Spy Reveals Hezbollah’s Methods on Israel’s Northern Border
Syrian national captured by security forces and accused of spying for Hezbollah provides insight into terror group’s methods in the Golan Heights.
By United with Israel
A Syrian national arrested by Israeli security forces has provided valuable insight into the methods the Hezbollah terror group uses in its efforts to harm citizens of the State of Israel, Ynet reported Wednesday.
Ghaith Abdullah, 24, a resident of the Syrian Golan Heights, was arrested in January after crossing the border into Israel. He faces charges of membership in a terror organization, espionage and providing support for foreign terror groups.
According to his indictment, Abdullah was recruited by Hezbollah in late 2019 to transfer information about IDF activity on the Syrian border to the terror group.
Toward this purpose, he was gifted with a camera, with which be began documenting the activity of IDF forces. He would then transfer the footage to his handler, “Abu Ali.”
Only 8 months later did Abdullah learn that Abu Ali was a Hezbollah operative. Even then, however, he continued to spy on the IDF.
“As far as he is concerned, he was offered a good job with a good salary,” Israel Police noted.
Abdullah described his initial impressions of the “job” he had accepted.
“At first I thought it was national security, I thought Syria needed the materials to know what was happening on its borders. I don’t know what they did with these materials, but I was told it was for the archives. I would take a picture every two days.”
He explained his task was to “watch the border with Israel and everything that happens there, and document everything, [including] the movement of forces, IDF patrols, patrol times.”
“I received a salary on the fourth or fifth of every month, anywhere between 30 Syrian pounds to 200 Syrian pounds,” he said.
Northern District Police First Sergeant Major Khaled Zein al-Din noted the unique significance of the investigation.
“This is the first time we encountered an investigation of a living Hezbollah spy,” he said.
“For the first time, we have investigated a Hezbollah man who has been spying on the IDF for several years and he revealed Hezbollah’s methods in the Golan. The suspect has been questioned by me six times, for long, comprehensive, and interesting investigations. He is a Muslim single who lives in the village of Al-Asbah, near Quneitra, got engaged, and planned to marry.”
“His brother-in-law was a very senior Hezbollah operative, he offered him to work with him and linked him to his handler,” al-Din added. “They offered him a monthly payment and a free pass through Syria, and gave him a pass that allows him to pass freely through all Hezbollah checkpoints.”
Yeni Altay Tankı görücüye çıktı: Teslim tarihi açıklandı
Yeni Altay tankı, ilk kez görücüye çıktı. BMC Genel Müdürü Murat Yalçıntaş, “Yeni ALTAY” olarak isimlendirdikleri BMC SAVUNMA üretimi ALTAY Ana Muharebe Tankı’nın, 23 Nisan 2023’te TSK’ya teslim edileceğini açıkladı.
resmi olan 29 Temmuz 2008 tarihinde başlatılan ALTAY Ana Muharebe Tankı Projesi kapsamında seri üretim faaliyetleri, Almanya’nın güç grubu ambargosu sebebiyle bir süredir başlayamamıştı. BMC, Güney Kore’den tedarik edilen güç grupları ile üretilen ALTAY Tanklarını bu yıl Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’ne teslim edecek.
Otokar tarafından geliştirilen ALTAY Tankı’nın seri üretim ihalesini, 2018 yılında BMC kazanmıştı. Şu ana kadar BMC, Arifiye’de 5 adet ALTAY Tankı üretildi. Halihazırda 2 adet ALTAY Ana Muharebe Tankı (AMT), teslimata hazırlanıyor. Güney Kore’den tedarik edilen güç grubu entegre edilen bu iki tankın, 23 Nisan 2023 tarihinde Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’ne teslim edilmesi planlanıyor.
BMC Genel Müdürü Murat Yalçıntaş tarafından yapılan açıklamaya göre; Nisan ayında teslim edilecek 2 adet ALTAY Tankı’nı, uzun soluklu bir test programı bekliyor. Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri, Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı ve BMC yetkililerinin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilecek bu saha testlerinin, 1.5 ila 2 yıl sürmesi bekleniyor. Şirket, 2025 yılı içerisinde Kore Güç Grubu ile ALTAY’ın seri üretimini başlamayı hedefliyor.
Yukarıda da belirtildiği üzere BMC, halihazırda Arifiye’de üretilen tankları “Yeni ALTAY” olarak isimlendiriyor. Otokar döneminden beri ALTAY Projesi’nde bulunan BMC Savunma Genel Müdürü Mehmet Karaaslan, bu isimlendirmenin sebebini şu şekilde açıklıyor: “Şu anda elimizdeki tank, eski bir tank değil. Bu, tamamen “Yeni ALTAY”. Bu kadar zaman zarfında birçok parçayı yerlileştirme şansı bulduk. Bu zaman zarfında birçok muharebe oldu, bunlardan birçok dersler çıkarıldı ve tankta bunun sonucunda birçok değişiklik oldu.”
Öte yandan Karaaslan, ALTAY Tankı’nın BMC tarafından üretilmediğini; 20 yılı aşkın süredir gelinen bu aşamaya kadar birçok kişinin, programda büyük emeğinin olduğunu açıklamalarına ekledi.
BMC SAVUNMA Genel Müdürü Mehmet Karaaslan, ALTAY projesi kapsamında Almanya’nın sadece güç grubuna ambargo koymadığını vurgulayarak, “Neden bu kadar geç kaldı? ALTAY’ın ilk prototipi yapıldığı zaman, temel olarak güç grubu, yabancı ülkeden gelecek olan motordu. Aynı batı ülkesinden gelecek başka yan sistemler de vardı.
Bu batı ülkesi, TSK’nın yürütmekte olduğu bazı harekatları bahane ederek bunları Türkiye’ye vermeye reddetti. Bunlar tedarik edilmeyince tank, üretilemez hale geliyor. Tank gibi son derece stratejik bir kara muharebe aracında dışarıya bağımlı olmamak gerekiyor. Başta güç grubu olmak üzere birçok parçanın yerlileştirilmesi istendi. Bununla alakalı çalışmalar başladı.” ifadelerini kullandı.
Edinilen bilgilere göre, yerlileştirilen parçalar ve daha önce tedarik edilen ülkeler ise şu şekilde:
- Hız Azaltan (Almanya)
- Nişancı 2. Derece Görüş Sistemi (Almanya)
- Palet (Güney Kore)
- Kule Çember Dişlisi (Güney Kore)
- Rotor (Güney Kore)
- Mühimmat Rafları (Almanya)
- Periskoplar (Almanya)
- Yakıt ve Hidrolik Pompaları (Almanya)
- Mobil Gizleme Ağı (?)
- Koaksiyel Makineli Tüfek (Belçika)
Karaaslan, ALTAY için neden Kore’den güç grubu tedarik edildiğini ise şu şekilde açıkladı: “Bu kadar sistemin üretimi, tasarlanması, test edilmesi oldukça zaman alacak bir şey. Nereden baksanız güç grubu 6-7 senelik bir süreç. Peki 6-7 sene Türk ordusu tanksız mı kalacak? O zaman dendi ki bu yerli çözümler gelene kadar siz bu vermeyen yabancı ülkelerin yerine alternatifler bulun. Ne zaman yerli çözümler gelir o zaman bu yerli çözümleri tanka entegre ederseniz.
2025 yılında Kore Güç Grubu ile Yeni ALTAY’ların seri üretimine başkanacak ve TSK’ya teslim edilecek. 2026 yılı ikinci yarısından itibaren Yeni ALTAY’ların, BMC POWER üretimi yerli ve milli güç grubu ile seri üretimine devam edilmesi planlanıyor.”
Former US generals urge Biden Admin to arm Israel heavily against Iran
By Andrew Bernard, Algemeiner
44 retired officers from the US Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines published an open letter on Tuesday urging the United States to provide advanced weapons to Israel to deter and prevent a nuclear Iran.
The letter, organized by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) and published in the political publication The Hill, calls for the delivery to Israel of C-46A aerial refueling tankers, F-15I and F-35 multirole fighters, and precision-guided bombs.
“As retired American military leaders who devoted our lives to the defense of our nation, we prefer a diplomatic solution that would genuinely end the threat posed by Iran’s escalating nuclear program. But no such deal is imminent, nor realistic,” the letter said. “The United States cannot pursue a deal while the Tehran regime brutalizes its own people and provides Russia with arms to target civilians in Ukraine.”
In February the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) detected uranium enriched to 84% at Iran’s Fordow Nuclear Power Plant. The IAEA has previously said there was “no credible civilian justification” for Iran’s enrichment levels. Uranium enriched to 3-5% is the level typically used for civilian nuclear reactors. 84% pure uranium is considered to be “highly enriched”, but remains short of the approximately 90% purity required for weapons grade uranium used in nuclear weapons. CIA director William Burns in February said that Iran could cross that threshold “within weeks” if it decided to, but did not assess that they had done so.
“The only thing that can stop Iran from crossing the nuclear threshold is a credible military threat,” the letter said. “Only Israel offers that, since it alone demonstrates the will and effectiveness in containing and rolling back Iranian aggression and nuclear development.”
The Biden administration has repeatedly said that a return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – the 2015 Iran nuclear deal – is “not on the agenda,” but have also refused to say that the talks are “dead.”
“The Iranian regime has not been true to its word when it said early on in this administration that it sought a mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA,” State Department Spokesman Ned Price said on 14 March. “It has consistently proven itself unable or unwilling to do so, and the JCPOA is no longer on the agenda. But what very much is on the agenda is working with our European allies, other allies and partners in the Middle East, and other parts in the world to do what we can to counter this program, to impose additional pressure on Iran in response to its intransigence and its continued advancements when it comes to its nuclear program.”
MMU hangardan çıktı! F-16 boy ölçüşemez…6’lı masa tehlikesi
Milli Muharip Uçağımız hangardan çıkarken tüm Türkiye’nin tüyleri diken diken oldu.
Στην τελική ευθεία η ένταξη της Φινλανδίας στο ΝΑΤΟ – Ο πρόεδρός της υπέγραψε τον νόμο
Ο πρόεδρος της Φινλανδίας Σάουλι Νιινίστο υπέγραψε σήμερα κατά τη διάρκεια τελετής τον νόμο για την ένταξη της χώρας του στο ΝΑΤΟ.
Υπό τον φόβο που προκάλεσε η ρωσική εισβολή στην Ουκρανία, η Φινλανδία που μοιράζεται 1.300 χλμ συνόρων με τη Ρωσία, υπέβαλε πέρσι τον Μάιο μαζί με την γείτονά της Σουηδίααίτημα για ένταξη στη Βορειοατλαντική Συμμαχία.
Μια νομοθεσία που ενσωματώνει τις ιδρυτικές συνθήκες του ΝΑΤΟ στη φινλανδική νομοθεσία ψηφίστηκε στο κοινοβούλιο στο Ελσίνκι την 1η Μαρτίου.
Η Ουγγαρία και η Τουρκία, τα μόνα μέλη του ΝΑΤΟ που δεν έχουν ακόμη επικυρώσει την ένταξη της Φινλανδίας, έχουν επισημάνει και οι δύο ότι θα το κάνουν σύντομα.
Λίγο νωρίτερα σήμερα η Επιτροπή Εξωτερικών Υποθέσεων του τουρκικού Κοινοβουλίου ενέκρινε το νομοσχέδιο με το οποίο επικυρώνεται το αίτημα ένταξης της Φινλανδίας στο ΝΑΤΟ, μετέδωσε η κρατική τηλεόραση TRT Haber. Παράλληλα την ερχόμενη Δευτέρα η Βουδαπέστη έχει ανακοινώσει ότι θα θέσει προς ψήφιση την επικύρωση της ένταξης της Φινλανδίας στη Συμμαχία.
Το μέλλον της σουηδικής ένταξης παραμένει ακόμη θολό, με την Τουρκία να εγείρει εμπόδια και την Ουγγαρία να κωλυσιεργεί.
Πηγές: Reuters, ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ
Türkiye, Greece agree to further improve ties through positive agenda
Türkiye and Greece have agreed to further move on the “positive agenda” items in bilateral relations after the fourth round of discussions on the Joint Action Plan.
“A detailed update was made on the progress achieved over the 25 topics of the Positive Agenda list, such as the cooperation and enhancement in the fields of entrepreneurship, tourism, energy, transport and telecommunications, maritime affairs, ICT, education, social security, health, and the environment. It was noted that many items have been successfully concluded,” said a statement by the Foreign Ministry.
“Satisfactory progress has been achieved on several other items on the list,” it said.
The meeting set the framework for the finalization of the relevant agreements that could be signed during the next high-level meeting, said the ministry.
Türkiye and Greece are at odds over some differences in the Aegean Sea, including territorial waters, airspace and other disputed matters. Ankara also accuses Athens of continued violation of 1923 and 1947 treaties that stipulate demilitarized status to the Greek islands in proximity to the Turkish mainland.
Despite a history of rivalry that goes back centuries and the strained ties in the past few years over the clash of interests in the Mediterranean, the two neighbors have stepped up for solidarity over deadly incidents in the past two months.
Greece was among the first European countries to send rescue workers and humanitarian aid on Feb. 6, a few hours after the massive earthquakes in southern Turkish provinces. Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias paid a visit to Türkiye in a show of support after the quakes.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on March 1 extended his condolences to Greece over a deadly train crash that has claimed at least 42 lives. Erdoğan sent a message to Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou and Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.
Students apologize for ‘Nazi salute’
Eyüp Serbest – ISTANBUL
Üsküdar American Academy made an apology visit to Ulus Jewish High School after some of its students made “Nazi salutes” during a football match between the schools.
The players of Üsküdar American Academy unexpectedly performed a “Nazi salute” to celebrate their team’s goal against their rivals.
After the incident, Üsküdar American Academy administration made an apology statement. The Education Ministry also launched an investigation.
The administration of Üsküdar American Academy, the coach of the football team, the team captain and some of the players visited Ulus Jewish High School on March 22.
Representatives of the Jewish community also took part in the visit. The Üsküdar American Academy administration apologized, stating that their students had been disciplined.
Holocaust to be taught
It was agreed to show zero tolerance and to disseminate Holocaust education in order to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.