1. Ο Μακρόν, το αγαπημένο παιδί του Νο “1” των “Διεθνών Εβραίων”, Ρότσιλντ, ο κάποτε… “Μεγαλο-Ταμίας” τους, απέδειξε ότι δεν είναι μόνον “λίγος” για Πρόεδρος της Γαλλίας, αλλά και πολιτικά λίαν επικίνδυνος, για την παγκόσμιο ειρήνη και ασφάλεια!.. Γιατί;
Διότι… κατόρθωσε (sic): (Με τις αναρτήσεις στα δημόσια κτίρια της χώρας του, της γελοιογραφίας του “Σαρλί Εντό”, για τον Προφήτη Μωάμεθ)!
α. Να βάλλει ανοήτως και(!) θρησκευτικά την σημερινή ΙσλαμικήΤουρκία απέναντί του, καθώς το αυτό και με Ισλαμικές χώρες που, σήμερα ιδίως, παρουσιάζονται ως “αδέλφια” της, όπως πχ το Πακιστάν, το Α. Πακιστάν (Μπαγκλαντές) και το Κατάρ!
β.Να δώσει την ευκαιρία στον Δικτάτορα ΡΤΕ να το “παίξει” Προστάτης, … προαλειφόμενος Ηγέτης του Ισλαμικού Κόσμου, καθώς και συνεκτικός του ιστός ή κρίκος (διαλέξτε), ενός Ισλαμικού Κόσμου, ο οποίος σήμερα σπαράσσεται στο εσωτερικό του, (και μεταξύ των Δογμάτων του, αλλά και μεταξύ σεκτών – αιρέσεων, μέσα στα ίδια τα Δόγματα) παρουσιάζοντας ιστορικά και μετά από πολλούς αιώνες μεγάλες ρήξεις και χάσματα, ενώ ταυτόχρονα εμφανίζει και σημαντικότατη… έλλειψη ηγετικών προσωπικοτήτων!
γ. Να “ξεσηκώσει” εναντίον της Δύσεως (και κυρίως της Ευρώπης) και εκείνους ακόμα τους λαούς των αραβικών χωρών, που προσφάτως αναγνώρισαν το Ισραήλ (πχ Σ. Αραβία, Η.Α.Ε., κλπ) ή έχουν κάνει διάφορες συμφωνίες μαζί του (πχ Αίγυπτος), όπως ενεργειακές, στρατιωτικές και άλλες!..
δ. Να “ξεσηκώσει” εναντίον της Γαλλίας και της Δύσεως (και κυρίως της Ευρώπης) και όλους τους Μουσουλμάνους της Αφρικής, πλην βεβαίως αυτών που οι χώρες τους ήσαν κάποτε αποικίες της Γαλλίας!
ε. Να πολλαπλασιάσει, με την άκριτη πολιτικά στάση του, τις αντιδράσεις των Μουσουλμάνων μέσα στην ίδια του την χώρα, όπως βεβαίως και των Τούρκων που ζουν στην Γαλλία, οι οποίοι, όπως άλλωστε συμβαίνει παντού στην Ευρώπη, αλλά και στις Η.Π.Α., είναι οργανωμένοι και καθοδηγούμενοι κεντρικά από την ΜΙΤ, η οποία μάλιστα θυμίζω ότι έχει σοβαρότατες προσβάσεις στις ΜΥ της Γαλλίας, με αποτέλεσμα το τραγικό συμβάν “ΠΑΤΙ” να… “απλώσει” και πιθανώς να… “απλώσει” και περισσότερο! Έτσι ο Μακρόν ενεργοποίησε τις Γαλλικές ΕΔ!..
(Συνωμοσιολογικές, όπως τις αποκαλούν τα έμμισθα Όργανα της κυβερνώσας την ΕΕ “Παγκοσμιοποίησης” Και Μη)!
α. Ο Μακρόν, ο οποίος είναι και Γάλλος (καταλαβαίνετε το γιατί γράφω την εθνικότητά του νομίζω):
Δεν γνωρίζει ότι ΣΕΒΟΜΑΣΤΕ το θρησκευτικό ΠΙΣΤΕΥΩ των όποιων άλλων;
Δεν ξέρει ότι στις ελεύθερες δυτικές Δημοκρατίες, “η ελευθερία μας σταματά ή φτάνει μέχρι εκεί όπου δεν ενοχλεί τον διπλανό μας”;
Δεν ξέρει ότι στις ελεύθερες Δημοκρατίες της Δύσεως, “ελευθερία λόγου, εκφράσεως, κλπ, δεν σημαίνει ότι μπορούμε να υβρίζουμε με τις ενέργειές μας (με πράξεις ή λεκτικά), τους όποιους άλλους, με τους οποίους τυχαίνει να μην συμφωνούμε;
Αν “ναι” (100% “ναι”), πώς μπορεί να συμφωνεί λοιπόν με την προσβολή τους και να δίνει εντολή να αναρτώνται στα δημόσια κτίρια της Γαλλίας, προσβλητικές, “εν προκειμένω” για τον Μωάμεθ, αφίσες, σαν αυτήν του “Σαρλί Εντό”;
Δεν καταλαβαίνει ότι έτσι χάνει το δίκιο του, αλλά και πως παράλληλα προσβάλλει και την ίδια την κουλτούρα της Γαλλίας, ο λαός της οποίας, με την Επανάστασή του, κατά τον 19ο αι., έδωσε το αίμα του, κλπ, και(!) για τις θρησκευτικές ανθρώπινες ελευθερίες, πλην των άλλων, γεγονός που απετέλεσε την θρυαλλίδα για μια σειρά άλλων και μάλιστα αλυσιδωτών Επαναστάσεων στην ε/Ήπειρο, που άλλαξαν και τους λαούς της, αλλά σχεδόν και όλο τον Κόσμο;
Δεν καταλαβαίνει ότι έτσι θα απομονώσει τελείως την χώρα του από την τεράστια ισλαμική αγορά, προκαλώντας τεράστια ζημία στην Οικονομία της χώρας του;
Δεν καταλαβαίνει ότι έτσι απομονώνει περαιτέρω πολιτικά την χώρα του, απ’ τον λεγόμενο “Ισλαμικό Κόσμο”;
Είναι επομένως δυνατόν, επειδή ένας, δύο ή και περισσότεροι ανεγκέφαλοι και πιθανώς και “πληρωμένοι” ή ακόμα και φανατικοί της Θρησκείας, ό,τι θέλετε τέλος πάντων, ουσιαστικά όμως τρομοκράτες, οι οποίοι, επικαλούμενοι την Θρησκεία, δικαιολογούν εντός τους, ήτοι στο αρρωστημένο μυαλό τους, τις όποιες ανόσιες κτηνώδεις πράξεις τους, όπως είναι οι αποκεφαλισμοί και γενικώς οι δολοφονίες των ετερόδοξων, να αντιδρά κανείς και μάλιστα ένας Πρόεδρος μιας χώρας και μάλιστα μιας Γαλλίας, με τον τρόπο που αντέδρασε ο Κος Μακρόν, βάζοντάς τα ουσιαστικά με το ίδιο το Ισλάμ, πυροδοτώντας ο… ανόητος και νέους φόνους στην χώρα του, από άλλους, της αυτής… υφής με τον άρρωστο ψυχο-πνευματικά δολοφόνο – δήμιο του συμπατριώτη του Γ/Καθηγητού, Μουσουλμάνους, που είτε φέρουν πια την γαλλική υπηκοότητα, είτε απλώς ζουν στην Γαλλία, νομίμως ή παρανόμως, αλλά και πυροδοτώντας -λίαν πιθανώς- και έναν παγκόσμιο θρησκευτικό πόλεμο, (με ό,τι αυτός θα συνεπάγεται), όπως τον είχε περιγράψει ο πιθανώς ομόδοξός του Αμερικανός (“Διεθνής Εβραίος”)Σάμιουελ ΧΑΝΤΙΓΚΤΟΝ, στο περίφημο βιβλίο του “Η ΣΥΓΚΡΟΥΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΩΝ“;
β. Γεννάται λοιπόν το ερώτημα “ΓΙΑΤΙ Ο ΜΑΚΡΟΝ ΕΝΗΡΓΗΣΕ ΕΤΣΙ”(;), (αναρτώντας στα δημόσια κτίρια την προσβλητική αφίσα για τον Μωάμεθ, κλπ), ΑΝ ΔΕΧΘΟΥΜΕ ΒΕΒΑΙΩΣ ΟΤΙ ΔΕΝ(!) ΕΙΝΑΙ ΗΛΙΘΙΟΣ, ΟΠΟΤΕ Η ΑΠΑΝΤΗΣΗ ΤΟΤΕ ΘΑ ΗΤΑΝ ΚΑΙ ΕΥΚΟΛΗ ΚΑΙ ΧΡΟΝΙΚΑ ΓΡΗΓΟΡΗ!
“Πάμε” λοιπόν να… αναζητήσουμε μερικές πιθανές απαντήσεις!
(1) Πήρε εντολή από τα “Διεθνή Αφεντικά” του, τα οποία θέλουν πιθανώς έναν Παγκόσμιο Θρησκευτικό Πόλεμο,για λόγο ή λόγους που το μέλλον θα δείξει!..
(2)Πήρε εντολή να προσβάλλει έμμεσα και “εκ συμπαθείας” το Ισραήλ, με την βαθιά πατριωτική ηγεσία του οποίου είναι σήμερα εξοργισμένη η παγκόσμιος εξουσία των “Διεθνών Εβραίων”! Καταλαβαίνετε! (Έχουμε πει ότι δεν έχουν στόχο μόνον τον Τραμπ, απ’ τον οποίον έχασαν, 4 χρόνια τώρα, εκατοντάδες δις $ Η.Π.Α., μαζί με τους συνςεργάτες τους Κινέζους, αλλά και ο Ι/Π-Θ, Κος Β. Νετανιάχου)!
(3)Δεν γνωρίζει από ΙΣΛΑΜ “γρι” και κοινώς είναι από Ισλάμ… “Ινδιάνος”!..
(4) Οι σύμβουλοί του ομοίως δεν γνωρίζουν από Ισλάμ τίποτε ή είναι “εγκάθετοι” ή είναι “απρόσωποι”, ήτοι… “Μαλιστάκηδες”! Καταλάβατε!..
(5)Λόγω της τεράστιας αντιδράσεως που υπάρχει στην Γαλλία, από τους γνήσιους Γάλλους, για την στάση και συμπεριφορά των από κάθε γωνιά της Γης Μουσουλμάνων που ζουν στην Γαλλία, με αποτέλεσμα η Κα ΛΕΠΕΝ να παρουσιάζει υψηλότατα ποσοστά δημοφιλίας, λόγω των θέσεών της (καταλαβαίνετε), ο Μακρόν σκέφτηκε ή βρήκε την ευκαιρία να “κτυπήσει προσόντα” στον Γ/Λαό, δείχνοντας μια εικόνα του δήθεν… Πατριώτη, του δήθεν ανθρώπου που ίσως κατανόησε επιτέλους το πρόβλημα και που τελικά όμως στοχεύει και σε μια ακόμα Προεδρία, μην χάνοντας ψήφους από την στροφή των Γάλλων πολιτών στην… Λεπέν! Έτσι φέρθηκε, όπως φέρθηκε, και τελικά… “βγάζει” και τις ΕΔ στους δρόμους!
Γιατί άραγε;
Κινδυνεύει η Γαλλική Δημοκρατία και αν “ναι” από ποιούς;
Από την άλλη όμως, όπως λέμε, ο Μακρόν δεν αντιλαμβάνεται πως ο ίδιος, όταν “κατεβάζει” το Στρατό και αποφασίζει και ταυτόχρονο γενικό “ΛΟΚ ΝΤΑΟΥΝ”, για… λόγους υγείας του λαού του, “σκοτώνει” την “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ” στην Γαλλία, δίνοντας παράλληλα και αρνητικά παραδείγματα στις άλλες χώρες και όχι απαραίτητα μόνον σ’ αυτές της Ευρώπης;
Έχει πχ πληροφόρηση για ξεσηκωμό των Μουσουλμάνων στην χώρα του;
Έχει πληροφόρηση πχ για ξεσηκωμό άλλων, όπως πχ ακραίων δεξιών, κλπ, την ίδια στιγμή που ο δολοφόνος της Αβινιόν παρουσιάζεται να είναι μέλος τέτοιας Οργανώσεως;
Φοβήθηκε τους… “Γκρίζους Λύκους” της ΜΙΤ, που ζουν στην Γαλλία και βγήκαν να κυνηγήσουν Αρμένηδες; (Δεν θέλω να συνδυάσω την απόφαση για τον Στρατό, με την άλλη, χρονικά σχεδόν ταυτόχρονη, απόφασή του για 1 μήνα γενικό “ΛΟΚ ΝΤΑΟΥΝ” στην χώρα του, “ΛΟΚ ΝΤΑΟΥΝ”, που ξεκάθαρα στοχεύει τον ΤΡΑΜΠ και σας το είχαμε αναφέρει εμείς εδώ ότι θα γίνει από το 1ο ακόμα “ΛΟΚ ΝΤΑΟΥΝ”, θα το θυμάστε! “Πάτε” βρείτε τί γράφαμε και διαβάστε μας ξανά).
Θέλει μήπως έμμεσα ο Γ/Πρόεδρος να εκδικηθεί τα κίτρινα, και δεν ξέρω και εγώ τίνος χρώματα, … γιλέκα, που του… αναστάτωσαν την ζωή, εδώ και 2+ χρόνια;
(6)Νόμισε ότι πράττοντας έτσι θα μπορούσε να φανεί ο(!!!) Ευρωπαίος ηγέτης, γνωρίζοντας ότι προβλήματα με τους Μουσουλμάνους αντιμετωπίζουν, άλλη λίγο, άλλη πολύ ή… πιο πολύ, όλες οι χώρες της ΕΕ, την ίδια στιγμή που η άτυπη… αντίπαλός του, ορισμένη Π-Θ της Ευρώπης Μέρκελ, κάνει μέχρι και βρώμικες συμφωνίες με Κράτη – Μέλη, για το τί είδους* Μουσουλμάνους θα δέχεται η Γερμανία, αλλά και που πάλι δεν αποφεύγει, ούτε αυτή ισλαμικές / τζιχαντιστικές επιθέσεις στην χώρα της;
* Είναι πχ αλήθεια Κα Μέρκελ και Κε Τσίπρα, ότι διαλεγμένοι απ’ τους Γερμανούς Πακιστανοί πάνε, ως… Έλληνες (sic), απ’ ευθείας απ’ το Πακιστάν στα ε/Προξενεία της Γερμανίας και απ’ εκεί προωθούνται στην γ/αγορά εργασίας;
(7) Μήπως ο Μακρόν φοβήθηκε για την υγεία της συζύγου του, η οποία μας είπαν πως προσεβλήθη από “ΚΟΡΩΝΟΪΟ-19” και από την μεγάλη αγάπη του στην γυναίκα του – μαμά και δασκάλα του, “έχασε την μπάλα” πνευματικά, λειτουργώντας παρορμητικά και “εν θερμώ”; (Ξεπεράστε το παρόν ως… άνοστο αστείο)!..
(8)Κάτι άλλο, το οποίο δεν είναι δυνατόν να εκτιμηθεί από τώρα, όπως πχ μια λίαν πιθανώς υπερβολική ΟΙΗΣΗ του Μακρόν, ΟΙΗΣΗ που δημιουργεί σε “μη καλλιεργημένα άτομα” η… ΣΕΙΡΗΝΑ ΕΞΟΥΣΙΑ, όπως έλεγε και ο Πλούταρχος, με την περίφημη ρήση του: “Δεν υπάρχει αγριότερο θηρίο από τον άνθρωπο, όταν κατέχει δύναμη ίση με το πάθος του”; (Αυτό “πιάνει” και εσένα Κε… “Σόρος-Τσίπρα”)!..
1.Τέτοιοι “με το ζόρι” πολιτικοί (ο άνθρωπος… “Ταμίας Τραπέζης” ήταν) και ουσιαστικά τέτοια “Όργανα – Πιόνια” της “Παγκοσμιοποιήσεως”, σαν τον Μακρόν, είναι ΕΠΙΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΙ και για τις χώρες τους, αλλά και ομοίως ΕΠΙΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΙ ευρύτερα για την ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΟ ΕΙΡΗΝΗ και ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑ, επικινδυνότητα που αυξάνει / μεγαλώνει τόσο, όσο μεγαλύτερο είναι το ειδικό βάρος των χωρών που έχουν στην εξουσία τους τέτοια άτομα!..
2.Βιάστηκε πολύ ο Ε/Π-Θ να ταυτιστεί με τον Γ/Πρόεδρο, (ίσως παρασυρθείς από μερίδα λοιπών Ευρωπαίων Π-Θ), μη σκεπτόμενος την έκφραση μιας μέσης και συνεπώς ισόρρροπης τοποθετήσεώς του, (όπως μέχρι τώρα μας έχει… συνηθίσει), σε όσα εσχάτως έλαβαν χώρα στην Γαλλία! (Κε Ντόκε τί έγινε, πού ήσουν); Με την στάση της η Κα Μπακογιάννη παρουσίασε μια άλλη εικόνα, προφανώς την ορθή, αλλ’ όμως η Κα Μπακογιάννη δεν είναι… Π-Θ!..
3. Από πουθενά δεν προκύπτει ότι η ΕΛΛΑΔΑ κερδίζει με την κόντρα Γαλλίας – Τουρκίας (ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ, ΣΤΗΝ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΥΤΙΚΗ ΤΗΣ ΠΡΟΒΟΛΗ) και κυρίως με την προϊούσα κόντρα Γαλλίας – … ΙΣΛΑΜ! Θα υπεστήριζα, “ΑΝΤΙΘΕΤΩΣ”, αφού η ΕΛΛΑΣ είναι Κράτος ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΟ, με ό,τι αυτό συνεπάγεται, αλλά και διότι στο έδαφός του έχουν, από το 1990 και μέχρι σήμερα, εισρεύσει εκατομμύρια Μουσουλμάνων, η μεγάλη πλειοψηφία των οποίων είναι ΜΙΣΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ, όπως Μουσουλμάνοι Αλβανοί, Τούρκοι, Σκοπιανοί, Αφγανοί, Ιρακινοί, Ιρανοί, Σύροι, Πακιστανοί, Σομαλοί, Αιγύπτιοι, κλπ, ικανός αριθμός Τζιχαντιστών, κλπ!
4. Σίγουρα η Γαλλία αύξησε γενικώς(!) το υπάρχον πρόβλημά της με τους Μουσουλμάνους, με αποτέλεσμα να αυξηθεί και το υφιστάμενο πρόβλημα ασφαλείας για τους Γάλλους πολίτες! Τονίζεται και πάλι ότι το Παρίσι είναι Νο “1” στόχος του ΙΣΛΑΜΙΚΟΥΡΙΖΟΣΠΑΣΤΙΣΜΟΥ, ήτοι του παγκόσμιου “Τζιχάντ”!.. (Όπως και η ΝΥ/Η.Π.Α.)!..
5.Ο μη πολιτικός Μακρόν χρήζει λοιπόν, αν όχι μιας ψυχιατρικής εξετάσεως, όπως είπε ο αποδεδειγμένα Ψυχασθενής ΡΤΕ, σίγουρα ενός ελέγχου από έναν Ψυχολόγο, ώστε να γίνει έτσι τουλάχιστον μια προσπάθεια να εξηγηθεί το ανεξήγητον της στάσεώς του, μετά την εκτέλεση του Καθηγητή ΠΑΤΙ (Η εξομοίωσή του δηλαδή με τους Ισλαμιστές και ακόμα χειρότερα, με ενέργειές του σαν αυτήν της αναρτήσεως στα δημόσια κτίρια της Γαλλίας, της προσβλητικής για τον άνθρωπο – σύμβολο μιας ολόκληρης Θρησκείας, τον Μωάμεθ)!..
ΤΟ “ΣΑΪΤ” μας είχε τοποθετηθεί σχετικά με τον Πρόεδρο Μακρόν, από της εκλογής του ακόμα! Μπορείτε να ανατρέξετε και να βρείτε την άποψή μας γι΄αυτόν!..
6.Αν συνεχιστούν συμπεριφορές σαν αυτή του Μακρόν, τότε ανατέλλει ένα μείζον ευρύτερο πρόβλημα μεταξύ της Χριστιανικής Δύσεως και του Ισλαμικού Κόσμου, πρόβλημα σε θρησκευτική βάση, που θα πρέπει να “σβηστεί” άμεσα ΤΩΡΑ(!), ώστε να μην μετατραπεί, εκ των πραγμάτων, σε πολιτικό και κυρίως σε στρατιωτικό, με 1ο αποδέκτη το ΝΑΤΟ, το οποίο φιλοδοξεί -και ορθώς- να “απλωθεί” και πέραν των σημερινών του επιχειρησιακών ορίων!
ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΣΥΜΠΕΡΑΣΜΑ (Σε μια… Φαντασιακή Σφαίρα)!..
Εγκλήματα / Τερατουργήματα Κομμουνιστών (Κόκκινων Φασιστών): Ιδού ένας από τους μεγαλύτερους σφαγείς του ΚΚΕ, ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα καθάρματά του!
Φωτογραφία η οποία εμφανίζει έναν από τους μεγαλύτερους σφαγείς του ΚΚΕ και κατά επάγγελμα “ορισθέντα” δήμιο τουΕΛΑΣ, (ήσαν 100άδες αυτοί), κατά την περίοδο των ‘’Δεκεμβριανών 1944-1945’’ στην Αθήνα, τον Στέφανο Λιόλιο, να οδηγείται πλέον σιδηροδέσμιος, το 1945, με αυστηρά μέτρα φύλαξης, για να μην λιντσαριστεί από τους συγγενείς των θυμάτων που δολοφόνησε, στην περιοχή όπου βρίσκονταν τα τότε διϋλιστήρια της “ΟΥΛΕΝ”, για αναπαράσταση του τρόπου εκτελέσεως των θυμάτων, τόσο από τον ίδιο, όσο και από τους συνεργούς του, κατόπιν της εντολής που είχαν πάρει από την ηγεσία του ΚΚΕ και του ΕΛΑΣ.
Ο ίδιος, στην αναπαράσταση, διευκρίνισε πως εκτέλεσε τουλάχιστον 150 άτομα, καθώς μετά από κάποιο σημείο έπαψε να μετράει, ενώ στην αναπαράσταση είπε πως τα υποψήφια θύματα τα έβαζε σε μία ευθεία και τα διέταζε να γδυθούν, είτε ήσαν άντρες, είτε γυναίκες, ενώ στην συνέχεια τους έβαζε να γονατίζουν και τους διέταζε να τοποθετούν τα κεφάλια τους πάνω σε πέτρες.
Στην συνέχεια περνούσε πάνω από το κάθε θύμα και το εκτελούσε με τσεκούρι, καθώς είχε δοθεί εντολή από τον ΕΛΑΣ, για λόγους οικονομίας πυρομαχικών, οι εκτελέσεις να γίνονται δια ροπάλου, μαχαιριών και αιχμηρών αντικειμένων.
Ο συγκεκριμένος Φονιάς επέλεγε το τσεκούρι, και έτσι κτυπούσε τα θύματά του στο κεφάλι, όταν επρόκειτο όμως να εκτελέσει στέλεχος των Σωμάτων Ασφαλείας και των Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων το κτύπημα δεν ήταν ακαριαίο προκειμένου το θύμα να υποφέρει. Όταν ο ίδιος κουραζόταν συνέχιζαν το έργο του οι δύο συνεργάτες του Φονιάδες Τζογανάκος και Μακαρόνας, οι οποίοι αυτοί χρησιμοποιούσαν αιχμηρά αντικείμενα.”
3. Ο ρε και να γίνει κανένα… θαύμα (αφού οι “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟΙ” με τα φερέφωνά τους μας λένε συνεχώς ότι προηγείται στις προτιμήσεις των Αμερικανών, ο έχων προχωρημένο “ΑΛΤΣΧΑΪΜΕΡ” “Κοιμήσης Τζο”), και να βγει και πάλι ο ΤΡΑΜΠ! Θα ήθελα να δω τότε κάτι ξεφτίλες… “Αμερικανούς” εδώ στην Ελλάδα, άτομα, Κόμματα και Κανάλια, πουλημένα τομάρια των σχεδόν… “ΣΥΡΙΖΑΙΩΝ” των Η.Π.Α.,… “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ”, το πώς θα αντιδράσουν και τί θα λένε, όπως πχ ο Πορτοσάλτε, ο Οικονόμου, η Αναστασοπούλου, ο Καιρίδης, ο Φίλης, ο Βαρουφάκης, όλος ο “ΣΟΡΟΣ-ΣΥΡΙΖΑ”, κλπ!
Trump arayı kapatıyor
ABD’deki seçimlerin kaderini, her dönem Demokratlar ve Cumhuriyetçiler arasında gidip gelen ve “salıncak eyalet” olarak nitelendirilen eyaletler belirleyecek. Bu eyaletlerde yakın zamana kadar Donald Trump ile Joe Biden arasında, Biden lehine olan fark hızla kapanıyor. Trump’ın seçim çalışmalarını yoğunlaştırmasının ardından Florida gibi kritik eyaletlerde fark Trump lehine değişti ya da azalmaya başladı.
ABD’de 3 Kasım’da yapılacak başkanlık seçimlerine 5 gün kala ulusal çaptaki anketlerde, eski Başkan Yardımcısı ve Demokrat Başkan Adayı Joe Biden, rakibi mevcut Başkan Cumhuriyetçi Donald Trump’ın 7,2 puan önünde görünüyor. Siyasi analiz sitesi “Real Clear Politics”in derlediği güncel anketlere göre, yapılan birçok ulusal anketin ortalaması alındığında Biden’ın, Trump’ın 7,2 puan önünde olduğu görülüyor. Pazartesi günkü anketlerde Biden’ın 7,9 puan önde olduğu dikkate alındığında, Trump’ın rakibi ile arayı kapattığı görülüyor. ABD Başkanı’nın özellikle seçimin kaderini berlileyecek “Salıncak eyalet (swing state)” olarak nitelendirilen bölgelerde rakibiyle arasındaki farkı hızla erittiği belirlendi.
En kritik eyaletlerin başında gelen 29 delegeli Florida’da, Biden 26 Ekim Pazartesi günü Trump’ın 1,5 puan önündeyken, bugün bakıldığında Trump’ın rakibine karşı 0,4 puan avantaj elde ettiği görülüyor. Florida, ABD Başkanlık seçimlerinde delege sayısı nedeniyle dengeleri değiştirme özelliğine sahip. Pennsylvania’da pazartesi günkü anketlerde, Trump’ın 5,3 puan önünde olan Biden’ın şu anda 3,8 puan üstünlüğü bulunuyor.
Ayrıca pazartesi günü Biden’ın 1,2 puan önde olduğu Kuzey Carolina’da fark 0,7’ye gerilerken, Arizona’da Biden 2,4 puan üstünlüğünü korudu. Anketlere göre Biden, Michigan ve Wisconsin’de arayı açmayı sürdürüyor. Biden, pazartesi günü 8,1 puan önde olduğu Michigan’da şu anda 8,7, 5,4 puan önde olduğu Wisconsin’de ise şu anda 7,8 puan önde.
Öte yandan Trump, Facebook, Twitter ve Google gibi büyük teknoloji firmalarını, Demokrat başkan adayı Joe Biden’ın yolsuzluklarını saklamakla suçladı. Trump, Twitter hesabından yayımladığı video mesajda, uzun zamandır Facebook, Twitter ve Google gibi büyük teknoloji firmalarının ne kadar güçlü olduğuna dair duyumlar aldığını söyledi. Trump, bu şirketlerin her zaman kendisinin karşısında olduğunu iddia etti. Trump bir noktada belki de teknoloji şirketlerinin durdurulması gerektiğini savunarak “Bu şirketler, elinizden haklarınızı alıyor” ifadesini kullandı.
Biden oyunu kullandı
ABD’de Başkanlık için yarışan Demokrat aday Joe Biden, Deleware eyaletinde oyunu kullandı. ABD’de Başkanlık seçimlerinde Demokrat Parti’nin Başkan Adayı Joe Biden, rakibi Donald Trump gibi erken oy kullandı. Biden, eşi Jill Biden ile birlikte ikamet adresinin bulunduğu Deleware eyaletinde sandık başına gitti. Mevcut Başkan Trump ise oyunu 24 Ekim’de Florida eyaletine bağlı West Palm Beach şehrinde bulunan bir kütüphanede kullanmıştı.
Köstebek ortaya çıktı
Öte yandan ABD Başkanı Donald Trump aleyhine 2018’de New York Times (NYT) gazetesinde bir makale yazan ve ardından “Uyarı” isimli bir kitap çıkaran Beyaz Saray’daki köstebek, eski İç Güvenlik Bakanlığı Özel Kalem Müdürü Miles Taylor çıktı. Taylor, yayımladığı “Neden artık anonim değilim?” başlıklı yazıyla, Amerikan kamuoyunda “Anonim” lakabıyla bilinen yazarın kendisi olduğunu duyurdu. Taylor’ın açıklamasına Beyaz Saray Sözcüsü Kayleigh McEnany, “Bilgi sızdırmayı tercih eden bir yalancı ve korkak” değerlendirmesinde bulundu.
Sosyal medyaya yaylım ateşi
ABD’de Cumhuriyetçi senatörler, sosyal medya ve teknoloji platformları Facebook, Twitter ve Google’ı siyasi içerikleri Demokrat Parti lehine sansürlemekle suçlayarak, tepe yönetcileri adeta yaylım ateşine tuttu. Facebook’un kurucusu Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter’ın kurucusu Jack Dorsey ve Google’ın CEO’su Sundar Pichai, Senato Ticaret, Bilim ve Ulaşım Komitesi tarafından düzenlenen oturumda senatörlerin sorularını yanıtladı. Özellikle Google ve Twitter’a tepki gösteren Cumhuriyetçi senatörler, Pichai ve Dorsey’i seçim sürecini Demokrat Parti ve başkan adayı Joe Biden lehine kararlar alarak manipüle etmekle suçladı.
Yeni Şafak
PM Netanyahu (R)and U.S. Ambassador David Friedmansign agreements to further binational scientific and technological cooperation in a special ceremony held at Ariel University on October 28, 2020. (US Embassy)
Israel-US Sign Agreement Extending Cooperation to Judea, Samaria and Golan
Oct 28, 2020
Change in U.S. foreign policy will see millions invested in new areas.
By Yakir Benzion, United With Israel
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman signed an extension of the Israel-U.S. scientific cooperation agreement Wednesday that allows U.S. funding to apply to research being undertaken in Judea, Samaria and the Golan Heights.
Signed at special ceremony held at Ariel University in Samaria, the two agreements will further bi-national scientific and technological cooperation in the fields of medicine, renewable energy, water, communications, agriculture, homeland security, and many other technology sectors.
“The fact that we are signing agreements here today is of huge significance,” Netanyahu said. “It’s a demonstration first of your commitment, Ambassador Friedman, and the commitment of President Trump.”
Netanyahu said Israel could not have reached the successful stage it was now at without solid American support.
“President Trump’s successful approach to bringing peace to our region has helped Israel achieve three new peace agreements: with the Emirates, with Bahrain and with Sudan,” Netanyahu said. “President Trump and his team deserve praise for helping to facilitate these agreements. We’ve worked on them for many years in silent, covert contacts, and some open, but it would not have happened without the full engagement of the president and his team,” .
The prime minister pointed out that Trump’s moves went in the face of old thinking that progress with Israel would “destroy the chances of peace,” yet the moving of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and American recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights have proven the naysayers wrong.
“When the president declared that our Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria are not illegal under international law, a theme advanced by, an observation and a decision advanced by Secretary Pompeo, once again the naysayers claimed that this would destroy the chances of peace,” Netanyahu said.
“By rejecting the failed mantras of the past … I think the Trump vision also put forward something else that we see today. It opens Judea and Samaria to academic, commercial and scientific engagement with the United States. This is an important victory against all those who seek to delegitimize everything Israeli beyond the 1967 lines,” Netanyahu pointed out, calling the signing “a victory against all of the organizations and countries that boycott Judea and Samaria.”
“We will not stop taking action so that the entire area will prosper and flourish. The scientific cooperation agreement is especially important at this time, when we are dealing with the coronavirus,” he said, referring to the economic damage resulting from the pandemic.
Neo-Nazis celebrate 2nd anniversary of Pittsburgh synagogue massacre
A Telegram channel’s post showing the perpetrator of the anti-Semitic attack in Pittsburgh. (MEMRI Domestic Terrorism Threat Monitor)
Among neo-Nazis’ celebratory posts on Telegram is a rap video honoring accused perpetrator Robert Bowers.
Neo-Nazis are using the platform Telegram to celebrate the second anniversary of the 2018 attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania—in which 11 worshippers were killed and seven wounded—the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported on Tuesday.
Among the celebratory posts is a rap video titled “[redacted] ft. Robert Bowers—Spinning Dreidels,” referring to the accused perpetrator of the attack. The video includes a threat to Migration Policy Institute cofounder and Board of Trustees member Kathleen Newland.
“Kathleen Newland head of Migration Policy Institute, a Washington D.C.-based think tank, she’ll be drawing a blank without half her brain. … I’m shooting at these p****y kikes ’til I’m shooting blanks, I found your address in the white pages bitch,” it says.
According to MEMRI’s Domestic Terrorism Threat Monitor, one neo-Nazi Telegram channel posted: “Happy screw your optics day! Heil Saint Bowers.”
“Screw your optics, I’m going in” was Bower’s last post on Gab prior to the attack.
Another channel posted an image of Bowers behind bars, with the text “POW KIA my head is bloody, but unbowed” and a swastika.
7. Γιατί είναι… “provokasyon“, ρε Τούρκοι; Εσείς που “βγάζετε” συνεχώς όπλα, κλπ, δεν είναι… “provokasyon“;
Yunanistan’dan yeni provokasyon: 115 milyon euroluk askeri harcama
Doğu Akdeniz’de gerilimi tırmandıran Yunanistan’ın Milli Güvenlik Hükümet Konseyi (KYSEA) “115 milyon euro değerinde denizaltılarına karşı geliştirilen 32 torpido tedariki için onay verdiği belirtildi.
Doğu Akdeniz‘deki gerilimin mimarı olan Yunanistan, içinde bulunduğu ekonomik zorluğa karşılık askeri yatırımlarını artırmaya devam ediyor. Özellikle Adalar ve Doğu Akdeniz’de Türkiye‘nin haklarını gasbetmek için her türlü provokasyona başvuran Yunanistan, bölgedeki gerilimin artmasına neden olabilecek yeni bir hamleye imza atıyor.
Doğu Akdeniz’de Fransa’nın da desteğini alarak Türkiye’nin bölgedeki meşru varlığını görmezden gelen ve her fırsatta gerilimi tırmandırmanın peşinde koşan Yunanistan’ın Milli Güvenlik Hükümet Konseyi (KYSEA) “115 milyon euro değerinde denizaltılarına karşı geliştirilen 32 torpido tedariki için onay verdi. Yunanistan Başbakanı Kiriakos Miçotakis’in açıklamayı, dünkü SUDA Üssü’nde “Kaçonis” denizaltısını ziyareti sırasında personel ile yapılan sohbet sırasında yaptığı kaydedildi.
Miçotakis Almanya’dan satın alınacak olan torpidolarla ilgili şunları söyledi: “Silahlı Kuvvetleri uygulamada güçlendirmeye karar verdik. Bu, özellikle denizaltılar olarak, karşı önlem altyapısını güçlendirmek anlamına geliyor. Tabii ki bu da operasyonel yeteneklerden tam olarak yararlanabilmeniz için ihtiyacınız olan ağır tip torpidolarını da en kısa sürede elde etmek anlamına geliyor. Almanya’da üretilen 36 DM-2A4 ağır tip torpidolardan bahsediyoruz. Ayrıca 1988’den beri Denizaltı Komutanlığı’na ait eski SUT torpidoların modernizasyonu da gerçekleştirilecek.”Öte yandan, Alman firması ile sözleşmenin 2020 sonu veya 2021 başında tamamlanması beklendiği kaydedildi.
MİT tırları davasında karar
MİT tırlarının durdurulması davasında yargılanan 27 sanık 1 yıl 10 ay 15 gün ile ağırlaştırılmış müebbet arasında değişen hapis cezasına çarptırıldı.
MİT tırları, 1 Ocak 2014’te Hatay’ın Kırıkhan ilçesinde, 19 Ocak 2014’te ise Adana’nın Ceyhan ilçesinde durdurulmuştu.
Tırların durdurulması ve arama işlemlerini organize ettikleri gerekçesiyle FETÖ/PDY’nin 11 “sivil imamı” ile eski bir tuğgeneralin de aralarında bulunduğu 55 sanık hakkında açılan ve duruşmaları kapalı görülen davayla ilgili İstanbul 14. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesince yetkisizlik kararı verilerek dosya, Adana’ya gönderilmişti.
Adana 13. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi, ara kararıyla bazı sanıkların tahliyesine, bazı sanıkların da dosyasının ayrılmasına hükmetmişti.
The Police Defunding Foundation Behind Kamala Harris
“We must work for real systemic change to disempower law enforcement.”
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
Last month, the Akonadi Foundation was touting “occupations” of houses by the activists it backs. The “occupations” were said to “reclaim” the houses from real estate “speculators”.
The hypocrisy was obvious considering that the foundation is the project of Quinn Delaney and Wayne Jordan. Jordan is a major real estate developer and Democrat donor. The lefty power couple have their own multi-million dollar places in Piedmont and Manhattan.
Quite a few homeless people could be housed there if they were occupied and reclaimed.
Not only do Jordan and Delaney enjoy the good life, but their son, aspiring rapper TMG Fresh, bought an $8 million mansion in Beverly Hills, while their other son bought Demi Lovato’s $8.25 million mansion in the Hollywood Hills. While Jordan is black, TMG Fresh looks like a white kid playing dress-up, giving life to the rumors that his real father was Playboy tycoon Hugh Hefner.
And while the Akonadi Foundation spends a lot of time on pro-crime “criminal justice reform”, that didn’t stop TMG Fresh from being robbed of money and jewelry outside his gated home.
Jordan and Delaney came on the scene along with Obama. The lefty power couple were among his earliest big fundraisers in California and before long Jordan had become one of Obama’s biggest fundraisers. They also poured between $500,000 and $750,000 into his foundation.
By Obama’s second term, Jordan and Delaney were being ranked as the fourth biggest political donors in the Bay Area ahead of Jonathan Soros, the son of the radical Hungarian billionaire.
Jordan and his wife, Delaney, a former board member of the Tides Foundation and the ACLU of Northern California, were radicals, but they were also smart investors in business and politics.
When their PAC, People Standing Strong, threw $1 million into funding an ad campaign in Iowa for Kamala Harris that never aired because she dropped out, there was mocking laughter.
But the rival Democrat donors aren’t laughing now.
Just like with Obama, they had gotten in on the ground floor. And the close ties of the leftist power couple with Kamala go beyond being major donors to her political ambitions.
When Maya Harris, Kamala’s sister and a close advisor, was chosen to head the ACLU of Northern California, Delaney made the announcement as the chair of its board of directors.
The head of the Akonadi Foundation, Lateefah Simon, is a close friend of Kamala’s. The two women have campaigned for each other and Kamala has been described as Lateefah’s mentor.
Delaney and Jordan don’t just donate to candidates: they finance radical leftist causes.
Proposition 16, the push to legalize racial discrimination using affirmative action in California, was financed by millions of dollars from them.
But their biggest vehicle was the Akonadi Foundation named after an African goddess.
Fueled by critical race theory, the Akonadi Foundation declared that it was out to stop “structural racism” which it defined as the “privileges associated with whiteness”.
Quinn Delaney is white. Her son, TMG Fresh, enjoys a privilege that not only includes two mansions, but also blonde cornrows, and rapping, “let me give you some advice, it might just save your life” and “that’s called cappin where I’m from”.
Where he’s from is a suburban mansion in the Bay Area where they call that appropriation.
But the Akonadi Foundation has poured millions into pro-crime projects, critical race theory agitprop, and radical Marxist groups interlinked with the racist Black Lives Matter movement.
Akonadi boss Lateefah Simon is not only closely connected to Kamala, but she also serves as an advisor to Governor Newsom. And Newsom appointed her to a task force on “police reform”.
Simon, who also serves as BART’s board president, pushed a move to defund the police by shifting money from officers on the transit system to “unarmed ambassadors”. When her attacks on police officers were criticised, she falsely accused a board director of racism.
The leftist has described the Black Lives Matter riots as “global uprisings”.
The Akonadi foundation celebrated a move to “completely defund, dismantle, and terminate the Oakland School Police Department”.
But the Akonadi Foundation also dabbles in all sorts of radicalism. It’s militantly opposed to immigration enforcement against illegal aliens, it has fought against cooperation between police and ICE that saves lives by stopping killers, and it champions, what it calls, “freedom cities”.
The anti-Israel Oakland Palestine Solidarity Mural was partly funded by the Akonadi Foundation. The mural, demonizing Israel, was a project of the Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) which has called for the destruction of the Jewish State. An Akonadi tweet promoted Jana Jihad’s attacks on Israel and the foundation has funded Nakba events.
All of this provides a glimpse of the radical ideology fueling one of Kamala’s biggest backers.
“We must work for real systemic change to disempower law enforcement,” Quinn Delaney wrote while claiming that the police had killed “thousands of black people”.
Quinn Delaney had contributed $1 million to the Kamala Harris PAC. But Jordan and Delaney were already in on the ground floor of Kamala Inc. The leftist couple had the largest listed donation to her campaign for Attorney General in 2010. Delaney and Jordan maxed out their donations to Kamala’s Senate race and they’re still donating to her Senate fund.
Like Steve Jobs’ wife and TV hack Chuck Lorre, the duo are longtime Harris supporters who go way back with her, but unlike them, they have a very specific, focused, and dangerous agenda.
If Biden wins the election, there is little doubt that Lateefah Simon and other Akonadi veterans would have a role in the White House, in the Justice Department, and across federal agencies.
A Biden-Harris administration or, as Joe Biden occasionally puts it, a Harris-Biden administration, would allow the radicals at Akonadi to push the pro-crime policies that they have advanced in California across the country making streets and communities into killing fields.
2020 is not just an election year. It’s the year in which pro-crime activists and black nationalists sent the country into a horrifying nightmare of violence and terror, riots, looting, and murder, bringing entire cities to their knees, while wiping out the hopes and dreams of millions.
The Bay Area, which birthed the political power of both Kamala Harris and her radical donors, is rapidly becoming a template for how to make formerly great cities unlivable in every way. If Kamala Harris gets into the White House, so does the Akonadi Foundation and its agendas.
And then police defunding will stop being a marginal cause and become a national agenda.
The Truth About Obiden
The truth and reconciliation commission we really need.
“When this nightmare is over,” tweeted Robert Reich, “we need a truth and reconciliation commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.” The diminutive Clinton-Obama retread, with a JD from Yale, was expanding on an idea from MSNBC mouthpiece Chris Hayes.
He accused people who don’t take face masks seriously of “getting people killed,” and “the most humane and reasonable way to dealt with all those people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.” Back in 2018, Hayes’ colleague Donnie Deutsch proclaimed that Trump voters were “like Nazis” and “If you vote for Trump, you’re the bad guy.”
The Democrats’ truth and reconciliation commission would be a series of Stalinist show trials, designed to make all Trump supporters non-persons, by any means necessary. This threat obscures the need for a real truth commission to look at actual lies, obstructions and deceptions. A good place to start would be the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
That was a convenient place to conduct gain of function research the National Institutes of Health banned in 2014 because of the prospect that a manipulated virus could escape the lab. The NIH sent more than $7 million to the Wuhan lab including $3.7 million in 2019. Spending U.S. taxpayer dollars calls for public accountability, but Dr. Anthony Fauci has been evasive about China’s role in the release of the coronavirus. A truth commission could find out what Fauci knew and when he knew it, and also have a chat with Nancy Messonnier of the CDC.
In February, when a reporter asked if China had been telling the truth, Dr. Messonnier deferred to the World Health Organization, a publicity agent for China’s Communist dictatorship. A truth commission could find out what Messonnier knew, when she knew it, and why she declined to answer a legitimate question.
Like Fauci, Messonnier’s bio shows no advanced degrees in molecular or cell biology, which one would expect of a virologist. The CDC does reveal that Dr. Messonnier began her career with the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service which according to its defenders “works day and night domestically and globally to ensure epidemics in other countries do not hit American soil.”
A truth commission could find out what the EIS knew, when they knew it, and why they failed to prevent the Wuhan virus from arriving on American soil and causing such damage and death across America. Did anybody in the EIS, CDC or NIH perhaps lose their job over this massive failure? The truth commission could provide answers for the American people, still in the dark on many other matters.
Hunter Biden’s laptop reveals that the “Big Guy,” got a piece of the action from Hunter’s ventures in Ukraine, China and elsewhere. As it turns out, the FBI also had this same laptop, so why did they not reveal the contents when Democrats were trying to take down Trump over a phone call? A truth commission could get to the bottom of it, and maybe enlighten the public on another batch of emails.
Former First Lady Hillary Clinton, the Democrats’ presidential candidate in 2016, had more than 30,000 emails that legislators wanted to see. Clinton’s demolition crew bleached them out and smashed up the devices. Clinton violated several laws but FBI boss James Comey said no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges. A truth commission could see if the NSC has copies, since they can read everybody’s emails. Hillary’s would doubtless prove enlightening.
She was so concerned about the emails, our intelligence committee has told us, that she launched a scheme to spy on candidate Trump and smear him as a puppet of Putin. A truth commission could get to the bottom of that and fully expose the Crossfire Hurricane operation against President Trump. That done, they could turn to lingering mysteries about POTUS 44.
From David Garrow’s Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, the people know that Dreams from My Father, Obama’s founding narrative, is “without question,” a novel, and the author a “composite character.” On the other hand, many of the composite character’s records remain locked down.
In 2008, the State Department fired some contractors who looked into candidate Obama’s passport file, which contains key biographical information and reveals how the holder has traveled abroad. In 1981, the future president traveled to Pakistan after visiting relatives in Indonesia. It would be interesting to see the passport records on that trip, but a powerful senator found that troubling.
“I am deeply troubled that State Department contract employees sought access to Sen. Barack Obama’s passport files,” said Sen. Joe Biden, at the time head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The Delaware Democrat became Obama’s vice president and now wants to be president of the United States, the most powerful man in the world, with Obama campaigning on his behalf.
A truth commission could tap Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to reveal the passport files. That would settle the matter, and a lot more. After all, the American people have a right to know the whole truth about all their presidents, particularly the one formerly known as Barry Soetoro. So as Obama advisor Robert Reich put it, bring on “every politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”
The Ideological Stripe of Covid-19
An accelerant on all things the average Cultural Marxist holds dear.
For some time I had been struggling with a conundrum: Why is it that Covid breaks down, more or less precisely into an ideological divide? This had been clear for a while in a kind of white-of-the-eye way before I began really to focus on it. Then it struck me: Had a ‘pandemic’ occurred when I was a feature writer and reporter with Irish newspapers about 20 years ago, I could not imagine attending editorial conferences in which the matter would be discussed as though implicitly a left-right question, or that the attitude towards it of those assembled for daily or weekly conferences would be predictable on that basis. Yet, this is more or less what has emerged.
From reports all over the world, it seems an almost universal principle that ‘conservative’ and ‘right wing’ interests, groupings and individuals are opposed to lockdown, and ‘left-wingers’ in favour of it. And this means that lefties are Covid believers, whereas conservatives tend more to be sceptics. In the United States, the pro-lockdown governors and mayors have all but invariably been Dems. The sceptics tend to be Republicans or ‘alt-right’ (whatever that is) bloggers and vloggers. Likewise, across Europe, the governments locking their peoples down most viciously and for long periods are those led by socialist parties, whereas the more relaxed countries — Sweden, a special case, aside — tend to be led by parties of the populist right. We have come to take this situation for granted, as though the reasons for it are self-evident. But, actually, there are not in the least clear. If Covid is, as many authorities insist, a health issue, why would it automatically break down in this manner? Why is the attitude of your neighbour predictable on political grounds? Why does someone’s attitude to Covid predict so much else about him?
In part, I believe, it is because from the start there was this strong undercurrent that Covid was about something other than health. Almost nobody was — is, even — quite certain what the subtext is, but for some unaccountable reason almost everyone senses that it has something to do with the way the world has been breaking open in recent times, especially in the past five years or so, in ways that have been variously and exhaustively described and parsed, but really seem to boil down to a divide between people who have their showers in the evening and people who have them in the morning.
It may also, as with so many things these days, have something to do with Donald Trump. Although he moved with alacrity at the end of January to close down access to America from China, he was from the beginning a sceptic of the lockdown idea, repeatedly warning that the cure should not be ‘worse than the disease.’ This seems to have imposed a cleavage on American life, roughly dividing the country in half.
There was an interesting counter to this perspective. Around the time Trump began doing his nightly televised White House briefing sessions in early April, it was clear that the worst five US states for case numbers and deaths were all Democrat-run, and together accounted for two-thirds of total national Covid deaths. Of the worst ten states for fatalities, Democratic states accounted for in the region of 13 times the number of deaths as Republican-led states. On the percentage front (deaths as a percentage of cases — a statistically pointless but still revelatory metric) the top five states were all Democrat-run, with New York on top, followed by Louisiana, New Jersey, Michigan and Washington. After that, the figures began to shrink, falling into fairly level pegging between Democrat and Republican states. An American friend to whom I put these stats at the time offered this explanation: ‘Globalists tend to be Democrats. Globalists tend to live in global hub cities. Global hub cities are nodes of virus transmission. It’s where they jump from continent to continent. Thus concentration of cases in Democrat run states. (Louisiana is the outlier in this explanation.)’
Seven months later, the latest ‘case’ data indicate a more balanced league sequence and coloration pattern — California at the top, followed by Texas, Florida, Illinois and Georgia. The pattern with up-to-date deaths is interestingly slightly different, with Texas at the top, followed by California, Florida, New York and Illinois. The patterns of April have not maintained themselves, but perhaps those early figures created an impression of some kind that caused Covid to be seen in America as a tribal issue, with this interpretation rapidly being exported to the rest of the world.
There has been for a while a view abroad that Covid is and was essentially — from a timing viewpoint at least — directed at bringing an end to the Trump presidency. Although the list of alternative conspiracies is long, with many inter-connections, this view of things still has much to recommend it. I have three different and constantly shifting theories about Trump and the virus: 1. that he’s bought into it as much as anyone; 2. that he’s been captured by his medical team and cannot escape until re-election is under his belt; 3. that he has a cunning plan that he’s about to spring at any moment. I’m leaning towards 3. at the moment. I think the prize of the second term is so vital to him and his cause that he cannot jeopardize it by calling our Fauci, Birx etc., who have clearly been trying from the start to slyly manage the virus in a manner designed to unseat President Trump. He knows it; they know he knows it; he knows they know he knows it, but he dare not rock the boat while things are as volatile as they are. There are some worrying things in some of his public statements about vaccines, but we will have to wait about ten days for the picture to become clearer.
For a time, the ‘pandemic’ did put Trump under pressure, even looking like it might indeed unseat the president, though that moment appears to have passed. The world’s legacy media, which appear to despise Trump almost to the last journaliar, have taken to Covid like ducks to watermelon rind, lying through their face masks at every opportunity and in effect imposing on their audiences a form of mass entrancement impervious to truth, fact or stat.
Still, the truth comes tumbling out. As the figures for excess deaths in 2020 become solidified, it is emerging that this has been in no sense an exceptional year for fatalities almost anywhere, which means that there is no additional burden of death arising from Covid.
We also now know that more than 50% of deaths worldwide have occurred in care homes, and that most of these deaths were not caused by Covid but most likely arose from psychological stress due to media-generated panic among people nearing the end of their lives. (Those who doubt this explanation should read the studies and watch the videos of Canadian scientist Denis Rancourt.) There are also numerous as yet to be investigated concerns about the untested admission of people who subsequently emerged as infected into care homes during March. New York exhibited the most marked of such patterns, with the NY state governor Andrew Cuomo issuing on March 25 an order permitting nursing homes to readmit sick patients without testing them for Covid-19. Facing allegations regarding the underestimation of fatalities, Cuomo resisted pressure for more stringent reporting of Covid nursing home deaths, and also, in his annual budget, introduced a measure indemnifying New York hospitals, nursing homes and other healthcare facilities against liability for Covid-related deaths.
From the Covid-unrelated death in late May of George Floyd, the worldwide Black Lives Matter protests — again incongruously — seemed to jell as an intrinsic element of the Covid narrative. On its face, the idea made no sense, but the controversy concerning the differing attitudes of various authorities to BLM protests as against anti-lockdown demos effected an underscoring of the ideological pattern. Police officers who had been enthusiastically truncheoning Covid sceptics just the week before were to be seen taking the knee in public in tribute to America’s latest and most dubious hero, and governors who had been coming down like hailstorms on Covid dissenters turned a blind eye to breaches by the masses of Woke warriors who took to the streets for the summer.
Even though it makes just a limited amount of sense, it does at this stage appear that, in some odd and irrational way, Covid is actually a left-wing phenomenon. This undoubtedly has to do with authority, indeed with the authoritarian tic that seems to afflict many leftists. It is not unreasonable to observe that, in general, when you scratch a progressive you uncover a fascist underneath, and this discovery is in no way discredited by the fact that said progressive will be calling you a fascist.
Covid, as has been seen everywhere, is an intensely authoritarian phenomenon. The first measures introduced by governments practically everywhere were directed not at protecting pubic health but awarding powers to themselves to restrict and coerce their citizens and impose draconian penalties for breaches or dissent. This kind of thing suits leftists just fine and dandy. Not only do they enjoy seeing the boots of the regime on the face of fellow citizens, but they themselves seem to enjoy, like masochists under the whip of the master, the lick of leather on their own hides.
There is, moreover, something fundamentally neurotic about the latest incarnation of the leftist in culture. Your average Cultural Marxist tends to be overanxious, ill-educated, resentful, hung-up and irrational. He or she, after all, believes in an ideology that makes little sense unless you behold the world in an intensely neurotic fashion, seeing everything as the culmination of a history that spent every waking moment trying to stitch up everything for patriarchs and Christians. The ends simply refuse to tie together, and your fellow human beings appear to be utterly oblivious to the things you learned for four years at college. Clearly, then, state coercion is essential to bringing the world to order and everyone else around to your view of things.
At a basic human level, the kinds of people who gravitate to left or right tend to divide also, generally speaking, in terms of physique, occupation, and mentality. Leftists, shall we say, tend less towards muscularity, work generally in offices, salons or cubicles, and think the world owes them a living, an expectation the world generally speaking appears to honour and come up, as it were, trumps on. They also consider themselves better educated, but in reality this means that they spent more time than others being indoctrinated with the virus that now afflicts their brains. I find it interesting that working class/blue collar people seem to see through Covid in a flash, whereas the average college graduate goes around in what appears a terrified trance thinking he’s going to meet his death around every corner.
Covid has emerged, in one aspect of its operation, as an accelerant on all things the average Cultural Marxist holds dear: restrictions on practice of religion and public assembly, cycle lanes and other green stuff, compulsory face masks which make everyone as unattractive as the average blue-tinted Cultural Marxist, disincentives to voting in person, and so forth. It emphasizes the ‘common good’, which somehow reveals itself (who knew?) as extending to the state the right to restrict citizens as though self-evidently some kind of criminals on the mere possibility that they might be ‘infected’ with a non lethal disease. It has no regard for charter, proclamation or constitution. It does not care for family, nation of God — is, in fact, the enemy of all three.
On the other hand, Covid has none of what might be called ‘right wing’ characteristics. It seeks not to make America, or anywhere else, ‘great again’, but to destroy everything before it and grate on everyone’s nerves until they surrender to the New World Order.
Biden’s Invasion Ignorance
What really happened in Europe and why it matters.
“Having a good relationship with leaders of other countries is a good thing,” said President Trump last week, when the subject of North Korea emerged in the final debate. “That’s like saying we had a good relationship with Hitler before he in fact invaded Europe,” countered Joe Biden, who rightly took heat for the claim.
As Conrad Black notes, U.S. relations with Hitler were frosty from the start in 1933, and President Roosevelt withdrew the American ambassador after the infamous “Kristallnacht” pogroms in November of 1938. What could use more attention is Biden’s claim that Hitler “in fact invaded Europe.” Here’s what really happened.
On August 23, 1939, Adolf Hitler of National Socialist (Nazi) Germany signed a pact with Communist dictator Josef Stalin of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The pact provided cooperation on trade, military technology, cultural exchange, and contained secret protocols that divided up swaths of Europe.
On September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland, effectively starting World War II. On September 17, 1939, Stalin invaded Poland, and on September 29, Hitler and Stalin divided up Poland, and the pact handed the Baltic States to Stalin. In June of 1940, Stalin invaded Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. Behind the scenes, the two dictators were collaborating in more sinister ways.
Barely a month after signing the pact, Stalin began deporting anti-fascist and Communist refugees back to Nazi Germany, handing hundreds of Jews directly to the Gestapo. Such deportations continued throughout the pact. There was nothing Stalin wouldn’t do for his ally, and that extended to the national Communist Parties controlled by the Comintern.
The American Communist Party had opposed Hitler’s National Socialist regime but that all changed after the Stalin-Hitler pact. The Communists went along 100 percent, and even picketed the White House, demanding that President Roosevelt stay out of a “foreign war.” Stalin and Hitler took full advantage.
On November 30, 1939, Stalin invaded Finland and on December 14 the League of Nations expelled the USSR. The outgunned Finns duly turned back the Red Army but Stalin continued to support his Nazi ally. On April 9, 1940, Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway. Sweden remained neutral and during the war supplied Hitler with iron ore for the Nazi war machine.
On May 10, 1940, Hitler invaded France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, with full approval of the USSR. Then on June 22, 1941, Hitler turned the tables and invaded his Communist ally.
Stalin was completely unprepared for the betrayal, and Nazi forces advanced deep into the USSR. This effectively ended the Stalin-Hitler Pact, which gets little attention from those who readily invoke Hitler in contemporary political discussions.
The United States did not enter the war until after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. That gave hope to those suffering under Nazi tyranny, but victory was not a done deal.
On June 6, 1944, in the largest invasion in history, British, Canadian, American, Polish and Australian troops stormed the beaches at Normandy. Many of those brave soldiers met their end that day, but the Allies went on to take down the National Socialist regime and liberate western Europe.
On April 12, 1945, the “B” Squadron of the 8th Canadian Reconnaissance Regiment liberated the Westerbork transit camp in Holland. From that outpost, the Nazis deported 97,776 Jews, 54,930 to Auschwitz, 34,313 to Sobibor, 4,771 to the Theresienstadt ghetto and 3,762 to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. At Westerbork, the Canadians forced the Nazis to flee and saved 876 inmates from certain death.
In recent years, some have attempted to place Soviet troops among the D-Day forces but a ballpark figure for their number is zero. Their first invasion was of Poland, in September of 1940, and they backed all Hitler’s invasions until June of 1941.
After the war, Stalin retained control of Eastern Europe, including the Baltic States that were part of the Stalin-Hitler pact. Stalin also backed Kim Il Sung’s invasion of South Korea in 1950. According to I.F. Stone, author of The Hidden History of the Korean War, the United States started the conflict, a typical leftist inversion of reality. Stone, a faithful recycler of Communist propaganda, had little to say about Stalinist repression in North Korea.
Kim Il sung gave way to Kim Jong-il and North Korea remains a Stalinist dictatorship under Kim Jong-un. Democrats were predicting war if Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016. When Kim Jong-un ramped up missile tests, Trump raised the prospect of massive retaliation if the dictator threatened the United States or its allies.
No war occurred, and when North Korea came up in the debate, Trump said “having a good relationship with leaders of other countries is a good thing,” Joe Biden countered that the USA had good relations with Hitler before “Hitler invaded Europe.”
If anybody thought Joe Biden had no clue what actually happened it would be hard to blame them. Meanwhile, like the English Socialists in George Orwell’s 1984, Democrats now proclaim that ignorance is strength.
50 Things a Biden Presidency Would Mean for America
Below are The Top 50 Reasons Why a Biden Presidency Would Be Worse Than The Zombie Apocalypse:
Another lockdown – Which will Kevorkian what’s left of the economy.
Amnesties and other incentives for illegal immigration – Joe promised another amnesty bill in his first 100 days to satisfy the urgent need for more Democrat voters. No border wall, ICE defunded, sanctuary cities subsidized.
Back to the era of bad trade deals – Give away the store to get it done. Joe understands trade, based on his vast business experience.
Biden Care – “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” – not. Six-month delays for routine tests. Why should Canadians have all the fun?
Black Lives Matter — in charge of combating white privilege and institutional racism with quotas, reparations and looting.
Biden’s Cabinet — Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, Secretary of State Illhan Omar, Secretary of Commerce Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Secretary of the Treasury Bernie Sanders.
Celebrity gloating – Hollywood would spend the next 12 months crowing about its victory over flyover country. Amy Schumer will gain another 50 lbs. celebrating with cake and ice cream.
Chinese asset in the White House – Biden consistently opposed tariffs on China. Son Hunter was in business with a Chinese oil company. The Big Guy spent his career outsourcing our jobs to the People’s Republic.
The Clintons and Obamas back in power – Someone has to deal with us deplorables and bitter-clingers.
Crazy Kamala – Rated the most far-left member of the Senate, and Kavanaugh’s grand inquisitor, as president-in-waiting.
D.C. and Puerto Rico Statehood – Senate-packing, giving Democrats a permanent majority. What’s next – Guam, American Samoa, and Portland, Oregon?
Enemies List – FOX News, The New York Post, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Barr, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Diamond and Silk, Herschel Walker, Kristie Alley, Hunter’s former business partners, etc.
Energy prices will soar – No fracking, drilling on public lands, or tax-breaks for energy development. Get ready for $20-a-gallon gas. Russia’s oil industry will thrive.
Facemask Nation – Biden says he wants them mandated nationally for the duration, as determined by Surgeon General Fauci.
For sale sign prominently displayed outside the White House — Just be sure 10% is set aside for the Big Guy.
Green New Deal – Repeal the Industrial Revolution, millions of jobs and trillions of dollars sacrificed for a myth.
George Soros — Awarded the Presidential Freedom Medal.
Gretchen Whitmer — The Michigan dominatrix as COVID Czar.
Gun Confiscation – Beto O’Rourke running the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
Homeless encampments everywhere – The Biden condominium: a shipping crate.
Hunter Biden – First Perv and national security risk extraordinaire will help to shape drug policy.
Indigenous Peoples Day Replaces Columbus Day – No more celebrating the white “occupation” of America. Presidents Day, Thanksgiving and Memorial Day also on the chopping block.
Industry flees overseas – Taxes and regulations will make it impossible to operate here.
Infanticide – Several Democrat Governors are on record supporting it. Biden opposes a born-alive bill.
IRS — Unleashed against conservative organizations as it was during the Clinton and Obama years.
Islamophobia combated– Classes promoting tolerance (by getting school children to celebrate Muslim holidays) taught in schools. No Christmas trees, but prayer rugs aplenty. Get ready for “A Charlie Brown Ramadan.”
Little Sisters of the Poor — Sent to Devil’s Island.
Mainstream media – Will be transformed from an attack machine into an Orwellian Ministry of Truth.
Middle class taxes go up – by $6,500 for the median family. But that’s just the start. Tax hikes on “corporations and the rich” are sucker’s bait to snare middle-class voters.
Military put on a starvation diet – Democrats believe we have no foreign enemies. Much of the military budget will be transferred to social spending.
National Debt will soar. The Bureau of Printing and Engraving will work around the clock.
National Rifle Association – Will be designated a domestic terrorist group.
Permanent recession – Between taxes and regulations, lack of investment and business failures, we’ll never recover from COVID, which is what the left wants. Socialist regimes don’t grow out of prosperity.
Politically correct language will be mandatory – Riots are peaceful protests. Illegal aliens are undocumented workers and socialists are progressives.
Repeal of the First Amendment – Snowflakes need protection from hurtful speech.
Return of the Deep State – Adam Schiff as FBI Director.
Re-writing history – The 1619 project. Priscilla Alden brought slavery to the New World. Every president on Mount Rushmore was a racist. The Plains Indians were all pacifists and environmentalists who did nothing to provoke the genocidal U.S. Cavalry.
Sexual harassment inquisitions – A la the Kavanaugh hearings. “Believe women,” except those who say Joe molested them or Hunter was in bed with them when they were underage.
Supreme Court Packing – An expanded, activist Court becomes a rubber stamp for a pinata view of the Constitution.
Simplified 1040 form — What did you earn? What’s the least you can to live on? Send us the rest.
Social media censorship — Of conservative views will continue unchecked. With Silicon Valley a bastion of Biden support, Big Tech will have a free hand to crush free speech.
25th Amendment – After a decent interval, Biden will be removed for mental incapacity and Kamala installed. On the campaign trail, Harris’s husband said he was “married to the next president of the United States.”
Top 1%brutalized — Unless they made their money through a Biden business venture, they’ll be punished for being productive.
Unisex bathrooms – To accommodate the gender-confused at the price of the safety and modesty of women and girls.
Urban centers turned into ghost towns – Businesses over-taxed, open to the depredations of rioters and looters, the homeless treating sidewalks as latrines, stores will close forever or relocate to South Dakota.
Venezuela – Will send its bureaucrats here for training.
Voting Agelowered to 12 – Ignorance is an investment in the future of the Democrat Party.
War on the police will escalate – Biden will put social workers in patrol cars. In life-threatening situations, cops will be taught to shoot armed suspects in the leg or just point an imaginary gun and go “bang-bang.”
White House schedule — Will conclude at 9:15 am each day to allow for plenty of presidential naptime.
Zombies avoid D.C. – After 4 years of Biden, they won’t find any brains to eat there. By 2024, we’ll be getting foreign aid from Mozambique, millions will apply to Costa Rica for refugee status, weeds will grow up through the sidewalks of our cities and patriots will be holding wakes for America.
Science Nazis Demand Obedience To Their Political Agenda
Whether the issue is “Climate Change” or ways of dealing with COVID-19 the Radical Left ridicules anyone who would dare to question their positions on critical issues. They accuse those who question them or their claims of not believing in science.
In a new interview, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates sharply criticized the Trump administration for muzzling experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) while instead listening to White House COVID-19 adviser Dr. Scott Atlas, whom Gates calls a “pseudo-expert” who’s “off-the-rails.”
Atlas, a member of the administration’s coronavirus task force who formerly appeared as a commentator for Fox News, reportedly opposes an expansion of COVID testing and earlier this month posted a tweet falsely downplaying the effectiveness of masks. Twitter later removed the post from Atlas, a Stanford University professor with a medical degree from the University of Chicago School of Medicine.
“We now have a pseudo-expert advising the president,” Gates, the former Microsoft (MSFT) CEO and a leading backer of global public health initiatives, told Yahoo Finance Editor-in-Chief Andy Serwer in an interview that aired on Monday as part of the the news organization’s All Markets Summit.
This article is important for a number of reasons. First of all, Gates demonstrated colossal chutzpah to insult a medical doctor who graduated from a highly respected medical school and serves as a professor at Stanford University, while Gates, himself, never attended any medical school.
In fact, Gates has no degree of any kind!
What then, could possibly qualify Gates to pass judgement on the credibility of a medical doctor especially one with the clear credentials of Dr. Scott Atlas even as he castigated President Trump for challenging the contradictory and morphing advice of Dr. Fauci.
The AOL/Yahoo article stated that Twitter had removed what they claimed was a tweet posted by Dr. Atlas that they claim falsely downplayed the effectiveness of masks.
It is more than a bit disturbing that Twitter censored Dr. Atlas and, in so doing, prevented the general public from benefitting from his perspectives. This should alarm everyone.
About 20 years ago I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer. The surgeon who examined me and told me of my situation was the chief of urology at a major New York Hospital and chaired the department of urology at a major medical school.
However, while he told me that he believed that he could save my life, he urged me to seek out at least one additional opinion so that I would be confident that I was making the proper decision.
I did seek out that second opinion and my medical insurance policy covered that second opinion, because this notion of seeking additional opinions is considered the standard way for people to make certain that they are making proper life and death decisions.
Needless to say, my surgeon saved my life- this a good thing because I have not aggravated my quota yet!
Where science and the Radical Left are concerned, however, not blindly following what their anointed experts proclaim, is an act of heresy.
This flies in the face of commonsense and threatens the First Amendment and all of our freedoms.
In doing a bit of research I found a similar situation that existed in a different country many years ago.
That country was Germany as the Third Reich began taking control of Germany and its population, Jews came under vicious attack. No less a scientist that Albert Einstein was attacked for his work. Scientific America on February 13, 2015 published an important article about the lunacy that transpired at that time, How 2 Pro-Nazi Nobelists Attacked Einstein’s “Jewish Science” [Excerpt].
The article discussed the mass book burnings carried out on college campuses, not unlike the way that Antifa operates today. Books authored by Albert Einstein were incinerated. Here is an important paragraph from this article:
It would be absurd, of course, to suppose that most of the book-burners had given these questions a moment’s thought. The simple fact was that Einstein was a prominent Jew, and his thoughts therefore fit for the bonfire. But Einstein’s theory was attacked on racial grounds. This assault came not by asinine ideologues in the party whose knowledge of science extended no further than a belief in fairy tales about “cosmic ice,” nor from individuals on the scientific fringe seeking official approval and support. It was orchestrated by two Nobel laureates in physics, who devised a full-blown thesis (it can’t be dignified by calling it a theory) on how stereotypical racial features are exhibited in scientific thinking. They were Philipp Lenard and Johannes Stark, and they wanted to become the new Führers of German physics.
Einstein’s Theories of Relativity and his concept of Space-Time were mocked and ridiculed by two Nazi Nobel laureates.
Of course nearly all of Einstein’s brilliant theories have been validated in recent years by scientists and physicists who now have the technological tools to conduct appropriate experiments.
Understandably fearing for his life, Einstein fled Nazi Germany and came to America where, ironically, he helped America defeat Fascism in Germany and Japan and, in so doing, safeguarded freedom for people across the globe.
Today the Radical Left demands obedience to theories about climate change that support their demands for the “New Green Deal” even as some scientists question the validity of the notion that human actions have climatological consequences that must be stopped at all costs.
They seek nothing short of a fundamental transformation in the way that we live and work and these demands can only be justified by claiming that catastrophic climate change can only be averted if we adopt draconian changes.
Science has always been about challenges beliefs and devising experiments to seek the truth.
To cite an interesting example of how highly respected scientists may come to diametrically opposed conclusions consider a pair of articles that ran on the same website (Space.com) on two consecutive days.
The physicists who wrote the first article postulated that because Betelgeuse is so huge and pulsating, it is likely to explode within our lifetimes. They estimated that that star is 700 light-years from earth. This is why they proposed the construction of a special telescope to keep an astronomical eye on that star.
However, if the physicists who published the second article are right, Betelgeuse is 548 light years away. This would mean that the star is not nearly as large or bright as the other physicists believe. This would mean that Betelgeuse is not likely to become a super nova any time soon- at least not for another 100,000 years by their estimates.
This may not seem important to us on our beleaguered planet, but the lessons to be learned is very important.
Experts can and do disagree. The process of questioning is behind all of our achievements. Scientists who serve a political agenda are the scientists who must not be trusted.
Science is supposed to be the tireless search for universal truths and must be unencumbered by political agendas.
Scientists who yield to the political elite betray their professions and should be ignored as the science-fascists that they are.
Voltaire sagely observed that you could determine the intelligence of a person by considering the questions that they ask, the same questions that today will earn you scorn and ridicule by the Radical Left.
16. Με την δική σου ανόητη… λογική ρε φιλαράκο, αφού ο εγκεφαλικά άρρωστος Μπάϊντεν (έχει σε γρήγορη εξέλιξη Αλτσχάϊμερ), “δεν τα πάει καλά” με τον ΡΤΕ, όπως έγραψες, τότε οι πιθανότητες να μας “την πέσουν” οι Τούρκοι, που τόσο φοβάσαι(!), είναι περισσότερες, απ’ το να βγει ο Τραμπ, που όπως λένε οι… συστημικοί στην χώρα μας και… εσύ, είναι φίλος με τον ΤΡΑΜΠ, ο οποίος όμως φαίνεται να τον συγκρατεί, αφού είναι φίλος του!..
Αυτή η συλλογιστική και όχι ασφαλώς… λογική, είναι κατώτερη και απ’ αυτήν ακόμα που “συναντά” κανείς στα Καφενεία και συγκεκριμένα στους τροφίμους τους!..
17. Κε Υπουργέ Οικονομικών, Κε Σταϊκούρα!
“Προχθές” ήλθε η Εφορία στην Αγίου Μελετίου και μπόρεσε να “δει” 2 μαγαζιά, αφού μόλις έφυγε από το 1ο, ειδοποιήθηκαν όλοι οι Αλβανοί, Πακιστανοί, Βούλγαροι, Αφρικανοί, Κινέζοι, κλπ, μαγαζάτορες και στην Αγίου Μελετίου και στην Μ. Βόδα, όπως και στην Αχαρνών (το όμορο “κομμάτι”), άπαντες οι αναφερθέντες έκλεισαν αμέσως τα μαγαζιά τους! Μόνον κάποιοι… “μαλ…ες” Έλληνες, καταλαβαίνεις, παρέμειναν “ανοικτοί”!..
“Τί γίνεται” Κε Υπουργέ;
18. Γιατί οι Δντες των Κλινικών του 401 ΓΣΝΑ δεν έχουν στα Γραφεία τους, στο Νοσοκομείο, ηλεκτρονικούς υπολογιστές;
“Τί γίνεται” Κε Υπουργέ (Κε ΥΠΑΜ);
Συνάντηση ΥΕΘΑ Νίκου Παναγιωτόπουλου με την πρέσβη της Βρετανίας
Την πρέσβη του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου στην Ελλάδα, Κέιτ Σμιθ (Kate Smith) δέχθηκε σήμερα σε εθιμοτυπική επίσκεψη, ο υπουργός Εθνικής ‘Αμυνας, Νικόλαος Παναγιωτόπουλος.
Όπως αναφέρει σχετική ανακοίνωση, κατά την συνάντηση συζητήθηκαν θέματα περαιτέρω ενίσχυσης των διμερών σχέσεων στον αμυντικό και αμυντικο-τεχνικό τομέα και οι πρόσφατες περιφερειακές εξελίξεις. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, συζητήθηκαν οι προκλήσεις ασφάλειας και σταθερότητας στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο, λόγω της προκλητικής και παραβατικής συμπεριφοράς της Τουρκίας.
Αυτός ο ιστότοπος χρησιμοποιεί cookies για να σας παρέχει την καλύτερη δυνατή εμπειρία χρήστη. Οι πληροφορίες cookies αποθηκεύονται στο πρόγραμμα περιήγησής σας και εκτελούν λειτουργίες όπως η αναγνώρισή σας όταν επιστρέφετε στον ιστότοπό μας και βοηθώντας την ομάδα μας να καταλάβει ποια τμήματα του ιστότοπου σας θεωρούν πιο ενδιαφέρουσα και χρήσιμα.
Απαραίτητα Cookies
Το αυστηρώς απαραίτητα cookies θα πρέπει να είναι ενεργοποιημένα, ώστε να μπορέσουμε να λειτουργεί σωστά ο ιστότοπος.
If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again.
Cookies Τρίτων
Αυτός ο ιστότοπος χρησιμοποιεί Google Analytics για τη συλλογή ανώνυμων πληροφοριών, όπως τον αριθμό επισκεπτών στον ιστότοπο και τις πιο δημοφιλείς σελίδες.
Η διατήρηση αυτού του cookie μας επιτρέπει να βελτιώσουμε τον ιστότοπό μας.
Please enable Strictly Necessary Cookies first so that we can save your preferences!
Πολιτική Cookies
Παρακάτω ακολουθεί η λίστα με τα Cookies που συλλέγονται:
This cookie is set by Youtube and registers a unique ID for tracking users based on their geographical location
30 minutes
This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors.
2 years
This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the wbsite is doing. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages viisted in an anonymous form.
1 day
This cookies is installed by Google Universal Analytics to throttle the request rate to limit the colllection of data on high traffic sites.
1 minute
This cookie is set by Youtube. Used to track the information of the embedded YouTube videos on a website.
5 months
This cookies is set by Youtube and is used to track the views of embedded videos.
Google uses this cookie to distinguish users.
1 minute
Used by Google DoubleClick and stores information about how the user uses the website and any other advertisement before visiting the website. This is used to present users with ads that are relevant to them according to the user profile.