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Βαγγέλης Μαρινάκης: «Υγεία, αισιοδοξία, υπομονή και αγάπη

Βαγγέλης Μαρινάκης: «Υγεία, αισιοδοξία, υπομονή και αγάπη!» (photo)
Μ. Σάββατο, 18 Απριλίου 2020 

Δύσκολες ημέρες βιώνουμε παγκοσμίως, αλλά και ειδικότερα εδώ, στην χώρα μας. Και οι Έλληνες βιώνουν καθημερινά τις συνέπειες του κορονοϊού, στην ανθρωπότητα, έχοντας καταφέρει να κρατήσουν σε χαμηλό επίπεδο τις απώλειες, χάρη στην υπομονή και στην κατανόησή τους, στην ανάγκη για τα μέτρα που έχει εφαρμόσει η Πολιτεία. Σε αυτή την υπομονή και τη θέληση, στέκεται με το μήνυμά του, για την Ανάσταση και το Άγιο Πάσχα, ο κ. Βαγγέλης Μαρινάκης.

«Καλή Ανάσταση, καλό Πάσχα και χρόνια πολλά σε όλους και σε όλες με ΥΓΕΙΑ, ΑΙΣΙΟΔΟΞΙΑ, ΥΠΟΜΟΝΗ και ΑΓΑΠΗ! Το Φως της Ανάστασης να φέρει σε όλους μας τη ΔΥΝΑΜΗ και την ΠΙΣΤΗ να ξεπεράσουμε μαζί όλες τις δυσκολίες και να προχωρήσουμε μπροστά!», ήταν το μήνυμα του ηγέτη του Ολυμπιακού, στα Social Media.

Δείτε το σχετικό ποστάρισμα:



U.S. Intelligence Estimates Millions of Chinese Deaths From Coronavirus

But ex-fake news CNN “fact-checker” disagrees.


China’s official tally of deaths attributable to the coronavirus stands at 3,341 as of April 14, 2020. Anyone who believes that this figure is anywhere near accurate should reflect on Confucius’s quote about truth: “Three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

The Chinese government withheld crucial information regarding the human to human transmission of the coronavirus in the early days of the outbreak and has published phony numbers on cases and deaths in China linked to the virus ever since. The truth is coming out slowly but surely regarding the real death toll in China. Some observers have estimated more than 40,000 deaths in Wuhan alone, based on a variety of data points, including the numbers of urns provided by funeral homes and the volume of cremations. More recently, according to new data intercepted and analyzed by the United States intelligence, as reported in an article published earlier this month by News NT, it is estimated that China has experienced at least 20.9 million deaths from December 2019 to March 2020 linked to the coronavirus. This was the period during which the spread of the deadly virus was reaching its peak in China.

One way of deriving a more accurate number of deaths in China as opposed to the Chinese government’s absurdly low propaganda number is to examine the number of cell phone account closings, which the Chinese government itself reported during the relevant time period. The Chinese government announced on March 19th that over 21 million cell phone accounts in China were canceled in the past three months, according to the News NT article. After some increase of cell phone accounts still open in December 2019, when the virus was first detected, the number of open accounts dropped sharply in 2020 as the coronavirus outbreak was raging in China. “Cell phones are an indispensable part of life in China and its only closed when the user is dead,” the intelligence report said, as quoted by NT News.

However, the U.S. media apologists for Chinese propaganda think otherwise. A so-called “fact-check” article written by Ryan Cooper, a former CNN employee who now writes for an organization called “Lead Stories,” purported to refute the accuracy of the NT News article. Cooper did admit that other sources were reporting the existence of an intelligence report in early April, which concluded that China had deliberately underreported the number of coronavirus cases and related deaths. Nevertheless, Cooper claimed that the NT News story “is false and wrongly interpreted data from Chinese cellphone companies to make a broad claim that isn’t backed up by facts.”

Cooper’s method of “fact-checking” included citing to an Associated Press article that quoted a representative of China Mobile Ltd., who claimed that the decline in cell phone accounts was due to a change in lifestyle. China Mobile is owned by the Chinese government. Does Cooper seriously believe that the ridiculous rationale offered by a Chinese-government owned mobile company for explaining the drastic increase in cell phone account closings during the relevant period of the coronavirus’s deadly spread in China should be taken at face value? Apparently, he does. Instead of independently fact-checking and evaluating the credibility of the sources on which he relied to challenge the accuracy of the NT News article, Cooper took the lazy path of trying to marginalize NT News itself. “News NT is a relatively new player online,” he wrote. He added that “its domain name was only registered a month ago. A subheadline written in Vietnamese in the republished English-language article suggests the site originates from that Southeast Asian country.”

It turns out that Lead Stories, the organization that Cooper has been writing for after he left CNN, was co-founded by another CNN veteran, Alan Duke. Duke, who serves as Lead Stories’ editor-in-chief, worked at CNN for 26 years. Out of the 15 writers listed on Lead Stories’ website, 7 of them (including Cooper) came from fake news CNN.

Corinne Weaver, a senior analyst for the Media Research Center, has done a bit of fact-checking into Lead Stories itself. Facebook has been using Lead Stories as one of its top “fact-checkers.” But Lead Stories appears to have bias problems of its own. “Lead Stories published 296 fact-checks between January 1, 2020, and March 9, 2020,” Ms. Weaver wrote. “Out of those, 55 entries were from right-leaning social media users and news outlets. Only 12 were from left-leaning social media users and news outlets.” Among Lead Stories’ targets so far in 2020 alone are The Washington Times, the GOP, Newsmax, Rush Limbaugh, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk, Judicial Watch, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller. CNN meanwhile has escaped from its former employees’ clutches unscathed.

Lead Stories wants to go beyond its targeting of conservative outlets. Its editor-in-chief Alan Duke told his former employer CNN last October that there is “an urgent need for a fair method to identify egregiously false political ads in 2020.” He proposed that Facebook, working with his organization and other so-called “fact-checkers,” begin cracking down on political ads deemed to be false. “It would likely involve fact-check journalists researching and debunking,” Duke explained, “but with the added process of a nongovernmental, nonpartisan blue-ribbon panel reviewing the results to determine if a candidate’s political ad should be flagged and banned.” In other words, Lead Stories’ editor-in-chief advocates blatant censorship, aided and abetted by his fellow former employees of Trump-hating CNN who pretend to be “fact-checking journalists.”

Real fact-checking journalists should be investigating the Chinese government’s deliberate disinformation about the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan. Chinese officials manipulated the data from the start, using a variety of definitions as to what constitutes a COVID-19 infection.

“Early on we did not get correct information, and the incorrect information was propagated right from the beginning,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said last weekend.

To its credit, TIME ran an article on April 1st entitled “China Says It’s Beating Coronavirus. But Can We Believe Its Numbers?” As the article stated, “political considerations appear paramount” in the numbers that the Chinese government issues. The article continued: “TIME has spoken with many sickened Wuhan residents and relatives of presumed COVID-19 victims who were never included on official tallies during the outbreak’s peak. There are also countless reports of people collapsing in the street and bodies laid out outside apartment buildings. But only those who died after first being diagnosed with COVID-19 are included in official statistics.”

TIME quoted Mario Esteban, a senior analyst specializing in E.U.-East Asia relations at the Elcano Royal Institute in Madrid, who said, “Nobody believes China’s numbers.” Well, almost nobody. The CNN alumnus now working as a supposed “fact checker” with a bunch of other CNN alumni chose to believe, without any fact-checking, a Chinese government-owned company’s rationale for the steep increase in the number of cell phone accounts that closed while the coronavirus was ravaging the country. The U.S. intelligence report’s explanation buttressing the estimate of millions of coronavirus-related Chinese deaths is far more plausible: “Cell phones are an indispensable part of life in China and its only closed when the user is dead.”


Why the Coronavirus Poses a Unique Threat to Islamic Terrorists

The pandemic could turn terror networks into ‘super-spreaders.’


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism

The shadowy alliance between Iran and the Taliban has killed countless American soldiers over the years. But Iran exported more than just IEDs and training to Afghanistan. The social problems of the Islamic dictatorship traveled along the same highways as the IEDs. But they didn’t kill Americans.

Iran has a huge meth problem. Now, so does Afghanistan.

Under President Trump, the United States has begun bombing Taliban meth labs as the junior Islamic terror regime in Afghanistan began imitating the meth export business of its big brother in Iran. But when Islamic republics get into the drug business, it’s their own people who get addicted to the stuff.

Iran’s coronavirus outbreak, like its meth crisis, has also been exported to its good friends, the Taliban.

The virus crosses Shiite-Sunni barriers as seamlessly as it does international time zones. And the estimated 500,000 infected in Iran are translating into rising infections in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan wasn’t the only country to be infected by Iran. Americans were also infected by Iran.

The first confirmed case in New York City, the epicenter of the pandemic in the United States, was a traveler who came from Iran. But Iran’s shared border with Afghanistan and the millions of Afghans living in Iran, as workers, religious students, and terrorists, makes the spread impossible to stop.

Iran has a huge Afghan population. When the coronavirus pandemic hit, 200,000 Afghans fled the disease-ridden terror state for their home terror state and brought the disease along with them.

And the Taliban are getting nervous.

The Islamic terrorist group had famously gone after health care workers as part of a joint bid with Islamist allies in Pakistan fighting against the polio vaccine. But now the Taliban are promising not to kill health care workers and begging WHO to come back after previously banning the organization

 “Our Mujahideen are helping the health workers to spread out the messages about the dangers of COVID-19,” a Taliban spokesman declared.

The Taliban’s General Commission for Public Health has issued bulletins advising Afghans to resist  the virus by wearing masks, gloves, eating Vitamin C, and Halal foods. Taliban fighters have begun detaining and quarantining Afghans coming back from Iran. While the Taliban’s official position is that the coronavirus was sent by “Allah” because of the “sins of mankind” which is to be fought by reading the Koran, its willingness to embrace western medicine, from test kits to PPEs, shows it’s worried.

In an unprecedented move for an Islamic organization that had murdered vaccine aid workers and treated medicine as a conspiracy against its regime, the Taliban is telling supporters that, “safety guidelines issued by health organizations, doctors and other health experts must be observed.”

In a further sign that its leadership fears that the virus might spread to its Jihadists and decimate their ranks, a Taliban spokesman announced that, “If, Allah forbid, the outbreak happens in an area where we control the situation then we will stop fighting in that area.”

What really has the Taliban so worried?

The Islamic terror movement has Iran as a cautionary example. Like Communist China, Iran lied to its people about the scope of the outbreak. Its death tolls and case numbers are equally unreliable.

Iran caught the pandemic from China. Both regimes chose to maintain open access as part of their alliance. Instead of protecting its people, the Iranian leadership prioritized its relations with the PRC. While the Iranian regime continued lying to its people, it was carefully taking precautions to protect its leadership, including its 80-year-old leader, even as the pandemic was quietly spreading across Iran.

Officially there was no coronavirus outbreak in Iran. In reality, it was burning through the country.

China’s dishonesty infected Iran and then Iran’s dishonesty infected Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia (the first confirmed fatality in that country was an Afghan), Syria, and spread outward to the United States.

Religious Islamic ties were behind the spread of the coronavirus to Iran with 700 Chinese students studying in seminaries in the Islamic sacred city of Qom identified as the source of the outbreak. Afghans returning from Qom, many of them fellow Shiites, then helped spread the disease into Afghanistan.

The IRGC, Iran’s terror hub, had been recruiting Afghan Shiites to fight in its wars, including in Syria. The Assad government has become an Iranian puppet and so failed to stop travel from Iran to Syria.

Iran needed China, Syria needed Iran, and the Taliban also need Iran. That’s how the virus spread.

The IRGC had provided the Taliban with IEDs, MANPADS, and political support in any “peace deal”. Despite the Taliban’s hostility to Shiites, the Sunni Islamist terror group was reliant on Iran, but it also had the inside information through its IRGC contacts of just how bad the situation in Iran really was.

That is what likely panicked the Taliban.

The pandemic has been at its worst in New York City’s dense urban grid. And at 27,000 people per square mile, it’s certainly dense. But Kabul, now under coronavirus lockdown, has 12,000 people per square mile. The Taliban would like to take Kabul, but they fear there may not be anything to take.

And the Taliban, like many Islamic terrorist groups, including ISIS, are worried that the virus spreading through the ranks of its fighters could be particularly deadly and cripple its terror campaign. If the virus gets into its training camps, then its entire force infrastructure could be badly compromised.

Even ISIS, which had been frantically urging foreign supporters to come and join the group to supplement its declining numbers, has asked them to stay away during the coronavirus crisis.

But the Taliban, despite being on track to take over the country from a conflicted government, can’t stop the flood of Afghans fleeing Iran and can’t sever its ties to the Islamic terror regime which has been training its Jihadists and providing it with weapons. And that’s why the Taliban are panicking.

While Iran has been happy to supply the Taliban with weapons to kill Americans, it’s not going to bail it out during a pandemic. Not when its own people are dying. If the Taliban needed any evidence of that, it comes from the Afghans in Iran who have come down with the coronavirus and been denied care.

And if the Taliban become infected, the next vector would be through the porous Pakistani border. Infected Afghans have already been detained trying to enter Pakistan, but the Taliban are interlinked with a variety of terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda, as well as Pakistani and Chinese Islamists.

If the Taliban become ‘super-spreaders’, they could take down quite a few other terror groups.

The world’s Islamic terrorist pipeline begins in Iran, Qatar, Turkey, and Pakistan, and flows outward across the Middle East and Asia. Its interlinked nature, uniting unlikely allies like Iran and the Taliban, is uniquely vulnerable in a pandemic. A wide variety of Islamic terror groups have been trained in Iran, many then check into Qatari hotels, and make contacts with Islamists in Pakistani and Turkish cities.

These secret networks have proven resilient in the War on Terror, but are vulnerable to the coronavirus where every contact potentially compromises everyone whom he comes into contact with ad infinitum.

The network’s very circuitousness, its dependency on human contact across different countries, makes it the best ally of the pandemic. It’s no wonder that the Taliban, ISIS, and other Islamic terrorists are worried. Even as their political Islamist allies dismiss the threat, the Jihadists understand that the pandemic risks destroying the global infrastructure that makes Islamic terrorism an international threat.

Islamic terrorism is dependent on a handful of ‘backer’ countries, on couriers and training camps, and the coronavirus risks making the entire network of Islamic terrorism into a pandemic vector.

Photo: Foreign Policy


The Democrats’ Twisted Approach to the Virus

Trump is deadlier than the virus.


In the war against the Wuhan virus, Democrats’ have had a laser focus. But it’s not on the virus. It’s on Trump. Their blame Trump attitude was crystallized in a breathtakingly nasty and preposterous statement by Democrat Senator Chris Murphy, who said: “The reason that we’re in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did. It’s not because of anything the World Health Organization did. It’s because of what this president did.”

Given the right parameters, it would be possible to take a critical view of everyone involved in the fight and making decisions affecting it, including Trump and his Democrat scientific advisers Fauci and Birx. The one thing we have learned since the virus hit America’s shores is that everyone was wrong at some point, and had to reverse themselves at another. This includes not only the nation’s political leaders, but the scientific experts who were essential elements of the anti-viral battle, and who produced models based on erroneous assumptions that resulted in costly mis-readings of the crisis. But most fair-minded observers, not driven by ulterior political motives would agree that Americans were well-served by dedicated public servants and first responders who devoted themselves to the protection of the nation.

Not so Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and Chris Murphy, or their partisan media enablers. Whenever Trump has made a decision or drawn a conclusion, these Democrats are primed to pounce. If you think Democrats devote even five seconds to the question of whether Trump’s actions serve the interests of the American people even in so dire a crisis, you haven’t been paying attention to what they were doing in the three years before the virus hit and even in the month of January when it did, which they occupied with a bloody-minded attempt to remove him from office. What these Democrats think about – indeed all they think about – whenever Trump makes a decision is “How can we twist it to destroy him.”

Pelosi’s repeated claim that Trump is responsible for the economic disaster the shut down has produced is a prime example of her one-track vindictiveness. All the shut down orders came from governors, and the most consequential from Democrat governors in New York, California, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, Louisiana and New Jersey.  But the most revealing case of the Democrats’ dedication to destroying Trump is their response to his decision to withhold funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) for its role in helping China create the global coronavirus pandemic. China has denounced this measure as a “genocide,” a ludicrous charge which Democrats’ have done their best to support.

Pelosi called his move “dangerous” and “illegal” and said it would cost lives and be “swiftly challenged.” Then she likened it to the bogus charge Democrats used to impeach Trump, in case anyone missed her intention. Democrat donor Bill Gates piled on: “Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds.” Actually not. After all, this was just withdrawing one nation’s financial support. Senator Ted Cruz immediately calculated that Gates’ $107 billion personal fortune would make up the deficit caused by the U.S. withdrawal for 27 years, if it was that important. The U.S. contributes $400 million annually to WHO., about 10 times what the Chinese give. So if it really amounted to a genocide against the Chinese or other peoples, China could stop it by simply paying its fair share.

But let’s look at the reasons Trump took the action. The evidence suggests that China developed the disease in its Wuhan virology laboratory, setting off a contagion in Wuhan itself. This breakout occurred in December. Although China knew the virus was intensely contagious, its officials assured the world that it was not transmittable from human to human. China was backed in this deadly lie by WHO through its director, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Tedros owed his U.N. position to the Chinese dictator Xi.

China then permitted the citizens of Wuhan to hold a Lunar New Year’s celebration involving crowds that were numbered in the tens of thousands. It also allowed 5 million citizens of Wuhan to leave the city and then travel – along with anyone they may have infected – outside of China and around the world to celebrate the Lunar New Year abroad.

At this point, what may have originated as a lab accident became a calculated biological war against the rest of the world. Tedros and the World Health Organization, whose alleged purpose is to keep the international community safe from deadly viruses covered for the Chinese Communists, and enabled the spread of the virus which has resulted in 150,000 deaths and counting.

Who is director Tedros? According to The Hill, he is not a medical doctor and had no global health management experience before China shoe-horned him into the director’s seat at WHO. According to The Hill – a publication with which Nancy Pelosi is surely familiar – Tedros is an Ethiopian communist and terrorist, who served in the infamous Marxist dictatorship known as the Derg, which slaughtered thousands of its subjects. He went on to serve as an executive member of the Tigray Liberation Front, an organization listed in the Global Terrorism database, and as Ethiopia’s foreign minister – that is, for a country known as “Little China,” because the Chinese Communists have invested in it so heavily and made it a strategic bridge in their imperialist designs on the African continent. Just as they have made the World Health Organization a strategic bridge in their designs on the rest of the world.

I am myself a Trump admirer because when Trump sees a problem as dangerous and deadly as this he attempts to do something about it. He doesn’t sweep it under the rug, and embrace the deceptions of our enemies, and use them to destroy his political rivals as Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats do.


The Left is Panicking That the Pandemic Will Encourage Homeschooling

Can’t have parents teaching children to think for themselves now, can we?


Mark Tapson is the Shillman Fellow on Popular Culture for the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

One of the more significant social and political consequences of the coronavirus pandemic is the fact that countless American parents of public school-enrolled children suddenly find themselves faced with the daunting prospect of having to homeschool those kids for an indefinite period of time. When normalcy returns, most of those families, who for various reasons are unable or unwilling to continue homeschooling, will simply fall back into their old groove and schooling will resume as before. But many parents may find themselves enlightened and excited about homeschooling’s benefits and how it actually operates, as opposed to common misconceptions, which are usually pejorative. This is a possibility that the secular leftist elites in education will not tolerate.

Decades ago progressive activists realized that revolution was best brought about not through overt attacks on the Establishment, but through subversion from within its structures – in particular, the field of education. After all, children are the future, and thus the surest and most direct way to mold the future is to mold impressionable young minds who are a captive audience for progressive, social justice indoctrination. This is why domestic terrorists like Barack Obama’s ghostwriter Bill Ayres and his (literal) partner-in-crime Bernardine Dohrn abandoned bombmaking for the Weather Underground and became respected, credentialed educators working primarily with children (Ayres earned two master’s degrees in Early Childhood Education and a doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction; the law professor Dorhn is one of the founders of the Children and Family Justice Center at Northwestern University School of Law).

The secular left is terrified of losing control of America’s children to homeschoolers, who tend to be (but are not always) conservative and often religious. The secular left also resents the notion of parental control; after all, as former MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry put it bluntly in a network promo several years ago, “We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.” Harris-Perry too was a college educator. In light of developments due to the pandemic, the left is gearing up to clamp down on any increased interest in homeschooling.

One example of the left’s offensive against homeschoolers: the Daily Caller reports that in June, Harvard Law School will be hosting an invite-only “homeschooling summit” to discuss the “problems of educational deprivation and child maltreatment that too often occur under the guise of homeschooling, in a legal environment of minimal or no oversight.” The event, which will host speakers from education and child welfare policy backgrounds as well as academics, policy advocates, and legislators, is sponsored by Harvard Law School’s Child Advocacy Program, in cooperation with the Academy on Violence and Abuse, the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, the Institute for Human Services, the New York Foundling, the William & Mary Bill of Rights Institute, and the Zero Abuse Project. Note how many of those organizations focus on child abuse. That’s because homeschooling parents are often demonized as abusers of their own children in order to justify government intrusion – oops, I mean “oversight” – into private homes.

Among the featured speakers is Harvard Law’s Elizabeth Bartholet, a co-organizer of the event, who has written extensively about the “rapidly growing homeschool phenomena,” which she considers a “threat” to “children and society.” Her June 2019 article, “Homeschooling: Parent Rights Absolutism vs. Child Rights to Education & Protection,” is recommended reading material for the event. The abstract of the piece reads: “This article calls for a radical transformation in the homeschooling regime, and a related rethinking of child rights and reframing of constitutional doctrine. It recommends a presumptive ban on homeschooling, with the burden on parents to demonstrate justification for permission to homeschool” [emphasis added]. Look at that again: a ban on homeschooling, with parents forced to argue for permission from the government to homeschool their own children.

In the article she states that “society loses out” when parents homeschool their children, and homeschooled children are not instilled with the “skills needed to participate productively in society as adults through employment” and will grow up “alienated from society, ignorant of views and values different from their parents.” This is absolutely false. On the contrary, Americans are more aware than ever now that it is our disastrous public school system that churns out students ignorant of their own history and alienated from their parents, their country, their culture, and their God. Our school system from pre-K through graduate school has shifted from transferring knowledge and life skills to children, to indoctrinating them in a social justice agenda while demonizing other viewpoints and even Western culture itself as rife with intolerance, bigotry, racism, and capitalist exploitation.

Bartholet claims that “many” (how many is “many”?) homeschoolers “promote racial segregation and female subservience” and teach their children to – gasp – “question science.” (When progressives use the phrase “question science,” what they mean is that no one should question the leftist politicization of science. They see science not as a method of observation and investigation, but as a belief system that it is blasphemy to “deny,” at least when its conclusions conform to their agenda. Leftists are perfectly comfortable denying science – basic biology, for example – when it doesn’t suit their political needs.)

Bartholet continues her smearing of homeschoolers: “Some homeschooling parents are extreme religious ideologues who live in near-total isolation and hold views in serious conflict with those generally deemed central in our society. For example, some believe that women should be totally subservient to men and educated in ways that promote such subservience,” her article reads.

Another speaker and co-organizer is Prof. James Dwyer of William and Mary School of Law, who argued in his 2001 book Religious Schools v. Children’s Rights that “fundamentalist Christian and Catholic schools may be damaging to children,” through the “excessive restriction of children’s basic liberties, stifling intellectual development, the instilling of dogmatic and intolerant attitudes” as well as “excessive guilt and repression.” Girls especially risk a diminished self-esteem, the book’s summary says. He argues that state policy should be to focus on what is best for children “from a secular perspective.” Because leftist elites, and not parents, know what is best for our children.

A third speaker is Robert Kunzman, associate professor at the Indiana University School of Education and author of Write These Laws on Your Children: Inside the World of Conservative Christian Homeschooling, who also argues for a secular perspective in education and for government “regulation” of homeschooling.

My wife and I are conservative Christians and we have homeschooled our young children from day one. We intend to keep doing so all the way through the college level if necessary. Why? Because as I’ve noted, the leftist-dominated education system from top to bottom is a toxic mix of incompetence, political indoctrination, bureaucratic indifference, and increasing lawlessness among the students themselves as school authorities refuse to discipline certain demographic groups. We homeschool because studies show that homeschooled children are better-educated, better-socialized, and better behaved than their public school peers. We homeschool because it strengthens bonds within our family and among our community of like-minded homeschoolers. We homeschool because we want the best for our children and for our country. We do not, as leftist educators and politicians would have you believe, chain our children in the basement, beat them for failing to memorize the Old Testament, and have them salute the Confederate flag. We teach them to think and read broadly and critically. We teach them that science is an ongoing process, not a dogma. We teach them life skills. We pass on our Judeo-Christian values, which built the greatest, freest, and most tolerant civilization in human history. We teach them to appreciate our culture, our country, and our God. We are raising free American patriots, and we’re part of a surging number of American parents doing the same. As the coronavirus pandemic introduces even more parents to this option, watch the intolerant cultural Marxists of the left wield all the power and hate they can muster to suppress us.


Milli Gazete İlk Sayfası


Merhaba Kamuculuk-24: Sonbahara ağıt


Kovid-19 sayesinde Yönetmen Özcan Alper’in iki filmini izledik. Biri Sonbahar, diğeri ise Gelecek Uzun Sürer.

Aslında bu iki film birbirinin aynı, birbirinin kopyası diyebilirsiniz.

İkinci filmin adı çok uzun, Sonbahar gibi onun da adı tek sözcük olabilirdi: Ağıt.

İkisinin ortak mesajına gelince: Sonbahara Ağıt oluyor.


Kimin sonbaharına ağıt diye sorulacaktır elbette.

  • Emperyalizmin sonbaharına ağıt.
  • Küresel mafyanın sonbaharına ağıt.
  • Kavmiyetçi, dinci ve mezhepçi küreselciliğin sonbaharına ağıt.
  • ABD’nin Büyük Ortadoğu Projesinin ölümüne ağıt.
  • Avrasya’da her türden bölücülüğün sonbaharına ağıt.
  • PKK’nın sonbaharına ağıt.
  • FETÖ’nün sonbaharına ağıt.
  • “Kültür zenginliği” sosuna batırılan Ortaçağ yerelciliğine ağıt
  • Sahte Solculuğun sonbaharına ağıt.
  • Ütopik Sosyalizmin en sonuncu sonbaharına ağıt.
  • Bilimsel Sosyalizm karşıtlığının sonbaharına ağıt.
  • Türkiye ve Türk düşmanlığının sonbaharına ağıt.
  • Mazlumlar Dünyasında Millî Devlet, Ordu, asker ve polis düşmanlığının sonbaharına ağıt.
  • Emperyalist merkezlerden ısmarlanan sinemacılığın sonbaharına ağıt…


Hemen konuya girelim. Sonbahar ve “Ağıt” filmleri, bir çıkmazı yansıtıyor. Ağıt yakılanlar çıkmazdadır. Ağıtçı da çıkmazda.

Zengin takımı eskiden aristokrat ölülerin arkasından ağlamacı tutarmış ya, Küresel Mafya da bu geleneği sürdürüyor. Sonbahar ve Ağıt filmlerinin devamına Batıdan fonlar bulunabilse üçüncü bir film çok yakışırdı: “Ermeni Soykırımına Ağıt” gibi. Zaten o filmin de taşları döşeniyor ilk iki filmde. Ama Sonbaharın devamı Kış.

Kim destekleyecek Üçüncü Ağıt filmini?

Artık ilk iki filmin çevrildiği 2008 ve 2011 yıllarının Kültür Bakanlığı yok ki, milletin kaynaklarını emperyalizmin ağıtlarına tahsis etsin. Ak Parti’nin o günah dönemi arkada kaldı. ABD ve Avrupa’ya gelince, onların kendi yaralarına sürecek merhemleri bile yok. HDP belediyelerine kayyum atanıyor. PKK derseniz uzatmalarda can çekişiyor. Emperyalist merkezlerden ısmarlama film yapan sinemacılık morga kaldırılmıştır. Destek fonları bulamayacağı gibi, seyirci de bulamaz artık. O devir arkada kalmıştır.


Özcan Alper’in ustalığı şurada: Sahneler, öldürülen teröristin annesinin, sevgilisinin, kardeşinin, arkadaşının, çocuğunun yüreğinden sızan acılardan süzülüyor. İzleyeni onların acılarına ortak etme çabasında bir maharet var kuşkusuz. Acılar, sonbahar yaprakları gibi çürük sarı renginde sessiz sessiz dökülüyor.

Sessiz sessiz gerçekten, çünkü bu filmlerde insan sesi yok, yalnızca mırıltılar var. Hareket de yok, yalnızca boynu eğik durgunluklar var. Eylemsiz donmuş sahneler birbirini izliyor. Filmler, Şule Perinçek’in dediği gibi, “daha çok kartpostal fotoğraflarının birbiri ardı sıra yapıştırılması” gibi. Türkiye doğasının büyüsü, bölücü teröre ağıt için maharetle kullanılıyor.

Biricik halk eylemi, finallerdeki cenaze yürüyüşleridir. İnsanı etkileyen ise, o yürüyüşlere eşlik eden, yürek yakan halk ağıtları. Yönetmen, halkın zulme karşı mücadele tarihinden çaldığı müzikle emperyalizmin sonbaharına merhamet taşımaktadır.


Oysa hayat öyle mi?

Yönetmenin kamerasından bakarsanız öyle. Çünkü güle oynaya ağıt yakamazsınız. İşte kimin sonbaharı sorusunun sinema diliyle yanıtı da bu oluyor. Dolayısıyla bu yanıtta olmayan şey, emekçilerin ve halkın gerçek hayatıdır, eylemidir, özlemleridir, umutlarıdır.

Halkın hayatı, yıkıntılardan, rutubetli izbelerden, derbederlikten, dağınıklıktan, dondurucu soğuklardan, karanlıklardan oluşmuyor. Emekçilerin sıcak güneşleri var, baharda açan çiçekleri var, aydınlık geleceklere koşan çağlayanları var, harmanları var, ürünleri var, ekmek tekneleri var, aşkları var. Her iki filmde de aşk rutubete gömülmüştür ve çürümeye terk edilmiştir.

Özcan Alper’in filmlerinde aşk için, umut için, iyi ve güzel olan her şey için ağıt yakılıyor. Oysa halkın hayatı bu mu?


Sahnelerin içine sosyalizm sözcükleri, Lenin fotoğrafları, Nâzım Hikmet dizeleri, devrimcilik çağrıştıran isimler ve simgeler de serpiştirilmiş. Hepsi devrimcileri ve solcuları avlamak için. Onları emperyalizmin ve Yeni Ortaçağın çıkmazına ortak etmek için.

Sonbahara Ağıt filmleri, Bilimsel Solculuğa, zafer kazanan Solculuğa, emekçilerin Solculuğuna, dünyanın ufkunu aydınlatan Solculuğa karşı, Sahte Solculuğun bayrağını sallayarak mücadele ediyor. Millî Devlet düşmanlığının ve bölücülüğün kara bayrağı altında başka hangi iş yapılabilir ki! Atılan taşlar, bilinçlerdeki bilimselliğedir ve yüreklerdeki gerçekçi umutlaradır. Ve en önemlisi, yeni bir dünya özleminin ateşlediği halk eyleminedir.

Sonbahar Ağıtları’nın ideolojisi de, dili de, dünyası da, tıpkı kapitalizmin erken zamanlarında işçilerin makineleri kırmaları gibi kendiliğindenciliğin açmazındadır. Hesapsız tepkilere, kitapsız maceralara ağıt yakayım derken aslında emperyalizme güzellemeler yapılıyor.

Bu nedenle “Kürt ve Ermeni Açılımı” döneminde Kültür Bakanlığı bütçesinin bu filmlere akıtılması boşuna değildi. Zamanın Ak Parti Hükümetinin Kültür Bakanı Ertuğrul Günay, milletin kaynaklarını kalkıp da devrimciliğe sunacak değildi elbette. Bu filmler, o dönemin “Akil Adamlar” kadrosunun ideolojik izbeliklerinde üretildiği için desteğe mazhar olmuş.

İzlerken Şule ve Sadık Can Perinçek’e sordum: Artık o Kültür Bakanlığı da yok, bundan sonra bölücülüğe kimin parasıyla ağıt yakılabilir? ABD ve AB fonlarında ağıtlar için bir umut var mı?

O merkezlerin, ölen piyonları için ağıtçı tutacak mecalleri kalmadı.

Dünya sahnesinde artık Doğudan doğan güneş var, Avrasya’nın hasadı var, yeni dünyanın devrimci kahramanları ve üretici güzellikleri var.



John Reed’in ünlü kitabından Eisenstein’in 1928 yılında yaptığı Dünyayı Sarsan On Gün filmi ve yine aynı kitaptan senaryolaştırılan Sergey Bondarçuk’un yönettiği 1982 ABD yapımı Red Bells (Kızıl Çanlar). Bu filmler, zor zamanlarda maceranın karamsarlığını ve hüznünü değil devrimciliğin zafer kazanan iyimserliğini ve coşkusunu perdeye getiriyor. 1975 ve 1977 yıllarında Çin’de seyrettiğim Fırtına, Gece Gelen Telgraf ve bir Kazak kızının kahramanlığını anlatan Ayguli filmleri de öyle.
