ΡΤΕ Για Σένα! Λίγο Πριν Το… Αεροπλάνο!.. (Και Υστερόγραφα)!..

Σεβαστέ Πρόεδρε ΡΤΕ!

– Διάβασα, μόλις, πως κάηκε χθες το πατρικό σπίτι, του Αρχηγού της Αξ/κής σας Αντιπολίτευσης και Προέδρου του… “γερασμένου” Κόμματος, του Κεμάλ ΑΤΑΤΟΥΡΚ, του CHP, ήτοι του αξιότιμου Κου Κεμάλ ΚΙΛΙΤΣΝΤΑΡΟΓΛΟΥ και σε ρωτάω!..

– Είναι αλήθεια;

– Αν είναι αλήθεια, μήπως “ξέρεις κάτι”; Αχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα!.. (Αλλά εσύ λείπεις, όλως τυχαίως, στο εξωτερικό!.. Πήγες να μιλήσεις στον Ο.Η.Ε., για τις αμερικανικές κυρώσεις προς τηνμεγάλη δημοκρατική σας χώρα, και ειδικότερα για την μη… δημοκρατική συμπεριφορά των Η.Π.Α. απέναντί σου και απέναντι στην χώρα σου! Αχαχαχαχαχαχαχα)!..

Γέλασα Πρόεδρε, λόγω του ανεκδότου που άθελά μου, μόλις διετύπωσα πιο πάνω! (Μου βγήκε πηγαίως)!

– Έμαθα μάλιστα, πως την ώρα που μίλαγε ο Τραμπ, στον Ο.Η.Ε., πρόσφατα, “την έκανες, με ελαφρά πηδηματάκια! Αχαχαχαχαχαχαχα! Έχεις, πράγματι Πρόεδρε, πολύ βαρείς γεννητικούς αδένες! Αχαχαχαχαχαχαχα!..

– Πάμε και πάλι τώρα στον “μυτόγκα” τον… φίλο σου τον Κεμάλ, που σε έχει, λεκτικά, πολλάκις “καταχεριάσει” και με πολύ βαρείς κατηγορίες μάλιστα, όχι πάντα βεβαίως, καθώς έχει πει και πολλές μαλακίες!

– “Δεν κάθεται λοιπόν και αυτός ο Χριστιανός , συγγνώμη, ο Μουσουλμάνος ήθελα να πω, ήσυχος”!

– Πρόεδρε! Τον έχεις ξεσκίσει” στο κυνήγι, τον… καϋμένο τον Κιλιτσντάρογλου! Έχεις πάρει και τα 6 βέλη του… Κόμματός του, αλλά και τα 9 βέλη του… “ΜΗΡ”, του Κόμματος του συνεταίρου σου Ν. Μπαχτσελί και όλα μαζί του τα… “κάρφωσες” στο στήθος!.. “Τον έχεις κυριολεκτικά ξεκολ… σει”!.. Τώρα πάλι στα Δικαστήρια τον έχεις! Κινδυνεύει με… ψυχολογικά! Αχαχαχαχαχαχαχα!.. Και(!) τον ξεφτιλίζεις και(!) λεφτά του παίρνεις, για… ηθική σου (sic) δήθεν / demek βλάβη! (Όχι βεβαίως πως τα έχεις ανάγκη, αλλά όλο και “καμμιά τρύπα θα κλείνεις”, με τα “ψιλά” αυτά, δεν είναι);

– Πάντως, το έχεις χοντρίνει πολύ το παιχνίδι, με τον Κιλιτσντάρογλου! “Έχετε γίνει -πραγματικά- κόλος”!  (Göt oldunuz Ağabey)!

– Πρόεδρε, για πρόσεξε τώρα! Ψιλο-Χούντας “μου μοιάζεις, (για κύττα στον αστερίσκο, στο τέλος ρε Ταγίπ), αλλά μάλλον κάνω λάθος Πρόεδρε, έ, τί λες; Αχαχαχαχαχαχα!..

– Θυμάσαι Πρόεδρε; Σου είχα πει, σε ανύποπτο χρόνο, (Χακαν-ούλη mit-turkeyβρες στο “σάϊτ” μας το υπόψη σημείο και δείξτο στον Πρόεδρό σου), πως αν και(!) τον Αρχηγό της Αξ-κής σας Αντιπολίτευσης “αγγίξεις”, αν φτάσεις σ’ αυτό το… έσχατο -πολιτικά- σημείο, μετά θα πρέπει να αναρρωτηθείς, (μαζί ασφαλώς και με τους… Φαναριώτες συμβούλους σου), για το τί είδους Πολίτευμα έχετε στην Τουρκία, υπό την ηγεσία σου!..

– Με γράψατε όμως όλοι σας, στους γεννητικούς σας αδένες, κοινώς “στα παπάρια” σας (Κα Αυλωνίτου… τρέξε, αχαχαχαχαχα), αλλά θα με θυμηθείς σύντομα Κε Πρόεδρε, σεβαστέ ΡΤΕ!..

Büyük Ayip be, büyük utanç Ağabey büyük!..





ω ω1 ω2 ω4 ω5

ω8 ω9


Τα παρακάτω για εσάς φίλοι μου, με αγάπη!



This month marks the 45th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War and the 25th Anniversary of the Oslo Accords signing.

September 27, 2018

Joseph Puder

This month (September, according to the Hebrew calendar) marks the anniversary of two major historical events in the Middle East.  Both of these events have had major repercussions on the region and in Israeli-Palestinian relations.  Forty-five years ago, on October 6, 1973, the armies of Egypt and Syria launched an attack on Israel during the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur.  Israeli military intelligence cautioned against a rush to war.  Major-General Zaira, Israel’s Chief of Intelligence, with an over-confident attitude, dismissed reports of Egyptian forces concentrating along the Suez Canal front as the same old Egyptian maneuvers.  Prime Minister Golda Meir, conscious of what might be the western reaction to Israeli military mobilization, and in particular, wary of a negative U.S. reaction, declined to order full mobilization, even when the Mossad Chief Zvi Zamir brought her a tip from an Egyptian double-agent (President Sadat’s son-in-law) that the Egyptians would attack on Yom Kippur.  As a consequence of the delay in Israel’s mobilization, and Egypt’s surprise attack, the Israeli fortification along the Suez Canal fell, albeit after a heroic fight by the defenders.  The lack of preparedness on the part of Israel as a result of over-confidence stemming from the Six-Day War, cost the lives of almost 3,000 Israeli soldiers.  Ultimately, Israel triumphed in spite of the early setbacks.

Twenty five years ago, on September 13, 1993, the Oslo Accords were formally signed on the White House lawn, with a grinning President Bill Clinton overseeing the historical handshake between Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) chairman.  The signing of the Oslo Accords launched what we now know as the “peace process.”

This reporter (along with Gary Ratner) met and interviewed PM Rabin at his Defense Ministry office in Tel Aviv, prior to the Oslo Process.  Responding to a question about meeting and negotiating with Yasser Arafat, Rabin emphatically rejected the idea, saying that under no circumstances would he negotiate with the murderous Arafat and his PLO terrorists.  Rabin’s sentiments toward Arafat were in evidence during the signing ceremony on September 13, 1993, at the White House.  Rabin was desperately trying to avoid talking to Arafat, or shaking his hand.  Even after being prodded by President Clinton to shake hands with Arafat following the signing of the Accord, everyone could easily detect the discomfort on Rabin’s face.  One can only imagine the pressure put on Rabin to go through with the Oslo deal.  According to historian Efraim Karsh, “So deep was his (Rabin’s) loathing of Arafat, that he planned to shun the Washington ceremony altogether.”  It took U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher to cajole Rabin into coming. Rabin had to take an “anti-nausea pill.”

It is clear now that Rabin’s skepticism about Arafat was warranted. Unfortunately Rabin decided to carry on with what he knew in his heart was a charade.  Rabin believed that peace had to commence at some point, but chose a time when Arafat’s fortunes and that of the PLO were at their lowest point.  Arafat sided with Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi brutal conquest of Kuwait, and the Arab Gulf states set out to punish the Palestinians.  Kuwait expelled most of its Palestinian population, and the rest of the Gulf Arab’s shunned the Palestinians.  Rabin said to us that, “you make peace with your enemies, and especially bitter enemies.”  When I asked Rabin what would happen if the Palestinians reneged on the Accords and resumed their terrorist attacks, Rabin replied that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) was strong enough to handle the Palestinians under such circumstances.

As it happened, Arafat’s pledge “to renounce terrorism, and other acts of violence” was a sham. Interviewed in Arabic by Jordanian TV on the same day the White House ceremony took place, Arafat made it clear to his Palestinian viewing audience that the Oslo Accords did not end the conflict.  He argued that the Accords gave his Palestinians (PLO) a territorial foothold from which the war to liberate all of Palestine (meaning Israel) would ensue.

Arafat had often invoked the Treaty of Hudaybiyah when addressing Palestinian audiences.  It was the treaty the Prophet Mohammad made between his followers in Medina and his enemies from his own tribe of the Quraysh of Mecca, who inconclusively besieged his Medina followers in 628 CE.  The treaty establish a 10-year truce between the Muslims in Medina and the Quraysh of Mecca.  Two-years later, now with increased power and feeling strong enough, he broke the truce with the Meccan and attacked them.  In 630 CE, he conquered Mecca.  Arafat alluded to the Oslo Accords as his Treaty of Hudaybiyah, implying that he intended to break the Accords with Israel at the moment he felt it right, much like the Prophet did in 630 CE.  Indeed, in September, 2000, judging that the Israeli public morale was low, perceiving Israel as weakened by the suicide bombing campaign he coordinated with Hamas, he launched the Second intifada, this time a bloody and violent one.

Earlier in July, 2000, President Bill Clinton summoned Arafat along with Israeli PM Ehud Barak to Camp David for a peace summit. Arafat was given unprecedented concessions. The U.S. plan offered by President Bill Clinton and endorsed by PM Ehud Barak would have given the Palestinians 97% of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and full control of the Gaza Strip, with a land-link between them.  In exchange for the 3% annexation of Judea and Samaria, Israel would increase the size of Gaza by a third from Israeli territory.  Arab neighborhoods in East Jerusalem would become the capital of the new state.  Palestinian refugees would have the right to return to the Palestinian state, and receive reparations from a $30 billion international fund to compensate them.  The Palestinians would maintain control over their holy places, and would be given desalinization plants to provide them with adequate water.

The Oslo process was one of the worst self-inflicted wounds in Israel’s history, along with the failure of Israeli military intelligence in the Yom Kippur war.  Palestinian terrorism didn’t end, it spiked.  More Israelis were killed in bombing and suicide attacks than in any previous two-year period in Israel’s history.  The failure of the Oslo process diplomacy has reinforced Benjamin Netanyahu’s conviction that Israel must wait for a Palestinian leader that is fully committed to peace and prosperity for his own people.  It also exposed the folly of the land-for-peace formula.

In the aftermath of the Yom Kippur War, the Agranat Commission laid blame on Israel’s military leadership for its “obdurate adherence to what was known as the ‘conception,’ according to which Egypt would not launch war against Israel before she had first ensured sufficient air power to attack Israel. Syria would only launch an all-out attack on Israel simultaneously with Egypt.

The West Point Modern War Institute summarized the lessons learned from the Yom Kippur war. “Linking military action to political goals, guarding against cognitive biases, and when appropriate, recognizing opportunities to improve one’s own lot by acknowledging the interests of an adversary.”  These, according to its author David Wallsh, “are fundamental to the successful conduct of war in any time and place.”  For Egypt however, the “October War” served to convince Anwar Sadat that Israel couldn’t be eliminated by war and he ultimately chose to make peace.




A case that highlights the nexus between immigration and espionage.

September 27, 2018

Michael Cutler

On September 25, 2018 the Justice Department issued a press release, Chinese National Arrested for Allegedly Acting Within the United States as an Illegal Agent of the People’s Republic of China.

That Chinese national was identified as Ji Chaoqun, a 27 year old Chinese citizen who had been residing in Chicago was arrested by the FBI for allegedly acting as an illegal agent of the Chinese government.

The Criminal Complaint provided in the press release provides additional information, but this excerpt from the press release lays out the Justice Department’s allegations concerning Chaoqun:

Ji worked at the direction of a high-level intelligence officer in the Jiangsu Province Ministry of State Security, a provincial department of the Ministry of State Security for the People’s Republic of China, according to a criminal complaint and affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Chicago. Ji was tasked with providing the intelligence officer with biographical information on eight individuals for possible recruitment by the JSSD, the complaint states. The individuals included Chinese nationals who were working as engineers and scientists in the United States, some of whom were U.S. defense contractors, according to the complaint.

According to the complaint, Ji was born in China and arrived in the United States in 2013 on an F1 Visa, for the purpose of studying electrical engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. In 2016, Ji enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserves as an E4 Specialist under the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) program, which authorizes the U.S. Armed Forces to recruit certain legal aliens whose skills are considered vital to the national interest. In his application to participate in the MAVNI program, Ji specifically denied having had contact with a foreign government within the past seven years, the complaint states. In a subsequent interview with a U.S. Army officer, Ji again failed to disclose his relationship and contacts with the intelligence officer, the charge alleges.

I have written several articles and commentaries about my concerns that while China has acted as an adversary of the United States last year more than 150,000 Chinese students were admitted into the United States to study the STEM (Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics) curricula.

China is on a rampage, developing large numbers of warships and military aircraft that often bear a strong resemblance to U.S. planes, ships and other such military assets.

China has constructed and militarized artificial islands in the South China Sea and has threatened military action if ship or aircraft of the U.S. or any other county gets too close. flexing its growing military muscles.

In some instances China has been able to enhance its military capability through the  acquisition of our military technology through espionage while at the same time, our best universities are providing these students with first-rate educations.

Once enrolled in school in the United States foreign students are entitled to accept employment to attain practical training.  All too often this displaces American workers and also provides opportunities for those students.

The Chinese government and entities within the Chinese military hack into American computers as frequently as humming birds beat their wings.  They hack into private computers, corporate computers, military compute networks.  However, America trains Chinese programmers.

The growing presence of Chinese students and Chinese influence on U.S. college campuses and elsewhere in the United States was the focus of my August 21, 2018 article, China Ratchets Up Its U.S. Spying Programs.

As I noted in that article, frustration with this situation has caused some U.S. security experts to refer to this wholesale espionage by China against the United States as “Chinese Takeout.”

The next element of this unfolding case involves Mr. Chaoqun being able to enlist in the U.S. military under the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) program that was described above.

This gets us back to the nonsense that we frequently hear from politicians from both political parties, that somehow it makes sense to permit illegal aliens to enlist in the military to then qualify for a pathway to U.S. citizenship.

Awhile back a common quote stated that “All roads lead to Rome.”  Today, where “solutions” to the immigration crisis is concerned, you might say that “All roads lead to a pathway to U.S. citizenship (or at least lawful status).”

This is as absurd and naive as it gets!

Chaoqun entered the U.S. legally as a student.  His ability to join the US. military facilitated his goal of attempting to recruit spies for China.  It must be presumed that he was vetted before he was able to join the MAVNI program, however the vetting process must be carefully reviewed to find out if his alleged connections with Chinese espionage could have been determined before he was able to join the U.S. military.

Military bases are among the most sensitive locations in the United States.  Those bases contain weapons, highly classified materials and members of the U.S. armed forces.

It is dangerous to provide foreign nationals with access to our military bases, when we are unable to effectively vet those foreign nationals.

Our political leaders who are often clueless about the how background investigations are conducted often refer to such investigations as “Background Checks.”

A “Background Check” is superficial and often only requires that a name an fingerprints are run through databases to search for known information.  This process takes just minutes and if the person assumes a false identity and his/her fingerprints are not known to that system, the system will essentially give that individual a clean “bill of health.”

Background investigations, on the other hand, are far more comprehensive and complete.  They are time consuming and require investigations be conducted the old fashioned way, by interviewing many people, showing photographs and checking myriad databases.  If those interviewed, for example claim that the person being investigated has use alternate identities, or other such major discrepancies are uncovered, then those new leads must be run down to gain a total picture.

Simply running names and fingerprints are nearly worthless and not likely to uncover fraud.  These concerns were the predication for an extensive article and a booklet I wrote under the common title, Immigration Fraud, Lies That Kill.

The immigration system, and the system by which visas applications are adjudicated are so overwhelmed that it is easy for a bad actor to slip through the cracks.

It is extremely fortunate that in the case that predicates my article today, that Chaoqun’s alleged nefarious actions were discovered.  However, he is hardly the only foreign national who is engaged in such activities.  Just as only a tiny percentage of motorists who speed ever get caught, it must be presumed that while some spies are caught, others are not caught and they can do truly irreparable damage to U.S. national security.

In point of fact, because this is apparently such a common practice that China refers to its efforts to spy on the United States as employing the principle of “A thousand grains of sand.”  Under this principle there are so many individuals who engage in this sort of espionage that all that each one needs to do is send back to China a very few parts to the puzzle where military aircraft, ships, weaponry or other sensitive information is concerned.  Once all of the pieces of the puzzles are in China it is relatively easy for them to create a mosaic to gain the entire picture by connecting each “grain of sand.”

As we can clearly see, the policies of the Trump administration to finally address the economic conflict between the United States and China represents the tip of a huge iceberg.  This economic conflict served as the predication for my article, Fears About Chinese “Trade War” Are Late And Dumb.  As I noted in that article, China has been waging economic war against the U.S. for decades.

Hope is not a strategy.  The United States must move swiftly to protect its security and the security of its citizens from all threats.

America’s borders are its first line of defense and last line of defense.

President Trump’s welcome calls for national sovereignty sum up that which would be in the best interests of America and Americans in this dangerous and turbulent era.


Sep 27, 2018

 “Today, I am disclosing for the first time that Iran has a secret atomic warehouse in Tehran for storing massive amounts of equipment and material from Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program,” Netanyahu stated at the UN General Assembly.

By: Ben Cohen, The Algemeiner

Addressing the UN General Assembly on Thursday afternoon, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Iran’s leaders that the Jewish state would do “whatever it must do” to protect itself from the continuing nuclear threat posed by Tehran.

During a speech that centered on Netanyahu’s unveiling of what he described as a “secret atomic warehouse” in the Iranian capital, the Israeli leader stressed that Iran had never wavered in its goal of developing a nuclear weapons program. Citing Israel’s revelations last April concerning the Iranian regime’s Project Amad — a covert nuclear program that ran from 1999 to 2003 — Netanyahu stated that the lack of action on the part of the international community had prompted him to make a fresh disclosure on Thursday.

“What I’m about to say has not been shared publicly before,” Netanyahu said. “Today, I am disclosing for the first time that Iran has a secret atomic warehouse in Tehran for storing massive amounts of equipment and material from Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program.”

Displaying the enlarged photographs of Iranian nuclear sites that have become a Netanyahu trademark, the Israeli leader warned that Iran would attempt to clean out the newly revealed site in the coming days. He called on Yukiya Amano — the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) — to visit the site before that happens.

“Go and inspect this atomic warehouse immediately before the Iranians clean it out,” Netanyahu urged. “While you’re at it, inspect the other sites. Once and for all, tell the world the truth about Iran.”

Addressing the Iranian regime, Netanyahu said he had one message for “the tyrants of Tehran.”

“Israel knows what you are doing and where you are doing it,” Netanyahu declared. “Israel will never let a regime that calls for our destruction develop nuclear weapons — not now, not in 10 years, not ever.”

Netanyahu argued that the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran had provided its rulers with a sanctions-relief windfall “to fuel its vast war machine,” listing Iran’s ongoing military interventions in Iraqi Kurdistan, Syria, and Lebanon.

Praising US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the deal last May, Netanyahu asserted that the agreement reached in Geneva between Iran, the US, and five other leading states had “brought war ever closer to our borders.”

“In Gaza, Iran is arming terror groups to launch rocket attacks at our cities and terror attacks against civilians,” he continued. “In Lebanon, Iran is directing Hezbollah to build secret sites to convert inaccurate projectiles into precision-guided missiles.” Brandishing another enlarged image, Netanyahu accused Hezbollah — Iran’s Shia proxy in Lebanon — of “deliberately using the innocent people of Beirut as human shields. They’ve placed three of these conversion sites along Beirut’s international airport.”

Netanyahu added that he had a “message for Hezbollah: Israel also knows what you are doing and where you are doing it, and Israel will not let you get away with it.”

European Policy of ‘Appeasement’

Pointedly charging “European leaders” with practicing a policy of “appeasement” toward Iran, Netanyahu demanded that “instead of coddling Iran’s dictators, join the US, Israel, and most of the Arab world in adopting new sanctions against a regime that endangers all of us.”

Turning to the UN, Netanyahu underlined Israel’s gratitude to both President Trump and US Ambassador Nikki Haley, in marked contrast to the rest of the global institution. Noting that the while the notorious 1975 UN General Assembly resolution equating Zionism with racism had been rescinded, its “foul stench still clings to these halls.”

“Israel airlifted Ethiopian Jews to freedom and a new life in Israel, yet here at the UN Israel is absurdly accused of racism,” the prime minister said. “Israel’s Arab citizens vote in our elections, serve in our parliament, preside in courts and have the same individual rights — yet here at the UN, Israel is shamefully accused of apartheid.” Defending new legislation that frames Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people, Netanyahu charged Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas — who lambasted the new law in an earlier address to the UNGA on Thursday — with presiding over an autocratic regime.

To Abbas: ‘The More They Slay, the More You Pay’

“Your PA imposes death sentences on Palestinians who sell land to Jews,” Netanyahu said. “President Abbas, you proudly pay Palestinians who murder Jews — the more they slay, the more you pay. And you call Israel racist?”

Israel is both a Jewish and democratic state and “will always remain both,” Netanyahu said, reminding his audience that the UN had specifically approved the creation of Israel as a Jewish state in 1948.

4. Air Force awards next-generation fighter and bomber trainer

Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs / Published September 27, 2018

ARLINGTON, Va. (AFNS) — The Air Force awarded The Boeing Company a contract worth up to $9.2 billion for the Air Force’s new training aircraft Sept. 27.

The Air Force currently plans to purchase 351 T-X aircraft, 46 simulators, and associated ground equipment to replace the Air Education and Training Command’s 57-year-old fleet of T-38C Talons.

The indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract allows the Air Force to purchase up to 475 aircraft and 120 simulators. The contract is designed to offer taxpayers the best value both today and in the future should requirements change.

“This new aircraft will provide the advanced training capabilities we need to increase the lethality and effectiveness of future Air Force pilots,” Secretary of the Air Force Heather A. Wilson said. “Through competition we will save at least $10 billion on the T-X program.”

The original service cost estimate was $19.7 billion for 351 aircraft.
The T-X program is expected to provide student pilots in undergraduate- and graduate-level training courses with the skills and competencies required to transition to 4th- and 5th-generation fighter and bomber aircraft.

“This is all about joint warfighting excellence; we need the T-X to optimize training for pilots heading into our growing fleet of fifth-generation aircraft,” said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein. “This aircraft will enable pilot training in a system similar to our fielded fighters, ultimately enhancing joint lethality.”

The first T-X aircraft and simulators are scheduled to arrive at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, in 2023. All undergraduate pilot training bases will eventually transition from the T-38 to the T-X. Those bases include: Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi; Laughlin AFB, Texas; Sheppard AFB, Texas and Vance AFB, Oklahoma.

An initial delivery order for $813 million provides for the engineering and manufacturing development of the first five aircraft and seven simulators.

The contract supports the Air Force’s objective of an initial operational capability by 2024 and full operational capability by 2034.

“This outcome is the result of a well-conceived strategy leveraging full and open competition,” said Dr. Will Roper, assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology and logistics. “It’s acquisition’s silver bullet.”


5. Hasan Öztürk

Trump yeni bir şey söylüyor ama dünya yeniden kuruluyor


Amerika yalnızlaşırken, Avrupa Birliği (AB) ile Türkiye yeni bir zeminde buluşmak üzere. Hatta Amerika’ya karşı yeni ittifaklar yeni oluşumlar hızla kurulmak üzere. Artık dünyanın jandarması Amerika’nın parmak sallamasını kimse iplemiyor!

Sizce de öyle değil mi?

Hatırlıyor musunuz, Amerika’nın Kudüs’e büyükelçiliğini taşıma kararından sonra Birleşmiş Milletlerde (BM) bir oylama yapılmıştı. Ve oylamanın sonucu çok ama çok tartışılmıştı.

21 Aralık 2017’deki oylamadan hemen önce Trump Amerikan yardımı alan ülkeleri tehdit etmişti ve şayet aleyhte oy kullanırlarsa yardımları keseceği tehdidinde bulunmuştu.

Ama oylama Trump’ın tehdidine rağmen Türkiye ve Filistin’in zaferiyle sonuçlanmıştı.

O gece internet sitelerinde haber şöyle duyurulmuştu:

“ABD’nin Kudüs kararının ardından BM Genel Kurulu’nun olağanüstü gündemli toplantısında, ABD’nin kararını geri çekmesini öngören bir tasarı oylandı.

Bağlayıcı niteliği bulunmayan tasarı 128’e karşı, 9 oyla kabul edildi. 35 ülke ise çekimser kaldı.

ABD ve İsrail dışında, Guatemala, Honduras, Marshall Adaları, Nauru, Mikronezya, Palau ve Togo, Trump’ın Kudüs kararını destekleyen ülkeler oldu.

35 ülke ise tasarı için çekimser oy kullandı:

Antigua ve Barbuda, Arjantin, Avustralya, Bahama Adaları, Benin, Bhutan, Bosna Hersek, Kanada, Hırvatistan, Çekya, Dominik Cumhuriyeti, Ekvatoryal Gine, Fiji, Haiti, Macaristan, Jamaika, Kiribati, Litvanya, Lesotho, Malawi, Meksika, Panama, Paraguay, Filipinler, Polonya, Romanya, Ruanda, Solomon Adaları, Trinidad Tobago, Tuvalu, Güney Sudan, Uganda, Vanuatu.”

2017’nin son günlerinde BM’de yaşanan hadise, önceki gün yaşananlara ışık tutar niteliktedir.


O gün Amerika’nın yardımını alan ülkeler bile aleyhte oy kullanmıştı. Yine o gün ismini yeni duyduğumuz hatta dünya haritasında nerede olduğunu bile bilmediğimiz birkaç ülke Amerika’ya destek vermişti. Nauru mesela!

“Amerikan çağı bitiyor, Amerika geriliyor. Batıyor” gibi cümleleri kurmak için çok erken olduğunu biliyorum.

Fakat, 2001’deki ikiz kulelere yapılan saldırı bahane edilerek geliştirilen yeni “terörle mücadele konsepti” özellikle İslam dünyasına kan ve kaostan başka bir şey getirmedi.

Bununla birlikte 2008 küresel krizinden sonra da ekonomik olarak gerileyen Amerika, Trump ile birlikte “malların ve sermayenin serbest dolaşımı”nı önleyerek ayakta kalma yolunu seçti.

Bu iki hadise, Amerikan çağının zora girdiğinin işaretidir. Amerikan toplumu Trump ile birlikte yeniden zenginleşiyor bu doğru. Ama aynı şekilde dünyanın müreffeh toplumları dahi Amerika’nın yeni ekonomi savaşı nedeniyle zorluklar çekiyor. Tehdit ve şantajlara boyun eğen petrol üreden ülkelerse her gün ekstra bir fatura ödemekle meşgul.


Önceki gün Trump, BM kürsüsünden bütün ülkelere kendince racon kesti. İronik biçimde globalleşme doktrinini reddettiğini ilan etti. “Sosyalizm kötü” dedi. “Petrol fiyatları yüksek” dedi. “Amerika” dedi. “Ulus devlet” dedi.

Trump’ın sözlerine ilişkin en kapsamlı analizi gazetemiz Yeni Şafak’ta Zekeriya Kurşun hoca yazdı. )

Zekeriya Kurşun’un yazısı şöyle bitiyor,

“(…) Bütün çelişkilerine rağmen bu konuşma kesinlikle hafife alınmamalıdır. Ama bir sonuç olarak acaba tarih farklı bir coğrafyadan mı tekerrür ediyor? sorusunu da sormamızı gerektirmektedir.

Trump’ın korumacı, saldırgan ve müdahaleci, barışı ve uluslararası işbirliğini baltalayıcı, ticareti sınırlayan konuşması karşısında; Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, adalete, insan haklarına, gelir dağılımındaki eşitsizliğe vurgu yapan ve daha fazla uluslararası işbirliği ve serbest ticareti öneren konuşması yüz yıl öncesini hatırlatmaktadır.

ABD Başkanı Wilson, 1919’da bütün mağrurlukları ile Paris’te toplanarak mazlum milletlerin kaderini tayin eden galip Avrupalılar karşısında milletlerin kendi kaderlerini tayin hakkını ve “açık kapı” politikalarını savunarak, Milletler Cemiyeti’nin kuruluşu için yola çıkmıştı.

Acaba yüz yıl sonra tarih, ‘dünya beşten büyüktür’ ilkesini ortaya koyan Erdoğan’ın çağrısı ile BM’nin yeniden yapılanmasına giden bir süreci mi hazırlamaktadır?”

2017’nin son günlerinde BM’de yaşanan hadise ve ardından önceki günkü genel kurul toplantısında yaşananlar insanlığın yeni bir merhaleye geldiğinin işaretidir.

Ya elindeki silaha ve etrafa yaydığı korkuya güvenen “güç sarhoşluğu” ile önüne gelene çemkirenlerin dünyayı teslim aldığını göreceğiz… Ya da yüz yıl önce Milletler Cemiyeti’nin kuruluşunun önünü açan Wilson gibi cesaretle öne atılanların “Dünya beşten büyüktür” cümlesinin gerçekleştiğini.


16 Nisan 1964 yılında Time dergisine konuşan İsmet İnönü, “Müttefikler tutumlarını değiştirmezlerse, Batı ittifakı yıkılabilir… Yeni şartlarda yeni bir dünya kurulur ve Türkiye de bu dünyada yerini bulur” demişti.

Bugün Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın hem BM’de yaptığı konuşma, hem Amerikan medyasına hem Alman medyasına yaptığı açıklamalar gösteriyor ki Türkiye “Yeni bir dünya kurulur, Türkiye de orada yerini alır” tezinde ısrarlı.

Sahi son 300 yılda bile dünya birkaç kez kurulmadı mı?

6. ABD neyin hazırlığını yapıyor! SAT’lar mesajı verip geldi

Suriye’de terör devleti kurmak isteyen ABD’nin, Yunanistan’daki hareketliliği bir aydır arttı. Atina yönetiminin, Girit ve Kerpe’de askeri üs teklif ettiği belirtiliyor. ABD ise Çanakkale Boğazı’na yakın Dedeağaç bölgesiyle ilgileniyor. Türkiye, SAT timlerinin geçen haftaki harbe hazırlık eğitimiyle bu “kuşatma planı”na mesaj verdi.


Rusya’nın Suriye’deki güçlü konumu ve Akdeniz’deki varlığına karşı Amerika, Akdeniz ve Ege’de yoğun üstlenme faaliyetlerine girdi. Yunanistan basını tarafından “1952’de NATO’ya üyeliğimizden sonra Yunanistan’a, bağımsız şekilde yapılan (Türkiye’yi de içermeyen) benzer bir ziyaret görünmüyor” şeklinde yansıtılan ABD Genelkurmay Başkanı Joseph Dunford’un ziyaretinde, Amerika’nın Yunanistan ve Ege’deki adalarda daha çok üstlenmesi kapsamında görüşmeler gerçekleştirildi.


Yine ABD’nin Atina Büyükelçisi Geoffrey Pyatt’ın başkanlık ettiği bir Amerikan heyetinin Dedeağaç’ı ziyaretleri de bu üslenmelerin, Rus gemilerinin geçişini kontrol etme amaçlı olarak stratejik konumuyla Çanakkale Boğazı’na hakim olan Dedeağaç’ı da kapsadığı değerlendirmeleri gündeme geldi. Amerika’nın talep ettiği üslenmelerin aynı anda liman ve havaalanına sahip olan konumları hedef aldığı da belirtildi. Yunanistan basını, “Atina-Washington arasındaki ilişkiler, 50 yıldan beri ulaşmadığı bir noktada” diyor.


Güney Kıbrıs Rum Yönetimi’nden üs talep eden Amerika’ya Yunanistan tarafından Ege’de de üs verme çabaları gözleniyor. Verilmek istenen üslerin ise Kerpe ve Girit Adasında planladığı öğrenildi. Amerika, Ege ve Doğu Akdeniz’de halen 3 muharip gemi ve bir nükleer denizaltı bulunduruyor. “Amerika, Ege ve Akdeniz’e resmen yerleşiyor” dedirten gelişmelerin Türkiye’yi de kapsayan planlamalar şeklinde gerçekleşmemesi de “Bu neyin hazırlığı?” sorularının sorulmasına neden oldu.


ABD Dışişleri Bakanlığı Avrupa ve Avrasya Bakan Yardımcısı Wess Mitchell’in, Amerika’nın “frontier state-sınır devletleri”ne Yunanistan ve GKRY’yi de eklemeyi planladığı da kamuoyuna yansıyan bilgiler arasında. Ancak gerek Doğu Akdeniz’deki enerji kaynakları gerekse Rusya’nın Akdeniz’deki hakimiyet alanını genişletmesi tehdidiyle ilişkilendirilen Amerika’nın bu askeri yayılmasını Türkiye’ye rağmen yaptığı da aşikar durumda.


Amerika ve Avrupa’nın desteği için tüm fırsatları kollayan Yunanistan, Amerikan F-22 savaş uçaklarının Larisa’ya iki günlük inmesini dahi büyük bir ilgi olarak yansıtırken, Wall Street Journal ise bu tabloyu, “ABD, Türkiye ile gerilimin ortasında Yunanistan’da askeri açıdan yayılmaya ilgi gösteriyor” şeklinde değerlendiren bir habere imza atmıştı. Tüm bu gelişmelerin, BM Genel Kurulu sırasında gerçekleşen Erdoğan-Çipras görüşmesinde de gündeme taşındığı belirtiliyor. O görüşmeye, Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu ve Hazine ve Maliye Bakanı Berat Albayrak’ın yanı sıra Milli Savunma Bakanı Hulusi Akar da katılmıştı. Amerika’nın Türkiye ile gerilimini fırsat bilerek, güçlü askeri desteğini almak için İsrail ile de temaslarını arttıran Yunanistan’ın bu temas trafiğindeki taleplerinden biri, bu işbirliğinin Yunan Silahlı Kuvvetleri’ni ciddi şekilde güçlendirmesi. Halen Yunanistan ordusu ciddi zayıf bir alt yapıya sahip durumda.


Yine bir diğer talep ise bu stratejik ilişkinin Doğu Akdeniz ve Balkanlardaki Yunan çıkarlarına hizmet etmesi. Yunanistan’ın bu tablodan güç olarak olası oldubitti girişimlerine karşı Türk donanması ise Ege ve Doğu Akdeniz’de gövde gösterisi yaptı. FETÖ’den arındırıldıkça güçlenen Deniz Kuvvetleri’nin seçkin savaşçıları SAT’ların Doğu Akdeniz’de son yaptıkları eğitim tatbikatları, içeriği ve görüntüleriyle göz doldurdu. Türkiye, bölgedeki normal planlı eğitimleri kapsamakla birlikte askeri tatbikatlarıyla, tüm bu çabalara karşı, “Sizi görüyoruz” mesajını net olarak vermiş oldu. 20 Eylül’de toplanan Milli Güvenlik Kurulu toplantısının ardından da Ege ve Akdeniz’deki gelişmelerin izlendiği ve Türkiye’nin çıkarlarını korumaya hazır olduğu MGK kararında vurgulanmıştı.


Amerika’nın Ege ve Akdeniz’de son dönemde yaptığı hamleler, Rusya’nın Akdeniz’in güneyine inmesini önleme amacını taşımakla birlikte bu işbirliklerinin tamamı Türkiye’nin attığı istenmeyen adımlara, Türkiye’nin Balkanlardaki gücüne karşı yapılıyor. Amerika, bu yöntemle, son dönemde ülke menfaatlerine göre hareket edip kendisinin çağrılarına uymayan AB ülkelerine karşı da Avrupalı bir ülkeyi yanına almak suretiyle mesaj veriyor. Halen Türkiye’nin güneydoğusunda PKK/PYD ile işbirliği yapan ve bu bölgeye silah ve cephane ile askeri araç, gereç, teçhizat yığan Amerika’nın son adımları, ikinci yığınaklanmayı da GKRY ve özellikle Yunanistan’a yapmayı planlıyor görüntüsünü veriyor. Milli güvenliği için ABD’nin çıkarlarını hiçe sayan Türkiye’nin adım atmasını engellemek üzere çevreleme politikası izleniyor.


ABD ile Yunanistan arasında askeri temasların yanı sıra enerji konulu temaslar da artmış durumda. ABD Enerji Bakan Yardımcısı Mark Menezes’in Yunanistan’ı ziyareti, bu kapsamda son dönemde yakından takip edilen önemli temaslar arasında. Menezes, Yunanistan’ın Avrupa kıtasıyla enerji, ekonomi ve güvenlikte çok daha güçlü bağlarının olmasını desteklediklerini vurgularken, bu ziyaretin EXXON mobil ve diğer Avrupa enerji şirketlerinin sondaj için Doğu Akdeniz’e gelmeleri öncesinde gerçekleşmesi de dikkat çekiyor. Selanik Uluslararası Fuarı çerçevesinde Yunanistan, İsrail, Sırbistan, Bulgaristan Enerji Bakanlarını ve ABD Enerji Bakan Yardımcısı’nın gerçekleştirdiği görüşmenin odak noktasında da Doğu Akdeniz yer almıştı. Bu görüşme trafiğinin ilerleyen yıllarda GKRY ve bazı diğer ülkelerin de katılımıyla devam edeceği Yunanistan’ın beklentileri arasında.


Yunanistan’ın olası oldubitti girişimlerine karşı Türk donanması Ege ve Doğu Akdeniz’de gövde gösterisi yaptı. FETÖ’den arındırıldıkça güçlenen Deniz Kuvvetleri’nin seçkin savaşçıları SAT’ların Doğu Akdeniz’de son yaptıkları eğitim tatbikatları, içeriği ve görüntüleriyle göz doldurdu.


7. Düşmanı çıldırtacak! Testleri geçti TSK’ya teslime hazır

Yerli ve milli imkanlarla geliştirilen KARGU Döner Kanatlı Vurucu İHA Sistemleri’nin kabul testleri başarıyla tamamlandı. İlk parti TSK’ya teslim için hazır hale getirildi.


σημαια ελλαδος σκιζει τουρκικη






