Απαντήσεις! Ανάκατα Και Ό,τι… Προλαβαίνουμε!.. (“UPDATED”)!..
Φίλοι μου!
“Πάμε” δυνατά!
1. Ό,τι ακριβώς σας γράψαμε, μετά την αναφορά, προ εβδομάδος, του Μπλίνκεν στην Τουρκία, δεν έγινε με το πρόσφατο κείμενο της ΕΕ, κατά την “Σύνοδο Κορυφής”, της 25ης Μαρτίου 2021;
Δεν σας είχαμε γράψει πως η ΕΕ έστειλε το κείμενο στο Α/ΥΠΕΞ, προ της δημοσιεύσεώς του, κλπ, πως αυτό ενεκρίθη από τις Η.Π.Α., κλπ, και ακολούθως “διέρρευσε”, κλπ, ενώ σχολιάζαμε και πάλι, πως δεν θα γίνει τίποτα σε βάρος της Τουρκίας, κλπ;
Γιατί δεν είσαι δίκαιος απέναντί μας λοιπόν φίλε, ώστε να παραδεχθείς ότι για άλλη μια φορά “πέσαμε μέσα”;
Λίγο μετά, σας παρουσιάσαμε και το κείμενο στα τουρκικά, από τα τ/”σάϊτς”, κλπ!..
Σήμερα να πούμε πως, ορθώς η Ε/Κ-Β επενέβη στο λεγόμενο αυτό “Κείμενο Συμπερασμάτων” και ζήτησε, στοχευμένα, συγκεκριμένες αλλαγές!
2. Ο Χίος, που ρωτάς, είναι πλέον υπάλληλος των Μελισσανίδη – Σαββίδη
και γι’ αυτό λέει τα όσα λέει! Εδώ, “προχθές”, είπε πως ο Πούτιν δεν είναι Δικτάτορας και πως ο Ρ/Λαός “περνάει” πολύ καλά, κλπ!..
Η τακτική αυτών των υποκειμένων, διότι περί “υποκειμένου” πρόκειται ο Χίος, (δημ/κό φυσικά, αχαχαχαχαχα), είναι σαν τις κλανιές τις βροντώδεις, που όμως είναι… άοσμες και οι οποίες στοχεύουν τις φανατικές και αμόρφωτες λαϊκές μάζες, μη κατατασσόμενες σε καμία τακτική προπαγάνδας, κλπ, παρά στην γνωστή “κατινίστικη” “τακτική των Καφενείων” ή -αν θες- και στην τακτική της παλιάς “Αυριανής”, η οποία ονομάζεται “τακτική της Κυράτσας”!..
Πρόκειται για ένα φοβισμένο ανθρωπάκι, που ενώ ήταν “ξέμπαργκος”, του προτάθηκε να ενταχθεί στον… “Όμιλο” αυτόν, ώστε να έχει “χρήμα και προστασία”*, (με αντάλλαγμα / έναντι αυτής της συμπεριφοράς του, που βλέπεις στο “ΑΡΤ ΤV” του Καρατζαφέρη**, και έναντι αυτών, που -κατ’ εντολήν- γράφει, κατά του Π-Θ και της Κ-Β στο λαθρόβιο έντυπό του), πρόταση που αποδέχθηκε… “μετ’ επαίνων” και γι’ αυτό “συκοφαντεί” και υβρίζει καθημερινά τον Π-Θ, την σύζυγό του, την αδελφή του, τον… Κο Μαρινάκη, που έχει μοιράσει πίκρες και πόνο ειδικά στο κίτρινο αφεντικό του, κλπ!
Αν προσέξεις, θα δεις ότι ακριβώς τα ίδια γράφει και η ε/φ “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ”, που ανήκει και αυτή στα ίδια(!) μεγάλα παραπάνω “Αφεντικά”, αλλά με λίγο διαφορετικό τρόπο, όχι αυτόν τον… ψευτο-“brutal” του Χίου, όπως και τα ίδια επίσης γράφει και η “ΕΣΤΙΑ”, (στα πολιτικά της βεβαίως άρθρα), με ακόμα διαφορετικότερο (υπουλότερο) τρόπο, αφού και εκεί πρωτοστατεί ο τάχα μου “Φιλελεύθερος” Κοττάκης, ο οποίος ελέγχεται από το ίδιο “Κέντρο”, ένας Κοττάκης που είναι ένας πρώην Κομμουνιστής (γι’ αυτό και κάνει εκπομπή στου Χ”Λαλάκη, μαζί με τον άλλον υπάλληλο του… “Αρχι-Ποδίτσα”, τον Κομμουνιστή Μπογιόπουλο), που εμφανίστηκε κάποτε στην “ΑΠΟΓΕΥΜΑΤΙΝΗ” του Κων-νου Σαραντόπουλου “από το πουθενά”, μαζί με τον ψευδό, εκείνον τον άλλο δύσμορφο, τάχα πρώην Κομμουνιστή, Κοζανίτη… δημ/φο “demek”, Πάσχο!..
Πάψε λοιπόν να ασχολείσαι με το υποκείμενο αυτό, διότι είναι οχιά, που έρπει ή ορθότερα που… “πατάει”:
α. Στο γεγονός ότι ο Π-Θ και το περιβάλλον του τον έχουν “γραμμένο”!..
β. Στο γεγονός ότι στην Ελλάδα του “σήμερα” για να πας Φυλακή, θα πρέπει προφανώς να σκοτώσεις περισσότερους από… 11 που σκότωσε ο Κουφοντίνας, αφού και αυτός σε λίγο θα είναι Ε-ΛΕΥ-ΘΕ-ΡΟΣ!.. (Αλήθεια! Είδες καμία δεξιά δήθεν δημ/κή “κουφάλα” να γράφει ότι ΔΕΝ ΠΕΡΑΣΕ Ο ΕΚΒΙΑΣΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ “ΝΕΟ – ΤΡΟΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ” -θα πούμε άλλη φορά τί είναι αυτή- στον Μητσοτάκη και πως ο Π-Θ την νίκησε, διότι αυτό ακριβώς συνέβη, αφού ο Κος Δ. Κ. σιτίζεται πλέον κανονικότατα, ενώ “έκλασε” και τον… “ΣΟΡΟΣ-ΣΥΡΙΖΑ”, με δηλώσεις του); Και
γ. Στο γεγονός ότι είναι… βλάκας! Τόσο βλάκας, που πχ δεν μπορεί να καταλάβει ότι, όταν “μιλάμε” για την βασιλική Οικογένεια της Αγγλίας, “μιλάμε” για την Νο “1” ΑΡΧΗΓΙΚΗ ΟΙΚΟΓΕΝΕΙΑ, του Πλανήτη!.. Διάβασε τώρα, παρακάτω, μερικές μόνον από τις βρωμιές, που κατά καιρούς έχει γράψει, ώστε να καταλάβεις το “γιατί” η… “Εξυγίανση” τον μίσθωσε, ως δημοσιογραφικό της “Μπράβο” και Κρίνε! (Ναι, υπάρχουν και αυτοί οι “Μπράβοι”, εκτός των γνωστών, οι οποίοι δέρνουν, σκοτώνουν, κλπ, και ένας τέτοιος είναι και ο Χίος).
- “Ο Ανδρέας κουτούπωνε την Μαρίκα”.
- “Κεράτωνε τον Κούλη η Μαρέβα, με τον μπροστινό του Σαμαρά”.
- «Ο Ανδρέας ήταν “καρφί”, “κλέφτης” και “σχιζοφρενής”»!
- Παρουσιάζει, λόγω δήθεν ομοιότητος, τον Κυριάκο Μητσοτάκη, ως γιό του Τέρη Χρυσού, υβρίζοντας παράλληλα έτσι, πλην του Π-Θ και την νεκρή μητέρα του Π-Θ.
- “Ο Υπαρχηγός του Κούλη έκανε συμφωνία με την 17Ν”.
- “Ένοπλη φράξια του Παρακράτους, σκότωνε κατά παραγγελία λεφτάδων”. (Για Γκιόλια). / Εδώ προφανώς αγνοεί ότι ο Νο “1” ύποπτος Κος Τριανταφυλλόπουλος είναι στο ίδιο άρμα με αυτόν, ήτοι σ’ αυτό του Μελισσανίδη.
- «”Καβάλα” η Μαρέβα» και “Τον παράτησε η Μαρέβα”.
- “Ρέστης, Δ. Καμμένος και Εφοπλιστές έκαναν λαθρεμπόριο με το Ιράν”. (Μετά το αμερικανικό εμπάργκο).
- Γι’ αυτό ισχυριζόμασταν και ισχυριζόμαστε πως ο ΤΣΙΑΡΑΣ είναι “όλα στα παπάρια μου, να περάσω ζωάρα”, εκτός φυσικά από την περίπτωση με την… παιδεραστία, που κινητοποιήθηκε… νομοθετικά!..
- Είναι επίσης προφανές ότι ΔΕΝ ΥΠΑΡΧΟΥΝ στην χώρα μας, ΟΥΤΕ ΕΙΣΑΓΓΕΛΕΙΣ, (οι οποίοι θα έπρεπε ΑΥΤΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΤΩΣ ΝΑ ΕΠΕΜΒΑΙΝΟΥΝ σε δημ/τα, όπως πχ τα παραπάνω), και πως δεν… απουσιάζει μόνον Υπουργός Δικαιοσύνης, απ’ το “εν ισχύει” κυβερνητικό σχήμα, αλλά και… “ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ” απ’ την χώρα!..
- Τί λέτε και εσείς… Κύριε;
- Ο Χίος, πιθανότατα μίσθαρνο Όργανο της ΕΥΠ (απ’ αυτά της… “Β’ Κατηγορίας”), όταν σ’ αυτήν κυριαρχούσαν στα πιο κρίσιμα “πόστα” οι “Χ. Αυγίτες” και άτομα Όργανα μεγάλων Αφεντικών, όπως πχ του αναφερόμενου σήμερα Μελισσανίδη, (εποχή Σαμαρά – Βενιζέλου, αλλά και Τσίπρα – Καμμένου), έχει και γυναίκα υπάλληλο στην ίδια Υπηρεσία.
- Άκουγε επομένως ή και ακούει (δια μεταφοράς) λοιπόν κάποια πράγματα, τα οποία όμως λόγω πνευματικής ένδειας, αδυνατεί, είτε να τα συνδέσει μεταξύ τους, είτε να τα απομονώσει, αναλόγως κάθε φορά, μη δυνάμενος επίσης να ξεχωρίσει το ποιά απ’ αυτά θα μπορούσε δημοσιογραφικά και πώς, να τα χρησιμοποιήσει / να τα εκμεταλλευτεί.
- Κατάλαβες ή και πάλι, όχι;
- ! Το 1973 ήταν η χρονιά που είχαμε την (αποκληθείσα “Τριμερή”), συνάντηση Η.Π.Α. – Ευρώπης – Ιαπωνίας και τα επίσημα… βαφτίσια της! Μπαίναμε σε μια νέα “Περίοδο” της ίδιας ακόμη τότε εποχής, “Περίοδο” ιδιαιτέρως κρίσιμη για την Ελλάδα, αφού πχ απεπέμφθη ο Νίξον, (όπως απεπέμφθη), ο οποίος ήταν αντίθετος στην τ/απόβαση (και ορθότερα “αποβίβαση”), στην Κύπρο, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ.
* Οι Μαφιόζοι ακολουθούν την τακτική (παλιά, αλλά συνήθως “πιάνει” ακόμα), να στέλνουν πχ κάποιους να κάνουν μια πχ… παρ΄ολίγον διάρρηξη, σε ένα μαγαζί, και μετά από λίγες ημέρες να στέλνουν κάποιον ή κάποιους έμπειρους “δικούς” τους, προκειμένου να “πουλήσουν προστασία” στον Μαγαζάτορα!.. Σκέψου μόνος τώρα!..
** Στον Καρατζαφέρη, πλην του νέου… “ΧΟΥΝΤΟ – ΣΥΡΙΖΟΥΛΗ” ή ορθότερα… “ΧΡΥΣΑΥΓΟ-ΣΥΡΙΖΟΥΛΗ” Χίου, εμφανίζονται ο “ΣΥΡΙΖΑΙΟΣ” Γιάννης Ντάσκας, ανταποκριτές από πόλεις της Ελλάδος, οι περισσότεροι των οποίων είναι “ΣΥΡΙΖΟ-ΚΟΜΜΟΥΝΑ” ή πρώην… “ΑΝΕΛ”, ενώ στο Κανάλι του “τρώνε ψωμί” και κρυφο-κομμούνια, όπως αυτή η “μικρή” Ελευθερία Κοσμοπούλου, κλπ!.. Ίσως, ο Καρατζαφέρης να φοβάται να μην πάθει και αυτός, ό,τι είχε πάθει παλιότερα και ο Χατζη… λαλάκης, με αποτέλεσμα να γεμίσει μετά τον Ρ/Σ του, “REAL FM”, με ΣΥΡΙΖΑΙΟΥΣ (κρυφούς και φανερούς) και ΚΟΜΜΟΥΝΙΣΤΕΣ (ομοίως κρυφούς και φανερούς)!..
3. Για τον γράφοντα, η πιο σοβαρή και χρήζουσα ιδιαιτέρας προσοχής τ/δήλωση, που έγινε ποτέ τα τελευταία χρόνια, ήταν αυτή του Τ/ΥΠΑΜ Χ. ΑΚΑΡ, ο οποίος, στις 13-12-2019, είχε δηλώσει: “Σήμερα είμαστε ακριβώς, όπως το 1974”!.. Αυτή η δήλωση πρέπει να συνεγείρει την ε/πολιτικο-στρατιωτική… φαντασία! (Αν φυσικά υπάρχει τέτοια στους σημερινούς Έλληνες)!..
Η δήλωση αυτή του Ακάρ, άντε -αν θέλετε- μαζί με εκείνη του ΡΤΕ, που είχε πει πως «η Τουρκία διεξάγει σήμερα τον 2ο “Αγώνα Ανεξαρτησίας” της», … “καπελώνει” όλες τις άλλες δηλώσεις Τούρκων πολιτικών ηγετών και Αξιωματούχων, που έχουν γίνει από τότε, μέχρι σήμερα!..
Σου απάντησα ή σε… μπέρδεψα; Αχαχαχαχαχαχα!..
4. Καλές οι δηλώσεις για την Ελλάδα του Μπάϊντεν, λόγω της 25ης Μαρτίου, κλπ, αλλά για(!) να περιμένουμε όλοι (και εσύ και εμείς), να δούμε αν θα δικαιωθούμε ή όχι, στην χρονικά, πρόσφατη σχεδόν, ανάλυση που σας παρουσιάσαμε, σχετικά με την πολιτική των Η.Π.Α. στην… γειτονιά μας! Υπομονή λοιπόν!..
Θα γράψουμε σύντομα και πάλι “2 λόγια”, μετά από την νίκη του Κου Β. ΝΕΤΑΝΙΑΧΟΥ, στις πρόσφατες Ι/εκλογές, κατά τις οποίες -παρά τις… σειρήνες και τις τυχόν άλλες υπερατλαντικές… επιθυμίες- επικράτησε παίρνοντας 61, από τις 120, έδρες της “ΚΝΕΣΕΤ”, και θα το πράξουμε -μάλλον- αμέσως, μετά τον σχηματισμό της όποιας νέας Ι/Κ-Β! Είθε να είναι Κ-Β του Κου Β. Ν., ο οποίος -ΠΡΟΣΕΞΤΕ(!)- υπεσχέθη στον Ι/λαό να κάνει την χώρα του “ΥΠΕΡΔΥΝΑΜΗ“!..
Το Α-Ι κλίμα ίσως να διαμόρφωνε θετικά, για την σημερινή Ι/Κ-Β, ο νυν Ι/ΠτΔ Κος ΡΙΒΛΙΝ, αν μετέβαινε τώρα στις Η.Π.Α., ένας ιδιαιτέρως ΑΓΑΠΗΤΟΣ Πρόεδρος στον Ι/Λαό, (εδώ “έγραψε” στην χώρα μας, όπου είχε έρθει επίσκεψη, για 2, 3 ημέρες, στην χώρα του δεν θα “έγραφε”;), ένας Ρίβλιν, ο οποίος προσεκλήθη να επισκεφτεί [τον Ιούνιο νομίζω… (;), άρα αργεί η επίσκεψη], τις Η.Π.Α., λόγω της ολοκληρώσεως, τον προσεχή Σεπ. 2021, της 7ετούς θητείας του, ως ΠτΔ. (Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι την Α/πρόσκληση στον Ι/ΠτΔ Κο ΡΙΒΛΙΝ υπέγραψαν “Δημοκρατικοί” και “Ρεπουμπλικανοί”)!..
5. Ναι, το ΚΑΖΙΝΟ στην πόλη των Σκοπίων “Le Grand”, στο ξενοδοχείο “Holiday Inn”, είναι τ/συμφερόντων και “Κέντρο… Συνάξεως Κατασκόπων”, όπως και αυτό της Γευγελής, το Καζίνο “Princess”, στο ομώνυμο ξενοδοχείο!..
Για το “Le Grand” στο ξενοδοχείο “Epinal”, στο Μοναστήρι, δεν γνωρίζουμε, οι “Άγγελοι”, κάτι!
Το καζίνο “Flamingo”, που απέχει 1 ώρα από την Θεσσαλονίκη (δεν είναι σε πόλη), είναι στέκι περισσότερο των… Μαφιόζων, μικρών, μεσαίων και… μεγαλύτερων, των Δυτικών κυρίως Βαλκανίων. (Και… “ξέμπαργκων”).
Το “Apollonia Casino” βρίσκεται στην Γευγελή και σ’ αυτό έχουν κυρίως… παρουσία Αλβανοί και Αλβανικής καταγωγής πράκτορες, μαφιόζοι, κλπ.
Πρόσεχε λοιπόν!..
6. Πίσω από τον “Παγκόσμιο Οργανισμό Υγείας” είναι ο Μπιλ ΓΚΕΪΤΣ.
7. Δεν γνωρίζουμε αν οι Αμερικανοί έχουν στοχοποιήσει, μεταξύ των άλλων, και το Φράγμα “ΑΤΑΤΟΥΡΚ”, κλπ! (Βορειοδυτικά της μικρής πόλης Μπόζοβα και στα σύνορα των επαρχιών ΑΝΤΙΓΙΑΜΑΝ και ΣΑΝΛΙΟΥΡΦΑ)! Εκτιμούμε πως “ναι”, αν και μάλλον δεν θα απαιτηθεί…, γι’ αυτούς! (“Μιλάμε” για υπόθεση λεπτών, σε ό,τι αφορά την στοχοποίση και την προσβολή του, από τις Η.Π.Α., αν ποτέ θα απαιτείτο κάτι τέτοιο)!..
Οι Έλληνες, κατά την γνώμη μας, ο “εν δυνάμει” αντίπαλος των Μογγόλων, είναι εκείνοι που θα έπρεπε να το στοχοποιήσουν, αφού αν ο… οποιοσδήποτε το προσβάλλει και το καταστρέψει, τότε θα πλημμυρίσει όλη η Τουρκία και… “Χαίρετε”!
Το έχουν στοχοποιήσει; Ρώτα τους φιλαράκο, εμείς δεν ξέρουμε να σου πούμε!..
Από την στιγμή που οι “S-400” είναι σύστημα εχθρικό στην δυτική άμυνα, είναι βέβαιον ότι θα στοχοποιηθεί από τις Η.Π.Α.!
Επομένως, εκτιμούμε, πως και οι 4 αναφερθείσες από τους Τούρκους περιοχές εγκαταστάσεώς του συστήματος, θα αποτελέσουν (αν δεν έχουν αποτελέσει ήδη), αμερικανικό στόχο! (Όρος Καζ, Κας, Όρος Μουράτ και… Άγκυρα / πλατεία Μουρτέντ ή όπου τυχόν εναλλακτικά το τοποθετήσουν οι ΤΕΔ! Το θέμα αυτό παρακολουθείται -γενικώς- “εκ του σύνεγγυς” από τις Α/Υπηρεσίες)!..
8. Το τ/σύστημα “Τανάλια” (των ΤΕΔ), για την ελεύθερη Κύπρο είναι το ακόλουθο:
- Ο άξονας Λευκωσία – (Δάλι) – Κόρνος – Λεμεσός, με τον παρακάτω όμοιο,
- Λευκωσία – Μόρφου – Πάφος – Λεμεσός Η(Διαζ)
- Ο άξονας Λευκωσία – (Δάλι) – Κόρνος – Λεμεσός, με τον παρακάτω όμοιο,
- Λευκωσία – Λάρνακα – Λεμεσός ή και Αμμόχωστος – (Λευκωσία) – Λάρνακα – Λεμεσός.
- Ασφαλώς, αναλόγως της ή των ευκαιριών, οι ΤΕΔ δύνανται να εφαρμόσουν και “διπλή υπερκέραση”, ήτοι υλοποίηση και των 3 αξόνων μαζί! “Διπλή Τανάλια”!
9. Φιλαράκο! Να η απάντησή μου! Πρόσεξέ την καλά και να την θυμάσαι!.. Πρόκειται για ρήση του Πυθαγόρα, του Σάμιου, του τεράστιου αυτού Έλληνος Μαθηματικού Επιστήμονος, της Αρχαίας Ελλάδος!
10. Σου γράφω λοιπόν το ορθόν:
“O θάνατος ενός ανθρώπου είναι τραγωδία. Ο θάνατος εκατομμυρίων ανθρώπων είναι στατιστικό λάθος”! (Στάλιν).
11. Τα A/Πανεπιστήμια “YALE”, “HARVARD” και “PRINSTON” ελέγχονται από τους Ρότσιλντ.
12. Ο “Δημοκρατικός” Πρεσβευτής τότε στην Ελλάδα, Νίκολας ΜΠΕΡΝΣ, δεν ήταν αυτός, που αμέσως μετά τα Ίμια, είχε δηλώσει πως “οι Η.Π.Α. δεν αναγνωρίζουν ελληνική κυριαρχία στα Ίμια, όπως και σε όλες τις νησίδες του Αιγαίου” ή θυμάμαι λάθος;
Εξεδόθη επίσης ή θυμάμαι λάθος, μέχρι και “νότα” τότε του Α/ΥΠΕΞ, σύμφωνα με την οποία το θέμα των Ιμίων θα έπρεπε να “πάει” στην Χάγη; (Ασχέτως αν ακολούθως το Α/ΥΠΕΞ ανέφερε πως επρόκειτο για “fake” “νότα”)!..
Τέλος, στο αν ήξεραν (sic) ή όχι οι Αμερικανοί, για το ότι η Τσιλλέρ θα “έβγαινε” στα Δ. Ίμια, κλπ, πρόσεξε:
Στις 30-01-1996, σε δεξίωση στην Α/Γερουσία για την μεταφορά ελληνικών αρχαιοτήτων στην Ελλάδα, από αμερικανικά Μουσεία, είχε “διαρρεύσει”(sic) πως “τις επόμενες ώρες οι Τούρκοι θα κατελάμβαναν μια ε/βραχονησίδα”!.. (Γι’ αυτό και ο πανέξυπνος Μητσοτάκης έστειλε “σήμερα”, ως Πρεσβευτή της χώρας μας στις Η.Π.Α. την ελληνίδα… Ολμπράϊτ! Βάλε το μυαλό σου, τώρα, να σκεφτεί)!..
Το σχέδιο… καταλύσεως του καθεστώτος του Αιγαίου είχε αποφασισθεί, από τότε ακόμα, να “πάει” “βήμα – βήμα”, ή να αλλάξει “δίκην” κοπής… φιλέτου, ήτοι σταδιακά και με προσοχή!..
13. Οι πύραυλοι γύρω από την Τουρκία είναι: (Σύμφωνα πάντα με τους Τούρκους).
- Αρμενία ⇒ “Scud-C” ⇒ 300 χλμ.
- Γεωργία ⇒ “Scud-Β” ⇒ 300 χλμ.
- Ρουμανία ⇒ ——- // ——-
- Ιράν ⇒ “BM-25 Musudan” ⇒ 2500 χλμ.
- Ιράκ ⇒ “Al Samoud-2” ⇒ 200 χλμ.
- Συρία ⇒ “Scud-C” ⇒ 700 χλμ.
- Σ. Αραβία ⇒ “DF-3 (CSS-2)” ⇒ 2600 χλμ.
- Ισραήλ ⇒ “Ιεριχώ – 3” ⇒ 6500 χλμ.
- Αίγυπτος ⇒ “Scud-C” ⇒ 550 χλμ.
- Λιβύη ⇒ “Al Fatah” (İtislat) ⇒ 1500 χλμ.
- Ελλάς ⇒ “ATACMS Block-1” (MGM-140) ⇒ 165 χλμ.
14. Ναι! Δεν είναι μόνον οι “Μυστικές Πρόνοιες” της Συνθήκης της Λωζάννης, που αναφέρουν για “Ορθόδοξο Βατικανό” στην Πόλη, το 2023!
Και ο εκτελεσθείς από την Χούντα του 1960, Τ/Π-Θ Αντνάν ΜΕΝΤΕΡΕΣ, ο 1ος ίσως ιδεολογικός πρόγονος του ΡΤΕ, μετά το 1950, είχε πει στον Κ. Γ. ΚΑΡΑΜΑΝΛΗ πως το “Οικουμενικό Πατριαρχείο” θα γίνει “Βατικανό”!..
15. Η νύφη του Μπους είναι Σκοπιανής καταγωγής!.. Δεν το είπαμε; Τώρα, μήπως καταλαβαίνεις;
17. Ο Σαμαράς δεν είχε ασκήσει τότε “ΒΕΤΟ” στην αναγνώριση της “Β-Ε”, με αποτέλεσμα να “ανοίξει” μετά ο δρόμος και για τα Σκόπια! Ήταν μια πράξη του, την οποίαν έκανε κατόπιν εντολής! Αναρωτήσου το “Ποιοί ήσαν εκείνοι, οι οποίοι του είχαν πληρώσει τις σπουδές στο Χάρβαρντ”! Κατάλαβες;
18. Οι “Πετρελαιάδες” είναι σαν τις γάτες! Όταν φωνάζουν δεν ξέρεις αν μαλώνουν ή αν κάνουν έρωτα!.. Οι ίδιοι είναι που ελέγχουν παγκοσμίως και το “Φ. Αέριο”, όπως και την… “πράσινη ενέργεια”!.. Δεν ξέρω αν ελέγχουν και τα “πράσινα… άλογα”!.. Ίσως!
19. 30.000 [σχεδόν μια Στρατιά (-)] είναι οι “λαθρο”-Τζιχαντιστές, οι οποίοι εγκαταστάθηκαν στην λεγόμενη Ν. Αλβανία και αναμένουν -με διαταγή- να αποτελέσουν… “πρόβλημα” στα νώτα των ΕΕΔ και μέσα στο ε/έδαφος, όταν αυτές θα απασχολούνται στα Ε-Τ χερσαία σύνορα με την απόκρουση του Τ/Εισβολέως ή όταν οι ΕΕΔ, υποχωρούντων των Τούρκων, λόγω της “κατεβασιάς” των ΡΕΔ στα νώτα των ΤΕΔ, θα αντεπιτίθενται στην κατεύθυνση Έβρος – Πόλη!..
Αυτός ο “κόσμος” εκπαιδεύεται συνεχώς “σήμερα”!..
20. Στην υπόθεση της “HALK BANK”, την οποίαν τώρα έμαθαν… όλοι, και όπως είπαμε δεν έχει καμία σχέση η Κ-Β Τραμπ, αφού αυτή “ήλθε στο φως” επί Κ-Β Ομπάμα, (έτσι απλά), εμπλέκονται, πλην του Ριζά Σαρίφ, (τουλάχιστον) και οι εξής Τούρκοι: Μπαγίς, Τσαγλαγιάν, Γκιουλέρ, αλλά και ο… Μπαϊρακτάρ!.. Σου λέει τίποτα το όνομα αυτό μήπως;
Πρόκειται, πλην των άλλων, για μια από τις μεγαλύτερες υποθέσεις λαθρεμπορίας χρυσού!..
Έχουμε πει πολλές φορές εδώ, για τον ρόλο της Τουρκίας, γενικώς, στην παγκόσμιο διακίνηση του χρυσού, πχ όταν γράφαμε για τον “δικό” μας Ελληνο-Εβραίο… “ΡΙΧΑΡΔΟ”, για τους Βενεζουελάνους του… Τσίπρα, που περνούσαν και απ’ εδώ, όταν πηγαινοέρχονταν στην Τουρκία, για να ρυθμίσουν θέματα του χρυσού τους, αφού η εξουσία τους ήταν πολύ επισφαλής επί Τραμπ, όταν εξηγούσαμε για τους ιδιοκτήτες του παγκόσμιου χρυσού, τους “Διεθνείς Εβραίους”, όταν γράφαμε πως η Τουρκία είναι ο τελευταίος παγκοσμίως “διαμετακομιστικός Σταθμός”, πριν ο χρυσός καταλήξει στις Τράπεζες των “Παγκοσμίων Εβραίων”, και συγκεκριμένα στις Τράπεζές τους στην Γερμανία και στην Αγγλία, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ!..
21. Η “μικρή” στον… χώρο, αλλά ΤΕΡΑΣΤΙΑ ΣΕ ΜΕΓΕΘΟΣ, Ελλάδα, μετά το 1821 και μέχρι σήμερα, ενεπλάκη σε 7 Πολέμους, ενώ είχε και 7 Πτωχεύσεις, όπως και 4 Εμφυλίους, διαφορετικής βεβαίως, κάθε φορά, μορφής και υφής (sic)!..
22. Ποιός Βορίδης, ρε φιλαράκο; Για δες, αμέσως παρακάτω:
‘LOVE YOU’: Victory for Netanyahu, right-wing, Israel’s exit polls say
By Paul Shindman, World Israel News
Exit polls in Israel predicted Tuesday night that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pulled off a victory by the slimmest of margins and will be able to form a 61-seat coalition government in the Knesset, Israel’s 120-seat parliament.
Netanyahu tweeted around 11:30 p.m. Israel time, “Citizens of Israel – Thank you! You gave a huge victory for the Right and the Likud under my leadership. The Likud is big by a giant margin against the next largest party.”
The results, if accurate, mean a solidly right-wing government after a record four national elections within two years, two of which failed to lead to any government and the third giving birth to a bloated unity government in May 2020, which was dysfunctional from the start.
Immediately after polls closed at 10:00 p.m. Israel time, the three main television stations announced their results, culled from thousands of voters who were approached after casting their ballots.
All three polls predict Netanyahu will be able to cobble together a right-wing coalition, although the precise numbers of Knesset seats each party is expected to win varied slightly between polls.
The second-largest party is the center-Left Yesh Atid with 18, which gained four seats, followed by the religious Shas Party with 9 (no change) and the Arab Joint List with 8 – a dramatic drop of nearly half from its stunning achievement of 15 seats in the previous Knesset.
Exit polls show six parties each winning 7 seats: the right-wing Yemina and Religious Zionist parties, the nationalist Israel Beiteinu, the religious United Torah Judaism party, the center-Left Blue and White and the left-wing Labor party. The final two parties, the right-wing New Hope and the left-wing Meretz parties, both are hovering at six seats.
The Channel 12 and 13 exit polls had Likud winning 33 seats with the same end result – a Netanyahu-led coalition with a one-seat majority needed to form a government.
The Yemina Party, led by Naftali Bennett, is kingmaker and will likely demand the highest price.
Bennett previously served under Netanyahu as defense minister, and his second-in-command, Ayelet Shaked, was justice minister. Bennett will likely demand Netanyahu accede to his desire for policy changes, including tackling Israel’s Supreme Court, which the Right sees as overreaching, as well as top portfolios like defense, foreign affairs and justice.
Given the closeness of the vote and taking into account the percentage of error, all parties will have to wait until the official vote counting is completed to see if the final tally matches the exit poll predictions. The official tally may find more than one party see a change of as much as one or two seats.
Two hours before the polls closed, the Central Elections Committee (CEC) reported that 4 million out of the 6.6 eligible voters had cast their ballots at 13,685 polling stations around the country. Three thousand additional polling stations were set up to cope with the coronavirus crisis and allow the 15,000 Israelis currently infected with the virus and 85,000 in mandatory quarantine to be able to vote.
At 10:00 p.m. the doors on the polling stations were locked and tens of thousands of election officials began the task of unsealing the ballot boxes and hand-counting the votes. As each poll completes the count, the results will be reported to the Central Elections Committee at the Knesset in Jerusalem and the numbers will be added to the running tally on the CEC website.
With health regulations expected to slow down the count, it will likely be early Wednesday morning before enough returns are reported to determine the final results.
Clear results might not be available until Thursday, with the official results by law having to be announced on March.
WATCH: Biden confuses issues at first press conference
WATCH: Could China become key negotiator in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks?
NATO Foreign Ministerial Statement
Issued by the NATO Foreign Ministers, Brussels, 23rd-24th March 2021
- We are meeting in Brussels to reaffirm the enduring transatlantic bond between Europe and North America, with NATO at its heart. We are bound together by our shared democratic values, and by our adherence to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. NATO is the foundation of our collective defence: together we reaffirm our solemn commitment to the Washington Treaty, including that an attack against one Ally shall be considered an attack against us all, as enshrined in Article 5.
- NATO is the strongest alliance in history, guaranteeing the freedom of a billion people, the integrity of our territory, and the protection of our values. NATO is a defensive Alliance and poses no threat to any country. In response to a more dangerous and unpredictable security environment, we are considerably strengthening NATO’s deterrence and defence capabilities, posture and resilience, underpinned by seven consecutive years of rising defence spending, more capable and ready forces, significant deployments in missions and operations, and deeper engagement with partners. We are making good progress on fairer transatlantic burden sharing; we welcome the efforts made by all Allies in Europe and North America that contribute to our indivisible security. We must and will do more.
- NATO will continue to adapt. We face rising threats and systemic competition. Russia’s aggressive actions constitute a threat to Euro-Atlantic security; terrorism in all its forms and manifestations remains a persistent threat to us all. Assertive and authoritarian powers, and non-state actors, challenge the rules-based international order, including through hybrid and cyber threats, the malicious use of new technologies, as well as other asymmetric threats. The Covid-19 pandemic once again illustrates that we face constantly evolving challenges; we will continue to ensure our defence and operational effectiveness throughout this crisis. We pay tribute to all those who combat this pandemic in all our countries and around the world.
- The transatlantic partnership remains the cornerstone of our collective defence, central to our political cohesion, and an essential pillar of the rules-based international order. The upcoming NATO Summit will open a new chapter in transatlantic relations and set the direction for the future of our Alliance to 2030 and beyond. In line with the decision by our Leaders in London in December 2019, we will further strengthen NATO’s political dimension, including consultation. We welcome the reflection process, including the recommendation to update NATO’s Strategic Concept. We will further reinforce NATO’s resilience, military strength and global outlook, connecting more closely with other nations and international organisations that share our goals. We will continue to stand together and to work together, to guarantee our security, prosperity, democracy and freedoms.
NATO Foreign Ministers exchange views on the NATO 2030 agenda, Afghanistan, and security across the Middle Eastern and North African region
“Ministers have had a very positive discussion on our NATO 2030 initiative. This is all about how NATO can continue to adapt to a rapidly changing security environment, with rising threats and systemic competition, major shifts in the global balance of power and increasing challenges to the rules based international order,” Mr. Stoltenberg said. “We all agree that the transatlantic relationship, embodied by NATO, remains the cornerstone of our collective defence, central to our political cohesion, and an essential pillar to the rules-based order,” he pointed out.
On Afghanistan, “Ministers emphasized their full support to all efforts to reinvigorate the peace process, because a negotiated solution is the only way to achieve a sustainable peace, which prevents Afghanistan from again becoming a platform for international terrorism,” the NATO Secretary General highlighted. “We will continue to consult very closely in the days and weeks to come, and we continue to decide and act together, as Allies,” he added.
Finally, Ministers had an exchange on the Middle East and North Africa, including NATO Mission Iraq. They restressed the importance to reinforce NATO’s partnerships in the region.
MSB’den açıklama: Amiralin tarikat merkezindeki görüntüleri inceleniyor
Milli Savunma Bakanlığından yapılan açıklamada önemli bilgiler paylaşıldı. Bir amiralin tarikat merkezinde çekilmiş görüntülerine ilişkin inceleme başlatıldı.
Konuya ilişkin yapılan açıklamada, “Amiralin tarikat görüntüleri her yönüyle inceleniyor“ denildi:
“Sosyal medyada yer alan bu ve benzeri her türlü paylaşım gerçekliği başta olmak üzere her yönüyle dikkatle inceleniyor.”
Ayrıca, Harp Okulları yönetmelik değişikliğine ilişkin de bilgi verildi. Yapılacak yeni düzenlemenin yürürlükten kaldırılana göre daha geniş kapsamlı, güncel mevzuata uygun ve daha somut olduğu belirtildi.
MSB’den yapılan açıklamada şu ifadeler kullandı;
– 1 Mart’tan bu yana yurt içinde ve sınır ötesinde terör örgütlerine karşı devam eden operasyonlarda 231 terörist etkisiz hale getirildi.
– Suriye harekat alanlarında mart ayında DEAŞ‘lılar dahil 183 terörist, kahraman komandolarımız tarafından etkisiz hale getirildi.
– Güven artırıcı önlemler toplantılarının dördüncüsünün Ankara‘da yapılmasına yönelik Yunan muhataplarımıza davetimiz yinelenmiştir.
– 15 Temmuz 2016’dan bu yana 21 bin 494 personel ihraç edildi, 3 bin 173 personel hakkında ise idari süreç devam etmektedir.
– (Harp Okulları yönetmelik değişikliği) Yeni düzenleme, yürürlükten kaldırılana göre daha geniş kapsamlı, güncel mevzuata uygun ve daha somut.
– Amiralin tarikat merkezindeki görüntüleri her yönüyle inceleniyor.
28 Şubat artığı madde değişti, vesayetçi zihniyet çıldırdı
Harp Okulları Yönetmeliği’nden kaldırılan ‘irticaya karışmamış olma’ şartının 28 Şubat zihniyeti tarafından yönetmeliğe 2001’de eklendiği ortaya çıktı.
“Artık TSK’da irticai faaliyetlere izin verilecek’ şeklinde vesayetçi zihniyet CHP ve besleme medya tarafından çığırtkanlık yapılan maddenin 1979 tarihli Harp Okulları Yönetmeliği‘nde hiç yokken 2001’deki yönetmelikte yer verilmesi yapılan algı operasyonlarını boşa çıkarıyor.
1979 tarihli Harp Okulları Yönetmeliği’nin 8’nci maddesi;
27.11.1979 tarihli ve 16822 sayılı Resmi Gazetede Yayımlanan Harp Okulları Yönetmeliğinde ve giriş koşullarında irtica kavramı yer almıyor.
Bin yıl sürecek denen post modern 28 Şubat darbesi ülkedeki bütün kurumların en ince yapısına kadar izlerini bıraktı ve yönetmeliğe 2001’de eklenen ‘irtica’ detayı da bu zihniyetin bir eseri.
27.09.2001 tarihli ve 24536 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan Harp Okulları Yönetmeliği ile giriş koşullarına adayın kendisi ve ailesi için “irticaya karışmamış olma” şartı getirildi. 44’ncü maddede yer alan “1) Tutum ve davranışları ile yasa dışı, siyasî, yıkıcı, irticaî, bölücü ideolojik görüşleri benimsememiş, bu gibi faaliyetlerde bulunmamış veya bu gibi faaliyetlere karışmamış olması,” ifadesi eklendi.
FETÖ’nün devletin en kılcal damarlarına kadar sızdığı 1984-1995 dönemin Ahmet Necdet Sezer’in yüksek yargı kurumlarının başında (1988’den 1998’e kadar Anayasa Mahkemesi üyeliği, 1998 yılında da anayasa mahkemesi başkanlığı) olduğu süre içinde olması da ayrıca dikkat çekici. Söz konusu madde de Ahmet Necdet Sezer’in Cumhurbaşkanlığı (200-2007) döneminde yönetmeliğe eklenmiş oldu.
23 Mart 2021 tarihli ve 31432 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan en son Harp Okulları Kanunu’nun 30’ncu maddesindeki giriş koşullarına “Terör örgütlerine veya Millî Güvenlik Kurulunca Devletin millî güvenliğine karşı faaliyette bulunduğuna karar verilen yapı, oluşum veya gruplara üyeliği, mensubiyeti, iltisakı ya da bunlarla irtibatı olmamak.” maddesi eklendi.
America at the End of Empire
Is civilizational decline reversible?
Mark Tapson is the Shillman Fellow on Popular Culture for the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
In a recent monologue on HBO’s Real Time, host Bill Maher called Americans a “silly people” for allowing themselves to be mired in culture war struggles, such as the politically correct cancelling of children’s books, while our superpower competition China is laser-focused on political, economic, and military dominance.
“You’re not going to win the battle for the 21st century if you are a silly people. And Americans are a silly people,” Maher asserted. He then referenced the latest “cancel culture” controversy – the woke mob’s targeting of children’s author Dr. Seuss over purported racism in his books: “Do you know who doesn’t care that there’s a stereotype of a Chinese man in a Dr. Seuss book? China. All 1.4 billion of them couldn’t give a crouching tiger flying fuck because they’re not a silly people. If anything, they are as serious as a prison fight.”
Maher pointed out that China has “built 500 entire cities from scratch, moved the majority of their huge population from poverty to the middle class, and mostly cornered the market in 5G and pharmaceuticals” in two generations. Meanwhile in America, “half the country is having a never-ending woke competition deciding whether Mr. Potato Head has a dick and the other half believes we have to stop the lizard people because they’re eating babies. We are a silly people,” he continued.
“Do you think China’s doing that, letting political correctness get in the way of nurturing their best and brightest?” Maher added. “Do you think Chinese colleges are offering courses in ‘The Philosophy of Star Trek, ‘The Sociology of Seinfeld,’ and ‘Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse’? Those are real and so is China. And they are eating our lunch. And believe me, in an hour, they’ll be hungry again.”
Maher’s prescient lecture came just before the Chinese delegation ate their American counterparts for lunch at last week’s U.S.-China meeting in Alaska, telling Secretary of State Antony Blinken to his face that China does not view America as operating “from a position of strength.” With a new American President so decrepit he is shielded from the public by his handlers; with our southern border collapsing under tsunami of illegal aliens; and with Americans at each other’s throats in a not-so-Cold Civil War, China’s not wrong about that.
Unlike his fellow political propagandists on late-night TV, Maher occasionally comes down on the right side of an issue, and this is one of them. Ascendant China is hell-bent on world domination and makes no apology for it. America, meanwhile, is suffering from decades of accelerated, corrosive, Marxist subversion that has saddled us with a power-lusting leftist regime, aided and abetted by an unofficial state news media; a school system that has jettisoned rigorous education in favor of identity politics indoctrination; a woke corporate culture showering hundreds of millions of dollars on support for Critical Race training and on the communist revolutionaries of Black Lives Matter; an obscenely decadent entertainment industry (itself in thrall to Chinese influence) that peddles anti-Americanism, anti-Christianity, anti-capitalism, and anti-white racism; and a politicized military establishment prioritizing “gender equity” over warrior readiness.
In short, America (and the Western world more generally), once the most prosperous and powerful civilization in history, is no longer operating “from a position of strength.” It is, in fact, bleeding out from self-inflicted wounds, and our enemies foreign and domestic smell the blood in the water. Gatestone Institute Distinguished Senior Fellow Gordon Chang believes Chinese leader Xi Jinping is confident in provoking a civilizational war between East and West, because he feels “America is in terminal decline.” Indeed, the Chinese state media are already openly celebrating the Alaska confrontation as a decisive victory in that conflict.
Bill Maher’s critique doesn’t delve nearly far enough, however. Our problem is not truly silliness, although it is difficult to take seriously a nation that elevates strippers and their pornographic doggerel to the highest level of artistry. The problem is “civilizational fatigue,” the concept that at some point a grand world power – e.g. ancient Rome, 19th-century England, America under a desiccated Joe Biden – peaks and then implodes (“gradually and then suddenly,” as a Hemingway character once put it when asked how he went bankrupt). The empire succumbs to lassitude, corruption, and moral decadence, undone by its very prosperity and success. Having conquered the world, the fire in its belly that powered it to the top cools to ash. It can no longer muster the civilizational conviction and warrior spirit necessary to keep the barbarians at the gates from swarming the battlements.
In our case, the barbarians – i.e., the forces of anti-civilization – have been inside the gates for over half a century, making their Long March through the institutions. We allowed their Marxist poison and their postmodern anti-rationality to seep throughout our schools and universities, and their false but seductive narratives to be promoted in our news and entertainment programs, until they secured the culture and corrupted the political landscape as well – so successfully that we elected, twice, a President who denied American exceptionalism, explicitly declared his agenda to “fundamentally transform” the country, and inspired his followers to believe, “Yes, we can.”
Meanwhile, the cultural corrosion continued, as insidious, cancerous concepts like “whiteness,” “Critical Race Theory,” and “gender fluidity” began metastasizing at light-speed throughout every institution in America, inculcated in schoolchildren as young as kindergartners.
Finally, those of us who love our heritage, our Constitution, and our country rallied behind a President who called on us to Make America Great Again. But it was too little, too late. The barbarians, who had long since infiltrated and taken control of all the cultural structures of society, launched a furious, violent resistance against the President, against his supporters, against democracy, against history, against truth itself. They seized political control and began the systematic marginalization of America’s defenders as white supremacists (regardless of color) and domestic terrorists.
And now we find ourselves where the barbarians wanted us all along: at the end of empire.
Is civilizational decline inevitable? If history is any measure, then yes. Only the kingdom of God lasts forever. The question before us now, though, is this: is America’s decline reversible?
The answer is unequivocally yes. Even in Donald Trump’s brief White House tenure we saw America gathering momentum toward greatness again after eight years of Barack Obama diminishing our leading role on the world stage. We can do it again.
But it will take a courageous commitment from every American patriot on every level: personal, local, national, even international. We must recognize that the flame of American exceptionalism is in danger of being snuffed out, that our God-given rights are being threatened; and once gone, we will have no leverage with which to throw off the totalitarianism that will fill the void.
If Americans (and the rest of the West) hope to restore our former glory, we must begin by ceasing to be, as Bill Maher labeled us, a nation of silly people. We must be as serious as our enemies. We must reignite the fierce, uncompromising, give-me-liberty-or-give-me-death passion for independence that drove our Founding Fathers and George Washington’s ragtag army to persevere against an occupying power. We must ruthlessly reject the evil ideologies that have subverted us, and begin re-instilling our Judeo-Christian values, our love of country, our devotion to Constitutional rights, and our zeal for liberty in the next generation.
This will be an uphill battle. We will face violent leftist resistance, even more than we witnessed in 2020. But 74 million Trump voters make a formidable army. Can we make America great again? Yes, we can.
* * *
Illustration: Thomas Cole’s “The Course of Empire: Destruction“
Biden Administration Will Push to Squeeze Israel Within 1949 Armistice Lines
With a $15-million aid package to the Palestinians.
The Biden Administration intends to squeeze Israel back within the 1949 Armistice Lines. A report on this monumental folly is here: “Internal Biden memo said to back 2-state solution along 1967 lines,” by Jacob Magid, Times of Israel, March 17, 2021:
The Biden administration will reportedly push for a two-state solution based on the pre-1967 lines, with mutually agreed upon land swaps, reinstating US policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to more traditionally held positions than those of former president Donald Trump.
A memo titled “The US Palestinian Reset and the Path Forward,” which was revealed Wednesday to the Abu Dhabi-based The National, also showed that the Biden administration is planning on announcing a $15 million aid package in coronavirus-related humanitarian assistance for the Palestinians as early as this month.
If the Biden Administration gives the Palestinians a $15-million aid package for coronavirus assistance – or gives the PA any aid package, for any purpose – it will be violating the Taylor Force Act, which forbids any American aid being given to the PA as long as its “Pay-For-Slay” program is in force. The PA not only continues with that program, but just announced a 50% increase in the amount it will provide the terrorist who murdered five members, including two small children and a baby, of the Fogel family. The PA may try to repackage “Pay-For-Slay” as aid innocently provided based on economic need, and not as a reward for terrorist acts, but as long as PA stipends are provided to terrorists and their families, however that aid is deceptively labelled, the real purpose of those stipends – to both reward and to incentivize terrorism – will be obvious, and Congress should not let the Biden Administration pretend that the Taylor Force Act does not apply.
Drafted by Deputy Assistant Secretary for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs Hady Amr, the memo also details plans to roll back various Trump policies that Washington believes made reaching a two-state solution more difficult, such as US legitimization of the settlement enterprise.
What will keep the peace between Israel and the Palestinians is not a “two-solution” based on a treaty. The Palestinians take as their model of treaty-making the Hudaibiyya Agreement that Muhammad made with the Meccans in 628 A.D. That “truce” was to have lasted 10 years, but after only 18 months, realizing his army had grown stronger, Muhammad violated the treaty and attacked the Meccans. This has been the model of all subsequent treaty-making by Muslims with Infidels. What will keep the peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors is what kept the peace between the West and the Soviet Union during the Cold War – the strategy of deterrence. As long as Israel remains, and is seen to be, militarily much stronger than its potential enemies, the Jewish state will be able to keep the peace.
To that end – of keeping the peace through deterrence – Israel has to retain certain territories, including the Jordan Valley and the Golan Heights. This is not only the unanimous opinion of Israel’s military, but was also the conclusion of the Joint Chiefs, in a report they prepared for President Johnson in 1967, on what territories — that Israel had won in the Six-Day War — it needed to keep for security reasons.
Amr recommends in the memo that the White House back a two-state framework “based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed land swaps and agreements on security and refugees.”
While behind closed doors, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has participated in peace negotiations based on the 1967 lines, publicly the formula is not very popular in Israel, particularly among the right wing, which is expected to further expand in the Knesset after next week’s election.
This is a meretricious attempt by Hady Amr to suggest that even Netanyahu was willing to engage in negotiations “based on the 1967 lines.” It’s false. During his decades in public life, Netanyahu has always rejected anything like those “1967 lines” as a basis for negotiations. He may have been physically present in the room when such a proposal was brought up by the Americans, but he would not have “participated” in any way other than to flatly reject such a possibility.
The memo discusses “rolling back certain steps by the prior administration that bring into question our commitment or pose real barriers to a two-state solution, such as country of origin labeling.
The memo was referring to a last-minute policy change announced by Trump’s secretary of state Mike Pompeo, which requires all US exports from the settlements to be labeled as having been “made in Israel.”…
In requiring exports from Israeli towns and villages (i.e., “settlements”) in the West Bank to be labelled as “made in Israel,” the Trump Administration was quite properly helping to legitimize those places as part of Israel. It is this that the Biden Administration is now trying to undo. It wants to impose a clear demarcation between Israel in its pre-1967 lines – lines which only reflect where the armies of each side stood when the shooting stopped in 1949, and were never meant to be permanent borders – and the new territories that Israel won in the Six-Day War. In so doing, the Biden people are ignoring the Palestine Mandate, and the territories assigned by it to the future Jewish state, which included the entire West Bank. They are also ignoring U.N. Resolution 242, which allows Israel to keep territories won in that war which it needed to retain if it was to have “secure [i.e., defensible] and recognized boundaries.”
“As we reset US relations with the Palestinians, the Palestinian body politic is at an inflection point as it moves towards its first elections in 15 years,” the new memo reads. “At the same time, we [the US] suffer from a lack of connective tissue following the 2018 closure of the PLO office in Washington and refusal of Palestinian Authority leadership to directly engage with our embassy to Israel.”
This election announced by the Palestinians should be taken with a shaker of salt. It is not a hopeful sign of a sudden embrace of democracy by Mahmoud Abbas. The elections – both parliamentary and presidential – were called by Abbas as a way to impress the Biden Administration with Abbas’ democratic evolution. He has, in the meantime, managed to ensure that he will have no serious rivals, and will remain, now 16 years into his 4-year term, President-For-Life. He has attacked Nasser al-Kidwa, Arafat’s nephew, for daring to field his own list, separate from that of Fatah, of candidates for Parliament. He’s cut off all funding for the Yasser Arafat Foundation, where Al-Kidwa has his sinecure, as a way to punish him for daring to take democratic elections seriously.
Abbas has also obtained a promise from Hamas that it will not field its own candidate in the Presidential race. That removes Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh as a possible rival candidate. What did Abbas offer Hamas in return? Most likely, jobs in the government for relatives of Hamas leaders. Two other serious rivals – Marwan Barghouti and Mohammad Dahlan – are both prevented from running for different, impossible-to-overcome, reasons. Dahlan was convicted of “corruption” many years ago, in a trial arranged by Mahmoud Abbas (who is far more corrupt than Dahlan), after which he went into exile in the U.A.E., where he has become an adviser to the Crown Prince, Mohammad bin Zayed. Because of his criminal conviction, Dahlan is by law prevented from running for President. If he were to run, opinion polls tell us he would handily defeat Abbas, with more than 60% of the vote.
Marwan Barghouti has a different sort of handicap. He’s now serving five life terms — for murdering five people — in an Israeli prison. And while he, too, would win more than 60% of the vote if he ran against Abbas, it’s a moot point, since Israel has no intention of letting him out of prison. Should a serious rival appear before the presidential election at the end of July, Mahmoud Abbas will no doubt find a way to derail his candidacy. He wants free elections for the presidency, all right, as long as he’s the only candidate. In the past Abbas hasn’t hesitated to send his goons to physically intimidate political dissidents, including those who complain about the PA’s corruption and mismanagement in the West Bank. Why would he not do the same to rivals now, to ensure his reelection?
Biden Spends 4 Times More to House Illegal Aliens Than on Troops
America’s soldiers sleep in the cold while the Democrat invaders sleep in hotels.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
When the Democrats decided to launch their unconstitutional military occupation of Washington D.C., they summoned 26,000 National Guard troops from all over the country to serve as a captive audience for Biden’s inauguration in an empty city living in fear. Those troops were made to sleep on cold marble floors in the Capitol and later in a cold parking garage. They were fed tainted meat, food with metal shavings and worms, resulting in illnesses and hospitalization.
The bill for this disastrous mess came to $483 million. Nothing but the best for the troops.
As the massive flood of illegal alien migrants poured across the border, some wearing Biden t-shirts, coming to receive the illegal amnesty that he had promised them, they got a better deal.
No cold parking garage floors for future Democrat voters and no food with metal shavings.
Instead, Biden delivered a $86.9 million contract to house 1,200 illegal migrants in hotels.
That’s nearly four times as much money being spent per migrant compared to the total amount of spending per soldier. And since only a portion of that $483 million even went to providing for the troops, the actual discrepancy behind those numbers is much higher than it appears.
In the past, Best Western, Comfort Suites, and Hampton Inn hotels have been used to house illegal migrant invaders. But the Biden administration and its Democrat allies sent 5,000 troops to rest on the floor of a parking garage with only two bathrooms in cold weather.
The Democrats tried to do as little as they could for the troops. Only when photos of soldiers sleeping on the floor in Congress went viral were cots actually provided for them. Then they were banished as an embarrassment, and only when the photos of the parking garage went viral was the order rescinded. Then again, only when photos of rotten food went viral, were there some feeble promises of an investigation, but no one was actually held accountable.
Unlike drug dealers, vagrant junkies, and illegal aliens, the Dems don’t care about the troops.
“The Guard is 90 some-odd-percent male, and only about 20% of white males voted for Biden,” one Democrat House member told CNN “They’re probably not more than 25% of the people that are there protecting us who voted for Biden.
Statistically, amnestied illegal aliens are going to provide much better voting returns than 25%. Why bother providing for Republican voters, when you can provide for Democrats instead?
The $86.9 million illegal alien contract spends an estimated $12,000 per migrant every month.
Or almost $400 a day.
Even those troops that were staying in hotels were getting $149 hotel rooms. That doesn’t buy you much in Washington D.C. Meanwhile illegal aliens are costing a fantastic $398 a day.
When President Trump brought in the troops to protect the White House from the Black Lives Matter hateful mob, they stayed at the Marriott Marquis for $256 a night. And the illegal alien migrant mobs were staying in Mexico: instead of being dumped in small towns in Texas.
Under Biden, our soldiers get the worst, and the invaders from across the border get the best.
What are the illegal aliens getting for $398 a day? Aside from the digs and the food, there are the social services. It’s their first taste of the generous free welfare system that brought them here. And which they’ll be encouraged to keep voting for, legally or illegally, by the Democrats.
When Bill Clinton took office, there were bumper stickers reading, “There are homeless vets on the street and a draft dodger in the White House.” These days, Joe Biden, who got five draft deferments for asthma despite being a high school and college football player, is in the White House, while soldiers were sent to take breaks outside, and illegal aliens are housed in hotels.
Biden’s illegal amnesty push even included eliminating the term “illegal alien”. You can’t criticise Open Borders Biden for favoring illegal aliens when the term can’t even be used.
“Would you have tried to do this when Donald Trump was president?” ABC News’ Martha Raddatz asked an illegal alien invader from Brazil.
“Definitely not,” he replied. “We have a chance now.”
“So did you come here because Joe Biden was elected president?” she inquired.
“Basically,” he replied.
Illegal aliens are a key Democrat demographic. Even when they don’t vote, they prop up the ghost districts that wrongly provide Democrats with legislative seats. It’s why Democrats and their media fought so hard against reforming the census to inquire about citizenship.
The Democrat culture of corruption begins with fake districts, fake votes, and fake news.
Biden and the Democrats know who their supporters are. It’s why they’re fighting for amnesty and it’s why they treat their illegal alien invaders so much better than our soldiers.
The border crisis is not unexpected. It was inevitable.
The Democrats want to pretend that the arrival of the illegal alien mobs caught them by surprise. That’s a lie. And they want to pretend to be helpless in the face of their crisis even while they dump hordes of future Democrats in red states without even giving them a court date.
And when they’re not dumping them in red states in a bid to flip them down the road, they’re spending $12,000 a month to house them, feed them, and take the best possible care of them.
At taxpayer expense.
While millions of Americans are still suffering from the pandemic and its lockdowns, the Biden administration is conspiring to bring infected migrants into this country. While millions of Americans are out of work, Biden is giving away their jobs to newly arrived illegal aliens.
And while millions of Americans had their votes stolen, Biden is giving their votes to illegals.
That’s not just a crime: it’s a declaration of war on America.
Why is Biden spending far more on illegal aliens than on the troops? Because the illegal aliens marching to the border in Biden t-shirts are his real army. They’re the electoral army of a political invasion that is inflicting the will of D.C., Wall Street, and Big Tech on America.
The Democrats built walls in D.C. while shutting them down on the border. A Silicon Curtain has fallen over the free speech of America under the administration of contractors like Amazon and Google. Meanwhile the border between America and the world is as wide open as it gets.
The future of the Democrats isn’t in the small towns and farmlands of America they once claimed. Democrats revile the coal miners and factory workers they promised to defend. They loathe the ordinary working class people and the small business owners who built this country.
In their new Red Dawn, the socialists who imposed a military occupation on Washington D.C. now look to an invasion from south of the border to protect their tyrannical grip on power.
Biden’s army isn’t in Washington D.C. It’s not in any of the forts he’s determined to rename.
It’s coming across the border one vote and $398 a day at a time.
America’s soldiers sleep in the cold while the forces of the Democrat invasion sleep in hotels.
Note to Biden Administration: Consider an Independent Kurdistan
A barrier to Iranian imperialism?
A decade ago, my friend Dr. Sherkoh Abbas, President of the Kurdistan National Assembly of Syria and I met with then Vice President Joe Biden’s staff to discuss the idea of an independent Kurdistan. Biden, at that time, was supportive of the partition of Iraq. In fact, the staffer responsible for the Iraq desk was a Kurdish-American woman. Although not a foreign policy top priority, the Biden administration should consider, once again, the idea of partition, and Kurdish independence.
The Iraqi Kurds are still aspiring to have their independent state. There are many reasons why Kurds would value being independent of Baghdad. The Kurds are not Arabs, while the power in Baghdad rests with Shiite-Arabs. The Kurds have their own language and culture, as well as their peshmerga Kurdish army and flag. The capital of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is Erbil, and it has its own parliament. Though Kurds are predominantly Sunni-Muslims, Kurds relish their secularism. There are 40 million Kurds in the region without a state of their own. With the exception of Israel, the Kurds are the most pro-American people in the region.
The Sunni-Arabs, who occupy the center and west of Iraq, have been restless and insecure since the fall of Saddam Hussein. The US “democratization” of Iraq elevated the Shiites to power, and replaced the dominance the Sunnis held throughout Iraq’s independent history. Iraq was an Ottoman province until WWI. The British governed Iraq under the League of Nations mandate until 1932, when the Hashemite King Feisal was installed as monarch in an “independent” Iraq. During the dictatorial reign of Saddam Hussein, Shiites and Kurds were suppressed, while the Sunnis enjoyed the privileges of power. Following the 2003 US war that displaced the Ba’athist government of Saddam, the Sunnis have lost their power base in the government and the military. Since then, the Sunni’s have been discriminated against by the ruling Shiites.
Shiite-Arabs, centered in Baghdad and southern Iraq, are the majority of the population in Iraq. Until the demise of Saddam, they were the poorest and most powerless group in Iraq. Now in control of all levers of power, the Shiites have done little to advance reconciliation between Iraqis. The Shiites close relationship with Tehran’s radical Ayatollah’s regime, has highlighted the religious dimension of the Baghdad regime, rather than fostering a strong unified Iraq.
Iraq isn’t and has never been an organic entity. Under the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916, the British and French divided the Arab territories of the former Ottoman Empire. Upon victory of the allies, the French received the mandate over the Levant (Syria and Lebanon), while the British got Mesopotamia (Iraq), and Palestine (Israel and Jordan). The British, to maximize their control over oil resources, created Iraq that comprised the Gulf oil (Basra) in the south, and Kirkuk in the north, mixing together diverse groups with little in common.
Peter Galbraith, former US ambassador to Croatia, and a strong advocate for Kurdish independence, published his book in 2006 titled “The End of Iraq: the American Incompetence Created a War Without End.” In 2008, he followed with another book titled “The Unintended Consequences: How War in Iraq Strengthened America’s Enemies.”
In a New York Times Op-Ed (July 25, 2006) Galbraith wrote: “The (George W. Bush) administration must match its goals in Iraq to the resources it is prepared to deploy. Since it can’t unify Iraq or stop the civil war, it should work with the regions that have emerged.” Galbraith continued, “Iraqi Kurdistan is among the most pro-American societies in the world, and its government would welcome our military presence, not least because it would help protect the Kurds from Arab Iraqis who resent their cooperation with the US during the 2003 war. American soldiers on the ground (in Kurdistan) might also ease the escalating tension between Iraqi Kurds and Turkey.” Today in fact, US troops are stationed near Kurdistan’s Regional Government capital of Erbil. My friend, Major Sam, has just returned from a tour of duty near Erbil.
Iraqi Kurds have suffered greatly as a result of being stateless. Under Saddam Hussein’s regime, Kurds had been victims of crimes against humanity and genocide, notably during the Anfal campaign by Saddam’s army in the 1980’s. Saddam’s forces systematically destroyed more than 4,000 Kurdish villages and small cities. In 1987 and 1988, Saddam used chemical weapons that killed as many as 182,000 Kurdish civilians.
In recent years, Iraqi Kurds have enjoyed the highest standard of living in Iraq. They have also enjoyed the highest level of foreign investments and security, albeit, they are yet to achieve their ultimate dream – an independent sovereign state. Kurds meet the criteria set by the UN for self-determination and independence. They meet the objective elements including common racial background, ethnicity, history, and cultural heritage. Kurds see themselves as a distinct “people.” The Kurds are also bent on maintaining a secular society in contrast to their radical Islamist neighbors in Tehran, Ankara, and to a large extent, in Baghdad. In 2004, two-thirds of Kurdish adults signed a petition demanding a vote on whether Kurdistan should remain part of Iraq. In a 2017 independence referendum, over 92% of Iraqi Kurds voted for independence.
There is no reason to deny the Kurds the same privileges that allowed Kosovo to split from Serbia, or the Croats, Slovenians, and Bosnians to seek independence from the former Yugoslavia. Similarly, Montenegro ended the union with Serbia, and the Slovaks did the same within the former Czechoslovakia. The radical and undemocratic regimes in Tehran, Ankara, Baghdad, and Damascus have banded together on a single issue – deny and prevent the Kurds from achieving independence. Turkey’s dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan, fears that an independent Kurdistan would entice millions of Kurds in southeastern Turkey to seek union with the Kurdish state. Similarly, the radical Iranian Ayatollahs want to prevent some 10 million Iranian Kurds from joining their territory in northwestern Iran with the KRG. Shiite-led Baghdad deemed the 2017 KRG referendum illegal, and sent its army and Shiite militias to seize the oil-producing city of Kirkuk, a Kurdish majority city. Baghdad has thus denied the Kurds a major economic asset.
If outright independence of the three entities that comprise today’s Iraq is impossibility right now, federalism might be the second-best thing. It would require however, that Baghdad would agree to a fair distribution of the oil revenue, the return of Iraqi refugees, and the integration of militia members into local security forces. Implementing effective federalism needs decentralization of power, and delegating more authority to the regional governments. The Iraqi parliament would have to legislate such crucial laws as revenue sharing, and a hydrocarbon law, which would guarantee a fair distribution of wealth.
The Biden Administration would be wise to consider a physical barrier to Iranian imperialist expansionism under the strategy of the “Shiite Crescent,” that would enable Iran to control Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and the shores of the Mediterranean. An independent Kurdish state that combined the Kurdish areas of northeastern Syria (The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces in the area are major US allies) with the KRG would constitute a proper answer to Tehran, and a just cause for the US.
The Scientific Method and Covid-19
What the guardians of the Official COVID Narrative will not tell you.
Recently, I had a conversation with someone who endorses the conventional wisdom on COVID. The woman was friendly and intelligent. However, as readers of this column know, I have been at pains over the last year to expose, by way of at least a couple of dozen essays, the flagrant contradictions, misconceptions, unsubstantiated claims, and outright lies that constitute the Official Narrative.
So, the friendly and intelligent women and I disagreed.
Upon questioning whether I was among those who denied the very existence of COVID, I replied that while I wasn’t necessarily prepared to explicitly deny it, neither am I willing to resolutely affirm it. Is SARS-CoV-2, the virus that is said to be the cause of COVID-19, a real thing? To know for certain that it exists, one must follow the science.
Has the existence of “the Virus” been established according to a universally acknowledged set of scientific procedures that must be observed to establish the existence of any and all other viruses?
From the sounds of it, the answer is a resounding no.
Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and Sally Fallon Morell, are among those who have noted in a paper published last year that in demonstrating the existence of a new virus, samples must, firstly, be taken from the blood, phlegm, or other secretions of hundreds of people exhibiting symptoms that are “unique and specific enough to characterize an illness.”
Then, “without mixing these samples with ANY tissue or products that also contain genetic material, the virologist macerates, filters, and ultracentrifuges, i.e. purifies the specimen.” This, the authors explain, is a “common virology technique, done for decades to isolate bacteriophages [viruses that infect bacteria and reproduce within them] and so-called giant viruses [a virus larger than typical bacteria].”
Thirdly, once virologists perform this procedure, they are then able to “demonstrate with electron microscopy thousands of identically sized and shaped particles.” The latter are “the isolated and purified virus.”
Fourthly, upon determining the purity of these particles, virologists are able to examine their “structure, morphology, and chemical composition [.]”
Fifthly, “the genetic makeup” of the particles [the virus] “is characterized by extracting the genetic material directly from” them and “using genetic-sequencing techniques” that have long been in existence.
Finally, an analysis must be conducted to prove that “these uniform particles are exogenous (outside) in origin” as viruses are held to be and not just “the normal breakdown of products of dead and dying tissues.”
The authors conclude: “If we have come this far then we have fully isolated, characterized, genetically-sequenced an exogenous virus particle” (all emphases in the foregoing quotations added).
They add that nowhere in the literature does it show that any of these steps have been taken with respect to SARS-CoV-2.
Neither—and this is crucial—have the scientific steps for determining that SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of a disease, COVID-19, been taken. What are these steps? There really isn’t much to it:
A group of healthy subjects, typically animals, is first exposed to “this isolated, purified virus in the manner in which the disease is thought to be transmitted.”
Subsequently, virologists will wait to determine whether these subjects fall ill with “the same disease, as confirmed by clinical and autopsy findings [.]” If so, “one has now shown that the virus actually causes a disease.” In other words, the “infectivity and transmission of an infectious agent” will have been demonstrated.
Again, according to the authors, nothing like this has been performed to show that there is a virus, SARS-CoV-2, that causes what has become known as COVID-19.
An ever growing number of citizen journalists in over ten different countries from around the world have, via the Freedom of Information Acts of their respective homes, requested from scores of health agencies an account of the process by which SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated (i.e. separated out from all other stuff). To date, no account has been provided.
To repeat, I’m not willing to say that there is no SARS-CoV-2 and that it is not the cause of COVID-19. Just because something hasn’t been proven doesn’t mean that it has been proven not to exist. It is, however, worth noting, particularly for those who are fond of advertising their self-styled commitment to Science, that the scientific method that exists for determining the existence of viruses and their causal connection to diseases has apparently not been observed here. There are lots of assumptions, perhaps even some reasonable assumptions.
Yet the Science to which the guardians and promoters of the Official COVID Narrative are forever appealing they would have the rest of us think is an infallible set of stone-cold objective truths—not assumptions.
But if all of this is true, some may be inclined to ask, then how is it that the PCR test has determined so many cases, and what is it from which so many people have gotten sick and died? In future articles, both of these questions will be answered.
Prager U Video: I Used To Be Antifa
How they found him — and how he made his way out.
Gabriel Nadales was an angry, bitter, and unhappy young man — the perfect recruit for Antifa, the violent left-wing group which claims to fight against fascism. How did they find him? And how did he find his way out? Check out this important new short video from Prager University below, and check out Nadales’ book Behind the Black Mask: My Time as an Antifa Activist.
15. Φτάνουν οι οικίσκοι
Ολυμπιακός: Η αποστολή αγάπης και αλληλεγγύης στο Δαμάσι
Ο Ολυμπιακός συνεχίζεται να βρίσκεται στο πλευρό των σεισμόπληκτων στο Δαμάσι Τυρνάβου, που δοκιμάστηκαν και συνεχίζουν να δοκιμάζονται καθημερινά
Ο Ολυμπιακός από τότε που ανέλαβε τα ηνία του ο Βαγγέλης Μαρινάκης έχει αποδείξει πολλές φορές ότι δεν είναι απλά ένας αθλητικός σύλλογος. Οι Ερυθρόλευκοι όλα αυτά τα χρόνια βρίσκονται δίπλα στους συνανθρώπους μας που βιώνουν δύσκολες καταστάσεις και τους βοηθούν με όλες τους τις δυνάμεις.
Όπως είναι οι σεισμόπληκτοι στην Θεσσαλία, οι οποίοι είδαν τις ζωές τους να καταστρέφονται μέσα σε λίγα δευτερόλεπτα. Ο Ολυμπιακός δείχνοντας για μια ακόμα φορά το κοινωνικό του πρόσωπο, άρχισε αμέσως τις απαραίτητες ενέργειες και πρόσφερε απλόχερα τη βοήθειά του.
Οι Πειραιώτες πρόσφεραν 20 οικίσκους στο Δαμάσι Τυρνάβου, πλήρως εξοπλισμένους, με στόχο την ανακούφιση των συνανθρώπων μας, που έμειναν χωρίς σπίτι, μετά τους δυνατούς σεισμούς. Αποστολή αγάπης και αλληλεγγύης από τον Ολυμπιακό, που συνεχίζει να βρίσκεται στο πλευρό των σεισμόπληκτων, που δοκιμάστηκαν και συνεχίζουν να δοκιμάζονται καθημερινά.
Δείτε το βίντεο με τη βοήθεια του Ολυμπιακού στο Δαμάσι:
YPG’ye Apache’li eğitim tatbikatı
ABD DEAŞ’la mücadele bahanesiyle PKK/YPG terör örgütü unsurlarına AH-64 Apache tipi helikopterlerle hedef belirleme ve saldırı eğitimi verdi.
Marotto, İngilizce ve Kürtçe olarak yaptığı paylaşımında, “CJTFOIR ve YPG’li ortaklarımız DEAŞ’ın tekrar ortaya çıkmaması için yürüttüğümüz operasyonlar kapsamında canlı atış tatbikatı gerçekleştirdi.
CJTFOIR ve YPG, DEAŞ’ın yenilgisinin kalıcı olması için ortak olarak çalışmalarını sürdürmeye kararlıdır. Ortak çabalarımız Kuzeydoğu Suriye’de güvenliği güçlendirmekte ve DEAŞ’ın tekrar ortaya çıkmamasını garanti altına almaktadır” ifadelerini kullandı.
Rusya’dan Doğu Akdeniz’e yığınak
Son dönemde dünyanın hassas noktalarından biri haline gelen Doğu Akdeniz’de Rusya askeri gemi sayısını arttırmaya başladı.
Rusya Savunma Bakanlığına yakınlığı ile bilinen avio.pro haber sitesine göre Moskova’nın dün bölgeye aktarımını tamamladığı takviye gücün resmi amacı tatbikat gösteriliyor, ancak Şam rejimiyle Rusya’nın muhaliflerin kontrolündeki İdlib bölgesinde büyük bir operasyon hazırladığı iddia ediliyor. Rusya’nın son dönemde bölgeye hava ve füze saldırıları Ankara’nın tepkisini çekmişti.
Rusya’nın Cebelitarık boğazı üzerinden Suriye kıyılarına gönderdiği 4 savaş gemisinden ilki ‘Kalibar’ seyir füzeleriyle donatılmış ‘Boykiy’ korveti. Diğer üç gemi ‘Kaliningrad’, ‘Korolev’ ve ‘Minsk’ ise büyük çıkarma gemileri sınıfında. Üç çıkarma gemisinde Esad rejimine verilecek çok sayıda tank ve zırhlı piyade aracı bulunduğu belirtiliyor. Rus askeri uzmanlara göre olası askeri harekât alanı geçtiğimiz günlerde gerginlikler yaşanan İdlib bölgesi.
Global ticarette tek çare Türkiye
Süveyş kanalında yaşanan krizden sonra güvenli rotanın Tarihî İpek Yolu olduğu bir defa daha ortaya çıktı.
Çin’den çıkan bir konteyner, Kuzey Koridoru’nu kullanarak Avrupa’ya 15-20 günde ulaşıyor. Üstelik 10 bin kilometre yol katediyor. Süveyş Kanalı’nın içinde bulunduğu ve son kaza ile gündeme gelen Okyanus Koridoru kullanılırsa bir konteyner, 20 bin kilometre yol geçerek 45-60 gün içinde Avrupa’ya gidiyor. Ancak Tarihî İpek Yolu; 7 bin kilometre ve 10-15 gün aralığı ile hem maliyet hem zaman açısından en mantıklı, kazançlı ve güvenli rota olarak öne çıkıyor.
Resmî ziyaretleri doğrultusunda iki gün önce Türkiye’ye gelen Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanı Vang Yi; Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ve Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlût Çavuşoğlu ile istişarelerde bulundu. Görüşmede Süveyş Kanalı’nda yaşanan lojistik krizinin de ele alındığı belirtildi. “Süveyş’e en güvenli alternatif rotanın Tarihî İpek Yolu olduğu” konusunun gündeme geldiği toplantıda, Çin’in bu güzergâhı kullanmak istediği ve Türkiye ticaretini artırmak niyetinde olduğu öğrenildi. Ayrıca Türkiye ile Çin arasındaki diplomatik ilişkilerin başlamasının 50. yılı olması sebebiyle de ekonomik anlamda yeni projelerin hayata geçeceği ve 2021’in Türkiye-Çin ilişkileri açısından önemli bir yıl olduğu ifade edildi.
Tarihî İpek Yolu’nun canlandırılması amacıyla geçtiğimiz yıllarda “Bir Kuşak Bir Yol” projesi hayata geçirildi. Çin’in önderliğinde hayata geçen proje için 8 trilyon dolar yatırım yapılması öngörülüyor. Türkiye, projede “Orta Koridor” olarak adlandırılan güzergâh üzerinde yer alıyor. Türkiye’nin projedeki yatırım tutarı da 40 milyar doları bulacak. Türkiye, “Bir Kuşak Bir Yol” projesinde jeopolitik konuma sahip. Yavuz Sultan Selim ve Osmangazi Köprüleri, 18 Mart Çanakkale Köprüsü, Marmaray ve Avrasya Tüneli gibi mega- projeler “Bir Kuşak Bir Yol” projesinin mihenk taşlarını oluşturuyor.
Son dönemde hayata geçen ancak geçiş garantisi, maliyetler gibi işin tabiatında bulunan unsurlarla sürekli muhalefet tarafından hedef alınan dev ulaşım projeleri, bugün Türkiye’yi bölgesinde küresel ticaret üssü hâline getiriyor. Bakü-Tiflis-Kars demir yolu hattının tamamlanması, Tarihî İpek Yolu’nun yeniden canlandırılması için önemli bir adım oldu. Geçen yıl Türkiye’den Çin’e ilk ihracat treni kaldırıldı. Marmaray’dan kalkan tren iki kıta, iki deniz ve beş ülke geçerek 10 günde yükünü Çin’e ulaştırdı. Böylece Çin’e demir yolu ile ilk kesintisiz ihracat gerçekleşmiş oldu. Bugün söz konusu seferler belli bir rutinde devam ediyor. Öte yandan 2019 yılının sonlarında da, Çin’in Xi’an şehrinden yola çıkan tren, Marmaray’ı kullanarak Avrupa’ya geçmişti. “China Railway Express”, onlarca ülkeyi aşarak Prag’a varmıştı. Uzak Asya ile Batı Avrupa arasındaki yük taşımacılığı, ortalama 18 güne kadar geriledi. Bu arada 1915 Çanakkale Köprüsü’nün de tamamlanmasıyla Çin’den Londra’ya uzanan ticaret yolu daha da güçlenecek. Proje, “Bir Kuşak Bir Yol Projesi” çerçevesinde Türkiye’nin öncülük ettiği ‘Orta Koridor’ girişiminin en önemli parçası olacak.
Geçen sene Katar’dan Avrupa’ya Süveyş Kanalı üzerinden, haftada ortalama beş adet olmak üzere toplam 260’a yakın LNG yüklü gemi gönderildi. Süveyş Kanalı, küresel LNG ticaretinin yüzde 8’ini oluşturuyor. Kanalda karaya oturarak deniz trafiğinin durmasına sebep olan dev gemiyi kurtarma çalışmaları devam ederken, kanalın birkaç hafta boyunca kapalı kalma ihtimali, Avrupa’ya giden LNG kargoları için büyük risk oluşturuyor. Hâlihazırda nisanın ilk haftasında Avrupa’daki LNG terminallerine varması planlanan ancak şu anda Süveyş Körfezi’nde bekleyen üç dolu LNG gemisi bulunuyor. İki haftalık kapanmanın, 2 milyon metreküp LNG sevkiyatını durdurması ve bunun da Avrupa’ya enerji arzında sıkıntılara sebep olabileceği belirtiliyor.
Teröristler itiraf etti: Eylem başına 300 dolar almışlar
Halep’teki 3 terör hücresi çökertildi. Sorguda toplam 52 bomba kullanıldığı belirlendi. Teröristler örgütten 300 dolar aldıklarını anlattı.
Sorguya alınan teröristler ifadelerinde, Suriye’nin değişik bölgelerinde meydana gelen onlarca bombalı terör eyleminin nasıl ve kimler tarafından yapıldığını, terör örgütünün söz konusu saldırılardaki rolünü anlattı. Teröristler patlayıcıların Halep’in doğusundaki “Sayur” bölgesinden getirildiğini söyledi. İlk hücrede yakalanan Jassim Aboud, İmad Jassim Satout, İbrahim Hüseyin ve Hüseyin Ganem Aboud isimli teröristler, 1 yıl önce Sajour nehri boyundaki hatta onlarca patlayıcı yerleştirdiklerini itiraf etti.
YPG/PYD’li terörist Mustafa İbrahim El Satut tarafından görevlendirilen ilk hücredeki 4 terörist, patlayıcıları PYD’den alıp El-Bab, Cerablus ve Azez bölgelerini de kapsayan Fırat Kalkanı ve Zeytin Dalı Harekatı bölgelerine götürdüğünü söyledi. Teröristler patlayıcıları güvenlik güçlerinin geçiş noktaları ile kent merkezlerindeki çarşı-pazara yakın yerlere yerleştirdiklerini, her bombalamadan sonra PYD’den 300 dolar aldıklarını itiraf etti. Teröristlerden İbrahim el Hüseyin de 5 ayrı bomba yerleştirdiğini ve her bir bomba için PYD’den 400 dolar aldığını söyledi.
İlk hücredeki teröristlerden Hüseyin Ghanem Aboud ve eşi PYD’den gelen 5 patlayıcıyı hücredeki diğer teröristlere verdiklerini anlattı. Teröristler Azez, El Bab ve Cerablus’ta yerleştirdikleri 12 ayrı bombayı patlattıklarını ve aynı bölgelerdeki farklı yerlere 28 bomba daha yerleştirdiklerini itiraf etti. SMO birlikleri teröristlerin ifadesi ve yer göstermesi sonrası Azez, El Bab ve Cerablus’taki patlayıcıları bulmak için harekete geçti. Hücredeki bir diğer terörist İmad Jassim Satout ise El Bab’ta 11 kg bomba döşediği kamyonu infilak ettirdiğini ve saldırıda 7 kişinin öldüğünü söyledi. Teröristlerin ifadeleri sonrasında SMO birlikleri Fırat Kalkanı ve Zeytin Dalı Harekatı bölgesinde teröristlerle bağlantılı YPG/PYD’li terörist ve işbirlikçileri yakalamak ve bombaları ele geçirmek için operasyon başlattı.
SMO hakkında bilgi sattılar
SMO’nun çökerttiği ikinci terör hücresinde Abdülkadir Jassim Satout ve Radva İbrahim Satout isimli 2 terörist yakalandı. Hücrenin YPG/PYD’nin istihbarat ağının parçası olduğu ortaya çıktı. Teröristlerden Radva İbrahim’in akrabasının Münbiç’te YPG’de olduğu öğrenildi. İki terörist, YPG’den aldıkları talimat doğrultusunda SMO askerlerinin kontrol noktaları ve karagahları hakkında YPG/PYD’ye bilgi verdiklerini itiraf etti. Teröristler çektikleri fotoğraf ve bilgileri aylık 300 dolar karşılığında YPG/PYD’ye gönderdiklerini bildirdi.
Patlayıcıları Münbiç’ten getirmiş
Halep kırsalında ele geçirilen üçüncü hücrede ise Jassim Atiyah, Feysal Jassim Satout, Ayyuş Ahmet ve Ahmet Jassim Satout adlı teröristler yakalandı. Teröristler 50 dolar karşılığında YPG/PYD’nin bombalarını Münbiç’ten Fırat Kalkanı harekat bölgesine sokup tuzakladıklarını itiraf etti. SMO birliğine suikast için yerleştirdikleri bir bomba fark edilince eylemin başarısız olduğunu anlatan teröristler, bomba tuzakladıkları bir aracı koyun pazarına bıraktıklarını ve uzaktan kumanda ile patlattıklarını da anlattı.
MİT‘ten tarihi operasyon: Türkiye‘de toplantıya katılacaktı, bomba Yunanistan detayı
MİT, Irak’ın kuzeyinde bir operasyona imza attı. Türkiye‘de eylem hazırlığı için toplantıya katılacağı belirlenen PKK’lı Hüseyin İnal etkisiz hale getirildi.
İnal’ın, Lavrion kampında örgütsel eğitim aldıktan sonra terör örgütü PKK‘nın kırsal kadrosuna katılmak amacıyla 2018’de Irak’ın kuzeyindeki örgüt kamplarına geçtiği belirlendi.
Yaklaşık 3 yıldır PKK kamplarında faaliyet yürüten İnal’ın, Türkiye‘de eylem yapmak amacıyla Metina’daki bir toplantıya katılacağı tespit edilirken, 22 Şubat’ta düzenlenen operasyonda İnal’ın beraberindeki 2 örgüt mensubu da etkisiz hale getirildi.
Dünya krizle uğraşıyor! Putin’in sessizliğinin nedeni belli oldu
Süveyş Kanalı’nda yaşanan gemi kazası sonrası kanalın deniz trafiğine kapanması Avrupa’ya sıvılaştırılmış doğal gaz (LNG) sevkiyatını zora sokuyor.
- Süveyş Kanalı’nda karaya oturarak deniz trafiğinin durmasına neden olan dev “The Ever Given” gemisini kurtarma çalışmaları devam ediyor.
- Küresel LNG ticaretinin yüzde 8’ini oluşturan kanalın birkaç hafta boyunca kapalı kalma ihtimali, Avrupa’ya giden LNG kargoları için büyük risk oluşturuyor.
- Uzmanlar, sorunun çözüldüğünü görmek için acele etmeyen Rusya’nın bundan karlı çıkacağı görüşünde birleşiyorlar.
AA muhabirinin Norveç merkezli enerji araştırma kuruluşu Rystad Energy’nin verilerinden derlediği bilgilere göre, dünyanın en yoğun ticaret rotalarından biri olan Süveyş Kanalı’nın LNG ticareti için stratejik önemi bulunuyor.
Kanal, Orta Doğu’dan Avrupa’ya giden LNG kargoları ve Akdeniz’den Asya’ya giden bazı kargolar için ana rota konumunda bulunuyor. Geçen yıl kanal üzerinden Katar’dan Avrupa’ya haftada ortalama beş adet olmak üzere toplam 260’a yakın LNG kargosu gönderildi. Merkezi İskoçya’da bulunan araştırma ve danışmanlık şirketi Wood Mackenzie verilerine göre ise Süveyş Kanalı küresel LNG ticaretinin yüzde 8’ini oluşturuyor.
Kanalda karaya oturarak deniz trafiğinin durmasına neden olan dev “The Ever Given” gemisini kurtarma çalışmaları devam ederken, kanalın birkaç hafta boyunca kapalı kalma ihtimali, Avrupa’ya giden LNG kargoları için büyük risk oluşturuyor. Halihazırda, nisanın ilk haftasında Avrupa’daki LNG terminallerine varması planlanan ancak şu anda Süveyş Körfezi’nde Akdeniz’i geçmeyi bekleyen 3 dolu LNG gemisi bulunuyor.
Ayrıca, Umman Denizi’nden Süveyş Kanalı’na giden 1 milyon metreküp kapasiteli iki geminin daha mevcut şartlar altında Avrupa’ya ulaşması zor görünüyor.
Rystad Energy Doğal Gaz ve Elektrik Piyasaları Başkanı Carlos Torres Diaz, yaptığı açıklamada, Avrupa’da artan hava sıcaklıklarıyla doğal gaz talebinin azalmaya başladığını ancak kıtada düşük yer altı depolama seviyelerini yenilemek için sürekli LNG tedarikine ihtiyaç olduğunu belirtti. Süveyş Kanalı’ndan haftada ortalama 5 geminin geçtiğini ifade eden Diaz, “2 haftalık bir kapanma yaklaşık 2 milyon metreküp LNG’nin Avrupa’ya teslimatını erteleyebilir. En kötü senaryo olan 4 haftalık bir kapanmada ise yaklaşık 4 milyon metreküp kargo teslimatı gecikmiş olacak.” bilgisini paylaştı. Diaz, güzergahın bir hafta içinde geçişlere hazır duruma gelmesi halinde dahi kanalı geçmek için uzun bir gemi kuyruğu oluşacağını söyledi. Bu nedenle güzergahın normal akışına dönüşünün zaman alacağını ifade eden Diaz, “Dahası, bu rotanın açılması ne kadar uzun sürerse, gemi kuyruğu da o kadar uzun olacaktır.” diye konuştu.
Diaz, Rusya’nın Avrupa’ya boru hattıyla gaz arzının şu an maksimum kapasitesinin altında olduğunu anımsatarak, “Rusya’nın gaz arzı bu süreçte esneklik sağlamaya yardımcı olabilir. Mevcut durumdan en çok kimin fayda sağlayacağına bakarsak, sorunun çözüldüğünü görmek için acele etmeyen ülkenin kesinlikle Rusya olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Normalde, Avrupa’nın ikinci en büyük gaz tedarikçisi olan Norveç de bu durumdan bir kazanç sağlayabilirdi ama boru hattı sistemi şu an neredeyse maksimum kapasitede çalışıyor.” değerlendirmesinde bulundu.
ABD’nin gaz üretiminde görülen aylık artışa da dikkati çeken Diaz, “Bu artış ülkedeki üreticilere böyle bir nakliye yolu krizinde bazı siparişleri güvence altına almak için bir fırsat oluşturuyor. Gemiler, daha maliyetli olan Afrika’yı dolaşarak Avrupa’ya ulaşmak yerine, ABD’nin LNG ihracat tesislerinden Avrupa’ya daha hızlı sevkiyat yapılabilecektir.” dedi.
Wood Mackenzie Başanalisti Lucas Schmitt de kanalın birkaç gün içinde açılması durumunda kapanmanın LNG piyasası üzerindeki etkisinin kısıtlı olacağını söyledi. Schmitt, sürecin uzaması halinde ise geçen ay Panama Kanalı rotalı kargolarda yaşanan gecikmelere benzer bir sürecin yaşanabileceğini, bunun da piyasa üzerindeki etkisinin büyük olacağını ifade etti. Söz konusu olayın küresel LNG fiyatlarına yansımasını da değerlendiren Schmitt, “Bu olayın zamanlaması dikkate alındığında, LNG pazarında ara sezona girildiği için kapanmanın fiyatlar üzerindeki etkisi daha az hissedilecektir.” diye konuştu.
Dünyanın en önemli su yollarından biri olan Süveyş Kanalı’nda 24 Mart’ta dev bir konteyner gemisi ülkede yaşanan kum fırtınası ve kötü hava koşulları neticesinde görüş mesafesinin düşmesi nedeniyle kıyıya çarparak kaza yapmıştı.
“The Ever Given” isimli geminin dar kanalda enlemesine sıkışarak geçiş yolunu kapatması sonucu kanalda uzun gemi kuyrukları oluşmuş ve deniz trafiğinin durması nedeniyle ham petrol ve LNG sevkiyatlarında aksamalar yaşanmıştı.
Süveyş Kanalı İdaresi, aynı gün deniz trafiğinin normale döndüğünü açıklamış ancak 25 Mart’ta geminin yeniden hareket edene kadar Süveyş Kanalı’ndaki seyrüsefer trafiğinin askıya alındığını duyurmuştu.
Söz konusu geminin sahibi Japon firma da 26 Mart’ta yaptığı açıklamada, geminin yeniden yüzdürülmesine yönelik girişimlerde “zorluklarla karşılaşıldığını” bildirmişti.
Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanı Adil Karaismailoğlu, Süveyş Kanalı’ndaki kazaya ilişkin,“2 gündür trafik sağlanamıyor. Hatta şu anda Ümit Burnu’ndan rotalarını değiştiren gemiler var. Biz de tabii ki dünya ticaret hacmini etkileyen bir konu olduğu için bizim de çok güçlü ve mahir bir filomuz var. Biz de yardım önerimizi yaptık ve onlardan olumlu bir yanıt gelirse yardım götürürüz. Bizim Nene Hatun Gemimiz böyle büyük operasyonları yapacak dünyadaki sayılı gemilerden bir tanesi. Burada zaten İstanbul Boğazı’nı yönetiyor arkadaşlarımız. Arkadaşlarımız hazır bekliyor. Olumlu bir yardım çağrısı olursa gereğini yaparız” demişti.
Bakan Karaismailoğlu, Nene Hatun Gemisi’nin oradaki çalışmalara nasıl destek verebileceğine ilişkin soruya, “Yani geminin kurtarılması ve Süveyş Kanalı trafiğinin açılması için önemli katkı sağlayacağını düşünüyorum. Onlar ihtiyaç duyuyorlarsa elimizden geleni yaparız. Şu an bir yanıt gelmedi.” cevabını vermişti.