Ενημέρωση Και 1,2… “Τσίου – Τσίου”!..

Φίλοι μου / μας!

1. Τώρα που γράψαμε και ξαναγράψαμε και… ξαναγράψαμε για το ότι οι ΤΕΔ έχουν “κατεβάσει” στα “Κατεχόμενα” “ΜΕΑ”, επιθετικά και μη, (εδώ και 2 χρόνια, όπως λένε), οι Τούρκοι το παραδέχονται παρακάτω, με αφορμή σχετικές δηλώσεις για τα τ/ΜΕΑ, του Ε/Κ ΥΠΑΜ Χ. ΠΕΤΡΙΔΗ! (ΑΛΛΗ ΜΙΑ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΣΗ ΤΟΥ “ΣΑΪΤ” ΜΑΣ, ΧΑΡΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΤΟΥΣ “ΑΓΓΕΛΟΥΣ)!..

Να μην ανησυχείτε Τούρκοι για την αντιμετώπιση των “ΜΕΑ” σας!.. Έχουμε λάβει μέριμνα και σας αναμένουμε!.. 

Τούρκοι… επιβλέποντες!

α. “Βάλτε” χέρι στον συντάξαντα το παρακάτω, διότι μπέρδεψε το όνομα του Ε/Κ ΥΠΑΜ στις 2 πρώτες παραγράφους του άρθρου!..

β. “Βγάλτε” και επιβεβαιώστε μας πάλι, για το τί έχετε ήδη κάνει στο Τρίκωμο (ΤΠΝ), καθώς και για τον επιπλέον “κόσμο” που έχετε “κατεβάσει” στο νησί και τον εξοπλισμό τους, τον αριθμό των επιπλέον αρμάτων, κλπ!.. 

GKRY: Türk SİHA’larına çözüm arıyoruz

Güney Kıbrıs Rum yönetimi (GKRY), KKTC’nin Geçitkale hava üssüne iki yıl önce yerleşen Türk SİHA ve İHA’larına çözüm aradıklarını itiraf etti.


GKRY: Türk SİHA'larına çözüm arıyoruz




Kıbrıs Rum yönetimi savunma bakanı Haralambos Petridis, KKTC’nin Geçitkale hava üssüne iki yıl önce yerleşen Türk silahlı insansız hava araçları (SİHA) ve İHA’larına çözüm aradıklarını belirterek, “Gelişmeleri izliyoruz, karşı önlemler almaya çalışıyoruz” dedi.

Rum bakan, savunma bütçelerini 46 milyon euro artırdıklarını da kaydetti.

Yunan Kathimerini gazetesine konuşan Haralambus, Türk SİHA’larının varlığını yakından takip ettiklerini ve savunma kabiliyetlerini artırmaya çalıştıklarını söyledi.


Arnavutluk Türk SİHA'larına talip oldu

Arnavutluk Türk SİHA’larına talip oldu



[Ευχαριστούμε Τούρκοι και για την παραπάνω πληροφορία για τους… Αλβανούς, επιβεβαίωση (ένα μικρό κομμάτι ασφαλώς), της στρατηγικής σας συμφωνίας, της οποίας όλες οι πτυχές μας είναι γνωστές]!..

Rum Bakan, “Silahlanma programımız devam ediyor. Bakanlar Kurulu, 46 milyon euro’luk ek savunma bütçe talebimizi onayladı. Yeşil Hat’ın (KKTC-Rum yönetimi kara sınırı) elektronik sistemlerle denetlenmesi konusunda da ilerleme kaydettik, sistemi kuracak şirketle anlaştık” dedi.

ABD’nin Rum yönetimine uyguladığı silah ambargosunu tamamen kaldırması gerektiğini de ifade eden Haralambos, Fransa ile askeri işbirliklerinin ileri seviyeye ulaştığını, söyledi.


Yeni Birlik Gazetesi İlk Sayfası



Yeni Şafak Gazetesi İlk Sayfası





Milat Gazetesi İlk Sayfası


4. Κε Πούτιν!

α. Η συνεργασία Τούρκων και Ουκρανών στην αμυντική βιομηχανία ξεκίνησε και πάλι, σε νέες βάσεις!.. Να παρακολουθήσετε την “κάτω από το τραπέζι” προμήθεια τ/ΜΕΑ των Ουκρανών, “εξοπλισμένων” και μη, που ζητούν εμφαντικά οι Ουκρανοί!.. Αυτοί είναι οι Ευρασιανιστές Τούρκοι… φίλοι σας, όχι φυσικά πως δεν τους ξέρεις και ξέρετε!.. 

Με την ευκαιρία, βάλε να σου μεταφράσουν το επόμενο, που αφορά τον νυν επικεφαλής της τ/Αμυντικής Βιομηχανίας!

Savunma Sanayii Başkanı İsmail Demir neden hedefte?


Bir süre önce katıldığı bir televizyon programında “Devletin ordusu Katar’a satılmış”şeklinde bir cümle kullanarak TSK’ya hakaret eden CHP Mersin milletvekili Ali Mahir Başarır, bu defa bir fotoğraf karesi üzerinden Savunma Sanayii Başkanı İsmail Demir’i hedef aldı.

CHP’li vekil, 4 yıl önce ABD’de çekilen bir fotoğrafı sosyal medya hesabından paylaşarak, Sezgin Baran Korkmaz’ın, savunma sanayii ile ne gibi bir ilgisi olabilir? Neden bu masada?” diye sordu.

Öğrendiğime göre, Başarır’ın kullandığı fotoğraf, Mayıs 2017’de ABD’de, yaklaşık 400 kişinin katıldığı bir programda çekilmiş.

Hikâyenin bütününe baktığınızda ise, Savunma Sanayii Başkanı Demir’e ‘çamur atma niyeti’ dışında, meselenin üzerinde durmayı hak edecek bir boyutunun olmadığı net bir şekilde ortada.


Bir defa Sezgin Baran Korkmaz’ın Savunma Sanayii alanında herhangi bir faaliyeti bulunmuyor.

Birlikte yürütülen bir proje, işbirliği vs. söz konusu değil.

Peki, o zaman bu fotoğrafın anlamı ne?


Evet, hiç bir anlamı olmayan bir fotoğraf bu.

400 kişinin katıldığı, DEİK/Türkiye-ABD İş Konseyi tarafından Washington’da düzenlenen bu gala yemeğindeki ‘karşılaşmadan’ ibaret.

Yemek öncesinde, sırasında ya da sonrasında herhangi bir işbirliği söz konusu olmamış.

Gala yemeğinin organizasyonunda da Savunma Sanayii’nin herhangi bir rolü bulunmuyor.

Bu durumda söylenebilecek olan şey şudur:

Önünde arkasında şüphe duymayı, ya da suç isnat etmeyi gerektirebilecek bir durum olmadığı halde, sırf böyle bir karşılaşma sırasında çekilmiş bir fotoğraf üzerinden bir insanı töhmet altında bırakmak, kötü niyetli olmak dışında başka bir şeyle izah edilemez.


Herkesin malumu olduğu üzere İsmail Demir, sıradan bir isim değil.

Türkiye’nin gözbebeği, en büyük stratejik değerlerinden biri olan Savunma Sanayii’nin başkanlığını yapıyor.

7 yıldır yürüttüğü bu görevde, bu alanda kaydedilen başarılara çok ciddi katkısı olmuş bir isim.


Onun başkanlık döneminde Dünya genelinde ilk yüze giren Türkiye’ye ait savunma sanayii şirketinin sayısı 3’ten 7’ye yükseldi.

Proje sayısı, ihracat kapasitesi büyük artışlar gösterdi.

Bu böyle iken, bu alandaki moral ve motivasyonu algı operasyonları ile baltalama girişiminde bulunanların niyetlerini sorgulamak, içi boş suçlamalar üzerinde durmaktan çok daha önemli hale geliyor.

İsmail Demir’in böylesi komik, içi boş, arkası olmayan suçlamalardan etkileneceğini hiç sanmıyorum.

Muhtemelen gülüp geçmiştir de.

Ancak böylesi kampanyalar, sadece hedef kişiyi ilgilendiren kampanyalar değildir.

Her geçen gün Türk Savunma Sanayii’ne dönük ilginin ciddi biçimde arttığı bir ortamda, böyle işlerin arkasında ne var diye sormak, deyim yerindeyse ‘işkillenmek’ gerekiyor.

Bu işin arkasında hangi güçler var? (Μάλλον οι Έλληνες θα ‘ναι! Ρε Μεχμέτ, τί γράφεις ρε πασά μου);

Amaçları ne acaba diye sormak gerekiyor.

β. Σε ό,τι αφορά εμάς, συμμετέχουμε στην πρόσφατη άσκηση της Δύσης στην Κριμαία, λόγω της παραδοσιακής μας σταθερής στάσεως, ως χώρας, σε ό,τι αφορά τον προσανατολισμό μας!.. Όμως, να ξέρεις ότι οι Δυτικοί γνωρίζουν πως αν μας “πουλήσουν” ξανά η στάση μας θα είναι απολύτως άλλη! Εμείς εδώ πιστεύουμε πως ο νυν Π-Θ μας τους το κατέστησε σαφές! Διάβασέ μας εδώ και θα καταλάβεις!


Psikolojik harp başladı! Yalanda öncülüğü Kılıçdaroğlu üstlendi!

Türkiye’nin yükselişini durdurmak ve ülkeyi kaosa sürüklemek için her yola başvuran yabancı fonlu medya ve muhalefet, şimdi de psikolojik harbin en tehlikeli silahı olan yalana sarıldı.


Psikolojik harp başladı! Yalanda öncülüğü Kılıçdaroğlu üstlendi
Sandık dışı yöntemlerle iktidar değişikliği yapmak isteyen mafya, terör örgütleri, yurt dışı fonlu sivil toplum kuruluşları ve muhalefet, psikolojik harp tekniklerini kullanmaya başladı. Psikolojik harp uzmanları ve iletişim bilimcilerin ‘post truth’ adını verdiğini kısa ömürlü, duygulara hitap eden ve kısa sürede yıkıcı etki yarabilecek yalanlara hız verildi. Hem CHP, hem de uzantısı olan medya organları iktidar üzerinde sokak baskısı yaratmak için son birkaç haftada şu yalanları başvurdu:


-Milyonlarca gencin geleceğini etkileyecek olan YKS’den 1 gün önce Sözcü gazetesi “Katarlı gençlere Türkiye’de sınavsız tıp eğitimi hakkı verildi” anonsu ile bir haber servis etti. CHP Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu ve CHP’liler de bu iddiayı doğruymuş gibi paylaştı. Anlaşmanın askeri bir anlaşma olduğu ve sadece sınırlı sayıda askeri öğrenciyi kapsadığı açıklandı. Haberi yapan yayın organları bile iddiaların yalan olduğunu belirtip özür diledi. Ancak CHP’liler ısrarla yalana devam ediyor.

-Yine CHP milletvekilleri Çankırı ziyaretinin ardından bir rapor hazırladı ve bazı iddialara yer verdi. Raporda bir vatandaşın oğluna Recep Tayyip adını verdiği, şimdi değiştirmek istemesine rağmen nüfus müdürlüğünün buna izin vermediği öne sürüldü. Çankırı Valiliği, müdürlüklerde bu yönde bir randevu veya başvuru bulunmadığını belirterek iddiayı yalanladı.


-Vatandaşın çevre hassasiyeti de yalanlarla sürekli kaşındı. Sözcü, Tele1, Birgün gibi yayın organlarında, CHP’liler kaynak gösterilerek ‘Salda Gölü’ne kanalizasyon akıyor’ haberleri yapıldı. İddialarının gerçeği yansıtmadığı tahlil sonuçları ile ortala kondu.


-Milli Eğitim Bakanı Ziya Selçuk’un kardeşinin de hissesinin bulunduğu bir şirketin bakanlığa 25 milyon tutarında bir satış gerçekleştirdiği yönünde iddia ortaya atıldı. İddiaları kesin bir dille yalanlayan Bakan Selçuk, iddialara ilişkin dava açtı.


-CHP Kayseri Milletvekili Çetin Arık, Tarım Kredi Kooperatifleri Genel Müdürü Fahrettin Poyraz’ın 11, Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Davut Arpa’nın ise 5 farklı kuruluştan maaş aldığını öne sürdü. Tarım Kredi iddiaları ‘iftira’ diyerek yalanladı. Poyraz’ın 7 şirkette, Arpa’nın ise 3 şirkette çalıştığını ancak tek maaş aldığı belgeleriyle ortaya kondu.

-Sözcü gazetesi, Avusturya’da gözaltına alınan ‘Sezgin Baran Korkmaz’ın ilk ifadesine ulaştık’ iddiasında bulundu. Haberde Korkmaz’ın ‘Bayramda emniyet müdürlerine 3 milyon dolar rüşvet dağıttım’ dediği iddia edildi. Ancak bu haber de yalan çıktı. Baran Korkmaz’ın ifadesinin hiç alınmadığı açıklandı.


-Ana muhalefet partisi Merkez Bankası’nın 128 milyar dolar rezervinin buhar olduğunu iddia etti. Ancak defalarca yalanlanmasına rağmen konu CHP tarafından hala sıcak tutulmaya çalışılıyor.

-Daha önce FETÖ tarafından uydurulan ancak itibar görmeyen yalanlar bu kez organize suç örgütü lideri Sedat Peker’in üzerinden ısıtılıp tekrar gündeme taşındı. “Kolombiya’dan Türkiye’ye ‘kokain ağı’ kuruldu”, “Türkiye’nin Suriye’de cihatçılara silah yardımı yaptı” gibi iddialar defalarca yalanlanmasına rağmen CHP tarafından kara propaganda aracına dönüştürüldü.


-Kadına şiddet konusu da CHP’nin istismar alanlarından birisi oldu. CHP’li Vekil Alpay Antmen, “Sığınma Evleri 22 ilden kalabalık. Kadın ve çocuk sığınma evlerinin sayısı da nüfusu da her geçen gün katlanarak artıyor” dedi. Ancak sığınma evlerinde sadece 1069 kadın ve 766 çocuğa hizmet verildiği açıklandı.

CHP bunu planlı yapıyor

İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi öğretim üyesi Doç. Dr. Yusuf Özkır da muhalefetin yalanları sıklaştırdığına dikkat çekti. Özkır şunları kaydetti: “Başta Twitter olmak üzere sosyal medya 7-8 yıldır daha egemen bir şekilde hayatımızda yer edindiği için bu türden propagandanın etkisi güçlü şekilde hissediliyor. CHP tarihinde yalandan beslenmemin bir karşılığı var ve Türkiye’nin tek başına aktörleşmesi ve inisiyatif almasından rahatsızlar. Hep böyle oldu. Bu yüzden Türkiye’nin iyi ilişkiye sahip olduğu ülke veya aktörlerin şeytanlaştırılması için büyük bir çaba içinde. Toplumsal kutuplaşmayı artırabildiği ölçüde kendini siyaseten başarılıymış gibi görüyor. İplerin gerilmesinden kazanarak çıkacağını öngörüyor olabilir. Fakat 15 Temmuz gösterdi ki toplum Türkiye’de o eşiği aşmış durumda. Yalanlara ve kutuplaştırmalara prim verilmiyor. Fakat o gerilimi de yaşıyoruz toplum olarak. Öte taraftan bu negatif söylemin, içeriklerin, tehdit dilinin ve Kanal İstanbul konusunda olduğu gibi mafyatik açıklamaların seçmen nezdinde bir karşılığı yok. CHP’nin oyu ortada. Sadece kendi seçmenini radikalleştiriyor. Bu da ayrıca tehlikeli tabi. Bunun planlı yapıldığını düşünüyorum.”

Öztrak da yalanı sürdürdü

CHP lideri Kılıçdaroğlu’ndan sonra partinin genel başkan yardımcısı ve sözcüsü Faik Öztrak da, “Katarlı öğrencilere sınavsız tıp eğitimi” yalanını savundu. CHP MYK sonrası açıklamada bulunan Öztrak, 2021 YKS sınavlarındaki soruların zor olduğunu iddia etti. Öztrak, “Neden bu kadar zor sorular soruldu? Boş kalacak kontenjanlara Katarlı öğrencileri doldurmak için mi bunu yaptınız?” şeklinde konuştu.

Hedefleri kitleleri harekete geçirmek

İletişim bilimciler son günlerde hız kazanan ‘post truth’ yalanların yıkıcı bir etkiye sahip olabileceğini ifade ediyor. Sakarya Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Öğretim üyesi Doç. Dr. Mustafa Bostancı, teknolojiyle birlikte ‘post truth’ yalanların ön plana çıkmaya başladığını söyledi. Bostancı şunları kaydetti: Gelişen teknoloji ile ‘Post truth – hakikat sonrası’ diye bir tanımlama girdi hayatımıza.Gerçekten çok algının ön plana çıktığı, akıldan çok insanların duygu ve inançlarına yönelik mesajların üretildiği bir süreç doğdu. Bu tür mesajların, yalanların ani etki yaratma potansiyeli var. Bombayı bıraktığın anda kitleler harekete geçebiliyor. Geçmişte Gezi Parkı’nda bunu gördük. Başka bir yerde çekilen yaralı fotoğrafları sanki Gezi olaylarında çekilmiş gibi servis edilerek insanlar sokağa dökülmek istenmişti. Vodafone Maratonu’nun fotoğrafı ‘İnsanlar Taksim’e gidiyor’ diye servis edilerek kitleler tetiklenmek istenmişti. Bu tarz eylemler, mesajların yalan olduğu kısa süre sonra ortaya çıksa da, bunu ortaya atanlar amaçlarına ulaşmış oluyorlar. Hem anlık tepki hem de kamuoyu oluşturmak gibi etkileri olabilir. Bu tarz haberleri yayanların bu tarz yalan haber yapanların ‘memleket karışmasın’ gibi bir kaygıları olduğunu düşünmüyorum.



U.S. Department of Defense

June 27, 2021

Statement by the Department of Defense

(Attributable to Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby)

“At President Biden’s direction, U.S. military forces earlier this evening conducted defensive precision airstrikes against facilities used by Iran-backed militia groups in the Iraq-Syria border region. The targets were selected because these facilities are utilized by Iran-backed militias that are engaged in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attacks against U.S. personnel and facilities in Iraq. Specifically, the U.S. strikes targeted operational and weapons storage facilities at two locations in Syria and one location in Iraq, both of which lie close to the border between those countries. Several Iran-backed militia groups, including Kata’ib Hezbollah (KH) and Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada (KSS), used these facilities.

As demonstrated by this evening’s strikes, President Biden has been clear that he will act to protect U.S. personnel. Given the ongoing series of attacks by Iran-backed groups targeting U.S. interests in Iraq, the President directed further military action to disrupt and deter such attacks. We are in Iraq at the invitation of the Government of Iraq for the sole purpose of assisting the Iraqi Security Forces in their efforts to defeat ISIS. The United States took necessary, appropriate, and deliberate action designed to limit the risk of escalation – but also to send a clear and unambiguous deterrent message.

As a matter of international law, the United States acted pursuant to its right of self-defense. The strikes were both necessary to address the threat and appropriately limited in scope. As a matter of domestic law, the President took this action pursuant to his Article II authority to protect U.S. personnel in Iraq.”



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Iran Says Nuclear Site Images Won’t Be Given To UN Atomic Agency As Deal Has Expired

By RFE/RL’s Radio Farda June 27, 2021

The speaker of Iran’s parliament said Tehran will never hand over images from inside some Iranian nuclear sites to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as a monitoring agreement with the agency had expired.

“The agreement has expired … any of the information recorded will never be given to the International Atomic Energy Agency and the data and images will remain in the possession of Iran,” Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf was quoted as saying on June 27 by the semiofficial Tasnim news agency.

The IAEA and Tehran struck the three-month monitoring agreement in February to cushion the blow of Iran reducing its cooperation with the UN nuclear agency, and it allowed monitoring of some activities that would otherwise have been axed to continue. The agreement, which allowed the IAEA to collect and analyze images from surveillance cameras installed at Iran’s nuclear sites, was later extended for a month until June 24.

Iran and the United States have been holding indirect talks on reviving the 2015 agreement between Tehran and six powers that imposed restrictions on Iran’s nuclear activities in exchange for lifting international sanctions.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the accord in 2018 and reimposed tough sanctions on Iran’s economy. Tehran reacted by gradually reducing its commitments under the deal.

President Joe Biden has signaled that the U.S. is willing to reenter the agreement if Tehran goes back to strict compliance.

Mahmud Vaezi, chief of staff to Iranian President Hassan Rohani, said last week that the country’s Supreme National Security Council would take a decision on whether to extend the arrangement with the IAEA at its first meeting after the expiration date.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on June 15 that any failure by Tehran to extend the monitoring agreement would be a “serious concern” for broader negotiations.

With reporting by Reuters and Tasnim

Source: https://www.rferl.org/a/iran-nuclear-site- images-iaea-qalibaf/31328374.html

Copyright (c) 2021. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.



Cynthia McKinney
The former US congresswoman previously tweeted about the Holocaust, “So, the figure wasn’t six million after all?”

By Benjamin Kerstein, The Algemeiner

Former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who has long been noted for anti-Semitic and conspiratorial statements, tweeted on Monday that “Zionists” committed the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.

McKinney — who served in Congress from 1993-2003 and 2005-2007 as a Democratic Representative from Georgia — posted an image to Twitter on Monday showing the twin towers of the World Trade Center ablaze on 9/11, presented as a jigsaw puzzle.

Over the words “the final piece of the puzzle,” a hand inserts the last piece, forming the words “Zionists did it.”

It was not the first time McKinney has engaged in anti-Semitism.

In May 2020, she posted several Holocaust denying tweets. Linking to an article from the Israeli daily Haaretz that explored the issue of how the number of victims of the Holocaust was calculated, she commented, “So, the figure wasn’t six million after all?? What about those punished and even imprisoned for saying so?? Is this a ‘You can’t say, but I can’ kind of thing??”

After criticism from commenters, McKinney responded by saying, “Haaretz writes, ‘According to Yad Vashem’s estimates, once the double listings are removed, the database contains about 4.8 million names.’ I post. Message to me: ‘What turned you into an anti-Jewish bigot and Holocaust denier? You’re a piece of s**t.’”

The article in fact did not say the 4.8 million names were the final tally of victims, only that the names of the rest are likely to remain unknown.

McKinney also has a long history of anti-Israel activities, including participating in two attempts to breach the Israeli naval blockade of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has said that McKinney has accused Israel of genocide; referred to the pro-Israel lobby as a “ruthless” entity that “rears its ugly head in too many facets of life in this country, particularly political life” and engineered her political defeats; and personally met with representatives of Hezbollah and Hamas.

She also referred to US President Donald Trump as a “Zionist puppet.”



Naftali Bennett

The US and Israel are reportedly in discussions for Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to meet President Joe Biden in Washington in July.

By JNS.org and United with Israel Staff

Israel and the U.S. have reportedly been discussing the first visit by new Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Walla News reported Monday.

Israeli officials conveyed to Walla that representatives of Bennett and Biden seek to arrange a visit sooner rather than later.

“An American source claimed that the fact that President Biden called Bennett just two hours after taking the oath of office as prime minister shows how interested the White House is in working with him,” i24 News reported.

“The source added that Washington believes that the current Israeli government, which is made up of eight parties with a wide range of ideological views, is an example for other countries where cooperation can exist despite clear political divisions,” continued the i24 report.

On Sunday, Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Rome, telling the American diplomat that “mistakes were made” in recent years that damaged bipartisan support for Israel, and that the two would “fix those mistakes together.”

Lapid’s remarks echoed statements he made shortly after taking office, when he claimed that the administration of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had become too close to U.S. Republicans, risking turning Israel into a partisan issue. He called Netanyahu’s policies towards Democrats “shameful and dangerous.”

While expressing Israel’s “serious reservations” about the Iran nuclear deal during his meeting with Blinken, Lapid again made an oblique reference to Netanyahu’s approach, saying, “We believe the way to discuss those disagreements is through direct and professional conversation, not in press conferences.”

Referring to his upcoming “historic” trip to the United Arab Emirates, which normalized relations with Israel in September of last year, Lapid thanked the U.S. for helping Israel’s regional normalization efforts. “I look forward to working with you to widen the circle of peace in our region,” he told Blinken.

Blinken said that the Biden administration strongly supports the Abraham Accords normalization agreements. However, he added, “as vital as they are, they are not a substitute for engaging on the issues between Israelis and Palestinians that need to be resolved.”

Blinken stressed the importance of reconstructing the Gaza Strip following “Operation Guardian of the Walls,” the 11-days of fighting between Israel and terrorist groups in Gaza sparked by Hamas launching rockets at Jerusalem on May 10.

During his two-day trip to the region last month, Blinken vowed to “rally international support” to rebuild Gaza.

Both leaders stressed the “deep, enduring” relations between their countries “based on shared values and interests,” but said that disagreements were to be expected.

“We want the same things. We sometimes disagree about how to achieve them,” said Lapid.

“We have the same objectives; sometimes we differ on the tactics,” Blinken agreed. “And we, I think, are very clear and direct with each other when that’s the case. And that’s exactly the way it’s supposed to be.”


Pro-Palestinian Jew-Hate in Europe

A continent lacks the courage to take a stand.


Violent anti-Semitic eruptions in Europe following the outburst of hostilities between the Gaza-based Hamas terrorists and Israel have become common and repeated occurrences. The European governments have done little to prevent the largely Muslim and some local anti-Semites from initiating violence against European Jews. It is particularly true of the German government and its leader, Angela Merkel. Chancellor Merkel invited over a million migrants into Germany, mostly Muslims from the Middle East and Africa. Their inculcated hatred for Israel and Jews has resulted in the desecration of Jewish cemeteries, Holocaust memorials, and attacks on synagogues. To assuage Jewish concerns, Merkel and the German government pay lip-service to the unacceptability of anti-Semitism in Germany due to Germany’s role in perpetrating the Holocaust in which Six Million Jews were murdered by Nazi Germany. In reality, few of the perpetrators are punished, and certainly not with long prison terms or deportation.

The New York Times reported (May 19, 2021) that rocks were thrown at doors of a Synagogue in Bonn. Israeli flags were burned outside a synagogue in Munster. Pro-Palestinian rallies took place in Berlin, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, and Leipzig. “In Germany, where historical memory runs especially deep because of the Holocaust, pro-Palestinian rallies have been held in cities across the west of the country and in the capital, Berlin. Several have descended into violence, including anti-Semitic chants, calls for violence against Israel, desecration of memorials to Holocaust victims, and attacks on at least two synagogues.”

The German Interior Minister Horst Seehoffer threatened to crackdown on anti-Semitism at pro-Palestinian protests. He stated, “We will not tolerate the burning of Israeli flags on German soil and attacks on Jewish facilities.” He added, “Anyone who spreads anti-Semitic hatred will feel the full force of the law.” We have heard these immaterialized threats before, but then, political correctness appears to cause German officials to fold rather than deal forcibly with violent Muslims, many of them new migrants. European White Guilt, particularly toward Third World people, accompanied by the loss of national pride, and the will to defend its own traditional values, is allowing a violent minority to perpetuate anti-Semitic violence.

Disallowing anti-Semitic rallies, especially in Germany, isn’t only a matter of decency and morality, considering what preceded the latest Guardian of the Walls operation. The unprovoked Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) massive rocket attacks on Israel’s capital, and civilian population centers in the south and center of Israel, should be reason enough for Germany (and other European governments) to aggressively prevent these hate-filled riots.  Moreover, the Israeli government was trying hard to reach an agreement with Hamas, whereby Israel would advance humanitarian gestures to Gaza in exchange for calm. The German nation, more than any other, should consider the fact that Hamas and the PIJ have committed themselves to the destruction of the Jewish state, just as Hitler committed Germany to the destruction of the European Jewry. And yet, Merkel’s Germany is doing business with the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has declared its intention to “wipe Israel off the map.” German fear to alienate Muslim anti-Semites has found recourse in blaming native German right-wingers for most of the hatred and anti-Semitism in Germany rather than the radical Muslims.

The Central Council of Jews in Germany tweeted a video showing Muslim protesters in Gelsenkirchen, (western Germany), waving Palestinian and Turkish flags. The Council pointed out that, “The time in which Jews were cursed in the middle of the street should have long been over.” Adding, “This is pure anti-Semitism!” Felix Klein, the German government’s commissioner on anti-Semitism told Deutsche Welle (DW) that, “It’s appalling to see that kind of hatred expressed toward German Jews and synagogues here in Germany.”

Turkey’s dictator and major anti-Semite, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, never misses an opportunity during a crisis to do his best to raise the flames of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hatred. His distortions and lies about the events that took place in last month’s violence between Hamas and Israel are libelous and downright evil.  Erdogan knows that Israel was savagely attacked by Hamas, and had the right to defend itself. This modern-day Haman, in seeking the role of the “Sultan of the Sunni-Muslim world,” is using Israel and Jews as the common target for hatred. He is inciting Muslims worldwide to join together to fight Israel. In the meantime, Turkish Muslim acolytes in Germany have used his lies to perpetrate violence in German cities along with their Palestinian co-religionists. Erdogan accused Israel of terrorism against the Palestinians, and qualified that “it is in their nature.” He went on further, saying, “They are murderers, to the point that they kill children who are five or six years old. They only are satisfied by sucking their blood.”

The US State Department condemned Erdogan’s anti-Semitic attack on the Jewish people and Israel. Ned Price, the State Department spokesperson delivered a message on behalf of the US government. He said, “Anti-Semitic language has no place anywhere…The US is deeply committed to combating anti-Semitism in all its forms. We take seriously the violence that often accompanies anti-Semitism and the dangerous lies that undergird it. We must always counter lies with facts and answer crimes with justice.” Erdogan was essentially inferring that Jews were baby killers, the old canard that hunkered back to the medieval European blood libel that accused Jews of murdering Christian children and using their blood in the Passover rituals.

While Germany’s crimes against the Jewish people cannot be forgotten, and the repeated anti-Semitic incidents there in recent times are more pronounced because of the Holocaust, Germany is not the only country in Europe experiencing anti-Semitism. Various manifestations of anti-Semitism have taken place throughout Western Europe. In Austria, a student was harassed on a train while reading a book with a Jewish title. A nurse in a London hospital, wearing a Star of David necklace, was threatened with violence. In Belgium, an orthodox Jewish woman sitting on a bench was told “get away, dirty Jewess.” A Jewish man in London was assaulted in his car because he had an Israeli flag. These incidents were followed by an assault on a rabbi outside his synagogue in Chigwell, a town outside London. On the same day, a convoy of eight cars displaying Palestinian flags drove through London’s northern suburbs, where many Jews live, yelling anti-Semitic obscenities on loudspeakers. It included such hurtful slurs as “F— the Jews, and rape their daughters…”

The cumulative impact of anti-Semitism is forcing European Jews to consider leaving the continent. Many have already left for Israel, the US, and Canada. Joel Rubinfeld, President of the Belgian League against anti-Semitism questioned his ability to stay in Belgium with his wife and young children. Brigitte Wielheesen, a well-known Dutch journalist, and counter-terrorism expert, wrote that after years of battling anti-Semitism, she has concluded that the activity has become useless.

German and European governments in general, lack the will, and courage to confront these Third World Muslim anti-Semites, whether legal residents or recent migrants. With Jews being a fraction of the Muslim population in Europe, the latter have gained considerable electoral power. Jews though, are the ‘Canary in the Mine.’ What starts with Jews will ultimately impact everyone.  If Europe cannot deal effectively with those who seek to undermine its values, it won’t survive as Europe.


General Milley Leads the Enemy Within

Championing critical race theory, undermining the military.


[Editors’ note: To sign the Freedom Center’s petitions to remove Admiral Michael Gilday and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin from their positions, CLICK HERE and HERE.]

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

As the Black Lives Matter riots torched the country, Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, insisted that the violent assaults threatening the nation’s capital were merely protests, and berated Trump’s adviser Stephen Miller who warned, “These cities are burning”.

After the White House came under attack and a BLM mob set fire to the gatehouse, Trump aides, at the request of the president, drafted a document invoking the Insurrection Act that would have ended the nationwide reign of Democrat terror by putting troops on the street.

Milley vocally rejected the idea, claiming that the violent riots were just a protest, and it wasn’t appropriate for the military to be involved in political issues. Of course Eisenhower had sent the troops into Little Rock to integrate the schools, Kennedy had sent them to Mississippi to do the same, and George H.W. Bush had sent them to Los Angeles to put down the Rodney King riots.

After accompanying President Trump to Lafayette Square, where Black Lives Matter rioters had tried to set the ‘Church of the Presidents’ on fire, Milley quickly withered under media pressure.

“I should not have been there,” Milley recited in an apology video and defended the BLM-Antifa insurrections as responses to the “centuries of injustice toward African Americans.”

After scores of cities had been torched, statues pulled down, and hundreds of police officers wounded at the hands of racist Marxist hate groups, Milley argued that, “we should all be proud that the vast majority of protests have been peaceful.”

American POWs in Vietnam had held out under torture rather than record Marxist confession videos like the one that Milley made for the media to protect his career.

But Milley didn’t just stand down in the face of the BLM race riots, he joined the move to divide and weaken the military by bringing the Black Lives Matter curriculum of anti-white and anti-American hate into its ranks. Dividing American soldiers by race has a crippling effect on unit cohesion and general morale, it weakens our national security in the face of the threats from Communist China and our other aggressive enemies, Russia and Iran..

As the summer riots engulfed over 200 American cities, Milley joined the push for diversity and inclusion. He demanded that Fort Bragg and Fort Hood, named after Confederate generals, have their names changed. Milley had never brought this up when he was the commander of Army Forces Command at Fort Bragg and a Fort Hood commanding general, but it wasn’t politically expedient then. And Milley’s career ranks first while his country comes last.

By the fall, Milley was talking about fighting “unconscious” bias in the military – the phantom enemy invented by Critical Race Theorists and the anti-American left to attack white people generally and the American heritage in particular.

Milley’s routine paid off and while there had been talk among Biden’s people about removing him, he stayed on instead, and is now telling Biden and the Democrats what they want to hear.

At a House Armed Services Committee hearing, Rep. Houlahan, a Democrat from Pennsylvania, called on Milley to defend the imposition of critical race theory on the military

Milley was all too ready and launched into a prepared speech in which he lied that critical race theory was studying “laws in the United States, antebellum laws prior to the Civil War that led to a power differential with African-Americans that were three quarters of a human being when this country was formed.”

This was mind-boggling ignorance on the part of a U.S. general, whom the New York Times had previously praised as an “an avid student of history”, and whom the Associated Press had promoted as a “Princeton-educated history buff”, since the three-fifths compromise had nothing to do with race and everything to do with curtailing the power of the slavocracy.

But in the current corrupt media atmosphere, racist ignorance coming from the left is treated as academic wisdom, and here Milley demonstrated that his knowledge of the most basic elements of American history consisted of ignorant smears from the New York Times’ 1619 Project.

Milley, the “avid student of history”, was as much a hoax as the rest of his manufactured image.

The great “history buff” either didn’t know anything about American history, or he was willing to smear America and defame her past in order to score points with his new leftist bosses.

Once again Milley was undermining America’s security to appease his left-wing overseers.

“I’ve read Karl Marx. I’ve read Lenin. That doesn’t make me a communist,” Milley rambled in his pathetic defense of critical race theory.

American officers studied Marx and Lenin to defeat Communism, not to adopt it. But Milley is overseeing a military that is adopting Marxism on his orders through critical race theory.

Is Milley committed to defeating critical race theory or to embracing it? His comments at the hearing left no doubt as to which side he had chosen in the battle against America.

Milley declared, “I want to understand white rage and I’m white, and I want to understand it”.

The only people who talk that way are academics and white-hating Black Lives Matter Marxists.

President Trump picked Milley because he appeared to be a salt-of-the-earth military man who seemed to share his view of the world. In fact, he was a time-serving opportunist, more committed to advancing his career than defending his country.

Quite a few people have been fooled by Milley who looks like a Hollywood director’s idea of a general, but is actually, a rarity, the second Army boss to have come through the Ivy League.

Milley started out at Belmont Hill School, a posh private school with elite alumni, which these days promotes Black Lives Matter and the low-grade racism of Ibram X. Kendi. He went on to be a Princeton political science ‘longhair’, and picked up a master’s degree in international relations from Columbia. Milley’s militant defense of woke racism in the form of critical race theory was unsurprising because despite his appearance he has the perfect background for it.

The future general had intended to join the military for only four years to “to give meaning to Princeton in the nation’s service”. And Princeton’s left-wing ideology still comes out ahead of the military oath to defend the Constitution and the country it created.

Obama, determined to politicize the military and the intelligence services, picked the Ivy League officer over the heads of more qualified and patriotic senior officers.

As an article noted at the time, “Milley’s rise to top Army officer came quickly. He is commander of U.S. Forces Command, a post he’s held only since last August. Previously, for a little more than one year he was the deputy commander of the Afghanistan war.”

Revealingly, Ash Carter, Obama’s Secretary of Defense, touted Milley as a “statesman” with “the intellect and vision to lead change throughout the Army”. That’s what he’s still doing.

Milley wasn’t there to win wars, but to be a “statesman” and to transform the Army.

Army Ivy League officers love to talk about change for its own sake and Milley rose through the ranks by borrowing Silicon Valley’s rhetoric of disrupting everything. Especially the military.

Ground war is “on the cusp of fundamental change”, he declared in 2016. Wars of the future were coming. “We must be open minded to that change. We may not have divisions or corps, tanks or Bradleys. We don’t know.” Five years later, the Taliban are overrunning Afghanistan using the same raiding tactics that local fighters had been employing for thousands of years.

Meanwhile, Milley’s big achievement is the Army Futures Command in Austin whose people look and sound like the local dot com startup culture in the lefty hipster city.

The defeat in Afghanistan and the ‘wokening’ of the military have a common origin in Ivy League officers like Milley whose enthusiasm for “fundamental change” blinded them to the complete failure of Obama’s appeasement policies and the infiltration of the armed forces by the anti-American Left.

America and its soldiers have been failed and betrayed on the battlefield by academic officers whose sympathies were with the leftist insurgents taking over the country at home, and who saw the war in Afghanistan as a laboratory for demonstrating Obama’s exciting new ideas.

Milley is not the worst of them. He’s the successor to even more craven generals like Stanley McChrystal, but he occupies his position at a crucial time when the survival of the United States military is at stake. And the enemy isn’t in Afghanistan: it’s inside America.

Milley has not only failed to fight this enemy, he has surrendered and joined their Marxist cause.

After losing Afghanistan, Milley is overseeing the defeat of America.

“The conditions are set for winning this war,” Milley had asserted back when he was heading up NATO’s ISAF Joint Command under Obama.

“I don’t think anyone has died in vain, per se,” he recently replied when he was asked if American soldiers in Afghanistan had died in vain.

The mothers of all the men who had died in Afghanistan were no doubt reassured, per se.

Milley has spent his career telling politicians what they want to hear because it was good for his career. His endorsement of the divisive racism of critical race theory shows that there are no limits to what he will support as long as it’s good for his career. But this time the cost may not just be thousands of dead Americans abroad, but a defenseless nation at home.


