΕΙΑ!», κάτι το οποίο αναφέρεται εδώ και μέρες μετά την ημέρα των εκλογών…
What Would a Biden Presidency Mean For Israel?
Biden may have a “deep feeling for Israel,” but does he care about its protection?
Let’s be charitable. Let’s consider the best case to be made for Biden “as a friend of Israel,” which just appeared from a veteran Israeli journalist, Raphael Ahren: “Biden a veteran friend of Israel, settlement critic, may be at odds over Iran,” by Raphael Ahren, Times of Israel, November 7, 2020:
…“He has a deep feeling for Israel,” said Michael Oren, who served as Israel’s ambassador to the US when Biden was vice president. Oren opposed almost all of the Middle East policies championed by Biden and his boss, Barack Obama, especially on Iran and the Israeli-Palestinian question. Still, he annually attended Biden’s Rosh Hashanah party, and asserts that the former Delaware senator is genuinely concerned about Israel’s well-being.
According to former Israeli ambassador Michael Oren, Biden has a “deep feeling for Israel” and is “genuinely concerned about Israel’s well-being.” That’s good to know, but along with that “deep feeling” and “genuine concern,” a lot more intellect needs to be applied – that is, Biden needs to acquire a detailed knowledge of Israel’s history, its legal rights, the security threats the Jewish state has beaten back but will always have to confront, whatever agreements it reaches with Arab states. It’s nice that he has a warm feeling for Israel, but it would be even nicer if Biden knew why Israeli settlements are legal, built on land — Judea and Samaria, a.k.a. the West Bank — that by right belongs entirely to Israel. Read the Mandate for Palestine, Joe, especially Article 6, where the U.K., as the holder of the Mandate, is instructed “to facilitate Jewish immigration” and “close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.”
The U.K. was, as the holder of the Mandate, duty-bound to “facilitate Jewish immigration” and “close settlement by Jews on the land.” What land is that? Look at, study, commit to memory, Joe – you can do it! — the Mandate maps, that show that land which was set aside to become the future Jewish state. It extends from (roughly) just beyond the Golan Heights in the north, to the Red Sea in the south, and from the Jordan River in the east, to the Mediterranean in the west. The West Bank (a.k.a. Judea and Samaria) is entirely within that Jewish state.
It would be heartening, too, if Joe Biden fully understood the meaning of U.N. Resolution 242, which offers an independent basis – beyond that conferred by the Mandate for Palestine — for Israel’s right to retain territory that it won in the Six-Day War, territory that it needs to hold onto in order to have, in the language of the resolution, “secure [i.e. defensible] and recognized boundaries.” I suspect that in Biden’s nearly fifty years in Washington, despite the hundreds of times he must have spoken feelingly about Israel, he has never read either the Mandate for Palestine or U.N. Resolution 242, as explicated by its author, Lord Caradon. Now is the time for him to do both.
“Biden is from a generation that remembers 1967 and 1973,” Oren said, referring to the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War, respectively. “He has Israel in his heart. He actually gets it. He gets Israel.”…
Oren opposed almost all of the Middle East policies of Obama and Biden, which were dangerous to Israel, including the Iran deal, attempts behind the scenes to persuade Israel to stop settlement building, and even the shameful abstention – the first time for the U.S. — on a U.N. vote condemning Israel’s settlements as “illegal.” So why does he insist that Biden “has Israel in his heart. He actually gets it, He gets Israel”? What does that mean? Does he “get” that Israel has a legal right, superior to all other claims, to the entire West Bank? Does he “get” that Israel cannot possibly return to the 1949 armistice lines, with that nine-mile-wide waist from Qalqilya to the sea, which Abba Eban once described as the “lines of Auschwitz”? Does he “get” that instead of seeking, in vain, for a “solution” to the Arab Muslim war on Israel, as generations of peace-processors have tried, we should recognize that this Jihad against Israel is not a problem to be solved but, rather, a situation to be managed? Does Biden understand that the best way for Israel to manage this situation is through a strategy of deterrence, which requires that Israel continue to control, at a minimum, the Jordan Valley and the five large settlement blocs in the West Bank (a.k.a. Judea and Samaria)?
“Biden has known every Israeli prime minister since Golda Meir, “and more than just casually,” he [Ambassador Oren] noted.
“He has retold many times the story of his meeting with Meir in the summer of 1973, during his first overseas trip as a young senator: The Israeli premier showed him maps and told him about the militarily precarious situation her country found itself in. Biden looked depressed, but Meir cheered him up, telling him that Israelis have a secret weapon against the Arabs: They have nowhere else to go.
“During his decades in politics Biden — who has Jewish grandchildren, as two of his three children married Jews — met countless world leaders. But he still describes his interaction with Golda Meir as “one of the most consequential meetings I’ve ever had in my life.”
“Less known is a meeting with her successor Menachem Begin a few years later, which The New York Times at the time described as a “highly emotional confrontation.”
In June 1982, a few days after the start of the Lebanon War, known as Operation Peace for the Galilee, Begin met with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington. Several lawmakers grilled him over Israel’s alleged disproportionate use of force.
“A young senator rose and delivered a very impassioned speech — I must say that it’s been a while since I’ve heard such a talented speaker — and he actually supported Operation Peace for the Galilee,” Begin told Israeli reporters after he returned to Jerusalem.
The senator — Biden — said he would go even further than Israel, adding that he’d forcefully fend off anyone who sought to invade his country, even if that meant killing women or children.
“I disassociated myself from these remarks,” Begin said. “I said to him: No, sir; attention must be paid. According to our values, it is forbidden to hurt women and children, even in war… Sometimes there are casualties among the civilian population as well. But it is forbidden to aspire to this. This is a yardstick of human civilization, not to hurt civilians.”
“But while Biden had sympathy for Jerusalem’s actions in Lebanon, he let it be known that he opposed Israel’s West Bank settlement enterprise. He warned Begin that Israel “was losing support in this country because of the settlements policy,” according to The Times.
Biden was right. Israel has been “losing support” because of its “settlements policy.” But that doesn’t make that policy wrong. The decline in support is merely testimony to the deficiencies of Israel’s hasbara, and the success of Palestinian and other Arab propaganda efforts. “War is deceit,” Muhammad said, and the Palestinians are past masters at this kind of warfare. Apparently those efforts won over Biden himself. Instead of accepting what he has been fed by those propagandists, he owes it to the Jewish state that he keeps insisting he feels so deeply about, to investigate the moral, historic, and legal claims of Jews to the West Bank (a.k.a. Judea and Samaria) on which those settlements have been built.
“He hinted — more than hinted — that if we continue with this policy, it is possible that he will propose cutting our financial aid,” Begin recalled. “And to this I gave him a clear answer: Sir, do not threaten us with cutting aid. First of all, you should know that this is not a one-way street. You help us, and we are very grateful for your help; but this is a two-way street: We do a lot for you. And also in recent battles we did a lot for the United States.”
Begin, in his own telling, warned the young Delaware senator that “if at any time you demand of us to yield on a principle in which we believe, while threatening to cut aid, we will not abandon the principle in which we believe.”
It was “a lively discussion” that he thought was “very helpful,” Begin concluded.
Begin, a noble and also tragic figure (for the way he was treated with such hostility and contempt by Jimmy Carter at Camp David, while Anwar Sadat, who was getting back the entire Sinai, was seen by Carter as a veritable Prince of Peace) stood his ground at Biden’s implied threat of a cut in aid. And his performance likely made a deep impression on Biden, for since that exchange with Begin, Biden has always said that he would never cut aid to Israel to force a change in its policy. We’ll soon have a chance to see if he still means it.
Israel, The Sunnis and The Return of a Pro-Iran White House
The Israeli media grotesquely cheers.
President Donald Trump is the most pro-Israel president in history. President Barack Obama was the most anti-Israel president in history.
And now, the likeliest outcome of last week’s presidential election is that Obama’s vice president Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 20 and Trump will depart the White House.
Trump is rightly exercising his right to cause a vote recount in Wisconsin and Georgia and suing to fight alleged voter fraud in Michigan and Pennsylvania. But to win the race at this point, Trump will need to win in Arizona and Georgia and either reverse the vote count in Wisconsin or Michigan or win the election in Pennsylvania. Trump owes it to his 71 million voters to ensure that the election results reflect the will of the voters. And so, he will exhaust all legal avenues. But the probability his efforts will win him the election is low.
The Israeli media grotesquely cheers the apparent defeat of Israel’s best friend ever in the Oval Office and his replacement by the vice president of the most hostile US leader in history. While doing so the commentators soothingly insist Biden is a great friend to Israel.
While comforting, this claim is untrue, particularly in relation to Iran.
Biden is not known for his strong principles. Long a weathervane for popular opinion, Biden has changed his positions on everything from the politics of race to international trade to criminal justice to social security and Medicare. But while he has been quick to align his position on nearly all issues with the prevailing political winds, Biden has maintained allegiance to one, deeply controversial position throughout the years. That position is sympathy and support for the theocratic regime in Iran.
In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks, Biden advocated giving $200 million to Iran to show America’s good intentions to the Islamic world. During the Iraq War, Biden was one of the most powerful voices calling for the US to cut a deal with Iran which would essentially transform post-Saddam Iraq into an Iranian satrapy.
Biden was one of the chief advocates of nuclear appeasement towards Iran, both in the years preceding his ascendance to the vice presidency under Obama and throughout Obama’s nuclear talks with Iran. Those talks, of course, led to the conclusion of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal that gave Iran an open path to a nuclear arsenal within a decade.
Since announcing his run for office, Biden – who was viciously critical of Trump’s decision to abandon the nuclear deal – has pledged repeatedly that he will reinstate the US’ commitment to the deal if elected, ensuring Iran acquires a nuclear arsenal.
In response to this anticipated policy change in Washington, Israel and its allies in the Persian Gulf have a keen interest in taking action to minimize Iran’s prospects for achieving military nuclear capability during the next two months.
Those allies, in particular Saudi Arabia, are undoubtedly concerned at the prospect of a Biden administration. And their concern is well-placed.
In an election-eve interview with the Dearborn, MI-based American Arab News, Biden’s running mate Senator Kamala Harris pledged to upend US-Saudi ties.
In her words, “Instead of standing by as the government of Saudi Arabia pursues disastrous, dangerous policies, including the ongoing war in Yemen, we will reassess the US relationship with Saudi Arabia and end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.”
In other words, the US will support Iran’s Houthi proxy in its war against Saudi Arabia.
There is an upside for Israel in Biden’s anticipated turn towards Iran. Saudi Arabia, which was diffident about joining the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan in normalizing its ties with Israel may choose to do so in the coming weeks. Such a move, which would vastly widen the Arab-Israel peace forged by President Trump through the Abraham Accords would present the Biden administration with a major alliance standing as one opposed to a nuclear-armed Iran.
In the same interview, Harris pledged to work against Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria and block all Israeli moves to implement its sovereignty in Judea and Samaria in accordance with the Trump peace plan, while reopening the US consulate in Jerusalem that specifically served the Palestinians independent of the US Embassy to Israel. US aid to the PLO-run Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria and to Hamas-run Gaza will also be forthcoming, she promised.
In anticipation of these hostile moves, over the next two months, Israel should take concerted and meaningful action to dismantle illegal, strategically located Palestinian settlements in Area C.
If the Republicans are able to maintain their control over the Senate, and with a diminished Democrat majority in the House of Representatives, Biden will have difficulty passing the progressive domestic policy agenda he ran on. With the Israel-Sunni alliance system that Trump has strengthened and expanded, he will also face obstacles on his way to reinstating Obama’s Middle East policies.
Caroline Glick is an award-winning columnist and author of “The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East.
The Left’s Stalinist Purge Attempt Against Trump Supporters
Trump-haters demand a “reckoning”.
President Trump continues to exercise all the rights he is entitled to under the law to challenge the vote counts in key battleground states. Whatever happens, Trump’s extraordinary record of accomplishments on behalf of the American people deserve to be defended against the mass dissemination of crass anti-Trump propaganda. And the more than 70 million Americans who voted to reelect President Trump to a second term should hold their heads up high against all the disgusting ad hominem attacks aimed their way.
Trump-haters did everything they could for four years to undermine the legitimacy of the Trump presidency. They are now lashing out at President Trump and his supporters for daring to question the legitimacy of the mainstream media’s anointment of Joe Biden as president-elect before all recounts and court challenges play out and the states’ electors make the election results official.
According to the New York Times’ Moscow bureau chief Andrew Higgins, President Trump is acting like a dictator by refusing to concede the election after the press decided he lost. There have been no official certifications of the states’ election results. But for Higgins and his media pals, it’s all over because the media say so. Higgins has been in Russia too long where there is no independent judiciary to resolve election disputes. Whatever Putin wants, Putin gets. To remind Higgins, in the United States we do have an independent judiciary under our Constitution’s separation of powers.
We have seen this year an unprecedented widespread use of mail-in ballots across the country that may have resulted in significant fraud affecting vote tallies in key battleground states. Asking for vote recounts, audits and independent judicial review is not, as Higgins believes, akin to using “the time-honored tools of dictators” to reverse elections. It is an inherent part of America’s system of the rule of law.
Leftists won’t be satisfied simply with a Biden win. Their thirst for revenge knows no bounds. Leftists who accuse President Trump of sowing hatred against his enemies are planning to make life miserable for patriotic Americans who were affiliated with the Trump campaign and administration. Robert Spencer laid out the leftists’ slash-and-burn tactics in his column entitled “A Biden Presidency and the American Gulag.”
Spencer mentioned, for example, the “Trump Accountability Project,” which demands on its website that “those who took a paycheck from the Trump Administration should not profit from their efforts to tear our democracy apart.” Former Democratic National Committee national press secretary Hari Sevugan, who also served as a campaign spokesman for former President Barack Obama, is behind this crude attempt at a Stalinist purge. Sevugan tweeted that employers thinking of hiring anyone who served in the Trump White House “should know there are consequences for hiring anyone who helped Trump attack American values.”
Spencer also reminded us of Bill Clinton’s Labor Secretary Robert B. Reich’s despicable name and shame tweet on October 17th: “When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”
And then there is Democratic-Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who tweeted after the election: “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”
Journalists like to think of themselves as presenting the “first rough-draft of history.” But real journalists today are few and far between. Instead, we have the Trump-hating media doing their part to paint the Trump era as a dark chapter in American history. For four years, they tried to destroy President Trump with baseless charges and false stories. Trump correctly called out the political bias in much of the mainstream media and exposed their gross hypocrisy for the American people to see. This enraged the holier-than-thou media establishment further. Now, after prematurely anointing Joe Biden as the next president, Trump’s enemies in the media are angling for the last word in describing the Trump presidency as some sort of an evil autocratic regime.
In the words of The New Yorker writer Masha Gessen, for example, we have been through a “trauma” caused by “the most divisive and destructive Presidency in memory.” She demands “a reckoning” for what she claims President Trump has put us through. Gessen wants “congressional hearings, special-counsel investigations, court proceedings, town halls, journalistic projects, truth-and-reconciliation commissions, and some yet-to-be-invented formats” so that we can “talk about what happened and about how we go on living in such a way that it doesn’t happen again.”
Masha Gessen is not the only so-called “journalist” demanding a “reckoning.” Bret Stephens, an op-ed columnist for the New York Times who considers himself a conservative, wrote that the conservative movement needs a “reckoning” because of its support for President Trump. Stephens does not speak for conservatives. He is just another Trump-hater writing for the Trump-hating, left leaning New York Times. Why should conservatives have turned against President Trump when he delivered historic tax cuts, massive deregulation, the appointment of more than 200 conservative judges and three originalist Supreme Court justices, enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws, support for law enforcement, and defense of the Second Amendment? Stephens has no answer other than to charge Trump with being “immoral — manifestly, comprehensively and unrepentantly.” The credible reports of Biden family corruption, from which the “big guy” Joe Biden stood to benefit, did not make it on Stephens’ radar.
Anne Applebaum, a staff writer at The Atlantic, wrote that “Trump is a president who never had America’s interests at heart.” Did she have her head in the sand for the last four years? What does Applebaum think that President Trump’s “America First” policies, which he brilliantly executed on behalf of American workers, were all about?
Jennifer Rubin, who writes opinion columns for The Washington Post, went over the edge completely during an appearance on MSNBC. “It’s not only that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose,” Rubin said. “We have to collectively in essence burn down the Republican Party.”
Rubin also tweeted, “Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into ‘polite’ society. We have a list.” This reference to a list sounds eerily like the late Senator Joe McCarthy’s infamous “list” of alleged Communists working for the State Department that McCarthy referred to in a 1950 speech.
Gessen, Stephens, Applebaum, Rubin and their Trump-hating media cohorts are infected with the Trump Derangement Syndrome. They detest President Trump’s combative style, which they falsely claim is racist. They detest his insistence on strictly enforcing the nation’s immigration laws, deliberately obscuring the distinction that Trump has frequently made between immigrants who arrive in the U.S. legally and the gate crashers who are in this country illegally. They detest Trump’s America First policies, even though they confuse what they think is isolationism with smart multilateral relationships that do not rip off the United States. They find Joe Biden’s bland tone, along with his rejection of America First policies while embracing globalist institutions, oh-so reassuring.
The many, many millions of Americans who voted for President Trump are understandably proud of what he has accomplished on behalf of the American people in four short years. Here is a sampling:
President Trump accomplished all this and more in spite of how the Democrats and their media enablers went after President Trump and his allies with manufactured charges of Russian collusion, followed by the most divisive, partisan, and destructive impeachment farce in American history.
The self-important dunderheads in the media must not be allowed to prevail with their “first draft” of revisionist history that seeks to label President Trump, in the sneering words of the New York Times, as “the worst American president in modern history.” Unless the truth wins out regarding President Trump’s outstanding accomplishments in the face of unrelenting efforts to sabotage his presidency, the leftist media will get away with shaping how history ultimately judges the Trump presidency. We cannot let that happen.
Beijing Is Called For Biden
Chinese election interference?
Ever since Americans elected President Donald Trump four years ago, Democrats and progressives have accused him of using Russian influence to win. Now, as Trump makes his legal case for re-election, Americans will learn not only about the steps he took to repel the threat of foreign interference.
Americans also could learn that the cries of “Russian interference” merely diverted attention from another possible foreign player assisting Trump’s opposition.
Defusing such a threat began when Trump gave responsibility for overseeing federal elections to the Department of Homeland Security. DHS defines foreign interference as “malign actions … designed to sow discord, manipulate public discourse, discredit the electoral system, bias the development of policy, or disrupt markets for the purpose of undermining the interests of the United States and its allies.”
In November 2018, Trump signed legislation that created the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) under DHS’s jurisdiction. CISA’s job is to “defend civilian networks, manage systemic risk to national critical functions” and improve security infrastructure. As part of that job, CISA devised Protect2020, a comprehensive project encouraging society to prevent electoral fraud.
Working alongside DHS is the Department of Justice. On Oct. 29, DOJ issued a release stating that the department’s National Security Division, through its Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, guards against “a range of malign influence activities that foreign governments may attempt, including computer hacking of election or campaign infrastructure; covert information operations (e.g., to promulgate disinformation through social media); covert efforts to support or denigrate political candidates or organizations; and other covert influence operations that might violate various criminal statutes.”
On Nov. 2, DOJ issued another release stating it would monitor voting and tabulating procedures in 44 counties and cities in 18 states. Those states included Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina and Wisconsin — the most disputed states during the presidential election.
Among the counties and cities under scrutiny were Arizona’s Maricopa County, Fulton and Gwinnett counties in Metropolitan Atlanta, the City of Detroit and four of its suburbs, Philadelphia County in Pennsylvania, and the cities of Milwaukee and Minneapolis — sites of the worst electoral anomalies.
In each instance, the National Guard assisted DOJ and DHS.
DHS and CISA also help states design such measures as “barcodes, watermarks and precise paper weights,” the CISA website stated, to keep ballots from being counterfeited.
For example, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla issued a letter in August to county clerks and registrars of voters that detailed the design and color of ballot watermarks for this year’s general election.
Such countermeasures would prove pivotal in determining whether ballots were fraudulent. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito probably thought so when he ordered Pennsylvania’s secretary of state, Kathy Boockvar, to segregate and count separately mail-in ballots that arrived before the polls closed from those that arrived between closure and 5 p.m. Nov. 6.
Trump certainly did. During his press conference Nov. 4, he said:
“We don’t want them to find any ballots at 4 o’clock in the morning and add them to the list.”
Trump made that comment at about 2 a.m. Roughly two hours later, former Vice President Joe Biden received vertical spikes in votes to pass Trump in Michigan and Wisconsin. Michigan recorded about 138,000 votes for Biden in that spike — and none for Trump.
How would Trump know? Military cyberintelligence — working with DHS — would provide data from a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility.
If Biden’s votes are illegitimate, who cast them? Where did they come from? USA Today might have unwittingly provided an answer.
USA Today streamed a video of election workers in Atlanta sorting ballots. One worker took a large mailing envelope and put it aside unopened. A Chinese site played that video and noticed the insignia for SF Express on the envelope.
SF Express is a Chinese version of UPS. It is China’s largest privately owned currier and ships freight from China to other Asian countries, Europe and the United States.
The translation of the Chinese text accompanying the video says, “SF International Customer Service stated that SF Express can only ship from China to the United States and does not currently support receiving and sending within the United States.”
SF Express was founded by Wang Wei, who also serves as its chairman. Wang, 49, turned his small smuggling business into a company Forbes valued at $29.2 billion as of May. In the process, Wang’s personal worth grew to $31.2 billion as of Nov. 8, according to Forbes.
Wang came from privilege. His father served as a translator for the Chinese air force and his mother was a professor. Considering that Wang was born during the middle of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, his parents would have been ideologically reliable members of China’s Communist Party.
Considering Wang’s wealth and influence, he likely belongs to the party.
Wang grew his wealth and influence dramatically in 2017, when he listed SF Express on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. He did so by merging his firm “with a small rare-earths company already listed in Shenzhen, then taking its place,” Agencé France Presse wrote.
That maneuver, which China’s government approved, enabled Wang to bypass 700 other companies waiting to be listed.
Given China’s near monopoly on processing rare earths — which are vital in developing weapons and consumer electronics — Wang’s transaction means more than a seat at a stock exchange.
But would Wang be involved in foreign election interference, at his government’s behest? Would any Chinese magnate? Another possible indicator offers more questions than answers.
As the Wall Street Journal’s Mike Bird tweeted, the Chinese yuan plunged precipitously in currency trading against the dollar as early results favored Trump. But when Biden appeared to surpass the president, the yuan recovered much of its value.
By Nov. 6, the yuan had reached heights not seen since mid-2018.
Given alleged corruption involving Biden and his son, Hunter, in their dealings with the Chinese, the possibility of Chinese interference becomes more troubling.
David Rennie, Beijing bureau chief for The Economist, offers this sobering observation, which likely would apply regardless of court decisions and their aftermaths:
“American gridlock is a win for China. That’s how Communist Party leaders see it: that their destiny is struggle with the US, and American divisions help China.”
Post-Election Thoughts 2020
The undeniable facts about who really won.
President Donald J. Trump has been re-elected.
The “proof” for which even some Big Conservative commentators and Republican politicians are now asking consists of numerous considerations, none the least of which is that Joe Biden’s votes in critical states blatantly violate Benford’s Law, a principle relied upon by the relevant experts to detect frauds of various sorts, from tax to election frauds.
It is all but a mathematical or statistical impossibility that a not-insignificant percentage of Biden’s votes are legitimate.
But I am not interested here in arguing the obvious.
To repeat: in reality, and regardless of what his accomplices in the Fake News media would have us think about The Great Election Robbery, or The Great Steal of 2020 that they’ve helped to orchestrate, it is not Biden, but still-President Trump who has won.
Some thoughts:
(1) The polls—as some of us have always known, and, given the conduct of the GAME (Government-Academia-Media-Entertainment) complex during President Trump’s tenure, everyone should have suspected—were epically, scandalously wrong.
Both the self-styled “journalists” and professional pollsters of Big Media are partisan hacks who are overwhelmingly Democrat operatives. It is to the eternal shame of Republicans that, for all of their charges of “liberal bias” and “fake news”—however warranted they most definitely are—they continue to treat these opportunistic mercenaries and leftist propagandists as if they were politically-neutral reporters on current events interested only in informing the public.
The polling industry can no more sustain a shred of credibility at this point than can any of the Mainstream Media.
(2) The only thing more offensive than the sight of Trump-haters (not Biden supporters, for there are few, if any, that exist) gloating about Biden’s fake victory is their calls for “unity.”
Trump and his supporters have been treated horribly from at least when he secured his party’s nomination back in 2016 up until the present moment. For four years, his enemies, the enemies of America as it has historically conceived itself (“AmeriKKKa,” as they regard it), have prosecuted a coup against the 45th POTUS. His supporters, including the elderly, women, and even underage children, have been demonized, intimidated, harassed, physically beaten, maimed, and even killed all because they were his supporters.
Democrats in the media, the academy, the entertainment industry, and in government have not only refused to condemn these outrages; they have often actively encouraged them. Moreover, they have even gone so far as to blame Trump and his supporters for this violence!
But now they want unity.
(3) Chances are increasing that Joe Biden will be seated as the 46th POTUS.
Trump will not concede—as he should not. The 70 million Americans who voted for him should never concede either. Joe Biden is no more a legitimate POTUS than are you or I. He and his accomplices may have succeeded in stealing power for himself; but power and authority are not one and the same thing: Biden has the power to rule, but he has no authority to do so.
(4) Just as the Trump voters who had been disenfranchised must insist upon Biden’s illegitimacy, just as importantly, and perhaps more so, Congressional Republicans in both chambers must do so! We will know them by their fruits. Any Republicans who do not continue to acknowledge Donald Trump as their President, any who do not obstruct and resist the Democrats’ implementation of their “progressive” agenda at every conceivable turn, must be deemed by voters as traitors—and treated as such.
(5) President Trump could potentially do more good for the future of American patriots outside of the White House than he could do from within it.
For decades, Republican politicians and conservative commentators on talk radio, cable news, and elsewhere have supplied one and the same ultimate solution to the problems with the country that they routinely decry: Vote Republican.
The assumption has always been that it is possible for American patriots, the consumers of Big Conservative media, to vote their way out of the muck and mire into which Democrats continued to plunge America. Somehow, though, America has always managed to continue its leftward drift, despite Republicans winning elections.
Well, this year, a record number of Americans—over 70 million—voted Republican.
And the vote of every one of them has, in effect, been nullified by dishonest, power-obsessed Democrat (and Republican?) operatives.
If Trump vacates the White House, doing so under these circumstances, when tens of millions of Americans who love him are convinced that he is the rightful winner of this race, forces them to reckon with the sobering truth that, at present, they have essentially been denied their most fundamental rights as self-governing citizens; they have, in other words, been reduced to subjects.
Consequently, there is another somber fact with which they must come to terms: These voters most definitely cannot vote to make their vote count again. They cannot vote their way back to freedom.
The only other alternatives are not pleasant, for negotiation, compromise, etc. have all been taken off the table by the latest events (if they were ever actually on the table in the first place).
In other words, The Great Steal promises to serve as a clarion call to many that the present set of circumstances—where one half of the country is disenfranchised, mocked, “canceled,” attacked, comprehensively, dehumanized—is wildly untenable. Something dramatic needs to change, and change soon.
And here is where the Real President-But-Former-Occupant of the White House can begin to make a real difference. His enemies still don’t seem to realize that Trump’s followers adore him. He has legions of them and they are willing to follow him to the ends of the Earth.
Trump, with his resources in money, energy, and influence, can launch a media and political revolution that could reduce the current GOP to ashes while raising a new party in its stead. He could crush, say, Fox News overnight, if he so chose to do so, by simply calling for a boycott. His media empire would bury it in no time.
The Real President could help conservative entrepreneurs construct alternative platforms to the Big Tech oligarchs while funding the rise and grooming of Trump-like politicians. He could also—along, possibly, with any number of connections that he’s made over the course of his long career—become a monetary and organizational source for a massive resistance movement to the left’s predatory attempts to “change America,” as Chuck Schumer recently characterized the left’s ambitions.
Trump being Trump, and given the treatment to which he, his family, and his millions and millions of supporters have been subjected, it is a virtual certainty that he will not be going anywhere.
Trump, right now, has the power to remain a thorn in the side of the left even as he can make or break the GOP, Big Conservative media, and the conservative movement as it is currently constituted.
The future is looking…interesting.
The Law Is There’s No Presidential Transition Until Congress Certifies the Election
The Democrats made the rules, but they don’t want to live by them.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
Even though the votes are still being counted, Joe Biden declared that he is the President-Elect, a shadow government office invented by Obama and invested with a pseudo-government seal, and he has been holding fake briefings and taking phone calls with foreign leaders.
The United States only has one president at a time. Maintaining a fake shadow presidency undermines the sitting administration to the American people and to foreign governments.
It’s illegal and inappropriate. So the Democrats are doing it anyway.
Incoming presidents, since Truman’s day, receive briefings and, since Kennedy’s day, get funding for their transition teams, but, according to the law, only once it’s clear who won. The last time this happened, the Bush transition was blocked by Democrats until December.
But the media is boosting its Biden cable network coup by threatening the head of the GSA.
A week after the election, the media descended on Emily Murphy, the head of the General Services Administration (GSA), demanding that she release funds to a Biden transition.
Media hit pieces like the New York Times‘ “How Emily Murphy Stands Between Biden’s Team”, Bloomberg‘s “Who Is the GSA’s Emily Murphy, Trump Appointee Holding Up Biden Transition”, and the Washington Post‘s “Trump Appointee at GSA Declines to Sign Letter Authorizing Biden Transition”, personalized the issue and set off a lynch mob swiftly leading to threats against her.
It’s still early in November. The media conveniently forgot the time its party blocked a presidential transition for over 4 weeks, not just through November, but into December.
David Barram, a top Clinton donor who supported every one of their campaigns since 1992, and tech industry figure, who had been appointed to head the GSA, didn’t get this kind of treatment when he turned down transition funding to the Bush-Cheney campaign after the 2000 election.
Not only did Barram block funding until Florida’s vote was certified, but he kept blocking it until the Supreme Court had made its decision, leaving very little time for any transition to happen. The Bush-Cheney campaign pursued its own privately funded transition, as did Al Gore, the way presidential transitions used to work until the Presidential Transition Act changed all that.
Despite all this, Barram was never publicly attacked or threatened the way that Murphy is.
Worse still, the media recently trotted out Barram to argue that the GSA should release transition funding to the Biden-Harris campaign. “First off, all these media outlets who call the election have called it for Joe Biden, I think the winner is pretty clear,” Barram recently insisted.
Media outlets, it ought to go without saying, but no longer does, don’t pick presidents.
But, as with so much else, the same media that amplified claims that Gore votes were thrown out in Florida, that Secretary of State Katherine Harris discriminated against minorities, and that Jeb Bush had rigged the election for his brother, now yells that such claims are not only false, but dangerous, and must be censored at all costs. The media that had allowed every Democrat to hold forth about the Florida election, now won’t even allow Republicans to speak.
Democrat claims of election fraud must be heard, but Republican claims are “disinformation”.
Even while the Washington Post warns Republican claims of election fraud are dangerous, it just ran an article suggesting that Harris rigged the 2000 election to win an ambassadorship.
It’s dangerously irresponsible for Republicans to cast doubt on an election result, but not for Democrats. And it’s also dangerous for Republicans, but not Democrats, to block a transition.
And yet the arguments that Barram made to block GSA funds back then hold up well today.
“With legal action being pursued by both sides, it is not apparent to me who the winner is,” Barram had argued.
“Until the results are clear, and as long as both sides are going to court, the results are not clear yet,” GSA spokeswoman Beth Newberger had insisted.
The legal standard for authorizing a GSA transition is, in the words of the Democrats, the end of legal action over the results of the election. As long as legal action is being pursued, including a trip to the Supreme Court, the GSA cannot and should not release funds to a transition.
In congressional testimony, Barram took it further and cited an authoritative Democrat source.
“Congress made it perfectly clear that if there is ‘any question’ of who the winner is ‘in a close contest’ this determination should not be made,” Barram pointed out.
He then quoted, Rep. Dante Fascell, the sponsor of the Presidential Transition Act.
Rep. Fascell had stated that, “If the Administrator had any question in his mind, he simply would not make any designation in order to make the services available as provided by the Act. If as an intelligent human being and he has a doubt, he would not act until a decision has been made in the electoral college or in the Congress.”
Kennedy had recently won, through Daley’s voter fraud in Chicago, and after spending $360,000 on JFK’s expenses, the Democrats wanted government funding for presidential transitions. They also wanted some assurance of getting government assistance from the administration of an opposing party even though no such issues had come up to date.
Fascell’s boundary went further than Barram’s, with the cutoff being the electoral college and congressional certification. That’s an objective and solid constitutional standard, unlike the end of legal proceedings, let alone cable news network election calls, that are subjectively partisan.
More importantly, these are the rules that Democrats, not Republicans, had made. And Democrats were happy to live by these rules in Bush v. Gore when they helped them.
Now the same rules are suddenly oppressive, dangerous, corrupt, and treasonous.
Much like casting doubt on the election results in 2000, 2004, and 2016, was “patriotic”, but casting doubt on the election results in 2008, 2012, and 2020, is “deeply dangerous”.
Political factions can have different views, but they cannot be allowed to have different laws.
That’s called equality, not “equity”, before the law.
The core crisis of political power is that Democrats only respect the law when it’s in their favor and ignore it, attack it, or dismiss it when it isn’t. A Democrat Senate blocking Bush’s judicial nominees was a noble defense of civil rights, but a Republican Senate blocking Obama’s judicial nominees was an attack on democracy, and then Democrat Senate members trying to block Trump’s judicial nominees was once again noble. The legitimacy of the Senate as an institution, or the filibuster as a tactic, changes every time the Senate changes hands.
Counting every legal vote was noble in Florida in 2000, but is a disgusting lowball tactic in Pennsylvania in 2020. Fighting the election results in the Supreme Court was in the highest traditions of our political system in 2000, but is an outrageous abuse twenty years later.
It was appropriate for the GSA to block presidential transition funding in 2000, but doing so in 2020 may kill people, and the relevant GSA officials should be threatened and harassed.
Living in a nation of laws means having to live with those laws.
Harassing the head of the GSA is political intimidation and only highlights the fundamentally terroristic and abusive nature of the political coup that the Democrats are perpetrating.
Rep. Dante Fascell, the Democrat sponsor of the Presidential Transition Act, was quite clear about the GSA administrator not taking personal initiative in a disputed election. So was Bill Clinton’s GSA boss. As long as a presidential election is being contested, there’s no transition.
That’s not only the law, it’s the rules that Democrats made. Now they have to live by them.
Κωνσταντοπούλου: Αν ήταν ο Πολάκης υπουργός Υγείας θα είχαμε πεθάνει όλοι.
Προσωπική επίθεση στον Παύλο Πολάκη εξαπέλυσε ο επικεφαλής της Πλεύσης Ελευθερίας, Ζωή Κωνσταντοπούλου. Μιλώντας στα Παραπολιτικά 90.1 η κα Κωνσταντοπούλου μίλησε πολύ απαξιωτικά για τον πρώην αναπληρωτή υπουργό Υγείας του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ.
«Ο κύριος Πολάκης είναι αντιπροσωπευτική περίπτωση των ανθρώπων που σήμερα συναποτελούν και συγκροτούν τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. Είναι βέβαιο και αντιλαμβανόμαστε όλοι ότι εάν σήμερα ήταν υπουργός Υγείας θα είχαμε πεθάνει ίσως όλοι. Είναι βέβαιο ότι πρόκειται περί ανθρώπου που ακόμα και την ώρα που άνθρωποι χαροπάλευαν -είδαμε και τότε στο Μάτι- δεν δίστασε να στήσει επικοινωνιακή συνέντευξη Τύπου για να αποσιωπήσει τις ευθύνες. Δεν πρόκειται για μία περίπτωση γραφική ή ακραία. Είναι μία περίπτωση αντιπροσωπευτική, γι αυτό ακριβώς είναι στη θέση που είναι, λέει αυτά που λέει, κάνει αυτά που κάνει, με την πλήρη όχι απλώς ανοχή αλλά με την πλήρη συνενοχή και του κυρίου Τσίπρα και των μελών του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ».
Η κα Κωνσταντοπούλου διαφώνησε και με τις πορείες που έκαναν ΚΚΕ, ΜέΡΑ25 και ΣΥΡΙΖΑ είπε:
«Για μένα είναι πραγματικά προκλητικό στο όνομα των αγώνων και της Θυσίας των ανθρώπων που αντιστάθηκαν στη Χούντα, κάποια κόμματα όπως το ΜέΡΑ25 το ΚΚΕ και ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, να προσκαλούν τους συμπολίτες μας να αγνοήσουν τα μέτρα προστασίας υγείας και της ζωής όλων μας προκειμένου να συμμετάσχουν σε πορείες και επετειακές εκδηλώσεις εν μέσω lockdown και κυρίως εν μέσω πανδημίας. Είναι όχι απλώς προκλητικό, είναι εγκληματικό αυτά τα κόμματα να παριστάνουν ότι έτσι αγωνίζονται και ουσιαστικά να υποδεικνύουν τέτοια προκλητική αδιαφορία για την ανθρώπινη ζωή».
Η κ.Κωνσταντοπούλου έκανε λόγο ακόμα για ιδιοτελείς και τυχοδιωκτικές πράξεις λέγοντας πως σήμερα είναι μια ιστορική επέτειος και είναι κρίσιμο να προστατέψουμε τις ζωές όλων.
Δεν μετανιώνουμε ούτε στιγμή που αποχωρήσαμε από το «βόθρο» σας…
Πόσο χρόνο συμμετοχής θα είχε στο Ελληνικό πρωτάθλημα με τη διαιτησία του Φάρου, οεο;;;;; ΜΕΧΡΙ ΤΕΛΟΥΣ, «βρωμιάρηδες». ΜΕΧΡΙ ΝΑ ΞΕΚΟΥΜΠΙΣΤΕΙ ΚΑΙ ΤΟ ΤΕΛΕΥΤΑΙΟ ΠΙΟΝΙ. Δεν μετανιώνουμε ούτε στιγμή που αποχωρήσαμε από το βόθρο σας. Βλέπουμε τα χάλια σας, και πως καταντήσατε το Ελληνικό πρωτάθλημα και γελάμε μαζί σας.
Μπορεί αγωνιστικά να το πληρώνουμε στην Ευρωλίγκα μιας και η ομάδα δεν έχει ρυθμό συνεχόμενων αγώνων και οι παίκτες δεν έχουν δεθεί ακόμη μεταξύ τους, αλλά δεν μας καίγεται καρφάκι. Προχωράμε μάγκικα και όχι με κολοτούμπες.
Το μόνο κρίμα είναι ότι μας στερεί η πανδημία από το να βλέπουμε από κοντά αυτόν τον εκπληκτικό Αμερικάνο, που προσφέρει θέαμα επιπέδου ΝΒΑ. Ο Μακ Κίσικ είναι ένας από τους λόγους που σε ωθούν να πας στο γήπεδο να απολαύσεις μπάσκετ. Δυστυχώς μας στοιχίζει και θα μας στοιχίσει στο μέλλον η έλλειψη των αγώνων στο Ελληνικό πρωτάθλημα. Αλλά ο σκοπός είναι ιερός και δεν τον αλλάζουμε με τίποτε. Θυσιάσαμε όχι μόνο φέτος, αλλά και πέρσι, δύο χρονιές, για να σώσουμε το ελληνικό μπάσκετ. Όχι σαν τους «άλλους» στο ποδόσφαιρο, που με πρόσχημα να το σώσουν (από την δική τους ανικανότητα), ενώθηκαν για να το «ελέγχουν» και να μοιράζονται μεταξύ τους, τους τίτλους «κλέβοντάς» τους από τον καλύτερο σε όλα τα επίπεδα Ολυμπιακό.
Έχει δρόμο μακρύ ακόμη η Ευρωλίγκα. Αλλά και ο Ολυμπιακός έχει πολλά περιθώρια βελτίωσης . Αν μη τι άλλο μας αρέσει η προσπάθεια που γίνεται. Έχει στηθεί ορθολογικά το ρόστερ. Και τα τρία ματς που έχει χάσει μέχρι τώρα με λίγη τύχη, ή αν ήμασταν πιο έτοιμοι, θα μπορούσαμε τουλάχιστον τα δύο για να μην πω και τα τρία, να τα είχαμε κερδίσει. Με τα θα όμως και τα αν δεν κερδίζεις τίποτε. Συνεχίζουμε, για την υπέρβαση στη Βαρκελώνη , και το διπλό με τη Βιλερμπάν, για να είμαστε μέσα στον πρωταρχικό μας στόχο. Την 8αδα. Παιχνίδι με παιχνίδι να παρουσιαζόμαστε καλύτεροι για να φτάσουμε τις 18 τουλάχιστον νίκες συνολικά που όλα δείχνουν ότι θα δώσουν το εισιτήριο της πρόκρισης στην επόμενη φάση. Από το σύνολο των νικών θα εξαρτηθεί και σε ποια θέση θα τερματίσουμε και ποια ομάδα θα είναι η «άτυχη», είτε με μειονέκτημα, είτε με πλεονέκτημα έδρας, που θα μας αντιμετωπίσει με φόντο την είσοδο στο Final 4. Μόνο να είμαστε υγιείς θέλω, και ο τραυματισμός του Χάρισον να είναι η τελευταία απώλεια. Όλα τα άλλα θα τα δούμε στο παρκέ.
Ο Ολυμπιακός πλέον έχει και προπονητή και εμπειρία και ταλέντο για να παλεύει όλα τα ματς, τι σύμπτωση, μέχρι τέλους. Η αρχή είναι το ήμισυ του παντός, γιατί ακόμη ούτε έτοιμοι 100% είμαστε, ούτε έχουμε φορμαριστεί. Ε, ρε και να γίνει κανά θαύμα και σας πετύχουμε ζέλες στο ΣΕΦ αρχές Φλεβάρη με κόσμο τι πάρτι θα στηθεί στις κερκίδες. Γιατί το πάρτι στο παρκέ θα στηθεί 100% για να εκτοξευτεί το σκορ στα μεταξύ μας ευρωπαϊκά παιχνίδια χωρίς Φάρο 13–6. Ε, το λες και πελατειακή σχέση, έτσι δεν είναι λάτρεις της στατιστικής; Και μην μου ανησυχείτε. Τότε δεν θα χαθεί το α’ ημίχρονο. Θα έχει έξτρα περιποίηση όλο το 40λεπτο. Πού πάτε, ρε, με αρχηγό τον Ιωάννη; Ρε, πού πάτε ρε;