O “Προφήτης” Μας… Είπε!..

Φίλοι μου!


– Συναντηθήκαμε με τον Προφήτη! Ρωτήσαμε πολλά, απάντησε σε ένα μόνον!..

(Και) Βουλευτικές εκλογές τον Μάϊο και ΑΜΕΣΩΣ(!) μετά ΜΕΙΖΩΝ ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΗ* ΑΝΑΤΑΡΑΧΗ!


Είθε όχι, σε ό,τι αφορά το κομμάτι… “μείζων εσωτερική αναταραχή!” Αν όμως τελικά γίνει έτσι, τότε θα έχουμε το… 1 – 0 “χαλαρά”, σε βάρος της Ελλάδος, στο ματς ΕΛΛΑΣΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΟΣ ΕΞΟΥΣΙΑ” ή ΕΛΛΑΣΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ“, σε ένα ματς που ο αντίπαλός μας στοχεύει σε… συντριβή μας! Αν με καταλαβαίνετε και ειδικά την λέξη συντριβή, την οποία και θα πρέπει μόνοι σας να ΑΝΑΛΥΣΕΤΕ!..

Θα πρόκειται για το 1ο σε βάρος μας… γκολ στο… Πεδίο, αμέσως μετά από την ΠΡΟΔΟΤΙΚΗ ΣΥΜΦΩΝΙΑ των Πρεσπών”, που υπέγραψαν τα Όργανα των “Διεθνών Εβραίων”, οι “ΕθνοΜηδενιστο-Διεθνιστές” σημερινοί Κυβερνήτες μας ή -κατ’ άλλους- οι… “Εκατόχρονοι”, λόγω του ότι πούλησαν” την χώρα μας στα διεθνή παγκόσμια αφεντικά τους, για… 99 χρόνια!.. (“Τιμής Ένεκεν” 100, καταλάβατε)!..

* Όταν στην χώρα μας ιστορικά έχουμε ΑΝΑΤΑΡΑΧΕΣ, τότε αρχίζει και γαβγίζει, δεμένο ή λυτό, ανάλογα, το τουρκικό σκυλί!.. (Όταν είναι “λυτό”, τότε… ορμάει)!..

** Σύντομα, θα γράψουμε για το… Βουλγαρέλι!.. Συντονιστείτε!..






“Πάρτε” για… ξεκάρφωμα, το παρακάτω!


Pre-planned test comes amid rising tensions on Israel’s northern border

JANUARY 22, 2019


Israeli Air Force receives Arrow-3 ballistic interceptors in formal transfer ceremony.

Israeli Air Force receives Arrow-3 ballistic interceptors in formal transfer ceremony.. (photo credit: DEFENSE MINISTRY)

Amid rising tension on Israel’s northern border with Syria, the Defense Ministry and the US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) successfully conducted a planned trial of the Arrow-3 missile defense system Tuesday morning.

The test, led by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) in collaboration with the Israel Air Force, took place at around 6:44 in the morning and caused loud explosions in the vicinity of Palmahim in central Israel.

“Once the target was launched, Arrow Weapon System radars detected it and transferred the data to the battle management control (BMC) which then established a defense plan,” read a statement by the Defense Ministry. “At the right moment, the Arrow-3 interceptor was launched toward the target and successfully completed its mission.”

The Arrow-3 development program, one of the joint programs between Israel and the United States, was comanaged by MDA and IMDO, a division of the Defense Ministry.

The pre-planned test came just a day after Israel and Iran clashed in Syria. Iran fired a medium-range missile towards the Golan Heights on Sunday and Israel retaliated with a series of predawn air strikes against Iranian and Syrian military targets throughout Syria.

The primary contractor for the integration and development of the Arrow Weapon System is IAI’s MALAM division, which is responsible for the radar functions. Other contractors are Elbit Systems’ Elisra division, which developed the firing management systems and IAI’s TAMAM division together with IMI and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, who jointly developed the interceptor. America’s Boeing is also a partner in the system.

The Arrow-3 is a highly maneuverable system designed to provide ultimate air defense by intercepting ballistic missiles when they are still outside the Earth’s atmosphere, and is considered one of the world’s best interceptors due to its breakthrough technological capabilities. The Arrow 3 is the only interceptor that does not carry a warhead but intercepts an incoming missile by crashing into it.

The new, latest generation of the Arrow-3 system is believed to have better intercepting capabilities at a much higher altitude and much further away from Israeli soil.

The last successful test of the system was in February 2018 after two prior tests of the system had been halted in December and January when flaws were discovered.

In December 2017, a test for the system was also halted after a flaw in a target missile was discovered. The simulator missile – which was supposed to simulate a ballistic missile fired at Israel – was fired, but it quickly became clear that it was not functioning as expecting. The following month, another test of the Arrow-3 was cut short after a problem was found in the transfer of data from the ground system.

Further trials of are expected as Israel continues to develop additional capabilities for the system.
