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DRDO successfully flight tests New Generation Agni P Ballistic Missile
India – Press Information Bureau
Ministry of Defence
Posted On: 28 JUN 2021 12:21PM by PIB Delhi
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully flight tested a New Generation Nuclear Capable Ballistic Missile Agni P from Dr APJ Abdul Kalam island off the coast of Odisha, Balasore at 1055 hrs on June 28, 2021. Various telemetry and radar stations positioned along the eastern coast tracked and monitored the missile. The missile followed text book trajectory, meeting all mission objectives with high level of accuracy.
Agni P is a new generation advanced variant of Agni class of missiles. It is a canisterised missile with range capability between 1,000 and 2,000 kms.
(Release ID: 1730828)
Iranian-backed militias shell U.S. base in Syria
No casualties reported; Centcom warns of rising drone attacks on U.S. forces.
By World Israel News Staff
A U.S. military base in the eastern Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor was shelled by pro-Iranian militias on Monday night, one day after U.S. air strikes hit facilities belonging to the Shiite terror groups.
Voice of America reported that the rockets were fired at an isolated outpost known as the Green Village, which is located next to the Al-Omar oil field.
“U.S. Forces in Syria, while under multiple rocket attack, acted in self-defense and conducted counter-battery artillery fire at rocket launching positions,” U.S. Colonel Wayne Marotto, the spokesman for the international military intervention against Islamic State, wrote on Twitter. Approximately 900 U.S. personnel are deployed in Syria for ongoing missions against Islamic State as part of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Syria’s state-controlled news agency, SANA, reported that “missiles… targeted a military base of the US occupation forces in the Al-Omar oil field.”
The strike was prompted by a rising number of drone attacks on U.S. personnel in Syria and Iraq. Centcom Commander Gen. Frank McKenzie told Voice America in a June 15 interview, “There are a lot of drones in Iraq. Some of them are indigenous. Some of them came from Iran. We’re certain of that.”
There was no indication that Sunday’s attacks were meant as the start of a wider, sustained U.S. air campaign in the border region.
Sunday’s airstrike was the second ordered by the Biden administration. In February, U.S. forces hit a cluster of buildings on the Syria-Iraq border belonging to the same militias in response to a rocket attack on American personnel in Iraq that killed a Filipino contractor.
Associated Press contributed to this report.
Biden to Rivlin: No Iranian nukes on my watch
By World Israel News Staff
President Joe Biden sought to assure Israel that he would not tolerate a nuclear Iran as he met with outgoing Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on Monday amid a major shakeup in Israeli politics and growing angst in Jerusalem over the U.S. administration’s effort to reenter the Iran nuclear deal.
“What I can say to you is that Iran will never get a nuclear weapon on my watch,” said Biden to Rivlin, sitting together in the Oval Office.
Rivlin stressed that Iran’s pursuit of a nuclear weapon is the world’s greatest strategic threat. He also criticized Palestinian moves at the International Criminal Court in The Hague to push with a war crimes probe against the IDF and discussed the aftermath of the 11-day Gaza war in May.
Reviving the nuclear deal is a key foreign policy priority for the Biden administration. Israel opposes the U.S. returning to the JCPOA nuclear agreement from which Washington withdrew in 2018. The sixth round of indirect U.S.-Iran talks in Vienna concluded earlier in June with a new round yet to be scheduled.
The visit came amidst the backdrop of U.S. airstrikes on Iranian-backed militias near the Syria-Iraq border and a meeting between Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken which many have called a “reset” of Israel-U.S. relations. Both took place on Sunday.
Rivlin also visited Capitol Hill on Monday where he met with a group of representatives, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). The only Republican attending was minority whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). Afterwards, Rivlin met with the United Arab Emirates’ Ambassador to Washington Yousef Al Otaibi, who was a key figure in forging the Abraham Accords between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain.
On Tuesday, Rivlin heads to New York for meetings at the United Nations with Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and envoys from various countries before returning to Israel.
The U.S. visit is Rivlin’s last as President of Israel. His seven-year terms ends on July 7. He will be replaced by Isaac Herzog.
State Department spokesperson Jennifer Psaki confirmed that the U.S. is working to schedule a visit for Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.
Associated Press contributed to this report.
“Israel wants peace with all of its neighbors,” Lapid said. “We aren’t going anywhere. The Middle East is our home and we’re here to stay, so we call on all countries in the region to recognize that and talk to us.”
“We are standing here today because we chose peace over war, cooperation over conflict,” He added. “War is the surrender to all that is bad within us; peace is the victory of all that is good.”
Lapid also made point of thanking current and former U.S. Presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump for their “uncompromising support.”
Lapid was also due to hold talks with his Emirati counterpart, Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed al Nahya on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, Lapid will dedicate Israel’s consulate in Dubai, visit Israel’s pavilion at the Dubai Expo 2020 trade fair, and meet with members of the UAE Jewish community. An estimated 3,000 Jews live in the Emirates.
Bilateral Israel-UAE is said to have exceeded $354 million while around 200,000 Israeli tourists have already visited the Persian Gulf state.
Underpinning UAE-Israel ties is a shared concern that Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers did not go far enough to curb Tehran’s reach in the region. The reservations by both countries about the deal helped propel quiet ties, long before they formally announced full diplomatic relations last year. Reviving the JCPOA agreement, which the U.S. withdrew from in 2018, is a key foreign policy priority for the Biden administration. The sixth round of indirect U.S.-Iran talks in Vienna concluded earlier in June with a new round yet to be scheduled.
Shortly after the UAE-Israel pact was signed, the Trump administration authorized the sale of 50 advanced F-35 fighter jets to the UAE, which would make it only the second country in the Middle East, after Israel, to acquire them. The Biden administration has vowed to go ahead with the sale of the jets and advanced armed drones.
Although Israel, the UAE and Bahrain established diplomatic relations last year, high level visits were repeatedly postponed because of the Covid pandemic, Israeli elections and other scheduling difficulties.
Associated Press contributed to this report.
Hezbollah leader, Hamas chief discuss how to build on latest round of violence against Israel
During the 11-day war in May, Hamas and other Gaza-based terrorist groups fired over 4,000 rockets into Israel with dozens of projectiles flying as far north as Tel Aviv.
By Associated Press
The top leaders of terrorist groups Hezbollah and Hamas held talks in Beirut on Tuesday about last month’s 11-day war with Israel in the Gaza Strip.
Ismail Haniyeh, leader of the Palestinian Hamas, arrived in Lebanon on Sunday and met several top officials, including President Michel Aoun and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri.
On Tuesday, Haniyeh and Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah discussed how they can build on the experience of the latest round of violence.
There were no comments after the meeting that brought Nasrallah and Haniyeh together. It was the first between the two since September.
Hezbollah and Israel fought a 34-day war in 2006 that ended in a draw.
After the end of the war in Gaza, Haniyeh visited Egypt for Palestinian reconciliation talks. He later visited Morocco and Mauritania before arriving in Lebanon.
Biden aid rescues Hamas-controlled UN agency in Gaza
Erdoğan talimatı verdi! AK Parti’de ‘Hakikat’ operasyonu
Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan, partisinin MYK toplantısında, “Yalan operasyonuna karşı hakikat operasyonu yapacağız. Yaz döneminde de sahalara çıkıp hakikatleri anlatacağız.” dedi.
Erdoğan’ın, Gül ve kurmaylardan tutukluluk süreleriyle ilgili düzenlemelerin tekrar gözden geçirilmesini istediği öğrenildi. 4. Yargı Paketi’nde yer alan “tutuklamada somut delil” aranma şartı maddesiyle tutukluluk süreleriyle ilgili bazı düzenlemelerin gündeme gelebileceğini ifade ediliyor. FETÖ’cülerin ihracına imkan tanıyan OHAL sonrası getirilen geçici düzenlemenin süresinin 31 Temmuz’da dolması sebebiyle uzatılmasının planlandığı da öğrenildi. Uzatmayla ilgili sürenin 3 yıl olmasının ağırlık kazandığı belirtiliyor.
AK Parti Tanıtım ve Medya Başkanlığı’nın sunum yaptığı toplantıda, yaz döneminde hem vekillerin hem de teşkilatın koordineli olarak sahada olması gerektiği belirtildi. Erdoğan’ın toplantıda, Katar’dan gelecek öğrencilerin sınavsız bir şekilde tıp eğitimi alacağına yönelik tartışmalarla ilgili CHP Lideri Kılıçdaroğlu’nun gerçekle ilgisi olmayan açıklamalar yaptığını belirterek, “Bu yalan bir haber. Haberi yapan kurum özür dilediği halde CHP sessiz kalıyor. Yalan operasyonuna karşı dikkatli olmalıyız” değerlendirmesinde bulunduğu öğrenildi. Erdoğan’ın, “Yalan operasyonuna karşı hakikat operasyonu yapacağız. Tanıtım medya başkanlığımızın görevi hakikati anlatmak, teşkilat başkanlığımızın görevi hakikatleri 11 milyon üyemize aktararak, vatandaşa doğru anlatılmasını sağlamak. Yaz döneminde de sahada gerçekleri anlatacağız” dediği belirtildi.
Toplantıda Erdoğan’ın hayvan hakları yasasıyla ilgili de “Sözümüzü tutmamız lazım. Meclis kapanmadan bunu getirelim” talimatı verdiği öğrenildi. Bu talimatın ardından Hayvanları Koruma Kanunu dün Meclis’te imzaya açıldı. 15 Temmuz’da ara vermesi gereken Meclis ile ilgili yasaların çıkarılabilmesi için yeni bir takvim planlaması yapılacağı belirtildi. Turizmin de gündeme geldiği toplantıda Erdoğan’ın “Sadece Rusya’dan değil, Almanya ve diğer ülkelerden de turist gelecek” dediği öğrenildi.
Hintli isimden çarpıcı Türk SİHA’ları açıklaması! ABD’ye acil kodlu Türkiye çağrısı
Türkiye’nin Polonya ve Ukrayna’ya teslim ettiği SİHA’ların önemine vurgu yapan Hindistan’ın eski Türkiye büyükelçisi M.K. Bhadrakumar, ABD-Türkiye-Rusya ekseninde bölge için önemli değerlendirmelerde bulundu.
Hindistan‘ın eski Türkiye büyükelçisi M.K. Bhadrakumar (Melkulangara Bhadrakumar), ABD-Türkiye ilişkileri üzerine çarpıcı bir analiz yazısı kaleme aldı.
ABD-Rusya geriliminin zirveye ulaştığını belirten Bhadrakumar, Biden hükümetinin Türkiye’deki diplomatik açılımlarının bu açıdan değerlendirilmesi gerektiğini ifade etti.
Haluk Bayraktar açıkladı: Polonya’dan sonra bu ülkeler de sırada
Bölgede oluşan jeopolitik gerçekliğe işaret eden Bhadrakumar, “ABD, Kafkaslar’dan Polonya’ya kadar Rusya’ya karşı koyma stratejisine Türkiye’yi acilen dahil etmesi gerekiyor. Türkiye, ABD’nin Rusya ve İran’daki eskrim çabalarında potansiyel olarak en iyi ortaktır” ifadelerini kullandı.
Washington ve Ankara arasında Kabil havaalanının güvenliğine ilişkin görüşmelerin devam ettiğini söyleyen Hintli diplomat Türkiye’nin son zamanlarda Polonya ve Ukrayna’ya teslim ettiği SİHA‘ların önemine vurgu yaptı.
Yok böyle itiraf: Türk SİHA’larına çözüm arıyoruz
Bhadrakumar, “Türkiye’nin işbirliği, ABD’nin son zamanlarda yeni üsler kurduğu Akdeniz’de güç planlamak için çok önemli. Türkiye ve ABD, Rusya’yı (NATO‘nun Afrika’ya gelecekteki genişlemesinin kapısı olarak tasavvur ettiği) Libya’nın dışında tutma konusunda da aynı çıkarlara sahip” dedi.
LGBT’nin arkasındaki örgüt: Stonewall
Haber7 yazarı Taha Dağlı, “LGBT meselesinin nereye doğru gittiğinin farkında mısınız?” başlıklı köşe yazısında, son dönemlerde artan “eşcinsel” propagandasının tehlikelerine değindi.
Şirket ve devletlere dayatılanları tek tek aktaran Dağlı, “Kadın, ‘kadınım’ diyemeyecek, ‘anneyim’ diyemeyecek, erkek ‘ben babayım’ diyemeyecek. Fıtrata dair ne varsa, tasfiye edilecek. Yapmaya çalıştıkları korkunç iş, bu” sözleriyle de yapılmak isteneni gözler önüne serdi.
İşte yazının tamamı:
“LGBT’nin T’si çıkarılıyor, anne-baba gibi kavramlar ortadan kaldırılıyor. Bunlar LGBT’yi başımıza bela eden örgütün dayatmalarından bir kaçı. LGBT ile PKK ortak hareket ediyor ama inanın o bile hedef saptırma. PKK ile kendimiz baş edebiliyoruz fakat LGBT işi öyle bir noktaya götürüyor ki, zamanında önlem alınmazsa, vakti geldiğinde asla baş edemeyeceğimiz bir hale evrilecek. İşte İngiliz basınına sızan raporlarda söz edilen LGBT gerçeği.
LGBT’yi küresel bir düzenek haline getiren olayın miladı 28 Haziran 1969’du.
ABD’de Stonewall adlı eşcinsellerin gittiği bir gece kulübüne polis baskını yapıldı.
O baskının ardından eşcinsel hareket direnişe geçti.
Macaristan’da eşcinsellere yönelik tasarı yasalaştı
ABD’de polis baskınına uğrayan gece kulübü Stonewall adıyla bir örgüt kuruldu.
O örgütün merkezi İngiltere oldu.
Bugün LGBT’ye dair olup biten her şeyin organizatörü o örgüt.
Stonewall örgütü zaman içerisinde büyüdü. Küresel bir güç haline geldi.
Öyle ki, her yıl, dünya genelinde şirketler hakkında raporlar hazırlıyor.
Hangi şirketin kaç LGBT çalışanı var, buna göre karneler oluşturuyor.
Stonewall’un dünya genelindeki işyeri endeksinde ilk 100 listeleri hazırlanıyor.
Bir nevi derecelendirme unsuru olan bu listeye girebilmek için küresel şirketler adeta birbirleriyle yarışıyor.
Ama artık o listede üst sıralarda yer alabilmek için yüzlerce LGBT’li çalışanınız da olsa yeterli gelmiyor.
Çünkü Stonewall, dünyaca ünlü şirketlere ve hatta devlet kurumlarına LGBT konusunda farklı dayatmalarda bulunuyor.
CHP’den Türk polisine hakaret! Peş peşe tepkiler
Times gazetesinde bir rapor yayınlandı.
O rapora göre Stonewall örgütü, LGBT’li çalıştıran şirket ve devlet kurumlarına, kendi politikalarını uygulatma konusunda baskı yapıyor.
Mesela örgüt diyor ki, “senin şu kadar LGBT çalışanının olması kafi değil, bunun yanı sıra cinsiyet meselesini komple kaldıracaksın”
Peki nasıl olacak bu?
Şirket patronları veya devlet kurumları, bünyesinde anne, baba, hamilelik gibi kavramları tasfiye edecek.
Örneğin trans bir çalışanınız mı var, erkekken kadın olmuş veya tam tersi, işte ona cinsiyet sorulmayacak, annelik, babalık gibi cinsiyet çağrıştıran kavramlar ortadan kaldırılacak, tek cinsiyet modeli üzerine yeni bir yapılandırma oluşturulacak.
Çekya Cumhurbaşkanı: Eşcinselleri iğrenç buluyorum
Bunun dışında mesela İskoçya hükümetine baskı yapılıyor.
Çünkü Britanya’da cinsiyet tanımı zorunluluğu var.
Stonewall örgütü bu kanunu değiştirmek istiyor.
Bu nedenle İskoçya hükümeti devlet kurumlarında ne kadar LGBT’li çalıştırırsa çalıştırsın, Stonewall’un endeksinde istediği üst sıralara giremiyor.
Zira örgüt, İskoç hükümetinden, cinsiyet tanımlamasını zorunlu kılan kanunun değiştirilmesini şart koşuyor.
Dahası var.
LGBT, lesbiyen, gay, biseksüel ve trans demek.
Translar, öyle ya da böyle bir cinsiyet sahibiler. Erkekken kadın olmuş veya kadınken erkek olmuş.
Sızan raporda, Stonewall örgütünün LGBT’teki T’yi kaldırmayı planladığı da yazıyor.
Yani eşcinselsen eşcinselsindir, geçiş yapıp, erkek veya kadın diye tanımlanmak yok.
Özetle tek cinsiyet ya da cinsiyetsizlik, ne derseniz, deyin.
UEFA’dan skandal LGBT desteği!
Başka bir deyişle, mesele cinsel tercih meselesi falan değilmiş, bu anlaşılıyor.
Yoksa herkesin özel hayatı kendine, kimse kimsenin hayatına karışamaz, karışmamalı.
Ama işin gittiği boyut, cinsel tercihle, eşcinsellerin haklarıyla falan kalmıyor.
Hatta bunlarla alakalı bile değil.
Tamamen cinsiyetsizlik üzerine kurulu bir dayatma projesinden bahsediliyor.
Durum öylesine vahim ki, LGBT düzeninde transların kendilerini “ben erkektim şimdi kadınım veya kadındım şimdi erkeğim” diye tanımlamalarına bile yer yok.
Kadın, “kadınım” diyemeyecek, “anneyim” diyemeyecek, erkek “ben babayım” diyemeyecek.
Fıtrata dair ne varsa, tasfiye edilecek.
Yapmaya çalıştıkları korkunç iş, bu.
LGBT konusunun gittiği yer bu konunun önünü açan Avrupalıları bile endişelendiriyor.
Stonewall’un yapmaya çalıştığı iş, korkutucu.
Bunu bazı Avrupalı kaynaklar da itiraf ediyor ve hatta “iş çığırından çıkabilir” diye uyarılar yapılıyor.
CHP’li Sezgin Tanrıkulu’ndan LGBT’lilere müdahale eden polise tehdit
Macaristan İstanbul Sözleşmesini uygulamamıştı.
LGBT konusuna da prim vermiyor.
AB’nin toplu saldırısına hedef oldu, yerden yere vuruldu.
Bir tek Çekya’dan Macarlara destek geldi.
Çekya da Macaristan gibi LGBT konusunda aksi yönde adımlar atarsa, onlar da AB’nin eleştirilerine uğrayacaklar.
Tehlike büyük.
Bakınca net şekilde görülüyor.
Ama hala İstanbul’da polisin izin vermediği PKK temalı korsan LGBT eylemini savunan, en önde ağzında düdük çalarak yürüyen provokatöre aldanan varsa, herkes aklını başına alsın çünkü bu iş bireyleri aşan bir konu, toplumsal bir sorun ve hep birlikte dur denilmezse, bir gün hepimiz bu enkazın altında kalırız.”
Gökbey Helikopteri’nin 3’üncü prototipinde testler başladı
Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii AŞ (TUSAŞ) tarafından geliştirilen Gökbey Helikopteri’nin 3’üncü prototipinde (P2), Sivil Havacılık Genel Müdürlüğünce (SHGM) verilen özel uçuş izni kapsamında testler başladı.
Türkiye’de yerli ve milli imkanlarla özgün helikopter geliştirme görevi verilen TUSAŞ tarafından yürütülen Gökbey Özgün Helikopter Programı kapsamında, yapısal ve aviyonik sistemlerin yanı sıra transmisyon, rotor ve iniş takımları gibi kritik öneme haiz sistemlerin tasarımları ve üretimleri de tamamen milli kaynaklar kullanılarak gerçekleştiriliyor.
Yüksek irtifa ve sıcaklıkta, gece/gündüz ve aletli/görerek uçuş yapılmasını mümkün kılan, farklı meteorolojik koşullarda etkin faaliyet gösterebilecek şekilde tasarımı ve testleri yapılan Gökbey Helikopteri’nin taşıma, VIP, kargo, pilot eğitimi, hava ambulans, arama-kurtarma ve kıyı ötesi taşıma görevlerini başarıyla gerçekleştirebileceği değerlendiriliyor.
SHGM ve TUSAŞ uzmanlarından oluşturulan farklı disiplindeki 13 sertifikasyon panelinin değerlendirmesi neticesinde, ulusal ve uluslararası gereklilikler göz önünde bulundurulmak suretiyle sertifikasyon şartnamelerine uygun olarak tasarlanan “Gökbey Özgün Helikopteri Özel Uçuş İzni” SHGM tarafından yayımlandı. Yaklaşık 40 dakika süren bu uçuşla beraber uçuş test faaliyetlerine yeni prototip dahil edildi. Bu prototipin devreye alınmasıyla sertifikasyon testleri hızlandırılacak.
12. «Διατηρητέα και Εκποιητέα Μοναστηριακή Περιουσία»
Αποκλειστικό: Προδημοσίευση από το νέο βιβλίο του Αρχιεπισκόπου
Ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος ξεκινάει τη συγγραφή του βιβλίου του «Διατηρητέα και Εκποιητέα Μοναστηριακή Περιουσία» επισημαίνοντας πως η ανάρτηση των δασικών πινάκων έχει προκαλέσει μία γενική αναταραχή στην κοινωνία.
«(…) Πρόκειται για μία νέα επιδρομή καταλήψεως και της τελευταίας εναπομεινάσης μοναστηριακής περιουσίας»
Αν η Πολιτεία δεν αλλάξει στάση και πνεύμα στο θέμα της ανάρτησης των δασικών χαρτών, τότε αυτό θα έχει ως αποτέλεσμα «μία νέα επιδρομή καταλήψεως και της τελευταίας εναπομεινάσης μοναστηριακής περιουσίας» ξεκαθαρίζει από την αρχή του νέου βιβλίου του, από τον πρόλογο, ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Ιερώνυμος.
Ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος ξεκινάει τη συγγραφή του βιβλίου του «Διατηρητέα και Εκποιητέα Μοναστηριακή Περιουσία» επισημαίνοντας πως η ανάρτηση των δασικών πινάκων έχει προκαλέσει μία γενική αναταραχή στην κοινωνία. «Η ανάρτηση των Δασικών Πινάκων εκ μέρους της Πολιτείας κατά την τρέχουσα χρονική περίοδο δημιούργησε πανικό στην ελληνική κοινή γνώμη λόγω του αυθαίρετου χαρακτηρισμού των εκτάσεων γης» λέει χαρακτηριστικά. Και συνεχίζει λέγοντας πως το θέμα αυτό «των Δασικών Πινάκων, της καταγραφής, της ιδιοκτησίας και του χαρακτηρισμού των εκτάσεων» είναι ένα αντικείμενο που ενδιαφέρει κατ’ εξοχήν την Εκκλησία, αφού στο παρελθόν (1836, 1930, 1933, 1952) έχουν υπάρξει διαμάχες αλλά και συμφωνίες Εκκλησίας – Πολιτείας για το θέμα της απαλλοτρίωσης, εκποίησης της εκκλησιαστικής περιουσίας.
Στη συνέχεια ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Ιερώνυμος μπαίνει στο… ψητό του βιβλίου. Είναι προφανές ότι η Ιεραρχία και ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος έχουν διαπιστώσει ότι με την ανάρτηση των δασικών χαρτών κάποια από τα μοναστηριακά κτήματα που στο παρελθόν είχαν χαρακτηριστεί ως καλλιεργήσιμες εκτάσεις, τώρα θεωρούνται δασικά. Ετσι, ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος απευθύνει προειδοποίηση προς την κυβέρνηση ότι με τις νέες ρυθμίσεις για τους δασικούς χάρτες θα χαθεί και η τελευταία μοναστηριακή περιουσία, αλλά και για τις αντιδράσεις που μπορεί να ακολουθήσουν από μοναστήρια και μητροπόλεις. «Αν επικρατήσει το διαφαινόμενο πνεύμα στη βούληση της Πολιτείας, δεν θα ήταν υπερβολικό να υποστηρίζει ο καλοπροαίρετος μελετητής ότι πρόκειται για μία νέα επιδρομή καταλήψεως και της τελευταίας εναπομεινάσης μοναστηριακής περιουσίας» λέει.
Και προσθέτει: «Είναι φυσικό λοιπόν να επακολουθήσουν αρνητικά σχόλια, αντιδράσεις, δυσμενείς κρίσεις, ακόμη και βίαια επεισόδια από ανθρώπους που δεν γνωρίζουν σε βάθος την ιστορική εξέλιξη των θεμάτων αυτών. Και τούτο σε μία δυσχερή χρονική περίοδο που απαιτεί από όλους την πλέον δυνατή συναίνεση και κοινωνική ενότητα».
Για αυτούς τους λόγους εξηγεί ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος «επιχειρούμε, στην παρούσα σύντομη έρευνα να συγκεντρώσουμε και να παραθέσουμε ιστορικά στοιχεία που θα χρησιμεύουν στην σώφρονα και δίκαιη αντιμετώπιση του κρίσιμου ζητήματος».
Αναφέρει δε πως τα ιστορικά στοιχεία «που παρατίθενται αναδεικνύουν τις αντιδικίες της Εκκλησίας και του Ελληνικού Δημοσίου για την προάσπιση των συμφερόντων της Εκκλησίας από την ίδρυση του Νέου Ελληνικού Κράτους μέχρι σήμερα, καθώς επίσης και τα επιχειρήματα της Εκκλησίας για την κατοχύρωση των δικαιωμάτων της».
Aπόσπασμα 2ο
«Η αμφισβήτηση των δικαιωμάτων της Εκκλησίας (…) θα καταστεί εμπόδιο στην εκπλήρωση του έργου της (…)».
Αν χαθεί και η τελευταία εναπομείνασα εκκλησιαστική περιουσία, αυτό θα αποτελέσει σοβαρό πλήγμα στην εκπλήρωση του κοινωνικού της έργου, προειδοποιεί στον επίλογο του βιβλίου του ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Ιερώνυμος.
Η παρούσα μελέτη, υποστηρίζει ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος, «αποδεικνύει βασιζόμενη σε ιστορικά στοιχεία και αδιαμφισβήτητα τεκμήρια, την δικαίωση των θέσεων της Εκκλησίας ως προς την νομική κατοχύρωση της ακίνητης περιουσίας της και τον χαρακτηρισμό αυτής».
Στη συνέχεια ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Ιερώνυμος υπογραμμίζει ότι η περιουσία της Εκκλησίας αποτέλεσε το θεμέλιο για την «εκπλήρωση του έργου της, τόσο του θρησκευτικού όσο και του εθνικού». Και «δημιουργήθηκε κατά την ιστορική πορεία της επί αιώνες και συνέβαλε αποφασιστικά στην διατήρηση της εθνικής συνείδησης σε περιόδους υποτέλειας, στην αμέριστη αρωγή στο κοινωνικό σύνολο σε καιρούς χαλεπούς και στην εξύψωση του φρονήματος και του πνευματικού επιπέδου του γένους.
Η οποιαδήποτε αμφισβήτηση των δικαιωμάτων της θα αποτελέσει ακόμη μία φορά καίριο πλήγμα στο σώμα της Εκκλησίας και θα καταστεί εμπόδιο στην εκπλήρωση του έργου της, καθώς θα την μετατρέψει σε απλό παρατηρητή των γεγονότων που επηρεάζουν την πνευματική εξέλιξη του ανθρώπου που αναζητεί βοήθεια και καταφυγή στους κόλπους της».
«Επικαλούμεθα ως εκ τούτου, την σωστή και δίκαιη αντιμετώπιση του θέματος, ώστε να καταστεί δυνατόν να συνεχιστεί το πνευματικό και κοινωνικό έργο της Εκκλησίας επ’ ωφελεία του κοινωνικού συνόλου, αλλά και της πνευματικής κληρονομιάς που επιβιώνει και αποτελεί βοήθεια σε χρόνους “δίσεκτους και μήνες οργισμένους”».
Απόσπασµα 3ο
Τα επιχειρήματα της Εκκλησίας
Σε ξεχωριστό κεφάλαιο στο βιβλίο ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος παραθέτει τα επιχειρήματα της Εκκλησίας για την κατοχύρωση των δικαιωμάτων της. «Στις αντιδικίες με τις Ιερές Μονές το Δημόσιο προβάλλει το επιχείρημα ότι ως γενικός διάδοχος του Οθωμανικού Κράτους είναι κύριος ολόκληρης της κατακτηθείσας γης. Ως προς τούτο το επιχείρημα του Δημοσίου πρέπει να τονιστεί ότι, όπως δέχεται η Νομολογία, το Ελληνικό Κράτος δεν κατέστη γενικός διάδοχος του Οθωμανικού Κράτους σε ολόκληρη την ακίνητη περιουσία την οποία εγκατέλειψαν οι Οθωμανοί. Αντιθέτως, η ιδιωτική ιδιοκτησία παρέμεινε στα χέρια των ιδιωτών».
Και σε άλλο σημείο κάνει αναφορά στα «Τεκμήρια Κυριότητας». Για τα δάση λέει «υφίσταται τεκμήριο κυριότητας του Δημοσίου, το οποίο εισήγαγε το Β.Δ. της 17/29 Νοεμβρίου 1836 “περί ιδιωτικών δασών”. Δεν μπόρεσε όμως να εφαρμοστεί και πρέπει το ίδιο το Δημόσιο να αποδείξει στις αντιδικίες του με τους ιδιώτες και τις Μονές, ότι η περιουσία που διεκδικεί περιήλθε σε αυτό σύμφωνα με όσα όριζαν τα Πρωτόκολλα της Συνθήκης του Λονδίνου και ότι ο ιδιώτης κάτοχος και νομέας του δάσους δεν απώλεσε τη νομή του μέχρι τις 12/9/1915. Κραυγαλέο παράδειγμα της περιπτώσεως αυτής είναι το δασολίβαδο ΑΚΡΙΝΟ ΝΕΡΟ της Μονής Ιερουσαλήμ Δαυλείας της Μητροπόλεως Θηβών και Λεβαδείας».
The New Social Justice War on Drugs is Bigger Than Ever
Democrat drug cartels fight Mexican drug cartels for billions in drug money.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
California legalized pot 5 years ago, but you couldn’t tell that from the scale of the drug war.
Every few months brings another massive bust. A 40-acre illegal pot farm in an obscure part of Death Valley, the “most elaborate illegal marijuana” setup in Mendota with 50,000 pot plants that was so big that police could smell it from 1,100 feet in the air, “vast groves” worth $169 million in the eastern Sierras, and $285 million in the old Shasta region of the gold rush.
In 2019, California seized almost 1 million pot plants. One busted operation not far from San Francisco was processing 500 pounds of marijuana a day.
Governor Newsom had kicked things off with an address announcing that he was pulling the California National Guard from fighting what he described as President Trump’s “manufactured crisis” on the border to “refocus on the real threats facing our state”, like “illegal cannabis farms”.
Next year, 7 Laotians were brutally murdered at an illegal marijuana operation in Riverside by Mexican cartel members over Labor Day. With helicopters piloted by the Air National Guard and black SUVs full of DEA agents showing up in small towns, it’s like the drug war never ended.
Somehow the drug war in California is worse than ever.
Pro-pot advocates promised that legalizing drugs would bring in the money. And it did. Billions of dollars have been spent on “legal drugs”, but far more is being spent on illegal drugs.
The old drug war was fought by Republicans who believed that drugs were bad, but the new drug war is being fought by Democrats who love pot, but love drug money even more.
The issue isn’t morality: it’s money.
An ounce of pot is estimated to cost as much as $100 more bought legally than on the street. The profit margins are great and decriminalization expanded the illegal market even more than the legal one. Buyers no longer fear being busted, sellers have little to worry about, and even the growers who take much of the risk don’t have to worry about the stigma. Illegal growing has become an environmental and financial violation. The only real thing to fear are the cartels.
Mexican cartels now control much of the wilderness that California’s militant environmentalists had insisted on protecting from development. But while developers might fear the Sierra Club and its government allies, the cartels and the immigrant growers under their control don’t. What they’re afraid of is having their throats cut in the middle of the night. And as massive marijuana growing operations take off in wilderness areas, it turns out that the environmentalists were saving all that land so that drug lords from south of the border could grow millions in pot.
While California’s legal agriculture industries are dying: its illegal pot industries are prospering. If you want to grow avocados, good luck getting the water. Instead, Californians are buying Mexican avocados, from which the cartels take their cut, while the water goes to illegal operations that aren’t worried about permits or environmentalist pressure groups in Sacramento.
California’s rice production will fall by 20% and its avocado production fell by nearly half in 2019 from 338 million pounds to 175 million pounds, while its illegal pot production vastly increased.
The old drug warriors wore suits and ties. The new drug warriors are the “entrepreneurs” who spent fortunes lobbying politicians in the hopes of cornering the market only to be stuck with a small slice of it aimed at upscale buyers willing to pay premium prices at boutique pot shops.
The environmentalists who once got high to commune with nature are among the most vocal special interests urging an aggressive war against this new form of agriculture which can’t be regulated. Behind them are identity politics groups and unions which want their cut of the cash.
A glance at the members of the Cannabis Advisory Committee shows some of the special interests involved from the pot workers branch of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union to the head of the California NAACP to environmentalists. Legal drugs means money for unions and community groups, which really means money for Democrats.
Mexican drug cartels don’t pay consulting fees or offer donations to environmentalists, they don’t provide a cut to the black caucus, or hire unionized workers. It’s not the beheadings or rapes that bother California Democrats who shrug at such things from their gated communities.
But the illegal drug business is cutting into the profits from their legal progressive drug cartel.
That’s why Governor Newsom claimed that massive invasions of the country by illegal aliens are a “manufactured crisis”, but illegal pot farms that don’t pay his party are a serious threat. Illegal aliens build the power and wealth of the Democrats, but illegal pot farms steal from it.
Karl Marx observed that history repeats itself as farce. California’s Marxists are doing everything possible to live up to their leader’s teachings. After spending two generations fighting against the old drug war in the name of civil rights, they’re fighting a new drug war for civil rights.
Civil rights being anything that increases the power and wealth of California Democrats.
That’s why California’s Democrat majority passed a $100 million bailout for the “legal” pot industry. The widely reported bailout is really for the Democrats because it pays cities to hire experts to work with the industry on environmental compliance. What’s really going on is that the Democrat machine is paying its own environmental consultant class nine figures to navigate the roadblocks that same consultant class created in order to profit from the pot business.
That’s part of why an ounce of pot is $100 cheaper from the street than from a store.
Social justice is just a bunch of Marxist rhetoric behind which the same political mafia is moving money into its own pockets while laundering them through whatever ‘ism’ it’s fighting this week.
Whether it’s the environment or systemic racism, it’s another way for Democrats to get paid.
The old drug war was justified as a battle against a serious social ill, while the new drug war is just corrupt rent-seeking. The new drug warriors ridiculed the idea that locking up people for the harm caused by drugs was morally justified, but insist that locking up people because they haven’t paid the Sacramento mafia its share of the vigorish is completely morally justified.
California Democrats legalized drugs, further wrecking working class families, trashing what’s left of local agriculture and water supplies while feeding organized crime, to score $1.8 billion in tax revenues. But the illegal market is estimated at $8.7 billion. The new drug war is about the Democrats getting their hands on those extra billions by going back to the old drug war.
Why did California Democrats legalize drugs? It wasn’t to end the war on drugs, nor to make marijuana accessible to users with medical problems, or any of the other lies and excuses.
It was to make billions of dollars.
California’s new drug war pits socialists against drug lords over control of the drug market. It’s a familiar dynamic in South America that, like so much else, has crossed over the border.
The Democrats cloak their new social justice drug war in racial justice, offering “reparations” from their drug money to black people, in environmentalism, decrying the impact of illegal grows, in unionization, and in the whole colorful spectrum of leftist virtue signaling. But virtue signaling is no match for the ruthless determination of the cartels and their state sponsors.
In the battle between the legal drug cartels of the Democrats and the illegal drug cartels of South America, the illegals are winning as they have won everything else in California.
Why Don’t Christian Black Lives Matter?
The ignored genocide in Nigeria.
Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
All throughout sub-Saharan Africa — in Nigeria, Mozambique, the Central African Republic, Mali, the Democratic Republic of Congo — Muslims are terrorizing and slaughtering Christians, and have been for many years now.
Nor is there any hope on the horizon, for problems that cannot be correctly and objectively addressed are doomed to persist in perpetuity. As far as the Western “mainstream” is concerned, all such persecution and terrorism is a byproduct of economic grievances — or, in the words of an April 16, 2021 report, titled “How poverty and corruption fuel terrorism across Africa,”
On March 24th, a group of jihadis struck the town of Palma in Mozambique, killing dozens and burning government buildings to the ground. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack — but doubts have been cast over who was behind the siege[.]
The remainder of the report argues that such attacks, which “are on the rise across the African continent,” are “a consequence of poverty, domestic grievances new and old, and Africa’s resource ‘curse,’ which paradoxically impoverishes people living on land which is rich in natural resources.”
This has been the mainstream media’s argument, and they’re sticking to it — no matter all the mountains of contradictory evidence.
Take the little-known genocide of Christians that has long been going on in Nigeria. “Not less than 32,000 Christians have been butchered to death by the country’s main Jihadists” between just 2009 and the first quarter of 2020. According to the most recent report, between January and April of this year alone, 1,470 Christians were hacked to death. On average, this comes out to about 368 Christians killed every month for four months straight. Since just 2016, 13,000 churches have been destroyed by “Allahu akbar”–screaming Muslims.
The full name of Boko Haram, the premier terror group that dominates northern Nigeria, is “Sunnis for [Islamic] Propagation and Jihad.” “Boko Haram,” their nickname, means “Western education is a sin” (not “we kill because we’re poor”). Their stated goal is the establishment of a pure sharia state in Nigeria and the brutal subjugation or slaughter of the nation’s Christians. Moreover, the Muslim Fulani herdsmen, who in recent years have terrorized more Christians than even Boko Haram, are acting on jihadi teachings and hate for Christians.
Despite all this, the Western “mainstream” remains committed to describing the jihad in Nigeria — and increasingly all throughout sub-Saharan Africa — as a byproduct of “inequality” and “poverty,” to quote Bill Clinton, when once explaining what is “fueling all this stuff” (“stuff” being a reference to the aforementioned genocide of Christians in Nigeria).
Or, in the words of Barack Obama’s assistant secretary of state for African affairs, Johnnie Carson, speaking after the bombing of a church that left nearly forty Christian worshipers dead on Easter Sunday, 2012 — one of countless churches to be burned or bombed before and since that Easter: “I want to take this opportunity to stress one key point, and that is that religion is not driving extremist violence” in Nigeria.
But as the Nigerian nun Sister Monica Chikwe once observed, “[i]t’s tough to tell Nigerian Christians this isn’t a religious conflict since what they see are Fulani fighters clad entirely in black, chanting ‘Allahu Akbar!’ and screaming ‘Death to Christians.'”
Similarly, the Christian Association of Nigeria once asked: “How can it be a [secular or economic] clash when one group [Muslims] is persistently attacking, killing, maiming, destroying, and the other group [Christians] is persistently being killed, maimed and their places of worship destroyed?”
Such is the current state of affairs: a jihad of genocidal proportions has been declared on the Christian population of Nigeria — and has since spilled over into several other sub-Saharan nations — even as Western media and analysts present Nigeria’s problems in purely economic terms that defy reality.
The inability to accept these straightforward facts; the inability to factor ideological or existential motives, seeing only material motives (money, land, etc.); the almost instinctive conclusion that Muslim violence is proof positive of a legitimate grievance — all of these are so ingrained in the predominant paradigm, from the mainstream media to mainstream politicians, and all of these are poisoning Western civilization from within, and eroding its influence and capacity to act from without.
And, in the context of what is happening in Nigeria and other sub-Saharan states, it means that, for Western media and politicians, black lives most certainly do not matter—at least not when they’re Christian, and being terminated by Muslims.
Iranian Goal Of ‘Death To America’ Aided and Abetted By Radical Dems
Biden’s immigration policies fulfill wishes of 9/11 terrorists.
Iran is one of the most dangerous nations on earth and has been identified as being the greatest state sponsor of international terrorism.
For decades the leaders of Iran have chanted, “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.”
Virulent anti-American chanting by Iran’s leaders is only the tip of the huge Anti-American Iranian iceberg.
President Abraham Lincoln sagely observed that, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
The United States is currently in the midst of a battle for the minds and souls of Americans.
Rather than teaching critical thinking in American schools and universities, students are now being indoctrinated in anti-American Critical Race Theory that pits Americans against Americans along racial lines that were erased by America’s Civil Rights laws.
There are many reasons that this toxic ideology has taken hold in America but let us not forget that as America falters, the enemies of our nation are rejoicing. Indeed, while we have heard much about supposed Russian interference in the Presidential elections of 2016 and 2020, as it turns out, Iran has been heavily involved.
On June 7, 2021 Time Magazine published an important report, Exclusive: Iran Steps up Efforts to Sow Discord Inside the U.S.
That report began with the following two paragraphs:
Iranian state actors are intensifying their disinformation campaign on social media to spread discord and anti-Semitic tropes inside the U.S., two U.S. intelligence officials say.
Social media accounts tracked to troll farms run by the Iranian government have ramped up disinformation after several major events this year, including Biden’s effort to return the U.S. to the Iran nuclear deal, the April 14 announcement of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the guilty verdict of Derek Chauvin on April 20, and the 11-day war between Israel and Hamas that started on May 10. “It’s a significant level of activity,” one official tells TIME. “It’s active enough that we’re tracking it.” The officials did not offer details on the specific disinformation activity after the events.
The Time news report also acknowledged that Iran sought to interfere in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections to hurt President Trump’s bid for a second term:
The new spike in online provocations follows months of intense activity by Iran during the 2020 presidential campaign, when Tehran spread messages aimed at amplifying existing social divisions with the U.S and hurting former President Donald Trump’s chances of winning re-election, according to U.S. intelligence analysts. While Russia’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 and 2020 elections and undermine trust in American democracy have been well documented, less is publicly known about Iran’s increasing online influence operations inside the U.S. “Russia wrote the playbook, but others are using it,” says the U.S. intelligence official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal analysis.
The Time news report also noted:
Last year, Iran was behind efforts to intimidate Democratic voters in the weeks before the election by sending threatening email messages from accounts posing as the violent pro-Trump group the Proud Boys, U.S. intelligence officials have found. The same network of Iranian operatives created and distributed a video with fake allegations of voter fraud.
Now the leaders of the radicalized Democrat Party are doing the “heavy lifting” for Iran, apparently seeking the MVP Award from that dangerous country.
As I noted in a previous article, Radical Democrats Have Become ‘Adversaries of Freedom’
If all of the above is not disconcerting enough, consider that on June 13, 2021 CNN Reported, Pelosi says House leadership ‘did not rebuke’ Omar over comments about US, Israel, Hamas and Taliban.
Bad as all of these factors are, we certainly cannot ignore the threat to America and Americans that can be found in the Biden administration’s immigration policies that fly in direct opposition to the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission that was convened to identify the various vulnerabilities that the terrorists were able to exploit, enter the United States and embed themselves as they went about their deadly preparations.
I have testified before Congressional hearings that focused on the nexus between systemic immigration failures and terrorism and have also written numerous articles on this topic. For example, my January 2020 article, Iranian Terror Threat Exacerbated by Sanctuary Policies explained how failures of the immigration law enforcement system that are exacerbated by so-called “sanctuary” policies of numerous U.S. states and cities play into the hands of the Iranian rulers and other adversaries of the United States.
That earlier article began with these two paragraphs”
The United States and Iran has been on a collision course since the Carter administration and the seizure of the U.S. Embassy at Tehran, Iran on November 4, 1979.
Iran has issued a string of threats against the U.S. since that day. Consider my earlier articles published in 2018: Iran Threatens U.S. And Its Allies With “Drugs, Refugees, Bombs And Assassination” and Congressional Hearing: Iranian Sleeper Cells Threaten U.S. So many hearings, so little action.
Ms Pelosi has, on numerous occasions, called for the creation of a “9/11 style commission” to investigate the riot at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Yet no one has ever asked her why she would want such a commission to be created when she, the Biden administration and far too many other members of Congress blithely, continually and spectacularly ignore the findings and recommendation of the original 9/11 Commission thereby imperiling and indeed, undermining national security and public safety!
On September 28, 2001, just about two weeks after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 the Washington Post published a report written by Bob Woodward, In Hijacker’s Bags, a Call to Planning, Prayer and Death that began with these two paragraphs:
Mohamed Atta, one of the key organizers among the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept. 11 attacks, left behind a five-page handwritten document in Arabic that includes Islamic prayers, instructions for a last night of life and practical reminders to bring “knives, your will, IDs, your passport” and, finally, “to make sure that nobody is following you.”
FBI investigators, who found the writings in Atta’s luggage, which did not make it onto his flight, are not sure of the author’s identity — whether it was Atta, another hijacker or someone else.
The Washington Times article went on to report:
Yesterday, the Dallas Morning News quoted federal officials as saying that a copy of an Arabic-language prayer guide had been found in the wreckage of Flight 93.
The first four pages of the document obtained by The Post are handwritten on large paper and recite some basic Islamic history about the prophet fighting infidels with 100 men against 1,000. They also include prayers such as, “I pray to you God to forgive me from all my sins, to allow me to glorify you in every possible way.”
The fifth and last page is on standard stenographer paper that apparently had been ripped from a pad and is headed, “When you enter the plane”:
It includes a series of prayers or exhortations. “Oh, God, open all doors for me. Oh God who answers prayers and answers those who ask you, I am asking you for your help. I am asking you for forgiveness. I am asking you to lighten my way. I am asking you to lift the burden I feel.
“Oh God, you who open all doors, please open all doors for me, open all venues for me, open all avenues for me.”
America’s “doors” are its ports of entry and its borders.
The Biden administration immigration policies are the fulfillment of the fervent prayers of those who carried out the deadly terror attacks of September 11, 2001.
Remove Secretary Austin NOW!
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s divisive radical politics and determination to purge military personnel from the ranks as “extremists” – a term so vague a reasonable political adversary could ascribe that very term to him – is a matter of deep pressing concern.
We, the signers of this petition hold that it is a matter of profound national urgency that Secretary Austin be removed immediately from his present position as the head of America’s defense system, and replaced by a military leader with traditional priorities – 1) that the military should be non-political and non-partisan; and 2) that its educational training must be aimed at teaching America’s defenders that their country has a proud history as a global leader in the fight for racial equality, and as the chief arsenal of freedom in two world wars and a third, cold war, whose totalitarian adversaries remain our adversaries today.
Komandolar, dualarla Suriye’ye uğurlandı
Batman İl Jandarma Komutanlığı’nda görevli 73 komando, Suriye’nin Resulayn kentine dualarla uğurlandı.
Batman İl Jandarma Komutanlığı bünyesindeki 73 komando, Suriye’nin kuzeyinde devam eden harekata katılmak üzere Resulayn kentine dualarla uğurlandı. İl Jandarma Komutanlığı’nda düzenlenen uğurlama törenine Vali ve Belediye Başkanvekili Hulusi Şahin, Jandarma Bölge Komutanı Albay İsa Çakmak ve askerlerin aileleri katıldı.
Törende konuşan Vali Şahin, Suriye’de görev alacak komandolara başarı dileklerinde bulunarak, şunları söyledi:
“Biz Türkiye olarak hiçbir ülkenin toprağında gözümüz yok. Komşu ülkelerin toprak bütünlüğüne de saygılıyız, sonuna kadar bu tavrımız bellidir.
Ancak Türkiye Cumhuriyeti devleti elbette ki kendi güvenliğini sağlamak için gerekli tedbirleri alacaktır. Şu anda Suriye ülkesinde Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri, Türk jandarması ve Türk polisi orada görev yapmakta, bu sayede güney sınırlarımız son denemde Kilis, Hatay, Şanlıurfa ilçeleri bu saldırılardan bertaraf edildi.
Sadece bu değil ayrıca oradaki bölge insanın da huzurunu bizim güvenlik güçlerimiz sağlıyorlar. Orada yuvalanan terör örgütleri bölge halkına yapmış oldukları zulmü de yine barış gücümüz sağlamakta.
Bugün uğurlayacağız 73 vatan evladı da Batman’dan oradaki görev gücüne destek olmak üzere gidiyor.
Ben inanıyorum ki Türkiye Cumhuriyeti askeri, polisi, jandarması gittiği her yerde nasıl güven huzur sağlıyorsa, sadece kendi devletinin güveni sağlamıyor, aynı zamanda gittiği yere huzur veriyorsa, oradaki insanın kalbini kazanıyorsa, Suriye’de de çok önemli işler yaptığını artık dünya görecektir.”
Suriye’nin Resulayn kentinde görev alacak Uzman Çavuş Muhammed Sarıtepe, 10 yaşındaki oğlu Serdar ile ayrılırken duygusal anlar yaşandı.
Törenin ardından komandolar, kesilen kurbanlar ve yapılan dualarla Suriye’ye uğurlandı.