11η Παρέμβαση!
Φίλοι μου!
1. Η πρωτοκόλληση του Τ-Λ συμφώνου, το διήμερο της “Συνόδου Κορυφής” των 27 μελών της ΕΕ, (01-02 / 10 / 2020), δεν ήταν τυχαία! Τίποτα ΔΕΝ(!) αφήνουν στην τύχη του οι Τούρκοι! Ό,τι έγινε, έγινε σε συνεννόηση του Τ/ΥΠΕΞ, με τον Τούρκο Πρόεδρο, της ΓΣ του Ο.Η.Ε., Βολκάν ΜΠΟΖΚΙΡ, ώστε να “τραβήξει” την προσοχή, κατά το μέτρον του δυνατού, της τ/κοινής γνώμης, αλλά και της διεθνούς, σύμφωνα με τον τόνο που θα έδινε το Τ/ΥΠΕΞ, αναλόγως πάντα με τα “συμπεράσματα” – “αποφάσεις”, που θα “έβγαιναν” από το “Συμβούλιο Κορυφής”!..
2. Είχαμε γράψει πρόσφατα και το γράφουμε πάλι για 2η φορά, τον τελευταίο καιρό, πριν προβούμε σε αποκαλύψεις, ότι… σχεδόν “πλησιάζει” ο βιολογικός θάνατος του ΡΤΕ!
Καλούμε, με πολύ σεβασμό, όλους τους ενδιαφερομένους σε Ελλάδα, Τουρκία και στον υπόλοιπο κόσμο, “να έχουν τον νου τους”!
3. Αξίζει παρακολουθήσεως και ο διεξαγόμενος Αρμενο-Αζερικός κυβερνοπόλεμος, παράλληλα με τον Αρμενο-Αζερικό στο Πεδίο πόλεμο στο “Ναγκόρνο-Καραμπάγ”.
4. Ό,τι και να λέει ο πρώην Ι/Π-Θ Κος Εχούντ ΜΠΑΡΑΚ για τον νυν Ι/Π-Θ, ότι τάχα ο Νετανιάχου είναι δικτάτορας, κλπ, εμείς ξέρουμε ότι επί… “Μπίμπι” οι Ισραηλινοί (ενδεικτικώς):
α. Πέτυχαν να αναγνωριστεί το κράτος τους από αραβικά* κράτη, όπως από τα Η.Α.Ε. και το Μπαχρέϊν, τα οποία για 10ετίες ήταν εχθρός του Ισραήλ, υπογράφοντας μάλιστα ειρήνη μαζί του, ένα γεγονός που θα πρέπει, κατ’ ελάχιστον, να προβληματίσει τους “ολοκληρωτικούς” στις απαιτήσεις τους Παλαιστινίους.
* Τα κράτη Αίγυπτος, Ιορδανία και Σουδάν, μέλλει να αναγνωρίσουν το Ισραήλ!
β. Πέτυχαν αρκετά κράτη να μεταφέρουν την Πρεσβεία τους στα Ιεροσόλυμα, αναγνωρίζοντας έτσι την ιστορική αλήθεια, με “1ο και καλύτερο” το κράτος των Η.Π.Α.!
γ. Πέτυχαν να “στήσουν” γερά τον “EAST-MED”, βάζοντας τα θεμέλια αυτού του τεράστιου σε όραμα, δυναμική και αποτελέσματα ι/”εθνικού σχεδίου”, στον κλάδο… Ευρώπη.
δ. Πέτυχαν να ελέγχουν, όσο ποτέ άλλοτε καλύτερα, το κράτος “τρομοκράτη” Ιράν και όλα τα “πρόξι” του, είτε κράτη, όπως πχ τον Λίβανο, αλλά και τις τρομοκρατικές Οργανώσεις, που έχουν “συσταθεί”, εξοπλίζονται και χρηματοδοτούνται απ’ αυτό!
ε. Πέτυχαν να έχουν σοβαρή “ειλικρινή” διείσδυση στον “σοβαρό” ιστορικό τους γείτονα, την Αίγυπτο, αναπτύσσοντας μαζί της σχέσεις σε όλα σχεδόν τα πεδία και τομείς της καθημερινής ζωής και ασφαλώς και της πολιτικής!
“Σε μια τελική” ο αποφασίζων ισραηλινός λαός, για να τον εκλέγει συνεχώς, κάτι “θα βλέπει” στον Π-Θ του, δεν μπορεί! Τί λέτε και εσείς;
Τέλος, ο πόλεμος που του έχει ανοίξει η “Παγκοσμιοποίηση”, αυτή των ομοφύλων του αριστερών “Διεθνών Εβραίων”, που κυβερνούν την ΕΕ και ελέγχουν σχεδόν το 80% των παραγωγικών πηγών του Πλανήτη, εμάς μας πείθει για την αξία του! Ακριβώς επειδή αξίζει συνολικά εξεταζόμενος, τον πολεμά μα λύσσα (και αυτόν, όπως τον Α/Πρόεδρο Τραμπ), η φαύλη “Παγκοσμιοποίηση”!
Αγαπητοί! Ας μην κρυβόμαστε! Ο Κος Νετανιάχου*, δεινός πολιτικός “μετρ”, αν και παλαιό στέλεχος των ΙΕΔ, έχει ένα βασικό συστατικό επιτυχίας στο έργο του! Ποιό; Είναι ΒΑΘΙΑ ΠΑΤΡΙΩΤΗΣ(!) και ανήκει σε μια οικογένεια, η οποία έχει πολεμήσει στα Πεδία των Μαχών για το Ισραήλ και τον λαό του, έχοντας δώσει και θύματα, όπως τον επίσης Αξκό αδελφό του!
* Να αναζητήσετε και να διαβάσετε την πρόσφατη ιστορική ομιλία του Ι/Π-Θ στον Ο.Η.Ε.! Αξίζει!..
5. Τί άραγε να ειπώθηκε, φίλοι Βρετανοί, ανάμεσα στον Π-Θ σας Κο Τζόνσον και στον ΡΤΕ, στην τηλεφωνική συνομιλία που είχαν, στις 28-09-2020;
Το αυτό ερωτηματικό υφίσταται και για την τηλεφωνική συνομιλία Ι. Καλίν – Ρόμπερτ Ο’ Μπράϊαν, στις 29-09-2020.
6. Η Κίνα είναι η 1η χώρα παγκοσμίως, όπως ανέφεραν πρόσφατα οι σχετικοί ειδικοί, σε διάθεση χρυσού (αποθέματα – διακίνηση, κλπ).
Καταλάβατε τώρα γιατί λύσσαξε η “Παγκοσμιοποίηση”, Ρότσιλντ, και λοιποί, με το γεγονός ότι ο Πρόεδρος Τραμπ αποτέλεσε την βασική αιτία απωλείας δις $ Η.Π.Α., από τους συνεργαζόμενους, σε παγκόσμιο βάση, Παγκοσμιοποιητές και Κινέζους, κατά τα 4 τελευταία χρόνια που κυβερνά τις Η.Π.Α.;
7. Το γεγονός ότι ο μονίμως “ντοπέ” από τους γιατρούς του Α/υποψήφιος Πρόεδρος Μπάϊντεν έχει γιο θύμα των ναρκωτικών, δεν μας χαροποιεί, αλλ’ αντιθέτως μας λυπεί βαθύτατα! Ο Μπάϊντεν μπορεί να δήλωσε υπερήφανος για το παιδί του και τον αγώνα του, γεγονός για το οποίο τον συγχαίρουμε ειλικρινά, αλλά αν εκλεγεί Πρόεδρος, ο α/λαός θα έχει -ίσως για 1η φορά- τον πιο δυστυχισμένο Πρόεδρο, αν εξετάσει κανείς συνολικά την οικογένειά του και την ζωή του Μπάϊντεν!
Όχι! Δεν θεωρώ ότι η παραπάνω αναφορά του Τραμπ ήταν “κάτω από την μέση”, ούτε το ότι του είπε πως αποφοίτησε από την τάξη του τελευταίος ή πως 40 χρόνια δεν πέτυχε τίποτα, παρά μόνον να είναι ένα κομματικό στέλεχος των “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ”!..
Αν ο Τραμπ ήθελε να πράξει κάτι τέτοιο, ήτοι να προσβάλλει “κάτω από την μέση” τον αντίπαλό του, θα του έλεγε σίγουρα γι’ αυτό που βοά σχεδόν όλη η Αμερική, πως ο Μπάϊντεν δηλαδή φέρεται να είναι παιδόφιλος!
8. Τί έγινε ρε Τούρκοι; Πέρασαν 5 μήνες, μπήκαμε στον 6ο και ακόμα δεν αναπτύξατε τους S-400, κάτι που θα κάνατε -υποτίθεται- ως τελική ημερομηνία, όπως λέγατε, τον Απρίλιο του 2020. Τί πρόβλημα υπάρχει;
Ο Δρ Αντιπτέραρχος (Ε.Α.) ΚΑΡΑΚΟΥΣ, που στοχεύει να γίνει ο… Γιαϊτζί της ΤΠΑ, αχαχαχαχαχαχα, για να είμαι δίκαιος μαζί σας, όπως πάντα, ανέφερε, στις 22-09-2020, τις περιοχές όπου θα τους εγκαταστήσετε! Ας τον πιστέψουμε! (Καζ Νταγ, Κας Νταγ, Μουράτ Νταγ και… Άγκυρα / Περιοχή πλ. Μουρτέντ).
9. Τα 2/3(+) του χρόνου (4 ώρες + 10΄), που διήρκεσε το τελευταίο τ/ΣΕΑ (24-09-2020), δαπανήθηκε στα ελληνικά νησιά του Αιγαίου, παρά τα Μ. Ασιατικά παράλια. Γιατί άραγε λέτε;
10. Το ξαναγράφουμε! Από 15-10-2020, έως και 30-10-2020, απαιτείται πολύ μεγάλη προσοχή εκ μέρους της Ελλάδος και των ΕΕΔ, καθ’ όσον οι Τούρκοι πιθανότατα να θελήσουν “να τα βρούμε στο Πεδίο”, όπως είπε προσφάτως και ο Ο. Τσελίκ, ο εκπρόσωπος Τύπου του “ΑΚΡ”!
11. Ευχαριστούμε τις χώρες Βραζιλία, Ιαπωνία, Ουγγαρία, Ελβετία, Φιλιππίνες, Αυστραλία, Βουλγαρία και Φιλανδία, που άρχισαν και αυτές να μας διαβάζουν!
12. Ο Συντονιστής της Αντιτρομοκρατικής Υπηρεσίας του Α/ΥΠΕΞ, Νέϊθαν ΣΕΪΛΣ, ανέφερε -μεταξύ άλλων- πως αποθήκες νιτρικού αμμωνίου υπάρχουν και στην Ελλάδα! Και εμείς ρωτάμε: “Υπάρχουν”;
13. Ρε σεις Αμερικανοί (“FBI” και λοιπές σχετικές Υπηρεσίες)! Ποιοί τελικά έστειλαν το δέμα με δηλητήριο (υπερτοξική ρηκίνη) στον “Λ. Οίκο” (19-09-2020), στον Τραμπ; ΟΚ! Από Καναδά εστάλη, σας ακούσαμε! Αλλά ποιοί το έστειλαν;
“Περαστικά” “Mr President”!.. (Για τον “COVID-19”). Στο στρατιωτικό (Ν) θα είσαι καλύτερα! Α! Και στην… Μελάνια περαστικά!..
14. Φίλοι Εγγλέζοι! Τελικά, ο Άγγλος διπλωμάτης Φρέϊσερ ΚΑΜΕΡΟΝ και πρώην μέλος της ΜΙ6 εργάστηκε… κατασκοπευτικά, για την Κίνα ή όχι; Τί έγινε με την ανάκριση που τον “περάσατε”; Θα μας πείτε;
15. Μέχρι τώρα, η Ε/ΠτΔ Κα Σακελλαροπούλου είναι υποδειγματική(!!!) στα καθήκοντά της και σε όλες της τις εμφανίσεις, με στάση, συμπεριφορά και λόγο απολύτως ανάλογο / συμβατό με την θέση της! Αυτή είναι η αλήθεια!..
16. Η “Σέβρον”, (ως “Τεξάκο”), φέρεται ότι θα πωλήσει στην Τουρκία βιομηχανικά έλαια!
17. Η “Zıraat Bankası” (Δ. Θράκη), δίνει πλέον δάνεια μόνον σε ‘Ελληνες πολίτες, Μουσουλμάνους στο θρήσκευμα, τουρκογενείς!
18. Ο φερόμενος ως έμμισθος των Ρώσων, μέσω του Ρώσου βουλευτή Ιβάν Σαββίδη, Βελόπουλος, Πρόεδρος της “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΛΥΣΗΣ”, έχει σκυλιάσει με την ΝΔ!..
“Χαλάρωσε” λίγο ρε… “Έλληνα”, που και εσύ και ο Κασιδιάρης, που μας διαβάζετε καθημερινά τα τελευταία χρόνια, “κλέψατε” το επίθετο “ελληνικός”, κλπ, από εμάς, αντιλαμβανόμενοι αυτό που εμείς προτάσσουμε από τότε που… “ανοίξαμε”, υπογράφοντας πάντα ως… “‘Ελληνας”!.. Ουστ λαμόγιο!.. Είσαι ένας από τους μεγαλύτερους σύγχρονους Έλληνες πολιτικούς α-πα-τε-ώ-νες!.. Καταλαβαίνεις την ζημιά που κάνεις στην Ελλάδα, αλλά… “ΖΗΤΩ ΤΟ… ΚΕΡΔΟΣ“!..
19. Κανένας εμφύλιος “ΡΚΚ – ΥΡG” δεν υπάρχει, όπως οι Τούρκοι (ΜΙΤ) διασπείρουν!..
20. Τελειώστε τώρα, εκεί στις ΕΕΔ, με τον συνδικαλισμό! Εδώ “καίγεται ο κολαδούρος μας…” και το… διαλυτικό συνδικαλιστικό… νέφτι υφίσταται ακόμα; “Μαζέψου” και συ, ρε Αντιπτέραρχε Πρεζεράκο!..
Ποιοί, άραγε, έφεραν τον γνωστό “ΣΠΑΡΤΑΚΟ” έξω από το στρ-δο “ΣΤΡΑΤΑΡΧΗ ΠΑΠΑΓΟΥ” “προχθές”, να “φωνάζει” ότι είναι κατά του πολέμου τάχα(!), λες και οι ΕΕΔ, οι πραγματικοί “υπηρέτες” της ειρήνης, θέλουν τον πόλεμο;
Όλοι αυτοί οι… “Κοι” θέλουν την διάλυση των ΕΕΔ και εργάζονται πολυποίκιλα γι’ αυτό!..
21. Διαβάζω! Ο γνωστός Πρόεδρος των Ελλήνων Μασόνων (και με ελληνική συνείδηση Μασώνων, διότι μετά την διάσπασή τους έχουμε και Μασώνους με… άλλη συνείδηση, διάφορο της ελληνικής), Χρήστος ΜΑΝΕΑΣ, ήταν ο δικηγόρος – “Συνήγορος Υπεράσπισης”, κλπ, των υπολόγων Μηχανικών του α/φ του Αλεξάνδρου Ωνάση (22-01-1973), μετά τον θάνατο (και για εμάς δολοφονία) του γιού του Μεγιστάνα και ΤΕΡΑΣΤΙΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΑ ΠΑΤΡΙΩΤΗ Αριστοτέλη ΩΝΑΣΗ!
Σειρά σας τώρα να σκεφτείτε ό,τι θέλετε!..
North American Islamic Trust Chair Promotes Hamas and Hitler on Social Media
The ‘unindicted co-conspirators’ of the Holy Land Foundation trials continue to spread terror.
Joe Kaufman, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is Chairman of the Joe Kaufman Security Initiative and the 2014, 2016 and 2018 Republican Nominee for U.S. House of Representatives (Florida-CD23).
It has been over a decade since the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) federal terrorism financing trials ended, but many remnants from the trials still linger. Two of the remnants, labeled as ‘unindicted co-conspirators’ during the trials – the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) and its current Chairman Gaddor Saidi – continue to spread terror. NAIT continues to maintain its ownership of radical mosques, and Saidi uses his social media to promote such sinister entities as Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and Adolf Hitler. What will it take to stop these enemies of America and the West from operating here with impunity?
NAIT was created in 1973 to hold and protect the assets of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), the first major Muslim Brotherhood organization established in the US. Today, NAIT continues to hold the assets of the MSA along with its affiliated Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). NAIT, the MSA and ISNA, which was also named an ‘unindicted co-conspirator’ during the HLF trials, all have their distinctive roles but are all part and parcel of the same organization. NAIT is, as well, the trustee (waqf) of hundreds of Muslim-oriented properties, including Islamic centers, mosques and children’s schools (madrassas).
As stated by counter-terrorism expert Steven Emerson, in his book Jihad Incorporated, “NAIT mosques rank among the most radical in the United States.” One of the NAIT-owned mosques, the Islamic Community of Tampa (ICT), a.k.a. Masjid Al-Qassam, was founded by convicted Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) leader, Sami al-Arian, as part of a Southwest Florida PIJ network. ICT is currently run by fellow convicted PIJ member Hatem Fariz. Among NAIT-owned mosque alumni are: 9/11 hijacker Hani Hanjour, Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and Chattanooga, Tennessee military center shooter Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.
It made sense that NAIT and ISNA were named ‘unindicted co-conspirators’ during the HLF trials, where all of the defendants were found guilty of financing Hamas. When HLF (originally named the Occupied Land Fund) was founded, in 1988, it used the same mailing address as ISNA: P.O. Box 38, Plainfield, Indiana 46168. Ads soliciting donations for HLF, using this address, were placed under printed communiques from Hamas. The address is still ISNA’s mailing address. And of course, NAIT, at the time, controlled the assets of ISNA.
NAIT’s longtime and current Chairman, Gaddoor Saidi, was too named an ‘unindicted co-conspirator’ for the HLF trials. Saidi regularly promotes Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and their leadership on social media. One of his postings was of global Hamas leader Ismail Haniya discussing how proud he was of Algeria for rejecting calls for normalization with Israel. Saidi, himself, has been very public with his harsh denouncements of nations making peace with Israel. Saidi’s Hania posting, dated September 24th, was originally published by the Shehab News Agency, an affiliate of Hamas and a publication that Saidi likes to repost material from.
Saidi is a big fan of Muslim Brotherhood icons, like Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who is banned from entering the US, England and France for supporting such horrific acts as suicide bombings, and deceased Brotherhood writer and ideologue Sayyid Qutb, whose advocacy for violent and offensive jihad has inspired terrorist groups worldwide. Saidi also regularly posts images of deceased Brotherhood leader Mohamed Morsi, who died in prison after being removed from power by current Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.
Saidi has, as well, promoted Adolf Hitler on his social media. In February 2018, Saidi posted an image of Hitler along with a quote (in Arabic) attributed to the former German dictator about ways to “control people,” all under the heading, “Words of Great Men.” The graphic was taken from Makmalin, an Egyptian satellite channel based in Turkey that: calls for the “demise” of Israel; memorializes the birth and death of Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna; mourns the death of Morsi; and this past September 11th, remembered the 9/11 attacks by offensively posting photos of the World Trade Center in flames and people running from the destruction.
A section on the official website of NAIT, titled ‘Islamophobia and NAIT,’ is devoted to discussing the Holy Land Foundation trials. It is an attempt to fool people into believing that the US government falsely placed NAIT and other Muslim groups on the ‘unindicted co-conspirator’ list, throwing the designation off as being based on anti-Muslim hatred and “hearsay.” But as this author has demonstrated, the Justice Department rightfully made the designation, as NAIT continues to affiliate with radical mosques and its leadership actively supports terror.
NAIT, a Muslim extremist organization with ties to terrorism, has no place in Western society and should be banned from operating within the United States. All NAIT-related entities, including mosques and schools, need to be investigated and shut down immediately.
Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.
Antifa as ‘Merely an Idea, Not an Organization’
A bad omen for Christians in Joe Biden’s America.
The first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump reflected the state of America in 2020.
Chaotic, confusing and hopelessly divided.
Past debates, while heated, contained at least a moment of congeniality and even humor. Who could forget when Ronald Reagan, fending off charges that he was too old to be president, grinned and stated that he would not hold his opponent Walter Mondale’s “youth and inexperience” against him. Mondale could be seen chuckling at Reagan’s deft handling of the pin-prick attack.
Compare that with Biden’s vicious accusations against the President of the United States – calling him a “racist,” a “liar,” a “fool” and a “clown.” He told the president to “just shut up, man!”
Biden’s arrogance was on full display, saying at one point “I am the Democratic Party.” Hmm, I wonder what AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talaib and Bernie Sanders would say about that. Not to mention George Soros, who owns the Democrat Party lock, stock and barrel and no doubt owns Biden as well.
Biden refused to call for law and order in the streets when pressed by Trump.
The biggest takeaway from this debate, however, should be Biden’s cavalier reaction to the issue of Antifa, a well-funded group that has organized the rioting, looting and burning of American cities, often in cooperation with Black Lives Matter, another Marxist organization bent on the destruction of the nuclear family, our free-enterprise system and America as we know it. Biden refused to denounce the radical Marxist groups. He said Antifa was merely “an idea, not an organization.”
Even if Antifa could be reduced to an idea, Biden couldn’t bring himself to declare it a bad idea. Is it any wonder that when Trump asked him point-blank whether he could name even one law-enforcement organization that has endorsed him, Biden fell silent?
So if Biden is the Democrat Party, and he approves of Antifa, the takeaway should be obvious for anyone paying attention.
Democrats are Antifa and Antifa are Democrats. Whether they have any formal ties, they are two organizations working toward a singular goal. This is huge, as it confirms our worst nightmare should Biden become our next president.
If elected, Biden will not rein in Antifa, and in fact will unleash them on his political opponents similar to the way Hitler unleashed his Brownshirts on Jews. It will be open season on Christian conservatives. They will be assaulted in the streets, coming out of their churches, in their homes. Their businesses and property will be fair game for attack under a Biden-Harris regime, whose attorney general will simply turn a blind eye while the media continues to do what the media always does – ignore that Antifa even exists.
How do we know this? Because the beginning of this assault is already underway. The only difference is that under Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr, the federal government is encouraging and assisting state and local police in the investigation and prosecution of these attacks. Earlier this week, Trump declared Antifa a domestic terrorist organization [something I advised the president to do more than a year ago]. A President Biden could be expected to overturn that designation and let the group run wild, hunting down and attacking the enemies of the Democrat Party.
No matter how staunchly they will try to deny it, Biden’s bowing to Antifa in the first debate provides the clearest evidence yet that the Democrat Party has completed its transition into America’s most powerful communist party. Biden had an opportunity to denounce Antifa, or at least draw a clear line of distinction between it and his party, and he passed.
Here are just some of the recent attacks by lawless thugs working with the full support of Antifa, BLM and the new Democrat [Communist] Party. [Many of the links provided include videos of the attacks]
- In Asheville, North Carolina, Antifa rioters carried a coffin full of manure to the police department on Sept. 23 and when a local reporter tried to videotape the incident, they slammed him into a parking meter, causing a traumatic brain injury. Antifa radicals took to Twitter and celebrated his demise.
- In Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, activists set fire to a Trump supporter’s house, burning down his garage and covering it with pro-BLM graffiti in the early hours of Sept. 23.
- Activists broke into St. Patrick’s Cathedral in El Paso, Texas, on Sept. 15 and desecrated a statue depicting the sacred heart of Jesus.
- Vandals attacked a statue of Jesus at the St. Joseph’s Catholic Cathedral in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Sept. 24, desecrating the statue with pro-BLM graffiti and blasphemous, obscene words.
- Activists at a Sept. 3 BLM protest in Ithaca, NY, attacked an elderly couple and then bashed in the skull of a man who came to the couple’s rescue.
- Greg Bloch posted to Facebook on Aug. 5 a harrowing account of being “jumped” and beaten by three pro-Biden thugs at a campground in Wisconsin, simply because he was flying a Trump 2020 flag from his RV.
- A Memphis man is facing charges for pointing a gun at a mob of “peaceful” protesters who had gathered outside his home. Paul Staples reportedly told investigators he pointed his gun because he feared for his life.
- Portland protesters targeted residential areas, threatening to burn a home flying an American flag, reports Law Enforcement Today. Such targeted areas are “mostly white,” according to the New York Times.
- A mob in Louisville approached business owner Fadi Faouri and demanded he pledge allegiance to Black Lives Matter.
- Who can forget the disturbing article and videos, The Bolshevik army shows its face in Atlanta suburb of Stone Mountain.
- The harassing and intimidation of Christians trying to enter the Grace Baptist Church on Sunday, July 5, in Troy, New York. After the Christians finally got in, the mob interrupted the sermon by shouting profanities [look for more of this activity targeting churches in future].
- A Black Lives Matter thug was filmed on July 6 harassing, screaming at and threatening white children on a trip to Washington, D.C.
- The surrounding of the private residence of Mark and Patricia McCloskey in St. Louis on June 28 while breaking through an iron gate and threatening to kill them and their dog.
- The berating, spitting on and physical beating of a group of Catholics who were praying around a statue of Saint Louis on June 27.
- The increasingly bizarre and vicious rhetoric of the left, such as the comment by Black Lives Matter’s Toronto director that whites are “subhuman” and “genetic defects.”
- Two L.A. County sheriff’s deputies were ambushed and shot execution-style by a single shooter while sitting in their squad car. BLM activists then blocked the entrance to the hospital where the officers were being treated, yelling “we hope you die.”
- An elderly couple in Pittsburgh were harassed while dining at a restaurant, following similar incidents at restaurants in Washington, D.C., and Rochester, NY. More harassments of diners occurred in Roanoke, Virginia, and St. Petersburg, Florida.
- A white man was randomly attacked on the streets of Baltimore on Aug. 30 when a thug snuck up from behind and hit him on the head with a brick.
There are no doubts hundreds if not thousands more of these incidents but only a small fraction get caught on video or documented by police reports.
The vast majority of the Republicans still don’t understand what is going on. The people breaking into churches, vandalizing sacred statues and accusing everyone and everything related to patriotic America as being part of a conspiracy theory of “systemic racism” are not simply malcontents hoping for police reform. These are hardcore Marxist revolutionaries and anarchists who only understand one thing – brute force.
If President Trump gets re-elected, he can be counted on to treat Antifa as the threat that it is. Biden would use them as his attack dogs, sic them on his enemies. And atop that list of enemies will be conservative Christians – evangelicals and conservative Catholics – along with more secular conservatives who regard the U.S. Constitution as a sacred document.
It was extremely telling how debate moderator Chris Wallace made a point of asking Trump, “Mr. President, will you denounce white supremacist groups?” But he did not ask Biden, “will you denounce Antifa?”
Brace yourself and prepare for what’s coming. Whenever you see unchecked chaos, in the streets or on a debate platform, you know civil war is just around the corner.
Leo Hohmann is a veteran investigative reporter and author whose book, “Stealth Invasion” spent the majority of 2017 among Amazon.com’s top 10 books about immigration policy. He has spent decades researching and writing about education, immigration, crime, politics and religion. Visit his website: https://leohohmann.com/
A Reminder to American Jews
Civilization is fragile.
A few days ago, the Jewish community observed Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. It is meant to be a time of intense self-examination. In light of that, I offer this column.
The question I receive more than any other from non-Jews is: Why are so many Jews on the left?
Before addressing it, I should note that the same question could be asked of Christians and other non-Jews. Why have so many mainstream Protestants and Catholics (up to and including the pope) embraced the left? Why have nearly all blacks, the majority of Hispanics and Asian Americans, the most successful ethnic group in America, embraced the left? And outside of the United States, why have most Germans, French, Canadians, Australians and others in the West embraced the left?
This question could be asked about almost every group in the world.
Nevertheless, it is valid to ask it about Jews because, if any group should be wary of dismantling a society, especially a decent one, it is the Jews. The moment civilization begins to disintegrate, the Jews are the first victims — never the only, but always the first. That’s why Jews have so often been likened to the proverbial canary in the mine. Miners take canaries down with them because when there are noxious fumes, canaries die, and when the miners see the dead canaries, they know there are toxic fumes they must fight, or they, too, will die.
That’s why decent non-Jews who don’t fight anti-Semitism are fools. They don’t understand that anti-Semitism represents a mortal threat to them. Tens of millions of non-Jews were killed because decent non-Jews ignored Hitler early on, dismissing him and Nazism as a Jewish problem.
It is often asked how the most culturally advanced country in Europe, perhaps in the world, could produce Nazism and the Holocaust. Or, as it is often put, “How did the country that gave us Bach, Beethoven, Heine and Schiller give us Auschwitz?”
One answer is that advanced culture and advanced morality are not the same. The Nazis loved classical music.
The other, more important, answer is that civilization is fragile.
It is fragile because civilization consists of human beings, and human nature is profoundly flawed. Exceptional evil is as common as exceptional good. It takes a great deal of effort and a great deal of time to make a decent society. But it takes little effort and little time to destroy a society.
That most American Jews do not appreciate how extraordinarily decent America is — compared with other countries, not compared with some childish utopian vision — only proves the lack of relationship between education and wisdom and between intelligence and wisdom.
The left is tearing down America because the left in America is what the left has been everywhere: a purely destructive force. Conservatives and liberals build everything, and leftists destroy everything: music, art, universities, high schools, elementary schools, economies, late-night comedy (for that matter, all comedy), journalism, sports and, now, the sciences. In addition, everywhere the left gains power it suppresses personal freedom, beginning with the most important freedom, freedom of speech.
Every violent demonstration (also known as “riots”) over the past six months has been a left-wing riot.
Why, then, does this left-wing destruction not frighten America’s Jews? Do they not know the more power the left has, the less freedom they and all other Americans will have? Do they not know how much Black Lives Matter, antifa and the rest of the left loathe Israel? Or do they not care? (The answer is that, increasingly, many American Jews do not care — especially young Jews, who have been raised by left-wing teachers and left-wing media.) How do they not recoil when statues of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are violently removed?
Do American Jews not know that the unique esteem in which they (and Israel since 1948) have been held in American society has been entirely due to the Judeo-Christian roots of America’s values and its Judeo-Christian identity? Do they not know that in a post-Christian America, they will be just another minority and that, as the left gains influence, nonleft Jews (specifically religious and pro-Israel Jews) will be singled out for opprobrium? (Just look at how Jewish students who publicly identify as Jews, let alone as pro-Israel Jews, are treated on many American campuses.)
We conservatives know the answer to the question, “How did the country that gave the world Beethoven give the world Nazism?”
The answer: Civilization is fragile.
That was true in Germany, and it is true in America.
‘They Rape Our Women, Kill Our People, and Burn Our Properties’
The persecution Christians experienced at the hands of Muslims in just one month – August.
Raymond Ibrahim, author of Crucified Again and Sword and Scimitar, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This report was originally published by the Gatestone Institute.
The following are among the abuses Muslims inflicted on Christians throughout the month of August, 2020:
The Slaughter of Christians
Philippines: On August 24, 15 people were killed in twin suicide bombings, carried out by the widows of two terrorists, and targeting a cathedral in the Muslim majority city of Jolo; about 80 others were injured in the blasts. Abu Sayyaf, a jihadi terror group, claimed responsibility. “There were two bombers. A suicide bomber was involved in the first explosion,” a military spokesman confirmed. “The second suicide bomber blew herself up after she was arrested after the first explosion.” “They have died as martyrs witnessing to their Christian faith,” said local Bishop Charlie Inzon of those who died, “as they braved to stay in Jolo despite constant intimidation and risks…. [I]t was treacherous, inhuman and an evil act of violence” “This crime,” added Church in Need, a human rights group, “is even rendered more unconscionable because of the hardships our people are going through during the Covid-19 pandemic.”
Ethiopia: At least 500 Christians—“including pregnant women, children and whole families”— were slaughtered between late June and August 27 in what were reported as “relentless door-to-door” attacks. Soon after a popular singer from a Muslim majority tribe was allegedly assassinated on June 29, “extremists arrived in cars and, armed with guns, machetes, swords and spears, sought out and slaughtered Christians.” The report continues:
Children were forced to witness their parents being brutally murdered with machetes…. An Oromo Christian was beheaded for refusing to deny his faith by tearing off the thread around his neck (worn by many Ethiopian Christians as a sign of their baptism)…. Christians’ business premises and houses were burnt down, vandalised or destroyed by the extremists. Billions of dollars of damage was caused to property… The severity of the atrocities shocked local witnesses who gave accounts of harrowing scenes. In Dera, a witness described how the killers desecrated corpses by ‘dancing and singing, carrying the chopped or hacked body parts of those they slaughtered.’ Another witness reported how the hacked bodies of an elderly Christian couple, who were beaten to death in their home, were dragged through the streets… Thousands of traumatised survivors have fled for their lives, including orphaned children, and many are being sheltered in churches and community centres.
Cameroon: Late in the night of August 1, the Islamic terror group Boko Haram sent in two suicide bombers, one of whom was a girl, into a village, while its residents peacefully slept after a hard day’s work. Their target was the village’s Catholic Mission. At least 28—including seven children between the ages of 3-18—were killed in the subsequent detonations: “The scene was horrific,” as explained by the leader of the targeted Catholic mission: “I was at home when they came. We heard gunshots and then shouts from the vigilante committee alerting us. So we fled … When they got in, they first fired shots (randomly), and then people started running.” One of the terrorists, a young girl, concealing her identity and intentions before a group of women and children who were hiding, claimed she was hurt and pleaded for their help. “They were duped,” the church leader said. “She detonated the bomb and killed many people.” According to the report,
Further details about the bombers, including their origins, are unknown though reports in recent years indicate that Boko Haram has kidnapped thousands of children. Last year, the UN recently stated that since 2009, an estimated 8,000 children have been abducted by Boko Haram. And according to a UNICEF report, at least 117 of these children have been used as suicide bombers since 2017—and more than 80 percent of them are girls.
Nigeria: Throughout the month of August, the “ignored genocide of Christians” continued at the hands of Muslim herdsmen and Fulani tribesmen. According to an August 4 report, in Kaduna State, at least 171 Christians, many of which were women and children, were slaughtered. On August 10, armed jihadis stormed the Lion of Judah Church in Azikoro and opened fire on worshippers; four Christians were killed. An August 24 report states that “Fulani herdsmen attacked a predominantly Christian village in north-central Nigeria, killing one resident, burning a church building and kidnapping four children among others.”
Uganda: A Muslim family severely beat two cousins for embracing the Christian faith; one died of his wounds. Last reported, the surviving cousin, Ahmad Waisana, 23, still barely “clings to life,” and suffers severe injuries to his head and a kidney. From a sick-bed at an undisclosed place of refuge, he said, “I have been spending sleepless nights thinking of my [cousin and] best friend, Jalilu [Kamutono, aged 20]. The whole of my body is aching. I am not sure whether I will get well or die and go to be with Christ.” Earlier, both cousins, after listening to and attending various sermons in late 2019, “made a public confession of faith in Christ.” Word instantly reached their fathers, who are brothers, even before the cousins returned from the event to house they all lived in. The fathers “angrily chased” the apostates out of the village. After several months of moving around and trying to eke out a living, which became increasingly harder due to COVID-19 lockdowns, “we decided to return back home hoping that we were going to be welcome,” Ahmad continues:
At home we were questioned whether we were Christians, and we affirmed to them that we were still Christians but pleaded that we be received back. To our surprise, we were received with hostility, and the relatives arrived and started beating us with sticks and blunt objects before burying us in banana leaves.
According to the report, “Their relatives were about to set them on fire when some cattle herders and Christians happened by,” prompting their violent family to flee. “At the hospital we were diagnosed, and the finding was that Jalilu had internal bleeding, and after two weeks he succumbed [on August 5] to the injury” and died. “I could not remain at the hospital, and so I went to a nearby church.” After the hospital called Jalilu’s family to come and retrieve their son’s corpse for burial, “They were reluctant at first, but pressure from the government and the problem of COVID-19 made them to yield, and they took the body for burial; that was on Aug. 7.”
Germany: Hamzar D., a 25-year-old Muslim migrant from Tunisia, strangled the 28-year-old German mother of his child to death, partially because she had baptized the child into Christianity. They originally met at a disco; by July 2019, she gave birth to his son. “But after the birth, she changed,” explained the aggrieved killer. According to the report, she “withheld his son from him for a long time, and then she made his boy a Christian too.” This and other disagreements led to his strangling her during one of their meetings.
Attacks on Churches
Crete: A Muslim migrant from Algeria, 38, attacked a Christian cathedral twice in less than a week. First, on Sunday, August 2, he threw rocks at and damaged the stained glass windows of the Metropolitan Church of Agios Minas, in Heraklion, the largest city on the Grecian island. Two days later, on August 4, he returned with a hammer and started to smash down the cathedral’s door. Camera footage helped police identify and arrest the Algerian.
Turkey: Unknown vandals defaced “priceless” Christian frescoes inside the ancient Byzantine monastery of Sumela in Trabzon. Many of the faces of Jesus and the saints were scratched out of the icons. The monastery, which was built in 386, is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and visited by many pilgrims on her feast day, August 15—less than a week before the desecration occurred. The monastery had only recently reopened, having been closed for years to repair earlier arson and vandal damages. Despite all the visible damage (pictures here), “Turkish authorities deny the disaster, with the Deputy Director General of Cultural Heritage and Museums of the country’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism stating that there was no recent damage to the frescoes in the Monastery.” Some social media users claimed responsibility for the “sacred” duty of desecrating the monastery.
Also, coming on the heels of an event that shocked and angered many Christians around the world—the transformation of the Hagia Sophia cathedral/museum into a mosque—on Friday, August 21, President Erdogan announced that another ancient church/museum, renowned for its exquisite Byzantine/Christian mosaics, has been transformed into a mosque. Holy Savior in Chora is a fourth century church that, like most other churches in Constantinople/Istanbul, was turned into a mosque after the Muslim conquest of 1453. Later excavations found that many of the Christian images and mosaics that had been painted over could be restored. During its experimentation with secularism in the mid-twentieth century, Turkey made the necessary restorations and turned it into a museum in 1958, as was done earlier with Hagia Sophia in 1935. Like the latter, Chora is also a UNESCO World Heritage site. Its “beautiful mosaics and frescoes cover almost all the church’s walls and domes,” a historian noted, adding, “It would be hard to imagine it being returned into a mosque without totally covering [or destroying] them over.” According to a report, “Other church-museums in Turkey, including less notable Hagia Sophias in the towns of İznik and Trabzon, have also been converted back into mosques in recent years.”
Italy: On August 12, an Egyptian migrant broke through Milan Cathedral’s security and sped up to the high altar, where he forced, at knifepoint, a guard to kneel for over eight minutes. The man was reportedly loitering around the front of the cathedral and broke in after a patrol inquired for his ID (it later came out that he had a criminal record). Police officials rushed to the scene in an attempt to negotiate with the hostage-taker, who was eventually apprehended. Although police did not reveal his identity, the Italian bishops’ news media Avvenire uncritically quoted him during the standoff saying that he had a “room” in the cathedral and that his name is “Christian.” According to a later report, however, the 26-year-old man’s name is Mahmoud Mohamed Zin Elaabdin Elhosary.
Sweden: During widespread immigrant riots believed to be connected to the burning of a Koran in Malmö, Muslims tried to torch a church in the small town of Ronneby. A local, Naem Sufan, said he intervened and prevented its burning, and was also beaten because he “defended the church” by extinguishing the fire with his jacket. His injuries include a broken shoulder and strained neck. “You get so disappointed when you see immigrants do that,” he said. “I’m an immigrant myself. And I don’t get it. Sweden has given them everything they want. We have fled war, so we can not start new wars here.”
Desecration of Christian Cemeteries
Turkey: A Christian cemetery belonging to the Holy Savior Church and another Armenian church was desecrated. According to a report, “the remains were taken out of the graves and the bones of the deceased were scattered everywhere” (pictures here).
Pakistan: On August 17, dozens of armed Muslim men occupied a 70-year-old Christian cemetery. While there, and “according to eyewitnesses,” they “desecrated graves, Christian crosses, and Biblical verses written on walls and tombstones. The men then constructed a wall dividing the graveyard in half.” A local Christian explained their motivation:
Over 100 Christian families reside in the village. We have remains of our forefathers in this graveyard. However, influential Muslims have grabbed a big portion of the graveyard. They have grabbed the land to use for their cattle…. The Christians had no courage to stop the armed men as they were ready to open fire if the Christians resisted… Very soon the land grabbers will occupy the remaining part of the graveyard. We cannot fight as we are the poor segment of the society.
Last reported, local authorities had not responded to Christian please, and the land remains occupied by the grave desecraters.
Egypt: Local officials forced Christians to exhume and remove the corpse of a young Christian boy from his resting place behind his church to somewhere else “far from Muslims.” According to the August 21 report,
The child, Samer Mark Maher, was buried on a piece of land behind Mary Mina Church as per usual practice. The governor, however, claimed that there were no permits and ordered that the Christians remove the body to a place far from Muslims.
Moreover, local authorities and council members are now talking about exhuming all Christian corpses at the church and moving them elsewhere, even though, as one Christian layer explained, “The Copts (Christians) there don’t have an official place [other than their church] to bury their bodies. Usually, they were burying the bodies in land behind their church. The nearest village which contains Coptic burials is far, around 100 kilometres [more than 60 miles] from the dead child’s village,” where few of its Christian residents have vehicular access.
In another incident of discrimination in Egypt, during what are known as “reconciliation sessions,” a government-appointed village mayor ruled that a Christian family must sell its home and leave their village. (In Egypt, local authorities and involved parties of a dispute often meet outside of courtrooms in an effort to resolve matters and restore peace before getting the law involved.) The case revolved around a young Christian man who accidentally hit and killed a Muslim girl with his motorcycle. Despite the fact that such accidents are very common in the chaotic and near lawless roads of Egypt; despite the fact that even the girl’s father acknowledged that it was an accident; and despite the fact that these sessions are informal and meant to find the most equitable solution before the courts get involved—the Muslim official, Hanni Snofar of Fayum governorate, who was invited to the session, ordered not just the expulsion of the youth, but his entire family, who must sell their home as soon as possible and essentially go in “exile.” The August 15 report inquires:
It was just another reconciliation session but it turned into a courtroom with the animated mayor ordering the selling of the Christian family’s home and their expulsion. By what right does the mayor judge and issue mandatory decrees to expulse a family, force them to sell their home, and create other problems? Do we no longer have judiciaries to rule on such cases?
Attacks on Apostates and Blasphemers
Syria: An Islamist group connected to Turkey and operating in northwest Syria seized a 40-year-old Kurdish man for apostasy in the city of Arfin. Earlier, fighters from Failaq Al-Sham ordered Radwan Muhammad to relinquish his school so they could transform it into a madrassa, an Islamic school. Radwan, its headmaster and an English teacher, refused, adding “I will hand you the building in one case only: if Jesus Christ comes down to earth again.” He was promptly apprehended. According to Pastor Nihad Hassan, who is also from Afrin, “We are extremely worried about Radwan’s life and wellbeing, he is being held at [Failaq Al-Sham’s] Headquarters in Afrin and they may execute him. Those Islamist groups and their Turkish masters are walking in the footsteps of IS. In fact, many of their fighters are former IS and al Qaeda members.” Moreover, “Mr. Muhammed’s wife died recently, but the group prevented the family from washing and shrouding her body according to the customs of that region. She had converted from Islam to Christianity a while ago.”
According to a separate report from August 19, “Continuing its policies of religious oppression and demographic change, factions of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) — a coalition of militias, several of them with extremist ideologies, formed and funded by Turkey — kidnapped 14 Kurdish youth from occupied Afrin after they converted to Christianity.”
Pakistan: On August 5, after mosque leader Muhammad Abdul complained, police arrested Sohail Masih, a Christian man, on the charge of blasphemy. Earlier, during a Facebook discussion, Masih wrote, “It is not possible that the blood of goats and bulls can wash away sins. The incident of Miraj is based on a lie.” (Miraj is a reference to the Islamic tradition that, while mounted atop a supernatural winged creature named Buraq, Muhammad flew from Mecca to al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, then temporarily ascended into heaven, all in one night.) When local Muslims learned of Masih’s blasphemous post, an “enraged” mob surrounded the police station he was being held in; some “forcefully entered the police station and exchanged angry words with police.” Soon thereafter, police formalized a case against and charged Masih under section 295-C of the Pakistan penal code, the maximum penalty of which is death.
Indonesia: A Muslim convert to Christianity was arrested for “blasphemy.” Apollinaris Darmawan, 70, wrote on twitter that “Islam is not a religion but a heretical teaching that silences and uncivilizes its people.” On August 8, before police could get to him, an angry Muslim mob stormed his home, dragged him outside and stripped him naked. The elderly Apollinaris has a history of criticizing Islam and was released from prison, where he had served four years for another blasphemy accusation, just five months earlier. Discussing this incident, the deputy chairman of the human rights group Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace said that “In a democracy, views expressed by Darmawan are natural. In religious life, if people are criticizing our religion, we [should] see it as a challenge, not an insult.” The 70-year-old now faces the maximum penalty for blasphemy in Indonesia: six years imprisonment and a one billion rupiah fine (USD 72,000).
France: As a reflection of anti-Christian sentiment and fears of apostasy, a Muslim family beat and shaved the hair of a 17-year-old girl for dating a Christian boy. Previously her hair was about two feet long. According to the deputy prosecutor of the case, the family will be tried later this year for “violence against minors”:
The two families knew each other and (their relationship) was not a problem, but when they started talking about marriage, the girl’s parents told her: “We are Muslims, you cannot marry a Christian.”… The first blow came from the mother, then there was an outbreak of violence. She was taken to a room and beaten. She was shaved, according to her testimony, by her uncle—her father’s brother— while being beaten.
The August 21 report closes by saying that, “Head-shaving in this context has a particularly shocking context in France. This was the punishment after the Second World War meted out to thousands of women who had relationships with Nazi occupiers in so-called ‘horizontal collaboration.’”
Rape and Forced Conversions of Christians in Pakistan
In late August, Maira Shahbaz, a 14-year-old Christian girl, escaped from the home of Mohamad Nakash—her kidnapper, whom the Lahore High Court had recently ruled is her legitimate husband despite her objections—and fled to a police station, where she gave testimony, including on how she was being “forced into prostitution” and “filmed while by being raped,” with threats that the tape would be published unless she complies with the demands of her rapist/husband and friends: “They threatened to murder my whole family,” the young girl said. “My life was at stake in the hands of the accused and Nakash repeatedly raped me forcefully.” In an interview, a friend of Maira’s family described how the family is in hiding and constantly on the run, adding: “Maira is traumatized. She cannot speak. We want to take her to the doctor, but we are afraid we might be spotted. We are all very frightened, but we place our trust in God.”
In a separate but similar instance, a married Muslim father of four kidnapped Saneha Kinza, the 15-year-old daughter of a pastor, while she was walking to church for early morning prayers. According to the report,
Saneha’s family fears that their daughter will be added to the growing number of Christian girls who, after a kidnapping and forced conversion to Islam, are married to Muslims… On July 28, Pastor Morris Masih’s family received a call from the kidnapper, who threatened them if they dared to take any action to bring Saneha home.
In another incident of abuse in Pakistan, Muslim employers upbraided and beat Anika Shehzad, a Christian housemaid aged 18, after she refused to convert to Islam. A human rights activist explained how such incidents are very common in Pakistan:
Christians in Pakistan are illiterate and poor, and many poor families are forced to take risks such as sending their young daughters to rich Muslim families to work as live in domestic servants for a little money. These young girls are often sexually harassed, tortured and sometimes are asked to convert to Islam. Many times such cases are reported in the mainstream media, like the gruesome torture of 10-year-old housemaid Tayyaba by an additional district and sessions judge, and his wife, in the capital Islamabad which made headlines in 2016. Several girls have even been killed, like Shazia Masih, 12. And several cases are taken to the courts but hardly any family has got justice and the practise still continues because perpetrators are always influential and rich, and sometimes victims are pressurised to withdraw their cases and some victims are compensated with money.
Finally, a video appeared on TikTok showing a Christian man on the floor being pressured to renounce his faith and embrace Islam. An August 25 report describes it:
In the video in question, the Christian man is seen being pressured to recite the shahada, the Islamic creed, surrounded by people who are not seen. Despite everything, he refuses, saying that for nothing in the world would he recite the Muslim creed and reject the Christian faith. His tormentors [which include female voices] then begin to threaten him, saying that he will face serious consequences. Even then, the victim says no, stating that it is his right to keep his faith and that he is ready to suffer all the consequences, that he would not give up his religion.
Commenting on this, Rev. Irfan James of Peshawar said that,
Pakistani Christians suffer many challenges and [endure] persecution. They face difficult situations every day. It is sad that young Muslims, the majority community, constantly threaten Christians and our faith. Time and time again, they make fun of our faith, but neither the government nor law enforcement do anything about it. If we report these cases, the offenders get away with it by apologising and saying that they did it in an unconscious way. Should a Christian do something similar, he is immediately accused of blasphemy and the local Christian community is guilty by association. They rape our women, kill our people, destroy or burn our properties…. [All] we want is for our constitution and the law to treat us as equals, with justice, and for the guilty to be put on trial.
Military de-confliction mechanism between Greece and Turkey established at NATO
The technical military de-confliction talks, which began in early September, were initiated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg after high-level contacts with both Greece and Turkey. Mr. Stoltenberg said, “I welcome the establishment of a military de-confliction mechanism, achieved through the constructive engagement of Greece and Turkey, both valued NATO Allies. This safety mechanism can help to create the space for diplomatic efforts to address the underlying dispute and we stand ready to develop it further. I will remain in close contact with both Allies.”
Military de-confliction between Allies is a role NATO has played before. In the 1990’s, NATO helped establish a similar mechanism in the region, which was effective in helping to reduce tensions and provide the space for broader diplomatic talks.
Deputy Secretary General at CYBERSEC: NATO is adapting to respond to cyber threats
NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană, speaking at the online CYBERSEC public policy conference on Monday (28 September), emphasised the need to continue adapting to new threats arising from advances in technology, such as cyber threats.
The Deputy Secretary General said that NATO takes technological advances very seriously and has already made some important decisions in recent years to become more ‘cyber-ready’ and ‘cyber-secure’. As an example, he noted that NATO designated cyberspace as a separate military domain, alongside land, sea, air, and space. “We agreed that a cyber-attack could trigger Article 5 of our founding treaty where an attack against one Ally is treated as an attack against all,” Geoană said. Mr. Geoană stressed that NATO agreed to establish a Cyberspace Operations Centre at the heart of the Alliance’s military command structure.
The Deputy Secretary General also noted that actors have used the current COVID-19 crisis to exploit vulnerabilities in cyber space and there has there has been an increase in malicious cyber activities since the start of the crisis. He said that it is therefore important for Allies to continue to better protect their cyber infrastructure and increase their resilience to novel threats.
The CYBERSEC Forum is an annual conference organized by the Kosciuszko Institute in Poland.
28. Τώρα που “αποκαλύφθηκε” και κατασκοπευτική δράση “ΜΚΟ” στην Λέσβο, μήπως κάποιοι επιτέλους πείστηκαν, γι’ αυτό που γράφαμε εδώ, ότι δηλαδή οι τ/ΜΥ (ΜΙΤ) έκαναν πληροφοριακά το υπόψη νησί μας – 1ο στόχο τους, δια των συνεργαζομένων μαζί τους γερμανικών ΜΥ, “φύλλο και φτερό”; “Πάτε” ψάξτε το σάϊτ μας, βρείτε και διαβάστε τί γράφαμε!..