1. Ο πόλεμος των κατασκόπων: Το μήνυμα του επικεφαλής της MI6 στη Μόσχα

3 Dec, 2018

Τη δεύτερη μεγάλη δημόσια ομιλία του αφότου ανέλαβε την ηγεσία της βρετανικής υπηρεσίας κατασκοπείας (Secret Intelligence Service, είναι γενικά γνωστή με το προσωνύμιο MI6), ο Άλεξ Γιάνγκερ θα υποστηρίξει πως η Ρωσία συνεχίζει να εφαρμόζει το δόγμα της «αιώνιας σύγκρουσης» με τη Δύση.

Θα θυμίσει ότι, μετά την επίθεση εναντίον του Σεργκέι Σκρίπαλ, πρώην πράκτορα της ρωσικής στρατιωτικής υπηρεσίας πληροφοριών που κατέδωσε δεκάδες συναδέλφους του στην MI6, οι σύμμαχοι της Βρετανίας στην Ευρώπη και οι ΗΠΑ πήραν το μέρος της και προχώρησαν στη μεγαλύτερη μαζική απέλαση Ρώσων διπλωματών μετά τον Ψυχρό Πόλεμο.

Η κυβέρνηση της Βρετανίας διατείνεται ότι ο νευροτοξικός παράγοντας που χρησιμοποιήθηκε στην επίθεση εναντίον του Σκρίπαλ ήταν το Ναβιτσόκ, μια θανατηφόρα ουσία που αναπτύχθηκε από τον σοβιετικό στρατό τις δεκαετίες του 1970 και του 1980.

Η Μόσχα από την πλευρά της διέψευσε επανειλημμένα ότι είχε οποιαδήποτε ανάμιξη στην υπόθεση και κατηγόρησε τις βρετανικές υπηρεσίες κατασκοπείας ότι έστησαν αυτή την υπόθεση για να ανακινήσουν αντιρωσική υστερία.

Ο Γιάνγκερ θα προτρέψει στη σημερινή του τοποθέτηση «τη Ρωσία και κάθε άλλο κράτος που έχει σκοπό να υπονομεύσει τον τρόπο ζωής μας να μην υποτιμά την αποφασιστικότητά μας και τις δυνατότητές μας, ή εκείνες των συμμάχων μας», σύμφωνα με αποσπάσματα του λόγου που θα εκφωνήσει.

Στην ομιλία του στο Πανεπιστήμιο Σεντ Άντριους, όπου σπούδασε, ο Γιάνγκερ, 55 ετών, θα αποκαλύψει εξάλλου ότι οι κατάσκοποι της Βρετανίας ματαίωσαν πολλές συνωμοσίες του Ισλαμικού Κράτους (ΙΚ) που η τζιχαντιστική οργάνωση απεργαζόταν στο εξωτερικό με σκοπό τη διάπραξη τρομοκρατικών ενεργειών.

Ενώ απομένουν λιγότεροι από τέσσερις μήνες, ώσπου το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο να αποχωρήσει από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, την 29η Μαρτίου 2019, ο Γιάνγκερ θα τονίσει ακόμη πως η MI6 συνεχίζει να συνεργάζεται με τις ευρωπαϊκές υπηρεσίες-εταίρους της για να ενισχυθούν οι δεσμοί μεταξύ τους, που θα χαρακτηρίσει «εκ των ων ουκ άνευ» για την Ευρώπη.

Ο Γιάνγκερ, κατάσκοπος καριέρας που εντάχθηκε στις τάξεις της MI6 την εποχή που η Σοβιετική Ένωση κατέρρεε, αναμένεται ακόμη να τονίσει πως η κατασκοπεία είναι ανάγκη να ενστερνίζεται κάθε τί νέο.

SOS «Η εποχή της τέταρτης βιομηχανικής επανάστασης απαιτεί κατασκοπεία τέταρτης γενεάς: συγχώνευση των παραδοσιακών ικανοτήτων των ανθρώπων μας, με την καινοτομία που κινείται με ολοένα ταχύτερο ρυθμό, νέες σχέσεις συνεργασίας, έναν τρόπο σκέψης που αξιοποιεί την ποικιλομορφία και ενδυναμώνει το νέο», θα πει.

«Θέλω να απευθυνθώ στους νέους που ποτέ τους δεν σκέφτηκαν πως θα μπορούσαν να ενταχθούν στην MI6 (…) Αν θέλετε να κάνετε τη διαφορά και πιστεύετε ότι έχετε αυτό που χρειάζεται, τότε μάλλον έχετε αυτό που χρειάζεται κι ελπίζουμε να κάνετε ένα βήμα μπροστά.»


From the moment the SJP conference began, they were not given a moment’s quiet.”

December 3, 2018

Matthew Vadum

More than 200 pro-Israel activists picketed what Haaretz described as the “largest ever pro-Palestinian student conference held at UCLA,” letting members of the Hamas-backed anti-Semitic hate group Students for Justice in Palestine know that their radicalism and violence against Jews and Israel supporters will no longer go unchallenged on campus.

Groups supporting Israel gave the campus Left a taste of its own medicine. Turn-about is, after all, fair play.

Students Supporting Israel (SSI), Reservists on Duty (RoD), and other pro-Israel groups came together in Los Angeles to protest a recent weekend conference. Literature documenting the role of Students for Justice in Palestine as a front for the terrorist organization Hamas was provided by the David Horowitz Freedom Center (DHFC). The DHFC literature documented the fact that the Hamas-funded, anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement on campus is a terrorist operation, created by Hamas, funded by Hamas and advancing Hamas’ chief political operation: the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement.

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) claimed 500 people registered for the conference, which was titled, “Radical Hope: Resistance in the Face of Adversity.” When it announced the conference, the group bragged about disrupting pro-Israel events, stating, “Other instances of our perseverance include disruptions of pro-war, Zionist, and racist guest speakers.” The anti-Semitic SJP’s agenda is demonizing Israel spreading genocidal lies about its creation, and justifying Hamas terrorist attacks on civilian populations.

Amit Deri of Reservists on Duty said his group demonstrated using flags and signs provided by DHFC outside the conference from the Friday it began through Sunday, Nov. 18. RoD is an Israeli nonprofit created by Israeli reserve soldiers who wished to combat the BDS movement and anti-Semitism.

“From the moment the SJP conference began, they were not given a moment’s quiet,” Deri said.

This is the first time that so many pro-Israeli organizations are collaborating and are able to raise an effective demonstration at the annual conference of SJP at UCLA,” he said. “SJP were afraid to get their heads out of the hall where the demonstration took place.”

“If we will be strong enough on every campus, SJP will not dare to be violent against Jewish students!”

Two members of Students Supporting Israel infiltrated the conference, walking onto the main stage. One held up a sign reading “Jews are indigenous to Judea” while the other held an Israeli flag.

SSI posted a video of the infiltration on Facebook, accompanied by this statement: “Students Supporting Israel refused to stay silent as SJP hosted their national conference at UCLA, promoting the destruction of Jewish self-determination and inciting violence against an entire group of people.”

Promoting the conference, SJP’s national website likened support for Israel to Nazism. The site lectured readers that: “There is a massive power disparity between Zionism and its victims. Zionism is perverse in all aspects of Palestinian life and aims to destroy Palestinian existence and culture.”

“Zionism,” according to the website, “is ethnic cleansing, destruction, mass expulsion, apartheid, and death.” Israel is guilty of “cementing apartheid into law” and “the everyday oppression of Palestinians at all levels of life.”

The website implicitly praised Muslim terrorists, stating that Palestinians have “stared Zionist violence and death in the face and pushed forward––even when the outcome of such defiance was uncertain, or even when an unfortunate, grim outcome was almost certain.”

National Jewish organizations, UCLA students and alumni, and the Los Angeles City Council condemned the conference. Nearly 35,000 people had signed a petition at time of writing calling on UCLA’s administration to cancel the event “to help prevent the next Pittsburgh,” a reference to the murder of 11 Jews at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue during Shabbat morning services on Oct. 27.

Students for Justice in Palestine “is “a terror-supporting, anti-Semitic network that harasses and intimidates Israel-friendly students and operates with autonomy and impunity at scores of colleges and universities across the United States,” according to Dan Diker of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.

“For nearly two decades, SJP has promoted Hamas lies and propaganda in order to establish a beachhead of support for anti-Israel terrorists on American campuses, resulting in a dramatic rise in anti-Semitic incidents and the harassment of Jewish students,” said David Horowitz Freedom Center founder David Horowitz.

The strong showing on the UCLA campus was unprecedented, according to Horowitz.

“We have been saying they are an arm of Hamas for years but other groups have been reluctant to join us,” he said. “This is a big breakthrough and our years of agitation have paid off.”

UCLA Chancellor Gene Block’s behavior earned him a spot on DHFC’s “Top Ten University Leaders Who Are Supporters of Terror.”

The other nine are:

Lee Bollinger, President, Columbia University

Angel Cabrera, President, George Mason University

Beverly Warren, President, Kent State University

Leslie Wong, President, San Francisco State University

Anthony Monaco, President, Tufts University

Carol T. Christ, Chancellor, University of California-Berkeley

Howard Gillman, Chancellor, University of California-Irvine

Robert Zimmer, President, University of Chicago

Renu Khator, President, University of Houston

Lee Bollinger, President, Columbia University

While Janet Napolitano, president of the University of California system, failed to make the list, she has nevertheless supported SJP activities on campus.

She ignored a letter David Horowitz wrote her in 2016 urging her to kick out Students for Justice in Palestine.

In the letter Horowitz explained that SJP “continues to accept funding and aid through the Hamas front group American Muslims for Palestine” while it holds events “preaching the genocidal values of Hamas on university property.”

“These privileges would normally be denied to groups that preach hatred of any other ethnic group, let alone one that supports barbaric terrorists who slaughter men, women and children with the goal of cleansing the earth of people who disagree with them.”

“In light of these facts, we ask that you withdraw all university privileges granted to SJP and other campus groups who promote the genocidal Hamas agenda, and that you put an end to the terrorist influences which have infiltrated your campus and which threaten the security not only of Jewish students on your campus, but of all Americans.”

Since Block became chancellor in 2007, the University of California Los Angeles campus has become a hotbed of pro-terrorist, anti-Israel activity.

As Frontpage documented in a recent report, Block and the campus administration have gone to great lengths to support SJP, bully pro-Israel students, and counter the efforts of the David Horowitz Freedom Center to expose the fact that SJP is a terrorist front group.

For example, in March 2015, when DHFC’s Stop Jew Hatred on Campus campaign put up posters depicting SJP as “#JewHaters,” Block referred to the posters as “another example of intolerance” and likened them to swastikas found on Jewish fraternity buildings.

In May of this year anti-Israel protesters, including with UCLA’s branch of SJP, disrupted a pro-Israel event, ripping down flags and shouting pro-terrorist slogans such as “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” which is recognized as a genocidal call to eliminate Israel as a Jewish state. UCLA officials condemned the protest, but said they couldn’t do anything about it unless a police report was filed—a step they had never suggested to pro-Israel students whose event was disrupted. And then when more than a dozen pro-Israel students filed official police complaints with campus police, SJP still didn’t face repercussions for disrupting the pro-Israel event.

BDS activists hounded the university’s graduate student body president, Milan Chatterjee, out of office. In his resignation letter he wrote that he had been relentlessly attacked, bullied and harassed by BDS-affiliated organizations and students. But when DHFC conducted a postering campaign on campus to expose the links between SJP and Hamas, UCLA Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Jerry Kang sent a mass email to the 50,000 members of the UCLA community describing the posters as “repulsive” and claiming they produce “chilling psychological harm” that “cannot be dismissed as over-sensitivity.” Kang also called the posters “hateful” and “thuggish” and asserted they relied on the “tactic of guilt by association, of using blacklists, of ethnic slander, and sensationalized images engineered to trigger racially tinged fear.”

Block has allowed professors at UCLA to preach hatred of Israel.

At a May 2018 SJP event titled “Teaching Palestine with Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi & Dr. Robin Kelley,” Kelley, a history professor at UCLA, claimed that “the Nakba” (an Arabic term opponents of Israel use to characterize Israel’s founding as a “catastrophe”) was “the ethnic cleansing operation that turned three-quarters of the Palestinians into refugees and transformed the top-ranked wealth and even the intellectual and cultural capital into the hands of Israelis. So it’s like a gangster operation. Armed robbery sanctioned by the world.”

In April 2016, UCLA’s Center for Near East Studies hosted an address by Noga Kadman on her book, Erased From Space and Consciousness: Israel and the Depopulated Palestinian Villages of 1948. During her talk, Kadman accused Israel of carrying out a “massacre” of the Palestinians, a claim that is historically false and a staple of anti-Israel propaganda.

In November 2015, UCLA’s Center for Near Eastern Studies hosted a conference on “Palestine and Pedagogy” at which speakers likened Israel to the Nazis, praised anti-Israel terrorism, and expressed support for the BDS movement against Israel. UC Irvine Professor and Director of the UC Institute for Humanities Research Theo Goldberg claimed Israel practiced “eliminationist racism” such as used by the Nazis and said Israelis view Palestinians as “vermin, cockroaches, rats, snakes … that take boots on the ground to get rid of,” and of possessing “a commitment to purification.” Goldberg’s libels also included the false claim that Israelis produce “snuff films” featuring the deaths of innocent Palestinians which go viral resulting in “an orgasm of feeling” for Israelis.

This is not an exhaustive list. Click here to read the full report.

Holding UCLA to account is vitally important, according to David Horowitz.

“American universities like the University of California allow these terrorist allies to use their authority and prestige to lend this genocidal offensive an aura of respectability,” he said. “Our campaign intends to expose SJP and other supporters of BDS as fronts for Hamas and to press universities to cease their funding and support of these organizations.”

3. Mattis: Putin Tried to ‘Muck Around’ in US Midterm Elections.


Sunday, 02 December 2018 06:14 AM

A   A

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Saturday took aim at Russian President Vladimir Putin, accusing him of trying to “muck around” in the U.S. midterm elections, of duplicity in arms control and of acting irresponsibly in last weekend’s naval confrontation with Ukraine.

In remarks at the Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi Valley, California, Mattis said the U.S.-Russian relationship has deteriorated over the last two years.

“We are dealing with someone that we simply cannot trust,” he said. “There is no doubt the relationship has worsened.”

Mattis did not elaborate on his claim that Russia tried to interfere in last month’s elections, adding only, “We are seeing a continued effort along those lines.” He added more generally, “It’s his efforts to try to subvert democratic processes that must be defended.”

Citing Russia’s seizure of Ukrainian vessels and sailors, President Donald Trump canceled his plans to meet with Putin at this weekend’s Group of 20 summit in Argentina, but he said he looked forward to meeting Putin soon. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called the canceled Trump-Putin meeting a missed opportunity, saying it didn’t “help settling a number of important international problems.”

The naval incident further escalated a tug-of-war that began in 2014 when Russia annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula and supported separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine. It also has prompted global concern and renewed Western criticism of Russia. Mattis portrayed the latest incident as evidence that the administration’s defense strategy, announced nearly a year ago, was correct in refocusing from the post-9/11 wars to what Mattis has called an emergence of “great power” competition with Russia and China.

Mattis, in a speech at the Reagan Presidential Library and during a question-and-answer session afterward, was unyielding in his criticism of Putin. Asked how the U.S. can deter further Russian confrontation, the former Marine general placed the blame for worsening relations all on the Russian president.

“This is a very complex situation because Mr. Putin is clearly a slow learner,” Mattis said. “He is not recognizing that what he is doing is actually creating the animosity against his people. He’s not acting in the best interests of the Russian people, and he is actually causing NATO to rearm” — an allusion to increased defense spending by many European NATO members, as well as the conduct of bigger allied military exercises and billions of dollars in additional U.S. spending on military training and operations in Europe.

“We are dealing with Putin’s duplicitous violation of the INF Treaty,” Mattis said. He was referring to the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces accord between Washington and Moscow that the White House has indicated it intends to withdraw from soon.

The Trump administration asserts that Russia has been violating the treaty by producing and deploying land-based missiles the accord had banned. Moscow denies any violation.

Mattis did not mention directly the administration’s intention to withdraw from the treaty, saying instead, “We will re-energize our arms control efforts, but the onus is on Russia.”

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4. Israeli opposition leaders demand Netanyahu resign

December 2, 2018

Israeli opposition leaders called for Netanyahu’s resignation after police recommended charging him for bribery.

By World Israel News Staff

Israeli opposition leaders Tzipi Livni and Avi Gabbay of the “Zionist Union Party” called for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s resignation after the police recommended that he be charged for bribery in Case 4000, on Sunday.

“Netanyahu has become a burden on Israel,” Gabbay tweeted Sunday. “A prime minister with so many corruption cases around him can’t continue in his position and must resign.”

“A man driven by a sick obsession about what they say about him in the media can’t lead the State of Israel. And every additional day in his role does damage to the citizens of Israel,” he said.

Tzipi Livni tweeted, “Bribery! Israeli police recommend an indictment on bribery against the prime minister. Netanyahu needs to go home before he destroys law enforcement in order to save his own skin. The nation of Israel deserve clean leadership. Elections now!”

Police announced earlier Sunday that they’ve also built a case against Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara and recommended charges be brought against them for bribery, fraud and breach of trust.

The case involved a quid pro quo where Netanyahu promised Bezeq owner Shaul Elovitch regulatory favors in exchange for positive coverage of his family in Walla! News, a website owned by Bezeq, Israel’s largest telecom provider.

Israeli police also recommended charging Elovitch, and his wife, and others involved in the case.

5. Iran Press TV

Britain warns Russia not to underestimate its intelligence capability

Iran Press TV

Dec 3, 2018

The head of Britain’s MI6 intelligence service, which is focused on foreign security threats, has warned Russia that it should not underestimate London’s ability to deal with complicated sabotage cases, saying that the country is launching a new generation of espionage activities that could take the adversaries by surprise.

Alex Younger said in a speech to students at the University of St Andrews, in Scotland, on Monday that Britain and allies were not willing to allow Russia to believe that it can easily launch sabotage activities in the country.

“Russia or any other state intent on subverting our way of life not to underestimate our determination and our capabilities, or those of our allies,” said Younger, adding that countries like Russia who regard themselves as being in a state of “perpetual confrontation” with the UK posed serious threats to the country.

Since March, Russia and Britain have been locked in a dispute over an alleged attack on a former Russian double spy in the southern English city of Salisbury. London believes Russia’s military intelligence service GRU targeted Segei Skripal and his daughter.

Russia says the case was a fabrication by MI6 to enable the British government to pile more pressure on Russia and to undermine efforts for normalization of West-Moscow ties amid a conflict in Ukraine.

Younger said that MI6 played a huge role in exposing the poisoning attack on Skripals while it coordinated the expulsion of Russian diplomats over the case.

The top British spy said that in response to increasing threats from Russia and other countries, Britain was developing a “fourth generation” of espionage that was far more sophisticated in nature and used modern methods of spying on other nations.

“The era of the fourth industrial revolution calls for a fourth generation of espionage: fusing our traditional human skills with accelerated innovation, new partnerships and a mindset that mobilizes diversity and empowers the young,” he said.

Further elaborating, Younger, who has led MI6 for the past four years, said the secret intelligence service was looking to recruit from the youth with different ethnic and religious backgrounds.

“I want to speak to young people who have never seen themselves in MI6,” said Younger, adding, “It doesn’t matter where you are from. If you want to make a difference and you think you might have what it takes, then the chances are that you do have what it takes, and we hope you will step forward.”


The Lebanese army was placed on high alert following the IDF’s announcement.

DECEMBER 4, 2018 

An Israeli vehicle patrols a street in Metulla, Israel, as seen from the village of Kfar Kila, in south Lebanon December 4, 2018. (photo credit: REUTERS/KARAMALLAH DAHER)

The IDF destroyed a Hezbollah tunnel that penetrated into Israeli territory south of the Lebanese village of Kfar Kila, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit announced in a statement Tuesday, launching Operation Northern Shield to protect Israel from cross-border tunnels dug by Hezbollah.

The 2×2 meter tunnel started in a home in southern Lebanon and stretched some 40 meters into Israeli territory, but did not represent an imminent threat to residents in the area, the IDF said. It was built starting from a home in Kfar Kila and took two years to build and had running electricity, the army said.

“The digging of the cross-border attack tunnels that the IDF has discovered, before the attack tunnels became operational and posed an imminent threat to the safety of Israeli civilians, constitutes a flagrant and severe violation of Israeli sovereignty,” said IDF Spokesperson Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis.

The objective of the operation is to expose and neutralize all Hezbollah attack tunnels which have crossed into Israeli territory. The operation will take place all along the “Blue Line,” the name for the international border between Israel and Lebanon and strictly within Israeli territory.

IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot held a situational assessment in Metullah with OC Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Yoel Strick, the army said.

7. Preperations for ‘Operation Northern Shield’

The IDF has sent a mesage to UNIFIL and the Lebanese army that anyone who crosses into Israel risks their life. The IDF said it will not allow anyone to cross into Israel and called on UNIFIL to enforce UN Resolution 1701.

The IDF launched Operation Northern Shield overnight on Monday to expose and destroy cross-border attack tunnels built by Hezbollah, a proxy of Iran, along the Lebanon border and into northern Israel.

The operation will be led by Strick and will include troops from the Combat Engineering Corps, the Intelligence Branch, as well as the Defense Ministry’s Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure (MAFAT) will take part.

The military stated that a number of areas close to the security fence with Lebanon, including Metula*, have been declared a closed military zone and that it has beefed up troop numbers in the Northern Command ahead of all possible scenarios. No reservists have been called up.

The Lebanese army was  placed on high alert following the IDF’s announcement.

While the IDF stressed that it is prepared for any escalation with Hezbollah that could stem from the operation, there are no special instructions for the residents of the North. The IDF updated the heads of local authorities overnight and will continue to be in contact with them throughout the operation.

“We are in full control of the situation and are determined to remove the underground Hezbollah threat from the northern border,” the spokesman said on a call with reporters. “The tunnels do cross into Israeli territory, but the work on them was not complete.”

The evolution of terror attack tunnels against Israel and Israel’s responses

According to Manelis, the Lebanese government is responsible for all that occurs on Lebanese soil and the digging of the tunnels shows that the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) is not capable of controlling what occurs in southern Lebanon.


Israel reveals Hezbollah tunnels on northern border

Avi Gabbay Netanyahu has become a burden on Israel, December 2, 2018 (Raanan Cohen)

“This is also more proof of the grave violations by Hezbollah, which blatantly ignores UN resolutions, especially Resolution 1701, and operates from villages in southern Lebanon, while harming the state of Lebanon and its citizens,” Manelis said, adding that “the Hezbollah terrorist organization, which is behind the digging of the tunnels, continues to operate with the support and funding of Iran in order to carry out terror activity against Israeli citizens.”

The IDF said the tunnel destroyed on Tuesday was destroyed by digging into the limestone surrounding it, a process different than other tunnels. The topography of the area, hilly and made of limestone, is different than that of Gaza and therefore the construction of the tunnel was different than that of a Hamas tunnel from Gaza, the army said.

The IDF began a special joint task force in the North in October 2014, and the army said it underwent a long process to understand the tech and building of the tunnels. The operation began before the tunnels were operational.

Hezbollah, which is supported by the majority of the Shi’ite population in Lebanon, has not only inserted itself into every aspect of civilian life but is said to be using private homes to store its weapons warehouses and missile launchers. It has rebuilt its missile arsenal since the Second Lebanon War in 2006 with the aid of Iran.

While Israeli defense officials repeatedly denied the existence of cross-border Hezbollah tunnels, despite residents of northern Israel warning of strange sounds underground, the military admitted on Tuesday that it had been aware of Hezbollah efforts to build attack tunnels stretching into Israel at several points along the border after the Second Lebanon War.

After Operation Protective Edge in the Gaza in 2014 – during which Hamas used tunnels to enter Israel – the military decided to form a special team in the Northern Command to more seriously explore the threat along the border with Lebanon.

In 2015, the Lebanese daily As-safir published a series of reports about Hezbollah’s preparation for war against Israel, which included a sprawling underground network of highly-advanced tunnels housing thousands of rockets, ready to be launched.

According to the report, the tunnels, which have secondary escape shafts, are built with durable concrete and have a 24-hour power supply via underground generators as well as a ventilation system to protect military equipment.

In a future conflict, Hezbollah’s elite Radwan unit is expected to attempt to capture an Israeli community or military outpost and, as part of preparations for this threat, Israel has invested significant amounts of money and effort into strengthening its defenses along the border with Lebanon in recent years.

To prevent any such ground attack by the group, Israel has created obstacles, such as artificial cliffs and is currently building high concrete barriers all along the Lebanese border in the areas of the Sulam Ridge, Metula and Misgav Am to the south and east of the Blue Line.

The barrier is expected to be completed in the coming months.

The IDF has carried out several large-scale drills simulating war with the Lebanese terror group in the past year and according to the military Israel’s intelligence capabilities has increased dramatically since the Second Lebanon War in 2006 and has five times the number of targets in the north if another war were to break out.
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Hezbollah’s plan: Infiltrate Israel, ‘cut off’ Metula

INN – A senior officer in Northern Command said Wednesday that the Hezbollah terror organization was surprised and deterred by the operation to destroy terrorist tunnels on the northern border.

The IDF has gained almost complete control of the Hezbollah tunnel project. Maintaining secrecy and the element of surprise has been a significant milestone in the success of the operation, which will last, according to assessments, for several weeks.

“The chief of staff wanted to launch the operation two months ago, but we in the Northern Command asked for more time to organize and lay the foundation for preparing the operation,” says the officer, who says that at no time was there a tunnel ready for use and that a period of months separates between the utilization of the tunnels and today s reality.

According to the information gathered in the army, the purpose of the tunnels was to enable Hezbollah’s forward and rapid force to break out of the tunnels, to take control of central areas and routes such as Route 90, to ‘cut off’ the northern town of Metula or other places, and then to allow additional forces to pass through the fence into Israeli territory.

“I estimate that it is possible to destroy all the tunnels from Israeli territory similarly to how we operated in the Gaza Strip and not to enter into a confrontation at this stage with Hezbollah, which found itself very surprised and even retreated its forces due to the new findings,” the officer says.

As early as 2015, the army realized that Hezbollah was likely to have built an attack plan which included terror tunnels.

For this purpose, the organization built seemingly innocent buildings and factories, such as a factory for the manufacture of blocks on the outskirts of the village of Kela in southern Lebanon. The camouflage for Hezbollah was perfect: a low, indistinguishable location, the removal of dirt and sand for a distance of about ten kilometers from the factory, daytime work only to prevent noise, a small team and a number of partners.

“Finding a tunnel or tunnels along a 130 kilometer route was a difficult task,” says the officer, explaining that the breakthrough came in the past year after a seismic mapping of the whole area: “We were already ready for action from the summer, but we postponed it to learn about the entire scope.”

The heavy bulldozers, the masses of workers, most of them civilian workers, and the technological devices that allow a glimpse into the tunnel’s route can be seen on the ground. Dozens of meters separate the route from the Kiwi orchards of Metula and hundreds of meters separate it from the homes of Metula themselves.

“Hezbollah has lowered its profile, but we are not taking chances, so the entire commando brigade is deployed along with fighters from regular units of the army, to provide a rapid operational response when necessary. If Hezbollah responds, the air force is ready which a large breadth of forces, as is the navy, and when everyone planned the big operation, everything was taken into account.”


8. Ρωσικό ναυτικό: Επιτυχής δοκιμή 3M-54 Kalibr από πυρηνικό υποβρύχιο
Το ρωσικό ναυτικό εκτόξευσε επιτυχώς πύραυλο κρουζ 3M-54 Kalibr (κωδικός NATO SS-N-27 Sizzler), από πυρηνοκίνητο υποβρύχιο στη θάλασσα Μπάρεντς. Η εκτόξευση πραγματοποιήθηκε κατά τη διάρκεια άσκησης και το βλήμα έπληξε τον στόχο του που βρισκόταν σε απόσταση 700 χλμ.

«Η εκτόξευση πραγματοποιήθηκε από την επιφάνεια της θάλασσας σε πεδίο βολής στη θάλασσα του Μπάρεντς. Ο στόχος βρισκόταν σε πεδίο βολής στην περιοχή του Αρχάγγελου», ανέφερε ανακοίνωση του ρωσικού ναυτικού.

Ο πύραυλος 3M-54 Kalibr είναι ένα βλήμα “επιφανείας – επιφανείας” τύπου κρουζ.

Διαθέτει πολεμική κεφαλή βάρους 450 κιλών. Ανάλογα με την έκδοση ο πύραυλος μπορεί να αναπτύξει και υπερηχητική ταχύτητα στην τελική φάση πτήσης του δυσκολεύοντας την αντιμετώπισή του από τον στόχο.

Russia: Israel has right to confront Hezbollah

By World Israel News Staff

Following Israel’s launch of a major defensive campaign in the north to beat back the threat posed by the Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon, the Russian embassy in Israel communicated qualified support for Israel’s right to self-defense.

In a tweet on Wednesday, the embassy stated, “No doubt that Israel has the right to protect its national security, including to prevent the illegal entry of anyone into the country.”

The tweet referred to a new IDF strategy called Operation Northern Shield, launched overnight Monday by the Israeli army to destroy Hezbollah’s cross-border terror tunnels. The operation exposed Hezbollah’s terror tunnel digging efforts, which mirror the tactics of the Hamas terror group in Gaza.

Reacting to the operation, the Russians added, “At the same time, we hope that [Israel’s] actions taken for this purpose will not conflict with UNSC resolution 1701,” referring to a United Nations Security Council agreement that helped resolve the 2006 Israel-Lebanon war.

The resolution required Israel to withdraw forces from southern Lebanon, in addition to demanding the “disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon,” including Hezbollah.

In the years since, Hezbollah has amassed a massive missile stockpile that some estimate has reached 150,000 rockets, with which it regularly threatens to attack the Jewish state. Hezbollah also continues to operate with impunity in territory that is ostensibly under the control of the Lebanese army and UNIFIL, a U.N. peacekeeping force that critics say has been largely ineffective in carrying out its mandate.

Hezbollah receives the majority of its funding from Iran, supplementing Iranian aid with a vast international criminal network that traffics in illegal narcotics and money laundering.

The Russian embassy’s Twitter feed reflected the position expressed by Russian foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Wednesday, which also referenced UNIFIL’s responsibility to monitor southern Lebanon and prevent “any violations.”

Zakharova called on all parties “to show the necessary responsibility and restraint, to avoid provocative steps and harsh statements that can further aggravate the tense situation,” reported The Jerusalem Post.

Unlike Russia, the U.S. backed without any reservations Israel’s decision to launch Northern Shield, with National Security Adviser John Bolton declaring in a statement that the U.S. “strongly supports Israel’s efforts to defend its sovereignty” and “call[s] on Hezbollah to stop its tunneling into Israel and to refrain from escalation and violence.”


Russia Threatens to Target US Allies If Trump Exits Arms Treaty

Russia Threatens to Target US Allies If Trump Exits Arms Treaty

05 December 2018

Putin’s remarks to Russian news agencies on Wednesday came a day after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced at a NATO meeting that Washington will suspend its obligations under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) in 60 days, citing Russian “cheating.”

The U.S. has shared intelligence evidence with its NATO allies that it says shows that Russia’s new SSC-8 ground-fired cruise missile could give Moscow the ability to launch a nuclear strike in Europe with little or no notice. Russia has denied the accusations.

President Donald Trump earlier this year announced his decision to withdraw from the INF, accusing Russia and China — which is not a signatory to the treaty — of violating it.

Putin on Wednesday accused the United States of making up excuses for pulling out of the pact, saying that the U.S. first made up its mind to walk out of it and only then “started to look for the reasons why they should do it.”

“It seems that our American partners believe that the situation has changed so much that the U.S. has to have this type of weapons,” he said in televised remarks. “What would be our response? A very simple one: in that case, we will do the same.”

Speaking at a briefing of foreign military attaches earlier, Gen. Valery Gerasimov, chief of staff of the Russian military, warned of a Russian response and said that it would be the countries that host U.S. intermediate-range missiles that would become immediate targets for Russia.

When signed in 1987, the INF treaty was lauded as a major safeguard for global security since they eliminated shorter-range missiles that take just a few minutes to reach their targets. The removal of such destabilizing weapons would in theory allow more time for decision-making in case of a warning of a missile attack.

U.S. ally Germany, which has been keen to preserve the treaty, called on Russia to try to save it while it still has the time.

“The INF treaty is of great significance for security in Europe,” government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer said in Berlin on Wednesday. “The German government welcomes the fact that the American government is giving its preservation another chance,” she added, referring to the 60-day deadline. She also noted that the issue came up in a meeting between Chancellor Angela Merkel and Trump in Argentina on Saturday.

“It is now up to Russia to avert the end of the treaty,” Demmer said.

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Η λύση είναι μια και λέγεται ξένοι διαιτητές παντού!

Η λύση είναι μια και λέγεται ξένοι διαιτητές παντού!
Τετάρτη, 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2018 – 15:31

*** ΑΠΟΚΑΛΥΨΗ : Λίγο πριν αρχίσει το Λαμία – Μπάοκ, η ΕΠΟ άλλαξε τον κανονισμό * Ο ΜΑΚΡΥΧΕΡΙΝΙΑ έπαιζε μπακότερμα !

*** ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΣΕ ο Στρατηγός Μ. Κωσταράκος στον Καμμένο να ξαναφορέσει στρατιωτική στολή !

  • ΤΟΝ έκανε ρόμπα, για να έχει κάτι να φοράει ***

*** ΜΕ ποινή κάθειρξης δέκα ετών με αναστολή καταδικάστηκε χθες ο εφοπλιστής Βίκτωρ Ρέστης * ΕΤΣΙ τώρα μπορεί άνετα και … δικαιωματικά να μπει στον Παναθηναϊκό ***




*** ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ λύση, κύριοι * ΛΥΣΗ οριστική και καταλυτική * ΛΕΓΕΤΑΙ ξένοι διαιτητές ! * ΤΙΠΟΤΑ λιγότερο, τίποτα περισσότερο * ΚΑΙ λέω ξένοι, διότι πολύ απλά, Έλληνες διαιτητές, ΔΕΝ ΥΠΑΡΧΟΥΝ * ΑΥΤΟΙ πού εμφανίζονται κάθε Κυριακή στους ορισμούς, είναι η άχρηστοι και ανίκανοι, ή χρησιμοποιούν την ιδιότητά τους για προσωπικά οφέλη * ΚΑΙ δεν διστάζουν ακόμα και να γίνου ΛΑΜΟΓΙΑ, προκειμένου να εξυπηρετήσουν τα προσωπικά τους συμφέροντα * ΔΥΣΤΥΧΩΣ, αυτή είναι η αλήθεια!

*** ΓΙΑ να έχουμε όμως πλήρη αντίληψη των καταστάσεων των πραγμάτων, είναι απαραίτητο να κοιτάμε πάντα και ΠΙΣΩ από τα γεγονότα * Η ΣΥΝΔΕΣΗ του Μπάοκ με τη διαιτησία, δεν είναι μόνο εμφανής, αλλά και ΠΡΩΤΟΦΑΝΗΣ * Σε κάποιες φάσεις της ξεπερνάει (σε ωμότητα και σε μη τήρηση των προσχημάτων) ακόμα και την παροιμιώδη σχέση της διαιτησίας την εποχή του Βαρδινογιαννισμού με τον Παναθηναϊκό * ΚΑΙ είναι φυσικά αποδεκτό χωρίς αμφισβήτηση από το σύνολο της φίλαθλης κοινής γνώμης, ότι με το τέλος της σύγκρουσης των δύο πρώην «συμμάχων», η διαιτησία ΑΝΗΚΕΙ, τυπικά ( μέσω ΚΕΔ Περέιρα ) και ουσιαστικά ( μέσω διαιτητών ) στον Μπάογκ * ΑΚΟΜΗ και κάτι λίγα απομεινάρια από την πρώην κυριαρχία Κούλας, έχουν ή αποχωρήσει, ή «αλλάξει στρατόπεδο»

*** Η ΔΙΑΙΤΗΣΙΑ του Τσαμούρη, προκάλεσε έκπληξη σε πολύ κόσμο * ΟΧΙ όμως σε όλο τον κόσμο * Η ΒΑΣΗ της λογικής, είναι ότι ο σημερινός κραταιός στη διαιτησία Μπάοκ, ποτέ δεν θα ΕΠΕΤΡΕΠΕ να σφυρίξει σε αγώνα του ένας διαιτητής πού να μην ήταν προσεκτικά «ψαγμένος» * ΠΟΣΟ μάλλον ένας διαιτητής από τον … Πειραιά !

*** ΑΠΟ … Πειραιά, είπατε ; * ΓΙΑ να το δούμε λιγάκι αυτό * ΣΤΙΣ 12 αγωνιστικές του πρωταθλήματος έως τώρα, τους αγώνες του Μπάοκ έχουν διευθύνει διαιτητές από : * ΚΙΛΚΙΣ, ένας * ΑΡΤΑ, ένας * ΓΙΑΝΝΙΝΑ, ένας * ΛΑΡΙΣΑ, ένας * ΔΙΕΘΝΕΙΣ, δύο * ΞΕΝΟΙ, τέσσερις * ΤΣΑΜΟΥΡΗΣ ( Πειραιά ) ΔΥΟ !

*** ΟΙ δύο διεθνείς, είναι ο Παπαπέτρου ( άρτι … «αποσκιρτήσας» από περιβάλλον Νιάου ) και ο Διαμαντόπουλος ( πού έγινε διεθνής από τον συνεργάτη του Μπάοκ, αρχιδιαιτητή Περέιρα ) * Ο ΟΠΟΙΟΣ Περέιρα, ΕΠΙΛΕΓΕΙ και ΟΡΙΖΕΙ και τους ΞΕΝΟΥΣ πού παίζουν στα ντέρμπι, ΑΥΤΟΠΡΟΣΩΠΩΣ!

*** ΒΛΕΠΟΥΜΕ λοιπόν ότι ο Τσαμούρης, ο Πειραιώτης, είναι στην πραγματικότητα ο «εκλεκτός» του συστήματος της εξυγίανσης * ΦΡΟΝΩ δε, ότι δεν θα έχει ΟΥΔΕΜΙΑ σχέση ή σύνδεση ΠΛΕΟΝ με τον Σύνδεσμό Διαιτητών Πειραιά, ίσως και με την ΕΠΣ Πειραιά, αφού είναι γνωστό ότι ΑΥΤΟΙ οι διαιτητές της μεγάλης κατηγορίας, ουσιαστικά ΑΝΗΚΟΥΝ … ψυχή τε και σώματι στην ΕΠΟ και τους ΒΡΟΜΙΚΟΥΣ ΜΗΧΑΝΙΣΜΟΥΣ της

*** ΜΕ βάση τα παραπάνω, ο Τσαμούρης δεν θα ήταν ΠΟΤΕ ΔΥΝΑΤΟΝ να καταλογίσει πέναλτι σε βάρος του Μπάοκ και μάλιστα σε δύσκολο εκτός έδρας αγώνα * ΚΑΙ ακόμη περισσότερο, ένα πέναλτι στην αρχή περίπου του αγώνα, πού θα έδινε μεγάλο αβαντάζ στην… αντίπαλό του * ΚΑΙ για να είμαι ακόμη πιο περιεκτικός, ο διαιτητής Τσαμούρης ΜΟΝΟΝ ως καταγραφή στα μητρώα «ανήκει» στον Σύνδεσμο Διαιτητών Πειραιά, ή και στην ΕΠΣ Πειραιά * ΤΥΠΟΙΣ και ουσία, «ΑΝΗΚΕΙ» στην ευρύτερη … «διαιτητική οικογένεια» ΤΟΥ ΜΠΑΟΚ και «χρησιμοποιεί» την διαιτητική του ιδιότητα για να προασπίζει τα συμφέροντα της ομάδας του Μπάοκ, όποτε οι περιστάσεις … απαιτούν κάτι τέτοιο * ΓΙΑ να απολαμβάνει την ισχύ πού πιστεύει ότι θα του παρασχεθεί

*** ΑΥΤΟ είναι το δικό μου συμπέρασμα, αυτή δηλαδή την εξήγηση δίνω εγώ, ύστερα από την «εις βάθος» επισκόπηση των γεγονότων * ΟΣΟ για τα χαζά πού άρθρωσαν κάποια μουρμουρητά όταν έγινε ο ορισμός Τσαμούρη, ότι «είναι διαιτητής από τον Πειραιά» και διάφορα τέτοια, δεν έκαναν τίποτα περισσότερο από το να ενισχύσουν τις φήμες πως ΚΑΙ ΑΥΤΗ η διαιτησία για τον Μπάοκ ήταν … «γαϊδουροδεμένη» * «ΕΞΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΜΕΝΗ», δηλαδή


*** ΚΑΙ μέσα σ’ όλα, πού λέτε, διαβάζω και το πιο εξοργιστικό * ΔΗΛΩΣΕΙΣ «ανθρώπων του Μπάοκ», πού άρχισαν τα εμετικά «ναι μεν, αλλά» * ΛΕΝΕ δηλαδή, ότι «ναι μεν ήταν πέναλτι» ( καλέ … σώωωπα ! ) «αλλά ΜΕΤΑ, ο διαιτητής σφύριζε εναντίον της ομάδας μας»

*** ΤΙ λέτε ρε … κλεφτοκοτάδες ; * ΣΟΒΑΡΟΛΟΓΕΙΤΕ ή θέλετε να μας δουλέψετε ; * ΟΤΑΝ υπάρχει φάση ΠΕΝΑΛΤΥ πού ΔΕΝ ΔΙΝΕΤΑΙ με το ΕΤΣΙ ΘΕΛΩ ( όχι, δεν ήταν «λάθος», αλλά ΣΚΟΠΙΜΗ ΠΑΡΑΛΕΙΨΗ ) δεν υπάρχουν … «μετά» * ΓΙΑ ποια «μετά» δηλαδή ομιλείτε, αυτά πού ΘΑ ΕΡΧΟΝΤΟΥΣΑΝ όταν το σκορ θα ήταν 1-0 υπέρ της Λαμίας ; * ΠΟΥ ξέρετε εσείς ποια θα ήταν τα ΜΕΤΑ, αν ο διαιτητής Τσαμούρης ΕΚΑΝΕ το ΚΑΘΗΚΟΝ του;

*** ΤΙ θέλετε να μας πείτε ρε ΟΡΝΕΑ, ότι αν η Λαμία είχε προηγηθεί ΣΤΟ 11′ με 1-0 θα βλέπαμε ΙΔΙΟ παιχνίδι στη συνέχεια ; * ΕΙΝΑΙ δυνατόν να σκέφτεστε έτσι; * ΔΕΝ λέω, μπορεί ο Μπάοκ να κέρδιζε τελικά με 1-5, ή με 0-1, αν το πέναλτι δεν γινόταν γκολ * ΠΟΙΟΣ τα ξέρει όμως αυτά ; * ΑΣ το έδινε το πέναλτι πού έκανε ο Μακρυχερίνια στη πού δεν θα διαμαρτύρονταν άλλωστε και κανένας ) και το τι θα γινόταν ΜΕΤΑ, θα το βλέπαμε στη συνέχεια

*** ΑΛΛΟ παιχνίδι θα βλέπαμε, άλλο αποτέλεσμα θα υπήρχε, άλλες κριτικές θα κάναμε * ΕΤΣΙ όμως όπως ήρθαν τελικά τα πράγματα, η ΦΥΣΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΗ ροή του παιχνιδιού ( και της διαιτησίας ) σταμάτησε στο 11′ * ΑΠΟ το 11′ και μετά, μιλάμε πλέον για ΑΛΛΟΙΩΜΕΝΗ κατάσταση πραγμάτων.



*** ΠΟΣΕΣ είναι οι ομάδες της Σούπερ Λίγκας πού θέλουν ξένους διαιτητές ; * ΝΟΜΙΖΩ η συντριπτική πλειοψηφία

* ΠΟΛΛΕΣ εξ αυτών μάλιστα έχουν πάρει και επίσημη θέση * ΝΟΜΙΖΩ ότι είναι καμιά δεκαριά * ΚΑΙ αν προσθέσουμε εκείνες πού θέλουν ξένους αλλά … δεν το λένε γιατί κάνουν τις πολιτικές τους, πάνε κοντά στις δεκατέσσερις δεκαπέντε από τις δεκάξι * ΦΥΣΙΚΑ, η Αεκ ΔΕΝ ΘΕΛΕΙ ξένους * ΤΙ στην ευχή, λέει, να έρθουν τα άγρια να διώξουν τα ήμερα ;

*** ΑΥΤΗ βέβαια ήταν η θέση της Κούλας ΠΡΙΝ την ήττα στη διαμάχη με τον Ρώσο για τον έλεγχο της σφυρίχτρας * ΤΩΡΑ, μπορεί και να έχει αλλάξει γνώμη * ΕΙΝΑΙ πού είναι και μπλεγμένη μέχρι το λαιμό, έχει αλλάξει σε πολλά τη γραμμή της * ΤΕΛΟΣ πάντων, για την Αεκ και τον Νιάου θα τα πούμε πιο αναλυτικά τις επόμενες μέρες * ΤΩΡΑ μιλάμε για τους ξένους διαιτητές

*** ΤΕΛΕΥΤΑΙΑ εξέλιξη επί του θέματος, η επίσκεψη, όπως διάβασα του ηγέτη του Ατρομήτου Γιώργου Σπανού στον Περέιρα * ΣΥΜΦΩΝΑ με το ρεπορτάζ, πήγε ο Σπανός στον αρχιδιαιτητή λαμογιοπορτογάλο και «τον ρώτησε» ( sic ! ) «γιατί δεν βάζει ξένους διαιτητές και στους αγώνες της ομάδας του»

*** ΣΩΣΤΗ και ορθότατη η απορία του Σπανού και πολύ καλά έκανε και πήγε στον Περέιρα * Η ΑΠΑΝΤΗΣΗ όμως πού πήρε ( πάντα με την προϋπόθεση ότι αληθεύουν τα ρεπορτάζ ) είναι πράγματι ΕΞΟΡΓΙΣΤΙΚΗ : * «ΔΕΝ μας αφήνουν οι ΕΠΣ, πού μας πιέζουν συνεχώς για περισσότερους Έλληνες διαιτητές» !

*** ΔΗΛΑΔΗ, τι ακριβώς είπε ο πανίσχυρος αρχιδιαιτητής της ΔΗΘΕΝ ΑΝΕΞΑΡΤΗΤΗΣ ΚΕΔ ; * ΟΤΙ ελέγχεται από τους διάφορους … «καλησπερίτες» των ΕΠΣ, πού θέλουν Έλληνες διαιτητές * ΚΑΙ γιατί θέλουν Έλληνες οι καλησπερίτες πρόεδροι των ΕΠΣ; * ΜΑ βεβαίως, διότι … αγωνιούν, διότι … έχουν μοναδικό μέλημα την άνοδο, την πρόοδο, την προκοπή της ελληνικής διαιτησίας !

*** ΕΤΣΙ είναι * ΟΙ καλησπερίτες πρόεδροι των ΕΠΣ, δεν θέλουν τους Έλληνες διαιτητές για να τους τηλεφωνούν, να τους στέλνουν μηνύματα, να τους πιέζουν να προσέχουν τις ομάδες της Ένωσής τους * ΟΟΟΧΙ τέτοια πράγματα από τους ανιδιοτελείς λεβέντες των ΕΠΣ της εξυγίανσης * ΜΟΝΟ το καλό του ελληνικού ποδοσφαίρου τους ενδιαφέρει

*** ΤΡΕΙΣ ομάδες στη Γ’ Εθνική έχει η ΕΠΣ Πέλλας, της οποίας ο πρόεδρος πέρασε να πει μια καλησπέρα στους ορισμούς της ΚΕΔ * ΛΕΤΕ να το έκανε με πονηρό σκοπό; * ΟΧΙ, βέβαια, αυτό το απορρίπτω κατηγορηματικά * ΑΠΟ ευγένεια το έκανε και παρεξηγήθηκε αδίκως * ΚΑΙ επειδή ακριβώς υπήρξε παρεξήγηση, τσατίστηκε ο Γραμμένος και έδιωξε τον Τσαχειλίδη * ΠΡΟΣ παραδειγματισμό, ώστε άλλη φορά να είναι πιο ευγενείς οι ΚΕΔίτες του αρχιδιαιτητή Περέιρα πού πρεσβεύει την ανεξαρτησία της διαιτησίας * ΜΕΧΡΙ και ο Καλύβας, ο άλλος ΚΕΔίτης πού ήταν παρών στο επεισόδιο του Τσαχειλίδη με τον καλησπερίτη, κατάλαβε τι πρέπει να προσέχει από δω και στο εξής * ΓΙ’ αυτό και δεν παραιτήθηκε ακόμα * ΚΟΥΒΕΝΤΑ δεν έβγαλε * ΚΑΙ πώς να βγάλει, δηλαδή * ΟΤΑΝ τρώνε, δε μιλάνε


*** ΔΕΝ θέλουν λοιπόν οι ΕΠΣ ξένους διαιτητές, πέρα από αυτούς πού ορίζονται στους αγώνες των τεσσάρων * ΛΟΓΙΚΟ δεν είναι ; * ΟΙ ξένοι διαιτητές είναι μία νόσος, πού μπορεί να εξελιχθεί και σε επιδημία ! * ΓΙΑ σκεφτείτε, να έρχονται ξένοι σε όλους τους αγώνες Σούπερ Λίγκας * ΜΕΤΑ, αργά ή γρήγορα θα έρθει και η σειρά της Φούτμπολ Λίγκας και αργότερα – γιατί όχι ; – και της Γ’ Εθνικής ! * ΚΑΙ τότε ; Τι θα γίνει τότε ; * ΘΑ χάσουν οι καλησπερίτες κάθε δυνατότητα παρέμβασης όταν και όποτε πρέπει ; * ΤΙ θα κάνουν δηλαδή, θα κάτσουν να τους … ευνουχίσουν αδιαμαρτύρητα ;

*** ΚΑΙ οι άλλοι, τι θα γίνουν ; * ΟΙ απ’ έξω, εννοώ * ΟΛΟΙ αυτοί οι μηχανισμοί, οι φίλοι της κλασικής μουσικής πού συχνάζουν στη Θηβών, οι νταραβεριτζήδες πού βγάζουν μεροκάματα, τα μικρολαμόγια, οι μεσάζοντες, αυτοί πού ξέρουν πώς να «πλησιάζουν» διαιτητές για να τους ζητάνε να παίξουν … πενήντα – πενήντα και ο πρόεδρας πού είναι μπεσαλής δεν θα τους αφήσει έτσι ;

*** ΤΙ θα γίνουν ΟΟΟΛΟΙ αυτοί, εάν και εφ’ όσον ο Περέιρα αποφασίσει να καλεί μόνον ΞΕΝΟΥΣ διαιτητές ; * ΠΩΣ θα επιβιώσουν ; * ΚΛΕΦΤΕΣ θα γίνουν ; * ΝΑ λοιπόν γιατί οι ΕΠΣ της εξυγίανσης ΔΕΝ ΘΕΛΟΥΝ ξένους διαιτητές ( κατά τον Περέιρα ) * ΔΙΟΤΙ, πολύ απλά, απειλείται η εύρυθμη λειτουργία του επαγγελματικού ποδοσφαίρου εν Ελλάδι

*** ΤΩΡΑ βέβαια, θα μου πείτε τι δουλειά έχουν οι ΕΠΣ με τον Περέιρα ; * ΑΥΤΕΣ τον … ταΐζουν και τον ποτίζουν ; * ΑΠΟ τη Φίφα δεν ( λένε ότι … ) πληρώνεται ; * ΑΝΕΞΑΡΤΗΤΟΣ δεν καυχιέται πως είναι ; * ΔΕΝ κάνει ό,τι θέλει, χωρίς να μπορεί να παρέμβει κανένας στο … έργο του; * ΕΤΣΙ δεν μας λέει ; * ΟΛΑ αυτά τα ανατρέπει από μόνος του με αυτή την απάντηση πού έδωσε στον Σπανό * ΚΑΙ απέδειξε πως δεν είναι τίποτα περισσότερο από ΥΨΗΛΟΒΑΘΜΟ ΥΠΑΛΛΗΛΟ της ΕΠΟ και της απόλυτα … εξυπηρετικής και … μπεσαλίδικης ΕΞΥΓΙΑΝΣΗΣ


*** ΘΑΝΑΣΙΜΟΣ ο συνδυασμός, φίλοι μου και ακαταμάχητος * ΚΑΙ η μπάλα είναι πουτάνα και ο Ολυμπιακός έχει γκίνια ! * ΠΡΟΣΕΞΤΕ λοιπόν, όταν η μπάλα θέλει να σου παίξει τα γνωστά, άτιμα παιχνίδια της * Ο ΚΑΜΑΡΑ του Ολυμπιακού έγινε αλλαγή στο 64′ και ο Καμαρά του Παναιτωλικού σκόραρε στο 70′ * ΤΗΝ αλλαγή τη ζήτησε ο ίδιος ο Καμαρά, λόγω κάποιων ψιλοενοχλήσεων * ΑΝ δεν είχε βγει ο Καμαρά, ίσως και να μην μείωνε ποτέ … ο Καμαρά

*** ΕΒΛΕΠΑ για λίγο Μπάοκ στη Λαμία * ΜΙΣΗ ώρα πριν αρχίσει του Ολυμπιακού και στο ημίχρονο * ΠΟΝΕΣΑΝ τα ματάκια μου από το θέαμα * ΔΕΝ παίζουν μπάλα αυτοί, ρε παιδιά * ΚΑΙ πάντα τη βγάζουν με κάποιο ψευτογκόλ, από περίεργες φάσεις, πού συνήθως ρουφάνε οι αντίπαλοι τερματοφύλακες * ΤΑ τερτίπια της μπάλας είναι αυτά *** ΟΠΩΣ και νά ‘χει πάντως, αυτή δεν είναι ομάδα ποδοσφαίρου * ΕΝΑ γκρουπ σαλτιμπάγκων είναι * ΚΑΙ θέλουν και … πρωτάθλημα, πανάθεμά τους.




