Ο Άθλιος Νομπελίστας ΟΜΠΑΜΑ, οι… “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟΙ” των Η.Π.Α. και η CIA !..

Φίλοι μου!

– Επειδή κάηκε πολύ… λιβάνι, από τα χρυσοπληρωμένα… “παιδιά” του SOROS και λοιπών ομοίων “Κέντρων”, στην Ελλάδα, αλλά και στον υπόλοιπο κόσμο, για τον Νομπελίστα, “Δημοκρατικό” και… Παγκοσμιοποιητή, πρώην Αμερικανό Πρόεδρο Χουσείν Μπαράκ ΟΜΠΑΜΑ, (μας χαιρετά τώρα με τη Μισέλ, από τη Χαβάη), όχι βεβαίως από εμάς εδώ, αφού εσείς φίλοι διαβάζατε εδώ την αλήθεια, σας παραθέτω και σήμερα ένα άρθρο αφορόν τις… σχέσεις του, (όπως και των Δημοκρατικών ομοϊδεατών του βεβαίως), με τη CIA και ευρύτερα με τον κόσμο των πληροφοριών!..

– Πρόκειται για τον Νομπελίστα… Ειρήνης, ο οποίος, αφού έβαλε φωτιά στον κόσμο και  κυρίως στη Β. Αφρική και στη Μ. Ανατολή, δεν δίστασε να καταστρέψει ουσιαστικά, την ίδια του την Πατρίδα! Ευτυχώς όμως τώρα οι Αμερικανοί “ξύπνησαν”!..

– Σίγουρα ο ΤΡΑΜΠ δεν θα γίνει ποτέ ότι ήταν πχ ο μέγας ΑΙΖΕΝΧΑΟΥΕΡ, αν και οι εποχές βεβαίως έχουν αλλάξει, αλλά σίγουρα, αν τον αφήσουν οι “κοσμοκράτορες”, θα γράψει Ιστορία, στη σύγχρονη αμερικανική, αλλά και παγκόσμια πολιτική Ιστορία!

– Σαν ΥΓ σας έχω επίσης ένα άρθρο, στο οποίο αναφέρεται η άποψη του Ντάνι ΓΙΑΤΟΜ, ενός τέως (σχεδόν πρόσφατου θα έλεγα) Αρχηγού της “ΜΟΣΑΝΤ, για τον πολυσυζητημένο τελευταίως Αμερικανό Στρατηγό ΦΛΙΝ, ο οποίος διετέλεσε για πολύ λίγο και “Σύμβουλος Ασφαλείας” (επικεφαλής του υπόψη Γραφείου), του Προέδρου ΤΡΑΜΠ! (Σας έχω γράψει για το πώς παραιτήθηκε ο Κος ΦΛΙΝ, ενώ προ ημερών γράφηκε, χωρίς να το διαψεύσουν οι Αμερικανοί, αλλά ούτε και ο ίδιος(!), ότι ο… “περί ου ο λόγος” Στρατηγός ήταν εντεταγμένος στο τουρκικό… “μισθολόγιο” (“pay roll” )!.. Καταλάβατε!..

– Σε κάθε περίπτωση, εκτιμούμε πως ο Πρόεδρος ΤΡΑΜΠ δεν ελέγχει ακόμα τη CΙΑ, (ούτε τολμώ να σκεφτώ τί μπορεί να γίνεται με τη NSA, αν και ο Κος ΓΙΑΤΟΜ με τα όσα είπε και θα διαβάσετε ήταν γενικώς καθησυχαστικός), αν μάλιστα δεν συνεχίζει να τον πολεμά, μέσω του Ιδρύματος του… Λάνγκλεϋ, το παλαιό Ομπαμικό καθεστώς και το αμερικανικό “βαθύ κράτος / deep state που είχαν δημιουργήσει οι Κλίντονς και ο Ομπάμα διατήρησε, στήριξε, ενίσχυσε και εκσυγχρόνισε, σε βάρος των Η.Π.Α., αλλά και της παγκόσμιας -ουσιαστικά- ειρήνης!..

                                                                                             – / – 


The truth about the CIA and the covert war at home and abroad.

March 3, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam

Last month, President Trump stood in front of the CIA Memorial Wall and declared that Islamic terrorism has to be eradicated just off the face of the Earth. It is front of this wall where, as Vice President Pence said, we remember 117 who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom”, that real change in how we treat those who fight terrorism must begin.

The vast majority of the men and women added to that wall in the last few decades were killed by Islamic terrorists. They include Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods who were murdered in Benghazi. And who were abandoned by their government, by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, before their deaths.

The media made much of the resignation of Edward Price. Price had started out as an analyst under Bush. Under Obama, he shot up to spokesman, senior director and special assistant to the president. In this capacity, he insisted that the CIA should research Global Warming and sold the Iran nuke sellout.

Price’s resignation was meaningless. He was an Obama loyalist embedded in a senior national security position to push propaganda. And now there was no future under Trump for his old line of work.

But the media wept crocodile tears for the “career CIA official” whose work involved endangering national security and manipulating the media. It has shown distinctly less interest in the plight of a CIA agent who actually took risks on the ground to secure the capture of Islamic terrorists.

While the media portrays the White House as being at war with the CIA, the Trump administration prevented the extradition and imprisonment of Sabrina De Sousa. De Sousa was in the airport about to be extradited to Italy, but an agreement was reached to release her instead.

“I can confirm that this wouldn’t have happened without extraordinary help from the Trump administration,” Former Rep. Pete Hoekstra said.

De Sousa had been working a secretary in the United States Embassy in Rome. She is allegedly one of a number of CIA people accused by Italy of having helped capture a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s murderous organization, al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya or the Islamic Group, led by the Blind Sheikh who was involved in the “World Trade Center” bombing and plots to bomb landmarks across New York City.

Considering the leftist slant and general incompetence of Italy’s legal system, it is not clear if Sabrina De Sousa was even involved in the operation. Furthermore the United States government’s position is that De Sousa’s job at our embassy made her arrest a violation of international agreements. Italy convicted 26 Americans in absentia. These convictions are worthless here, but Sabrina De Sousa found herself under arrest while flying to visit her sick mother.

The Democrats and the media, who of late have strived to portray themselves as the defenders of the intelligence community, have no interest in the case. If anything they are covertly cheering it on.

Ever since 9/11, they declared war on the CIA personnel who were capturing and interrogating the terrorists. They have targeted them and exposed them to aid the Islamic terrorists at war with us. The left bemoans the Obama loyalists elevated to top national security posts while writing off the lives of the men and women on the ground. (SOS) That is what happened in Benghazi and across the War on Terror.

The Democrats have recently learned to love the CIA, as they attempt to exploit anti-American leftists planted in the Agency in their war against the democratically elected President of the United States.

But their sudden respect for the CIA is a very recent one.

Early in Obama’s term in office, Democrats tried to threaten CIA interrogators with 15 years in prison if they interrogated Muslim terrorists too harshly. A year earlier, Attorney General Eric Holder had named a prosecutor to investigate the CIA’s interrogation of Islamic terrorists. The investigation, with its efforts to bring criminal charges, dragged on through much of Obama’s first term, without yielding anything.

But the Democrats were still determined to punish the men and women who had kept us safe. The release of the partisan Senate report two years later, not only endangered American lives and smeared the CIA wholesale, but allowed the families of terrorists to target assorted personnel, including the psychologists who had worked with the CIA on the interrogation program, for lawfare campaigns.

Obama’s own CIA director had charged Democrat Senate committee members with stealing sensitive documents. The names of these psychologists had been leaked through a Senate report which had used the names and pseudonyms of CIA officials. Even the pseudonyms could be used to identify CIA people

Among their top targets was the CIA official who was the inspiration for Zero Dark Thirty’s Maya whose real life counterpart headed the Global Jihad Unit.  Despite every effort by the CIA, the media insisted on publishing her name. Taking the lead in this illegal act was the Washington Post.  “Maya’s” name still appears on the website a top Senator Democrat who had called for a special investigation into the Valerie Plame affair. Indeed the media had recreated a real life version of the Plame affair except this time, unlike Plame, their target was actually hunting Islamic terrorists in trouble spots.

And, equally predictably, no one in the media or among the Democrats went to jail for it.

Indeed the media had developed a habit of naming CIA personnel against their protests and those of the Agency. The New York Times named the interrogator of the mastermind of the September 11 attacks. But the media was just acting as the distributors for intelligence gained from the leftist activist tip of the spear, from 9/11 Truthers to the ACLU’s John Adams Project whose lawyers allegedly took photos of interrogators and showed them to terrorists. 

The left has been at war with the men and women working secretly to protect us from Islamic terror. They have filled the upper echelons of the national security infrastructure with their own people. It is these activists who are doing everything possible to sabotage President Trump to aid the terrorists.

Under Obama, the men and women on the ground were sold out, exposed to political, legal and violent retribution by the enemies of this country. It is time to end all that. The people working to hunt down terrorists, to interrogate them and bring them to justice, must know that their government has their back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obama’s first executive orders began the process of favoring terrorists over interrogators. Trump’s first executive orders have put power back in the hands of those protecting us from terror. That process must continue until all our people, from the border patrol to the beat cop, from the covert operative shadowing a terrorist to the drone operator, knows that they can do their job without fear of the left.

National security is not just a phrase. It’s people. And those people must know that their country will stand behind them.

In the Vietnam War, the left’s worst crime wasn’t treason; it was driving a wedge between the country and those fighting for it. By targeting police, border patrol and CIA personnel, Obama repeated that crime. Now as President Trump fights to take back this country from drug dealers, illegal aliens and terrorists, and their leftist allies, those fighting for us know that we stand behind them.



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FEBRUARY 19, 2017

On Thursday, The Wall Street Journal reported that some US intelligence officials are withholding certain intelligence from Trump because of continued concerns it will be compromised or leaked.


As the heat stays on the Trump administration about possible illegal communications with Russia, the resignation of National Security Council chief Michael Flynn last week and the proximity of his meetings with the Russian ambassador to his meetings with Mossad Director Yossi Cohen once again raised the question of whether Israeli intelligence has or could be leaked to Moscow.

In December and January, stories started to circulate in the media that Israel, the UK, Australia and others might be reconsidering whether they could fully openly share intelligence with the Trump administration when incoming US President Donald Trump, Flynn and others seemed so close to Russia.

On Thursday, The Wall Street Journal reported that some US intelligence officials are withholding certain intelligence from Trump because of continued concerns it will be compromised or leaked.

Most US and Israeli officials interviewed by The Jerusalem Post in January and early February dismissed the concerns. But there have been developments since then. Flynn resigned on Tuesday – stepping down for having spoken to Russian officials about removing sanctions before Trump entered office as well as for lying to other members of the administration about what he discussed with the Russians.

But not only were the content of the discussions, the lies and the resignation new, but it turns out that Flynn met with the Russian ambassador on December 29, sandwiched just after and just before secret meetings with Cohen in which the sides presumably exchanged key intelligence.

The Post once again interviewed former Israeli intelligence officials on the issue, to see if their confidence in Trump and his team, or more specifically in Flynn, was shaken by the latest developments.

Former Mossad director Danny Yatom came out strongly, saying he knew Flynn personally and affirming that he would not have leaked Israeli intelligence information to Russia even if he may have violated certain US norms by discussing sanctions relief to Russia before Trump had taken office.

Asked about the possibility of a leak, Yatom said, “I don’t think so, from my personal evaluation. Flynn was very experienced. No one thinks he was a Russian spy. He was experienced and smart enough.”

“Maybe he made a mistake even with no intention, but that can happen to anyone,” he added. “I don’t think we need to worry that our intelligence will go to Russia.”

He speculated that Flynn may have even “been thrown under the bus,” echoing some theories that Flynn’s discussion of sanctions with Russian officials may have been under orders from Trump, but that at this point he may have “fallen on his sword” to protect the US president from fallout.

Yatom said that Flynn’s dismissal should not have a huge impact on Israeli-US intelligence cooperation, since Trump has just come into office and top officials tend to have more power and influence after serving with a new leader for at least a year. This allows time to gain his confidence and authorization for various policies.

Yatom broke down the process of relevant information exchanges in terms of protecting Israeli intelligence sources into two pieces.


The first he said, concerned information meant exclusively for the US, which goes directly to the CIA or the National Security Agency. Only after it gets to the NSA does it get to the president. The CIA and NSA don’t need to tell the president and others at the White House who is the source of the intelligence they received – they don’t need to know”, (SOS) he said.

He explained that if the US president does not know the source of the intelligence, then there is no danger to Israel’s sources and no danger to sharing the intelligence.

The second he described as intelligence we intentionally want to give to Russia. We give them a paraphrase. We don’t give them the actual original material which would let them analyze potential sources of the material. We give intelligence to Russia, for example, to convince them that Iran is not standing by its obligations.”

“Some of the facts we present to Russia directly and some through the US, but we do it in a smart way so they can’t figure out the source,” of the intelligence, said Yatom.

Other former intelligence officials indicated that they could not be sure one way or another about the fate of any Israeli intelligence given to Flynn, with one official saying,He was a US general, I hope he was not a traitor”.

One former official said that Israel has no choice in these situations about whether to share intelligence with the US, noting “We also receive. We can’t say yes and then no” about Israel asking for the US to share information and then refusing to share or refusing to share in an equal manner.

He indicated that the intelligence sharing between Cohen and Flynn was part of regular working intelligence relations and could have included some of the most important secrets that there are.

Overall, Yatom said he was most worried by reports that US intelligence officials did not trust Trump enough to give him the full picture.

Yatom did not necessarily buy into all of the various theories about Trump and Russia, but he said some of the allegations at the very least required investigation from an internal US perspective, as if some of the allegations were true it would be a nightmare scenario.


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