Πιάσαμε… “31”!..

Φίλοι μου / μας!


Έπρεπε να περάσουν 77 χρόνια από την λήξη του Β’ Π.Π. (1945), για να… δεήσουν οι Η.Π.Α. να δώσουν στην Ελλάδα της… Δύσεως(!) απ’ ευθείας αεροπορική γραμμή ΕΛΛΑΔΑ – Η.Π.Α. (Αθήνα – Ν. Υόρκη).

Κανείς(!), είναι αλήθεια, Αμερικανός πολιτικός δεν “είδε”, ως πρώτη προτεραιότητα, την ανάγκη “ανοίγματος” μιας τέτοιας γραμμής, η οποία μάλιστα θα έπρεπε να ήταν “υπερ-λουξ”, μιας γραμμής , η οποία θα είχε πολιτικά, κυρίως, θετικά αποτελέσματα, πρωτίστως για τις Η.Π.Α. και ακολούθως και για την Πατρίδα μας!

Ούτε, όπως η αλήθεια απέδειξε, Έλληνας πολιτικός ποτέ, πρότεινε κάτι τέτοιο στις Η.Π.Α., μια δηλαδή απ’ ευθείας αεροπορική γραμμή, που θα είχε κάνει την Ελλάδα πολύ καλύτερη από πλευράς αναπτύξεως (!), κάτι που πιστεύω πως όλοι αντιλαμβάνεστε!..

Οι Η.Π.Α., προφανώς, θεωρούσαν την Ελλάδα… “2η” ως χώρα, ως ακόμα μία “αποικία” τους, για να μην σας γράψω, πως κατά περιόδους την θεωρούσαν, ίσως και με το δίκιο τους, χώρα εχθρική προς αυτούς, μιας και αυτοί, πολλές φορές, έπεσαν θύματα μιας πλαστής εικόνας για την Ελλάδα, ήτοι μιας Ελλάδος… κομμουνιστικής, εικόνα που με βοή προέβαλαν πάντα (και ακόμα προβάλλουν), τα “ελέω” των Κοσμοκυρίαρχων “Διεθνών Εβραίων”… επιβιώσαντα Κομμουνιστικά χαλκεία στην χώρα μας!..

Ας είναι!

Εμείς, οι “ΑΓΓΕΛΟΙ”, νοιώθουμε την ανάγκη, σήμερα, να σας καταστήσουμε κοινωνούς της μεγάλης ανακουφίσεως που νοιώσαμε μ’ αυτό που έγινε, χωρίς να μας διαφεύγει ότι αυτό πιθανότατα συνέβη, για τον λόγο να σμίγουν, όσο το δυνατόν πιο γρήγορα, τα μέλη των οικογενειών των Αμερικανών στρατιωτικών που υπηρετούν στην χώρα μας, Αμερικανοί στρατιωτικοί που πλήθυναν εσχάτως στην Ελλάδα!


Έστω και έτσι όμως να είναι, να ίσχυσε δηλαδή το “κοντά στο βασιλικό ποτίζεται και η γλάστρα”, εμείς θέλουμε να  ευχαριστήσουμε(!), αλλά και να συγχαρούμε(!) τον εδώ Α/Πρέσβη Κο ΠΑΪΑΤ, έναν διπλωμάτη ο οποίος απέδειξε στην χώρα μας, με όσα έκανε και κάνει μέχρι και την τελευταία στιγμή της εδώ παρουσίας του ότι είναι διπλωμάτης με πολύ και κρίσιμο παραγωγικό στο Πεδίο έργο, φυσικά για την χώρα του, με δυνατό όμως, όπως και θετικό αντίκτυπο και σε εμάς τους Έλληνες και στην χώρα μας!

Μπορεί το γεγονός ότι o Koς ΠΑΪΑΤ  δεν είναι “Ρεπουμπλικανός”, αλλά “Δημοκρατικός” να μας ενοχλεί πολύ, όπως και το γεγονός ότι κυρίως είναι “ΣΟΡΙΤΗΣ” να μας ενοχλεί αφάνταστα, αλλά από το στόμα μας ψέμα δεν βγήκε ποτέ, ούτε και θα βγει! Άλλωστε, τί σόϊ… “ΑΓΓΕΛΟΙ” θα ήμασταν τότε;

Ο Αμερικανός αυτό διπλωμάτης Α-ΞΙ-ΖΕΙ!!! Είναι ι-κα-νό-τα-τος(!) και πιστεύουμε πως ανταποκρίθηκε 100% θετικά, στις όποιες εντολές έλαβε από την Μητρόπολή του και αφορούσαν αμερικανικά “θέλω” στην Ελλάδα, τα οποία δεν απείχαν (και δεν απέχουν) πολύ από τα αντίστοιχα δικά μας “θέλω”, … για μας!..

Πιστεύουμε ότι η συνολική του διπλωματική βιωτή στην Ελλάδα, αλλά και εξεταζόμενη συνολικά αυτή, δεν μπορεί παρά να τον κατατάσσει σ’ έναν από τους καλύτερους Α/διπλωμάτες του Α/ΥΠΕΞ “ever”, και σίγουρα στον πιθανότατα καλύτερο(!) Α/Πρέσβη που πέρασε ποτέ από την χώρα μας!..

Και η διπλωματική του παραγωγικότητα στο Πεδίο, αλλά και η προσωπική του παρουσία στην Ελλάδα, νομίζουμε πως θα πρέπει να διδάσκονται ως θετικό παράδειγμα συμπεριφοράς και στάσεως ενός διπλωμάτη σε μια ξένη χώρα, όσο ξένη φυσικά μπορεί να θεωρείται η Ελλάδα για τις Η.Π.Α. και όχι κατά… 90% φιλική! (Καταλάβατε ποιό είναι το υπόλοιπο… αρνητικό 10%)!

Το άτομο αυτό ήταν πάντα νηφάλιο, δίνοντάς σου την εικόνα ότι θα μπορούσες άνετα και με σιγουριά να συζητήσεις μαζί του, πάντα χωρίς φωνές και εξάρσεις, αλλά με σοβαρότητα χαμηλούς τόνους, ψυχραιμία, εχεμύθεια και ειλικρίνεια! Ιδιαιτέρως σεμνός, αφού άλλωστε ένας προσοντούχος, ένα άτομο που έχει συνημμένα τα προσόντα, όπως λέμε, εκτός του ότι δεν χρειάζεται να τα… βροντοφωνάζει αυτά, συνήθως είναι και άτομο τέτοιο!..

Το ότι επί ημερών του έχει η Ελλάδα πλέον και(!) απ’ ευθείας αεροπορική γραμμή με τις Η.Π.Α., καταγράφεται και αυτό στα υπέρ του!..

Φίλοι μου / μας!

Η Ελλάδα, αν δεν είχε την “παρά φύσιν” ιδεολογική ηγεμονία των Κομμουνιστών, από την λήξη του “Κ/Σ”, έως και σήμερα, μια ηγεμονία που την κράτησε στην… γη και στα πολύ χαμηλά, ηγεμονία με κάποιες πολύ μικρές φυσικά διακοπές, κατά τις οποίες κυριάρχησε το άλλο άκρο, το ιδεολογικά νόθο, αλλά “αδελφό” των Κομμουνιστών (η διαφορά τους ήταν και είναι στο χρώμα / κόκκινο – μαύρο), θα ήταν προ πολλού χρόνου μια “Μικρή Αμερική”!.. 


Αξίζει ο συγκεκριμένος Κος Πρέσβης να είναι εδώ, όταν θα κυρωθεί η σπουδαία Ε-Α συμφωνία*, που “έκλεισε” η σημερινή πολύ δυνατή στην εξωτερική πολιτική Ε/Κ-Β, όπως εμείς την εκτιμούμε, δυνατή διότι αφ’ ενός “δεν μάχεται τα δεδομένα” έχουσα σχεδόν απόλυτο γνώση του παγκόσμιου πολιτικού επιστητού, και αφ’ ετέρου διότι είναι εργατική, μεθοδική με λογική συνέχεια στις όποιες της δράσεις και κυρίως άκρως ρεαλιστική! (Φυσικά το δίδυμο, Κ.Κ.Μ. – Ν. Δένδιας “έδεσε” από την αρχή, οπότε ήταν ήδη δομημένο / “χτισμένο” το 50% της μέχρι τώρα ε/επιτυχίας στα εθνικά μας θέματα).

* Θέλουμε να πιστεύουμε πως το “Ουκρανικό” δεν θα πάει και άλλο πίσω χρονικά την κύρωση στο ε/Κοινοβούλιο της υπόψη συμφωνίας!.. 

Τέλος, συγχαρητήρια αξίζει και η ε/Κ-Β, η οποία “είδε” το θέμα, προφανώς το ανακίνησε και το πέτυχε, σε συνεργασία με τον Α/Κο Πρέσβη, με αποτέλεσμα πρωτίστως να σμίγουν πιο γρήγορα και σίγουρα με μεγαλύτερη ασφάλεια (και!) οι ελληνικές οικογένειες, εκτός των αμερικανικών, αλλά και να βελτιστοποιηθεί ο εκ των Η.Π.Α. στην χώρα μας τουρισμός!.. Καταλάβατε!..

“Καλή Επιτυχία” λοιπόν στην… “γραμμή”, έστω και μετά από 77 χρόνια, μια “γραμμή” για την οποία ευχόμαστε να σημειώσει… πιένες!.. 




1. Ηλίθιε! Αν δεν καταλαβαίνεις τί είναι “Πολιτική Κριτική”, καθώς και αν δεν αντιλαμβάνεσαι το πόσο αυτή ωφελεί, αν κάποιος ή κάποιοι ασχοληθούν… μαζί της, τότε “ναι, είμαστε… Ρωσόφιλοι”!

Βλάκα! Ούτε 1… οριζόντιο δάκτυλο δεν είναι πιο πάνω γραμμένη η λέξη – υπογραφή “ΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ”! Ούτε αυτό καταλαβαίνεις;

Τέλος, idiot(!), επειδή προφανώς είσαι… “επιφανειακός”, ψάξε το “σάϊτ” μας και βρες την σχετική θέση μας, θέση που ταυτίζεται απολύτως με εκείνα που εισηγούμασταν να πει ο Κος Π-Θ (Κ.Κ.Μ.) στον Κο Τραμπ, ξεκαθαρίζοντας την ε/θέση, τότε που θα πήγαινε στις Η.Π.Α. και που “ευκαιρίας δοθείσης” του προτείνουμε και πάλι να πει και(!) στον Κο Μπάϊντεν, αν “καλώς εχόντων των πραγμάτων”, πάει τον Απρίλιο, όπως λεγόταν, στις Η.Π.Α., ο Ε/Π-Θ!..


Asyalı mültecilerin kabusu olan Yunanistan, Ukraynalı göçmenlere kucak açtı

Her gün adalara geçmek için denize açılan onlarca düzensiz göçmene Ege’de kabus yaşatan Yunanistan’ın, Ukrayna’dan gelen mültecileri misafir etmek için uygun koşulları hazırlamaya çalıştığı bildirildi.



Başbakanlıktan yapılan açıklamada, hükümet yetkililerinin geniş katılımı ile yapılan toplantıda, Ukrayna-Rusya savaşı nedeniyle yurtlarından ayrılmak zorunda kalan Ukraynalı için izlenecek yol haritası çıkarıldığı kaydedildi.



Bugüne dek 2 bin 704 Ukraynalının “geçici misafir” statüsü ile Yunanistan’a geldiği belirtilerek, bunlardan sadece 50’sinin konaklama merkezinde kalmak için talepte bulunduğu ifade edildi. 5 bin kişilik kapasiteye sahip misafirhane bulunduğu ancak bunun ileride 30 bine çıkarılabileceği belirtildi.


Avrupa Birliği (AB) Komisyonunun savaştan kaçarak AB ülkelerine giden Ukraynalılara 12 aylık geçici koruma statüsü verilmesi kararını Yunanistan’ın da uygulayacağı belirtilen açıklamada, Sağlık ve Eğitim Bakanlıklarının da gerekli hazırlıkları yaptığı ifade edildi.

ΣΧΟΛΙΟ: Τί λέτε ρε ανόητοι Τούρκοι; Στα 11 εκ-ρια που είμαστε, σχεδόν τα 5 είναι ξένοι, αλλόδοξοι και μισέλληνες! Σύροι, Αλβανοί, Γεωργιανοί, Αλγερινοί, Βούλγαροι, Ρουμάνοι, Ρομά, Σομαλοί, Πακιστανοί, Μπαγκλαντεσιανοί, Τούρκοι (του Γκιουλέν και της… “ΜΙΤ”), τα… παπάρια μου και εξ αυτών, οι περισσότεροι είναι η σαβούρα των λαών αυτών! Εσείς είστε 80 εκ-ρια, όπως λέτε, και πήρατε 4 εκ-ρια Σύρους ομοδόξους σας και ομιλούντες μάλιστα και την γλώσσα σας, αφού οι περισσότεροι εξ αυτών είναι από την Β. Συρία και έχετε τάχα πρόβλημα και μας τους στέλνεται και απ’ εδώ!..

Η Ελλάδα, Τούρκοι μπινέδες, απέδειξε πως δεν κάνει κανενός τύπου και μορφής διακρίσεις σε πρόσφυγες, “λάθρο”, κλπ, δεχόμενη τους πάντες, (είναι αυτό που λέμε στην… “αργκό”, “και τ’ αρχίδια μέσα”), και σε τόσο απίστευτα ηλίθιο βαθμό, που αυτή της η πράξη, συνδυαζόμενη με μια σειρά άλλων παραγόντων, όπως η… αποδημία(sic) των νεαρών Ελλήνων στο εξωτερικό, το δημογραφικό, η χρεοκοπημένη και υποθηκευμένη Οικονομία μας και κυρίως οι φιλικοί της γείτονες, όπως εσείς “καλή ώρα”, … αναδύουν το κρίσιμο ερώτημα, αν θα υπάρχει Ελλάδα, μετά από 30 χρόνια!..

Άντε καθικο-καθίκια!..


Savaşın 13. gününde Rusya’ya ağır darbe! Üst düzey general Vitali Gerasimov öldürüldü

Haberler.com – Erdem Aksoy – Dünya

Rusya’nın Ukrayna’ya yönelik işgalinde 13. güne girilirken, Ukrayna istihbaratının yaptığı açıklama dünya kamuoyunda bomba etkisi yarattı. Rusya ordusunun üst düzey isimlerinden Tümgeneral Vitali Gerasimov‘un öldürüldüğü ifade edilen açıklamada, İkinci Çeçen Savaşı‘nda da görev alan Gerasimov’un Rusya’nın Suriye‘deki operasyonunda ve 2014’te Kırım‘ın ilhak edilmesinde de rol aldığı ifade edildi.

Rusya ile Ukrayna arasındaki savaş 13’üncü gününe girerken, Ukrayna istihbaratı, Rus lider Vladimir Putin’in canını sıkacak bir açıklama yaptı. Açıklamada Rusya’nın 41’inci Tam Teçhizatlı Ordusu’nun tümgenerali Vitali Gerasimov’un öldürüldüğü belirtildi.


Gerasimov’un Harkov’da yaşanan çatışmada öldüğü belirtilirken, “Tümgeneral Gerasimov ve üst düzey askerler Ukrayna’nın doğusundaki Harkov’da öldürüldü” denildi. Araştırmacı gazetecilik ajansı Bellingcat de Rus kaynaklarına dayandırarak Gerasimov’un ölümünü doğruladı. İkinci Çeçen Savaşı’nda da görev alan Gerasimov, Rusya’nın Suriye’deki operasyonunu ve 2014’te Kırım’ın ilhak edilmesinde de rol almıştı.

Savaşın 13. gününde Rusya'ya ağır darbe! Üst düzey general Vitali Gerasimov öldürüldüTümgeneral Vitali Gerasimov.

Mart ayının başında aynı birlikte görev alan tümgeneral Andrei Sukhovetsky de öldürülmüştü.

Öte yandan Ukraynalı yetkililer iki Rus askerin telsiz konuşmasını da yayınladı. Askerler, Gerasimov’un ölümünü konuştuktan sonra güvenli telsizin de Ukrayna’nın içinde işe yaramadığından bahsediyor.

İngiliz The Guardian gazetesi, “Üst düzey askerin kaybı Putin’in lojistik sorunlar yaşayan, morali düşük olan ve Ukrayna direnişiyle karşı karşıya kalan askerleri için kötü bir zamanda geldi. Şifreli iletişim sisteminin kaybolması da yeni bir darbe oldu” yorumunu yaptı.

Erdem Aksoy


ABD istihbaratı: Ukrayna işgali sırasında öldürülen Rus askeri sayısı 3 bin civarında

Haberler.com – Erdem Aksoy – Dünya

Rusya’nın, Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin’in emriyle Ukrayna’ya yönelik olarak başlattığı askeri harekatın 13. gününde ABD basınında dikkat çeken bir haber yayınlandı. ABD’nin ünlü gazetelerinden The New York Times, Ukrayna’nın 11 bin olarak açıkladığı öldürülen Rus askeri sayısının 3 bin civarında olduğunu geçti. Amerikalı üst düzey yetkililere dayandırılan haber dezenformasyon iddialarını gündeme getirdi.


Rusya‘nın Ukrayna işgalinde 13. güne girildi. Batı’nın ağır yaptırımlarına saldırıların şiddetini artırarak yanıt veren Rus ordusu başkent Kiev sınırlarına kadar dayandı. Ukrayna ordusu ve halkı, Rus askerlerinin kente girişini engellemek için her noktaya hendekler kazdı ve sokak savaşları için gerekli hazırlıkları yaptı.

Öte yandan dün Ukrayna Savunma Bakanlığı’ndan yapılan açıklamada, 11 binden fazla Rus askerinin öldüğü, Rus ordusuna ait 290 tank ve 999’dan fazla zırhlı askeri aracın imha edildiği duyuruldu. Ayrıca Rusya‘ya ait 117 topçu atış sistemi, 46 uçak, 68 helikopter, 454 otomobil, 3 gemi, 60 yakıt tankı, 7 insansız hava aracının da kullanılamaz hale geldiği kaydedildi.

ABD istihbaratı: Ukrayna işgali sırasında öldürülen Rus askeri sayısı 3 bin civarında

Ukrayna Savunma Bakanlığı’ndan yapılan açıklamanın aksine Rusya ise savaş sırasında yalnızca 496 askerinin hayatını kaybettiğini aktardı. Öldürülen Rus askerlerinin sayısına ait en dikkat çeken açıklama ise ABD istihbaratından geldi.

The New York Times gazetesinin istihbarat kaynaklarına dayandırdığı haberinde, işgal sırasında öldürülen Rus askeri sayısının 3 bin civarında olduğunu yazdı. Ortaya çıkan farklı rakamlar ise dezenformasyon iddialarını gündeme getirdi.


Rusya’nın gizli raporu sızdı! ‘Ukrayna savaşı artık kazanılamaz’


Rusya Federasyonu Federal Güvenlik Servisi’nden (FSB) bir muhbirin sızdırdığı iddia edilen rapor dünya gündemine bomba gibi düştü. Kimin yazdığı belirtilmeyen raporda, Ukrayna’daki savaşın artık kazanılamaz olduğunu iddia edildi ve “Şimdi Zelenski öldürülse, ya da esir alınsa bile hiçbir şey değişmeyecek. Ülkemiz çok daha büyük bir savaşa doğru kayıyor” ifadeleri yer aldı.

Rusya'nın gizli raporu sızdı! 'Ukrayna savaşı artık kazanılamaz'

Rusya Federasyonu Federal Güvenlik Servisi’nden (FSB) bir muhbir tarafından sızdırılan 2000 kelimelik rapor internette yayınlandı. Kimliği doğrulanamayan rapor, Bellingcat’teki analistler ve Rus insan hakları gözlemcisi Gulagu tarafından paylaşıldı ve büyük dikkat çekti.


Sızdırılan rapora göre FSB muhbiri, Ukrayna savaşının ‘artık kazanılamaz’ olduğunu iddia etti. Kremlin içindeki casus teşkilatının şimdiye kadarki başarısızlıklardan sorumlu olduğunu iddia eden muhbir, Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin’i de bir dünya savaşı başlatmak istediği için Hitler’e benzetti.

Raporun ismi açıklanmayan yazarı, istihbarat raporlarını üstlerini memnun edecek şekilde uyarlamaları için uyarı aldığını belirterek, “Raporları yönetimin gereksinimlerine göre özelleştirmek için giderek daha fazla baskı alıyoruz ” dedi.




Διαρροή από ισραηλινές στρατιωτικές πηγές:”Η Ρωσία έχει ήδη κερδίσει τον πόλεμο…στις 4 Μαρτίου κάτι κομβικό συνέβη”.



Διαρροή από ισραηλινές στρατιωτικές πηγές:

“Η Ρωσία έχει ήδη κερδίσει τον πόλεμο…στις 4 Μαρτίου κάτι κομβικό συνέβη“!


“Η Ρωσία έχει ήδη κερδίσει τον πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία. Το γνωρίζω αυτό από ισραηλινές στρατιωτικές πηγές που μου εξήγησαν ότι στις 4 Μαρτίου συνέβη κάτι που τους επιτρέπει να το επιβεβαιώσουν. Θα χρειαστούν μερικές ακόμη μέρες, αλλά έχει κλειδώσει”. Piero San Giorgio, Telegram….

Aυτό που συμβαίνει στην Ουκρανία δεν είναι πόλεμος με τη συνήθη έννοια, ακόμα κι αν είναι στρατιωτικού χαρακτήρα. Η στρατιωτική επιχείρηση της Ρωσίας είναι ένα αμυντικό βήμα, όχι επιθετικό, παρά την κατοχή μιας γειτονικής χώρας. Το στρατιωτικό βήμα ήρθε σε ένα μακρύ πλαίσιο, το οποίο ξεκίνησε μετά την κατάρρευση της Σοβιετικής Ένωσης, και κατά τη διάρκεια της δεκαετίας του ενενήντα του περασμένου αιώνα, όταν το ΝΑΤΟ ανέλαβε την επέκταση προς τα ανατολικά, παρά τις υποσχέσεις ότι η Ατλαντική Συμμαχία δεν θα προχωρούσε «μια ίντσα» προς τα ανατολικά. Η παρουσία στρατιωτικών βάσεων και πλατφορμών πυραύλων σε χώρες που ήταν μέρος του “Συμφώνου της Βαρσοβίας” έχει γίνει άμεση απειλή για την εθνική ασφάλεια της Ρωσίας. Από το 2007, ο Ρώσος πρόεδρος έχει επανειλημμένα προειδοποιήσει, σε μια περίφημη ομιλία του στη “Διάσκεψη για την Ασφάλεια” που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Μόναχο, ότι η μονοπολικότητα δεν είναι αποδεκτή και ότι η ασφάλεια στην Ευρώπη είναι μια κοινή και αδιαίρετη ασφάλεια.

Η Ατλαντική Συμμαχία αγνόησε αυτή την προειδοποίηση και πραγματοποίησε τις έγχρωμες επαναστάσεις που ανέτρεψαν κυβερνήσεις που πρόσκεινται στη Μόσχα.

Στη Διάσκεψη του Βουκουρεστίου το 2008, η απόφαση των χωρών της Ατλαντικής Συμμαχίας ήταν να ανοίξουν την πόρτα για την ένταξη της Γεωργίας και της Ουκρανίας στο ΝΑΤΟ. Σε αυτή την απόφαση, φυτεύτηκαν οι ρίζες της τρέχουσας κρίσης, που ενισχύθηκαν από το πραξικόπημα οδηγήθηκε στην Ουκρανία το 2014 και τη δημιουργία μιας βαθιάς αντιρωσικής κυβέρνησης που ελέγχεται από μια νεοναζιστική μειονότητα.

Στη συνέχεια, στα τέλη του 2021, η Ατλαντική Συμμαχία προσπάθησε να αλλάξει το καθεστώς στη Λευκορωσία και το 2022 επαναλήφθηκε το σενάριο στο Καζακστάν για να ολοκληρωθεί η πολιορκία της Ρωσίας και η τελευταία πέτυχε να καταπνίξει την εξέγερση και να την εξαλείψει στις δύο χώρες πολύ γρήγορα.

Όλα τα παραπάνω σχετίζονται με τα γεγονότα και τους λόγους που οδήγησαν τη Ρωσική Ομοσπονδία και τον Πρόεδρό της Βλαντιμίρ Πούτιν να λάβουν μια σημαντική απόφαση, μέσω της οποίας η Ρωσία εισήλθε σε στρατηγική αντιπαράθεση με την Αμερική και τους συμμάχους της στο ΝΑΤΟ σε ουκρανικό έδαφος, για να προστατεύσει την εθνική της ασφάλεια, την πολιτική της οντότητα και τα στρατηγικά της συμφέροντα που θα επιτευχθούν μόνο με μια πολιτική νίκη με στρατιωτικό εργαλείο και μια άλλη οικονομική που παράγει νέους χάρτες στρατηγικής επιρροής και μια νέα γεωπολιτική πραγματικότητα.

Εδώ μπορούμε να μιλήσουμε για δύο μελλοντικά σενάρια. Η πρώτη εκδοχή είναι αυτή της ρωσικής νίκης, η οποία δίνει στη Ρωσία τη δυνατότητα να επανασχεδιάσει την πολιτική γεωγραφία της Ουκρανίας στο βαθμό που διασφαλίζει την απόσχιση της Κριμαίας, του Ντόνετσκ, του Λουγκάνσκ και άλλων περιοχών που γειτνιάζουν με τα ρωσικά σύνορα, εξασφαλίζει τον αφοπλισμό της Ουκρανίας και αποτρέπει την κατοχή της στρατηγικών όπλων γενικά και πυρηνικών όπλων ειδικότερα, και εγγυάται την πολιτική αναδιοργάνωση σε αυτήν, ώστε να γίνει ένα ουδέτερο, αν όχι φιλορωσικό, κράτος και να απελευθερωθεί από την παρουσία και την επιρροή των νεο- Ναζιστών.

Σχετική με αυτή την εκδοχή είναι η επέκταση της επιρροής της Ρωσίας και της Κίνας στη διεθνή σκηνή, θέτοντας τέλος στη μονοπολικότητα σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο και ανοίγοντας τον ορίζοντα σε μια πολυπολικότητα που βασίζεται στα ερείπια της δυτικής ηγεμονίας στη διεθνή απόφαση στο πολιτικό της, οικονομικές και πολιτιστικές διαστάσεις.

Όσο για τη δεύτερη εκδοχή, είναι το σενάριο διευθέτησης μεταξύ της Ρωσίας και των χωρών του Ατλαντικού, η οποία εγγυάται την ασφάλεια της Ρωσίας στο ζωτικό της πεδίο με κάποια διεθνή ισορροπία μεταξύ των μερών.

Υπάρχει μια τρίτη εκδοχή, η οποία είναι αυτή της ρωσικής ήττας, μια πιθανότητα που βάζει τη Ρωσία στο στόχαστρο της δυτικής δύναμης..

Είναι μια κομβική χρονική περίοδος στην ιστορία των διεθνών σχέσεων, κατά την οποία τίθεται το σύμπαν στα πρόθυρα ενός νέου παγκόσμιου πολέμου, για να προβλέψουμε το μέλλον των νέων διεθνών σχέσεων και μιας νέας διεθνούς τάξης.

Δεν είναι πόλεμος με την κλασική έννοια του όρου, αλλά επιχείρηση που δύναται να μετατραπεί σε πόλεμο όταν εξαντλήσει τα όρια της. (σσ και δεν είναι πόλεμος γιατί η Ρωσία δεν λειτουργεί με κανόνες ολοκληρωτικού πολέμου) …. Ο,ΤΙ ΑΚΡΙΒΩΣ ΓΡΑΦΑΜΕ ΕΔΩ ΕΜΕΙΣ “ΠΡΟΧΘΕΣ”!

Δεν είναι ρωσο-ουκρανικός πόλεμος, αλλά η Ρωσία εισήλθε σε στρατηγική αντιπαράθεση με την Αμερική και τους συμμάχους της στο ΝΑΤΟ σε ουκρανικό έδαφος.

Υπάρχει μια ισχυρή πιθανότητα καθώς τα κοράκια μαζεύονται γύρω από το ψοφίμι, η Δύση να μπει σε μετωπική αντιπαράθεση με τη Ρωσία. Οι ισχυρισμοί της Δύσης για μη άμεση ανάμειξη ενώ συσσωρεύει από παντού δυνάμεις θυμίζει τους ισχυρισμούς της Ρωσίας ότι κάνει ασκήσεις εντός συνόρων της και δεν πρόκειται να μπει. Οι Δυτικοί είναι ικανοί να κάνουν το απονενοημένο για λόγους γοήτρου και διατήρησης ισορροπίας δυνάμεων κεκτημένου. Και σε αυτή την περίπτωση όπως έχει επανειλημμένα τονιστεί από όλες τις πλευρές θα είναι ένας Τρίτος Παγκόσμιος που θα είναι πυρηνικός.

ΠΗΓΗ: dimpenews.com



Liz Truss

United Kingdom government official
🇬🇧 🇬🇷 The UK and Greece are united in condemning Putin’s barbaric invasion of Ukraine & isolating Russia on the world stage. I offered @NikosDendias my condolences for the deaths of ethnic Greeks in Ukraine and we agreed to rally our partners in holding Russia to account.


The Likely Return of the Disastrous Nuclear Deal with Iran

Will a desperate Biden make even more concessions?


President Joe Biden is on the verge of making another colossal foreign policy blunder. He wants to restore the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that the Obama-Biden administration had concluded in 2015, along with Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China. Some of the same Obama-Biden administration players involved in the original negotiations, who strongly denounced former President Donald Trump’s wise decision to withdraw from their fatally flawed handiwork, are determined to bring it back to life.

President Biden appears ready to make major concessions to Iran. For example, as reported by the Wall Street Journal, “Iran’s ‘breakout time’—the duration needed to amass enough nuclear fuel [f]or a bomb—could be as little as six months,” under a restored deal as opposed to the JCPOA’s original twelve-month breakout time. As of mid-February, Iran had already amassed 33.2 kilograms of uranium material enriched to the 60 percent level, nearly double the amount it had in early November of last year.

“Iran would need around 40 kilograms of 60% enriched uranium to produce enough weapons-grade nuclear fuel for a weapon,” the Wall Street Journal reported. This means that Iran already has about three-quarters of what it would require to advance quickly to weapon-grade 90% fuel for a nuclear bomb.

Iran has put itself in the driver’s seat by plowing ahead to reach an incredibly short breakout time, enabling the regime to extort more concessions from the Biden administration. The war in Ukraine, which is destabilizing the global energy market, also provides the Iranian regime with a stronger bargaining position to achieve the maximum lifting of sanctions and unfreezing of Iran’s assets. The regime is counting on the West’s need for Iranian oil to make up for shortfalls from other oil producing countries.

President Biden finally announced the cut-off of U.S. oil and gas imports from Russia on March 8th. But instead of reversing his war on fossil fuels policies that have stymied more drilling and production of oil in the energy-rich United States, the Biden administration already has its hand out to Venezuela and Saudi Arabia for their oil to make up for the resulting shortfall. And the Biden administration has its eyes on Iran.

Out of sheer desperation, the Biden administration appears ready to turn to Iran to add its own oil to the global oil supply. This means agreeing to a nuclear deal on Iran’s terms. It is a quick fix to show the American people that the Biden administration is taking action to reduce the price of gasoline that they are paying at the pump. Anything to avoid offending the climate change activists at home, which would happen if the administration were to do the sensible thing and remove barriers it has imposed against more domestic production of oil and gas.

While trying to isolate Russia economically and diplomatically for its invasion of Ukraine, the Biden administration is negotiating alongside Russia (and China) to restore the JCPOA. Even worse, since Iran has refused to negotiate face-to-face with U.S. representatives, the Biden administration has outsourced the principal intermediary role to Russia.

 “Russia has been instrumental in shaping a compromise,” Reuters has reported, based on information from diplomats.

If there is a deal, Iran will most likely ship its excess uranium over the agreed upon cap to none other than Russia as it did the last time around. Only this time, Iran would be doing so in concert with a country that has just brought the world perilously close to a nuclear catastrophe.

When Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on January 19th, Putin noted that the two regimes “closely cooperate in the international arena.”

Raisi agreed. “We…have no restrictions on developing and expanding ties with friendly Russia and these ties will become strategic,” Raisi said.

It did not take long for the Iranian regime to prove how strongly it continues to stand by Russia after Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine.

A February 25th editorial in Keyhan, which serves as a mouthpiece for Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stated, as quoted by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs:

“Moscow had no other choice but to ensure the security of the people of Ukraine and prevent it being swallowed up by a dangerous (NATO) military bloc, and to send its troops across the border. With his blitzkrieg, President Putin delivered, in a brilliant diplomatic move, the message to the President of Ukraine, Zelensky, a Jewish comedian.”

Khamenei said that the “mafia regime” of the U.S. has created multiple crises around the globe, including in Ukraine. He took the words right out of Putin’s mouth.

Despite the close international cooperation between the Iranian and Russian regimes, the Biden administration does not seem too worried about the consequences of Russia’s leadership role in negotiating and implementing a restored JCPOA with the Iranian regime. A senior U.S. State Department official claimed that Russia and the United States share a common interest in reviving the JCPOA and preventing Iran from developing a nuclear bomb. The Biden administration believes that it can separate this common interest from the Ukrainian crisis where Russia and the West are at loggerheads.

Not so.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who has parroted Putin’s outrageous claim that Russia is denazifying Ukraine, linked the sanctions imposed on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine with the JCPOA negotiations.

“We requested that our US colleagues… give us written guarantees at the minimum level of Secretary of State that the current [sanctions] process launched by the US will not in any way harm our right to free, fully-fledged trade and economic and investment cooperation and military-technical cooperation with Iran,” Lavrov said on Saturday.

Russia is asking the United States to guarantee that the Ukraine-related sanctions will not get in the way of its “military-technical” cooperation with Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism that is developing long-range ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

The White House has been mum on exactly what concessions it is willing to offer to bring the JCPOA back to life. However, the Biden administration has already signaled it was prepared to lift sanctions across Iran’s economy, including its banking and energy sectors, and to unfreeze billions of dollars’ worth of oil revenues.

Iranian leaders have demanded complete sanctions relief, including a huge portion upfront.

“Our negotiators… do their best to ensure the nation’s interests, and know that the final point is the lifting of all sanctions, especially on banking and trade,” Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami said at Friday prayers in Tehran. “If these sanctions are not lifted, it is as if there were no talks.”

What token gestures might Iran make in return at the outset of the revived deal? The regime may agree to permit the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, to resume implementing a limited set of on-site inspection and verification mechanisms that will not include inspections of Iran’s military facilities.

The regime may also agree to suspend right away its enrichment of uranium to the 60% level. It may “commit” to reduce its enrichment level further after all sanctions are lifted and Iran’s economy is back on track.

As noted previously, Iran would most likely ship any excess uranium above a negotiated volume limit to its Russian friends. With Iran in Russia’s corner supporting Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, does anybody seriously think that Russia will not help Iran cheat during this process and keep Iran’s stockpile in reserve to return to Iran upon its request? The Biden administration is so desperate for a deal that it may well look the other way and rely on the word of the butcher of Moscow who is massacring the Ukrainian people in the name of “liberating” them.

The original JCPOA enrichment cap of 3.67% will probably not survive the current negotiations. Even when sanctions are lifted, and the JCPOA snaps back to life, Iran’s nuclear chief said that the regime intends to exceed the original 3.67% cap.

“(Uranium) enrichment … continues with a maximum ceiling of 60%, which led Westerners to rush to negotiations, and it will continue with the lifting of sanctions by both 20% and 5%,” the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, Mohammad Eslami, said according to the semi-official news agency Fars.

The sanctions relief concessions that the Biden administration ends up agreeing to may well extend beyond just the sanctions imposed on Iran relating to its nuclear activities. “Iran is demanding complete sanctions removal, including the elimination of human-rights or ballistic-missile-related sanctions that were exempted from the 2015 deal,” the Wall Street Journal has reported.

Iran is also demanding the lifting of sanctions directed at Iranian entities involved in the financing of terrorism. In fact, the Iranian regime is insisting on the removal of the powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its affiliates, which have American blood on their hands, from the sanctions list.

And let us not forget about the JCPOA’s “sunset” provisions. Unless there is a change to these provisions to push the “sunsets” further out in time, major restrictions on Iran’s nuclear-related activities will soon go away, starting in 2025. This means that the Iranian regime will have a clear path to develop and produce nuclear weapons suitable for mounting on its ballistic missiles.

If an agreement is reached with Iran to restore the nuclear deal, there is no reason to expect the Biden administration to level with the American people about the concessions it had to make to close the deal. President Biden and his senior administration officials have a habit of making false statements to spin their disastrous policies.

For example, during his announcement that the United States would no longer be importing any oil and gas from Russia, President Biden tried to give the impression that nothing was stopping the U.S. oil and gas companies from producing more fossil fuels except their own business decisions. He conveniently ignored all of the roadblocks and disincentives that his administration’s obsession with pushing the Green New Deal agenda have put in the way of more domestic drilling and production.

Biden also claimed that U.S. oil production is now at an all-time high. This is totally false. The real annual all-time high was set in 2019 on former President Trump’s watch – 12.3 million barrels a day. By comparison, U.S. oil production averaged 11.19 million barrels a day in 2021.

President Biden is willing to spread misinformation to the American people even on something that can be easily fact-checked. Why should anyone believe what he and his senior officials say to justify a revised JCPOA negotiated in desperation with the Iranian regime?

The original nuclear deal with the Iranian regime was bad enough. The revived version is likely to be far worse, further cementing the close cooperation between two of the most repugnant regimes on the face of the earth that are enemies of the free world.


Erdoğan’dan önemli açıklama: Putin ve Zelenskiy teklifimizi kabul etti

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Putin ve Zelenskiy’i de Türkiye’de bir araya getirmek istediklerini belirterek, Antalya’da Türkiye gözlemciliğinde gerçekleşecek Rusya-Ukrayna görüşmesini kendilerinin teklifi ve ısrarı üzerine ayarlandığını kaydetti.



Group Biden Removed from the Terror List Hopes That, Allah Willing, Its Missiles Will Soon Reach NY

The frightening fantasies of Biden’s foreign policy.

The Houthis, the Iran-backed Shi’a jihad group in Yemen, recently held a student rally in the Yemeni city of Hajjah, but they weren’t exactly cheering on their favorite soccer team. The rally, which was televised on the Houthi network Al-Masirah TV, featured a student proclaiming, “Placing their trust in Allah, our missile forces are continuing to strike deep inside Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Allah willing, our UAVs will reach Tel Aviv and New York in the very near future.” A UAV is an unmanned aerial vehicle, that is, a drone. No one in New York needs to worry about Houthi drones anytime soon, but the statement in itself once again revealed that Biden’s handlers’ foreign policy is based on fantasy and wishful thinking, not any rational assessment of reality.

This is because in February 2021, just weeks after Old Joe Biden began his pretend-to-be-the-president act, the administration removed the Houthis from the list of terrorist groups. An unnamed State Department wonk explained, “Our action is due entirely to the humanitarian consequences of this last-minute designation from the prior administration, which the United Nations and humanitarian organizations have since made clear would accelerate the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.”

The Houthis were only designated a terror group for a few weeks, so this humanitarian crisis could not possibly have been very severe. Donald Trump’s administration added the Houthis to the terror list in January 2021, not long before Trump left office. As was always the case with anything and everything that Trump did, the Leftist political and media establishment was outraged. No fewer than twenty-two aid groups that were operating in Yemen demanded that the designation be revoked “immediately.” Old Joe obliged when he began his president act, but now, Trump has been proven right yet again. If any group deserves to be considered foreign terrorists, it’s the Houthis.

The student’s hope that Houthi drones would one day bomb New York didn’t come out of thin air. In November 2021, the Yemeni media outlet Al-Masdar Online reported that Houthis stormed our embassy (closed since 2015) in Yemen’s nominal capital, Sana’a, seizing “large quantities of equipment and materials.” Just days before that, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), they “kidnapped three Yemeni nationals affiliated with the U.S. Embassy.”

A State Department spokesman confirmed the Yemeni report, saying, “The United States has been unceasing in its diplomatic efforts to secure their release. The majority of the detained have been released, but the Houthis continue to detain additional Yemeni employees of the embassy.” They are being “detained without explanation and we call for their immediate release.” The U.S., the spokesman continued, was “concerned about the breach of the compound” and is calling “on the Houthis to immediately vacate it and return all seized property.”

The Houthis were frightened by this tough talk and immediately vacated the embassy, right? Not exactly. Voice of America (VOA) reported on Feb. 24 that the Houthis “detained another official of the long-closed U.S. Embassy there, bringing the number of local ex-U.S. Embassy staffers in the rebel group’s custody to at least 11, according to accounts from Yemeni officials and others.”

The State Department claimed that it was making “unceasing” efforts to get these hostages released. But what can Biden’s handlers really do? They gave away the best leverage they had when they removed the Houthis from the terror list. The Biden administration, according to VOA, is on the verge of admitting that Trump was right: Biden wonks are “considering redesignating the Houthis or individual Houthi leaders as terrorists, a step that carries harsh U.S. government penalties for those doing business with them.” So they’re thinking of taking steps that will get them back to square one — back to where they were in January 2021 — before they laid the groundwork for the present problems in Yemen.

Will the Houthis’ continued belligerence lead Biden’s handlers to abandon their policy of appeasement toward the Islamic Republic of Iran and its clients? Will they drop their pipe dream of reviving the nuclear deal and begin to deal realistically with the genuine threat that Iran and its clients pose? Come on, man! Biden’s team promised America would be back, but didn’t say anything about Jimmy Carter coming around again as well. But here we are.


The Left Isn’t Letting the Ukraine Crisis Go to Waste

Biden doesn’t want to stop the invasion. He wants to use it.


The Biden administration is doing everything possible to exploit the Ukraine crisis without doing anything to actually stop it. Its policies are a laundry list of leftist agendas that cynically betray the people fighting and dying on the ground without doing anything to actually halt the invasion.

An unpopular administration has been gifted a crisis by Putin and is seeing to it that it doesn’t go to waste. Biden had been unable to evade the blame for rising gas and food prices, but going forward the skyrocketing price of gas and food, in particular anything with wheat, will be blamed on the Russian invasion. While the invasion will certainly impact energy and food prices, the fundamental force driving the price hikes is still inflation caused by government spending.

Putin’s invasion provides a perfect pretext for allowing the Biden administration and its congressional allies to go on printing money and shutting down the economy with regulatory impositions while blaming the resulting economic crisis on the situation in Ukraine.

That is why Biden doesn’t want to stop Putin. Our intelligence people had all the necessary information on the invasion plans. We knew everything that was going to happen. Had Biden really wanted to deter the invasion, there were multiple options for heading off the war. Instead Biden made it clear that there would be no intervention, just sanctions he knew would not work.

Bloomberg News reported that the Biden officials who created the sanctions knew they wouldn’t work.

“No one expected the sanctions to prevent anything from happening,” Biden later admitted.

Indeed the Biden administration fiercely fought against the efforts of Senator Ted Cruz and other Republicans to impose sanctions before the invasion because they wanted Putin to invade.

Only if Putin invaded Ukraine would they have the leverage to maintain a crisis, ransack the economy, consolidate corporate economic responses, and transform our foreign policy.

The sanctions regime, under which we import massive amounts of Russian oil but payment processors are ordered to cut off access, make no sense as a means of stopping Putin. But they are not meant to stop Putin or to do anything to help Ukraine. That’s not what this is about.

Anything however can be sold as means of stopping Russia even when it actually helps Russia.

That’s why the Biden administration is cutting deals with Russian allies like Iran and Venezuela.

Even as the Biden administration claims to be doing everything possible to sanction Russia, it outsourced the negotiations for a new and even worse nuclear deal with Iran to Russia.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has suggested that the administration is considering buying oil from Iran.

Buying Iranian oil directly finances Islamic terrorism against America, but it, like many other previously unacceptable moves, can be sold as a patriotic response to the invasion of Ukraine.

Biden administration officials are also headed to Venezuela for talks with socialist strongman Maduro, the leader of a murderous drug cartel and an ally of Iran and Russia, to restart relations with his regime and bail it out by buying oil from a narcoterrorist state.

And no one is supposed to ask how helping Russia’s allies is supposed to be stopping Russia.

The Biden administration is willing to buy oil from anyone except Americans. While a Republican administration might have used the Ukraine crisis as leverage for restarting domestic drilling, the Biden administration is using it to cut deals with our enemies.

Does the Biden administration actually want oil from Iran and Venezuela? No, it does not.

The green energy agenda means that the Biden administration is thrilled with high oil prices and an international pretext for keeping them high. At the same time it can build relations with Islamist and leftist enemies under the guise of trying to fix the high oil prices even though it has no intention of doing so except during election years when it can claim credit for lowering prices.

What the Ukraine crisis really means is more green energy and more outreach to our enemies.

These are the same Obama administration policies being dusted off and treated like a new response to the crisis. Much as they were the default responses to any crisis that came along.

People often dismiss any military intervention as another case of ‘Wag the Dog’, but they forget that the movie actually featured a fictional war in which there were no real soldiers involved.

The Biden administration has managed to actually have war fever without a war. There are Ukrainian flags flying and vodka being poured down the drain without a single American soldier being on the battlefield. And, despite what some on both sides think, it’s going to stay that way.

In a real case of ‘Wag the Dog’, an unpopular old incumbent has managed to have a war in an election year without taking any of the political risks of military involvement. The Russians and the Ukranians do the actual fighting while the Biden administration sits back and exploits it.

Whatever happens, Biden is safe because no American soldiers will be killed in the fighting.

He also has a defense against the kitchen table concerns of most Americans. The rising prices which were previously devastating his polling numbers are suddenly no longer his fault.

Americans are being encouraged to “patriotically” accept rising prices as a consequence of the invasion. And some will fall for it and forget that prices were rising long before the invasion.

The unprecedented consolidation of corporate responses won’t salvage Ukraine, but it’s not meant to. Rather it’s another field test for the growing socialization of the American economy with corporations being coordinated to act in unison and cut off access when they’re told.

After running through the farce of looking for oil in Iran and Venezuela, and any other terror state that has any for sale, the Biden administration will double down on green energy. We will be told that the Ukraine crisis is more evidence that we need to invest all our money into windmills and solar panels. Even though the entire crisis only happened because the Europeans decided to invest in wind and solar which made them dependent on Russia and Ukraine.

In the name of stopping Russia, America will also become increasingly dependent on Russia.

Tethering America’s energy market to unstable players like Russia and Ukraine, or Iran and Venezuela, or Saudi Arabia and the Muslim world, forces us into bad binary choices like war or appeasement. Instead of breaking the cycle of dependency by embracing the potential of our own oil, gas, nuclear, and future energy capabilities, we’re trapped in the same dead end maze.

The green energy investors who fund the Democrats win and so do America’s enemies.

Biden isn’t trying to stop Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he is trying to stop America’s economy while deftly avoiding the blame for the economic misery resulting from his domestic policies.

The sudden embrace of Ukrainian patriotism isn’t about helping that country, but consolidating unquestioning support behind the leftist agendas that are being carried out in Ukraine’s name.

When the crisis has been fully exploited, the blue and yellow flags will be tossed into the trash, along with the red, white and blue ones, and Biden will shake hands with Putin again.

Especially if both men have managed to get what they really wanted with each other’s help.


Palestinians Stick With Putin

Have they hitched their wagon to a falling star?

The Palestinians, who often rush to express their views on various regional and international conflicts, have been careful not to take sides in the war between Russia and Ukraine. “Close ties with Russia stop Palestinians from taking sides in Ukraine war – analysis,” by Khaled Abu Toameh, Jerusalem Post, February 26, 2022:

The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip have long maintained good relations with Russia.

Ties between the Palestinians and Russia are of long standing. In 1957 the Soviets put terrific pressure on Israel to withdraw its forces from the Sinai. In 1967 the Soviets took the Arab side in the Six-Day-War, and promptly resupplied the depleted armories of both Egypt and Syria. I was in Russia during the Six-Day War, studying Russian, and I well remember the newspaper headlines: “We are with you, Arab brothers!” and “Arabs Heroically Defend Their Motherland,” which allowed one to conclude that the Israelis, against all odds, were on Arab soil, and had won.

That’s why they [the Palestinians] have neither come out against the Russian invasion of Ukraine nor expressed any opinion about the conflict, at least not by Saturday night….

A week into the war, and the Palestinians still haven’t criticized Russia for its invasion. And they won’t. How could Mahmoud Abbas, who studied in the Soviet Union for years, and wrote his Holocaust- minimizing (“only 800,000 Jews, at most, were killed”) thesis at Patrice Lumumba University — The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism — ever turn his back on Russia, where he first learned how to promote antisemitic lies that have stood him in good stead ever since? And why should the Palestinians care if Vladimir Putin, a dictator very much to their liking, tries to reconstitute what he can of the former Soviet Union?

Russia for decades supplied money and weapons not just to such Arab enemies of Israel as Egypt and Syria, but also backed Arafat’s PLO. And after the Arab defeat in the Six-Day War, when it became clear that the Arabs should pivot to a diplomatic campaign against the Jewish state, the KGB helped create the campaign to convince the world that Israel had “stolen land belonging to the ‘Palestinian people’,” a newly-invented demonym concocted in Moscow, designed to change the perception of the Arab gang-up on Israel as, instead, a war between “two peoples,” the Jews and the Palestinians, who should split “Palestine” by having the Jewish state squeezed back within the 1949 armistice lines, with a nine-mile wide waist from Qalqilya to the sea.

Given this history of Russian financial, military, diplomatic, and “moral” support for the Palestinian Arabs, and Mahmoud Abbas’ personal ties to Russia, it would have been impossible to break with Moscow.

Over the past few weeks, a growing number of officials in Ramallah have expressed disappointment with the failure of the US administration to fulfill its promises to the Palestinians, including the reopening of the US consulate in Jerusalem and exerting pressure on Israel to halt settlement construction in the West Bank.

The PA leadership criticizes Biden for not fulfilling his promise to re-open the “consulate to the Palestinians” in Jerusalem. Abbas and Co. are apparently unaware that the Bidenites have now realized that there is something called the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations that requires any consulate that is to be opened or reopened to first receive the express consent of the country where the consulate is to be located. Bennett and Lapid have made clear that they will never give such consent to a consulate in Jerusalem. The Biden Administration’s hands are tied.

There is another matter, too, that may lead the Bidenites to change their current policy toward the Palestinians. The Biden adminitratioin has restored hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to the PA. In so doing, they have violated the Taylor Force Act, that prohibits giving aid to the PA as long as it keeps in place its “Pay-For-Slay” program, by which it provides generous monthly payments to imprisoned terrorists or to the families of terrorists killed while carrying out their attacks. The Bidenites claim that the money they are giving is allowed under an exception in the Taylor Force Act for “humanitarian aid.” But there is no such exception. Congress ought to call out the Administration on this, so as to force an end to the aid to the PA that violates both the letter and the spirit of Taylor Force. Then it will be clear to the PA that no matter how capitulationist the Bidenites may be – see their hair-raising concessions made to Iran at Vienna – they still must respect American laws and international treaties to which the U.S. is a party.

Obviously, Abbas has no intention of taking a stance towards the Russia-Ukraine war for fear that such a move would strain the PA’s relations with Moscow and sabotage his efforts to convince Putin to play a significant role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Abbas does not realize it, but there is no chance that Russia will continue to be accepted, after its invasion of Ukraine, as a member of the Quartet. The other members of the group – the U.N., the E.U., and the United States — now regard Russia as a pariah. And as long as Russian troops occupy the Ukraine, which could be for a very long time, not only will Russia not be welcome to continue as part of the Quartet, but given the diplomatic mess he has created for himself if he continues to keep an army of occupation in Ukraine, it’s unlikely Putin will want to take on the thankless and distracting task of trying, as a member of the Quartet, to fashion a permanent peace between Israel and the Palestinians. The only way such a permanent peace can be established is not through treaties but through deterrence, which requires Israel’s military to be overwhelmingly more powerful — and to be readily perceived as such — than its enemies, including Hamas, Hezbollah, PIJ, the PFLP, the Houthis in Yemen and, of course, Iran. Treaties will not keep the peace. Any treaty Muslims sign with non-Muslims may be violated by the Muslim side, emulating the behavior of Muhammad in 628 A.D. It was in that year that Muhammad, the Perfect Man (al-insan al-kamil) and Model of Conduct (uswa hasana) made an agreement with the Meccans that was to last for ten years. But after 18 months, sensing that his side had grown sufficiently strong, Muhammad broke the treaty and attacked the Meccans. That remains the model for Muslim treaty-making today.

Putin will either be kicked out, or voluntarily bow out, of the Quartet.

On the first day of the war, PLO Executive Committee member Hussein al-Sheikh announced that he had a phone call with Russian Deputy of Foreign Affairs Minister Mikhail Bogdanov. At first glance, it appeared as if the senior Palestinian official – a possible successor to Abbas – discussed with the Kremlin’s top diplomat the crisis in Ukraine.

But Sheikh said in his statement that he discussed with Bogdanov the decisions of the Palestinian Central Council (PCC), which met in Ramallah earlier this month.…

On the first day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Abbas’ likely successor, Hussein al-Sheikh, talked by phone with the Russian Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov. But not a word was said, apparently, about the most significant military operation in Europe since World War II. Instead, the conversation was all about the decisions of the Palestinian Central Council – to which no one but the Palestinians pay the slightest attention – to suspend its recognition of Israel and to end security cooperation with the Jewish state. Foreign Minister Bogdanov expressed his country’s “support for peace in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy and justice,” which is code for all those U.N. Resolutions denouncing Israel. This Kremlin claim to support “international legitimacy and justice” is hard to swallow on the same day that 190,000 heavily armed Russian troops began their invasion of Ukraine.

The timing of the phone call may seem bizarre but it was clearly intended to send a message to the Russians that the PA does not want the Ukraine crisis to affect its relations with Putin….

Of course not. Why should a little thing like invading Ukraine get in the way of Palestinian-Russian relations? The Palestinians only wish they had 190,000 men under arms and Russian weapons, so that they too could emulate Putin by crushing underfoot the Jewish state.

Like the PA, the Hamas leadership is also keen on preserving its good relations with Moscow, especially in light of the group’s increasing isolation in the international arena.…

Hamas has been having a rough time of It lately. More countries have ceased to distinguish between the “political” and the “military” wings of Hamas, designating both as indissoluble parts of one terrorist whole, and outlawing the group. The heaviest blow was delivered by the British government, which in late 2021 outlawed all of Hamas, and made support of the group a crime. No wonder Hamas wants to keep the support of Russia.

That’s why Hamas was quick on Saturday to deny a statement attributed to Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal. According to the statement, Mashaal reportedly said that Putin “must halt his invasion of Ukraine and the killing of civilians.”

Concerned that the alleged statement would alienate Putin, the Hamas leadership denied the “fabricated” remarks attributed to Mashaal. “Mashaal did not make any statement to any media outlet regarding the Ukrainian crisis,” said a Hamas spokesperson.

Hamas mustn’t make Putin mad. So it had to deny that Mashaal had ever said such a thing. And if he did deplore the killing of civilians, should we not remind him that his very own Hamas lobbed 4,000 rockets at Israeli civilians back in May, and has made Jewish civilians its main target ever since the terror group came into being in 1987?

The only Hamas official to comment on the Russia-Ukraine crisis was Abu Marzouk, who wrote on Twitter that the lesson of the war was that the era of America’s status as unipolar superpower has ended.

But America lost its “status as a unipolar superpower” not because it must share that status with Russia, a country that has a minuscule economy, with a GDP of $1.4 trillion, as compared with the U.S.’s GDP of $21 trillion, but because it must share it with China. Russia has a population of 145 million, compared to 332 million people in the U.S. and 1.4 billion in China.

The US, the Hamas official argued, “was unable to take the decision of war in the face of Russia.”

The US got off to a slow start in helping Ukraine resist Russian aggression, but it has now found its footing, and is certainly not cowed by Putin. It has delivered close to $1 billion in weaponry, via Poland, to the Ukrainians, and has also helped persuade 27 European nations to supply more than $1 billion in weapons and other assistance. In addition, the U.S. has imposed the farthest-ranging financial sanctions ever imposed anywhere, on Russia. Surely all that amounts to taking “the decision of war in the face of Russia.”

If Russia takes weeks to subdue Ukraine, rather than the days that analysts had earlier predicted, and If it loses thousands of troops, as well as significant numbers of planes and tanks, Putin may not be able to survive politically. He appears all-powerful now, but if Ukraine turns into a morass, if a huge occupation army is required to keep a nation of 45 million subjugated, and if he cannot find a way to become unstuck from what will have become Tarbaby Ukraine, he will be in great trouble at home. Already, in the third day of fighting, some in his circle of billionaires – Fridman, Deripaska, Abramovich — called for an end to hostilities, which means the Russians should halt their invasion. What will he do if his loyalists desert him?

Any successor will be an anti-Putin, ready to pull out of Ukraine, and likely to look with disfavor on those who supported Putin’s Ukraine aggression, like Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. They’ve hitched their wagon to what I suspect will be a falling star.


Biden’s Handlers Find Another Authoritarian State to Buy Oil From

Closing the Keystone Pipeline and courting authoritarian regimes.


This isn’t rocket science: gas prices are hitting astronomical new heights every day because Old Joe Biden closed the Keystone Pipeline, ended our energy independence, and forced us to rely on supplies of Russian oil that have become problematic in all kinds of ways with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Yet even as the crisis intensifies, Biden’s handlers refuse to reverse course and restore America’s own oil supplies; instead, it is courting authoritarian regimes, as if paying Russia for oil wasn’t enough financing of tyranny already. Next in line: Venezuela.

First came the Islamic Republic of Iran. On Wednesday, MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle asked Transportation Secretary Pete “Mr. Mom” Buttigieg if Biden would consider “working something out with Iran” for oil. Buttigieg wouldn’t rule out that possibility: “Look, the president has said that all options are on the table. But we also need to make sure we’re not galloping after permanent solutions to immediate short term problems where more strategic and tactical actions in the short term could make a difference.”

But the “Death to America”-chanting mullahs aren’t enough. Fox News reported Sunday that “several senior Biden administration officials from the White House and State Department traveled to Venezuela on Saturday to meet with the Russian ally as Moscow’s economy begins to crater under the weight of sanctions, according to a report.” The idea is to entice the brutal hard-Left regime of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro away from Moscow’s embrace. The U.S. used to be Venezuela’s biggest customer for its oil exports, but the Trump administration put sanctions on those exports in view of the Venezuelan regime’s tyrannical behavior and election fraud.

But for Biden’s handlers, that sort of thing is no problem, as is clear from the fact that the administration’s trip to Venezuela was “the highest-profile one to Venezuela from American officials in years.” The agenda is obvious: “Some in the U.S. are considering Venezuelan oil as a possible substitute to Russian imports, as more American politicians say the U.S. needs to end its reliance on Russian oil, which could help finance Putin’s war.” Maduro opened the door to this himself on Thursday, saying: “Here lies the oil of Venezuela, which is available for whomever wants to produce and buy it, be it an investor from Asia, Europe or the United States.”

It’s astonishing that we have an administration that would rather buy oil from two regimes that terrorize their own people than take the steps that would restore the energy independence the United States enjoyed under the Trump administration. This is partly because the “adults” who are back in charge now are so spiteful, hateful, and immature that they must do the opposite of whatever Trump did, no matter how well it worked and how ill-advised the alternative. Biden’s handlers also have to please the green energy advocates who form such an important part of their base and who apparently don’t mind the environmental damage that results from the production of oil if it takes place in far-off countries and isn’t on CNN.

Imagine if Biden’s handlers reversed course, reopened the Keystone Pipeline, and worked to restore America’s energy independence. The economy would improve, gas prices would go down, and we would be free of potentially dangerous entanglements with the likes of Russia, Iran, and Venezuela.

What’s the downside, apart from a few angry green energy advocates? It’s tempting to think that Biden’s handlers are behaving in a stupid and short-sighted way in all this, but they’re actually anything but stupid, and that leaves only one alternative: their America-Last priorities are on full display here. Biden’s handlers appear to be so committed to socialist internationalism that they would rather see corrupt, authoritarian regimes in other countries benefit than see the American people relieved from their increasingly severe economic plight.

If we shift from Russian oil to Iranian and Venezuelan oil, we will no longer be financing the invasion of Ukraine, which would be a fine thing, but it is unlikely that these two inveterately hostile regimes will give us a deal that would lead to a drop in fuel prices. Why should they? When the mullahs chant “Death to America,” they’re not just mouthing empty words; if Biden’s handlers hand them a sword, they will happily plunge it into our vitals. Venezuela is unlikely to be more friendly. Once again, 2022 and 2024 can’t come fast enough.


Why Does Zelensky Admire Justin Trudeau?

Are we allowed to explore the question?


It’s a particularly cringe-worthy statement:

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has stated that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was one of the reasons he got into politics.

Both leaders are members of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is, of course, fully worthy of unequivocal international condemnation. At the same time, it is may be unwise for us to blind ourselves to Ukraine’s dubious activities and alliances.

Some background:

The WEF is famous for unveiling the ‘Great Reset,’ an anti-Democracy plot where global leaders would set in motion a radical plan to transform the world economy into a socialist, big government model and implement a massive Green New Deal.  Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab, has praised Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau as a model leader of WEF philosophies.

Written in a Financial Post article recently….

“ The WEF infiltration of Ottawa has never been a secret, nor has Butts’ involvement. But it is far from being common knowledge among voters that the ideological model behind the Liberal policy machine, the steering mechanism that guides decisions and policies, is subversive and authoritarian. It also covers a massive policy territory, from climate to COVID-19.”

National Post article last year declared that Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland’s “side gig with the WEF” was “endangering Canadian democracy”; while Rebel Media Founder Ezra Levant Tweeted out Freeland’s scary plan to make her ‘emergency powers’ permanent, following the crackdown on the Truck Freedom Convoy supporters.

It won’t be any time soon that Trudeau’s crushing of Patriot dissent in Canada is forgotten via the abuse of Canada’s Emergency Measures Act over the Freedom Convoy. His actions prompted Victor Davis Hanson to say that Trudeau and his Liberals were “creating a ‘Tiananmen square’ scene.” Trudeau also ignored a real terrorist attack that virtually went unnoticed during his unforgivable authoritarian overreach

But then out of the blue, the day before Russia invaded the Ukraine, Trudeau suddenly ended his ‘emergency’ measures and “ordered Canadian banks to unfreeze the bank accounts of people who participated in or donated to the Freedom Convoy.”

Justin Trudeau’s name now conjures up an image of unfriendliness to democratic freedoms and values. He earned justified, widespread criticisms—domestically and internationally— for his handling of Canada’s Freedom Convoy.

Disappointing information has now arisen that shows Justin Trudeau—a man who admires China’s “basic dictatorship” and proved it—has a strong admirer after all: Ukraine leader Golodymyr Zelensky.

Many don’t know that Zelensky is also a member of the World Economic Forum.

Zalensky Tweeted out: “@JustinTrudeau was one of those leaders who inspired me to join politics.”

Again: the Russian invasion of Ukraine is worthy of full condemnation. But it would not be constructive for us to ignore asking questions, like: why does Zelensky admire a man like Justin Trudeau? And what might Zelensky’s agendas be in connection to his membership in the World Economic Forum and beyond?

Another consideration to ponder: George Soros was named by the Ukrainian newspaper Vesti as the second most influential person in Ukraine, after Zelensky. The 2014 Maidan Square “revolution” in Ukraine, which toppled the elected government of Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych, was supported by Soros, with his characteristic opportunism in mind. He wrote in his blog:

In order for Ukrainians to realize that future, the spirit of the Maidan must be preserved. They will need international support… And my foundation is working with experts in Ukraine to create a strategy for keeping the spirit of the Maidan alive.

Soros’ remarkable influence in Ukraine’s economic and political life spans over two decades and “maintains a unique position of power through the Open Society Foundation and the dozens of other organizations he funds in the country;” a country that voted against a UN resolution condemning the glorification of Nazism in 2016.

Popular broadcaster Michael Savage went so far as to condemn Zelensky as a “puppet of George Soros.” Savage may have gone too far, but his brow-raising remark should at least be enough to prompt a few questions — questions that should accompany the ones about Zelensky’s open admiration for Justin Trudeau.


Is Europe Recovering Its Nerve?

Will the current resurrection of common sense and moral vigor last?


Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

After the West finally toughened up economic sanctions against Russia and started providing Ukraine with weapons and other materiel, much commentary has appeared celebrating Europe’s awakening from its decades of myopic foreign policy idealism. Typical was columnist Michael Barone, who announced “a vast and historic transformation in Europe . . . that will continue reverberating, no matter what happens in Ukraine.”

But judging from past history, these moments of renewed vigor are unlikely to produce the deeper structural reforms needed to meet future challenges, especially from China and Iran.

There’s no question that EU nations have taken steps no one would have expected. Most noteworthy, Germany, which has long institutionalized pacifism and zero-carbon energy goals as expressions of national identity, is providing weapons to Ukraine, pledging to keep closed the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia, and postpone the decommissioning of its remaining nuclear power plants. It also promises to raise its military spending by 100 billion Euros, with 78% of Germans approving the move.

According to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, “February 24 marks a turning point in the history of our continent.” The EU and NATO, as optimists claim, are now restoring national defense and military preparedness to its rightful place in their spending, rather than relying on U.S. taxpayers to subsidize their security.

However, we’ve lived through such confident predictions before. After 9/11, the proliferation of flags on houses, the numbers of people joining the military, the return of open displays of patriotism and affection for our country, and the swift punishment of the Taliban for enabling the 9/11 attacks all suggested “this changes everything,” as many said. The vacation from history during the Nineties was over, and the U.S. was back, confident in the righteousness of its power and the goodness of its political order.

It didn’t take long for all that to change. The 2003 war in Iraq was waged during the presidential primary season, and the conflicts over the intelligence justifying it became politicized. Howard Dean’s insurgent primary campaign, and its antiwar demagoguery, caught fire and concentrated the minds of the establishment candidates. Senators John Kerry, John Edward, and Hillary Clinton––all of whom had voted for the Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq based on the same intelligence used by the Bush administration––turned against the war. Fabulist Michael Moore’s duplicitous documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 became an in-kind contribution to the Democrat Party. Antiwar activists were “back in Saigon,” and the media filled with “Bush lied, millions died” and “no blood for oil” jingles and warnings about “escalation,” “quagmires,” “torture,” and “unjust war.”

For our adversaries, the return of American self-loathing, failure of nerve, and sacrifice of the nation’s security and interests to political expediency reassured them that the American “mincing Leviathan,” as Dennis Miller put it, that they knew and loved was back. The flags disappeared, and the country elected the vacuous “lightworker” Barack Obama, who instituted a foreign policy of retreat and “leading from behind,” and warned us against celebrating “American exceptionalism” as a uniquely defining feature, since “Brits believe in British exceptionalism, and the Greeks in Greek exceptionalism,” as Obama lectured in 2009.

That repudiation of “this changes everything” should make us skeptical of claims like Chancellor Schroder’s “turning point in history.” For one thing, there is less to the recent “tough sanctions” than meets the eye. The exclusion of Russian banks, for example, from the SWIFT system for managing global finance affects only seven banks, and leaves out Russia’s oil and gas sales. Much of the rest comprises promises for the future that are hostage to future governments and voters.

The most serious reservation regards the continuation of Western, especially European, dependence on Russian oil and gas. As even Aristophanes’ Lysistrata knew in his famous comedy, war depends on money, which is why the women barricade the treasury on the Acropolis. Right now the U.S. and Europe are paying Putin $1 billion a day for gas and oil, but sanctions on energy production and transactions––36% of Russia’s national revenue––are off the table, since the economic damage to the West would be too great. And given oil prices at $110 a barrel, average gas prices in the U.S. approaching $5 a gallon, and rates of inflation the highest in 40 years, the costs to politicians facing elections are too big to risk.

From a broader perspective, the most important reason for tempering our enthusiasm about “turning points” is the persistence of dysfunctional ideals that have contributed to the current crisis. These include the fantasies of a “new world order” in which increasing prosperity and the spread of liberal democracy will replace force with “diplomatic engagement.” This dubious idea has made appeasement of aggressors easier, for it gives Western leaders and diplomats a means for masking the lack of necessary action with endless talk at “summits” good only for photo-ops and braggadocios rhetoric. Given that the action needed to check an aggressor costs lives, money, and possibly a political career, diplomatic theater is the go-to response.

The current crisis is a good illustration of this dynamic. As the Wall Street Journal writes, Putin has long declared his malign intensions: “As far back as 2007, in a speech at the Munich Security Conference, Mr. Putin excoriated the European security order and teed up NATO enlargement as a ‘serious provocation’ that would justify a serious Russian response. His tone was fierce. In 2008 he reportedly told then-President George W. Bush he didn’t consider Ukraine a real country.”

That same year Putin snatched part of Georgia, and faced only ineffective economic sanctions. In 2014, no doubt he was emboldened by Obama’s global apology tour, preference for “leading from behind,” and anxious solicitation of a “reset” with Russia along with a promise of “flexibility” after the election. So no surprise that Putin acted on what he had publicly announced six years earlier about Ukraine not being a “real county,” and annexed Crimea and Ukraine’s Donbas region. Again, no response apart from diplomatic scolding and ineffective sanctions.

More troublesome, even as we are trying to confront a brutal aggressor in Ukraine, our diplomats in Vienna are partnering with Russia to restore the feckless Iran nuclear deal with a genocidal regime that, like Putin, has made clear its traditional jihadist aims of establishing Islam’s sharia hegemony over the whole world. Such is the incoherence of our decrepit foreign policy orthodoxy.

As a result of that stale paradigm, we are now faced with the biggest armed conflict in Europe since 1945, one that no Western leader is going to mobilize his military, or even shut down Russia’s oil and gas revenue, to end. The institutional structures, foreign policy shibboleths, and political calculations that have put us between a geopolitical rock and a hard place have not changed. This means sooner or later, Barone’s “transformation” will stop “reverberating.”

The second deep-seated bad idea that has made this crisis so difficult is the war on carbon that the West has been waging for decades, and that has given Putin such powerful leverage. Europe may keep some nuclear power plants and build some LNG terminals, but the underlying rationale for this obsession with “green” and “renewable” energy is not going to be abandoned. “Climate change,” which is more correctly known as Anthropogenic Catastrophic Global Warming (ACGW), is too embedded in the cultures of the West despite its dubious science and reliance on hinky computer models. There is too much money to be made from “green” subsidies and research grants.

But there’s something more than just lucre. In a secular age of declining traditional faiths, political religions fill the void. ACGW embodies old nature-love myths and anxieties about modernity and technology, yet wraps itself in the quantitative data and polysyllabic jargon of science, the better to exploit our cognitive elite’s fetish for “following the science.” The “climate change” gospel, then, serves our innate need for a master narrative about good and evil, redemption, and the superiority of our virtue.

The cost of this cult has been high. Pursuing the green-energy chimera has endangered the West’s access to the cheap energy that has powered the phenomenal growth in wealth across the globe. And it has empowered Russia and China, who have no intention of following the West over the green cliff. Hence the most stark repudiation of the “net-zero carbon” delusion: even if the West creates a carbon-free world, temperatures will not decline. But our civilization will, while emission-spewing China replaces the West as the global hegemon.

For a true “turning point” to happen, it will take more than a pipeline here or nuclear power-plant there. The whole cult of ACGW that permeates our culture, schools, entertainment, and corporations will have to discredited, while our own oil and gas resources are aggressively developed, just as Donald Trump did during his term, leaving the U.S. the world’s top producer and exporter of oil products and natural gas.

Finally, all the countries of the West need to increase their defense spending, and NATO in particular. The ignored 2% of GDP standard is shamefully low for rich countries like France and especially Germany. And our current 3.2% of GDP in military spending is woefully inadequate given how far we’ve slipped behind China. If we are as serious about protecting the sanctity of national borders and the “rules-based international order” as our rhetoric suggests, we have to accept that at some point we’ll have to use force to back up our principles, which requires spending a lot more money than we do now.

If history is a guide, the current recovery of common sense and moral vigor will fade once the crisis abates. All Russia and China have to do is wait.






19. www.debka.com

Herzog’s Turkey visit marks first high-level event since 2008

President Isaac Herzog awaits a full-honors greeting on Wednesday when he lands in Ankara for talks with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after 14 years of acrimonious relations. Erdogan will also host the president and Michal Herzog at a state dinner. The visit was Israel’s first cautious response to Erdogan’s intense efforts to bury the hatchet amid lingering distrust. Among the issues between the two countries was Ankara’s long years of support for the Palestinian extremist Hamas and hosting of organizers of terrorist attacks on the West Bank.


Israel jets shot down 2 Iranian drones heading for Gaza and West Bank

The IDF disclosed on Monday that in the past year, two Iranian drones were intercepted and shot down by IAF F-35 jets far from Israeli skies in an apparent attempt to develop a weapons-smuggling route to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The operation took place in coordination with neighboring countries. The UAVs were detected and tracked throughout their flight by ground control units.  A year ago, Iran unsuccessfully launched two UAV’s towards Israel. Iran has since developed new drones able to carry large loads of weapons and explosives with a range of 3,000km and able to fly as low as 200-400m above the ground to evade detection.


MİT tırlarının durdurulması davasında yeni gelişme!

Adana ve Hatay’da MİT’e ait tırların FETÖ mensuplarınca durdurulmasına ilişkin ana davadan dosyası ayrılan 7 sanığın Yargıtayda yargılandığı davada karar açıklandı. 3 sanığa 15 yıl 10’ar ay hapis cezası verildi, 4 sanık beraat etti.

MİT tırlarının durdurulması davasında yeni gelişme!
İlk derece mahkemesi sıfatıyla Yargıtay 3. Ceza Dairesinde görülen duruşmada, bazı sanıklar ile avukatları hazır bulundu.

“Adana ve Hatay’da MİT‘e ait tırların durdurulmasına” ilişkin 54 sanığın yargılandığı ana davadan dosyaları ayrılan 7 sanığın yargılandığı davada, Mahkeme başkanlığını yapan Yargıtay 3. Ceza Dairesi Üyesi Ahmet Ömeroğlu, önceki duruşmaları kapalı görülen davanın karar aşamasına gelmesi nedeniyle kapalılık kararının kaldırıldığını bildirdi ve sanıklar hakkındaki hükmü açıkladı.

Buna göre, eski başçavuşlar Ömer Muharrem Güneş, Galip Arslan ve Adana İl Jandarma İstihbarat ve Asayiş Müdürlüğünde görevli eski astsubay Sezai Akyüz, “FETÖ üyeliği” suçundan 7 yıl 6’şar ay, “devletin güvenliğine ilişkin bilgileri temin etme” suçundan 3 yıl 4’er ay, “devletin güvenliğine ve siyasal yararlarına ilişkin bilgileri açıklama” suçundan ise 5’er yıl hapse mahkum edildi.

Daire, diğer sanıklar Hayati Özcan, Celalettin Bardakçı, Mesut Çelik ve İsmail Önder Ata’nın beraatine karar verdi.


Hatay’ın Kırıkhan ve Adana’nın Ceyhan ilçesinde Ocak 2014’te MİT’e ait araçların durdurularak, arama yapılması nedeniyle Adana Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı tarafından “Devletin güvenliği, iç veya dış siyasal yararları bakımından, niteliği itibarıyla gizli kalması gereken bilgileri, siyasal veya askeri casusluk maksadıyla temin etmek ve açıklamak” suçlarından yürütülen soruşturma kapsamında olaya karışan 54 kişi hakkında kamu davası açılmıştı.

Aralarında üst düzey bürokratların bulunması nedeniyle ilk derece mahkemesi sıfatıyla Yargıtayda görülen dava, Yargıtay 16. Ceza Dairesinde 28 Haziran 2019’da karara bağlanmıştı.

Daire, aralarında eski Adana Cumhuriyet Başsavcısı Süleyman Bağrıyanık ile eski Adana Jandarma Bölge Komutanı tuğgeneral Hamza Celepoğlu’nun da bulunduğu bazı sanıklara 22 yıl 6 aya kadar hapis cezası vermiş, sanıklardan bazılarının beraatlerine hükmetmiş, 7 sanık hakkındaki kamu davasını ise ayırmıştı.
