Φίλοι μου / μας!
1. 1000 Μπράβο στον Κ.Κ.Μ. για τα F-35! Έκανε ακριβώς ό,τι του είχαμε, απ’ εδώ, (από εποχής Τραμπ ακόμα), πει, να κάνει και μάλιστα δεν του το είχαμε πει / γράψει μόνον μια φορά!.. “Σκρίπτα μάνετ”, … στον “Ε.Θ.”!
Ο τεράστιος Έλληνας Πατριώτης Πολιτικός Α. Γ. ΠΑΠΑΝΔΡΕΟΥ είχε αγοράσει F-16 και Μιράζ και “έδεσε” την ηρεμία και την ησυχία της Πατρίδος μας, για 40 σχεδόν χρόνια! (Γι’ αυτό θα έπρεπε και ο Κ.Κ.Μ., όσο και να αγαπάει τον Πατέρα του, να ήταν “λίγος” και λιγότερο ειρωνικός, όταν προσφάτως στην Ε/Βουλή* αναφέρθηκε σ’ αυτόν τον τεράστιο ιστορικό πια ηγέτη! * Κατά ην ψήφιση της συμπληρωματικής Ε-Αμερικανικής συμφωνίας συνεργασίας, κλπ).
“Σήμερα”, ο Κ.Κ.Μ. ,”Θεού θέλοντος και γεωπολιτικών και άλλων συνθηκών επιτρεπόντων”, ευελπιστεί να εξοπλίσει και έτσι να θωρακίσει την χώρα και να “δέσει” την άμυνά της, μέχρι το τέλος της τρέχουσας 10ετίας, ώστε να μπορέσει να ζήση η… προγραμμένη από τους “Διεθνείς Εβραίους” ΕΛΛΑΣ!
ΜΠΡΑΒΟ ΚΕ Π-Θγέ!.. Έφτιαξες ένα φοβερό “δίδυμο” με τον ΥΠΕΞ μας, (είχε πολλά χρόνια να δει έναν… Δένδια το ΥΠΕΞ και κατ’ εμάς από εποχής Γ. Μαύρου και Μπίτσιου), στα της εξωτερικής μας πολιτικής και έδωσες άλλον αέρα και πνοή στην χώρα μας, στο διεθνές / παγκόσμιο περιβάλλον! Η Ελλάς έπαψε πια να είναι περίγελως και ο ορισμός της φράσεως “ρεζίλι των σκυλιών”! Νοιώσαμε, μετά από χρόνια, βλέποντάς σε δίπλα στον Γέρο Τζο, ότι έχουμε, ως Έλληνες, Π-Θ! Με τον λελογισμένο αέρα σου δίπλα του, επιτέλους με νέο κοστούμι και ωραίο συνδυασμό γραβάτας – πουκαμίσου – κοστουμιού, με ωραίο χτένισμα και κυρίως με τα “σπέσιαλ” Αγγλικά σου, που μετέφεραν ακριβώς ό,τι ήθελες να του πεις! Πολλά συγχαρητήρια λοιπόν και… σκόρδα!.. Ασχέτως του τί σύντομα, λίαν πιθανώς, να συμβεί στην περιοχή μας και να μην υλοποιηθεί η προμήθειά μας στο σύνολό της σε ΡΑΦΑΛ και F-35, εσύ έκανες το καθήκον σου και πρέπει να έχεις ήσυχη την συνείδησή σου!.. Μόνον ο ΘΕΟΣ ξέρει το μέλλον!..
Χαιρόμαστε ιδιαιτέρως για ό,τι έγινε χθες και το είδαμε, έστω και σε… συνέχειες από τα Κανάλια (αν είναι ποτέ δυνατόν / η ΕΤ δεν θα έπρεπε να ήταν… “ρεζερβέ” και… “αγκαζέ” από το ταξίδι σου αυτό;), διότι ήμασταν αυτοί που υπερβάλλοντες λεκτικώς, αλλά εσκεμμένως, γράφαμε, απ’ εδώ, και από την πρώτη στιγμή που ανέλαβες, ότι η χώρα μας είθε να γινόταν ένα ακόμα αστέρι στην Α/Σημαία!..
Ελπίζουμε όμως να είπες στον Γερο Τζο, αυτό που (σου) είχαμε επισημάνει από την επίσκεψή σου στις Η.Π.Α., επί Τραμπ! Θυμίζουμε! Φίλοι μας Αμερικανοί! ΟΚ! Σας στηρίζουμε και σας διευκολύνουμε σε ό,τι θέλετε στην και από την χώρα μας, αλλά ΜΗΝ(!) ΜΑΣ ΞΑΝΑΠΟΥΛΗΣΕΤΕ (πχ Κύπρος 1974, εμπάργκο αγοράς όπλων στην “Κ. Δ.”, Ίμια 1996, Ελσίνκι – Μαδρίτη, παράδοση Οτζαλάν, χρεοκοπία, κλπ), διότι τότε θα μας χάσετε οριστικά, ενώ η Πατρίδα μας θα είναι υποχρεωμένη να στραφεί προς Ρωσία μεριά!.. “Καθαρές” κουβέντες!..
Τώρα! Για τα λιμά του πασιφιστικού και άκρως διεθνιστικού, αλλά παρουσιαζόμενου εσχάτως και ως… πατριωτικού, όπως και ως… Νταή στα εθνικά μας θέματα, “ΣΟΡΟΣ-ΣΥΡΙΖΑ” (λύκος με προβιά), για τα λιμά αυτά λοιπόν που νοιάζονται τάχα για τα λεφτά του ε/λαού και πώς θα αγοραστούν τα F-35, κλπ, λέμε πως όχι μόνον η Ελλάς, αλλά και η ίδια η ΑΜΕΡΙΚΗ (Η.Π.Α.), χρωστάει 2… Αμερικές στο “ΔΝΤ”, τώρα που γράφονται αυτές οι γραμμές! Οπότε αν το δικό μας χρέος Κοι… Πατριώτες του “ΣΟΡΟΣ-ΣΥΡΙΖΑ” είναι υπέρογκο, κλπ, τί πειράζει αν γίνει ακόμα λίγο πιο… βαρύ;
Άλλωστε εσείς δεν μας υποθηκεύσατε, ρε αληταράδες βρωμοψεύτες, μέχρι το 2115; Ξεχάσατε ρε… σωτήρες μας τα 99 χρόνια υποθήκης που θέσατε το 2015 την χώρα μας, ρε βρωμοκόμμουνα με… μάσκα, που το παίζετε τάχα Ευρωπαϊστές, Αμςερικανόφιλοι, του Διαφωτισμού και γενικώς “του κόλου τα 9μερα”, ίσα για να αρπάζετε τα λεφτά των… βρωμο-Αμερικανών και του… “Διεθνούς Κεφαλαίου”, Κε… Παπαδημούλη, Κε… Σκουρλέτη, Κε Τσακαλώτε της… Ομπρέλας και της μαλακίας και Κε ΣΟΡΟΣ-ΣΥΡΙΖΟ-ΑΡΧΗΓΕ του… 99,5%, ναι εσύ ρε, ΝΕΟ-ΜΠΡΕΖΝΙΕΦ, που ξεπέρασες ακόμα και αυτούς τους κόκκινους Φασίστες παλαιούς πολιτικούς Αρχηγούς της ΕΣΣΔ, οι οποίοι όμως έπαιρναν 99, 5% και παραπάνω, αλλά είχαν βάλει, έστω “τύποις”, και έναν αντίπαλο, που λάμβανε από 0,1%, έως ο,5%, κλπ;
Εσείς ρε παλιοαληταράδες, Κοκκινο-φασισταριά, μασκωτοί Κοκκινο-Χουνταίοι του κερατά, Κε Τσίπρα κακι οι άλλοι όμοιοί σου “τίποτα”, αλλάξατε ολόκληρο εκλογικό αποτέλεσμα το 2015, ολόκληρη απόφαση του ε/λαού, το ξεχάσατε ή επειδή δεν σας το λέει ο Κ.Κ.Μ., λόγω του ότι και αυτός, περιοδικώς,… “ΣΟΡΟΣ-ΠΡΟΑΥΛΙΖΕΤΑΙ”; Ενοχληθήκατε λοιπόν τώρα, αν πχ ένα χρέος 1000 δρχ, γίνει 3000; Ουστ και ξανά ουστ! (Πάψτε να μας κλέβετε! Μέχρι και το “ουστ” μας έκλεψε, ο καθ’ομολογίαν κλέφτης πολιτικός “Αρχιμπράβος” Πολλάκης).
Προσέξτε βρωμιά, οι… Τσιπραίοι! Φαλήρησαν την ΔΕΗ, αλλά κατηγορούν τον Κ.Κ.Μ., ότι την ιδιωτικοποίησε!.. (Μερικώς). / Την έβαλαν στο “Χρηματιστήριο”, (αν είναι ποτέ δυνατόν), και τώρα “σηκώνουν το δάκτυλο” στον Κ.Κ.Μ. για την… “ρήτρα αναπροσαρμογής”, καλώντας τον λαό “να στείλει πίσω τον λογαριασμό”!.. Καταλάβατε!… Οι άνθρωποι είναι συνειδητοί ΑΠΑΤΕΩΝΕΣ! Στο τέλος της ψηφοφορίας του να πάρει 100% ο ΣΟΡΟΣ-ΤΣΙΠΡΑΣ, κάτι που δεν επετεύχθη, αφού κατέβηκε μόνος του και πήρε μόνον… 99,5%*, μίλησε ο Τσίπρας, ο οποίος, μεταξύ των άλλων, είπε πως το σπουδαιότερο είναι πως ο “ΣΟΡΟΣ-ΣΥΡΙΖΑ” θα είναι το Κόμμα των μελών του!.. Σαν να λέει, μκε ωραίο και εύσχημο τρόπο, πως όταν και εάν ξανακυβερνήσει το Κράτος θα μετατραπεί σε απολύτως ΚΟΜΜΑΤΙΚΟ!..
* Το ποσοστό 99,5% του Τσίπρα, θύμισε, απ’ ό,τι μου λένε εδώ κάποιοι, τον κατά Λ. Κύρκο… “Δούναβη της Σκέψης” Ν. ΤΣΑΟΥΣΕΣΚΟΥ!.. Προσοχή! ΤΣΑΟΥΣΕΣΚΟΥ και όχι… ΛΟΥΤΣΕΣΚΟΥ!.. Αχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα!..
Αυτήν την στιγμή δεν υπάρχει άλλος, παρά μόνον Κ.Κ.Μ.! Ο Κ.Κ.Μ. ασφάλισε την Ελλάδα, κυβερνώντας με συνεχείς κρίσεις (1.000.000 λάθρο από Τουρκία και ΡΤΕ… σταλμένοι για Ελλάδα, στα Ε-Τ σύνορα στον Έβρο π. , μόλις ανέλαβε, παρ’ ολίγον Ε-Τ πόλεμος το 2020 στην Α. Μεσόγειο, Πανδημία, παγκόσμια ενεργειακή κρίση, εισβολή της Ρωσίας στην Ουκρανία, κλπ)!
Ο Ανδρουλάκης; Θα με ρωτήσετε! Απαντώ! ΟΚ! Πού είναι; Γιατί δεν παραιτήθηκε, ΟΠΩΣ ΕΠΙΒΑΛΟΤΑΝ(!!!), από την Ευρω-Βουλή και να έρθει εδώ να “πολεμήσει” πολιτικά και να τον ακούει ο ε/λαός καθημερινά και σε όλα τα θέματα; Αυτός δεν εξελέγη Αρχηγός ή μήπως ο… Κατρίνης; Οι ψηφοφόροι του ΠΑΣΟΚ(!!!) (και όχι του ΠΑΣΟΚ – ΚΙΝΑΛ και παπαριές), θα ακούνε τον Ανδρουλάκη, δια του… ΑΝΤ’ ΑΥΤΟΥ;
Άρα, ΠΑΣΟΚ, στις μεθεπόμενες πια εκλογές και αν(!) ο Ανδρουλάκης, επιστρέφοντας στην χώρα του / μας, αποδείξει ότι είναι ικανός να φέρει και πάλι το ΠΑΣΟΚ στην 1η θέση!.. Και με την ευκαιρία! Άπαντες στο ΠΑΣΟΚ, λίγο περισσότερο σεβασμό στον Α.Γ.ΠΑΠΑΝΔΡΕΟΥ! ΠΑΠΑΝΔΡΕΟΥ ΔΕΝ(!!!) ξαναβγαίνει, οπότε λιγότερες αναφορές στο όνομά Του και όπου, όταν και απ’ όποιον, εκτός Κόμματος, προσβάλλεται η ιερή μνήμη Του, τότε μόνον ΑΜΕΣΑ και ΚΑΤΑΙΓΙΣΤΙΚΑ να υπάρχει απάντηση και συνακόλουθη πολιτική… τιμωρία (προσώπου ή Κόμματος), που θα εκτιμάται το είδος της και η μορφή της, αναλόγως των επικρατουσών την στιγμή εκείνη συγκυριών!..
Και πάλι ΜΠΡΑΒΟ, Κε Π-Θ γέ! “Very Good Job”!..
ΥΓ. Κε Π-Θγέ!
α. Δεν άντεξες όμως, στο να μην… βγάλεις την Κρητική σου καταγωγή! Μπαϊντενάκης λοιπόν ή και (!) Μπαϊντενάκης, εκτός του “Μπαϊντενόπουλος”!.. “ΜΕΚ”=”Μην Είσαι Κρητικός”; Αχαχαχαχαχαχαχα!..
β. Είναι καιρός πια, να κάνεις ένα τεράστιο βήμα απτής… προσέγγισης (και… παραπέρα) και με την Μ. Βρετανία, την κατ’ εμάς πλέον σοβαρή πολιτικά, σήμερα, χώρα στον Πλανήτη!
2. Με την… Αμερικανοποίηση (sic) της… Αλεξανδρουπόλεως, (“LNG”, κλπ, πράγματα που σας τα είχαμε εδώ γράψει, πριν καν να αναφερθούν, πόσο μάλλον να γίνουν / θέματα εκτιμηθέντα ορθώς από εμάς, από το 2009 – 2010), σας γράψαμε πως το Τ/ΓΕΕΔ ανασυντάσσει τα σχέδιά του, τα αφορώντα εισβολή των ΤΕΔ στην Ελλάδα, δια του Έβρου π., λόγω προφανών προκυψάντων… προβλημάτων!..
Αυτό, δεν είναι, ρε λιμά, επιτυχία του Κ.Κ.Μ. και του Ε/ΓΕΕΘΑ / ΥΠΑΜ – ΥΠΕΞ;
Οι Τούρκοι, σας αποκαλύπτουμε σήμερα, πως σκέπτονται / πως προβληματίζονται πλέον στο αν πρέπει να… στοχεύσουν μόνον στα νησιά μας και δη στα ήδη επιλεγέντα Λέσβο – Χίο, … “πάσει δυνάμει” και… “ό,τι βγει”! (Η κατάληψη ολοκλήρου της Κύπρου μας παραμένει 1ος τ/στρατηγικός στόχος)! Αυτή η σύγχυση, τούτη την στιγμή, μέσα στο Τ/ΓΕΕΔ, είναι ή όχι σημαντική, χωρίς πόλεμο επιτυχία μας;
Προς τούτο, οι ΤΕΔ έχουν -ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΑ(!)- ρίξει όλο τους το… ενδιαφέρον στο ΠΝ τους (ή άντε το μεγαλύτερό τους), στον στόχο να προλάβουν, έναντι ημών, να βγουν 1οι στο Αιγαίο (αποκλεισμό στρατηγικών ναυτικών σημείων) και στην Α. Μεσόγειο (ναυτικό αποκλεισμό Κύπρου), στο να ολοκληρώσουν το… Ισπανικό τους Ελικοπτεροφόρο… “στόχο”, αχαχαχαχαχαχαχα, καθώς και στα “επιθετικά” ΜΕΑ τους, όπως, τέλος, και στην άρτια εκπ-ση της θεωρητικά μίας Ταξιαρχίας Π/Ν τους (ΤΠΝ), αλλά αριθμητικώς “2” (+), και όλων των Ταξιαρχιών Κομάντος, καθώς και των “Ειδικών Δυνάμεών” τους!..
Η πρόσφατη, απ’ τους ίδιους τους Τούρκους, αναφορά – πληροφορία ότι πλέον ο αριθμός των επαγγελματιών στρατιωτικών, ξεπέρασε τον αριθμό αυτών των υποχρεωτικής θητείας, εμπεριέχει -ΕΥΡΥΤΕΡΑ- και(!) το νόημα της προηγουμένης παραγράφου!..
Να τονίσουμε ότι οι ΤΕΔ συνεχίζουν να αντιμετωπίζουν πολύ μεγάλο πρόβλημα στο σύστημα “ΕΠΣ” και γενικότερα στο σύστημα κινητοποιήσεως της χώρας τους!..
Εμείς σήμερα, απ΄εδώ, λέμε στους Τούρκους του Τ/ΓΕΕΔ, πως οι εκπλήξεις, εκ μέρους μας και προς αυτούς, θα είναι από αρκετές, έως και πολλές, αν… τολμήσουν να μας… αγγίξουν! Το αυτό λέμε και στον Κο Χακάν ΦΙΝΤΑΝ, ο οποίος σχεδιάζει να… ανακατέψει (sic) το εσωτερικό της Ελλάδος με Αλβανο-Πακιστανο-Σύρους έμμισθούς του!..
3. Ρωτάμε την σύζυγο του Γερο-Τζο!
Κα! Είπατε κάτι φοβερό στην ομιλία σας και όχι απλώς κάτι ορθόν! Είπατε, ουσιαστικά, πως οι παλαιοί που φεύγουν (όλοι μας, πόσο μάλλον οι ηγέτες, και δη ηγέτες του μεγέθους του συζύγου σας), οφείλουν να αφήνουν… φεύγοντας (από την πολιτική, αλλά και από την ζωή, όπως υπονοείτο), στους νεότερους, γενικώς … παρακαταθήκες, έχοντας “ανοίξει” δρόμους σ’ αυτούς, έχοντας φυτέψει… ελιές, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ!..
Άριστα! Συμφωνούμε! Πιστεύετε όμως, με βάση τα όσα ορθά είπατε, ότι ο σύζυγός σας, με την στάση του να μην επεμβαίνει για τον τερματισμό των ανεπίτρεπτων για την εποχή μας γεγονότων στην Ουκρανία, είναι συμβατός με την ορθή άποψη που τόσο όμορφα διατυπώσατε; Είναι ορθόν, πρέπον και ενδεικτικόν πολιτισμού, ένας Πολιτικός, τον 21ο αι. (!!!), να μπορεί να σταματήσει έναν πόλεμο, να μπορεί να φέρει την Ειρήνη και αυτός να επιλέγει την συνέχιση του πολέμου, με ό,τι αυτός επιφέρει και στην περίπτωση της Ουκρανίας, αίμα, πόνο, παγκόσμιο ενεργειακή κρίση, φτώχεια, πείνα, και ίσως έναν Γ’ Π. Π. ;
4. Το 4ο πλωτό τ/Γεωτρύπανο “Coba Explorer ” (κάνει γεώτρηση σε βάθος 12.200μ. ενώ λειτουργεί άριστα σε βάθος 3600μ.), που θα μετονομαστεί σε “Alp Arslan” (ο νικητής των Βυζαντινών προγόνων μας στην μάχη του Ματζικέρτ) πέρασε το Γιβραλτάρ και μπήκε στην Μεσόγειο!.. Για να δούμε, τί Καλοκαίρι θα έχουμε και φέτος!..
5. Kε Καιρίδη! Δεν είναι “των υπάρχοντων”, αλλά “των υπαρχόντων”!..
Κε Π-Θγέ! Είναι “ούτως ή άλλως” ή “έτσι ή αλλιώς” και όχι “ούτως ή αλλιώς”!..
‘Death to the dictator!’ Iran hunger protests get violent, deaths reported
By Associated Press and World Israel News Staff
An Iranian lawmaker says one person was killed in his city during recent unrest over price increases in the southwestern Khuzestan province, semi-official ILNA news agency reported.
Ahmad Avaei, a member of parliament from Dezful, did not give the name or gender of the person killed or say how many people were arrested during the unrest.
According to Telegram blogger Abu Ali Express, however, at least four civilians were killed in clashes between protesters and Iranian regime forces.
State media reported Friday that Iranian authorities had arrested at least 22 demonstrators who were protesting sudden price hikes of subsidized staple foods, 15 of them in Dezful. A firefighter was injured in clashes with demonstrators in a nearby city, Andimeshk.
The unrest follows Iran’s announcement earlier in the week that the cost of cooking oil, chicken, eggs and milk would rise by as much as 300%, as food prices surge across the Middle East due to global supply chain snarls and Russia’s invasion of major food exporter Ukraine.
State TV on Friday showed footage of demonstrations in the province that had deteriorated into violence, with protesters burning tires and leaving mosques and public property damaged.
Memories of Iran’s fuel price hike in November 2019 also remain fresh. Then, widespread protests — the most violent since the creation of the Islamic Republic in 1979 — rocked the country.
Crowds have been taking to the streets in cities across the country, confronting Iranian police and paramilitary forces, protesting the high cost of living, Abu Ali Express reported.
During riots in the city of Burjar, the crowd chanted, “Death to the dictator!”
The recent uptick in food prices in Iran is a major driving force, he wrote, as many Iranian citizens are finding it hard to purchase basic consumer products, the blogger noted.
Access to the Internet has been blocked in many cities in Iran, he said.

‘We Lost a Brave Fighter’: Israel Mourns IDF Officer, Father of 6 Killed by Terrorist
By Faygie Holt, JNS.org
A member of Israel’s National Counterterrorism Unit Yamam was killed on Friday afternoon after being shot by a Palestinian terrorist in Jenin during a “complex and delicate” IDF operation.
Sgt. Maj. Noam Raz, 47, who was evacuated to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, succumbed to his injuries. A resident of the town of Kida in Samaria, he leaves behind a wife and six children.
On Friday morning, U.S. time, a posting on a community Facebook page included a photo of Raz with a message in Hebrew that said: “With great sorrow and great pain we mourn the death of our friend Noam Raz during operational activity in Jenin.”
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett released a statement saying, “We lost a hero today—a brave fighter who gave his life for the security of Israel during a complex and delicate … counter-terrorist operation.”
“During his 23 years in the unit, Noam had participated in countless counter-terrorist operations, risked his own life and saved lives—as his commanders attest—with courage and modesty,” the prime minister continued. “We will continue to fight terrorism with determination and an iron fist until we defeat it and restore security to the citizens of Israel. This is the legacy that Noam leaves behind. May his memory be blessed.”
Raz had also served as a volunteer paramedic with United Hatzalah for many years, serving in the Gush Shiloh area where he lived, according to a spokesman for the group.
“We are shocked and dismayed at the death of one of our volunteers, who dedicated his life to saving the lives of others,” said the group’s president and founder, Eli Beer. “It pains us to no end. We will sorely miss him. We will all try to learn from his selfless dedication to helping others and continue the work that he loved so dearly. Noam taught hundreds of other first responders, increasing their knowledge and skill. We lost a true hero today who has saved the lives of many.”
Beer added that “thousands of volunteers who make up the United Hatzalah family are mourning his loss and sharing in the pain of the family. May they know no more pain or suffering.”
Traditionally, when a member of United Hatzalah is killed while serving in the IDF, the organization provides “emotional and psychological care for those who need it, including our volunteers, but also on certain occasions, the family members of the volunteer who passed away,” said the group’s spokesperson.
“We utilize our psycho-trauma and crisis-response unit, which is trained at providing psychological and emotional stabilization to those in need. Additionally, the chapter where the volunteer was active often holds a group meeting and sometimes memorials for the fallen.”
Eli Bin, director-general of Magen David Adom, called Raz’s death “tragic, both for his immediate family and the family of EMTs and paramedics of which he was a member. This was someone who dedicated his life to protecting Israelis—people of all backgrounds—both in his daytime job as a police officer and in his volunteer work as an MDA paramedic.
“Our EMTs and paramedics form strong bonds among each other from working so closely together under trying and often dangerous conditions. His loss will be felt strongly, especially among our Jerusalem team,” said Bin. “Our hearts go out to his family and to all our colleagues who had the pleasure of working with Noam.”

Palestinians Hiding Bullet that Killed Journalist, Refuse to Cooperate with Investigation.
An Israeli official said that Israel has called for a joint pathological investigation, “but the Palestinians are refusing, perhaps in order to hide the truth.”
By Aryeh Savir, TPS
The Palestinian Authority (PA) has officially refused Israel’s offer to conduct a joint investigation into the death of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, and has again blamed Israel for the incident.
Abu Akleh was killed during an clash between Palestinian terrorists and IDF forces in Jenin on Wednesday morning, and the IDF has launched an investigation into the incident.
Hussein al-Sheik, the PA minister entrusted with the ties with Israel, stated Thursday that “Israel has requested a joint investigation and to be handed over the bullet that assassinated the journalist Shireen, we refused that, and we affirmed that our investigation would be completed independently.”
The PA will inform Abu Akleh’s family, the US, Qatar, and “all official authorities and the public of the results of the investigation with high transparency,” he said.
“All of the indicators, the evidence and the witnesses confirm her assassination by Israeli special units,” he alleged, offering no proof.
Dr. Ryan al-Ali of the Pathological Institute at a-Najah University in Shechem (Nablus) said at a press conference on Wednesday that there was no evidence that Abu Akleh’s shooting was carried out at close range, and it is not possible to determine with certainty whether the IDF or terrorists shot her.
Defense Minister Benny Gantz announced Wednesday that Israel will communicate its findings on Abu Akleh’s death “in a clear and transparent manner to our American friends, as well as to the Palestinian Authority” and other countries.
Preliminary findings from the investigation conducted by the IDF indicate that no Israeli gunfire was directed at the journalist, “however the investigation is ongoing,” said Gantz.
IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi appointed a dedicated team led by Brigadier General Menny Liberty, commander of the Commando Battalion, to investigate the incident.
“We are currently in the midst of an ongoing investigation of the incident – it is important that we uncover the truth about how it unfolded,” said Gantz.
Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan stated “protecting freedom of the press is of critical importance to Israel”.
Abu Akleh was “killed in Jenin, where many of the Palestinian terrorists who recently murdered 19 Israelis came from. She was killed during a counter-terror operation and we express sorrow for her loss,” he noted.
The PA “rushed to blame Israel without even the ability to know the facts. That is why we called on the Palestinian Authority to be transparent and agree to a joint investigation. They have refused. Her death is a tragedy but no one should use it for political gains, especially those who violate human rights on a daily basis,” he stated.
The autopsy suggested by Israel could determine the caliber of the bullet from which Abu Akleh was killed. The terrorists usually use Kalashnikov rifles with a larger 7.62-mm caliber, as opposed to the 5.56 mm caliber rounds shot by the IDF’s M-16 rifles.
A government official said that Israel has called for a joint pathological investigation, “but the Palestinians are refusing, perhaps in order to hide the truth.”
Emniyet, Kaftancıoğlu’na destek veren eski istihbaratçıya sosyal medyada tepki gösterdi
Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü, Yargıtay’ın 4 yıl 11 ay 20 gün hapis cezasını onadığı CHP İstanbul İl Başkanı Canan Kaftancıoğlu’na destek mesajı paylaşan Eski İstihbarat Dairesi Başkanı Sabri Uzun’a tepki gösterdi. Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Twitter hesabı, Uzun’un paylaşımını alıntılayarak “İstihbarat Daire Başkanlığı yapmış birisinin böyle bir ahlaksızlığı kabul edilemez” paylaşımında bulundu. Emniyet’in yaptığı paylaşım sosyal medyada gündem oldu.
Karar sosyal medyada büyük tartışma yaratırken Kaftancıoğlu’na bir destek de Eski İstihbarat Dairesi Başkanı Sabri Uzun’dan geldi. Uzun, Twitter hesabından “Sn Kaftancıoğlu, Halide Edip, 23 Mayıs 1919 günü İngiliz işgali altındaki İstanbul Sultanahmet meydanında özgürlük nutku atmıştı. İşgalciler bile Ona, senin gibi ceza vermemişlerdi. Türk kadınlarını sizin şahsınızda kutluyorum” paylaşımında bulundu.
Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü ise Uzun’un paylaşımının ekran görüntüsünü paylaşarak “İstihbarat Daire Başkanlığı yapmış birisinin böyle bir AHLAKSIZLIĞI kabul edilemez. Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü İstihbarat Başkanlığı” ifadelerini kullandı.

Erdoğan’ın sözleri sonrası Beyaz Saray’dan açıklama: Türkiye ile çalışıyoruz
Başkan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın Finlandiya ve İsveç’in NATO üyeliğiyle ilgili açıklamaları dünyada büyük yankı uyandırdı. Başkan Erdoğan’ın sözlerine ilişkin Beyaz Saray’dan açıklaması geldi.
Psaki, Finlandiya ve İsveç’in NATO üyeliği sürecinde Türkiye’nin pozisyonunu netleştirmeye gayret ettiklerini ve bu konuda Türkiye ile çalıştıklarını kaydetti.
“Türkiye’nin bu konudaki konumunu netleştirmeye çalışıyoruz.” ifadesini kullanan Psaki, birçok NATO ülkesinin Finlandiya ve İsveç’in NATO’ya üyelik sürecine desteğini açıkladığını anımsattı.
Psaki, “Türkiye ve atadığı temsilciler ile çalışmaya devam ediyoruz.” dedi.
Beyaz Saray’dan yapılan yazılı açıklamada, Biden’ın bugün Andersson ve Niinisto ile bir telefon görüşmesi gerçekleştirdiği belirtildi.
Görüşmede ABD, İsveç ve Finlandiya arasındaki savunma ve güvenlik iş birliğinin ele alındığına işaret edilen açıklamada, Transatlantik güvenliğinin güçlendirilmesi vurgusu yapıldığı aktarıldı.
Açıklamada, “Başkan Biden, NATO’nun açık kapı politikasına desteğine ve Finlandiya ile İsveç’in kendi geleceklerine, dış politikalarına ve güvenlik anlaşmaları yapma hakkına desteğini dile getirdi.” ifadesine yer verildi.
Görüşmede liderlerin, küresel konularda ülkeler arasındaki iş birliğini ele aldığı kaydedilen açıklamada, Ukrayna’ya desteğe devam edilmesine yönelik taahhüt verildiği vurgulandı.
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Cuma namazı çıkışında gazetecilerin sorularını yanıtladı.
Erdoğan, Finlandiya ve İsveç’in NATO üyeliği adımlarına Türkiye olarak olumlu bakmadıklarını açıklamıştı.
ABD’de temaslarda bulunan AK Parti heyeti: ABD Kongresi, F-16 konusunda çok olumlu
ABD Kongresindeki temaslarını Washington’da görev yapan basın mensuplarına değerlendiren AK Parti heyeti, Kongrede özellikle Rusya-Ukrayna savaşındaki yapıcı rolünün ardından Türk-Amerikan ilişkilerinin çok olumlu olduğunu belirtti.
Efkan Ala’nın başkanlığında Washington’da Kongrede temaslarda bulunan heyette, AK Parti Grup Başkanı İsmet Yılmaz, TBMM Dışişleri Komisyonu Başkanı Akif Çağatay Kılıç, TBMM Dışişleri Komisyonu Başkanvekili Ahmet Berat Çonkar, AK Parti Diyarbakır Milletvekili Mehdi Eker ve AK Parti İstanbul Milletvekili Volkan Bozkır yer aldı.
Heyete başkanlık eden Ala, toplamda bazıları senatörlerden oluşan 24 Kongre üyesiyle kapsamlı ve verimli görüşmeler gerçekleştirdiklerini, iki ülkenin de çıkarına olacak birçok konu başlığında çok verimli fikir alışverişinde bulunduklarını ve Türkiye’nin Ukrayna konusundaki olumlu ve yapıcı adımlarının Kongrede görülmekte olduğunu aktardı.
Ala, boğazlar konusunda Ankara’nın çizgisinin de Kongre üyeleri nezdinde saygıyla karşılandığını ve takdir edildiğini sözlerine ekledi.
Türkiye’ye F-16 satılması konusunun yanı sıra iki ülke arasındaki siyasi, ekonomik ve savunma başlıklarının olumlu bir havada ele alındığını anlatan Ala, ikili ilişkilerdeki sorunların çözümüne yönelik yapıcı bir atmosfer gördüklerine vurgu yaptı.
F-16 meselesini ana gündemlerden biri olarak görüşmelerinde değerlendirdiklerini belirten Ala, “Bu konuda çok olumlular. Türkiye’nin savunma sanayisinin güçlendirilmesinin aynı zamanda nasıl NATO’ya da destek olacağını, bölgesel ve küresel barışa ne kadar hızlı destek sunabileceğini onlarla paylaştık ve onlarda da hep olumlu bir tavır gördük.” ifadesini kullandı.
Türkiye’nin artan önemini dünyanın gittikçe daha çok fark ettiğine işaret eden Ala, “Türkiye’deki sağduyulu ve sorun çözücü inisiyatifin bölgesinde ve dünyadaki etkilerini de görüyoruz, bunu sadece biz değil muhataplarımız da görüyor ve takdir ediyor.” dedi.
Ala, Türkiye’ye F-16 satışına olumsuz bir görüş ile karşılaşıp karşılaşmadıkları sorusuna, “Hayır yoktu, şu açık olarak anlaşılmış: Ukrayna-Rusya savaşında yani bölgesel çatışmalarda ortaya çıkan dışsal eksi etkinin bütün Avrupa’yı kapsadığı bir dönemde, Türkiye’nin inisiyatif alabilirliğinin hayati önemi ortaya çıkmış.” değerlendirmesinde bulundu. Ala ayrıca, bu süreçte karşılaşılabilecek muhtemel sorunların iki ülkedeki siyasi ve diplomatik kapasitelerin kullanılması yoluyla aşılacağına inandığını vurguladı.
Türkiye’nin boğazlarda uluslararası hukukun vurgulanması yönündeki inisiyatifinin saygıyla karşılandığına işaret eden Ala, “Hem uluslararası ilişkilerde bölgesel ve küresel barışı destekleyici sağlam inisiyatif hem de uluslararası hukuk zemininde bunu gerçekleştirme arzumuz ve kararlılığımız, Türkiye’nin ağırlığını artırmış durumda.” diye konuştu.
“Türkiye bölgesindeki bir denkleme girince sonuç değişiyor.” ifadesini kullanan Ala, artık Türkiye’nin yer almadığı bir denklemin bir sonuca ulaşma imkanı olmadığına dikkati çekti.
Ala, Türkiye’nin İsveç ve Finlandiya’nın NATO üyeliği konusundaki tutumunun son derece açık ve anlaşılır olduğuna işaret ederek, bu ülkelerin PKK terör unsurlarıyla olan ilişkilerini çok net bir şekilde gözden geçirmeleri ve bunlara son vermeleri gerektiğini belirtti.
Bu ülkelerin güvenlik endişelerini giderilmesi için NATO’ya girme talepleri olduğunu ifade eden Ala, “Ama Türkiye’nin de yıllardır yaşadığı terör sorunu var ve bu terör sorununun bu ülkeler tarafından yeterince, Türkiye’nin arzu ettiği şekilde anlaşılmadığı ve yeterince ehemmiyet gösterilmediği kanaati de herkeste var ve bunun kanıtları da var.” ifadelerini kullandı.
Efkan Ala, sürecin henüz çok yeni olduğunu ve bundan sonraki süreç yönetiminin ne şekilde ilerleyeceğine bakılması gerektiğini söyledi.
İsveçli bir bakanın kısa süre önce bir PKK etkinliğine katıldığını hatırlatan Ala, “Biz bekliyoruz ki bu ülkelerin güvenlik endişelerini ciddiye aldığımız kadar onlar da bizim güvenlik endişelerimizi ciddiye alsınlar, biz de onları ciddiye alalım.” değerlendirmesini yaptı.
Dünyanın gözü bu görüşmede olacak: Erdoğan davet etti Türkiye’ye geliyor
Cezayir Cumhurbaşkanı Abdulmecid Tebbun’un, Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın davetine icabetle 16-17 Mayıs’ta Türkiye’ye resmi ziyaret gerçekleştireceği bildirildi.

Ziyaretin, tarihi dostluk ve dayanışma ilişkileri yürüten Cezayir ile Türkiye’nin, ekonomilerini dünya ekonomisine dahil etmelerini sağlamaya yönelik izledikleri reformlar sürecine denk geldiği belirtilen açıklamada, “Siyasi planda, geleneksel dostluk ve dayanışma bağlarını daha da pekiştirmeye yönelik ortak bir niyetle ve ortak ilgi alanına giren uluslararası meselelerin tamamı üzerine diyaloğu güçlendirmeye yönelik ortak menfaatle kanıtlanan iki ülke arasındaki ilişkiler, üst düzeyde yapılan düzenli görüşmelerle kendini göstermektedir.” ifadesi kullanıldı.
Açıklamada, ekonomik planda, karşılıklı ticaretin son yıllarda, siyasi ilişkilerin mükemmelliği ve iki ülkenin de örnek teşkil eden bir ortaklık kurma niyetini yansıtan kayda değer bir artış gösterdiği vurgulandı.
Ziyarette, Tebbun ve Erdoğan’ın, “Üst Düzey İşbirliği Konseyinin 1. Oturumu”na başkanlık edecekleri ve bu oturumun, her iki devlet başkanına, ikili iş birliğini ve bu iş birliğine yeni bir ivme kazandırma imkanlarını değerlendirme fırsatı sunacağı aktarılarak, “Bu oturum aynı zamanda, iki ülkeyi birbirine bağlayan stratejik ortaklığı daha da yoğunlaştırmak ve bu ortaklığa nitelikli bir dinamizm kazandırmak için çabaları seferber etmeyi sağlayacaktır.” değerlendirmesinde bulunuldu.
ALTAY testlere başladı, sırada seri üretim var
Milli muharebe tankında motor düğümü çözülünce ALTAY’da testlere başlandı. Sırada seri üretim var. Uzmanlar, “Zırh yetmiyor, aktif koruma şart” dedi.
Reaktif zırhların Javelin gibi tanksavar füzelerine karşı etkisiz olduğunu belirten savunma sanayi uzmanları, Rusya ve Ukrayna arasında savaşta Rusların bu nedenle çok fazla tank kaybettiğine dikkat çekerek tanklarda aktif koruma gerektiğine vurgu yapıyor.
ASELSAN tarafından özgün olarak geliştirilen AKKOR, 360 derecelik tam bir koruma kalkanı oluşturuyor. AKKOR, yüksek teknoloji radarı ile üzerine gelen roket veya tanksavar füzesini çok kısa sürede algılayacak.
Yönlendirilecek fiziksel imha mühimmatı, üzerinde bulunan sensörler yardımıyla yaklaşmakta olan tanksavar tehdidine en yakın olduğu anda patlayarak tehdidi etkisiz hale getirebiliyor.
Öte yandan, ALTAY için yerli motorun geliştirilmesine yönelik çalışmalar da hız kazandı. 2018’de sözleşmesi uygulamaya giren Batu motoru ile tankın ilk prototipi geçtiğimiz aylarda kendini gösterdi.
1500 beygir motor olarak çalışılan ALTAY motorunda transmisyon aşamasına gelindi. Motorun entegre olarak önümüzdeki yıl çalıştırılması planlanıyor.
Günümüzün ve geleceğin muharebe şartlarına uygun olarak geliştirilen ALTAY ana muharebe tankı üretim projesi, 2018 yılında Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı ve BMC arasında imzalanan seri üretim sözleşmesiyle temelleri atıldı.
Proje çerçevesinde ana yüklenici rolünü üstlenen BMC, sözleşme kapsamında 250 adet ALTAY tankı üreterek TSK’ya teslim edecek. ALTAY tankı kompozit malzemeden üretilip içinde yeni nesil zırh tipi barındırıyor.
Tankın atış menzili 8 kilometre. 4 kişilik mürettebata (tank komutanı, nişancı, doldurucu, sürücü) sahip olan tankın, ağırlığı 65 ton. Süspansiyon sistemi sayesinde keskin dönüşler ve üstün manevra kabiliyetine sahip olarak tasarlanan ALTAY, 12,7 mm ağır makineli tüfek ve ASELSAN Sarp gibi diğer silahları da içinde barındırıyor.
Yeni bilgisayar teknoloji sayesinde atış kontrol sistemi normal tanklardan daha üstün olduğu belirtiliyor.
Dışa bağımlılığı bitirmek için İngiltere 8 nükleer reaktör inşa edecek
İngiliz hükümeti, enerjide dışa bağımlılığı azaltmak ve artan enerji fiyatlarıyla mücadele etmek amacıyla 8 yeni nükleer reaktörün inşa edileceğini duyurdu.
Bu kapsamda kullanılması için hükümetin yaklaşık 120 milyon sterlin yeni kaynak ayıracağı aktarılan açıklamada, “Anglesey’deki Wylfa sahası da dahil olmak üzere 10 yıl içinde mümkün olan en kısa sürede bir dizi projeyi ilerletmek için çalışacağız.” ifadesine yer verildi.
Açıklamada, İngiltere’deki devam eden nükleer projelerin hızlandırılacağı belirtilerek, enerjide dışa bağımlılığı azaltmak ve artan enerji fiyatlarıyla mücadele etmek amacıyla ülkede 8 yeni nükleer reaktörün inşa edileceği bilgisine yer verildi.
İngiltere’nin güneyinde bulunan “Hinkley Point C” nükleer santralinin kurulması konusunda yönetimin kararlı davrandığı vurgulanan açıklamada, santralde ilk reaktörün 2026’da devreye alınmasının hedeflendiği kaydedildi.
Fransız enerji şirketi EDF tarafından gerçekleştirilen projenin tamamlanmasıyla 3,2 gigavat ile 60 yıl boyunca 6 milyon haneye enerji sağlanması planlanıyor.
Ayrıca açıklamada, ülkenin doğusunda “Suffolk Point C” ile aynı özelliklere sahip ikinci bir nükleer santral kurulması yönünde geçen yıl ocak ayından bu yana çeşitli müzakerelerde bulunulduğu hatırlatıldı.
Denetim kuruluşlarının onaylamasının ardından söz konusu projenin inşa sürecinin başlayacağı bildirilen açıklamada, santralin Hinkley Point C ile aynı özellik, tasarım ve enerji kapasitesine sahip olacağı ve 6 milyon haneye enerji sağlayacağı kaydedildi.
İngiliz hükümeti, 2030’a kadar ülkenin enerji ihtiyacının yüzde 95’ini düşük karbon emisyonlu kaynaklardan karşılamayı planlıyor.
ABD’nin eski korgeneralinden Türkiye çıkışı: Derhal verilmeli!
ABD’nin eski Avrupa Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı Korgeneral Ben Hodges, Washington’ın Türkiye’ye F-16’ları ve modernizasyon kitlerini derhal vermesi gerektiğini savundu. Hodges, “İstense bugün bitmeden çözülebilir” dedi.

CNN TÜRK’e konuşan Hodges, Washington’ın Türkiye’ye F-16’ları ve modernizasyon kitlerini derhal vermesi gerektiğini savundu.
Rusya-Ukrayna savaşı ve bölge ülkelerine etkileri hakkında değerlendirmelerde bulunan Hodges, “Bir kere Rusya’nın İsveç ya da Finlandiya’yı işgal edecek kapasitesi ya da imkanı yok. Zaten Ukrayna ile zar zor başa çıkıyorlar. Hatta Rusya Ukrayna’da yenilecek. Yaz sonuna, Eylül’e kadar Ukrayna Ordusu’nun Rus güçlerini 23 Şubat hattına geri püskürteceğini ön görüyorum. Bundan sonra uzun vadede Kırım ve Donbas da dahil Ukrayna topraklarının tamamen geri alınmasına odaklanmalıyız. Burada Türkiye’nin hiçbir zaman Rusya’nın Kırım’ın ilhakını tanımamış olması çok önemli. Bu, Türkiye’nin bölgede gösterdiği önemli bir liderlik örneği. Yani Rusya tabii ki Finlandiya ve İsveç’i tehdit edecektir. “Askeri karşılık vermemiz gerekebilir” dediler, Nükleer silahları olduğunu hatırlatmak için geçit töreninde gövde gösterisi yaptılar. Ama saldırmayacaklarından kesinlikle eminim. Ama, Birleşik Krallık çoktan iki ülkeyle karşılıklı savunma anlaşmaları imzaladı. ABD ve diğerlerinin de bir sorun çıkması durumunda destek vermeye hazır olduğunu düşünüyorum. Finlandiya on yıllardır olası bir Rus işgaline karşı hazırlanıyor. Dünyanın en iyi seferberlik sistemine sahipler. Çok güçlü bir kalıcı orduları var. Bence Rusya tehdit eder ama bu süreci durduramayacağını biliyor.” dedi.
Hodges, “Bence F-16 meselesi derhal çözülmeli. İstense bugün bitmeden çözülebilir. Biden Yönetimi harekete geçmeli, Senato ve Dış İlişkiler Komitesi ile çalışmalı. Direnişin bir kısmının bu komiteden geldiğini düşünüyorum. Yani bu konu net bir şekilde çözülmeli.” dedi.
Ukrayna savaşı, ABD ve NATO’nun eğitimini değiştirdi
ABD ve NATO Özel Kuvvetleri özellikle savaş alanından yaralıları tahliye etmek ve hayatta tutacak müdahaleyi yapmak üzere eğitim yöntemlerini değiştiriyor. Letonya’da, ABD ve NATO Özel Kuvvetleri, eğitim yöntemlerini değiştirmek için Rusya’nın Ukrayna savaşından öğrendikleri dersleri kullanıyorlar.
Özel kuvvetlerin sağlıkçıları, Ukrayna savaşının eğitimlerini de temel olarak değiştirdiğini söylüyor. Irak ve Afganistan savaşlarında ABD, helikopter ile tahliye sistemi geliştirmişti. Askeri uzmanlara göre bu yaralılara yüzde 90 hayatta kalma şansı veriyordu.
Ve bu da yaralıların hastaneye taşınıp ameliyata alınmasının çok daha uzun süreceği anlamına geliyor. O yüzden bu süreç cephe altında ya da yakınında gerçekleştirilmek zorunda.
NATO Özel Kuvvetleri Ukrayna askeri sağlık birimlerinden birçok şey öğrendiklerini söylüyor. Yaralılara müdahaleyi çoğunlukla Rus bombardımanı altında gerçekleştiriyorlar. Bu yüzden ABD ve NATO Özel Kuvvetlerini de eğitimlerini bu şekilde gerçekleştiriyor. Geçici hava üssüne ulaşana kadar bir minibüsü, ambulansa dönüştürerek ve yaralıya minibüste müdahale ediyorlar.
Sesten 5 kat daha hızlı! ABD dünyaya duyurdu
ABD Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı, ses hızının 5 kat fazlasına ulaşan bir hipersonik silahı test ettiklerini açıkladı.

ABD Hava Kuvvetleri’nden yapılan açıklamada, ses hızının 5 katından fazla hıza ulaşabilen hipersonik silahın başarıyla fırlatıldığı kaydedildi.
Açıklamada “ABD Hava Kuvvetlerine bağlı bir B-52H tipi Stratofortress uçağı 14 Mayıs’ta Güney California kıyılarında bir AGM-183A Havadan Fırlatılan Acil Müdahale Silahını (ARRW) başarılı bir şekilde fırlattı” ifadelerine yer verildi.

53 yıl sonra bir ilk! UFO toplantısı canlı yayınlanacak
Söz konusu silah Lockheed Martin tarafından geliştirilmiş ve yüksek hızda hassas hedefleri vurmak için tasarlanmıştı.
Δολοφονία Σκαφτούρου: Νέες αποκαλύψεις! Λαθρεμπόριο πετρελαίου και συμβόλαια θανάτου σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο

Μεγάλης κλίμακας λαθρεμπορία πετρελαίου σε Αττική και Περιφέρεια, συμβόλαια θανάτου σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο, άγνωστες έρευνες στη δυτική Ελλάδα στο πλαίσιο της καλούμενης επιχείρησης «καθαρά χέρια» και ύποπτες διασυνδέσεις ανθρώπων της νύχτας με πρώην αστυνομικούς έρχονται στο φως, στο πλαίσιο των ερευνών για τη δολοφονία του Γιάννη Σκαφτούρου, νωρίς το μεσημέρι της Δευτέρας του Πάσχα στο εξοχικό του στα Σκούρτα Βοιωτίας, σύμφωνα με δημοσίευμα.
Αστυνομικές πηγές ενημέρωσης επισημαίνουν ότι το μυστικό σχετικά με τους δράστες της άγριας δολοφονίας ενδεχομένως να κρύβεται σε συγκεκριμένο σωφρονιστικό κατάστημα της χώρας.
Η εκτέλεση του «θείου Τζο», όπως ήταν το ψευδώνυμο του 53χρονου, συντάραξε τη «νύχτα» και ταυτόχρονα αποτέλεσε αφορμή για απομακρύνσεις έμπειρων αξιωματικών από την Ασφάλεια, με το αιτιολογικό ότι δεν κατάφεραν να σπάσουν την αλυσίδα των φόνων (σ.σ. πάνω από 20 το διάστημα από το 2017 και έπειτα) που έχουν συσχετιστεί με την ανεξέλεγκτη δράση του οργανωμένου εγκλήματος στη χώρα.
Ο Γιάννης Σκαφτούρος αποφυλακίστηκε στα τέλη του 2018 και, ένα χρόνο αργότερα, εταιρεία συμφερόντων του βρέθηκε αναμεμειγμένη σε μεταφορά χημικών διαλυτών από τη Βουλγαρία αρχικά σε κρυφές αποθήκες στην Αττική και στη συνέχεια στις δεξαμενές βενζινάδικων στο λεκανοπέδιο για τη νόθευση και τη λαθρεμπορία καυσίμων.
Αστυνομικός που είχε πάρει μέρος στην έρευνα περιέγραψε ότι βυτία που ανήκαν σε εταιρεία στενού συγγενικού του προσώπου εντοπίστηκαν να φορτώνουν διαλύτες από αποθήκη στον Ασπρόπυργο προκειμένου να νοθεύσουν καύσιμα σε 5 πρατήρια της Δυτικής Αττικής.
Ως αρχηγός του λαθρεμπορικού κυκλώματος είχε περιγραφεί ένας 49χρονος Κύπριος εις βάρος του οποίου εκκρεμούσε διεθνές ένταλμα σύλληψης από την Ιντερπόλ για ανθρωποκτονία, με τις πληροφορίες από τη Λευκωσία να συνδέουν τη δράση του με «υποθέσεις της νύχτας».
Συνελήφθη τελικά στα τέλη Απριλίου 2022 στη Φιλιππούπολη της Βουλγαρίας, με τις πληροφορίες στον κυπριακό Τύπο να αναφέρουν ότι ζούσε μέσα σε απίστευτη χλιδή.
Κι ενώ η δίκη για την υπόθεση της λαθρεμπορίας του 2019 εκκρεμεί σε πρώτο βαθμό, ένα ακόμη φορτηγό βυτίο που μετέφερε χημικούς διαλύτες και φέρεται να συνδέεται μέσα από δαιδαλώδεις διαδρομές με τον Σκαφτούρο δεσμεύθηκε πρόσφατα σε μεθοριακό πέρασμα της Β. Ελλάδας. Πληροφορίες αναφέρουν ότι ο «θείος Τζο» είχε σύνδεσμο στη Βουλγαρία έναν Ελληνα πρώην αστυνομικό, ο οποίος μεσολαβεί για την προμήθεια των χημικών διαλυτών από τα διυλιστήρια της γειτονικής χώρας και τη μεταφορά τους στην Ελλάδα με πλαστά παραστατικά για λογαριασμό εταιρειών-«φαντάσματα».
Προ ημερών, σύμφωνα με δημοσιεύματα, τον περασμένο Αύγουστο, στο πλαίσιο δράσεων για την αντιμετώπιση του οργανωμένου εγκλήματος που είχε εξαγγείλει ο τότε υπουργός Μιχάλης Χρυσοχοΐδης (επιχείρηση «καθαρά χέρια»), αστυνομικοί της Ασφάλειας Αττικής είχαν πραγματοποιήσει ελέγχους σε 10 βενζινάδικα σε περιοχές της δυτικής Ελλάδας που έχει υπό τον έλεγχό του επιχειρηματίας της περιοχής. Εκείνη η έρευνα μόνον άσχετη δεν είναι με την υπόθεση Σκαφτούρου.
Υπήρχαν ενδείξεις ότι σε πρατήρια ιδιοκτησίας τού εν λόγω επιχειρηματία κατέληγαν σημαντικές ποσότητες από τους χημικούς διαλύτες της Βουλγαρίας μέσω μηχανισμού που φέρεται να ήλεγχε ο Σκαφτούρος.
Επιπλέον, οι αστυνομικοί της Ασφάλειας είχαν «πέσει πάνω» στον ιδιοκτήτη των βενζινάδικων στο πλαίσιο της έρευνας για την εξιχνίαση ενός συμβολαίου θανάτου το 2021.
Ως φυσικοί και ηθικοί αυτουργοί εκείνου του φόνου κατηγορούνται πάνω από τέσσερα άτομα. Ο εν λόγω επιχειρηματίας διατηρούσε φιλική σχέση με το θύμα του «συμβολαίου», την ίδια ώρα που οι σχέσεις του με τους φερόμενους ως δράστες περιγράφονται περισσότερο από εχθρικές. Δίχτυ προστασίας του επιχειρηματία φέρεται να είχε απλώσει ο Γιάννης Σκαφτούρος, ο οποίος άλλωστε φέρεται να διατηρούσε μια ιδιαίτερα προσοδοφόρα εμπορική σχέση μαζί του.
Συναντήσεις καταδίκων
Ορισμένοι από τους κατηγορουμένους εκείνου του συμβολαίου θανάτου κρατούνται σήμερα σε σωφρονιστικό κατάστημα της Κεντρικής Ελλάδας, μαζί με Αλβανούς και Ελληνες, που εκτίουν ποινές πολυετούς κάθειρξης για εμπλοκή σε σοβαρές υποθέσεις της «νύχτας».
Κάποιες ύποπτες συναντήσεις τους κατά τη διάρκεια τακτικών αδειών που τους χορηγήθηκαν από τη φυλακή το τελευταίο δίμηνο δεν πέρασαν απαρατήρητες από τα στελέχη των διωκτικών αρχών, καθώς θεωρήθηκε πιθανό να αποτελούν προπαρασκευή σοβαρών εγκληματικών ενεργειών. Μετά τη δολοφονία του Σκαφτούρου τα δεδομένα επαναξιολογούνται.
Σύμφωνα με το δημοσίευμα, οι περιγραφές ορισμένων από τους αυτόπτες μάρτυρες της δολοφονίας Σκαφτούρου κατατείνουν στο συμπέρασμα ότι ένας τουλάχιστον από τους εκτελεστές έλκει την καταγωγή του από χώρα της πρώην Σοβιετικής Ενωσης.
Στο σώμα του 53χρονου εκτός από βολίδες καλάσνικοφ και πιστολιού 9 mm βρέθηκαν ίχνη από σκάγια κυνηγετικής καραμπίνας.
Αν και αρχικά θεωρήθηκε πιθανό ο τρίτος από τους δολοφόνους να χρησιμοποίησε καραμπίνα, οι πραγματογνώμονες κατέληξαν στο συμπέρασμα ότι την καραμπίνα χρησιμοποίησε ως μέσω άμυνας στη διάρκεια της επίθεσης κάποιος από τους συγγενείς του δολοφονηθέντος, με τα σκάγια να χτυπούν μεταξύ άλλων και τον 53χρονο.
Το εύρημα αφήνει ανοικτό το ενδεχόμενο από τα σκάγια της καραμπίνας να τραυματίστηκε και κάποιος από τους δράστες!
Σε ό,τι αφορά την κλεμμένη το 2019 από τον Ασπρόπυργο μηχανή Triumph που εγκατέλειψαν οι δράστες κατά τη διαφυγή τους, προέκυψε ότι αυτή δεν ακινητοποιήθηκε λόγω βλάβης, αλλά ότι το μαγνητικό σταντ της μοτοσικλέτας χτύπησε στο οδόστρωμα και παραμορφώθηκε μεταφέροντας έτσι εσφαλμένη ένδειξη στον ηλεκτρονικό εγκέφαλο να διακόψει τη λειτουργία του κινητήρα.
Τόσο η κλεμμένη Triumph όσο και το αγροτικό συγγενούς του Σκαφτούρου, το οποίο οι δράστες αποπειράθηκαν να αρπάξουν, πριν αυτό ακινητοποιηθεί σε χαντάκι, βρίσκονται στη Διεύθυνση Εγκληματολογικών Ερευνών.
Video: Former European President Reveals How Soros Infiltrated His Country
Sali Berisha condemns “the enemy of the values of democracy in Albania.”

In this new video, former Albanian leader and EU President, Sali Berisha, reveals how left-wing billionaire financier George Soros infiltrated his country. Don’t miss it!
How Black Lives Matter Criminals Were Enabled by the I.R.S. and the Democrat Party
And taxpayers were left with the bill.

The recently revealed purchase of multi-million-dollar properties by Black Lives Matter leaders, using unaccounted-for tax-exempt funds, tells us what we already should have known: Black Lives Matter is a gang of street criminals who think nothing of stealing money donated to help “marginalized and under-served” communities, and pocketing it for themselves.
Because Black Lives Matter is a criminal organization responsible for violent mob actions in over 200 American cities in 2020, including the burning federal buildings and police stations, causing several billion dollars in property damage and sparking a national crime wave that resulted in 4,901 more homicides in 2020 than in the previous year, it is not surprising that they are no respecters of the causes they advocate, let alone the laws and regulations governing tax-exempt organizations. Yet throughout the mayhem and criminal violence orchestrated by Black Lives Matter, the I.R.S and its commissioner Charles Rettig watched from afar and did nothing to prevent taxpayer monies from being used to bail out those Black Lives Matter thugs who had been arrested for breaking the law, and returning them to the streets to commit still more crimes.
From 2016 to December 2020, BLM was a fiscally sponsored project of Thousand Currents, a left-wing, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt foundation. A “fiscal sponsor” allows an organization that does not have its own IRS tax-exempt status to collect tax-deductible donations under its umbrella. The Vice Chairman of Thousand Currents – Susan Rosenberg – is a convicted terrorist who had been arrested with 740 pounds of dynamite, an arsenal of automatic weapons and plans to blow up government buildings. Rosenberg was a member of the May 19 Communist organization responsible for enabling convicted cop-killer and patron saint of Black Lives Matter, Assata Shakur, to escape from prison in 1979 and flee to Cuba. On his last day in office, a sympathetic president Bill Clinton commuted Rosenberg’s 58-year sentence to time served, shaving 42 years off her penalty, and allowing her to return to her radical activities..
In December 2020, the IRS granted the BLM Global Network Foundation — the primary organizational umbrella of the BLM movement — its own tax-exempt status, authorizing it to operate as a charitable organization independent of any fiscal sponsor. That newly conferred tax-exempt status made it legally necessary for BLM to submit an annual filing to the IRS known as Form 990, disclosing information about its donors and expenditures. But BLM submitted no such forms in either 2020 or 2021.
Because of the political bias that has been injected into government institutions like the I.R.S. virtually no attention has been paid to the network of so-called charitable organizations they have authorized to underwrite the destructive, criminal activities of Black Lives Matter. Thousand Currents is only one avenue by which political donors under the guise of philanthropic interests have funded the riots that have looted major American cities, assaulted their inhabitants, burned their city centers and polarized the nation. In July 2020, the Tides Center, a $100 million tax-exempt foundation that funnels money from anonymous donors into “progressive” causes, joined Thousand Currents as a “fiscal sponsor” of Black Lives Matter and its criminal activities. The Ford Foundation and the charitable arms of Fortune 500 companies like Apple and Amazon are also part of the network of otherwise law-abiding organizations that fund lawlessness as a charitable venture.
These money streams fund an operation that is not only lawless but is a willing appendage of the Democrat Party. When individuals click the “donate” button on the Black Lives Matter website, they are redirected to a subdomain called “Act Blue Charities” – a deceptive title if there ever was one. Act Blue describes itself as “a powerful online fundraising platform for Democratic candidates up and down the ballot, progressive organizations and non-profits.” If ever a network should have sounded alarms at the I.R.S. this was it. But progressives have become so comfortable breaking the law in the name of “social justice” it didn’t.
BLM’s close ties to the Democrat Party date at least to August of 2015, when the Democratic National Committee formally approved a resolution stating that “the DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black Lives Matter’ and the ‘Say Her Name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children.” The alleged extra-judicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children are a fiction invented by Black Lives Matter to achieve its aim of de-funding the police, swallowed whole by the Democrat Party. There is no Justice Department statistic to support these incendiary claims but that hasn’t stopped Black Lives Matter from repeating them. Beginning with Michael Brown and Eric Garner, every celebrated Black Lives Matter case has involved an armed criminal resisting arrest – or, in the tragic case of Tamir Rice, appearing to resist arrest.
Underscoring the Democrats’ sponsorship of Black Lives Matter, President Barak Obama invited BLM leaders to the White House multiple times and used the occasions to praise their efforts. He did so, even after five police officers were assassinated in Dallas by a deranged black racist at a Black Lives Matter march in. 2016. In her 2018 autobiography, When They Call You A Terrorist, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors portrayed this psychopath as a black victim of white supremacy.
At a White House event during Black History Month in February 2016, Obama welcomed BLM leaders DeRay McKesson and Brittany Packnett. In the course of his remarks, Obama said: “But we’ve also got some young people here who are making history as we speak. People like Brittany [Packnett], who served on our Police Task Force in the wake of Ferguson, and has led many of the protests that took place there and shined a light on the injustice that was happening. People like DeRay Mckesson, who has done some outstanding work mobilizing in Baltimore around these issues. And to see generations continuing to work on behalf of justice and equality and economic opportunity is greatly encouraging to me…. They are much better organizers than I was at their age. I am confident they are going to take America to new heights.”
On September 16, 2015, Packnett, McKesson, and fellow BLM activist Johnetta Elzie met with Obama at the White House. Senior advisor Valerie Jarrett and other administration officials were also present. For Packnett, it was her seventh visit to the Obama White House. Afterward, Packnett told reporters that the president personally supported the BLM movement. “He offered us a lot of encouragement with his background as a community organizer, and told us that even incremental changes were progress,” she stated. “He didn’t want us to get discouraged. He said, ‘Keep speaking truth to power.’”
The BLM-Democrat connection grew closer during the riots that followed the May 25, 2020 death of George Floyd. Floyd was a career criminal high on four times the lethal dose of fentanyl when the police attempted to arrest him and he resisted. His death, most likely from the fentanyl, led to violent BLM-orchestrated riots in 220 American cities. As numerous rioters were arrested, a tax-exempt foundation called the Minnesota Freedom Fund made bail payments to get them released. Senator Kamala Harris made a public statement supporting the Minnesota Freedom Fund and soliciting contributions. “If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota,” tweeted the senator. At least 13 staff members of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign made personal donations to the Fund.
Of course, the culprits whom the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) bailed out weren’t arrested for “protesting.” They were arrested for assault, arson and other criminal acts. Bailing them out, freed them to continue their criminal attacks. Thanks in part to Harris’ endorsement, MFF received more than $35 million in tax-exempt donations, while a Democrat-supporting I.R.S. did nothing to stop them, even though their sponsor, BLM, had already announced they were a political organization whose goal was to get rid of the Republican Trump and put a Democrat in his place.
The tax code is quite specific about its ban on political activity by tax-exempt entities like Black Lives Matter:
Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Contributions to political campaign funds or public statements of position (verbal or written) made on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity.
During a June 19, 2020 interview on CNN, BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors had said that President Trump was “not fit for office,” and that “he should resign now. Trump needs to be out of office. And so what we are going to push for is a move to get Trump out…. [O]ur goal is to get Trump out.”
Yet no interest by the I.R.S. in all those tax-exempt dollars going to criminal activities whose stated goal was to replace Trump with a Democrat.
On July 27, 2020, Cullors spoke at the Democratic National Committee’s party platform meeting, where she demanded that “sea changes” be made “to the 2020 Democratic platform” in the areas of “the legal system, policing, education, the environment and reparations.” She also noted, approvingly, that the policy team of the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) — an anti-capitalist 501(c)(3) nonprofit coalition that includes BLM and dozens of other radical organizations — had recently met with Biden campaign representatives to discuss the BREATHE Act, legislation seeking to “dives[t] our taxpayer dollars from brutal and discriminatory policing.” Of course, the matter of BLM brutality on the streets of America’s major cities was one of indifference to Democrats who had chosen whose side they were on.
In a June 17, 2020 appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, an enthusiastic Senator Kamala Harris stated that the BLM riots that were tearing apart city after city should continue indefinitely. Said Harris, a former prosecutor: “They’re not going to stop. This is a movement, I’m telling you….They’re not going to let up and they should not and we should not…. The only way we are going to truly achieve change is when there are people in the system who are willing or pushing to do it and when there are those of us who are outside the system demanding it.” Change through criminal intimidation is not the American system, and not a privilege that a tax-exempt organization should be arrogating to itself. But again, the I.R.S. adhered to its code of Hear No Evil/See No Evil if it is perpetrated by the left.
At the 2020 Democratic National Convention Obama applauded the spectacle of “Americans of all races joining together to declare, in the face of injustice and brutality at the hands of the state, that black lives matter.” Addressing BLM and its supporters directly, Obama said: “To the young people who led us [in protests] this summer, telling us we need to be better—in so many ways, you are this country’s dreams fulfilled….” [emphasis added.]
On October 9th, as the 2020 election approached, BLM launched a Political Action Committee to “actively engage in the general election” by supporting Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and other Democrat political candidates. Patrisse Cullors explained the rationale for the creation of this PAC: “We want to be able to not just speak in ‘get out the vote’ language. [I.e., the neutral language of an activity allowed under the rules governing tax-exempt foundations.] Black Lives Matter is launching our PAC so we can talk directly to voters about who we think that they should be voting for and what we think they should be voting on.” [Activities a tax-exempt foundation is clearly barred from pursuing.] Again, silence from I.R.S. commissioner Charles Rettig and his organization about this gross violation of I.R.S. rules.
BLM’s 2020 Impact Report, which was published in early 2021, named five Democrats BLM had endorsed “for winning [elections] on a platform that invested in Black lives.” These elected officials included Cori Bush (U.S. House, Missouri), Jamaal Bowman (U.S. House, New York), Nikema Williams (U.S. House, Georgia), Jose Garza (District Attorney, Texas), and Shayla Adams-Stafford (Prince George’s Board of Education District, Maryland). The same Impact Report boasted that Black Lives Matter’s PAC had also helped “to ensure [that] both Reverend Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff were victorious” in the January 2021 Georgia runoff elections which gave Democrats de facto control of the U.S. Senate.
In the immediate aftermath of the November 3, 2020 presidential election, BLM protesters, who had spent months “preparing” a response in the event of a disputed election, threatened violent unrest if Biden were not declared the winner, and if Trump did not drop his concerns about the legitimacy of the vote. Providing a glimpse of the mayhem that awaited the country if Trump were to prevail, massive throngs of screaming BLM protesters swarmed the streets in city after city with bullhorns, raised fists, and flags and banners demanding a Biden victory.
On November 7 — the day several mainstream media outlets declared Biden and Harris winners of the 2020 election — BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors sent a letter to the new President and VP, signing it “on behalf of the Black Lives Matter Global Network.” After effusively congratulating Biden and Harris on their reported victory, Cullors demanded political payback for her organization’s efforts to get them elected:
We want something for our vote. Without the resounding support of Black people, we would be saddled with a very different electoral outcome. In short, Black people won this election. Alongside Black-led organizations around the nation, Black Lives Matter invested heavily in this election. ‘Vote and Organize’ became our motto, and our electoral justice efforts reached more than 60 million voters. We want something for our vote.
We want to be heard and our agenda to be prioritized. We issue these expectations not just because Black people are the most consistent and reliable voters for Democrats, but also because Black people are truly living in crisis in a nation that was built on our subjugation….
In a June 17, 2020 appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, an enthusiastic Senator Kamala Harris stated that the BLM riots that were tearing apart city after city should continue indefinitely. Said Harris, a former prosecutor: “They’re not going to stop. This is a movement, I’m telling you…. They’re not going to let up and they should not and we should not…. The only way we are going to truly achieve change is when there are people in the system who are willing or pushing to do it and when there are those of us who are outside the system demanding it.” Change through criminal intimidation is not the American system, and not a privilege that a tax-exempt organization should be arrogating to itself. But again, the I.R.S. adhered to its code of Hear No Evil/See No Evil when it is perpetrated by the left.
Not only was the IRS unmoved to examine the obvious efforts by BLM and the Democratic Party to promote their electoral agendas on the backs of the American taxpayer, it has up to now failed to investigate BLM’s evident 2020 theft of $90 million to line the pockets of its leaders.
In October 2020, on terminating its role as BLM’s fiscal sponsor, Thousand Currents, transferred $66.5 million directly into the coffers of Black Lives Matter. Two weeks later, a woman named Dyane Pascall — in a transaction that would be kept secret for the next 18 months — took nearly $6 million from BLM’s bank account and used it to pay cash for a vast southern California estate that included a 6,500 square-foot mansion with multiple fireplaces, a soundstage, a pool and bungalow, and parking facilities that could accommodate more than 20 vehicles. Pascall was: (a) the financial manager for Janaya and Patrisse Consulting, a Limited Liability Corporation run by BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors and her spouse, Janaya Khan; and (b) the chief financial officer for Trap Heals, a nonprofit organization headed by Damon Turner, the biological father of Cullors’ only child.
Within a week of the aforementioned purchase of the southern California estate, Pascall transferred ownership of that property to a Delaware LLC that had been established for BLM by Perkins Coie, the Democrat law firm that in 2016 was paid by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign to fabricate an election-interference conspiracy theory tying Donald Trump to Russian political operatives.
As is usually the case with grifters and swindlers, there was no shortage of leeches in BLM’s orbit, eager to hop aboard the $90 million gravy train. Indeed, a number of people and entities associated with BLM, “Janaya and Patrisse Consulting,” and the “Bowers Consulting Firm” (an entity headed by BLM Deputy Executive Director Shalomyah Bowers), were awarded contracts for the handling of the estate’s upkeep, maintenance, and security needs. These individuals were required, without exception, to sign nondisclosure agreements regarding the existence and ownership of the estate.
On March 30, 2022, investigative reporter Sean Campbell asked BLM a series of questions about the southern California estate, which was known internally by BLM as the “Campus.” Soon thereafter, BLM leaders circulated an internal strategy memo asking “Can we kill the story?” and suggesting that they should try to distance themselves from the potentially embarrassing facts: “Our angle — needs to be to deflate ownership of the property.”
Dyane Pascall’s purchase of the S\southern California estate was not the only questionable transaction made in recent years by someone with close ties to BLM. For example:
- In 2016, BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors purchased a three-bedroom, 1.5-bathroom home in Inglewood, California for $510,000.
- Two years later, she paid $590,000, in cash, for a four-bedroom, 1,725 square-foot home in South Los Angeles.
- In January 2020, Cullors paid $415,000 for a three-bedroom, two-bath “custom ranch” on 3.2 acres of land in Conyers, Georgia. The house included a private airplane hangar with a studio apartment above it; an indoor swimming pool; the use of a 2,500-foot community runway capable of accommodating small airplanes; and a large “RV shop” where a mobile home or small aircraft could undergo maintenance or repair.
- In April 2021, it was reported that Cullors had purchased her fourth home, a secluded mini-compound in Los Angeles’ semi-remote Topanga Canyon for more than $1.4 million.
- It was also reported in April 2021 that Cullors had recently looked at property in an ultra-exclusive resort in the Bahamas, where luxury beachfront apartments and townhouses were priced in the range of $5 million to $20 million.
- In June 2021, it was reported that Cullors had spent $35,000 to have contractors install fencing around the entire perimeter of her Topanga Canyon home, as well as an electronic gate.
- In the summer of 2019, a consulting firm owned by Asha Bandele — who had co-authored Cullors’ 2018 autobiography When They Call You a Terrorist — paid out nearly $26,000 on behalf of Reform LA Jails (RLAJ), a reform initiative chaired by Cullors. And what was that money used for? It was used to pay for the use of a 200-acre luxury beach resort in Malibu, California as the venue for a series of RLAJ “meetings.”
For a while this was one of the most successful scams in American history. Exploiting what was supposed to be among the most government-regulated and monitored institutions, Black Lives Matter leaders were able to gin up a national hysteria over non-existent racial offenses by police departments that were often headed by black police chiefs and overseen by black mayors and liberal city councils. The massive vigilante movement spawned by Black Lives Matter was financed by fleecing American tax-payers of tens of millions of dollars, and powered by a lynch mob mentality that insisted on verdicts in advance of investigations let alone trials on pain of suffering unprecedented violence in America’s streets: “No Justice, No Peace.” Its agenda – alarmingly successful – was to hang white cops as neanderthal racists intent on ending innocent black lives because they were black.
There never was any truth to this claim, but large numbers of Americans and a major political party bought into the fiction because the racist attacks on white cops served their own agendas and needs. It all came to an end with Patrisse Cullor’s petty greed, which exposed the smallness of a mind that cannot encompass empathy for its victims both black and white who suffered because of her lies and the criminal crusade they inflamed.
The crimes committed by Black Lives Matter were in part enabled by a derelict and politically corrupted I.R.S., and also a Democrat Party that has been seduced by America-hating radicals and lost its way. Only time will tell if the integrity of the institutions the left has destroyed – the White House, the Department of Justice, the I.R.S., – can be restored by well-meaning people on both sides of the political aisle. If they cannot, even darker times lie ahead.
David Horowitz is the founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the bestselling author ofI Can’t Breathe: How a Racial Hoax is Killing America.
John Perazzo is the editor of DiscoverTheNetworks.org—an encyclopedic guide to the political Left and a project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is the author of Black Lives Matter: Marxist Hate Dressed Up As Racial Justice.
Israel at 74
A strong and prosperous nation.

The 74th Independence Day celebration was marred, however, by a spate of terrorist attacks that claimed the lives of 19 Israelis and wounded dozens of others. In its 74-years of independence, Israel lost over 24,000 soldiers and civilians in various wars and terrorist attacks. In the 1948 War of Independence alone, Israel lost close to 1% of its population at the time: 6,373 people, about 4,000 were soldiers, and the rest civilians.
Nathan Alterman, Israel’s beloved poet, and chronicler of the War of Independence, a playwright, journalist, and translator, wrote in 1947 his immortal poem Silver Platter: “The state will not be given to the Jewish people on a Silver Platter.” Alterman wrote these wrenching words in 1947, soon after the UN voted on the Partition of Palestine on November 29, 1947. Alterman sought to prepare the Yeshuv (the Jewish community of Palestine) for the painful sacrifices independence would require. He stressed the point that in the coming war, everyone would have to make sacrifices.
Alterman’s touching poem still remembered by this writer’s generation goes like this (in translation): “And the land grows still, the red eye of the sky slowly dimming over smoking frontiers. As the nation arises, torn at heart but breathing, to receive its miracle, the only miracle. As the ceremony draws near, it will rise, standing erect in the moonlight in terror and joy. When across from it will step out a youth and a lass and slowly march toward the nation. Dressed in battle gear, dirty, shoes heavy with grime, they ascend the path quietly. To change garb, wipe their brow, they have not yet found time. Still bone weary from days and from nights in the field. Full of endless fatigue and unrested. Yet the dew of their youth is still seen on their head. Thus they stand at attention, giving no sign of life or death. Then a nation in tears and amazement will ask “who are you?” And they will answer quietly, “We are the Silver Platter on which the Jewish state was given.”
The annual torch-lighting ceremony at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem marked the beginning of the Independence Day festivities. It follows a national day of mourning for Israel’s fallen soldiers and civilian victims of Palestinian-Arab terror. Uniquely in Israel, the entire nation stands still sharply at 11am, as a long siren ringing across the country is sounded. Vehicular traffic stops in the middle of major highways, and buses across all cities come to a halt. Every Israeli knows a friend, a neighbor, a soldier, or a family member who lost their lives to preserve the Jewish state.
In a recorded address to the nation on Independence Day, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett stated: “We will overcome any threat from the outside, Israel is stronger than ever. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the Shin Bet security service, the Mossad are growing stronger at an unprecedented rate.” Bennett added, “Israel is growing, high-tech is blooming, the health system is strengthening, and children in the country’s outskirts are receiving opportunities today they didn’t have before. And thank G-d, those who seek it can earn a living.”
To be in Israel during Independence Day is to feel the pride and energy of this old-new nation. Considering where Jews were before 1948, in the early years of the state, and where it is today is to witness a miracle. It is not only the miracles on the battlefields, but in the transformation of the country’s infrastructure. It is a nation with few natural resources, but with the genius of its people, which made Israel into the “start-up nation.” Israeli inventions in medicine, agriculture, military technology, electronics, and high-tech in general, are simply stunning. While most Jews have been exiled from their land for 2000 years, and they have not had a fighting army since the days of Bar Kochva’s rebellion against Rome in 135CE, the exploits of the IDF are nothing short of incredible.
Despite external threats and terror, Israel remains a democratic oasis in the midst of a regional cauldron of barbarism, providing the right to vote to all its citizens, and guaranteeing genuine freedom of religion and freedom of expression. It is a shining example of civility and tolerance in the midst of chaos and intolerance.
Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of the British expeditionary forces in Afghanistan called the IDF “the most moral army in the world.” Col. Kemp explained: “There are two views of the Israeli Military — what you hear in most of the media, and the truth. I am going to tell you the truth. I have fought in combat zones around the world including Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Macedonia, and Iraq. I was also present throughout the conflict in Gaza in 2014. Based on my experience and on my observations, the Israel Defense Forces, the IDF, does more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.”
Dvora Waysman, in a Jerusalem Post piece summarizing Independence Day best, wrote: “There is such a feeling of pride when I see the flags flying from cars and buildings all over the country. When I hear the words of ‘Hatikvah’ being sung even now, there are tears in my eyes.”