Παρατηρήσεις Και Άλλα!..
Φίλοι μου / μας!
1. Έπεσε η Κ-Β στο Πακιστάν, αφού δεν έλαβε ψήφο εμπιστοσύνης στην Βουλή!.. Είχε, σε μια τόσο κρίσιμη εποχή, πολύ αυτονομηθεί από τις Η.Π.Α. ο 70άρης Πακιστανός… Κρικετίστας Π-Θ!..
2. Κε Ακάρ!
Σκόπιμη ή μη (να φταίει πχ η παλαιότητης πολλών εξ αυτών*, κάτι που για εμάς αυτό “δεν παίζει”), η άφεση των ναρκών από το ΡΠΝ, στον Εύξεινο, θυμήσου: Μόλις τελειώσουν οι Ρώσοι από την Ουκρανία και με (!) την Ουκρανία, θα γυρίσουν το κεφάλι τους προς εσάς και όπως και(!) η Ουκρανία… απέδειξε, αρχικώς… πολυαξονικά(!..) και τελικώς… εστιασμένα στην Κωνσταντινούπολη!.. (Έχουμε ήδη γράψει τα… “πού” και “πώς”, ενώ έχουμε “απευθυνθεί” σχετικά και στο ΝΑΤΟ, προτρέποντάς το, μέχρι και εσχάτως, να προβεί σε ορισμένες συγκεκριμένες ενέργειες)!..
* Οι ΡΕΔ πράγματι, με την ευκαιρία του “Ουκρανικού”, θέλουν γενικώς να “πετάξουν” το όποιο σκάρτο πια ή έστω “πεπαλαιωμένο” υλικό τους έχει απομείνει, αλλά χωρίς πράξεις – ενέργειες, οι οποίες μπορεί να τους γυρίσουν “μπούμερανγκ”!..
Η προς Ν. στροφή των Ρώσων και το αίτημα – “διαταγή” τους, να τους “ανοίξετε” τα Στενά (Πόλεως και Δαρδανελίων), θα είναι η κύρια αιτία της απαρχής ενός ακόμα (ο 14ος νομίζω) Ρ-Τ πολέμου, εφ’ όσον ασφαλώς εσείς αρνηθείτε να εκτελέσετε!.. Αφορμή θα είναι ένα οποιοδήποτε γεγονός, είτε παλαιό (για τότε), όπως πχ το θέμα των θαλασσίων ναρκών, είτε κάτι άλλο, πιο κοντινό στην (τότε) στιγμή, που είτε θα εσκεμμένως θα προκληθεί, είτε μη εσκεμμένως!..
Αυτός, όπως πολύ καλά γνωρίζεις, η νυν δηλαδή και μελλοντική άμυνα του ΝΑΤΟ στην χώρα σας, έναντι μιας Ρωσίας, η οποία θα επιχειρήσει να σας προσβάλλει και να κατακτήσει νυν εδάφη σας και εδάφη της Δ. Συμμαχίας, ήταν και ο βασικός – επείγον- λόγος της επισκέψεως της… πολύ γλυκιάς Α/ΥΦΕΞ Κας Νούλαντ στην χώρα σας, τις προάλλες, θέμα το οποίο, ως “κύριο πιάτο”, εκτενώς συζητήσατε μαζί της (Η.Π.Α.)!..
Προς τούτο και… ανεσύρθη το “Κείμενο Στρατηγικού Διαλόγου”, το οποίο είχατε υπογράψει με τις Η.Π.Α. Χουλουσί, τον Οκτ. του 2021, στην Ρώμη!.. Γι’ αυτό επίσης, τέλος, και η πάντα “ευθύς με… προσοχή”, Κα Νούλαντ αναφέρθηκε στο ότι συζητήσατε θέματα περιφερειακού και παγκοσμίου(!) ενδιαφέροντος, λέγοντάς σας πως το θέμα των F-16, που αιτείσθε από τις Η.Π.Α. και που της το θέσατε, θα εκκινήσει, μόλις εσείς “τελειώσετε” οριστικά με τους Ρ/S-400, επιστρέφοντάς τους στην Ρωσία ή… παρκάροντάς τους (sic) κάπου αλλού, όπως πχ στο Αζερμπαϊτζάν ή τέλος πάντων ό,τι άλλο τους θέσετε και αυτοί συμφωνήσουν! (Γι’ αυτό, ως… “τυράκι” σε εσάς, μόλις επέστρεψε στις Η.Π.Α. και ανέφερε σχετικώς στους προϊσταμένους της, “άνοιξε” το θέμα των “F-16”, με θετική για εσάς… αύρα)!..
Όλα τα λοιπά που συζητήσατε [όπως πχ να μην γίνετε πλυντήριο των περιουσιών των Ρ/Ολιγαρχών, η συνεργασία με κοινούς (sic) γείτονες, για νέες έρευνες και νέους αγωγούς, η Α. Μεσόγειος, κλπ], ήσαν από “ορντέβ” (ορεκτικά, να σας ανοιγεί η όρεξη), μέχρι το πολύ… σαλάτες, συνοδευτικές του κυρίως… φαγητού σας!
Κε Ακάρ!
Οι νάρκες είναι όμως σίγουρα ρωσικές; Είναι βέβαιον;
Μήπως, επειδή σας ξέρουμε(!), ως προς τα… πάντα(!), οι νάρκες αυτές είναι Ουκρανικές και σε συνεννόηση με τους Ουκρανούς, αυτές (400 +) αφέθηκαν απ’ αυτούς στον Εύξεινο Πόντο, (μαζί με την αυτο-Κ-Φ της Ναυαρχίδος τους), ώστε όταν οι Ρώσοι σας θέσουν, μετά από την λήξη του “Ουκρανικού”, το θέμα “άνοιγμα των Στενών”, να τους πείτε, “ΟΚ, αλλά να βρούμε πρώτα και να καθαρίσουμε την θάλασσα απ’ αυτές τις Νάρκες, κλπ “, σε μια προσπάθεια να δείτε τότε, που “θα σφίξουν τα σχοινιά” αποτόμως για εσάς, τί θα κάνετε ;
Δεν βλέπω να κάνετε… γιορτές και… πανηγύρια το 2023, στα 100 χρόνια της ιδρύσεως του νέου τ/Κράτους! Μάλλον θα τρέχετε να φυλάξετε τους… κόλους σας! Θυμήσου με Χουλουσί! (Ευκαιρία! Τώρα τον Αυγ. στις κρίσεις, διώξε επιτέλους αυτό το μπάζο, που τον έχετε Α/ΓΕΕΔ, έστω “και τύποις”, ώστε να είσαι εσύ ο πραγματικός Α/ΓΕΕΔ και βάλτε κανέναν σοβαρό, διότι έρχονται δύσκολα για εσάς φίλε Χουλουσί και μάλιστα πολύ δύσκολα!.. Μην πεις μετά πως δεν σε ειδοποίησα)!..
3. Για διαβάστε, τί λέει ο παρακάτω Κος για το… “νέο ΝΑΤΟ”! Εμείς, απ’ εδώ, γράψαμε για το πώς θα πρέπει να είναι το “νέο ΝΑΤΟ”, όχι μια μόνον φορά! Μπορείτε να μας… βρείτε και να μας διαβάσετε, με μια… βόλτα σας στον “Ε.Θ.” (!) και θα δείτε ότι βάζουμε το χέρι μας “επί των τύπων των ήλων”!..
Διαβάστε τώρα και τον Τούρκο… “συστημικό”, ο οποίος, (μετά συγχωρήσεως, φίλε Ερχάν), ως συστημικός, δεν τολμάει και γράφει, ως είθισται, όχι καινοτόμα και ρηξικέλευθα, αλλά… “παπαρια… δώς”!
- 10.04.2022
Haziran ayında Madrid’de yapılacak NATO zirvesi yaklaşırken Batılı başkentlerde dolaşıma sokulan bir soru var: “NATO yenilenecek mi?”
Kısa bir süre önce aralarında iklim değişikliğiyle ve salgın hastalıklarla mücadele gibi, bir güvenlik örgütünün klasik sorumlulukları arasında olmayan epey “naif” 2030 hedeflerini açıklayan İttifak’ın, “postmodern çeşitlemeleri” bir kenara bırakıp aslına rücu etmesi gerektiğini söyleyenlerin sayısı artıyor. Hatta bu “umur-ı asliyeye irca”yı, 73 yaşındaki NATO’nun -varlık sebebini yeniden merkeze oturtarak- baştan aşağıya yeniden inşa ve ihya edilmesi şeklinde yorumlayanlar da var.
Varlık sebebi (raison d’etre) neydi NATO’nun? Ve bugün hâlâ mevcut mu?
ABD dış politikası çalışanları Kuzey Atlantik İttifakı’nın ortaya çıkışını üç temel gerekçe etrafından açıklarlar.
Birincisi, Washington’un Batı Avrupa’yı SSCB’den “koruma refleksidir”. Bunu savunanlara göre, ABD ve SSCB arasında İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında tesis edilen ortaklık savaştan hemen sonra bozulunca, başta George Kennan olmak üzere Amerikalı uzmanlar, SSCB’nin yayılmacılık peşinde koştuğunu ve Stalin’i durdurmanın tek yolunun “çevreleme” olduğunu savunmuşlardı. Başkan Truman da bu gerekçeyi kabul etmiş ve NATO’nun kurulması talimatını vermişti.
İkinci gerekçe, ABD’nin Avrupa’daki dostlarını Almanya’dan “koruma refleksidir”. Buna göre, Mart 1948’de Almanya’nın bir gün tekrar ayağa kalkarak kendilerine saldırmasını engellemek maksadıyla beş Avrupa ülkesinin (Fransa, İngiltere, Belçika, Hollanda, Lüksemburg) kurdukları Brüksel Paktı’nın yetersizliğini fark eden ABD, güçlü bir “Avrupa hisarı” inşa etmek için NATO’yu kurdurmuştu.
Üçüncüsü ise “koruma refleksi” değil, “korurken kontrol etme hedefidir”. Savaştan galip çıkmasına rağmen çok ağır bir ekonomik çöküntü yaşayan hatta “üzerinde güneş batmayan imparatorluğunu” kaybetmeye başlayan İngiltere’nin kapitalizmin küresel liderliği tahtından inmesi ABD’yi harekete geçirmişti. Nitekim NATO, ABD’nin 1947-1955 yılları arasında kurduğu ya da kurdurduğu küresel ittifak zincirindeki halkalardan sadece biriydi. (ΕΔΩ… “ΕΙΜΑΣΤΕ” ΕΜΕΙΣ)!..
Aslına bakılırsa, bu üçünün her biri NATO’nun varlık sebebi için ayrı ayrı geçerliydi. İttifak’ın ilk genel sekreteri İngiliz Lord İsmay’e, “NATO neden kuruldu?” diye sorulduğunda efradını cami, ayarını mani şu kısa cevabı vermişti:
“NATO Amerikalıları içeride, Rusları dışarıda, Almanları da aşağıda tutmak için kuruldu.”
Peki bugün NATO ne işe yarıyor ve yarın ne işe yarayacak? İşte “NATO yenilecek mi?” diye soranlar bunlara da cevap arıyorlar. Günümüzde İkinci Dünya Savaşı sonrasındaki şartlar yok. Hatta dünyayı ideolojik açıdan ikiye bölen Soğuk Savaş şartları da mevcut değil. Hoş, Batı merkezli düşünce kuruluşları illa iki kutuplu düzeni yeniden tesis edebilmek için “özgür halklar”-“otokratik rejimler” sun’i ayrışmasını tüm güçleriyle pompalamaya çalışıyorlar ama maddi temelleri olmayan bu gayretler henüz elle tutulur neticeler vermiyor. Bugün başlıca aktörleri ABD, AB, Rusya, Çin ve Hindistan olan çok boyutlu ve çok katmanlı küresel çıkar paylaşımı mücadelesi var. Söz konusu mücadelenin, geçmişteki Soğuk Savaş’a benzeyen yanları yok değil. Mesela, temel aktörler nükleer silahlara sahip ve birbirleriyle sıcak bir çatışmaya girmek yerine vekalet savaşı yürütmeyi tercih ediyorlar. Bu vekalet savaşlarından biri de Ukrayna’da yürütülüyor.
Anlaşılan o ki, ABD Ukrayna savaşının mümkün olduğu kadar uzaması için büyük bir çaba sarf ediyor (SOS!). Bu sayede Washington, sadece Avrupa’da değil, dünyanın birçok yerinde yıpranmış olan liderliğini sağlamlaştırmayı hedefliyor. Enerji, emtia ve gıda fiyatlarındaki artış genel hatlarıyla şimdilik ABD’nin işine yarıyor. Rusya’nın soğuk nefesini enselerinde hisseden ülkelerin silahlanmaya girişmeleri de ABD askeri-endüstriyel kompleksini memnun ediyor.
Amerikan devlet aklı, küresel hâkimiyet mücadelesinde Çin’in gerisine düşmemenin yolunun bu ülkeyi yavaşlatmak olduğunu biliyor. Rusya vesilesiyle yeniden yapılandırılacak olan Batı odaklı güvenlik mimarisinin ileride Çin’e karşı da kullanılabilir olması arzulanıyor. Bunun yöntemi de, ABD’nin liderliğindeki tek işe yarar uluslararası askerî teşkilat olan NATO’nun küresel bir yapılanmaya gitmesi. Elbette bunun olabilmesi için NATO’nun diğer üyelerinin de olumlu yaklaşım içinde olmaları gerekli.
ABD, NATO’yu zedelemeden dönüştürebilir mi? Japonya, Güney Kore, Avustralya gibi devletler “Yeni NATO’nun yeni üyeleri olur mu? Bu yeni oluşumun adı NATO olarak kalır mı? Zamanla göreceğiz.(ΣΕ 1ο ΧΡΟΝΟ -ΚΑΙ ΕΠΕΙΓΟΝΤΩΣ ΜΑΛΙΣΤΑ- ΘΑ ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΓΙΝΕΙ ΜΕΛΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΝΑΤΟ Η “ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ”, ΟΣΟ ΚΑΙ ΝΑ… “ΓΑΥΓΙΣΕΙ” Η ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)!..
Diğer taraftan, ABD’nin böyle bir gayret içine girmesi durumunda Rusya ve Çin’in de kendi çıkarları doğrultusunda benzeri oluşumlara önayak olabileceğini akıldan çıkarmamalıyız…
Türkiye gazetesi
4. Από πολύ καλό, έως άριστο, το ελαφρύ Α-Α Σύστημα “ASRAD” / HELLAS, το οποίο φέρεται να έδωσε στις “ΒΕΔ” (4 Ουλαμούς), κατ’ εντολήν του Κου Π-Θ και για τις ανάγκες του ΝΑΤΟ, το Ε/ΓΕΕΘΑ!..
5. Δεν έχει σχέση η Ελλάδα με τις φωτιές στις 02-04-2022, σε δάση στην Προύσα, στα Δαρδανέλια και στο Μπιλετζίκ!
6. Οι Τούρκοι φέρεται ότι πούλησαν Ε/Π “ΑΤΑΚ” στους Φιλιππινέζους!
7. Η “ενεργειακή μετάβαση” των “ΡΟΚΦΕΛΕΡΣ”, από τα ορυκτά καύσιμα, στην λεγόμενη… πράσινη ενέργεια, (στην οποία προσφάτως αναφερθήκαμε και την στοχεύσαμε ως την “ΚΥΡΙΑ και ΠΡΩΤΑΡΧΙΚΗ ΑΙΤΙΑ” της… επιθυμίας της “Παγκόσμιας αυτής Οικογενείας” να… νουθετιστεί η αντιδρώσα Ρωσία, με ό,τι σήμερα ζούμε στην Ουκρανία), θα κοστίσει πολλά και πολύ στους κατοίκους αυτού του Πλανήτη, ακόμα και αν δεν οδηγήσει στον Γ’ Π. Π., όπως σας έχουμε ήδη αναφέρει!..
8. Αυτός ο Καθηγητής ΙΩΑΚΕΙΜΙΔΗΣ είναι ένα “δυνατό” πρακτόρικο ΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΙΚΟ “σκυλί” της αμερικανικής… ράτσας “τα συμφέροντά μας” και τίποτα άλλο! Κρίνουμε λοιπόν ως ανάξιο λόγου, το να αναφερθούμε σε όσα (στο βάθος τους απολύτως… βρώμικα), είπε στις 21-03-2022, στο “MEGA”, στην εκπομπή της ανηψιάς της Κας ΜΠΑΚΟΓΙΑΝΝΗ, κόρης της Σορίτισας μαμάς της, Κας Λυμπεράκη!..
9. Δεν υπάρχει Ο/ΕΘΝΟΣ! Ποτέ δεν υπήρξε!
10. Σεβαστέ Υφυπουργέ, Κε Συρίγο!
α. Ποιά ακριβώς είναι η επιτυχία των ΟΕΔ, στην οποία αναφερθήκατε; Μήπως το ότι μέχρι τώρα (από τις 24-02-2022), έχουν (οι Ουκρανοί) απωλέσει το 1/3 του εδάφους της χώρας τους; Έλεος!..
β. Επίσης! Πώς δηλαδή, Κε Υφυπουργέ, οι ΡΕΔ θα κατελάμβαναν την Ουκρανία σε 1,2 ημέρες, όπως είπατε, ότι είχαν ως στόχο, κλπ; Το τερματίσατε, Κε Υφυπουργέ Παιδείας!..
11. “Ο Θεός αγαπάει τον κλέφτη, αλλά αγαπάει και τον νοικοκύρη”! Οι Ουκρανοί και όλη η δυτική προπαγάνδα ευθυγραμμίστηκαν στο ότι οι Ρώσοι έκαναν, σε βάρος των αμάχων, όλα όσα τραγικά μας έδειξαν αυτοί και η σύμμαχός τους Δύση (έτσι γενικώς) στο Ιρπίν, εγκαταλείποντας την πόλη!
“Βγήκε” και η Ρ/Ζαχάροβα και μίλησε για προβοκάτσια και την χλεύασαν!
Πήγαν μετά από 1 εβδομάδα οι Ουκρανοί να δημιουργήσουν ίδιο σκηνικό και στο Καμαρστόκ ή κάπως έτσι, στον εκεί Σ/Σ!.. Μόνον που οι πύραυλοι που ρίχτηκαν, τάχα από τις ΡΕΔ, δεν υπάρχουν στο ρ/οπλοστάσιο!..
Σημειώστε ότι η παραπάνω πόλη έχει πάρα πολλούς Ρωσόφωνους! Καταλάβατε!..
Θυμηθείτε ότι εδώ ήταν που, προ καιρού, σας γράφαμε, με αφορμή την Μαριούπολη, μια πόλη με εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες Ρωσόφωνους, πως οι Ουκρανοί δεν τους άφηναν να φύγουν από την πόλη τους για / προς Ρωσία, μέσω διαδρόμων που οι Ρώσοι είχαν “ανοίξει”, χρησιμοποιώντάς τους ως ασπίδα!..
12. Χωρίς την Ρωσία εντός της Ευρώπης ή χωρίς αυτή να έχει ληφθεί υπόψιν, δεν υπάρχει και δεν μπορεί να σχεδιασθεί και να υπάρξει ευρωπαϊκή ασφάλεια! Να θυμίσω ότι το… όραμα ενός “Ευρωπαϊκού Στρατού” “γεννήθηκε” επί του τεράστιου Γάλλου Στρατηγού Σαρλ Ντε ΓΚΩΛ! “Γεννήθηκε” και είναι από τότε σε “ΜΕΘ” σε… κώμα! Οψόμεθα!..
13. Το 1821 η ΕΛΛΑΣ είχε εναντίον της όλο(!!!) το τότε “Παγκόσμιο Σύστημα”! Η Ουκρανία σήμερα το έχει μαζί της!
Και τελικά, ποιά είναι η “χθεσινή” Ουκρανία, σε σχέση με την ΤΕΡΑΣΤΙΑ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ των σχεδόν 4000 ετών;
Τί περίεργες, έως βρώμικες συγκρίσεις είναι αυτές, που κάποιοι, τουλάχιστον ύποπτοι τύποι, επιχειρούν;
14. Πώς αποδεικνύεται η ευρωπαϊκή ΕΝΟΤΗΤΑ, η οποία προβάλλεται, λόγω του “ΟΥΚΡΑΝΙΚΟΥ”, προπαγανδιζόμενη νυχθημερόν στα Κανάλια μας; Μήπως στο ότι ΔΕΝ ΕΧΕΙ ΠΧ ΛΗΦΘΕΙ ΑΚΟΜΑ ΑΠΟΦΑΣΗ για το τί θα γίνει πχ με την συνημμένη του πολέμου, (όπως “έξυπνα” τον λένε), ακρίβεια ή με την ενέργεια, κλπ;
U.S. To Send Patriot Air-Defense System To Slovakia After Its Donation Of S-300 To Ukraine
By RFE/RL April 08, 2022
U.S. President Joe Biden has thanked Slovakia for donating its Soviet-era S-300 air-defense system to Ukraine and said it will be replaced with a U.S.-made Patriot system.
Biden said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has raised the need to transfer such systems to Ukraine.
“To enable this transfer and ensure the continued security of Slovakia, the United States will reposition a U.S. Patriot missile system to Slovakia,” he said in a statement on April 8.
Biden said that while the Russian military “may have failed in its objective of capturing Kyiv,” it continues to inflict “horrific acts of brutality on the Ukrainian people.”
Prime Minister Eduard Heger said earlier that Slovakia would donate its Soviet-era S-300 air-defense system to Ukraine. Heger announced the donation as he visited Kyiv with top EU officials ahead of a meeting with Zelenskiy.
Zelenskiy mentioned S-300s by name when he spoke to U.S. lawmakers by video last month, appealing for defense systems that would allow Ukraine to “close the skies” to Russian warplanes and missiles.
NATO members Bulgaria, Slovakia, and Greece have the S-300s, which can fire missiles hundreds of kilometers and knock out cruise missiles as well as warplanes.
NATO allies Germany and Netherlands last month sent three batteries of the Patriot air-defense system to Slovakia, which Bratislava said would complement rather than replace the S-300. But it said it was willing to give its S-300 to Ukraine on condition that it has a proper replacement.
The Patriot system and a team of U.S. soldiers will arrive in Slovakia in the coming days, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said. The length of the U.S. soldiers’ deployment has not been set, Austin said in a statement.
“I salute the generosity of the Slovak government in providing an S-300 air-defense system — a critical defensive capability — to Ukraine,” Austin said in the statement. “It’s a strong testament to how determined Ukraine’s neighbors are to help the Ukrainians defend themselves against Russia’s unprovoked invasion of their homeland.”
He said the move “aligns perfectly” with previous efforts to bolster NATO’s defensive capabilities.
With reporting by AP, AFP, and Reuters
Source: https://www.rferl.org/a/slovakia-s300- air-defense-ukraine/31793133.html
Copyright (c) 2022. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036
Bakan Akar toplantıda Türkiye’ye karşı yapılan komployu anlattı!
Rusya-Ukrayna savaşı sonrası Karadeniz’de mayın paniği yaşanırken Bakan Akar’dan çarpıcı açıklamalar geldi. Hulusi Akar, “NATO gemilerinin Karadeniz’e girmesi için bir plan dâhilinde bu mayınlar bırakılmış olabilir iddiaları var” dedi.
Bakan Akar, AK Parti’nin hafta içi yapılan MKYK toplantısında savunma sanayi projeleri, Rusya-Ukrayna savaşı ve Karadeniz’de bulunan mayınlarla ilgili dikkat çekici bilgiler verdi.
Edinilen bilgilere göre Akar şöyle konuştu:
Daha önce hiç savunma sistemin yokken, şimdi denizaltını bile kendin yapıyorsun. Uçak gemisi yapıyorsun. İHA’lar, SİHA’lar var. Filipinler’e ATAK helikopteri sattık. Gurur duyulacak projelerimiz var.
Savunma sanayinde büyük oranda yerlileşme sağladık. Şimdi kendi helikopter motorumuzu tamamen yerli yapmaya çalışıyoruz. Hem Ukrayna hem de Rusya ile vazgeçemeyeceğimiz ilişkilerimiz var. Onlar açısından da öyle. Türkiye barış sağlanması için yoğun çaba sarf ediyor. Onlar da görüyor bunu ve Türkiye’ye güveniyorlar.
Karadeniz’de bulunan mayınlar Rus yapımı ama hangi ülke bıraktı bilmiyoruz. Araştırdık, tespit edemedik. 400 civarında mayın olduğu yönünde basında haberler çıkıyor ama bu tam bir muamma. Sayı bilinmiyor. Diğer ülkeleri de teyakkuza geçirdik. Bulgaristan ve Romanya makamları ile görüştük. Tarama çalışmaları yapıyor onlar da.
Bu mayınlarla ilgili başka iddialar da var: NATO’ya ait mayın tarama gemilerinin Karadeniz’e girmesi için bir plan dâhilinde de bu mayınlar bırakılmış olabilir mi? Bizi sıkıştırmak için. Ama biz Montrö kurallarına bağlı kalacağız.
Karadeniz’e savaş gemilerini sokmayacağız. Karadeniz’de bir savaşın olmasını istemiyoruz. Bu mayınlar halatından kopunca normalde kendini kilitliyor. Ama bu imha edilen mayınlarda böyle bir sistemin olmadığını gördük. Yani bilerek kilit sistemi devre dışı bırakılmış olabilir mi? Araştırmalarımız sürüyor.
Trump’tan ‘Mehmet Öz’ açıklaması!
Eski ABD Başkanı Donald Trump, ABD Senatosuna aday olan Türk kalp cerrahı Prof. Dr. Mehmet Öz’ün adaylığına destek vereceğini duyurdu.

FETÖ elebaşı Gülen’i savunan Mehmet Öz’ün yeni gündemi: Türk vatandaşlığından çıkacak!
Mehmet Öz FETÖ elebaşı Gülen’i savundu: O’na dokunulamaz
Öz’ün ön seçimlerden başarıyla çıkacağını belirten Trump, “Ülkemize akla hayale gelmez zararlar verme peşinde olan radikal solcu Demokratlara karşı Mehmet Öz genel seçimleri kazanabilme şansı yüksek bir kişidir.” ifadesini kullandı.
Mehmet Öz, 30 Kasım 2021’de, Pennsylvania eyaletinden Cumhuriyetçi Partinin Senato adaylığı için yarışacağını duyurmuştu.
Mehmet Öz’ün Pennsylvania’dan Cumhuriyetçiler adına senatörlük yarışına girme kararı tartışma yaratmıştı. Öz’ün Türk vatandaşlığı ve Müslüman kökeni, ABD siyasetinde bazı eleştirilere yol açmıştı. Bu eleştirilerin ardından Öz, seçilmesi durumunda Türk vatandaşlığını bırakacağını açıklamıştı.
Seçim kampanyasına FETÖ elebaşı Gülen’i savunarak başlayan Öz, “Gülen’e dokunulamaz. Darbeye karıştığına dair iddialar inandırıcı değil. O Pensilvanya’da kalmayı sürdürecek” demişti.
Progressive Crime Syndicate
Understanding the Progressive Mind II.
In a previous article, I explained that “progressivism is a criminal mentality.” By progressivism, I mean every political philosophy that regards itself as “revolutionary,” or “transformative,” that describes itself as socialist, communist, fascist or jihadist – or that believes “the moral arc of the universe that bends towards justice.” The belief that history is marching towards justice is a cult ideology refuted by the mass genocides of the modern era, which were carried out by Marxists and Nazis. The belief that the world is marching towards justice, that progressives are “on the right side of history” is a delusion that will justify any atrocity and already has.
That is why today’s progressives are advancing the same genocidal agendas that the West defeated in World War II and the Cold War. Led by the 98-member “Progressive Caucus” in Congress, and its racist leaders – Jamila Prayapal, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, AOC and Ayanna Presley – progressives are in full-throated support of the 75-year genocidal campaign conducted by the terrorist dictatorships in Gaza and the West Bank. The stated goal of Hamas and the Palestine Authority is the destruction of the Jewish state and the expulsion of its Jews. Even Hitler hid his plans for the Final Solution. But Hamas, the PLO and the Iranian mullahs trumpet their goal of ethnically cleansing a conquered Israel and rendering it Judenrein – Jew free. Nor is the hatred of these neo-Nazis confined to the Jews. “Death to America” is the preferred chant of their Iranian missile providers as well.
On a less apocalyptic level, the criminal nature of the progressive mentality should be obvious to anyone who takes the time to look at their domestic legislative agenda. Virtually every progressive proposal, from the moratorium on rent payments to cancelling student debts to handing out other people’s money to their favored constituents for doing nothing is an eloquent expression of the fact that socialism is theft.
Student loans guaranteed by the federal government were a progressive legislative achievement. They led directly to a rampant inflation of student fees as university administrators raised tuition rates because they could. These student “victims,” championed by progressives, weren’t forced to take loans, nor did anyone twist their arms to spend the money on frivolous courses in woke agendas which would probably not lead to paying jobs that would allow them to honor their debts. Consequently, now that the program is a burden on those who took advantage of it, the progressive solution is to make the taxpayers – including students who paid their debts – foot the bill for those who couldn’t be bothered to. Theft. “Social justice” is invariably a scheme to reward one’s political friends and punish one’s enemies. It’s basically a Ponzi scheme that works until you run out of other people’s money, as Margaret Thatcher once observed. In the vast library of socialist books, there’s not a single volume on how to create wealth, only how to take and “redistribute” it.
After the Confederate secession and the Civil war that followed, the greatest crime Americans committed against other Americans is the calculated destruction of America’s border by progressive transformers. According to current estimates, this atrocity has led to a situation in which America is now being invaded at the rate of 5 million anonymous illegals, coming from 150 countries, per year. The new population of unidentified non-citizens includes more than 100,000 violent criminals (measured by past records), terrorists, sex traffickers, and peddlers of the drug fentanyl, which has killed 100,000 Americans in the last year, many of them youth. An estimated 10% to 20% of the illegals are Covid – 19 carriers, which computes to anywhere between 500,000 and one million annually.
The Biden administration is fully aware that what it is doing is illegal – criminal. Otherwise, why fly the undocumented “migrants” to destinations across the country in the dark of night? Why conceal their destinations? Needless to say, taxing Americans to fund a secretive mass breaking of American law is another form of theft – one that characteristically expresses radicals’ contempt for their fellow citizens.
The obvious goals of this progressive assault on American sovereignty are two-fold: 1) the transformation of the electorate to benefit progressives; and 2) the dilution of America’s unique culture, since illegal immigration circumvents the processes of citizenship, which are traditionally an introduction to American values, along with a oath to defend them.
The assault on America’s borders began in earnest with the 2004 creation of law-breaking “Sanctuary Cities.” These cities suspended the application of immigration laws blocking immigration officials from doing their jobs. The Sanctuary Cities campaign was, in fact, a criminal attack on America’s immigration laws, which were federal in nature and therefore could not be altered by municipal authorities. The illegal actions succeeded because of the support of Democrat elected officials. If ever there was a case of sedition, this was it. The Sanctuary movement was invention of ACLU radicals, and was explicitly designed to sabotage the Patriot Act that Congress had passed to protect Americans after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The border assault escalated with the presidency of America’s first commander-in-chief raised by Communists – Barack Obama. In 2012 Obama warned on the eve of his re-election that “we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” In order to accomplish any “fundamental transformation,” Obama needed, of course, to break the law – actually many laws – including their foundation in the U.S. Constitution. In TV appearances he attempted to explain the limits to his constitutional powers to his progressive followers who couldn’t have cared less about them. They wanted Obama to violate the Constitution and by executive fiat to admit 800,000 illegals who as children had been smuggled into the country by their parents and were now adults.
So great was the pressure from radicals to break the law that Obama publicly explained to them in television appearances at least twenty-two times that the Constitution and subsequent statutory law prohibited him from declaring a general amnesty for people illegally residing in the United States. In fact, the prosperous, opportunity-rich country these illegal immigrants coveted was actually created by such constitutional limits to government authority.
“America is a nation of laws,” Obama explained on one occasion, “which means I, as the President, am obligated to enforce the law. I don’t have a choice about that…. With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that’s just not the case, because they are laws on the books that Congress has passed ….” On another occasion he reminded people, “I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books ….” And on yet another, he said: “Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own. Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you…. But that’s not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That’s not how our Constitution is written.”
When defending the American system suited his ends, Obama was a shrewd enough politician to understand its rationale and functions. But he himself was a born and bred radical. As a radical Obama didn’t believe in the system itself, or the constitutional restraints the founders had created. For the same reason, his civics lectures fell on deaf ears.
On June 15, 2012 Obama did what he had repeatedly said the law and the Constitution barred him from doing. He issued an “executive branch memorandum” called the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals – DACA. This unilateral executive action provided a provisional amnesty for the 800,000 youth who had entered the United States illegally as minors, and were still under the age of 31 as of that date. DACA allowed these individuals to gain temporary legal status, work permits, access to publicly funded social services, and protection from deportation. All of which were un-constitutional and illegal.
Two years later, having witnessed scant resistance from Republicans, and gotten away with his brazen action, Obama decided to expand the scope of his crime. He undertook a second executive action, this time granting provisional amnesty to 4 million illegal aliens under the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) program – an expansion of DACA.
That opened the floodgates to the destructive invasion of the country we are witnessing today, although to achieve its true fruition it had to wait several years until Joe Biden destroyed America’s borders on the first day of his presidency, and invited all of South America and even unaccompanied minors to enter America anonymously. In practice, the invitation extended to the entire world. In this way America was fundamentally and illegally and unconstitutionally transformed by a party that was now completely dominated by progressive criminals.
David Horowitz is the founder of the Freedom Center and the author of many books, including The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement is Destroying America.
20. Προς νέα Παλαιστινιακή “ΙΝΤΙΦΑΝΤΑ” στο Ισραήλ;
Enerjinin başkenti olacak: Üç sondaj gemisiyle üç operasyon
1829 yılında taşkömürünün bulunmasıyla emeğin ve enerjinin başkenti olan Zonguldak, 1,5 milyar ton taşkömürü rezervinin yanı sıra Karadeniz’de keşfedilen 540 milyar metreküp doğalgaz rezerviyle emeğin ve enerjinin başkenti unvanını sürdürecek.
Uzunmehmet’in 193 yıl önce taşkömürünü bulmasıyla yeraltındaki karaelmas yer üstüne çıkartılarak ülke ekonomisine katkı sağladı. Cumhuriyet tarihinin ilk vilayeti olan Zonguldak; bu güne kadar 5 bini aşkın maden şehidi verdi. Kömür üretimi için ocağa inen madenciler, yer altındaki zenginlikleri yer üstüne çıkartarak Türkiye’nin gelişmesine ve kalkınmasına büyük katkı sağladı.
Elektrik üretiminin yanı sıra sanayi sektörünün ham maddesi olarak kullanılan taşkömürü; Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı’na bağlı Türkiye Taşkömürü Kurumu ve redevans usulüyle sahaları kiralayan firmalar tarafından yer altından çıkartılıyor. Zonguldak; 1,5 milyar ton rezerve sahip olan taşkömürünün yanı sıra Karadeniz’de keşfedilen 540 milyar metreküp doğalgaz rezerviyle, enerjinin başkenti olma unvanını sürdürüyor.
Birinci Dünya Savaşı sonrası Fransızların işgal ettiği; halkın milli birlik ruhu karşısında 21 Haziran 1921 tarihinde şehri terk ettiği Zonguldak, 1 Nisan 1924’te Cumhuriyet’in ilanı sonrası ilk vilayet ilan edildi.
Karadeniz’de keşfedilen milli gaz; denizden Filyos’a 150 kilometrelik boru hattı döşenecek. 2023’te kullanıma sunulması planlanan gazın karaya çıkartılması için getirtilen boruların montaj işlemleri ise sürüyor. 6 kuyunun ardından planlamada yer alan diğer dört kuyunun daha kazılmasıyla birlikte doğalgazın karaya çıkartılması işlemi devam edecek. Fatih Sondaj Gemisi ile yapılan sondajlar, Kanuni Sondaj Gemisi’yle devam ediyor. Filyos Limanı’ndan demir alan Yavuz Sondaj Gemisi’nin kuyu başı vanalarını bölgeye taşıyarak ana dağıtım haznesine bağlantısı sağlanacak.
Karadeniz’de bulunan doğalgaz rezervi üç sondaj gemisinin operasyonlarıyla karaya çıkartılacak. Fatih Sondaj Gemisi, Gökçebey-1 bölgesinde arama sondajı, Kanuni Sondaj Gemisi Türkali-5 kuyusunda kuyu tamamlama, Yavuz Sondaj Gemisi ise Türkali-2 kuyusunda kuyubaşı vanası yerleştirme ve kuyu tamamlama çalışmalarını sürdürüyor.
Yüksek teknolojili üretimlere de ev sahipliği yapacak olan Filyos, çok yönlü ulaşım ağıyla da hem ticari hem de lojistik üs olacak. Yıllık 25 milyon ton elleçleme kapasitesi olan limanın yanı sıra Türkiye’nin ilk mega endüstri bölgesine ev sahipliği yapacak olan Zonguldak; Filyos’la birlikte Türkiye’nin kuzeye açılan kapısı olacak.
Deniz, demiryolu, havalimanı ve karayollarının bölgenin yakınında bulunması ise en büyük avantaj olarak yer alıyor.
22. Ρωσόφωνος Κάτοικος του Ντονμπάς Αναφέρει!
Ένας ρωσόφωνος κάτοικος του Ντονμπάς μίλησε σε κάμερα για τα όσα βιώνουν οι Ουκρανοί από το Τάγμα Αζόφ, αλλά και την προπαγάνδα της Δύσης αναφορικά με τους θανάτους των αμάχων.
Ο κάτοικος καταγγέλλει το καθεστώς του Κιέβου για την τα όσα λέει στους πολίτες, αλλά και τα ουκρανικά στρατεύματα, τα οποία φτάνουν μέχρι και στο σημείο να ρίχνουν όλμους από σχολεία.
Kτυπείστε την δνση και δείτε όσα λέει:
— Καθίκι Υψηλής Τάσης (@KYTKYTKYTKYTKYT) April 8, 2022
Το σήκωσε ΚΑΙ αυτό! Κυπελλούχος Ελλάδας ο ΑΣΤΑΜΑΤΗΤΟΣ Ολυμπιακός!
US keeping IRGC on terror list, even if it sabotages nuclear deal – report
The official put the ball squarely in Iran’s court, saying, “The onus is on Iran as to whether we have a nuclear deal. The president will stick to core principles. The Iranians know our views.”
Those core principles include viewing the terror designation as a separate issue from the nuclear deal.
On Friday, there had seemed to be a little wiggle room when State Department Deputy Spokesperson Jalina Porter said at a press briefing, “The president shares the chairman’s view that IRGC Quds Forces are terrorists.”
“Out of the 107 Biden administration designations in relation to Iran, 86 have specifically targeted the IRGC-related persons as well as affiliates,” she added.
Porter was referring to a statement made the day before by the chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Milley, to the Senate Armed Services Committee. He described the group as “terrorists” and said, “I do not support them being delisted.”
It was not clear why the Quds Force of the group was specified when the entire IRGC is on the list. The Quds Force is the IRGC’s branch responsible for extraterritorial operations, directing and funding the terror activities of proxy organizations like Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen.
The demand to delist the IRGC came in February, very late in the negotiations over renewing the 2015 agreement, which had been reported as almost a done deal for several months already.
The Corps is responsible for the murder of hundreds of Americans and thousands of others over recent years, either by acting directly, such as against American bases in Iraq, or by ordering its proxies to act against Americans or their allies in the region.
Those who want to restrain Iran’s nuclear ambitions by signing the deal say that the listing is mainly symbolic, and that there are other ways to curb the organization, although it controls vast sections of the Iranian economy and has its own armed forces on land, sea and air alongside Iran’s official army, navy and air force.
American allies in the Middle East such Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have all strenuously objected to delisting the IRGC ever since the Iranians made the demand.
“The Revolutionary Guards are behind the attacks on American civilians and soldiers throughout the Middle East, including in the past year. They are the ones behind the plans to assassinate senior American government officials,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said last month in a joint statement that listed many of their malign activities.
Some two weeks ago, more than 80 Congressional Republicans sent Secretary of State Antony Blinken a letter stating their firm opposition to delisting the group, stating that they “are united in strong opposition to any move to legitimize the IRGC’s reckless, destabilizing, and antisemitic actions through the Middle East.”
“It is unconscionable that the United States should fail to exert maximum pressure on an evil and malign organization like the IRGC,” they said.
Several Republicans have also introduced a bill that would block the White House from removing the IRGC from the list without Congressional approval.
25. Πού να βρίσκεται το Α591 “Ορίζοντας” (και) της ΜΙΤ; / Και έρχεται και το “Κόκκινο Μήλο” ή για εμάς “Κόκκινη Μηλιά”, όπως και το ΤΒ3! Ωχ, ωχ, ωχ, ωχ!..
26. Η νέα φημολουγούμενη “ΠΑΝΔΗΜΙΑ” θα είναι ένας ιός πάρα πολύ ανθεκτικός στα αντιβιωτικά;
27. Σημάδια! Έρχονται μαύρες ημέρες!.. Στην Αττάλεια, (την Αντάλια του Καθηγητή Κου Υφαντή), φέτος χιόνισε μετά από 29 ημέρες!..
28. Ο αστείος φιλο-ΝΕΟ-ΝΑΖΙ “δημ/φος” Χίος στο ένθετο της ε/φ του περιοδικό “ΜarkTV”, παρουσίαζε τον πράκτορα Σαββίδη (ένα από τα 2 νέα αφεντικά του), “κρατηθείτε”, ως τον Έλληνα… ΠΟΥΤΙΝ!..
29. Η Ρωσία μέχρι πρότινος είχε 6257πυρηνικές κεφαλές!.. Σήμερα;
30. Θα ήθελε κάποιος να μας πει, τί ακριβώς συζητήθηκε μεταξύ Η.Π.Α. και Ρωσίας στην Γενεύη, πέρυσι στις 16-06-2022;