Kalın’ın açıklamalarından öne çıkanlar şöyle: (ΚΑΤΩ ΑΠΟ ΚΑΘΕ ΜΙΑ ΔΗΛΩΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΛΙΝ ΚΑΙ ΤΟ ΣΧΟΛΙΟ ΜΑΣ)!
Bölgesel ve küresel gerilim ortamında Türkiye, barış, stikrarın merkezinde olduğu bir dış politika izliyor.
S-400, F-35 ve Patriot meselesi Türkiye’nin güvenliğini ilgilendiren konulardır.
(Με τα Πάτριοτ + τα F-35 δεν ικανοποιούνται δηλαδή οι ανάγκες ασφαλείας σας και θέλετε το S-400);
Suriye’de kurulmak istenen ‘PKK devleti’ artık ihtimal dışı kalmıştır.
(Εδώ είναι που κάνετε ΤΟ ΜΕΓΑΛΥΤΕΡΟ ΤΩΝ ΛΑΘΩΝ Ίμπο)!
Savunma bakanımıza gelen mektup ikili ilişkilerin muhtevasına da aykırı. Mektupla ilgili değerlendirmeler yapıldı. Bir cevap hazırlanıyor. Bir değişiklik yok.
[Το να πάρετε το σύστημα, (αν σας το δώσουν οι Ρώσοι, το ξαναγράφουμε αυτό), και πιθανώς να το αποθηκεύσετε, στοχεύοντας στο να σας δώσουν οι Αμερικανοί τα F-35, ΞΕΧΑΣΤΕ ΤΟ! Το αυτό ισχύει, αν στοχεύετε σε μια αλλαγή Προέδρου στις Η.Π.Α., σε 2 χρόνια, και αλλαγή στάσεως των Η.Π.Α.! Και “Δημοκρατικός” να ανέλθει στην εξουσία και πάλι στις Η.Π.Α., την ίδια στάση απέναντί σας θα έχουν οι Αμερικανοί, αφού και οι “Ρεπουμπλικανοί”, και ειδικά ο Πρόεδρος Τραμπ, σας τα έχουν “μαζεμένα” με τους φτηνούς τσαμπουκάδες σας, που όμως κοστίζουν ΠΟΛΥ(!) στο “ΔΥΤΙΚΟ ΑΜΥΝΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ”, αλλά – ΠΡΟΣΕΞΤΕ – και(!) οι “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟΙ” “πνέουν μένεα” πλέον εναντίον σας (τουλάχιστον μια μεγάλη μερίδα τους), αφού σας θεωρούν ως έναν από τους βασικούς υπεύθυνους που απώλεσαν την εξουσία στην χώρα τους]!..
Mektuba uygun bir cevap verilecek. Ama görüşmelerimiz elbette devam edecek. Trump’ın ulusal güvenlik danışmanı ile görüştüm.
Θα συνεχιστούν λες Ίμπο! Ο.Κ. ! Και τί θα συζητάτε δηλαδή, ενώ τελειώνει και ο χρόνος σας στην κλεψύδρα;
İhtiyaç hasıl olursa Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, ABD Başkanı Trump ile görüşebilir.
Για τί τον περάσατε ρε Ιμπραήμ τον Τραμπ, για καραγκιόζη σαν εσάς;
Türkiye’nin hakkı olan F-35 uçakları ülkemize muhakkak gelecektir.
Τα είπαμε Ίμπο, να μην τα ξαναλέμε!
Görüşmede seçim süreci ele alındı. Bölgemizdeki gelişmeler konusunda fikir alışverişinde bulunuldu.
Να ρωτήσουμε τον Κο Μπόλτον να μας πει τί είπατε σχετικά με εμάς ή θες να μας πεις εσύ;
2. Can Dündar’ın eşi Dilek Dündar firar etti…
Can Dündar’ın eşi Dilek Dündar’ın Türkiye’den firar ettiği ortaya çıktı.

Can Dündar‘ın eşi Dilek Dündar, sosyal medya hesabından eşi Can Dündar ve oğlu Ege ile birlikte çekilmiş bir fotoğraf paylaştı.
Dündar paylaşımında “Tam üç yıldır, hakkımda hiçbir soruşturma olmadığı halde, hukuksuz olarak pasaportum elimden alındı, yurtdışına çıkışım engellendi. Tüm yasal yolları denedim, sonuç alamadım. Anayasa Mahkemesi, iki yıldır dosyamı ele almadı. Onlar anayasaya uymadılar, ben üç yıl yasalara güvenmenin bedelini, ailemden uzak kalarak ödedim. Sonunda annelik hakkımı kullandım ve aileme kavuştum. Umarım en kısa zamanda Türkiye hukuka, ayrı düşen tüm aile mensupları birbirine kavuşur“ diye yazdı.
(ΣΟΒΑΡΟ το ΘΕΜΑ Κε Καλίν! Νομπελίστας είναι ο άνθρωπος ή όχι; Δίνεται η εικόνα πως του έχετε λίγο… “ιππεύσει” την οικογένεια)!
3. Erdoğan: Kim bilir daha neler çıkacak…
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Asya’da İşbirliği ve Güven Arttırıcı Önlemler Konferansı (CICA) 5. Devlet ve Hükümet Başkanları Zirvesi’ne katılmak üzere Atatürk Havalimanı’ndan Tacikistan’ın başkenti Duşanbe’ye gitti. Erdoğan, hareketinden önce gündeme ilişkin önemli açıklamalarda bulundu…

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın açıklamalarından satır başları:
Zirveye katılan devlet başkanlarıyla işbirliği mekanizmamızı güçlendirmenin yollarını arayacağız. Dış politikada etkin, çok taraflılık ayrı bir önem kazanmıştır. Birçok soruna birlikte hareket ederek çözüm sağlanması mümkündür. İşbirliği ve birlikte çalışma kültürünün geliştirilmesi açısından da elzemdir. Asya bölgesinin, barış güvenlik ve istikrarı da ülkemiz bakımından önem taşıyor.
Asya’da işbirliği ve güven artırıcı önlemler konferansını faydalı bir diyalog formu olarak görüyoruz. Konferans 1993’ten kurulduğundan bu yana kurumsallaşmış, temsil kabiliyeti yüksek bölgesel bir foruma dönüşmüştür. Ülkemizle birlikte 27 ülkeyi bir araya getiriyor.
Türkiye konferansın 2010 – 2014 yıllarındaki dönem başkanlığını başarıyla yürütmüştür. Yeni sınamalar ve tehditler alanında koordinatör görevini yürütüyoruz. Üye ülkeler arasında işbirliğinin geliştirilmesi konferans bağlamındaki temel önceliklerimizden olacaktır.
Görevlendirdiğimiz arkadaşlarımız ön hazırlıkları gayet iyi bir şekilde yaptılar. Ve her iki taraf da burada gerek bu buluşmanın veya bu tartışmanın moderatörünü belirlemede her iki görevli arkadaşlar müşterek bir çalışma yaparak ismi belirlediler. Bir de yayın platformu olarak buranın tamamıyla her yerden olacak olması, oradan da tabi bütün kim istiyorsa rahatlıkla buradan yayın yapma imkanını yakalayacak. Bu da tabi şunu gösteriyor. Sadece Türkiye’de İstanbul bunu izlemeyecek, tüm Türkiye’nin bu müzakereyi, tartışmayı inşallah izleme imkanı olacak.
Çünkü İstanbul adeta 81 vilayetin özeti olan bir ilimiz. Ve o akşam burayı izleyenler Sivas’tan Sivaslı bile İstanbul’daki Sivaslı hemşerisini arayıp inanıyorum ki onunla bu müzakerenin kendi aralarında onlar da müzakeresini yapacak. Tokatlı tokatlıyı, Giresunlu, Trabzonlu hepsi… Bu şunu getirecek. “Gerçekten İstanbul gibi dünyanın örnek bir şehrini en ideal hangi yönetici yönetebilir bunu bizzat o akşamki müzakereden sonra çok daha net, güzel bir şekilde değerlendirme fırsatını halkımız bulacak, son haftaya da ciddi bir ışık verecek diye inanıyorum.
Tabi İdlib’e bizim hakikaten yaklaşımımız olmamış olsaydı, şu andaki durum çok daha farklı gelişir ve 3 milyona yakın insanın yaşamış olduğu İdlib’den çok ciddi bir göç dalgası ülkemize doğru gelebilirdi. Fakat bizim ağırlıklı olarak Rusya ile yapmış olduğumuz müzakereler, değerlendirmeler; gerek Soçi müzakeresi süreci, gerek Astana ile ilgili süreçler ve ikili yaptığımız sayın Putin ile görüşmelerimiz buradaki sıkıntıları minimize etti.
İşte son olarak biliyorsunuz bir de karara varıldı. Ve bu kararla birlikte adeta bir; silahların sustuğu bir an oldu ama ardından yine bazı arzu edilmeyen gelişmeler oldu. Tabi sürecin üzerinde bütün ekiplerimiz duruyor.
Çünkü biz burada barışın egemen olmasını istiyoruz. Biz burada ölümlerin durmasını istiyoruz. Ama varil bombalarıyla, fosfor bombalarıyla bu bölgeye saldırılarında devam etmesi hiçbir zaman affedilemez. Ve buna da sessiz kalamayız.
Bizim Suriye’de yaşayan kardeşlerimiz ne diyor? Türkiye gelsin diyor. Biz bir de Adana mutabakatını bir kenara koyamayız.
Terörle mücadelede bizim en ufak bir tereddüdümüz yok. Güven kaybımız söz konusu değil. Birileri konuşuyor. Hani bir ara ağzı olan konuşuyor diye literatüre yerleşen ifade vardı ya şimdi de öyle.
Bizim bir silahlı kuvvetlerimiz var ve bir genelkurmay diye kuvvetlerle birlikte oluşmuş, oturmuş 2200 yıllık bir geçmiş olan orduyuz. Dedikleri ne? Efendim güvenlik zaafı olur gibi ifadeler kullananlar var. Bu yasayla ilgili çalışma 1 ay içinde yapılmış değil. Çalışmamız yaklaşık 1,5 – 2 yıla varan bir çalışmadır. Kaldı ki talep bize çok daha eski gelen bir taleptir.
Ve hem ordunun küçültülmesi bir taraftan profesyonel orduya geçmek… Hep bunlar konuşulan şeylerdi. Tabi ki ordumuz da bu konuda hiçbir zaman durmamıştır, çalışmalarını sürdürmüşlerdir. Hatta hatta 2014 sonuna kadar da atılması gereken adım biliyorsunuz ordunun sivilleşmesi süreciydi. AB kriterlerinin içerisinde bir de bu vardı. Biz o adımı da atmış değiliz. Ama şimdi burada da böyle bir adımı atmış bulunuyoruz.
Ve bu attığımız adımla birlikte de gerek Milli Savunma Bakanımızın ordunun temelinden gelmiş olması ve genelkurmay başkanlığına varıncaya kadar yapmış bir insan olarak şu anda kendi arkadaşlarıyla beraber bu süreci yönetiyor olması ve özellikle terörle mücadelede de şu anda askerimizin polisimizin elde ettiği başarıya; mesela yıl başından bu yana 2 binden fazla terörist etkisiz hale getirilmiştir. Bunlar şimdi kaçacak delik arıyorlar. Bu mücadelede bu şekilde devam edecek.
Yeni askerlik yasasında ise biz bu işi öyle bir noktaya getirelim ki… Diyelim ki başarılı bir astsubay eğer başarabiliyorsa generalliğe kadar çıkabilecek. Yeni askerlik yasasında bu var. bunun yanında isteyen kalabiliyor, isteyen süresi dolunca ayrılabiliyor. Bir diğer yanda sayılar azalıyor halimiz ne olacak? Açık net söylendi. Şimdi sürekli olarak bir hücre tazelenmesi olacak. 12 ay içerisinde, sürekli her ay askere alma diye böyle bir durum söz konusu olacak. Sayıda azalma diye bir şey söz konusu değil.
Örneğin bir de Kıbrıs ile bazı şeyler söylüyorlar, mide bulandırsın diye söylüyorlar. Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta bizim askerimizin azalması söz konusu değildir. ne kadar asker bulunması gerekiyorsa o kadar asker bulundururuz. Bunun için birilerinden izin almak diye mecburiyetimiz yoktur.
30 bin lira fazla oldu gibi… El insaf. Bu gelen rakamla, bütün ödenen aylıklar maaşlar buradan ödeniyor. Burada bu askere bizim ödenecek olan bütün harçlıklar bugüne kadar yapılmayan şeylerdi şimdi yapılacak. Bunlar da bir yerde iş noktasında, istihdam noktasında sıkıntı olanlar için de aileye harçlık olarak gelmiş olacaktır. Bunun çok çok isabetli adım olduğuna inanıyorum.
Dersimize iyi çalıştık hayırlı olsun diyorum.
Artık bununla ilgili sizler zaten medya olarak görevinizi yaptınız. En isabetli kararı da verecek olan YSK’dır. Artık kim kiminle el ele kol kola dolaşıyor. Bunları da bütün görsel medya da yayınladınız. Yazılı medyada da yayınlandı. Benim ilgi alanım olsa diyeceğim ki şunu yaptım, yaparım. Ama benim ilgi alanım değil. İlgi alanım olan YSK’dır. Sizler de medya olarak her şeyi yaptınız. Ben inanıyorum ki YSK da gerekli adımı atacaktır.
Değerli arkadaşlar izledim. Biliyorsunuz Valiler başkanların o ildeki nesidir? Temsilcisidir. Ve devletin valisini bu şekilde bir küfürle anmak kabul edilebilir bir şey değildir. Tabi vali bey şu anda valilik olgunluğu içerisinde süreci işletiyor. Ben inanıyorum ki vali bey şu seçim sebebiyle sadece belki burada bir suç duyurusunda bulunmuş olabilir. Ama bunda da artık medya bilgileri aktarıyor. Bana gelen bilgiler şu seçim öncesi, doğru olmayacağına inandığım için işi hızlandırmak istemiyorum gibi bir yaklaşım ki bu zaten bu çok çok büyük bir olgunluk.
Bu işin arda bırakılır bir yanı yoktur. Valimiz inanıyorum ki seçim sonrası da bu işin takipçisi olacaktır. Çünkü bu devletin valisine kimsenin ben edep ederim, ağzıma alamam bu ifadeyi… Böyle bir ifadeyi kullanma hakkı yoktur, kullanamaz.
Demek ki belediye başkan adayı olarak henüz bu devleti tanımamış, devletteki ilişkileri, protokolü, protokolün çeşitli yerlerdeki giriş çıkışlarını, kimler kullanma hakkına sahiptir değildir bunları bilmiyor. Bundan dolayı da affedilemez bir yanlışı yapmışlardır. Bundan sonraki süreç önümüzde bir seçim var. Artık seçimden sonraki süreçtir.
Şu ana kadar kısa sürede, belediye başkan adayımız geniş çaplı olarak sürecin içerisindeler. Ama bundan sonraki kalan diyelim son haftaya girerken bu tür halkla kucaklaşma, toplantıları yapmayacağımı zaten kimse söyleyemez. Bunu da biz arkadaşlarla değerlendirmelerini yapıyoruz. Ve önümüzdeki hafta içerisinde bu tür planlamalar yapılıp halkla buluşma çerçevesi içinde halkımızla bir arada olmak suretiyle İstanbul’umuzu beraber dolaşacağız. Halkımızla görüşeceğiz. Kaldı ki ramazan boyu itibariyle de birçok organizasyonları yaptık. Şimdi de halkla buluşmalar çerçevesinde bazı çalışmaları son hafta yapmayı planlıyoruz.
Münbiç ile alakalı ABD sözünde durmadı. Orada beklenenler olmadı. Ama beklenenlerin olmaması, bizim oradan elimizi çekmemiz anlamına gelmez. Biz Münbiç ile ilgili bütün planlarımızı aynı şekilde koruyoruz. Bunu yine aynen devam ettireceğiz. Verilen sözler yerine gelmedi, gelmiyor. Biz oraları kesinlikle bırakamayız. Buralar üzerindeki çalışmalarımızı aynı titizlikte devam ettiriyoruz, ettireceğiz.
Ama kim bilir bundan sonra da daha neler çıkacak yani.
«Στρατός» α λα Εσκομπάρ φύλαγε την χασισοφυτεία – μαμούθ στην Βοιωτία!
Έντρομοι οι αστυνομικοί που παρακολουθούσαν αθέατοι τους κακοποιούς, ακούγοντας με ειδικά μηχανήματα τις συνομιλίες τους, περίμεναν με τα όπλα ανά χείρας να σώσουν την ζωή του ανυποψίαστου πολίτη, δίνοντας μάχη με τους οπλισμένους Αλβανούς. Ευτυχώς για τον “εξερευνητή” ποτέ δεν μπήκε στην φυτεία και κυρίως δεν κατάφερε να βρει λίρες, γλυτώνοντας έτσι τα χειρότερα και μάλιστα χωρίς να γνωρίζει πως η ζωή του κρέμονταν από μια κλωστή.
Ο αρχηγός της συμμορίας
Άνθρωπος πασίγνωστος στο κόσμο τις νύχτας και μάλιστα στους “νονούς” τις πιάτσας, είναι ο φερόμενος αρχηγός τις συμμορίας, που είχε δημιουργήσει την χασισοφυτεία. Μάλιστα και σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες, ο καταζητούμενος “εγκέφαλος”, φέρετε να επένδυσε μεγάλο χρηματικό ποσό για την χασισοφυτεία των δεκάδων χιλιάδων δέντρων και βέβαια περίμενε να “βγάλει” ένα ποσό της τάξεως των 6.000.000 ευρώ, τόσο από την διακίνηση στο εσωτερικό της χώρας, όσο και από την εξαγωγή του χασίς, κυρίως στην Γερμανία.
Μάλιστα ο συγκεκριμένος άνθρωπος μέχρι πρότινος διατηρούσε ένα από τα πιο γνωστά κλαμπ σε περιοχή του Περιστερίου και οι αστυνομικοί τις Δίωξης Ναρκωτικών δεν αποκλείουν το ενδεχόμενο, μέσα στο κλαμπ να γίνονταν εκτεταμένη διακίνηση ναρκωτικών. (ΜΠΑ ΔΕΝ ΝΟΜΙΖΩ! Αχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα)
Ρεπορτάζ: Θεοδόσης Πάνου
Doğu Akdeniz’de nefesler kesildi! TSK gerekeni yaptı.
Türkiye ile Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti iş birliğinde gerçekleştirilen “Şehit Teğmen Caner Gönyeli 2019 Arama Kurtarma Tatbikatı” deniz safhasındaki arama kurtarma faaliyetlerinin ardından başarıyla tamamlandı.
Dün kara safhası tamamlanan tatbikatın deniz safhasında uygulanan ilk senaryoya göre, Dipkarpaz’ın 13 mil açığında KKTC kara suları dışında, Türkiye arama kurtarma bölgesinde seyir halinde olan kuru yük gemisi ile içerisinde çok sayıda düzensiz göçmen bulunan ticari yatın çarpışması sonucu yaşanan kazaya müdahale edildi.
Gazimağusa’da eğitim/liman ziyaretindeki 2 sahil güvenlik arama kurtarma gemisi, 4 sahil güvenlik botu, 1 sahil güvenlik arama kurtarma uçağı ile 3 sahil güvenlik helikopteri, yardım talebinde bulunan gemilerin bilinen son mevkisine sevk edildi.
Daha sonra Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığından bir fırkateyn ve Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığından bir arama kurtarma uçağı ile helikopteri de bölgeye sevk edilerek arama kurtarma faaliyeti gerçekleştirildi.
Kuru yük gemisi yakınlarında bulunan bir kazazede sahil güvenlik helikopterince kurtarılarak arama kurtarma gemisine taşındı. Sahil güvenlik uçağı tarafından yerleri belirlenen can salı ve denizdeki kazazedeler ise sahil güvenlik arama kurtarma gemisi müdahale botları ile kurtarıldı. İlk müdahaleleri gemideki revirde yapılan kazazedeler daha sonra sahil güvenlik helikopteriyle gemiden alınarak hastaneye sevk edildi.
Hava Kuvvetlerine ait arama kurtarma uçağı, kurtarma botu ve personelini denize bıraktıktan sonra kazazedeler, Türkiye ve KKTC sahil güvenlik botlarınca kurtarıldı. Hava Kuvvetleri ve Güvenlik Kuvvetleri Komutanlığınca helikopterlerle kurtarılan kazazedeler de TCSG Yaşam Gemisi’ne götürüldü.
Durması için yapılan çağrılara cevap alınamaması üzerine kazaya karışan kuru yük gemisine Deniz Güvenlik Timi tarafından harekat düzenlendi. Kuru yük gemisinin tim tarafından kontrol altına alınması ve çıkan yangının söndürülmesinin ardından deniz safhasının ilk aşaması tamamlandı.
Deniz safhasının ikinci senaryosu kapsamında da KKTC karasularında Zeytinburnu’nun 5 mil açıklarında seyir halindeki akaryakıt tankeri ile kuru yük gemisinin çarpışması sonucu yapılan yardım çağrısı üzerine arama kurtarma çalışmaları icra edildi.
Gemilerden gelen tehlike sinyalinin Ana Arama Kurtarma Koordinasyon Merkezi tarafından alınmasının ardından KKTC Arama Kurtarma Teşkilatı harekete geçirildi. Bu kapsamda, Güvenlik Kuvvetleri Komutanlığından arama kurtarma helikopteri, ambulans helikopter ile 3 sahil güvenlik botu bölgeye sevk edildi.
Mevkisi arama kurtarma helikopterlerince tespit edilen 2 kazazede arama kurtarma helikopterince, 4 kazazede de sahil güvenlik botlarınca kurtarıldı. Bu sırada, Barış Römorkörü tarafından akaryakıt sızıntısı sebebiyle tankerin etrafına bariyer kuruldu.
Tatbikat, deniz safhasındaki senaryoların icra edilmesinin ardından tamamlandı.
Tatbikatı, Kıbrıs Türk Barış Kuvvetleri Komutanı Tümgeneral Yılmaz Yıldırım, KKTC Güvenlik Kuvvetleri Komutanı Tuğgeneral Tevfik Algan, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sahil Güvenlik Komutanı Tuğamiral Ahmet Kendir, Türk Hava Kuvvetleri temsilcisi Tuğgeneral Alpay Aydoğan, Deniz Kuvvetleri Akdeniz Bölge Komutanı Tuğamiral Önder Gürbüz, Türkiye’nin Lefkoşa Büyükelçisi Ali Murat Başçeri, Şehit Teğmen Caner Gönyeli’nin eşi Nükhet Gönyeli ile kızları ve kardeşleri de izledi.
F-35’in gizli Pentagon belgeleri basına sızdı! Türkiye risk altında
ABD merkezli savunma haberleri sitesi defencenew, Türkiye ile ABD arasında krize yol açan F-35 programıyla ilgili kritik bazı belgeleri ele geçirdi. Buna göre; F-35’lerde hâlâ bazı hata ve kusurlar bulunuyor ve düzeltilmediği takdirde bunlar pilotların güvenliğini riske atabilir. Bu sorunlar ise Türkiye’nin de aralarında bulunduğu 11 ülkeyi etkileme potansiyeli taşıyor.
F-35B ve F-35C tipi uçakların pilotları, gövdeye zarar vermemesi için hava sürati konusunda bazı sınırlamalara uymak zorunda. Kokpit içi basıncın ani yükselmesi “dayanılmaz” kulak ve sinüş ağrısına neden oluyor. Kaska takılan gösterge ve gece görüşü kamerasıyla ilgili meseleler, F-35C’lerin uçak gemisine inişlerini güçleştiriyor.
Habere göre; en ciddi 13 hatanın ayrıntılarıyla tanımlandığı belirtilirken, bu sorunların büyük kısmının kamuoyuna açıklanmadığı aktarıldı.
Söz konusu hata ve eksiklerin sadece ABD ordusunu değil; Türkiye, Avustralya, Belçika, Danimarka, İtalya, İsrail, Hollanda, Norveç, Japonya, Güney Kore ve Britanya’yı etkilediği öne sürüldü.
2019’un sonuna kadar ABD Savunma Bakanlığı yetkilileri, F-35’lerin geliştirme aşamasını sonlandırıp sonlandırmama ve ve tam hız üretime geçip geçmeme konusunda kritik bir karar verecek. Bu süreç boyunca, 2018’de 91 uçak üreten Lockheed Martin firması, 2023’e kadar bu rakamı yıllık 160’a çıkaracak.
Savunma Bakanlığı’nın F-35 Programı Yetkilisi Koramiral Mat Winter, “F-35 Ortak Program Ofisi, hızlı ilerlemeler kat ediyor gibi görünüyor fakat tüm sorunlar tam hız üretim kararı verilmeden önce çözülmeyecek”dedi.
Winter’a göre; tam olarak üretime geçmeden önce 13 problemden dokuzu muhtemelen ya düzeltilecek ya da 2. Kategori seviyesine düşürülecek. İkisi ise gelecekte bir yazılımla karara bağlanacak. Fakat F-35 Program Ofisi, belgelerde bahsedilen iki sorunu düzeltmeyi düşünmüyor.
Winter, bu sorunların hiçbirinin pilotlar, F-35 programı ya da F-35 gövdesine yönelik ciddi ve yıkıcı riskler teşkil etmediğini savundu.
Öte yandan, defencenews’ün ele geçirdiği belgelerde, F-35’in ortak üretiminde yer alan iki ülkenin Lockheed Martin üretimi Otononom Lojistik Bilgi Sistemi (ALIS) nedeniyle programdan çıkmayı düşündüğü belirtildi.
Belgelerde adı anılmayan ülkeler, ALIS adlı sistem üzerinden ABD ve Lockheed Martin şirketine akan bilgilerin, ABD ordusuna ve Amerikan savunma şirketlerine bu ülkelerin uçuş operasyonlarına ilişkin açık bir pencere bırakacağı konusunda kaygılı.
Defencenews’ün haberine göre; ALIS, misyonları planlamak ve misyonlardan bilgi almak, yedek parça siparişi vermek ve teknik datayı görüntülemek gibi F-35’lerle ilgili hemen hemen her aşamada kullanılıyor.
F-35 programını 2017’den bu yana yöneten Koramiral Mat Winter, programdan çıkma tehdidinde bulunan ülkelerden haberdar olmadığını savundu.
Winter, “Bunlar nereden geliyor bilmiyorum, bilgi siyasidir; fakat hiç kimse çıkmıyor. Kimse bana bu sözleri söylemedi ve tüm partnerlerimiz düzenli olarak görüyorum” dedi.
Türkiye’den kritik S-400 açıklaması: Atacağımız adımlar var…
AA Editör Masası’nın konuğu olan Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, gündeme dair önemli değerlendirmelerde bulundu… S-400 hava savunma sistemlerinin alınmasına ilişkin de açıklama yapan Çavuşoğlu, ”Hiçbir şekilde geri adım atmayacağız.” dedi!
S-400’ler ile ilgili hiçbir şekilde geri adım atmayacağız. Bağımsız ve özgür millet olmak için kararlılığımızı devam ettireceğiz.
ABD bize yönelik olumsuz adımlar atarsa, bizim de atacağımız adımlar var. Amerika bu kararları aldı, biz de sessiz sedasız oturalım anlayışı yok artık. Bize yönelik olumsuz bir davranış olursa, biz de karşılığını vereceğiz. Cumhurbaşkanımız liderliğinde bunun çalışmalarını yapıyoruz.
Yarın bize yönelik herhangi bir saldırı olduğu zaman NATO’nun bizi koruyacak bir kapasitesi yok. NATO bizim hava sahamızın yüzde 30’unu koruyabiliyor. Bizim en ihtiyacımız olduğu zamanda ABD, Hollanda Patriot bataryalarını geriye çekti. Bir tek İspanya ve İtalya bunları bıraktı. Elbette bu bir milli mesele. Muhalefetten de topluca bir bilgilendirilme talebi olursa elbette bunu yaparız. Muhalefete bilgi verme konusunda hiçbir tereddütümüz olmaz. Ama bu bilgileri almadan da Türkiye S-400’ü almasın şeklinde muhalefet etmesinler, birilerine hizmet etmesinler.
Astana sürecinin devam etmesinde fayda var. Bugüne kadar Suriye’de sahada ve masada bir gelişme olduysa, bunun sebebi Astana’da yer yer Soçi’de üç garantör ülkenin birlikte attığı adımlar sayesinde olmuştur. Bugün siyasi süreci konuşuyorsa, Astana ve Soçi süreçleri sayesinde olmuştur. İdlib ve Suriye genelinde ise, rejimin garantörü Rusya ve İran’dır. Biz rejime söz geçiremiyoruz mazeretini kabul etmeyiz. Ilımlı muhalefetten bir problem yok. İdlib’deki radikal muhalefeti rejimin kendisi İdlib’e gönderdi. Rusya’yla ateşkes için biz çalışıyoruz. Sahada istihbaratımız ve askerimiz yoğun bir şekilde çalışıyor. Dünkü atışların kasıtlı olduğunu düşünüyoruz. Gerekli mesajları verdik. Bir daha tekrar ederse, gereğini yaparız dedik. Rejimle muhalifler arasındaki güven artırıcı adımlarla beraber kalıcı çözümler üzerinde çalışmamız lazım.
Anayasa komisyonunda 3 tane liste var. Bunlardan biri sivil toplum listesi. Burada sıkıntı var. Sivil toplumu teslim etmeyen kişiler seçilmişti. Biz de BM’de itiraz ettik. Sonuçta 3 kişi değişsin 3 kişi kalsın pazarlığı vardı. Rusya 4+2 olsun dedi. Bunu da kabul ettik. BM de kabul etti. Şimdi Rusya’yı bekliyoruz. Anayasa komisyonu oturup hemen çalışmaya başlaması lazım ki, siyasi süreç başlasın.
Biz kime yapılırsa yapılsın terör saldırılarını kınıyoruz. Bizim Suudi Arabistan’la ikili bir meselemiz yok. Geçmişte Mısır sebebiyle vardı. Kral Selman göreve geldikten sonra ilişkilerimiz gayet iyi noktaya geldik. Bu Kaşıkçı olayını ikili ilişkilerimizden bağımsız tuttuk. Burada bir cinayet var. Cinayeti işleyenler Suudi Arabistan’dan gelen kişiler. Bu gelişmelerden sonra Suudi Arabistan’ın bize karşı tutumu değişmeye başladı. Onların bizden talebi oldu, ortak komisyon gibi. Onu da kurduk. Ama bu süreçte çalışmadığı gibi, soruşturmayı engellemeye çalıştılar. BM Raportörü taslak raporunu yazdı konuyla ilgili olarak. Bu bir cinayet meselesi. Bu cinayeti kapatmamızı istiyorlarsa bu doğru değil. Yerel işbirlikçinin kim olduğunu söylemediler. Öldürdüğünüz kişinin cesedi nerde onu bile söylemediler. Bizden kaynaklanan sorunlar değil. Biz Kaşıkçı olayını ikili ilişkilerimizden bağımsız tutuyoruz. Cumhurbaşkanımızın bayramda araması bizim Suudi Arabistan’la hiçbir sorunumuzun olmadığının göstergesidir.
Körfez’deki saldırılar son derece endişe verici. Acele bir şekilde kimseye yıkılmamalı. Biz kimse temizdir, suçludur demiyoruz. Ama ciddi bir soruşturma gerekiyor. Daha önce de oldu, şimdi ikincisi oldu. Bölgede ciddi bir gerilime yol açıyor. İran bizim ilgimiz yok dedi. Bunun nedenini de bulmamız gerekiyor. O bölgedeki gerilim Allah korusun farklı bir yöne de gidebilir.
İran’la birçok konuda ticaretimizi devam ettiriyoruz. Özel sektörümüz yaptırımlardan çekiniyor ama biz devlet olarak gerekenleri yapıyoruz. Mevcut intex uygulamaya girerse dahil olmak için görüşmelerimizi devam ettiriyoruz.
Akdeniz’deki tüm ülkelere mesajımız şudur. Türkiye’yi dışlayan hiçbir hareket gerçekleştirilemez. Eskiden sadece sismik araştırma yapardık. Şimdi Fatih 1 gemimiz, Kıbrıs’ın batısında sondaj başladı. Şimdi ikinci gemimiz geliyor. Karadeniz’e gidecekti, oraya kaydırdık.
Burada KKTC’nin ve Kıbrıs Türk halkının da hakkı var. Bunu da Rum tarafı ve AB kabul ediyor. Biz onlara Türk tarafının haklarını garanti altına aldıktan sonra yapın dedik. Şimdi değil de satarken garanti altına alacağız dediler. Biz güvenmiyoruz. Müzakerelerde de gördük. Mutabakata vardığımız konularda da sözlerini tutmuyorlar. Hiçbir konuda verdikleri sözü tutmuyorlar.
KKTC’nin haklarını korumak için biz de sondaj gemilerimizi gönderdik. Gemileri gönderince bir panik oldular. (ΒΟΥΛΩΜΕΝΟ ΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΔΙΑΒΑΖΕΙΣ ΡΕ “ΛΟΧΙΑ”)!..
Bu konuda herkesi bilgilendirdik. Tüm P5 ülkelerinin dışişleri bakanlarına mektup gönderdik, oradaki haklarımızı anlattık. Ayrıca bakanlığımızdaki arkadaşlarımız tüm büyükelçilere bilgilendirdmede bulundu. Çok etkilendiler. Biz AB’ye bu konuyu çözelim, yoksa gerginlik olur demiştik. Bizim burada uluslararası hukuk bakımından da haklılığımız ortadadır. Rusya’dan burayla ilgili herhangi bir açıklama görmedik. Ruslar bu Kıbrıs sürecinde kalıcı bir çözüm için görüşlerini söylerler.
Kıbrıs Rum Kesimi’ne hadlerini bilmesi gerektiğini hatırlattık. Gerekli adımları atarız. Kıbrıs Rum Kesimi bizim vatandaşlarımızı tutuklayacak, biz de izleyeceğiz. Böyle bir şey mümkün değil. Bizim itirazımız tek taraflı adımların atılmasıdır. O bölgede gaz ve petrol rezervleri ne kadar zengin o konuda da soru işaretleri var. Ama miktarı ne olursa olsun, Avrupa piyasasına ulaşması için tek alternatif Türkiye.
ABD’nin Kudüs konusunda tek taraflı adımlarının bir faydası görülmedi. Bir kurumun arabuluculuk yapabilmesi için tarafsız olması lazım. ABD taraf tutuyor, tüm dünya da bunu görüyor. Bazı ülkeler fikir değiştirmeye başladı. Paraguay elçiliği taşıma kararı almıştı, bunu geri çektiler. Ortadoğu sorununun çözümünün parametreleri basitçe belli. İki devletli çözüm dışındaki bir alternatif Ortadoğu sorununu çözmez. Burada Kudüs’ü, Filistin’i paraya değişen bir çözümü bizim kabul etmemiz mümkün değildir. Filistinlilerin kabul etmeyeceği çözümleri bizim de kabul etmemiz mümkün değildir. Parayla hallederiz düşüncesinin Kudüs ve Filistin’de işlemeyeceğini ABD’nin anlaması gerekiyor. Biz her zaman olduğu gibi tek başımıza da kalsak, Filistin ve Kudüs davasından hiçbir zaman vazgeçmeyeceğiz.
İsrail’in Filistin ve Gazze’ye yönelik kararları, saldırgan tutumu nedeniyle bizim de ilişkilerimiz gerildi. Ümmetin her davası bizim davamızdır. Bu bizi yakından ilgilendirir. Geçmişte Mavi Marmara nedeniyle bir gerilimimiz olmuştu. Daha sonra bir normalleşme sürecine girdik. Ancak İsrail’in saldırganlığını görmezden gelemeyiz. Bizim tutumumuz anti-semitik bir tutum değildir. İsrail’in politikalarına yönelik bir tutumdur.
ABD Başkanı Trump çekilme kararını açıkladıktan sonra kendi aramızda bir görev gücü kurduk. Güvenli bölgenin oluşturulması, derinliği, kimlerin güvenliği sağlayacağı konusu ana konular. Derinlik konusunda bir sıkıntı olacağını düşünmüyoruz. İçeride kimlerin olacağı konusunda henüz bir netlik yok. ABD ve koalisyonun içindeki bazı ülkeler bu YPG terör örgütüyle çok iç içe oldular. Şimdi güvenli bölgeden onları çıkarma konusunda zorlukların olduğunu görüyoruz. Münbiç’te de aynı şeyi gördük. 90 günde bitecekti, 4 Haziran’da 1 sene oldu. Fransa ile ilgili sorduğunuz soruya geleceksek, Fransa içindeki PKK’lılara yönelik adımlar atıldı. Fransa, PKK’ya yönelik bu adımları atarken, hiçbir farkı olmayan YPG ile niye iş birliği içinde? Ya çok bağımlılar, ya da YPG ile birlikte Suriye’ye yönelik hedefleri var. Buradaki esas sıkıntı, hem ABD hem de Fransa’nın sahada YPG ile girdiği angajmandır.
AK Parti’den Moody’s’e çok sert cevap! “Sana ne S-400’den?”
AK Parti Genel Başkan Vekili Numan Kurtulmuş, “Moody’s kararı ekonomik değil siyasi karardır. Sana ne S-400’den? Başka ülkede bu olsa 2 ayda hükumet gider, devlet ayakta kalmazdı.” dedi.
15 Haziran 2019
“Sana ne S-400’lerden“
“Türkiye bakımından büyük riskleri taşıyan bir süreçle karşı karşıyayız. Bir takım ekonomik manipülasyonlar, Türkiye’nin ekonomik görünümünü negatife çevirmek için yapılan manipülasyonlar süreç için yapılıyor. Moody’s’nin kararının siyasi olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Ekonomik karar ise sana ne S-400’lerden? Türkiye ekonomisi üzerinde büyük baskılar kuruldu. En sonunda ağustos ayında başlayan kur spekülasyonları ile başlayan bir süreci atlattı. Türkiye uzun yıllar boyunca cari açık konusunda tek haneli rakama ulaştı.
“Türkiye’nin olmazsa olmazı“.
Türkiye üretim gücünü koruyarak ilerliyor. ABD bakımından çok daha önemli bir problemdir. ABD’nin asla kaybetmek istemeyeceği ülke Türkiye’dir. Gelişme potansiyeli taşıyan bir ülkedir. Türkiye’yi köşeye sıkıştırırsa kendi menfaatlerine de yaramayacağını bilecek bir ülke diye düşünüyorum. Türkiye’nin farklı alternatifleri de var. Bir tarafta sahadan bir tarafta da masada müzakereleri başarı ile yönetiyor.
Türkiye’nin temel olmazsa olması, milli menfaatleri konusunda bir fikri ve siyasi atmosferini sağlamak, Türkiye bu anlamda her alanda gelişme gösteren bir ülke. Önümüzdeki süreçte yüksek teknolojiler Türkiye gibi ülkeler için önemli. Türkiye küresel rekabette önemli adımlar atabilir.
Müsamaha yok
AK Parti’nin terörle mücadeledeki farkı şurada ortaya çıkıyor, hiçbir terör grubuna müsaama gösterilmemektedir. Türkiye, bölgenin nüfus itibari ile Kürtlerin en kalabalık olduğu ülkedir. Ne etnik, ne din kökeninde vatandaşlarımızdan ayırmayız. Demokratik açımlarını bunun için atabildi. Bu konuda herkesin hakkını, hukukunu, kültürünü sahiplenmesinin her türlü olanağı sağlıyoruz. 34’e yakın belediyede AK Parti adayına oy verdi. Biz Türkiye’de ilerlemenin yolu demokratik standartlarını yükseltmektir. 17 yıldır iktidar sürecine rağmen AK Parti 3 alanda reform yaptı. Askerlik, milli eğitim ve yargıda reform adımları atıldı. Bütün bunları yaparken kuşatıcı üslupla bunları yapmak önemlidir.
Dolaylı af olarak değerlendirilemez adalet reformu. Ciddi bir reformdur.
Is America experiencing Europe’s growing antisemitism?
A POLICE barricade around the synagogue that was the site of the Pittsburgh massacre. (photo credit: REUTERS)
For most Jerusalem Post readers, it comes as no surprise to hear that a surging tide of antisemitism is sweeping across Europe. Acts of vandalism, violence and persecution of Jews are pervasive in many European states. This is so, despite differing national histories, particularly with regard to 20th-century Nazism and the Holocaust.
Meanwhile in the US, on October 27, the deadliest synagogue attack in America’s history took place in Pittsburgh, when 11 Jews were killed at the hand of a white supremacist. That terrorist attack was followed by a similar shooting six months later near San Diego in which one person was killed.
Jews across America have described the sense of foreboding they’ve felt following those shootings. Meanwhile, several violent attacks against religiously attired New York Jews have marred the sense of safety many Jewish Americans have long enjoyed.
This has raised a serious and disturbing question: Is America experiencing Europe’s growing antisemitism?
In response to that question, the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom presented a groundbreaking conference on June 4, hosted by the center’s director, Nina Shea.
The conference featured antisemitism experts, each bringing a unique perspective on Europe’s present state of affairs. Unfortunately, there was little good news about Europe.
Mitchell Silber, former director of intelligence analysis at the New York City Police Department, continues to be actively involved in projects to better protect Europe’s Jewish communities.
Silber pointed out a shocking reality: Jews living in today’s Britain have become Europe’s No.1 security risk. This situation has happened, in no small part, because of the toxic policies of Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, who has “infected Labour with radicalism.”
Meanwhile, in 2018, 1,600 attacks on Jews took place in Britain.
The US State Department’s special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism, Elan Carr, contradicted the rather deceptive idea that there is a “new” antisemitism in today’s world. “It’s just the same old thing,” he said.
Ancient accusations against Jews, such as the infamous “blood libel,” are newly packaged in such twisted guises as “Israelis are child murderers” and “Jews have infected Palestinian children with the AIDS virus.”
In short, there’s nothing new about today’s antisemitism. Furthermore, antisemitism and anti-Zionism are the same evil.
Marc Weitzmann, the best-selling author of Hate: The Rising Tide of Anti-Semitism in France (and What It Means for Us), traced the beginnings of today’s virulent strain of French antisemitism to the 1990s, when dozens of Algerian terrorists relocated to France and began to multiply their ranks exponentially.
After 2000, an ever-swelling increase in violence was climaxed on November 13, 2015, at the Bataclan concert hall massacre. Ninety victims were shot dead, with an additional 40 more murdered in suicide bombings and during coordinated shootings in cafes and restaurants; more than 400 were wounded. Islamic State claimed responsibility.
The attackers believed that the Bataclan theater was owned by Jews. In actual fact, it had been sold by its Jewish owners just a couple of months before the grisly attack.
Simone Rodan-Benzaquen, director of the American Jewish Committee offices in Berlin, Brussels, Paris, Rome and Central Europe, explained that the three roots of antisemitism in Europe are the far Right (including white supremacism), the far Left (embodied by Britain’s Corbyn) and, of course, radicalized Muslims.
So, is there any good news from America? Or is the US just moving a little more slowly along the same track as Europe?
In fact, the Hudson Institute’s conference offered an encouraging and somewhat surprising report, emanating from a McLaughlin and Associates poll of a thousand randomly selected, registered American voters. Complete poll results can be viewed on the Hudson Institute website at Hudson.org.
Just a few examples (Selected responses may not add up to 100%):
To begin with, the majority of polled US voters understand what antisemitism means. In verbatim answers to the question, “How would you describe antisemitism?” 44% of responders said, “Hate against Jews;” 9% said that it is bad or negative, and 9% said, “hate,” “bigotry” or “Nazi;” 2% said “Hate against Israel;” 34% said they didn’t know.
When asked “What is your opinion about Israel?” 51% of those queried had a positive view of Israel; only 21% had a negative view (the others reported “no opinion”).
Another question about Israel asked, “Would you say the United States government supports Israel too often, about right or too little?” 55% said “about right” or “too little;” 21% said “too often.” The rest didn’t know.
In answer to the question, “Are you Islamophobic if you criticize Congresswoman Ilhan Omar for her views on Israel?” 63% said no, 14% said yes and 23% didn’t know.
And there was a significant response to an important historical question: “Do you believe it is true that in the Holocaust, the Nazi regime targeted and exterminated six million European Jews?” 80% said yes, just 8% said no; and 12% didn’t know.
There was also a strong reply to the question: “Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has made many antisemitic statements over many years, including ‘Satanic Jews have infected the whole world with poison and deceit’ and ‘Hitler was a very great man.’ Should politicians be denounced for appearing with Louis Farrakhan at campaign events?” In response to this, 67% said yes, they should be denounced; only 14% said no; and the rest didn’t know.
In summary, the bad news about Europe is that antisemitism is surging, and its danger is palpable. More and more Jews are considering relocation to Israel or elsewhere.
The good news is that Americans are far less antisemitic than their European cousins. A majority of the poll’s responders are paying close attention to the political issues America faces today, including those regarding antisemitism and Israel.
And before long, they will have their say in another poll: the 2020 presidential election.
The writer is an internationally recognized expert on religious persecution, an award-winning author and an adjunct fellow at the Hudson Institute who lived in Jerusalem for over a decade. Her book Saturday People, Sunday People: Israel through the Eyes of a Christian Sojourner received wide critical acclaim. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter @lelagilbert.
Incident comes a month after an attack on four oil tankers there off the UAE coast.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. (photo credit: REUTERS)
The attack comes a month after four tankers were sabotaged off the United Arab Emirates in May and will raise US-Iran tensions to their worst point in years.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the attack on two oil tankers on June 13 was one in a list of Iranian and Iranian-backed attacks over the last month. It was a “clear threat to peace, security and freedom of navigation,” he said, asserting that Iran was disrupting world oil markets and that the international community condemns the assault. The US has instructed its UN ambassador to raise the attack at the UN. “The US will defend its force, interests, partners and allies. We call upon all nations threatened to join us in that endeavor.”
The attacks began after 6 a.m. in the morning when the US Fifth Fleet heard a distress call from a tanker in the Gulf of Oman that had exited the Strait of Hormuz. Forty-five minutes later another distress call was made. Two tankers, the Kokuka Courageous, which had left the Saudi Arabian port of Al Jubail on June 10, and the Front Altair, which had left UAE port of Ruwais with 75,000 tonnes of Naphta on board, were in damaged by explosions. The Kokuka Courageous had been attacked twice, according to numerous reports, while the Front Altair was on fire and its starboard side blackened from the bridge to half-way down its lengthwise bulkhead.
In Oman and Pakistan locals received reports of the explosions and passed them on to Iran’s Al-Alam TV which soon broadcast the first reports. Iranian-linked media pushed the story and were soon running images of one of the tankers on fire and even posted dated video of a different attack by Iranian-backed Houthis on a Saudi ship from 2017.
Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif was nonplussed, calling the incident “suspicious” as it took place during a historic state visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. It also comes amid tensions with the US and US threats to retaliate for any Iranian attacks. The US said Iran was “almost certainly” responsible for attacks last month on four tankers. But this incident on June 13 was far more serious, forcing the evacuation of the ships.
The USS Bainbridge assisted in the rescue of 21 crew from one of the tankers, CNN reported. A US Navy P-8, which carried surveillance and anti-submarine warfare systems, was dispatched to the scene. The P-8 would have taken almost an hour to reach the area and likely by the time it got there whoever had carried out the attack was gone. The USS Bainbridge is a guided-missile destroyer which was sent with the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group toward the Persian Gulf in early May. It was sent during the rising tensions with Iran after US National Security Advisor John Bolton threatened retaliation for any Iranian, or Iranian proxy, attacks on the US or US allies.
CBS reported that a US Defense official told correspondent David Martin that it was “highly likely Iran caused these attacks.” CNN reported that the crew of the Bainbridge saw an “unexploded mine” attached to one of the ships that was harmed.
Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov warned against “hasty attempts to pin the blame” after the attack. France also said it was disturbed by the incident, linking it with a cruise missile attack on a Saudi airport earlier this week. That attack was carried out by the Houthis against an airport on June 12.
The attack on the tankers was “well planned and coordinated,” the International Association of Independent Tanker Owners said. All forty-four crew from the two ships were rescued by the afternoon. Iranian media reported that Iran had rescued the crew and that the Front Altier had sunk, but the US said that in fact the Bainbridge had rescued the 21 sailors of one of the ships, apparently from the Kokuka Courageous. The Front Altair had not sunk, although damage to it was significant. A magnetic mine was fingered as the culprit behind the damage to the Kokuka Courageous which claimed to have suffered two attacks. Smoke belching from the Front Altair was visible from satellites in the afternoon.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was expected to speak about the incident in the afternoon on Tuesday. It is the third serious incident since the US threatened against Iranian aggression in May. It comes in the wake of the May 12 sabotage on four tankers and the May 19 rocket attack near the US embassy in Baghdad.
Iran meanwhile has been seeking to ease tensions with the US with visits by the German foreign minister this week and also Japan’s Prime Minister.
The price of crude oil jumped after the attacks, rising four percent to at least $62. Around thirty percent of the world’s seaborne crude oil passes through the Strait of Hormuz, according to the chairman of the INTERTANKO tanker association. Iran has threatened in the past to close the Straits, most recently in comments by an Iranian naval commander in April. Iran also has a naval base only twenty miles from the attack on the two ships at the port of Jask. The base has been used to drill Iranian submarines and anti-ship missiles in the past. As recently as February Iran demonstrated its latest missiles and naval power.
Leftists have turned comedy into a problem you need a break from.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
Leftists have never been as humorless, unfunny and touchy as they are now. And they’ve never poured as much time and money into late night comedy, Netflix comedy specials and assorted people angrily shouting things about Trump and their confused sexual identities into a microphone, as they are now.
Comedy, as supported by billion-dollar media corporations based in blue states that would legalize killing babies and heroin before they would permit gun ownership, has returned to its roots in Greek political life. Except the ancient Greeks thought that people insulting each other’s politics was funny and the modern Proggies think that the insults should be one-sided and delivered in an echo chamber.
There’s nothing wrong with a long string of clever and daring one-sided insults. Take that, subtract the “clever” and the “daring”, and you end up with proggie comedy.
Don’t bother developing a narrative. Angry and insecure proggies need to know your comedy is politically safe from the start. It’s best if you treat your joke like a thesis and just recite a political talking point in an arch tone in the style of political post-comedy popularized by the Daily Show.
McSweeney’s, whose readership consists entirely of the hipsters still hanging out at Starbucks, pretending to write a novel while hoping that the girl/boy/confused pronoun of their dreams notices their pretentiousness and falls in love with them, has completely mastered the art of prog comedy.
You don’t even need to click past the headline to know what the punchline in “Abortion is Immoral, Except When It Comes to My Mistresses” or “We Can’t Impeach One of the Most Unpopular and Corrupt Presidents Ever and Risk Alienating the Racist Voters Who’d Never Vote For Us Anyway” is gonna be.
The only reason to click on them is when McSweeney’s blocks your copy and paste function from working so it can pitch you a book to pretend to read at Starbucks.
The ancient Greeks understood that political comedy is funny when it’s dynamic. Take away the dynamism and it’s didactic.
The Soviet Union’s best comedians did their work underground because Marxist comedy isn’t funny, it’s conformist. Conformists don’t try to shock you. Shocking people is offensive and requires safe spaces.
Proggies try to shock some hypothetical conservative who might be watching, but even the most devout Christian in West Virginia is not going to be terribly surprised by “Abortion is Immoral, Except When It Comes to My Mistresses”. Not if he had ever encountered any proggie pop culture in the last 70 years.
But shocking hypothetical conservatives is the only frisson left to conformist leftist comedy. The joke is that some non-conformist eating at Chick Fil A while wearing a red MAGA cap might be offended.
Or not.
Is it unfair to call the tedious lectures subsidized by billion-dollar blue state corps, Marxist comedy?
Here’s a hilarious snippet from HBO’s John Oliver. “To its eternal credit, the Green New Deal has succeeded in getting people talking, but that won’t mean anything unless that talk turns into action,” the unfunny British host tediously lectured. “We’re going to need a lot of different policies working tandem, and we have to take action right now.”
Laugh, comrade, laugh about the glory of our 5-year-plan.
But it’s okay. Oliver was making funny faces while lecturing his audiences about the importance of raising energy efficiency requirements to meet the targets of the Soviet Presidium. It works as well as trying to read Das Kapital while wriggling your eyebrows and throwing in a little vocal fry.
This isn’t Marxist comedy because of its politics. The medium is the message. And the medium is a lecture by the political elite whose only two messages are denouncing counterrevolutionaries and encouraging activists to work harder to realize the post-plane and post-health-care utopia.
Oliver and his audience live in a bubble in which conservatives only exist to mobilize working class solidarity among Salesforce, Facebook and Conde Nast employees for the Green New Deal revolution.
When that’s your medium, your message can’t help its Marxism.
The 20th century revolutions of angry young men ended with decrepit Marxists delivering four-hour speeches to bored audiences. The angry young men of comedy turned into lickspittles doing Orange Man Bad comedy that’s indistinguishable from 1984’s Two Minutes Hate sessions.
American comedy was good-natured because it was self-deprecating. Proggie comedy is self-aggrandizing. Its entire point is that the comic is right and some conservative (and liberal who has failed to endorse banning cows, killing babies or believing that the Russians elected Trump with post-election Facebook ads aimed at black people) is wrong.
The audience, which is on the same page, is also right.
The ancient Greeks understood that humor came from the failures of the protagonist. He isn’t meant to succeed, but to fail over and over again, to display his foibles, his vices and his stupidity, and to make the audience relate to them.
And, that we are therefore all human.
Progressive comedy’s message is that we’re human and they’re deplorables. The narrative of the flawed comic, greedy, stupid and ugly, has given way to identity politics comedy whose evangelical message is the redemptive value of ideological identity.
The identity politics comedian testifies how politics saved them from unhappiness about being fat, gay or Muslim. Through identity politics, it was revealed to them that what oppressive white supremacist heteronormativity told them was a flaw, is really a virtue.
You can laugh now.
This isn’t comedy. It’s church for people who learned to believe in themselves by hating most of the country.
It’s also what a tenth of your Netflix subscription is tithing to.
Classic comedy’s message, that we are all flawed people, was conservative. Lefty comedy’s message is that we need to sort ourselves and our self-esteem according to the categories of identity politics.
You can only feel good about yourself by learning to find your place in life through a political lens.
Marxist comedy isn’t funny because it’s always a lecture. Layering word games, mannerisms, facial twitches, obscenities and a little bit of self-deprecation doesn’t change that. It’s no funnier than a corporate training event or a self-help seminar that layers comedy over a sales pitch.
People laugh because they want a break from the unfunny problems of real life. But leftists have turned comedy into a problem you need a break from. Their idea of comedy is awkward, histrionic and condemnatory. It doesn’t unite different people around a common flawed humanity, but deliberately divides them while affirming their politics. It tells them that they’re worthless unless they believe.
The Fool was the classic comedic protagonist who could speak truths only by admitting his own ignorance. Leftist comedians will put aside dignity, but not their conviction of rightness. They want to play the Fool and the Sage at the same time without giving up the prerogatives of either role.
But it’s okay. They have science on their side. Just ask Bill Nye, an aspiring stand-up comedian turned fake scientist who didn’t want to take the time to get a PhD, but is treated as the Voice of Science.
Nye’s Netflix special was titled, “Bill Nye Saves the World”.
The joke is that there is no joke. Lefties really believe that a former kiddie TV host is saving the world with apocalyptic pseudo-science. Bill Nye certainly believes he is. The arch tone has become indistinguishable from unironic conviction. Self-deprecation is really just self-aggrandizement.
The Fool doesn’t become the Sage in an unexpected development. Instead wannabe sages are trying to seem hip by pretending to be fools. And they aren’t fooling anyone except fools.
Leftist comedy isn’t funny, it’s a self-righteous crusade accompanied by goofy posturing. In the Ukraine, a comedian playing a fake president actually ran for office and got the job. But the joke stops being funny when you really want power. You can’t wear a clown nose and a gun. Pick one.
Proggies care more about power than about being funny. And they’re more powerful than they are funny. Their monopoly over the media space isn’t due to their talent, but to their power.
Leftist comedy, like everything leftist, is based on a deranged greed for power fed by a messianic conviction that the world will be destroyed if anyone else is running it.
Doing a little dance and wriggling your nose doesn’t make your megalomania funny. At some point there’s little difference between shouting about urgent change to a bunch of people in a New York City theater or a Berlin soccer stadium, accompanied by erratic mannerisms and hysterical applause.
Alt-right Neo-Nazis followed in the footsteps of the Daily Show and its innumerable alums by wearing clown noses and preaching their politics through a haze of ironic distance, goofy pranks and memes. The same activist comedy that had paid off for Marxists was just as adaptable for Nazis.
The joke is that there is no joke. There’s just a guy in a black mustache or black horn-rimmed glasses shouting about his insane political views. He isn’t kidding. He just knows that the more entertaining he is, the more people will pay attention, and that unacceptable views can be normalized by throwing in some gags to make him seem hip.
Big Brother is a comedian. His audience suffers from ADD. It’s neurotic, humorless and aching for affirmation. His message is one of hatred for the other and sacrifice of the self. The audience boos the enemy and cheers calls for endless sacrifice. It leaves mobilized for the struggle.
You can laugh now.
12. INFO
- UK government signs order to enable Assange extradition to USPress TV 13 Jun 2019 — Britain’s interior minister Sajid Javid has signed an order enabling the country’s legal system to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United States where he could face decades in prison for exposing confidential documents.
- UK Home Secretary Signs Request for Assange’s Extradition to the USSputnik 13 Jun 2019 — The whistleblower and WikiLeaks founder is currently serving a 50-week sentence in a London jail for violating his bail conditions in 2012, when he took refuge inside the Ecuadorian Embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden on sexual assault charges which have been dropped and reopened repeatedly.
West Point’s Milestone: 1,000 Jewish Graduates
On June 2, graduation day at the United States Military Academy, the class of 2019 pushed the total number of Jewish West Point graduates past the 1,000 mark. I volunteered to chair the event recognizing the milestone but didn’t count on how much I would learn.
Jews have been part of West Point since Simon Levy joined the first class of 1802. He was the first of the “tribe” that is still flourishing as an integral part of the military academy, whose leafy campus is situated along the Hudson River in upstate New York. I am an older grad (1955-59) who remembers being asked if there were other Jewish students. It’s clear that over time, the West Point Jewish experience is a story not fully recognized, but times have changed. The landmark 1,000th Jewish graduate acknowledges a bond between the Jewish community, West Point and our nation. We embrace as full partners. This was palpable when I corresponded with so many of our invited alumni.
When I was a cadet, religious affiliation and attendance were required. All cadets marched to a small chapel located at the post cemetery on Sundays. Our services were conducted by a visiting rabbi or cadet. They were held in an old cadet chapel; we just covered existing religious items that were present. Don’t get the wrong idea. If desired, cadets could maintain a kosher food regimen. Being Jewish was not a problem.
Change came. A group of graduates and non-graduates saw the need for a Jewish chapel, and so they raised funds. Now, as the West Point Jewish Chapel Fund, it provides support for chapel maintenance and Jewish cadet activities. Change is often slow but I got an awakening to life as it is today. It is tougher academically and physically and everyone thrives together. And the U.S. Military Academy supported our special milestone. The superintendent spoke at our baccalaureate and stayed for our oneg. We all appreciated that visit and his obvious enjoyment.
The Jewish choir has performed at synagogues, at the White House for two previous presidents, and at the United Nations. I missed the breadth of that excitement. There is a thriving Hillel program, trips to Israel with Birthright and other international trips — most recently to Brazil. I missed that. Women are 25% of the corps today. Missed it. There’s a Jewish Warriors’ Weekend with other academies’ and colleges’ students, whose goal is to share what Jewish West Point life is like and the importance of the academy’s motto: Duty, Honor, Country. Missed that. An annual plebe (freshmen) retreat where new plebes meet all chapel cadets and the chaplain. Missed that. The annual celebration of the life of Col. Mickey Marcus, a Jewish West Point graduate, who died fighting for Israel and is buried at West Point. Missed that, too.
But how terrific is it that it all happens. An annual seder is still held, often attended by senior West Point officers. The Jewish Chapel is critical to a flourishing Jewish life at West Point. Its website provides a link to Jewish graduates to see events at “their” chapel. It is also a place of worship for civilians based at West Point. And cadets train to be lay leaders certified to conduct services when no chaplain is available.
In 1984, the Jewish Chapel joined the landscape in continuing a legacy of openness, learning and standing tall for the principles of peace, love, honor and strength. 1802: a start. 2019: a milestone. With this milestone, the West Point Jewish Chapel and Jewish graduates feel the deeply etched relationship with their historic and revered alma mater, West Point.
West Point Jewish Chapel Fund is not affiliated with, nor speaks for West Point. It is an independent organization supporting the Jewish Chapel cadet activities.
Joel Kampf is a member of the West Point Jewish Chapel Board.
14. INFO
MEDIA WATCH — Qatar, a country without a free press, hosts a D.C. party celebrating … the free press — by Lia Kvatum: “Jassim Bin Mansour al-Thani, media attache for the Qatari Embassy, said this was the first correspondents’ dinner event the country had hosted. ‘In all instances our co-hosting is dependent on the cause,’ he said in an email. As for whether the cause in this case is inconsistent with the government’s treatment of the press at home, al-Thani said: ‘Qatar treats media in Qatar and around the world with respect’ and ‘believes firmly in a strong, fair, and independent press.’ He pointed out that the country hosts Al Jazeera, which is renowned for its aggressive reporting, much to the irritation of Qatar’s neighbors. Indeed, shutting down Al Jazeera is among the demands Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt have made to end their two-year-old blockade of Qatar.”
“Inside Qatar, however, Al Jazeera and other local media offer a ‘very limited’ amount of critical reporting, says Sabrina Bennoui, from Reporters Without Borders’ Middle East bureau. Doha News, an online publication, operated freely for seven years, looking at issues in Qatar with a critical lens. But in 2016, the government blocked the site inside the country. The Doha Centre for Media Freedom, which was founded more than a decade ago by Qatar’s emir, shuttered abruptly on April 16, 10 days before the party in D.C. The country, according to Reporters Without Borders, has a ‘draconian system of censorship.'”
“Almost none of the people I approached at the party knew about Qatar’s treatment of the media. As the night wore on, I spoke to a guy who said he was a World Bank economist. He didn’t think it was that big a deal to be at an event celebrating press freedom thrown by a country that restricts it. But his companion said she found it troubling that authoritarian countries like Qatar could throw parties celebrating journalism in places like the United States. ‘They’re buying an image. It’s not right,’ she said. Then she asked that I not use her name because she is Russian and feared retribution if the government found out she had spoken this way.” [WashPost]
IRAN WATCH — The Trump administration is reportedly considering imposing sanctions on the Special Trade and Finance Institute (STFI), which Iran had established as a counterpart to the European’s Instex that was created earlier this year to help shield limited trade with Iran from U.S. sanctions. A U.S. official told Bloomberg that the STFI is being viewed as an extension of Iran’s central bank, which is already under U.S. sanctions.
On Monday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif warned the U.S. that it “cannot expect to stay safe” after it “launched an economic war against Iran.” Zarif issued the threat during a joint news conference with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, who visited Tehran to try and salvage the 2015 nuclear deal. In his meeting with Maas, President Hassan Rouhani called on the remaining partners in the JCPOA to “resist the economic war on Iran imposed by America.”
Netanyahu and Zarif also traded threats on Monday. “You should ask a regime possessing nuclear weapons about how Netanyahu stands next to the Dimona (reactor), a nuclear weapons site, and says Iran should be destroyed,” Zarif said. Netanyahu, in response, called him “a serial liar.” It is “Iran who is openly threatening destruction,” Netanyahu said in a video.
IAEA chief Yukiya Amano told reporters that Iran has accelerated its production of enriched uranium. But Amano said it is unclear when the Iranians may reach the limit set in the nuclear deal.
Gen. Frank McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), told the Wall Street Journal that he is considering asking for a larger U.S. military presence in the Gulf region after concluding that the recent deployment of the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier helped to deter attacks by Iranian forces. “We think this is having a very good stabilizing effect,” Gen. McKenzie said.
Iran Bars Times Correspondent From Reporting — by Rick Gladstone: “The authorities in Iran have barred the Tehran-based correspondent for The New York Times from working for the past four months, the newspaper said Monday. The correspondent, Thomas Erdbrink, a Netherlands citizen, has reported for The Times from Iran since 2012.” [NYTimes]
ON THE GROUND — According to a report in the London-based Asharq al-Awsat, the National Liberation Front, a group of Syrian opposition officers, has documented the site of several Iranian missile caches in Syria. The group also found Toophan-1 anti-tank missiles stored in the T-4 airport that had previously been struck by Israel.
US blames Iran for tanker attacks in Gulf of Oman
By The Algemeiner and Reuters
Two oil tankers were attacked on Thursday and left adrift in the Gulf of Oman, driving up oil prices and stoking fears of a new confrontation between Iran and the United States, which blamed Tehran for the incident.
“It is the assessment of the United States government that the Islamic Republic of Iran is responsible for the attacks that occurred in the Gulf of Oman today,” U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters.
Crude oil prices spiked more than 4% after the attacks near the entrance to the Strait of Hormuz, a crucial shipping artery for Saudi Arabia and other Gulf energy producers, stoked fears such disruptions could impact oil flows from the Middle East. Prices later settled about 2% higher.
Tensions between Iran and the United States, along with its allies including Saudi Arabia, have risen since US President Donald Trump pulled out of a deal last year between Iran and global powers that aimed to curb Tehran’s nuclear ambitions.
No one claimed responsibility for the attacks.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif described the incidents as “suspicious” on Twitter and called for regional dialogue. Tehran has denied responsibility for the May 12 attacks.
A European security official said his nation was being very cautious in making judgments about the incident.
“There are lots of moving parts and ‘facts’ at the moment, so my only advice would be treat things with extra caution,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
NATO supports groundbreaking cyber exercise at “GLOBSEC 2019” Forum
- 06 Jun. 2019

The workshop used four real-world, interactive crisis simulations to challenge diplomats, policy makers, think tank representatives, and leaders from the private sector and civil society. The simulations covered a wide range of topics, from using cyber and artificial intelligence in managing refugee crises at sea, through the cyber security challenges posed by foreign investments, and leveraging cyber capabilities in the battle against disinformation.
Responding to cybersecurity crises requires not only technical knowledge, but also human emotional intelligence, which is why “Disruptive Dilemmas” encouraged participants to use both cognitive and emotional intelligence to formulate solutions for a variety of complex cyber crises. The proposed solutions will be published in a white paper in late 2019.
For more information: https://www.ecrrn.com/ECRRN//GLOBSEC2019/
18. Statement by the NATO Spokesperson on the situation in the Republic of Moldova
- 09 Jun. 2019
- NATO is following with concern the political crisis in the Republic of Moldova. We call on all political forces in the country to exercise calm and restraint, and to resolve their differences through dialogue, in full respect of the rule of law.

The Republic of Moldova’s democratically elected leaders need to work together to overcome this crisis.
We reaffirm NATO’s continuing support to the Republic of Moldova in the reform of its defence and security institutions. NATO and the Republic of Moldova have been close partners for more than 25 years. We remain committed to the Republic of Moldova’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.
19. İzinler iptal, donanma alarmda
Flaş iddia! ABD yarın İran’a saldırabilir
ABD ile İran arasında Umman Körfezi’nde yaşanan tanker gerilimiyle bir kez daha yükselen tansiyonun ardından ABD’den gelen işaretler oldukça tehlikeli.

ABD ile İran bir kez daha karşı karşıya. Umman Körfezi’nde seyreden “Front Altair” ve “Kokuka Courageous” adlı petrol tankerleri perşembe günü saldırıya uğradıkları gerekçesiyle ABD Donanmasından yardım istemişti. Singapur ve Tayland’a petrol ürünleri taşıyan “Kokuka Courageous”, uğradığı saldırıda aldığı iki darbeyle hasar görmüş, 21 kişilik mürettebatı tahliye edilmişti.
ABD, saldırıyla ilgili İran’ı suçlarken, Washington yönetimi, İran Devrim Muhafızları Ordusu’na (DMO) ait devriye botunun Umman Körfezi’nde saldırıya uğrayan tanker gemisinden patlamamış mayınları topladığı iddiasına ilişkin görüntüleri yayınladı.
İran Dışişleri Bakanı Muhammed Cevad Zarif ise saldırılarla ilgili ABD’yi “sabotaj diplomasisi” izlemekle suçladı.
Amerikan Fox News kanalında katıldığı bir programda ABD-İran ilişkilerini değerlendiren ABD Başkanı Donald Trump da, tanker saldırılarına ilişkin değerlendirmelerde bulundu.
Trump, söz konusu saldırılar için “İran yaptı. Bunu biliyorsunuz çünkü botu gördünüz.” ifadesini kullandı.
Gerilim sürerken SuperHaber‘e ulaşan bilgiler ise savaş çanlarının çalmaya başladığı yönünde. ABD’de FOX kanalı bir iç genelge yayınlayıp pazar günü İran’a saldırı başlatılabileceğini belirterek, bu nedenle çalışanların izinlerinin iptal edildiğini duyurdu.
İddiaları destekleyen bir diğer gelişme ise Florida Tampa’da yaşandı. Amerikan’ın en büyük donanma merkezi olan bölgede büyük hareketlilik gözlenirken, askerlerin izinlerinin de iptal edildiği öğrenildi.

Στο νοσοκομείο εκτάκτως ο Αλέν Ντελόν
Ιερό τέρας του γαλλικού κινηματογράφου, ο Ντελόν απέσπασε πριν από μερικές εβδομάδες στο Φεστιβάλ των Καννών έναν τιμητικό “Χρυσό Φοίνικα” για την προσφορά του στην Έβδομη Τέχνη. Το βραβείο παρέλαβε από την κόρη του Ανούσκα. Πολύ συγκινημένος, στην ομιλία του που είχε μια αδιόρατη θλίψη, ο Ντελόν είπε τότε ότι το βραβείο αυτό μοιάζει κάπως με «μεταθανάτιο φόρο τιμής, ενώ είμαι εν ζωή».
Why MBZ has become a close ally of the Jewish state.
The New York Times recently published an elaborate profile of Mohammed Bin Zayed, the crown prince known as MBZ and the de facto ruler of Abu Dhabi. MBZ contrasts starkly with the notorious and controversial MBS – Mohammed Bin Salman – the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.
In the article, Israel is mentioned only briefly, including that Israel had sold intelligence equipment and upgraded US-made F-16 fighter jets to the principality, which is a dominant part of the federated entity known as the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Nevertheless, in the Times piece, an entire portion of the clandestine world of Israeli-UAE relations is unveiled. Together with previous stories, the report sheds light on the extent, depth and nature of the secret relations between Israel and Abu Dhabi. But it also provides a wider perspective on the special developing relations between Israel and other Sunni states.
The article claims that over the last quarter of a century, the 58-year-old prince has turned his tiny fiefdom into a dominant force in the Middle East, but also a source for stirring instability in the region.
The basis for Israeli-Abu Dhabi cooperation emanates from two sets of common interests: one is the animosity toward Iran, and the second is the loathing and fear of the Muslim Brotherhood movement.
To achieve his goals, MBZ over the years has purchased weapons and other military equipment worth hundreds of billions dollars, mainly from the US but also from Israel.
His father, the illiterate Sheikh Khalifa, is in poor health, but is officially still the ruler of the country carrying the title of president of the UAE. He appointed as tutor to his son a radical Islamist preacher who tried to brainwash him with militant notions.
The young MBZ rejected the tutor’s sermons, which traumatized him. Instead he acquired a Western education and developed a never-ending hatred of the Muslim Brotherhood. These feelings inform his diplomatic and military policies, and his involvement in creating regional alliances.
He is a bitter rival of Qatar and Turkey, whose leaders support Muslim Brotherhood branches all over the Arab world. But he is a friend of Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan and to a lesser degree Saudi Arabia, all of which oppose the Muslim Brotherhood.
Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, who is a strong opponent of Hamas, which is the Palestinian extension of the Egyptian branch of the Muslim brotherhood, considers MBZ a strong ally. In that sense so does Israel, although Israeli policy, as designed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in regard to Hamas, is not straightforward rivalry but rather more complicated.
For Netanyahu, Hamas is a sort of “frenemy” – a combination of enemy but also friend. This is because Hamas, which controls Gaza and challenges the Palestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), unwittingly serves Netanyahu’s ultimate goal: to undermine Palestinian national aspirations, and along the way “kill” the notion of two states, Israel and a united Palestine in Gaza and the West Bank.
The Times story didn’t say which Israeli company upgraded Abu Dhabi’s F-16 fighter planes – both Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Elbit Systems are actively involved in upgrading Russian and US-made warplanes.
In the past, the two companies competed against each other using smear campaigns in their efforts to obtain international tenders. By doing so, they reduced their own chances to win contracts. After an incident in a bidding to upgrade Colombian fighters, the Defense Ministry stepped in and forced them to work together and cooperate on some sensitive cases, such as selling weapons to Arab and Muslim nations – thus making this kind of security and weapons deal less private and more government-to-government (G2G).
One can assume that upgrading Abu Dhabi’s F-16 is a similar case in which the Defense Ministry not only approved it but also imposed a joint venture on IAI and Elbit. No doubt that the deal had to be approved also by the US government. In every deal that involves US-made military systems, Israel needs to receive a license from the Pentagon and the White House. In the case of Abu Dhabi, it was easy to obtain approval since successive US administrations and especially the Donald Trump presidency consider the UAE, Abu Dhabi and MBZ, in particular, friends and allies.
As for the intelligence ties, it was reported in the past that NSO and Verint – two companies based in Herzliya with international subsidiaries – sold their systems to Abu Dhabi. Verint, which defines itself as “a leader in actionable intelligence,” manufactures and sells software for bugging equipment to intercept phone, fax, radio communication and computers as well as analyzing the data obtained.
NSO sold to MBZ – who is also deputy commander of the UAE armed forces – its notorious Pegasus software. The software enables its operators to stealthily infiltrate all kinds of smartphones, steal data, and put the user under constant surveillance, without anyone noticing. Human rights groups around the world have criticized MBZ and his government, police and security services for using the Israeli-made equipment to spy on political opponents and harass human rights activists and abuse dissidents.
NSO was connected, time and again, to aggressive cyber warfare, by selling Pegasus to numerous security services, including tyrannical regimes such as Myanmar, enabling them to persecute human rights activists and political dissidents.
In Mexico, the company name was even linked to the death of a local investigative journalist. One of NSO’s founders and current owner, Julio Shiloh, tries to cleanse his conscience and name by granting interviews to sympathetic interviewers. Yet despite NSO damaging the already deteriorating Israeli image as an unscrupulous supplier of lethal weapons, the Defense Ministry keeps supporting him by approving his request for export licenses.
Via his Swiss-based firms and his local Israeli company, Logic, he sold homeland security equipment to protect the principality’s maritime oil and gas installations, providing them with both cyber defense shields and physical security for drones.
Kochavi employed senior Israeli military experts and former chiefs of its intelligence and military, such as General Amos Malka, former head of Military Intelligence, and General Eitan Ben-Eliyahu, former commander of the Israel Air Force.
For this heady venture, Kochavi chartered a private passenger plane and ferried dozens of Israeli experts from Tel Aviv circuitously via Cyprus to conceal his dealings with Abu Dhabi. His employees stayed in a secluded posh neighborhood, and worked in rotating shifts of a week to two weeks.
Around 2012, Kochavi’s charm and luck began to run out. Slowly but steadily he, his businesses and influence were dwindling. Avi Leumi, the controversial founder and CEO of Aeronautics Defense System (ADS), an Israeli manufacturer of drones, entered into the vacuum he had created.
Leumi worked with Kochavi, but though Abu Dhabi’s security establishment wasn’t happy with his drones’ performance, he somehow managed to stay in the game. The professional and financial crisis between the two states threatened to damage their strategic cooperation against Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood. The Mossad, Israel’s foreign espionage agency, moved in to salvage the relations.
One of the traditional assignments of the Mossad is to operate as an alternative foreign ministry and manage the secret ties between the Jewish state and the Arab and Muslim world.
Tevel is the special Mossad department in charge of this mission. At the time, the head of Tevel was David Meidan. Nowadays he and Leumi, who moved his business to Cyprus, are partners representing IAI and other Israeli security producers in the emirates.
The big money dazzled some Israelis involved in the deals, and they found themselves fighting each other in legal battles in courts and arbitration, some of which are still taking place.
Another byproduct of the special Israel-Abu Dhabi ties, which is not a coincidence, is that the Emirate’s F-16s, alongside their Egyptian counterparts, have bombed ISIS positions in the Sinai Peninsula.
The IDF, too, is involved in this war on terrorism, according to many reports, by providing the Egyptian military and its allies with intelligence data and sending its air force for air operations.
Further east, the UAE air force is also operating together with Egypt in the civil war in Libya, helping the forces of General Khalifa Haftar, who is trying to take over the entire country and is supported by the US, France and Russia.
Is it another coincidence that the French newsletter, Intelligence on Line, reported a few months ago that Israeli intelligence representatives met with General Haftar?
Netanyahu has repeatedly boasted that Israel has managed to form an anti-Iranian coalition with some Arab states known as the “Sunni Alliance,” together with Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco and Jordan.
While this is true, it is also true that the Israeli contribution to the alliance, which is run under the radar, is mainly selling intelligence and other military hardware. But the chances that the relations will one day surface into the open are very slim, as long as there is no movement on the Israeli-Palestinian front. And such a probability is very low, as long as Netanyahu remains in power.
Yet one has to admit that the secret ties with Abu Dhabi and other Sunni countries have given Netanyahu at least one important dividend, for himself and his ideology. In return for Israeli military technology and equipment, the Sunni states have turned a blind eye to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, neglected the Palestinian question, and practically allowed Israel to do whatever it wishes there.
IAI, Elbit and the Defense Ministry declined to comment. David Meidan said that he is a private citizen, and does not share information about his business with the public.■
Yossi Melman is co-author of Spies Against Armageddon: Inside Israel’s Secret Wars. He tweets at @yossi_melman
How a combination of Soviet paranoia and corruption led to the world’s worst nuclear disaster.

HBO’s acclaimed Chernobyl miniseries has sparked new interest in the tragic sequence of events on that warm spring night of April 26, 1986 near the idyllic town of Pripyat that led to the world’s worst nuclear disaster. A combination of dreadful human errors and design flaws within the Soviet constructed reactor led to an uncontrolled power surge within the graphite core of Chernobyl’s RBMK Reactor Number 4, causing a catastrophic explosion and concomitant release of highly radioactive material. This invisible death, which possesses neither taste nor smell, still lingers in high concentrations at Chernobyl’s Exclusion Zone to this very day.
The catalyst for the explosion was a turbine shutoff safety test designed to see if the kinetic energy in the turbines could generate sufficient electricity to pump water coolant through the reactor’s core during the one-minute lapse before diesel generator backups could take over. The test had been performed on three previous occasions but had failed for various reasons, though the consequences of those prior failures were nowhere near as calamitous as Chernobyl’s fourth and final failed test.
Chernobyl’s Reactor Number 4 was completed in 1983. Emphasis was placed on speedy construction and completion while safety protocols were largely ignored or circumvented. The safety test that Chernobyl’s control room engineers were conducting that night should have been conducted in 1983 before, and not after, Reactor Number 4 opened for business.
Despite these and other shortcomings, the safety test had to be performed. The Cold War between East and West was still brewing and the Soviets were paranoid about the possibility of an attack against their reactors and their functionality in the event of sudden loss of power.
On June 7, 1981, just two years prior to the completion of Reactor Number 4, eight Israeli Air Force F-16A fighter bombers, each armed with two unguided Mark-84 2000lb bombs, attacked and obliterated Iraq’s Baghdad based Osirak nuclear facility. Israeli intelligence had determined that Iraq’s mercurial and bloodthirsty leader, Saddam Hussein, would have utilized the reactor to produce atomic bombs. Though Israel was heavily criticized for its actions at the time, subsequent developments would prove Israel’s intelligence assessment to be accurate.
Israel’s raid against Osirak heightened Soviet fears of vulnerabilities in its nuclear facilities and served as a catalyst for safety tests like the one performed at Chernobyl. Ironically, the greatest danger posed to the Soviet Union’s nuclear power plants was not an attack from the West but was rather the culture of corruption endemic to the Soviet socialist system. It was this culture of corruption that prioritized meeting deadlines and timetables over safety concerns. And it was this culture of corruption that placed emphasis on cheaper but less safe reactors over more expensive but safer reactors.
Graphite moderated, water cooled RBMK reactors of the type found at Chernobyl had several design flaws and were inherently unsafe making the Chernobyl disaster all but inevitable. The reactors were unstable in low power mode. The boron control rods, which are designed to control or slow down the reaction by absorbing neutrons, were tipped with graphite, which actually causes a temporary power surge when lowered into the core. This design defect was the final catalyst leading to the core’s explosion. And in a feature unique to Soviet RBMK reactors, the more steam generated in the core, the higher the reactivity, which in-turn produces more heat, which produces more steam leading to a vicious uncontrolled cycle. This feature is referred to as a “positive void coefficient.” In Western reactors, the void coefficient is negative, which means that more steam results in less reactivity. In addition, RBMK reactors lacked emergency safety containment vessels which are mandatory in Western reactors.
Many of these design defects were known to the Soviets but were ignored for the sake of expediency. The Soviets compounded their errors by waiting a full day before issuing evacuation orders for Pripyat’s residents and residents of surrounding areas despite known lethal radiation levels in the area. It was a demonstrable display of contempt for human life where state secrets prevailed over the wellbeing of Soviet citizens.
In the months following the Chernobyl disaster, Andranik Petrosyants, chairman of the State Committee for the Utilization of Atomic Energy, in an interview with the state propaganda outlet Tass, downplayed Soviet malfeasance but called for an international treaty that would outlaw attacks on power stations, such as that carried out by IAF F-16s on Osirak. It was a rather pathetic attempt at an old Soviet tactic to deflect from Soviet shortcomings and conflate two unrelated events – a nuclear accident caused by criminal negligence and a successful counter-proliferation effort that saved countless lives.
Even today, vestiges of the old Soviet mindset, of refusing to take responsibility and dabbling in delusional conspiracy, prevail. In response to the HBO production, the Russian government allocated $500,000 toward the production of a film whose version of the Chernobyl disaster is premised on the conspiracy-prone belief that a CIA spy penetrated Chernobyl’s Reactor Number 4 on the night of the accident to carry out sabotage. Some things will never change.
Scraps Obama’s failed Cuba policy.

“If Cuban troops and militia do not immediately cease military and other operations for the purpose of causing death and destruction to the constitution of Venezuela, a full and complete embargo, together with highest–level sanctions, will be placed on the island of Cuba,” ( Pres. Trump April 30, 2019.)
“Trump administration bans cruises to Cuba in clampdown on U.S. travel-– The Trump administration on Tuesday imposed heavy new restrictions on travel to Cuba by U.S. citizens, including a ban on cruises, in a bid to further pressure the Communist island.” (Reuters, June 4, 2019.)
As often documented hereabouts, Castro’s military and secret police (the only people in Cuba with guns, in case some have forgotten) majority- own everything related to Cuba’s tourism industry, which is the Castro-Crime-Syndicate’s 2nd largest source of income, slightly behind what they extort and otherwise squeeze out of their miserable Venezuelan colony in stolen oil and drug-smuggling proceeds.
Any more questions about why the Trump team decided to attend to this travel matter? (i.e. to once again make good on a threat to a foreign adversary?)
But wasn’t Obama’s Cuba policy of forgiving The Castro-Crime-Syndicate’s mass theft of U.S. property, its torture and murder of U.S. citizens, its blatant terror-sponsorship and drug-smuggling while showering it with $billions of U.S. dollars–wasn’t this shrewd policy guaranteed to turn Cuba into a Spanish-speaking Switzerland? Well:
“Cuba continues to play a destabilizing role in the Western Hemisphere, providing a communist foothold in the region and propping up U.S. adversaries in places like Venezuela and Nicaragua by fomenting instability, undermining the rule of law, and suppressing democratic processes. This Administration has made a strategic decision to reverse the loosening of sanctions and other restrictions on the Cuban regime. These actions will help to keep U.S. dollars out of the hands of Cuban military, intelligence, and security services.” (Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.)
Some perspective: in 2017, Cuba received 1.5 million visitors from the U.S. Given a big spike in recent cruise ship landings, that figure was expected to balloon in 2019, and the Castro-Crime-Syndicate was rubbing its hands and whooping in anticipation of this Obama-generated financial windfall.
Those delighted whoops have now turned to wails of anger and grief.
But wasn’t Cuba historically a tourist playground for Americans, some might ask? Sure. But here’s some more perspective:
When travel to Cuba was promoted by the U.S. government and Cuba served as a “tourist playground” for Americans (the 1950’s), the island annually received around 200,000 tourists from the U.S. In fact , up until 1953, more Cubans had vacationed in the U.S. annually than did Americans in Cuba, as befit a developed nation with a larger middle-class than much of Europe of the time.
But, as mentioned, on a year (2017) when tourism to Cuba from the U.S. was outlawed by congressionally-passed and presidentially-signed laws the island received upwards of ONE AND A HALF MILLION tourists from the U.S.
Sounds crazy, I know. But here it is straight from the U.S. State Dept. “Tourist travel to Cuba is prohibited under U.S. law for U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and others subject to U.S. jurisdiction.”
Obviously there was something drastically wrong with that picture–with such a flagrant scoffing at U.S. law. Any more questions why the Trump team decided to attend to this travel matter? (i.e. to once again make good on a threat to a snickering foreign adversary who –catastrophically as it turned out!–thought he was still dealing with Obama?)
What happened recently is that, though U.S. tourism to Cuba remained technically illegal according to U.S. law, Obama opened up so many loopholes that Americans became 2nd only to Canadians as vacationers in Cuba (i.e. as financial partners with the Stalinist, terror-sponsoring regime’s military and secret-police.)
“A, B, C–easy as one, two, three,” goes the famous song. And just as easily predicted by all “Right-Wing-Cuban-American-Crackpots” (i.e. people who thoroughly understand Castroism from firsthand experience)—just like the song: A.) Obama’s executive orders further enriched the Stalinist regime B.) who thus became fat and happy C.) unleashed a wave of terror on their subjects (both Cuban and Venezuelan) unlike anything seen in decades.
This (eminently predictable) Castroite wave of terror was verified even by leftist watchdog groups like Amnesty international.
As Obama implemented his Cuba “opening” (to cheers from libertarians) your humble servant went blue in the face trying to explain the horrible–but eminently predictable–consequence to some libertarians on John Stossell’s show.
In fact, contrary to all the media blather about Raul Castro’s and his successor’s (i.e puppet’s) Diaz-Canel’s “reforms,” Cuba hasn’t budged a millimeter from its spot in the Heritage Economic Freedom list. It still maintains its proud historic ranking of almost dead last, next to its partner in Stalinism North Korea.
And regarding all the Fake News Media blather about Cuba’s “new and burgeoning private sector!” and how this “vibrant economic sector!” now employs a hefty “and growing!” chunk of Cuba’s working population! And how Trump’s “clamp-down” (i.e enforcement of U.S. law) will “hurt Cuba’s private sector hardest!”—regarding this Fake News Media/Castro agent mantra, some of us actually bothered to run the numbers.
In the process, your humble servant revealed that– as a percentage of the Cuban population– the number of Cuban’s currently “self-employed” in Cuba is about the same as were similarly employed when fanatical Maoist/Stalinist Che Guevara served as Cuba’s “Minister of the Economy.”
Hence, yet another Fake News Media lie about Cuba bites the dust.
The international Left and the Iranian-controlled terror nexus.

On May 31, the cry went out from Times Square, New York City, to annihilate Israel and extend the terror war against the Jewish state to America.
As they did in Beirut, Berlin, London, Tehran, and Dearborn, Michigan, Israel-haters gathered at Times Square to call for Israel’s dissolution on the day the Iranian regime has determined to be “Al Quds Day,” that is, Jerusalem Day.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) posted a video of the event. In it, a series of speakers called over and over again for Israel’s annihilation, voiced support for terrorists and terrorism and called for the war against Israel to come to New York.
Nate Chase from the World Workers’ Party led the crowd in chanting, “We don’t want not two state! We want ’48!”
That is, we don’t want to partition the land mass west of the Jordan River. We want to annihilate Israel, which was established in 1948.
Chase continued, “Because every inch – from the [Jordan] river to the [Mediterranean] sea – is Palestine!
“Israel does not exist! It has not existed, it doesn’t exist, and it will never exist! There is only Palestine!” he cried.
Rokeya Begun, from a New York-based Palestinian pro-terror group called Within our Lifetime, called out, “Globalize the intifada!”
“From New York to Gaza!”
And Joe Catron from Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner [i.e. terrorist] Solidarity Network, led the crowd chanting, “There is only one solution!”
The crowd responded, “Intifada! Revolution!”
While unsettling, the pro-terror calls going out from Times Square were helpful. They laid bare the fact that terror groups are actively involved in the political campaigns against Israel.
Among the speakers, Catron from Samidoun in particular personified the nexus between terror groups and the political war against Israel.
Last October, Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs published an in-depth report demonstrating the central role terror Palestinian terror groups play in the “boycott, divestment and sanctions” (BDS) campaign against Israel and Jews who support Israel.
The report, titled “Terrorists in Suits: The ties between NGOs promoting BDS and terrorist organizations,” exposed that the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and Hamas are both heavily involved — indeed, likely control — several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Western countries that play central roles in BDS campaigns. Hamas and the PFLP are both designated as foreign terrorist organizations by the State Department and the EU.
Samidoun is a major actor in the BDS universe. According to the Israeli government report, Samidoun is a U.S.-registered NGO founded in 2012. It has branches in Lebanon, Canada, France, Britain, Germany, Belgium, Greece, and the Palestinian Authority.
It is also enmeshed in, if not controlled by, the PFLP.
According to the Israeli government report, Samidoun’s international coordinator, Charlotte Kates, is married to Khaled Barakat, a member of the PFLP Central Committee. Kates is a member of several other BDS groups operating in the U.S. and Europe. Many of them are similarly affiliated with the PFLP. Some operate as left-wing BDS groups.
The Israeli report further alleges that Mustafa Awad, Samidoun’s European representative, is a Lebanese national. The report notes that according to the Israeli Security Agency (ISA), Awad was a member of a PFLP terrorist cell operating in Europe, and was in contact with terrorist operatives from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority.
The Israeli government report further reveals that Kates’a husband Barakat “arranged for Awad to begin his military training in 2015 in Lebanon with Hezbollah.”
It continues, “Awad also took part in a 2015 meeting in Germany with PFLP operatives, during which they discussed how to revamp the organization’s activities.”
Moreover, it alleges, “Awad transferred funds from Lebanon and Syria to Khaled Barakat, in Belgium, on at least two occasions during 2016-2017. Additionally, he left his personal laptop and mobile phone with convicted [PFLP] terrorist Leila Khaled in Jordan before attempting to enter Israel…where he was arrested (July 2018).”
Following his reported arrest, the Israeli report reveals, “Awad was sentenced to 12 months in prison, as well as 12 months on probation, for membership in a terrorist organization, prohibited military training and use of property for terrorist activities.”
Catron’s Twitter page banner features a photo of him with Palestinian hijacker Leila Khaled.
The Israeli government report also exposes that Barakat appears at conferences with his wife, Kates. He runs the PFLP campaign for the release of PFLP commander Ahmad Sa’adat. Sa’adat is currently serving a 30-year prison sentence in Israel for masterminding the 2001 assassination of Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze’evi.
Samidoun runs a parallel campaign for Saadat’s release. As the report notes, “The PFLP campaign website uses elements identical to those on the Samidoun site. In light of this, and in light of Barakat’s connection to Kates, it is likely that donations made through the Samidoun website benefitted Barakat and the PFLP.”
The Israeli government report notes that in 2016, Kates published an article praising Ze’evi’s murder. She quoted “a PFLP senior operative who termed the murder ‘a symbol of heroism.’”
She also directed readers to the PFLP website, which also glorifies Ze’evi’s assassination.
According to a report published Tuesday in the Times of Israel, in response to the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs campaign against Samidoun and other key BDS groups tied to the PFLP and Hamas, ten bank accounts in the U.S. and twenty in Europe attached to these groups have been shut down. Samidoun is among the groups that have been affected, with three of their accounts now shut due to the group’s ties to the PFLP.
The BDS campaign is geared towards two main goals. First, as its name suggests, its purpose is to wage political and economic warfare against Israel. By targeting Israeli companies and international companies that do business with Israel, the BDS campaign seeks to undermine the Israeli economy.
Moreover, by singling out non-Israelis who support Israel, particularly non-Israeli Jews who support Israel, the BDS campaign seeks to make the social cost of supporting Israel prohibitive while expelling predominantly Jewish pro-Israel voices from the public square.
These actions, in turn, advance two other goals. First, since like the terror groups, the goal of BDS groups more generally is to put an end to Israel’s existence, the BDS campaign works to legitimize the goal of the terrorist groups. Once publics in the West are desensitized to calls for the physical destruction of Israel and its Jewish citizens, they will similarly support — or not oppose — terrorist action to bring about this goal.
Finally, by involving themselves in political campaigns to defame and delegitimize Israel, terror groups, including the PFLP, build strategic alliances with the international left. So too, as Awad’s terror training with Hezbollah in Lebanon makes clear, the PFLP is a bridgethat links the international left with the Iranian-controlled terror nexus.
Thus, it is not surprising that communists and PFLP-aligned BDS agitators joined forces to call for Israel’s destruction and support terrorism at Al Quds Day demonstrations from Dearborn to New York to Beirut. Al Quds Day was created by Iran to present the Shiite ayatollahs as the tip of the spear in the global war against Israel.
Moreover, as we shall presently see, through their addition of political warfare to their terrorism portfolio, terror groups, including the PFLP, are able to secure the cooperation and in some cases the funding of European governments and the EU, which support their political warfare against Israel.
BDS is not the only campaign in which the PFLP is intimately involved. If BDS is the battle for the hearts and minds of the nations of the West for the cause of Israel’s destruction, on the ground in Israel, the PFLP is also actively involved in another campaign to seize lands that Israel requires to defend its vital strategic interests and its citizens.
In November 2018, Regavim, an Israeli NGO dedicated to protecting Israel’s state lands and natural resources published a major study of Palestinian land seizures in Area C of the West Bank. In the framework of the peace agreements that Israel signed with the Palestinian Authority in the 1990s, the West Bank was divided into three areas dubbed Area A, Area B, and Area C. Areas A and B are the Palestinian population centers. They were transferred to the control of the PA, which has ruled them as an autonomy for the past 23 years.
Israel retained control over Area C, which includes approximately 60 percent of the West Bank. Area C includes all of the Israeli communities and military bases in the West Bank. It also includes the international border with Jordan in the east, and the mountain ranges that control both central Israel and the eastern border. In other words, as Israeli Major General (retired) Gershon Hacohen set out in a detailed study of Area C published earlier this year, Israel cannot defend itself either from Palestinian terror threats or from foreign infiltration and invasion without Area C.
As the Regavim report recalls, in 2009, then Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad laid out a program for seizing Area C from Israel. The EU gave official, full-throated supportfor the program. As Regavim’s report exposes, the program was based on land seizures in tactical and strategic choke points, without which Israel will be hard-pressed to defend its citizens’ lives and its vital strategic needs. As the Regavim report showed, the EU and its member states fund massive Palestinian operations to seize lands in Area C both along major highway arteries and adjacent to and surrounding Israeli communities in Area C.
As Regavim outlines, the primary means the Palestinians use to seize vast tracts of land is agriculture. And the main Palestinian group involved in the operations is called the Union of Agricultural Work Committees. Like Samidoun and other major BDS operatives, according to the Regavim report, the UAWC is riven with ties to the PFLP.
According to the report, “Both the PFLP and the UAWC have attempted to obscure their close ties, in order to portray the civilian organization as an independent non-profit. Notwithstanding their efforts, there is clear evidence of their ideological and financial interdependence.”
The report cites an internal USAID document from 1993 which refers to the UAWC as “the agricultural wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.”
The affiliation with the U.S. and EU designated terror group is ongoing, Regavim reports. For instance, Jamil Muhamad Ismail Al Majdalawi, who served as the vice president of the UAWC in Gaza, is a senior PFLP commander. Regavim relays that he served as the PFLP commander in Gaza.
In 2013, Al Majdalawi served as PFLP’s representative to Fatah bodies. Fatah, the main faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization of which the PFLP is a member, is the PA ruling faction. Like Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the PLFP in Gaza attacks Israel with rockets and mortars.
Then too, Bashar Al Khiri served as the President of the UAWC Advisory Board from 2005 until 2010. Before taking up his position at the UAWC, he was in an Israeli prison after being convicted on terror charges. In 2012, the Israel Law Center, an Israeli legal group that defends terrorism victims informed Australian authorities that two Australian NGOs were in violation of Australian and U.S. anti-terror laws due to their financing of the PFLP-tied UAWC.
According to the Regavim report, UAWC receives funds from Norwegian People’s Aid, a Norwegian government funded group. In the past, USAID viewed NPA as a partner in its projects on behalf of the Palestinians. However, the Regavim study reports, in 2017, the U.S. Department of Justice indicted NPA on terrorism finance charges.
According to the Regavim report, “During the course of the trial, NPA admitted to supporting Iran, Hamas and a number of other terror organizations.”
According to the KGB archive published by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrochin in The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the Third World, beginning in 1970, the PFLP was largely controlled by the KGB. The KGB was drawn to the terror group, which was the pioneer of international passenger jet hijacking in part because of its Marxist-Leninist veneer. Today, using its leftist roots, the PFLP is pioneering the fusion of political warfare and terrorism as a means to legitimize both yhr PFLP itself, and its goal of annihilating Israel with the international left.
A case in point is the celebrity status that PFLP airplane hijacker Leila Khaled enjoys on the far left. In the early 1970s, Khaled carried out two airline hijackings. Last month Justin Rossomando pointed out in the Washington Examiner that leftist groups now view Khaled as a heroine. Her images are frequently featured in BDS propaganda on university campuses.
Rossomando notes that the Left’s iconography of Khaled shows that support for the PFLP “has gone mainstream elsewhere on the progressive Left.”
“The U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights and its Executive Director Youssef Munayyer have tweeted their support for this designated terrorist group,” he wrote.
He added:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez retweeted Munayyer on an unrelated issue in February, illustrating how few degrees of separation there are between these trendy terrorists and actual elected officials. The Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, whose leadership includes at least one Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine official and whose events frequently feature PFLP’s flag, has also thrown its support behind Ocasio-Cortez and fellow freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., posed for a photo with a Samidoun’s U.S. coordinator Joe Catron last month.
The Palestinian terrorist groups responsible for the ongoing terror campaign against Israel are not the only actors involved in the political war being waged against Israel in the West, and on the ground in Israel.
But their involvement in BDS campaigns has worked to legitimize the organizations themselves, their terrorist aggression against Israel and ultimately, their goal of annihilating the Jewish state in the eyes of a large cross section of the hard core, and increasingly influential, hard left in America.
Türkiye’ye muhtaç kaldılar! Hayalleri suya düşüren gerçek…
Afrodit yatağından çıkacak doğal gazı, boru hattıyla Girit üzerinden Avrupa’ya sevk etmeyi planlayan Rumlar, maliyet nedeniyle Mısır seçeneğini değerlendirmeye aldı.

Rum Kıbrıs Hidrokarbon Şirketi (EİK), Afrodit yatağındaki doğal gaz konusunda hak sahibi şirketlerin nihai yatırım kararını almaları için izlenmesi gereken prosedürden de bahsederek, bu sürecin en az 3 yıl gerekeceğini vurguladı. Güney Kıbrıs, İsrail, Yunanistan’ın işbirliğinde oluşturulan kısa adı (East-Med) 2025 yılında tamamlanması öngörülen proje denizin 3.3 kilometre derinliğinden geçecek 2 bin kilometrelik bir boru hattı inşa etmeyi hedefliyor. Proje tamamlanabilirse East-Med, dünyanın deniz altından geçen en uzun doğal gaz boru hattı olacak.
Boru hattı, İsrail’in Leviathan havzasından ve Rumların Afrodit adlı 12’nci parselinin etrafından çıkacak doğal gazın boru hattıyla Girit’e ulaştırılmasını, Yunanistan üzerinden de Avrupa’ya sevk edilmesini öngörüyor. Enerji uzmanları, doğal gaz fiyatlarının düşük seviyelerde seyrettiğine işaret ederek maliyeti 15 milyar doları bulacak bir boru hattının karlı olmayacağını belirtiyor. Uzmanlar, bölgedeki doğal gazın Türkiye’deki Ceyhan boru hattı üzerinden Avrupa’ya sevkiyatının, halen en ekonomik ve en güvenli tek seçenek olduğunu vurguluyor.
ABD’den kritik S-400 açıklaması: İzin vermeyeceğiz!
Türkiye ve ABD arasında S-400 ve F-35 krizinin patlak vermesiyle iki ülke arasında gerilim yükselirken, ABD Savunma Bakanlığı sözcüsü Eric Pahon’dan konuyla ilgili kritik bir açıklama geldi. Pahon yaptığı açıklamada Rusya’yı Türkiye ve ABD arasını açmakla suçladı.
Ankara Washington hattındaki görüşmelerin kesilmediğini söyleyen Pahon “Elbette Türkiye’nin Rusya ile yaptığı anlaşmayı iptal etmesini ve NATO’da kullanılan Patriot sistemi almasını istiyoruz.” şeklinde konuştu.
Pentagon NATO ve Avrupa’dan Sorumlu Sözcüsü Yarbay Mike Andrews de El-Hurra’da yer alan açıklamasında “Türkiye ile stratejik ilişkilerimizi takdir ediyoruz. Türkiye ile iş birliğimiz çeşitli hedefler üzerine kurulu. Anadolu Kartalı tatbikatları gibi Türk güçleri ile ortak tatbikatlar yapılıyor. Türkiye ile koordinasyon F-35 programı ile sınırlı değil.”ifadelerini kullandı.
Türkiye’nin Rusya’dan S-400 hava savunma sistemi alımı kararına karşılık F-35 programına katılımının askıya alınmasıyla alakalı konuşan Andrews, “Türkiye yakın zamanda S-400 anlaşmasını iptal etmeye karar verirse aldığımız tüm kararlar değişebilir. Geri dönülebilir. Böyle bir durumda Washington, tekrar Türkiye’nin programa dahil olmasından memnuniyet duyacaktır.” ifadelerine yer verdi.
Andrews, bu konuda Türklerle görüşmelerin sürdüğünü sözlerine ekledi.
ABD yayınladı! İşte Rusya’nın yerleştirdiği S-400’ün görüntüleri
ABD kaynakları, Rusya’nın Kırım’a yerleştirdiği S-400 hava savunma sistemlerinin uydu görüntülerini yayınladı.

Kırım’ın ilhakının ardından Rusya, Kırım’a askeri havaalanları, askeri limanlar, ağır zırhlı silahlar, deniz donanması ve hava kuvvetleri gibi yatırımlar yapmıştı. Bu askeri yatırımların en önemlisi Rusya’nın Kırım’a yerleştirdiği S-400 hava savunma sistemleri oldu.
ABD‘de yayın yapan ve Pentagon‘a yakın olan bir haber sitesi, Rusya’nın Kırım’a yerleştirdiği S-400 hava savunma sistemlerinin uydu görüntülerini paylaştı. Uydu görüntülerine göre yapılan haberde Rusya’nın Kırım’a 5 adet S-400 hava savunma sistemi bataryası yerleştirdiği gözlemlendi.
Ayrıca haberin detayında Kırım’a yerleştirilen S-400 hava savunma sistemlerinin Karadeniz ve Avrupa‘ya tehdit oluşturduğu yorumları yapıldı.