Σχοινοβασίες Και Πολιτικά… Τραμπολίνο! Απάντηση Σ’ Έναν Φίλο!..

Φίλοι μου / μας!

Οι εποχές των «ισορροπιών» πέρασαν ανεπιστρεπτί! Τώρα είναι η εποχή που πρέπει όλοι οι «παίκτες» να διαλέξουν Στρατόπεδο «καθαρά»!.. (Ιδιαιτέρως οι λεγόμενοι «μικροί»).

Μην παρασύρεσαι από την στάση των Τούρκων, οι οποίοι, μια και το θέτεις, καμιά ισορροπία δεν επιδιώκουν.

Οι Τούρκοι εκμεταλλευόμενοι την παγκόσμιο θέση της Γεωγραφίας τους, λόγω της κατοχής, εκ μέρους των, της Κων-πόλεως, και των «Στενών», «παίζουν» κυρίως μεταξύ της Δύσης και Ρωσίας και μάλιστα σε… ασύμμετρη βάση!

Επομένως η Ελλάδα πρέπει… «χθες» να ταχθεί «ανοικτά» και με το Ισραήλ, όπως έπραξε -και ορθότατα- με τις Η.Π.Α., προς τις οποίες όμως, φαντάζομαι, πως ο Κος Μητσοτάκης έχει ξεκαθαρίσει «στα ίσα» (και στον Τραμπ πριν και στον Μπάϊντεν τώρα), πως σε περίπτωση που η Δύση μας «πουλήσει» και πάλι, η Ελλάς θα πράξει αναλόγως των τότε περιστάσεων και δεδομένων!

Θα θυμάσαι τι είχαμε εισηγηθεί, απ’ εδώ, να πει στον Τραμπ ο νυν Π-Θ, λίγο πριν το ταξίδι του τότε στις Η.Π.Α., αλλά και ότι του υπενθυμίσαμε το αυτό, όταν οι «Διεθνείς Εβραίοι» διόρθωσαν το προηγούμενο λάθος τους και αυτήν την φορά ήλεγξαν και πάλι τις α/εκλογές, επαναφέροντας τους «δικούς» τους και για τώρα τον Μπάίντεν!.. Αν όχι, τότε… «ταξίδεψε» στο «σάϊτ» μας!..

Ναι στην Δύση, κλπ, αλλά πρώτα η Πατρίδα μας!!!.. Μην σου διαφεύγει αυτό το αξίωμα!!!

Και σε ερωτώ!

Το «κρατικό μόρφωμα», φερόμενης δυτικής αποκλίσεως, Κόσσοβο, αλβανικό πια κατά τα 2/3, όπως το κατέστησε η εδώ και χρόνια… «δημογραφική πολιτική», ένα Κόσσοβο που είναι γεμάτο από Τζιχαντιστές πάσης φύσεως και το οποίο ετοιμάζεται να ενωθεί με την Αλβανία, κλπ, (μια Αλβανία που έχει στο έδαφός της απ’ όλα αυτά τα… είδη, ήτοι απ’ όλα τα Ισλαμιστικά τρομοκρατικά… κουμάσια και μάλιστα τα εκπαιδεύει μυστικά για πολεμική δράση και μέσα στην Ελλάδα και που δοθείσης ευκαιρίας θα μας τα παρουσιάσει με διάφορα… πρόσωπα και… ταυτότητες),  μετέφερε την πρεσβεία του στα Ιεροσόλυμα!

Γιατί άραγε να το έπραξε λες, όταν ακόμα είναι, ως… γέννημα, … 7μηνίτικο;

Στη συνέχεια!

Η Αυστρία ύψωσε την Ισραηλινή σημαία δίπλα στην δική της, (στο Α/ΥΠΕΞ), για να δείξει ότι συμπαραστέκεται στους Ισραηλινούς, στα όσα τους σχεδίασαν εκεί φέτος, (πρόσεξε, μετά την πολιτική αλλαγή στις Η.Π.Α.), ή οι Αμερικανοί, προκειμένου να «κλονίσουν» και τελικώς να «ρίξουν» τον Ι/Π-Θ Κο Β. Νετανιάχου, τον οποίον δεν τον θέλουν ως «Δεξιό» και κυρίως ως βαθιά «Πατριώτη» και θεωρούν πως μαζί του δεν θα μπορέσουν να «περάσουν» τις πολιτικές τους στην περιοχή, αλλά και για να «γλείψουν» και πάλι τους Παλαιστινίους, σε μια μεταξύ τους παλαιά σχέση λυκοφιλίας, «οικοδομηθείσα» πάνω σε χιλιάδες ψέματα ή οι Τούρκοι, δια της ελεγχόμενης απ’ αυτούς «Χαμάς», προκειμένου να προσβάλλουν τον Ελληνο-(Νέο)Αραβικό-Ισραηλινό άξονα και βασικά τα τρέχοντα ισραηλινά σχέδια σε Α. Μεσόγειο, Αιγαίο, Μέση Ανατολή (Συρία, Λίβανο, Παλαιστίνη, κλπ), Αραβική Χερσόνησο και «Περσικό», σχέδια που γενικότερα -από της ιδρύσεως του Ι/Κράτους ακόμα- στοχεύουν κυρίως στην αύξηση του «Ζωτικού Χώρου» του Ισραήλ, ώστε αυτό να μπορεί να ζει καλύτερα… ελεύθερο, … ξεσφίγγοντας, όσο μπορεί, την αραβική θηλιά γύρω από τον… λαιμό του!.. («Ζ.Χ.» για το Ισραήλ, δεν είναι μόνον η γραμμή «Κύπρος – Κρήτη – Μάλτα – Γιβραλτάρ – Αζόρες» στα δυτικά του, αλλά υπάρχει και προς τα βόρειά του, όπως και προς τα ΒΔ και ΒΑ του)!..

Δεν έχω καταλήξει ακόμα αν οι πυροδοτήσαντες, την χρονική αυτή στιγμή, τους Παλαιστινίους ήσαν αυτή την φορά οι Η.Π.Α. ή οι Τούρκοι ή… εκ συμπτώσεως ή εκ λάθους και οι… δύο! «Θα δείξει» σύντομα!..

Τείνω, αν με… πίεζες για μια απάντηση, μάλλον προς την… τουρκική πλευρά, μιας και δεν έχω τις Η.Π.Α. για τόσο πολιτικά ανόητες, ώστε να φτάνουν σήμερα στο σημείο να… ευνουχίζονται και μάλιστα να… αυτό-ευνουχίζονται, εργαζόμενες έτσι, πρωτίστως, για τα… ρωσικά συμφέροντα και ακολούθως για αυτά των Κίνας – Ιράν!..


Η Γερμανία της Κας Μέρκελ τάχθηκε «ανοικτά» με τους Ισραηλινούς! Γιατί άραγε; Λες αυτό να οφείλεται μόνον στην αλήθεια του γεγονότος, δηλαδή στο ότι τα πάντα, για άλλη μια φορά, άρχισαν απ’ τους Παλαιστινίους της «Χαμάς»;

Οι ίδιες οι Η.Π.Α. ακόμα, δια του ιδίου του Προέδρου τους, αναγνώρισαν ΠΡΟΣΕΞΕ το δικαίωμα των Ισραηλινών στην άμυνα της χώρας τους!..

Και τελικά, για να μην σου γράψω άλλα «Χ» παραδείγματα, κλπ, όπως πχ για την στάση των αραβικών χωρών στην σημερινή Ι-Π διαμάχη, (οι Άραβες δεν είναι ηλίθιοι και κυρίως κατάλαβαν πια ότι το ένα και μοναδικό Παλαιστινιακό «θέλω» είναι η πλήρης Κ/Φ του Ισραήλ και το διώξιμο των Ισραηλινών από την ιστορική τους γη, για μια νέα παγκόσμιο… περιπλάνηση, λέγε με νέα εξορία), πες μου, αν θες και αν μπορείς να μου απαντήσεις, γιατί η Ελλάδα να είναι με τους Παλαιστινίους [και «κατ’ ουσίαν» (και) με τρομοκράτες], όταν οι Παλαιστίνιοι (Φατάχ / «Δ. Όχθη» και «Χαμάς» / «Γάζα»), είναι «όσο δεν πάει άλλο» με την Τουρκία και μάλιστα στρατηγικοί συνεργάτες;

Αυτό ειδικά όχι μόνον δεν το κατανοώ, αλλ’ ούτε καν το αντιλαμβάνομαι!

Μήπως ίσως, διότι τα 2 μείζονα πολιτικά μας κόμματα σήμερα είναι γνήσια υποσύνολα των πολιτικά πολυ-αλλοιωμένων πλέον, ως προς το πολιτικό τους παρελθόν, «Δημοκρατικών» των Η.Π.Α. και «χορεύουν», όπως αυτοί τους «σφυρίζουν», με κάποιες ασφαλώς… παραλλαγές, όπως και με τον δικό του τρόπο το καθένα;

Εμείς όμως, μέχρι ώρας, βλέπουμε έναν Ε/Π-Θ να μην είναι «Καραγκιοζάκος» στα της εξωτερικής του πολιτικής, ήτοι «πιόνι» του Μπάϊντεν και έναν Π-Θ που δεν είναι Ψεύτης, με ό,τι αυτό συνεπάγεται, για εμάς τουλάχιστον, πολιτικά! Έτσι κρίνουμε μέχρι τώρα τον Κ. Κ. Μ.!..

Τέλος, το να ταχθείς «ανοικτά» με κάποιον είναι και θέμα που σχετίζεται, θέμα που αμέσως συνυφαίνεται, πλην «των λόγων των υποστηρικτών της αληθείας», και με τα συμφέροντα του Κράτους αυτού!.. (Ένα ιστορικά τίμιο πολιτικά Κράτος, πόσο μάλλον το Ε/Κράτος, πάντα οφείλει να προσέχει τους “λόγους τους υποστηρικτικούς της αληθείας”, δηλαδή την αδιαμφισβήτητη πραγματικότητα / αλήθεια των διαφόρων γεγονότων και να μην τα αρνείται, αφού κάτι τέτοιο είναι σαν να αρνείται κάποιος πχ την γέννηση, τον θάνατο ή τον ήλιο, την θάλασσα, κλπ! (Θυμήσου τον Εθνάρχη μας Ε. ΒΕΝΙΖΕΛΟ και την Σερβία στους «Βαλκανικούς Πολέμους» και το «η Ελλάς είναι πολύ μικρή, για να κάνει μια τόσο μεγάλη ατιμία» που είχε πει, κλπ, “ατιμία” που σήμερα όμως, ο νυν Σέρβος Π-Θ εύκολα μπορεί να… κάνει… ! Αλλάζουν οι εποχές συγχωρεμένα Έλληνα γίγαντα… Λευτεράκη μας… )!..

Έτσι η Ελλάδα, που ΟΡΘΟΤΑΤΑ(!!!) σήμερα βασίζει την άμυνά της σε ένα ευρύτερο πλαίσιο αμύνης της Δύσεως στην περιοχή μας, βασικός παράγοντας του οποίου είναι το Ισραήλ, ο στρατηγικότερος των εταίρων που είχε ποτέ ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ δίπλα της, σιμά της, στην γειτονιά της η Ελλάδα (οι Η.Π.Α. ή η Αγγλία απέχουν… κάπως, έ;), μπορεί να παραμένει σιωπηρή η να περιορίζεται μόνον σε μη πολιτικές ευχές, ευχές καθαρά συναισθηματικής φύσεως, της μορφής «θέλουμε την ειρήνη», κλπ, αφήνοντας «Πεδίο Δράσης» στους Διεθνιστές και άρα εχθρούς της χώρας μας ΣΟΡΟΣ-ΣΥΡΙΖΑΙΟΥΣ, Κομμουνιστές, αλλά και στους… ψυχασθενείς σημερινούς Χουντοσυνοδοιπόρους τους, να «πουλάνε» δήθεν Παλαιστινιακή αγάπη και έρωτα, όπως και πολλά… δάκρυα, όχι για την… Ηλέκτρα, αλλά για αθώα Παλαιστινιόπουλα, (οι πραγματικοί δολοφόνοι των οποίων δεν είναι οι ΙΕΔ, αλλά οι πολιτικοί ηγέτες και αρχι-τρομοκράτες της «Χαμάς»), υπονομεύοντας όλο της τον αγώνα στην εξωτερική πολιτική, που εφαρμόζει, μέχρι τώρα αριστοτεχνικά, ο Π-Θ Μητσοτάκης ;

Το 2023 εγγίζει απειλητικά και η Ελλάδα ΕΠΙΒΑΛΛΕΤΑΙ ΠΛΕΟΝ να είναι ΑΠΟΛΥΤΩΣ «ΞΕΚΑΘΑΡΗ» στην πολιτική της συμπεριφορά, προτάσσοντας πάντα τα δικά της γεωπολιτικά και γεωοικονομικά συμφέροντα!..

Όσο για τον φόβο, μήπως μας προσβάλουν στο έδαφός μας οι Ισλαμιστές τρομοκράτες, είτε αυτοί είναι της «Χαμάς», είτε του «Ελεύθερου Συριακού Στρατού», είτε της «Χιζμπολλάχ», είτε του «ISIS», είτε δήθεν… ανανήψαντες Ιρανοί, (του γνωστού παλαιού αμερικανικού προγράμματος… εκδυτικισμού τους), εξ Αλβανίας, είτε όποιοι άλλοι Τουρκο-ελεγχόμενοι Μουσουλμάνοι τρομοκράτες, ΠΡΟΣΕΞΕ πολύ καλά, τί θα διαβάσεις τώρα παρακάτω, για άλλη μια φορά εδώ, είμαι σίγουρος!



Αφήστε λοιπόν πια τα «τσίρκο», ακόμα και τα… “Μεντράνο”, ακόμα δηλαδή και τα καλύτερα, όπως και τα όποια… «τραμπολίνο» ή τις όποιες… σχοινοβασίες και… «ΛΑΒΕΤΕ ΘΕΣΙΝ»!..






The Dark Face of Palestinian Terror

A death cult reignites its terror against Israeli civilians.



The “Israeli-Palestinian conflict” is spinning out of control toward another possible all-out war. Blame should, of course, fall on the Palestinian terrorists operating from Gaza, who have once again fired hundreds of rockets inside Israel against civilian targets. This time, the terrorists deliberately escalated what began as a local fracas over the possible eviction of Palestinians from homes they have been occupying in an area of East Jerusalem known as Sheikh Jarrah. Israeli Jews claim that this land belongs to them. After a barrage of rocket attacks, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) struck back. The Palestinians are complaining. Here we go again.

The pattern is very familiar by now. Palestinians use a pretext to start a riot. The Israeli police and security forces respond proportionately. The Palestinians up the ante, prompting a further Israeli response. Then Palestinian terrorists in Gaza use the territory they control to launch rocket attacks into Israel against civilian targets. Israel warns the terrorists to stop the rocket fire, which the terrorists ignore. After the Israeli military retaliates proportionately in an effort to target the terrorists responsible for the rocket attacks and their facilities, Palestinian government leaders cry foul. They point to unintended Palestinian civilian casualties, which are often caused by the Palestinian terrorists putting the civilians, including women and children, in harm’s way. Then, with their usual crocodile tears, Palestinian diplomats run to the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, and other globalist forums to reprise their false narrative of victimhood at the hands of the “oppressor,” “murderous,” “apartheid” Israeli regime. The Palestinians can count on leftist support for their cause in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere.

In short, Palestinian militants provoke violence to which Israel responds. Palestinian terrorists target innocent civilians deliberately. Israel targets the terrorists and their facilities, with policies and practices in place to minimize civilian casualties. And like the youth who kills his parents and then asks the judge for mercy because he’s an orphan, the Palestinians ask the so-called “international community” to rally around them.

The Israeli Supreme Court had not even ruled yet on the Sheikh Jarrah dispute before Palestinian agitators exploited the situation. They used the dispute, together with a peaceful Jerusalem Day parade celebrating Israel’s reunification of Jerusalem following Israel’s victory in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, as an excuse to riot. Israeli police responded, leading to an outbreak of violence in and around the Temple Mount.

Then Hamas and Islamic Jihad entered the fray by firing hundreds of rockets from Gaza into southern Israel and several rockets into the Jerusalem area. Abu Ubaida, a spokesman for Hamas’s armed wing, said it had launched “a rocket strike against the enemy in the occupied Jerusalem in response to their crimes and aggression against the holy city and its aggression against our people in Sheikh Jarrah and Al-Aqsa mosque.” This was the first time since the 2014 Gaza War that Hamas has aimed its rockets at Jerusalem.

While Israel’s Iron Dome defense system managed to intercept some of the rockets, others got through and killed at least two Israeli civilians, injured scores of other Israelis, and destroyed homes.

On Tuesday evening, as reported by the Jerusalem Post, Palestinian terrorists launched rockets reaching the Tel Aviv region. One of the rockets hit a bus, causing several injuries, including to a 5-year-old girl.

“The terrorist organizations in Gaza have crossed a red line,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. “Whoever attacks us will pay a heavy price,” he added, warning that the fighting could “continue for some time.” As usual, the Palestinian terrorists did not listen.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) made good on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s threat. The IDF responded to the Palestinian terrorist attacks by striking Palestinian terrorists and their facilities in the Gaza Strip. Israel’s airstrikes were deadly to be sure but aimed squarely at killing the terrorists, such as the head of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s special rocket unit, Samah Abed al-Mamluk, and other senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives. The IDF also targeted Hamas military installations, a Hamas tunnel, and rocket launchers.

Israeli forces try to provide warnings where possible to give Palestinian non-combatants, if any, the opportunity to leave before a building believed to be used by terrorists is destroyed. Any Palestinian civilian casualties are the collateral consequences of the decision by Palestinian terrorists to operate or hide among the civilian population. Also, some of the Palestinian civilian deaths reported by the Gaza health ministry could well have been caused by rockets the terrorists launched that landed in Gaza.

The dispute in Sheikh Jarrah, which helped ignite the current conflagration, involves land that two Jewish trusts bought from Arab landowners in 1876. After Jordan captured the area and illegally occupied East Jerusalem, including the Old City, in the Arab-Israeli war of 1948, the Jordanians seized the Jewish-owned lands to build homes for Palestinians. Following Israel’s capture of East Jerusalem from Jordan in 1967, Israel returned ownership of the Sheikh Jarrah homes to the Jewish trusts, which later sold them to Jewish settlers who are trying to evict the Palestinians now living there. The Palestinian residents who signed an agreement in 1982 accepting Jewish ownership of the land in return for which they were allowed to live in the homes there as protected tenants may have had a decent case to remain, except for one thing. They repudiated the agreement, thereby forfeiting their protected status. This protected status does not suddenly return if other Palestinians move in as squatters. In any event, the issue is up to Israel’s Supreme Court to resolve.

Leftwing Democrats have added their own fuel to the fire by reflexively taking the Palestinians’ side rather than waiting for the judicial process to take its course. Democratic-Socialist Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, for example, wrote last week that “We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian residents of Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem. Israeli forces are forcing families from their homes during Ramadan and inflicting violence. It is inhumane and the US must show leadership in safeguarding the human rights of Palestinians.” (Emphasis added)

The ”we” includes Senator Elizabeth Warren. The progressive senator said that “the forced removal of long-time Palestinian residents in Sheikh Jarrah is abhorrent and unacceptable. The Administration should make clear to the Israeli government that these evictions are illegal and must stop immediately.” The Israeli government should make clear to Senator Warren that she lacks any understanding of the background of the dispute and should mind her own business.

The Biden administration has reportedly expressed its displeasure to Israeli authorities over the possible Sheikh Jarrah evictions, as well as Israel’s construction plans in other parts of East Jerusalem. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is said to have dismissed the objections. His position is that “Jerusalem is not a settlement, but the capital of Israel.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu no doubt wishes that Donald Trump was still in the White House. President Biden’s attempt to go back to the so-called even-handedness approach of the Obama-Biden administration and to put some distance between the United States and its closest ally in the Middle East has enabled much of what is now happening. Biden’s recent decision to restore millions of dollars of funding to the Palestinians has also encouraged the Palestinians to become more aggressive against Israel without fearing a Trump-style response.

The Biden State Department has at least condemned the Palestinian terrorist rocket attacks as “an unacceptable escalation.” The State Department spokesman, Ned Price, called on “all sides” to show restraint, but acknowledged “Israel’s legitimate right to defend itself.”

That’s helpful, but it’s just words. What will the Biden administration do if another one-sided, anti-Israel resolution pushed by the Palestinians and their friends comes before the UN Security Council? The Security Council has already met behind closed doors to discuss the current crisis.

Will the Biden administration abstain like the Obama-Biden administration did in 2016, allowing the infamous Security Council Resolution 2334 to pass?  Probably it will, under pressure to go along with the globalist “consensus.” Resolution 2334 declared that Israel’s establishment of settlements in Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, “has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law…” The Biden administration would have no problem allowing another resolution to pass that reaffirms Resolution 2334’s proclamation and declares that any Israeli evictions of Palestinians in East Jerusalem are also illegal under international law.

As usual, the current crisis should not be considered in a vacuum. Palestinian leaders are hoping that the escalation of violence in Israel and Gaza puts the Israeli-Palestinian conflict back on the front pages. They are hoping that Israel’s forceful response to the terrorists’ rocket attacks will create a major split between Israel and the Arab countries seeking better relations with the Jewish state.

This strategy may be succeeding. The back-and-forth of terrorist rocket attacks and Israeli retaliatory airstrikes is dominating the news. An Arab League meeting of foreign ministers was convened to discuss the situation, resulting in a statement that placed the blame for the violence solely on Israel.

Reuters has reported that at the conclusion of the Arab League meeting, the foreign ministers issued a statement holding Israel “fully responsible for whatever follows due to its crimes, which constitute glaring violations of U.N. decrees, international law and human rights law.” The statement called on international organizations including the UN Security Council to “immediately stop the Israeli aggression and provide the necessary protection for the Palestinian people and uphold their right to worship freely and safely.”

The Palestinian terrorists’ current escalation also reflects in part the ongoing power struggle within Palestinian leadership ranks. Hamas wants to show Palestinians that it is best equipped to look after their interests after Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas decided to postpone indefinitely the first Palestinian elections in 15 years, scheduled for May 22nd. Abbas reportedly feared that Hamas would not only hold onto its power in Gaza but would also fare better than the Fatah Party factions still supporting him would in the West Bank. Hamas called the election postponement a “coup.” It is trying to force Abbas’s hand by showing him up as an ineffectual, out-of-touch bureaucrat.

Hamas may also be trying to destabilize Israel politically as Israel tries to put together a working governing coalition. However, the terrorists’ attacks are more likely to have the opposite effect.

If the past is prologue, some combination of Egypt, Qatar and UN officials will try to mediate a ceasefire in return for which Israel will have to make one or more concessions. The Palestinians may get to stay put in homes on land they do not own without the owners’ consent after all.


Prime Minister: ‘I don’t care if your blood is boiling, you can’t take the law into your own hands’

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a stern warning to the citizenry against taking the law into their own hands after days of Arab rioting throughout the country and attempted lynchings on both sides Wednesday.

“What is happening in Israel’s cities over the past few days is unacceptable,” Netanyahu said. “We have seen Arab rioters set fire to synagogues and vehicles and attack police officers. They are attacking peaceful and innocent citizens. This is something that we cannot accept; it is anarchy. Nothing justifies this and I will tell you that nothing justifies the lynching of Jews by Arabs and nothing justifies the lynching of Arabs by Jews.”

“We will not tolerate this,” he continued. “This violence is not us. We will restore administration and governance in Israel’s cities everywhere, in all cities, in the Jewish-Arab integrated cities, in Jewish cities, everywhere.

“To the citizens of Israel I say that I do not care if your blood is boiling. You cannot take the law into your own hands. You cannot grab an ordinary Arab citizen and try to lynch him – just as we cannot watch Arab citizens do this to Jewish citizens. This will not happen.”

The personal attacks turned deadly on Wednesday, when in Acre, a 30-year-old Jewish man died after Arabs attacked him with sticks and rocks. In the latest incident, on Thursday morning, a man walking to synagogue was stabbed in his shoulder in Lod, barely a day after hundreds of Border Police were sent in to restore calm due to the extreme rioting in the mixed Arab-Jewish city.

On the other side, also in Lod, an Arab woman in her 39th week of pregnancy was hit in the head Wednesday night. She was rushed to the Assaf Harofe Hospital’s intensive care unit in serious condition; the baby was delivered safely. A crowd of Jews was filmed beating an Arab driver in Bat Yam, south of Tel Aviv, seriously injuring him after his car rammed into vehicles in a crowded street. Near Or Akiva, north of Netanya, dozens attacked another Arab driver, seriously injuring him as well as heavily damaging his car.

There have been innumerable cars set on fire and rock-throwing incidents, almost all by Arabs, both within Israeli cities and on highways throughout the country. In the Galilee, a resident of the Jewish village of Moreshet, which lies between three Arab towns, posted on Facebook that Arabs threw stones and set fires on the nearby roads on Wednesday night.

Police set up roadblocks to prevent Jews from traveling home, she said, while Arabs were allowed to go on driving. Her neighbors had to find shelter overnight in other towns, she wrote, expressing her disbelief.

Over 370 rioters, both Jewish and Arab, have been arrested by police and security forces in the last day, and Netanyahu promised that law enforcement would only get stricter.

“I have ordered the police to adopt emergency powers, to reinforce with Border Police units and, of course, to impose curfews where necessary,” he said.

“I also intend to bring in military forces according to the existing law and we will pass an additional law if necessary,” he added, to give the police and soldiers “the necessary powers and forces to carry out the mission.”


May 13, 2021
The IDF’s Maglan Unit tracks and eliminates Hamas’ Kornet launching squads.

By Aryeh Savir, TPS

IDF Special Forces operating on the border with the Gaza Strip have been successful in detecting and eliminating some 10 Hamas squads who were engaged in firing anti-tank rockets at Israel, including four on Thursday by noon.

The Maglan Unit uses special technology to hunting and neutralize Hamas’ Kornet launching squads.

A Hamas squad killed IDF soldier Omer Tabib, 21, and injured three others on Wednesday near Netiv Ha’Asara.

Maglan, which is means Ibis bird in Hebrew, is an Israeli special operations unit that specializes in operating behind enemy lines, deep in enemy territory, using advanced technologies and weaponry. It is part of the IDF’s Commando Brigade.

The special technology it uses is a military secret.

The IDF has advanced intelligence-collecting methods it uses across the border from the Strip, providing full control of the intelligence situation and rapid deployment of forces with countermeasures.

These two crucial elements have led to the IDF’s success in this mission.


The True Face of Racism

Welcome to the loadbearing wall of the Left’s entire house of cards.


How liberals live with themselves is something I will never understand. I’m kind of happy about that, actually. While it might be helpful to comprehend your opponent’s way of thinking, the depravity necessary to get a handle on how a collectivist sociopathic psyche functions could only lead to a dark, confusing place from which reemerging would make a David Lynch movie seem coherent. But there is one thing easily discovered, by even a casual observance, about the people who strictly and gleefully adhere to left-wing dogma: racism is the loadbearing wall of their entire house of cards.

Before we even touch on the racism toward South Carolina Senator Tim Scott from the likes of Jimmy Kimmel and Joy Behar for daring to think for himself, I want to step back and highlight how big the division racket leftists have constructed and, quite frankly, need in order to win political battles.

Did you know that “news” has a race? I bet you didn’t. It didn’t always, it used to just be news – which is simply the recounting of what happened. But now it has a skin color.

A few years ago, NBC News created “NBC Black,” which bills itself as “Elevating America’s conversation about black identity, politics, & culture. Telling stories by, for, and about the black community.” They also have “NBC Latino,” which they surprisingly haven’t yet renamed LatinX (likely because they want people to know what the hell they’re talking about, since only mostly white, ultra-leftists use that made up term), which purports to exist to “Elevating the conversation around Latinos in the United States.” And, of course, there is NBC LGBTQ, “NBC Out is the LGBTQ section of @NBCNews . We write and produce content about and of interest to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community,” and NBC Asian American – “News, features, videos about #AAPI communities.”(There doesn’t appear to be an NBC Native American, which means they hate Native Americans, right?)

Other networks have gotten into the act, Fox has even gotten into the act with “Fox News Latino,” and other race-based “news” websites have come into existence in the last decade or so. Maybe it’s good business, but it’s not good for the country. And it’s what Democrats have always advocated – in 1963, Democrat George Wallace proudly proclaimed the positions of Democrats when he said “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” The only thing to change in the ensuing 58 years is their tactic to achieve that, not their goal.

The Grio, The Root, etc., are hotbeds of bigotry masquerading as news, as if the color of one’s skin dictates their world or what they care about. It’s the digital version of the liberal reaction to Senator Scott’s speech – a daily dose of “if your skin looks like this, this is how you’re allowed to think.”

That’s how leftists reacted to a conservative black man rightly telling the country the one thing Democrats are more desperate to hide than anything else – the United States is not a racist country. They lost their minds, that’s not an approved message.

Every stop was pulled out to protect the left’s “precious.” If people don’t see this country as horrible they will not support its destruction and replacement with the false-God Utopia the left is selling. At least not voluntarily.

The usual suspects pounced. Everyone on MSNBC attacked Scott, only stopping short of dropping N-bombs on the air, even though they clearly wanted to.

The story of Scott’s family rising from poverty to Congress isn’t supposed to happen in the America Democrats are selling. There are millions of stories like his, but they don’t get told. Barack Obama’s own story undercuts the liberal narrative, which is why he didn’t use his journey from a child of parents who wanted little (his mother) or nothing (his father) to do with him to the White House was so rarely told, and even more rarely told honestly.

On Scott’s speech, a professor (naturally) from Fordham told an MSNBC audience, “So, that’s where the lack of respect comes from. When he talks about growing up in a one-bedroom house, ask yourself, why did you grow up in a one-bedroom house? Because your party doesn’t believe in equality. Ask yourself why your grandfather didn’t know how to read? It’s because your party actually defunds education. Ask yourself why it is that you went to failing schools? It’s because your party doesn’t value education, especially for black youths, especially for people in the south.”

What was left unsaid is after Democrats ended reconstruction after the Civil War, they had control of South Carolina for 100 years. All the issues that professor talked about were created, cultivated, and enforced by the very party she and her fellow panelists has sworn allegiance to.

Everyone in that segment knows this, of course, they were just counting on their audience not. It was a safe bet. No one is taught accurate history anymore, and those on the left who know are as desperate as the liars to keep it hidden for their own advantage; to keep people divided and to keep dividing people further. Divide to conquer. That’s the true face of systemic racism.

The damage to lives be damned, same with the country. Individuals have always been disposable to the left, the last century proved that. Agenda über alles. People, black people in particular, have been misled and manipulated by Democrats as they switch tactics but not their objective since the Civil War. They’re more diverse now, but just as nefarious.

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast, host of a daily radio show on WCBM in Maryland, and author.

5. Yeni Birlik Gazetesi İlk Sayfası




İşgalci İsrail ordusundan Gazze’ye havadan ve denizden saldırı!

İşgalci İsrail ordusu, Gazze’ye kara harekatı başlattıkları haberini yalanladı. İşgalci İsrail masum sivilleri havadan ve denizden bombalıyor.


İşgalci İsrail ordusu, Gazze Şeridi’ne kara harekatı başlattığını ve İsrail askerlerinin Gazze’ye girdiğini duyurdu. Fakat ilerleyen saatlerde İsrail ordusunun Gazze’ye girmediği ortaya çıktı.

İsrail Ordu Sözcüsü Jonathan Conricust AA muhabirine yaptığı açıklamada, İsrail ordusunun Gazze Şeridi’ne kara operasyonu başlattığını söyledi. Conricust, İsrail askerlerinin Gazze Şeridi’ne girmeye başladığını vurgulayarak, operasyonla ilgili şu aşamada daha fazla detay veremeyeceğini kaydetti.


İsrail ordu sözcülüğü, “Gazze’ye girildiği” şeklindeki açıklamasını yinelemekten kaçınarak, “askerlerin girip girmediğini teyit edemeyiz” dedi.

İşgalci İsrail’in 2014’ten bu yana Filistin‘e yönelik en kanlı müdahalesi her geçen gün şiddetlenirken, bugün TSİ 00.20 sıralarında karadan da harekât başlatıldığı yönünde bilgi geldi. İsrail Savunma Bakanlığı, Gazze Şeridi’ndeki hedeflerin karadan ve havadan vurulduğunu duyurdu. Fakat ilerleyen saatlerde İsrail ordusunun Gazze’ye girmediği ortaya çıktı.

İsrail Savunma Kuvvetleri (IDF) tarafından yapılan açıklamada, “Şu anda Gazze Şeridi’nde IDF kara birliği yok. IDF hava ve kara kuvvetleri Gazze Şeridi’ndeki hedeflere saldırıyor” denildi.


İşgalci İsrail’in savaş uçakları, Gazze’nin güneyinde bulunan Refah şehrindeki bir sivil eve isabet etti. Hava saldırısında 6 kişi şehit oldu.


Gazze, İşgalci İsrail’in F16 savaş uçaklarının yoğun ve şiddetli bombardımanı altında.


Hamas tarafından yapılan açıklamada, İsrail’in Gazze Şeridi’ne son birkaç dakika içinde 150’den fazla hava saldırısı gerçekleştirdiğini ifade etti.

Hamas’ın silahlı kanadı El Kassam Tugayları, Aşkelon, Aşdod, Beersheba ve Sderot’a 50 füzeyle saldırı düzenlediklerini açıkladı.

Hamas’ın silahlı kanadı El Kassam Tugayları, Gazze Şeridi’ndeki sivillerin ve sivil tesislerin hedef alınmasına yanıt olarak İsrail’in Aşkelon kentine 100 roket atıldığını duyurdu.


İsrail Başbakanı Binyamin Netanyahu, “Hamas’a çok ağır bir bedel ödeteceğimizi söyledim, bunu yapıyoruz ve büyük bir güçle devam edeceğiz. Son söz henüz söylenmedi ve bu operasyon gerektiği sürece devam edecek” dedi.


Kassam Tugaylarından, ilerleyen saatlerde Gazze’ye kara operasyonu yapmaya hazırlanan ve tanklarını sınıra sevk eden işgalci İsrail ordusuna bir video yayınlandı. Açıklamada, “Düşmana Gazze sınırında sert bir ders vermeye hazırız.” ifadeleri kullanıldı.


Kassam Tugayları'ndan işgalci İsrail ordusuna video mesaj: Hazırız


İşgalci İsrail’in savaş uçakları, Gazze’nin güneyinde bulunan Refah şehrindeki bir sivil eve isabet etti. Hava saldırısında 6 kişi şehit oldu.

İsrail’in Gazze Şeridi’ne yönelik hava saldırı devam ederken, can kayıpları giderek artıyor. İsrail’in Gazze Şeridi’ne düzenlediği hava saldırılarına Hamas tarafından İsrail’de birçok kente 90 roket fırlatarak karşılık verdi.

Hamas’ın silahlı kolu El Kassam Tugayları tarafından yapılan açıklamada, İsrail ordusunun işlediği suçlara tepki olarak Aşdod ve Aşkelon şehirlerinin bombaladığı duyurularak, “El Kassam Tugayları, İsrail ordusunun sivilleri ve evleri hedef almasına, çocukların ve kadınların öldürülmesine yanıt olarak Aşdod ve Aşkelon şehirlerine 90 füzeyle büyük bir füze saldırısı başlattı” denildi.


Cumhurbaşkanlığı Sözcüsü İbrahim Kalın, İsrail’in Gazze’ye yönelik saldırılarının yeni katliamların habercisi olduğunu belirtti.

Kalın, Twitter’dan yaptığı açıklamada şunları kaydetti:

“İsrail’in Gazze’ye yönelik saldırıları, yeni katliamların habercisidir. İsrail’in hukuk dışı ve işgalci tavrına karşı tüm dünyayı acilen sorumluluk almaya davet ediyoruz. Türkiye, Filistin halkının yanında olmaya devam edecektir.”


AK Parti Genel Başkanvekili Numan Kurtulmuş, siyonist terör devleti İsrail’in zulmünün yeryüzünün vicdanını kanattığını belirtti.

Kurtulmuş, Twitter’dan yaptığı paylaşımda, “Siyonist terör devleti İsrail’in zulmü yeryüzünün vicdanını kanatıyor. Hepimizin kalbi Filistin’le, Gazze’yle çarpıyor. Hepimiz Kudüslüyüz, hepimiz Mescid-i Aksa’nın evlatlarıyız. Zafer inananlarındır, zafer Filistinlilerindir.” ifadelerini kullandı.

İletişim Başkanı Fahrettin Altun: İsrail, katliamlarına ve terör eylemlerine aralıksız bir şekilde devam ediyor. İşgalci İsrail, yıllardır hukuksuz bir şekilde her türlü insan hakkını ayaklar altına alarak abluka altında tuttuğu Gazze’ye şimdi de kara operasyonu başlatıyor.


7.U.S. Department of Homeland Security

DHS Issues a National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin

Release Date: May 14, 2021

WASHINGTON – Today, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas issued a National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin after consultation with the Intelligence Community and law enforcement partners. The NTAS Bulletin advises that the United States is facing threats that have evolved significantly and become increasingly complex and volatile.  Specifically, the Bulletin details the threats posed by domestic terrorists, individuals, and groups engaged in grievance-based violence, and those inspired or influenced by foreign terrorists and other malign foreign influences.Â

Social media and online forums are increasingly exploited by these actors to influence and spread violent extremist narratives and activity.  Such threats also are exacerbated by the impacts from the ongoing global pandemic.  Today’s Bulletin builds on an earlier Bulletin issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in January, and provides more information on the currently heightened threat environment and how Americans can seek help.

“Today’s terrorism-related threat landscape is more complex, more dynamic, and more diversified than it was several years ago. We know that providing timely and useful information to the public is critical as we all work together to secure the homeland.  With the issuance of today’s NTAS Bulletin, we are advising the public to be vigilant about ongoing threats to the United States, including those posed by domestic terrorism, grievance-based violence, and those inspired or influenced by foreign terrorists and other malign foreign influences,” said Secretary Mayorkas. “In this evolving threat environment, DHS is redoubling our efforts to detect and disrupt all forms of foreign and domestic terrorism and targeted violence, while safeguarding privacy protections, civil rights, and civil liberties.”

DHS and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will continue to provide guidance to state, local, tribal, and territorial partners about the current threat environment. DHS is collaborating with industry partners to identify and respond to the radicalization that results from the spread of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and false narratives on social media and other online platforms. DHS does not have any information to indicate a specific, credible plot; however, DHS asks all Americans to report any suspicious activity and threats of violence to local law enforcement, FBI Field Offices, or a local Fusion Center.

Since January 20, 2021, DHS has increased the development, production, and sharing of intelligence and other actionable information central to countering domestic terrorism, which now poses the most significant and immediate terrorism-related threat to the United States.  DHS has established a new, dedicated domestic terrorism branch within the Department’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A). Further, DHS is increasing training opportunities for law enforcement partners, including through threat assessment and management programs related to domestic violent extremism.

In February, Secretary Mayorkas designated combating domestic violent extremism as a National Priority Area for the first time in FEMA grant programs. As a result, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments are required to spend at least 7.5 percent, or a minimum of $77 million, of their DHS grant awards toward combating this threat.Â

The Department is committed to building trust, partnerships, and collaboration across government, civil society, and communities to combat all forms of targeted violence and terrorism.

For additional information, view the entire NTAS Bulletin.


NATO Secretary General speaks with the leaders of the Bucharest 9 Initiative ahead of NATO Summit

On 10 May 2021, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg participated in a meeting with Heads of State and Government of the Bucharest 9 Initiative, which includes Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia


NATO Deputy Secretary General marks 10th anniversary of key missile defence agreement

NATO on 12 May 2021 marked the 10th anniversary of the agreement between Romania and the United States to establish NATO’s land-based ballistic missile defence system in southern Romania.

NATO Deputy Secretary General urges Allies to work closely together

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană on 13 May 2021 said that NATO’s unity and ability to adapt is essential amid a more unpredictable and rapidly changing world.

NATO Deputy Secretary General stresses the importance of strengthening transatlantic ties at the Delphi Economic Forum

Speaking at the sixth edition of the Delphi Economic Forum on 10 May 2021, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană advocated the strengthening of transatlantic ties.

Four NATO Allies and one partner boost Special Operations Forces capabilities

  • 12 May. 2021
The Regional Special Operations Component Command (R-SOCC) declared that it has reached Initial Operational Capability on 12 May 2021 as part of exercise Black Swan 2021 (19 April – 14 May 2021).

Hungarian Defence Forces / Photorapher: Kertesz Laszlo)

Under the leadership of Hungary, R-SOCC will provide the participating nations (Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia) with a temporary deployable command element specifically dedicated to leading operations of special forces.  R-SOCC provides a regional capability similar to the Composite Special Operations Component Command (C-SOCC) established by Belgium, Denmark, and the Netherlands, which reached its Full Operational Capability in December of 2020.

The command will increase the ability of the five participating nations to effectively employ their special operations forces, and will enable each nation to use its own contributions separately, while benefitting from an integrated R-SOCC structure once activated for deployment. The next main milestones of R-SOCC are to reach Full Operational Capability by December 2024 and to make the command available for the NATO Response Force in 2025.

R-SOCC is one of NATO’s multinational High Visibility Projects and was launched by the Defence Ministers of the five nations through a Letter of Intent in February 2019. This was followed by a Memorandum of Understanding signed by Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia in October 2019, and by Austria in December 2020.



Opinion: America is playing with fire

“The first thing every totalitarian regime does, along with confiscation and mutilation of reality, is confiscation of history and confiscation of culture. I think they all happen almost simultaneously.” — Iranian professor and author Azar Nafisi

By Evelyn Markus, The Gatestone Institute

On May 8, 1945, men and women rushed to the streets of New York, London and Moscow to hug, kiss and dance. Germany had just surrendered. The war against Nazi Germany was over. The killing had stopped. A great evil had ended. Yet many had mixed feelings of joy and grief. More than 100,000 US soldiers had given their lives and almost another 450,000 had been wounded. In all, 15 to 20 million Europeans had been killed. May 8 is still celebrated in our times as Victory in Europe Day, or V-E Day.

In 1930, my father moved as a young boy from Holland to Germany with his parents and brothers. My grandfather hoped to earn some money there during the Great Depression. He said that nobody had foreseen what would develop in the next 15 years.

Until 1930, there were only a few hundred Nazi Stormtroopers (SA), or “Brownshirts,” in German streets intimidating voters, opponents and Jews. Many of the stormtroopers wanted socialism. In the following years, their number escalated quickly to thousands, and even hundreds of thousands. In 1933, when Hitler took power, there were two-to-three million SA Stormtroopers in Germany. It went amazingly fast, my grandfather always said.

The Nazis were obsessed with race. They suppressed dissent, controlled the dissemination of news and controlled culture. In 1933, the German Student Union started to burn books in an effort to align German arts and culture with Nazi ideas. Books of authors such as Hemingway, Helen Keller and Jack London were considered dangerous and had to be canceled. The students did not see themselves as suppressing culture; they saw themselves as advancing a just culture.

The intimidations by the Brownshirts peaked on Kristallnacht (“The Night of Broken Glass”). It was a night of looting, arson and public humiliation — solely on the basis of ethnicity. More than 90 Jews were murdered. Then the Blackshirts (SS entities) ‘finished it off’. That night, they brought tens of thousands of Jews to concentration camps.

Nazi officials disguised the organized nature of the pogrom. They described the actions as spontaneous and justifiable responses of the German population to the assassination by a Jew of a German diplomatic official, Ernst vom Rath, in Paris.

he government confiscated all insurance payouts to Jews whose businesses and homes had been looted or destroyed during Kristallnacht and blamed the Jews for the destruction. Soon, more Jewish property was confiscated and Jews got canceled from employment in the public sector and from most professions.

In an interview with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Iranian professor and author Azar Nafisi, whose book Reading Lolita in Tehran was canceled in Iran, describes what took place:

“The first thing every totalitarian regime does, along with confiscation and mutilation of reality, is confiscation of history and confiscation of culture. I think they all happen almost simultaneously.”

What used to be unimaginable is now taking place in America. We see certain aspects of Nazi-like totalitarianism in the United States. The obsession with race, declaring an ethnic group collectively guilty, shaming, humiliations based on ethnicity, lootings, arson, racist violence, intimidation of opponents, cancel culture, controlled dissemination of news, and indoctrination of children in schools. We see fake news, conspiracy theories, an overhaul of history, a new language imposed, and unprosecuted theft. All in the name of a more just culture.

On May 8, we remember that America had a leading role in liberating Europe from the totalitarian Nazi regime. But who will liberate America if it becomes totalitarian state? America is playing with fire.

Evelyn Markus, psychologist, filmmaker, produced the documentary ‘Never Again Is Now’ about rising anti-Semitism.


US pulls American soldiers out of Israel due to Gaza conflict

By Paul Shindman, World Israel News

The U.S. military decided that due to “caution and good prudence” a group of visiting American soldiers left a planning conference early and returned to their base in Germany, The Hill reported Thursday.

At the Pentagon, Defense Department press secretary John Kirby said 120 soldiers from the U.S. Central Command and U.S. European Command returned to Ramstein Air Base in Germany on Thursday.

“We made this decision to remove these individuals in coordination with our Israeli counterparts,” Kirby told reporters at the Pentagon, adding that the American soldiers had been in Israel “for a routine planning event” dealing with an upcoming military exercise.

The planning conference concerning the routine work preparing the details of the military exercise was scheduled to end at the end of the week, but the Pentagon moved up the soldier’s departure by a few days as the IDF pounded terrorist targets in Gaza in response to rocket fire on Israeli civilians.

“Out of an abundance of caution and good prudence … we ended that planning conference a little early and got them safely to Germany,” Kirby said, adding he was not aware of any other plans or efforts to remove any other Americans from Israel.

The move was first reported by CNN first when a Pentagon official told the network that continuing violence and limited commercial flight options affected the decision.

Another reason for the early departure may have been the need for the IDF personnel attending the conference to shift to operational duty as Israel ramped up its defensive operation against the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza.

On Thursday Defense Minister Benny Gantz ordered a callup of an additional 9,000 Israeli reservists and the IDF pummeled Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets in Gaza in response to the massive terrorist rocket fire at Israeli population centers that began Monday.

There is close cooperation and coordination between the Israeli and American militaries, with the countries holding numerous joint annual and biennial exercises.

Last year the IDF was forced to cancel its participation in a major joint military exercise with the U.S. European Command due to the coronavirus epidemic.

However, Israel’s Air Force held a joint F-35 fighter jet military exercise with its U.S counterparts using “social distancing,” as the only meetings were by the airborne pilots in their advanced stealth bombers.


İsrail ırkçı faşist bir terör devletidir


Tarihte en çok sürgüne ve takibe uğrayan  bir millet olarak Yahudiler terör devletleri İsrail vasıtasıyla Filistin’de hak, hukuk ve kanun tanımıyor. Müslümanlara karşı saldırı, zulüm, işgal ve istilalarını Hitler Faşizmini aratmayacak bir barbarlık ve vahşet içinde tüm dünyanın gözü ününde sürdürüyor.

Kuruluşundan zamanımıza kadar batılı güçlerin yardım ve desteği ile Kudüs’e ve Filistin’e yerleşen Yahudiler, burada zehirli bir engerek yılanı gibi çöreklendi.  Müslümanların evlerini ve yurtlarını zorla ellerinden alıp Filistin dışından getirdikleri göçmen Yahudileri gasp işgal ve istila ettikleri buralara yerleştirdi.

Haksızlıklar, hukuksuzluklar, zulümler, işkence ve katliamlar karşısında dünyanın en demokratik, hukuka ve insan Haklarına en saygılı denilen kurum, kuruluş ve devletler bu vahşetler ve barbarlıklar karşısında sustular. Hatta; bu barbarlığı alkışladılar. Başlarına Almanya’da, Polanya’da, Ispanya’da, Rusya’da bela olan yahudileri bu yolla  buralara postaladılar.

Müslümanların en kutsal ayı Ramazan’da, en kutlu şehirlerinden olan Kudüs’te, en önemli olan mabetlerinden birisi olan  Mescidi Aksa’da, Bin aydan hayırlı olan Kadir Gecesin’de ve Ramazan Bayramında İsrailli yahudiler sivilleri, istihbarat ve askeri güçleri sokak ortasında ve mabetlerimizde Müslümanları katlettiler. Havadan, karadan ve denizden başlattıkları ırkçı faşist saldırılarla bir soykırımını sürdürerek uluslarası bir savaş suçu işliyorlar. Koruyucu ve kollayıcı batılı emperyalist devletlerin basın ve yayın organlarının, diplomatik misyonlarının gözleri önünde gerçekleşen bu cinayetler ters yüz edilerek, İsrail mağdur, Filistinli Müslümanlar ise dünya kamuoyuna saldırgan barbarlar olarak gösteriliyor.

Bugün Ramazan Bayramı Filistin’i Müslümanlar ve Mescidi Aksa İsrail devleti kurulduktan beri bugün olduğu gibi her gün zulüm ve işkence içinde yaşıyor. Aparteiht Yahudi devletinin zulmü, baskısı ve katliamları altında Filistin ve Mescidi Aksa kan ağlıyor. Emperyalizmin kolonyal devletcikleri; Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, Bahreyn, Fas, Suudi Arabistan’ın yöneticileri gibi müstemleke valileri sözde krallar, prensler, sultanlar, emirler ve devlet yöneticileri İsrail’le barış anlaşması yapmanın keyfini çıkararak adeta bu zulmü alkışlıyor.

Ortadoğu bir yandan ABD, İsrail, Fransa ve İngiltere başta olmak üzere batılı Siyonist ve Haçlı çeteleri tarafından kuşatılıyor. Afganistan, Irak, Suriye, Libya, Mali, Somali, Kıbrıs, Keşmir, Yemenle birlikte coğrafyamız vekalet savaşlarıyla bir yangın yerine çevriliyor. Yanan sadece Filistin ve Mescidi Aksa değil yüreğimizle birlikte bütün coğrafyamızdır. Azizi Milletimiz ve onurlu ümmetimiz; Karabağ’da Ermeni taşnaklarına, Kıbrıs’ta Rum palikaryalarına, Ege’de Yunan çakallarına, Filistin’de Yahudi sırtlanlarına, Keşmir’de Hintli akbabalara, yurdumuzun güneyinde PKK ve teferruatı leş kargalarına boğdurulmak isteniyor. Yangına verilip yakılıp yıkılmak istenen bizim evimiz, yurdumuz, ülkemiz, vatanımız, malımız mülkümüz, canımız, namus, bayrağımız ve şerefimizdir. Susturulmak istenen; Ezanımız, Kur’anımız, İslam’ın bayrağı olan Türk milletinin sesidir.

Afrika’da, Uzakdoğu’da Asya’da, Latin Amerika’da huzursuzluk çıkaran, politika üreten, fitnenin bezirganlığını yapanlar Ortadoğu’yu kan gölüne çeviren aynı siyonist ve Haçlı alçaklardır. Bu şer güçlere karşı en onurlu ve şerefli bir duruş sergileyen Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti ve onun Başkumutanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, kahraman askerlerimiz, şanlı  polislerimiz ve yiğit milletimiz bu düşman güçlerin en hoşlanmadıkları devlet ve insanlardır.

Dikkatle izleyin! Yurt içinde ve yurt dışındaki Erdoğan düşmanlığının bağlantıları ve kökleri Türkiye’den Paris’e, Londra’ya, Wasington’a, Berlin’e ve Tel Aviv’e kadar uzanır. Osmanlıdan bu zamana kadar ülkemizde bolca bulunan iki yüzlü mankurt sözde aydınlar, politikacılar ve yerli münafıklar batı emperyalizminin ileri karakolları olarak milletimizin içinde faaliyet göstermektedir. Bu sahte kahramanlar demokratik ayak oyunları ve hilelerle yalan ve iftiralarla iktidarı ele geçiremediklerinde 1960, 1980, 28 Şubat ve 15 Temmuzda olduğu gibi son umutlarını batı güdümlü darbelere bağlıyorlar.

Millet olarak biz, çok net ve çok iyi biliyoruz ki; daha Haçlı savaşları bitmedi. Onun için Alpaslan’ın, Selahaddin’in, Kılıçarslan’ın, Nureddin Zengi’nin çocukları olarak biz bu coğrafyada zalimin ve zulmün başının belası olarak hep var olduk ve hep var olmaya devam edeceğiz. Zalimler ve münafıklar, Haçlılar ve Siyonistler kudursa da; iyi ki varsın Başkan Erdoğan, kahraman milletim, şanlı ordum ve yeryüzünün yüz akı ülkem; Türkiye’m.

Kahrolsun Faşist İsrail ve onu kucağında besleyen Haçlı emperyalistler… Allah’ın cc izniyle…gün gelir ve hesap sorma zamanı bize de gelir. Şimdi, milletime ve İslam ümmetine hesap soranlara bir gün hesap verme zamanı da gelir,

Daha güzel, daha mutlu, daha umutlu yarınlara dilek ve temennisiyle milletimin ve İslam ümmetinin bu buruk Ramazan Bayramını kutluyor; ‘’Yarınlar bizimdir, elbet bizimdir/ Gün doğmuş gün batmış, ebed bizimdir.’’ (NFK) diyorum

Arif Altunbaş, Haber 7


Biden Signs Executive Order Improving Cybersecurity After Recent Hackings

Sputnik News

23:51 GMT 12.05.2021(updated 23:57 GMT 12.05.2021)

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – President Joe Biden has signed an executive order that is expected to improve cybersecurity and incident response efforts after the recent cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline, the White Hosue said in a release.

“Today [on Wednesday], President Biden signed an Executive Order to improve the nation’s cybersecurity and protect federal government networks. Recent cybersecurity incidents such as SolarWinds, Microsoft Exchange, and the Colonial Pipeline incident are a sobering reminder that US public and private sector entities increasingly face sophisticated malicious cyber activity from both nation-state actors and cyber criminals,” the release said on Wednesday. “This Executive Order makes a significant contribution toward modernizing cybersecurity defenses by protecting federal networks, improving information-sharing between the US government and the private sector on cyber issues, and strengthening the United States’ ability to respond to incidents when they occur.”

The executive order requires IT service providers that work for private sector companies to share information in case of a breach as well as removes any contractual obligations precluding the providers to disclose such information. Service providers in the private sector must report breaches to the federal government within three days, according to the order.

The order also provides for the implementation of stronger cybersecurity standards in the federal government by securing cloud services, a zero-trust architecture, and mandating the deployment of multifactor authentication and encryption.

In addition, the order establishes a cybersecurity safety board that will be convened following a significant cyber incident to analyze and investigate the causes.

In the coming months to a year, an inter-agency process must identify ways to better secure federal data and strengthen cybersecurity infrastructure, the order said.

The executive order was signed amid an ongoing investigation of major cyberattacks on the Colonial Pipeline last week which led to notable fuel shortages across the southern states.

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