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Küreselleşmenin psikososyal boyutu Hıristiyanlaştırmadır
Üsküdar Çekmeköy metro hattının Çakmak istasyonunda afiş panosunda Haber 7’nin 20. Yıl kutlama afişiyle karşılaştım.. Bir hatıra fotoğrafı çekildim. Yardımcı olan gençlerle tanıştık ve Üsküdar yolculuğunda sohbet ettik. Küreselleşmeyi konuştuk.
Bu kısa yolculukta küreselleşmenin dayattığı yabancılaşmayı sorguladık birlikte. Sınırların ve kültürel-dini farklılıkların ortadan kalktığı bu küresel süreç yeni bir insan tanımını dayatıyor bütün bir insanlığa. Taklitle yetinen, hiçbir inancı, aidiyeti ve mensubiyeti olmayan, kişiliğini ve kimliğini yitirmiş, sadece tüketime odaklanmış, nesne konumuna indirgenmiş bir yeni insan tipi dünya çapında yaygınlaşıyor. ABD merkezli küresel sermaye tarafından fiiliyata geçirilen dünya sistemi, ‘tek insan’, ‘tek ahlak’, ‘tek kültür’, ‘tek ekonomi’, ‘tek devlet’ iddiasında..
Gençlere İslam karşıtı küreselleşmenin özde Psikolojik Haçlı Seferi olduğunu anlattım. Küreselleşmeye maruz kalan ülkelerde toplum çözülürken gençlik de önce boşluğa düşürülüyor sonra da bunalımdan çıkış olarak Hristiyanlık gösteriliyor, daha doğrusu bunalma düşürülen gençlik Hristiyanlığa yönlendiriliyor.
Batı Asya’yı, Afrika haline getirmek istiyor, Asya’ya Psikolojik Haçlı Seferi düzenliyor. Çin, Hindistan, Japonya, Pakistan, Malezya, Filipinler, Turan küreselleşme sürecine sokulup sömürgeleştirmek istiyorlar.
Yaşanan küresel sömürgeleştirmenin en dramatik örneği Güney Kore’dir. “Kore Mucizesi” denilen şey şudur: Kişi başına düşen 30 bin dolarlık milli gelirle gelişmekte olan ama bir türlü gelişemeyen ülke olması.. Günümüzde dünyada Güney Kore diye bir ülke veya bir millet var mıdır diye sormak gerekiyor. ABD’nin uydusu durumundaki bu zengin ülke, sanayisi ve teknolojisiyle adeta batının üretim merkezi haline dönüşmüş durumda.
K-Pop salgını ile zirveye ulaşan taklitçilik sevdasıyla Güney Koreliler, bırakın kendi kültürlerini, insanlıklarını bile unutma durumuna gelmişlerdir. Küresel sömürgeleşmenin en kötü tarafının sosyal çözülme ve Hıristiyanlaşma olduğu Güney Kore’de apaçık görülmektedir.
Tüketim çılgınlığının koynunda debelenen gençlik, materyalizm, egoizm, pragmatizm, konformizm, hedonizm ve bohemizm sosyal sapmalarıyla düşürüldüğü bunalımda inlemektedir.
Güney Kore’nin sözkonusu acınası sömürge hali tüm Kore filmlerinde görülebilmektedir. Son yıllarda Kore medyasında daha çok Amerikan uyarlaması diziler yapılmaktadır.
Güney Kore’de kapitalizmin, despotik sanayileşmenin tahrip ettiği bireyin sinemada karşılık bulduğunu görüyoruz. Makineleşmeye varan çalışma koşulları, iletişimsizlik, modern şehir hayatının getirdiği yalnızlık, Güney Kore sinemasında sebep ve sonuçlarıyla karşımıza çıkıyor. Güney Kore sineması demek şehvetin ve şiddetin estetiği demektir adeta.
Güney Koreli yönetmen Kim Ki Duk’u tanıyıp tanımadıklarını sordum gençlere.. İletişim fakültesi öğrencisi bir genç tanıdı. Birkaç kelimeyle Kim Ki Duk’u anlattım onlara. Kim Ki Duk, 1960 doğumlu, Güney koreli bir yönetmen, senarist ve yapımcı. 1996 yılında küçük bütçeli ‘Timsah’ adlı filmiyle ilk sinema deneyimine başladı. Hiçbir sinema eğitimi almayan Kim bu filmi ile Koreli film eleştirmenlerinden ağır eleştiriler aldı. 2004 yılında ‘Samaritan Girl- Fedakar Kız’ film ile Berlin Film Festivali’nde ‘Boş Ev’ filmi ile de Venedik Film Festivali’nde En İyi Yönetmen ödüllerini aldı. Kim Ki-Duk’un film kariyeri diğer yönetmenlerinkinden oldukça farklı. Kim Ki Duk hiçbir zaman sinema eğitimi almadı ve hiçbir zaman başka bir yönetmenin yanında asistanlık yapmadı. Hiç kimsede görülmeyen bakış açısı ve kendine has hikâye anlatma tekniği buradan gelmektedir. 11 Aralık 2020’de Covid salgınında 59 yaşında hayatını kaybetti..
Uluslararası platformlarda ses getiren projelere imza atan, dolayısıyla Güney Kore sinemasının tanınmasında büyük öneme sahip bir isim olan Kim Ki Duk, ‘Samaritan Girl- Fedakar Kız’ filminde, Avrupa’ya seyahat etme hayalleri kuran liseli iki genç kızın para bulmak için bedenlerini satmalarının sonuçları anlatılır.
Liseli kızlardan biri kazara ölürken hayatta kalan arkadaşı onun yerine bu işi devam ettirecektir. Dedektif olan babası kızının nasıl bir işin içinde olduğunu fark edince kızının müşterilerinden intikam almaya karar verir.
Kore toplumunun yaşadığı arada kalmışlığı, Batı hayranlığını ve kapitalizmin liseli kızların gelişmiş bir ülke kabul edilen Güney Kore’de bedenlerini satacak hale gelmeleri, kısaca toplumsal yabancılaşma tam filmin merkezindedir.
Güney Korelilerin içinde bulunduğu sosyo kültürel durumu “Tutkulu Batıcılık” şeklinde özetleyebiliriz. Çünkü Güney Kore’nin ve diğer küresel sömürüye maruz kalmış ülkelerin yaşadığı Amerikanlaşma diye tanımlanabilecek ahlaki yıkım, ABD’yi dahi ürkütmektedir.
Açıkçası tam bir akıl tutulması olan Güney Kore gençliğinin bu durumunun dünyada bir benzeri yoktur. Gençliği boşluğa düşen Güney Kore, aynı zamanda Hristiyan misyonerlerin merkezi haline gelmiştir. Güney Kore gençliği, Batıcı sömürge aydınlarının kılavuzluğunda dinlerini, tarihlerini, kültürlerini, örf ve adetlerini çöpe atan hayırsız evlat olmanın ötesinde; Hristiyanlığı diğer Asya ülkelerine yaymak için var gücüyle çalışmaktadır.
Güney Kore Amerikanlaşması şunu ortaya koymuştur ki gençlik açısından önce tüketim çılgınlığında kimliksizleşme, boşlukta bocalama, bunalımda çırpınma olan küreselleşme aslında Psikolojik Haçlı Seferi’dir.
Küreselleşmenin son hedefi, bir türlü tam olarak ehlileştiremedikleri Müslümanlardır. Küreselleşme, özde İslamofobi, yani İslam düşmanıdır. Çünkü İslam, emperyalizme, onun son versiyonu olan küreselleşmeye boyun eğmeyen tek küresel güçtür. Giyim, kuşam, gündelik hayat, moda, eğitim gibi alanlarda büyük oranda kendilerine benzettikleri halde İslam alemi tevhit inancından vaz geçmiyor, uyanan gençleri direnişe devam ediyor.
İslam coğrafyasının batı dünyasına en yakın bölgesi olan Türkiye, Batı’nın kültürel işgali ve hegemonyasıyla iki asırdır mücadele ediyor. Batılılaşma, çağdaşlaşma adı altında üzerimizde yapılan toplum mühendisliği çalışmalarına rağmen milletimiz tarihinden kopmayı reddetti, dinine sarıldı ve kültürünü canlandırmaya başladı.
Türkiye’deki İslami uyanış ve diriliş küreselcileri endişeye sevk ettiği gibi saldırılarını da artırmıştır. Küreselleşmenin psikososyal boyutunu oluşturan kültürel kuşatmayı yarmanın en etkili yolu eğitim alanında yerli ve milli anlayışa dönmekten geçmektedir.
Bir an önce yaşanan bu küreselleşme sürecinin Psikolojik Haçlı Seferi olduğunun farkına varmak ve geç olmadan hemen bugün harekete geçmek zorundayız.
NATO Secretary General meets President Biden to prepare for the Vilnius Summit

The Secretary General thanked President Biden for his leadership and the U.S.’s commitment to NATO in the most dangerous security situation in a generation. He also thanked the U.S. Congress and the American people for their critical support to Ukraine. He said that the United States is leading the way in support for Ukraine, and that European Allies and Canada have also provided tens of billions of dollars of military, financial, and humanitarian aid. Mr Stoltenberg underscored that this support is making a difference on the battlefield now, as Ukraine pursues its counteroffensive and works to retake more territory.
The Secretary General said that at the NATO Summit in Vilnius next month, Allies will step up support to Ukraine for the long haul and further strengthen deterrence and defence. This will include a new and more ambitious defence investment pledge with 2 percent of GDP as a floor, not a ceiling. He also said he looks forward to welcoming Sweden as a full member of NATO as soon as possible.
While in Washington, the Secretary General met separately with Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Earlier on Tuesday, he also met Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and a number of other US Senators.
NATO Defence Ministers conclude two days of meetings, pledging increased support for Ukraine
NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
16 Jun. 2023
NATO Defence Ministers concluded two days of meetings in Brussels on Friday (16 June 2023), in order to prepare for the Vilnius Summit in July.
Mr Stoltenberg said that “Ukrainian forces have stepped up operations along the front line, and are making progress – but they face tough terrain, dug-in Russian troops, and fierce fighting”. In this context, he underlined that increasing support for Ukraine remains crucial. He welcomed new announcements from Allies, including the initiative led by the Netherlands and Denmark to start training Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets and, together with the United Kingdom and the United States, to deliver short and medium-range air defence missiles. He also welcomed that Allies have so far made contributions and commitments amounting to 500 million euros to NATO’s Comprehensive Assistance Package, adding that NATO is working on a multi-year package with substantial funding for the Summit, and is also working to establish a new NATO-Ukraine Council, where Ukraine and Allies will consult and decide on security issues on an equal basis. “Our ambition is to have the first meeting of the new Council in Vilnius, with President Zelenskyy,” he said.
At the Vilnius Summit, Allies will also take steps to further strengthen deterrence and defence, including with new regional plans. Mr Stoltenberg highlighted that for the first time since the Cold War, Allies are “fully connecting the planning for our collective defence with the planning for our forces, capabilities, and command and control” and that NATO will have over 300,000 troops on high readiness, backed by substantial air and maritime capabilities “to defend every inch of Allied territory against any threat”.
Ministers also agreed a new rotational model for air and missile defence; agreed substantially increase capability targets for battle-decisive ammunition; and reviewed the NATO Defence Production Action Plan, with measures to aggregate demand, boost capacity, and increase interoperability and interchangeability. Mr Stoltenberg said that he expects NATO Allies to make a more ambitious commitment to defence investment in Vilnius, with 2% of GDP for defence spending as a floor, not a ceiling.
NATO’s Nuclear Planning Group also met to discuss the nuclear aspects of the current security environment and the ongoing adaptation of NATO’s nuclear deterrence.
North Atlantic Council Statement on Russia’s withdrawal from the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe

NATO Allies condemn Russia’s decision to withdraw from the landmark Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), a cornerstone of Europe’s security architecture. The CFE Treaty establishes legally binding and verifiable limits on key categories of conventional military equipment of the States Parties.
Russia has for many years not complied with its CFE obligations, in particular by ceasing its implementation of the CFE Treaty without a legal basis in 2007. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, and Belarus’ complicity, is contrary to the objectives of the CFE Treaty.
Russia’s decision to withdraw from the CFE Treaty is the latest in a series of actions that systematically undermines Euro-Atlantic security. Russia’s decision further demonstrates Moscow’s continued disregard for arms control, including reciprocity, transparency, compliance and verification. We have repeatedly called on Russia to comply with the Treaty. Russia has not engaged constructively, and has not taken steps towards full compliance. Allies urge Russia to implement its commitments and obligations, and to use the remaining time before its withdrawal to reconsider its decision.
We remain united in our commitment to effective conventional arms control as a key element of Euro-Atlantic security, taking into account the prevailing security environment and the security of all Allies. This complements the Alliance’s deterrence and defence posture. We reiterate our full commitment to reducing military risk, preventing misperceptions and conflicts, building trust and confidence, promoting transparency and verification, and, thereby, contributing to peace and security. Allies will continue to consult on the implications of Russia’s withdrawal from the CFE Treaty and its impact on the security of the Alliance.
Sergey Karaganov: By using its nuclear weapons, Russia could save humanity from a global catastrophe
14 Jun, 2023
A tough but necessary decision would likely force the West to back off, enabling an earlier end to the Ukraine crisis and preventing it from expanding to other states
By Professor Sergey Karaganov, honorary chairman of Russia’s Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, and academic supervisor at the School of International Economics and Foreign Affairs Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow
This article has sparked major debate among experts in Russia about nuclear weapons, their role and the conditions of their use.
This is especially the case given Sergey Karaganov’s status as a former presidential adviser to both Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin, and his position as head of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, a noted Moscow think tank.
Some prominent figures have reacted with dismay, while others have been less critical.
RT has decided it would be beneficial for our readers to read it in full. The following piece has been translated and lightly edited.
Our country, and its leadership, seems to me to be facing a difficult choice. It is becoming increasingly clear that our clash with the West will not end even if we achieve a partial – let alone a crushing – victory in Ukraine.
Even if we completely liberate the Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, it will be a minimal victory. A slightly greater success would be to liberate the whole of eastern and southern Ukraine within a year or two. But it would still leave part of the country with an even more embittered ultra-nationalist population pumped full of weapons – a bleeding wound that threatens inevitable complications, such as another war.
The situation could be worse if we liberate the whole of Ukraine at the cost of monstrous sacrifices and are left with ruins and a population that mostly hates us. It would take more than a decade to “re-educate” them.
Any of these options, especially the last one, will distract Russia from the much-needed shift of its spiritual, economic, military and political center to the East of Eurasia. We will be stuck with a wasteful focus on the West. And the territories of today’s Ukraine, especially the central and western ones, will attract resources – both human and financial. These regions were heavily subsidised even in Soviet times.
Meanwhile, hostility from the West will continue; it will support a slow-burning guerrilla civil war.
A more attractive option is the liberation and reunification of the east and south, and the imposition of capitulation on the remnants of Ukraine with complete demilitarization, creating a buffer, friendly state. But such an outcome would only be possible if we are able to break the West’s will to support the Kiev junta, and use it against us, forcing the US-led bloc into a strategic retreat.
And here I come to a crucial but hardly discussed issue. The root cause of – and indeed the main reason for – the Ukrainian crisis, as well as many other conflicts in the world, and the general increase in military threats, is the accelerating failure of the contemporary Western ruling elites.
This crisis is accompanied by an unprecedentedly rapid shift in the balance of power in the world in favor of the global majority, driven economically by China and partly by India, with Russia as the military and strategic anchor. This weakening not only infuriates the imperial-cosmopolitan elites (US President Joe Biden and his ilk) but also frightens the imperial-national elites (such as his predecessor Donald Trump). The West is losing the advantage it has held for five centuries to siphon off the wealth of the entire world by imposing its political and economic order and establishing its cultural dominance, mainly by brute force. So there is no quick end to the defensive, but aggressive, confrontation that the West has unleashed.
This moral, political and economic collapse has been brewing since the mid-1960s, was interrupted by the collapse of the USSR, but resumed with renewed vigour in the 2000s (the defeats of the Americans and their allies in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the crisis of the Western economic model in 2008 were milestones).
In order to slow down this seismic shift, the West has temporarily consolidated itself. The US has turned Ukraine into a punching bag to tie the hands of Russia, the politico-military lynchpin of a non-Western world freed from the shackles of neocolonialism. Ideally, of course, the Americans would simply like to blow up our country and thus radically weaken the emerging alternative superpower, China. We, either not realizing the inevitability of the clash or hoarding our strength, have been slow to act preemptively. Moreover, in line with modern, mainly Western, political and military thinking, we were rash in raising the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons, inaccurate in assessing the situation in Ukraine, and not entirely successful in launching the current military operation.
By failing internally, Western elites have actively fed the weeds that have taken root in the soil of 70 years of prosperity, satiation and peace. These comprise of anti-human ideologies: the denial of family, homeland, history, love between men and women, faith, service to higher ideals, everything that is human. Their philosophy is to weed out those who resist. The aim is to neuter people in order to reduce their ability to resist modern “globalist” capitalism, which is becoming more and more obviously unjust and harmful to man and humanity.
Meanwhile, a weakened US is destroying Western Europe and other countries dependent on it, trying to push them into a confrontation that will follow Ukraine. The elites in most of these countries have lost their bearings and, panicked by the crisis in their own positions at home and abroad, are dutifully leading their countries to the slaughter. At the same time, because of greater failure, a sense of powerlessness, centuries of Russophobia, intellectual degradation and a loss of strategic culture, their hatred is almost more intense than that of the US.
Thus, the trajectory of most Western countries clearly points towards a new fascism, which could be called “liberal” totalitarianism.
In the future, and this is the most important thing, it will only get worse. Truces are possible, but reconciliation is not. Anger and despair will continue to grow in waves and waves. This vector of Western movement is a clear sign of the drift towards the outbreak of World War Three. It has already begun and could erupt into a full-blown conflagration either by accident, or due to the growing incompetence and irresponsibility of the ruling circles of the West.
The introduction of artificial intelligence and the robotization of war increase the risk of unintended escalation. Machines can act outside the control of confused elites.
The situation is aggravated by “strategic parasitism” – in 75 years of relative peace, people have forgotten the horrors of war, have stopped fearing even nuclear weapons. Everywhere, but especially in the West, the instinct for self-preservation has weakened.
I have spent many years studying the history of nuclear strategy and have come to an unequivocal, if unscientific, conclusion. The advent of nuclear weapons is the result of the intervention of the Almighty, who, appalled that mankind had unleashed two world wars within a generation, costing tens of millions of lives, gave us the weapons of Armageddon to show those who had lost their fear of hell that it existed. On that fear rested the relative peace of the last three-quarters of a century.
But now that fear is gone. The unthinkable in terms of previous notions of nuclear deterrence is happening – a group of ruling elites, in a fit of desperate rage, have unleashed a full-scale war in the underbelly of a nuclear superpower.
The fear of atomic escalation must be restored. Otherwise humanity is doomed.
It is not only, and not even so much, what the future world order will look like that is being decided in the fields of Ukraine right now. But rather whether the world we are used to will be preserved at all, or if all will be left is radioactive ruins, poisoning the remnants of humanity.
By breaking the West’s will in imposing its aggression, we will not only save ourselves and finally free the world from the Western yoke of five centuries, but we will also salvage the whole of humanity. By pushing the West towards catharsis and the abandonment of the hegemony of its elites, we will force it to retreat before a global catastrophe. Humanity will be given a new chance to develop.
Proposed solution
Of course, there is an uphill struggle ahead. It is also necessary to solve our own internal problems – to finally get rid of the mindset of Western-centrism and of the Westernizers in the administrative class. Especially the compradors and their peculiar way of thinking. Of course, in this area, the NATO bloc is helping us, unwittingly.
Our 300-year journey around Europe has given us a lot of useful lessons and it has helped us to form our great culture. Let us cherish our European heritage. But it is time to return home, to ourselves. Let us begin, with the baggage we have accumulated, to live in our own way. Our friends in the Foreign Ministry have recently made a real breakthrough by referring to Russia as a civilizational state in their foreign policy concept. I would add – a civilization of civilizations, open to the North as well as to the South, to the West as well as to the East. Now the main direction of development is to the South, to the North and, above all, to the East.
The confrontation with the West in Ukraine, however it ends, should not distract us from the strategic internal movement – spiritual, cultural, economic, political, military and political – towards the Urals, Siberia and the Pacific Ocean. A new Ural-Siberian strategy is needed, one that includes several powerful spiritually uplifting projects, including, of course, the creation of a third capital in Siberia. This movement should become part of the much-needed formulation of the “Russian Dream” – the image of the Russia and the world to which one aspires.
I have often written, and I am not alone in this, that great states without a great idea cease to be such or simply disappear into the void. History is littered with the graves of powers that lost their way. This idea should be created from above and not rely, as fools or lazy people do, on what comes from below. It must correspond to the deepest values and aspirations of the people and, above all, it must take us all forward. But it is the responsibility of the elite and the leadership of the country to formulate it. The delay in putting forward such a vision is unacceptably long.
But for the future to come to pass, the resistance of the forces of the past – i.e. the West – must be overcome. If this is not achieved, there will almost certainly be a full-scale world war. Which will probably be the last of its kind.
And here I come to the most difficult part of this article. We can keep fighting for another year or two, or even three, sacrificing thousands and thousands of our best men and grinding up hundreds of thousands more who are unfortunate enough to fall into the tragic historical trap of what is now called Ukraine. But this military operation cannot end in a decisive victory without forcing the West into a strategic retreat or even capitulation. We must force the West to abandon its attempts to turn back history, to abandon its attempts at global domination, and to force it to deal with its own problems, to manage its current multifaceted crisis. To put it crudely, it is necessary for the West to simply “piss off” and end its interference in the direction of Russia and the rest of the world.
However, for this to happen, Western elites need to rediscover their own lost sense of self-preservation by understanding that attempts to wear down Russia by playing the Ukrainians against it are counterproductive for the West itself.
The credibility of nuclear deterrence must be restored by lowering the unacceptably high threshold for the use of atomic weapons and by moving cautiously but quickly up the ladder of deterrence-escalation. The first steps have already been taken through statements to this effect by the president and other leaders, by beginning to deploy nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles in Belarus, and by increasing the combat effectiveness of the strategic deterrent forces. There are quite a few steps on this ladder. I count about two dozen. It could even go as far as warning our compatriots and all people of good will about the need to leave their homes near the objects of possible nuclear strikes in countries directly supporting the Kiev regime. The enemy must know that we are ready to launch a preemptive retaliatory strike in response to its current and past aggression in order to prevent a slide into a global thermonuclear war.
I have often said and written that with the right strategy of deterrence and even use, the risk of a ‘retaliatory’ nuclear or other strike on our territory can be minimized. Only if there is a madman in the White House who also hates his own country will the US decide to strike in ‘defense’ of the Europeans and invite retaliation by sacrificing a hypothetical Boston for a notional Poznan. The Americans and the Western Europeans are well aware of this, they just prefer not to think about it. We, too, have contributed to this recklessness with our peace-loving pronouncements. Having studied the history of US nuclear strategy, I know that after the USSR acquired a credible nuclear retaliatory capability, Washington never seriously considered using nuclear weapons on Soviet territory, even though it publicly bluffed. When nuclear weapons were considered, it was only against “advancing” Soviet forces in Western Europe. I know that the late Chancellors Helmut Kohl and Helmut Schmidt fled from their bunkers as soon as the question of such use came up in an exercise.
Movement down the ladder of containment-escalation should be fairly quick. Given the current direction of the West – and the degradation of most of its elites – each successive decision it makes is more incompetent and ideologically veiled than the last. And, at present, we cannot expect these elites to be replaced by more responsible and reasonable ones. This will only happen after a catharsis, leading to the abandonment of much ambition.
We cannot repeat the ‘Ukrainian scenario’. For a quarter of a century we were not listened to when we warned that NATO enlargement would lead to war; we tried to delay, to “negotiate”. As a result, we ended up in a serious armed conflict. Now the price of indecision is an order of magnitude higher than it would have been earlier.
But what if the present Western leaders refuse to back down? Perhaps they have lost all sense of self-preservation? Then we will have to hit a group of targets in a number of countries to bring those who have lost their senses back to their senses.
It’s a morally frightening choice – we would be using God’s weapon and condemning ourselves to great spiritual loss. But if this is not done, not only may Russia perish, but most likely the whole of human civilization will end.
We will have to make this choice ourselves. Even friends and sympathizers will not support it at first. If I were Chinese, I would not want an abrupt and decisive end to the conflict, because it will draw back US forces and allow them to gather forces for a decisive battle – either directly or, in the best Sun Tzu tradition, by forcing the enemy to retreat without a fight. As a Chinese person, I would also oppose the use of nuclear weapons because taking the confrontation to the nuclear level means moving to an area where my country is still weak.
Also, decisive action is not in line with the Chinese foreign policy philosophy, which emphasizes economic factors (with the accumulation of military power) and avoids direct confrontation. I would support an ally by providing him with rear cover, but I would go behind his back and not enter the fray. (In this case, perhaps I don’t understand this philosophy well enough and am attributing motives to my Chinese friends that are not their own.) If Russia uses nuclear weapons, Beijing would condemn it. But Chinese hearts would also rejoice in knowing that that the reputation and position of the US had been dealt a severe blow.
How would we react if (God forbid!) Pakistan attacked India, or vice versa? We’d be horrified. Upset that the nuclear taboo has been broken. Then let us help the victims and change our nuclear doctrine accordingly.
For India and other countries of the world majority, including nuclear weapon states (Pakistan, Israel), the use of nuclear weapons is unacceptable, both for moral and geostrategic reasons. If they are used “successfully”, the nuclear taboo – the notion that such weapons should never be used and that their use is a direct route to nuclear Armageddon – will be devalued. We are unlikely to win support quickly, even if many in the Global South would feel satisfaction at the defeat of their former oppressors who plundered them, carried out genocides and imposed an alien culture.
But in the end, the victors are not judged. And the saviors are thanked. Western European political culture does not remember, but the rest of the world does (and with gratitude) how we helped the Chinese to free themselves from the brutal Japanese occupation, and many Western colonies to throw off the colonial yoke.
Of course, if they do not understand us at first, they will have all the more incentive to educate themselves. Still, it is very likely that we can win, and focus the minds enemy states without extreme measures, and force them to retreat. And after a few years, we take take up a position as China’s rear, as it is now performing for us, supporting it in its struggle with the US. Then this fight can be avoided without a big war. And we will win together for the good of all, including the people of the Western countries.
At that stage, Russia and the rest of humanity will pass through all the thorns and traumas into the future, which I see as bright – multipolar, multicultural, multicolored – and giving countries and peoples the opportunity to build their own destinies in addition to the common one, which should unite worldwide.
Putin: Zelensky isn’t a Jew, he’s a ‘disgrace’ to the Jewish people
Ukraine’s Ambassador to Israel, Yevgen Korniychuk, called on Israel to issue a condemnation of his remarks.
By World Israel News Staff
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday said Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky, who is Jewish, was a “disgrace” to the Jewish people.
“I have a lot of Jewish friends,” Putin told an annual economic forum in Saint Petersburg. “They say that Zelensky is not Jewish, that he is a disgrace to the Jewish people.”
פוטין: חבריי היהודים אומרים לי שזלנסקי לא יהודי – הוא בושה לעם היהודי pic.twitter.com/hwaj5uIhAg
— Amichai Stein (@AmichaiStein1) June 16, 2023
“This is not a joke and not an attempt at irony, because today neo-Nazis are placed on a pedestal belonging to Ukrainian heroes, who continued Adolf Hitler’s work. Six million Jews were annihilated in the Holocaust, and one and a half million of them were killed in Ukraine,” he claimed in his speech.
Ukraine’s Ambassador to Israel, Yevgen Korniychuk, called on Israel to issue a condemnation of his remarks, which he referred to as a “calculated attack” ahead of a visit by Zelensky’s wife, Olena, to Israel.
“We need to take into account that Putin is attempting to undermine relations between Israel and Ukraine ahead of the visit of President Zelensky’s wife to Israel, intentionally making these statements prior to Saturday, which is a holy day for Jews,” he told the Ynet news site.
“We expect the Israeli government to strongly condemn Putin’s remarks, as failure to do so may lead to the postponement or cancellation of the visit of President Zelensky’s wife to Israel,” Kornichuk added. Zelensky’s wife, Olena Zelenska, is scheduled to arrive in Israel next week.
“Zelensky takes Putin’s words personally. Putin’s remarks are antisemitic and hurtful to the Jewish people. I believe that Israel should be proud of Ukraine’s president, who is of Jewish descent and wholeheartedly defends his homeland.”
“When he criticizes Zelensky, he also criticizes the Jewish people. We belong to the same side in this conflict,” he added.
Βαγγέλης Μαρινάκης: «13 χρόνια γεμάτα ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟ μεγαλείο, αμέτρητους τίτλους σε Ελλάδα και Ευρώπη»

Όλα τα πρωταθλήματα στη σειρά και μεγάλες επιτυχίες στην Ευρώπη. Ο Θρύλος από το 2010 μέχρι και σήμερα έχει κάνει άλματα προς τα εμπρός, συνεχίζοντας να γιγαντώνεται και να κυνηγάει νέες κορυφές! Περισσότερους τίτλους, περισσότερες επιτυχίες, περισσότερες διακρίσεις… Και για αυτό έχει να ευχαριστεί τον άνθρωπο που το 2010 ανέλαβε την τύχη της ομάδας, αλλά και την ευθύνη να την έχει πάντα εκεί όπου της αξίζει: Στην κορυφή…
Δείτε το μήνυμά του!
Türkiye’den NATO’ya Kıbrıs şerhi
NATO Savunma Bakanları Toplantısı’na, Türkiye’nin Bölgesel Savunma Planı’na itirazı damga vurdu. Türkiye, Kıbrıs’ın konumuyla ilgili kullanılan bazı ifadeler nedeniyle karara karşı çıktı.
Türkiye, NATO’nun Soğuk Savaş’ın bitiminden bu yana hazırladığı en kapsamlı Bölgesel Savunma Planı’na da itiraz etti. Vocie of America’nın diplomatik kaynaklara dayandırdığı haberine göre Türkiye’nin itiraz gerekçesinin “Kıbrıs ile ilgili ifadeler” olduğu belirtildi.
Bölgesel savunma planları, Vilnius Zirvesi’nde liderlerin masasına gelecek en önemli konu başlıklarından birisi olacak.
Ancak diplomatik kaynaklardan edinilen bilgiye göre Türkiye bu bölgesel planlarda “Kıbrıs’a ilişkin coğrafi konumlarla ilgili kullanılan bazı ifadelere” karşı çıktı.
Türkiye’nin de içinde olduğu bazı ülkeler tarafından dile getirilen çekinceler nedeniyle, bölgesel planlar, Savunma Bakanları Toplantısı’nda resmen onaylanmadı. Karar, liderler zirvesinde alınacak.
Toplantıda Türkiye’yi, yeni göreve gelen Milli Savunma Bakanı Yaşar Güler temsil etti. Bakan Güler, NATO Genel Sekreteri Jens Stoltenberg ve ABD Savunma Bakanı Llyod Austin’in yanı sıra Fransız, İngiliz ve Yunan mevkidaşlarıyla da ikili görüşmeler düzenledi.
Milli Savunma Bakanı Yaşar Güler, NATO Savunma Bakanları Toplantısı’nın ardından Türk gazetecilerle bir araya geldi.
Güler, NATO Karargâhındaki görüşmelerine ilişkin, “İkili görüşmelerimizde, NATO’nun ‘Açık Kapı Politikasını desteklediğimizi ve İsveç’in de Üçlü Muhtıra’da kayıtlı taahhütlerini somut şekilde yerine getirmesi hal
Έκλεψαν όπλο από αποθήκη του Στρατού Ξηράς από Μονάδα της ΑΣΔΕΝ… 20χρονος ΔΕΑ ο δράστης!
Άμεση η εξιχνίαση κλοπής όπλου από τις Στρατιωτικές και Αστυνομικές αρχές στην περιοχή ευθύνης της ΑΣΔΕΝ.
Σύμφωνα με όσα έγιναν γνωστά 20χρονος Δόκιμος Έφεδρος Αξιωματικός, που υπηρετούσε στη Σύμη, φέρεται να αφαίρεσε πιστόλι μάρκας Colt, διαμετρήματος 0,45, μαζί με γεμιστήρες, το οποίο σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες, μετέφερε στο σπίτι του στην Αθήνα.
Από την πρώτη στιγμή της κλοπής του όπλου, με εντολή του Αρχηγού ΓΕΣ, Αντιστράτηγου Άγγελου Χουδελούδη, οι στρατιωτικές αρχές, αθόρυβα και μεθοδικά συνεργάστηκαν με την Ελληνική Αστυνομία και τις εισαγγελικές αρχές, οι οποίες έλαβαν από τη στρατιωτική υπηρεσία, άμεσα όλα τα στοιχεία που χρειαζόντουσαν, χωρίς να αποκρυφθεί κανένα πειστήριο, εξιχνιάζοντας άμεσα την υπόθεση.
Όπως δημοσιεύεται στην εφημερίδα dimokratiki, ο Δόκιμος Αξιωματικός, φέρεται να παρέδωσε το όπλο, στον 57χρονο πατέρα του, ο οποίος τον απέκρυψε και ακολούθως τον κατέστρεψε.
Ο 57χρονος έκοψε, σύμφωνα με τις πληροφορίες, το πιστόλι και πέταξε μέρος αυτού σε κάδους απορριμμάτων.
Οι αστυνομικοί της Υποδιεύθυνσης Ασφαλείας Ρόδου ζήτησαν τη συνδρομή των αστυνομικών του Τμήματος Ασφαλείας Νίκαιας – Ρέντη και σε κατ᾽ οίκον έρευνα που έγινε στην οικία του πατέρα του δόκιμου, βρέθηκε ένα ελατήριο από το πιστόλι και τμήμα της σκανδάλης του.
Σε έρευνα στο αυτοκίνητο του δόκιμου στη Σύμη βρέθηκε ένας αορτήρας και ένα μπιτόνι βενζίνης, τα οποία είχε αφαιρέσει από το ίδιο στρατόπεδο.Τόσο ο δόκιμος όσο και ο πατέρας του εξεταζόμενοι ομολόγησαν τα όσα τους αποδίδονται.
Η δικογραφία θα υποβληθεί στο Στρατοδικείο Αθηνών για τα περαιτέρω.
5 Χρόνια από την ΠΡΟΔΟΣΙΑ των Πρεσπών… Οι απόγονοι των συμμοριτών εκδικούνται την Ελλάδα στις Πρέσπες και παραχωρούν στους Σλάβους το όνομα της Μακεδονίας!
Τίποτα δεν είναι τυχαίο… Ούτε μπορεί να είναι τυχαίο ότι σε αυτό το ίδιο χωριό στις Πρέσπες οι Μπολσεβίκοι Τσίπρας και Κοτζιάς παρέδωσαν την Μακεδονία στους Σλάβους…
Στις 25 και 26 Μαρτίου του 1949 στους Ψαράδες των Πρεσπών συνήλθε το 2ο συνέδριο του ΝΟΦ (Λαϊκό Απελευθερωτικό Μέτωπο), που ήταν διάδοχος του ΣΝΟΦ (Σλαβομακεδονικό Λαϊκό Απελευθερωτικό Μέτωπο), με τη συμμετοχή 700 αντιπροσώπων και στο οποίο απήθυνε λόγο ο τότε ηγέτης του ΚΚΕ Νίκος Ζαχαριάδης. Για το συνέδριο το ΝΟΦ είχε βγάλει ανακοίνωση όπου ανέφερε:
«Το δεύτερο συνέδριο του ΝΟΦ θα είναι συνέδριο διακήρυξης των νέων προγραμματικών αρχών του ΝΟΦ. Αρχών που είναι ο προαιώνιος πόθος του λαού μας. Θα διακηρύξει την ένωση της Μακεδονίας σε ένα ενιαίο, ανεξάρτητο, ισότιμο μακεδονικό κράτος μέσα στη λαϊκοδημοκρατική ομοσπονδία των βαλκανικών λαών, που είναι η δικαίωση των πολύχρονων αιματηρών αγώνων του». Στο τέλος, το συνέδριο διακήρυξε το δικαίωμα της αυτοδιάθεσης του «μακεδονικού» λαού.
Είχε προηγηθεί η απόφαση της 5ης ολομέλειας του ΚΚΕ που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 30 και 31 Ιανουαρίου του 1949 στο Γράμμο και άλλαξε τη θέση του κόμματος για τους σλαβόφωνους Έλληνες από «πλέρια ισοτιμία στις μειονότητες που ζούσαν στην Ελλάδα» σε αυτοδιάθεση των σλαβόφωνων, συγκεκριμένα η απόφαση ανέφερε: «Στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα ο μακεδονικός (σλαβομακεδονικός) λαός τα ‘δωσε όλα για τον αγώνα και πολεμά με μια ολοκλήρωση ηρωισμού και αυτοθυσίας που προκαλούν το θαυμασμό. Δεν πρέπει να υπάρχει καμιά αμφιβολία ότι σαν αποτέλεσμα της νίκης του ΔΣΕ και της λαϊκής επανάστασης, ο μακεδονικός λαός θα βρει την πλήρη εθνική αποκατάστασή του έτσι όπως το θέλει ο ίδιος».Ήταν 17 Ιουνίου 2018 όταν στο ίδιο χωριό στις Πρέσπες οι Αριστεροί Εθνοπροδότες παραχωρούν το όνομα της Μακεδονίας στους Σλάβους. Ότι δεν μπόρεσαν να κάνουν με τα όπλα 70 χρόνια πριν οι ιδεολογικοί του πρόγονοι, το κατάφεραν χωρίς να πέσει τουφεκιά…
Τέσσερα χρόνια μετά Τσίπρας και Κοτζιάς έχουν καταδικαστεί ΜΟΝΟ εκλογικά, ενώ οι “διάδοχος κατάσταση” που τότε έσκιζε τα ιμάτια της ενάντια στην συμφωνία, σήμερα ως κυβέρνηση την αποδέχεται πλήρως και τα αποτελέσματα της έχουν αρχίσει ήδη να κάνουν την εμφάνιση τους.
Την ίδια ώρα στα γύρω βουνά…
Οι Έλληνες έδιναν μάχη για να προσεγγίσουν το σημείο της υπογραφής της προδοτικής συμφωνίας. Συγκρούσεις με χημικά και εκτόξευση αντικειμένων στα μπλόκα που έχει στήσει η αστυνομία… Πάνω από 80 πούλμαν έφτασαν στο Πισοδέρι για το συλλαλητήριο που ξεκίνησε στις 11.00
Στα μπλόκα της αστυνομίας σημειώνονταν συνεχώς εντάσεις με ρίψεις.αντικειμένων από τους διαδηλωτές και χρήση χημικών από τις Αρχές. 12 τουλάχιστον ήταν οι καταμετρημένοι τραυματίες, όσοι από αυτούς οδηγήθηκαν στο Νοσοκομείο της Καστοριάς.
Yunan basınından skandal manşet: NATO zirvesinde yeni Türk şantajı

Belçika’nın başkenti Brüksel’de gerçekleştirilen NATO Savunma Bakanları Toplantısı’nı sayfalarına taşıyan Yunan basını skandal ifadeler ile okurlarının karşısına çıktı. Türkiye’yi hedef alan komşu basını Ankara’yı ‘şantaj’ ile suçladı.
Türkiye’yi Milli Savunma Bakanı Yaşar Güler’in temsil ettiği toplantıda pek çok kritik konu masaya yatırıldı.
Toplantı Dünya gündeminin birinci sırasında yer alırken Yunan basını skandal başlıklar ile okurlarının karşısına çıktı.
Komşu basını toplantıdan karar çıkmamasının suçlusu olarak Ankara’yı gösterdi.

CNN Yunanistan ‘NATO zirvesinde yeni Türk şantajı’ başlığını attı.
Skandal ifadelere yer verilen haberde ‘Türkiye , NATO içinde yeni karışıklıklara neden olarak, ittifakın geleceği için son derece önemli bir başka kararı daha baltalıyor’ denildi.
Haberde ‘NATO içinde hiç kimse, ittifaka şantaj yapmaya devam eden Türkiye’ye karşı çıkmaya istekli görünmüyor. Liderliğin eylemsizliği, Amerikan başkanının Ankara’nın işkencelerine gösterdiği hoşgörüyle birleşince, ona aynı çizgide devam etme özgürlüğü veriyor’ ifadelerine yer verildi.
Aynı haberde Ankara’nın bu tavrının 11 ve 12 Temmuz’daki Vilnius Zirvesi’ne kadar değişmesinin beklenmediğinin de altı çizildi.
Bir başka Yunan gazetesi Kathimerini ‘NATO zirvesi Türkiye yüzünden sonuçsuz kaldı’ başlığı ile okurlarının karşısına çıktı.
CNN Yunanistan gibi Türkiye’yi hedef alan gazete haberinde şu ifadeye yer verdi;
‘Olası bir Rus saldırısına karşılık verme planları, Türkiye’nin Kıbrıs’a itirazı nedeniyle onaylanmadı.’
ERT haberinde Bakan Yaşar Güler’in ifadelerine geniş yer buldu. Haberde Güler’in İsveç’in NATO‘ya üye olmak için Türkiye’ye verdiği taahhütleri yerine getirmesi gerektiğinin altını çizdiği bilgisine yer verildi.

Haberde ‘Güler, askeri ittifakın açık kapı politikasına desteğini dile getirerek, görüşmede Türkiye’nin gündem maddelerine ilişkin görüşlerini birinci elden aktardıklarını sözlerine ekledi’ ifadelerine yer verildi.
‘Pervasız davranışlarla Türkiye F-16’yı alamayacak’ başlığını atan In.gr haberinde şu ifadeye yer verdi;
‘Kongre üyesi Meclis ile Senato Dış İlişkiler Komiteleri arasında F-16’ların Ankara’ya satışının engellenmesi konusunda bir anlaşma olduğunun altını çiziyor.’
16. O A/ΥΠΕΞ ΣΤΟ ΠΕΚΙΝΟ (18-06-2023).
17. Ο ΡΤΕ φέρεται ότι θα παραδώσει το (νεο-κατακτηθέν) ΝΑΤΣΙΧΕΒΑΝ στους Αζέρους! (Επικυρώθηκε κατά την επίσκεψη του ΡΤΕ στο Μπακού στις 13-06-2023).
18. Η ημερομηνία που φέρεται να πήγε ο ΚΑΛΙΝ στην Θράκη μας είναι η 07-06-2023. / Υπήρξε επίσης συνάντηση Α/ΕΥΠ – Α/ΜΙΤ – Α/ΜΟΣΑΝΤ και Α/CIA ;
19. Η “ΜΙΤ” σκότωσε (17-05-2023) και (!) τον υπεύθυνο των Οικονομικών του “ΡΚΚ” – “YPG” στο Κομπανί και… συνεχίζει με τις… Κουρδικές επικηρύξεις της!..
20. Ο ΡΤΕ πρόσφερε στους Τούρκους 1 χρόνο δωρεάν φυσικό αέριο (21-04-2023)! Ο Κ.Κ.Μ. πρόσφερε στους Έλληνες 1 χρόνο “πάγωμα” στις… Λαγκάρντιες αυξήσεις των επιτοκίων!.. (Είμαστε ήδη στην 8η αύξηση).
21. Οι πρώτες πολιτικές αναφορές του ΡΤΕ ήσαν για την αλλαγή του τ/Συντάγματος, υπέρ της διώρυγος της Πόλης και κατά των LGBT, FETÖ και Καντίλ (Κούρδοι του “ΡΚΚ”)! Επίσης, φέρεται να υποσχέθηκε να “πάει” τον κατώτατο μισθό στις 220.000 ΤΛ, ήτοι στα 825 Ευρώ! (Σήμερα 200 Ευρώ = 7,5 ΤΛ // 1 Ευρώ = 0,0375 ΤΛ).
22. Προεκλογική (21-05-2023) αναφορά των οπαδών του Μπάουκ: “Όσοι ψηφίσουν ΝΔ είναι εχθροί μας”!..
23. Παιδιά μεταναστών στην Ελλάδα, Β’ Γενιάς μετανάστες, κανονικά πια στην ΣΣΕ!..
24. Ο Άγγλος πεθερός του φονιά της Καρολάϊν Μπάμπη ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, φερόμενος πράκτορας των Άγγλων, φέρεται επίσης να είναι εκείνος που έφτιαξε τον σταθμό υγροποιήσεως φυσικού αερίου (“LNG”), στην Ρεβυθούσα.
25. Προχωράει το τουρκικό “LİNK-16”;
26. 60 δις η παραοικονομία στην Ελλάδα, κατά τον ΕΓΚΥΡΟΤΑΤΟ Δκτη της “Τραπέζης Της Ελλάδος”, Κο Ι. ΣΤΟΥΡΝΑΡΑ! / Πόσες φορές εδώ έχουμε γράψει και αναφερθεί στην παραοικονομία στην χώρα μας;
27. Προεκλογικά ο Κιλιτσντάρογλου έκανε την Τουρκάλα… νοικοκυρά στην κουζίνα της, η Ακσενέρ πήγαινε με φαράσια, σκούπες και σφαίρες σε ομιλίες της στην τ/Βουλή, υποχρεώθηκε να αμύνεται για την προσωπική της ζωή κατηγορούμενη για εξωσυζυγικές σχέσεις, κλπ, ενώ, προεκλογικά επίσης, ο Ιμάμογλου δεχόταν πέτρες και ντομάτες, όπου πήγαινε να μιλήσει, εκτός Κων-πόλεως, όπως πχ στο Ερζερούμ (“Αραζί Ρουμ” = “Γη Ρωμιών”), κλπ!
Και μετά περίμεναν να εκλεγούν;
28. Στις 07-05-2023 ο Ι/Π-Θ επισκέφτηκε την Σεούλ!..
29. Ο Βραζιλιάνος Πρόεδρος ΛΟΥΛΑ, αγαπημένος των “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ” των Η.Π.Α. και όλων των λεγόμενων… “προοδευτικών” στον Κόσμο, στις 14-04-2023, δήλωσε από την Κίνα, πως “οι Η.Π.Α. πρέπει να πάψουν να ενθαρρύνουν τον πόλεμο μεταξύ των Ουκρανίας – Ρωσίας”!.. Έχετε κάτι να πείτε;
30. Τα όπλα της η ρωσική “ΒΑΓΚΝΕΡ” τα “παίρνει” από την Τουρκία;
31. Το -ας το πούμε- Ε-Τ “Μορατόριουμ” έχει καταληκτική ημερομηνία την 30η Σεπ 2023! Οψόμεθα!..
32. Οι Ουκρανοί λένε πως, σήμερα στο έδαφός της ευρίσκον αι 400.000 Ρώσοι στρ-κοί!
33. Στην φετινή συνεδρίαση της “Λέσχης ΜΠΙΛΝΤΕΜΠΕΡΓΚ” στην Πορτογαλία πλην της ηλεκτρονικής παρουσίας του γνωστότατου Δρος Χ. ΚΙΣΣΙΝΤΖΕΡ και του παλιού Νο “1” της ΕΕ Πορτογάλου ΜΠΑΡΟΖΟ (“Goldman Sachs”), από ε/πλευράς παρέστησαν οι: Νίκη ΓΟΥΛΙΜΗ, της “NOVA Credit” / 1o “Διασυνοριακό Γραφείο Πίστεως”, Δημ. Παπαλεξόπουλος, του ΔΣ “ΤΙΤΑΝ” και ο Ευτύχης ΒΑΣΙΛΑΚΗΣ, Πρόεδρος της “AEGEAN AİRLİNES” και “OLYMPİC AİR”!..
Τα θέματα που συζητήθηκαν ήσαν τα ακόλουθα:
– Το Παγκόσμιο “Τραπεζιτικό Σύστημα”.
– Το Παγκόσμιο “Φορολογικό Σύστημα”.
– Η Κίνα, η Ινδία, η Ρωσία.
– Ο νέος ρόλος του ΝΑΤΟ.
– Η ενεργειακή μετάβαση.
– Η βιομηχανική πολιτική.
– Ο πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία.
– Το διεθνές εμπόριο.
– Η πορεία της Ευρώπης και
– Η ηγετική θέση των Η.Π.Α. στον Κόσμο.
34. Θα αλλάξει τελικώς από την Ιταλία και αν “ναι” πότε, η τουρκική δύναμη των 500 ανδρών / Κομάντος, της 65ης ΜΚ ΤΑΞ (Λουλέ Μπουργκάζ / “40 Εκκλησίες” / Στρ-δο Ντορά ), των ΤΕΔ, που εστάλη ενισχυτικά στο Κόσσοβο, μετά από αίτημα του ΓΓ/ΝΑΤΟ προς την Τουρκία, ως αποτέλεσμα των επεισοδίων που ξέσπασαν πρόσφατα στο Β. Κόσοβο, ανάμεσα σε Σέρβους και Αλβανούς;
Η κατάσταση παραμένει άκρως κρίσιμη στο Κόσσοβο! Μόλις πρόσφατα συνελήφθησαν από Σέρβους 3 Αλβανοί Αστυνομικοί με την κατηγορία ότι είχαν εισέλθει στα Σερβικά εδάφη χωρίς άδεια, με σκοπό να προβούν σε υπονομευτικές, κατά των Σ/ΕΔ ενέργειες!
35. Οι ΤΕΔ στις αρχές τρέχοντος Απριλίου “πήραν” νέους επαγγελματίες στρατιώτες!
36. Κάθε ημέρα (!) στην χώρα μας λαμβάνουν χώρα σεισμοί μικράς εντάσεως!..
37. Διάταγμα “ΜΠΛΟΚΟ” (τέλη Μαρτίου 2023) του Μπάϊντεν στην χρήση “SPYWARE” στις Η.Π.Α.!..
38. Ο Α/Πρόεδρος θα καλέσει τώρα τον Ισραηλινό Π-Θ Κο Β. ΝΕΤΑΝΙΑΧΟΥ στις Η.Π.Α.;
39. O Ρώσος Πρόεδρος Κος Πούτιν ψήφισε Νόμο, ο οποίος αφορά την “ηλεκτρονική παραπλάνηση”!
40. Η Μαφία στην χώρα μας πληρώνεται για προστασία μαγαζιών ως εξής:
– Για “Καφετέριες” (“Καφέ” γενικώς): 200 – 300 Ευρώ.
– Για Εστιατόρια: 800 – 1000 Ευρώ.
– Για “Κλαμπς”: 2000 Ευρώ.
41. Η φωτιά στο τούνελ στην “Κακιά Σκάλα”, στις 05-05-2023, ήταν ατύχημα;
42. Συγχαρητήρια στην Κα Μαριάννα ΛΑΤΣΗ, η οποία “έσπασε… φραγμούς και φράγματα” και μετέβη στην τιμητική εκδήλωση που έλαβε χώρα τις προάλλες στο Ζάππειο, για τον μεγάλο ΕΛΛΗΝΑ(!) Επχ-τία, Κο Βαρδή ΒΑΡΔΙΝΟΓΙΑΝΝΗ, με αυτήν την τεράστια προσφορά στην χώρα μας για 50 χρόνια τώρα!
Την εκδήλωση οργάνωσε ο γιός του Γιάννης, στον οποίον αξίζουν πολλά συγχαρητήρια, διότι πρωτίστως έδειξε ότι ΣΕΒΕΤΑΙ τον γεννήτορά του, όταν γύρω μας “έχει διαλυθεί το… σύμπαν”!.. Μακάρι να μοιάσει και να ξεπεράσει τον πατέρα του και κυρίως και το δικό του “πέρασμα” να σχετιστεί πρωτίστως με την Ελλάδα, όπως έκαναν και οι 2 γονείς του!..
Στην εκδήλωση, ασφαλώς, παρέστη και η σύζυγος του Κου Β.Β., Κα Μ. Βαρδινογιάννη, η πιο προβεβλημένη, τα τελευταία χρόνια, για την προσφορά της στον άνθρωπο και δη στα παιδιά, Ελληνίδα, “Πρέσβειρα Καλής Θελήσεως” της “ΟΥΝΕΣΚΟ”!..
43. Είχαμε… δυναμική επανεμφάνιση (10-06-2023) της Τζιχαντιστικής “Ες Σεμπάμπ” στην Σομαλία!..
44. Εξετάστηκε από την Δικαιοσύνη ο Λαρισαίος Δικηγόρος Μπαρτζώκης, που είχε αναφερθεί σε χρηματισμό (ποιών άραγε), στα όσα ακολούθησαν τα “Τέμπη”; Έστω να μάθουμε, τί ακριβώς εννοούσε!..
45. ΡΤΕ από “Κατεχόμενα” Ή αλλιώς ο… “Doğru Adam”, ο… “Σωστός Άνθρωπος” (Απ’ το προεκλογικό του “σποτ”, «Türkiye için, Doğru Zaman Doğru Adam» / «Για την Τουρκία, Σωστός Χρόνος, Σωστός Άνθρωπος»):
α. «Αν δεν αναγνωριστεί η “ΤΔΒΚ” τότε δεν θα ξανασυζητήσουμε το “ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΟ” με την “Διοίκηση Της Νότιας Κύπρου”»!
β. “Ειρήνη στο Αιγαίο, ειδάλλως άλλες… εφαρμογές”!…
46. Τα “βρήκε” η Σ. Αραβική “ARAMCO”, με την Κίνα, ώστε να κάνει… απόβαση στην χώρα του… “Κουνγκ Φου”;
47. Επανεκκίνησε η ροή πετρελαίου προς την Τουρκία, από το Β. Ιράκ, η οποία είχε φέρεται να είχε σταματήσει στα τέλη Μαρτίου 2023;