In a city I cannot name, on a date I cannot specify, an anonymous woman and I embarked on a risky drive to an institution whose address I cannot disclose. “Aisha” and I had eaten, gabbed, laughed, worked and dreamed together. I had met her family. They were lovely people. They planned to kill her. She had violated their Islamic expectations. Thus our drive to a remote safe house. In the United States. In the twentieth century.
In January, 2019, after Ilhan Omar [pictured above] was sworn in as a new congresswoman, my liberal Facebook friends celebrated her and Rashida Tlaib. They made three false claims: “First refugee elected to Congress! First Palestinian! We celebrate diversity!”
No, Omar was not the first refugee elected to Congress. Jewish refugees, and refugees from Communismpreceded her.
No, Tlaib was not the first Palestinian. Justin Amash, a male, Christian Republican, was. Newly sworn-in Donna Shalala, like Tlaib, is an Arab. She is a Catholic who supports Israel. None of the memes celebrating Tlaib celebrated Shalala or Amash.
The third lie is that celebrations of Omar and Tlaib were celebrations of diversity. At the same time that liberals were elevating Tlaib and Omar to meme stardom, they were maintaining complete radio silence about a story that was rocking the world. Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun is a Saudi teenager who, in early January, 2019, escaped from her family and was granted asylum in Canada. Alqunun described beatings, captivity, and the threat of death for abandoning Islam. She insisted that her case was not unique, and that women in Saudi Arabia “are treated like slaves.”
Also in January, 2019, the New York Times brought attention to Loujain al-Hathloul, who has “worked relentlessly to earn Saudi women the right to drive.” For her efforts, al-Hathloul has been tortured, water-boarded, and threatened with, and possibly, raped.
Narges Mohammadi and Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe are imprisoned in Iran for their human rights activism. In January, Mohammadi and Zaghari-Ratcliffe began a hunger strike. Iranian women activists like Masih Alinejad may be close to ending compulsory hijab. They’ve been protesting for decades. My liberal friends have never, as far as I know, mentioned any of these women.
If we pull the focus back and look at Arab and Muslim-born-and-raised women liberals don’t celebrate, we find Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish, Wafa Sultan, Anni Cyrus, Sarah Haider, and Rifqa Bary. Islam’s defenders have not only not celebrated these women, some have made death threats against them, and liberal allies have prevented them from speaking publicly (see here and here). Hirsi Ali’s enemies prostitute otherwise honorable liberal causes to smear her and to guarantee that she will continue to require round-the-clock armed guards for the rest of her life. They accuse Hirsi Ali of being part of “patriarchy, misogyny, and white supremacy” guilty of “wars, invasion, and genocide” and associating with “white nationalists and far-right politicians” and “colonizers.” Finally, she is “not progressive.” Liberals have participated in the smearing of the Muslim-born-and-raised women mentioned above, and helped to ensure that these women and their allies, on university campuses and in much media, are non-persons. This is not diversity. It is totalitarian uniformity maintained by the threat of violence. Celebration of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib was no celebration of diversity. It was a selective celebration of two women who align with anti-American, anti-Jewish rhetoric.
Ilhan Omar demanded that US law be changed so that she could wear hijab in Congress. Nancy Pelosi proposed the demanded rule change, in order to “ensure religious expression.” Liberals celebrated, the very same liberals who denounced Mitt Romney as a misogynist because, when asked how he would find female candidates for his cabinet, he replied, awkwardly but innocently, that he had “binders full of women.” I asked my liberal friends why they celebrated Congress’s first hijab. I received no answers. I thought of Aisha. I wondered if they know the following.
1.) Hateful stereotypes are deployed to prevent discussion of hijab.
It’s hard to talk about hijab. Stereotypes get in the way. Not stereotypes of Muslims. Stereotypes of non-Muslims. “You bigoted, racist, intolerant Americans are not allowed to talk about hjiab because you are all Islamophobes who want to harm me.”
Above a July 1, 2018 Vice article alleging that non-Muslims are violent thugs frothing at the mouth to destroy innocent Muslim lives, Vice ran an image of a sweet and lovely hijabi surrounded by evil, Islamophobic assailants. Nasty Americans and Brits ram their grocery carts into pregnant Muslim women’s bellies; they push hijabis in front of oncoming trains.
All decent people condemn real hate crimes. At the same time, one must be mindful of faked hate crimes. See here, here, here, here, here, and here. These crimes were faked to silence any discussion of gender apartheid. One can condemn hate crimes against Muslims and at the same time condemn crimes committed against Muslim women in the name of Islam.
Masih Alinejad, Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun, my friend Aisha, and the unknown others like her with no access to safe houses: we speak not for these Muslim women, but with them, Muslim women whom too many choose to erase in the name of political correctness.
2.) Honest discussion of hijab does not equal an attack on Muslim women.
Not all hijabis support compulsory hijab. The My Stealthy Freedom Facebook page features images of hijabis holding signs protesting compulsory hijab. On January 31, 2018, Tarek Fatah shared an incredibly poignant video. A short, stooped Iranian woman, slowed and bent by time, climbed up a small platform in a snowy landscape. Once on the platform, she removed her hijab, wrapped it around her cane, and waved it. She was imitating the image of Vida Movahed, aka “The Girl of Enghelab Street,” who gained fame through a viral photo of an anti-compulsory-hijab protest. Movahed was later imprisoned. Prison guards in Iran are alleged routinely to rape imprisoned activists. Those who oppose free speech about hijab want to force this choice on us: love Muslim women or hate Muslim women. Their choice is false. The choice is between freedom and totalitarianism. We who support freedom love Muslim women. We support free speech about hijab.
3.) Islam’s canonical documents define hijab as the establishment of two tiers of women, one superior, to be safe from sexual molestation, one inferior and subject to sexual molestation.
No doubt my friends who celebrated Omar see hijab as just another lifestyle choice. Their tolerant celebration of Omar’s hijab, they believe, will be reciprocated by Omar’s tolerance of their choices in attire – jeans and t-shirts, say.
Dr. Tawfik Hamid is an Egyptian-born, Arabic speaking, former member of an Islamist terrorist group. In his book Inside Jihad, Dr. Hamid quotes the Koran and authoritative interpretations of it. He states that hijab’s purpose “is not modesty or to encourage observers to focus on a Muslim woman’s personality. Its purpose, according to the most authentic hadiths and interpretations, is to create a society where superior free Muslim women are distinguished from inferior slave women … The hijab … encourages hatred for non-Muslim women who wear modern clothing.”
When Americans like Laura Bush and Nancy Pelosi wear hijab, Dr. Hamid writes, “The women seem to be operating under the false belief that the hijab is a neutral – or merely traditional – fashion statement … But the hijab is not simply a clothing accessory. It harbors deep Islamic doctrinal connections to slavery and discrimination. Western women who cover themselves are unwittingly endorsing an inhumane system.”
Dr. Hamid goes on to say that when he was an Islamist, he and his fellows despised women without hijab, and cursed them to eternal hellfire. They based this belief on the hadith that says, “The denizens of Hell … [include] the women who would be dressed but appear to be naked,” that is, women without hijab.
Hamid cites Koran 33:59, that is interpreted as dividing women into two classes: Muslim hijabis who are not enslaved, and who deserve respect from men, and non-Muslim women who don’t wear hijab. These enslaved kufars are acceptable as sexual prey for Muslim men. “The hijab … creates a feeling of superiority among the women who wear it (and their men).” Hamid cites Tafsir ibn Kathir, that interprets Koran 33:59 thus, as Hamid puts it: a hijabi would be safe from sexual harassment, “if a woman was seen without a veil, they marked her as a slave girl and could rape her without guilt … most Islamic authorities and scholars affirm this purpose of the hijab.” Hamid goes on to quote various hadiths that support the above interpretation of Koran 33:59.
The dichotomy of superior hijabis = respectable / inferior non-hijabis = sex slaves is not of the ancient past. Modern Islamic websites reinforce it with scripture and interpretation “The respectable women should not look like the slave-girls from their dress when they move out of their houses, with uncovered faces and loose hair;” “the people may know that they are not promiscuous women,” non-hijabis are “women of ill repute from whom some wicked person could cherish evil hopes,” reports Islamic Studies Info, quoting canonical scholars. “The hijab must not resemble the garments of the kuffar,” that is, non-Muslims, counsels the University of Essex Islamic Society.
4.) Hijab covers uniquely feminine evil.
Think about two features of Muslim culture that non-Muslims find it difficult to believe, never mind understand: honor killings and female genital mutilation. All three: honor killings, FGM, and hijab are linked by the same logic.
It is difficult to obtain accurate statistics on honor killings. The UN estimates that thousands occur every year, the vast majority among Muslims. In a typical honor killing, a girl is raped and her family kills her. Daniel Akbari, an Iranian-born lawyer and expert in sharia law, writes that honor killings are not random events, and honor killers are not lone wolves, acting on passion outside of society. Rather, in his book, Honor Killing: A Professional’s Guide, Akbari argues that honor killings are not just condoned, but are demanded by Islamic understandings of women.
Honor killers are often not brought to trial. If they are, sentences have often been lenient. As some courts, under international pressure, have become more strict, killers have found new approaches. One approach might be called “honor suicide.” The family informs the prospective victim that she must end her life. In 2006, a 17-year-old Turkish girl received a text to her phone from her uncle. He instructed her to kill herself. Some girls are locked in rooms with rat poison, a pistol, or a rope. Another approach is to assign the task to the youngest male in the family, on the assumption that courts are less willing to sentence young boys to lengthy prison terms. Families may be reluctant to kill, but the surrounding community’s “social pressure and incessant gossip” drive them to do it.
Not just families, but entire polities acting on sharia law punish women for being victims of sexual assault. In October, 2008, Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow, a 13-year-old Somali girl, was stoned to death for being raped by three armed men. A nineteen-year-old Saudi girl was raped fourteen times by seven men. In 2007, she was sentenced to 200 lashes and six months in jail. “Up to 80 per cent of women in Pakistan’s jails are charged under rules that penalize rape victims. But hardliners have vetoed an end to the Islamic laws,” Dan McDougall wrote in 2006.
Female genital mutilation is practiced by some, but not all, Muslims in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, India, and Southeast Asia. Various Islamic scriptures support FGM. The process, which ranges from nicks to the clitoris to its complete excision, and removal of labia and sewing up of a female’s external genital opening, astounds non-Muslims.
Approximately ninety percent of women in Egypt have undergone FGM. Egyptian physician Dr. Nawal El Saadawi described her own FGM in her book, The Hidden Face of Eve. She was six years old, in bed, when unknown persons broke into her room, grabbed her, threw her on a bathroom floor, spread her thighs apart, and mutilated her. The pain “was like a searing flame that went through my whole body … I saw a red pool of blood around my hips. I did not know what they had cut off from my body … I called out to my mother for help.” Little Nawal tried to summon her mother to rescue her from these fiends; she was horrified to recognize her mother among them. Later, Nawal saw them mutilate her four-year-old sister. “Now we know what it is. Now we know where lies our tragedy. We were born of a special sex, the female sex. We are destined in advance to taste of misery, and to have a part of our body torn away by cold, unfeeling cruel hands.”
Research shows that “religious justification is held to be the strongest argument in favor of FGM.” In other words, people practice FGM because they believe that their religion, Islam, demands it. Communities support FGM by stigmatizing women who have intact genitalia. Hirsi Ali reports that in her native Somalia’s madrassahs, “kinterleey,” “girl with a clitoris,” is a standard insult. “Severe stigmatization of girls and women who have not undergone FGM are well in place.” Any effort to stamp out FGM should focus on convincing Muslims clerics that FGM damages “reproductive health.” Note that this World Health Organization publication does not recommend that Muslim clerics be encouraged to consider how FGM hurts women and girls – only how it hurts potential breeders.
Non-Muslims are confused. How could a father murder his own daughter? How could a mother participate in the mutilation of her daughter?
The answer may be found in one of the justifications for hijab. The sight of women causes men to sin. Women are required to disguise themselves. In the logic of hijab, women caused the rapist to rape. She should have covered herself.
Recently, a Muslim preacher described a Muslima who went out in public in a jilbab, that is a long, loose coat, but allowed her face and her high-heeled shoes to be visible. This exposure, he insisted, “tortured” men, because the sight of her face and her shoes forced those men to think about sex – “even though he didn’t want to…he has to struggle with himself not to look at this woman.” “All this would be in the book of deeds for this sister.” Allah “would give her a double portion of punishment” in the fires of hell for the thoughts that the men thought when they saw her face and shoes. “She is making these men seduced.” “She is purchasing a ticket for Jahannam,” or hell.
Sheikh Taj el-Din al-Hilali, the Grand Mufti of Australia and New Zealand, preached in a 2006 Ramadan sermon that Australian women raped by Muslim rape gangs are responsible for the rapes. “If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street … and the cats come and eat it … whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat? … The uncovered meat is the problem. … If she was in her room in her home, in her hijab, no problem would have occurred … the responsibility falls ninety per cent of the time on the woman. Why? Because she possesses the weapon of enticement.”
During the New Year’s celebrations of 2015/16, thousands of women and girls throughout Western Europe were sexually assaulted by Muslim men. A Cologne imam, Sami Abu-Yusuf, said that the sexually assaulted women were the guilty parties. “If they’re half-naked and wearing perfume, it’s not surprising that such things would happen … It’s not surprising that the men attacked them. Dressing up like that is like pouring oil into the fire.”
In citing perfume, the cleric echoes Mohammed himself, who said, “She is an adulteress, as she provokes the lusts of men with her perfume and compels them and whoever else to look at her.” Note the word “compel.” She, the woman, is responsible for men’s behavior. She forced men to sin by wearing perfume. These are not ancient ideas; they are the foundation of sharia law. Men, on the other hand, are allowed to wear strong scents.
Even little girls possess the weapon of enticement. In Iran, compulsory hijab begins at age 7. Hashim Almidini, an Iraqi-born Australian, featured a hijab tutorial created by an Australian cleric using his little daughter as a model. The silent, shamed daughter appears to be six years old. The cleric, though living in Australia, says that Western culture, lead by Satan, is “invading” Muslims. “Western norms” are Satan’s tool. Hijab is the key battleground between Muslims and hell. The cleric blasts his daughter for showing her neck, her earlobes, and her sock-less ankles.
In January, 2019 news broke of a Malaysian textbook that warns nine-year-old girls to wear hijab to protect the “modesty of their genitals” lest they be sexually assaulted, rejected by their friends, and bring shame onto their families. The textbook includes an image of a young girl seated in a chair, her head in her hands as she slumps in shame. Azrul Mohd Kalib posted this image from the textbook on twitter, and commented, “Not only does this put the responsibility of preventing sexual harassment solely on the shoulders of a girl, it also implies that she had it coming!” She had it coming: that’s the whole idea.
5.) In the logic of hijab, women without hijab are begging to be sexually assaulted.
If wearing hijab communicates that a woman is virtuous, godly, and chaste, lack of hijab communicates that a woman is begging to be sexually assaulted. Egyptian-born Dina Torkia is a successful Muslima fashion and beauty blogger. She lives in the UK with her Pakistani husband. In late 2018, she stopped wearing hijab. On January 1, 2019, she posted a video of herself reading social media messages she received in response to her decision. Reading the messages took forty-eight minutes. Again and again, one theme repeats: she removed hijab because she wants to be sexually assaulted. “Dina didn’t get banged enough when she was young. Now she’s opening up sexually.” “U took the hijab off next time sure would be cock riding or a porn star,” “YOU ARE A HOE,” “The choice you made is welcoming you to the cock carousel, slut.”
Samin, an Iranian activist, created an animation to support those resisting compulsory hijab. “Girls are forced to be liars … you censor yourself when you put it on” but, “If you don’t wear hijab, they think you are a whore.”
Mostly Muslim grooming gangs have been raping, torturing, and sexually enslaving British girls for several decades. One asks how grown men, husbands and fathers themselves, could commit such hideous crimes against little girls, some of whom they killed. Daniel Akbari explains. “For their entire lives these men have been taught that the women who do not wear a hijab and show skin are like whores … They also assume that only Muslim women who follow sharia rules for women’s dress and conduct, wear a hijab, lower their gaze, do not laugh or eat in public, and do not go out of the house without their unmarriageable kin men escorting them deserve respect.”
Indeed, a girl who was abused by a grooming gang said that hijab was used as justification for their abuse of her. “As a teenager, I was taken to various houses and flats above takeaways in the north of England, to be beaten, tortured and raped over one hundred times. I was called a ‘white slag’ and ‘white c- – -‘ as they beat me. They made it clear that because I was a non-Muslim, and not a virgin, and because I didn’t dress ‘modestly’, that they believed I deserved to be ‘punished’.”
6.) Hijab limits women’s entire lives, not just what they wear.
Islam demands that “hijab of the clothes should be accompanied by hijab of the eyes, hijab of the heart, hijab of thought and hijab of intention. It also includes the way a person walks, the way a person talks, the way he/she behaves, etc.”
Many Muslims interpret hijab as including the command that women not leave their homes. Koran 33:33 commands, “stay in your homes and do not go about displaying your allurements.” Islamic Studies Info teaches, “woman’s real sphere of activity is her home … she should come out of the house only in case of a genuine need.”
In her book, In the Land of the Blue Burkas, author Kate McCord describes her life lived in intimate contact with Afghan women who wear sky-blue burqas that cover them from head to foot. Afghanistan is frequently cited as one of the worst countries on earth to be a woman. The suicide rate for women is shockingly high. Some families raise their daughters as sons, until puberty forces them to assume female roles. And, of course, some desperate boys are groomed to be girls, to serve as male prostitutes.
One Afghan woman described to McCord why she would not dare to sing, even within the confines of her own home, surrounded not only by the house walls, but also courtyard walls. “‘If a woman sings and a man hears her, he will think her voice is beautiful and will lust after her. Maybe he will be on the street separated by the wall or in a neighbor’s aouli [courtyard]. Maybe he will never see the woman who sings, but he hears her voice. If that happens, he will want her. The sin is hers. She will be punished. That’s why a woman should never sing, even in her own aouli.’ The women in that gathering agreed unanimously. It’s a great sin for a woman to allow a man to hear her sing.”
The conviction that women’s voices engender sin is not a “long ago, far away” concept. Modern Muslims living in the West discuss, online, the female voice as a source of fitna. Linda Sarsour’s voice is allowed to be heard only as long as she is bashing the kufar. Were Sarsour’s voice ever used to support the White Wednesday activists in Iran, or potential victims of honor killings, Sarsour would face the same death threats as Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
7.) Many Muslims understand hijab’s secondary function as proselytizing for Islam.
Hijab is assessed as an effective way to carry out the Allah-given mission: to spread Islam to all people until no deity is worshipped save Allah (al-Bukhari 8:387). Islam is spread through jihad, but also through “da’wah,” or proselytizing. In the article aptly titled, “Hijab Activism,” Shaema Imam writes that, “With Hijab, every public moment becomes Dawa.” Clothing is used “to demonstrate what groups they belong to … The Ummah must cultivate a distinct identity.”
In her article, “The Hijab as Da’wah,” Dr. Aisha Hamdan writes, “Many scholars agree that the only reason a Muslim may live in a non-Muslim country is to conduct dawah and bring people to the true religion … In America, where Islam is the fastest growing religion (alhumdullilah), many people are coming to know what this head covering really signifies … The hijab, in effect, is an amazingly powerful tool for dawah … Once a woman begins to wear hijab she completes a large portion of her responsibility for dawah … Each time that she goes to the grocery store, the library, to work, to school, or to any other public place, she is spreading the magnificent message of Islam.” One must do this because non-Muslims “are being deluded by Satan and following paths to destruction.”
A recent convert to Islam wrote that hijabis “are a walking billboard for your religion … You could be helping open someone’s mind to submitting.”
In a March 8, 2018 post asking, “Why do Muslim Women Actually Wear the Hijab?” Saulat Pervez wrote, “Conspicuous in their head-coverings, these women have become ambassadors of the Islamic faith.”
Misbah Awan wrote in the Huffington Post that “wearing the hijab is a form of dawah … They are targeting … especially youth … It helps to avoid linking Muslims with 9/11 and terrorism. It provides a way of bringing light and warm-hearted thoughts into young minds.”
8.) Hijab is kept in place with violence, terror, and intimidation.
Many hijabis insist, stridently, that they don’t need to be liberated by anyone, and that hijab is their personal choice. This is no doubt true. What is also true is that hijab is kept in place through violence, terror, and intimidation. No one can ever know if any given hijabi is a hijabi because of her own choice.
Hijab is mandated by law in Saudi Arabia and Iran. In other countries, hijab is kept in place with varying degrees of social pressure, always culminating in death. In Egypt, street harassment of women is routine. In Iran, there have been numerous acid attacks in the midst of calls for punishment of “badly veiled” women.
Aqsa Parvez’s father killed her over hijab in Canada in 2007. She was sixteen. Bina, a 21-year-old wife, mother, and Iranian immigrant to Sweden, was killed in 2016 by her husband because she stopped wearing hijab. “‘He thought that other people were making fun of him – it was a matter of honor,’ said a close friend … a family member said, ‘We came here far from oppression, but some people have difficulty living freely.’ After he murdered her, Bina’s husband put a hijab on her face and neck.” In 2017, a fifteen-year-old Iraqi victim of an honor killing was beheaded. A hijab was wrapped around her decapitated head, which had been thrown into a garbage can.
Turkish-born, 23-year-old Hatun Surucu, the mother of a little boy, once in Berlin, Germany, “discarded her Islamic head scarf.” To her family, “such behavior represented the ultimate shame – the embrace of ‘corrupt’ Western ways.” Hatun was murdered by family members who conspired in her murder, and who said of her, “The whore lived like a German.” Her youngest brother, 18, bragged of the murder.
In 2009, in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Mohammad Shafia murdered his three daughters Zainab, Sahar, Geeti – all teens – and Rona, one of his wives. As Michael Friscolanti put it, “the Shafia sisters were caught in the ultimate culture clash, living in Canada but not allowed to be Canadian. They were expected to behave like good Muslim daughters, to wear the hijab and marry a fellow Afghan. And when they rebelled against their father’s ‘traditions’ and ‘customs’ – covertly at first, then for all the community to see – the shame became too much to bear. Only a mass execution … could wash away the stain of their secret boyfriends and revealing clothes.”
All of these murders, and thousands of others like them, are part of a cultural pattern: honor killings justified with reference to a woman’s refusal to wear hijab. For every such honor killing that occurs, there are millions that never happen, but that are hinted at to rebellious daughters, sisters, and wives. You don’t want to end up like so-and-so.
9.) Hijab is not intended to, nor does it, create a worldview where women’s individuality is valued apart from their physical attractiveness, or where women are seen as anything other than wives, mothers, and whores, all designed to please men, but capable of damning men.
In a January 7, 2016 Daily Show appearance, Muslim activist Dalia Moghed insisted that hijab teaches Muslim women to focus on their own individuality beyond their ability sexually to attract men. That is not the purpose for hijab stated in foundational scriptures. Koran 24:31 advises women wearing hijab not to allow their ornaments to make noise as they walk. That is, it is assumed that a woman in hijab is fully bejeweled underneath her cover. Anyone who has spent any time with hijabis knows that they enter the gender-mixed rooms of parties cloaked in shapeless black from head to foot, but once they are in the area reserved for women, they remove their hijabs to reveal that underneath they are dressed in fashions worthy of the hottest runway. At such parties, women dance competitively with and for other women. The dances are undeniably erotic. YouTube features endless tutorials for hijabis on how to look hot even in hijab. These videos have millions of eager fans who lavish praise on hot hijabi YouTube stars. See for example here, here, here, and here. Linda Sarsour, America’s most famous hijabi, is never seen without a full face of makeup.
Hijab manufacturers do not market their products as promoting women’s gender-free individuality, but rather as beautiful complements to their physical appearance. One hijab manufacturer says, “In order to build a world where women have beautiful options for every occasion, we’ve designed the standard of luxury for hijab. Crafted from the finest pure silk, tulle and lace opulently adorned with bespoke embellishments, this collection channels timeless elegance.” Hijab customers praise their hijabs based on how attractive they are. “Navy is a color I always need with my floral dresses and patterned shirts,” and “Beautiful color – Perfect for Fall/Winter!! It goes wonderfully with my dark skin tone and adds elegance to any outfit,” and “Such a chic sophisticated color.”
Too, Muslim men are quite capable of objectifying women in complete hijab. Dancers at Arab parties may be covered from head to foot, but still required to perform what some call “Arab twerking,” a dance that involves highly suggestive movements with the hips and buttocks. Women in full, state-mandated cover have been sexually harassed in Saudi Arabia, including by men who follow them on the street and grab their breasts, buttocks, and groin. Videos of this harassment has been posted to YouTube and sparked public discussion. The Mosque Me Too movement has generated hundreds of accounts of Muslimas being groped, fondled, and violated in the most sacred of spaces, including during the haj. One survivor wrote, “When I visited the Jama Masjid in Delhi, the man lending modest robes to women touched my breasts.” Another, “I was ten years old and I thought my sister was gripping my hips as not to lose me in the huge crowd after jumaa prayer. But my sister was next to me and those turned out not to be my sister’s hands.” Another, “It’s a terrible situation when you are in a mosque, in front of the kaaba, where you should feel the closest to God, and the worst thing happens.”
Hijab has not solved the problem of the sexual objectification and exploitation of women. It was not designed to.
10.) Hijab’s defenders deploy cultural relativism selectively and inaccurately to shield hijab from critique.
“It’s just like a nun’s habit,” they say. No, it’s not. Any given nun, from any era, violates several of the criteria for hijab. One can see her face and her hands, one can discern the outline of her form, and one can not only hear her voice, but her voice steers her church. Hildegard von Bingen, Teresa of Avila, Mothers Teresa and Angelica, and Wendy Beckett clearly did not obey hijab’s dictates about remaining silently at home, submissive to their earthly spouse. Too, there is no Catholic analog to acid attacks to force women to become nuns.
“It’s just a piece of cloth,” they say. The Confederate flag is also just a piece of cloth. We must bring the same awareness, honesty, and courage to discussion of hijab that we bring to discussion of the Confederate flag. This discussion is not Islamophobic, any more than discussion of the Confederate flag is “Confederacy-phobic.” I speak not for, but with, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Masih Alinejad, and my beloved friend Aisha, who, in spite of the safe house that gave her temporary shelter, in the end, ended up losing so very much that she has never redeemed. The heartbreak – and love – I feel for this rebellious Muslima informs every word of this article. To my liberal friends I say, please expand your concept of “diversity” to include invisible, silenced women you will never meet – the nameless fifteen-year-old Iraqi girl whose head, wrapped in a hijab, was tossed in a garbage can, Hatun Surucu, the Turkish mother whose relatives called her a whore, and my beloved friend Aisha.
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Photo by Fibonacci Blue
Danusha Goska is the author of God through Binoculars
On the political and military fronts, Israel outmaneuvers its enemies.
January 25, 2019
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secured another diplomatic victory for Israel with the dramatic announcement that Chad and the Jewish State would be reestablishing diplomatic relations. The Muslim majority nation had severed ties in 1972 following intense pressure from Libya, its menacing neighbor to the north, which at the time was led by the dictator, Col. Muammar Qaddafi. But following a visit by Chad’s President Idriss Déby to Jerusalem and a reciprocating visit by PM Netanyahu to N’Djamena, forty-seven years of animosity instantly vanished.
Israel’s historic diplomatic achievement occurred despite intense efforts by the Palestinian Authority and Iran to torpedo the initiative, and reflects a rise in Israel’s standing on the African continent and in the Muslim world at large. Indeed, Israel has much to offer in terms of military expertise, cyber technology, water technology and agricultural technology, commodities that are in high demand in parched, battle-plagued Africa.
Upon Netanyahu’s return flight to Israel, Sudan granted permission for Netanyahu’s plane to fly in airspace controlled by Khartoum. This may seem to be insignificant but considering that Sudan was once firmly in Iran’s camp and served as an Iranian transit point for arms shipments to Gaza, the gesture was remarkable.
Following the breakthrough with Chad, Jerusalem announced that it is preparing to host Mali’s Prime Minister Soumeylou Boubeye Maiga in the “coming weeks.” The West African Muslim majority nation severed diplomatic relations with Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War but is now set to restore full diplomatic ties.
Muslim nations from the Near East to Africa are coming to terms with the fact that the source Mideast’s instability is not Israel and its conflict with the so-called “Palestinians” but rather Islamic fundamentalism. Shia Iran is recognized as a malign regional influence while ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood represent bad actors of the Sunni persuasion. In this context, moderate Muslim nations like Oman, which recently hosted Netanyahu in a well-publicized visit, see Israel as an ally rather than a foe.
Palestinian efforts to isolate Israel have failed miserably and this is a reflection of a rejectionist, maximalist political policy rife with short-sighted, unrealistic goals. In the arena of diplomacy, Israel, led by its savvy statesman Netanyahu, has completely outmaneuvered and outclassed the PA’s crusty octogenarian president, Mahmoud Abbas.
In addition to its political fortunes, Israel this week scored impressive military successes. On January 20, in a rare daylight raid, Israel struck what was believed to be a weapons storage facility near Damascus. Iran, which provides Hezbollah with $800 million in annual military assistance, uses Syria’s Damascus airport as a waystation for transit of weapons to Hezbollah. Soon after the attack, Iranian Quds Force operatives launched a Fateh 110short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) at northern Israel. The missile, which is made in Iran, incorporates Chinese components and carries a ½ ton warhead. Had it landed in a populated area, it could have caused massive civilian casualties.
Israeli missile defense crews detected the launch and intercepted it with a Tamir interceptor fired by an Iron Dome battery. Israeli skiers enjoying themselves at the Golan Heights ski resort watched the drama unfold as Israel’s wonder weapon blew the Iranian missile out of the sky. As an aside, the U.S. Army recently announced that it will be acquiring two Iron Dome batteries with 12 launchers, 240 interception missiles, two battle-management systems and two radar systems to shield American ground troops from missile, rocket and drone threats. On January 20, Iron Dome proved that it is as adept at shooting down ballistic missiles fired by Iran as it is at shooting down Qassam and Katyusha rockets fired by Hamas.
Israel could not let the Iranian aggression stand unanswered. In the early hours of Monday morning, Israel launched massive and successive strikes against Quds Force munition storage sites, intelligence sites and training camps, reducing them to ash. According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the attack caused the death of at least 21 enemy combatants of whom 12 were Iranian, six were Syrian regime soldiers and three were foreign mercenaries of unspecified nationality. An Israeli warning to the Syrians to keep their anti-aircraft defenses in check went unheeded and so, Israel was forced to destroy a number of Syrian anti-aircraft platforms. The Israeli Army released dramatic video footage showing the destruction of Syrian anti-aircraft batteries.
Syria’s anti-aircraft defenses are formidable but despite the presence of Russian SA-17, SA-22, S-200 and S-300 anti-aircraft batteries, Israel retains complete air supremacy over the skies of Syria. Syria’s main patron Russia responded angrily to the Israeli strikes referring to them as “arbitrary.” But the Russians, who assured Israel that they would keep Iran far from Israel’s borders, have not kept up to their end of the bargain. A report which surfaced in Arab media alleged that a visit by Quds Force Commander, Qassem Soleimani, to a location less than 40km from the Golan Heights triggered the Israeli reaction. Israel’s intelligence apparatus in Syria is excellent and Israeli intelligence units had apparently been monitoring Soleimani’s movements.
This was a good week for Israel both militarily and politically. Israel continues to charter inroads on the African continent while at the same time, its military stands ready to check aggression emanating from nefarious elements to the north, south and east.
Μετά την κατάρρευση του βορειοηπειρωτικού μετώπου επέστρεψε στην Αθήνα και μη αποδεχόμενος την ήττα ίδρυσε, ήδη από τον Ιούνιο του 1941, μια μικρή αντιστασιακή οργάνωση, στην οποία εντάχθηκαν κυρίως αξιωματικοί. Η αρχική αυτή οργάνωση εξελίχθηκε, το 1943, στην Οργάνωση “Χ”.
Για την οργάνωση αυτή έχουν γραφεί αρκετά, κυρίως από του φανατικούς πολέμιούς της, οι οποίοι την κατηγορούν ότι συνεργάστηκε με τις δοσιλογικές κυβερνήσεις, ακόμα και με τα γερμανικά στρατεύματα κατοχής. Οι κατηγορίες αυτές άρχισαν να διατυπώνονται, κυρίως, μετά την συμμετοχή της Χ στη μάχη της Αθήνας, τον Δεκέμβριο του 1944, κατά του ΕΑΜ-ΕΛΑΣ. Ωστόσο τόσο η Χ ως οργάνωση καθαυτή, όσο και η συμμετοχή της στα Δεκεμβριανά, είναι μάλλον υπερεκτιμημένη.
Περί τα μέσα του 1943 η οργάνωση του Γρίβα έλαβε την ονομασία Χ. Πυρήνες της οργάνωσης ήταν αξιωματικοί του Στρατού. Σκοπός της ήταν, η εκδίωξη των κατακτητών από την Ελλάδα. Η οργάνωση διατείνονταν ότι δεν είχε πολιτική χροιά, ωστόσο ήταν γνωστό ότι ο Γρίβας ήταν συντηρητικών πολιτικών πεποιθήσεων.
Ο Γρίβας είχε αποφασίσει να δραστηριοποιήσει την οργάνωση σε δύο χρόνους. Αρχικά σκόπευε να προχωρήσει στην, μυστική, συγκρότηση και τον εξοπλισμό μάχιμων τμημάτων, και στη συνέχεια, να εξαπολύσει τα τμήματα αυτά σε επιθέσεις κατά των Γερμανών, υπό τις οδηγίες του Συμμαχικού Στρατηγείου.
Επιθυμούσε τα μάχιμα τμήματα της οργάνωσης να συγκροτηθούν κατά τα ανταρτικά πρότυπα του ΕΔΕΣ και της ΕΚΚΑ, σε περιοχές ζωτικής σημασίας για τους Γερμανούς, ώστε να επιτύχουν την μέγιστη δυνατή βλάβη των
δυνάμεων κατοχής.
Η οργάνωση έλαβε επαφή με τον τέως αρχιεπίσκοπο Αθηνών, τον ηρωικό πάλαι ποτέ μητροπολίτη Τραπεζούντας, Χρύσανθο, η οποία και διατηρήθηκε μέχρι την απελευθέρωση και ο οποίος διαβεβαίωσε πως η οργάνωση ποτέ δεν είχε σχέσεις με την κατοχική κυβέρνηση.
Η Χ κατηγορήθηκε ότι είχε στενές σχέσεις με την κατοχική κυβέρνηση. Η Χ υπέγραψε πρωτόκολλο συνεργασίας επτά “εθνικών οργανώσεων” (Οργάνωση Χ, ΡΑΝ, Εθνική Δράση, ΕΔΕΣ Αθήνας, ΕΔΕΜ, ΕΚΟ, Τρίαινα) με παρόντες, τον Άγγλο σύνδεσμο Ντον Στοτ και τον Δ. Σειραγάκη, εκπρόσωπο της Υπηρεσίας Πληροφοριών του Υπουργείου Άμυνας της κατοχικής δοσιλογικής κυβέρνησης στα πλαίσια του Πανελλήνιου Απελευθερωτικού Συνασπισμού (ΠΑΣ) υπό τις διαταγές του Συμμαχικού στρατηγείου Μέσης Ανατολής.
Πηγές της Αριστεράς αναφέρουν ότι πολλοί εύζωνοι των Ταγμάτων Ασφαλείας ήταν ταυτόχρονα και μέλη της Χ, ενώ υπήρχε συνεργασία με την Ειδική Ασφάλεια, η οποία προμήθευε τα μέλη της Χ με πλαστές υπηρεσιακές ταυτότητες ώστε να μην συλλαμβάνονται από τις γερμανικές δυνάμεις. Οι σχέσεις ανάμεσα στη Χ και την Ειδική Ασφάλεια έγιναν γνωστές στους Γερμανούς κατά τα τέλη Απριλίου του 1944, χωρίς ωστόσο να ληφθεί κάποιο μέτρο
Προσωπικές επαφές με τον Γρίβα και την Χ είχε και ο αείμνηστος ταγματάρχης Ιωάννης Τσιγάντες, λίγες μέρες πριν τον ηρωικό του θάνατο, σε συμπλοκή με τους Ιταλούς, κατόπιν προδοσίας, για την οποία το ΕΑΜ δεν ήταν άμοιρο ευθυνών.
Αρχικά ο Γρίβας επιδίωξε την συγκρότηση μάχιμων τμημάτων στην βορειοανατολική Πελοπόννησο (περιοχές Αιγίου, Άργους και Κορίνθου) και στην Φωκίδα. Ωστόσο οι προσπάθειες αυτές δεν ευοδώθηκαν, αφού, άριστα πληροφορημένοι οι κατακτητές, εξάρθρωσαν το δίκτυο της οργάνωσης στην Πελοπόννησο, συλλαμβάνοντας πολλά μέλη της οργάνωσης.
Επίσης η προσπάθεια συγκρότησης ένοπλων ομάδων στην επαρχία συνάντησε την σφοδρή αντίδραση του ΕΑΜ-ΕΛΑΣ, που επιθυμούσε να μονοπωλήσει τον αντιστασιακό αγώνα, καταδιώκοντας τις λοιπές αντιστασιακές οργανώσεις –όπως την ΕΚΚΑ για παράδειγμα –άσχετα αν αυτές, αποδεδειγμένα, πολεμούσαν κατά των κατακτητών.
Και σαν να μην έφτανε αυτό, όποια οργάνωση δεν ενσωματώνονταν στο ΕΑΜ, αυτόματα της προσδίδονταν ο τίτλος της «φασιστικής –δοσιλογικής». Ακόμα και ο αρχηγός του ΕΛΑΣ, Στέφανος Σαράφης, πριν την διάλυση της δικής του οργάνωσης από τον ΕΛΑΣ και την «υποχρεωτική» του ένταξη σε αυτόν, χαρακτηρίζονταν περίπου ως «Γερμανοτσολιάς», από τους ίδιους που μετά χρησιμοποίησαν το όνομά του.
Μοιραία λοιπόν η Χ περιορίστηκε στην Αθήνα και τον Πειραιά. Ωστόσο τα τμήματά της ήταν εν πολλοίς άοπλα. Μόνο μετά την ιταλική συνθηκολόγηση, τον Σεπτέμβριο του 1943, επετεύχθη η προμήθεια οπλισμού από τις αποσυντιθέμενες ιταλικές μονάδες.
Σημαντικό ρόλο διαδραμάτισε και ο αρχιεπίσκοπος Χρύσανθος, ο οποίος συγκέντρωσε τα απαραίτητα χρήματα, αγοράζοντας, ουσιαστικά, τα όπλα των Ιταλών. Έτσι κατορθώθηκε ο εξοπλισμός 200 μαχητών, περίπου. Παράλληλα όμως ξεκίνησε και η εντατική προσπάθεια συλλογής πληροφοριών και μετάδοσής τους στο Στρατηγείο Μέσης Ανατολής.
Ο Γρίβας σκόπευε να εξαπολύσει και εκστρατεία διενέργειας σαμποτάζ κατά των Γερμανών. Επ’ αυτού όμως περίμενε σαφείς οδηγίες από το Κάιρο, καθώς δεν ήθελε να προκαλέσει τα αντίποινα των κατακτητών κατά αθώων Ελλήνων ομήρων.
Ωστόσο οι Γερμανοί πληροφορήθηκαν τα καθέκαστα και άρχισαν να αναζητούν τον Γρίβα. Αρχικά επιχείρησαν να τον συλλάβουν στις 24 Μαρτίου. Την επομένη, επέτειο της εθνικής παλιγγενεσίας, ο Γρίβας συμμετείχε, με μέλη της οργάνωσης, σε εκδήλωση τιμής, στο μνημείο του Άγνωστου Στρατιώτη.
Παρόλα αυτά η προετοιμασία της οργάνωσης συνεχίστηκε. Σταδιακά όμως η οργάνωση απέκτησε και άλλον αντίπαλο, πέρα από τους Γερμανούς και το ΕΑΜ. Ήταν η κατοχική κυβέρνηση Ράλλη. Αφορμή δε ήταν η συγκρότηση των διαβόητων Ταγμάτων Ασφαλείας.
Τον Φεβρουάριο του 1944 η κυβέρνηση Ράλλη διέταξε τους εν ενεργεία αξιωματικούς να καταταγούν, υποχρεωτικά, στα Τάγματα Ασφαλείας. Για όσους αρνούνταν να συμμορφωθούν, προβλέπονταν σοβαρότατες κυρώσεις. Ο Γρίβας τότε, κατόπιν συνεννόησης με τους αξιωματικούς που στελέχωναν την οργάνωση, αποφάσισε ότι κανένας αξιωματικός, μέλος της Χ, δεν πρέπει να καταταγεί στα Τάγματα, εφόσον η νόμιμη ελληνική κυβέρνηση του Κάιρου είχε ταχθεί κατά της συγκρότησής τους.
Η κυβέρνηση Ράλλη κάλεσε προσωπικά τον Γρίβα να καταταγεί στα Τάγματα, με την υπ’ αριθμ. ΕΠ 18525/10-6-44, διαταγή του υπουργείου Άμυνας. Όταν αρνήθηκε, πρώτα του στέρησαν τις αποδοχές και την τροφοδοσία και κατόπιν επιχείρησαν να τον συλλάβουν.
Ο Γρίβας κρυβόταν, από τον Μάρτιο του 1943, καταδιωκόμενος από τους Γερμανούς, στα Τουρκοβούνια. Εκεί τον ανακάλυψαν οι Ταγματασφαλίτες, μάλλον κατόπιν προδοσίας, αλλά την τελευταία στιγμή, ο Γρίβας κατάφερε να ξεφύγει, όπως πολλάκις θα έπραττε ξανά στο μέλλον, όταν θα τον καταδίωκαν οι Βρετανοί, αυτοί τη φορά, στην μαρτυρική Κύπρο.
Άλλη μια απόπειρα της οργάνωσης να συγκροτήσει ανταρτικά τμήματα στην περιοχή του Ελικώνα και του Κιθαιρώνα, επιχειρήθηκε, με τη βοήθεια της οργάνωσης «Κόδρος», η οποία είχε στενή επαφή με τους Βρετανούς και το Στρατηγείο Μέσης Ανατολής.
Οι Βρετανοί αρχικά συμφώνησαν να ενισχύσουν την Χ με την ρίψη οπλισμού και εφοδίων, στην εν λόγω περιοχή, αλλά τελικά υπαναχώρησαν. Στα τέλη Οκτωβρίου του 1943 έφτασε στην Αθήνα ο Βρετανός λοχαγός Ντον, ο οποίος είχε αναλάβει την αποστολή να συντονίσει τη δράση των ελληνικών αντιστασιακών οργανώσεων Χ, ΡΑΝ, ΕΔΕΣ, ΕΔΕΝ, ΕΚΟ, ΤΡΙΑΙΝΑ.
Μέχρι τα Δεκεμβριανά
Μεταξύ της 17ης και της 20ης Μάιο του 1944 πραγματοποιήθηκε στον Λίβανο το ομώνυμο Συνέδριο των αντιπροσώπων των ελληνικών κομμάτων και οργανώσεων, της νόμιμης κυβέρνησης του Κάιρου και της «κυβέρνησης του βουνού».
Στο συνέδριο του Λιβάνου φάνηκε εξαρχής η διάθεση της ΕΑΜικής παράταξης να τορπιλίσει κάθε προσπάθεια συνεννόησης, προβάλλοντας όρους που εκ των προτέρων δεν ήταν δυνατό να γίνουν αποδεκτοί.
Ενδεικτική της έντασης που επικράτησε ήταν η ομιλία του πρωθυπουργού Γεωργίου Παπανδρέου: «…Η κατάπαυσις του εμφυλίου πολέμου και η συνένωσις όλων των εθνικών μας δυνάμεων εναντίον των βαρβάρων επιδρομέων προς απελευθέρωσιν της πατρίδος αποτελεί τον λόγον της συναντήσεώς μας. Κόλασις είναι σήμερον η κατάστασις της πατρίδος μας. Σφάζουν οι Γερμανοί, σφάζουν τα τάγματα ασφαλείας.
“Σφάζουν και οι αντάρται. Σφάζουν και καίουν. Τι θα απομείνη από την άτυχη αυτήν Χώρα; Η Ευθύνη του ΕΑΜ είναι ότι δεν απέβλεψε μόνον εις τον απελευθερωτικόν αγώνα, αλλά ηθέλησε να προετοιμάση την μεταπολεμικήν δυναμικήν του επικράτησιν. Δια τούτο επεδίωξε την μονοπώλησιν του εθνικού αγώνος. Δεν επιτρέπει εις κανένα άλλον ν΄ ανέβη εις τα βουνά και να πολεμήση τον κατακτητήν, εμποδίζει με ποινήν θανάτου τους Έλληνας να εκπληρώσουν το πατριωτικόν των καθήκον. Παλαιόν παράδειγμα ο παριστάμενος συνταγματάρχης Σαράφης. Και πρόσφατον, ο απουσιάζων, συνταγματάρχης Ψαρρός…».
Στο μεταξύ ο Γρίβας, από τον Αύγουστο του 1944 έθεσε την οργάνωση υπό τις διαταγές του στρατηγού Σπηλιωτόπουλου, στρατιωτικού διοικητή Αθηνών. Με διαταγή του τελευταίου συγκροτήθηκε το 1ο Σύνταγμα Πεζικού της Χ, μαζί με τμήματα των οργανώσεων Εθνική Δράση και Εθνικό Κομιτάτο. Επίσης με διαταγή του στρατηγού Σπηλιωτόπουλου, απόσπασμα ανδρών της Χ διατάχθηκε να μεταβεί στο Πόρτο Ράφτη, όπου θα παραλάμβανε οπλισμό, που έστελνε το Στρατηγείο Μέσης Ανατολής για τον εξοπλισμό της Αστυνομίας και της Χωροφυλακής.
Επικεφαλής της ομάδας της Χ ήταν ο λοχαγός Πυροβολικού Μιχ. Ξένος. Ο λοχαγός Ξένος αφίχθη πράγματι στην περιοχή, στις 11 Σεπτεμβρίου, επικεφαλής 100 ενόπλων ανδρών. Τελικά το πλοίο που μετέφερε τον οπλισμό έφτασε στο Πόρτο Ράφτη το βράδυ της 21ης προς 22ης Σεπτεμβρίου 1944.
Ο οπλισμός εκφορτώθηκε και αποθηκεύτηκε ενόψει της μεταφοράς του στην Αθήνα. Τότε όμως επιτέθηκαν εναντίον του αποσπάσματος Ξένου δυνάμεις του ΕΛΑΣ, με σκοπό να πάρουν οπλισμό. Στην άρνηση του Ξένου να τον παραδώσει ακολούθησε συμπλοκή με δύο άνδρες του ΕΛΑΣ να πέφτουν νεκροί. Κατόπιν τούτων οι δυνάμεις του ΕΛΑΣ υποχώρησαν και ο Γρίβας έσπευσε να στείλει ενισχύσεις στον λοχαγό Ξένο.
Η κατάσταση ήδη κλιμακώνονταν επικίνδυνα. Τελικά, με τη βοήθεια και των ενισχύσεων ο οπλισμός μεταφέρθηκε στην Αθήνα και αποθηκεύτηκε στην περιοχή του Θησείου. Λίγο αργότερα τα όπλα παραδόθηκαν στην Αστυνομία, βάσει των διαταγών που είχε ο Γρίβας από τον Σπηλιωτόπουλο.
Στις 8 Οκτωβρίου 1944 ισχυρές δυνάμεις του ΕΛΑΣ επιτέθηκαν κατά των θέσεων της Χ στο Θησείο. Ακολούθησε σφοδρή μάχη, η οποία σταμάτησε τελικά την επομένη, 9 Οκτωβρίου, μετά από επέμβαση του στρατηγού Σπηλιωτόπουλου. Τρεις μέρες αργότερα, στις 12 Οκτωβρίου, οι Γερμανοί αποχώρησαν από την Αθήνα. Ο Γρίβας φοβούμενος νέες επιθέσεις εναντίον των ανδρών του διέταξε τα τμήματα της Χ να βρίσκονται σε επιφυλακή.
Παρόλα αυτά δεν αποφεύχθηκαν οι επιθέσεις της ΟΠΛΑ (Οργάνωση Περιφρούρησης Λαϊκού Αγώνα) εναντίον μελών της Χ. Τότε ο Γρίβας διέταξε την συγκέντρωση των κυριότερων τμημάτων της Χ στην περιοχή του Θησείου, που αποτελούσε το βασικό ορμητήριο της οργάνωσης.
Την 1η Δεκεμβρίου 1944 ο ΕΛΑΣ ξεκίνησε το Δεκεμβριανό κίνημα –όχι στην Αθήνα – αλλά με επιθέσεις στην Ήπειρο κατά του ΕΔΕΣ και στην Μακεδονία κατά των δυνάμεων του Αντώνη Φωστερίδη (Τσαούς Αντών). Εκ των πραγμάτων λοιπόν αποδεικνύεται ότι το Δεκεμβριανό κίνημα ήταν προαποφασισμένο από την ηγεσία του ΚΚΕ που ήλεγχε το ΕΑΜ, και δεν σχετίζονταν με την αιματηρή καταστολή της ΕΑΜικής διαδήλωσης στην Αθήνα, στις 3 Δεκεμβρίου 1944. Οι μάχες είχαν ήδη αρχίσει στην βόρεια Ελλάδα.
Το πρωί της 3ης Δεκεμβρίου ο Γρίβας κλήθηκε στο γραφείο του στρατηγού Σπηλιωτόπουλου. Εκεί ο στρατηγός του ζήτησε να διαθέσει αξιωματικούς της οργάνωσης για την επάνδρωση των συγκροτούμενων, τότε, ταγμάτων Εθνοφυλακής. Ο Γρίβας, φυσικά, συμφώνησε και διέταξε άμεσα 20 αξιωματικούς του να προστρέξουν.Την ώρα που οι δύο άνδρες συνομιλούσαν άρχισαν να ακούγονται οι πρώτοι πυροβολισμοί. Η κρίση ερχόταν.
Η μάχη του Θησείου
Ο Σπηλιωτόπουλος, στο άκουσμα των πυροβολισμών, διέταξε τον Γρίβα να επιστρέψει στο Θησείο και να βρίσκεται σε επιφυλακή, έτοιμος να αντιμετωπίσει την επίθεση του ΕΛΑΣ. Πράγματι ο Γρίβας πήγε στο Θησείο και συγκέντρωσε περίπου 90 μάχιμους άνδρες –οι 10 αξιωματικοί. Άλλο ένα τμήμα με 30-40 άνδρες είχε αποκοπεί στο κέντρο της Αθήνας –οδός Σόλωνος –και πολέμησε εκεί.
Η επίθεση του ΕΛΑΣ ξεκίνησε στις 3 Δεκεμβρίου. Σίγουρα ο ΕΛΑΣ δεν έριξε στη μάχη κατά της Χ 3.000 άνδρες, όπως αναφέρουν ορισμένες πηγές, αλλά σε κάθε περίπτωση οι δυνάμεις του υπερείχαν συντριπτικά έναντι αυτών της Χ.
Οι πρώτες επιθέσεις εκδηλώθηκαν από τον λόφο του Αστεροσκοπείου και τις περιοχές των Κάτω Πετραλώνων, της Πλάκας και της πλατείας Ψυρρή. Παρά την σφοδρότητα των επιθέσεων των δυνάμεών του, ο ΕΛΑΣ, την πρώτη μέρα της μάχης (3 Δεκεμβρίου), δεν κατάφερε να κάμψει την αντίσταση των ανδρών της Χ.
Μετά της άκαρπες επιθέσεις, ο δυνάμεις του ΕΛΑΣ ενισχύθηκαν, το βράδυ της 3ης προς 4ης Δεκεμβρίου, με σκοπό την εξαπόλυση γενικής επίθεσης με το πρώτο φως της επομένης. Ο Γρίβας κατάφερε να ενημερώσει τον στρατηγό Σπηλιωτόπουλο για την κατάσταση, όπως και το τμήμα του που πολεμούσε στο κέντρο της Αθήνας. Το τμήμα αυτό, υπό τον ταγματάρχη Παντελή Πολύζο, κατάφερε τελικά να διολισθήσει μέσα από τις γραμμές του ΕΛΑΣ και να διασωθεί.
Και οι νέες επιθέσεις του ΕΛΑΣ πάντως, κατά των οχυρωμένων ανδρών του Γρίβα, απέτυχαν. Ωστόσο η συντριβή της μικρής δύναμης της Χ ήταν καθαρά ζήτημα χρόνου. Τελικά, στις 15.00 της 4ης Δεκεμβρίου εμφανίστηκαν στην περιοχή δύο βρετανικά θωρακισμένα. Ο επικεφαλής τους Βρετανός ίλαρχος αποβιβάστηκε και συνομίλησε με τον Γρίβα, μεταφέροντας διαταγές του στρατηγού Σκόμπι.
Ο Γρίβας μεταφέρθηκε στο Θ’ Αστυνομικό Τμήμα όπου του ανακοινώθηκε η διαταγή του Σκόμπι, βάσει της οποίας έπρεπε να παραδώσει τα όπλα. Ο Γρίβας δέχτηκε, αλλά ζήτησε εγγυήσεις για την ασφάλεια των ανδρών του και των οικογενειών τους, στην περιοχή Θησείου. Οι εγγυήσεις του δόθηκαν μεν, δεν τηρήθηκαν δε.
Παρόλα αυτά, με τη μεσολάβηση των Βρετανών, η μάχη του Θησείου τερματίστηκε και το πυρ έπαυσε στην περιοχή. Ο Γρίβας με τους άνδρες του υποχώρησαν στο Θ’ Αστυνομικό Τμήμα και δυνάμεις του ΕΛΑΣ εισήλθαν στο Θησείο, δυστυχώς, προβαίνοντας σε βιαιοπραγίες κατά αμάχων και τραυματιών της Χ.
Τελικά ο Γρίβας και οι υπόλοιποι άνδρες του μεταφέρθηκαν στα Παλαιά Ανάκτορα. Εκεί ουσιαστικά έγινε η διάλυση της οργάνωσης και η ένταξη των ανδρών της στα νεοσχηματιζόμενα τμήματα της Εθνοφυλακής και του Στρατού.
Οι απώλειες της Χ στη μάχη του Θησείου ήταν βαριές –περίπου 40 νεκροί και τραυματίες, επί παρατακτέας δύναμης 100 ανδρών. Οι απώλειες του ΕΛΑΣ ήταν επίσης βαριές, σίγουρα όμως δεν ανήλθαν σε 700 νεκρούς και τραυματίες, όπως αναφέρουν ορισμένες πηγές.
Η μάχη του Θησείου ήταν η σοβαρότερη σύγκρουση στην οποία συμμετείχε η Χ και δυστυχώς ήταν μια μάχη αδελφοκτόνος, άσχετα ποιος ευθυνόταν για την πρόκλησή της.
Αποκαλυπτική για τις διεργασίες που οδήγησαν στην συμφωνία των Πρεσπών και στην εκχώρηση-πώληση της Μακεδονίας από την κυβέρνηση είναι η έκθεση του ιδρύματος “Open Society” του διεθνούς κερδοσκόπου και πολυεκατομμυριούχου Τζορτζ Σόρος
Η έκθεση δίνει τη δική της εκτίμηση για το πώς φτάσαμε στην συμφωνία και ποιες εξελίξεις δρομολογεί.
Η έκθεση έκτασης 28 σελίδων που τιτλοφορείται «Βόρεια Μακεδονία: Και τώρα τι;» και την οποία επιμελούνται τέσσερις συντάκτες μιλά για «ανταλλάγματα» που εξασφάλισε από τους ξένους ο Α.Τσίπρας για την ψήφιση της συμφωνίας, ανταλλάγματα που έχουν να κάνουν με την «χαλάρωση των δημοσιολογικών δεσμεύσεων», εννοώντας ως προεκλογικό «δώρο» για το κυβερνών κόμμα.
Η έκθεση προχωρά και σε «προβλέψεις» αναφέροντας ότι οι εκλογές θα γίνουν τον ερχόμενο Μάιο και ότι θα προκύψει 5κομματική Βουλή με κατά σειρά κοινοβουλευτικής δύναμης(ΝΔ, ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, ΧΑ, ΚΙΝΑΛ, ΚΚΕ).
Ως προς την ένταξη των Σκοπίων στο ΝΑΤΟ η έκθεση προεξοφλεί ότι αυτή θα γίνει μέσα στο καλοκαίρι και ότι η ελληνική κυβέρνηση θα φέρει την ένταξη των Σκοπίων στο κοινοβούλιο για κύρωση μεταξύ Φεβρουάριου και Μαρτίου.
Για τη ΝΔ η έκθεση αναφέρει πως η διαφωνία της ήταν προσχηματική θεωρώντας ανεπιτυχή τη προσπάθεια σύνδεσης της με τη Νοβαρτις και την εξαγορά εταιρείας στα Σκοπιά από τη ΔΕΗ. Θεωρεί δε, πως το κόμμα της Αξιωματικής Αντιπολίτευσης παίζει με τη συναισθηματική φόρτιση που έχει για τους Έλληνες το συγκεκριμένο θέμα.
Ενδιαφέρον είναι το γεγονός της αναφοράς στα ελληνικά ΜΜΕ λέγοντας πως στην Ελλάδα δεν υπάρχουν γνώστες των Σκοπιανών θεμάτων και η κοινή γνώμη ενημερώνεται από «άσχετους και κατευθυνόμενα ΜΜΕ που έχουν… χρεωκοπήσει αλλά ευτυχώς υπάρχουν «νέα, λαϊκά μέσα ενημέρωσης» που ενημερώνουν «αντικειμενικά»
Ένα ενδιαφέρον σημείο της έκθεσης είναι ότι ενώ αναφέρεται ως ημερομηνία δημοσίευσης η 14η Ιανουαρίου αναφέρεται στην ψήφο εμπιστοσύνης που κέρδισε ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ στις 16 Ιανουαρίου ως γεγονός που έχει γίνει ήδη!
Με άλλα λόγια οι συντάκτες της έκθεσης όχι μόνο «προέβλεψαν» ότι ο Τσίπρας θα πάρει ψήφο εμπιστοσύνης αλλά το ανέφεραν σαν κάτι που είχε γίνει ήδη γίνει!
How our academies are enabling the instruments of tyranny.
January 28, 2019
Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
In 1726 Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels gave us a brilliant satire of the folly of research divorced from common sense, practicality, and reality. When Gulliver visits the Grand Academy of Lagado, he finds “Projectors” busy with research projects like extracting sunbeams from cucumbers, building houses from the roof down, and converting excrement back to food.
It’s hard not to think about Swift’s Projectors when you consider today’s loony ideas driving our social mores and even laws. And for that we can thank our universities, where most of these preposterous notions have their genesis. Multiple “gender” identities, “toxic masculinity,” “microaggressions,” and occult “racism” are just a few examples of speculative nonsense that have escaped the university asylum and now roil our politics and infect our laws.
Like most social and political dysfunctions, this degradation of the university is a product of the Sixties. Professors always have had political and ideological preferences, but in the Sixties, universities institutionalized left-wing identity politics in various “studies” departments and programs. Yet faced with aggressive public complaints that women and minorities had been ignored in academic research and teaching, administrators did not address the alleged shortcomings in their curricula from within the protocols of university disciplines like English or history. For example, the topics of black or female history, literature, or social history should be studied with the same professional methodologies and protocols that govern those disciplines. Training in those professional standards could then become the foundation of research and teaching, subject to the professional oversight and judgment of similarly trained peers.
Rather than adjusting and correcting curricula within the framework of existing disciplines, however, universities simply created separate but equal academic sandboxes to quiet noisy activists and buy (they thought) some peace and quiet. Nor did they consider the consequences of sacrificing professional standards in order to display their political correctness.
For example, this segregation guaranteed that these “studies” programs would be politicized and oriented to political activism rather than intellectual work, and that faculty would be left to their own devices in establishing standards of evaluating research and teaching. Spurning traditional professional constraints, identity-based programs were founded on ideologies like Cultural Marxism rather than on professional competence or training, or advancing the university’s mission to teach critical thinking as the foundation of intellectual freedom. Political activism became their mission rather than truth and knowledge based on evidence and sound argument. And without professional protocols governing research, these fields became prey to intellectual and political fads and fashion.
Probably the most consequential program for generating and perpetuating bad ideas has been Women’s Studies. As early as the Seventies, various goofy ideas were starting to colonize academic feminism. We can find the seeds of today’s “toxic masculinity” in the “Goddess” fad of the Nineties, the fanciful history of prehistoric Europe that contrasted a matriarchal, Goddess-worshipping, peaceful, nature-loving, egalitarian culture with the vicious Kurgans, the patriarchal, horse-riding Aryan raiders from the eastern steppes who invaded and destroyed this idyllic way of life. The Kurgans brought with them war, inequality, oppression, slavery, pollution, sexism, and all the other ills that have marred Western history to this day. Today white male Westerners are the Kurgans, their “toxic masculinity” devastating the earth and its peaceful peoples with capitalist greed, global warming, and colonial exploitation of indigenous peoples.
This fake history has reinforced another dubious notion popular among academic feminists: that men are fundamentally inferior to women, who are by nature more community-minded, nurturing, tolerant, and inclusive; while men are naturally more violent, domineering, intolerant, and selfish. Hence the complaints about “manspreading,” “mansplaining,” “white male privilege,” and dozens of other bigoted, dehumanizing clichés. Hence the despicable caricature of some Catholic schoolboys at the Lincoln Memorial accused of bullying a “Native American” who was, in fact, bullying them. When the paradigm becomes truth, print the paradigm.
These stereotypes derive from decades of women’s studies curricula that have replaced knowledge with propaganda slogans. Worse yet, they have seeped out of the academy and shaped our laws. The idea that systemic sexism reflects the “toxic masculinity” which males have institutionalized in social mores and laws, and that women need protection from these feral predators, led to Title IX anti-discrimination strictures being applied to relations between the sexes on college campuses. The result has been the star chambers run by administrators and other campus functionaries, in which Constitutional and legal rights of those accused of a tendentiously defined “sexual assault,” such as the presumption of innocence and the right to confront one’s accuser, are ignored.
Once a fringe fad of the academy, “toxic masculinity” has now been recognized by the American Psychological Association as a mental disorder requiring therapeutic intervention. As such, this dubious idea now has the imprimatur of a respected professional organization, which means that from health insurance companies to Congressmen making laws, “toxic masculinity” is mainstream and an accepted reality backed up by the “scientific” experts of the APA.
Behind this evolution from bad idea to recognized social and psychological reality, however, lies something deeper––the master narrative of modernity and its politics.
In this narrative, nature and nature’s God, as the Founders believed, no longer establishes the character and limits of human identity and action. Nature and faith have to give way to man-made ideals and the vagaries of human will. Pseudo-sciences claiming to understand human behavior “scientifically” can be fashioned to put these ideological revisions of traditional knowledge and common sense beyond debate. Those upholding traditional views of sex identity as biologically determined are slandered as superstitious bitter-enders too fearful to accept the brave new world of justice, equality, and peace that their neurotic beliefs impede. For everything tradition and common sense believe to be true is in reality a delusion used to justify the power and privilege of white heterosexual, “cisgendered” males.
This ideological prejudice can be seen in the subtle alteration of words to reinforce the idea that human will and power can recreate reality to match our desires. Take the use of the word “gender” to mean what for centuries we called “sex.” The use of “gender” to mean “sex” became common with modern feminism, which downplays natural and biological causes and focuses on social, political, and cultural ones. But “gender” properly understood is a linguistic term for identifying nouns by certain characteristics: not just sex, but also ideas like “animate” or “inanimate,” as in many American Indian languages. The significant point is that any quality can be a gender in a language; it is to a certain extent arbitrary, dependent on the different environments in which a particular language develops. As such, a language can have an unlimited number of genders.
To use the word “gender,” then, is to validate the modern beliefs that there are no limits to human identity and action created by nature or God. Sex identity and its defining characteristics are not fixed by nature, but are “constructed” by cultures according to the interests of those monopolizing power. This oppressive restriction of people’s identities should be removed, and every variation and combination of sex identity and sexual practice should be considered legitimate, protected by discrimination law and given access to federal resources, just as today Medicaid pays for sex-change operations.
Similarly, rights are not “natural,” bestowed on humans by a Creator and thus beyond the power of earthly kings or rulers, but are infinitely expandable depending on what people happen to consider good and desirable at the time. As Progressive Mary Parker Follett wrote in 1918, we shouldn’t just protect Constitutional rights, but turn our efforts into “creating all the rights we shall ever have.” And if some rights cease to be considered good––like the First Amendment’s protection of free speech and religious liberty, or the Second’s protection of the right to keep and bear arms, or the Fifth and Fourteenth’s protection of due process––they can be justly curtailed or eliminated.
In the end, however, such radical rejections of the human wisdom and obvious truths accumulated over centuries will meet with resistance. Culture will have to be reshaped, language altered and policed, laws changed to enforce the new paradigm, “science” abused to provide authority for novel ideas, and schools compelled to teach them. And most important, coercive power will have to be brought to bear against those resisting the brave new world.
And so it is that our own Academies of Projectors––the colleges and universities that once taught the traditions and skills of free thought, critical reasoning, and respect for reality––are now enabling with patent nonsense the instruments of tyranny.
Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, a Research Fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, and a Professor of Classics and Humanities at the California State University. He is the author of nine books and numerous essays on classical culture and its influence on Western Civilization. His most recent book, Democracy’s Dangers and Discontents (Hoover Institution Press), is now available for purchase.
Young Iranians hide faces in touching tribute on Holocaust Remembrance Day
Hiding their faces, young Iranians join social media Initiative to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day.
By Benjamin Kerstein, The Algemeiner
In an unexpected display of solidarity with the Jewish community, young Iranians are taking to social media to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Joining a popular global social media initiative, the young people photograph themselves holding signs with the hashtag #WeRemember in English and Hebrew. Some are also pictured wearing symbols of the Holocaust such as yellow stars and armbands. All of them hide their faces.
According to Israel’s Channel 2, the phenomenon first appeared last week when Sharona Avginsaz, director of digital media for the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s Farsi-language service, received a message from an Iranian who had urged his friends to take part in the #WeRemember campaign.
“January 27 is International Holocaust Remembrance Day,” the Iranian wrote. “People from all over the world take part in it, and also we Iranian citizens want to express our solidarity and friendship with Israel’s citizens and Jews all over the world, and share our pictures with this hashtag.”
Avginsaz said the youth who wrote the message gathered several of his friends who photographed themselves with the #WeRemember hashtag. The youth even wore an Iranian naval uniform in his picture. He remains in touch with the Foreign Ministry and is studying Hebrew.
The Foreign Ministry has republished the pictures on its Farsi-language Facebook page and said it has received encouraging responses. One user wrote, “Long live the Iranian people and Israel, until now Israel has done us nothing wrong, and when the Islamic regime falls, my first trip after visiting the tomb of the Persian Shah in Egypt will definitely be the beautiful State of Israel.”
Another wrote, “Because of the lies of the regime, I did not believe in the past that the Holocaust took place, but today I understand this and imagine the pain that the Jews experienced during the Holocaust.”
“Well done to these young people, you show the world the real Iran,” stated a third.
Avginsaz told Channel 2 that the Iranian youths say that “everything the regime says is bad, we understand that it’s the opposite; when the regime says Israel is our enemy, we already know it’s not true.”
‘Israel is our friend’
Avginsaz said they often add, “Israel is our friend, it’s never done anything bad to us, we have no differences with it, and don’t even have a shared border. To the contrary, cooperation with Israel in the areas of water, agriculture, and more can help us.”
Israel-friendly Iranians, Avginsaz claimed, number in the thousands.
“It’s hard for us to understand this,” she pointed out, “but when you live in a country like this, which constantly says that Israel and the Jews are bad, it creates an attraction to the forbidden, and many of them want to learn Hebrew, for example.”
“They talk about how [former Iranian president Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad tried to deny the Holocaust,” she added, and they say, “’We already know that it happened, that six million Jews died in it.’ Many exiled Iranians recommend that they come to Poland to visit the death camps, share information, and understand exactly what the regime has tried to prevent them from understanding for decades.”
Trump warns Europeans not to evade Iran sanctions
By Deb Reichmann and Matthew Lee, The Associated Press
The Trump administration is closely eyeing efforts in Europe to set up an alternative money payment channel to ease doing business with Iran and avoid running afoul of sanctions the U.S. has levied on the Islamic Republic.
The White House is putting the Europeans on notice, saying that if they try to do an end-run around U.S. sanctions on Iran, they will be subject to stiff fines and penalties. Unfazed, the European Union is marching forward with the plan, which, if implemented, could further strain trans-Atlantic relations.
A spokeswoman for EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said preparations for the alternative system were “at an advanced stage.”
“I hope that we can announce the launch very soon,” Maja Kocijancic told reporters late last week in Brussels.
Getting out ahead of a possible announcement, a senior administration official told The Associated Press on Friday that the U.S. will fully enforce its sanctions and hold individuals and entities accountable for undermining them. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the issue.
“The choice is whether to do business with Iran or the United States,” Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., told the AP. “I hope our European allies choose wisely.”
The U.S. joined China, France, Germany, Russia and Britain in signing a pact with Iran in 2015 that offered to lift economic sanctions in exchange for Tehran’s pledge to rein in its nuclear weapons program.
President Donald Trump called it a “horrible, one-sided deal.” He pulled out of the pact last year and restored punishing U.S. sanctions on Iran. Tehran, which denies wanting nuclear weapons, continues to abide by the agreement, and the remaining five nations in the pact are trying to keep it intact.
Restoring the sanctions regime is part of the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure campaign” on the Iranians to force them to radically alter their policies on developing ballistic missiles, supporting regional militant groups and violating human rights.
The U.S. has many concerns about the alternative payment system, according to an outside Trump administration adviser. The adviser spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the key U.S. worries.
Long-term, the U.S. worries that the alternative money payment system could become successful enough to compete with the international bank transfer system known as SWIFT. The fear is that it could eventually supplant SWIFT as the leading global institution for financial institutions to send and receive information about banking transactions.
Secondly, the U.S. is concerned that other countries might try to route transactions through the European system just to circumvent U.S. sanctions, the adviser said. Thirdly, while the Europeans have signaled that the alternative money transfer system would be used only for humanitarian transactions, the U.S. is suspicious that it could be used for non-humanitarian transactions to evade U.S. sanctions, the adviser said.
“We should oppose efforts to create foreign financial channels that Iran could use to circumvent America’s maximum pressure campaign against it, especially when humanitarian exceptions are already in U.S. sanctions laws,” Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., told the AP.
As the administration prepares for the potential fallout from the possible European move, it is pressing ahead with its sanctions campaign against Iran and preparing to co-host with Poland next month a conference that will focus on combatting Iranian threats.
On Thursday, Treasury imposed sanctions on two Iran-backed militias in Syria and on Qeshm Fars Air, an Iranian civilian airline it accuses of ferrying weapons and personnel to Syria to support President Bashar Assad’s government. The sanctions block any assets those targeted might have in U.S. jurisdictions and bar Americans from doing business with them.
At the same time, the State Department told Congress earlier this month that it would waive some Iranian sanctions to allow U.S. companies to sell spare parts to Iranian airlines, which need them to operate aging, American-built Boeing jets.
The waivers raised questions on Capitol Hill because some lawmakers are weighing legislation to specifically target Iran’s civilian aviation sector. And Iran hawks outside the administration have expressed concern too.
Mark Dubowitz, the chief executive of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, said Iran’s aviation sector is being used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, a branch of the Iranian military that has ties to militant networks, which Iran uses to expand its influence in the region and abroad.
“What effective controls does the administration have in place to ensure that the aircraft receiving these licensed services are not facilitating Iran’s support for these destructive activities?” he asked.
Άγγελος Σικελιανός
ΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΟΣ Χρήστος Μπολώσης
Τα πάρα κάτω είναι από το εξαιρετικό συλλογικό βιβλίο «Αιρετικά κείμενα» των εκδόσεων «Νέα Σπάρτη».
Λίγους μήνες μετά την κηδεία του Κωστή Παλαμά, ο Άγγελος Σικελιανός, με αφορμή τις εγκληματικές επιθέσεις του ΕΑΜ-ΕΛΑΣ εναντίον των Εθνικών αντιστασιακών οργανώσεων, έγραψε ένα ποίημα, το οποίο προκάλεσε την σφοδρή αντίδραση και μάλιστα με επίσημη εγκύκλιο, της κεντρικής επιτροπής του ΕΑΜ. Το ποίημα του Σικελιανού, δημοσιεύθηκε στο λογοτεχνικό περιοδικό «Καλλιτεχνικά Νέα» κι’ έχει τον τίτλο «Η Μάννα Ελλάδα»:
Αχ πώς το πάθαν τούτο τ’ αδέρφια μας;
Αδέρφια να σκοτώνουνε τ’ αδέρφια!…
Τα παιδιά μου, να σφάζουν τα παιδιά μου!
Μήνυμα απλό σας στέλνω,
από το στόμα της αιώνιας Μάννας,
που τη λέμε Ελλάδα…
Μήνυμα απλό σας γράφω,
από τα σπλάχνα της αιώνιας Μάννας,
που την λέμε Ελλάδα…
Μήνυμα απλό σας κράζω
από τα βάθη του πόνου της,
αδέρφια της Ελλάδας…
Σώνει η σφαγή που τυραννάει τη Μάννα!
Σώνει η σφαγή τη Μάννα μας που σφάζει!
Κι’ αχ, ακούστε με, αδέρφια τη Ελλάδας!
Για το ποίημα αυτό, ο «υπολοχαγός» του ΕΛΑΣ και αργότερα συγγραφέας της αριστεράς Δημήτριος Κρέμος στο βιβλίο του «Το ημερολόγιο ενός Ελασίτη», έγραφε για τον Σικελιανό: «Στις 27 Νοεμβρίου 1943. Δυστυχώς δεν είναι μόνο ο απλός κόσμος που δεν κατάλαβε, κατά βάθος, το νόημα του εθνικοαπελευθερωτικού αγώνα του ΕΑΜ… Με εγκύκλιό της η Κεντρική Επιτροπή του ΕΑΜ αναλύει το γνωστό επεισόδιο σχετικό με το ποίημα του Άγγελου Σικελιανού, που φέρει τον τίτλο «Η μάννα Ελλάδα». Με το ποίημά του αυτό ο Σικελιανός όχι μόνο συμπαραστάθηκε στη βρετανική και γερμανική αντικομουνιστική προπαγάνδα, αλλά και, έμμεσα, χτύπησε τον αγώνα του λαού, ενάντια στους κατακτητές και τους συνεργάτες…».
Συνεργάτης των κατακτητών λοιπόν ο Άγγελος Σικελιανός, τον οποίο ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, αποκάλεσε μέσα στη βουλή «Φασίστα, μεταφυσικό, φανφαρώνο και Εθνικιστή».
Πάντως, ευχαριστώντας ο Σικελιανός τον Ίωνα Δραγούμη για την αποστολή του βιβλίου του «Όσοι ζωντανοί», καταλήγει: «…Είμαι τετρακάθαρα Εθνικιστής».
Σε όλες τις κομμουνιστικές συγκεντρώσεις, ακούγεται μελοποιημένο από τον Μίκη Θεοδωράκη το «Πνευματικό Εμβατήριο» του Άγγελου Σικελιανού, από το οποίο και οι παρακάτω στίχοι: «Ομπρός βοηθάτε να σηκώσουμε τον ήλιο πάνω από την Ελλάδα, ομπρός βοηθάτε να σηκώσουμε τον ήλιο πάνω από τον κόσμο».
Ας γνωρίζουν λοιπόν οι σύντροφοι, όποτε τραγουδούν με υψωμένη τη αριστερή γροθιά αυτό το τραγούδι, ότι απαγγέλουν τους στίχους ενός Εθνικιστή ποιητή.
US mulls keeping troops in Syria to counter, attack Iranians in ‘self-defense’: Report
Iran Press TV
Sun Jan 27, 2019
Washington is considering a plan to illegally maintain a force contingent at a US military base in Syria to “combat” Iran’s influence in the region and even strike Iranians passing by near the base while purportedly claiming “self-defense,” despite a presidential order to pull out all US forces from the country, a report said.
Given the “strategic importance” of the al-Tanf garrison – located near Syria’s eastern border with Jordan – “the US government is considering a plan to keep at least some forces there,” US-based Foreign Policy news outlet reported Friday, quoting military sources that further insisted that a US presence at the base “helps to block Iran’s hope” for what they described as “a continuous land bridge from Iran through Iraq and Syria to Lebanon… that could threaten Israeli.”
“Al-Tanf is a critical element in the effort to prevent Iran from establishing a ground line of communications from Iran through Iraq through Syria to southern Lebanon in support of Lebanese Hezbollah,” said one former senior US military commander as quoted in the report.
The report further underlines that the significance of the garrison is not merely its strategic location, but also a 55-kilometer exclusion zone around the garrison that allows intruding US forces “to claim self-defense in striking Iranian or other forces moving through that area,” citing a “source close to the discussions.”
“When they (Iranians) come through, we’ve claimed, I think reasonably, that they’ve been threatening either US forces or partner forces,” said the source as quoted in the report, which noted that legally, the US lacks the authority to attack a state actor such as Iran without provocation.
The report goes on to claim that al-Tanf sits along what it described as “a potential Iranian supply route through Iraq to Syria,” and has also become “a critical buttress for combating Iranian influence in the region.”
The development came after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo emphasized earlier this month that despite the pull-out of American troops from Syria, “the counter-Iran campaign continues,” suggesting continued presence of some US troops at al-Tanf to counter Iranian influence in the Arab country.
Last month, US President Donald Trump ordered the withdrawal of nearly 2,000 American military service members in Syria while claiming victory over the foreign-backed Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group that shared Washington’s objective of overthrowing the Syrian government, boasting: “We have won against ISIS.”
Under the current withdrawal plan, the more than 200 US troops who have been collaborating with local anti-Damascus terrorists out of al-Tanf will be the last to leave Syria, according to military officials.
The report further points out that another potential problem in maintaining US forces at al-Tanf is that it violates the Trump’s initial troop pull-out orders from Syria.
Russia Detects US Military Satellites’ Manoeuvres in Outer Space – Report
Sputnik News
The reported manoeuvres come after US President Donald Trump presented the country’s new Missile Defence Review last week, saying that in line with the document, Washington “will recognise that space is a new war-fighting domain, with the Space Force leading the way”.
Russian surveillance systems have detected the separation of two smaller space vehicles from a large US military satellite in geostationary orbit, according to a document from the Astro-Cosmic Scientific Centre which Sputnik obtained.
The document said that the separation of two sub-satellites, USA-285 and USA-286, from the EAGLE carrier vehicle was tracked by the Russian Automated Warning System for Hazardous Situations in Outer Space on 23 April 2018.
An analysis of the sub-satellites’ movements revealed “an unpredictable change in the trajectory of one of them, which may be a sign of its manoeuvring capabilities”, the document concluded.
On April 14, the US rocket Atlas V launched two US Air Force satellites into orbit, including the Continuous Broadcast Augmenting SATCOM (CBAS) and the experimental ESPA Augmented GEO Laboratory Experiment (EAGLE) demonstrator.
The reported satellite manoeuvres come about a week after US President Donald Trump presented the country’s new Missile Defence Review, which aims to strengthen and expand country’s missile defence capabilities on land, sea, and in space amid alleged fears it will spark a nuclear crisis with Russia and China.
According to the document, the US will explore space-based interceptors as a means of engaging, with offensive missiles in their boost phase in order to boost its missile defence capabilities.
The new review also pushes for developing a layer of space-based sensors that will enhance US capabilities to detect and track more complex missile threats.
The Russian Foreign Ministry, for its part, warned that the new US Missile Defence Review leads to the revival of the Reagan-era Star Wars program at a higher technological level.
© Sputnik
43. SOS
New US Intel Strategy Warns of More ‘Turbulent’ Times Ahead
By Jeff Seldin January 22, 2019
U.S. intelligence agencies trying to plot their course for the next four years are facing an ever more chaotic world, complicated by a weakening of the Western-led international order, rapidly changing technology, and persistent worries over uncertain funding.
The plan, outlined Tuesday in the new National Intelligence Strategy, offers what top intelligence officials describe as “fundamental” improvements over the previous strategy, and is designed to reassure Americans in uncertain times.
“We face significant challenges in the domestic and global environment,” the strategy cautions. “To navigate today’s turbulent and complex strategic environment, we must do things differently.”
Transparency, ‘speaking truth’
Part of that difference will be a renewed emphasis on transparency and “speaking truth,” Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told members of the intelligence community while unveiling the strategy.
“We need to reassure the policymakers and the American people that we can be trusted,” Coats said, “despite the stresses that are persistent in the current environment.”
The new strategy identifies two of those stresses as “the weakening of the post-WWII [World War Two] international order,” and what it calls “increasingly isolationist tendencies in the West.”
Former intelligence officials have been quick to blame U.S. President Donald Trump for both, citing his apparent willingness to cozy up to adversaries like Russian President Vladimir Putin while at the same time criticizing allies on the world stage.
When asked Tuesday whether the report, and calls for speaking truth, were meant as a rebuke for the president, top intelligence officials said only that the trends had been gaining momentum for some time.
“We were looking at a number of these factors,” a senior intelligence official said, pointing to the increase in isolationism along with rapidly changing alliances.
“There were things you could see coming,” the official added.
U.S. intelligence officials also warned concerns about the collapse of the post-World War Two order is just part of a growing turbulence that includes a proliferation of advanced technology that has enabled adversaries, big and small, to close the gap on Washington.
“We see Russia pursuing, with a vim and vigor that I haven’t seen since the ’80s, capabilities to reach us,” a second senior intelligence official warned.
China also is catching up, both with investments in technology and with its concerted campaign to steal industrial secrets and appropriate them for military use.
“They’ve just compressed the timeframe in which new systems can be introduced,” the official said.
Cyberspace, outer space
And while much of the competition with Russia and China has played out in cyberspace, the new intelligence strategy warns the competition over outer space, once dominated by the U.S., is gaining momentum.
Russia and China are pursuing “a full range of anti-satellite weapons, which could degrade U.S. intelligence gathering abilities,” it said.
U.S. officials are additionally concerned about the impact of biotechnology and nanotechnology, which are becoming more readily available and which will also likely be weaponized – and not just by adversaries like Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.
”The ability of individuals and groups to have a larger impact than ever before — politically, militarily, economically and ideologically — is undermining traditional institutions,” the strategy warns.
There is also growing concern among intelligence officials that some of the threats are ready to merge, whether as sudden alliances between near-peer U.S. adversaries like Russia and China, or agreements between nation states looking to outsource some of their dirty work and criminal actors.
To counter that, U.S. intelligence officials are putting a premium on partnerships, both with traditional allies and with the private sector.
“We simply cannot ignore the advantage that partnerships outside the federal government bring,” Director Coats said Tuesday.
Other top officials said in the case of partnerships with private technology companies, the Intelligence Community is hopeful the emphasis on transparency can help.
“This is a world that demands us to have a different conversation,” a senior intelligence official said, noting the intelligence community has already been making a greater effort to share threat assessments with private companies, especially in cyberspace.
Sharing information
As part of the effort, the strategy calls for sharing more “actionable cyberthreat intelligence to support the defense of vital information networks and critical infrastructure.”
Other concerns identified in the new intelligence strategy include continued upheaval from migration and climate change, both of which are “straining the capacities of governments around the world and are likely to result in further fracturing of societies, potentially creating breeding grounds for radicalization.”
The release of the new strategy Tuesday comes with the U.S. government still mired in a monthlong partial shutdown. And while the key U.S. intelligence agencies are funded through the end of September, the strategy warns the failure to provide stable budgets could put U.S. intelligence efforts at risk.
“Continued federal budget uncertainty strains the IC’s [Intelligence Community’s] ability to make deliberative and responsive resource decisions,” according to the new strategy.
“The IC needs to develop methods to efficiently shift resources to mitigate programmatic (fiscal) risk and avoid loss of vital programs, capabilities, and resource investments,” it adds.
Strategy Promotes Integration, Innovation, Partnerships, and Transparency for the 17 Intelligence Elements Director of National Intelligence 22 Jan 2019 — Director of National Intelligence Daniel R. Coats unveiled the 2019 National Intelligence Strategy (NIS) today. The NIS is the guiding strategy for the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) and will drive the strategic direction for the Nation’s 17 IC elements for the next four years.
- UK, EU impose sanctions against Russia’s GRU military intelligence agency Press TV 21 Jan 2019 — The British government and the European Union have imposed sanctions against senior officials from Russia’s GRU military intelligence agency, over the agency’s suspected poisoning attack on a former Russian spy in southern England last year.
- Russia, China, Cyber Domain Among Key Threats Named in US Intelligence Strategy Sputnik 23 Jan 2019 — The newly-released 2019 US National Intelligence Strategy identified Russia, China, and cyber activities among some of the major emerging threats to the United States while addressing ways to enhance the effectiveness of the Intelligence Community (IC) to combat these challenges.
- U.S. Intelligence Strategy Sees ‘Diverse’ Threats From Russia, China, and North Korea RFE/RL 23 Jan 2019 — A major U.S. intelligence report released in Washington on January 22 says Russia’s efforts to expand its influence and the modernization of China’s military are among the “ever more diverse” threats facing the United States.
- Lebanon arrests Mossad agent over car bomb attack against Hamas official Press TV 23 Jan 2019 — Lebanon’s army says it had arrested a suspected agent of Israel’s spy agency Mossad over a car bomb explosion in the country’s southern city of Sidon, which slightly wounded a member of the Palestinian Islamic resistance movement, Hamas, last year.
- MI5 Reportedly Deploys 700 Spies to N Ireland Amid Fears of Hard Border Violence Sputnik 26 Jan 2019 — Late last week, New Irish Republican Army (IRA) hardliners detonated a car bomb outside a courthouse in Londonderry. According to the Police Service of Northern Ireland, no one was hurt in the bombing, which came amid ongoing Brexit talks.
Türkiye’nin ‘Narcos’ operasyonu
28 Ocak 2019
Ankara’da… Polise ait özel uçak sabaha karşı hangarından çıkartıldı… Pilotlar son kontrolleri yaptılar. Yakıt alındı… Koltuklarda özel ayarlamalar yapıldı… Türk narkotiğinin, birisi doktor üç kişilik ekibi yerini aldı.
Uçak havalandı… Uçak çok özel bir göreve gidiyordu. Rotası bile gizliydi… İşte onu anlatabilmek için biraz geri gidiyorum…
Türk istihbaratının ajanı aylardır beklediği haberi nihayet almıştı… Taşıma başlıyordu…
Bu haberi alabilmek için onlarca bağlantı… Uluslararası narkotik ajanlarıyla temaslar… Gölgeler ve sessizlikler içinde geçen günler… Bu defa bilgi kesin gibiydi…
Sonunda kaynağından beklenen eroin yüklenmeye başladı. Ve ardından günlerce süren takip… Bitmeyen geceler… Ajanların durumu zordu. Görünmeyeceksin ama izleyeceksin…
Konuşmayacaksın ama bilgiyi merkeze ileteceksin… Susacaksın ama durumu anlatacaksın…
Türk polisinin özel narkotik timleri ve istihbarat ekibi gece yarısı Erzurum’a indiler.
Son dakikaya kadar kimsenin haberi yoktu. Yalnızca belli isimler biliyordu.
Ve o sinir bozucu, gerilimlerle dolu bekleme başladı. Nefesler tutuldu…
“Ya son dakika bir sızma olursa?”
Kolay değil, milyarlarca dolarlık uyuşturucu bağlantıları… Bu kadar para dünyanın hangi ülkesinde hangi ajanı satın alamaz ki…
Sonunda hava ekibi İHA’dan haber geldi.
Bir süredir Türk İHA’ları takipteydi…
“Giriş yapılmak üzere…”
Ve gözlerden uzak bir alanda “paket” kıstırıldı. Tam 1.5 ton eroin yakalanmıştı.
Uyuşturucuyu yakalayan polisler arasında bir slogandır bu…
Karşılıklı ‘çak’ yaparak “Bingooo!” diye bağırırlar. Öyle de yaptılar, çünkü Cumhuriyet tarihinin rekoruydu bu… Dahası, Avrupa’da bu büyüklükte bir yakalama yoktu. Kolombiya kartellerine dudak uçuklatacak bir miktardı. Yüzlerce milyon dolarlık bir eroin operasyonu…
Olay, anında İçişleri Bakanı Süleyman Soylu’ya aktarıldı. Bakan Soylu özel bir hattan Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ı bilgilendirdi.
Ve asıl bekleyiş başladı…
– Eroinin arkasındakiler nerede? Bağlantılar kim?
– Organizatör kim?
– DEAŞ mı? PKK mı? İşin içinde başka örgütler olabilir mi?
– Bu büyüklükte bir üretim ve dağıtım bazı devletlerin polisinden yardım almadan olabilir miydi?
Elbette istihbaratın elinde bazı isimler vardı.
Ama neredeydiler?
Bunun için de “özel sorgu ekipleri” devreye girdi. Psikolojik olarak inanılmaz bir sorgu süreci yaşandı.
“İsimleri ver itirafçı ol”, “tanık koruma” derken… Sonunda ilk çözülmeler başladı.
Polise ait özel uçak sabaha karşı hangarından çıkartıldı… Pilotlar son kontrolleri yaptılar.
Türk narkotiğinin, birisi doktor üç kişilik ekibi yerini aldı. Uçak havalandı…
Sabiha Gökçen Havaalanı, her zamanki günlerinden birisini yaşıyordu.
Dış hatlar terminalinde Türk narkotiğinden ajanlar yerlerini alıyordu.
Kimisi kafede oturan bir yolcu, kimisi bagaj görevlisi, kimisi garson kılığındaydı.
Ülkeyi terk edecek kişinin kimlik bilgileri, fotoğrafı belirlenmişti.
Ankara’dan gelen uçak tenha bir yere çekilmiş, özel ekip de bekliyordu.
Sonunda “organizatör” göründü.
Biletini almış, pasaport kontrole doğru gidiyordu.
Yüz tarama, kimlik belirleme, pasaportun beyanı… Her şey tutuyordu. Hedef oradaydı…
Ani ve sessiz bir operasyonla son zamanların en büyük eroin kaçakçılığının organizatörü yakalandı.
İki narkotik polisi koluna girmişti. Sessizce sivillerin arasından çıkarttılar.
Gözleri bağlandı… Doğru özel uçağa…
Türk polisinin özel uçağı Sabiha Gökçen’den Erzurum’a doğru havalanırken…
İçişleri Bakanı Süleyman Soylu, bu büyük başarıyı Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan’a bildiriyordu.
Arkadaşlar, aylardır dünyanın en büyük uyuşturucu kartellerinin anlatıldığı ‘Narcos’ gibi dizileri izliyoruz. Escobar’ların nasıl yakalandığını… ‘Mexico’ dizisi yine öyle… Amerikan narkotik polisinin başarıları…
Demem o ki…
Dün İçişleri Bakanı Süleyman Soylu büyük bir tevazuuyla bu muazzam operasyonu açıkladı.
Sonuçta bizim çocuklar, ‘Narcos’ dizilerinin güncel halini dünyanın önüne koymuşlardı.
Tabii ben bakanın verdiği kısa bilgileri biraz senaryolaştırdım.
İstedim ki bu da bizim “Narcos dizimiz” olsun…
Hiçbir zaman isimlerini öğrenemeyeceğimiz o kahraman polislerimize de…
Helal olsun…
Ankara’da… Polise ait özel uçak sabaha karşı hangarından çıkartıldı… Pilotlar son kontrolleri yaptılar. Yakıt alındı… Koltuklarda özel ayarlamalar yapıldı… Türk narkotiğinin, birisi doktor üç kişilik ekibi yerini aldı.
Uçak havalandı… Uçak çok özel bir göreve gidiyordu. Rotası bile gizliydi… İşte onu anlatabilmek için biraz geri gidiyorum…
Türk istihbaratının ajanı aylardır beklediği haberi nihayet almıştı… Taşıma başlıyordu…
Bu haberi alabilmek için onlarca bağlantı… Uluslararası narkotik ajanlarıyla temaslar… Gölgeler ve sessizlikler içinde geçen günler… Bu defa bilgi kesin gibiydi…
Sonunda kaynağından beklenen eroin yüklenmeye başladı. Ve ardından günlerce süren takip… Bitmeyen geceler… Ajanların durumu zordu. Görünmeyeceksin ama izleyeceksin…
Konuşmayacaksın ama bilgiyi merkeze ileteceksin… Susacaksın ama durumu anlatacaksın…
Türk polisinin özel narkotik timleri ve istihbarat ekibi gece yarısı Erzurum’a indiler.
Son dakikaya kadar kimsenin haberi yoktu. Yalnızca belli isimler biliyordu.
Ve o sinir bozucu, gerilimlerle dolu bekleme başladı. Nefesler tutuldu…
“Ya son dakika bir sızma olursa?”
Kolay değil, milyarlarca dolarlık uyuşturucu bağlantıları… Bu kadar para dünyanın hangi ülkesinde hangi ajanı satın alamaz ki…
Sonunda hava ekibi İHA’dan haber geldi.
Bir süredir Türk İHA’ları takipteydi…
“Giriş yapılmak üzere…”
Karşılıklı ‘çak’ yaparak “Bingooo!” diye bağırırlar. Öyle de yaptılar, çünkü Cumhuriyet tarihinin rekoruydu bu… Dahası, Avrupa’da bu büyüklükte bir yakalama yoktu. Kolombiya kartellerine dudak uçuklatacak bir miktardı. Yüzlerce milyon dolarlık bir eroin operasyonu…
Olay, anında İçişleri Bakanı Süleyman Soylu’ya aktarıldı. Bakan Soylu özel bir hattan Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ı bilgilendirdi.
Ve asıl bekleyiş başladı…
– Eroinin arkasındakiler nerede? Bağlantılar kim?
– Organizatör kim?
– DEAŞ mı? PKK mı? İşin içinde başka örgütler olabilir mi?
– Bu büyüklükte bir üretim ve dağıtım bazı devletlerin polisinden yardım almadan olabilir miydi?
Elbette istihbaratın elinde bazı isimler vardı.
Bunun için de “özel sorgu ekipleri” devreye girdi. Psikolojik olarak inanılmaz bir sorgu süreci yaşandı.
“İsimleri ver itirafçı ol”, “tanık koruma” derken… Sonunda ilk çözülmeler başladı.
Polise ait özel uçak sabaha karşı hangarından çıkartıldı… Pilotlar son kontrolleri yaptılar.
Türk narkotiğinin, birisi doktor üç kişilik ekibi yerini aldı. Uçak havalandı…
Sabiha Gökçen Havaalanı, her zamanki günlerinden birisini yaşıyordu.
Dış hatlar terminalinde Türk narkotiğinden ajanlar yerlerini alıyordu.
Kimisi kafede oturan bir yolcu, kimisi bagaj görevlisi, kimisi garson kılığındaydı.
Ülkeyi terk edecek kişinin kimlik bilgileri, fotoğrafı belirlenmişti.
Ankara’dan gelen uçak tenha bir yere çekilmiş, özel ekip de bekliyordu.
Sonunda “organizatör” göründü.
Biletini almış, pasaport kontrole doğru gidiyordu.
Yüz tarama, kimlik belirleme, pasaportun beyanı… Her şey tutuyordu. Hedef oradaydı…
Ani ve sessiz bir operasyonla son zamanların en büyük eroin kaçakçılığının organizatörü yakalandı.
İki narkotik polisi koluna girmişti. Sessizce sivillerin arasından çıkarttılar.
Gözleri bağlandı… Doğru özel uçağa…
Türk polisinin özel uçağı Sabiha Gökçen’den Erzurum’a doğru havalanırken…
İçişleri Bakanı Süleyman Soylu, bu büyük başarıyı Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan’a bildiriyordu.
Arkadaşlar, aylardır dünyanın en büyük uyuşturucu kartellerinin anlatıldığı ‘Narcos’ gibi dizileri izliyoruz. Escobar’ların nasıl yakalandığını… ‘Mexico’ dizisi yine öyle… Amerikan narkotik polisinin başarıları…
Demem o ki…
Dün İçişleri Bakanı Süleyman Soylu büyük bir tevazuuyla bu muazzam operasyonu açıkladı.
Sonuçta bizim çocuklar, ‘Narcos’ dizilerinin güncel halini dünyanın önüne koymuşlardı.
Tabii ben bakanın verdiği kısa bilgileri biraz senaryolaştırdım.
İstedim ki bu da bizim “Narcos dizimiz” olsun…
Hiçbir zaman isimlerini öğrenemeyeceğimiz o kahraman polislerimize de…
Helal olsun…