Φίλοι μου / μας!
1. Προς τους μη… ελαφροδεξιούς της ε/φ “Στόχος”, της ΕΥΠ. Σας θυμίζω, για άλλη μια φορά, πως ο Κομμουνισμός έπεσε στην Ρωσία και μάλιστα είναι ιδιαιτέρως μισητός στον λαό της χώρας αυτής!
Σε ό,τι αφορά το “ελαφροδεξιός” θα ήθελα να σας πω, πως έχετε χάσει κάποια πολλά επεισόδια και πως έτσι, σε λίγο, δεν θα μπορείτε ούτε και… να παρακολουθείτε τα γεγονότα!.. Κρίμα που είστε σε μια ΜΥ και δεν έχετε το απαραίτητο “IQ”!
Διαβάστε τώρα, εσείς οι ίδιοι, το ακόλουθο και προσπαθείστε να σκεφτείτε, όσο δύσκολο να είναι για εσάς, λόγω μιας απαράδεκτης φανατίλας, η οποία σας διακρίνει και σας νεκρώνει τους εγκεφαλικούς νευρώνες:
“Όταν υπήρξε ένας Μανιαδάκης (Βενιζελικός Αξκος του ΜΧ, εκ του Ν. Κορινθίας ορμώμενος), την περίοδο 1928-1940, ένα τόσο σπουδαίο (γενικώς) μυαλό, πόσο πνευματικά… ΑΧΡΗΣΤΟΙ πρέπει να είστε εσείς, το… 2022, ώστε η γραμμή των εγκεφάλων σας να είναι, απολύτως, ευθεία”!..
2. Από την τελευταία “Σύνοδο του ΝΑΤΟ”, στην Μαδρίτη και πάντα κατά την άποψή μας (Με βάση το τελικό συνυπογραφέν κείμενο):
α. Οι αναφορές για την Ρωσία ανόητες (ούτε καν “καθόλου έξυπνες” δεν γράφω) και άκρως επικίνδυνες για την “Παγκόσμιο Ασφάλεια”!
β. Οι αναφορές για την Κίνα από αχρείαστες, έως άχρηστες!
γ. Η αναφορά σε “συμφέροντα του ΝΑΤΟ”, μας υποχρεώνει να ρωτήσουμε, “ποιά είναι αυτά τα συμφέροντα ακριβώς”; Μπορείτε να γίνετε συγκεκριμένοι, έστω… λίγο;
δ. Γιατί σε έναν παγκόσμιο ελεύθερα χώρο, οποιαδήποτε χώρα και όχι μόνον η Ρωσία και η Κίνα, (μιλάμε για υπερδυνάμεις, όπως και να τις εξετάσεις), να μην επιδιώκουν κέρδη παντού και όχι μόνον στην… νότια γειτονιά του ΝΑΤΟ, όπως κατεγράφη στην Μαδρίτη;
ε. Ποιές ακριβώς είναι οι ευρωατλαντικές φιλοδοξίες(!!!), (όπως γράφηκε στο Κείμενο), των χωρών των Δ. Βαλκανίων και κυρίως αυτών παρά την Μ. Θάλασσα (“Εύξεινο Πόντο”), φιλοδοξίες τις οποίες “η Συμμαχία θα συνεχίσει να υποστηρίζει”;
στ. Αν ο Ινδο-Ειρηνικός είναι σημαντικός για το ΝΑΤΟ, όπως γράφηκε, τότε για το Ατλαντικό ΝΑΤΟ σημαντικός είναι όλος… ο Πλανήτης!.. Γιατί τότε δεν μετονομάζετε την Συμμαχία, από Ευρω-Ατλαντική, σε Παγκόσμιο, ώστε να μπορέσετε μετά να ψάξετε για άλλους εχθρούς σε… εξωπλανήτες;
ζ. Τί ακριβώς είναι το “Ολοκληρωμένο Πακέτο Βοήθειας”, που απεφάσισαν οι ηγέτες των χωρών του ΝΑΤΟ, για την Ουκρανία και τί ακριβώς θα το χαρακτηρίζει ως… “Ολοκληρωμένο” (sic) / “Comprehensive”;
Επίσης, οι “ΑΓΓΕΛΟΙ” λέμε πως θα πρέπει να γίνετε πιο σαφείς (με συζητήσεις, κάποια συνέδρια ίσως, κλπ), για το τί είναι ακριβώς η “PESCO”, ώστε να μάθει λεπτομέρειες ο κάθε ενδιαφερόμενος, αλλά και να μας πείτε, αν έχει αλλάξει και αν “ναι” “σε τί” και “ως προς τί”, η ΚΕΠΠΑ!.. Καταλάβατε!..
η. Αγαπητοί φίλοι στο ΝΑΤΟ / Ηγεσία, κλπ:
(1) Το μόνο ορθόν (από τα πρωτεύοντα θέματα που συζητήσατε), που αποφασίσατε είναι η ενίσχυση των δυνάμεων της Συμμαχίας στα Ανατολικά της σύνορα, με Ρωσία! Η προαγωγή των κειμένων “Σχηματισμών Μάχης” σε Ταξιαρχίες, από το νυν επίπεδο του “ενισχυμένου Τάγματος”, είναι προς την απολύτως ορθή κατεύθυνση, θα απασχολήσει σοβαρά την Ρ/Ομοσπονδία και δείχνει ότι επιτέλους κατανοήσατε ό,τι τα προηγούμενα χρόνια οι Επιτελείς σας αδυνατούσαν και να… σκεφτούν ακόμα, με αποτέλεσμα η Ρωσία σήμερα (όπως και… χθες), να “καθαρίσει” την αυλή της! Αναρωτιέμαι μόνον μήπως είναι πολύ αργά, αλλά μάλλον με καθησυχάζει η πολυχρησιμοποιούμενη ρήση, εδώ στην Ελλάδα, “ποτέ δεν είναι αργά”, καθώς και η άλλη, η… Τζεϊμς-Μποντική, “ποτέ, μην πεις ποτέ”!
(2) Δεν ξέρω, αφού δεν το είδα να γράφεται κάπου ως 100% επιβεβαιωμένο, πως αποφασίσατε να δημιουργήσετε (κάτι που γράφαμε εδώ εμείς από παλιά και το οποίο μάλιστα σας το είχαμε εισηγηθεί), ένα ΝΑΤΟ “Μ. Ανατολής”!
Αν ισχύει κάτι τέτοιο, εμείς θα τολμήσουμε να σας συγχαρούμε, αλλά θα θέλαμε πρώτα να διαβάσουμε το πώς το σκέφτεστε αυτό το υπο… ΝΑΤΟ, το “παιδί” αυτό του ΝΑΤΟ, σε όλες του τις πτυχές, ως θέμα, όπως πχ συμμετέχουσες χώρες, δυνάμεις, αριθμός, αποστολές, κλπ!..
Ένα τέτοιο υπο-ΝΑΤΟ θα έπρεπε να είχε συσταθεί, εδώ και 10ετίες! Αν συνέβαινε κάτι τέτοιο, εμείς λέμε πως θα είχαν προληφθεί πολλά αρνητικά που έγιναν και αντανακλούσαν πολιτικές της Δύσεως και τα “θέλω” της στην περιοχή!..
(3) Τέλος, σας συγχαίρουμε γι΄αυτό το νέο “Ταμείο Καινοτομίας” που θα συσταθεί, αλλά θα πρέπει να προσέξετε ώστε τα χρήματα των χωρών – μελών να πηγαίνουν αυστηρά για τους σκοπούς των συγκεκριμένων ερευνών, που θα ενισχύσουν συνολικά την συμμαχική… γροθιά!..
θ. Θεωρούμε ότι θα γραφεί στα μελανά… κατάστιχα της Συμμαχίας, ότι η Σύνοδος αυτή της Μαδρίτης, ασχολήθηκε και όλοι σας εκεί “δοθήκατε” για την άρση – εξάλειψη της εκβιαστικής απειλής των Τούρκων, για την μη εισδοχή στο ΝΑΤΟ των Σουηδίας και Φινλανδίας!..
Γιατί, στο θέμα αυτό, η στάση και θέση της Συμμαχίας δεν ήταν η γνωστή και από ιδρύσεως της Συμμαχίας, πως δηλαδή “το ΝΑΤΟ δεν εμπλέκεται σε διαφορές Κρατών – Μελών του”;
Και μην μου πείτε, “μα οι 2 αυτές χώρες δεν είναι μέλη μας”, αφού τελικώς θα γίνουν και εμείς εκτιμούμε πως οι διαφορές τους θα παραμείνουν, εκτός αν οι υπερήφανοι αυτοί Σκανδιναβικοί λαοί καταστούν πολιτικοί… δούλοι των Τούρκων! Για παράδειγμα! Εσείς δηλαδή πιστεύετε πως οι Σουηδοί, που εξακολουθούν να έχουν ένα σχεδόν ΥΠΟΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΙΚΟ σύγχρονο δημοκρατικό Κράτος, θα εκδώσουν όλους τους Κούρδους που ζητάει η Τουρκία και ό,τι τυχόν άλλο αυτή θέλει, μια Σουηδία της οποίας τέως Π-Θ (Όλαφ ΠΑΛΜΕ) δολοφονήθηκε από τις ΜΥ της Τουρκίας; (Επίσης, “για την Ιστορία”, η νυν Σ/Π-Θ, Κα Μαγδαληνή ΑΝΤΕΡΣΟΝ εξελέγη πράγματι και με την υποστήριξη των Κουρδικής καταγωγής Σουηδών, οι οποίοι ζουν στην χώρα αυτήν του Βορρά)!..
Εμείς λέμε, αναφορικά με το παραπάνω παράδειγμα, πως οι διαφορές αυτές θα παραμείνουν και θα τις βρείτε μπροστά σας, Κοι… ηγέτες του ΝΑΤΟ! Θα τους πείτε λοιπόν, “βρείτε τα”, όπως λέτε… αναιδώς (!) στους Έλληνες και στους Τούρκους μέλη σας;
Θα μου αντιτείνετε! Εμάς μας ενδιέφερε να βάλουμε τις χώρες αυτές στην Συμμαχία και για όλα τα άλλα… “δεν πάνε να καούν”, αφού πετύχαμε τον σκοπό μας;
Και “καπάκι” σας ρωτάμε: Και η απαραίτητη πολυλάλητη και πολυθρύλητη Συμμαχική συνοχή; Τελικά, έτσι, κάποια στιγμή η Συμμαχία θα θυμίζει… Συμμορία της οποίας τα μέλη μισούνται μεταξύ τους και περιμένουν το τέλος πχ μιας ληστείας για να σκοτώσουν ο ένας τον άλλον και να αρπάξουν γι’ αυτούς όλη την λεία! Θα θυμίζει το ουσιαστικό “Λυκο-Συμμαχία”, που δυστυχώς(!) απολύτως εύστοχα χρησιμοποιούν οι ελληνικής υπηκοότητος Κομμουνιστές, του παλαιολιθικού ΚΚΕ.
Είναι επίσης ντροπή να χαρακτηρίζεται (περί αυτού πρόκειται ουσιαστικά) ένας ολόκληρος λαός, ο Κουρδικός ένας ανέστιος, εδώ και 100+ χρόνια, λαός 30 + εκ-ρίων, ως τρομοκράτης από την Συμμαχία, ένας λαός σκλάβος στον τόπο του, επειδή επιδιώκει αγωνιστικά στο “Πεδίο της Τιμής” και καθημερινώς σφαγιαζόμενος την ανεξαρτησία και ελευθερία του, από τον Τούρκο δυνάστη του!
Και σας ρωτάμε! Οι Η.Π.Α., οι οποίες πολλαπλώς υποστηρίζουν τους Κούρδους στην Β. Συρία, υποστηρίζουν τρομοκράτες και την τρομοκρατία, όταν την ίδια στιγμή φίλοι ΝΑΤΟΪΚΟΙ ηγέτες (όλοι σας τώρα και όχι μόνον του ΝΑΤΟ), ΑΠΑΝΤΕΣ ΞΕΡΟΥΝ ΠΩΣ Η ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ ΤΑ ΤΕΛΕΥΤΑΙΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΚΑΛΥΨΕ, ΠΡΟΣΤΑΤΕΨΕ, ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΚΕ, ΕΞΟΠΛΙΣΕ, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ, μια σειρά από πραγματικές τρομοκρατικές Οργανώσεις, όπως πχ τον “ISIS”, όπου εμπλέκετο και η κόρη του ΡΤΕ Σουμεγιέ, την “Χαμάς”, την “Χιζμπολλάχ”, την “Αλ Κάϊντα”, Αφρικανικές Οργανώσεις στην Α. αλλά και Δ. Αφρική, κλπ, κλπ, κλπ;
3. Ρε, γνήσια παλαιολιθικά Κομμούνια, του Περισσού! Καταλάβετέ το πια, πως να κάνετε αναφορά σε ΚΚ Τουρκίας είναι το πιο καλό ίσως ανέκδοτο, το οποίο θα μπορούσατε να λέτε!..
Καθήστε και διαβάστε Τ/Ιστορία και μην εκτίθεστε!
Επίσης! Πουθενά και σε καμία ΙΣΛΑΜΙΣΤΙΚΗ χώρα, δεν (!!!) υπήρξε, δεν υπάρχει και ούτε θα υπάρξει ποτέ Κομμουνισμός! ΙΣΛΑΜ και ΚΟΜΜΟΥΝΙΣΜΟΣ φραγκάτα λαμόγια του ΚΚΕ, είναι έννοιες ασύμβατες, άντε παράλληλες, με αποτέλεσμα να μην(!!!) συναντώνται ποτέ!..
4. Κάποτε, όταν Αξκός… “επισκέπτης”, μέσα στο ΝΑΤΟ (Βρυξέλλες), είχε αντικρούσει ομιλία Τούρκου υπηρετούντος εκεί στελέχους, ο σημερινός Έλληνας Αρχηγός του ανύπαρκτου Ευρωπαϊκού Στρατού, τον “έπιασε” και του είπε “ξέρεις η αρχή της Συμμαχίας είναι να μην αναφερόμαστε στις όποιες Ε-Τ διαφορές”, κλπ! Είναι ο ίδιος ή ένας από τους πολλούς, που “βγαίνουν” σήμερα και μας λένε πως “θα πρέπει να μιλάμε στο ΝΑΤΟ”, κλπ!
Λαϊκιστί: “Δεν μας χέζεις ρες Νταλάρα”, που έλεγε και ο Χάρυ ΚΛΙΝ και… ακαδημαϊστί: ΝΤΡΟΠΗ ΡΕ ΦΑΡΙΣΑΙΟΙ ΥΠΟΚΡΙΤΕΣ, … μόνιμοι κυνηγοί της γήϊνης… ΔΟΞΑΣ!..
5. Υποβάλλουμε με ειλικρινή σεβασμό οι “ΑΓΓΕΛΟΙ”, τα προσήκοντα “Συλλυπητήριά” μας, στον Ι/Αυτοκρατορικό Οίκο, στην Ι/Κ-Β και ασφαλώς και στον φίλο μας Ι/λαό, για την δολοφονία του πρώην Ι/Π-Θ Σ. ΑΜΠΕ!..
Ο συγκεκριμένος πολιτικός ήταν αυτός που επανέφερε στρατιωτικά και πολεμικά ακόμα θα έλεγα την Ιαπωνία στον σημερινό Κόσμο, μετά την Χιροσίμα και το Ναγκασάκι και την τότε ληφθείσα Ι/απόφαση να μετατραπεί πια η χώρα σε ένα μεγάλο και παγκόσμιο “Λουλούδι Ειρήνης”!..
6. Θα “βγει” ποτέ κανείς δημοσιογράφος, αναλυτής, Ακαδημαϊκός, Καθηγητής Παν-μίου, στρατιωτικός με “γκατς” να πει και να επιχειρηματολογήσει, πως από τότε που εξελέγη, (όπως τέλος πάντων εξελέγη), ο Μπάϊντεν Πρόεδρος των Η.Π.Α., ο Πλανήτης άρχισε και πάλι να περιστρέφεται γύρω από τις πολεμικές δύνες, αν πούμε (ώστε να φανούμε… “λάϊτ”) ότι δεν έγινε πια “καθαρά” πολεμικός;
Θα “βγει” ποτέ κανείς να μας πει και το ΓΙΑΤΙ έγινε αυτό και το ποιοί κρύβονται πίσω από τον “Γέρο-Τζο”; Οι “ΑΓΓΕΛΟΙ” πάντως έκαναν στο θέμα αυτό το προς την Κοινωνία γενικώς, και όχι μόνον την ελληνική, ΚΑΘΗΚΟΝ τους!
Israeli Defense Minister meets Palestinian leader in Ramallah

By Associated Press
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz met in Ramallah on Thursday to discuss security coordination ahead of U.S. President Joe Biden’s visit to the region next week.
Israel’s security establishment is concerned about the possibility of terror attacks during the presidential visit. Palestinians are disgruntled that Biden is unlikely to announce any new peace initiatives and may try to disrupt his visit, according to Israeli assessments reported by Channel 12.
Ahead of Biden’s arrival on July 13, Hebrew media reports said Israel has already requested that Palestinian security forces expand their activities in Jenin, where the IDF has been clamping down on terror groups.
An Israeli statement said Gantz and Abbas agreed to “continue security coordination and to avoid activities that may cause instability.”
The statement also said the two-hour meeting was conducted “in positive terms,” with Gantz wishing Abbas and the Palestinian people a happy Eid al-Adha, a Muslim holiday beginning this weekend.
Abbas “stressed the importance of creating a political horizon, respecting the signed agreements and stopping the actions and measures that lead to the deterioration of the situation,” Hussein al-Sheikh, a senior aide, tweeted.
Gantz met with Abbas a couple of times last year and announced measures to improve economic conditions for the Palestinians.
Gantz remains defense minister in a caretaker government ahead of elections planned for Nov. 1.
Abbas leads the Palestinian Authority, which administers parts Judea and Samaria. Polls say nearly 80% of Palestinians want him to resign, in part because of his close cooperation with Israel. Last year he called off the first Palestinian elections in 15 years.
World Israel News staff contributed to this report.
IDF stopped Iranian attempt to poison Israel’s water supply

By Lauren Marcus, World Israel News
An Israeli security official publicly confirmed for the first time that Israel successfully thwarted an Iranian cyber attack on its water supply, though hackers from the Islamic Republic nearly succeeded in sickening hundreds of civilians, last Wednesday.
The deputy chief of IDF cyber Unit 8200, identified only as Colonel U, said a cyber security conference that an “adversary [Iran] attacked water facilities in Israel. We saw this attacker attempting to poison the water in an attempt to claim human lives. We mitigated that threat far in advance.
“Another adversary attacked Israel, and we also found that they were attempting to target U.S. power plants as well,” he said. “This was the first indication of this attack. It enabled preventing this threat through tight collaboration with our amazing American partners.”
According to a Financial Times report, the April 2020 attack has served as a major wake-up call for Israel that its civilian infrastructure is not off-limits in the ongoing shadow war between Jerusalem and Tehran.
The attack “was more sophisticated than they [Israel] initially thought,” the official told the Times. “It was close to [being] successful, and it’s not fully clear why it didn’t succeed.”
Iranian hackers had attempted to raise the levels of acceptable chlorine present in Israeli civilian water supplies to a dangerous level. If they had managed to do so, this could have poisoned or even killed hundreds of Israelis.
Alternatively, the high chlorine levels in the water may have triggered an automatic shutdown of the system, meaning that thousands of Israelis could have potentially been left without water during the scorching summer heat.
An Iranian official flatly denied the report in a statement to the times, saying that “Iran cannot politically afford to try to poison Israeli civilians,” adding that such a move would be met with severe retaliation from Israel.
“If Iran did [try to attack water supplies], where is the Israelis’ appropriate response?” he asked.
Top Iranian general secretly arrested as Israeli spy

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News
A top general in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has been secretly arrested as an Israeli spy, The New York Times reported Wednesday.
Brig. Gen. Ali Nasiri, who is reportedly a senior commander in the IRGC Protection of Information Unit, was detained earlier this month, according to officials in Tehran who requested anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak on the record, said the paper.
The New York Times tied his arrest to the detainment some two months ago of what it said were “dozens” of members of Tehran’s missile development program on charges of leaking classified information to Israel, including design blueprints.
Nine days ago, Iran’s state news agency IRNA reported that three people were arrested in April for allegedly “disseminating classified intelligence and documents” were going to be charged with planning the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists on behalf of Israeli intelligence.
According to the Israeli news site Walla, the district attorney said that there was “ample evidence” against the prisoners, and that “some” of them have already “admitted that they had been in contact with Mossad officers.”
Their trial would begin “soon,” said the IRNA report.
Iran also claimed to have busted at another spy network last October, whose members were trying to gather “sensitive information” for “regional actors,” a coded term that includes Israel.
The failure to prevent such Israeli infiltration, as well as the inability to protect Iranian nuclear installations from mysterious explosions, and top Iranian scientists and IRGC personnel from being assassinated, all allegedly at Israel’s hands, led to the abrupt removal last Thursday of the powerful organization’s long-time intelligence chief, Hossein Taeb.
The final straw for the mullahs, an unnamed Israeli official told the American paper, was the success Jerusalem and Ankara had in foiling a serious Iranian attempt to kidnap or kill Israeli tourists in Turkey over recent weeks.
Eight alleged plotters were detained according to Turkish media, at least five of whom were Iranian nationals.
“The security breaches inside Iran and the vast scope of operations by Israel have really undermined our most powerful intelligence organization,” a former Iranian vice president who is counted among the more reform-minded Iranian politicians, told The New York Times from Tehran.
“The strength of our security has always been the bedrock of the Islamic Republic and it has been damaged in the past year,” added Mohammad Ali Abtahi, who said that the move could be part of a general rethinking of how to deal with the threat Israel poses to the Islamic Republic.
Palestinian PM says Israel conducts ‘lab experiments’ on bodies of terrorists

Palestinian premier Mohammad Shtayyeh offered no proof.
By David Hellerman, World Israel News
Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh claimed that Israel conducts lab experiments on the bodies of Palestinian terrorists, prompting a vehement denial from Israel’s Foreign Ministry.
Without offering any evidence, Shtayyeh said on Thursday, “We have learned that Israel uses these corpses in the labs of medical schools in Israeli universities. This is a brazen assault on human rights and scientific ethics.”
That triggered a vociferous reply from Israel’s Foreign Ministry.
“The Foreign Ministry expresses horror at the defamatory remarks, which constitute another expression of the continuing incitement by the Palestinian Authority against Israel. Such incitement encourages shedding the blood of Israeli civilians,” the ministry said in a statement.
Israel often holds the bodies of Palestinians killed while carrying out terror attacks to deter future attacks and to keep as bargaining chips for the release of Israeli captives.
Israeli High Court rulings in 2019 and 2021 have upheld the practice.
Hamas currently holds in Gaza Israeli citizens Avera Mengistu and Hisham al-Sayed, as well as the bodies of two Israeli soldiers, Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin.
Hamas recently released a video of al-Sayed saying his health is deteriorating.
NATO welcomes new Supreme Allied Commander Europe
General Christopher Cavoli of the US Army assumed command of Allied Command Operations in a ceremony at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in Mons, Belgium on Monday (4 July 2022). General Cavoli succeeds General Tod Wolters of the US Air Force, who had been in post since 2019.
The Secretary General welcomed General Cavoli, noting that his 35-year military career has spanned the globe, from Bosnia to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Washington D.C. “Most recently, as Commanding General of US Army Europe and Africa, you have overseen the largest reinforcement of US presence in Europe in decades, with over 100,000 troops,” he said. “You join us at a turning point for transatlantic security, marked by rising strategic competition and the return of brutal conflict to Europe,” said Mr Stoltenberg. “I know you will continue to serve NATO with the same leadership and dedication you have always shown.”
Allied Command Operations is responsible for the planning and execution of all NATO operations. General Cavoli is the twentieth Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR). The first to occupy the post was General Dwight D. Eisenhower, subsequently the 34th President of the United States.
NATO Allies sign Accession Protocols for Finland and Sweden
NATO Ambassadors signed the Accession Protocols for Finland and Sweden at NATO Headquarters on Tuesday (5 July 2022), in the presence of Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto and Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said: “This is truly an historic moment. For Finland, for Sweden, for NATO, and for our shared security.”

Last week at the Madrid Summit, Allied leaders agreed to invite Finland and Sweden to join NATO following the agreement of a trilateral memorandum between Türkiye, Finland, and Sweden. Today, the Accession Protocols were signed, marking the start of the ratification process.
The Secretary General said that NATO’s door remains open to European democracies who are ready and willing to contribute to our shared security: “With 32 nations around the table, we will be even stronger and our people will be even safer, as we face the biggest security crisis in decades.”
Lebanon residents should not wait for war to start to evacuate, IDF chief warns

Should war break out in the north, Israel will strike with power “you have never seen,” says IDF Chief of General Staff Aviv Kochavi.
By JNS.org
The head of Israel’s military on Sunday said that the people of Lebanon should not wait until the next war erupts to flee, but should evacuate “the moment tensions begin.”
Speaking at the First Israeli Summit on the Home Front Command, Israel Defense Forces Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi said that should war break out, Lebanese civilians would be given explicit warning to evacuate, but warned Israel would strike with “immense power.”
“I say from here, to the citizens of Lebanon … not only do I recommend you leave from when the war begins, I recommend you leave … before the first shot is fired, because the power of our attacks will be something you have never seen,” said Kochavi.
“A rocket launcher or missile warehouse in a home is a military target. A [weapons] warehouse in a basement is a military target. A headquarters in a multi-story building is a military target. Power stations and other sites that serve the enemy’s war fighting effort are military targets,” he added.
Separately, the IDF announced on Monday that it has established a taskforce to prevent infiltrations by Palestinians into Israel via the Judea and Samaria security barrier. The task force, which will be based in the Maccabim area, will be headed by the Commanding Officer of the Kfir Brigade, Col. Sharon Atlit, and will consist of battalions deployed to the area.
3 Israelis charged with severe security offenses, sharing classified info

The case was cleared for limited publication on Monday, after two of the defendants, the adult and the minor, were charged in court.
By Aryeh Savir, TPS
The Israeli Police and the Shin Bet security service recently arrested an adult, an IDF soldier and a minor on charges of the possession, collection, delivery and publication of top-secret information, acts which caused significant damage to state security.
The case was cleared for limited publication on Monday, after two of the defendants, the adult and the minor, were charged in court.
The investigation began several weeks ago following publication of classified information on social media, which were picked up by the Shin Bet, leading them to suspect that someone was leaking top-secret items.
The Police Lahav 433 Unit, the Military Police and the Shin Bet, accompanied by the IDF Information Security Department and other security officials, conducted a joint investigation, which led to the exposure and arrest of several suspects.
Several suspects were arrested on May 24 for committing the offenses, and today three of them remain in custody. Two are civilians – an adult and a minor – and the third suspect is a soldier in regular service.
Two indictments were filed Monday.
A second was filed against the minor, who is accused of receiving confidential information from the adult defendant and another soldier serving in an intelligence unit. He is suspected of sharing with his acquaintances confidential information and publishing some of it online to a wide and indefinite audience.
He will also be prosecuted for multiple offenses of keeping confidential information and providing confidential information.
The case of the soldier, who is suspected of providing confidential information to the mior, is currently being handled by the military prosecution.
Simultaneously with the filing of the indictments, a request was also submitted for the remand of the two civilian defendants until the end of the proceedings against them.
“As detailed in the indictments and arrest requests, a very serious and extensive security risk was caused as a result of the offenses committed by the defendants, as well as actual serious security damage. The risk assessment is based on the opinion of information security experts from the security authorities,” the Shin Bet stated Monday.
A gag order was placed on all other information.
Fear and Loathing in an Islamic Republic
Iran’s tyrants turn to internal purges.
A report on Iran’s paranoid regime is here: “Iran’s regime increasingly unstable, turning to purges out of fear,’” Israel Hayom, June 30, 2022:
The Iranian regime is increasingly unstable and is turning against itself due to mounting economic pressure, an exclusive source in the nation’s capital, Tehran, told i24NEWS.
Most significantly the source – an opponent of the regime – suggested that a number of recent killings of officers from the Quds Force were the result of internal purges, rather than assassinations by external intelligence agencies.
Increasing economic woes caused by sanctions on Iran are becoming a threat to the regime of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. As the Iranian public struggles to pay for basic essentials and even the government has difficulty paying salaries, discontent is growing, the source said.
The relentlessly increasing impoverishment of the Iranian people has led to a collapse in loyalty to the regime. At the same time that they become poorer, enraged Iranians are keenly aware of the corruption at the top, as exemplified by the Ayatollah Khamenei’s $95 billion net worth – which the American government believes to be a low figure, estimating the Supreme Leader’s real net worth at a colossal $200 billion. Iranians know how their leaders live, and it maddens them.
“The companies controlled by the Revolutionary Guards have gone bankrupt; their corruption has increased and the thefts have worsened,” the critic said.
The worse the economic situation, the more those in Iran’s government are willing to sell favors to the highest bidder. Corruption – the powerful being paid for favors rendered, from awarding state contracts to providing someone’s family members with secure government sinecures — has increased, and so has the outright theft of government assets. Those who remain honest become increasingly disheartened at the spectacle of dishonesty all around them.
As well as being the ideological vanguard of the Iranian regime, the IRGC is a huge economic player inside the country, owning a large portfolio of properties and business interests.
The properties that the IRGC has invested in have, like the rest of Iranian assets, sunk in value. And there is nothing the IRGC can do to prevent this; those assets rise or fall in value with the overall economy. Right now they are in free fall.
The Quds Force is the branch within the IRGC responsible for conducting operations outside of Iran and liaising with proxies. It too is feeling the pinch.
“These purges… started with the Quds Force. A number of [its officers] were killed by the regime itself,” the source said, noting that the resulting fear is causing some commanders to mistrust their bodyguards and to avoid sleeping in their own homes at night.
Imagine being so terrified that, despite your rank, you worry about being killed by your own bodyguards. Or that you insist on spending nights not in your own house, but in constantly changing safe houses, to avoid assassins.
Some IRGC officers, like Hossein Taeb, who had been the head of the IRGC’s Intelligence Organization, were fired for incompetence, But others, who had been discharging their duties correctly, mysteriously died. Why? Some were suspected of being connected to Israel’s Mossad. Others were thought to be members of, or dangerously sympathetic to, the leading domestic opposition group, the secretive People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), also known as Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK). Still others may simply have been loyal to the wrong powerful figure, and consequently eliminated by that figure’s rivals.
Adding to the paranoia gripping the establishment is that some of the killings are likely conducted by foreign intelligence agencies – with Israel often labeled as the most likely culprit. This is creating an atmosphere of uncertainty in Iran with individuals dying in unexplained circumstances, with no clear answer as to whether the killing was ordered from abroad, or at home.
“This has caused an earthquake in the trunk of the system, and this is just the beginning of the assassinations,” the opposition figure said.
Iran has now descended into the paranoid world of the Moscow Purge Trials, of Lenin’s Bolshevist slogan “Kto kogo” (“Who Will Defeat or Kill Whom?”), of Hitler’s Night of the Long Knives, of the Peruvian Sendero Luminoso, of Cambodia’s Pol Pot, head of the Khmer Rouge, murdering those he suspected of being secretly allied to the old order, or to the Vietnamese, or simply because they were deemed to be too highly educated). Once the grim atmosphere of free-floating suspicion has set in, any one can be seen as a potential killer, or as someone deserving to die.
An ongoing dispute between Major General Mohsen Rezaee – a twice presidential candidate and former head of the IRGC –and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, is behind much of this infighting, the source said. Further killings are likely to occur as the division between the two conservative figures continues, the source predicted.
The Rezaee-Raisi dispute is not over ideology – both are conservatives – but over power, money, and access to the Supreme Leader. Why not try to eliminate your rival’s band of loyalists, getting them fired, or arrested, or even killed, before he does it first to yours?
In recent weeks a number of high-profile IRGC commanders have been moved into new roles, or were fired from their positions. This is because senior figures “no longer even trust their own agents. The information holes have become so large that they are afraid of their own shadow,” the regime critic said.
The latest example of such firing was that of Hossein Taeb, a cleric who was dismissed from his position as head of the Intelligence Organization of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in June 2022. This is assumed to be the result of the latest example of Taeb’s incompetence — the incident where an alleged Iranian operation to attack Israeli tourists in Turkey was outed, resulting in the arrest of the agents and a diplomatic spat with Turkey, and also to other incidents inside Iran that suggested successful Israeli spy operations that Taeb failed to prevent. Taeb’s dismissal also coincided with the arrest of Brig. General Ali Nasiri on suspicion of spying for Israel. When Israeli operations – sabotage, assassinations — succeed inside Iran, someone must be blamed. Taeb had a record of incompetence, and though powerful friends for a while could protect him, the Istanbul fiasco was the last straw; he had to go.
Was Brigadier General Ali Nasiri a spy for Israel? Or was he falsely accused by someone higher up who didn’t like him, so that he would become the fall guy for the regime’s systemic failures, including its inability to foil Mossad agents? It would certainly be terrifying for the Iranian government if Israel had managed to turn someone that high up in the regime’s hierarchy, persuading him to feed them information. Clearly Mossad has agents in high places all over Iran. How else could Israel’s cyberwarriors have known just where, and how, to implant the Stuxnet computer worm in 2010? How did Israeli assassins manage to kill, seriatim, four of Iran’s top nuclear scientists between 2010 and 2012? How did Mossad agents locate the nondescript warehouse where Iran had kept its entire nuclear archive, and manage to sneak that archive out of Iran and back to Israel? How did Mossad manage to sneak a massive explosive device onto the floor of the centrifuge plant at Natanz? Perhaps one or two arrests of people as high up as Brigadier General Ali Nasiri will calm down members of the government who have had a sinking feeling that they are being bested on all sides by Israeli agents, a way to reassure them that they mustn’t be alarmed, that “something is being done.” Of course, another few successes by Mossad in hampering Iran’s nuclear program will make Iranians, who had been tentatively reassured both by the firing of the incompetent Taeb and by the arrest of General Nasiri, the supposed “Israeli spy,” even more alarmed than before. And then the government purges will start up again, with a vengeance. And the Iranian regime will not know where to put its feet or hands.
Why Do So Many Top Democrats Have No Problem Associating With a Virulent Anti-Semite?
Apparently, their views are compatible.
Abdel Qader appears to be closest to Tlaib, who has, according to Fox News, “participated in several events with Abdel Qader over the years, with the most recent fundraiser posted to his Instagram account on September 25, 2021. One day after the fundraiser, Abdel Qader posted a picture of himself alongside Tlaib on a Manhattan, New York, rooftop. He has been quite generous to Tlaib: “Abdel Qader has not only been a key fundraiser for Tlaib, donating $6,500 to her campaign since 2018, but he was also the chairman of her finance committee during her successful 2018 Congressional campaign. Tlaib introduced Abdel Qader by the title at a campaign event. And in 2018, Tlaib presented Abdel Qader with a medal as a sign of gratitude for his help with her inaugural campaign.”
Tlaib, a vehement critic of Israel, was apparently untroubled by Abdel Qader’s anti-Semitism. The other Democrat candidates Abdel Qader supported didn’t seem to be bothered by it, either. In May, Abdel Qader posted on Instagram: “May 18, 2022, Fundraiser for Keith Ellison the 30th attorney general of the State of Minnesota in Manhattan- New York. Also attended by Michael J. Garner, Chief Diversity Officer, MTA Department of Diversity and Civil Rights.” Of course it was. Of Jonathan Jackson, Abdel Qader wrote: “Jonathan Jackson son of Jesse Jackson/ Chicago is running for congress and needs our support. He is a staunch supporter of Palestine, Palestinians and our Arab American community.”
As for Cori Bush, Fox reported that “in early November, Abdel Qader posted a Bush fundraising flier for a reception hosted by the St. Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee and the Muslim Community of St. Louis, which solicited donations between $100 and $2,500 for Bush’s campaign, according to the flier. It appears he donated $250 to her campaign for the fundraiser.” Apparently, Abdel Qader likes Tlaib better than Bush.
The oddest friend of Abdel Qader is Eric Adams, who has courted New York’s Jewish community and appointed two Orthodox Jews to his administration. But they are friends nonetheless. Early in 2021, Abdel Qader was one of only six community leaders to speak with Adams on a Zoom call and talk over the then-candidate’s “campaign vision [and] issues,” as well as to “engage in his campaign.” Abdel Qader noted in an Instagram post that has apparently been removed that Adams was “on board with our community and will stand to support us.” Then in September 2021, Abdel Qader posted on Instagram in another post that was later removed or concealed: “Arab and Muslim community leaders met at Marriott hotel – LaGuardia and held a Fundraising for Eric Adams the democratic nominee for New York City mayor….Event was organized by the Muslim Agenda 2021 Coalition.”
It is, therefore, clear that Adams was publicly friendly with Abdel Qader years after Abdel Qader posted an article on Facebook in 2016 that charged Jews with being “satanic” and claimed that they “practice subversion and treason.” In 2017, Abdel Qader posted a list of the Jewish members of Congress, headed “U.S. Senators and Congressmen with Duel [sic] Citizenship with Israel,” strongly implying that those listed have dual loyalty to Israel and the United States, as Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) alleged back in 2019. In November 2019, he shared a video that repeated the claim that Jews are “satanic” and added the paranoid anti-Semitic trope that they control the media, while he also minimized the Holocaust.
Was Adams’ campaign so careless that it didn’t pick up this material about Abdel Qader? Or was Adams’ election such a sure thing, since New York is essentially a one-party state with a moribund Republican Party, that the campaign figured that Abdel Qader’s anti-Semitism simply didn’t matter? The worst possibility is that Adams’ campaign calculated that Abdel Qader’s anti-Semitism would resonate with the Democrats’ hateful, far-Left, pro-BDS base and counterbalance the street cred the candidate lost by being a former police officer.
Is anti-Semitism now so mainstream on the Left that an open Jew-hater such as Maher Abdel Qader can become an influential mover and shaker for Democrat candidates? There doesn’t seem to be any doubt as to the answer.
Human Rights Watch Accuses Palestinian Authority and Hamas of Torture
Having made one “fair and balanced” condemnation, will the HRW now go back to what it loves to do best?
The NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) has made quite a name for itself for its incessant and virulent attacks on Israel. Here’s a sample of its many denunciations of the Jewish state:
Israeli authorities methodically privilege Jewish Israelis and discriminate against Palestinians. Laws, policies, and statements by leading Israeli officials make plain that the objective of maintaining Jewish Israeli control over demographics, political power, and land has long guided government policy. In pursuit of this goal, authorities have dispossessed, confined, forcibly separated, and subjugated Palestinians by virtue of their identity to varying degrees of intensity. In certain areas, as described in this report, these deprivations are so severe that they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.
The Country Page of Israel/Palestine at the website of HRW repeats the same charge of “crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution” here.
Israeli authorities are committing the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution against millions of Palestinians. For over 54 years, Israel has occupied Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, relying routinely on forcible displacement and excessive force. In the West Bank, authorities have facilitated the transfer of over 700,000 Israeli settlers, a war crime, confiscated vast swaths of Palestinian land, and made it nearly impossible for Palestinians to build in much of the territory without risking demolition. Israel severely restricts the movement of people and goods into and out of Gaza, with devastating humanitarian impact.
“Apartheid and persecution” – that’s how HRW sums up the sins of the “colonial-settler state” of Israel. But at the same time, HRW has always minimized the misdeeds of the Palestinians. It has said nothing about the PA’s Pay-For-Slay program that rewards past, and minimizes future, acts of terrorism. It has said nothing about the Palestinian practice of honoring terrorists by naming schools, streets, squares, and sports competitions after them. It has said nothing about the Palestinian schoolbooks that inculcate violent antisemitism. It has said nothing about the Holocaust minimization and outright denial from PA leaders, beginning with Mahmoud Abbas. It has said nothing about Hamas’ practice in Gaza of hiding weapons inside and near civilian buildings such as schools, hospitals, apartment buildings. It has said nothing about Hamas’ holding two mentally defective Israeli citizens as prisoners.
HRW has repeated every charge, no matter how ludicrous, against Israel. It has accused the Jewish state of deliberately trying to expel Arabs from the Sheik Jarrah neighborhood of east Jerusalem, in what the Palestinians insist is part of a sinister effort to “Judaize” the city, instead of recognizing that these Sheikh Jarrah squabbles are only property disputes between Jewish owners and Arab squatters on their land, who for years have refused to pay rent. HRW has failed to challenge the explosive, and false, Palestinian charge that the Israelis are plotting to take over the Al-Aqsa Mosque, in order to raze it and build a Third Temple on its site. HRW continues to repeat its charge of Israelis torturing Palestinian prisoners, without producing any evidence to support that charge.
Given how grotesquely one-sided Human Rights Watch has been, it was a welcome surprise to find it in late June condemning both Hamas and the PA for their mistreatment of Palestinians. A report on HRW’s accusations against the PA in the West Bank and against Hamas in Gaza,) can be found here: “Rights group: Palestinian Authority and Hamas systematically torture critics in jail,” Times of Israel, July 1, 2022:
Palestinian authorities in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip systematically torture critics in detention, a practice that could amount to crimes against humanity, an international rights group said Friday.
In its report, Human Rights Watch (HRW) called for donor countries to cut off funding to Palestinian security forces that commit such crimes and urged the International Criminal Court to investigate.
The report alleged that Palestinian security forces “use solitary confinement and beatings, including whipping feet and forcing detainees into painful stress positions for prolonged periods, hoisting their arms behind their backs with cables or rope, to punish and intimidate critics and opponents, and elicit confessions.”…
There is plenty of evidence – the testimony of the Palestinian victims themselves, and their families – of their savage mistreatment in Palestinian prisons. They are beaten, whipped, forced to assume and maintain painful positions for hours; some are placed in solitary confinement. These are not terrorists, but political dissidents, sworn enemies of Mahmoud Abbas’ rule, his corruption and mismanagement.
HRW’s report comes a year after the death of Nizar Banat, an outspoken critic of the Palestinian Authority, whose family says he died after PA security forces stormed his residence in the middle of the night and beat him with metal batons. His death sparked weeks of protests against the PA, which governs parts of the West Bank. Palestinian security forces violently dispersed some of those protests.
Amnesty International said last week that the Palestinian Authority has failed to hold its security forces accountable for the death. Palestinian authorities arrested 14 officers last summer and are trying them in a military court, but have taken no action against top commanders.
Of course the PA isn’t going to hold its “top commanders” responsible for the death of Nizar Banat. It’s the person at the very top – Mahmoud Abbas himself – who is ultimately responsible, and no one is going to bring him to justice. In fact we can be sure the fix is in: of the 14 security men charged in Nizar Banat’s death, one will be selected to take the fall for all the rest. They will concoct a story of how he meant only to scare Banat by swinging a steel baton close to his head; Banat fell forward and the baton collided with it, dealing a mortal blow. An accident! And then, also by prearrangement, he alone will be sentenced to a short sentence, no more than one to three years. For his sacrifice, Abbas will arrange lifetime support for him and his family. Not a bad deal.
“More than a year after beating to death Nizar Banat, the Palestinian Authority continues to arrest and torture critics and opponents,” said Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch.
“Systematic abuse by the PA and Hamas forms a critical part of the repression of the Palestinian people,” he said, referring to the terror group that rules Gaza.…
All these accusations against the PA, for the “arrest and torture” of critics and opponents, and against both the PA and Hamas for “systematic abuse” of the people they rule over, are true, but so unexpected since the HRW has always obsessively fixated on the sins of Israel. Omar Shakir, HRW’s most ferocious in-house critic of Israel, decided it was time to ostentatiously display HRW’s “evenhandedness” by accusing the PA of the same kind of things HRW routinely accuses the Israelis of doing. And in the case of the PA, and Hamas, these accusations are distinguished from the attacks on Israel in one important way — they happen to be true.
Of course HRW couldn’t allow Israel to ‘scape whipping even in a report that was supposed to be all about the misdeeds of the PA and Hamas. The report ends with the usual tu-quoque canard of decrying Israel’s “mistreatment and torture” of Palestinian detainees. Israel has patiently, exhaustively, replied to those charges in the past; the Israelis categorically deny ever torturing detainees, and HRW has failed to adduce any evidence to support such a wild charge. As for “mistreatment,” that is so vague a charge, but apparently in the case of Israel it is meant to refer to such things as security prisoners – those convicted of terrorism — being restricted to family visits only once a month, or even more infrequently, instead of biweekly, and the supposedly enormous bureaucratic hardship imposed on the family members of those prisoners, who have to wait long hours to be approved for such a visit. Long hours! Some mistreatment! Not exactly the rack-and-screw.
Apparently too many Palestinians were in a rage over their own mistreatment – and especially over the beating death of Nizar Banat, for HRW to any longer ignore the problem of the savage treatment meted out by both the PA and Hamas to their own political detainees. Having made its now “fair and balanced” condemnation of the PA and Hamas, HRW can now go back to what it loves to do best: denounce the Jewish state on every possible occasion, for every possible crime.